« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Bill Reveals Why He is Tougher on Biden Compared to Other Presidents, Chuck Schumer Proposes Federal Legislation to Decriminalize Marijuana and a 2021 Olympic Preview

2021-07-14 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Why is Bill harder on Biden than he was on other presidents? 
  • Cuban Protestors in America want Biden to do something 
  • 2021 Olympic preview
  • Schumer proposes huge new federal marijuana legalization bill 
  • This Day in History, July 14, 1798: Sedition Act becomes federal law
  • Final Thought: The DailyChatter is a good place for foreign news

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here welcome to the nose renews Wednesday July fourteen two thousand twenty one stand up for your country. I was at a dinner last night with a bunch of all friends, all guys, and we talk talking politics and sports. I told them that I feel kind of bad that I have been more critical, prison environment any other president that I've covered in my lifetime. why that is, but I will give you a daily schedule, as we always do, and there's nothing on three p m President, a meeting to discuss critical, invest, hence in the industry. Four framework to state there is? I saw bs.
This is what they call busy. Work is given summit May I also do what gotta do, though. Now meantime we are, For breaking inflation, we iq- The blowing up, we are, you know, he's not a real war but raise conflict all over the place. We add thousands. People being murdered by drugs- It is primarily up to now Why? I'm so critical? Because the man is weak. now you can say he's diminished. I sent to prison trump. Last week he wouldn't say as you know, that was a smart move. by him because we're not doctors here, but certainly he's weak and everything's weakens presentation, he's weakening schedule
he's done. Nothing for seven months- and that was another thing I said at the table- is I don't want to be repetitive, but the simple question is: give you one thing he's not that's helped the country, even the guy voted for by the table and couldn't do it I drove I don't want to hear that it's not palace. What does he don't wear and there's nothing, and if any of you please can point out one thing that Joe Biden has done that has benefited. This country bill bill, o reilly, doc, I'm a on anathema. I want to be fair. I feel badly. The regulation is guy everyday, but let me give you a couple of specific ted. I just today, ok according to a morning console pole, almost too million americans admit they are not looking for work because they're getting money from Joe Biden their money.
In my view, how long is gonna go on two million people, He rode the workforce in the work ethic in the country. It makes us weak her. You not get that. So yeah. The progressive left wants to set up this giant fear apparatus of entitlements that make you and me and then I m all never be dependent on em. I made my own, but that's the plan, Give them starve, gave them star tat week. In the nation. and boilers, and nor does it cares and think about it can't think about it. He can, I saw a court is thirty percent of americans a turn down job offers because they were getting free money from them.
and if you know any small business owners as I do, I can't get people can give me work. You know. Why am I gonna going to work every day? We can almost much money free and the government week ends the nation for you just pass a new budget and it goes on Everybody eleven out of bucks if you have kids fit of police chiefs. California, what why some people live in our box again say this progressive, let them dependent on us like a drug addiction. Government addiction, all so Biden this week had to deal with cuba. And how do you deal with related instead of one healthy yesterday gave this insanely dishonest speech about voting, and I talk about that in detail,
on the hannity radio programme today that we have it and I'm bill, riley darker and I said it was disgraceful speech and I mean that literally. MR president, I say stone a whole world. There are states in this union that are act. we try to make it more differ. Of wore black people lack america's about providing say, said true, All these laws, like everybody, equally got over ninety gotta, see you're in this country legally and who you are going to fill out. The melon vote properly. and drive and voting? Why do we need drive in voting. unless you want to get a milk shaken some fries at the same time, why do we need drive and voting get off your butt, it adds that car walk into The place is that too as ever. Gonna marry
you're, going to do that. It's just maddening to me very logical problems of its mandate. so widen here into the whole gang gonna Philadelphia, given its rapid and his speech right out of Havana, I don't want you to vote bunch of malarkey you'll, understand outward, maybe not at this point much infuriating and that's why so hard on by not ideological. It's him. And if he can't do it, I should say that to the american people. So in cuba, what do you do again? Harry S, missus, well very tough, Very, very tough. You can encourage me get in boats and go the ninety miles florida because that's a dangerous hike,
why the cuban boats shoot you maturity, It's all over the place and three, it's good riff ties in current I've done that I've done that trip very difficult love you saying getting a come here will give you asylum, the tens of thousands of people are going to put their lives in danger. You can't do that military action out of the Can't nobody in the world supporting K. So what do you do. what he should have done instead of going to philadelphia and gives us propaganda, dishonest speech about voting we'll go to miami and say: hey the united states? Backing this protest ogier do reason. We can. to ensure that the people of cuba get some human rights. I would get us by cutting off everything that we say The cuba. And everybody else we want to do that too. You do the same thing you deal with iran, sanctions all over the place and therefore the koran
government and what are they going to do?. They got nothin to begin with, That's what you do to bring down the com from within, because those people over there are ready to do that, but now by news of philadelphia and gives us. Unbelievably dishonest speech because he doesn't know what to do about cuba and I don't want a mad, a bomb administration. They love the cubans member. The present, often almost a baseball game and I didn't critic Right is that alright, maybe you can get inside their minds and maybe they're change, maybe you could persuade them Barack Obama. again we have the plantation and you can persuade him to be better people, ok, give it a shot, they did nothing. I've got worse than I went over. There And I took my twelve year old son, so we could see
with his own eyes what communism is and he did, but people over there are frightened they their cracking down on those protests, which meant that means a knock at three in the morning. You come with me. That's what that means, which Biden. in taxes. They won't let you vote five days after the election, though this is Jim crow. You see, I hope everybody understands you, think, I'm being unfair bill bill, O'Reilly, dot com. I want you to just give it to me alright. Now the Republicans instead of capitalizing, as I just did. I think I laid out my case fairly persuasively and we have a very weak president was actually harming the
it states are didn't even get into the a border or inflation or violent crime or ada gay, but he's harming us. So you think you republican party would coalesce around that right and say say you may not like trumpet I a lot of good things. We didn't have this chaos or here's our vision for the future. If you elect us in two thousand twenty two we're going to fix these problems, actually the republican party should be doing right now. No, no! No! No! No! No is what they're doing thirty percent of republicans think the vaccine conspiracy and I can get it now. So we don't trust anybody. Ok, then there are the crews that try to justify the capital breaking,
the riot on january six. I was that bad though no no, not that bad. Now, if antifa did it or black lives matter those people to throw hand grenades at, and you know what I'm saying is absolutely true. So you got the vaccine wires, mainly conservative people. You got the wasn't bad january sex and then added to that you got the election was a from cankered over now. Maybe the election was a fraud. Every piece of information that comes across my desk,
analyze, I'm not one of these people that isn't going to look at it. I'm going to look at comes in here. I will look at it. I will tell you if it's valid or not, because I said from the beginning: there were things in that election that were fraudulent and there were, but the trump administration could not get it together with forensics and analytics and hard data to make its case to the court system. Instead, Michael and Del ran around Rudy leon. I ran around anybody, think that was gonna get anywhere. Whether the election was fraudulent or not. It's over. You go ahead the next election, republicans, conservatives, okay, so this rig recap vats, deniers, primarily on the right capital.
I am not so betters, primarily on a right election fraudsters, primarily on the right. What good does that do in the quest to overturn this horrible progressive, democratic movement? What does it do when caviar and his you don't have to the backs. You don't want to take it don't take it, but I told you from the very beginning: you're gonna be denied opportunity in this country. If you don't take that what is what's gonna happen to you and you have a much higher percentage chance of getting cold it itself. Those are facts, but if you don't want to take it got my second, I can't make you take it so I just want you to know that the austrian alex clark she's, a young conservative
for a turning point. Usa, she's, a host of pop linux on instagram politicks, very good, Is that youth upset, or so? Where am I going wrong here? I gave you the three things conservatives are doing wrong right now. Where am I going wrong? the first thing you're wrong about, as that Joe Biden hasn't done anything to help the american people bill. Of course, you're, forgetting he saved a sixteenth sense on hot dogs, soil that is one of his big wins some speakers- and I was unaware that how did he say was fifty percent on? How does he felt he bade the sixteenth century, import the july that was their big post on the fourth of July, with congratulations, americans, I saved you sixteen cents on picnic food, so I just kidding about that, but I would say I agree with you on you know when it comes to election fraud, the left, really, when we keep talking about this, they just see it as as refusing-
lose and being in denial, and I do agree that we need to stop harping about that, and just really the the way to move forward from the election is to start doing things in our own local communities to get rid of voting loopholes in our own states. I'm also sick of hearing people talking about the voter fraud step. However, I disagree with you on the capital righted staff. The reason it is still being discussed constantly with conservatives- is because it is continually being brought up by the left, they're, the ones that are saying in every interview. You know this is the worst thing since the civil war. This is the worst thing since nine eleven, so we're talking about it because we are responding to bear asinine comments that they keep talking about and warn against him. what then let them make asinine comments. Why waste your time? The feuding, the asinine comments because The issue is fairly clear, yet a bunch
Americans violated federal law who, by force broke into the capital, are right and were threatening congress, which was in session. Ok acknowledge that happen and, let's put it in a reverie, to happen. We all been ever happens again. We dont justify it whatever the left. They say, but who cares it's over, would not be the logical way to do it. Yeah spent you- and I both know but the left will never let that's a lie. Republican party will be painted forever. They will bring it up every time, work them as murder Who can overcome that? your vision of the future is better than by, rule of the whole country, let let them say whatever diversion they want to say, go ahead, doesn't matter. Majority american people are in the middle, there can be persuaded to public body to do in two thousand. Twenty do persuade them
Biden. Administration is hurting them and a report was gonna help them it's as simple as that will I think, when it comes to pursue waiting people on the left, as we look forward to our twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four. I know that you're sick of this vaccine stuff, but that is one of the biggest things mandatory vaccinations and critical race theory are two of the bigger things are resonating with voters right now that peaks at our interests in gardeners, the most engagement on line and I host a conservative- online, my whole career is social media, and that is the number one being that is playing while the voters is discussing those to the, and I understand that- and I don't mind the engagement and I think it's a positive thing. If you engage on vaccine. Unless you go two loony land unless you go conspiracy, land, if you say, but by how weird, if this week by the said that he's going to he wants to start fact checking or personal taxes
just now, if we share the view that naturally, that makes him look like alone. He can't do it. You won't when its unconstitutional nobody can At your medical records, it's against the law, so Where he can say whatever he wants it, and all conservatives have to do is to say what I said he's alone with all due respect to the presidency. He can't do it and the vaccine is a positive for this country, what did republicans should be doing today, every way saying Donald trump got there in seven months, and I was a miracle and compare to every country in the world and the first thing I said when I saw president drop in April, was thank you for the vaccine, so far thing. I said to him: that's what every public and should be saying you see what I mean when you and correct me. If I'm wrong You're in the react, business and just
it so am I I'm reacting to the weakness of Joe Biden, but I also think ahead. And I want these guys out the binding, the progressives, enemy, twos and cancel culture. What them got away do that is put forth a better, more positive view of the country's guy of everybody my wrong. Now you're right about that. I just I'm hoping that you know we're going to get like to scientists, or somebody like that. That can kind of be that fresh new face republican party. That's going to be able to take us from that, and then, let's just hope, I guess that you know all of these things that are being brought up. What you're saying is true, then, that the left or people that are at least in the mushy middle as far as there's go are going to see by an absolute and be like you know. I don't know if I'm necessarily conservative, but I'm not this and virtual
you be about you, ve gotta, galvanise the big man, one more thing: the progressive left, our experts, baiting conservatives, and I bet you phone it's. It has strap because I know I have in my past now, of course, I'm unbelievably And so I dont anymore, but I did in the past they bait, All right so they'll say something about the capital riot. For example, they'll say some Insane thing about like already, people wanted to kill vice president pants and then under public gives react to that. That's cool baiting! You be people in to debate, something that is ultimately destructive because then to try.
The justify your position, it looks like you're justifying the riot. You see what I'm talking about. It's a it's, a very sophisticated propaganda principle that you bait your opposition into a place where ultimately they're going to lose last work ebbs. Absolutely, I would say you know, and that's what a lot of these trolls online do. Is they say things like? I want you to react, and you just have to remember that you know not. All of us are lawyers we don't have to show up to. Every single argument were invited to sell when you get these crazy messages online or crazy comments in your facebook posts replies to your tweets you don't have to respond to every single one of them and I had to learn that out when I started out on social media run I'd alex stay cool and phoenix arizona. allow me to possible bill I had nice place. I love merrick over gas, able thanks I've ravenous african ever return a favor. Let us now.
I took a live it so tokyo under the tokyo four times our really like it It's too crowded takes forever to get from new retire poured into the town. I like kyoto abuse town not affected by war or to imperial use, be the appeal, capital. I maggots been weakened, healed tokyo, not so much so took years. We're gonna force State of emergency. In the last two months, okay, so this state of emergency goes from July, twelve, a few days ago to august twenty second, the olympics gulf, like twenty thirty august state, so when the living off these are competing in tokyo in and around. all cities under lockdown? Why? Because only fifteen percent of japanese or baxter
we had. I bring it back to we're lucky here. we like lucky. We had a president that cat I vaccine you think Joe Biden gonna got that you would have been calling about voter fraud, and maybe that's unfair so in Japan There is a mess. They're gonna have the olympics because a money the japanese government already invested. Fifteen billion are probably another fifteen before it's over and be seized by five billion dollars. Investment when you got money like dad, you're gonna have whatever you want, so it is athletes these goin in it, Now I understand eighty percent of the average or vaccine, but I don't know that for a fact that have to be tested. but there's no mandatory vax for athletes at the olympics. in the meantime. Here in the united states a case, europe, ninety four percent into weeks, so we got Other surgeon is the pattern
you're all over the world, so it goes up gazette. It goes up again, ok, so ninety four percent still not the way it was twenty. three thousand daily average in the usa, but its double what it was two weeks ago. Now, though, worse aids for Colvin right now. Our tennessee organ saw alabama Kansas in Louisiana. Low vexed states really understand, get the facts. You could get cold it much bigger chance again it and then you bread. Ok, I saw in the united states we're gonna have this and I will recommend to you. You stay out of this Also, I'm going to go to a couple of concerts this summer, I'm going to go on. being a mass, whether a word- and that depends on how many people are near me, but
I we then our backs Gabby here is how to visit. but this olympic thing is shaping up, not actually said a prayer less right to protect those athletes over there and it's not going to be spectators, but I don't want this to be bad. I hope so they re forty two different values and around tokyo in all its good for the war. All the world needs relief, knees watching on tv, provides relief the athletes, a train, train and train. I was an athlete I know our. That is, I don't want them. You know not to have the opportunity, but I'm just see endanger germany now How many times have in the german? But a aloft
it's beautiful in the south, a vario all that love that Jeremy people and you realize the biggest ethnic group in america are german americans, largest group, and but Germany still has underneath its liberal facade, this kind of totalitarian view. Listen to this so youtube and all the social media very big in germany. What berlin is doing is fining them if they violate people's rights. So a german court
is ordering youtube, pay one hundred thousand euros, that's one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars because they removed the video of a protest against kobe and lockdowns, so youtube took it off just like they do here. Alright and facebook and all and german courses is now now we are finding events wow. We doing that here. No we're not doing that here. That's the solution to the censorship problem, although the liberal courts in the united states- I don't know they're gonna be off the mark, but if you can get a fair hearing and there would be a law saying you cannot remove political speech, Do all we can to find you a half million a million dollars there was that so Germany's doing it kaweah, if you put violent,
stuff on any social media should be taken off immediately and you should be reported to the authorities. any kind of violence and all any kind of threats against anybody know. That's a free speech at danger. Tumor chuckie, known of europe, so tumor is a classic liberal. Democratic. Never go against the party. Never give you an honest. Take on anything. Is he a dishonest man. I wouldn't say that, but he's not going to give you an objective view of anything he's going to do what the party wants him to do and right now the democratic party is all hopped up poignant upon on pot the love and want to legalize.
Everyone because its rates, apparently a lot of american americans use pot. I don't buy that. I think more whites use pot than african americans, but they've they've tied at it and the race thing they tie race integrity. so chuckie has cannabis administration and opportunity act; co sponsored by corey booker of nature. Rawdon widened of far left loon from organ economists, administration of tunisia, which basically legalised marijuana everywhere. So, instead of dealing with violent crime and thousands of minorities being killed in the streets gun that chuckie, these ethnic majority later also leave our top priority.
so every day, murder in the streets of the nation's largest cities and eighty percent of our black or his back. No legislation, air, no, no minority protection act, no federal help pop let's go gotta, make the country stronger, isn't it yeah, I'm a twelve thirteen year old kid stoned, easy access to very powerful cannabis that that'll make the country a better place, Don't you want your kids walking down the street and watching people smoke pot? Don't you want that? That's good, isn't in our good dallas. Have that
I would say you know I used to be a lot more balanced than my commentaries. I despise the progressive left, I think, they're as bad as any political movement. I've ever seen. They want to absolutely destroy the fabric of this. country. You know and that's why I'm do what I do every day as well. I'm telling you the facts, facts, facts, facts, facts, facts, facts: not our purple, not this not. That fact. Predicted I remember a long time ago. Somebody said No, it's your nickname is us in what mr always right. I said I'm not always Usually so I predicted the austrians aiming at the lowest ratings in Israel. Was that
Right again, six point: seven six million views now, four years ago, a ten million and they also and now we're down to below seven million. Why? Because No matter what they do, baseball's and like football, exciting. It's exciting! If you know the game, I do and I enjoy it. But hey you know it's like soccer and get a lot of dead spots. But anyway, people were mad that the major league baseball pinhead move the game from atlanta to denver because a political reasons, progressive political reasons. I am. I watch So I want some last evening only because the urchins had overwhelmed the living room and had it all.
and there was an australian pitcher that goes to the white sox, who is cursing all and he had a mic on him. Some? Apparently they didn't really explain it magazine so he's pitching any cursing. I mean heavy duty. Now that was pretty amusing. I have to say. Lois rated written or giving history. You heard it here. First, the stand: history, nurses, imports. So, on July, fourteenth and he ninety eight george Washington right. I just left the presidency to terms John Adams was the present aren't again. This is two hundred twenty three Years ago, so the alien and sedition act was signed into law now
when I was growing up, I was taught that in school the alien institution act. Now it's nobody forget it Nobody knows with Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the federalist movement. Tat was before went to broadway and started singing rap songs that was before them. Hamilton was not really a guy who believed in personal freedom. He wanted the aristocrats, smart people, the rich people who run gum. So he came up with legislation that Is it really made illegal and I'll quoted now, the sedition act, prohibited public opposition to the government. Fines and imprisonment could be used against those who quote, write print, utter or.
english, false, scandalous and malicious writing against the he was coming now. The word false is important here, but the know forces can be subject. So I figured if the sedition I was still law, I would be in jail for the rest of my life. Ok, because anchors has come in everyday. What I do for a living anyway. This was signed at the law by John Adams, John Adams, and backed away from component about if you are born in another country, with fourteen years become a? U s is right, and that was the alien at part of it. But this addition was the big thing
saw a thomas jefferson, James Madison and all Democrats were outraged by this because it could be used by the federalists to put any but in prison, because you could trumpet false charges against anybody. You know that oh it was, It- was never repealed. It ran out. They only pass it for a couple of years. Eighteen, oh one, it ran out, but twenty six individuals were prompt Security, some of them were editors of republican newspapers ah and they all oppose the atoms administration to china busy he gave service like all I really like it, but he knew nothing about a veto it now. There was another sedition act, woodrow wilson. You can look this up, I'm not going to get into it was it during world war. Wine and Wilson was very, very sick, yet at a stroke
And he was around the governmental, almost like job by people telling Wilson what to do, and they said you know we can't have any criticism of our forces in europe and they had a little bit of this, but there were attempts at alexander Hamilton. You know he is behind this sedition act and the anniversary of it is today alright break mail. a final thought that we all benefit your life rank. That piece of vine and staying on budget feels pretty good right now. Does it not but of theirs one thing you can expect this year: it is the unexpected that's why, american home shield exists. american home shield members get more more coverage options, fewer exclusions as a member. You know you get your time. You're sanity are covered, choose from three great plans to help cover the cost to repair replace parts of major homes.
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into inner cities and on one thing to improve the quality of life for black communities. They haven't sponsor preschool Programmes were mentoring, programmes and day. I haven't done any about the lack of fathers. Have they done one positive thing for black communities? I'm sure they have marine, but certainly your point is well taken. The movement is not centred on improving its entered on dividing. What about war lorry an concierge member orianas, wrecked access to me by email. I agree with you, MR all, my heritage is irish and jewish. So do I reparations from the egyptians who held my people in slavery and from the English ruled ireland for so many years. So everybody on earth could get reparations because. All of us have been abuse our ancestors at one time or another history, true
cat girl conquered north carolina bill. You claim the left is dotted tutors. Twenty two of the economy continues. Tank you're, essentially giving Chris to the voters that they are smart enough to make that distinction, but the law? I will hand out more and more entitlements, and so the vote for that maybe but people who work ing and then seeing their dollar erode are, can guarantee that Worry rudy richmond california bill. You re gas prices. Some areas are for fifty two five dollars gown near MR always right aside common, Are these Perez west palm beach florida? I'm a cuban american, in the usa of more than fifty years I have I watch those manoeuvres. Every night we have several of your killing books. question is gonna talk about the crisis in cuba or doing this portion of your programme.
I have talked about the cuban singer. I did earlier, as you know, in this broadcast. Are these monitoring it I'm on it. I because he didn't length would sean Hannity on a radio today and you can access that on a website. Fellow riley, dotcom, Gary stupor approaches west virginia yeah. I know you plenty questions already for the trumpet presidential interview. But there is one I really like answered years ago, arrival mitt romney was invited to the trump tower and interview what happened with that. Mitt romney was being considered for secretary of state. As you may remember, you did not get the job that did not. Please said in IRAN. and maybe at the road of some of his dissatisfaction with donald trump, but the president did consider mitt romney for the secretary say position.
Kendra pearson, texas, I was unable to purchase vip tickets to the trouble riley history show their sold out. We can have any more tour dates. I don't know. So here's the deal. A lot of the vip tickets are gone, but you can get good tickets. in Houston, orders on December James or nineteenth kendra or florida and forlorn adele to be into rina december, eleventh orlando next day, on the top. Now the vips go first, there almost gone, but you can get tickets, particularly if you are a premium member or a judgment, so you gotta get him now, because those tickets are gonna, do all by the time of all runs wrath, check it out Kathy Henry louis and I enjoyed your interview last week, present tromp, I think accurately,
when you interview him or because he trusts, you might always agree with you, but he knows he can trust you. Well, that's everybody. I mean I I'm not I'm upfront, Try to pander to anybody and they know what I'm going to ask. I don't give them the questions, but I'm not trying to bait them as we talked about earlier today. I want them to tell me the truth that all men get a little test But I like the champion of yours, positive, you must at last week you can see on the world market. Ok, so. Killing the mob number one again, as we published his weekly, it's a phenomenon now. So we are. You know about six weeks left the summer if you're looking for good reading material, killing the mob and the other killing books, you'll learn something you'll have fought. It's always nice to read when you're off in the summer. I think.
Were the day you not be more rose when bill o reilly doc. I m o r o s e billet below They dot come name in town if you wish to opine final thought, which will help your life in a moment. The wealth tax season to your folks into you know: they're whoa where'd. You come from April here to tell you about the tax filing software from tax act seriously. Were you like hiding behind my desk seriously tax act, makes it easy to get your maximum refund? Well, you heard it here. First folks switched the tax act today and you can start for free or, as we say it, radiolab the subtle tax act filed for less and get more see, tax act, dot, com for details or there's a final thought of the day. We don't do a little.
We don't do a lot of foreign news here, because most of the time americans are interested in you know which directly affecting them. But I'm a big foreign news guy the best place in the easiest place is the daily chatter. You go to daily chatter, dot com right so every morning about seven thirty, Seven, a m east coast. They send you. doubt on year several of the big stories around the world, but is there a compact that you don't you do for five of them? So today I learned a lot about pull all over the world right and I learned what the terrible heatwave in british columbia, canada, the damage it caused her with horrific horrific what happened up their british columbia
So this information and that's why I like the daily chattering enough, not ideological issues given you are used adding in some very remote places around the world. So if you liked foreign news, if you're interested in the world, this is easy all right and it's fair, daily chatter dot com. I use all right. That was I liked that show. I thought that move along pretty well again, if you have any critiques from being unfair to Joe Biden, please let me know and we'll see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-17.