« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Calls for Mayorkas' Impeachment, Newsom's Immigration Worry, Gender Definition, Guest Michele Bachmann on the 'Harry & Meghan' Docuseries

Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill reacts to the calls to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, saying blame for the border chaos should be directed higher
  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom expressed panic over the illegal immigration situation in his state
  • The Cambridge Dictionary is changing the definition of "man" and "woman". Bill previews his discussion on tonight's "Cuomo"
  • Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann joins the No Spin News
  • This Day in History: MSNBC is created
  • Final Thought: You may disagree but give people a chance 
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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The bill O'Riley you're, welcome to the no spin news for wednesday December fourteenth two thousand twenty to stand up for your country. Well, did you see the pictures In the border area of texas of this surging, thousands of people coming over,
Only one network showed them fox news. The others somehow missed this story of thousands and thousands and thousands of people crossing over to the united states. In one day they somehow didn't cover it. Now, that's impossible. If you were, I honour snoozing, so you'd have to cover that because it's a huge story and it affects every single american, ok, but they didn't cover it because they don't want Joe Biden to look back and it was just a call.
asshole. Ah, a colossal demonstration of corruption and I've gone over this with you. You know you're here because of that. I think this is an independent news agency bill, o'reilly dot com. Then it was venues. We don't have any ties, anybody we produce her own news product and people watch it and listen to it on the radio. Thank god and but this void thing is really got a lot of implicate just for next year, and that is the subject of this evening's hockey points memo. So there is a move right now, led by congressmen. Andy bigs republic in arizona to emerge each the head of the homeland security department, a hundred may orchids. So Mr Mayorkas org is hapless. Http ellie S. He doesn't know what he's doing and he's an order taker case
Well, the white house calls him and says do x and he does x and he has no policy. Has no power he's just a person who was put in charge and I'm not going to say by affirmative action or anything like that, but there's no reason for him to be. There he's not protecting anybody. Homeland security, our my arcas, ok, my nineteen year old son in college could protect the homeland better than equal because he has no interest in protecting a homeland is only interests, is protecting our hundred may orchids and following orders from the binary ministries and the orders are. Let him in let him it right, and so we have approaching six million foreign nationals in the country in less than two years since binds been present. Now that's the truth. That is the fact so carson bigs once when peach.
May orkut. Why and he's got twenty other republican signed on in the new house? Why bother impeaching they orkut. Number one the sentinel never can victim in patients the same matter. It's a president or is it apart? in head or its anyway. You vote in the house, and the house would vote to impeach may works of goes over for a trial in the senate. You need two thirds of the senators convict, never happened a million years, not the way the Senate is comprised now with Schumer in charge, and the Democrats having the majority wouldn't happen. So this is basically a message, impeach mayorkas, but why? Because he's just a stooge, you know you want to impeach you impeach by Biden's policy. I mean last week when he was in arizona and the fight,
the reporter said. Are you going to the border you just you know, you're less than a fifteen minute helicopter ride away know I got more important things to do. Really. Sub Biden doesn't care, he wants people and we explain yesterday why? Alright it's the flooding of the zone of people with no ties traditional america. That's what the progressive why they want to do away with two ritual america. So let's get more people in here millions of people who don't have any ties, the traditional american, that's what it's all about. Ok, so I think is foolish for the republicans to spend currency on Alexandra may now scream all day long sure do
I am doing to talk to people and explain how this is pernicious. It hurts every american. We can't absorb these people, alright, we can't, or they are going to be on the government roles. We, the taxpayers, are going to support them for a period of time, the majority the vast majority of them, and then you you take into account the huge influx of drugs, fentanyl killing. Hundreds of thousands of americans remember the numbers like one hundred and ten thousand, but it's double that, because a lot of these deaths is clouded in fifteen different drugs they take or the coroner doesn't even do an inquest on them. I mean it's. It's a catastrophe is vital care about illegal narcotics flowing into the united states.
He doesn't care at all. That's what's shocking, isn't it? You would think that if you were president we care, he doesn't. He doesn't care, and I mean I know the Biden supported royal. I can prove it fifty different ways. Okay, so I think that the impeachment court, if you're gonna play you play it against Biden, you don't play it against the under our hung. Now the vitamins resume well, a federal judge throw out title forty two title: forty two is: when the government turn back immediately any migrants coming across the border illegally because of covert look,
now you might be a danger to spray cove it. So you gotta go back. That's title. Forty two federal judge it you gotta knocked out by january. Ok, now all Biden had to do was right. An executive order Kay not counter manning title, forty two with saying something like we're: pausing in suspending ok, all of our immigration at this juncture, except for the people who have already file legally, because we Try to control is an executive order cave so nobody in for three months arbitrary day now it would immediately be challenged in the courts. I know that, but a president has the power to issue that
executive order, no more gotta stop it. We gotta reorganize, we gotta. We can't be doing this and then it winds its way into the courts through the courts as how the system works by could've done that by but again this is care couldn't care less. The progressives want millions of foreign nationals to come here and so Biden's doing what they want now. This is that's the memo by the way, but I got another story attached to it. That is just. Incredible so gavin newsome, the governor of California, now realises that his state is getting crushed by illegal immigration. Robotic The fact is what we ve got right now is not working and is about to break in a post. Forty two world, unless we take some responsibility, ownership and I'm sorry, as a Democrat, I am not saying that
my fingers. I'm saying that as a father, I'm saying is someone that feels responsible for being part of the solution would plunge crap I mean who really so now. He knows because in california there are more than three million undocumented migrants. added to nine million legal immigrants. Alright, that makes a twelve million foreign nationals about thirty percent of the population. California's foreign net foreign born gay and many of those people aren't now on the dole. Okay, that california has to pay them. California, taxpayers have to pay them food and housing and welfare, whatever maybe the feds What state does it? But here's news now I want to be part of the solution. I as a father. I want to be part of the solution. Okay, so here's newsom in two thousand and eighteen go
this status had cities large and small trade. Conservative, not just liberal cities that have embraced the principles of sanctuary policy, sanctuary policy, cowboys, sanctuary state. as you with a homeland security department on anything. But now now all systems about greg. Well, it's your fault. You pinhead his sure fault system to go to brute we'd, better find a solution. I want to be part of the solution You know you know you here, you see, this is just say so it's their policies that have led to this as catastrophe, and now they go on that. I want to be part of the solution.
You get what you deserve out there in California and California's our biggest audience for the no spin news, and so many good people live in California and I know you're trapped. I know it, you just can't pick up and leave. I know it get family ties. You got job ties, you get social ties, a beautiful place to live physically and I'm not blaming you, but the state. The forty million people who voted for Gavin, newsom. Oh, my god, Joe by its africa day at the white house, african leaders have come over and in their talk and in business, and it's all good, I'm happy. Africa is a beautiful continent. You don't want to go into the interior of the continent. You do not want to go there, but the game port
send on you know: northern par morocco, Egypt, africa's beautiful got it. I've been many ball of africa. I don't want to go into the interior of africa. You do not. Ok, so I want africa to prosper and on leather coming over meet with by government remains America's top problem. This is interesting: gallup poll thousand adults, Democrat thirty, six republican, thirty, two independent forty k. Pretty fair pole. Question in general, you satisfied just dissatisfied the way things are going in the usa, satisfying twenty two percent dissatisfied said: these six percent. While where were you on a mid term elections, We went over that two tribes thing and if you miss I sat on the nose renews please go to bill already died com if you're premium, maybe you can access newsman news anytime, you want
But I explain what happened and it took me a month to figure it out with the mid term elections I checked: question non economic problems facing the usa government, poor leadership, fifteen percent governments, a problem, immigration, eight unifying country, six, abortion, five crime, violence, five, poverty, hunger, homer, as for electoral reform, for judicial system, for ok. So by far away people are saying we are bad government, bad federal, ok, Let's get into the culture now. So I'm gonna be on news nation tonight, wednesday about eight fifteen, with Chris Cuomo and cuomo wants to talk about the definition of a man and a woman now
I'm up for it I'm ready to go on it. I think I'm fairly well versed on the definition of a man and a woman. Now the reason that news, nation and cuomo want to speak about this is that the cambridge dictionary has redefined the words man and woman. This is more tedious, woke stuff, okay, this is what this is. So the cambridge dictionary still includes the original definition, which is that a man is a male and and that's his gender. But now the cambridge dictionaries can say a man is an adult who lives in identifies as a male. though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth. Ok, So that means that maybe they were born a female
but now there are now that's within this with this is all about. Ok, do I am I offended up. I don't need the cambridge dictionary, I'm perspicacious enough, not to me. ok now there's another one. This is dictionary. Dotcom announces woman as the word of the year. Okay. So this is there explanation. Woman is one of the oldest words in the english language, one that is fundamental not to just cerebral calculate, but to who we are as humans, and yet it's a word that continues to be a source of intense personal importance and societal debate. It is word that is inseparable from the story of two thousand and twenty two unquote. This is just gibberish
should be the word of the year. Gibberish, ok and then come all a harris could explain. Could she is the purveyor of gibberish art so anyway, this is dictionary dotcom. Now I don't know. What's so confusing about the word woman, it is a gender. There are two genders male and female. that's biology. Now, if you want to add in lifestyle and medical decisions, fine, I don't care, but they're, not biological decisions, their lifestyle or medical
stations to alter your gender but you're either born a male or a female. That's it! So I'm going to have to explain this a Chris cuomo tonight, eight fifteen eastern on news nation, don't know whether he will understand, but I will speak slowly. Ok tv knows and it's over it's gone. it's never coming back so Walter Cronkite, wherever you are huntley, brinkley Peter journeyings, I'm sorry! I worked it. I work for Innings, okay and I had a great time and learned a lot doing it. I worked for rather not such a great time and but anyway, listen to these numbers is unbelievable. So this is the week of december. Fifth nightly news,
I had a b c had eight and a half million views NBC, had seven million viewers and see bs had five million. Ok, so total twenty million viewers watched the three nightly newscasts. There are a hundred and twenty five million homes with television in the united states of america Ok, so this these are paltry and enable going down now for ten years, this book cables worse.
cnn? As you know, almost off the air MSNBC, I think they're primetime averages about a million again out of one hundred and twenty five million homes having tv and the twenty five to fifty fours gone and fox news. Twenty five fifty fours gone gone average age of the fox news watcher now about seventy eight years. Staggering so all of those people used to watch network news and cable news
I now other places. A lot of them are here watching the no spin news, the independent news agency that I have, but it's not coming back. So it's like the dinosaurs. You know it's amazing, this day in history december, fourteenth nineteen, ninety five microsoft that was bill gates and NBC, announced a joint venture m s, n b c. Each. cooperation through in two hundred million dollars as four hundred million to start up a news agency that was into active. That's with the plan was kay Well, it was an enormous bomb, was a colossal bomb So they went on eight july, fifteen nineteen, ninety six and it wasn't a left wing broadcast that they had.
And colder lord ingram, John gibson John Sagan thought a bunch of conservatism k, but nobody watched in the face of MSNBC back then was Brian, rotate, but we will begin tonight with president Clinton antagonize interview here on MSNBC and what say on the subject, specifically of the investigations swirling around the first family and the polish my voters think they may not be telling the whole truth. I too how to show and bombed right, and he not there and everything bombed so much so that Microsoft pull out. it pull them.
In two thousand and twelve. So I'm responsible for this. I am because what happened was that when the factor went on and prime time- which I think was ninety eight alright, so we were up against them and above up up up I'll, think of it, but we wiped out MSNBC and fox news surged in the ratings okay and NBC.
It was caught by surprise, so they said. Well, we have to do the we have to same thing fox is doing, but on the left, so they went over to to do that. So, as we became, the factor became the highest rated cable news network show in the land. By far ok, then MSNBC became more and more militant left to try to get some something going on didn't work. Could the whole thing didn't work, so MSNBC parted ways with microsoft in July, two thousand and twelve gates that had enough care. When I make any money this isn't going to work and today, prime time and one million viewers, that's it that's all! Now you could put an eye contest. You could put on a show for an hour on cable with three monkeys and the monkeys just kind of do it monkeys.
Do they of just race around for an hour. You get maybe two million viewers to fit all of that money. You get one million views anyway, that's this day in history. Peace of mind and staying on budget feels pretty good right now. Does it not? But if there's One thing you can expect this year: it is the unexpected that's why american home shield exists, american home shield. Members get more more coverage options, fewer exclusions, as a member, you know you Your time, your sanity are covered, choose from three great plans to help cover the cost to repay, replace parts of major home systems and appliances, no matter what their age and keep your goals and checked for twenty three. Their plans help protect parts of up to twenty three essential homes systems and apply it. So keep your home up and running in your budget on track with american home she'll right now you can take
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I will merry christmas good job this year, and his adjustments next year, as you may know, And will probably have to work. On january, second, during the day, but you'll I'll get. We have to do or I just to get things up and running for that weak. nor I join citizen a merry christmas. You to buy. I like neutral- and I know you well too, because you don't have to choose between better hair growth and your health. There holistic solution for men that promotes both healthier hair and whole body wellness. get ahead of thinning hair with neutral falls, whole body sahara, growth, no drugs, no compromises, neutrals! The number one dermatologists recommended hair growth supplement clinically shown to improve your hair growth sickness. Visible scalp coverage. In fact, in a clinical study you know I like facts:
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you. If you are born after january. First, two thousand nine fourteen years ago, you can't buy or consume tobacco products in new zealand can't smoke if you're older than that, you can't, but you have to go there like hiding them in a farce. were making a really hard for you to buy em, but you can vapor. You can convey new zealand, big vapor territory. But new zealand is a country, four million people, and it is basically a government tells everybody what to do. You can't, while pack their pot, no no pot, so they're not The kurds on that level, but the new zealand is,
I know tobacco zone, france- and this comes to us from our foreign news partner, the daily chatter dot com. Try thank you should check out. If you like foreigners, France has pledged to stop sales of gas driven view. by two thousand thirty five, and that is five years earlier than the EU plan. So you can still drive them, but you can't buy it in france. So ninety four percent of all vehicles in france last year were gas powered okay. So this is going to be a pretty big transition in that short period of time. You're gonna work- I don't know, but it's no sign of the times,
now, you may remember the name: Michel bachman, ok, a she former congressmen from a minnesota right, sir, from oh seven too, two thousand fifteen. She was on the orally factor. Often and now she is the dean of the robertson school of government at regent university in Minnesota- and I I wanted forget with her, because I had michelle. I haven't talked to you in so long. How are you and nice to see you? Thank you bell. It is great to see you again too. I've enjoyed all the inter
actions that we ve had together over the years, and I really enjoyed being dean. It's an opportunity to be able to give back into the next generation to teach them about government how our government works, but also really what is the essence of america? What does our constitution say? Which is our declaration independent, say what rights are guaranteed to us in the bill of rights It was a wonderful opportunity to be able to pour into the next generation because, as you and your viewers now there are a lot of people in this current generation who have no clue of essential aspects of american history, much less learning about our founding. So it's it's mendous. They were warning to be able to teach the next to you guys. We got a straight needs urgent. Now you have. particular interest in the. far in let's make everybody this The obama philosophy of you know,
one world globalism correct additional have that interest. I do, though, I used to sit on the intelligence committee and the united states congress. We dealt with the classified secrets of america, particularly with the issue of terrorism. Now was I'm a high rise and people remember the results of the mid terms and the midterm week. There was actually a big globalism week that was the week that the climate change conference met at sharm EL sheikh in egypt, and it was really quite tremendous for thirty years. All of the countries have been on the united states for us to make reparations payments to them, in other words, a grand global redistribution of wealth. Will they finally got it through this year or so now the bible administration is on board with the viewer. stood watching you today. Now our tax money will go and be throw all over the world and reparations payments, because we ve been six
small nation, that's one thing that happened, but the other thing that happened. It's very concerning is, with a b twenty and the twenty nations that twenty largest nations there with the largest gdp in the world, they made a decision that now all countries of the world gathering in Geneva Switzerland this year and we're supposed to be giving up our nash, sovereign decision making over health care decisions like during a pandemic till the world health organization which is really under the thumb of communist china. This is incredibly important bill because, if are pandemic, decisions have to come at. The behest of The world health organization- we have no one to appeal to. We can appeal to a congressmen. We can appeal to a senator. I don't wanna be yellow resign, because in order for that to happen, congress You have to affirm that treaty. And the way it is now and republicans control.
The house is never in a million years going to do it, but the first thing that you mentioned is interesting. So what they decided to do in charmer shake it's to give an enormous amount of money from the developed nations the undeveloped nations, to combat global warming. Which of course I know that molly is going to immediately started to do that it is all going to be stolen. Everybody knows it is, and why I don't you No. Why? But, anyway, I appreciate you bring in both of those things to our attention. You're thing, my staff told me I'm glad you're on today is that who are following this megan and harry things. Not netflix pay. These two hundred million dollars? That's the rumour. I don't know if it's true and they ve got this document. that doing very well. A people will watch it. I couldn't care less about megan and harry. Ok to me
they sound like people live and down the street whose dog barked too loud, that's megan and airy, shut that dog up now you find something interesting about this. What is it? Why think? The interesting thing is: is there very emblematic of the current thinking in america right now, which is an entitlement mentality that the world should be the way I want it to be that everybody should have to act. The way I want them to act. It is an unbelievable way of thinking when you are young, when I was young, we were expected to accommodate ourselves a little bit of the world We were. We had a standard of behaviour that we had to come to. These people think they can snap their finger and the royal family is supposed to do their bidding or people round them are supposed to do their bidding. The weird thing bill is that this isn't just harry:
and medicines way of thinking. I dont know if it's generational, I don't know, but this is what we are seeing. Is it it's really is the new ideology that people are are taking in and living by, and society can't work that way you. It can't work that way when everybody wants to be the boss, but unfortunately it really is emerald. Attic about current, I dont want to say generation, because the whole generation isn't like that, but its becoming way to common- and I think that's what was so interesting about this documentary, because it gave you gave away the thinking of people who actually think that way are entitled who think that the bureau, the universe, open, ozma living my parents, we told me nobody owes you a living. Well, there's a whole new group of people who actually thing. They are older, living and area and seem to be among them. Yup. That's very true. I talked about a less nigh with the second tribe
people who say look, I don't want to compete or I can compete in our society and our capitalist society so give me stop, but there's an outside chance And again I have no interest in these two. I don't care about the oil family, I'm irish. They seized my ancestors farm, Through them off, the london did are we boarded a matter here in a revolutionary war. Great sacrifice, I'm glad there got, but there is an outside chance. It make it an airy, basically sat down and said, look Whenever gonna be king and queen had not happened in here, so Our lives are gonna, be run around doing little ceremonial, stop raising money for charity and as boring, we don't want to do it. So, let's go to america and make a pilot dull, ok easiest way to do that is too bad mouth. The royal fan and then everybody coming give us money to go on netflix and we'll bad mouth everybody and will be fabulously
of you which they already were, but now there santa barbara whether wherever they are, they are running around they may be just caught and everybody michelle. You know that could happen in here. Well, I I think they are conning everybody, but I think at this point they're so pathetic. That's that's the thing that is shocking. You would think that big boys at netflix would be smarter that they can be better. But your words The highest road is noted, hands thing: it's a high. Willingly raided its raided number two today, but though the people that watch it I mean that there are discussed. With this mega inherit it's gotta rating of twelve on rotten tomatoes, I mean, like you, can't go lower than that in I think they're really one here wonders at this point and I think whining isn't gonna get a many further, and I think for people who decide that whining as your car
agenda street, you got a pretty was short shelf life It's not gonna last night, big again you're all about common sense. You ve always been about common sense and I think especially for those younger generation. There's some tied and true tried and true principles, and common sense, wisdom. Take that don't call this wrote route of whining, don't go the route of thinking. You're entitled it's gonna, be a dead ends every time you personally, if you're, not a roy, all you gotta, yonder million you just gonna, get scorn and machine so good see you I'm glad. You do well region university, trying to straight near since their out. I want to have very merry christmas and let's talk again soon: ok, we'll Well, thanks again, merry christmas you're out more life. This is way beyond my capacity to understand anything. It's the app world, a peep
the world, I'm not in that world. I don't have any apps I dunno would I know what an asp is, a sp, it's a snake and it did cleopatra. It's nasty alright, but I dunno where the app is. However, my staff, which is much younger and, as most people are, are they say, lock smart life. There are four, smart life apps that we're going to tell you about. So I hope you have a pen and paper handy, ok one is santa's bag, so it's an app and it can give you gifts and make your life easy summer, Fetch rewards are we already mentioned this in September you get cash back on purchases, fetch reward like dog fetch. Third, one pay, pal honey pay, pal honey,
Free app and you can earn rewards in and you get all kinds of stuff in the first and the last one is slick deals. One word slick deals app and a crowd sources, something I don't know what proud sources is. So you just talk to a luddite here. Ok, I'm no idea I'll, never have an idea. I just it's beyond me. I got book stacked up the here that I read out timeframe apps our eye, but my staff again says this is smart life. If you go there, you save money and will be good for your soul or something. Can we get a male segment and a final thought and final face a little provocative tonight? You know me: I hate to be that way, we'll be right back. This is Brian dean, Wright, former cia operations officer by now, probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We try
around the world, talking about the most pressing news of the day and the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad then, really simple to understand. We also about solutions to the problems that we discuss. Just like the actual brief deliver to the president. Each day in the oval office so download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday? It be a pleasure. join us. I'm sorry, the new year right with a great night slave thanks to my cosy earth. Better, it's a wonder. Over five thousand customers have left five. So reviews on their website, swapping. betting to suit the weather is a huge fan. It's a giant hassle One more reason why I love cosy earth betting, kismet, cozy and comfy year round closer.
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let's go to the male career on a message board bill. You wisely explain after the mid terms that people did not vote their self interest, learning tonight that in fact they did getting free stuff, given the growth of tribe, to that's what we did last night, try one and try to can't fathom now. This political advantage can a real come nor number one. They did vote against our own interests by voting for liberal democrats, because the entitlement
they get from the democratic party? That's a short term play. That's, never going to elevate anybody anywhere. It's not going to protect you from a bullet in their head. Okay, so they did the people who pull the lever for the liberal democrats in the midterms vote against their own self interest. In the big picture, but in the I want gimme while and we sean we're talking about that's what happened: tanya concierge member concierge membership fabulous christmas gift. I mean you're going to do somebody a big big favor by giving them a concierge worshiped to bill, o reilly, dotcom little change your life. They get direct access to me. Will you say there are two tribes, one invested in america, the other one? Not what about this? bergs in hollywood elites of the world they are invested and
We are the very forces that are destroying america, excellent question, excellent question, china and somebody else couple of other people as well. So in order to amass a fortune, okay, you gotta buy into the capitalistic system. You got to understand how to make money, okay, so tribe to they don't want that, though we want to try but those zaka, bergson Spielberg's in an all a hollywood people in a lot of corporate people, they use the system, are involved there. There tried number one within they feel guilty or ideas, but my experience that they have so much in others do so the video go and they fund try number two because of guilt and then is that whole social circle that liberal social circle in d c in hollywood in manhattan, and they want to be a part of it. Excellent question.
Sean aurora peyton colorado sure. While you provide actual analysis on tribe one vs tribe, two, I put forward a simple illustration for a simple man: tribe one wants to be americans and live in our great nation tribe. To just wants to be in america with all the benefits they're not trying to is not invested in our system, our capitalist system or our traditions. That is why the progressives want to flood the nation with foreign nationals who don't understand anything about american tradition. That's a little over overstating some do but most of john, why your column is largely true. There's no proof that Putin would not allow james welling to be one of the exchanged jaw. We go back to
I believe what they want to believe. Apparently, you want to believe that Joe Biden had some kind of way to get the former marine from Michigan out of a russian prison can tell you with certainty. One hundred percent putin would never do that for brittney griner ever and I've talked to a lot of state department. People about that would never happen. What putin wants in release of the former marine is a big play, much bigger than brittany crime, but again people believe what they want to believe. What am I gonna? Do Jim Guerrero, savannah, tennessee. Six years ago I used so in a restaurant, and the prices would go up and down on certain items. I believe the current economy has done the same thing. Hence the reason for price gouging is certain item.
are more expensive. Unfortunately, restaurant owners have to pass the cost to the consumer. You are correct, gym in the sense that if you're getting hammered over the cost of eggs, which you are okay, then you're going to charge more for the eggs. But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a pizza, or a smoothie. That's the two stories that I related to you, where I know kay. They already raised their prices on, or eight and now they're, just pile and I like to gaston, And who will come down to the average price? A gasoline inserted state their stand there because they think they can get money. Charles, a nano colorado springs
to those who have lost loved ones, do too fat, nor my deepest sympathy to those who live in arizona and voted democrat If you truly want to know who is to blame, look in the mirror, there's something to that. You know you live. You voted for liberal democrats in arizona or any other border state which it gonna get. robert slaney port washington, new york on long island of all the money that is involved in political campaigns. What happens to unspent funds? The politicians can keep the unspent funds, keep can use it to pay any personal expenses, but they keep it in a bank for whatever politics travel would have not
it's a little travel, but they give a speech something like that. Chris concierge remember the power bill. O'reilly just went to grip six website. Almost everything on a site is sold out. They real will replenish is one of our sponsors. You just heard it grip six great products. You know we really vet our sponsors and their. But they'll get the products back and bill o'reilly dot com, christmas, hanukkah store has most stuff. We sold that have a little bit, but you can still get it got great news today. Barnes and noble came out with its numbers are killing the legends number five and we don't count books like bad, dad, jokes and stuff. Like that remember this book came out september, twenty seven. It's really hanging tough and guess what snuck back onto the barnes and noble bestseller list. killing the killers wow. So I got to know if you want to buy legends killer,
in killing the mob. We got. A bundle will give thirty five bucks off day, really excellent deal Where do the day do not be sniffing s, and I f f, I s age in writing to me bill bill, O reilly. Dyke on villages are rarely darkened name in ten of which you will pine final. For the moment, I like four patriots, and I think you will too, because a food shortage could becoming even in the united states is what exports are writing as recently as July, droughts inflation, even new political policies are pushing america's food supply near its breaking point that survival. Food is more important than ever could your own stockpile of the best selling for patriot survival, food kits, not ordinary food. We're talking good for toys in five years, super survival food hand that right anything we own facility in the u s and giving jobs over two hundred americans. The kids are compact sturdy water resistant and they sat easily. They have different delicious breakfasts
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dot, com, use code, lives and start building your own stockpile. Today, I am Kircher me. Every week I release episode from my backyard as we gather around the camp fire about what it'll take to get us back on the road that leads to strong families and a strong nation you'll be inspire, equipped and fired up when the family of faith comes together. People flourish and nations prosper so subscribed to the american can't fire revival with cameroon, wherever you listen the broadcasts and let's sparked the revival that this country so desperately needs here is the final form of the day. So I went to a party in manhattan last night. I don't usually do that, but there were some people. there that I wanted to see. I hadn't seen in a long time, and I am glad I went ahead and stay all that long, but a woman came over to me and was very very nice. Not what's his name is.
sonny hostage a member of the view, and she was very very grateful that I gave her her sprague, and I had to be reminded that it was so long ago that I put her on a factor and she was some of our legal reporting there. She is- and I was taken aback I saw her come over. I thought, oh, I'm going to get grief from one of the view. Ladies couldn't have been nice at the point of it is that, even if you disagree with people, you can still be nice to them. You know I mean joy. Talking to her, she refresh my memory about how I had put her on way way back and now she's a success and I'm happy to help and I've helped literally hundreds of people in this business, and so it was a very worthwhile thing. Thank you, ve, watching in listening to the nose bananas will see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-10.