« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Climate Change Shift, Biden's Inflation Deflection, Soros Supporting Pro-Hamas Groups, Curtis Sliwa on New York's Christmas Tree Protests, Arizona Border Chaos, & More

2023-11-28 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday November 28, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill lays out the problems with the Climate Change agenda and President Biden's shift from the issue.
  • Joe Biden is shifting the blame when it comes to inflation.
  • Billionaire George Soros is now funding pro-Hamas groups. 
  • Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa joins the No Spin News to discuss a planned disruption of New York City's Christmas tree lighting ceremony by pro-Hamas protesters.
  • An update on the latest issues plaguing the southern border.
  • This Day in History: Ku Klux Klan Trials
  • Final Thought: Connecting with friends.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days. You know that the government is In trillions of dollars in consumer prices, higher than ever If the government continues its printing and spending the dollar continue its freefall and lose coveted role as a world reserve currency. Let's hope that doesn't app. but there are a few things you can do right now american harvey gold can show you how to protect your money. You retirement your Hard earned savings again inflation by helping you diversify a portion of europe, folio physical gold and silver start with it your phone call it can have physical gold and silver delivered writing your door Put inside your four or one k, or I are so please collar tax them right now, colombo, o reilly censure, call seven, seven, four: four for gold,
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and out west in jackson, why only? It was nine degrees this morning, so winter late autumn, despite climate change, in america, unless you're in the sun out its its goal are right. and the reason I'm telling you this, which is obvious, is that. Climate change is happening in the Biden administration where do you hear this? That is subject of this evening's talking points memo, so there is a united nations climate change conference two weeks in dubai. Nowhere do by is its in the persian gulf. The persian gulf supplies much of the world's oil, which is counter to climate change people, but I haven't been conference in dubai. Ok,
two weeks. That's that's a kind of a long conference now Joe Biden. Has been to two of em, but go, and this year kay and the reason is in going nowhere. Does it is, I put out a reason, but I'll tell you. The reason is because right now. At this moment, a marrow is harvesting more fossil fuel than ever before in its history. So by were to show up at a climate change conference in dubai. The fanatics would kill him hey, you're, the big global warming guy or this year the progress of your blah blah blah blah and now boom. The united Dates is harvesting more fast, fuel than ever before? Another reason this is happening is
there's one biden came into office, he attacked the fossil fuel industry. You'll. Remember that. and so we're going green electric cars, windmill, solar, you guys are put out of business, would regulations and All the energy prices in the usa went up, igniting inflation and inflation is dooming, The binding administration saw Biden, a man of no principles whatsoever, every principle we ever had. He changed. Why do all we'd better you're, not oil added air and now he's exporting a lot of oil to foreign countries, not only supplying it here. So oil prices in america have dropped in the last few months. I'll give you the star in a moment and overseas we're making money selling Y to europe because
the embargo on russian oil because the ukraine, so this is geopolitics and geopolitics. Are intruding on the climate change mandate. Okay, so we god primmer here so Biden again, a man of no seasons doesn't believe in anything at all. Where are we got all this oil? That's, why can't go to the law can be changed, french mean while ok back on the ranch here, the inflation under by for essential set means what you need to lit up eighteen percent since took office, so all of us are paying eighteen percent more to live. that is unsustainable. Nobody can get reelected on not record it. Nobody and by the oil market. Reelect. Ok, so
now the white house with panicky, but this puts the progressive laughed again spine, and they already know, like Biden supporting Israel, so the progressive left is now pulling back from by which is a good thing for conservative traditional candidates, so the real far out left wing know I'd Biden anymore, even though it does everything they want them to do, or at least used kay so why? Oh, what is about the alternative, gee the green economic sense is it working while never one electric cars, I mean they're, not in demand and I'm not gonna get one until the motion. I can drive further than can no I'm not good technical stuff. If
plug in I'll get electrocuted in not just mechanically on arms, just no good! I and their very expensive. These cars and they have a chip shortage, and They have a battery fire risk. And in a winner, your efficiency on electric cars drastically drops. Did you know that I didn't know wait until we started to research, so electric car, that that whole thing is flat not increasing, in spite of that, can get another lupi far left stay goes. About ten years, we're gonna forbid gas powered cars. Well, John constitutional number one. You will be able to do that connecticut. Number two is stupid. People are not gonna, be able afforded, even then in ten years, or not the other thing is the wind, ok, so binding, I'll. Tell you about this. A minute scandal, wind farm today,
show how greeny is itself phony anyway, the stuff is getting more and more and more expensive, here on long island, where I am you look out into the ocean, bunch of windmills And see them from my house on eastern long island, they serve block island which is rhode. Island territory will have them, don't work, and I mean the cost to install and maintain these things is so high that state governments can afford it. The money to do it, so they technology is not there to be a green whirl. I wish it were a matter big fan of fossil fuels are like pollution. Our aid I wish we were a hundred percent green on this planet that includes dump and stuff in the oceans, plastics, and all that a big environmental guy, but you got you can't ruin p lives for a fantasy.
I saw carries going over there, blinking secretary states, going over to do by a bunch of other people All too represent america. India, china, all yeah we'll do it they're not going ever do it they get to feed their people, then I can ever be green. Those countries, africa's never gonna, be green salt, usa pop money at all. It's just is in the money on fire. No, no It all nothing and that's the memo So president Biden is going out of land to honour, First, lady rosalynn carter: that's a good thing. Of dignity, as we expressed here that he's gonna camp in reception which mean money raising on our dime in denver where he will visit see asked when the largest wind tower manufacturer in the world colorado green state, beautiful stay live every two years
so you're gonna go to the factory and look at the wit. Ok, great ok I wish the wind worked. It doesn't work, I took Biden is aware that he is whose administrations in grave danger, because of the higher prices for essentials in america, and before he left for georgia. He said this: but we know that prices are still too high for too many things that times are still too tough fertility families. We made progress. But we have more work to do Let me be clear. Any Inspiration has not brought their prices back down. Inflation is come now. I changed been rebuild its time. To stop the praise gouging, giving the american consumer break. Oh yeah kill the corporation
that right, sire guy lives in a bubble world out the prices will come down when the consumer's don't go there anymore. That's why I told you about the fifty one dollar stake last week: monkey whenever any more before jeanne dollar chicken, with rice soup from the local deleon buying anymore those price- welcome to our consumers says The money is a principle that thing I know I'm gettin gout, look at and what are we going to do about insurance rights? you gotta have insurance to put your car on the that raising these rates get all three four hundred so for no reason why you gotta What are you gonna do about Joe? What nothing so you do about anything else. Every other problem. You don't do anything about. Did you know water heaters last about ten years refrigerators? Typically about
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Hannah binds was no I'm not going to show up unless I can testify publicly in front of the tv cameras. If it doesn't show up honey It gets in even more trouble, and congress will pursue him so I assume he'll show up. And do what he's been subpoenaed to do. Maybe I'm wrong But one hundred binds a publicity hound and he somehow wants to get in front of the american people, and you know I mean Democrats are going to stick up for him on a committee. You know But the republican gonna go in pretty hard. So next tomorrow, ganem rob walker business busy of hunter binds is going to testify. Nine thirty we're getting out of that will have it. And then december sex. The present binds brother James can testify both private we're on it will watch in it for you
George soros. You know we urge you. Nobody doubts so. He said to undermine. three thousand dollars quarter of a million to a group. Call the education for just pizza k. It's a pro hamas group when a girl, george, twenty fifty It is going to the washington examiner, but I believe it's true So also sent for fifty thousand to the: u s: campaign for palestinian rights. An overall he's donated Fifteen million to anti israel groups. George soros is jewish by heritage. Billions thing her your source was persecuted by the nazis and these, given all this money to hurt Israel.
So, tomorrow, night, Chris, street lighting new york city, rockefeller centre. One of the great traditions we have here in new york anti israel protesters are going to show up. You say. It is within our lifetime planning to disrupt the lighting. Nice right, good, So this puts the new york city, police and aid terrible position because they have to stop these people. Very hard, because these people look like everybody else, still infiltrate anne and then disrupt and then a car have the grab element in all that now members of within our lifetime. No no matter they do in rockefeller centre. Now. thing will happen to them. Yeah they might get arrested, but they'll be out
couple hours will be prosecuted, jobs will be dropping. You know whenever they want a new spirit. The cop sure curse out go ahead or her yeah. That will have a great time so new york city is now a public safety disaster right because of the far left politicians gutting the criminal justice system here and there's no two sides to that story, not what's happened so now we learn. Two thousand five hundred sixteen new york, Police officers have left the force this year. We still have another month ago gang their quitting and these are usually experienced officers that around right to return Really taken jobs in other municipalities, he's wherever they may be at a big crew and
cause of the migrant expands? The mayor Adams with the towns is, we care Have any more money going into the police department for while we're cancel in training classes, three of them. So that means no new cops or common on, because the mai instead are taken all the money. the city has so no cops. Can you still the math on this So joining us now for new york city is new york city I can name is key Sleep, why found the guardian angels. One thing you might want to know is that sli will never takes the hat off. It's got a special shampoo that kind of goes underneath it anita, my colleague w abc radio, the big talker n n Y see? so you're out on the street all the time. What about policeman around a mean a day to day cops,
How are they seeing all of this. well yeah, a mayor who was elected fact. I ran against her measured republican alternative who said I will reject the cops. I was a cop myself with twenty two year, an unfortunate the east on anything, but so is actually sign. Consent. Decrees that would limit what the cops can and cannot do in the course of a demonstration were even making a normal arrest and gave money to members of black lives matter and antigua two years after a rambling, through the streets of new york city in the summer of george loitered, twenty twenty who gave money care wherever who gave money the black lives matter and people who did that
was just recently Eric Adams. He signed the same court decree. What is actually lose. I mean city tax dollars. Go to black lives matter, then, is correct to members of black lives matter and members of antiviral who felt there because they were kettle, It's called limiting your you're a bill need to move in the course of a parade, a march them. frazier, whatever you want to cry. So this was a lawsuit, though they settle right, which should have been four because it was ridiculous bra what will happen, for example, with them? during the christmas tree, which is like one of american feature and we see the whole country be watching lotta children, grandchildren and they with gems too much into the boat. Seeding will not permit no right to demonstrate
and immediately the police, will allow them. Entry will not block the path of entry, and they will not actually exit you any arrests until they actually commit a crime which would mean to assault others who were there watch the tree being lit up when they attempt to vandalize property What blood on themselves and everyone else and make the point of being grown. Palace The problem was any anti israel It is so easy for the police to limit you. You are entitled to demonstrate. not entitled to portray you're not entitled to be able to use amplification but all that has been eliminated. The cops the glacier, no mass, no mass they taken their night sticks away from them, which was perfect way. The police are basically say you don't go any further, I mean they hit anybody. It just meant they blocked their path. Adventure,
And so now the only access and a cop has receded were gone. We all wanted to threaten them issue them a taste. we don't want dad what to tackle them. That's ridiculous telecoms, about didn't it build it. Ain't gonna do anything, because, even if we have to make an arrest, they gonna turn around lose before we finish me. I tried so In your experience I mean this is your point of view and I'm not going to challenge it because I think you're right, but the poor, these officers gums, who work every day on their ship. they just given up they say. Look the city is ungovernable. the rules that they prohibit as from keeping order insane so we're gonna. Take our paychecks. In air and not do much zat what's happening exactly It's happening in jails. It's happening in the streets is happening
There is no enforcement in the city of new york whatsoever, said When you see things, I remind you of anarchy, understand the police are getting gray. Buildings job, they ve been training in the academy to use proper was when necessary to make arrests to stop. Individuals doing harm to others and from vandalized property, but the powers that be. case the mayor and the police commissioner will now allow them to do their job and the mayor in this case. Never again must stand up for law and order, public safety and the police, and yet what he has done is capitulate to the mall. as you know, is involved in multiple issues that affect his ability, we may mayor fbi, depriving just invest our lead that play I've been to block zeal was worse. In my opinion, and Adams has been.
so the blog geo basically ripped out the entire public save the apparatus of the city. Conjunction with all been run by far less zealots their past no bail law governing signed it first cuomo than hopeful, so I'm a police officer in my grandfather was. Answer I'm outnumbered here and even I try to do the right thing are probably get yelled at when I get back to the precinct house, but on I am still not convinced that the key themselves have thrown have given up You may have given up like this. Look at this smallest crimes. Every day we're going into holiday season, I will name, a thousand package is being delivered by you.
I did stage postal service, you ps fedex, and the biggest deliver. Now amazon gets stolen by point pirate saplings the moment the package is left for the reception somebody is following the deliverer and just picked it up seals it. Nor s nurse whatsoever, You started the lowest level shoplifting boldly brazenly. People going in taking items leaving almost no arrests. So when you see something up nature. You realize that, yes, the police have waived the white flag and I'll tell you, It's the reason that citizens are unaware of every civil servant. Every elected official, every judge every prosecutor is promoted, It was qualified immunity. That means if they make a mistake and boy they've have been some big mistakes. Men incarcerated for crimes they never committed. Who did twenty five thirty years? And yet the judges and process
it is responsible, cannot be personally. So we get seated That is the only We ve been stripped of bat qualified immunity. I please these rights are now stand alone. They get loose our state pension. They see the answers you can sew on every right right. That's why they're leaving us an excellent point: kurdish! We really appreciate come at all I'll, be back. Hopefully this debacle will not on full tomorrow at the rockville center, but we're on it and we'll see on a radio thanks. A lot rashid Adele starts with nine say: ok, let's go to the border saw. The situation is getting worse, hard to believe to see and sector of you've ever arizona toothache is a border city kay not right. On the border back a little bit, busy is that our town on the border down arrow been our many times, go and where she have, you met county theirs,
big magnet for migrants. So last week fifteenth, thousand three hundred migrants were confronted by border patrol just in the tucson sector to record k in October fifty fifty five thousand illegal entrants hundred and forty percent increase over last year. Twenty two into some. what is wide knew about it not does even mention it. Nor is it a question, Every day in the press conference we jean Pierre, not press this such a scandal, this committee
with the aid came percent rise in the cost of essentials would put out anybody. You couldn't be elected with that record. What I'm trying to get across to Donald trump is stop all the other stuff. Just concentrate on that and he's out, but trump ups Your words binds record by june staying up all of this other stuff, the election and I'm gonna get this one in that one. You need to do that. We gotta get Biden out of there and I mean that he is the second worst president, next to James buchanan in the country's history, the destruction that that man is cozy going to be felt for years.
Caravan so now found news by river head near the border on top of trains in mexico. And the video is harrowing near: they are now this could not happen if the mexican government. Would do anything. Wretched government allows this because the cartels pay off. The mexican authorities to look the other way because the car smuggle these people across the border and they make money doing it. So I couldn't happen, you couldn't have thousand The people right on top of. Railroad cars without. The consent of the mexican government would bind nothing the journey, to earning your degree as an adult in seem daunting. It's a path, p,
with uncertainty, but every great accomplishment starts with a single step at bethel university. We know this well so take the first step and let bethel university be the catalyst, propels you toward a brighter future, bethel university where we belong and become Here is a new way to celebrate thanksgiving after the turkey, the stuffing and their relatives. You're gonna need something sweet and tv tyrant, servers centres, hope you, a saving of room for a big black friday treat help of your holidays celebration and anti be with like Friday deals great now save of the two hundred and sixty dollars, and also my good you're tyres satisfy your sweet tooth with a break package for just ninety nine dollars. Good anti beat outcome now in gobble up these deal before they're gone, offer valid for a limited time terms and conditions apply, see store for details. Dublin, ireland, okay, so
A guy stabbed five people last weekend. I believe it was thursday november, twenty third kate thanksgiving five year old boy, six year old girl five year, girl, seventeen year old girl. And then an adult right after the stabbing there. as rumors there were rumours that was done by a margaret in ireland. There are five hundred thugs, of them far right nazi people the dublin burn things down, looted. You know just what team does here they did their. basically protestors bout the migrants coming into our, but these are nazi people, but here's
the really disturbing thing despite the injuries, I hope all of these people survive The government of ireland will not tell public. Hu, the guy is, did all they got him he's in a hospital right. They gotta they want define, find him So there are rumours that he's an algerian, but nobody knows. now the government's suppressing that information. because he's most likely. not born in ireland. That's why? But the government shouldn't do that. But there's no excuse now I lived in england for a year. He's nazis were their way back. There were skinheads They call them bother boys And they all over london an aid
call them walks w Oji ass. Anybody wasn't born white in now. The reason I did that is because they were miserable people, their miserable lives, in the british isles if you don't pay say test when you're sixteen years old. You are due. and to a really hard scrabble existence, and these people are the lowest wrong on the ladder. So they attack everybody I mean I was in a glass- go bar one time I came up to me and you just skin articles, goes what soccer team the roof voice at football. And I knew what he was doing. It is one if you get a fight answered whatever one you like. Whatever you road. For as why will for a guy, it is kind of paddled away with these
will have been there for ever since world war to end. not a lot of em like you, tv, not a lot of anti for here, but enough to really caused But the dublin government should tell the truth. Back home, aren t run out of money republic- national committee running out of money. I only have nine million on hand, wow Cs got almost double eighteen million. so I don't know why I use a guy who knows everything right, miss right. All the time me. I don't know I've Why republicans aren't given money? Maybe I don't like it. I dont know now the trump campaign.
is loaded item, people donating money to trot and he's got money, but the under card next november is just import, so republicans gotta take back the house and Senate if they want to clean up this mess And the orange origin of money, smart light, Moreover, the thanks giving weekend and bill o reilly dotcom. We posted a shock and ah epochs. that is a series that I did last year. The episode was with victor Davis Hanson. The smartest guys in the country- and I think, I'm a pretty good columnist- hansen's, better gay, this guy, the research that he brings flawless. So I spoke with I am about the cancel culture, the woke culture, how the Of left was aiming to destroy
international america. We posted the clip. Over the five day week and it was the most watched clip We ve never had tape. I saw so both of us have had to face that media. Which not only disagrees what wants to destroy actively destroy people, Who will say no traditional america is better, because if you look in history that's how we became the most successful, economic, country that ever existed by tradition, hard work, sulphur lines, you take it now the media will try to destroy you. I think that's a huge component in all of this, so what they have done in the last twenty five years later, draw. All the levers of thought influence. Situation of polish professional sports hollywood, media silicon valley, corporate board, room
street. the foundation my gosh and through those institutions they feel that they don't really need a grass roots, fifty one percent consensus, because they can in fact opinions and we're going to do a mid term and we're not discussing these issues were discussed in january six hiatus. Then we go into the rain, a media, bombshells walls are closing, and then we do the phantom of the opera everybody's, an enemy speech by by now we're gonna go back to january section, I think, will probably end up within indict, but they have the ability to the prom. state or the media are all these things that we talk about Bypass and appeal to fifty one percent of the people on the revolutionaries bill, they don't believe in the car. situation, the customs and traditions, they don't feel that's a reliable a reliable companion for them You can see the entire
o'reilly hands for an interview on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, it's free on it to be a member and you go to our website. You get a message of the day: get everything free good down the menu. We have a menu and like this now talk about premium and concierge membership in a little while and you get a lot more by the hands and o reilly interview is hosting this is gonna flop. Fifth, one in a row movie called wish w. I s h cartoon I'm not doing well. The box office and disease got problems. It is the most famous corporation in the world. The walt disney corporation, huge bomb snap brought on by their radical left posture. They destroyed themselves. Now, it's bill functioning. It's no makes money, but
in serious trouble tomorrow. We'll have a special investigation on do standards through november, twenty eighth eighteen. seventy one the clan goes on trial and South carolina, fascinating story, grad, who was a friend to the constitution and to freed slaves drove as just department went down south carolina, which was audible, bang the amount in that were passed after the civil war, giving blacks The same rights as white south carolina and other southern states are no bad, so grant brought down the justice department. one hundred forty four clan members were convicted kay. In that mass trial. But then Couple years later, grant gave them all clemency. It
for political reasons, he should not have done it and then the clan reconstituted itself, but one hundred and fifty two years ago today the trials began in columbia, south carolina Ok, now segment is frisky like that We have a final thought about another christmas strategy back in a moment because moves fast, you don't have time to get sick start by first care pharmacy, your community health, my pharmacy and get the personalized carry you need to be healthy during lucy, said, simply walk into first care pharmacy. At one eighty six greeks, I drive a curly poor call, forty three to nine nine. Ninety, twenty nine for all your cold include relief. That's forty! Three to nine
nine zero to nine health mart, taking the time to listen and care. I I might bigger cia veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday. For the most up to date. Insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your bad guest, get briefed stay ahead with at present daily brief I'll, go to the now concierge member m J, so kind, years membership energy as a special email, because directly to me, I have a producer: goes overall emails and they may. Finally, me every morning, kay look at the all emails from concierge members, And anybody who needs help we try to help
and anybody who is a question we answer the question. This is an insurance see for your life, because we have very good advice on almost everything. Can the high school college, kids, putting on mars no little or care about history. Who is right. It was wrong. They ve been programmed approach, When the b l movement started losing steam, they needed something else to be offended by a lot of truth. To that, no doubt about it. ludmilla, Jacob monticello, india. I came to the usa, nineteen fifty wanna refugee of world war, two from a camp outside of munich german, observed how hard my parents work and law becoming a citizen, both escape from belarus and understood. destroys personal freedom, socialism, Now I see the bite administration, many in congress promoting that which will destroy america excellent letter Ludmila. We are
Very glad you are here, and your parents got you here. After the chaos, what war to cover macneil brooklyn new york. When used the consequences are so called criminal justice reform. Our unintended, I think, now the oft repeated mantra of the ultra left, we must confront the afflicted and afflict the comfortable she's, pretty clear to me. The results are precisely as intended by a few who are the real revolutionary, laugh but most of the lemmings that follow this. I have no idea what is going to lead to. Phil It all boils down to common sense and good thing: young people are listening to you o reilly, maybe will cause them to stop and think before they do something stupid. I also decided on some stupid stuff- and I wish I hadn't, So we are here to provide a pathway to success.
Mark concierge member. Thank you mark. saying, you're in all guy, but when it comes to news you're the future, I hope so I mean this organisation is now the most powerful, independent news agency and a world. No doubt about that. I hope so. Vito bay, melissa text, something I've been melissa, How do I get a productive, thanksgiving weakening got through killing leg and killing Kennedy and my second time reading killing Jesus cried reading that book of NATO trip to new orleans and back this week, and so I plan to go through to audio books, you re The man we really killing series in any order you can which would be first, that's the founding of the country, killing england, that's our freedom and then I would go up to lincoln and then killing crazy horse.
so saw you, read all those books in that order, but you don't have to they will stand alone. I appreciate your reading and listening to the books, vita very kind you carmel, Israel, star, idaho. I read your book killing crazy horse while we're on a campaign trip to northern idaho. Such information. I never knew- and I love, reading about the native americans I'm reading it again to refresh the info. And I'm glad you mention killing, grace you're special christmas hanukkah. Nine and if I got a whole slew of m from the warehouse and a good price? and pass it on to you one of our best books. It's a tough book. It's like killing the killers and killing me? I sets its top, but boy you learn. A lot right a special and below riley dotcom? And while I am on that, subject, gift cards So let me lay this out if we
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.