« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden's State Of The Union Missed The Mark For Many, Hollywood Halts Russian Releases, and Bill Gates Tries To Dismantle Math In Schools

2022-03-02 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Bill’s analysis of Biden’s mediocre State of the Union address
  • Vladimir Putin may be a war criminal, but he could also be the richest man in the world 
  • Hollywood has joined the ranks of industries that are closing the door to Russia, as Warner Bros and Disney halt movie releases in the country 
  • Bill Gates funnels $1 million to push the narrative that “math is racist”
  • This Week in History, 2020: Nancy Pelosi rips up Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech
  • Final Thought: Biden’s appeal to America 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The O'Reilly here. Welcome to the no spin news, Wednesday march, second, two thousand and twenty to stand up for your country a really excellent programme on a board. I hope I don't screw it up. I don't think I will we get senator Joseph Liebermann in the bullpen and after my analysis of ukraine today, the latest in the city last night, he will weigh in. We want all sides heard here. As you know, the senator is a Democrat, but a very astute one.
nah, very savvy about foreign affairs and so we're looking forward to that conversation. State of the union address is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. It ran an hour two minutes, a CBS snap exit poll which I'm kind of unreliable, said forty one percent thought it was a very positive speech about twenty to twenty five million americans watched over all of the networks and cables might be more, but that's the initial. I thought it was a blast speech. It was tedious. I had a hard time getting through it in the terror dog was looking at me going. Why are we watching this on, but it was important to watch. It was the only two things that I picked up that I didn't know from thus,
each were that the usa was going to shut down airspace to russian planes and that the justice department is forming a new oh I don't know what it is department to look into fraud over cove it that money that went out under the covert relief plan that people stole all right. That's fine! I mean, I hope they get people who did it. Well, that's it out of the whole hour and two minutes was the only two things I didn't know, because what Joe Biden does, as he falls back on repetitive. How many times are we going to hear fair share? Okay, we got it Alright? How many times are we going to hear if you earn less than forty thousand dollars you're not going to pay any more income tax- okay, you're not going to get that bill passed! Mr president, the bill back better not going
To happen, why are we here? Why are you telling us this? It was the usual we're going to give. You were going to give you we're going to give you community college healthcare childcare. I just you know what I'm sitting there going, how many times we got important things to talk about in this country. So, The first thing was ukraine that that's how we let it I predicted this last. Ninety, wouldn't anybody would of is a crisis. Is ukraine thing now he has in pretty good on ukraine. In my opinion, I did hash. We had a duty today on how these radio program, you know how he doesn't think he's been that good. I think he's been better than amity does, and I gave de my my lips. Then it was a good conversation. Spirited conversation and I give added a creative razumihin begins.
I disagree with him alive and that's what we do here and then Ozma knows we want people to disagree with us and that's: what's happened on cable news? You don't get that anymore. All you do is echoed chamber echo Jim if so boring anyway. If first somebody I want to run for you tonight is the most important sound bite of this speech. Go, but let me be clear: our forces are not engaged and will not engage in a conflict with russian forces in ukraine Our forces is not going to europe to fight ukraine, but and our nato allies in the event that Putin decides to keep moving west. For that purpose, we have the american ground forces air, squadrons ship deployments to protect nato countries, including poland, romania, latvia, lithuania and Estonia.
and as I've made crystal clear, the united states and our allies will defend every inch of territory, that is NATO territory with the full force of our collective power or such imports because that tells Putin year will be a shooting war. Should you in vain in a nato country. Remember ukraine is not a nato country; it did not request admission to the north atlantic treaty organization. It's government chose to follow a quote middle of the road path, not to anger Putin further after he sees crimea, okay, now back home and things were not as strong for Joe Biden and the best soundbite. Apart from
Biden speech was made by democratic, senator george mansion, who said this gulf. One thing that hasn't been talked about as much is that during this time of war, united, It is still importing more than half a million barrels per day of crude oil and other petroleum products from russia, with imports of over twenty percent twenty twenty one over twenty twenty. me: it makes no sense at all, so that is a crucial piece of information and present by did not mention at last. I. Why are we still buying oil from russia? Now, I suspect, is because the contracts had been signed
way before the ukrainian intrusion, however, you know Putin is a bad guy and we're getting seven percent of our oil. So the part of the conversation with Hannity we say was: how are we paying for this, and I did some research before I came on the air after I talked with him, we pay in advance. So have you signed oil contracts? You pay in advance, so all of russia's banks are now shut down and we don't but the stuff that we're getting now is already paid for it's complicated and I think that's why Biden didn't mention it in it.
into making him look bad, because it's not smart and wasn't sward at all to by putin oil, when you are shutting down your royal production in the usa. Ok, now the weakest part abiden speechless. I was inflation. He is absolutely clueless on how to bring inflation. because he doesn't understand or wounded met, one or the other than by eta getting the oil and fossil fuel industry fracking in the usa You drove the price of fuel up here. Mr president, you. yo, no one else, not congress yo drove it up, because they again have futures conch
acts. So all the oil and all the other fossil fuels went way up that cause all the other prices to go up. So people in a truck are paying double that they paid for diesel, the what's in the truck is gonna go up product, whether its food or anything else to cover the increase. If you did, I mean that's, why inflation up, but not to buy and binding says. Well, I'm gonna bring it down by some. demanding american companies make price Here in the usa, I don't know how that brings prices down. I guess it's on the do with the supply chain or what that and then he says here is his plan go my plan, provided inflation will lower your cause to lower the deficit, Seventy nobel laureates in economics said Michael
more ease, long term inflationary pressures, top business leaders and I believe, most american support to plan it. Here's the plan first cut the cost of prescription drugs. We pay more. For the same grub produced by the same company and america any other country in the world. Let's the energy costs for families, an average of five hundred dollars a year by combating climate change, let provide investment, tax credits to weatherize your home and your business all right. Those tax credits are already in place. Did you know that there are already there? So this is,
I can do anything to inflation, nothing. His plan, I mean I'd like him to bring down prescription drug prices that'd be great. The way to do that is to have medicare negotiate with the individual drug firms. That's the way to do it. He's for that and that's a good thing, but why have you done it so far? I know now. Ok, the Most of it is the usual he doesn't match your border chaos. Migrants doesn't mentioned watch, but he laments that there's heroin in fact Our common aim killing more than a hundred thousand americans a year. Well, why do you think it's coming in at that volume record felt in all seizures and fair rules would kills most of the people. Why? Because it's in open border! That's why because the border patrol is so overwhelmed by the millions of migrants. They can't stop the drugs it's not enough of them down there. So,
why, I believe in re virus- hey, I believe in it, You were born and we don't have one that was. That was so bad. I can't even tell you how bad that was. Ok, then, he goes on to talk about what I want to find the police. Ok, good, I'm glad you're, progressive, taos, don't and funding the police isn't gonna do any good. If we have no prosecution of criminals like we'd own, have in new york los angeles or Chicago, though you can give me money is, you want the cops, but if the criminals are prosecuted, crime is gonna, keep going up and the cops now
how much they get a they arrest them. They go in. They get book they're right back out on the street, violent people, it's just insane, nothing from Byd nothing. Then he laments voter suppression. This is the biggest con in the world. Ok, he opposes voter identification by arizona just pass and propose proposal. Folks got a vote on it. There ok to require ideas about idaho, just stated fifty states should have it. You ve got to prove we were to vote by new posts. Is that why? How does that?
press anything and ok. Now, I'm going to is there anything else? I missed, let's see what our ids guns or guns or bad abortions. Fine! Okay and now I predicted a bunch of stuff yesterday and I was right on everything I'm an oracle. I miss cleo, but I'm going to give you one relative, in fact, our economy created over six point five, million new jobs. Just last year more jobs in one year ever before in the history of the united states of america and then he's going to say- and this is gonna draw my and the ira. Any fair minded analysed josephine economy is booming. Excuse me joe, but so does all the time and he uses April. Two thousand twenty baseline for him
now make analysis and that's when the country shut down, because a cold. and everybody was out of work. He'll. Take that employment number there just totally artificial and ass. We exactly what he did. Are joining us now is a guy smarter than I am, I hate to admit it forward Joseph labour as a Democrat representing connecticut any joins us from riverdale new york. North america So another one did I make any mistakes in my analysis, there well First, the red leather gamble. Secondly, is tat so many things I have to pick em off one of the time I found myself surprised me with her ring with you. I love things, although I must say, come at this from a different perspective,
we're just I've been involved in a one time battle between, what you might call a seller or centre left of democratic free and the far left and I ve been a problem- simplistic explanation of buttons problems in the first year plus a visit ministration he's been doing too much of what the parliament has wanted to do. So I took some hope ass night, it was there a more centre left breast? Why? Because he can't say and then you shouldn't have to be grateful for something like this, but I am in the context of where we bear in mind the police. Don't they Furthermore, I agree with you that only the beginning, you gotta, have prosecutors and pulling once elected democratic cities do that really prosecute the criminal law which, incidentally, forest I can tell I haven't seen approval. Is this my own longtime experience
already communities in the big cities. Why the law in force because they suffer from criminal behaviour more than Also the community's jealousy is again might be a small step in the direction of private We didn't hear the words built back. Better, are green new deal, you're right under domestic policy, We do here a rehash of many of you Our problem the seller them part of those two bills. Big bills outrages any chance that area that is not a path. This year saw my some encouragement for me. That is heading back toward the sand. And really political judgment will say. my reward, you feel bad, that's what you want to do, that cream.
I don't get the credit amount I'd be. I will get there because ye I want to do the happier your foreign policy expertise, Beg you to issue in this country. Right now is inflation is heard. Working americans is hurting everybody in the sense that we're going it's gonna, be another. Fifty to seventy five, and rays on a gallon of gas before the fourth of July has to because the oil prices are are up over one hundred dollars a barrel. He didn't have anything last night senator he has nothing about how to control inflation. Am I wrong. Was certainly not like your vehicle hold an oppressive prescription. Drugs now would be a bad turn on the question of energy? There really was nothing there. But there was lighter, and why didn't you say why
didn't. You say in your opinion, a mine reader, but why look. I'm gonna ramp up domestic oil production. We sl anymore oil. When I get up, anymore, oil from russia and that I'm gonna bring the prices down here at the gas pipeline, by having more product available, Why wouldn't you say that there is only one reason: senator but I'll? Let you tell us what the reason is. well! I dunno, I presume. But again I can't read his mind that he's four, I'm I'm as focused as anybody on the prior problem of climate. change and reducing fossil. he doesn't want to go up. It is the green warriors, but that's good do the democratic party in november, because you This is the goal we have it's yours, but we got a real crisis. Now even more serious, and that is inflation, and it also
is what to do about russia's. I agree our much preferred if here the way to say we're, gonna we're good on margo, a russian I was just I was I thought today was just early summer, calculable lascaux; ok, let's just about oil producers who says that he possesses buyers, but you know she's, really, sharp and an independent minded. She said it's just shock, sir, that whereby percent of the world from russia, giving hours with words that he can use They either keepers economy from totally tanking order, such as military ukraine when alaska they could supply that some pressure without a lot of round, so it makes no sense he still captive. to the green warriors and the far left. Now let me take you back.
When you were in the senate and rock obama was president so poor. He came in and grab crimea and Obama yelled at him for ninety minutes on a phone call threatening all kinds of sanctions, and we're going to do this. We're going to do that. Putin just shrugged it off. Nothing happened to put know he just grabbed crimea. Now With tromp potent didn't miss me aid to that extent. Yes, russian hackers cause trouble, but putin and tromp at a deal or so trump told me on a history tour. You know cause trouble for me, I'm not going to cause trouble for you and we'll have trade and everything like that, but this putin invasion today goes back. The crimea doesn't I've always does for sure- and you know this was no surprise therein. Opponent has been talking
About the end of the cold war, as you know, is one of the great historic catastrophes of mine. three. The soviet union was collapsed, was bad for the world's really for russia. So he talked about in particular. Focus ukraine crimea is which he sees this part of russia and a not just talking about last week. He's done it from way back in the first decade of business three and he actually acted wisely, the worst when and part of eastern ukraine. and you're right. We all that and with lights, some sanctions and heard him for a little bit, but he allowed upward and went on and the last summer he wrote a long day as though it was just ridiculous. Almost childish. all about ukraine is really by russia's. You could see this by this economy. You know
sorry, you know hitler did the same thing: yeah shackles of aguiar, it's this same mine said that's what he's doing, but it doesn't help us now, So one of the things that had any and I debated was that some people want a shoot war now and I told entity america's would not support. Shooting war war three over ukraine. I think americans would support a shooting war and, let's all pray, doesn't happen if Putin went into a nato country right, if you wanted to pay in the baltic states. We were have to shoot at them all right. the power of the united states and europe would have to shoot bullets at russians who would shoot back. Now, based on your expertise, do you think Putin? Is that insane to start that kind of a confrontation,
I don't I don't, because the countries you mention arm first the need at all, and he knows that we ve got it The obligation to defend an attack against one of which is as it was, an attack against, saw, look in my opinion and bears the stamp of how this we made a mistake The ukrainians did by not digging nato membership because but they were in nato. Today, america pollutants fantasies will reconstructing the russian empire. he will not do what he's doing now, because he doesn't want to in I just directive has been amazing how feckless and an effective this military has been so far, but they are very powerful. They ve got ukrainians out on and the world. We're gonna be watching us unless you suing for peace and somewhat
Who hope you're right that that he's not that crazy, but keep one thing in mind: potent launched, he's finished on a world stage, he'll be a villain forever he's not gonna be, Colluded in any of the civilized g seven's, or any of that he's, on any modern economy is done too. If the sanctions, if they keep the sanctions in place, you can crush him. The russian people are going to suffer grievously In the next few months- and they may overthrow this man- which is, I think, the hope of the west last word on It-. No, I totally agree with you. Look you want to end with a positive thought. I don't think people in america or europe were particularly engaged with what putin was saying about ukraine. I don't think that if you asked him, you think we should the opposed potanin and ukraine. Russians, probably not
but what's he did what he did, which was so brutal an end. They really were inspired by the courage of the ukrainian people in europe in america. The reaction of the public, which is driving the politicians has been. We can't let this happened in germany to do, but I think they to sea shells of hitler and an old and let it have right now. but it's all about unless the good news, the good news united here at this point- bullets lord fly and will see. But it's all about putin, now Putin makes the play but he's on a centre thank very much. We always haven't you on your very smart you're, very fair and thanks again, for helping us out you're doing a great job here. If you keep her someone from the echo jumper now, so why do we acknowledge public service? They are you battle has used,
so. In the united nations get a lot of mail watch, the united nations doing remember. I have no enforcement capacity at all. They can't do anything, but they did have it's first emergency session since nineteen, ninety having to vote on a resolution deploring russia's invasion of ukraine pretty easy so that pass a hundred and forty one to five with thirty five of sanctions in this interesting. So the five countries at against saying this is a deplorable situation. Our belarus control by Putin, north korea, crazing country area. Ok, where Assad is being helped by Putin, tria eritrea in africa, totally chaotic and russia itself, but there were thirty five countries he just didn't bow and led by china, so china issued a statement today say all you know: we're gonna steal trade with russia.
I reported on the only one who ass, though the big chinese bank in singapore, has cut off all the oil transactions in south east asia. That comes from Bloomberg, and we believe it is true. China. Abstained. Cuba, El Salvador boy, india, iran, iraq, pakistan, in south africa, vietnam, a bunch of other countries that are smaller than abstain as well, but those in the main What's so you know you look at these countries, south africa? Will you don't you don't think this is a deplorable act down air samantha with you. I El Salvador.
to me it's just mind, boggling why president Biden was off to duluth minnesota to talk about building back better today, total waste of time, these years out there to show people that he's a, I guess, vibrant, I dunno total waste of time all right. The reaction to the state of the union- was predictable I mean here are the left wing propagandists go personal
I thought that was Joe Biden at his best uncle Joe is back. I thought he was. He was being the leader. Listen, nobody believes in these american ideals more than Joe Biden. It's show tonight. Well, I think this is a reminder of why people elected you're right, Joe Biden, was Joe Biden for most of this and most of this speech I mean a really strong open. The facts are that in one year we have created over six million jobs. The fact is that we have grown the economy at a faster rate than has been grown in forty years. Think since the reagan era, those are the facts and step in apple's. I was on a b c's good morning, america, just as they're such they're, like one of Jeff dunham's dummies, ooo ooo, which is totally you know. We we played to somebody before that I predicted they would do this. You know their their economic numbers are just that's the word fictional fiction.
Alright, now I you know me, I'm not a partisan guy and I I don't like to use slams against anybody by partisans I mean, if I'm going to slam a moslem right, but sen ted cruz, he says that was smart. Last night go Biden went through a litany of acknowledging some of the problems we face in this country. Utterly denying any responsibility any comparability for it, so he acknowledged galloping inflation. didn't say a word about the trillions and spending and trojans a debt he ran through that cause that inflation, he acknowledged. Gas prices are. I rocketing but didn't say a word about war on domestic energy production that his admitted asian lead. He acknowledged the need to secure our southern border, but didn't say a word about
failure of his administration to enforce the laws leading to the high iterative, illegal immigration and sixty one years of a very smart soundbite and he encapsulated cruz did very well. So I thought you would want to hear it. Alright, putin so he's the richest man in the world. I think I could be wrong, but I think he's the richest man in the world and now he can't spend his money can't go anywhere, can't do anything. So let me give you this and you can take it or leave it so korean, you knew your post putin's worth about two hundred billion dollars. You know, I think it's worth
more than that. His salary is about two hundred thousand dollars a year being president of russia, but he's worth two hundred billion because He gets kickbacks from all the oil sal's everything you want to do. Business in russia. You kicked back to put that's how it works ok! So where is all our money and, I think, is far more than two hundred billion? What he's got it stash in offshore tax haven, and then he buys a lot of property outside of rush. Ok, and family members who buys a property under their name. So it's like vlad putin owns this. According to the organised crime reporting project, Putin has eight residences eight right, so we got a place in Moscow. He's got a
One billion dollar compound billion dollar compound on the black sea call Putin's palace inside compound a spot, a movie theatre, a t, our wine cellar casino, a hooker lounge oppose Dancing, disco tat a hockey rank at church. You go right from the pole, dancing disco to the church very convenient. swimming pool jam judo mad exercise equipment on and on and on ok. So this is according to the new york pole they personally know. What's important palace. He's got a yacht worth million two seven? if the long called graceful, So, where is that yacht? I don't know this according to boat international,
but a lot of the oligarchy in russia are moving their yards to the mall deeds. In the indian ocean off the coast of India go together. The mediterranean goes, I know, they're gonna be seized, you're going down into the indian ocean, so would assume that the graceful is down there, so the sanctions against Putin and his gangster friend we ll hurt them. Now I don't know nobody could break of its enough to make this man stop the madness. but he is a very, very ill. I think the richest man in the world, He's got a four million dollar apartment and monaco that's monte, carlo, and that is a tax haven. His mistress owns that apart, but Putin can't go to monaco anymore. I can't doc as yacht there anymore.
Alright, so Putin is a war criminal, and now the international court of justice are going to hold public hearings on allegations of genocide in ukraine is the daddy's a war criminal is war, machine and killing women and children I mean you know, but the problem here is: if you designate putin a war criminal, then he's got no incentive to stop the war. So think about that now. the hague in the netherlands, where those trials take place. Those war criminal trials. So don't expect to see, hear a lot about it. Russian economy, the roubles worth one penny now: stock market clothes, third day in a row. The movie, the bad man not gonna, play in russia green day cancelled its concert.
Air. So now the russian people are going to have any entertainment catastrophe bill gates. Let's get back to a non ukraine or in the union story donating one million dollars to math, is racist, ok, so an organization called a pathway to equitable instruction says that math two into his four four and four is eight. That's racist and gates has given him a million dollars million, yet money stay in history and march. Third, two thousand twenty nancy pelosi explained why,
They ripped up donald trump's state of the union address go with united state of the union. That was a state of mind of the president. At that time, he used the congress as a backdrop for a reality. Show when he had absolutely no reality in his speech on the speed reader. I could keep ahead of him in the speech- and I saw page after page after page of misrepresentations and falsehoods saying he was gonna, be protecting preexisting condition benefit. One is the court to tear it down the list is a long one. I won't go into it. I tore that up. Okay, now, you might have noticed last night. I think she has dentures because she's doing this all the time I dunno what that was, but it got something
attention on the internet, all right, I'm going to answer a bunch of mail and then I've got a final thought on Joe Biden's final statement last night, we'll be right back. I've got get to the male jackie in colorado, I'm not going to give you a last name or the town. Jackie says I don't. say I why someone doesn't go over and bomb the hell out of moscow? Really Jackie, you don't understand nuclear weapons that ring a bell.
same here bruce ludwig morgantown west virginia, since this was an unproved vote attack on ukraine that will end in billions of dollars damage under the direction of their governments. Could the? U s in european banks, confiscate Putin and his cronies money They can seize the money, but it would have to be ruled in a war crimes tribunals that reparations had to be paid. I don't expect that will happen. Ok, that's a! U n thing! Raymond potter, Jacksonville north carolina, where's, the united nations, like you, I'm a simple man. What was the entire purpose of the un to stop invasion of a sovereign nation by an aggressor? No, that was never the intent of the united nations. They have no enforcement power. All it is is symbolic, abide where people get together and try to head off trouble.
Ass, your on a message board a bill. You talk about when you print that much money, but right now I don't believe they are printing any new bills in washington. That is not correct. This year alone, ten million quote pieces of money will be printed by the treasury department. Pat paying Columbus, ohio and instead of the union did I correctly your biden was proposing a global minimum tax. Yes, he wants every nation in the world to impose a fifteen percent minimum tax on corporations, so the corporations camp
If around that's what he wants bill, nelson prosser, washington, I've never seen so many empty seats for a state of the union that was Colvin restrictions. That's why there were so many empty seats, Brian Pearce, west boylston Massachusetts. I think president trump is sometimes a little too mag delinquent for his own good. I think you are correct. Magniloquence was a word of the day earlier. It means bombastic magniloquence dog concierge member way to go dog smart decision. I love the mugs drinking from white one right now planted by every color. You have been so we got three colors A red light blue are black ones and
There are going to be nifty. I think that is the the the black one to the far left there, and but it's not it's coming momentarily so order it now because they will go there growing like crazy, harvey camper, bella vista arkansas a reason.
With great assurance, when I watched the no spin news and hear your radio program. While writing your insight is comforting. I thank you and your staff for their hard work. You know my staff is good, they're, very good and a young alright. So I took four people from fox when I left and they're in executive positions and but the people we've hired. Most of them are very good, so I'll be in chicago to talk to everybody in chicago land. On march thirty, first genesee theatre, waukegan illinois, get your tickets now love to see you and killing the killers get a lot of good buzz. If you preorder it from us, you get a lizard book be out. May third and you get a free bumper sticker. We get your two thousand twenty vote. Yet if you preorder killing the killers from us- and you will like this book word of the day- do not be.
petulant, p e t! U l a n t petulant. I know a lot of petulant people. I don't want you to be one or we're going to take another quick break and we will be back in the final third of the day. We're all your electrical needs. Call my bread, jerry pie, but surgery, pybus electric. Today, seventy for twenty seven sixty six, seventy four twenty seven sixty six, sixty plus years when it comes to commercial or residential best, jerry pybus, electric. Ok, fine voted today is the final thing. Joe Biden said last night role we are stronger today. We stronger today than we were a year ago, we will be stronger a year from now on. We are today. This is our mobile to meet and overcome the channel
more time, and we will see what people want. America, the united states of america God bless you, god protect our true. Thank you. Go get it. alright, so he's delusional we're not better off. Today, we were a year ago and we're not going to be a better off one year from now than we are today all right. This administration is a disaster. It's a historical disaster. Eighty percent of the american people understand that some of the moon admitted alright, but if you think that this country is stronger today than it was twelve years ago, you're as delusional as a president of the united states, there isn't any fact to back that up with inflation, we're getting the heart ripped out of our economy.
with Putin in ukraine, it's just a catastrophe with the far left dominating what the president says and does. It is an amazing thing to watch how my historian and I'm telling you the truth. Right now, only james be cannon. Herbert hoover a worse than by binds only been there one year. He got plenty of time to overtake them, and that is the truth based on facts, but you know he had to say
Is that and there's carmella back there like a little seal, yup karma and what the deuce is going on? Okay, so if that's, the future of the democratic party, republicans should be deliriously happy. I this is a immense problem. The vitamins duration is an immense problem for this country, and that is the truth. No partisan, blather here. Alright, I respect smart democrats like Joseph Lieberman and I talked to them all the time but Joe Biden, he certain all of us. Thank you for watching we'll be back tomorrow and thank you for listening as well on. The radio will see that
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.