« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Durham Report Fallout, Biden Honors Pelosi, Potential Terrorists Arrested at the Border, Parents Hit Out at Explicit Sex-Ed Curriculum, & Dr. Vanessa Cutler

2023-05-17 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: The left and the FBI are left embarrassed after the release of John Durham's report. Bill breaks it down
  • President Biden honors Nancy Pelosi at a Pro-Choice gala
  • 6 potential terrorists are apprehended at the southern border
  • Parents at an elite liberal school push back at an explicit sex-ed curriculum
  • Child psychiatrist Dr. Vanessa Cutler joins the No Spin News
  • This Day in History: Iron Man 2 is #1 at the box office
  • Final Thought: Mystery Special

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal, listener, the those bad news audio we are offering a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can I know to become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content. We have including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members, also get exclusive access to special video programming. even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so Come a bill, riley dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today it below riley, dotcom, slash ad free, that's Morally dotcom slash ad free
Reilly air was under the nose. Bad news, wednesday: may seventeen thousand twenty three stand up for your country, some of you are angry, that no one will be prosecuted for the russian collusion. Fraud we now know we are totally injected itself into. Politics, did not conduct an honest investigation. The accusations that donald trump in his campaign we're working with russia, were not true yet be. I knew it and continue the investigation, that's what the doorn report showed and it was out yesterday, so I feel your pay. Some people should be charged right. I mean, if Donald,
If gonna be charged for documents in his basement, then you didn't even know about, and this fb I think a mark, but to swap will not do it. There is no way that the justice department gonna bring charges. So we have a corrupt government and that's that nothing that we can do other than a lack of different people. and hope that their more ized, but the doorn report has neither aspect to it, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo, so the left wing.
is humiliated that they're incapable themselves are being humiliated, but the people who are not left wing they now because the left wing went out and convicted tromp in its campaign all day long. Everybody knows that knows that now there humiliating, the fbi has lost well credibility with me and I wrote killing a mob and the FBI dismantled organised crime in the nineteen fifties and early sixties. They knocked out the coup klux clan. They kept the lid on hitler's spies and japan savage tours. They did it great job containing russia in the cold war, the f b I had a really stellar resume and is the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world, not just the united states, and now it's gone. The image is gone.
Are you having reorganise all thing, because americans believe it's corrupt and it is flat out? Is so that's the big thing with the doorn report. Dorm said quote yet be I move forward with the investigation. Why a lack of information from the intelligence community that corroborated a hypothesis upon which the crossfire hurricane investigation was predicated on and that I'm going to use? That quote that you just saw. That was a mistake, but the quote I just read you: okay, basically says the fbi conducted a fraudulent investigation. Now this is the key quote in the dorm report: Put it on up as a regular reflects as early two thousand seventeen. The fbi still did not possess any intelligence.
Showing that anyone associated with the trump campaign was in contact with russian intelligence officers during the campaign. Indeed, they sunday classified documents from early two thousand, seventeen, the fbi's all records, show their reports published by the new york times. In february and march, seventeen concerning what, for unnamed current and former? U s intelligent fishes, quaint about the trump campaign personnel being in touch with the russians was untrue. so not only did the f b. I know it was untrue that knew that the new york times was reporting was bunk as well, and I'll get to the new york times are not so all thing was again: a fraud are right that the fbi,
actively participated in to undermine donald trump's campaign in two thousand and sixteen shocking. It is absolutely shocking and it's disturbing to the nth degree. Now there's no two sides to the story. Yet the far left manufacturers want Adam am the cars from california convicted trump and the trump campaign of a million felony sure. Remember him. That's what he said last night This conclusion, which adds very little to the inspector general support we had two years ago, never proved. The deep state conspiracy that was alleged along so we. four years of wasted effort. I am worse than that. We have for years, I think of undermining the department. A political prosecution.
Is there a more intellectually dishonest public servant in this country than adam schiff? I don't think so. I would take george santos over schiff. That's how bad schiff is, and he knows he can say anything on MSNBC I made at the fact that it's it's just a cartoon over there, but his constituents in california won't they don't care what he says or does get to the new york times and washington post. They want people that surprises for their report tosh on
The russian collusion case, which repertoire zfp isis, is fabricated and we ended up now. They made it up using anonymous sources. When I submitted up the new york times, wash post printed, what they were told by people, they didn't identify- and you know when you do, that the person telling you something could have every motive in the world. You don't know, you can't confirm it, they just printed it. They got a pulitzer prize in two thousand and eighteen. He was.
With the pew litter company said about giving them the award quote for deeply source relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation's understanding of russian interference in two thousand and sixteen election, and it's connections to the trump campaign, the president elect's transition team and his eventual administration on call- and it was all fake- and this appeal that surprise company- alright, so I you go on what the deuce is going on here right. So the future people are basic columbia university in new york city,
used to be very prestigious award began in nineteen. Seventy, but now the future company has no credibility just like they appear not so in two thousand and twenty two last year, pilots knew it was in trouble and they investigated and here's the conclusion of that investigation quote no passages or headlines contentions or assertions in any of the winning submissions were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes, the two thousand and eighteen pulitzer prize, the national, putting stand. That's a lie! That's a lie that if there are no facts as durham and Robert Malo, those special council, no facts, it was horrible. And it was engineer by the Hillary Clinton campaign. They provided the bull, the new york times printed the bull,
the f b. I knew it was bull and went ahead with more investigating anyway. I mean really. I've been in this business a long time, and you know that I've never seen anything like this. So some journalists contacted the new york times today and so you're going to get the appeal of tobacco know and the washington post wouldn't even take call I mean you know it's it's shocking! That's the word! okay. Now I'm going to be on the news nation tonight, at eight thirty and with Chris Cuomo cuomo's, a democrat he's he's a lefty alright, and this is er The topic here is how you might want to watch that eight thirty musician tonight So the white house obviously seizes durham report
report only one from real, clear ask her any jean pierre about it go. Does he agree with as special counsel from that there needs to be wholesale changes at the fbi again, that is the department of justice to speak from the podium. As you just stated in your question, we believe in an independent, the department of justice, independent, is corrupt, But is it as long as it's independence? Okay, corrupt, it's, okay to be an independent? Ah, you know I can't it's. I want to disparage ms jean pierre, but I can't bring myself to do it too easy a target. It's almost like camila is just too easy now.
Ok, cnn didn't mention the drew forth in branda curry, mind produce I didn't watch me write that somebody had a radio today, as we do every wednesday and it's posted on bill, O'Reilly, dot, com and and- and I I said to him this- he goes all they don't. I said: no, no, it's not apathy, it's voter suppression, it's information, suppression to cnn and they are trying to move to the center and they don't mention the durham report on it's ridiculous. You see what was happening is this wave of corruption, so incredible, that's a memo is allowed to absorb in it.
If you are a premium member to below dot com, you can get a transcript of it. Of what I just said. Free, ok- and you can re watch you know- this broadcast. So I know there was a lot. I think you ve got it, though how bad this is. It's bad The cue presents picture this you're, getting together with all your best friends now picture. All your best friends are actually the delicious ingredients of the new king batter cookie, no blizzard, that's dick. You saw serve to create better flavour confetti cook, it oh pieces, Andy q, signature sprinkles, it sounds like you got some pretty sweet friends and that's worth queuing that confetti carried out the flavor party, isn't gonna last forever so hurry hand and get your cake better fix. Today. Only a dick, you happy taste, good. Present binds off to japan, Hiroshima and Harry actually thought: things that bide may apologize
As for the atom bombs being dropped unambitious nagasaki, I dont believe that he will widen, will do that. That would be the end abiden if he does, that would cause so much controversy in the united states. I think that would be the end, so I dont think Biden will do it so they are so he's over their g. Seven japan, canada, France, germany, italy, uk and usa we'd better get it together, because she put and the mullahs of IRAN we're not invited to this sushi first over there, but believe me, this parallel, Sarah nineteen.
and if you re killing the rising sun, I talk about the atom bombs then, and if you ever that book, I mean it's really a book that you should read to know. What's going on today, the same threat that was there and ninety thirty's that led the world war to exactly the same is now and play here in two thousand twenty three. I need to know what happened back then, because it's happening again a couple of years. We got a letter from a viewer and said uh. Why? Don't you do as you do with your bite every day of kamla Harris's schedule with the vice president does not put out a schedule, though nobody knows which doing comedy: which is doing nobody else knows now. Biden last night made a surprise appearance at a gallop for em.
Please list what's Emily's list, it is a pro abortion group intergroup devoted to promoting abortion. Ok, three million members Emily's list says it has arrived If I, in nineteen, eighty five and its. They link abortion and women's rights in that's what Emily's, So they're honouring, of course, Nancy Pelosi last night in washington and Biden shows up go steadfast friend women's rights, not to mention that the right to choose, but I want to die every single person in this room. for leading the way in that fight is critical. Fight is about democracy. Markets is about freedom.
Ok, so eurobonds, roman catholic nancy policies as well. Now I can't judge, because on the biggest sooner and and the bible makes clear that we human beings are not in the judgment arena, it's the deity and many americans don't believe in god? Alright, so don't think there's ever going to be a judgment day and that's their perfect right to do that as would killing the witches but coming up in september, a lot of that, how we got to this religion place kay. So if you don't believe in god, then basically there is in europe can be held accountable for what you do: good or bad, no accountability, you're! Here, it's just about you! That's it.
But Biden and Pelosi they are by their own description, avid roman catholics. So what am I supposed to think of them? Because I'm catholic, too.
Tell you what I think if you're a roman catholic, you know that abortion is a mortal sin. Okay, that's it because the catholic church believes that life begins at conception and you cannot take a human life. That's why I don't believe in the death penalty, but if I were in charge of the justice department, those criminals who committed murder would wish they were dead, though we wouldn't have soft prisons of hard presents for that anyway. So what am I supposed to think when I see Biden up there schmoozing with the bishops and pelosi and all of that? Here's what I think as a catholic.
If you're elected to office, you can't let your religion intrude on your decision making is a separation, and again I you'll see it in killing the witches. It's it's beyond any doubt, so you can't do that. What you can do, though, is say, look I believe, and and Biden does this. I never heard Pelosi. Do it, but Biden does he has all my private beliefs? I can impose okay, but what are your private beliefs? Biden doesn't say, of course, because that would alienate his far left
base which wants a bush k. They think it is a good thing. The process of eliminating a potential human being at any stage is good because it's part of a woman's rights, the unborn, have no rights. Now. How did they know that? I'm not sure where so violent pelosi, if their catholic too, have to believe in judgment day. That's what catholics believe that we're gonna be held accountable for what we do here on the planet, both good and evil. Right. So what are you doing up here and Biden.
It goes, you know every single person's room leading the way in that fight. Yeah, let's get all behind abortion, not saying you know, I don't think abortion is right. I believe that all human life is sacred, but I understand. I can impose that belief on people who see it differently. So what I'm going to do as Joe Biden, president and catholic, that I'm going to encourage adoption, I'm going to encourage people to think very, very deeply about terminating a pregnancy and I'm going to make.
It easier to adopt, put more federal money into adoption agencies and try, as bill Clinton once said, to make abortion rare, rather than make it a form of birth control, or it's really casual nothing to it. That's what I would say: okay Biden's anything close to that Pelosi, I'm not even getting into she's false. far out on the issue, not at all after these people die arrived. I I don't know, what's gonna happen, idle If I really believe in the theology of catholicism there's no other path, you gotta try to protect some of the and more you see Joe Biden trying to do that. You see Nancy Pelosi trying to do that, not judging them.
statement of fact, senate boats to repeal washington dc soft on crime, police policies. Okay, so the district I voted to remove all dc cops from boards. Overseeing the use of force and disciplinary action against the police, that means the cops have no say in DC about what happens when a police officers accuse they don't have any defence This was the law passed by muriel, bouser, the mayor of deep sea and her fellow travellers, the senate. when in voted fifty six, forty three to stop that remember the district of columbia is run by the federal government. The logos,
Typically just make the trains run and the buses run, they don't have any power, but forty three senators voted against the cops. Forty three democratic senators, not one republican, forty three. Now, if I'm running against any of them, that's the headline house pass this and and bites gotta sign it. He already said he would, On a border, this is incredible story to more six more, I thought was two: it's six. Six potential per terrorists were detained by border patrol passed today, Six brings the total eighty eight people speaking to cross Order on a terror watch list, man. Joe open borders, Qaeda isis and they're going to break the record this year.
The record is ninety eight people on a chair, a watch list caught sneaking across there's eighty eight and it's the middle of may. Border patrol agents release six thousand four hundred migrants who came across a border. They should know without court dates and any kind of accountability where they're going not that's how I get low number, because through seven million that have crossed over since bide was in office. Ok, but this Sixty four is in the past week and federal judge t can't whether rail has stopped it issued injunction. You cannot let migrants gall if you're border patrol authorities, romo insecurity, rising cat, it keep them confined. You can't let them go and listen
have some kind of court hearing or something like that. So bad, it is california senate bill. Two to seven would hey Illegal aliens, unemployment benefits three hundred bucks a week for twenty weeks, total cost to California. Three hundred fifty six million dollars The budget deficit in california, gavin newsome, everyone, thirty one billion dollars and you add another three hundred fifty six million parent born you. You wonder why the poor people want to come here, California, here long island where I live, there is a school, the waldorf school garden city, cautious, thirty grand a year to send your urchin there. Run by unitarian they ever curriculum.
all our whole lives owl in the curriculum. There is a book called. It's perfectly normal spent four high school kids. They have given fifth grade teachers, the book to use with their students in the book. There is discussions of all. what kinds of sexual activity explicit and how homosexual conduct is perfectly normal. The perfectly normal book says that the ancient greeks thought love between two men was the highest form of love. Fifth graders Anyway, parents got a wind; it is this all kinds of axed ardent garden cities and affluent suburb of new york city. So here's my take on it.
Any parent sending their kid. the waldorf school, is responsible for a system. That's going to corrupt. The chop fifth grade is not able to process As I can't now, if it's junior senior in high school, I still wouldn't, if I were me, I still would I wouldn't send my kids to any place like that. So you know this is one instance, and I hope the school goes out of business and the unitarian should be ashamed, but they're, not they don't believe in anything. If you're unitarian, you don't believe anything. I mean that's why Benjamin franklin was unitarian
killing the witches. I explain all thing there that book coming out in september, so I got me into thinking that kid is hardly to be a child now than any other time in american history. In my opinion, my humble opinion I wouldn't want to be an urgent. So I looked around for somebody who really knows this world and joining us from Albany new york is doctor vanessa, cutler c psychiatrist md were two children and progressive education now outlawed in the state of florida. Other states doing it as well, and but it's common in new york, california, massachusetts illinois other progressive states. Do you have any opinion on that and well you know. I. I think that you know when we talk about some of these issues from the perspective of the child psychiatrist.
we know we have to talk really about how some of these issues are going to affect children. Whether or not exposure to some of these issues are developmental, appropriate and how they might contribute to stress levels and children. Okay, but you're, not you dodge the question. So these are tenure roles and in this book that they're given them there are descriptions very vivid of sexual activity, ten years old, not the birds and the bees, it's all kinds of alternative techniques. I mean to me as a parent. I I don't want that yeah and it seems like you know. There definitely is cause for concern. I particularly amongst the parents of these fifth greater who were around asia Levin in discussion.
Is about section should be held with parents with pediatricians and also with the school but pair should also be involved in those taken They should lead parish of leave right. I would emerge while their credit. You know they definitely are critical state borders here, and I I think that it sounds to me that there is
a group of parents who maybe were not hurt or or uneducated about this before ash and it's extremely liberal school. So I'm going to cut through it and say the parents who send their kids to that kind of a school. They want that, so children get confused. You know that I mean you're a pro you this would you do they get confused about life because they they can only process certain amount of things you stair step these things instead, there's an indoctrination in some places to convince the child that everything is okay. Libertine conduct is fine. Abortion is fine. I you know, and I'm saying that I don't oppose the governments of the states to say no, and I know there are derelict parents who are responsible parents and that's a big problem in the united states absolutely is but
people like you, I mean you're, the last line of defence doctor I mean you got to speak up and say, look. gotta. Do this in a way that responsible. I think this is really responsible. yeah. I mean I think again. We have to always really approach a lot of these issues, based on what sure the medical literature says and frankly, a lot of these issues currently are are unprecedented, as were now experiencing than men as children are experiencing now remember, seeing this kind of stuff before and it's a progressive way. What about pot legal Asia marijuana, as I predicted long time ago, a lot easier for children to access marijuana and the signal that it sends is: okay, it's okay to do it and we gave the stats yesterday there's a new study out, hope you read it where the
urgency rooms with kids going in, and the pot addiction with the rehab did there all through the roof. So the message to children again intoxication, don't worry about it's not that big a deal Are you seeing that? Oh yes, I mean, I see quite a lot of this and again I've been seeing. You know, for a very long time, you're really what is quite interesting. What is kind of new research recently is actually the affair. Cannabis on the recreational teen user. We have always known for a long time that, habitual cannabis, use and adolescents can lead. Two detrimental psychiatric illness, but
also kind of coming now to find too that the recreational user is also at higher risk for psychiatric disorders, is, in addition to rest for truancy, poor grades and russia's with the law. Ok, and I dont disagree with that at all. Based upon what I've seen and I mean I've- Zero tolerance in my house with any kind of intoxicating once a trial gets intoxicated. You know this better than anybody their childhood vanishes. That's. It it's all there in another world, now, world of destruction, no kid under the eighth, eighteen and down intoxication doesn't help them My correct yeah, I mean I mean really, you know what the medical research shows is that for teens alcohol use cannabis use, any kind of substance use actively on changes in time
with the brain yeah, I'm lucky cause my origins bought into the zero. They didn't have much choice, bigoted. As far as I know that clean final thing, lotta hatred in this country, now political hatred, two sides filters down, to the urchins. Have you seen any of that any advice for four people on that. Yeah I mean, I think, that you know again. These are are really kind of unprecedented waters, though, that we have been travelling in terms of looking at the effect of political instability. I can say, and what we do know is that these kinds of shoes most definitely that not only adults but also children and adolescents. The difference Children and adolescents have developing brains, while adults, we hope
are a little more in tune with the more rational parts of their brains and some when we expose people Developing brains to a lot of this victory all in on what we do see, use a lot of stress and You can try, You will lead to anxiety, disorders and depressive illnesses. I'm so I think you know in terms of recommendations again to parent. What we always recommend is modeling, really good, behaviors and also taking the emotion out of these debates, which can be really don't get angry in front of your kids and sites wherein the television sad or anything like that. I agree. A dog, very nice of you to help us out. We appreciate your expertise and we'll talk again. I hope thank you. Thanks D ok, cable news ratings. First time
ass. It happened in early may, but MSNBC on monday, and I beat fox news and prime time in the twenty years plus I was fox and never have ever happened. what not once so. On Monday MSNBC had one million eight hundred and sixty thousand average viewers fox news, one million seven hundred and twenty average viewers cnn a paltry four hundred. Eighty five thousand demographics MSNBC. This is twenty five to fifty four viewers, one eighty eight foxes, one hundred and seventy four thousand cnn one hundred and seventeen thousand put it in perspective, I, the last quarter that I was on fox in the O'Reilly factor, did about four million average a night at eight, now the two million at eleven at six million combo. So you can see it's over dover. We discuss that, and but I want it back,
My opinion, yours did department, says, do not travel to amerika for haiti. I've been about places multiple times and I agree, stay debarment, do not go to haiti or jamaica. Jamaica is just a drug haven. I drug gangs control the island. It is one that was beautiful places in the world.
To make a particularly new grill in that area is stunning: you go there. You can get in trouble like that. Even in a resort area, drug gangs run it in haiti. Drug ranks again drug gangs. Again they run the country now take the police non existent in eighty to make not really thereon, take their all bought off. So if you are planning a trip to jamaica, you might want to reconsider that. I don't want to get in trouble and haiti forget it. I don't go to mexico by the way, and you know that smart life quote wizard I saw insurance is ridiculous. Car insurance I've had a big to do with my insurance agent. All state been with him for a long time. Don't know if I'm gonna continue
They doubled my car insurance rates for no reason. I clean record no reason: ok, some negotiating now and they know I'm ted off right. Quote wizard. If you go there, it's one word quote wizard, then throwing your zip code and a neuron, auto insurance costs and all they analyze it for you, and then they can back with well used deal you could get or whatever so check it out quote wizard. you stay in history, may seventy two thousand ten, the move iron man too. Debuted number one at the box office and there was a big reason why go? it's a bit. Sorry position, then aren't hasn't inconvenience to maintain proprietary ownership of the mark two platform. When MR stark it out, he was red iron. He was making a prominent soup alongside you act, rusted that he would look out for us,
yes, but you're not obviously did not part, and now we learn TAT his eyes. Retiring woman named virginia pepper pots, has been appointed to see eel stark industries. What are her qualifications now miss part is doing nothing to manage mute. So I was on the phone with downey about a month ago. He was so funny and he is a mutual friend and a friend put him on the phone with me. I said daddy, I made you I made you. the sir thirteen years ago, buoyancy outline may seventeen to ten iron man too number one thing grows: six hundred twenty four million dollars. we are now we got a final thought about a mystery special you're, gonna wanna hear about will be right back. go to the male susan concierge member says. After reviewing much of the doorn report, I confess I am not at all surprised
The failure of our every eye and department of justice, to invest, get anything without bias. My Standing of our founding fathers documents is that this is what they fear the most republic. If you can keep it benjamin franklin, if you can keep so absolutely married her and how to new Hampshire, while reading some of the commentaries various new sources on the release of during report seems evident. The government agencies colluded smear trump. What I don't. you're is why come on Mary? He he's an outsider, the deed, he's want people didn't want him and then, when he opened his mouth and spouts conservative starve the maggots people. They hate a more than any they ate at any politician. That's why we're ok Valerie, the country's divided angry, I'm angry. My tax dollars fund
the doorn report and now what nothing happens after millions of dollars have been spent but we know now for sure we know for sure far from west virginia bill of congress can charge blanket with contempt for not complying with the subpoenaed turnover requested afghanistan memo. Why can't they charge re with contempt for night, Plying of her annie handing over the whistle blower memo on Joe Biden, they can make a charge rate, absolutely lonely, Robert We can learn north carolina. Yes, you spend too much time telling us about how corrupt the media is, but I understand glad you understand. Robert a country will likely continue to decline, bridge further away from honest principles.
David, hey bill and ask your questions whether or not you spend too much time on a grub media. I say this: you can't spend enough time exposing the corruption Miriam Moriarty, big, bear lake. California very nice place. I'm confused about your response bill to one of the letters you receive. saying that millions of illegal aliens are going to end up saying in the u s and not be deported, they all have to I have asylum cases and what, if their requests are denied number one most of them are going to show up Maryam nobody's going to look for him, that's going to show up for their asylum here and are going to go number two if they're the asylum hearings and our five six years down the road tommy deport. People have kids and I ended how's that. They're not obey the law period across the board, reg cell,
phoenix arizona since white supremacy is basically the theme abiden presidency. If this is our biggest threat, wouldn't it be wanted Greatest failures of the fbi that there have been no prosecutions is not against the law to be a white supremacist. You think what you want to think, but If you point to make is a good one. If the widespread acted, I then you'd think the f b. I would crush him the crush a quiet, but we don't have any of those cases. Terry carbon dioxide, north carolina. Who do you recommend as far as investing in gold and silver number, one terry? I can't give investment advice k. I can't do that and number two. This is it considers member question on the concierge banned. If you sign up for that programme, I tell you what I do that's all I can do is what I do But I can't answer financial questions. Barbara concierge member. There
are, we got it really The wisdom of how you talk about differing views bill, I find it difficult to have conversations with people who have different thoughts about politics, and I do but I I, my point of view has value. I will begin to use your method, so there my team normal position can be her car, fax, humor com, facts, humor, teen normal can persuade. Ok, fathers did come up. We get three really good gifts. Eighty nine box for normal baseball had coffee, more bumper sticker and a yearly premium membership for debt? This is a great great value, then, if dad's reader killing the legends killing them all together for just a teen dollars, and if you have those books, then we got killing crazy horse in the united states, a trump together for
eighteen dollars, so I'm doing what I can to make dad and granddad happy word of the day. Do not be. there is a god, the I s, eye geo, th visigoths back with the mystery special moment. So as a final thought of day, I'm not gonna be live tomorrow, but I have a special for you.
That is going to blow you away and it's funny, I hope and you're going to talk about it, but I'm not going to tell you what it is cause. I want you to tune it. It's kind of you know, but I guarantee that you will like this special may even love this special or so the no spin news tomorrow, gonna have a special report. That's funny and relevant to politics. You'll hear it on the radio. You'll see it on tv. All of that and remember all my news nation talking about the derm for tonight. Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news check out the special tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.