« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Bill Joins Beck TO Discuss The Caravan, CNN & More


Bill talks to Beck about the Looming Danger of the Migrant Caravan, the CNN Controversy Involving Jim Acosta and Much More.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
bill i want to ask you quickly your thoughts have you ever met ruth ginsburg no but i knew antonin scalia little bed and he liked to be liked her allies yeah which was kind of perplexing to me because you know justice ginsburg made no you know she's not a phony i mean she basically said look i'm ruling on my political beliefs the constitution be damned and that's what i'm gonna do yes she said at one point she was using we are at one point but it didn't you one point she said she was using the south african constitution to make decisions but i i enjoyed their friendship it showed that two people there
opposed to each other can still be friends and i thought i had a good example of what you didn't report is it wild yours who gave you said you gonna use a south african constitution she was also listening to the paul simon rendering it ran imported down marry you can call me out so bill let's start with broward county and palm beach yours be i believe that allow it and be yeah it is it is it is let's talk about voter a voter fraud is do you believe voter fraud is happening how does this play out what what should the government do complicated issue because you know brower county is a problem always has been historically the lady locked up democrat and then all of a sudden we're gonna turn of votes
added to our county is a trump just pointed out about ten minutes ago or in a little a press conference he had before he got on the plane paris any got arizona too you know these ballots her coming and going in luck we have a federal lectures we are the f b i and i think you gotta hand over all this stuff to it and let the ah federal oversight kick in well unfortunately you know they ve done a number on the fbi so we don't really have the fbi that is you know a a lot of confidence with of confidence there but in doing things like that i mean i do real fast in a bomb ugh if there's any with then and the appeal i gotta go
and take it away from the state people right away you have that makes sense you have dr brenda snipes who is the the you know election commissioners it's her job to do this in twenty sixteen she got into trouble for throwing away ballots the judge said she violated federal and state laws on the ballots but brown county didn't do anything about it i mean how because know i dunno whether you know that area nor pretty well and it's just lock tight what is it i know democrats top to bottom it is the county that with a stolen douglas in it and we know that they didn't do anything for the people on the school board who were obviously you know had hanky things going on with the shooting
but the sheriff scott israel he's still the sheriff today how can you expect anything not to be corrupt i mean if if i'm working in the of ballot and i tend to be a corrupt person and i see what just happened and nobody deigning to scott israel nobody really did anything except blame the right but what makes you think that anybody's us anything about you if you fix the ballot my book speculation is not really useful here i think tat the new attorney general acting attorney general trump mentioned it before he got plain today and i believe that i'm the appeal will be down there very quickly
what county florida tell me about the new attorney general because that also now is something that the democrats are saying you know we don't accept him he's this is this is a probably an impeachable offense yada yada yada tell me about him and what you think about jeff sessions leaving back i i gotta tell you i i just don't even bother with the partisan gibberish anymore i really don't i'm so busy with with really important stories and try to accumulate facts that when these people say that stupid stuff what the car is a guy who was entrenched in the justice department under section he knows what's happening so he would be the logical guy that anybody would appoint correct yes so you're just more apparatus india s army continues to role because you put a guy and who knows what
happening and then a few months from now you nominated who you believe should be the new attorney general so it makes perfect sense now whitaker is on record as saying that he didn't believe the hillary clinton investigation was conducted properly i believe that will be proven beyond a reasonable doubt by the inspector general's report yeah that's going to come out soon and he's also you know skeptical about a power given to robert mueller and other special prosecutors as anybody should be alright so i don't see any problem with his number one segue way we remember that joe manchin who you know is supposed to be this guy who is going to you know kind of guy you know he he was going to come from bose but you know both sides he's the guy who came out yesterday and was talking about impeachment for the president because of what because of this gap somebody tedium off
in a trump administration that's all personal somebody did something so mansion is really now one piece it's scorched earth sessions look befuddled in the job from day one i submit on many different issues where's the attorney general wise in taking a more aggressive posture i e sanctuary cities daddy i e just you know when you receive after or our congressperson part of your job and sometimes all of your job is being diplomatic and trying to raise money and trying to be back lap and move around and all is that's not what elliot should be doing you now he was a kick doors down and get bad guys it's a kind of attorney general i would like any speculation bobby kennedy is an attorney general like i know prisoner in ass great he was growing went after you
jeff sessions will you know the artist don't know i mad maybe you come on so who do you think it might be cut christy speculation that limited grand and as soon as i said it everybody said it i write bill rallied icon on wednesday is gonna be chris christy and encouraged everybody said it because christie is owed tromp owes him and trot even set up today in his little impromptu press conference so that if you get a place a bad that's where you play should bear how do you feel about that i don't know you know pretty tough guy i know you know guy now you know yeah so i dont really one state in a jersey thou well yeah
i guess it's big big thing i dont like i don't like you know i feel the same way of already giuliani and i like rudy giuliani i don't want a guy who you're like hey how come bills not in this meeting to ask a question do you did a real good job with law enforcement in new york city though keep that in mind no i don't think he's going to play no i don't think he's going to get it no i'm boy oh boy did he clean up new york city welcome back to the program it is friday and bill o'reilly from bill o'reilly dot com joins us let me let me take you to what happened in front of tucker carlson's house can we play the audio please this is what we believe to be antifa and the surrounding his his house at night scaring the life out of his
out of his wife hero use reilly who has had his share of of threats as well nothing like this that i know of bill how respond to this item intrusions i didn't make them public because of children and i had an actual on guard sleep inside my house i've had that too is there anything worse on your fan than having tale of i've had i mean i've had armed guards sleeping at the doors of our bedrooms
the reasons that i don't regret leaving fox news is because i don't have to deal with that anymore and i had to deal with it every day of my life for sixteen years a once we became number one the first four when we i'm up i didn't have to do with it that much but wonder he came successful then the threats came every direction every direction every day so you know i recommended on my website that dead tucker crossing file charges and i can still sue civilly and that's the only way it's going to stop i found it i found it interesting that antifa that has been accused of being the group here antifa their twitter feed was suspended they're not permanently banned they were suspended twitter well look who ever did it deserves to be punished
and i didn't hear anybody condone it even the far left alone i condoning it i will tell you that this is exactly what happened the late nineteenth twenties nineteen thirty use in germany exactly there's no difference also have in the end also happened in the in nineteen nineteen here in amerika and in the mid thirty's here in amerika as well but not to the extent no here the fear never the the hearing paralyzed donation back if these people on punished then this is gonna ask
late to wear as you said somebody's going to get killed or badly hurt we're headed to nineteen sixty eight let me play that audio again just real quick play the beginning of that audio please stop that individual tucker carlson said was on his show recently and he said he recognized the voice i had two people tell me last night that they also recognize the voice this before tucker said anything and they said this guy was just on tucker's show you can take that audio and they can voice print that we will find out who that guy was if he's in the public eye and if the d say police investigated but where everybody's is washing our whole countries watching and mr karlsson himself is i would file absolutely file a lawsuit against these people
mm for putting my family in danger bill we talked about this earlier this week and it kind of goes here and what we saw in the in the original vote i don't know how it's going to turn out now was that the american people turn down the real strident right in in romney county and they turned down the the crazy laughed all across the country which told me that we have a big portion of america that is just not interested in this kind of fight they agree with that i think i hear these people these kinds of real committed zealots who will stop at nothing to advance our political agenda
victor feared by independent americans who say this is in our countries is that we want and article today in the wall street journal that lose it wise finished i believe that to be true i dont think democratic party can oh would bernie sanders or any of these far far let people gotta go moderate so let's talk about that i also want to talk to you about a costa and the shooting in thousand oaks california and i i kind of like to tie that to again germany in your book where would bill o'reilly have got three topics i need to cover in the next ten minutes so we want to move quickly but bill first of all let me ask you about elizabeth warren you said you thought she was done because she was too far left would you include cory booker and spartacus in that and brass anders angela bran and
the senator allow harris from california or near that whole crew that's trying to sell the socialize medicine high corporate taxation high personal taxation that they discount what do you think i what do you think about michelle obama starting to move in just doing a lot of things that just seem president attract you know why she's doing out here the displays killing me i says the commission welcomes your next week i know that what you think she's do you think she's a possibility of a candidate now ok are let me go that let me go to jim acosta let's start at the beginning your thoughts i wrote a calm and orderly dot com which gets into it and i don't have time on the deck programme is far more important guess the me to really get into the michael
i love it but if you want to know bill o'reilly dot com as i call them a cost his job back as you know is to get information to the people that watch cnn so on a presidential press conference his job is to ask questions what he does he makes statements and then he tries to provoke a response not get a response that'd be helpful to cnn viewers and they would up their information flow know so he says yeah you call the caravan and invasion we know that's not true you know that's not true i mean and you look out going all right so you just attack the president his face in its new waited he's a liar or that he's incompetent doesn't oda invasion is that's not what a reporter does not they won't see and i want to give accosted prime time then show good their ratings are so low he couldn't do much worse but he's a white house correspondent
so that's out alive and then went to prison the united states and i've been argued five of them says sit down you sit down down so there's the it's because the only thing that happens after that is chaos me what is the president do what they want correct that's what exactly what they want here's the problem with the rest of the west of the rest the rest the press corps vase supported heritage back we're gonna erect i know they supported him and and see an end is the worst defender of this they should have suspended him or no apologize they ordered him to do i know they're not going to do that so but they ordered him to do i i i agree with you they make their money corrective wants trunk was president two years ago once you want then a media chieftains basically sat down and said o k where embarrassed
we try to destroy him he won't anyway let's make money out of it so msnbc under the cap cast ban on cnn under time warner basically told their people get em don't report on em get him and then the fox in people in response to that basically send out a message we're gonna support tromp so that all the trump supporters watch fox and all if the trump haters divide themselves between the other two on cable news ah okay i i understand that what i want to ask you is what i do not want the president picking and choosing who's going to be the press corps but i cannot think of anything because he's already tried not to call on got your to be stander right so what is the president to do other than what he did not the president but
the white house communications office is to issue standards that when the president says sit down and that's the end of the questioning you sit down and shut up that's the rule and and bade his issue that so everybody knows what the rules are it'll be a lot easier to enforce the rules that's what i would do do you think cnn is going to abide by those but it doesn't matter because if they don't then there vanished ok let me move two thousand oaks the california they ve got a double whammy happening now they ve got another wildfire in california and they had this this killer go on rampage and it first while before i get into the aftermath of that anything
and on that i my analysis on the shooting in the bar is the same it was in the synagogue shooting the turret church in charleston and high school in valid county florida the men that have done this have one thing in common they are isolated from society they are loners they if on the internet they are emotionally disturbed individuals who in the nineties if these and sixtys when you and i grew up would have been isolated by society people would have seen their behaviour outside now you don't have to go outside k you can live on his machine and two other people is screw up as you are and then finally when you look around and see your life means nothing and yet
believe in anything you have no relationships with anybody then you say i want to end it but i'm going to take people with me i and that's what happens it's the same scenario over and over and over there is a really powerful video that is out of this mother whose son was not killed in vegas but was there survived and then was killed here and you can understand what she saying because you know her son was just killed you saying i want gun control now we you know is not appropriate to talk to them about this at this point but california has the strictest gun control in the nation what they're really saying is we want ban gun ban not gun control
gun control is already established legally it's already there they won't ban them guns okay so anybody i'm possessing a gun you have to give it up or we are rescue that's what the left wants okay they want to disarm the entire population particularly with handguns in a a cage things like that that's where they're going with this so gun control is impossible criminals will always get guns um they don't abide by the law anyway and then again mornings are a complete total ban then you hear that that's what they're talking about in there and the ban will work out even worse because the people defense yes you're in a rural part of america i mean they would let you have a rifle and they wouldn't take rifle hunting rifles away but if you want to protect yourself with a handgun in a dangerous
they would absolutely take your right away if they could let me go to two pieces of audio here on your comments first is quist chris cuomo last night and then its followed by chris matthews listen the only consensus there is is in a canoe hard and here it is first i would like to offer my thoughts and prayers because that's what you do when you offer thoughts and pray you mock those who lost loved ones because if you gave it any thought at all you would never walk away from any of these without figuring out a better way to deal with them start rare let me talk about mark now let me play
chris matthews and when i hear what we just somebody's are neither this guy not has a gun a gun with a nod and not with a gun whenever it is somebody with an attitude of bad life experience whatever it is the easy this would you get a semi automatic glock which doping b b b b b because take any intelligence or skill or town they use one of these guys to just kill people in their release and they're doing it now with some rapidity in this country so you're right the moments silence are about all that congress has the guy to do and it's not good enough and only the origin prayers yes i'm sorry that should be our lord i know it's well intended in some cases what emerges in railway line by staffer who not sort of script some bill o reilly marking thoughts and prayers and then calling for it to be out laud
como and matthews play to accrue right that's the only people who watched them but you don't get discretionary viewing with chris cuomo and chris matthews the crew is largely secular doesn't really believe in religion to any meaningful extend and i'm generalizing out here i saw prayers and thoughts that accrue that that's why a waste of
time and then the the overall message that they send is what i just told you both of these individuals want gone bans they won't say that because that becomes an extreme position they can get a lot of trouble so they'll never but they'll code it they they speak in code the cliches dog whistles you know that ridiculous praise but if you will look and step back and see what really drives this mass murder it's how we are living in america at it how we are living but will afraid society and there's no solution to that so you can by the way you want to live unless you break the law and what happens is these people they get so isolated so desperate so hopeless they decide on leaving the planet and i'm taking people with me
and and you're not going to stop that no matter what you do i'm sorry but it's impossible to stop it any thoughts on you know you just finished all your research with the s s your silencing voices we are talking about banning guns we're talking about banning speech intimidation you have antiphon on the star he'd which is you know are american version now of the brown shirts any any thoughts to leave us with well i don't think would happen in nazi germany can happen here we have too much structure to prevent that do believe that we are heading the united states into a period of time or hatred is overwhelming the public discourse and that did happen in germany and that led to power being distributed to the cheese who then use the power
exterminate people that was the s s was the arm of that ok that's not gonna happen here but the hatred is gonna cause people to be harmed it is an end we after we commentators you me and the other scene but with radio and television exposure have to keep pointing out a look we gotta tapped the hatred down got a recognised evil and all those have the collectively fight evil to the theme of killing yourself and that is our responsibility to do that not ridiculous leaf inflame the hatred which is what we are seeing now and much of the media bill orally have a great weekend will talk to next week my friend thank you so much i appreciate that you buy
Transcript generated on 2023-01-25.