« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

China's Lab Leak Censorship, a New Mask Study, the Biden Administration's Border Fiasco with Todd Bensman, & More

2023-02-27 | 🔗
  • Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: A new report says that COVID may have originated from a lab in China. Why did so many cover for the communist country?
  • Masks didn't really help when it came to the pandemic, says a new study
  • Author Todd Bensman joins the No Spin News to break down the Biden administration's failed border policies
  • The GOP's latest blunder
  • This Day in History: Cronkite's Vietnam commentary
  • Final Thought: Florida

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says it just puts vetch in spending. to what it was formed ago, There will be here with your message today. Next The chairman of the fed is promising more pain had lashers, dropped, twenty percent, and this year could be. you are right to be worried, so call the only precious metal deal or I trust american hartford, go I'll. Show you protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with the gold and silver since Then a client and spokes person price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent. please call today and They'Ll- have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door, put inside your eye are a or for o one kay. tell him bill o sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver. On your first order,
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I been or are they here, welcomed the nose been news for Monday february, twenty seven, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. Well, I was on the move again this week I went down to florida. Some business do down there. and I have some things report you later on the broadcast. I think you'll find I know day and maybe even amusing, but first a talking points memo the cove id leak. So, as you know covert, the stated the world and america for about two years and all of us who are disrupted some of us still haven't recovered,
some of us died some of us, his have long coven to this day, a weakened immune system and all of that in my lifetime. Next to nine, eleven, though, is the worst thing has happened today. The covered pandemic, and we still don't know how it got here. all right and how it was developed? The those the chinese will not cooperate Will not let united nations investigators were world health organization go to the wall on lab, which was the centre ground zero of covert so that these are billions on their covering something up. Nobody knows what kind of speculation covert has been used for political, gain gay. All that has been in place. It is mine
job to cut through all that and to tell you the truth, as I can ascertain sought, we got the wall. Street journal got a hold of information from the federal government. Okay and the information says they cove. It probably leaked out of the war on land. This is from the department of energy, but in that assessment the d o ye says it as low confidence, low confidence in the conclusion. What does that mean? It means I can't prove it primarily the says the exact
same thing covered came out of the lad. It has moderate confidence in its conclusion, which means it has more evidence. The fbi does, then, a department of energy. Third, the c I a has not waiting in it all now there. The agency that should now because there in charge of firing entail they have waited. Ok. When I read this, I believe it. I believe that covert leak out of that lab that scientists there were investigating a virus gay trying to find out where it came from. If it came from a bad. If it came from a snake, a dog there were analyzing it chinese scientists
And somebody in that lab got affected and walked out through the streets of Juan eight million people in the city and bow there. You go that's what I think happened based upon my report ties over the last two and a half years. I could be wrong now immediately the pin heads and I'm including doktor fouche e, from the cdc in the pin head script and sought to politicize the kobe situation, roll the tape. Now a lot of you on the right love that phrase escape from the lab, because it sounds like something of a marvel movie or comic book. It sounds like they are talking a man made virus that china was weapon icing that got out of control. I have always said that the high likelihood is that this is a natural occur,
since I didn't dismiss anything I just said is a high likelihood that this is a natural occurrence from environment of an animal reservoir that we have not yet identified. He's the worst- and I didn't come to that conclusion in any kind of quick way, while the conservative commentators were killing him in the beginning I held back, but now I can tell you the absolute worst doesn't know what he's doing. Ok, so, you had that situation. Where was politicize and people believe what they want to believe. It always goes back to that. Okay, some people on the right believe that this was a weapon from china and China did it on purpose and that china infected the world on purpose. So they believe they want to believe that
on the left. I dunno what the heck. Why does Hayes who's ridiculous? It's just a ridiculous human being. Why does he object to somebody saying you know? I think it might have come out of that lab. Why there's no answer to that question? Okay, but the worst part of this store, isn't a speculation that she was bad, but this is worse than fouch was the social media that censored it So facebook remove any discussion from the lab leak stored on in may two thousand twenty one. This wait it out. It was allowed to be discussed and you tube did the same thing so have you said your eyes like? I just did. I think it came from that one lab bow you're wiped out. That's here,
business now, and this new congress has got really zero in on this kind of totalitarian censorship. Now to its credit, twitter did not do that and can do so. We try to be fair across the board here. So, let's sum up the evidence so far compiled so as that covered infected someone in the war on lab. The person walked out and infected the world. That's how it that's the evidence. So we have K, but it's not con collusive, that's not conclusive. Will it ever be? I don't think so, because china will not cooperate. That's the memo masks headed those mass. I gotta up front tell you I hated it. I wore them. I didn't want to wear them. I stayed out of crowds, I just hate it
So now we have a new report from the cochrane database of systematic review it was wow. I don't know what this is gotta be harnessed, I never heard of this, but they. Have reviewed I'd. Eighty seven study. Seventy eight studies on the little dyslexic today. Seventy eight studies reviewed by cockerill about masks and whether mass Let us they say their conclusion is that mass make little or no difference to the spread of covert. I can verify it I don't know what cochrane is. I don't know whether they have any kind of dog in the hunt. Here I don't know what it's worth mentioning.
Its if you want to read that thing. It's all over the internet. You can read it it's it's a lot of facts there, but the conclusion is the mass. Don't work Prison by nothing today, except reception. celebrating black history month, I was not invited, I'm stunned about black history, a lot more than Joe Biden knows, but goodbye anyways out our reception at five p m. I hope everybody is a good time vice president harris, you know this is what calling the cliche low hanging fruit go after her and I avoided on most ok. I wrote a column yesterday posts
o reilly, dot com. You can read it. have to be a premiere remembering that about how calmly hairs is the mistress of deception that could be a tv show right, the mistress of deception. Now, whether or not she knows she's deceiving, I don't know, I can't read her mind, but this is the most obvious blatant best example. I can ever bring you and it's what my column was based on. She goes to buoy state university, primarily black school, on February twenty second and says this go every day, Joe Biden and I talk about and work together with our partners like former leader layer, current leader layer and to lower the cost
It's for the people of our nation, because you are a leader for working families. We have reduced heating and electricity bills, so folks have more money in their pocket to buy things like school supplies, replaced the dishwasher or take a family vacation, not true. It's not even close to being true the facts. Over the past year, the american consumer has paid twelve percent more for electricity. Twenty seven percent more for natural gas overall under president Biden, little more than thirteen months now, the
as a fuel, all fuel and what you use is up twenty eight percent guy, so the vitamin situation is not cutting. Fuel costs just check your fuel bills. I do up up up and up gasoline in your car goes up and goes down. That depends on a lot of different forces, so. calmly ourselves this to the students and the faculty of, but we state people and no audience they don't know right, media, nothing. So the bite of mystery. Knows this. They know they can say anything and nobody's gonna com on it.
when I did the Andrea mitchell thing last week- and I hope you saw that where she was feeling com lawyers and that two centres in Florida refuse to teach black history. This is NBC news. responded andrea image as the only one on television, the only one who called her out. No one else. And then NBC euro. Major apologize is shocking with vitamins. Asian nosing get away with sand scott arizona, tempe arizona, a suburb of phoenix arizona, tremendous drug problem, tremendous migrant problem odds diner few weeks ago, it's just insane. So the dna works in partnership with the ten p arizona police, which is a compliment to that police agency by the way. So they see is
When was this february twenty? Third- I just learned of this: they These four point: five million sent in all pills. Thirty million lethal doses of fetnah in one operation more narcotics are coming into the united states today than ever before. In the history of this nation. And there is no dispute about everybody knows it because of the open border, so we are, fortunate to have a guest tonight who has written a brand new book, is called overrun? How Joe Biden unleash the greatest water crisis? In? U S, history, spin out,
a week, and I have read most of the book. Every fact you ever wanted to know about the border is in this book. So, if you are, if somebody wants to debate or in a you need to pick up overrun or the author is todd Benjamin. He is a senior national security, fellow at the center for immigration studies. He joins us now from Austin, Texas our good job on a book. Everybody knows it happening, even may orchids and Biden and harris keep saying that borders secure. But he knows that's deceit. Just like I proved on the electric and the fuel bills. Are they just our deceivers? Ok, but what we don't know is: why would a sitting president of the united states, most powerful man in the world
want his own country overrun by mark migrants and dangerous drugs. Why would He want that this episode is brought to you by jarrow formulas, say probiotics and you think it got health rate, but did you know our vaginas could benefit from probiotics to jarrow formulas from doubtless has two strains native to a woman's body, one billion cf use and is clinically studied to help balance yeast. So if your vagina is feeling a bit out of whack, try from doubtless shop jarrow formulas, jr r, o w women's probiotic and amazon, these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. The council of francs, on behalf of delicious oscar mire, one hundred percent, be francs, has declared its official position. Her meyer one hundred percent be francs are one Two percent be frank: delicious this summer,
she's delicious, choose one hundred percent beef. Keep it oscar. So builders, a chapter in the book called the new theologians big one chapter about how by the administration, especially during the campaign, but twenty twenty campaign leading up to the election became dependent on very far left range of the democratic party coalition think of the Bernie sanders people, but even even left then to be to emerge from a crowded field of primary candidate, and then to go on and win against donald trump. Everybody thought I was gonna be a very thin marge victory, whoever one and. For their reward, they were given our real power in the white house and they took the immigration.
portfolio. This is all described in much more detail than that ideology, the theology that these people hold has been held up. baby for years and years by regular mainstream democrats, but they couldn't do this time because they were so needed. We're going to tip the balance sheet for binding and though people still have the immigration portfolio to this day, and they have these. eddie ology theology of open borders equals human rights, equal civil rights that somehow you ass civil rights apply to the entire world that bore regional or an anachronism that they are cruel and inhumane than buddy should be able to to to walk anywhere. They want into anybody's country,
that's one thing it's the gratification of seeing in Jackson, ideology implemented. In reality, the binding in a strange from those we divide, administration was behold into George soros, he's one of the crew you're referring to and the big money on the far left hollywood money. Also that gave him enough funds to win the elections, or I remember, mark Zuckerberg pumped in four hundred million dollars to the two thousand twenty election, most of which, when two people to help harvest votes for Joe Biden. So your car There was a tremendous debt owed. The far left, however Biden could have easily swatted that away and said. Look we appreciate what you did for us, but I catalan for
Because I raised my right hand to enforce the laws of this nation, so I have two he could have done that thought. He didn't do it any idea. Why, still still hasn't done it. So I have a couple of theories about this. One is that the president is not fully there. There's a there's, a power vacuum He is now there's lots of speculation about his mental state. When I will leave that he's, not there and he is unable to kind of rap. His mind around that issue. Along with other issues, at the same time and that people like a hundred my workers and those of far left theologians, as I call on our taking it image and exploiting that make sense? And I ever pointed out as well. We can't prove it, but
it's the only avenue. Is there another avenue beside the diminishment of his mental capacity to understand complicated issues or anything else, Yes, there is one other issue, and that is that the people in the area gee that's a running our immigration policy. Today from what I call the migrant advocate. the industrial complex which is to say that its this fast constellation of ngos, organizations that profit very very handsomely on huge numbers of immigrants crossing a border they or gaining government contracts
in the hundreds of millions of dollars, but yeah those that aren't getting up and that could be stopped with a stroke of the pen and then what I led into you with was the narcotics which is gonna be for the next ten to twenty years because of all the addiction. Now that it's happening there is no justification. There there's all human rights there there's nothing there, but cry so. Let's help. The drug cartels make more billions right. Well, as a matter of fact, the drug cartels there's there's good credible reporting that the drug cartels starting to make more money now on human smuggling. Then they, are in some cases on drawing adeimantus. But let's put that aside, the the people who work
open borders, don't care how the migrants get here, but who wants for point five million pills offence in all found in ten pierre Arizona HO, Well, what do you do there? Is you just ignore that you swore that inflation away, one that you can because they just don't care bill? They do they don't care they couldn't. I must add that the dollar right they couldn't care And allow the borders to be opened to the extended is final question for you. You ve been to the boy are probably more than any other reported that I now and
all kinds of stuff scams about children. I mean these cartels in mexico, they control the entire crew country of mexico. In my opinion, there is no restraints on cartels inside mexico, but you're a much more you're, much more thorough caitive in this area than I am because I've been there are a few times when you ve been done and why I am I right that these cartels are controlling that whole country Yes, they they control physically bit the geo spatial control as something like you're. Forty five percent of mexico, like physically control it and the rest of it they can control by dint of payoffs and threats and intimidation of the essential
government remember. These cartels have huge well equipped paramilitary armies and I mean full on armies would have tanks and machine guns and everything and you can't put him around acquainted Country they are pushing the central mexican government around at that point. Is it down there embraced as a policy that he calls hugs, not bullshit? I know that's steeped in a while the worst things Always a three amigos going down. Air Abiden just introduced an open door, and they just there Were- and this didn't even come up, it didn't even come up. I was such a farce. An insult either book again is overrun. Joe Biden unleashed the greatest border crisis in europe. Doing it anywhere eyed. The author is todd bandsmen, so I hope you come back and we really appreciate the good work on the book.
Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate the attention to it. Okay, let's go to politics: the republican party yeah, I'm a registered independent and- and I you know my value system. My traditional belief system is better reflect did by the republicans, then the Democrats, I believe in limited government democrats once huge government. I believe in the free market place democrats want to control the marketplace from washington, so my dies system is better reflected in the geo P. Grand old part of this party is so damn. I can't even tell you
the latest is that the chairwoman Rona mcdaniel, goes on television and says if a republican presidential contender K doesn't swear that he or she will support the eventual nominee. That contender cannot participate, in an hour and see debate relative as aren t chair. If I said I wouldn't supports the republican nominee, I would be removed from office. I would I be rightly removed to be part of our by laws and I would be kicked out as our sea chair. Anybody getting on the Republican national committee debate stage should be able to say I will support the will of the voters and the eventual. Now many of our party going to ban anybody, you won't do that. I would never do that so say You are a republican.
in tender, and you give it your best how'd you know when and then Does when turns out to be a monster. You gotta support monster though constitutional. What you said you Do that you can deny somebody's freedom of expression, change their mind about a candidate or the candidates. So does something henceforward. This is stupidity. To drive me crazy. there isn't any body in the republic of national committee? That can say don't. I don't think this is a pause Alright, I'm down in florida and mid eighties. Sun is shining, and I have a lot of business to do down there. But I was nice to get out of the cold. My message of the day is about you know my little trip
very fast to forty eight hours, some at a very nice area, south palm beach and across the street, almost literally, is a three day fund. Razor three days four dissenters. I don't even know never invited to any party stuff, because I'm not a party guy, so he's at the four seasons hotel oh two thousand dollars and night for a room. and you don't have to you. Don't even see the waterfront read my message of the day: okay, it's like it's insane anyway. Three day, fundraiser and here are some of the people shut up ron, johnson center wisconsin tom cotton senator from arkansas
and culture. Dana lush, lord ingram mic, mulvaney right, troms, white, ass, chief of staff, they all caught up, went on it to this non drive and pass this place. You don't even know what's going on here. If I had known. And I'm mad. I didn't I would have snuck in there I'm not going to pay anything, but I would have gotten it just to check us out. Not other dissenters was there for three days. I think he just pops in and out but he's running for president. There is no doubt about it. It's just a matter when he's gonna make the announced new. Side, soldiers ever marty grass, and now they want to recall,
All the mayor of new orleans look toya can trap. I there's with toilet. According to many new orleans people, she is a disaster once tat right last year, twenty two there was a one hundred and sixteen percent in Recent homicides warlords, and it is now ranked one of the top ten most dangerous cities in the world. Now the toy, apparently not just cry she's, just screwed up everything. So she's gonna be recall. I believe she will be. We call update on Kim gardner district attorney in Saint Louis there,
now a court proceeding missouri court of appeals, judge John tore bits. Key is presiding to boot. Her out, she has been fired by the term. General andrew bailey, but she's not leaving of her own accord. So now it's in the missouri state court. She will be boosted the eternal generalised power fire. Her it'll be interesting to see if Missouri state troopers have to walk to her office and exhort escort her out we're on it. We'll update you smart light. So you know how I feel about drugs, including pop, never used it. It's bad, I'm sorry for you pipe smokers out there. It may relieve some pain, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about recreational marijuana,
regular basis, so that ok and a younger you are the worse. It is sought. The american college of party ology, ok and the lead author is at stanford university, very prestigious says daily use of marijuana and more and more america's they use it everyday makes thy user thirty four percent more likely to develop, any coronary artery disease. Thirty, four percent
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Listening and watching me right now to be healthy, that's what it's! Based on this day, history february, twenty seven nineteen sixty eight fifty five years ago, today, the vietnam war, never a good thing, took a terrible turn when CBS news, man, walter chrome, I said this. I say that we are closer to victory to day is to believe them. So the evidence, the optimist I've been wrong in the past the suggest we are on the edge of the thing this to you. To unreasonable pessimists that we are mired in stalemate, is the only realistic if unsatisfactory conclusion that was it
So now we said february, twenty seven nineteen sixty eight president Lyndon Johnson said I've lost Cronkite. I've lost the country and he was right now. Wider. Cronkite say that, because leading up to today fifty five years ago was the it had offensive, and this is an incredible story. So the american and south vietnam, the vietnamese allies, killed sixty thousand viet cong and north vietnamese regulars, sixty thousand k and the? U s lost two thousand six hundred. So you would say why
unbelievable victory for america right, sixty thousand dead and wounded against twenty six hundred. Now, because the cameras, the tv news captured the communists invading the? U S, embassy and. Gone and calls on all kinds of may have all over the country and people side and they went away with what we did was we went in So, even though we won that battle, we lost the war because, after that, the support to get out of the eight non rose dramatically. Haven't five years ago, to back with a male segment and a little bit more my trip to florida, but it's a little lighter and a final thought
Go to the male, we are george concierge member. We ve had a surgeon, concierge membership lately, and the reason is that people are starting to figure out that if you have a serious problem, I will help you solve it. Kay. It's not a bad back up to half so Joyce's mayor peed, look so out of place walking around with these hard add on in ohio. I couldn't help but think he looked more like he was going to join the village people. They get the hearth, I'd guy, why? I am now ok, verona! Village people are look, I'm up their worth it. David Abernathy, england and again we expanded overseas. Now we want to hear from you all over the world It's a good analysis on the Andrea Mitchell story bill. I guess her idea.
You'd gotten away the facts, but you would think that vice president harris was somehow complicit by not correcting andrea, Listen in our country, David, these vile digital, never do I dunno how it is in in england, I'm been over there in a while, but harris you know if harris is going to get a softball that attacks the santas you're going to run with that all day. Long true or not,. Or mark from west virginia bill, you said it: Lester holt was a good newsman all he is now as a yes man and I have zero respect for him. I can't crawl inside his head, but I bet he enjoys being NBC Yes, man, I'll fix up- and I know I'm in you'd up look it's hard to walk away from a job like that at all. I can tell you lustre was really a good honest.
Carol concierge member Biden went to ukraine for the photo ought to use during the twenty four presidential campaign. fake dangers, siren went off while Biden was strolling down the street with lynskey. Well, how do you know it's fake? How do you know I again we go back to people believe what they want to believe. Now carol, you're entitled to your belief, if you want to believe, was fake absolutely, but you can't stated as a fact
I guess that's not right, while Johnson in Jackson missouri bill have you noticed how eighty percent of tv commercials now involve black actors yeah, I noticed, but I am happy that they're getting work it's hard if you're an actor and you get a commercial, I mean I pay six months' rent, so I'm at one of these people that that keeps a scorecard on color skin color yeah. But it's going on a woke. I understand, but that's not a bad wolf thing. In my opinion and
I don't know the demographics of it. I don't want other people to be denied work based on skin color. That would be wrong the details, so I bought us tickets for next week's we've got you a coffee, oatmeal, cappuccino, wrangler, your bookshelf. You've got a really really great taste, great taste. Let's spend the day together. I've got it all planned out of kindness. Now, that's sexy. Try it for yourself with the compliments now on bumble leftovers or the dmv or jump house cleaning or.
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Right re never went inside the capital. He did testify in front of the january six committee what he was doing air what he was an incident. I read it wasn't much. It was a trump supporter he wanted to go out and show that you know he believed the was but he was not charged with anything. Tell me: nelson brookfield illinois, I'm a premium member and want to say you o Reilly for bringing the truth to the people of the smart, live tips and the war. the day, you're killing books are all phenomenal, You are an amazing man and I pray for you and your family every day I'm not an amazing. I just work really hard tammy and my philosophy is to help other people. I don't know if that's amazing, but I appreciate the compliment. But most important are your prayers. For me and my family. That's the most important thing you could do
Thank you very much. Ok, the team normal stuff is going to be here soon on torturing the manufacturer and is a good story here. I'm going to tell you when I come in, why it's hard to get the the stuff that we or the free orders were already sold out of the white team, normal hats. We ordered more with the pre orders sold them all out. Ok, this is how hot this is. How big this is. So What we have we're going to have them all we're still in the pre order stage. That's going to change in the next few days will start to you know when you preorder team, normal stuff, and we get the mugs will put them up. We got the polo shirts which I could have used in florida over the weekend. I'll tell you sure when you priolo, we don't charge you and why, shots those polos. Those are too far away, but the beautiful in the women's polos a great ok.
Anyway, when you pre order, we don't charge you until we ship but will start to ship in the next few days. So we get the mugs. We get the shirts. We get the hats Bumper stickers, joint team, normal k and you dont want to be on team crazy. Do you know where the day do not be Pawky p, w k why I love that word. Back with the final four a moment: ok, so here is the final thought of the day. Soft law is packed. I really tat Everywhere, because its winner break and is again my message to the dead people everywhere and that prices would just insane in palm beach just so, you know
I love palm beach. The lot going on a lot of friends down there coastline is beautiful. It's there's a reason. It's the most expensive real estate in florida, but believe me they're not giving anything away down there. So anyway, do it I go to church, I go to nine o'clock mass and then I had a meeting at the breakers hotel, just a nice old hotel on palm beach. So I go to my meeting and we have a little breakfast to me that kind of thing and then I'd say to everybody: we wrap up the meeting say: okay, I'm going to walk back to my car, which is parked in a cenote. Was parking lot had to be about eighty five, eighty six degrees, I'll tell you boy, it's hot
and it's the end of february and I'm goin. I don't know if I can make it now. I lived in florida. I taught high school there for two years. I was based out of there when I covered the war and El Salvador and the falkland islands. Ok, so I know south florida pretty well. But I know, is I get older. The extreme heat cold thing work and it was about a half mile.
well. Would you I'm glad? I did. I needed the exercise after the breakfast thing, but I'm going to so. Could I live down here? So the only reason I'm telling you that is, if you are contemplating a move to Florida or texas, remember I lived in dallas for two years talking about hot in the summer or the carolinas or georgia tennessee. You have to be able to accept the heat right yeah, it was there most of the time with the air conditioning that's no way to live. You know, you've got it now. Some people can some people love it. Oh god you mean it's only ninety. How about ninety eight to me, because I'm I all right. The dna is in there if it. If it gets over
media in ireland, everybody paddocks. So anyway, I notice that he and the february by so at a great time, was still good to get out of the cold. Thank you for washing endlessly. To diagnose knows news was left leftovers or the de envy or house cleaning amber casino, always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You can redeem since various private schomburgh casino, dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's. Necessarily we're going to need a lot of us to rethink this divisive. What could he gets,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.