« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

BLM Calls For An End to 'White-Supremacist-Capitalism,' Mask Mandates Continue Into 2022, and Baby Boomers Fight Back

2021-12-02 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • The Biden administration will restart Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy 
  • Black Lives Matter calls for a month-long boycott of all ‘white companies’ – and no one from the media calls them out for the hypocrites that they are
  • Mask mandates on public transportation are extended into the spring of 2022
  • Things heat up as the Supreme Court hears Mississippi’s abortion case, which could possibly lead to Roe v. Wade being overturned
  • With America divided, the baby boomer generation are among the first to revolt against progressive policies and hold onto their assets 
  • History: Paul Harvey begins his radio show  
  • Final Thought: Don’t panic this holiday season

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All welcome to the nose when news thursday December second do those twenty one stand up for your country and amazingly busy day. So We do this broadcast goes out to all of our distributors, including the first tv dive com. And then at nine eastern for or premium and concierge members on bill, o reilly, dotcom. We have a live town hall with your questions from nine to about ten, and of course it is a good, I reviewed a man, you can also send me quite during the our very say, something that you want more Explanation you want to challenge so it's give to a lot of fun.
So this is a long day for me much long then president binds Debbie. I wish I had a schedule boy. So one fifteen. I went marilyn and gave some remarks on covert. One forty did the same thing in five thirty. He lit the national christmas tree. No notice the words national christmas tree like me, Cause it was a holiday trade for a few years. Remember that now the christmas tree, because it is It's there are no holiday trees saw I you know I did. He saw a few good, really good thing. In my career and that brain christmas back was one of them. So the big story and the vitamins is not going to be reported.
By the remain in mexico policies back. So you remember on inauguration day Joe Biden, so executive order and knocked out all of the trump impediments on the border open the border. I'd say: ass, made three four million foreign nationals and last I been months import into the united states, along with a record breaking amount of narcotics. No heroin, cocaine, that's all job. I. Anyway federal judges who saw appalled that they said you can't. The remaining excess capacity so now today, a bite, is re instituting it and it will begin in texas december six monday. Laredo El Paso brownsville san diego, is california. Obviously.
So the remain in mexico policy is this. The big con is that people come from all over the world and say: oh, we want asylum, political asylum. And we know it's going to take five years. But in the meantime,. we're gonna live in the united states. That's the car, they Biden helped. Now you can't do that. the moment that you come in border patrols is what are you doing here? We want to say they turn around you about it, mexico. So. The mexican army is in charge of facilitating this. an open door, the president in mexico, he doesn't like it, but they bottom off trump boredom off binds bind him off mass. The cash don't have to tell you that. But believe me, that's why this is happening for mexico. They don't care.
Whether millions of foreign nationals mostly mexicans, come into the united states, because the mexicans who come here send money back to mexico to their families, Mozart care they like it now Joe Biden is basically in uncharted territory. As far as job approval is concerned, Trafalgar pull one thousand eighty two adults republic: in thirty six Democrat thirty, nine other twenty five Its independent question: how do you. Joe Biden, handling his job as president approved thirty? Six thirty six approve disapprove. Fifty nine! By party republic in approve eight, eight. Disapprove. Ninety Democrat approved sixty five disapprove. Thirty one
I number independent Prove twenty nine! That's the death number four by disapprove! Sixty one! Now This is why no to understand care, that's what everybody asked me. I can't possibly know But what I do know is that the progressive who run by tell him what to do or say believe they're gonna get this big. dollar giveaway bill past, I don't think they're going to And when that money source of poor in two people they fully Those people will go providing an Democrat again So we did analysis on a radio, and I mentioned it. I think last night. You can game the system for forty five thousand dollars a year. You can get forty five thousand dollars a year just from the
nor gum and if you live in member states like new york, California, yet more ok. Now this is from the foundation for government accountable, That is a research firm, that studies, free market policies intended to promote work, reduce dependency and increase opportunity such pretty good organisation, so listen to what they say Five million americans have left the workplace and binds commit five. That's a supply chain collapse because truckers, small business they can't harpy Alright, there are four and a half million jobs empty right now in america, four and a half million can't fill what I'm going to people. Why? Because people go, I can make forty five thousand dollars doing nothing. Why should I
The truck truck drivers make a lot more than that. I know, but you get the idea. So Write another ten million open jobs in the usa, every job, labour force participation, that's workers out of forty five year low and all is because of the american rescue plan, the covert thing. So they give you three. three and a half thousand dollars per child K. Food stamps much Then they didn't pass health care free through the extra
injuries, that's obamacare, earned income tax credit not tied to current wages. So you can, you can work or nothing to those twenty one governed I'll. Send you a check for what you weren't? Two thousand eighteen, you believe this. So it is a massive amount of welfare flowing it and that's what this bill back better stuffs all about buying once did kick in two trillion more. It is to create dependency. And a voter base that has to vote democrat in order to receive the forty five thousand dollars a year for nothing and there's no time and you don't have to for a job. You don't have to do public service. You don't have to do anything. You just get the money. This is called a welfare state. That's what the democratic party and the progressives want to build.
their power? Ok, it's really insidious, but you know the facts. Are that so the guy that could stop this is mansion democratically voice virginia! I believe we will stop it. Then you really gonna see pandemonium within a democratic party. I black lives matter global foundation. We broke the story, there, communists they are proud of it, but there also raises. So I know some people who have black lives matter yard signs and they have black lives matter stickers on a car- and I know shopkeeper These were black lives matter stickers and your window. I don't like it. So I go in and I say let's discuss this and nobody wants a discussion because they now. So the latest is christmas, so the black list.
matter global foundation- puts up this already too. Let's harness our economic power to this rock white supremacist capitalism and bill black communities, black christmas is about being so determined and dismantling existing struck. by building new and more viable beneficial ones, in the names of our body, is the most righteous warrior ancestors in the name. Of all those stolen by police violence, or of our community and as a commitment to the generations to come boycott white business. though the black lives matter organization is calling for all african americans not to buy. Anyone whose white. this is unbelievably racist. But yet more racism that right.
so do I. NBC news covered, lester coverage, lesser I'll know: ABC David you're, no nor o donnell CBS covered dimension. This came up yes dimension. You maginnis. So this is part of the media blacker. not even report to tell the american people what's happening in his country if it hurts progressive causes, no black lives matter is racist young? Oh it. who knows it, ok, they hurt us if they could, because of the color of their skin caucasians and his bags and asians civil would hurt us. It's really unbelievable flip over the cove. It.
ah so Biden has extended the mass mandates for public transportation to march eighteenth. Two thousand twenty two means. If you want a complaint, a bus, anything gotta, wear mask right, ships, taxis everything. Alright. Would I do it not vice president, I window I'd I'd, be pounding vaccine drum, but I could see airplanes. I could see that you're on a plane three four hours jammed in I could see it try to be reasonable here. So everybody's panicking, because it is new variant.
But the evidence so far is it's the flu. There is not really bad. I don't know I gotta tell ya, I can keep track of it, but now there's more, So nine thousand marines did not need the vaccine deadlock that was november. Twenty nine. The nine thousand biggest so when I get back. The pentagon has said then, if you don't get hvacs by november twenty nine iraqi, I guess they give a general discharge. guy, but they haven't done it. I haven't said anything: it's pretty big. It's over nine thousand marines or a lot- it's not. They can make that, but for patriotic Marines they had a general discharge considering and we'll get vaccine.
So that's what a penny guns afraid they don't know. What to do. Nine thousand brains gives me comprise five percent of the core lebron James is. sky self destructing makes forty one million dollars a year plan. Basketball. She's. Anyway, that's what he's got covert parent But he doesn't think he has come of it. He says something real fishy going up. Who knows but it's a big story, because african american community, which will stop and generally speaking, to lebron James there. Some of their backs hesitate. Hers. there are far right. Any african americans are the ones that are hesitating generally speak, obviously be general here. so James Gunn missed a time. Ok,
the layers and are doing very well anyway. The abortion thing. Ok, let me break the staff. Abortion is legal in the united states We wait. We all know that, but the individual states have the right under public health. To regulate abortions, cares what most people don't understand so mississippi says: ok, after fifteen weeks, a pregnancy, that's the cut, you can have an abortion after fifteen weeks, so this gets into the We'll system dobbs, verses, jackson, women's health organization, the supreme court is hearing it, I'm not gonna gas.
about what they're going to do, but I will tell you it looks to me, based on a composition of the supreme court, that they favour the states having a much more prominent role in how abortion is legalised. they don't they. They don't want washington doing now, roe v wade, I don't think is going to get. I recalled I don't think so, alright, because that's the over arch, but I think after this case, gonna come back into going to let mississippi do the fifteen weeks. Now It'll open the door for very conservatives, is like alabama la other, say taxes, maybe to put their own limitations.
an abortion, but what's really interesting here is that the most liberal, springboard justice right, sonia sort o my or she is abandoned, annie Legal role, as now gotten into politics, will take. you ve always interest anything but a religious view the issue of when life begins, has been weak, debated by philosophers since the beginning of time It still debated and religions. so, when you say this is the only right that takes away. from the state. The ability to protect the life- that's religious,
isn't it because it assumes that a foetus is five when You're not turning here. When do you suggest we begin that way? Ok, so thus an impossible question to answer people of faith. Believe that a foetus is a human being. I conception because all life comes from got K. Atheists they're. All the place they believe I'd out. All heart, be nothing If it's in the warm you can kill it. No matter, why that's binds point of view, MR catholic. so you're buying believes that if the fetus is in the warm you can kill it any for
there is, but what sort of my or is doing is saying hey? This is a question that can't be ants, so you can have any limitations on abortion. Does is crazy. The states based upon what their people people live in mississippi want to do. Concern, lay regulate public health, so I mean I, I get annoyed at these People who say I know one life begin, no, you don't know, you don't If you just go on science like begins in conception? Ok, so you call it a potential human life go right, But nine months after conception there's a baby, so you're gonna tell me the first three months: don't count.
That you can destroy the baby and how cool is this sort of my How cruel are you just put yourself up there your black robe and say hey. we are debating this since we can answer it. we're going to kill as many babies as we can in the womb. Don't you think, that's cruel, so I support charities that have residencies for pregnant women, so they can give birth and then either keep the baby or give it up for adoption, K and sisters of life based in yonkers new york, one of those charities- and I support that because I am not a cruel man, so just think about it. I mean what have you weren't born, because some.
Because your mother and a doctor So you and want this pretty heavy anyway. So to my or fanatic pro choice fanatic. We know where she is baby boomers, so I'm a baby boomers, low nineteen, forty six, The sixty four massive amount of babies were born. Ok,. And they are now ages. Seventy five to fifty seven. There are seventy three million baby boomers in this country. Control, fifty nine trillion dollars a personal wealth. Why? Ok, fifty nine trillion-
The average baby boomers total wealth, eight hundred thirty four thousand dollars. Why cause they work their whole life. a lot of them save a lot of them bought homes and investments, and things like that now, millennials control, five point: two trillion so boomers: fifty nine trillion millennials five point two. So millennials are not even a factor in Economy, it's all the bombers now the bombers are whole, fifty three percent of: u s, wealth, powerful block, but they're not unified Baby boomers are not unified; they are The stars rock and roll elvis beetles yeah,
it was serious affair, music sixty seventy eighty that kind But they're not unify politically, as the vietnam war and all bunch of other things. I would say boomers- probably most- are traditional conservative but is a big liberal component. However, And this is anecdotal. I think the baby boom generation is fed up with the progressive left in this country and for the exact reason that I Told you about so I know my life. You know your life, I work damned hard for what I have been able to accumulate and, honest- and I never hosed anybody from money or any other is ok.
and now I'm face in a progressive left. There was a take my stuff point. It makes me that some sense a movement in the bay be boom area and iron. Only basin are one thing: crazy colleges. So donations to who cornell princeton boston college, vila nova, george town, the boomerang cut back. Because they know that what's going on, I knows campuses and they love their alma mater is not fair and it's not good for the country scenarios checks. Vengefully, that's going take its toll on these colleges because
were once all the ones that I mentioned traditional places no longer I dont know. If anybody is ever gonna be able to emerge Leader of the baby boomers and caught up organise them because, most of them, I married. You know at the end of the work trail and they're looking forward. The law and are ok, do they really want to get back in the arena of pre, intense politics. But I know that my generation doesn't like what's happening. That will come up in the mid terms. I really wish they would do a you know in addition to all of their
analysis about who votes, who that they would do the generations. So baby boomers went for tromp wine for Biden, whatever may be. Thinking was split on trump, Camera so a lot of male say: look I'm fed up. I want to move out of the usa. I don't invite that by the way. The most you. Have people in established ties? Women? in another country noddies, but mrs study from ex pat insider. I never heard of, and they quiz twelve thousand experts when you're an ex babies expatriate you leave the country, lives, places expert and they got the five places
We're americans are happiest so they basis on quality, alive, ease of settling in working abroad, personal finance, ready for the countries. Alright, they are Number one malaysia, and specifically the capital, kuala lumpur,. Eighty five percent of american ex better happy over there. Why. now. I have been to malaysia it's hot. Lot of muslims. Some of them dangerous lot is rife. Malaysia, third world, but its very inexpensive, so you have a nice little house on a beach. You can have a cook and have made. You can have a driver, hustler.
Would I live in malaysia in no way? No one, second, spain, Specifically, malaga Spain, the coasted, this'll spencer diamond malaga nice, so miami Gay they high rise is nice beach at that expensive, but for spain it is, but you can do ok there. eighty six percent of american expats happy in malaga, spain, it's nice environment, it's hot, but the mediterranean right there, three do by Hided arab emirates, so
The two percent are happy there, dubai, so so I'm there, but I've been been kuwait, she's just up the road and its high all time, but do buys like a theme park. Now: kuwait. You don't want to go to, but devise got always giant. Malls very wealthy. The government there controls everything safe Whatever you want a worry, while caviar, what everyone. Lot americans and nobody knew by number Fourth, sidney is drought. We are now this. Is for the kohen lockdown socinian good, tat, very similar to america, all the conveniences people of his
same mentality, capitalism, but now the government of israelis telling you can get out of the house. If you do this and the other thing covert is really changed over there you're interested in israeli, not an easy place to get too by the way. By your way in there. Middle want a lot of foreigners, even if your americans, but sidney you gotta have a nice licensing and they sing a poor. Seventy nine, and happy with life in singapore? So I spent considerable amount of time there too. Fascist dictatorship, no crime, everything ones. Everything works hot nice, I you all these are sinew not quite like singapore by
if you are in the finance and the finer things in life, singapore, everybody speaks english. You know everybody speaks english, except in malaysia and spain in dubai, every species so those five five worse for experts, were they don't like it wrong. Unbelievably expensive. Milan, no reason to go. There you'll had his bird dangerous all day, long is stamboul exotic, but dangerous and Tokyo chaos. I've been to all of those cities. I would never ever live in any of visit, but so if you think about leaving the girl I say
gotta go there first for a month or two before you make any decision, gotta get a taste of it, but it would take a lot for me to leave this. This country, mobile phone companies, say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet, keep your home up to speed with Cox. internet is faster and has more reliable. Download speeds than five g home internet cox is Real home internet you're, looking for based cox, analysis of bootless be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty, two and cocksure serviceable areas, visit cox, dot, com, slash internet for details,. Ok, so this history, nineteen fifty paul I remember Paul K was preparing to launch his new radio, show.
alright, which got up and running on December twelve full. Running he was doing shorter, shows things like that, so? If you don't remember Paul, harvey here's, a taste. One thing more: outside the harrison popping quinsay ellen, I Josie sang has put up a sign, assign bordered in greenery and holly. The sign says to our christian friends: merry christmas, two hours jewish friends, abbe hanukkah through our atheist friends. Lots of luck. All Harvey day who is indicated by a b c massive hit, he it until nineteen, seventy six twenty six years.
So a lot of people don't know this, but I took over the Paul harvey format with the o update. We had about three hundred radio stations and is very very successful. But I am not nearly as good added is, as Paul Harvey was. I try I and I admired harvey views really good. So. Here's what I said Two days ago, on the israeli update go covert. Yes This year, two thousand twenty one now surpassed the toll for two thousand and twenty with three hundred fifty thousand deaths from coal, since inauguration day, So Mr Biden has done for
worse than Mr Tromp in the cove id arena. That is the fact. Did you know that now I do in arriving at that and you, listen to it of its. Not in your city I mean I'm w b c in new york. That's our flagship and we have other guy w r k o in Boston down the line of you, bt and charlotte north carolina. We have fabulous affiliates, but if you don't know where it is useless to it on the low rallied outcome, we posted every day. Ok, let's take a quick break and then we will get into the mail and a final thought that will help your christmas common right back. Let me introduce you to a company that those things right, grip six makes belt. Right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely
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That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill to zero This is Brian dean right former cia operations officer by now you probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We try Around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day. And the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad. Then really simple to understand. We also Talk about solutions to the problems that we discuss, just like the actual brief delivered to the president each day in the oval office, so download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure join us. Ok. Once again, he's going to promote our live town hall. Nine pm me only four premium in members to an end. Ask me anything: you want an online, oh Biden. I will answer.
Right so it's bill, o reilly, dotcom, live, slash, live semitic, questions wherever I hope you listen. It's actually watching and see me. It's good to do. Math frank on the message board. As Joe Biden committed, treasonous acts as president. He is not gay bad policy is not treason. That being said, his failure to enforce immigration law, dicey, dicey, but not trees, berry concierge, member berry gets direct access to me and berry this week. Forty,
sent off all our stuff in the christmas store, bury ST reich, whatever avenue truth in advertising, isn't there a government agency responsible for keeping the news? Honest is no government agency, The founding fathers set up the press but I on the government. Government has no sway over the press and the press, of course, is now betrayed the founding fathers and is corrupt in wooden, Gummy king involve that's first amendment william out here: Jacksonville Florida. Really you rarely ever mention natural immunity and I'm not sure why you don't recognize that the vaccine is nothing more than a therapeutic in a neat
My confidence in you relaying the truth is diminishing, so we look Just go and do stands everyday. You don't believe in a vaccine, twenty percent of americans down. Ok, then I can do chris wage, but when you say natural immunity, there are three hundred and thirty five million americans. Who's going to examine all of them who is going to determine their natural immunity, its say no body could do that. Then you have medical privacy laws, you have all kinds of stuff. So this I get these letters everyday the anti batches national immunity come just live in the real world, occasionally
Never gonna happen, it can happen, it's impossible. Are alternatives? Are these vaccine or nothing. And if you ve had called it, we don't even know how long those everybody's last so I'll get my booster tomorrow. Why weber, nor co? California, where the judges, the Democrats and Joe Biden, was shut down a country at election time to twenty two to twenty four in the name of covert Who knows you know one of the really horrible things about this virus? Nobody knows to happen is no predictability on. It is often the tears road Rosenberg
Israel progressives always explain away the violence, anger and crime and poor school performance in inner city communities, with one word: races of course, because if you criticise progressive policies, risk The matter whether the kids learn doesn't matter where the thousands of people die in Chicago. You criticise that tourists and suchlike, then Israel, I don't think Barbara Williams, lake oswego, oregon right outside of portland.
Why isn't there an independent counsel, investigation on Biden's china collusion who's going to do it? Merrick garland's are going to do it. He works somebody who's going to make that appointment. Now, if the Republicans take both houses of congress, maybe you'd have hearings, but democrats have the power now loretta hastings, fargo north carolina north Dakota, I know which north Dakota president trump really electable. Since half the country, still hates of I dunno not one of these delectable enough we'll find out and troubled history tour. how you gonna presented himself. Not in ten days in fort loaded, l, florida, sunrise and we're going to next day, the twelve to the unwary centre in orlando, too,
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Erin bill, o'reilly dhaka, you get big discounts for your premium, concierge member, and we got christmas ornaments stand of your country, but anyway, who are you going to give stuff to gotta? Make a list like santa got aviles so on my list says christmas gifts and the names and then next the names what I think they might like, but it's not that easy to think about it. So that's number one put down unless write it down. What you might want to give the people It is christmas events parties you have to go places to do starve yet around it. All that I am in a big calendar. Gotta go here at this time above about, because if you don't do it, you get overwhelmed and then the fun of christmas is lost.
He's your panicking you run around. What do I gotta be there You don't do it on the internet, you just do it, take a paper and a pen and write it down. Tell you if you follow my advice and don't forget the people like I give a nice tip to my newspaper. People bring the newspapers every morning K and I give tips to everybody that helps me throughout the year. Don't forget those people when you might forget them. If you don't write their names down now they want cash, mostly workers, one cash gift cards are ok I like to do some personal stuff over christmas. Sometimes it doesn't work or most of the time it does. But if I dont know I'll ask. I will I will ask the surprise things: low
Rated you like it better, get something that you like and as far as me, I don't want anything. I have everything I need. I want people to make donations to charity. Okay, if that's what to all my friends, shred shredded check to independents, fun, dot, org or whatever big brothers, big sisters. We got a millionaire and illicit on bill, o'reilly dot com, so I hope this helps next three weeks a great season enjoy. It have a good week and column on Sunday will be checking in every day with a message of the day. Thanks watch,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.