« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

CNN Shake-Up, Trump Indictment Watch, Illegal Immigration Subterfuge, America's Migration, Jesse Kelly on Fighting Communism, & More

2023-06-07 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, June 7, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down why CNN fired their boss and what it means for the media
  • The latest on the likely indictment of former President Trump
  • An important report on an immigration loophole used by the Biden administration
  • Hotels leaving San Francisco
  • The First TV's Jesse Kelly on the No Spin News
  • This Day in History: The legend of Daniel Boone
  • Final Thought: Bad parents

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending, to what it was, four months ago. There will be here with your message today. Next The chairman of the fed is promising more pain had last stocks dropped twenty. Percent. and this year could be. You are right to be worried, so call the only precious metal deal or I trust american hartford go I'll show you protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with the gold and silver since in a client and spokes person the price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent. Please call today and they'll: have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door, put inside your eye are a or for o one kay. tell him bill o sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver on your first order
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copy of my new best selling book killing the legends. So come a bill riley dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't we learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom, slash, ad free, that's morally, dotcom, slash, ad free arriving here. Welcome to the no spin news june, seventh, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country: Well, we have a store, you're, not gonna, hear anywhere else to lead the programme this and it's a frightening story. If you stay I can really analyze what's happening and it happened. Would cnn, but not really, it has to do with freedom.
And that is the subject of this evening's talking points member so the boss in charge of CNN is gaining chris licked and he did it bear shawl CBS morning show anything we're about fourteen months and they wakeham today they farm and he was high shared by one ambrose discovery- the parent company of cnn to me, in our work from a left wing operation to a more moderate presentation and whose hard, as I said fourteen months ago, he couldn't do it right. The cultures to grain left. He fired don lemon, he fired bunch of other people who were fanatical left is but He alienated people by doing that. Now, let's laws, the guy whacked m, is named david tsars, love.
right he's the ceo of warner discovery since two thousand, a eighteen he has in compensation, received five hundred million dollars. In a five hundred millionaire with taxes and all of that he lives in California. I think so. He walks away about two hundred thirty million range. so he fires linked and There's a woman to take his place and I'll. Tell you about her in a moment but why exactly was Chris licht fired because of donald trump So on may ten, as everybody knows, we and had a town hall with former president drop, it gaga Brady. Much much better than they usually do, because their ratings are turned. Cnn and have been for years.
Now that alone could have gotten lick fired, but you don't fire somebody in fourteen months, when you're trying to turn the whole operation around, and you got to give them about two years and to be fair, but Wants tromp appear on cnn in that form. The far left Mobilise against licked, that's very important that you understand that so here are in a coordinated assassination profile, the media companies that each each of them, hit piece on licked after the trunk town hall, the atlantic magazine new york magazine- los angeles times, axioms vanity, fair huffington, post new york times Washington, post, so
political rolling stone magazine, the hollywood reporter and pr the guardian, the daily bees salon the nation new republic blossoming globe seattle times? Okay, so they each did individual hit jobs on lech. That's not a coincidence. This was well coordinated, and that is the point I want to get across to you this evening. There is no corresponding coordination on the right in conservative precincts in this country, but the far left controls corporate media and the message that they just sent because linked with fire. Today every single meeting
margo is, if you benefit donald trump, if you'd all shun him we'll come and after you had is them Such that they did that when I left fox news- or I know exactly what's happening here- and some people were courageous, like John Hannity and others and allowed me a forum, but most did not because cabal, basically threatened that you put o'reilly on you. Let him say anything common after you, so I what I'm talking about here, because I went through it now. How does it work? It works because sallow linsky member that day saw linsky was com, Lest any developed a problem,
I'm cold rules for radicals number. Thirteen in rules for radicals is quote: picked the target Freeze it personalize it and polarize it and that's what they did to chris lick k day in and day out. They denigrated. Here now, this same crew that we just put up on the screen, and I read on the radio, so you could hear the names pretty much as marginalize the fox news channel with the help of fox and whose channel management management this key didn't just like cnn management did with fire and lick, but again, look didn't really perform the ratings to an end have been terrible for years. They had to do something right, but foxes ratings, worst spectacular
when I was there last quarter, I was averaging almost four million people watching at eight and another two, two and a half and eleven nobody's ever going to come close to that again, but the cabal is more powerful than the economic profile and the cabal has been after fox news for decades and finally, because of circumstances and fox news has been marginalized, gay cabal dancing on that grave there and in are coming back by the way they'll beat cnn and MSNBC, because nobody watches either they're not going to MSNBC. Maybe a million people cnn, a half million is nothing there's nothing. Then
it really benefited from all. This is news max day of added a lot of viewers in prime time now the woman who's taking chris licks place cnn. Rarely, they say is named Amy and tell us. I worked with her at a b news for two years she has a liberal woman, Vassar com judge, columbia, university masters and journalists. not a raving left wing loon, a corporate type. but she will allow the culture at see an end to go back to its left wing, see it was impossible for lick to change anything. because all of the people at sea and on the air- and I mean a hundred per cent of our liberal people-. Nor on any conservatives, are even moderates on the air and at work.
though it would be like asking me say I always working for somebody, and I am a traditional independent. That's what I am some people say conservative, but I can give you ten. Poor believes that I hold that are not conservative, so that who I'm traditional, I'm independent That would be like an executive, walking, enemy and say o you're gonna be woke from now on the air. I would I mean I walk right at the door when lot people need a paycheck, but you Here I come in to see around and say diego. More modern as are all looking at you go nowhere, liberal, that's who we are and we always been that way and we're always going to remain that way. That's why lick couldn't move it. He couldn't move the dial all right, but again the importance of this story is that this cabal is so powerful in the fall
left and well financed and well coordinated, ok that they have intimidated every single media company in this country. You, don't you, give Tromp afore come after you. that doesn't apply to conservative networks, but any other network abc NBC. All the morning shows all the late night shows everything trump is to be shot and that's what they're going to do in the twenty four campaign, and that is a memo. If you have any questions so any part of the memo and I can back and all up a hundred percent. Will it bill o reilly, dotcom, billet, bill, Reilly,
calm, name in town. If you wish to open and remember this affects you directly, because the news coverage in this country Is undeniably slanted laugh and people who don't follow the news here? All of this you go against that tied, incorporate, and you'll get with Chris lick? The hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu. I did nothing on schedule today I mean it's wednesday sketches nap day.
tomorrow is gonna meet with the british prime minister refused sumac at the white house for talks on climate and ukraine. We won't know anything about that because vital, probably not hold a press conference bologna may take it you you never know the british prime minister s pretty big, so maybe they'll city the chairs in law, but few question may be, but and then, on friday, jill and Joe go to north carolina to say hi to that's, that's it its trump scared no reports of anything. As airy told you. Yesterday an indictment The federal level trump people believe it's coming quickly. So today, wednesday, one thirty in the afternoon. Here's what donald trump put out on truth, social quote.
wow, this is turning out to be the greatest and most vicious isn't of election interference in the history of our country Remember I am leading geese, is big the paul's but, more importantly, on leading Biden by lot. Also, and perhaps importantly they are launching all of the many fake investigations against me. right smack in the middle of my campaign, something which is unheard of, and not supposed to happen, parliament of Is behind br new york attorney general new york deviate atlantic, a fascist all on quote, ok point oh and he's to it. Now there is a statement on released that that I understand trump people are going to put out. I don't know whether it will be videotape of the president. I don't know how it is saying that the special prosecutor, jack smith, as violated the law, don't know why
It's going to say. I know it's there and are waiting to see when smith schooner announced the indictment, There is a grand jury in miami on mar a documents their testimony and today. But where is coming down and of course, we're on it. Let's go to the migrants. So one of the things that you hear from the propaganda laden american press is that migrant interactions with the border patrol. k, which is unlawful entries. That's the category. Our down seventy percent since may eleven, that's what's being reported well, pretty experience in this area- and I see this- I got something suspicious here, but not the network
or MSNBC or cnn. They just tell you that they don't tell you what's behind the scenes now I will So it is true that awful entries. That means people back and forth the border patrol down seventy percent, but still thirty four, hundred a day doing the math that's more than a million a year, which is still a catastrophe. However, he called the heritage foundation, we really good investigative place. They do good work, heritage foundation, okay, we talk to a laura rees and say she's. An expert on border security is what's goin on what is going on Migrants can now apply for asylum through the internet. There is a website that you can go
two, if your anywhere outside the united states and apply. Then you get a number if you, there and cross the border and give the number to the border All or costumes or whatever, so you walking across in tijuana to san diego, send you Sidra by demonstration waves, you in that's not on unlawful entry, that's how they get around it. That's the shell game, so tens of thousands and of migrants are doing this on the internet get their number given it to the border authorities.
Wave then, and they let him go wherever they want. They put their name and a computer and say show up in five to ten years four year asylum area and have a good time. Did you know that to you didn't know that that's what the vitamins traces doing! That's called subterfuge. That's called dishonesty you're, not telling you the american people. What this is really about. They joined up a phoney game. You're not supposed to be released in the united states. Are I, if you are applying for asylum seekers, to wait in your home country? or another place until its adjudicated horrible in america. There's another migration, you, citizens that I'm sure illegal aliens stow their onboard so to go
from the corrupt big cities like new york, where I am chicago los angeles, san francisco they're, going from these places sky high? axis no public safety. People are moving to the big cities, they're, moving too, are austin texas number one Tampa and orlando Florida Houston, phoenix vegas and atlanta dallas charlotte. Also so they're coming out of california and new york, mostly illinois, got a problem. Massachusetts got a problem. All high tax massachusetts doesn't have an out of control crime problem by the way. Boston is as even though it's run by liberals has managed to contain that, but the taxes.
So why hot people leave. So this is great migration. I mean millions and millions and millions of people. I got a letter today from a concierge member direct access to me and it's private, so I'm not going to tell you it was that I'm moving from new york to palm coasts, florida. But I don't want to dry my cars down there. I've got a couple of cars. How do I get them down? So I told the guy is how you get them down. Get is what you get with: concierge membership and- and I, my friends bunch of them. I moved to florida. From new york now its average just go to more big hotels, closing in fact the hilton francisco in part fifty five are basically walking away from their mortgages descent. We're walking out we're getting out of here because of concern
over three conditions as crime and reduce convention business nobody's gonna, that's two more giant hotels, closing in addition to all the department not all but Many department stores walmart all it those just goes gonna, be a ghost town he's on be centrally walkin around stone. That's words: gone catholic league they're trying to fight- and this is an interesting story. They try to fight the los angeles dodgers for honouring the Chris. Hey group on the gay night at the dodgers stadium, the sisters of perpetual indulgence who put on the show I understand in Dallas this week pretty grows. Anyway. The catholic league says launched a radio add campaign on key. We see radio and Ella so
said: ok, give us yet we'd like to run it it'll help your campaign. Now we can get it so What does that tell me? I don't know whether their misleading or they do Like me, I don't know, but I'm not taken seriously ever again nancy below right, so it is a gay night in washington at the nationals park, ok and who throws out the first ball nancy Pelosi relative. mary, the wash their national, showed its brides and either home team most deprived died out for the eighteen years, oh, that's tell us. This is the longest running pride event in major league baseball former speaker, the house nancy billows, either
the ceremonial first page. You can see a right there. She was recognised for all the work she has done. Fighting for the urgent need to keep less community. I met, torres caught up with the right actor pitch it was like to be recognised so powerfully such high in the air. Our eye there. It is I gotta give her a compliment eighty three years old. She threw the pitch better than barack obama up and she so proud. I'm so glad I am look. You gotta understand some doubt me. I am a live and let live. Guy you're, an adult you wanna, be gay, began, be happy We gay! I care, bother me in the least and when I was
school teacher and I'm going to write my message of the day about this tomorrow. I stuck I stood up for those gay kids who are being bullied in school and they were being bullied bad. Okay, that's not okay with me, but trying to indoctrinate people in a certain lifestyle like trans and taking children, and given them propaganda about lifestyle matters. They don't understand. No, that is not happening here, gay, while I'm in place now. Do I care the washington nationals allowed Nancy Pelosi to throw out the first page. I do not care. Do I care they? at gay day. No, I don't want to go to gay day watch the nationals. You go right ahead, but I'd like to see traditional day, I'd like to see honoring the constitution day at the nationals park in our nation's capital,
That fair, I think that now there's indoctrination stuff is causing social upheaval all over the country. You know that right and so we see target, we see the dodgers. The dodgers by the way are falling apart on feel. As I put did, the god with so they lost yesterday, blew a number. global lead I now they're all matter the dugout I add on, but anyway I can't see the dodgers prospering but could be. anyway, this social upheaval about all a trans stuff which basically back home into the gaze of art, is causing people to get angry. and sometimes you act out in a way. That's not fair, as I said before, a lot of gay people don't like this trans stuff, particularly when it's aimed at kids. I get letters all the time and I read so.
Now, it's all part of a breaking down traditional american society and there is a new book called the anti communist manifesto to great book covered by the way one of the best but covers I've, seen it I'll buy. Jesse Kelly, you may know him he's on First tv, along with me, I had, is a nationally syndicated radio program. The jesse kelly show- and I think it took them like five days to come up with that title, but I'm not sure Kelly and the jesse kelly show is widely debated about what we should call. The radio show. You know pill, that's se buddy initially, when I got that spot the nasty get a radio spot. They wanted to call it something else. It was something I forget america now or america, first or sudden, and I thought what that's that's kind of confusing, plus I'm so arrogant that I just really wanted. It mainly focus me, you dear me, as I am the same way. The around fat adder. Now then,
If the venues where you're on now it's a little bit different, but everybody knows I run that operation. So I'm reading your book and it's essentially about a car in its movement that you believe is well under way in this country and how to fight against the anti communist manifesto, but I'm still unclear about who exactly you feel this communist. So is president Biden communist in european Or depends on how you want me to answer that question? I want you to answer either by your point of view, is buying. New com is, of course he is now. You may not be one of the ones that's doing. The thinking, of course, is not one of the ones are doing the thinking. I think everyone can agree on that, but if ten guys are sitting in front of me with ball bats and one guy wants to beat me to death with it into the guys, don't really want to, but they'll go along with the group of everyone else does. Does it really matter to me that it wasn't there idea and they don't we
What I feel like it ok about legitimate is, is watched. Let's stay specifically, you rightly define early in the book. The anti communist manifesto, what communist its its people, who support the abolition of private property, that no private property issued exists at, would call marge and angles stalin castro now
no private property. You have no power as a human being. The state tells you what to do. That's communist now Biden doesn't believe. Does he that's not communism? That was the original definition they sold to people? That's not, as I lay out in the book. The actual way it works out. Communism has nothing to do with nationalization of this or the government telling you this or government telling you that communism is simply the religion of the malcontent bill. That's why in the soviet union they went after the urban poor, they told the chinese. When the chinese communists were coming out. They said a focus on the urban poor and now in the chinese said no that stupid. We don't have now contented urban poor here in China. We have now contented rural poor here in China
where we go it took on a different form in Cambodia. They try to do the same thing here, focusing on the workers and that fail, because our workers have an excellent standard of living here, just never caught a whole, but in the original that lorries near rate, any original communist manifesto private property is abolish. So your expense
The thing that I think in your analysis of the of the problem of communism, am I right there? Yes, and no I'm not expanding it. They did it never took that form. It never took that form. Originally, that's how they sold it. All communism is based on deception, of course, we're going to help the workers and make things equal and, of course, that, but it never it never once took on the form that even marx envisioned it would take on it just took on it's always a murderous totalitarian form, and these murdering savages always rose to power by focusing on the MAO contents of any society where they are, we in america have different ones here. That's why they changed tactics. We didn't know about contented workers, we add angry black people who are being mistreated. We have angry gays, we have a very feminist cause. Feminists are always friggin angry. We have angry climate change, people who think you're su vs burning
the planet there malcontents their bitter. They want a burn. The place down, people like not Joe Biden but the Klaus schwab's of the world. The bill gates of the world jeff bays owes the com is, who are around Joe Biden. They know they can use those malcontents. They can use their anger to get power and burn down the country. They hate I see I see more of a totalitarian movement than a doctrinaire air communist movement. These people that you use
I mention all have one thing in common: they don't have confidence that we, the people, will make right decisions. They think we're a bad country from the jump we ve always been racist. We always persecuted people, but they don't they're, not property, driven as much as they dont want freedom. Freedom is what they're, after they want to impose trans communists bill, but that's all communist builder, all that weigh up the communists. Take over north korea, as you well know, They were selling the same thing: it's not that they were about seizing private property. They saw themselves the kim's, the king family as kiev, there's no private romany and whenever rear, judging there's, no private property in north korea, Is there a euro separating all the talent, terry and bill? Yet it's all to tell it to you. Emily movies is now It is a question I at the beginning of this programme when over the fire
media cabal that got chris licked fired a big name in there, and I ran them all down. What's in it for them to push this totalitarianism the same thing, that's always in advil power power and money is what's in it for them, because they always believe all of them do. They always believe the street communists, the antifa, the street trashed all the way up to the bases they all have convinced themselves that they will be the ones sitting at the seat of power when all the chairs have stopped being filled after the music stops. They always convinced themselves. If I burn down enough, if I help this guide burn down enough, if I destroy enough in the end, I will get all the things. I've wanted, that that guy has an output
if my enemies and it'll work out fine, but actually that's the only good part about communism. Bill is in the end it ends up eating all of them, they'll all burn in the end. Everyone goes down well, either alive or dead. Final question: for you, Joe Biden's, the farthest left, We ve never had, he makes obama looked like barry goal water. If you really understand what Biden enables The kind of thinking he enable justly border along just that alone is so insane, but I don't believe that Joe Biden has any clue about what what he is doing and what it is going to lead to. Am I wrong? No you're, not wrong is a useful idiots. Susan rice is the thinking. Brian D says the thing you know all these names we'll all these commies who were around all of their all Barack obama people. Now, there's no more barak obama to say: hey
slow down on that hey that looks bad. You have this doddering old fool as commander in chief who doesn't have the reins held back on any these people he's a useful idiots, as most communists are I use you tromp owing to keep an open mind and geo p. I dont care either way I like trump odd. I, like the santa santa trumps trump's public comments about the covert stuff. Rob me the wrong re right now, but I'm vote for either open the third, a nominee. That's for sure we gotta stop. Matters. The book saw. The anti communist manifesto, you like to cover. Did you design it? That's good? I did what I didn't. I didn't bill. I told him. I wanted it very sympathetic. in all the splashing cover I wanted it to be simple. I when I do I design all mine and that's. Why am I I just caught my eye- was good good luck with the book jesse. We appreciate it very much thanks for coming on Thanks bill
guy, smart life, so there's enough, it call public square. You gotta get a kid to help you it's an app its public s. Q dot. Now I couldn't find, is apt to save my life, but I just bring in the urgent. I go gift, zap public s, Q thought and it lists all of the company is not all, but hundreds of that state for traditional american buys is a very easy smart life tipp. So if you can find the app yourself more power to you I'm an idiot, I'm a lot. I I can't I just poet and urgent public. Its cue find it for me. They do in about two seconds
It's a narrative, so then you can go and you can, you know, buy from those people or peruse it whatever. You want to do smart life this day in history june. Seventh, seventeen sixty nine, while its early so, a guy named Daniel boone begins exploring Kentucky as all daniel, ok, interesting, lorries, one november second, seventeen, thirty four outside of philadelphia, he becomes a woodsmen are in He moves carolina some other place with his family buddies. Basically, a restless kid and he knows everything about the words about rifles and knives and tomahawks and he's got a lotta guts we explore the appalachian mountains, sustainable as young man, and he found And finally, boonsborough in Kentucky the first english speaking settlement west of the, appellations. Now the revolutionary war breaks out boom
of course, is part of the militia support. Putting the colonies and he fights the native american tribes signed on with the british member of the british paid a lot of indians defied on their side and a revolutionary war boon for them: so long war, but we prevailed and then bone got little antsy with kentucky and move the missouri, talk about a wild places and he stays there. until his death at age. Eighty five live that all back then eighty five, the guy and if he's got, bears come inanimate indians to dinner Eighty five and it became very famous because a few newspaper people wrote about him. It got all over the world. He was married, to his wife, rebecca for fifty years now, half a century.
And children daniel bone story, kentucky exploration two hundred fifty four years ago today male and a final thought about that parents. Ok, let's go to the male. We got rick rom denny in argyle, Concentrate bill, witnessing woodrow wilson with Joe Biden the real question, who are the people actually controlling his presidency and jesse Kelly? Just just named a few of them rice is gone. Ron Klain is gone, but it's the same kind of people. You know very far left committed and they just tell Biden what to do. They write his speeches and he reads: that's what's happening there Ruth broke in Israel, Jordan, valley routes, I can understand why most of the republican candidates.
I have no chance of winning but want to become fairly famous, so they can be considered as vice president, but why is It's gone it I think pence. All of them have one thing in common: they think that tromp might be derailed, biology, legal stuff What he's signing up to run for president republican ticket? Its look, we can't be tromp outright, but it take him out legally, then the field is up and I think that's what pence is considered kathleen, william sumter south carolina with a civil war started. It builders We're gonna get credit for the fact that miracle and is not on the supreme court. Absolutely Mcconnell block tis. You remember Merrick ireland's nomination to this report so that turtle
gets credit jillian message board. Seventy nine years ago, today, american allied soldiers embarked upon a great crusade, evasion. France, a free europe from nazi tyranny. When I think of the sacrifices made that day, my father in law was wounded on utah beach and look at what the country is now. My heart is grieved lot of a tradition. People feel that same way, chilean, even ten fifteen years ago, we this radical left stuff, wouldn't have been in the market. Was it is troubling doubt about it? Glenda? I wish you had asked even a smith where he draws line with regard to live and let live. Same way, I'm a christian and I hate all the world transgender stopped. But I do not hate transgender people. I do hate what they are trying to indoctrinate children, not all of them, but the children thing is worrying. Gotta protect kids. They should not be in doctor.
Pat concierge member bill, good advice today about bringing stressful down during the summer, U I read an exercise on a daily basis, the other crucial thing to do to distress yourself. Stay off the roads. There are too many crazily lotta, crazy drivers after there are. I see him boy, carol, cause yours member. I love to take a long walk down of the lake while listening to the no bad news. There you go Sometimes I agitate Y know I do I don't do purpose, but anybody was wrong- opinions agitation, some time, but I'm glad you got the nice lake out their girl. Ok Bilbil, o reilly, dotcom, dot, com bullet darker name in town. If you wish to opine, let's go to others day. We have been telling you that for eighty nine dollars you can get a premium membership forget aggrandize, entire year, plus all staff.
Her team, noble a hat and the mug and a bumper sticker free fabulous deal best. I can do dad's reader, killing the legends killing mob together. Eighteen box, you knock it off and at lower anywhere else in the world, killing crazy, harsh united states trump together. Eighteen bucks at thirty six box for four books. You want All I know is a fabulous deal now get a lot of letter say why don't you make the work of the day more positive? Sometimes it's not it's fun, but I will today I want it all to be perspicacious, p e, R s, p, r c, a c. I o! U S! I hope you are perspicacious. Back with a final thought. The moment. So here is a final thought of the day. One of the troubling
things about american life is that we have so many bad parents now little background here. My parents control my life for about seventeen years little bit more. When I reached the age of seventeen- and I had an old jalopy that I can drive around- was a nash, a little box car. I called it the white well, it was great ones that have, and I was on my arm essentially, which is I would make, but my parents in traditional folks they were way out of their league as too I should a war war to people. Then, when the late sixties hit, they had no idea was happening and it was way beyond their scope, but I had traditional operating italy, my father in the financial realm, and you know when you're in the house you absorb, I didn't, have any crazy conduct at my house. No drinking drugs
no denigrating minorities. That, in this didn't happen, are right. We lived a very conventional working class existence, so my parents were aces, and I did my duty as a son, and I help them in my adulthood as much as possible. help them. That's my duty, that's your duty! So anyway, there are a lot of bad parents and I knew some of them. I could see some of my friends getting the hell kicked out of them alright and for no reason I thought I did hit me around a little too much, but covered meal is alive. And if you have a bad parent and you a child that psychologically scars you forever and you can see it, the prisons are full of people with derelict parents, parents who are addicted to substance. They are brutal or violent they're, not present, they're gone, you don't have a young
without a father. I was a big brother in a family where the father was irresponsible, as I've ever seen. I had three. ok. I know I help them particularly the two boys. But there are a lot of bad bad parents. Government can't do anything about it and we're seeing it more and more and more and more as the kids act out and commit crimes become violent crime, antisocial, sell drugs become addicted to drugs, whatever it may be, and again government can't do it. It can't intrude, Apparent so when you think about what is happening in this country b, a good parents and grandparents right be kind but be ized. The kids will respond to that.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.