« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Colorado Supreme Court Removes Trump From Ballot, a Special Look Back at 2023, Bill's Predictions That Were Right and the Ones That Were Wrong

2023-12-20 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, December 20, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill analyzes the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove Donald Trump from that state's ballot.
  • A special look back at the No Spin News' 2023. Joe Biden's stumbles, where Bill's predictions stand, the best and worst of the year.
  • This Day in History: It's a Wonderful Life
  • Final Thought: Bill's gift to you.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days. You know that the government is pretty trillions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever, if the remain continues its printing and spending the dollar could continue. Its freefall and loses coveted role as a world reserve currency, let's hope that doesn't happen, but Our view things you can do right now, american Ivory goal can show you how to protect your money, your retirement, your heart, earned savings against in nation. By helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio in defence, go. Gold and silver start with a short phone call and they can physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put inside your foot. we're all one k or I r a so. Please call Tax them right now, Ellen bill, o Reilly, sent you call it.
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it gives you unlimited five g data and walmart plus included on select plans for free straight talk. Wireless available at walmart require service on gold or platinum. Unlimited one opera per eligible account paramount, plus a central plan. Only separate registration required additional terms apply. The law here welcome to the no spin news, wednesday december twentieth. Two thousand and twenty three stand up for your country. This is our last broadcast of the year and it will be one of our best. I am predicting now it's up to me to deliver on a promise, and I will wait and see so remember. This is not a pod cast. This is a news cast with awe.
Of the rules and regulations that apply to honest journalism There are not diminishing podcast at all. I'm just saying this is not that and we presented to you throughout the year in for me, sean, honest information and analysis, backed up by facts that can enhance your life. and I we're gonna begin with the talking points memo about this. Unbelievably ridiculous, hello, colorado Supreme court decision It removes the shop from primary ballot in colorado, which take place on march. Fifth, two thousand twenty four. so. The colorado room court all left us all. Democrats rule forty three that trunk can be on about Any here's what the court said quote:
some of these parts, as president trump is disqualified, from holding the office of president under section three because he's just qualify would be a lawful act under the election cove and secretary to list them as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot more detailed recitation of the evident shots present trump. not merely inside the insurrection. Even when the siege on the capital was fully under way. You continue to support it by repeatedly demanding the vice president refused to perform his constitutional duty and by calling senators to persuade them to stop the counting of electoral boats. These actions constituted overt voluntary and direct participation in the insurrection on quote Well, that is not a fact that is an opinion poll, its opinion
because Donald trump hasn't been convicted of anything insurrection, everything else so use in it. And until proven guilty under our constitution, so the colorado rancours violate these rights. No about your violating that we thank you that's not all of us three thing. This is ridiculous. Three and the judges out there, but the phone all over left is now you know like, and we too want him he's not going on about saw read my message of the day on bill: O'Reilly, dot com. I just go down the violations of the constitution that the colorado judges embraced. Now everybody knows even the leftists now, the? U s supreme court is not going to tolerate. This is going to be and that means a colorado has done the country a great service, he's not always with a record justices rule
this colorado action, but they're gonna rule on a lot of things involving the trump prosecution. and they gotta do it fast Cora lose. problem when in the country when, because due process has to be honoured am wrong. Do not want to process anymore, that all right old. Barely they don't. They want for judges, to decide whether donald trump committed a crime because insurrections a crime for judges that no jury, no cross examination, no depositions, no defence they'll this! I don't you want. If you do, there are I used to go to moscow. Right out of jfk airport Organ dollars in washington, you get on a plane,
You can fly to russia and you can watch how that system, because that's what they do their job. limbata with judges. Government just sell you yourselves, Ok, so outrageous, I can't believe it and that's the memo all right now. We're gonna go over some highlights of or what we ve done, this and what happened. Last night, though you didn't see it. So it's on the subject of donald trump, I did bernard Goldberg, dot com, pod spurning Bernie told him. I would do it. I'm a man of my word always when I say I'll do something: I do it all ways that is the o reilly philosophy. so, as you know, bernie gobrias, though, used for donald trump and a lot of people. follow bernie are in the same category. Did I find a problem? I any brown went out at all so on the pipe calves, because-
ernie does raw podcast as honour just short of a half hour, and he a lot of questions about the media and the only got to Donald trump one of his viewers wrote in the letter said: O'Reilly's too soft on tromp. Here's how I replied on not hostile, donald trump. However, I do apologise for anything he says and when he says something don't be. I pointed out, and I can prove it by the united states and trump. He hurried at work outside a kiss. A book. And yet all I bet you your letter- writer didn't read it. stay away from the nazis from this and that and anonymity why
now the man for more than three decades what he says chain years from hour to hour your limit to marry right. He it's like a stream of consciousness, it's like a political, correct syndrome, whatever pops into his mind. He said no said, sir. Ok, reason for that is he's sky. and his whole life he's really say whatever you wanted to say, because the at all, his money and so what you don't like it. So where he sells unless it hurting the individual american. I ignore. What he knew in full, yeah erst as president was for the country and my assessment, an item down the list. It was good for the country, its joy,
his verbiage and his The meaner from there today. That sets a lot of people, but it does it upset me I think it's meaningless. And then we had a lot more bernard, goldberg dot com. You can go, watch supplied, casting sign off, you don't make Bernie happy the point of the matter is that I am a man who evaluates people are what they do, not necessarily what they say. If their defamatory gutter snipes yeah go after you, but if you're A politician is just throwing out slogans on either side level. Concerning what do I care? It's? What you do that and I went on- and it was a little bit more to that discussion say in my assessment- as a historians last journalists dont from
over better than Barack Obama and Joe Biden light years better than bite, but I thought trouble is more effective for the folks particular economically then Barack Obama, now you can disagree with me all day. Long, that's fine! I liked that. But that's my opinion. Trump gives opinions all the time, and now the courts are trying to convict him on his opinions. His opinion was that the vice president could stop the electoral walkout, that's his opinion. It was wrong. I said it was wrong at the time I praised mike pence for doing what he did. Trump has a right to his opinion. That's not insurrection! You have the The declarations but you're running out of time to get the perfect holiday gives good things to say.
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Biden goes to wisconsin. I cant figure this out. I cannot figure this out. he goes all the way to wisconsin on the taxpayer dime for two hours and ten minutes to talk to the black chamber of commerce in Milwaukee. For what Why? Why are you wasting millions of taxpayer dollars going to walking to talk to the black humour? Commerce, it's nothing to all talking to the black chamber of commerce, but you do it when you swing through and do five or six other things. You fly all the way out there and all the way back for that two hours and ten minutes she usual meantime: fifteen thousand migrants, fifteen thousand encountered border patrol yesterday, fifteen thousand in one day and there's Biden up with the shame commerce milwaukee combined, I die
Yet, if you don't know by now- and you do anyway watching and listen to me on a radio now you know, I think, a bit you about the incompetence of the bite administration So on a border chaos here, Numbers say, Joe Biden has been president about it. Million far nationals have countered border patrol eight million and lessen three year and that doesn't count the two million you just got away where that's hen, I think, is more than two million. I got away. That's an estimate, I thirty. Six thousand elements who were encountered by the border patrol have criminal records in their home countries. Thirty six thousand
just is incredible. Twenty eight thousand pounds of bent and always seized. By border patrol underbody. Ok, in one year, bishop one you twenty eight thousand pounds of fetnah. You wonder why hundred and fifty thousand americans are dead and wish your body more walking that on January twelve, almost a year ago here's what I said about the boy saw the boy. It is not going to get any better under by because, as I've said, probably too much- and I apologize if I'm repetitive present by doesn't care about this at all. Our aid is way too complicated for him he's afraid of the progressive left who wants open borders. Everybody knows
Ok, so he's not going to do anything and we went to EL paso. You didn't want to be there. He didn't do any there is a whole charade, so binds got two more years and office nothing's going to get better at the boy A lawyer, I am an Our goal now wasn't hard. I admit what I said on January twelve of this year, Go to a little remembered story: the doorn report, one of my favorites So you will remember that historiae the media cooked up about russian collusion. I first it was. The trunk campaign was being helped by russia and putin again sailor. what that was first, then, after he got into office, it didn't stop trumpeted dares this, and I did that that, would don junior goes on and on and on and on, ok, so trouble Illustration was forced to appoint a special count john door,
in general way on made that appointment on on October nineteenth two thousand twenty theirs or the two and a half years to half years to get basically nothing. He slammed me up the eyes of the fbi. Didn't investigate this, it should have been really going don't do anything anybody to do have years door made a lot of money made a lot of money. Taxpayers money, nothing app Here's what I said on may sixteen of this year go we'll get right to the heart of the report. So you don't have to re three hundred page here is the key past. Quote: video J and f b I should recognise lack of analytical rigour apparent conference. Sure bias and an over willingness to rely
and information from individuals connected to political opponents, cause thus a gaiters to fail to adequately consider. alternative hypothesis and to act without appropriate object. But he or restraint in pursuit allegations of collusion or conspiracy between a- u s, political. Campaign and a foreign power on quote. That, of course, is the trump campaign and rush. So. Basically, that boils down to in pen hetty bureaucratic language, the fbi, did not conduct the investigation in a fair man. Why? Because it wanted Hillary Clinton to beat. There you go, nothin haven't any of them. Ok, the corruption.
if the federal government, in my humble opinion, is at an all time, high worse than the Warren hearty administration. Because powers are being abused here so-
I wanted to find out why. Why is the corruption so bad and sen? Ted Cruz had a fairly good explanation go. The last book I wrote is entitled justice corrupted how the left has weaponized our legal system and it walks through house, starting with Barack obama. The machinery of justice began directed at the opponents of the obama white house, whether it was the irs's targeting conservatives or the f b I or the department of justice going after those who were political opponents. It then traces how, when Donald trump became president many of those hard core partisans burrowed into career positions, at the department of justice and throughout the federal government and for the four years trump was president. They waged war against donald trump. They wanted to bring down the democrat
The elected president, united states bring good explanation, but it's not just the federal employees, that of corrupt it's almost every part of state and federal government's and here's what I said on august thirtieth go. now the reason and progressive movement has taken over the democratic party, and it has- and they have Perfect president, in by new, is so hapless h, P ellie, I says he'll do anything. It pursues, tell him to do because Biden has no principles. No values. No belief system is and for no sees it. the reason that the progressives have taken: control of democratic parties, money, we all know, george soros. You all know how to millions of dollars and palms in their help. Of candidates all over the country, You might know about more exact coburg, the internet, baron hoops
four hundred million dollars into the two thousand twenty presented actual election and nobody knows where that money went or what it did. That's the big election scandal that would trump Allied should have been zeroing anna, I will be voting machines Zuckerberg for hundred million into selected counties political action committees to do why, where's that money who got it. no investigation at all to this day. No investigation at all. That's our corruption. Nothing is Ok, then we go to hunter, might solve,
a lot of cynicism here, because obviously the president's son is a gift to the two of the thirty million dollars. All of the money coming from foreign nationals, huge scandal, no way you can diminish that scam guy the guided nothing for the money, nothing you sold influence because his father was vice president. At that time, honor is flying around the world on air force, to ok, So they get em for not pay in taxes or write any I the mass millions of dollars and pay taxes on it. And then the justice department tries to sneaky plea bargain, where one hundred would not do any prison time and the justice department could never again prosecute him for anything So they charge mary Ellen noriega, says now.
That's insane on august seventeen of this year k and throws the plea bargain out, I predicted that was going to happen on may. ok June July. Three months before it actually happened, I predicted go. My gut tells me, and I have a pretty good god journalistic way. It's gonna happen because so much pressure on. The white house that they'll say these are low level. Beefs how'd, you will go to jail, he'll plead guilty. No doubt doubt my mind plead guilty not going to fight it. Doc, owning with a jury trial in federal court, won't do it K and then he'll get a fine which some friend will pay and he'll get probation or.
To exert some like them. That's what I believe will happen so we're marking this down and when it happens, will play the tape. And that's what would happen if the judge didn't throw it out embarrassing. The attorney general of the united states Merrick arlene the prosecutor, in a case David wise within, they go back to the drawing board under enormous worldwide pressure? Remember overseas. Follow this And now they ve indicted hunter again on nine charge is not three presto magic so under by an answers. I think it's just january eleventh.
A lot of people say: oh the Biden's. They don't care about the idea that you know all that kind of stuff number one. If hunter Biden is convicted of anything- and he will be, I think, she's going to plead not guilty in january, but he'll they'll do another plea bargain. I believe Joe Biden, all pardon him, next day, maybe not the next day, but he's going to pilot Biden will not resign until he pardons hunter that will hap and his brother, Jim, too. Okay. So on september, twenty eighth of this year, I summed up the bye. Dilemma go! But if you combine. All the money that divide and family derive for doing nothing. All of the assistance Joe Biden gave his son and brother by getting on a fallen, having dinner whatever, maybe and the subsequent however, up by
us into barman it be I when you combine at all it's bring Biden down almost hash too, because, more and more and more and more and more right up to election day, twenty four: if he's they can they which I don't believe you will be as I've state okay, so the house committees are going to find out more stuff about your by and I I'll stick to it. I do not think he is going to be the canada in the convention. Democratic inventions chicago august bill have somebody else, not gonna, be in a primaries primary school at, but u n, sick and I could be wrong. I'm not gonna be out What about the production, but I'm still sticking to it, sparked your creativity with the sands. Sometimes you might feel like you're, not creative and you
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designed to help you in your life, you loved ones, your friends everybody. So earlier this year, late summer, early fall stock market was imploding. People were panicking Most americans hold stock of some kind, four one ks and an education funds, whatever maybe most americans have stocks. Stock market is whoop, gone way down lot of people, panicked and sold smart life me all right said this go smart life. Alright, we talk about the stop programme so to stock market since august. First is down about twenty five hundred points. Two thousand five hundred points, as is the dow brutal. Why? Because of the political uncertainty,
If you sell, then you lose and you know, you're, not gonna recoup. That's what I'm telling you to do that, but this is bad. and it's gonna another factor, the binary election campaign by economics. It's a joke, but it's not a funny joe. It's a lot of people, particularly older people, their retirement funds tied in to the stock market. We didn't kill here because we have in common a president and a challenge her. Mr Tromp, who is volatile, so I told everybody not to sell, don't sell, hang up because as quoted. If you sell you lose, you cannot recoup. If you hang on and things
words, which they have you get your money back. I owe you followed my advice because now stock markets headed toward new highs, in just a short period of time. I don't know why. I can't tell you: why and I know in january- February. Am I down another three thousand points, because we have instability in this country, poor leadership. We are at a social civil war but the market. My go up. Another three thousand points. No one can predict no one, no so the prudence.
If you do smart life, your money, your future, your family, I have twenty two percent of my portfolio in the stock market. No more that I'm not putting any more and that's it. The rest are in municipal bonds, which are Short, I'm sure did not making nearly as much money as if I speculated and hid it, but I don't want to do that. I'm a conservative invest I want my money to be protected. I don't put under the bed. I don't think the banks are gonna collapse and don't think crypto currencies taken over and believe any of that very cautious. and it's my age to the younger man, I'm taken more chances, small light. So I hope you like to segment with design it, for you is working
well I'll stay in history. Ok, seventy seven years ago, some twenty of nineteen forty It's a movie debuted in new york city, a wonderful life starring Jimmy Stuart well I'm not a. I can hear me. What Why kay so steward had lived that last point. That was an script that was all here though the movie was a bar where came out
Seventy seven years ago, nineteen, forty six right after the war spent about six, you're, making a movie made three million and it was so unsuccessful. I was nominated for a couple of category awards that the movie company r K, all let it go, didn't protected the right on it. Anybody because they didn't want any more. That's a big abominate well now it's part of the american landscape, a christmas tree In fact, NBC will run again christmas eve. Millions of people love the movie, walkers for me, were the day I may w k. I s age now I, like Donna, we need. I think that is good, but jimmy stewards, very ghetto icons, yeah, but am I going to sit? There was a wonderful life on christmas eve I am, but I know my
members of my family well on I'm happy. They will all the stand. are we now mail segment? And now we have a gift for you, a special gift for you So remember in october, late october, when I did alive show at the I'm on theater and huntington long island blast. We everybody great time, places mobbed and chauvelin offer. well, so we have not distributed chow because it was unfair to the ticket holders. People pay to see us by I'm gonna run by four minutes of it and I think you're gonna, like this clip and that's my present to you- would take a short break. be right back. Ok, let's go to the may. All we ve got sharon, so the priests can bless same sex couples. But they still can't be married in the catholic church. This
it's like an appeasement to the dea people to include gays in the catholic churches. Recognition. Why not recognize him, though? Aren't you look you're gay, you're, gay, but all I care. I don't care that doesn't matter to me and I get I stay outta all of that, but the church is trying to bring compassion to the world so that they're not characters aren't condoning homosexuality they're, not promoting it they're, just saying if a gay couple What comes in and wants to be get a blessing that the priests can give him a boa. I don't I don't see with the downside that is I and I just don't, and you know I always go back to ah Jesus,
with the woman who is going to be stoned to death for adultery and he stood star and said cast the first stone of your without said. Nobody could that is a key portion of the movie killing Jesus based on my book. really well done scene? I was exactly producer, so I know it just might be a good thing to do or watch you can get it. You know rent it for christmas season. I think that was the best of the killing movies, okay, scott Banning tucson arizona. Bill, you're, not sure on courage. Thank you for You do. I appreciate a compliment. Scott. You said you think, I understand his voters will floated trop if he dropped out of the rain. I disagree. I think I'll go Nicky Hayley, because both served his governors and ran southern states.
Ah the reason they are voting for dissent as they don't like trump in all of the polling dairy on a republic inside Scott. They ask if you don't, have this person who's your second choice and their dissent as voters overwhelming say: trop sought you get his agree with me on just giving you the facts, because we do fact based analysis if dissenters drops out, your eye, which I believe he will get wax there. I think trumpet benefit Johnson at last to georgia. I do believe that of propaganda campaign on his accomplishments would win, pull the majority of independent voters over
many of the undecided- are fearful it's to be four years of revenge from trot. Ok, I absolutely understand every word of it. I dont know what donald trump would do if reelected, all I know, is what we did when it was in their barbara flaherty hello, pennsylvania, merry christmas bill. Thank you, barber. In fact filled year on the record wishing you and yours all the best you and your team work very hard to present the best information. I am relieved. Holly is better enjoy your time off and my staff works
very hard you know they're all over the country used to be when I was on fox everybody was in new york and we'd have our meetings. Now we have the meetings on a phone and they're everywhere all over the place, but the discipline is the same that they get segments, they get research and they have to do it has to be accurate and when it's not accurate, I can be a little testy. I admit it because I have to impose that discipline on my staff can't make mistakes here, because we are so much better than the network news and the cable news we it's light years better than they are and if you think, I'm bragging, okay, I'm just stating a fact. You watch an hour of the no spin news, listen on the radio and then you tune it Any other national broadcasts- and you compare information flow here too there. I rest my case Alice
Happy holly is doing well. I have great admiration for all the outstanding. That's hats off the doktor Jeff young of denver. Well, I will be happy to hear from you alice, look you to find good doctors for people much less animals, but they're out there. Told you I'd. I had to go through a number them before I got the guy that saved holly's life. early saved your life. Since nineteen, seventy nine tire act outcome has been helping. People find the right tyres for how what and where they drive they sell only the best like the full line of good year tyres, test results, ratings and reviews are there to assist or try to tire decision guide to get a personalized tyre recommendation tyres fastened. Free to you or to one of over ten thousand recommended installers in many areas they offer mobile tire installation, shop, goodyear, tyres, tire act outcome,
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which is or any of my others. Your choice fabulous gives, in our view, respect people Well, if you know that there are good folks want honest information, you give him a premium membership. I mean that's how a year a whole year, a gift that keeps on giving as the cliche goes. You know, they'll give it to some people. Don't care give it to somebody. You know really wants the truth, cause we'll give it to you and next year, two thousand twenty four. As I said one of the most Ward years in american history not have big, that is an election, and, and so we have other stuff, but we can we'll do the best that we can get it to you. Bill O'Reilly, dot, com, christmas store. Where does it end and be of sequitors o b s? E q? U
I owe us do not be obsequious run in a bill or bill o'reilly dot com, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, name and town name in town. If you wish to opine right back with my christmas gift to you, ok, fine thought of the day. Merry christmas to everybody, and I gotta go So we did a shawl live, show soon. Rosenberg and myself as the paramount theatre huntington, we love that place better to our show big hit. Everybody loves, and we know that because we have people in the lobby, afterward ask it up. And the show was a new york state of mind. We have new york was when I was growing up and how it is now When I was in urgent, we had again Not a gang like west side story, the sharks and the jets we'd have switched blades
a guy you guys doing a crew didn't call it a critically we were harmless, but annoying gay.
and some of those people in the neighborhood they're not like us very much. I told that story, and here it is go so my gang were wiseguys. We weren't destructive, we weren't the sharks and the jets with the switchplates. We didn't do that, but we were annoying very annoying to play stickball on patients only one time and again to the value system. There everybody in the neighborhood, respected the right of the children to play in the street that was part of the culture of new york played mystery right. So we had a couple of small deans members: ball beans, you guys out there and they went about thirty five cents, a piece which was big money back then so one of the guys citizen, humongous home, run in a goal.
One of the guys laugh and a guy's name was over and no one liked him. He runs out. He takes the ball, he takes it. He runs in the house with our ball are small. The your silence, ok, board, meeting over just adjusted mcdermott's house. What are we going to do? I'm a genius at this I said: here's. What we're going to do over wagner has two little kids, two and four, or something like that at nine o'clock tonight Dave mc devitt, who is maybe eight, is going to climb a tree outside over wagner's house and he's going to tape.
alarm clock to the tree and we're going to set it for ten o'clock. I had the alarm clock. It was the loudest alarm clock in the history of alarm clocks, so Dave who didn't know anything. He said we gave him a three musketeers a day, europe that tree tate with it, which he did. So there we are work, rushed the street in the bushes and a clock and it doesn't stop and then the kid start to cry And then all the lights Then he runs out in his shorts. and he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know where it is it's in the tree, but even worse,
Are we used our I was. It was so he calls the police I know we split up so we run. I literally ran through the backs of all the houses to get to my house and go up the back stairs the bear, no matter what it was a close call. I wouldn't be here right now, my father and he you gotta call my father gotta call because I know, for a while that behind it and my gang was behind it, but I'm up and I hear- is woken up. The member that woken up up the stairs york it up. I got away with it now. The funniest thing so anyway, I'll be like the sword.
As an age of innocence. That was, I would say, nineteen sixty four sixty three and they're not range beatles just common around and I had dinner with some of my crew that are mentioned in a piece about three weeks ago. I everybody still keeps in touch levitt, town, and it was just is when you are thinking about past christmases. You know you conjure up these really good funny. Member is- and you know, this is the first My ever admitted to do it. I think the statue of limitation, run out on waking up little kids in the night, but actually happen. So I hope you like the story of my gift to you
and the whole thing. If you buy the bundle of author teen killing books, you get the whole show a download it to you. So we are not doing this for promotion. I genuinely thought you would like that story and that's my christmas gift to you. But if you want to see the whole thing you can buy, getten bundle. Ok, thank you very much as usual. This is our last. of the year, and I appreciate your most loyal, smartest audience in a world that you guys. We are millions of people now watching us on you tube and on bill o reilly dot com on the first. All our partners are distribution all over the world. There are some countries have block us by the way. I'm gonna tell you about them in january, but a lot of countries don't
and now we're getting reaction from everywhere. But it's you here in the united states, that's the core crew and makes us the most successful, independent news agency in the world. That's who we aren't night, so thank you very much on which had a very merry christmas, very happy. here. We'll see you january. Second, we know georgia, politics from peach tree street a pencil vainly avenue politically georgia podcast delivers exclusive news and analysis five days a week by a team of better and political insiders, watching your public officials hosted by the atlantic journal constitution, gregg, loose dean bill now get tee a middle and patricia murphy. Listen we days at ten a m on w h being ninety point, one stream everywhere or at age. Ac. Dotcom forward, slash, podcast news in analysis. Five days a week from politically georgia, I gasped,
Transcript generated on 2023-12-21.