« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Democrats Bicker Over Filibuster Reform, Cancel Culture Hits Georgia Hard, and Bill Meets with Donald Trump


Tonight’s rundown:  

  • Packing the court and changing the filibuster have been hot topics for the left - but will their own Democrat colleagues stand in their way?
  • First the MLB All-Star Game and now a Hollywood movie – how will cancel culture affect Georgia’s economy?
  • As trouble at the border continues, Vice President Harris has yet to make an appearance – how embarrassing!
  • Sadly, much like the EU, Canada is struggling with their COVID numbers due to not developing their own vaccine 
  • Another police shooting takes place in Minneapolis, causing the city to erupt in riots 
  • Upon his death last week, hip-hop artist DMX is regarded as a ‘hero,’ despite his long rap sheet and over a dozen children, who he didn’t take care of financially
  • This Day in History 1955: Announcement that the Polio Vaccine works
  • Final Thought: Bill’s meeting with Donald Trump in Florida 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley you're, welcome to the no spin news, Monday april, twelfth two thousand twenty one stand up for your country. Well, last week I was supposed me on vacation. Of course I what, on vacation, because I'm never on vacation, because so many things are happening here see now. See all my own news organization for forty five years. I work for somebody else and I didn't have to handle the business in of personnel and of it all of that, and I do. as we have radio three hundred stations we I tv that you watch me now. We ve got other things in motion, and one of the things about me going down to talk to present trump
marla last tuesday and I'll tell you about that at the end of the programme I also on vacation. I really studied president Biden two and a half months tenure so far. and I studied it with a critical eye, I'm not going to tell you that I think he's an effective president, because adult but I I studied it as a historian, not as a journalist in contemporary america, but looking back comparing him to other presidents, and he is by my standard. The most radical left president in the history of this republic. Second, would be FDR franklin, delano, roosevelt, because fdr had to impose a quasi socialism to keep people from dying during the great depression, literally dying,
Another do that nobody is dying in his country from malnutrition war, whatever they may tell you, they are with their not but Biden is so befuddled he's he so diminished that just rubber, stamping all of the radical proposals that he's so call people give him no, I wrote a column call comrade Joe. Its postal, rambo o reilly, dot com. I hope you read it to back up what I'm too you and I'm gonna analyze it tonight as some of the things to give you more specifics. Or else nor with the present schedule. We do this every day. You know, noon today. He briefly mad. with some seals virtually on they're having a summit on semi conductor and supply chain resilience
I have no idea. No one knows what that isn't, including president Biden, but he was. There are one forty the president and vice president met day by partisan group of congress, people today the american jobs plan. I must have been a thrilling. meeting there. I don't wanna republicans were in ordinary doubt it, but there will find out, saw it It is clear to me and I may be being unfair. I might be being unfair. Be being is, I might be unfair, it is do anything all day you didn't do it doesn't do anything now on a couple cages always there during the. trump years- and I was in the white house in the west wing- and I watched
And I saw what happened then, like this no relaxed the pretty, lag schedule. So you two things today. That was it now. You Biden historically, has defended, descended filibuster, jammies gotta get sixty votes to get desolation pass and the reason that the founding fathers put that in was because they wanted law is not to be political. They wanted enough members of the opposing party in the senate to okay, a law rather than just being straight party line votes which it is in the house of representatives. Remember you need two hours to pass a law and then a president to sign it. So that's why you have the fillable. Sixty are right now it has been abused, the fellow buster it has, but you need it because
you have one party in charge: they're gonna pass all buncher laws, and then the next party comes in and white dollars, laws out and you have chaos so impasse home until you have a sixty member majority in the senate, saw the progressive laughed and Joe Biden. They want to do away with the filibuster because they because they know they can't get sixty votes in the center for their radical proposals right. So we all today, that's what's going on now here's what Joe Biden said about to filibuster in the here two thousand five go the filibusters of knots bout, not about stopping a nominee or a bill. It's about Compromise and moderation: that's why the founders put unlimited debated, that's what it's about engendering compromise. In moderation, so sixteen years later, Adona so
Biden says that the filibuster is being abused and a gigantic way now, but you survivor wasn't without it. And he says that it's a relic from the Jim crow era. That means that, if you support to filibuster your racist, so the theme is, if you a po anything, the progressive laugh want. Your raises no matter what it is. You re oak and we all know that, but Biden and his crew not can be able to cancel a filibuster because to send is on a democratic side mansion and see, and manner of west virginia cinema should say of arizona
No they're not gonna, vote to boot, to filibuster up, so they say, and I believe that I believe that all right so to filibuster, stand now on this. bring court expansion once again Joe Biden. Sad recently. He does really want to change the name. Justice set up, go I have not been a fan of pat cox court tracking, because then they could just generates what will happen every whoever wins it just keeps moving in a way that is inconsistent with what is going to be manageable thing is still not a fan. I'm not a fan So that is the data october. Fifty two thousand twenty six months ago. banana. Now, Egypt The commission last friday
resumed by tenacity with sign executive order forming the presidential commission on the supreme court of the united states too law are passed billy adding more justices. But he was six months ago there was an affair. So why would you do that? Because you're doing everything you're told you do toolbar. So the co chairs of this commission to study the issue bob bower. He is a law professor at an why you and a former white house council under president obama, you'd, have to be liberal
and then Cristina rodriguez, yale law school professor, who is another liberal or they're in charge. Okay, I bet they come back and say we should have more than nine supreme court justices. You want to take that bet not going to happen by the way I mean they they'll they'll come back and say that, but not going to do it. Okay. So all of this. and in my studies last week and believe me, I I read the george election law. I mean I did my homework when I was off. The democratic party wants to create a federal government based upon california and new york state. Where we have one party rule K. There is no republican opposition in either california or new york that matters it's just progressives, that's all it is now both states are in
A shambles because of that and any fair minded person, even if you're, a liberal, progressive, yet god I know that your stay, if it's california and new york is a shambles because of terrible management. Now the third component of all this radicalism, directed at Biden, is to let washington d c. Be a state? Now the founders said no. We need to have territory simply for the federal government to operate in. That will be Washington DC, that's not gonna, be overturned del. Try, but its own constitution, and these supreme court is comprised will say that. But you see you get what the radical left wants to wipe out any opposition by
If you oppose us you're a racist and we don't want republican party at all. We want to run the show. change the economy into a socialist economy and tell- You what you can and cannot do in every area, medical self defense, how much money you can take home from your job, every single thing! How could any american vote for that? That's! My simple question cause I'm a symbol: man. How could any I can vote for that. You may hate donald trump. You may loathe Mitch Mcconnell. You may think the republicans are a bunch of dunder heads. Okay, what how? How could you vote for a party that wants to destroy our entire system? How yet Joe Biden's presence.
Ok, major league baseball: this is the biggest boards, but wonder in his. So the guy who's in charge of major league baseball is named Robert Manfred rob, Manfred. In the past is a mill toasts kind of guy not of table pounder at all I mean all of the guys that run the sports leagues. All of them are politicians and they get paid enormous amounts of money because of the television contracts. Ok, saw you now that the georgia election all was updated, changed and robin. four doubts as well, where we don't like that.
We're going to move the all star game from atlanta to denver. What what don't you like rob Manfred? He doesn't say what he doesn't like. He doesn't like it. Why does he like it because the progressives told them not to like it? The progressives are the players. The players had a lot of militant players, not as many as in the n b, a and nfl, but there's a lot of and a good rob. You gotta, you gotta, be woke man, you got you gotta virtue seek here this georgia law inhibits voting but it does it there isn't anything in the law that inhibits anyone from voting nothing. This is stupid. Thing in the law says you can give water to somebody waiting online vote. Now they put it in. I guess, because they think that
we might a bribe somebody with a bottle of water. I don't know what that is dumb related need to put that in, but otherwise its eminently reasonable, raw manfred now watching cnn and he seemed stuff like this girl, This is just out and out racist That's all it is trying to. It is built on a lie that people color in urban centres and big urban areas around the country that they somehow Something fraudulent that they stolen election, not a true right. What the georgian people wanted to do was tightened.
because it was so many allegations of fraud, alright, most of them unproven, but some of them. You know a William Barr, the attorney general at the time said: yeah some, but it didn't rise, couldn't overthrow the election and we're still waiting. Maybe some massive fraud will appear could be. I don't think it will, but it could. So the individual states that runs thereon elections and make it a little tighter we're not gonna. Let anybody vote by may all have we don't know who they are not gonna have six weeks about retained, it swelled with that nothing. Now, canada, you gotta have an idea of up. Do you know that yeah? I told you that a few times so in mexico to g rob medford had a visually,
Why? Yes, the toronto blue jays, they might be in canada than not now because Canada I'll get, at a moment, s from which kobe they can't play in toronto, so the down of lord but anyway right. Effort if you're gonna pull the all star game out of atlanta. You gotta pull Blue jays out of toronto right because they demand and I d you can. for without one you gave a person or by now, as you have a valid identification in Chad. Ok, rob effort, So no more duranno blue jeans- they gotta come sap, but not to georgia, can be theirs. Vana blue J So this is so stupid and manfred is such an imbecile, any isn't it because any body would know that can. damning voting law that doesn't hurt anybody baron seeing the state of georgia
moving a game to denver a game that would help fulton county, mostly minority. Economically, you know, you're gonna get push back, rob Manfred right, you know. The I'm going to do it anyway, because I want my cocktail party people like me: ok, so also on the we hate, the georgia election law train or many. Inspirations and I'm gonna name them. So you can decide whether you want to do business with them now for a boycott. I don't do that, but you need I who believes that the georgia new voting law again nothing wrong with. It is racist. They are home depot coca cola, dealt airlines, burke, J, p, morgan chase porsche.
mercedes benz, so I'm going to stop at mercedes benz a loathsome company. Alright, they every time throw in with the progressive left and boycott any conservative traditional people every blanket time, mercedes benz top of the list- alright german company, but how many mercedes you see whipping around loathsome, You p s: bank of america, cisco, microsoft, these raw virtue seekers or wolf city group merrick and express viacom CBS. What a shock. Calm CBS, but they did the masters didn't say yesterday that was in georgia. Cbs wasn't that in georgia, why didn't you actually a bed and move it to north carolina
or south carolina liner weathers the same No, she began I didn't want to move the masters too much money. yeah going to move it from everything gonna make the same amount of money in denver that he made in georgia are not watching. You lost our game, nobody watches. but CBS viacom, alright, There's no laws employed provisions are unfairly restrict the rights of people vote legally. What a bunch of crap well You believe that ok then pull the masters I will smith that a movie we shouldn't and george. Directed by a guy named antoine, fuqua, who's, really good director by the way as well. I like well by the way and run into a couple of times and he's a very
personal got. So the name of the movies emancipation has to do with slavery, so to pull in it moving out of georgia to go on a louisiana disputed. though, with easy at a much more conservative, the joy, but I sort of poland a movie and are going well psmith. Infrequent stacy abrams is hide all this. I she may be that x, governor of georgia. I hope herschel walker runs against her, but walkers thinkin about run for senator that be ok to alike Hirsch. But it says he she's behind all this boycotting business or the sea, yos concord. About a year you wanna do. Therefore, if you don't do it, I might have to pay, the word that you're, a racist, stacy, abrams boy.
All right did. I was I unfair. Please. Bill bill O'Reilly, dot, dotcom, please, if I'm unfair, if you believe, I'm not forty accurately or analyzing, based on facts. Please, let me know. I read your letter to morrow and I will give it every consideration. Ok, but this is just unbelievable and hears The capper rob bamford. A major league baseball just made a big deal with china communist china that as people the wingers, the muslims in the western part of the country in concentration camps, that's right, just like the germans, they got the wingers in there, but rob Halford. He makes a deal with them. Here's the deal they are going to provide twenty major league baseball,
via twenty world class facilities for chinese students, athletes like china have enough money to do that are trying to get through that car you can't do that. You gotta do it with body coming in from tv and fans you have to get to women. What about the voting laws in china. Rob hello rob voting, in china. vote for share your. We shoot you, that's the law. Have you been a hong kong lonely they try to have
free elections there, all those people are in jail. The one on free elections rob just signed a deal really good. I've said it in the beginning of this rob Manfred is an imbecile, that's what he is and I'm not name calling I'm describing his state of mind. He cannot process information. This is insane Why would you sign a deal with communist china when the communist government could build eighty thousand Facilities they wanted to they control all the money I mean you know. I never thought I would get to this. In my career in my life, where I'm
I'm sitting here, my mouth is: what going is? I can't believe this is so stupid. I can't believe what's happening in america, I can't believe this man is running major league baseball. How is that possible? It used to be that you had to be smart. Run a corporation, so coca cola there, one of the big boy carter's of the georgia election law because they based in georgia will coca cola is killing more people than the tobacco industry. Did you know because there's so much sugar in coca cola, the diabetes is off the chart and obesity is off. The chart is not just coca cola in all of those sugar drinks is crazy Crazy amounts of processed sugar about that get woke.
putting that in your body, three or four bottles that I had a day you're going to die early. I think it's more dangerous to drink two, three cans of coke and even diet. Cokes get all the chemical crap in there. I lie. it's more dangerous! Just spoken five cigarette today, in my opinion, I'm not a doctor, okay, but coca cola, with their virtue seeking Oh, no, we're lookin out for the folks will look after all the poor people, in all of our colleague, loaded with sugar, and then our diet, stuff is guys on. I don't even know what this stuff is red, the labour, then a border.
Here's my favorite story, so you remember that president Biden appointed his vice president calmly powers to be in charge of the boy. Ok, o connell hours do like that at all. Right now I told you from the very very beginning the Joe Biden does not like common harris. Gay doesn't like because she embarrassed him and called him a racist during the democratic primary debate k. So he appoints her knowing my heart at by the border and she gonna look stupid if she tries cause your fair como hours is smart enough to know she was being set up, so she was appointed.
the ambassador to the border, ok and refused to go. She won't go, they abiding so weak that he can't force or to go now. If trump told my parents too, my jumped if he said you gotta go over to. Quizzically, uzbekistan someplace you like was on a plane. Ok now, when president I said: hey, don't certify the electoral vote pads had to had to so he couldn't, but MIKE pence was a good vice presidents, as he did. What donald trump asked him to do, for the sake of the country are higher than going forward. I'm a guy the praise of El Salvador view sooner guy. He looks like mark anthony The singer, more depressed of El Salvador lives are young.
He's gonna me with any abiden people you want to meet with them. And by you all know we're going to go down and solve all their problems. I usually look at me with you with the best part of this story. Is harris going up and going? What am I going to do anything? I don't want this job because I know wise give it to me. So I look like a small such a good story. Now is not a good sign. Since Biden was sworn in more than three hundred and fifty thousand foreign nationals have been detained by border patrol most.
have them and I don't have a number on it. Okay are here three hundred and fifty thousand and two and a half months and hundreds of thousands common in which you're doing don't know what to do camilo or what you could do. Would you go down please and stop the three hundred and fifty thousand criminal? There was an interesting article and the title of the article over the weekend was: if it's not broken Biden will break it. Yeah, the old saying is appropriate, don't you know don't fix it? Kobe
okay, so Canada are friends to the north of socialized medicine. Okay. That means the government controls your medical care. Okay, so in Canada there's a surge of cove it and it shut that. So I said toronto, blue jays have to go to florida played the games. Suitcases in the last two weeks are up eighty nine percent deaths of thirty according to the new york times, co v tracker. I hope that is not anonymous. Sources are abundant, so eighty nine percent up coven cases deaths up thirty percent, canada coast coast, so the prime minister, little justin, trudeau, ok, here's what to do so is closing everything right
so in canada. Nineteen percent of the population and remember their population is what twenty million is that what it is it's around twenty? I maybe I have that wrong, but is it we have three hundred and thirty million? Then I marry many cat. Nineteen percent of canadians have received at least one dose of the vac here it's thirty, three percent. Why? What? What's the difference we made it? That's why we made of acts operation works, meet under present from what it just and do not What are the canadian pharmaceuticals companies do? Nothing because the socialized? That's what governments do nothing, they don't invent anything ever for you, socialism.
And you know was down in florida a lot of canadians they're, getting a vax cause you're here czech republic, so prague, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. You ever get a chance, go to Pra. I liked the checks. Checks seem to be logical. However, this is disturbing. So the czech government said all czech children have to be vaccinated, whether your parents want that or not parents to get a court check court said
I got out of the kids vaccinated, it's laugh, progres right, pass, it get their kid in line or the kid doesn't go to school and go out of the house and do anything now. This is the E. U so individual rights you don't have them in the EU government says your kid has to get vaccinated, get vaccinated or you go to jail. You get punished thought you'd like to know why us deal with this minneapolis thing. I'm just gonna give me the facts because more will come out.
I can but one another young black man shot dead by police. Ten miles north of many apples in a town called brooklet brooklyn minnesota I've been the man fled police in a truck police. Pull them over had an outstanding warrant, fled a woman police officer fired her pistol at the man. The police chief of Brooklyn says the woman police officer thought she grabbed her kasr. I dont believe that story. You dont fire at taser at a fleeing truck, but I could be wrong But right now cursory not gonna fly, but we wait now, of course, within minutes of the announcement lack lives matter,
Activists were out on the street and see some tape thrown stuff cops clause in trouble trying to do all that within minutes, not a guy, could add a machine gun he did. I was on all, but they didn't know out trying to hurt people and do what they do. Ok, tomorrow we are going to have a report on the leader of the black lives matter, global foundation and her real estate dealings. We hit me here to morrow, ok, so George floyd, I had some time on vacation, which really was in a vacation Don't feel sorry for me. I, like my John there's, no way that the police officer, Derek Shovin, gets off. I think you'll be convicted of second degree murder. The evidences is over now
not trying to case I'm telling you would eyes an American have observed in the trial testimony. That's all I can do I'm a fair man. I don't look at it with any agenda. I I can't see how he's not convicted of second degree. Murder trial is going to wrap up. Probably this week the jury's going to have to come back very tough and now the defense shotguns lawyer said: look. Can we sequester the jury? So we don't want them to see this stuff up in brooklyn minnesota. We don't want to see the riots and all that and Joseph no a mistake to think that gives shoves lawyers some appeal room: ok, san francisco in new york city. We are losing citizens in an unprecedented rate, skid new york,
watched from July nineteen, two july, twenty, before the full extent of the tax madness and the covert madness. New york lost a hundred and twenty seven thousand citizens new york city, no new york state, that's new york state, since two thousand ten new york state has lost one point: four million residents Some people in new york are leaving we're gonna lose congressional seats here, because mass exodus atta here. What is already do they pass the highest tax bill in history? New york is now the highest tax state. Knowing
One point: four million people have already left it'll be another one point, four million leaving in the next couple of years as new york. San Francisco, which is a much smaller city than new york city, has lost in the fourth quarter, just the fourth quarter of two thousand and twenty one hundred and fifteen thousand people in the water left the city, because they don't what people shooting up drugs on their front, lawn, defecating and urinating in front of their children and they're gone. I don't wanna stay here. Believing now, Nancy Pelosi still stand, but everybody else is leaving and remember the poor people can't leave. They can't
even if they want away MSNBC, perhaps the most irresponsible news agency and a history of journalism when officer billy Evans was killed on April thirteenth washington dc NBC news, reporter veteran guy, been around forever. Pete Williams said this The question now is what the condition of the capital police officers, who were injured When the man were told it was a white male that was driving the car when the man got out of the car and attacked the police officers with a knife. Okay, we're told it's white man who told you that pete turned out to be an african american, a salad, no a agreeing so who told you as a white man who told you
He didn't say now mistake like that when I was working and network news, would we got you suspended the whims? Somebody told me I now so I reported on national dvd somebody told me: I can't tell you that was why, because this embassy wanted it to be a white man, that's why that's why it's? What a scandalous dm acts wrapper dies at age. Fifty. Drug overdose, if you read any of the coverage, you would think that dmx is the greatest guy in the world. Now, I'm sorry, the dmx died. I'm sorry that people who love him have to suffer. I truly am I don't want anybody to die. I mean I'm, not a bb.
Ryan, but when I was reading these things about the immaculate it looked like this guy was beyond some tremendous tremendous humanitarian. As what the articles all said, okay, so dm acts, the wrapper was father of fifteen children, fifteen by nine different women he's in jail thirty times. for offences including robbery, assault, car jacking, animal cruelty,. driving under the influence drug possession, failure to pay child support tax evasion in jail, thirty times, dynamics dead at age. Fifty now when I die the new york times right here
But the next day it so let me introduce you to a company that those things right, grip six makes belt Right here in the usa and those belts are incredible, they are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system mean They always fit right and feel great with no holes. Ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging. Strap or extra bulk, They are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right. Thou art and off they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six
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And polio cases in the usa drop by ninety percent by ninety. Ninety four america was polio, free all because of Jonas salk. Remember the name. Jonas Salk he developed vexing with capitalism fuelled polio, got wiped out. Let's hope that happens with cold it. How about this for car polio? President franklin rosville had it we write about that extensively in killing patent because as a big component about if the r and killing patent and killing the rising sun other people have polio francis ford copal. He was a director, the godfather don southern, the actor neil young joanie mitchell, jack Nicholas the golfer me a pharaoh, Alan elder, the actor and Joseph girdles and nazi propaganda all had polio.
which cause partial paralysis that was fifty five years ago today, that was on the scene, quick break back with mail, and then I'm going to tell you about my meeting with donald trump. Let me introduce you to a company that does things right, grip six makes belt. right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system mean they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly, strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk They are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right. Thou art and off. They are guaranteed for life, with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six.
Well, you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dotcom make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. Gee are ip six. The number dakar code bill to zero Let's go to the male jacqueline concierge member, which means tackling its direct access to me. We hope you all consider that particular because killing the mob is out three weeks from tomorrow and you get a free if you become a premium or concert Jaclyn says every person who voted for Joe Biden should be required to take five migrant children into their homes and paper.
everything they need forever job. As I talk to people the lever of clues, the level of clueless nets, is astounding, so many just believe whatever the mainstream media tells them through William carter. Somerville north carolina order to coffee mugs a few days ago, use them for the first time and they look great so you know our campaign stand for america isn't done, and these mugs are one of the most important as are them. That's what I'm outside your house and the shirts and that's barbara nelson bend oregon thanks for mentioning the daily chatter. I think our country needs to be more internationally, where get a lottery reaction from the daily chatter, its dearly
Add one word: dot: com daily chatter, it's a newsletter and they deliver it to you every morning. And if you want foreign news, because we don't do a lot of foreign news here, that's the place to be. daily shadow. I germ a natural way. We go illinois. I am a premium member and have given gift memberships to others. You are a patriot for doing that. Jim the nose venues, my primary news source, I'm glad you. We will never deceive you, okay, so I'm going to take a quick break now and then come back and tell you about my meeting Donald trump, which is pretty interesting, I'm liz wheeler host of the liz wheeler show where we analyze today's hottest issues like the marxists behind critical race theory and queer theory. The ballot we're staying behind electioneering and the corruption behind covered nineteen please subscribed to the less wheeler shall, wherever you got, your podcast, whether you listen on spotify or apple podcast, or what
watch on youtube, rumble or locals. So you never miss an episode. I'll see you on the I hear is vital, though last week, as you know, I was down in florida at a great timer on Hutchinson. Island stayed at the hutchinson island. resort and spa didn't go to this bar, but the result is very nice. And tons of people down everybody have a good time, everyone's smashed. Alright, I got in the ocean once alright. I was busy because I had to go down to palm beach about a forty, many drive from Morton county and I met with donna trouble. I had not seen for more than a year, so I can't tell you what we talked about, because that's a private conversation, but I can tell you that he look good dropped. A few pounds
good spirits, good energy level, more largo, where he lives in the club. Downer look great chance. Investors alone is the newest member, but anyway one thing I can tell you is missing: tromp wants to run for president. I don't think my me. He didn't tell me that outright. But from our conversation, which was about thirty minutes long, that's what I got so he may be back if he wants to do it. There are certain things that he's going to have to do differently and I'm not sure that he will change of it. However, It was good to see him. As you know, I've known him for thirty years when we have a chat, it's while we go all over the place and he always tells me something that I don't know. I hope I do that too, when I'm broadcasting to you, but he always tells me so
I don't know, but he was in good spirits and I was happy to see him and do you know we'll see how that goes right thanks for watching tonight, we'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.