« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Brooklyn Center Police Officer Resigns, Socialism Coming to America, and J&J Vaccine Use Is Paused Across U.S.


Tonight’s rundown:  

  • The police officer involved in shooting Duante Wright and Brooklyn Center’s Police Chief resign
  • Watch Out - Biden’s new spending bill is just the beginning of socialism
  • Patrisse Khan-Cullors, the leader of Black Lives Matter, just bought herself a $1.4 million home – it seems the self – described Marxist is benefiting from capitalism
  • Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck – what can you do to make yourself more financially stable
  • After 6 women suffered a blood clot, the CDC and FDA have called for the U.S to stop administering the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine
  • Newspapers across the country have seen circulation numbers fall double digits during the pandemic 
  • This Day in History 1949: 19 of Hitler’s aides are sentenced during the Nuremberg Trials
  • Final Thought: Update on Bill’s Blood Sugar Levels 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It will arrive here. Welcome here, the nose, the news, tuesday April thirteenth, two thousand twenty one stand up for you. Country so do I want you guys to start spreading the word again that and our coverage here on the no spin news is important and much much different than what you're getting on tv. If you want to make it, paris, and you know that, but we need to get the word out spring lot of things happening in america. We're getting on today with president Biden schedule, as you know, we do this every day, just to show you exactly what he does and he has two things on us.
actual today and eleven I am, he paid his respects in a congressional tribute. Afore. U S, capital, police officer, William evans, remember that he was. Kill by some insane guy who drove his car into him. So that's a good thing and eleven, I am, the president- does at two p m the president and vice president meet with members of the congressional black caucus and I'm sure they discussed the Dante right shooting That's it! That's all. President Biden did today. That's all but more than he does on most days. He had two things to do. Instead of the one thing that are usually Now, on a radio today- and I was talking about this- about that- no matter how you cut it, president,
His schedule is scary, light it's scary, but there's a reason because he's in his diminish capacity, he just can't do much more than three things a day, and I I haven't seen three things on his counter a few weeks, so it's either are two things I must get to the minnesota situation, so the police officer who shot twenty years
well Dante right has reside. I kimberly potter on the force in brooklyn minnesota for twenty five years she's out now. Her explanation is that she grabbed her gun instead of her taser all right. I don't believe that kimberly potter woke up in the morning and said I'm going to go out and shoot an african american, and that would be suicide to do that, because Kimberly potter could be charged with involuntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter. She could be charged whether she will be or not. I don't know, but she could be so officer potter, former officer potter and basically said she made a mistake and if you look at the tape that came off her vest cam and I
I looked at it very closely. She seems overly excited and it looks to me like her adrenaline took over and she fired her weapon without even thinking I, whether she thought it was a tough. Or what I don't even know. She was yelling taser, but you and I, as I said I it's a pretty big difference between a pistol and taste, but anyway, I'm not going to do that because I just don't know or state a bond I do know that this twenty year old Dante right should be alive today, because when you you stop somewhere all right? You run him in the computer, which is what the police did our right and he tries to us. A boy, you know where he lives, you know bowed here. Ok, now you can choose to chase him but shoot him now, not a traffic stop
Furthermore, the police knew that MR right had an outstanding warrant. Or a weapons charge. Now you're. Never gonna hear that in the mainstream media. They will never tell you that, but he was supposed to appear in court. Four have any legal pistol and he didn't show up those warrant out on him. Now that makes is situation a lot more serious and just unexpired tat tag again. The media will now report that they refused to tell you the truth. I'm not justify any thing. As far as MR rights concern almond officer on the scene, he fleas right. I make a decision with a chase EM I never shoe. Unless he's got a weapon is shooting mate, because I know if I do and he's on armed my whole life
over, as is former officer potter. Her whole life is not all right. So the reaction to this and the police chief by the way in brooklyn Minnesota TIM gannon, he has to resign he's out. The city manager is out, and neither the city, manager or chief gannon did anything wrong, but they have to be sacrificed for the mob. The mob is there in minnesota. Alright and the mob wants blood boil in a pot. Ok, so there is a curfew in place, governor walls, seven p m to six a m last night. We show you some pictures here. The crowd did not open the curfew and it wasn't a terribly violent confrontation, but the police scattered the crowd before you get out.
Control, forty people arrested overnight, Minnesota national guard is there five hundred gorge people and thirteen arrested in minneapolis, which is about twelve miles away brooklyn. So many applicants are waiting for the George floyd verdict, end of it and go there way, they'll riot in minneapolis. This is all pre planned the black lives matter. People have pre plan. What they're going to do? Ok, reporting the facts. Now there are people encouraging violence. The first encouragement comes from minnesota, congresswoman, rashid, had to leave a true and I I use that word. L, oh and literally this woman's alone put her statement, not quote. It was an accident, in our country, is inherently and intentionally. Racist Dante right was met aggression and violence. I am dawn with those who can
own government, funded murder no more policing, incarceration and militarization. It can't be reformed. So this is a sitting congress person calling for abolish, meant a police, military and incarceration. You know I mean I don't have to tell you any more and and people in minnesota voted for her to hold a responsible office. Ok, another gross piece of irresponsibility was a word on the view relocate. This is domestic terrorism of the black community. When you talk about duarte right, he was shot in the back, a shot, police officers for an air freshener violation and he had air fresheners hanging from his rear
You mirror, and he was pulled over for that and was shot and killed. Okay, that is just not true, so this is the disney company. This is a b c news who employs that woman, sunny hostin, miss hostin, in my opinion, hates america and despises the system that she believes is run by white people, she hates the police are right, and anybody who supports the police or america in general she despises. Then this is who disney is paying every day to go on and spout this stop, and it's not like sunny hostages, popular she is, she put out a book and no one bought the book. It was a tremendous failure, ok, and why,
Is she on and a b c news programme? Now, I'm not calling for her to be fired. I don't do that. Has a right to work, what I'm saying is wise disney paying her. Why I've I'd like to know there are thousands of journalists who would like to be insomnia hoskins spot? Is it a competition? is it a meritocracy disney? Why do they want her? The view is a hate, fast and anti american programme is that would disney wants. Now you know I've been on the view why, fifteen times when barber walter's was running the show- and this is an insult to miss Walter'S- a true pioneer in the broadcasts industry who aged out she created that programme. Barbara Walter's does not want.
the view to be a hate fest every day, but apparently the walt disney company and a b c news does, and it's not like the show, gets. Powerful ratings it doesn't. It does maybe two million, that's not thing. You could put anybody in there to do that, so my question again is What are you doing disney company? It seems in every radical area your there, the disney corporations, Very radical area: what is this? I would like to know? Okay, so summing up in minnesota, and we are a very, very sympathetic to the family of the twenty year old. He should be alive today that never should have happen.
Sonny Hoss in it's how you it's about air fresheners, it's not yet an outstanding warrant on a gun charge. That's why they took him into custody and that lead because he didn't he resisted and fled to the shooting. That's the truth: sunny hostile lied to you right and to implores disney eyes in his business on corporate media. For forty five years of I lied to the audience one time I would have been fired guy or right in georgia, three police officers were shot. Ok and a chase, a car chase happened yesterday, so about three thirty in the morning to men were
Weighing one hundred and ten miles an hour in georgia, Aaron Shelton twenty two and pier Shelton twenty eight- the police rightfully put on their lives when we're going to give the men a speeding ticket. Well, the men shot at the police and three of them were hit free officers. While the officers will survive, one of the guys was killed. Aaron, I believe, was no errands in custody, pier Shelton twenty eight was killed by
police. Now these men are african american, but none of the media would say that for stated that, should they it's a tough one, it's a tough one, but in the context of what happened in minnesota, when you have three police officers in georgia shot by two african americans, you might want to tell the whole story, as I am telling you right now,. It's hard I dont, like the skin color thing, I don't wanna demonize the african american raise by every time, crime committed by a black person, pointing out that it's a black person. I don't think that's right, but here we have contacts the pole. He's everywhere, all eighty thousand of them across the country.
No, there is danger every day ass, not to excuse anything. You have an honor motorists, you pull over And the guy or gal bolts, you don't shoot him dead. Ok,. It was another incident in a tennessee school or a student. I don't know what color, because they won't say. I killed a police officer and the you know. student was killed. The police officer is in surgery that happened yesterday too dangerous country Well, let's get the politics so Joe Biden, he wants two point: five trillion for infrastructure. Now, that's a ruse! Everybody knows it to ruse. This money will be if it's okayed
we use for civil rights, gun violence, climate change, education, medical research is a very small part of abilities for infrastructure, but the vitamins fish. Oh, this is all infrastructure. We gotta rebuild america, it's it's not true, It's a bunch of ball, and by knows that the republican party knows a bunch of bull body wants to try to reach some compromise. Will it take Last week I said that once congresses back from recess, I get work right away because we have time to lose. So here we are Democrats father goods will have ideas about what they like and what they don't like about. Our plan. that's it that's a good thing that Eric away. That's where democracy works. Ok, fine the way democracy works is that you before you go out and spend almost six
billion dollars money. The united states does not have Remember we owe twenty seven trillion sooner, be thirty three, if you do the math and a new threatened to raise taxes on all affluent people, and operation before you do that you might want to consult with the opposing now. ok, so this is socialism and we're gonna get to that. We have a good guess on this in a moment. Now Biden does he know what social as they had never met in a million years idle? No, if he knows or not, I think he's diminishes. I said, but I don't know what he knows now. A marxist.
I can the leader of the black lives matter global foundation, one of my favorite persons, patrice schon colors. I dunno where the chon came from last time was just patriots colors, but now it's cleese con colors okay, so she is a teacher she's, a teacher at oldest college of art in l, a alright and she runs along with two other people, though, black lives matter, global foundation and she's a marxist. She says it I mean patrice, is not misleading anybody, but somehow she just bought a home in topanga canyon, north of los angeles, for one point: four million dollars there. It is and bangor canyon is ninety percent. Why not? A lot of african americans into paying can get three other houses.
Now she just signed a deal with Warner brothers. Nobody knows what that deal, or maybe they gave her a pack of money and if they do then that's fine, but if she's a marxist I dont know wise and she giving money to the people. Are we all gonna go in to pangaea canyon and be well from there. I I that's what marches do you know what everybody has share the land to share, the land, that's marxism, no private property, but patrice I was is for houses that private property. I thought it was pretty interesting and then we took another get the black lives matter of global foundation, funding ninety million dollars last year, corporations and individuals send to be Elam global foundation. Ninety billion, you know what their expenses were: eight million.
Let's do the math again. That means eighty two million dollars is flawed. What around hello Two pangaea canyon. Ok, are illegal. She could say: that's my office. work out a the bag guy, not only and the money goes and not direct It'd be a lemon goes through. The tide sounded Jesus, far left outfit, that funds or the other or because be alarmed lobo foundations that tax free it. So this is labouring labyrinth of staff to dodge taxes to dodge taxes, and it doesn't in pay taxes on eighty two million left over. She despise a house for houses. Ok, this is what marxism, has come to. I asked myself to dig up the recent poll on socialism. I dont believe the paul, but I'm gonna,
is there any way the hill put it out. Nine hundred seventy one registered voters, you believe in capitalism, sixty two percent say yes, forty three percent say now It adds up to more than one hundred percent. So anyway, there's a substantial number of people who want socialism in this country. I don't think that is false. I think that's true spring and cheryl Chamblee now Cheryl put out a book last year that I read when it came out. It was called socialist. Don't sleep christians was rise or america will fall shows also. The online opinion editor for the washington times. A conservative newspaper. so far as well share a wider christians have to get involved with socialism in capitalism.
Thank you for having me bill and great question and, of course it it's not simply christians to save america from socialism, but I believe that christians have the long term savings. graces and mostly because if you look at what christians are taught that they haven't, individual relationship with Jesus bay. On gifts that god gives you at birth. and part of your mission in life as a christian is to go forward and to exploit for better of a better word those talents, and it's all about the one on one relationship: it's not about putting government in between and Everything that you do in life, for the good of the state is all about. Fine guy and the second The reason why christians are in a great spot to save a miracle is that christians recognised the humans are born into sin and that automatically makes them reliant on a higher power for their moral compasses
and part of the reason our nation is where it tat right now. Falling due to political scandals, and corruption is because people in the culture don't look too higher power for their moral compass. Ok, but is socialism immoral? In your opinion, I am submitting a sin. If you are a socialist I think socialism is immoral because it puts government at the top. Of your priority list, where it should be as a christian guide. Ok is Joe Biden, a socialist she certainly signing off on all the socialist programmes. He wants the government to run pretty much everything. Is he a socialist? I think he knows where he is in this economic area
You know in my book. I talk about the problem with socialism in america is that we all get hung up on social. and with the capital ass labeling, something socialist verses, not socialist, and the problem is that we do that and we have engaged in these scholarly debate. But we forget it Small asked socialism the principles of socialism that ultimately bring about the larger card here, in socialist, in political office, so you can call Joe buying a socialist or not a socialist, but what I see is the bigger problem is he is advancing steadily socialists principle and socialist agendas into america's politics and economy. I said yesterday on this broadcast as a historian of analyzes, the first two and a half months and he's by far the most radical left president in the history of this country. Fdr be second but FDR is not even close:
So I just wonder whether in his diminish state president, even knows how crazy lefties become. Do you have an opinion on that? I don't think he does. I think Joe Biden, his mental faculties or hundred percent. I think there, Joe Biden was brought into the white house, has a puppet for the far left, which really surprise most in the democratic party. Nowadays I either chapter my book that analyzes and compares in contrast, the democratic party platform with the socialist party platform in the communist party platform and they are essentially one and the same so whether Joe Biden understands and acknowledges that he's forwarding and furthering socialism in amerika. I doubt it, but the far left its pushing The agenda threw him, they surely do try. My analysis concurs with yours final quartier in the media. I get this question all the time. The me
it is enabling america's move to socialise, and these are the biggest companies disney comcast and CNN, which is run by a t and t I mean: do they want a capitalistic system torn apart in your opinion, I think so I truly. Why are they want that, though it goes against their profit. In you know their profit, motivations. You would think that in america, where the capitalist system is supposed to shine, but if you look at what is going on on a global scale, you have was called the great reset from the world economic forum where they want to redefine capitalism and base it not so much on profits in profit margin, but instead on social justice causes and if you like, it habits trickled into america in recent months, coca cola versus pepsi rushing to put out there who defends the boy,
lives matter, movement. More just look at what corporations are doing. All the woke ness, that's going on now and you kid seriously say that these companies are in it for the money. Well, I don't think they're smart enough. These ceos are certainly aren't intelligent enough to really know what the big. tourism. I pennant share all thank you very much. A bug in socialist. Don't sleep! You might want to check that out. We appreciate your openness out tonight. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right: grip six makes belt it's right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, strap hanging. ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy uncomfortably use and they look rate
If thou wert enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six. Well, you will never have to purchase another belt again and you look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gap, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about so please go to greece, Six dotcom, make sure to use a code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. Gee are ip six. The number that cop code bill, two zero. Okay, let's get your money
your cash. So this comes from the american payroll association. I'd say: seventy four percent of all americans live paycheck to paycheck. Do I believe that no, I don t know is lower. The study also says that the average american household has fifty three hundred dollars in the bank. Do I believe that? No, I think these are depressed stats. I don't know why, but I just don't believe I could be wrong. I don't have stats my own staff to back up my sceptic
the median income in the usa is sixty three thousand one hundred and seventy nine dollars. Do. I believe that? Yes, that's that's install okay, so the average home in america, including your mortgage, has a debt of one hundred and thirty five thousand dollars and it makes sense, on average credit card debt about seven thousand. If you have that, try to get that down, because you're paying outrageous vig on it outrageous interest rates on people, are worried about money in a pandemic. Is hurt that so now I'm going to give you some o reilly advice about your money about your future. Financially, because money is power, more money, you have. The more protection against evil you can buy. You never got by random stuff? Somebody decides shoot, you and add: will you
down the street, no money in the world is going to save you. But if you have assets you can hire good lawyers, good doctors, good accountants. You can build a fence, you can have a house with good security, so money is power, it protects you, but most people don't respect money and the schools don't teach about money. So I'm going to give you a very simple example: my town there's a coffee place all right see this coffee cup. This not too big. How much this costs taking guess how much this costs five dollars and fifty cents. Okay, so starbucks is around at all the chains arena and the people in all tie by
stuff there. They are five bucks and fifty says now take a look at this. This is Paul newman coffee, all right. This is the same cop. You put this in the little individual coffee maker and you'll get pretty much that how much you think this costs eighty cents- and this is better- the newman coffee's good, then that this is eighty cents. You buy a package of them in any grocery store and. Newman, his decease Paul newman, but his operation? Don't it's all a money to charity and important is good, so eighty cents, five fifty. so people they want with a while when they want it. I got it. I understand, but
it's throwing money away, you just thrown it away right out the window, setting it on fire by impulse buying by not disciplining yourself. Now I don't drink alcohol. I've never taken a drug. In my life I never smoked, in my life. I don't do any of that. I'm boring, I'm a boring guy, I admit it and how much money I saved in my life by not drinking not smoking, not again drugs, millions of dollars, millions of dollars. You go to a restaurant, now upscale restaurant order a drink. It's ten box, you order, last, a wine bottle a why fifty sixty dollars for the bottle of wine. Ok, so you're drinking on a regular basis and seventy percent arrogant, adults are getting on a regular basis that money flying out the window now about telling you to be, he told were not have a cocktail
or beer whatever you want or glass of want. I'm not doing that. I'm just saying the amount of money spent on this stuff is colossal. Alright, this is cash after tax dollars. and now the socialists want to take more of your wages I'll buy into this if you earn less than four hundred thousand you're, not gonna paranoid bunch of garbage, it's a lie. Look at your gas prices is Biden. Come in everything is going up once that tax rise passes everything all right. So that means the five fifty cup of coffee is going to be six bucks six and a quarter. So you've got to discipline yourself about the money, not be cheap. Parsimonious word of the day, parsimonious. Okay, no, you gotta say, jury, what's a smarter
way to do this. You get little coffee cups, they're, cheap. You do. You know many a poor day and you'll put your cap on your go where you want to go and you save time and don't have to go into the stupid coffee, shop, and stand on the line where the account a person who doesn't speak- english mean, oh alright. So if all americans were disciplined in their spending, we wouldn't have all of this insecurity, financial insecurity or as get to the cancel culture. So victor Davis Hanson, is a brilliant man. I've I've said that before he's the only columnists in the united states better than me. In my opinion, how about that for humility, he's good and the guy is a right on it. So he's basically saying that traditional conservative american,
All the things that you used to admire our being woke roll of paper, but I think we're in a radical. What's the word recalibration so because all of the institutions that conservatives look toward the corporate structure, Walls, free, the military, as we see now, with a boycott and the chair in georgia and the change of video. There also gained that's chain special baseball football, professional sports entertainment, these american pastimes and if traditions have all been woke now, ass, true ass, primarily because of the players players awoke The owners, the managers, the coaches, are afraid that so now there woke, I call it
so. There are six cases out of seven million of blood clotting after their johnson and johnson backs six cases, all women, seven million jabs, given the government stopping the J and J. This is what bureaucracy and government run stuff leaves to. The government is really in charge of giving out the vax wasn't in charge of inventing it that was private. Okay, newspapers, they're, dead, they're, not coming back. Is that a good thing? No, I use, I still get them, but what I read is the only pages that I trust are the wall
three journal editorial pages, not their newspapers, whose fate user left editorial pages are pretty solid. Ok, let me give you two stats wall street journal circulation down. Nineteen percent thus come from the alliance for audited media now. Some of this is because a covert, but not much because You would think of your inside you'd want a newspaper deliver right now while she journal down nineteen percent usa today down sixty percent. Why it's a socialist newspaper. I read it in florida last week, for the first time I was horrified horrified of what usa today has turned into that's good at sixty percent by not going to be around much longer new york times down: twelve percent washington post nine percent l a times ten percent new york post down
dean percent chicago trip down. Three percent newsday my newspaper on long island down four percent, but nobody reads: newsday anyway, now, why are they all gone because all of these newspapers, with the exception of the journal and the new york post, are far left now they make some money on the internet. These papers or survive it being on the internet, cause they put their articles on and you gotta pay if you want to read them on the internet, but just the newspapers themselves gone this day in history April thirteenth, you fourteen the nuremberg trials and in germany, where nazis were put on trial, twelve nazi, sentenced to death three life imprisonment for long prison terms, three found not guilty.
in the nuremberg trials, but many of these killers, these heinous awful evil and you put in any word- you want after evil got away, and I write about that in killing the s s and seventy. Two years ago today, the nuremberg trials came to an end. I own too quick breakdown of actual now and then a final thought is my health. I guess I pretty big news coming up. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly shrapnel hanging
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So, let's go to the male poor, but girls are sort of florida bill once again, the media's destroying america through the black lives matter movement. Doing it successfully. Does the media not realise when the ship sinks they are on boy asked what I just ass cheryl I but Think that the cocktail parties in the sea eels wanting to get invited and all of that want to be accepted by the movie stars. The athletes that's overridden common sense, lisa concierge member, which means lisa, gets direct contact to me in email form, and I hope you check that out it'll help your life. I guarantee it! Mr oh, do you think our country would be in the state that it is in such a short period of time? Now, I'm not surprised at Biden is behaving the ways behaving. I am very surprised that he is gone, is far less john, a bombardment
Alt del pennsylvania, I cancel my misery base while subscription all I'll, be I to say. Was we have a contract and we're gonna stay in georgia, but then they would have been virtue seeking. Would they that's what it's all about John? But you cancel, then I'm sure thousands of others well jerry growing liberty, veil illinois. Today, after discussing our portfolio in lieu of the response to the georgian election by some corporations, my investment advisers sold all my shares of delta airlines. Ok, that's the way you can make your protest, not mark re, Houston, texas, so I guess the traces when you have to show an idea to pick up tickets at the will call box for baseball games. That's what it's all about all
these election law controversies. Georgia, the left, does not want idee. Canada has mexico, as in many countries in europe have it. The left does not want to do so. Then. What question is why? Why don't you want voters to show an identification? Why, Oh it disenfranchises. Oh, they don't have it's all bull in every state. Get an id free or reduced request. Don't have to pick it up, they'll mail it to you. Why does the democratic party and the far left not want vote? I d, that is a question Deborah regard: rancher real rancho next scarves down, therefore show it miller. You imagine twice now about the view in the muslim mosque at the side of the twin towers. Whatever happened to that, no construction company.
In the new york city area would build the marks at nine eleven at the twin towers. Nobody would build it till it didn't happen, and that's thanks to me. I think, Jerome concierge member, thank you drum forgive give a cherry. I asked how much actually goes to the college. I am shocked by what I find out charity navigator. Very reliable, very honest website. If you want, away. Money is going to charity tom and priscilla happen. Pilots, ranch colorado want to thank you bill. You're, honest reporting of our daily news helps us fine answers a direction. You are a lifesaver for us. While I appreciate that we try once again watch gods to spread the word. We need you to spread this word, because we don't have the big marketing money to go out and a lot of people don't know we're here. Even after all,
this time it's crazy. Michael, was west bovina. California bill. I became a premium member a couple of months ago, received free copy, killing crazy course. I don't usually read books, but I started to re yours now, hooked very interesting history and I was never taught any of this in school. while I appreciate you buying and reading killing crazy horse. If you order killing the mom Michael, you get fifty percent off crazy horse. You might want to give crazier as a gift, and you will like mob three weeks from today, it is out three weeks from killing the mob comes out What are you gonna learn how J f K became president thanks to them all about that? How sunny listen through two fights to mohammed Ali to how, the movie industry was darlin
by organised crime, and I love lucy member that show desi aren't, as was he'll balls husband. She incarnate in chicago, took a contract out and was gonna kill, dizzy owners. All of that. And much more killing the mob pre order and bill o reilly dotcom get fifty percent of crazy horse Where do the day do not be Pawky p, w k? Why? Back with the final thought about my health. I'm always wheeler Kosovo is wheeler, show where we analyzed today's hottest issues like the marxists behind critical this theory and queer theory. The ballot we're staying behind electioneering and the corruption behind covered nineteen these subscribe to the lives, wheeler ll, wherever you that your podcast, whether you listen on spotify or apple podcast, or what john youtube rumble or local, so you never missed an episode, I'll see you
there's a final thought of so on december? Second, two thousand. Twenty. I said this. So my blood sugar is high. I knew it. I knew it it's hereditary, but I too much junk. because it tastes good. I like ice cream, I like a little mafia, Cut it all out, No more sugar- and I did. Yesterday I went back in for the blood tests and. he's fine. I'm like a model now for my age. So how did I do it? Well, I replaced so the drinks, the soft drinks, the fruit drinks, orange shoes ice. he's snapple all this stuff loaded with sugar, more sugar you can believe just look at the label and see
grabs, a little thing or coke or thirty grams of sugar gone, and I replace it with district, and I told you about it and the now one of our sponsors called trio, t r e o and water okay. So I got the I got the bullets ring so between the trio in the water. fine, I'm hydrated trio, dynamically have any sugar. It's You drink and then Replace the dessert with products from skinny did one word: skinny dipped dot com. I guess I got him from the store and they're delicious and their use as good as the sugar desserts, and I don't have much and I don't know knocked out the bread and I only eat sour Oh Brad could sour dough bread doesn't turned to sugar. and boom, and I am more energy by suits fit better, the terrible,
I'm dragon a dog. Now she used to drag me. So I'm telling you sugar can kill. You least diabetes causes organs are problems, obesity you cannot get like idea. Is that that hard at once in a while, you gotta have, as you know, an ice cream or something like that, but get down. This is like the best tip I am ever giving you thanks for watching to see you tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.