« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Dodgers Disaster, Media Dishonesty, White House Pride Day Debacle, Biden's Magic Railroad, Mayor Pete in Trouble, & More

2023-06-19 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, June 19, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the aftermath of the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the media dishonesty that followed.
  • National talk show host Dr. Michael Brown joins the No Spin News to talk about the Dodgers' controversial move.
  • A trans woman went topless at the White House during a Pride Event. Bill breaks it down
  • President Biden once again delivers a memorable gaffe
  • The Biden administration faces a lawsuit over Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's jet records
  • This Day in History: Juneteenth
  • Final Thought: Bill's Trip to Ireland

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, bill, o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free You can sign up to become a bill, O'Reilly, dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials, cause. You urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. we'll even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill orally dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't We learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash ad free. that's go o reilly, dotcom, slash, ad free.
The bill O'Riley here, woke up to the no spin news for Monday june nineteenth two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. Well, I had a nice break nice week off over in ireland And I hope you will following the oh gallery on bill o'reilly dot. Those pictures are still up and I had a little narration with them. So you might when there and check it out, it was a fun trip, but there was a purpose to it and in the final thought today, the end of this broadcasts I'll tell you about what happened and why I went and what came of it.
So when I was gone, it was not a lot of breaking news in the usa, it was a you know, the usual trump Biden stuff, which is evolving into an interesting political situation, in the sense that it's historic you've got two presidents now and legal scrutiny- and I wrote about that yesterday in my column, so it's every day I read a message of the day, all right, so everybody can read it and then on sundays, I file an extensive column. Well, yesterday I wrote about the dangers that both trump and Biden face from the legal system, so you might want our wire looking at the pictures from ireland after the you might want to sick into the column in the message. But the biggest story that broke last week was the los angeles dodgers capitulating to the far left, progressive movement and honouring this group, the sisters of perpetual indulgence,
I'm not going to go over this. If you don't know what I'm talking about you're behind the curve- and you know you have to go to the website and catch up, but this is a group of on gays. I guess that's the only description that they all have in common who eight christianity and who have violated physically catholic churches and committed all kinds of access would be criminal. How the places of worship been jewish or muslim. They would be criminal acts. What these so called sisters did, but its full open season on christians in america, which tells you something, but this story is far more than religion. It has to do with the fabric of our country, and that is the subject
of this evening's talking points. Memo saw the sisters of perpetual indulges or a hate group. That's where you start, but they deny that in the press denies it is well and sandro is dodges at first cancel their appearance on gay night, but then reinstated. through the hollywood mafia. All far left threatened dieters, ok dodgers fold saw the game and gain. I was last friday between the dodgers in the san francisco giants, but a funny thing happened outside the stadium. There were protests. Now the l, a police, won't give us how many I cared estimated. But there were thousands of people protesting, the los angeles dodgers that was outside the stadium. inside the stadium Honor was obscured. Here's a report
from the local NBC station in l a go This year's have already been honoured at a cottage by a bit of surprise, because this team brought them out an hour before the first pitch, the stadium. It was nearly empty so that they, he didn't want to bring these people the sisters in front of the crowd, They brought about an hour if you know anything about baseball. Have you ever been to a baseball game? Is nobody there, two days ago, a hollow stadium so that with the dodgers it? Why are they profiles of courage that team? Okay? So then the game is play need the attendance for a dodgers. Giant game was lower than usual, but you know there were people there about forty, nine thousand people and fifty six his capacity. So the boy caught by
catholic authorities did not work, then I knew it wasn't gonna work because I will tell you most people in that stadium and no blanket an ideal was happening. Got undersea understand that most people follow the news in the usa. You, of course, are the exceptions, you're watching and listen to me on the radio, because you want information. Unfortunately, fifty percent, sixty percent of our co citizens- don't care about him. Nation at all. They pursue their happiness without any kind of responsibility in my pen so I said that once the dodgers agree to honour this group, they were subscribing to bad lemme go now. I said there might be some karma if you believe in god, on the dodgers
They announced their reinstated, the sisters should the honor platform not just go and sixty six okay, so that was too ex ago. Since that time, the los angeles dodgers considered one of the best teams in baseball. Have one ten games and lost fourteen an abysmal show, In fact, there now getting rate I the allay sporting press because they lost fifteen to nothing the after they honoured the sisters today, rival the san francisco giants.
now. Obviously the dodgers did the wrong thing. Ok, there's no two sides to that story. This group is a hate group and if the propaganda this at the l a times san francisco chronicle usa, today, usa today is the worst. I dunno, whether you know that and I but they're the worst gay. They wrote a cover piece for the sisters of perpetual indulgence. It was- and I thought it was a satire
it's so great, a there's a oh, my god. I bought the a p associated press which goes out to all the small newspapers in the country. They took an interesting tack, they found a non catholic nun and they featured her in an article. This is the a p quote, then unset sister janine graphic, just as I have great respect for catholic nuns because of their compassionate good works over the centuries. I applaud the sisters of perpetual indulgence for their financial assistance to those in need. I support them because of all their good works. I believe that any group that serves a community, a special those who are less fortunate or on the margins of society, should be honored on quote okay, so I guess sister grandma would support that it's party in germany because they gave money to the poor to buy good will in the nineteen. Thirty at the same standards are yours warned the nazis, because eight there
their help and marginalized some unbelievable. So we looked hu. This sister gramma gears she's a founder of the. New ways: ministry, which is a. our far left religious base organization, that works with gays and transgendered, and all of that now I dunno this woman, I'm making any judgment on or because it's wrong to do that and unfortunately, some of the protesters outside dodger stadium care signs. That say things like asked me why you're going to hell, they were judging all these people who show for gay night or were homosexual sexual whatever, and that is not christian- that defeats the purpose of defending
she added to when you are putting yourself in place of god. It is very clear in the new testament that we humans are not to judge The other humans that doesn't mean we don't oppose, we do, but we don't judge you don't say you're going to hell if you do X, Y and Z, because that person will be right next to you, that's how clear it is. Jesus did not want humans. Judging other humans. In that way,
So the situation unfolded on Friday night. Did the network news broadcast cover it? No, they did not marry an a r Y nary, a mention a b c CBS Nbc no coverage blacked it out talk about corruption. I worked for abcs, CBS news. When I was there, I would have probably been story number three after the politics, they blacked it out now. Why is this happening? This? The bigger story? The progressive left, wants,
total change in america. They want economic change, they want socialism, they want societal change. Where anything goes, you want to be a heroin addict. Don't work, hurt your family, fine with us and we'll pay. You in San francisco will pay you almost a thousand dollars a month to be a drug addict. That's taxpayer money going to you. Drugs go go nothing wrong with drugs. You want to be trans, gender, it aged twelve, go from a boy to a girl of ice rest, go right ahead and now problem. You want indoctrination in schools too little child and about how evil the united states is and always has been. Yes, that's what this is about, eroding traditional values, destroying organise religion because organise religion stands for.
A standard of behavior while if they didn't want any of that, none got to attack god and destroy, which is why the catholic authorities didn't stand up to this until two days before it was last wednesday. The national conference of catholic bishops finally issued a statement. After all those weeks, they are afraid, just as the los angeles dodgers were afraid of this far left cabal, which can hurt you severely they're all afraid, and that is the overall arch importance of this story and that's a memo joining us now from charlotte north carolina's, dr Michael brown, who has made a lot.
eva comments on this situation he's a nationally syndicated radio guy hosts a program called line of fire. It's written a book. Why? So many christians have left the faith photographers of all. On my talking points memo, you have any quibbles with it. I'm I'm absolutely with you. This is part of a larger radical left dominion. This mentality, I said for was twenty years now, those who came out of the closet, wanna put us in the closet, and the world the provision the world of the church is the remaining obstacle for that. What's have here is: I believe that the time. Turning that, because the all posts keep moving, because it's never enough used. Your remember was gay pride that its algae bt than algae bt, q plus pride, the goal posts keep moving and a lot of americans who said If we don't agree with homosexual practice, but you know, love is love and we want to be tolerant.
sign up for boy sharing bathrooms with your daughters, bidding shy, not a sign up for thirteen year old having their breast removed If the sign up for that the system, petrol indulgence in a way it would be like white suppressed is wearing black face and there brothers in the hope that they do a lot of good in the community. Like he's about the nazis, hey come on does a lot of community good. What about white? the premises, doing community good, wearing black face and and being honoured as brothers in the hood or some anti semites who do community good and they dress. Consider rabbis, they called the rabbis of the force kin and an approach. He's gonna honour them, there'd be complete. Outrage, since this is a very good example of this misguided none Hamas makes its living by helping the poor parrot palestinians economically and that's why they're supported it on its? Let's move it,
And this could not happen without the active compliance of the american corporate media, correct or apps. Absolutely There has been a first. If we know where much of the media stands. It's been pro. portion has been pro homosexual rights, etc. So it's been much farther the left, then the general population but obvious? These things are reported a certain way. Will I They saw an NBC headliner eyes. I did a screenshot on that choice about dozens of protesters outside of the event. clearly thousands newer dozens in the stadiums things were being presented, but this There has to be complicity, but as such It's not just mainstream media. It's an education system is the business world, Larry. Think ceo, a black rob with overseas billions and billions of investments Alex's. We must force behaviors. We will force behaviors, what's happening,
People are realising that there's something to the saying about: go, woke or go broke there. This is shifting in the american attitude because p, instead, we didn't sign up for this cultural matters. I saw your right. I believe the backlash is coming, but it's much slower backlash because the press is so corrupt and rooting for the progressive left and people go well. Why? Why are they doing it? Well, we're not psychiatrists here lot of the people who are running media organisations were radicals in the sixties and maybe they kept their ideology. I don't no. What I do know is even an organisation that use to represent traditional americans fox news,
now has a handbook. Basically, that is woke from start to finish, that they give to their employees and if the employees at fn see do not adhere to this far left playbook that there are not can be working at fox news. Oh it's! Almost a hundred percent now down the line that progressive change is good. Traditional conservative americans are bad, that's where we are Right there there is a larger war on god and on fundamental political morals. I wrote it. because some time back about why conservative christians can't look to fox news when they bring on Caitlin jenner and you ve got The janitor, whose spokesperson saying it's wrong tat boys competing against girls and sports lot that that objection is little weak. Coming from there. Let me something else in, though, as a leader and evans helical church,
the cowardice of the clergy. That's this it here as well, it's people refusing to speak because they rather save their interests and preserve their mailing list and keep their income. So a lot of the problem, falls on us, Frances shavers, said decades ago that Bullshit clinic in america should have a sign open with permission of the local church. So if we had shine light better access for many years and not so much concerned with the presence of darkness, but the absence of light. We I'm not looking to the second, the media to do at the church, should you, but why the church doing it. That's my greatest concern the charges in doing it because they are afraid and they're losing numbers so rapidly that it wouldn't matter if they did do it. At this point, I disagree with you about caitlin jenner, by the way.
Matches are right as an american citizen to pursue happiness any way she wants and from what I've heard from her. She doesn't go for this and trans men competing with women, the multiple bathroom situation, she's against that and has enough guts to go against her own situation. If you would ah and speak out against it, so we disagree there, and the second thing is that one of the reasons that progressives have made so many inroads is because sometimes the right that the traditional crew in america are so we're the top. You can't be screaming you're going to hell if somebody's gay, you just can't be doing that, and that happens dr yeah. So what happens? Is you have a westboro baptist church, a handful of people shouting. Heads and that big now the posted. This is what the media's gonna report, the middle radical groups yeah
article side I can actually say accord The scripture. We live a certain way and refused repented, set and there's a host of sense, but that we will be excluded from haven't you have that the buyer does such damage and Jesus says to follow the narrow way Absolutely the media's gonna take the one person with the angry sign. It's going, ignore the millions of people that love their neighbour and just say, I don't agree with almost sexual practices and hence we really hope they. That's why the associated press pick this radical, none to feature in this article on that's exactly what they did she's one of about six who or that lupi who can say yeah, sisters of perpetual dot go right into these san francisco cathedral. Take the eucharist and then go out and defile it. That's! Ok! If you give some money,
to a gay cause. That's insane! Ok, that nine is insane, but they got her and cheese. Frightened centre in the associated press, which goes, as I said, to every small newspaper, ran last word. Doktor is our hope that the traditional conservative movement can blunt this progressive stuff. Absolutely because things have gone too far, so you have baseball pitchers like doug kershaw, who didn't speak up with gay pride before, but this went too far and a recent gallup poll is indicates dramatic ships from twenty twenty one to twenty twenty three, even as much as thirty percent among american popular and becoming social conservatives. So I could I'll, be there excess of the gay revolution and the success of the radical left will prove to be its very failure. I dont really appreciate very much once again line of fire radio programmes
Or michael brown text us to receive up to five automated marketing text, your number consent to receive marketing text not required message and data rates may apply. You want to lose weight and get in shape, but every time you try it only last a couple weeks. We'll look: it's not your fault, because it's super hard, I'm Carl, the founder of body, that's body with an eye and here's a secret most fitness and diet programs. Don't work long term because they aren't designed to fit into your life long term. That's why I created the world's first health esteem app, and I want you to text me to try it free for fourteen days. Body shows you how to enjoy your life while you get healthy and lose weight. Sound too good to be true, don't say to our millions, a happy members, the net, five hundred people to text me the word health to thirty. Thirty. Thirty can try body for free for two weeks or get fifty percent off a paid membership text. Health too
thirty thirty. Thirty, it's gonna work, but first you need to be one of the next five hundred people dead text, health to thirty thirty thirty. I've got appalled. Which binds off to california this is another con, so he gives a speech. About climate crisis, santa clara and and he does a bunch of campaigns stuff. Why is it a car because by giving this speech he's acting in a presidential capacity, so the whole trip is paid for by you and me the tax payers and doesn't have to come out of his re election campaign funds? Do you know that. Ok, it was pride day at the white house on saturday, a birthday, didn't go as planned.
Franz woman arose, aligned, montoya took off her top. On the wider outlaw how nice. So the white house has banned her ok, saying that what she did was inappropriate and disrespectful can I get up, cat, ok, I'm not I'm gonna run Jean Pierre sound bite, I so stupid and I dont by the way, a gay day, the white house there, americans again, they want to pursue happiness. Not heard anybody else me. I too, by gives a speech little league of conservation voters, that's a green outfit, ok And I he got a little confused go, we have planned.
to build a railroad from the pacific all the way across the indian ocean. We have plans to build. It Goal when the law, just solar plants in the world and you go I'm not I'm goin off script and we get in trouble I. So I'm really can forward that railroad across the pacific ocean. Into the indian ocean, Geography is hard and the urges don't even get taught, but let me just map it out, for you pardon upon see the ocean you can build a railroad on because the tracks would sink. So you can't do that a giant bridge for six thousand miles. No couldn't do it.
So barton actually gives up there and says we're gonna build a railroad from the pacific all the way across the indian ocean. No, ok, you can again the reason I'm doing this is not to disparage Joe Biden, the man, but to show you that he doesn't know. What he's saying now, if you've had an elderly parent- and I went through this with my mother- you know what I'm talking about. the most powerful man in a whirl responsible for our safety does not know what he sang and forty percent of americans would vote for. Em again. I think there is a blatant goes to china and gets his bite kit as usual.
the bottom initiation wants a hot line between washington in beijing about military matters. So there's no misunderstanding: when some chinese Jed buzzes in american jed or what ever. China won't do it. Why brazil reason not to do it right. so blogging goes all the way over there and he meets with the chinese government. She included some lock. My lots for the safety of the all. We don't want any misunderstandings about stuff tat s a lot like not they won't do it then blinking kisses there, but the chinese it says I know we are not going to oppose the one china policy, which means that their taiwan, it's not an independent nation right now. Taiwan is an independent territory. Like hong kong once was, and you know what happened in hong kong. I hope you know companies with down off.
left. That's it well. Taiwan is exactly the same as hong kong was it's a free territory right there isn't communism there in taiwan makes many of the ships that we use here. In our devices, china number one wants to humiliate the west and conquer militarily taiwan, because the taiwanese aren't going to vote for him a number to the sensex cute weakness on Biden's part, even though Biden's kiss in her. But just let you know that's which happen over in china are pole came at last week, harvard hairs. two thousand. Ninety respondents online. Now I don't trust online line poles because.
People who are motivated vote in them, that's not random and now in mid june, the polling still is not significant. It will get that way once the campaign starts in late august with the first republican debate anyway, simple question: if the two thousand twenty four election for president were held today between trump and Biden, who would you support trump forty five percent Biden, thirty nine so at harvard they must be the all all he's. six dont, know fifteen, but again don't take that to the bank came I wrote a column that I mentioned handicapping both trump and Joe Biden in their legal situations and a bind situations gonna get worse a lot worse
Our national debt is thirty, two trillion for the first time in U s, history, of course, Joe Biden for the first two years plus is the biggest manner by far in our history and he'll continues. Bending china by votes. Oh there you go ah, there's the lawsuit against vitamins; duration, a watchdog group americans for public trust, trying to find out how many private jet trips secretary of transportation, PETE buddha judge, has taken because we, the taxpayer foot the bill right, well. The government itself says that all government agencies have to give that if asked give that information out in twenty days or if it has gone blank, you were not given it out. and binds. Gotta know that the binding people and why
I got to know that so now, there's a lawsuit now we'll get the information and it will embarrass bow to judge the big Green got. The climate change warrior he's all these, like John Kerry there, and they don't check private jets every two minutes: okay booze! So, let's start with sixty three percent of americans drink hard liquor according to gallup, but now americans are drinking more alcohol than at any other time, since the civil war were getting hammered, okay and fifty percent are drinking and americans are drinking fifty percent more wine than we did in ninety.
Ninety five billion sumptuous actually down because with out of others but light. But you don't get buzz quick on beer gay. Why do you need bust and men Outnumbered women, three two one drink and hard booze, but now that's parity about parity. the ladys- are our drinking it up to this comes a national institute on alcohol abuse and alcohol. Is
Oh, I am one of the thirty seven percent of americans who do not drink and when I was in ireland last week, the drinking age is eighteen. So my urchin nineteen and I said look you want to have beginners for something you'd go right ahead, but if you get hammered, I'm leaving you here. Okay, so hello, ireland and he hated he's a good good kid and I'm not against social drinking. But if you're into berating yourself on a regular basis. The problem and its going to affect other people adversely every alcoholic that I know- and I know plenty of them- my cousin- die from boost consumption. They hurt people so badly because of their selfishness. Lack of discipline. Now, if you want to be healthy, there is smart life. I want to tell you about call new.
and as in nancy, o o m, as in Mary noom. So this is tailored to you and it tracks what your food intake is. Of course you have to tell them that and tells you if you're going Off track- and it advises you about why reading the garbage that you're reading and stress anxiety, hypertension, all of that now expensive. Ok, so for a year it's more than two hundred dollars, so you know, but we
I checked it out in it if you're actively trying to get healthier- and I hope you wore this new thing- makes it easier to go all right now. I just had two pints of haagen daz. You tell him that and then a spit back at you. Ok, here's the harm that you did to yourself. That's number one, and you know you might substituted. You might want to do this and that so you can check it out for seventy box. You go to the apple store, app whatever. That is no blanket idea what it is and you I guess, type in new, smart life segment, stain history, jus nineteen. Eighteen. Sixty five union troops arrive in galveston texas to tell. Everybody that slavery is not going to far away
they didn't know that the confederates had lost the civil war? Okay? So, on april ninth eighteen sixty five Lee generally surrendered at Appomattox. I hope you read killing lincoln because we got everything about the civil war in there, but in texas and far away places they didn't know. I was very primitive out there in the west, so the army shows off sales to galveston gets out and all the slaves were free, an estimated two hundred and fifty thousand human beings enslaved in texas at that time. So that is what june thirteenth its that's. Why we're the federal holiday today do nineteenth? I wrote a message about it. I hope you read it and let me know whether you agree or disagree
I always like descent but make an intelligence asset. Alright, okay, so we have a mail segment, pent up angst in the mail, how deal with it and then. tell you about the irish trip, which I think you're gonna wanna hear we'll be right I get the male Michael veggie row, sunnyside new york, that's in queens present shrub will not go with a plea. Deal o reilly suggests apartments. Clearly biased and corrupt present trouble ultimately win. Ok, you I'll be right, margo? You might be right. I say in my column that I I think, if the appeals about the presidential act, yes being hijacked fail, I don't see down from sit in a criminal court room and some of them,
Charges is so weak, they're gonna get thrown out, but in the end will be two or three. If you please and there's no jail time attached to it, I think you might do that. You may be right, marry a zil, hard minneapolis minnesota bill. How can the prosecution prove a case about mishandling classified documents without providing the documents? A jury can't see the documents because they're classified didn't present. Anything a grand jury is not a sitting. Jury. Alright. So the federal government. Jack's may have the prosecutor went into a grand jury and washing is that this is what we have in place back it up and they said: ok, we'll indicted. That's the grand jury system. Now we have to provide some kind a back up, but you didn't have pride documents. He will in a criminal court and they'll be redirected, so they'll take out a lot of stuff
but the grandeur is different than a regular jury. James, I fail understand your take on riley president's possession of documents seemed to remove the unclassified status, as I and most foreign presidents understand the law says, and about that I don't know why this is so confusing, not about trump having the documents it's about. He didn't give them back when the national archives asked that's what it's about every, as you point out correctly, every former president as classified information, but when the archives says you've got to give it back, and you don't that's why now maybe donald trump has a reason. Right, you gotta give him the chance thomas nice inside bill. I could not think of a better situation for a current f b, I and justice system. If our attorney general to aggressively go after
the overwhelming evidence against the binding crime family well, if they on commerce will so at least we have that if the house had been democrat binding skate forever how Right, Crispin gray column yesterday bill nice to get away from the crazy fray good chance to look at the political picture from afar. Yes, I was walking around with country rose, things became clearer. I might throw hands, is oklahoma. Ok, I've been there.
The national news is getting worse every day. If not for the no spin news, I would have given up entirely well we're here for you and millions of others, Dwight jackson, manila, arkansas long time, conservative voter, but I'm going to vote for rfk junior. Tell me where I'm going wrong. I gotta tell you we're going wrong. You both Dwight, you vote for where you want to vote for. Alright, I think there's I'm going to be doing some analysis of rfk jr on Wednesday night on news nation, but I'd never disparage a vote unless there's a record. That's like Joe Biden, who's hurting all of us, but you think rfk has got the goods glad page Carson city, nevada thank you bill for taking us on your trip to ireland, I love reading about travels well you're, going to hear about them in about two minutes. So that's what we're gonna do I first the touts, so I got up and running today.
The summer reading programme. I had the bill O'Riley dot, com, summer reading program you get killing the legends, killing the killers, killing crazy horse, all three books for thirty to ninety five, and if you buy them, you get a free team. Normal hat great deal, so you know everybody goes on vacation. I read two books. While I was in ireland and if you want to learn and have fun reading, you got legends. You got killers, you got crazy horse. The fabulous deal make the most of your downtime, where the day do not be a poltroon P. A well t, r, o o n back with a final thought about my trip.
Ok, here we go with a final thought of the day saw I flew at a j f k in new york to shannon airport west of ireland on errand lingus, Fly was on time. We got an early in the morning skating right, throw everything was perfect. My guys- and I always use the same guides and transportation in ireland and and its cons, ireland, dot com, cons, ireland, dot com, that's who I use abuse them five times to the best: ok, zip it up to the north of the island. If you look at the map, ireland is an island. It's two countries on the island, the republic of ireland and northern ireland. So we're up there to Donegal, which was the only county. I had not been too. It is a rule counting cause, it's so far out of the main stream, but the landscape is beautiful. Those sleeve
cliffs unbelievable out, even though they were there. We're where our island is way up. The fantastic scenery armenia's you like this is real yeah. ok, so then we sell go to our hotel one of the best in europe. Lock s e s, K E. It's an old manor castle values k is. And then from there. We restating gonna gaol for three days and then we
in northern ireland. This was a father son trip, twelve of us, so I took the crew to where I covered the troubles in ireland, okay, Londonderry and then belfast in belfast. I took them to. I went on a british police raid. It was a british soldiers and the Ulster police raiding a place called devas flats, a housing project, and I was right in the middle of that, and so I took them there and then we saw in belfast grim to this day. The catholics are prostitute. Wall in the city almost like in Israel, okay, dividing the catholics and protestants they don't like each other. However, they all want to make money. So the trouble
It was the murders and assaults and all that have dropped dramatically. So that was the history part of the tour then from belfast to our ride, dublin I will stay at the miran hotel, best hotel in town, and we had a great time in dublin, very lively city. You contrast dublin and belfast side to different worlds and the service, the food and the people were fantastic. When I first went to ireland in nineteen, sixty nine, the food was dismal, always so bad that it's good it's good and it wasn't that expensive was in france, expensive, okay, so all that was fine and the hotels are all good and the people were very nice. The irish people are very curious.
Ask questions do, and I love humor and all that and when we had a great time and then we took pictures and there at bill, O'Riley, dot com and and are some fantastic pictures there. So, even if you're, not irish, ireland should be on your dance card. Switzerland, magnificent ireland, because I'm irish little bit better than switzerland, but I'm prejudice the fjords of norway out of this world. Those are the three scenery k western Austria is included in that and switzerland thing and bovary
in germany this is like a circle fabulous whether was fantastic, usually raining, otto minor reigns in my dna. Ok, the pbs programme, finding a roots did it thing on me, a ninety two percent irish, which is it my people came over fairly early lethal? So I guess nobody likes my ancestors of other irish. I don't know, but I have a special affinity for the country. Obviously, you know that so tremendous trip needed a break, but everybody got entertained and informed and. I went into a church and said: thank you god. I actually did that because I have the wherewithal to do all this and- and it was magnificent again, khan, ceo and an s cons, ireland, one word dot com. Thank you for watching.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.