« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden's Middle East Trip, NewsNation's Leland Vittert on Covering Israel, Colleges Lose Donors, Networks Banning Conservative Authors, & More

2023-10-17 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday October 17, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill reports on the latest involving President Biden, Israel and Hamas.
  • NewsNation anchor Leland Vittert joins the No Spin News.
  • Colleges are losing donations over their reactions toward the Israel-Hamas War.
  • Are networks banning conservative authors?
  • This Day in History: Al Capone
  • Final Thought: JetBlue Again!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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me too. Riley air here welcome to the no spin news for tuesday october. Seventeen two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. The best coverage of the moss israel war continues this evening I'll, spend news present buying off to Israel a good or a bad thing. We will answer that question and that is the subject of this evening's talking- points memo so the itinerary is that president Biden flying overnight from the? U s, he's only gonna be in israel for a few hours. No overnight kay,
he's gonna may, with Netanyahu in TEL Aviv. The capital of Israel, nell those guys what ever they want to discuss That is not a bad thing. Okay, so if I were pressed I would do it too Then Mr Biden is off to amon. Jordan. Jordan is an ally of the united states and he's gonna meet with mama a boss, the president of the palestinian national authority, which really does not exist, so they have an office, but- Ass runs Gaza, not the palestinian authority, and that's been the case for eighteen years. There's still a boss is in there and he's gonna meet with, but ok, And then see see of egypt and king Abdul,
of jordan are gonna, be in a meeting is well that's a good thing, the reindeer. Warden aid, all debts. now as long as binding is in the area you're gonna, be a military invasion of gas. Maiden, not gonna. Do that with by over there, but he's not gonna be over their long. I figure you'll be back here, it's tuesday by thursday. Maybe I'm wrong. the reason. This whole thing started as we reported last night. Was we cause saudi Arabia and Israel, making a deal. And a wrong did not want to add, because it's true In saudi arabia, IRAN enemy so iran behind the marsh to invade israel and commit atrocities too.
Kill the deal between Israel and saudi arabia in kill it, but EL suspended. So IRAN gets a short term. When that's why this half we all understand, I hope not going at that moment, television news broadcasts, that's exactly why it happened now. The u s military is in the middle east has been an if you read killing the killers. My book about terrorists we ve been there since the iraq war, the We are basis visual forces bases in work. Strewn Iraq, we are based. In kuwait, huge basic way been. There are three times we are bases in turkey. Sorry about two thousand troops are able to be deployed very quickly in case the say our embassy was attacked or something like that in case of need.
they're not going to fight alongside the israeli defence forces. That's not gonna happen. There are now two warships carriers, One is already there the? U s s ford now that was coming, which we write off The mediterranean coast of Israel and obeyed planes on those carriers and heavy what and so there is a military presence for the usa in the region. But I'm not so concerned about that tomorrow on the nose venues will have colonel hunt: who is doing research into exactly what this is all about. Better have information tomorrow on it now the united nations- and this is a scandal-
Therein. Business who try to mitigate things like does nothing out of the? U n nothing. So they could set up humanitarian camps in asia. Just south of Gaza to take women ensure. And out of Gaza? The? U n could do that, but now, and he always says We need guarantees of security before You can do anything like that guarantees of security. That means you and is not doing anything are we in the eu when I guess, because you can meet with people, but this is just such a impotent organization could not here are less about this planet. I've never been down more in the united nations than I am now ever my whole career. It is right
They should be in this and they are useless. A hundred percent useless Vatican has offered to broker a peace agreement, but that's not gonna happen. The vatican offered a broker something between russia, in ukraine but evil those who want to be around the pope back to happen, but on I was happy to see the offer. And finally, I dont that we be should be criticising Joe Biden right now? The president? Yes he's weight. I pointed out in the message of the day there is some overseas chaos. Now, whereas under trump there Wasn'T- and that's just a fact, so if your liberal friends going to dispute that you say you have a nice day, Now, they're all bides fault. No, but a lot of it is the afghan thing set the tone, but right now is not the
I led by new over there,
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Alarm. I use leland number at times because he's an honest reporter and he's a gutsy guy you know when you're living over there. You are in danger and he was over there ten years are. You now does on balance with we'll inveterate on news nation, seven p m eastern time so The problem here is that if you are a ground rapporteur, you have to go the israeli defence forces to do anything that correct writing. Israeli so far. They have not, in their words, indicative so I, if you, if you go into Gaza, you are a subject of hamas and aimed at Hamas as you sort of have to take at face value and you have to report otherwise, you there's there's some other things. Hamas can do to you to make sure that you will.
they want europe, but inside is really you really have a lot of freedom of movement and I would say, at least from my experience I inside Israel, the idea it was its strong, literally honest and transparent in my experience- is dealing with them in. In what what they said was what happened in? Are there were times that things that they did were not good enough went on that and they were a sports write about it. I think, is, as you would expect anyone to be. I think people what you make a very good point is that from one in ten to twenty eleven point, but I used to go into Gaza and you have freedom of movement. You couldn't chapel stories, you could talk about. There were careful not to really upset abbas of, but, but I sure was the turning point. And now, who is we look at covering Hamas? You really have to look at it almost like the same way. You look at covering isis odd, because their tactics have now morphed into that. I and the way that they deal with information coming out the way they deal with their own people and is much
toward ices than anything. We want you to savage, they know, but no western reporter is safe, in Gaza at this point in history, but happy to say that the israelis were fair and allowed you to criticise, I'm not sure. That's the case now, under Netanyahu. Who is more dictatorial then some of the other leaders, recent leaders of Israel they, for example, I dont know if these really fortunes want americans to see dead. palestinian shoulder, I don't think you're gonna, let you shoot that, but I could be wrong. oh well, bird they're, gonna, allowing beds when there is a rounded asian
Why all the way to a whole different, I think, point yeah yeah! It's look for the. I think. The point, though, has to be that think. You've made a very good point just about being fair reporter in there somehow this deflation going on right now in the media between a palestinian civilian captains in israeli civilian cash. It's as if they're the same thing and there's a very big difference. I saw on the ground- and I I know this from my time with israeli military, the enormous difference between a terrorist, innovation work cause I'm a military organisation, the policies that are good civilians and kills them and slaughters them, and an army is trying to protect its own country that did launches attacks against that paramilitary organisation and a military or is uses civilians as human shields
really a moral equivalency there, and I think it's one that any data on your work on the number of casualties back and forth gotta that out of your visit, there is a substantial difference, problem leland and we discuss this on your programme. I was on wheels programme last night news nation problems, The media and the people that are in charge of the individual programmes have no frame of reference about the area and all they don't know anything. You don't know me happen, a nineteen forty eight know what happened to the palestinian authority. They d no march, is they don't know the pressure that Hamas put supply civilian population that you just laid out and they're. Not really stood in that it's too complicated.
So therefore, these eighty it's in a harvard and other colleges, these students who know nothing- they just are right for propaganda that you know, issues of fascist state it wants to go out and and persecute innocent women and children and palace my god bitch, so look all you gotta do is back to the united states drop in the ocean make bombs on Hiroshima and nagasaki and knocking out dresden, here, Equivalency will we wrong in doing that? Of course, not, of course not it's the same. with Israel and Hamas, The same thing you have to defend yourself and now the white bout Hamas. So here's my next question: do you based on your expertise in the area believe that Hamas can be wiped out
in the small area of Gaza is that possible asked will keep taking Hamas up would be like trying to kill a company of cockroaches. Its messy it's very difficult, and you can just level Gaza not care about anything out of date. It's possible. I think the israelis are gonna to kill two million plus people. Hamas has enormous popular support, side of oz aid is as much a wine is unwise. Why area are they're getting lula lula said something very important. Yeah a mars. Has populism bored inside Gaza, their terrorist, their cut throat, everybody knows that there. Why are they popular. Then there are, the only ones can provide anything and their good propaganda. They ve got a lot of help from
they are the ones who say we are fighting against the people. Who are your oppressing you that being the israelis that the local palestinians, I don't have a free press did they get sit there and learn the entire arab world is united against real in you knock at the door. The sponsor dilatory of the palestinians lies solely with israel ever mine, then from morocco to Indonesia that awaits you squad for the palestinians. That's not report on our ability of the EU. But something earlier bill. I wanted a little bit of an issue use and the american media does know the difference who's, gonna, MSNBC and cnn. I ended If you see news and abt news, they know the differences about what I'm talking about. Reporters on the ground certainly did. I think it's not that they don't know. The difference is that there is a concerted effort to demonize Israel, because it's done so for political reasons, or they got other people or other end
the borders and anchors basis, there's a hint of anti semitism, because when I was over there I would see people who knew the difference and I won't know name names, but reporters and anger. He knew the differences and knew the history who didn't report. The fairness and the contacts that you and I have talked about being so bored clearly his they had an agenda and that's very that's very different. That's why I think what you ve talked about in terms of calling out what's happened In israel talking about it honestly, you saw what ok to things that I've learned in the last twenty four hours so and has made a deal with the israeli defence forces. So The coverage on cnn is gonna, be pro israel. MSNBC, with tall by the anti defamation you better, not. Do the moral equivalency thing
or we're going to launch a boycott against NBC news. We the ideal. We were told that. so therefore, over the weekend, MSNBC pull. Three of their radical left pundits off the air. In response to that, right so you're right the agendas the agendas are shifting now seeing It's going to be a cheerleader for Israel, you wait and see. I think it'll be interesting to see what cnn's coverage looks like, and I don't know- I guess maybe they're on on the I dunno about the deposit, it a carbon, maybe to b b you're, not going to see any prime time host of cnn do anything favorable. two hamas or IRAN. You not it's not gonna happen. Anywhere last guy quint, because it's ok,
I just don't know how you can do it in a favourable to IRAN. Right now I really want you and I are rational pillar one all. Yet You- and I know we ve- been there- you you much more than me. But we know I wrote a book on this video. The most well research book on terrorism in a world killing the killers we know the evil that comes out of tehran is, though two sides this story there either All they want to kill Jos, that's what they want say it is already one last question for you. This has reverse the cancel culture. As we spoke about ass night. Ok, so they can't college was used by the progressive left. There did it about ten years ago two destroy the progressive opposition and his work now
people who are sticking up for our mass are in danger of being cancelled themselves, its turn. It is an interesting interesting to see if the media that wisdom was set in creating, and so culture and fuel it in our power. It because that they went from social media to national being a right in that same media allows the urge to happen or of all of a sudden. We get this way way way way way I'll just be. Somebody shows up at her by Hamas rally just because they down posters of mass hostages, just because a professor at columbia calls of the attack on Israelis
is awesome. Well, they shouldn't be canceled, because now, all of a sudden free speech will become a ring. I think you're right that the that it's turning the question is: does the same standard apply? What's good, for the goose is good for the gander, and I think that's going to turn to god. I know about any goose's, but I guess that's the case right boys, we'll keep an eye on the media lillian, better news nation pressure where they will talk soon. now here's some examples of people taking action, com, his depend on alumni to the money guy so griffin. He pledged three hundred million harvard this year, three hundred million Reverend says he might not might not do that right. Former us ambassador to russia, Jon huntsman- This point is donations to you, paint. Leslie, wechsler, Victoria's secret
mobile he's, Poland is donation, the harvard law Rowan apollo global management. Poland is donations to you pen now. That is absolutely german, and I will tell you on a personal note. I went america's college in poughkeepsie new york. It was a great experienced for me. It was a terrific school working class school back then it was physically built by the merest brothers. I my last here there it went secular, so you get state aid from new york and the real, this aspect: the merest went out: fine, ok, no prob, now? Meroz has gone left. Its woke, ok, Now I gave merest one million dollars of my money to give scholarships to poor people.
And I name scholarship. The peter o keefe scholarship, tumors use peter o keefe was a brilliant. His three professor and influence. May I will not get maris college a penny for the rest of my life because they are run by insane left wing people now and the board of directors allows it. This is a statement that merits college president Kevin wine men we used to work at amherst, put us alongside many in our community, I'm still grappling with the violence, in israel in Gaza, and the tragedies unfolding in that region is grappling. I'm just scrap, I really don't can't really process. This is weasel stuff. It doesn't want to condemn hammas. I wanna talk about terrorists, grapples.
I can't tell you how angry I am. This is the school I went to. This is a school where I got my history degree. It was a great school for working class. Kids they've destroyed it, there's a big difference between talking and reporting, especially right now, with a fire hose worth of news coming your way, you know what helps having reporters in the field. I'm brad milky from a b c news. and that's what we ve gone on abc daily podcast start here. Every morning start here takes you across the country and around the world for a quick, smart. Look at the stories that matter it's fast straightforward and sometimes gasp news can even be fun. So, let's meet up tomorrow morning. Listen to start here, wherever you get your podcasts, this podcast is sponsored by talkspace, You know when you're really stressed earlier, not feeling so great about your life or about yourself
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I think it money doctors without borders gave heard of it. I they doctor go where they volunteer. They help people all over the world. Ok charity navigator gives him a ninety eight percent rate that says that. Most all their money goes to helping people sounds great right dogs with Border is another organization charitable oarsmen. Started out very noble and now a far left out you're in a word about damn about terrorism. We invite a modest programme night, any chance needing money to help people all over. The world comes design approach. and that reaches millions of people.
Any charity does that not doctors without borders? Smart lot, you got to investigate, before you donate your money to charity americans with generous people on the planet. We give more to charity than any other country per capita got on this. Go to politics. Now, Jim Jordan. First vote in the house today, no twenty report. wiggins, voted against Jordan. So now we have another boat. I mean we're taking this in the late afternoon, I don't know what they do. They don't want jordan. Maybe they get somebody else. These republic, and look. They got vote their conscience. I understand that I got it put their destroying euro party is laughing because all the demographic changes vote right down the line, whatever
The democratic leadership is lousy. Humor wants now shut up public inzana later, not down trumps, not a republican populous. As I said and he thought so anyway. I was going to work out by these two centres. Mccarthy, should now I've been voted, are really hurting the republic because, as it is doing something we have to vote for the greater good. every fbi, crime, stat, so violent crime dropped two percent in two thousand when two a year behind the fbi- stats. Ok, that's good red decrease fibres. aggravated saw drop, one percent, I mean users, minuscule still violent country, robbery increase one percent, property crimes or seven percent car, Jackie things up, eleven percent, ok,
The reason that poverty crimes run arises, did not punished. In particular, any urban places Chicago san francisco allay knew your baltimore on and on and on not much You still got. Ok, Adult victims of fatal gun violence decrease seven percent, but juvenile desk from guns rose. Twelve percent those drug gangs remit to your attention, oakland california, in. Chaos alameda county right. They have a soros, funded crazy. de I name PAMELA price right, your honor PAMELA Arm robberies have increased thirty five percent. Burglary, use in
glenn having grew. Three hundred eighty two percent, because she won't prosecute the criminal. they break envy, arouse civil private data So now there's a recall effort. live anywhere near alameda county. You can sign a petition Seventy three thousand signatures abode. Her remember chased body in the answer. just go. He was wounded gay, so Families gotta go obviously so by march gotta get seventy three thousand signatures. I think I can get him in two weeks, but will say people in oakland to make break into my ass, take myself,
that's what you got so some of you know that killing a which is number two in the new york times list on sunday and this march the third week it's been came out three weeks ago today so or protein hundred fifty thousand copies were very happy with that K and we think you always supported, but but you have not seen me on a network shots in the morning late night or any of em, no, not invite it. Don't like me, you used to like me because I always bring ratings. Wherever I go, not anymore, however, the number one book is a hate trump book by women, woman, Cassidy, hutchinson, He has been on CBS Sunday morning, big spot, the view jimmy him a lot. He gets all invitations kay and rachel motto is a book and she met on the today.
show CBS Sunday morning again I CBS colbert russia, whose co baron her hers emphatical. So they get these two ladys. All the network. Exposure mark lavigne a big best selling book K and itself more than the lays the democrat party hates america and the vienna has been on no network shows. I understand he was not invited
and we had a guy named Alex Marlow here's a book of a best seller, breaking Biden, exposing hidden wisdom, a secret money machine behind Joe Biden, nothing! Okay! So you get the picture here. All the networks will not book any conservative or traditional authors, no zero! All liberal authors that is horrendous. Horrendous. This day in history october, seventeen nineteen thirty one AL capone convicted on tax evasion, Ninety two years ago, today got eleven years bunch of fines. You went to alcatraz I'll tell you a little bit more. The best portrayal of AL capone was born in brooklyn and when
chicago, oh, and sole booze and murdered people by the score. Ok, the best moody portrayal was Robert deniro in the untouchables go. People are going to drink. You know that I know that we all know that and all I do is act on that and all this talk of bootlegging what is bootleg on the boat? It's bootlegging on lake shore drive it's hospitality, yeah. I'm a businessman and what have your reputation that you control your business through violence at those that don't purchase your product are dealt with violently. Sarah. I grew up in a tough neighborhood and we used to say you can get further with a kind word and a gun than you can with just the kind of work. Yeah
what might have been true and sometimes reputation follows you arrest, violence in chicago, of course, but not by me and by anybody. I employ and I'll. Tell you why? Because this A business alright, so the harm Business school did a study on capone estimated. He was responsible for two hundred murders He's here, five years, not eleven in alcatraz gore san francisco bay, because he was they let him out. He die. January, twenty fifth, nineteen, forty seven at age. Forty eight from syphilis. I'm back with a male segment. Andy amusing final thought. In a moment these podcast sponsored by tax base when you're really stressed earlier, not feeling so great about your life or about yourself.
talking to someone who understands can really help. But how do you find that person tax base talks base? Makes it easy to get the support you need we talk space you can go. Line answer a few questions and be matched with a therapist cause you meet online, you don't have to take time. Worker work, arrange childcare, you'll meet on your schedule where You feel most at ease if you're depressed stressed straw with a relationship or if you want some Link for you in your partner or just needed The extra support tax base is here for you and because tax bases regret top thereupon daily, you can rest assured you'll find your perfect match. Plus tax base with most major insurers and most insured members, only pay twenty five dollar copier, less no insurance. No problem now get eighty dollars off your first month.
When you go to talks based outcome match with a licence therapists today at talks based outcome, tax base, dot com- I I might bigger cia veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod guests, spot or wherever you get your PA guests, get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief go to the male. We got care all the concierge member, please check out the concierge Program on bill o dot com, we will help you, you get direct access to us. Any problems and all you need any more information, great programme carol, sir? I will be outraged. Biden travels Israel, as he has no business being. Their Biden has never travelled to east palestine,
oh to confront residents- will that's true. He never went all because he knows ohio republican states. What is gonna go there, but Israel he should go. I know of, tibet, maria concierge member love. What you bring to the forefront in the news bill and you're historical background. No, I combined journalism and histories, the old people. Do it the only one Mary melling plattsmouth nebraska. Well, if you consider the possibility that billions of dollars of equipment and weapons left to the taliban, Afghanistan got soul, do IRAN or given to Hamas so evidence that we would now they would have u s markings there would be evidence, it would be there. There is no evidence of that. I think the taliban is kept. Whoever test case in san diego and your message today, you wrote.
And who is making the decisions of for Joe Biden his staff, who is leading our country if not by tests? We already did this. I gave you all the names and if you are a premium or concerns member, you can get a transcript on bill. O'reilly, dot, com of that report. but I know you can't watch every show I understand, but we ve already done. We ran down all the names of the people in a white house who are telling buying what to do. Gathering Williams, livermore, California, I'm confused about the digital dollar. Should I leave my money in the bank? Stop with the digital dollar stuff star. This is not a reality. This is just cooked up garbage to get you to click on some stupid website. Keep money in the bank. Jerry shrivel, white lake michigan. or rather a hundred percent correct everyone- should figure out their purpose in life.
And the earlier. They do it the better they will. They got Paul Herman, tucson, arizona, mark twain, said the tomb Important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you I why I love mark twain, he's the best. Isn't a boy is he? Why was he smart so that was based on a commentary? I did that we all have Purpose. You've you gotta, find out your purposes. Jeff downs, rex burghardt all around if the best tech team on the planet an issue regarding my provider and it was solved the very next day. I pride myself on my staff. It is responsive to all of your needs. So that's why you guys are premium members, concierge member If you're not, I hope you check it up or I killing the witches. If you want to sign copies for the holiday gift, giving season get your orders in now. I will sign them for you,
New york state of mind last call Friday october. Twenty some our monthly theatre, huntington long island. They broke out a few very close seats that they usually don't do you want to go to the terrible theater or billow rallied calmer com or, and then man is still in play. We got killing allegedly killing the killers, which is really a viable book now killing to kill us. god and any mug of your choice. Forty two ninety five and as a gift, giving thing where you go start, where the data not be churlish see, It'S- u r, l, I s age- do not be churlish writing to me back with a final thought about jet blow. In a moment. I voted today jet blow. You know. I don't like him. And a little confrontation went viral. All that so my daughter,
was in new orleans over Columbus. They weaken at new york three hour delay why nobody knows kepler polder but she's, an adult I'll go down our and your below three hours. Late, no reason saw Turning to flight aware which tracks all flights in the usa in the month of September right thirty, six percent of all jet blue flights in its country were delayed, average delay an hour and a half
Thirty, six percent in a benign whether man that's knowing Cassandra stolen much less thirty, six percent- I'm telling you you do this: it's almost self destructive! Now I don't want to drive these people out of business. Egypt, blue people! That's not why I'm here to do this, but there are terrible. the era. Ball. Ok and buddha judge the secretary transportation. Have, I ever seen a cabinet member to a worse job and peep boot
Judge mayorkas he's the only one. The whole head security guy is doing a worse job, mayor Maguire is it may august just beyond belief, but booty judge had a future. As a politician in the democratic party, this is the war That's his job is to keep these airlines from using their customers. Now I right jfk in new york to london on british airways because I was afraid of the american airline. Now I got there, no problem. We were early This service was good. They were very well organised. I came back on america, because they are a flight code share or something with ba. It was a good luck.
And you can tell with senior people there and we got in. Whenever you fly into J f k you gotta zoom around, but that's not the airline companies for our own time got in these routes transatlantic Roads they're, usually not the problem. The problem is flying from durham too for lauderdale or flying from tucson to Denver. That's the problem. if these airline companies, they don't have enough reserve personnel or planes, and it even goes wrong? It is backed up and then care, whether your host, they don't care, gimme a voucher for lunch, ray they care because I know you gotta go, I'm DR and I told you that small live segment. I know. If I have to go anywhere with
An eight hour radius of new york and its leaders, not business. I drive because I am going to save time and now the traffic so terrible from new york city north to Boston that I only drive at night and so terrible traffic is here to touch it off insane and we'll get internet. Why about that? It is a reason. So anyway, jet blue. I know a lot of your fly for thanksgiving christmas. You gotta by air tickets now by the way gotta go now today you gotta get em, but if you go, if blow bring at least five killing books. you can read and while awaiting a guy like you ve, gene and listening to the no spin news was he going to ok round to name something. That's not boring laundering
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-19.