« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden's Story Modification, Hunter Biden's Court Date, Eric Bolling on Fox News' Charity Match Revelations, DOJ vs. Texas, Jason Aldean's Chart Rise, & More

2023-07-25 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, July 25, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill analyzes why the Biden administration has modified their wording regarding Joe Biden and his son's business dealings.
  • The latest on Hunter Biden's upcoming court appearance.
  • Newsmax host Eric Bolling joins the No Spin News to discuss Fox News and their charity match program.
  • The Department of Justice is suing the state of Texas over their river barriers meant to stop border crossings.
  • Jason Aldean's music surges in the wake of his video controversy.
  • This Day in History: America's New Devastating Weapon
  • Final Thought: Bill's trip to Subway

In Case You Missed It:

  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October; it's "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Hunting, NY. They are on sale this Friday!
  • Watch: The Biden Family Investigation town hall available to Premium & Concierge Members at BillOReilly.com; sign up NOW!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming. As you know,. Bill o dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything. As a loyal listener of the no spin news audio, we are Offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free you can I know to become a bill: o'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content. We have. Including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause I urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so. become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't. We learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash ad free. That's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash, ad free,
The here welcome to the no spare news, tuesday july, twenty fifty thousand. When twenty, we stand up for you when she well. There are no summer now These days that are slow, anymore used to be. I remember summer midsummer another happening now, political terms, moral in america pretty much at an all time, high the leading republican candidate for President Donald, rob bogged down and legal matters, some of which are driven by dammit,
that's and the leading candidate for the democratic party, Joe Biden, the president is in serious trouble over allegations of financial fraud and Mr Bonde once again is the subject of this evening's talk: Points memo saw his story is changing the president's. Can you remember over and over and over. I never discussed any business dealings with my son hunter, ok I'll? Give you one example is happened october. Can two thousand nineteen go I'll discuss this? my son, I didn't know that was the case and in it when in fact, I found out after the fact as I don't discuss things with my son or my family, because I don't want to have any knowledge of any. I don't want to be accused of all your talk with your sony to talk with your whomever. well now,
a guy named Devon archer hunter binds partner and was via with bereavement. Ukraine is set to testify in front of the house oversight committee on Monday Saw archer certainly knows whether presume bind discuss business with the sun so the bite administration is changed. The narrative, ok role, the tape. Teresa for white house and the president still stand behind his comment that he's never been involved and has never even spoken to his son about this. So I've been I've been asked this question a million times. The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president was never in business with his son. I just don't have anything else to add. Ah, isn't that never in business. not never disguised anymore. Shoes
answer it a million times you didn't have any. He changes it yeah. This is just see our salute to seat. How can that woman? up in the morning when she's lying to three hundred and one thirty million americans machine. Oh I don't know what they're doing there so no new york time going to cover it, no washing buzz, not covered it. However, today on the new york times website, because I have my produces monitoring. All this got. A peter baker covers washington. Politics did point out. Finally, ok was it in a paper.
Then they all this may not stack up. Everybody knows is a ruse. Ok, here's what we also know that hunter Biden in his uncle Jim took between seventeen and thirty million dollars from far and concern foreign operations for nothing. Nothing as we know.
Joe Biden knew anything about that at stack to you. Yesterday went over the tax return. The president Biden released two thousand and seventeen where he somehow got ten million dollars. Three years later, he and jill got six hundred thousand dollars, so it went from ten million grossed six hundred thousand as zap. This is rotten. Okay, take Sherlock holmes. So now do what they're trying to do with the white house is just run out the clock until summer vacation which begins
It's for congress next thursday, remember, the justice department is investigating any of this. The corrupt merrick garland crew business is going to they're, not gonna. Do anything they'll get trump on everything, they'll investigate trump for jay, walking or anything, but they will look at anything about hunter Biden or his father job. So it's congress that has to do this, but congress taken five weeks off, so the vitamins ratio just wants to get to next Stay right, but they got this devon archer. On monday, we too can be pretty begging to tomorrow,.
The humiliation of hunter Biden making his plea in Wilmington Delaware. I think the police going to be accepted by the judge in one hundred it and get probation for dodging taxes, been taxes more than a million dollars for two years and then carrying a gun when he was a drug addict and that'll be expunged. The gun thing, that's what I think's going to happen tomorrow and then I will see if Joe is so proud of his side. First, as sure as I am a proud, proud, proud hundred one hundred one hundred great, Scott and that's a memo, and now we have a separate action by the speaker of the house, so you remember how Nancy Pelosi tortured president trump, she tortured him alright, every blanket day! Well now, the new speaker of the house, Kevin Mccarthy, is doing the same.
Waiting to buy raw mccarthy just rising to the level of impeachment inquiry, which provides congress the strongest power to get the rest of the knowledge and information needed, because this president has also use something we have not seen since Richard Nixon used the weapon nation of government to benefit his family and deny congress the ability to have the oversight. Ok, so Mccarthy looks and he has to yeah. I asked to take it as far as you can take, so will Joe Biden be impeached lot of it depends on what guy archer says on Monday: if more archer under oath is not public. Remember it it's a close situation, but he's still under oath and everywhere is going to be written. That is going to sign it
if either of these is yeah joe. Is that a lot of these meetings with hunter and me where we were getting money from her or romania or china, wherever maybe the odds of Joe Biden being impeached on that testimony are very large. Not going to be convicted, we all know that, but, as the democratic party tried to diminish donald trump with impeachment twice, I would assume that Joe Biden's going to go into the election style cycle in an impeachment vote on merrick, garland attorney general absolutely could be impeached because there's just a towering amount of evidence that he won't investigate anything.
at the fix, was in black stuff. Go now. The media, of course, don't want any part. This is such a fabulous storied. I don't mean fabulous because certain people might get hurt. I mean this is just fascinating political story: alleged corruption at the highest level. You think every journals and a country would just be patient and over this light they or to get richard Nixon in Watergate whoa. The tape on CBS. I want to ask you about one involving the president's son hunter Biden, who is going to appear in court this week to plead guilty two misdemeanor tax charges and will enter into an agreement that could avert conviction on a gun related charge. The deal has
Furia did many congressional republicans who are holding their own hearings, and I wonder after this plea happens, if you would advise your party to move on. No, I wouldn't margaret and here's why it's the converts here by the us attorney and go where I'm at by the justice department. It is just can't be justified. There's a good answer by Christie. Would margaret Brennan she's she's ready to move on? Let's move on, let's move on, you know what I don't want any of this hunter. Stop it it's over, it's worth for me, somebody came up and was in journalism. Schooled watergate I know it doesn't mean a lot a lot of people in american now, but boy me crazy. I saw how to be a well. They do tomorrow, the judges, Mary ellen eureka,
he'll enter his plea that he dodged or failed, apparently million and a half in income to those seventeen eighty and that he was taken I am going around or news addicted. Cocaine is like as I said, a good provision on these charges? We will be on this story to mar o it'll, be a dog and pony show. That's for sure. So that's happening. President Biden today schedule got. He is signing a proclamation to establish the emmett till and maybe to mobilise national monument in illinois and missis. be so refresh your memory and it was executed at the age of fourteen in nineteen. Fifty five, some people mississippi city by
a white woman, they kidnapped, m, tortured him and then Winston I write about this extensively in my book killing Kennedy. If you want to know everything about this case, that's where you got. Ok, so I'm glad that prison abiden is signing that proclamation to establish the monument and until was in america, and he was executed. for nothing, because the woman that he was allegedly bothering carolyn bryant recanted our entire story again. Killing Kennedy has all of this. Our job has declined to appear in DC before a january six grand jury. This is jack, smith's special council they're trying to get trump. Fermenting, rebellion or undermining the constitution. Whatever it may be, is the grand jury trump. not be allowed a lawyer. If you just right in front of their grandeur,
so. Nobody does that, so it will be smith and his guys beating the hell out of trump, hopefully to something that is intros and they can get them on that. So trump's not doing it because he doesn't show up the grand jury- and this is the way our system works, it's pretty corrupt and my opinion will indict him on whatever smith wants them to indictment. So that's going to happen and now probably happen next week. I would assume it's going to happen fast. Try the heat off president bite us get out a border terror watch list people. This is an amazing stat. So far this year hundred forty three,
will migrants on the terror watch list have been arrested, okay, so under donald trump's presidency, for years, fourteen individuals on a terror watchlist were arrested at the border. Fourteen in four years under Biden two years, one hundred and fourteen on terror watch lists. That's the one and if four hundred and fourteen have been arrested at means five hundred got it. So this open border thing- this is fair. No drug das cartel empowerment, it's just unbelievable. This one policy alone should disqualified Joe Biden from ever run for president. They get, but since a lot of americans have no fourteen for years trump, a hundred and four two years by so the justice department is suing and say to texas is texas point
earlier in the rio Grande river, a floating barrier. And the justice department nets merrick garland. So you can't do that because the federal government is in charge of the border and the state of texas ten not impede anything down there, so that will go to court I've got to media Glenn back and the blade okay, so back is outfit, keeps a close eye on the fox news. Chair. It all. I really no reason for me to do that. I made our while crews by their but to me so different company than when I worked there for more than twenty years They paid me handsomely. I did my job, I'm glad, I'm not
the longer that was one of the best things that ever happened to me. You know how it's evolved out of that, so I don't really mess around with them. So, but Beck does so Beck's people uncovered a charitable thing. That's pretty interesting! So if you give money to a charity and you work at fox news, the company will match up to a thousand dollars in donations. Okay, so if you give big brothers, five thousand then eventually he'll pop you, another thousand dollar check that six thousand altogether. That's how that works anyway. The charities that are approved by the company are listed K. So you know, like you, can give charity money to your girlfriend, okay, so that or boyfriend now three of the charity.
These are the say, tat a temple, I'm not kidding around plan parenthood and the arch left is southern poverty loss and they are on the approved, less or work. So back breaks the story, whereupon its take up by news max and Eric boldly and is the eight o clock programme and prime time, and he invites the late roger else's widow on to talk about it. Now you may remember that roger elles ran fox news and build did into the most. awful news agency in a word he died a few years ago. Will it take. This is just a betrayal of the fox news, core audience tat. He had seen to serve for so long and it's an example of how the murdoch's have decided that they will
All these reasons why this is ok and they will seek to have a try. of reason over instinct and all of us now that devil worship gender affirming care, you name it The themes of these organizations that are available to match the donations- they are all they are doers. Ok,. saw joining us zau from Boca Raton Florida, where he's getting tanner by the second, is the aforementioned eric, So I don't know I mean right after you ran your segment, fox news took to say panic temple off the less right to add. I write right contribution, We I spoke to back on Friday night by sunday they had
removed to set an example as one of the matching one of the qualified brew it's I won't say charity they'll, say groups that they were willing to match up to one thousand dollars of employee donations, and you know they didn't take planned parenthood off, I'm pretty sure they didn't and I pretty sure they didn't take the southern poverty law center. I'd ever but also interesting to know my eye. Only yesterday shall I had the founder At the same time, example on his name is Lucian grieves whose yeah you know who chairs you no solution, you you're wrong. There are followed charities that would benefit from that money. Frankly, I live is often hard times. And so I and think I should even be talking to someone who represented satanic ten worship nets with their all about.
I mean drinking ram. I'll, give you one bill, franklin, graham advertisers on fox news. You see it every night that wasn't one of the qualified charities, but the satanic temple was alright. Now where's fox news for a apply reply or something so did back and that a reply to you, a banks are correct. Will back? Did we didn't we didn't work out You ask fox news for comment. No, I asked that if he s vaccination coverage replied alone. But obviously this got into the public, and so they remove the satanic temple and the devil must be met now, there's a rumour float around it was great, god fell donating to say, tat. A temple is that true I can confirm or deny that job. the job, media owners or make advice, I valley begs for everybody. We can do that, so I dont think.
Anybody that fox news who donate to the satanic temple. I could be wrong, but I don't know, but the fact that its on their that's actually in print is so absurd. I can't believe what a demonstrates to me is: surely nobody in charge, though we pay attention cappy, escape any putty, paying attention to this The mobile I mean the companies they last year, they had a pride month, they had a big logo on their screens and they were constantly talking about. Let's celebrate brate pride month and it wasn't so I don't know embrace this year, so they stopped doing it. Bored seems to be pushing into a more work. gender more woke editorial, because You do that. You open up your audience too, to a bigger on it. You can go grab some MSNBC audience viewers or or see in india.
because you're you're not just seen as a centre right I mean bethel. They said a perfectly roger ales found he bright fox news to prominence under god. Family country, and in that order- and it seems like fox news- is lost, at least that new rise early, not as traditional it was under MR elles, but you don't look fine News remains number one, because it the only major and news max is coming up. A year programme is at a lot of viewers and stuck cross and left offensive, but they are offered still traditional approach, which is why you have hannity lord ingram waters. Now at eight o clock I mean these people are traditional. Conservative people and efficacy is not enough.
feared with them at all. Where they do. I understand it. The fear is during a date, programming in that kind of like different, but I wouldn't say that there are massive jihadi get MSNBC viewers bowling. I dont think that lets you. What would then? What would we do? What would be the purpose of battle. They don't care. See is a different thing where you and I'm no indian, I were there- they cared Omby amby has always is drawing azure. Let's, let's talk about. Promoting the satanic temple. We the guy has promoted over there, promoting this a tap tap always is their legal either not being able violently with match. They would make it don't need. Dollar for dollar matching donations, and let me it's laying will you? Let me explain to you why I believe that so when you- and I were there- there was a structure of management with per. international journalists, ok right down the west there
cover news stories. I had been around While they were experienced people. The news gather operation was fairly smooth. The news came in guys, like you and me analyze what came in and then behind. It seems there weren't any, but there wasn't anybody I mean really, I mean I did a lot of matching over there because I, my foundation, gives a lot of money to charity and they were always find a sign of checks and it was always city, children's or the veterans' charities and all that, but now the people behind the diversity, people they've taken a much much larger role in that corporation, let's go in item, why bother with manage rid? The ownership wants it they wanted. That. Can you maybe? ab I was even more. I was actually getting more slack. I've got more slag by giving them the business and a bit like all haiti they're, looking for a bigger audience other
There is no better you weren't logical. Now they wanted war back the viewers that they ve lost at eight o clock they're they're down where it might slot data by fifty percent so they try to get those people who have fled for one reason or another are right back, but I dont think these say tat. A temple donation programme is the do it, but you know, maybe there are a lot of evil doers who have nielsen diaries. Why? Perhaps, I interviewed that there's this guy lucian graves yesterday, I literally on Aristotle, idly by, don't feel comfortable talking to you.
I used the guy's got one black eye. One wide eyed ease the he easily flew your idea of what the devil would look like you, ve read like him, but again bill, I'm, ok, fine! I just believe that Their business model has evolved because maybe river rogers gone. From Iraq may be taking a lesser role. Maybe the sons are taking a larger all they knew be more liberal, more inclusive. Moreover, its diversity in that's that's what's happening, but I am also pointing it out because the audience You develop bill and then I got it try tried to hold while I was there, that's a different make up it's a different demographic. Now and then what there is no more demographic, twenty five to fifty forgone, totally god. Let's talk about dues backs You guys are facing what a fancy faced with the voting machines to lawsuits against news max.
But you're, not directly involved with any of that correct. I wasn't here. Now I was there, I came you are there all that may impact news max if they say or newsman settles or they lose in court, and it was a big judgment against the network and fox had this big war chest thanks for me, and I appreciate you pointing it out a billions of dollars. They could they saw a new structure is not all that worried there that Dominion lawsuit is gonna, hurt the network, then that being clay with you It happened prior to me coming here. I see what what what the dominion, but, by the way, the dominion settlement by five, seven hundred and eighty seven million dollars is that why talker got bounced right after I I I don't Who knows? Maybe they were thinking
was fighting it and no one wanted rupert up on the stand. I have no idea. I I can't even go cause, I'm not even involve- and I'm not even privy to the to the legal machinations machinations at newsmax. Basically, basically, at this point, there's two lawsuits pending against max, but you're not involve you're, not covering you're, not doing that right. Look in on on both the zoo, In the office, it's gonna be interesting because I think a country needs news max. We certainly we certainly benefit like one. What les you point out. First of all, you peaked the or your audience was taught, take and on the audience numbers for for fox after you left Tucker built some of what was lost by fox news, built it back and you know I know Jesse's protegee protege of yours. He she's not a talker in my opinion, and they they lot from just
from talker lonely lost a million viewers and prime time on average jesse brought it back, maybe half of that maybe just a smudge north of that. We certainly had no down draft where this past week, when fox monster. One time when I see the numbers every night news max is on the rise particular your programme, which is the highest rate of child by far, but the country needs news max because Ass, there is such an imbalance, and there is no greater illustration of that. Then the Biden financial story without fox news and news max. Nobody knows about it, that's how fry this is where they all want you, your ear, Myra talking points your model were spot on. Margaret Brennan is placed in a very high profile, important journalism, journalising see
in face the nation, moderator and she's, like Let's move on sharing with all the threads journalists like eight about a leak. as a lawyer, a good lawyer will start pulling the thread. So this the idea of impeaching personal martyr branch have been pulling more threads, but but the idea of impeaching Biden makes sense because, in the impeachment hearings you mean on people, use you talk to people you find out. You have more leverage, over. It always enjoy that in order to make it legitimate to the american people and not a fiasco like the trump actually which actually strengthened tromp, although it put him through Hell, I've gotta have guy devon archer on Monday, go in and say I Is there with Joe Biden and here We saw in order Biden about barrage, romania, china, he's gotta say that You don't have that
You care the ringer doing you you're you're. You pointed out three years ago, two and a half years ago, The narrative around the bob bind himself a saying: I've never spoken. The hunter advice is crazy But you didn't wear away, then he gets most kids moving, and now it's well kgb him never been in business with hunter. That's quite a far cry from I've never spoke about. The combination of this, which is a major major story and detriment to the vitamins, duration and his physical and mental decline. I suggest to the white house a rather than get a shorter stairs bowling. You know to walk into air force one. He should get one it's elevator seats she can by those you no use. Well, you don't have to walk. He does I see pictures your scuba diving with I was hardly okay is holly all right because er as you rack or she places the hostage videos. I see I linked one. Sally, ann and sniffed. Some
make sure your actually allow law. He is our big marketer I'll. Tell you that I bullied thank you for coming. I really appreciate it continued success. It news backs and we'll talk in tuna help, Thank you bill c. I shouted smarter. Last year we had the town hall for premium in country urge members only where we went over in great detail the financial story visa the the bites and it I think when very very well. I want to show you two cuts that happened. This was may responding to act. We have thousands of emails to questions and I responded to as many as I could in the time allotted, but I got two eggs the role of first, what nick their page new york I've heard. The quota report is saying that hunters and a what's up message to the chinese officials stating
but he was sitting next to his father, the vice president gay. How can they prove, that Joe Biden was actually with him? You need a third party, maybe devon archer desire, how does it next to his father? I was there and house: that's. Would you redeem under oath testimony? Did you say you love the age authorities Some of them wanted. Ok to do time check. on, where life, when was time and it was blocked by merrick garland. You could go back and do that. Just one of many things to the form and block so that wouldn't get any incriminating evidence against now, by second question, was another interesting one.
We're back sir Jeannie's greenwich rhode, island riley. Would you please explain exactly what will happen with the democratic path? in twenty four. If its proven Joe Biden receive money from hunter items. regulation, but it's not crazy speculation, so, if somebody comes forward where access, Vice president Biden says yes, I know Egypt money and here's how I know it. Biden has to resign and would come last then become press And the first thing she would do would be pardoned Joe and honour by persons. Ok, then, because of the scandal and because miss this is all lovers is low and you yourselves had a lot of time. while being vice president republican buyers scramble for another candidate.
Mars is vineyard. Michelle obama. Other than that see anybody, I miss vote there. The democratic party has scramble. So my stabs give me a little jazz rosa by where I misspeak speak. Get you guys. I know who you are everywhere: the reason I'm running, that is, we had a very successful town, all meeting we're gonna, do them every three months or so, and if you're not a premium or concierge member on bill, o reilly dot com, I can't tell you how much you're missing and how important it is for your life, particularly concierge. If you get into trouble, you have an organisation that will try to help you and you know, and this complicated dangerous world. We all need that kind of insurance. So I
Do you consider it premium and concierge membership on bill, o reilly, dotcom, jason? All the country singer tried out a small town. You know all about it now somewhere number two biggest sales weak for cod. song in over ten years number one is seven by young kook, featuring lateral, I don't know young cook, but I'm sure he's a fabulous south korean saint anyway. I hate, ordain eyes concert. Cereals are much better, is really helping. We're term anyway, jason, all dean, twelve million on demand, audio and video streams and the country music television crew still will not play the record. They banned him after planet for like three weeks with them. When it got a little hot, they dump them now
not a good luck. This day and age, we very interesting july, twenty fifth nineteen, forty five in potsdam, germany, there was churchill, there was stolen and there was resident truman. So Hitler had committed suicide in may of forty five germany collapse, the allies came in an occupied country, so the three later a meeting in Potsdam at that meeting. Harry truman, pole, Stalin Aside- and this was seventy eight years ago today and so hey you oughta know we have a new devastating weapon and we're going to use it against japan style and was stunned. He did not know that the united states had the atom bomb. Now this takes on more meaning So the film oppenheimer julie, very well about J robert Oppenheimer, the guy, the eye, the atom bomb,
But if you read killing the rising sun, you all about oppenheimer and ten times more than the movie tells you. Rio deep into that whole process. There, because my father was on a navy ship heading toward japan to invade, and he would have been killed. He was first wave. I would not be here obviously, and then the bomb dropped and invasion was not necessary. So anyway, I Stalin got the tipp seventy eight years ago today,. Now segment and final thought on my visit to subway sandwiches yesterday. I asked you to mail here. We got MIKE hey bill. I just finished watching a special abiding film. They have one question, you say: there's no evidence of corruption that would overturn the two thousand and twenty election.
how about the fact that it is now known, the fbi colluded with social media and mainstream media to block one hundred buying laptop sorry, that's not the same thing: that's media corruption, not voting machine corruption. So it's totally different. Brad sadler a box elder south dakota bill. You said people believe what they want to believe when it comes to the twenty election. Well, I don't want to believe the election was rigged, but I also don't wanna believe more people voted for Joe by they did Giovanni got more popular. Just california and new york, landslides and the same thing happens with Hillary Clinton. Overwhelm the rest of the country, she texas in florida. The other big states there much closer. california in new york is like eight to one by one popular. That's why we have have electoral system here.
Fernando guys here, member, thank you fernando, isn't the elephant in the room, the actual fake l, l, seas maybe with no other purpose to receive money for the violence, a product or service. No, nothing. Y know about any elephants in any room. Both his tagging is spacious for an adult more yeah vienna virginia. If compelling evidence arises, that Biden did traders things from money from China can still be on the ticket, yeah yeah and so can tromp dig convict tromp herself. They could still run nothing in the constitution and bans.
People from running, even if they get into legal travel raw about kuhne leaf, westerfield new jersey, though they expect anything come from. The recently announced devon archer testimony yeah too, who will say, but I do expect some damaging stop, and so it is a fine white house Why then, when they change their story, if they did patricia, you shall go pittsburgh. Pennsylvania enjoy the lives. Special I've been a premium member from the beginning. This is another example. Why pays to be a member keep up the excellent work? Well, yeah I mean we keep the membership fees low. We give you as much progress as we can patty and I
really appreciate you being a premium member of John, a ryan miller, a Bixby Oklahoma. U s. Constitution gives powers the executive branch to run the country enforce laws. Both political parties seem to utilize the presidential elective order to advance their agendas yeah, but it's in the constitution- and it's not coming out executive orders are here to stat, but they do use to advance political things. No doubt about it. Collins fergus in texarkana arkansas question: why did it takes a law for states to be readmitted to the union after this civil war? We did that in this day and history yesterday, because union true occupied. All the confederate states. And union politicians ran those states use
Yeah then we're devastated the the infrastructure was destroyed, people we just didn't have enough to eat. There was no way to maintain a democracy and that kind of a condition it took years to build it up and once it was built up, they applied for readmission and they were granted karol concierge member bill. You frequently disparage movies. Tended to films is weak. Yesterday I saw a christopher nolan movie oppenheimer, fantastic three hours. Fifteen minutes I argue things about Abraham. I, like that The guy robber, downy juniors, a great actor I'll, see it. I don't know what I mean. time, but I will but remember I researched, killing the rising sun along with due guard and I'm gonna be set. You're in a theater going yeah. Why? You should have said this and then off romeo. ok killing the which is coming out. Another well research work september, twenty six per year,
or you'll, get it first. You're gonna love this book. This book will tell you and teach you a lot of things and at the end, it's really disturbing, because the end is contemporary possession game Possession o Reilly said Rosa Mervyn w b c loon alive show at the parent. Later in hunting, ten october, twenty seventh about thirty percent sold out after one day, pre sale. So if you want to Diaz go to bill, O'Riley, dot com, we'll we'll set you up, but this show is going to sell out and it's going to be a blast to new york state of mind as we're calling it. But anybody can enjoy this. If you haven't heard me with Rosenberg on thursdays and w a b c at eight, forty then
it's a mush lesson we're going to have a great time. Ah word of the day no dole lost city d, o l, o s. I t Y no do lost city back with final thought a moment Our final vote of a day so yesterday was insane. I had no time to even eat cyril anymore, at six o clock? I look at the clock. I so I read on the local subway place and I wanted to get a tuna salad with a little provolone cheese lettuce right, pretty simple order. I got a big one, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day, so the local subway shop is owned by a family from bangladesh, and I, like that, a hardworking come to america.
I want to succeed, but the daughter is taking my order and she didn't speak english and whenever she says nobody can understand where I'm going. Is anybody understand now and she's? Asking me questions about my order and alarm doing is going tuna pointing to the tuna curry large bread pointing to the breast provolone pointing to it because add the ingredients out and lettuce just put it on the thing. It took me about eight minutes to get this sandwich. So I'm thinking to myself do I get angry. What do I do my frustrated now, ten years ago, twenty years ago, probably was Iraq get me somebody else that I did. I feel sorry for her yeah. A tuna sandwich are why I was hungry, but it was more important
Did she survive with her dignity? I finally got the sandwich. Okay, I almost went around and made it myself. It's not a hard deal to do so, The reason I'm telling you all this is when you are in that situation and I am sure you will be just take a step back and go. Is it worth it and use? The answer is no final thought. Thank you for washing and listening to the no spin news was cinema
Transcript generated on 2023-07-28.