« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Comparing the Capitol Riot to George Floyd Aftermath, Biden's Socialist Speech, Woke Madness, & More

2023-03-09 | 🔗
Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill responds to a viewer's letter and compares the Capitol riot to the riots following George Floyd's murder
  • Reaction to President Biden's latest speech 
  • Politico's list of banned words is another example of 'woke' going too far
  • Bipartisanship blocks controversial D.C. Crime Bill
  • This Day in History: The United States vs. The Amistad
  • Final Thought: Bill's Vacation

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. Even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so come a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today, billow riley, dotcom, slash ad free, that's billow, riley, dotcom, so Ash ad free, the O'Reilly here welcome to the no spin news, thursday march. Ninety thousand twenty three stand up for your country.
there has been a very busy wig. As you know, I've never seen so much propaganda packed into a few days. It is just simply amazing. We are very grateful that you watch and listen to the no spin news and I hope your. Grateful that we give you honest information without all is bs, because we're drowning in that corporate media is absolutely fallen apart, and I think we ve documented that pretty well now the talking point, memo this evening is courtesy of a viewer John buys who lives in buffalo grove illinois rights bill. What was more damaging to the country the rights of the summer of two thousand twenty one the january six invasion of the capital will. That is an excellent question.
and let me analyze it in a no spin way, it is a split decision. So let's look at the george floyd riots. First, as or as damage to human beings, property, the image of local policing. This was a catastrophe array. so seven thousand people, seven thousand were injured, who needed medical attention. According to the new england journal of medicine, seven thousand property damage, two billion plus insurance had to pay two billion plus in those rights. At least two hundred cities experience there right national guard. Ninety six, now
and guards people were called out to restore order. There were an amazing amount of arrest. We can't even tabulate them all one source awash imposed not rely on also. Seventeen thousand arrests and the fifty largest cities are things a lot more than that and though, I know how many were convicted. That stat doesn't exist because its individual reporting, and they know some of them. Don't report, however, Cities are dallas and philadelphia dropped charges on ninety five percent of the rioters. Ninety five percent allay used in ninety three.
sense are probably maybe a handful of protesters out of all of these people, who heard other people actually paid a price for their crimes. So this was an enormous deficit for the united states of america, the riots after the george floyd killing, but it was under reported by the liberal corporate media because, generally speaking, the network cnn, they sympathise with the rioters, so they didn't want to really tell the folks. You me what was happening they diminished, if that's true beyond any reasonable doubt, let's go now to the january six capital right. This is very interesting, so this was reported poorly as well
Because there were a number of things happening all at once There were violent protesters, you see them right there and plenty of them by the way. plenty of them, and then there were peaceful protestors who followed the violent protesters inside the capital, building, trust. Ass, if they were not allowed to be there, but should understand that. That anybody you went on the capital grounds went The building violated the law, federal law and you can the police were confronted. Now most women a harrowing experience for the police, so. More than one thousand, in contrast this to george floored right, which warrant federal by the way floyd riots were local da's. This is federal k more than a thousand cases more than for her
rid conviction so far, most of those who pleaded guilty to a variety of charges. Now this got enormous coverage: ongoing coverage from the corporate media, which despised the people that went to the capital. So the corporate media sympathise with the george florid protesters, but despised the trump people who broke into the capital, and so the coverage was tilted that way they call its spot.
there's no doubt about it. Okay, so you didn't see peaceful people just roaming around the capital. You saw the footage that we just looked at okay now, the tapes that came out this week, fox news concentrated on the peaceful people alright, so they were spinning the riot as well, because the conservative cadre rays in america are sympathetic and don't like the fact that so many people got convicted in the capital riot. So that's what fox did the same thing by diminishing the riots of the capital that the leftists by diminishing the riots after george Floyd? It's exactly the same thing.
Now it wasn't to the same extent and that's import all of the left wing corporate media piled on and try to diminish the george floyd situation. all of it only one news outlets and Everybody in it, by the way they try to diminish the capital right. So the ratio of coverage was crazy, so my point of view in the talking points memo is that none of that should have happened, that both story should have been
reported accurately- and I said that to Chris cuomo last night on news nation rolling. I'm saying that the reporting on these big stories is shoddy. Ok, that people don't know how to report the stories. Salt in the january six situation, the fox news audience generalizing about it, but I think True didn't see it the way that the CNN audience saw it, because this is the polarization so the fox news, commentators some of them, try to diminish what happened on January six. That was not good analysis or on the reporting you dont, diminish something, but setting what genuine at sea and end was doing. We weren't covering it to give an exaggerated, no
could have held vile, and I don't know I don't know why you can't understand cnn coverage of the riots after George floyd, we just as bad norway as foxes carve regional way of january sex. What will come on you, gotta guy, stand in front of us hold it got a guy stand in front of a building on fire red looks into the camera. The migrant lawyers hey it's mostly peaceful out here, a mine. Ok, so what I'm saying is true: some people will be offended. Because they don't feel that the capital riot was that bad. It was that there are right and because it may, the united states look like a third world country all over the world. It made it look like that. We, the people, don't respect, are at our system of governance, so we at the storm
the capital and, when historians chronicle our age here, the joy floored right or not to get into the history books, but the capital riot will ok. It will, because that was so stunning and had never happened before that it elevated itself up, but as far as the human toll I've he is leaving george floyd, rather worse, so it's a duality here. There are a number of things going on in order to be honest, a good report, and a good analyst. You have to point out all of the thing you can't just ignore the casualties after george Floyd. You can't just ignore that.
as yeah, there were peaceful demonstrators inside of capital, but there was. I have a lot of them. We're violent uk downplay that that's not honest,. So. You know I've been doing this for a long time. I know how to cover a story. I know how to analyze the store and that's why you're here, because I'm going to tell you the truth, as I see it back it up with facts and if it offends that offense now, let's go to president Biden's speech, he was in philadelphia today or giving a speech on the budget his view of what government spending should be. I have to tell you that this speech was pure socialism, the furthest that Joe Biden has ever gone into the socialist realm. He is a socialist. He wants cradle to grave entitlements for americans earning, I would say less than seventy five
thousand dollars a year was a big up, everything all costs, and this is where they doing you know countryside Even where there are eleven million people, but a country, a threerd and thirty million people, you can't do it and that's what bide wants because Biden doesn't know what he said talking about. So let me just give you some of the highlights. He said the two words guess: what about twenty times. So he doesn't know what are you saying you don't use that same phrase over and over and over again to saving By the way you should be doesn't know what he's talking about right
so he's reading off a teleprompter, but he doesn't know- and basically it comes down to this he's trying to trap the republican party as the party of no. So we're not going to give the folks any help. All the people who are suffering under inflation. That Biden cause, of course, he'll, never admit it. He actually said. Well, I brought down inflation for seven months straight. It was you that ignited inflation up to ten percent of CHE. So and it's you, that's gutting, the strategic oil reserves,
bring down pat price of gas, artificially the series of sophisticated stuff that most americans- they don't know, or so in the budget for the democratic side, and this will never pass by the way. This is a pipe dream. He knows it is an increase of three per cent for defense because of china, everybody's worried about china and military, and I would keep the defense budget the way it is. I would not raise it three percent because there's a lot of waste in defense. The rich border security wants twenty five billion to hire more personnel. You don't need more person. Well or you need to enforce the law, though I wouldn't give him a nickel until the law is enforced. Alright, then he wants to attack the rich, so the rich are divided into two categories:
operations and individuals. The very few that are up into the millions of income so was got both. and the worst part about it is while he was speaking the stock markets here, just drop like this. Once you attack american corporations, You then, are assuring a recession, maybe a depression. because they are gonna, lay people off to offset the government taxes they have to pay so, for example, Biden Ok, if you buy your own start back you corporation, we charge you four percent on everything you buy back and then, if you buy a stock, if I buy a stock right now my rate
Capital gains. If I get a winner and believe me, I have far more losers in my portfolio than winters. If I get a winner, I pay twenty per cent. Now he wants that to go up to forty five percent for people in new york, capital gains I'll, never buy another stock. Why would you you'd be insane buy a stock and therefore the companies that depend on that revenue all right, we'll have to downsize? This is all basic economics in a capitalistic system. He doesn't want a capitalistic system. He wants a social limbs ism system. The one good thing he said is that the government should negotiate with pharma over medicare drugs. Yes, yes, I am one hundred percent behind that bring those costs down as low as you can for people.
One medicare and need the drugs one hundred percent behind Biden on net the rest of it is just gibberish. I'm going to give you two sound bites go on the first one. I just met. I'm embarrassed I pointed out, I do I don't have permission to judgment a woman who has health care costs better, sixty six, thousand dollars a year, seven, as dollars a month? Well, guess what? How can you possibly deal with that or we just dealt with by the way we just do and that's just a lie. I mean seven thousand once times. Twelve is eighty four thousand dollars a year
and he says it's six hundred thousand a year I mean is this like if you're a teacher and you have a student in your class, say and stuff like that, it is go topless, he is hopeless, doesn't know what he's saying cut number two go. That's why I took the most aggressive action ever all of history in any country to take on the climate crisis by lowering your home energy bills, which maghreb republic has voted against. We ve got. We ve now got the point where it's cheaper to generate electricity from wind and solar to this from coal, andorra, fossil That's false! That's a lie. My home bills, heating bills, are up significantly, I'm we're. Yours are, and your air conditioning this summer is gonna, be up, says whatever he wants to say. It is in care about the true anyway, this
budget thing never pass in a million years. I guess he could compromise with republicans. I guess by this point. He is the most socialist president in here We of this country by far is somehow some way president Biden approval ratings coming up. According to the reuters pole, which I dont believe it's not a good paul, but I gotta reported to you. So Democrat thirty republican, twenty, eight, independent, thirty saplings, honest thousand twenty three adults. Do you We disapprove of the way Joe Biden's handling his job approve forty two percent, that's up from thirty six percent last summer, okay and disapprove fifty two, it's still a big gap, but I don't believe forty two percent of americans approve of the job Joe Biden doing up with the second question, I generally speaking as the country on the right, I wrote the wrong road right direction. Fifteen percent
the same ball. Ruin track, sixty five. So if, if only fifteen percent think that countries go in the right direction, how could forty two percent say to present is doing a good job, the possible I the polk, woke. I love this usa today, a left wing newspaper, ok thousand twenty three adults, just like the reuters Paul. I guess it's a magic number Democrat thirty republican twenty eight in depth Thirty same number as the The word is paul, perhaps because both poles were done by an organization called ipsos ip s, o s. That could be it areas.
question: if somebody described you as woke, would you consider it an insult forty percent a compliment? Thirty, two percent. I don't know what it means. Twenty six percent is a woke me. Alright, let me explain is woke means you are offended gay if you're woke you're offended you're offended. If somebody is wrong. Pronoun, your friend, if somebody says something, controversial your offended. If somebody is doing something that in your ideological mine, you don't approve of your offended, can you not tolerant, won't woke long tolerance? So if your work, you are intolerant and you want to be a fool. Saw somebody called me work, which is impossible. I wouldn't be offended. I politicos a left wing website, no doubt about it and.
They have a bunch of banned words, they told their people, so you were from political. This is where you cannot say so hard to believe is absolutely the truth. Ok, here are the words that are banned among political, in ploy ease. Politico employees mankind, man made man hunt by law. Go female male, gender, sex woman, man up z there's, a man on me again say because maybe women hunting too. Rachel issues pay not gallery Howdy dirty now
can't say it anymore. I dunno why, but you can crack the whip or something to do with slavery and torture. Cake walk now can say: cakewalk nope, unlike black white, the word white should never be capitalized the capitalized black, but in polish go circles. You can not cap and lies white if you're writing an article immigration. Here's what you can't say anchor baby illegal immigrant, illegal aliens, onslaughts tight away flood in nation surge in vain. army march sneak stealth chain. Migration should be, should not describe a border crisis. I'm out I'm to do any more. You get it right, of your if you're own, to political, I mean yeah, you know what you're getting over there. You know what it is. A good woke Joe Biden,
Now I said- and I hold to this- that jill abide is emerging as a villain s because number one she knows her husband is incapable running this country and wants to see him get for more years, so he can do even more damage. That's pretty bad and is no doubt that she knows what to do so, go or not. But yesterday I wonder if you knew this in National women's day yesterday saw a woman named Alber rwanda from argentina. Forty six years old is awarded. Men of courage, award by gilles by and secretary of state, Anthony blink it so she gets the woman of You weren't only promise she's a man or used to be a man, or
born a man honour, burst The budget is now but he's not a male any longer, because she's translated into a woman of courage, hey? Now I don't really have any comment on that. I mean I think they're I you know, I don't care what they do really. This is from the heart. I don't care what they do, however, and governor Sarah Huckabee sanders from arkansas does care. She tweeted quote its international women's day, a good time to remember that Democrats can even tell you what a woman is. What Stay out of it again, it just doesn't speak to me as the world people
Say I want everybody to happy, I do want everybody to be have every human being. I want them to pursue happiness. That's why I love america. Could you get more opportunity? This will happen. here. They warn us. Ok, so you know about the catch and release the Joe Biden insane policy, the border, where federal immigration authorities are ordered not to detain people to come. ah not keep them in custody and to seek an alternative to detention, alternative to detention means. So a federal judge in florida, I said not t can't whether thou pensacola pointed by donald trump, has ruled
hold that federal immigration authorities lack the power to implement those alternatives on a wise red basis under existing law. So, basically the judge you say look president: I states can make new laws unilaterally can and mine is so. Is this going to supreme court? I hope so. I hope it does once and for all. president chemic laws by moon. Enforce laws anyway update on mexico. So we had a very interesting interview with a journalist from mexico city last side of your concierge premium bill, rightly dot com. You can watch anytime, you want, you can get the transcript
anna polina or de rica, and she is a let's put. Let's put it this way, she buys into one big excuse from mexico about all the chaos down there, roll of tape. I think we have a problem both in mexico and in the united states in the united states. You kind of consumption problem ended up in mexico. We have a production and exporting problem, and then we also import us guns. So it's I I and that's why I think this is a problem that involves both our countries and both our countries need to take it seriously and to cooperate. Well. She has a point, but mexico is never going to cooperate because most mexican officials- maybe I should say many, but I believe it's most.
Are a bribes case, so they never get to cooperate with us, but she's. Correct about the united states is a consumption problem and drug addicts who use vent in all and heroin. Cocaine. Methamphetamine are overwhelming the medical system dying in record numbers. Yet they still consume the product in a mexican government and many of the people. Downers had looked. That's your problem. Don't blame laws because you have all these american drug addicts and the system helps enables drug attics. in places like portland Oregon, san francisco, they'll pay them ya, gotta go give the drogheda cash to buy the heroin or the phantom, ok Give him a little place where they can reject it and they'll let em just right. wild, do whatever they want in public, so we do epoch
resumption problem and a government problem, not a that should exist, none of it! Ok. Now in mexico side he's just pure, unadulterated, corruption. The cartels run the country. We have to take care of that mexico will. Ok dc crime bill insane place, The mayor is Muriel bouser ardent left his socialist They want a new crime legislation that makes easier for criminals case or downgrades vice crimes, robberies car jacking and demands trials for misdemeanours which nobody could pass. We do so all charges will be dropped and the resolution too. It is in congress because congress controls the district of columbia. That's a federal district
so our local. Now they have a local governance. They have to have it but in the senate. Eighty one fourteen voted this insane crime bill, eighty one fourteen so here, the fourteen who want to help knows even violent criminals who they are so dick durban, corey booker ben cardan, Tammy duckworth, IRAN all add Marcie Jeff murkily, Chris murphy, jack reed bernie Sanders Chris van Linda Sheldon white house, will lose with worn peter welsh. all of them are far left far far far far less now Raphael Warnock. He voted present
amphetamines in a hospital he didn't vote. Feinstein is ninety nine years old. She didn't vote and a couple of the guys didn't vote, but it got whacked. Eighty one, fourteen good and Biden is not going to veto it. Okay, let's go back to afghanistan old story, but you should know this. So, according to the inspector general for and reconstruction united states left more than seven billion dollars a military equipment behind when it right not about Ghana stand as soon as by became president so we're talking aircraft almost, billion dollars worth of aircraft K, three hundred thousand weapons being night vision, communications, biometric equipment on and on and on and on seven point two billion dollars, Joe Biden
and and when he ran out of Afghanistan, the level the managers unbelievable. Smart life size. I mentioned yesterday April. Big arena wool, time for bill, O'Reilly, dot, com premium and concierge members. So our goal is to make your membership that you pay for, but it's very very moderate. We keep the prices down, but we want you to make a profit on it. So if you do take advantage of all the discounts, we get premium concierge members because you have to buy gifts route the year. We have a lot of gifts, good gifts and if you re up your membership or become a new premium or concerns, remember If you a free book any free book, you want, including killing the witches which will be out in september. So if you do the math, if you calculate it up your membership fee you're going to get far.
Are more money in your pocket. If you give gifts. and then the most important thing is every night, I'm going to tell you the truth. Now, for millions of americans, the truth doesn't matter any longer, they don't want to hear it did you guys do or you wouldn't be here- you wouldn't be watching me on tv or listening to me on our one hundred radio stations across the country. Okay, you have that's it, that's what I'm selling the truth and I'm going to tell it to you whether it offends sensibilities or does it and I'll back it up now. You don't always have to agree with me and I'm going to read them a letter segment. A lot of people don't agree with me. That's fine! That's fine! We love robust debate.
okay. But when I present something to you, I will back it off so anyway. We hope you renew. We hope you become a member. If you're not it will enhance your life. The concierge program means, if you have a personal problem in your life, you can tell it to me confidentially. You don't even have to give me your full name. If you don't want to ok- and I will try to help you with that problem and it it it's everywhere, I mean I'm doing a lot of travel stuff now, because people are traveling, and I said what about this. What about that? What about this- and I been eighty six countries? I can kind of gadget that alone to have that kind of resource in your pocket. Something goes wrong or you're confused about something it needs some guidance. That's worth way more than we're charging for concierge membership, in my humble opinion, say in history, a march, ninth, eighteen, forty one, one hundred and eighty two years ago,
slaves that mutinied on the ship. I must stop we're set free by the: u s supreme court, it was all the while the tape- the the ok, so years would have it so. Fifty three slaves, forty nine adults for children, were kidnapped from west africa, put on a slave ship supposed to go to Kuba,
got, diverted the slaves, rebelled, mutiny killed to the crew members in and capture the others, and when north, where the? U s navy again, this is in eighteen, thirty, nine, caught up with a ship off the coasts of long island, where I am right now the slaves were taken, any ship were taken to new london connecticut, and then there were court proceedings in the court proceedings. John Quincy Adams, former president of the united states, was the lead eternity and in front of a judge, convince the judge to set
the slaves free all fifty three of them. While there was an appeal by the connecticut authorities and a went to supreme court, seven to one Supreme court said the slaves are free. Why? Because in eighteen o seven the? U s- government signed a treaty with great britain abolishing all slave trade in africa. So it remained. You could have slaves in the united states, but you couldn't bring them from africa. That was the basis that John Quincy Adams, a real hero, used. Okay, that was this day in history, big male segment and final, four, come on. Let's go to the male john concierge member John. Thank you. Why can't someone cut through the bull and say that the cause of any illegal entry to the capital on january sick was failure to provide adequate police protection? Not ok, the police were caught by surprise. They should not have been enough.
Warnings that capital police should have known. This was comic. You are correct that wasn't the cause. The cause was a number of demonstrators wanting to see the capital of the united states in an illegal manner. That was the cause. Lena O'Reilly says, with forty thousand hours of video boiled down to a few minutes. Just about any point could be made. Isn't that what the january six hearings did not, they did far worse. Those hearings ignored any exculpatory, Evidence didn't even get into the security break down. It was a farce lena, they were worse k them. What's going on now, donna concierge member democrats, republicans kitty, spin and cherry pick january. Six, I've concluded january six was a fiasco, absolutely absolutely a fiasco.
Every level susan, the vast majority folks who entered the capital on January six, were peaceful, the fact of the matter is that the building belongs to the citizens and they had every right to enter it. Especially when invited him by the capital police, all due respect, is you're wrong. Number one. The capital was closed to visitors, that day number to the cap, and please do not invite anybody in once, the windows, barriers and doors were breached. The order was to de intensify that's why you saw the capital police walkin around people. They were trying to bring it down, they didn't invite them in ok, number three: all of the protesters violated the law
They had no right to be there. So let steel with the facts and put the emotions aside Nancy. I want to know more about the killing of actually babbitt she died on. Was it ok to killer and hold no one to account? There was a federal investigation of the officer who shot and killed miss bad at the officer was cleared because the federal investigators rule now that the capital police right behind the barrier that was being broken down physically broken down. We're in fear of their lives and if the demonstrators have been allowed through had direct assets into the chambers of commerce that was conclusion, so you can believe it. I believe it, but that's what the investigators, fat, michaela, Nan, Phoenix arizona. I do believe the january six was the fault of the democratic
Aren't you for the most part. The riot was not about what happened or anything trumps said it was a combination of all the corruption thrown a trump by ship pelosi undergoing for four years. Ok, but that's a rest alization, you could be angry about our donald trump was treated. Any was treated unfairly is no doubt about that, but you don't break down doors and put police at risk. That's anarchy. Jeff Alderson pipe stone minnesota bill. Do you think The cartels in mexico will ever invade the mexican regional xor towns. They already have acapulco you can't go to cancun, is under siege. I mean these cartels. They own a lot of these resort towns. Georgia losin see temple pennsylvania premium. Member here come on bill per little. I carry gold, sweet cream,
butter on your sourdough bread, breakfast ape out. You know it's funny, you're right! I just did that. So many again, of irish soda bread this week and I got Carry goal irish border, put it on or you need a little butter on a soda bread and air was delicious. You know. I don't go crazy, it's not the best thing for you, but it tastes great and I did it I too, we are now already reordering The team normal gears is an amazing phenomenon here. So we ordered a bunch of iD shirts, hats mugs bombers, stickers and we're running out, but we're they get ahead of its all. There's going to be any supply chain problem or you'll be able. Get it, but I want you to know these are hot items could bring in summers coming up now, have your premium concierge member, you save seven.
dollars on the shirts right off the bat. Okay, so work again, giving you so much disco that it'll make up for anything you paying in membership fees. So look team normal versus team, crazy, you wanna, be on team. Normal bats are uniform, we hope. Go in and pick up some stuff. Where do the day to not be invidious, I envy I d, I o! U s, I call somebody a pole. Troon the other day stopped the conversation cold, I said, come on, you're being a pole, troon p, o l, t r, o and degree great, both invidious and poltrona good good words back of the final fundamental okay, final thought of the ram next week I'll be on vacation, so I need it and my staff needs. It is a small step elite, but it's
our job we're in a no mistake zone. Here you make a mistake: I made a mistake this week. It was tiny. I said to a writer somebody wrote me a letter from Sai pan that it was american territory. It is not it's japanese territory. We have a big base there. U s as base it's ipad, and but I knew I made the mistake when I said I was thinking of PAMELA, that's american territory in the pacific, so we are an no mistake zone. That means that everybody is work. Extra hard people get tired, I'm a little tired, I'm going down to florida, Stop the do down there I'll report back when I you know we from Monday, when I come back now next week, on the first and and on a radio, and only a district people who distribute the no spare news. We have a lot of good stop because I go
I am not here. We have excellent stuff that you'll like, and so we hope you check back in. We particularly hope that you premium concierge members re up and spread the word. The team normal we want to get a big squad here for summer and I have everybody in the country wearing this gear and it's going to be a lot of fun. We need some fun. We are polarized. Well, yes, but this is fun, we're on t normal and here's the here's. The thing when you wear the shirt or the hat people are going to stop you and say what what's team normal. So I get mails. What can I do? What can I do? What can I do to get the country back on track? Well, yeah, you say: look, this is team normal. We love our country, we think it's noble. We want to improve it in a constructive way and we watch the no spin news we watch O'Reilly K, that's team normal, so you'll be able to engage. I'm telling you and you'll have a lot of fun have some laughs now,
The team crazy members may not like it but blank them right. Ok, we're onto momentum here we're on the march, so we hope you consider that as well I will have a column on Sunday new. and we will see you in about ten days right thanks for watching and listening, really love you guys
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.