« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Donald Trump in Court, RFK Jr.'s Big Announcement, Budget Coverage, New York's Migrant Issue, Newsom's Feinstein Filler, & More

2023-10-02 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, October 2, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down Donald Trump's current legal battles.
  • According to reports, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has decided to run an independent campaign.
  • Bill explains his coverage of last week's budget battle.
  • New York Gov. Katherine Hochul is once again complaining about the migrant issue.
  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom's selection to fill Diane Feinstein's Senate seat is raising eyebrows.
  • This Day in History: Woodrow Wilson's Stroke
  • Final Thought: Welcome New Members

In Case You Missed It:

  • Read Bill's latest column, "Witch Hunting 2023."
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. They are on sale NOW!
  • Fall Madness is here!  Go to BillOReilly.com to take advantage of the latest deal, including Killing the Killers, Killing the Legends, and mug, all for $42.95.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Imagine having access to incite said were once reserved only for the president of the united states introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries europe. no intelligence officer, your key to understanding global events like never before without world changing rapidly. You shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed, stay ahead. Weapons swords every morning tune in to the president's daily brief with MIKE baker.
Ok round to name something: that's not boring laundering a book club, computer solitaire. Sorry, we were looking for chum buck cacena, that's right! Children, casino, dot com has over a hundred casino style dams doing today in the play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes, tumblr casino, dotcom, never says in the bible, cluster munitions placing etc details Reilly. You're! Welcome to the nose venues Monday october. Second, do thousand twenty three stand up for europe. country now. You may have noticed that last week I didn't cover the governments, and all because I knew it was all
august, the government was not going to shut down. Exactly what happened saturday night, they came to an extension and all of that. So why didn't I covered? Because it's boring because there's nothing to it, and I don't want to waste your time. I bring you here on the nose bay. News is supposed to make your life better in the sense that you the more I don't waste time on police go machinations propaganda I pointed out, but you know, like every cable show, that a government than those bar there Now there was an interesting story there and I'm gonna do it tonight on Matt gates, the far right, but again and in his feuding in He does and we'll do that tonight, but first a tardy boys metal, the trump which salt
I'm on a tour for killing the, which is by the way, is all about a hundred thousand copies in the first six days. So, thank you all and I. The body of the interviews I'm doing on radio and television, I tell people, I wrote the book because there is a modern day which on cancel culture and that's what while we tromp and a lot of other people, so I won everybody to know the oars? genes of the witch hunt in sixteen ninety two and zella massachusetts, because it applies to debt, It's trump today showed up in new york city to answer Civil law suit. No jury are right, that the trump organization fraudulently- escalated the value of their properties. When they were going for loans are right, so the banks were given paperwork by the trump organs.
Asian had said: are properties are worth this much. Please loan us this much money and the banks did not all of them, but many of them. Ok, so Latisha, James is the attorney general of new york and she hates drop, saw trump finds himself in a civil court room. A charge is bright by ms, here's what the former president set got. Nowhere was effected, no language, they don't even know why they have to be involved, and, if so justified, they can't believe that they're involved because they were paid back on time. There were no defaults, there were no problems and that's true, but no beckham banks are fine. problem is asia, baby interests there. What's this all about, so we look
any other cases like this in new york state. We can't find any, I think, their problem, he has been maybe chest or arthur brought one, but this obviously contrived to get trump ok, so here's what the attorney general of new york set up. My message is simple: No matter how powerful you are? No matter. much money you think you may have no one is above the law Is my responsibility and my duty and my job to enforce it. you know if you live in new york. The way I do. Eighty percent of the laws on the books here are not enforced. Eighty percent per gimme a break lady, ok you're trying to get trump. Now. How do we know that the for me to say how do we know it?
is a from Latisha james about tromp and what Hopes to accomplish this. Sound bite was given on September six two thousand a t five years rolling we all know about ten years ago. He was almost bankrupt. Most of it Banks are not lending money money, where did he get all of the money to purchase, is real estate holdings and all of its ball horses. And all of those transactions have happened here in new york city, which is why the next attorney general is absolutely critical. Those you I get them I mean are so now it goes to a judge and judged the size and the judges name arthur and goran avowed. Look
judge airs arthur okay. It was a hippie back in the sixties and seventies and He has already decided, in a summary judgment, ruling that the trump organization defrauded the citizens of new york, remember this case is being brought to protect me right, but a citizen of europe. I don't feel a threat from the trunk organization, but that's what the law is to protect the citizens of the They saw a judge, arrogant said the tramp. He did it. But in the body of that here's, what the judge says quote. from two thousand eleven twenty want the palm county of sesar praise a market
Are you a between eighteen million in twenty seven point: six million okay! Well, that's on the palm beach county, assessor, not trump trumpet and do the assessment Now, how much you think MA lago is: where have you been down? I have seen it forth about between one hundred and one hundred and fifty million dollars. That's what the property is worth.
ask call any real estate agent in south florida they'll tell you trump put the sale up to market one hundred to one hundred and fifty million for it, so it is judge, but the judge thinks the property is worth between eighteen and twenty seven. Six. So of course, he's going to say that trump is inflating property with a judge lives in the ozone layer. Both the judge, the attorney general, the state of new york in general want to persecute donald trump, not prosecute, persecute witch hunt. Now I'm not trump's lawyer, okay, I'm not trying to do that here. That's not what I'm in business to do, I'm in business to present the facts, so you can decide and even if you hate donald
I just got you got to know what this is. That's why I wrote killing the witches. This is a witch hunt against this man and that's a memo or Joe Biden schedule today. Nothing. I would. I wish one time but up on the screen and tell you guys in a radio that Biden had spent hours looking at the border or trying to deal with a faint and all issue. Anything like that. I can never do that, cause. He never does he never ever delves into that area, so he met with americans with disabilities and then he met later on artificial intelligence that ok, it's all be ass. He sits there. Some people tell em starve, he nods, he signs of paper for them take a picture and any goes home back up to the region shut up these podcast sponsored by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her, not feeling so great about your life, sir, about yourself
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lucky land casino, asking people: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli. I guess I hide my dentist's office more than once actually do. I have to say: yes, you do in the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky, I never win and tell well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky, which is necessary? Bylaw and eighteen plus terms and conditions apply whatever details are. Are hey junior polyte about fifteen percent. Now, so he's not going to run as a democrat because he thinks the democratic party is bogus. Eyes run as an independent saw. He
going to make that announcement today October. Now, I'm sorry next Monday october night you'll make that it ass. What thirty leaked out? I shall come back to me here. We ve seen enough. So there is a key question. Robert Kennedy duty is not to be present I told her to it. Swami some of you get mad at me when I confront their candidates with the truth, but that it's neither here nor there it so rfk get you he's not gonna, be present. But who will you hurt on third party? Run who's gonna hurt by or trot, I think is fifty fifty, because people who support arcade junior are in two categories anti factors, because he led the way that the vaccine is dangerous and conspiracy. People are of K. Junior big, big conspiracy got on every level
thirty years. He loves a conspiracy and a lot of conspiracy, cable in america, and there are a lot of anti vaccines. Fifteen percent of the voters, because that's his constituency, but they're, not party people, so there are some democratic. Sure devout are some republicans who are anti. The Democrats, who are anti oriented just can't say that or there be Party, so that's why you hear more about the republican anti vaccines, but I think that conspiracy, stuff is kind of equally divided right now, will you be a factor will or cable factory could have so much money raises gotta get on it. All in all states, that's not going to be easy. Either peach when hearing is not assigned right, so does not gonna be one. This week their oversight committee wants to get tony bottle.
In the sky. I love that last name Babylon sky back in to say that Joe Biden was corrupt, which tony bubble of sky will say, and so that'll probably be next week I think babblings you'll be in there. And we all know that for this impeachment thing to get to a vote, you gotta be new evidence, come forth bottle in schemes oldeb so but I'll keep you posted on it Matt gates, so I got areas and now on him of northern floored. I know I'm a little bit, not a lot but chatting He doesn't want the government to spend that money and sympathetic today, because the government is abusing all taxpayers by this wild spending gates nano, no more and but he's not compromising,
I got the it's his way or the highway and there is no highway because the senate is democrat and the moderate republicans don't like gates gates wants to boot out a speaker, Mccarthy, that's not going to happen. It's not that you can say it's going to happen and then the mccarthy people go what we're gonna boot out. My gaze, that's not gonna happen, I'm so gay to be their mccarthy I'll, be there now If you remember, the Democrats have the corresponding situation with Oh see and thus squad Nancy blowsy hated the member that she despised because they're the same as mad gates, however different ideology but bomb, throw
it's not gonna compromise gonna wreck it to bring it down same thing, so both parties have that wing in the house, border. So I will remind you again tomorrow, president Biden, good clothes, the border down by signing an executive order that says we're not going to take any more asylum requests for a year until we get this thing under control. Any responsible president would do that. Anyone Biden would do. Ok, so the states that are getting pounded, the most are the border states, california and new york. New york's governor is a far less person, because this is a far left state now name. Cathy hopeful he's answer:
Bs on sunday go well. We want them to have a limit on who can come across the border. It is to open. right now of people come from all over the world are finding their way through simply staying there, the asylum and the majority damn seem to be ending up in the streets of new york, and that is a real problem for new york city bows, the source of the problem governor, never say it using a stick together. Alright, just remember that exactly water. I just told you about. If every governor, all fifty in the states went to washington tomorrow stood outside the white house on pennsylvania, avenue and said you gotta sign an executive order. Mr president, he'd have to sign it right.
Carry so dont be worrying about coming to new york. You haven't done a thing, absolutely york, oneida county, beautiful, isn't a fall by the way. If you're looking for somebody to cruise around all night accounting for two hundred and fifty five miles northwest of new york city, so there are counting executive. Anthony percent day says. mayor Adams of new york cities, and migrants to an ida county. and they are put anywhere with vouchers, because Adams is giving the migrants vouchers, so they get free, hotel stays and stuff like that, that percent they will find the migrants
not the migrants find the hotels that allow the migrants to stay alright. So now the county executives and we're not going to play this game in new york says how chaotic and out of control things are, we really are again. It all goes back to Joe by nobody else involved. Here is just him he's, the guy that wrote the executive order. Stopping trump's remain in mexico policy. This him now his party wants this progressives want open borders, george soros! He can't get enough of that. Put us by. I'll go to l a aren't, so we are new york, chaotic more than a hundred thousand margaret cheer allay today dropped the bay,
carry all non violent crimes, and I include selling heroin federal. That includes looting. That includes stealing a car. breaking into your home or that nobody, so twelve, so he's in LOS Angeles county, the largest county in the united states have soon became for this saw insane and it is no bail out, but you got southern california out. How much more will it take you to throw these progressives that at the ballot box, how much more. Crazy, but at least these cities are stepping up newsome So diverse and passed away, ninety years, all cheese
I figured I had around a factor a couple of times, along with our ok san francisco, certain former mayor there and all that so gotta replace her right. so newsome chooses la funds, a butler the butler, whose ahead of an abortion group, the finds a big abortion person loves. Abortion can't get enough abortion, but a problem. Is she Levin. California. She lives in maryland, where she runs Emily's lists the abortion place, she has to be appointed and because she's, a woman of color and lesbian, ok he's got that both boxes there's got to be appointed, so This is unbelievable. Instead of finding an african american woman who lives in california, who would be qualified to be in the senate now,
newsome as the goat, Marilyn poor. I should come back and get a house or residence in california, and then she can be in the senate because she's african american lesbian, I mean, if you people, if I I don't know ten fifteen years ago few would have telling me I'd be telling you this stuff. I would again, though, I really I'm I'm every day I go what is going on in this country. It could snap back Don't despair marijuana and I told you and told you and told you this is not good These marijuana stop. If you have it condition. Glaucoma Their conditions marijuana helps. I got no problem, not
but the mega legal is insane because children all out, we ve been off so do so. by the university of calgary encampment, are added, Sixty thousand individuals or study, it says. None of you use marijuana regular basis. You This for a heart attack and strong goes up by sixty percent zero. Ok, so you know your talk in three four times away: part attacks rob. right. Now, there's this week, out of denmark. Says that of your doing regular marijuana use that you have thirty percent
more chance to develop schizophrenia and your person out see what the potheads don't get and they don't care believe they couldn't kill us. Is that when you put stuff into your brain, that affection, smoking. Tobacco affect your lungs. Smoking marijuana affect your heart to you, I being starved, that is natural food is naturally gotta food. If you eat about food union suffer for that, but. During all day, your liver is gonna, go Ghana, view talk all day. your mind and your heart are going to go. So why did the government destroy the tobacco industry, which is horrible
that goes for, but allows this in again marijuana and push it they encourage it gives About that, that's the only reason is because they People were hippies like marijuana. And the money, the tax, the marijuana, but they taxi alcohol too but you know here of public service announced from saying I stay. from tomorrow on and stay away from the booze? You got george cloning out there with the two kilos cloning is a multi million erika. She sells boats I'm picking on him. There are tons of others. We do the same thing. But this is a health emergency in america, but there's no publicity about it. It's cool yeah, let's go smoke, some pot and the vaping thing right: don't they vape.
he had seen out or something I don't, even though, I'm not in our world. I just know it's. It's a crazy world. Ok round, to name something: that's not boring laundering a book club, computer solitaire. Sorry, we were looking for chum buck cacena, that's right and children, casino dot com has over a hundred casino style dams joined today in the play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Chamber casino, dotcom nor set by locating plus translations, are placing what's your details. Judy was boring, hello, then he discovered jumbo casino dot com. It's my little escape now. Do
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and I let him have it because they lied to all of their passage out right law. Anyone road in doing it, ok, so now corneas, series and exchange commission, which is bob because all the airlines have to file regulatory stuff with it jet blue It is seeing a significant decline in passengers and revenue. And it started right when I had my beef with them now am I happy this is happening not there's a good people. work for jet blue, and I don't want them for a load I dont want them hurt. I dont want their salaries cut. I don't want any of that. Their management is so bad and of the board of directors general on fire. These people come on. Everybody knows
every time I pick up the paper, Jetblue's expanding or buying this, or that I'm gonna kick it the planes off the ground. Look. So far this year. Thirty three percent of every jet blue flight has been delayed. The average delays sixty eight minutes on thirty, three percent of every of all our flights are delayed. three marketplace: Abraham KEN in the you know, Abraham. So it is guy road, double books and he thinks everybody's racist and that's ok. I mean aprons tunnel. Is a penny and he made a lot of money lots of money so my alma mater boston university- and I was there a week ago- I'd be you, they hired him
to run a centre and anti racist research centre at Boston, university and fifty. a million dollars is donated to that centre. Jack dorsey of two your gave. Ten million It shows he's in for about two hundred and forty thousand. and on and on and on its rigour, fifty five million bucks a bit, be you I kind of giggle when they send me donation through the alumni thing and what Ebro most supposed to do as he hires staff and exposed to investigate anti racist stuff in everything. Everything every dentistry, taxidermy, everything's, races. Well problem is that now
The people working fork, abraham abbe, you say it's chaos, there's mismanagement an abortion globe, what it most liberal papers on the face of the earth. There's a big thing. Nobody's in charge, save grundy, be you, professor of african american studies, so is that the Working hours are exploitation of. on and on and on, and nobody knows where the money is so This, like black lives matter where they got now. million. They bought up all his fancy real estate. I don't know I'm not accusing Abram of anything. I wouldn't
but now be: u has launched an investigation. It's just once you get into this raises pit. You can't get out of it. You can't all play that game. The skin color game. Don't do that and I'm talking to whites, blacks and everybody else, smart life. Alright, so I wrote a message. The day bill, o'reilly dot com, don't have to be a premium member, don't have to be anything or read it. It says we need it consumer revolt, but not It's a federal or state governments against the stores themselves, because it's rip off city so I'll, give you two examples. My examples I would delhi twenty years. Could delhi alone,
and I go away over the weekend, and I want some soup chicken with gray suit, simple to which they did charging for how much fourteen dollar twenty five cents little pieces, chicken broth and some rights must, of course a buck to put that together they want fourteen twenty five. No, I told you guys at em up highness, not and I'm not coming here again and I've been going on for twenty years. I must spend in there. in twenty years. I must have spent ten thousand dollars in place because I got some catering no more out. Then I got a letter from car place. Where we lisa car and I fulfilled every obligation and my sister and everybody walked through everything. Everything was fine. Great thanks, billiard good client you paid on time
you do all the maintenance. Everything was great great. I get a letter. You owe me five hundred dollars from the car company, I'm going to tell you which, because I'm still trying to work this out But they didn't say why don't I want so, I say get my says: they get there company on one guy gives xilai. I go to whom I speaking polite monroe. I said full name, please, oh I can give you my full name: I said: ok, my role. I can give you my time on telephone. I know: do business outweigh the target five hundred changed at me bill is no I'd immigration on a bill you
give me your last name. Have a nice day. You see how long I wait for that. Five hundred bucks selling point is we're getting ripped off every time. We turn around every time. We turn around somebody's trying to rip us off now started with kovac. Then it got into inflation, and now it's great being taken advantage of look at every bill. Now you pay with a credit card. They charge a three percent; they they didn't use it at now. They do look at everything right if you feel you being untreated, treated unfairly, tell the manager whatever dunkel back. That's the only way is to stop smart life stay in history october. Second, nineteen nineteen. Ro Wilson had a stroke, lay lesson And eyes out, nineteen months
we're going to get back on its feet, but nobody knew it Edith Wilson The first lady ran the government forces Ten months sign, we're draws name? No one knew. The doctors and a white house would not say anything to the public. Everybody thought when he was just gone around business, where one just included k satisfactorily for the united states, Where there was a massive stroke and Edith is run a government, Joe Biden. Edith, wilson care and aben hundred and four years ago today, and there was no intervention by the senate by the house. I anyway
it's rabbit. Measuring I got real segment and a final thought will be right back with those.
Ok round to name something: that's not boring laundering a book club, computer solitaire. Sorry, we were looking for chum buck casino, that's right in china, because you know that companies over a hundred casino style dams joined today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes, jumbled, casino, dotcom nor set by locating plus translated into policy, etc. Details. Imagine having your own personal spying available to every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker, from behind a desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE bridgestone globally been sent away once reserved for the president of the united states. New episodes every week day morning get briefed stay ahead. The president's daily brief with
I could make her subscribe now. Wherever you get your upon casts scola male donna flynn, hedges, bingham tender, your What does the media asked by about the border in every hear them ask especially. Today, when he had a news conference about the budget, look binders answer any questions. You know that okay, but his spokesperson dies and- and you know what she says- everyday border- secure, no problem with border attica, no problem, we just obeying the law, asylum and you're, never going to get an honest, Discussion with the Biden administration on the effort chiron attacks is: can you report that both houses simply need to pass a bill that requires present by new clothes? The border,
I no. They can't pass a bill that says that, because the federal government is in charge of the border policies, it's not in the purview of congress immigrations a part of the executive branch. yeah. They could withhold money, that's what I would do if I were mitch, Mcconnell and Mccarthy just don't fund any of the immigration stuff. That would be chaos for a little while, but boy What's in single, william cause, you urge member women's direct access to me. I'm going to deal with this in a minute. This country herself personal gain by selling influence a greater sin than a cover public affairs. There will be justice for all family in the emerging crimes will that be with MR barton still in office. Who knows what he wants
Come out, no people believe what they want to believe, as you know, but I can predict, what's gonna happen here, Donald I don't hate Biden, I ate what he's doing are doing to our country. I want stopped means by any legal means possible. Well, it's gonna be the ballot box I don't think he's gonna run, but whoever runs is gonna have to get the progressive stamp. So you just can't keep put these people and offices Jill Russell knoxville tennessee bill, I wash who knows the news every day. What is doctor jewels were all junction with the monies given to her husband and son, no idea, but she lives into nice houses, but I have oh idea, and it's not fair for me to speculate more. Castle, I used to love cnn, so I wrote a column about our dishonest cnn is
Angelo rally dotcom again, you don't remember anything, can read a calm drops every sunday, Are you so lucky news, but when they started supporting be allowed on every program, I watched them anymore. I also tried foxes rwanda, their ideas with too far out. Ok, that's why people coming to us! Then I get what they want on cable news, jeffrey bill. What cnn and did was vile thanks to bring to your attention. I hope you get even with them. even with them. I want to expose them not an honest agency anymore, simply not, and I provide all a back up for that in the column. That's posted on them. Wiley dot, com, wayland, whelan, pineville, north carolina? I was hoping cnn would change for the better when discovery took over the company well looks like see
it does not change. The same old place has been for several years in business. For the Democrats, I think that's accurate, I think that's accurate there in business. They help the democratic, progressive movement. In my mind, Brenda clog, the woodlands, texas last ice interview the caution was informative. Thank you for doing it. It's why I became a member the very first week, you're in business, will. Thank you brenda! That's so nice of you. You are open and personal. It was informal and find a watch us what we try to do, what you need to have information, but we make it fought a slight killing witches. We're going to get an awful lot information out of that, but its fought great I'll win biotech meal, it put it Sarah, our the daily oregon again, I spent over nine hours in cars weekend perfect. On a time to listen to killing the witches in its entirety as eyes. What is history teacher? I can't thank you enough
Give me yet another book to share with my students, excellent. I wish all teachers would do that. High school civics teachers. Boy, sara- I really wish that gets. Those urchin would read that stuff. just, then a treating killing the witches is jerry grown liberty. Bell. Illinois great book were the addition to killing series. I've read all thirteen waiting jerry. You know how much smarter you are now J, so killing a witches in its first six days out, as we mention so about a hundred thousand copies you thank you are on fire, and I just hope we can keep up the momentum great, both great book to give as gifts no doubt about, that and then we ve got our oceans are great stuff in the bill, o reilly, dotcom store, which are going to tell you about a moment
want to get ahead on save money. This fall on, give giving that's paramount for you because is stopped, get Israel wobbly. Everything is wobbling now going to shave And a word of the day brand new word do not be cool. or a bad thing. That sounds like an actors named corey bad thick. in words c, o r. Why ba anti icy not be quarry banting? When writing to me. bill. I bill o reilly, dotcom, billet, billow rally, dotcom name and tat. If you wish to o pine, I thought about all the members we have and the benefits we are gonna give them. Ok, let's go to the I thought of the day, so we have had literally thousands of new premium in concierge members a lot of it off the our costs and o'reilly interview, which you can still see. If you haven't seen it, we have a little box on below
doc communist push it and there it appears now there I did that interview which twofold to promote killing the witches get the word out there. That was a book that you might one and also the role is a lot of people. Just don't live on the internet. Ok, they did they. Just don't put it together. older people, primarily older americans, but there's a word of this We're gonna get out and it has millions and millions of people to the interview, and I would draw attention back to what we do here in the no spin news bill, o reilly. Dark and then I told everybody in the interview. Look if you become a concierge member which is inexpensive, it's not it's a life insurance see for you goes wrong in your life. I'll tell you how to handle it I'll give you hired, I would handle it and you get direct.
Says to me so every letter we get his answer within twenty four hours, pretty much and I got a great guy on nick the already really good producer, and he was like a magician this guy. so anyway, we get a lot of heartbreaking male people in circumstances way beyond their control. We try to steer them into places that can help them. Okay, but in addition to that concierge and premium members of bill O'Reilly get massive discounts on all of our stuff. So now we're into october and boy will be at christmas time. It's warp speed, you know it, and I just did the smart live about gouging people gouging you and that's not going to stop or you're going to be paying. Three
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.