« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Crime in the USA, Glenn Beck on the Controversy Over His New Book, Devon Archer's Testimony Reaction, High School Boys Turning Conservative, & More

2023-08-01 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, August 1, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill elaborates on his solutions to crime following his appearance on the "CUOMO" town hall.
  • Glenn Beck joins the No Spin News and discusses the controversy over his new book.
  • Just how did the media react to Devon Archer's testimony?
  • A new survey says high school boys are identifying as conservative.
  • This Day in History: 1936 Olympics
  • Final Thought: Make the most of the next 35 days.

In Case You Missed It:
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind," at The Paramount in Hunting, NY. They are on sale NOW!
  • Read Bill's latest column, "Warm Enough?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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be strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now. C h, o q, dot com shock, is the way forward make sure you used a promo code bill cause. I can't you thirty five percent discount for the law. Time your subscription chalk doc promo code bill o reilly. You're, welcome to know spin news, tuesday august first, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country lot of obviating lotta blather. But there's only one question in this whole hunter Joe Biden story, and that question is
the vice president then or the president or the private citizen, Joe Biden, take money from his son. Or brother. That is the end game. Did he take money? Yes or no water laptop hunter Biden, you may remember, says his father was getting from him for ten years. Ok, but hundreds Or crackhead or was not the most real. I will source in the world, so more evidence is needed and will examine where we are in this very intense investigation. That is not going away in a moment, but first a talking points memo crime in the: u s, a so as a hot topic, because millions of criminals are now not being prosecuted at all in the
it states of america and law abiding citizens like me- and I assume you are a little utility off about it. So last light last night on new nation, it was a town hall about crime and the crowd was in new york, chicago and doubts. I was part of the town hall, so I opened with history because you need context about crime in order to analyze it and find solutions to combat it, rotate the issue of crime? If you a world totalitarian nations do not have a problem with it. No crime in saudi arabia, no crime, in china, crime in singapore? The for answer, so harsh Criminals leave gay as number one historical fact, they turned to go over china. Nigel voting, I partly because
a quarter of the chinese population was addicted to opium and that straw and sharing guy shucks government, one now in here claim that have you use opium two things are going to happen. Believers and you do to work camp or will shoot you against the wall. Take long for the drug problem, dissipate in red china. so that monologue was presented to say that if you punish people for committing crimes, there will be fewer crimes that men, sir. I was in advocating we do what mousie tone or the other totalitarian country. Still. I was pointing out the historical facts. Well, the deputy police chief of we build kentucky woolly and quite get it more tape brought up, Some good points, in fact that matters and consequences do matter consequences. have to be impact full enough that it changes behavior. But when we get there
point where we are looking to shanghai, shack and MAO Zedong for Right advice on how to handle whenever joy not smart enough, mister humphrey, to understand the historical context of the point I was making and this He also we're clapping in any audience, are part of that they don't really want to solve and in crimes by the way you understand. A progressive left believes that criminal behaviour is responsibility of america, that america's evil that we force these people into committing Arms and you gotta keep that in mind and there are a lot of law enforcement people in a progressive communities. I know it's shocking, but it's true not a second one. soundbites from the mayor of durham north carolina, former judge very left wing pherson. She he blames criminal activity on lack of housing, go. How
Thing is: where used all die but having, why believe, mad, and if you don't have basically housing, you want what kind of life can you have so year way, they they may have been the case, but it's not durham north carolina right now- and that's my reality- is that housing given is an homelessness is an issue and it feeds into the other issues that's her reality that the crimes are committed by people of substandard or no housing, so art and easy reply to that. One go the mayor of dora north carolina just insulted every law. Abiding poor person in this country that has standard housing. Do you Madame. the overwhelming majority of the poor commit crimes. They do not They never have- and I said in the great depression with the poor is part of our here. Three crime was law, is
Cultural thing that's going on here, not a housing thing. Now, woman too near a word, I said because she doesn't care she has her again and her reality. And her reality is that we, the taxpayers, should provide housing for everybody. That's it that's what she wants. That's her nirvana and of everybody got a nice house, courtesy of other people than it wouldn't be violent crime, or something ok, Let's go to san francisco, which is a lunatic asylum. This is a san francisco. Board of supervisors go right now we have a district attorney and broke jenkins. Who is prosecuting crimes? you know we're dealing with still progressive city. That means progressive judges progressive juries, turning it around in san francisco, and I think the come back is underway here. So it's not it's
even glows debate underway, relative africa, so go it's. A circus people are moving out the whole point. has collapsed. Tourism will go. There can be she's more, go there, you're not safe there and that's. The cops are at fault. What a bunch of crap, no that's everybody, I dont know cops sure you get an army, police and they would arrest they take a man. They don't prosecute. Ok, so I was a little too stinkers, I'm pretty much stand and on my own, it was an arizona sheriff will agree with me, but the rest were very programme. A lot of them were activision news nation. Sometimes they gotta make a better play a getting people in balancing it. So the crowd, I got some applause, but most of them didn't while the tape that won't say first that the biggest crime in a man-
is there? People thank like deal o reilly, Really that's the biggest crime in america. but it would solution to violent gripe right it because in a watch solutions are they want a virtuous No, they have their own agenda, they want a socialist government or whatever they may ok You know you give them solutions the crime like forced rehabilitation for drug addicts who commit felonies force. You gotta go too impatient, rehab if you committed felony under the influence of drums. That's a solution takes the drug market away, seventy percent of all street crime committed by drug attics, bigger pageant. Ok, you know pre much had enough for this, but I'm glad I I purchased
It was a worthy endeavor by news nation at least they're trying. You know do thing and one more thing- and I didn't bring this up- and I guess I should have most of the violent crime in this country- takes place in the poor minority. Neighborhoods, That's where the vast amount of murders and muggings and an are, and we look away never address it. That's racism because most of these poor black hispanic, whatever people, whatever ethnicity, living in those neighborhoods private, By the citizens who just want to go to the grocery store, what then gives a walk the school When we look away that's racism. and ass a memo save on travel expenses this summer, by investing in a delightful garden from fast growing trees, dot, com, fast, growing trees as thousands of easy to grow plants, shrubs and trees for your climate,
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did you presents that's the sound of someone seeing the dew hugh seven dollar meal deal, and that is the sound of someone deciding if they went the original cheeseburger or three peace, chicken shrimps with their seven dollar meal deal in. That's the sound of someone digging into their choice of original cheeseburger or three peace, chickens, trips plus regular fries, a drink. Addison sounds pretty good right move new ground. The wholesale seven dollar meal deal. Only dick. You happy taste good. I devon. Aren't you testimony yesterday, again. People believe what they want to believe. The democratic party doesn't care. What Joe Biden did these are? The hunter have no interest at all in what he did. We committed fellows bribes and the word bribe, is in the constitution in the impeachment clause of the constitution, should look it up democratic care, they don't care at all.
Right, generalizing, I'm sure there are some Democrats I do, but not in congress there not there so devon archer goes in any says. A few things will get the transcript later this week and one of the things he said was Joe Biden, then vice president got on a phone at least twenty times with clients, oversee use, hunger by because archer and undermine we're in the business together. So the oversight committee chairman James calmer hears that and here's what he says. While every day this bribery scandal becomes more credible, I mean look, look at what devon archer testified today. He said that the not only was Joe Biden on the phone over twenty times with people, including the various may executives talking about that, whatever, even though the president denied that he never spoke to any these people by
deny that he ever spoke to these people. Heathen denied I've. I speaking to them about business dealings. Ok, let's we want to be accurate here, but there's no question: he Joe Biden knew his son was selling influence and his brother that's what they did to the two About thirty million, maybe more and Biden participated in that and then in the debates in other places he goes, I don't know It not true provable, didn't commit a crime in helping his son so influence. That's a grey area, but ethically my god, again, I go back to my opening statement. If they can prove that Joe Biden got any money from its own or brother, so ok, but in response to the devil, archer testimony Here come the zombies on the left go
investigation anderson needs to end and it needs to end now, because what we're doing is badgering a private citizen and there's no legitimate legislative power, at all? It's truly truly stunning. To me this is the tax payer, funded defence and pull. Critical arm of donald trump mighty now Henderson didn't challenge there, but before that he did Anderson said the phone calls were quote shady, so we are fair here. Alright nightly news. A b c gave the hunter Biden or devon archer. Sorry omitted thirty six seconds CBS one minute. Forty seconds NBC didn't cover this shocking. Now, comcast out of philadelphia owns NBC news MSNBC. Of course they wouldn't cover it, but NBC
whose, lest we hope not covering it, I work or lester hold new york. I know less your whole. He had to be ordered not to cover costs. Less are also good news. Man. They had to order him not to say anything about what has happened to NBC news, my god, it's just increased. Now many read you one more thing, and then we are glenn back woman up in a bowl pen. I have a lot to talk back about, including as new book. This is what a hunter Biden put on his laptop just. So you have context. in this story quote. I love all of you, but I dont receive any respect and that's fine. I guess works for you, Apparently I hope all you can do and what I did and pay for everything for this entire family. For thirty years. It's really hard, but don't worry. Unlike pop Joe Biden, I won't
you give me half your salary that was attachment switch to one hundred binds oldest daughter, naomi, unlike pop, I won't make you give me half your salary okay. So when you have that, then all of the other stuff- that's your baseline again undermines your crackhead. He could have been delirious when he wrote it, but you don't ignore it NBC news, my god. Alright, so you know, Glenn Beck is,
around since the war of eighteen, twelve and in the big internet. Radio star worked with me at fox news for awhile. Is you either a brand new book called dark future? Uncovering the great resets terrifying, next phase, big bestseller this book? So it's about the great narrative when as that very wealthy, powerful people around the world are trying to change the world in north america and europe particularly, and they want to run it. These elites want to run the economies of all these nations and fundamentally transform how we live. That's what the book's about now Beck refuses to send me a copy of the book. So I I couldn't read the whole book and even the I send him multiple copies of my blog. I didn't get one more and more of you sent me a book never for me, one of your books, like ours, what you know like this
Let me give you one more says, though one more set up. I saw the books a big, their seller and target we'll cover it when putting in stores I could see you gonna Brian Coronel live outside of minneapolis and you look, I'm. Any news of successful business guy, but he is a liberal guy gave twenty seven hundred bucks to Amy club, which are the senator from an assortment of presidential runnin reelection, run all that, but it doesn't make any sense. Why would you not stock a best seller, but matter who? The author is, if it's a theory that people should breeding etc? I don't know we call target course. It respond and its target of course work with it. or they own satan, stuff back or somewhere they. What will they doing there I mean so this is this- is not new for anybody target
has been selling. You know talk bathing suits during pride month for baby, so the baby's could talk because god forbid there. A boy They were selling adult talk, bathing suits for transgender, They were selling satan things I mean it was it's really out of control and they took a huge hit. and so in certain states they pulled first, they removed it. Put it in the back of the instead of right in front and italy? and in certain stores of certain states. So people stops stop going to target. Well that doesn't really work. Target is a very unique store and sells. Everything, and even my wife complains all the time. I can get it at target and then so.
Lot of americans like target because it has the best of everything and goes deeper than walmart- does So it was an easy thing for people to choose not to go to target, but people had had enough so our but comes out. Let me back up a few example mark lovins but comes out. They decide to carry it. That's fine mark points it out. Lee listeners get upset, they call target target starts to cover it. And sell his book. My book, however, is different, because what my book is about is exactly what has happened to target care, if you're a democratic voted for Amy club, which are at a year the dope for doing it don't mind, I mean we all disagree on things, the ie.
gee movement and what I talk about in dark future. What is actually happening in our corporations is in something in highly different, This is a choice to abandon capitalism. Really truly abandon your buyers, the people at frequent, your store, and instead sell the thing that help you in the inner circle and helps you at the bag. With e s g helps the cause of completely transforming capitalist society into a stakeholder society, though you think right. coronel. The ceo of target is one of these elites that have gathered together in the great narrative to change the way
I mean america and europe see the world conduct economics. All that you believe the disguise responsible, because it'll have to be him at that level. He'd have to make no back or no levin or we want satan. He would have to do that right. I I don't I don't you know, I don't I don't know anything about him. I wish he has to be involved in the top level decisions. I don't think that goes down the books, but maybe it does. I don't think so, your verdict on decisions are how about it. What are known army that maybe maybe baby? I just know that the company and the stakeholders in the company and It's him included, have decided that their stay. Holders, not their shareholders and not their customers, all day colors, which include the federal government.
the world economic forum, the bank's, etc, etc that those things that they are, wishing for are more important than their their customers, but what about comcast? I mean, look you're bitten and news information business for a long time. I'm sitting I go and be seen nightly. News doesn't even mantra that given archer testimony day, comcast and b c in the middle of this thing, I think All major corporations are in the mid middle of this. I hate to say it, but I think fox, are you know our former Alma mater has gone down this road I see no way out because it it's truly the most powerful banks and insurance companies and government officials. You want to cross them, go ahead, cross them. But you will have a very
Of time the only one that is crossing them that has survived is elon musk, but look What they're doing to Ilan mosque now they're saying because of epa? You can't fire your rocket over texas. Excuse me what, when? Where did it come from who made that rule is florida exempt or you going to say that about florida too, and move space center someplace else. They are direct he is trying to take elon musk down, because he will play there. You know there.
a new world order game. I was gonna motivation cell. Most of us believe that you run a major corporation. You wanna make as much money as you can. You ve got a board of directors and a lot of times those boards, that's what happened at fox, the board of directors, change, management change and they go wherever they want to go, but what it when you just talk and profits centre, ok, money coming into the corporation. The great narrative goes against that because it restricts the freedom of people are right, restricts their income, restricts all of that. So what what is in it for these corporate chieftains at meeting orson recently in idaho. What is in it for them to be forcing this stuff so bill there is. There is a movement, it's all in the book dark future and it explains it. Clearly, there is a
great change coming. We are in now, what's called the fourth industrial revolution, all of the change from the first industrial rebel into the third so all the way from What was it? Seventeen sixty or seventeen? Seventy all the till about twenty. Twenty. All of that change is going to happen now between twenty twenty twenty thirty five. That kind of an impact just because of technique, gee, so the governments, through the world economic forum in the corporations, have gotten together and said. Ok, how do we protect what we have and they decided that capitalism is? thing of the past. They have decided that They know what's better, they just need to take control of how you spend money where you spend your money, the net It is an silence, those who disagree with them. I suppose it inside
of economic power into the hands of what you call the elite, because they don't believe that the capitalist system can survive under the new technological arrange. Its we're gonna have a habit its twenty first century fascism. That is what it is. It is a public private partnership. That is what it is, and there are no good guys vacuum find anybody is pushing against this. Oh of a vague rama swami is probably one of the biggest guys pushing against it. He gets it one hundred per And he started up a trading fund that went was trading. You know not on e s g scores there our companies out there, but they are not major corporations. They are there no major banks that are going against this they we are all in it.
really the american people, the individual democrat republican, independent its It's not just here. It is everywhere, in the world on the western world, and it is a great reset. It is a great reshaping of everything in the world. As you know, it, but leaps racing I heard today was that there's there still talking and trying to push Biden into climate emergency and have him issue and eggs Active order which declares the climate, a nash, emergency which would give him all kinds of unrestrained power, re not going to do all the things he can't get through congress, not going to do that, and because I was doing helps them. That would doom the left. I beg your book, certainly dark future. Uncovering the great resource terrifying say should be so
everywhere is what a free society does you you can consider backs What can agree or disagree and that's the way we've always had it, and I tell all the witches back or you know, killing the witches. My book coming out. We've sent you already two copies september. The witches they're going to be on your side, we're going to get every all of those people on your side. they're gonna help eyes. They don't want. Why new narrative that I now I prefer they stay with you. And they would probably prefer that is well. Ok, I'd see on the radio you double hulled oil. Reilly here. The new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, bill, o dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free
can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause I members also get exclusive access to special video programming, we'll even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so Come a bill, o'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please, way, learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash ad free, Georgia dossier says September furs. We might do something against donald trump It's only been two and a half years. Fanny willis, folding county me disregard. two and a half years, but september a temper. They might do some in georgia.
Gaza giants moves is: are we are new stuff on the camera, I'm all argo! We might do additional staff there, since the death of a thousand cuts, so trump boom boom boom tramp tramp tramp, obscure Biden at school. You're, ok and I'm sorry to be cynical, but in I've I followed, is really closely. Eighty percent of this trump stuff is bull. He should have taken the documents and went ass. He should have given him right back, yes, but the rest of it his opinion, that's what they're going after him. For his opinion. Ok do your time. Sienna college Paul, very suspect, extremely suspect. Since ninety one percent of fox news viewers believe donald trump has not committed federal crimes. Ninety one percent, so this presents a problem. For fancy the same problem, they had with the dominion election situation within a pay. Eight hundred million dollars in damages to the dominion voting machine company.
so of ninety. One percent of your audience believes Donald trump do anything wrong at all you tell that already well, he might have those. I just did the document thing. He was wrong. I don't know: how long was I not burgundy that? But if I m a former president, I get a glove national archives. Hey you got, documents should have eyes. Ok, come sent a truck pick him up. That's what I do, but anyway fox news. Ninety one percent, so I've got to However, the news are right in a way that doesn't alienate that ninety one percent, because their ratings already have halved from when I was there and their demographic down. Seventy five. Eighty percent, my god, that's twenty five to fifty four viewers. They can have the innate anybody else.
So that's a soaring. Ok, there is a crew out of the university of michigan monitoring. The future did so on a high school seniors boys and girls. Here is the studies results per cent? a boys identifying is liberal, Or conservative, two thousand twenty, two liberal thirteen conservative, twenty three so high school senior boys, more conservative- the liberal and the number is law most and don't even know what conservative liberal is. Unfortunately,. so you're getting thirty six percent answering girls, the opposite, thirty, that said, the liberal I schools in your girls, conservative twelve, that's because of abortion cannot sort, is interesting study on an EU average of michigan California, which is I don't know how
well more extreme mistake you get now. They have a bill simply bill. Eight five, two that says a when a criminal is convicted of a crime. You have to take into account his skin color. The bill requires california's criminal courts to rectify alleged racial bias in the criminal justice system. take into account how historically persecuted minorities are affected differently than other semis. If you are convicted of a crime and you're white, you get a different sentence than if you were convicted of a crime and you're black. Alright, this is insane not equal justice for all. Not even close Unconstitutional now, Gavin newsom will not sign this, even if it pass the loopy legislature in sacramento because of newsome sign that he's done as a national candidate. He could never run for president, so I'm not worried about it. Smart life. This comes out of the journal of american medical association, jan
Ok, it says that if you are over the age of sixty two, you have to exercise forty five minutes vigorously a day to fend off cancer risk. Ok, that's not a lot of time! five minutes. So that's a power, walker, picking up a freeway. Forty five minutes. and it says they have a dad, but twenty two Thousand non exercising adults were studied and as soon as they started, exercising that cancer is dropped. This is printed in the journal of american medical association. Smart life. Look, I'm not a gym rat. I can't go to the gym.
I mean it would just be pandemonium, but I do try every day to get ten to fifteen minutes fairly fairly intense exercise. In I mean it's just makes sense. I mean I I get bored on on a couch enough in land and a hammock. The ocean is my best in the pool. That's where I do a lot of my stuff stretching and swimming, and things like that, but you can do it and you shed freshly. If you're overweight emanate, you dropped the weight, pretty fast knock out the sugar and you walk You know a couple of miles or whatever a week you see it is pure right off. I generally, you know I have it in for blue. You know that just google bill, o jet blue blue you'll, find out walk.
So this is a from flight aware they track all the delays from July. Twenty fourth to July thirtieth that six day span jet blue flights delayed forty five percent of all their flights. Forty five percent would delay in the united states. I canceled for delta flies the same root system as yet blue twenty four percent were delayed. One percent cancel telling you How would you buy their ticket I this day in history august? First, nineteen thirty, six, eighty seven years ago, the summer olympics open didn't berlin, germany presided over by adolf hitler, roll it, don't olympic stadium in berlin is filled. The capacity as hit arise to preside at the opening ceremony of the eleventh modern and yet a hundred thousand potato. The bread,
do the charming incident of the presentation of a bouquet of europe by little go meet him on his way to his books no no. Thirty thousand canada pigeons early doves peace. Symbolizing comradeship exists among nations in the political arena. So either had his big moment, the world's spotlight, but the olympics They did not a war. The berlin games that year they awarded in nine thirty one when germany was run by the weimar republic, are right. The event lasted about two weeks and jesse owens, the american track star one for gold medals. Humiliating hitler carry humiliated, in fact, hither left to state it after one of jesse owens is. greece, the total america, a metal count on the thirty six olympics, germany, one or one usa. Fifty
I have an italy, twenty seven, sweden, twenty one, finland, twenty alright, so that happened eighty seven years ago today, a quick break back with mail and a final thought about that thirty five days of summer, let's go to the mail. Caprice did mars in ohio or You said that Joe Biden did not impede the investigation into documents found in his garage. I say we don't know that or I caprice, but that's not the way it works. So there is no proof at all
And that, when alerted that he had classified information in his garage and other places that Biden resisted giving it up now, he shouldn't have add in the first place, because vice presidents are not taking that of course stories not tall, but in our system, if you're accused of something you can't you don't have to disprove it k. That's the napoleonic code. you're guilty until proven innocent? We you're innocent until proven guilty. Now harrison: Arlington texas, you blame eurobond for inflation, but how do you explain reckon corporate profits if he was strangling a private sector? I can't seem to square the circle. I know about any squares the circle.
and I dont know about record corporate profits. I do not believe that's in play. Some industries like oil because binds regulations of strangle, the american energy industry, yeah carrier, but others are not doing that well. Stock markets. Are there risky june July were good months of the stock market, but anything happens, watch out below Jack. I always like trump as a president. Despite his rhetoric, I do not like trump as a candidate. As O'Reilly said. The Democrats want donald trump is the republican nominee. Why? Because trump can no longer win over independent voters.
Okay, there's absolutely something to that rosa I'm, a hispanic female and a republican. If trump is the nominee, he will not win the twenty four election. He can't win the support of the republicans. Okay, I mean, but that is an opinion. The polls say most republicans want donald trump, alright and the viewers are about equally divided scott concierge member. When I look back at the trump Clinton and trump Biden debates, trump brought forward a lot of the things that have all come. True he's a smart guy governor, Well, I agree, I think his term in office just on policy was very successful. Carol Lordy teachers of Michigan. just watched, cuomo town hall on crime. You always have answers o reilly. I usually can't watch cuomo for long, but
when you're on I stay tuned. While I appreciate day carol, I'm going to be on tomorrow with cuomo a little mad at him, I'm going to call him out for something that happened that town hall, but it's always interesting. I like cuomo many. Because we shot right. I will ensure more love the shows and ozma news on youtube. I know we're all over you too. Can you explain to me husband and I how George soros is able to contribute so much money to different politicians because seeking contribute unlimited amounts of money to political action committees which he does is no lock and stranding that the supreme court made a ruling, gives them much money, as you want to any political action committee. States, Linda brown, closer mason, California, you're right, o reilly. You show ended yesterday with the beach I immediately downloaded the beach voice essentials, which consists of fifty beach voice. Songs brought back so many memories
is the summer of our lives and the beach boys are big part of it. For me,. Julie little high point north carolina, MR o, is fast. We get completed my goal of reading every book in the killing series, all twelve, I that learning by reading is very rewarding. I would also add the number of pages coupled with your concise writing style, make for an enjoyable reading experience. You know, I write those books, so they just whiz by and because I don't like to read books that are ponderous. I mean I read in a style that I like to read killing the witches is, I think, the fastest paced killing book that we have. This will be number thirteen september, twenty. Sixth, it just flies now, if you order the cost
where I hand sign the book, not a plate, though a book alright, if you preorder it now you'll get it, but they will be sold out by pub time. If you want my signature in the book- and you know that's where some money these days, if you want to sell it on Ebay, I gotta preorder it now killing the witches. the low rally dot com was such a right up. Also, we have a new york state of mind, show with w b c sponsoring a radio flagship in new york city said Rosenberg, and I we b, on long island huntington, the paramount theatre october. Twenty seventh will be a blast. Tickets are selling very very quickly as an even been on sale for days. Think will be sold out by the weekend. Would love to see you good time to come to new york leaves are changing lots of fun lots of energy in the air and ticketmaster bill, O'Reilly, dot com or the paramount,
Huntington knockabout, not a bad seat in that theater by the way. Also, the summer, reading special stolen play, killing crazy horse, killing the killers, killing legends and a team normal hat off thirty to ninety five so make this summer count. It does watch you love them, and I got the united states of trump if you are interested in donald trump, if you're really interested in a man, so I wrote a book called the united states of trump and you get that book in any of our polos. Our team, normal is the heart One for forty nine, ninety five, fifty bucks and apollos are great. You love him, so that's our last
we have for you. Where did the day? No batala eg is a fabulous word b. U t t o l, o g Y pathology is what all the cable news pundits do, but don't you do pathology now? Look it up now t t o elegy wine. I final thought about the next thirty five days in a moment here is not I thought of the day, so thirty four days. Will. We back in autumn urchins back to school vacations. Over whether stays form now until early october. So if you have some free time in september as a good time to travel, but you gotta make the next thirty five days.
Also most people do everything on the internet now on their little smartphone. I gotta big calendar like this alright and each day, and so my august is pretty much booked and I got some very fun things going out to try to catch. Some tuna were going to I'm a big big benefit to help a hospital, and I like to do that. I'm giving a speech on the nineteenth southampton, so we got lots of stuff going on, but primarily it's an ocean thing.
For me in august, ocean water is really nice now on eastern long out, and I was in a sharks the other day, so a humongous whale in my backyard I mean a huge whale and the dolphins were following the way people pay thousands of dollars to see that I added my backyard and a tara dog. I said, look as well seem that terry, the, where are you boom, so I don't care the whales, won't bother. You alright and the dolphins are your friends, the sharks. We never see them out where I am because water is a little turbulent out there and whales keep the sharks away interesting. So anyway, I got it all planned, I'm not going to make the most of all these thirty five days, I'm going to work most of august, and but I'm going to take some time off, and I want you to do the same plan it out. You know life is short make the most of the summer. That is
final thought. Thank you for watching and listening on our radio affiliates across the country to the no spin news we'll see For the hello class, I'm from the tennessee lottery and your professor for the next thirty seconds so where to proceeds from playing the tennessee lottery go if you answered education you're at the top of your class, the tennessee lottery has raised more than seven billion dollars for education programs, like hope, scholarship to tennessee promise and much more now for some easy homework, go to tn lottery, dot com and see how the tennessee lottery help students
Transcript generated on 2023-08-04.