« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden's Not So Merry Christmas, Sean Bartlett on the President's Poll Numbers, Southwest Airlines Fined, John Eterno on the Danger Police Face, Pope's Gay Couple Blessings Controversy, & More

2023-12-19 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, December 19, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down President Biden's low approval ratings and Hunter Biden issues. 
  • Pollster Sean Bartlett joins the No Spin News.
  • Southwest Airlines is fined for last year's holiday meltdown.
  • Former NYPD captain and criminal justice professor John Eterno joins the No Spin News.
  • The Pope approves blessings for gay couples.
  • This Day in History: The Carpenters
  • Final Thought: An update on Holly the Terror Dog.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days. You know that the government is printing. billions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever. If the government continues its printing and spending, the dollar could continue its freefall. And loses coveted role as a world reserve currency. Let's hope that doesn't app. there are a few things you can do right now. American or vigo can show you how to protect your money, your retirement, your hard earned savings against inflation by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio into physical, gold and silver start with a short phone call, They can have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put inside your four or one case. Or I are so? Please call or attacks them right now. Tell him bill, o reilly censure, call item
seven: four: four for gold: hiv, seven, four: four for gold or tax gold to six five; five: three to again that eight, seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax goal. Old to six five. Five three to the here. Welcome to the no spin news, tuesday december nineteenth, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country as we close in to the end the year? There's lots of uncertainty in this country and that's what use What happens when you have a week, president as we do, and that is the subject of this evening's sought. Points memo latest poll, monmouth university, a bit sketchy
Mama's history is in the best but we'll give either resolves eight hundred and three adults not registered voters registered voters that is the micro detail that is best in politics, but this is eight hundred thirty three adults, Democrat thirty one republican, twenty, nine, independent. Thirty. Eight! That's Air first question: do you prove disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing? Is president approved? Thirty four percent disapprove. Sixty one no opinion fought. it's a colossal repudiation of any president. Second question: do you approve disprove, Joe eurobonds handling inflation approved. Twenty eight disapprove six. So this is by no means If everybody's paying more for the essentials, I mean it's as simple as that. third one immigration. Do you approve twenty six?
even lower than inflation disapprove. Sixty nine percent as a whopping number. Ok, come back to me please. So when you see numbers like this, the outlook for price and by is going to stay the same or get worse because you knock I have a massive drop in prices for essentials. Oil prices go up and down depending on supply and refinery capacity. You'll see them come up for the sun, they always do, but what you are paying for food, For travel for insurance, on and on and on its gonna, be tough to get those prices down. Especially in eleven months. So remember we vote next november. On the border, they'll makes deal in january and then Biden will say we're gonna to it up or whatever, but
so far gone down here. So many people are here already and these document deport them that it's just a catastrophe, even if he shut everything down a marble catastrophe, so he's going to ride into the election present Biden with huge deficits now on the other side, you just don't know because Donald trump is unpredictable, let's say the least and legal system is after him the magazine Stay with him, the matter why thirty five percent of the population may be falls into the maggots category, now not enough the win, but clearly Donald trump is running ahead of Joe Biden now: three presidents, who more overriding job approval, then than Biden now were donald trump.
This means January twelve, twenty nine percent job approval, two thousand twenty one bossy. older august. Second, ninety ninety two, twenty nine percent approval, Jimmy Carter, when he was going into the campaign of seventy nine twenty eight percent approval can remember at TED Kennedy and was hovering around then. But carter got the nomination and then he ran against ronald reagan. Got whacked. okay? So the polling now indicates there will be a change. All right Biden will not be elected. I don't even think he's going to run as I've told you many times, but that speculate Should, on my part and that's a memo. I said Joe Biden is delivers remarks at the funeral for I'd just the sender day, o connor in Washington DC and a five
like those bethesda maryland and raises money, but she does pretty much every day now Morocco is going to Milwaukee small business growth by economics, the usual be so he throws out there. I guess he's going: raise money, I'm a walkie too. I would guides not on here, but why how would you go there and then fry and he's going to visit with Joe Biden families at the children's national hospital for christmas. That's a good thing. A very generous thing to do. Saturday goes to camp David for christmas. I assume he's going to be there for christmas. Vs gone at twenty third so that's Biden, scheduled hot abiding, its court date january, eleventh allay charge with nine council tax evasion, three felony sixpence: the miners he's gotta show up for that. That is simply not guilty. They all do.
and then he'll try to get another plea bargain going on, but don't be surprised if Joe Biden points is sought before the end of his term with the sea ice goes deftly, gonna partner that no doubt he will So that's going on on january, eleventh with lucky landslides, you can get lucky just about anywhere dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to has anyone seen the bride and groom. Sorry, sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the limo and we lost track of time no lucky lane casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest. We, like you pronounce you re, lucky landslides, dot com, dingley bonuses are rating, no purchase, necessary, boyd were prohibited by law. Eighteen vice terms and conditions of black sea website for details, your source for you
your politics. The atlanta journal, constitutions trusted veteran political voices politically georgia broadcasters five days a week. Listen we days at ten a m on w Ebby. Ninety point, one stream at age, ac, dotcom forward, slash broadcasts calmly, back in the news. Remember she was assigned to the root causes of migration to the united states, did absolutely zero. Now she's got on a road, the fight for reproductive freedom, tour yeah, right on so you're gonna was caused wisconsin january twenty second than other places to tell people that abortion is a good thing and all women should the right do anything I want with no limits at all ever pretty extreme position. If you think about it, that's what common heritage will do.
Ok, I asked for upholstery today and I wanted to make different because you know: will we, like you get a wide variety of voices on those venosa we got Sean bartley is coming to us from ash lindo ohio. He is a poster for american pulse. search and pulling ok, my numbers from monmouth again, I'm I'm not endorsing the moment. Paul. It's not been great in the past, but does not coincide with what you see yeah we're we're in these kind of numbers. Everywhere. Wall street journal hand president Biden at its lowest approval rating in the history of their server. With him as president, our american polls polling of she has shown the same thing Really is the binds approval rating tracking with approval writing on the economy
and you you got right to the league, I'm a number specifically her? What people feeling of the gas palm and at the girl restore those arms enjoying and at what they're going to experience the here and the next couple of weeks and through the end of the year but they're gonna have when they, when they were haven't people over christmas dinner at but they're gonna have when they are travelling, what they're gonna have on the inflation numbers on the mama pole is what they're going to hand well when they pay for christmas sad. I either this year or next year, I too, as I said, I expect the spending problem for the american public any better, but you have situation. Now where were we stare stepping to the conventions in the summer? So I looks like a lock for president tromp former president tromp right now. So would you guys have.
yeah, that's that's what we're seeing everywhere. If you go to the domain registrar register has considered the gold standard out there. It chose president tromp actually in their december, pull over fifty percent for the first time. ok, so I assume tromp wins Along the lines, what did the moyne register is saying? That means you say it is: it's gotta go right, because the scientists it stand in our and he's not yet embodied to broaden its campaign if he gets whack than I which will look like he would so what you would it happened. Well, I think one of the things you you're gonna see is all the numbers of shown Nicky Nicky Hayley gaining on that second play is that used to be able to dismantle spot and I won t killer and then you go to new Hampshire, she's. The clear second
Why person you gotta south carolina where she used to be governor she's in second place again, so ok I expect hastily to be in second place and I think to scientists will beat her, but I think that the trouble what win so dominant now do so. Dissenters, gets out of the race and he's going to have to most of those waters are gonna go to trump. I think That's right, they concern has been rule, goes over. A trap Yeah and our american pollster polling, we asked who's. Your second place: choice of republican, primary voters, and the second place choice of the santos motors was donald trump Nicky. I warn you that I'm really wasn't registered as what the media is not telling anybody that sad. This, thing and I will come and of january. Fifteen very very quickly could very well help donald trump known who have just now.
only state trump christie is bank. Everything they're not gonna, make it here, I think I'll do well in new Hampshire. I think chill and of media will get behind hayley after that Then they go on. I think south carolina actually that ways that south carolina that's correct, yoga and then south carolina trump territory, but hey leaves a favorite daughter there as the governor of the state without the santa's dissent, as voters go to trump from, should we not pretty henley so here's washing sean yes he's at all over after south carolina is that it then trunk. Well, yeah now at our in ira in and our most recent bowl of republican primary boaters. Seventy percent say that that they think donald trump as the nominee so
even people who are in voting forms are loaded and a book is in london, elaborate a beggar trump. You know big to nominate final question, for you know the Democrats, their pre sufficient, created in there The way they run their campaigns. Everybody knows Biden is in severe severe trouble. Is there Indication of a number two, if by and do submit his resignation for health reasons, which is what he would do, is there any indication of who would then move in from europe. yeah, so we we basques that of folks like who would you want to see? First, roughly, a third of by only a third of voters, definitely want by due to stay at the top of the ticket and then the third say that they definitely want somebody else and when do they want
Gavin newsome is somebody who jumped up there, but the yellow, that's really shaping I'm just the way that they created the the primary calendar that were. And can be the only waited that they're gonna be able to change nominees. This point is to do it at convention and and then can get on the ballot. You can't. I know that, but that's the goal again go into the convention with a dull gets donor Biden arabella like somebody nuisance, not strong, I don't think he will be strong. He's run california into the ground, but that's just my opinion. They should not marry christmas thanks for helping us out, really appreciate it? Mary Chris, safer, avonlea, ok, so finally, department transportation, as p booted judge, takes action against an american air carrier. South ass, fine and one hundred and forty million dollars for last christmas is meltdown.
you know when we will reporting. Last year I told you, you just fly your own risk jet louis horrible. South west is a debacle, and you know so now, one hundred and forty million dollars that breaks down this way and southwest to pay the. U s government goes into the treasury five million in cash over three years. That's right! a million a year at bargain. I heard south west bottom line caves and not what it means: then the other ninety million is put into a fund anticipating other payment. The passengers when south west screws up again, which it will look. I told you this job. They don't have enough people because they don't pay decent salaries the airlines in america, so their hiring people who can't do the job, who can't even speak english. You go
O d, J, f k, in particular in new york and half of the personnel, cannot make themselves clear using words. You don't know what they're saying now, not cassie If versions on them there are working people, but if they are not paying enough the airlines to get professional people. The pilots in flight crews are good. It's safe to fly. But they don't have any back up a pilot, get sick. Forget it I and others. we caught delay. It spirals down its disorganized, they dont know what they're doing and they don't particularly care. But maybe this will make em care. Here's a buddha judge said quote: Penalties should put all airlines on notice that take every possible step to ensure that a meltdown like last december never happens again, our ip.
It took if three years, plus, not us a little less than three years. Does he got in with by non inauguration a little less than three years. They do anything, but you did it and I'm happy did gotta Senate such lucky land, casino, asking people. What's the weirdest place, you ve gotten largely lacking in line at the delhi, I guess I'd my dentists office more than one actually do I have to say: yes, you do in the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky, I never when intel well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky which is necessary by law? These terms and conditions apply all right, so cry a h data licks. I don't I've, never heard of this.
It's a firm that analyzes crimes that I don't believe. stats, the fbi stats. I believe I saw it says: murders in the usa down thirteen percent as of december seventh year to year still on a murderer murders, but not nearly as bad as two thousand and twenty two Ok, we don't have exact number, the number that throughout this analytics firms, not true. Just give an example of the quarter. The f b I in two thousand and twenty last stats. We have almost twenty two thousand americans were murdered in two thousand and undecided. Legs firm has eight thousand now since wrong, but there is a trend of crime drop
and I'm not sure why. So we will look into it, went away for the fbi stats but disorder in indonesian cities is at an all time high. So, on november, thirteenth of this year, two thirty in the afternoon to Why pd officers approach three men were smoking marijuana and a subway station in the bronx brawl ensued. I mean Haven't on table show it to you now: ok, so the three men attacked officer, John Hernandez and his partner name, I don't have any hurt them. The officers were hurt So they arrested two of the three assailants. Harry mccleery, twenty three isaiah say me: twenty years
The other guy got away a starving gotten. They showed up in court yesterday. These two assailants a charge with the second degree of salt and its top charge in new york, And their trial was put off until the end of january. Why why here's a rob about their story, so the police, benevolent association, pbs both be stick up for the cops. It's supposed to raising awareness of how difficult police work is, this point in new york, city and other cities as well the cops or endanger physical danger. Because the thugs now even if they spit in aqaba, face curse at the cop push the cop? Nothing was going to happen to them. As we see now, these guys are out no back. Ok, so the prince, the end of the year.
Maybe a new york city is a man named Patrick Hendry, we ve been trying to get a modest his broadcast for a month. Already won't come on. Why? Why won't you come on and explain the terrible circumstances in which the n Y p d, after why on earth? What are you doing? Patrick Hendry. So I looked around for a criminal in this area and we found a good one. Doktor John eternal teaches them alone. university on long island. He was a captain retired, a n Y p in two thousand for a joint just now from rockville enter them. I say your name right eternal. Is that correct, liable? Ok, you're you're on a job for twenty years, I mean time. You were there.
you saw the worst of it: the crack war. And then you saw Giuliani bloomberg to mayors, pretty Turn it around so that the guys we're on the run now it's our back to the bad guys or ruling the streets, What is the essential problem in new york city? As you see it. The city is another problems, for I think the mayor needs to get more behind. The police is rhetoric at times is He needs to stand behind. The police judges needs to stand up behind the police, but most of all politicians with things going on in new york city, one of them being the city council is passing a bill that they want to leave to record every single incident.
It's just crazy. The approaches where people, let me explain a doctor. So the liberal city council in new york. S interaction that a police officer has with civilian. Please, I've gotta go back to the precinct and write it up. Stakes em off this. Wait. N Y is undermanned as it is. and Mister Adams leave. It was a former, a police officer, absolve maven, caught the forced down from here to pay for the migrants. I mean this is so and saying, but when the police union won't stand up and say all this crazy political stuff is putting our officers in danger. doktor. Can you figure out? Why that? May I wouldn't do that? I learned Our task here, but in my view I can ask you really need to advertise you ve gotta, get on every program you possibly can and let people know how difficult the job you police officer is
particularly in a democracy, the officers of the front line of democracy, a work. This is what they do and when they get a chap in in a somewhat for something, is minimal as smoking. It's it's it's something that's an affront to the public, not just them. Front to the officers themselves. This is an affront to democracy in our offices in the street. I gotta tat like this that last through the as the last line of defence, the savages and the folks police. Did you he'll and physical danger. When you are on the job doktor, absolutely there were times were gonna eat with guns. Nice people led the spirit But today is what I'm trying to say: politicians, you would have done it, point into line at that point in time. You knew
backed up by your union and most of the time by the police chiefs? right, Kelly, leisurely bill, right, vision, but now that the novel behind me would back me up, I knew the union would stand behind me and most of the politicians, I'm not going to say all of them, but most of them stood behind the police. usually the stain of many of these officers, something like barely one was just unconscionable people. Even think of that and learning these bees to thugs get out on on being released on long distance. This. This is crazy day all violence and it's a digital problem that you spoke police, but for the public and be safe. Just walking in this. region, walking in a subway. We don't have that protection that we should feel from our politicians. Least leaders from our union leaders. We need
that protection we need that is difficult. Was it. It would not have had that back. It is on It is. It is, I heard a low long as a journalist covered the city for decades. I've never seen this before I've never seen a union president run and not stick up for his guys. You can spit in the face of a police officer. Now in new york city, you can curse, sit there push them nothing. You will even being brought in for that. These guys, well done the cops and and beat them and they were in four, maybe three hours, nobel I'll do whatever they want to do so. You gotta all- and this is the last question- the people on the job the cops on a job they know.
Oh buddy, answer back last word here. There is no doubt that police officers is the frontline of democracy. Unfortunately, they have no choice there out. There is a tough job and, unfortunately, for them they don't feel bad and they need to be the backing of the public, both politicians and of their happening why they're all leaving en masse a doctor merry christmas. trailblazer. We really your baby very precisely the right, Neither Paul Rasmussen about the media. So the numbers on the media now are is lower than any other point in our history. So the the corporate media. This is the networks, the cables, the big media, national media, p.
I've just left, I told you- I gave you the numbers about fox news, cnn and MSNBC. Either there almost invisible. Now people are just not watch unless, You are a really fervent idea, log on the right or the left. Then you just want to hear your opinion. We reinforce that's what they sell now sawyers, apart from us, a thousand eighty likely voters first question is the problem: I assume the news media getting better or worse, better six percent worse, sixty percent that the same thirsty kind of plurality and need how juridical
city of news media coverage, the bite, administration, good, excellent, thirty, fair, poor, sixty five percent- and that shows you that even the people who support the binding administration, no, the fixes it they. No they're, not getting the truth. Last question because it binds on one hunter, was recently indicted on nine federal tax charges. Has the news media given too much coverage, or not enough of this too much when you for not enough, fifty one go again k about right. Nineteen, So that's about an even split, because democratic will want to hear about it. No one here about They don't think honour by ms aiming to do with pressure by ok, canada, so Canada is not like the united states because they have a different constitution, its much more top down kind
Ottawa runs the country. Now, if you in calgary or edmonton. That's not real good for you is operating. the east and you guys are in the west, so now The canadian government just then says by two thirty: five: no gas cars are new passenger cars run by gas, can gonna be sold in canada and it's all kinds, a little things in their that, but essentially they're gonna make it very difficult for any gas car to be sold. Ah new one by two? Thirty five? They tried that here in america, but it can happen here because you're into fearing with capitalism with private enterprise. She in a government can't do that, however, The government can do it if there's a national emergency, which is what you're going to start to hear
the global warming and climate changes. Miami he's gonna sink in new york is gonna go under water. Whatever you decide to hear that, and so we can have any gas cars. I wish that all cars were electric. I do but you're gonna have to have far more far easier ways to charge car, more range on the car. Two hundred fifty miles, I'm gonna cut it. Ok, you gotta bring the prices down, get one hundred grand for car, so the pope- lot of the conservative catholics very angry that the pope said. It's ok for priest to bless,
Homosexual unions, not marriage, that's still banned in the catholic church, no gay nuptials, but if a gay couple of partnership a union whatever you want to call it asked for a priest's blessing pope francis says the priests should discuss it and make your own decision. The cleric should make the decision to bless the union of the partnership, whatever we're not. says fairly reasonable to me. However, gay marriage is not recognised by the roman catholic carried, so I was on news. Nature would leland bitter last night, and this was the topic of conversation baltic. So the church is out. Of the morality, business right now and you see
I go to mass every sunday unless some tied up kidnapped somewhere and priests are free to talk about morality at all, they'll tell you about mustard seed falling on fellow ground. So they'll tell you about you, know Saint John. The baptist but they're never going to get involved with contemporary morality ever again in america, because the damage that has been the catholic church by these clerics, these horrible horrible man incalculable- and I dont know of the american catholic church- can recover so, France's understands that he understands the life blood financially of the catholic church, Comes from America and so He doesn't want to come across a judge, mental pulp.
What I was about the clerks is, of course, the scandals, the lawbreaking, the criminality of so many kathy. clerks non happens in every religion. It happens over the world is not unique to america. However, when you have a situation where a church, particularly as or a terror in as a catholic church, runs into illegality, molesting children all Remember I'm the guy that god, cardinal law deported me going It was the big shot, a in Boston. It was moving people around the pedophile pre. She was moving them. He wasn't prosecuting, wasn't telling the cops about them. The authorities about the awful car
Boom he's outta here really amateur him because he deserved, but now church is not going to make any judgments on publicly on private behaviour. Because of that I mean you saw it with the with the hake group attacking the catholic church. For two schools, sisters in perpetual indulgence and then being honoured in Ella, how many clerics that I call the commonest programme to say this is wrong. I got the bishop baron, nobody in the: u s, conference of bishops, which nobody can do it you're afraid, the truth, small life, obesity among very young children to the fore study journal of pediatrics
and it's rising it's about three percent. I have kids that by the time they're four, the already huge out of control, so this means a bad life for those kids. Now are a liar responsible. as feed these kids junk fast food sugar all day long, candy, cookie soda, I mean that's almost child abuse. They got a kid. A grand kid gotta know what their kids eat now I grew up and I got cupcakes and and mellow mars. I I did but back then the science wasn't as clear as it is now. You can eat that junk your life's going to be horrible, when you get all your slogan, down that sugar drink every day, that coke that pepsi you're eating knows desserts, constant ice cream, your immune systems?
lol, you're going to die or you are going to be in pain. You've got to be reasonable about the diet. Smart life stay in Israel. the summer, nineteen nineteen, seventy eight, the carpenters. Now. Why am I doing this? It's christmas In my humble opinion, a carpenters have perhaps the best christmas album of all time. So forty five years ago they show up on a b c young brother and sister Nineteen. Seventy eight is a huge hit roads
if the fan to see you and to say that shame me or is the chest on the chorus will say, I wish yeah. Obviously lip sync, but that's ok. I still isn't that album. Then charlie brown to favour christmas on albums Ok, so here's the downside of this
Well, that was a top of the chart and that album went platinum for the carpenters on February. Fourth, nineteen, eighty, three, five years later, a Karen carpenter died at the age of thirty. Two from anorexia, you imagine at thirty two years old, nobody could save her. Oh. anyway. You want some good christmas music. I recommend the carpet good male segment and a final thought up data holly. She went to the vote today. I a lot of people are interested in the terror dog will have that, for you will be right back Let's get to the male, we got john concierge member and now once again, concierge membership is an insurance policy for your life. I'm deal with a bunch of this week. People in tough shape. We try to help them guide them, get him into a better place kay.
You get a private email to me totally anonymous. No one will ever know will give you the best advice. We can give you concierge. Membership on below riley, dotcom insurance policy for your life, so jobs as I like form. you went to bash hayley, but will not vote for her alike, respond, not afraid to be confrontation. No reason I will not vote for her is that she is a warmongering neil con not unlike sent Lindsey. Graham, I believe our action or within our borders, not elsewhere. While I disagree with you, John, but respectfully- and I do respect your your choice of who you want to vote for worlds interconnected now out of control over He's gonna, hurt everybody here. Susan meant sir grapevine texas. In your answer to an email bill, you son
in bringing untold embarrassment to his father. If you consider the life he's lead, I dont think Joe Biden could ever be embarrassed. I disagree. I think the presidency is very much upset by the conduct of his son. I'm not going to go any further than that, but I know that to be true, David garner dollars right down the road from great fine, because we get emails asking to help prosecutor hunter Biden. My question is: why is it what the government gets taxes to do if you get an email asking for money to prosecute hunter by, that is a scam s, see a give these people any money. her hair. Barbara, like ass for california, was bad enough. The dodgers hosted the sisters of perpetual indulgence who mark
christians and catholics. But now I hear the vatican is blessing same sex couples. The leader of the catholic world: how can a pope justify this? You being catholic bill, should concern you? Why why it goes to cast the first stone I might, I might make any judge it's about unions of any kind and blessings of blessings. While I'm not gonna. Do that sought my job? I don't see it as a big deal. Tiny concierge member, I changed my opinions, I moved away, For many of my friends and I see them very often, so I want to get a card with family pictures on it. I liked the family pictures to, but I think there should be a note with the pictures I just finished right in two hours
large hand thing lorraine. I truly enjoy broadcast I'm a new member, but I've been a fan for years and have Can you to watch you and you two millions all over the world watching us on your door. I enjoy my membership, considered a wise investment. It is lorraine. very wide you're gonna, be where the election and, if you become concierge. Anything that happens to you will try to help you. Ok, no o dot com, christmas store, no spinelli exhausted with white season the gift cards with the free com, of killing the witches or any of my other books. We can get to you well almost immediately a which is all you know. The gift card comes immediately, which is so a couple of days later. That is a really good deal. So concierge membership premium membership gift cards. You get a free book of anyone,
Where did the data be supercilious? As you p r super see, I EL? I owe you s great word: don't supercilious back with an update on how a moment ok thought I think, I'm the only national worldwide broadcaster that has a pet that is more popular than I am holly the terror. Let's hear came Two months ago, holly diagnosed with a tumor and she was close to death. So we rolled into action, we got holly the best vat on long island. I gave you all that information about miss marino, dont worry known what a fine job he did save your life. So today I went for a check up she's about eighty percent back to world self.
And here's the final vote of the day very expensive going to vet and a lot of vets are bad and you can tell if you walk into the office. If the first thing they ask, you is about money, not about the pet, not about you and about anything. What about the money walk right out took me. I had to dump two vets before I got to the good vet because a I could tell they didn't care, they were going through the motions it would use, teaching teaching teaching now pet insurance is very expensive, but when a dog or cat or whatever of the goldfish you don't have to mine, gets older. Gumby prompts just like people, you might look at that. Compare the insurance rates, because I have the wherewithal to do this stuff, but not cheap, but highly going to have a good christmas. We already got awesome chris,
with stuff eating. Well sleeping corky sleep about sixteen hours a day when I come back. If there is that, I want to be a corgi Thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news tonight, our last episode of two thousand and two thousand and three tomorrow, don't miss it going to be the kids call epic season
Transcript generated on 2023-12-21.