« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden's Irresponsibility, RFK Jr. Presents Challenge to Biden; 4th of July Travel, Affirmative Action Case Ruled by SCOTUS & Pride to be an American Remains Low

2023-06-29 | 🔗

Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Biden’s irresponsibility and selfishness reaches new levels.
  • Bill declares Robert Kennedy Jr. as Biden’s only challenger 
  • Travel for the 4th of July expected to hit record levels- and with the incompetency of the FAA all Americans will feel it. 
  • SCOTUS rules on Affirmative Action – what else to expect before the Court breaks for summer 
  • Kate’s Law reintroduced in the Senate 
  • Gallup poll reveals pride in being an American remains low 
  • Customs and Border Protection in Arizona seizes 1.98 million fentanyl pills, in just two days. 
  • Smart Life: build time into your day where you don’t use your phone
  • This Day in History: actress Jayne Mansfield, her boyfriend and their driver are killed in car accident 
  • Final Thought: Why you should visit BillOReilly.com over the July 4th weekend  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O Reilly here. Welcome did the no spare news, thursday june twenty nine thousand. Twenty three stand up for your country. Lottery. Poor tonight doesn't look like a busy news day on the surface, but it and support and president binds doing more bad things, skin person- between me and Mr Biden I'll admit it has nothing to do with political parties, nothing to do with ideology, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points mammal, ok, listen to this So today to thirty there was interview in new york city in between,
as an abiding and MSNBC person, Nicole waltz right. Why why she Could have flown to washington easily and another interview. By flying into new york city, though, president. Negatively affects tens of millions of people, tens of millions streets, blocked off traffic, backed up to rhode, island, okay, chaos, new york, taxpayers, is bill police overtime, all kinds of other things have to be put in place to get the man from canada air poured into town happen manhattan for this stupid interview. That means nothing. I'd Nicole walls is in gun, in our view,
sure Biden with any kind of content. It's like having your mom interview, you are, I mean I can ask any tough what some people say: you're too, all buying and say what every wants why No waste everybody's time wasted in washington now the whole city, sixteen million. People in this area, where I am. everybody's inconvenience and the cost is astronomical. So why is by doing it because he's got a fact cat event. where he's gonna raise hundreds of thousands of. ass millions for his re election campaign? That's why I can write the whole thing off. We pay for it. Because he's doing the white house business by talking MSNBC again, that's lie
Interviewed by your mother total waste of time. And if you don't believe me to the next- We shall do montage custody, ok, I'll prove it to you saw what does tells me and I could be wrong, but that does happen too often, Idbi just doesn't care about anybody, but Biden. Maybe he cares about Jill his wife, maybe, but he doesn't care generally speaking about anybody. If I were president united states, I swear to you and this was presented to me. I said: look I'm not going to do this, I'm not going to disrupt all of those people's lives. for a selfish act a con, so I can raise all lose money.
Charge all expenses to the taxpayer. That's what binds doing. I wouldn't do it. Ok, I just I couldn't do it. Why do you care Now, I'm not gonna com, a sociopath sociopaths, a person with no human feelings at all and use. You know some of them right now they do use in a word, narcissist, very thin line, a sociopath, we'll kill. And not feel any more sit down for supper, finds out a sociopath he's just, An unbelievably selfish human being that's what he is
Now you could say most politicians are like that, and I would not disagree at this point in history. I would not disagree the most unselfish president, I've ever seen. I haven't seen literally, but you know I'm a historian. Abraham lincoln. The guy was what he went through. It was incredible, but most of them are selfish or you know you know what they are so now it comes down to not only is Joe Biden unbelievably incompetent any is there is nothing in this country that it has improved under his watch and if you can give me one thing and don't give me, unemployment is low. Unemployment was low when he came in, don't give me infrastructure spending, don't give me that just one thing in your life that prove your life. bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet, billow rallied outcome, namely
so we know you're a real human being just gimme one, that's better after two and a half years for Biden being in a way that's all I want, and I read it on here- goes I don't have any every in my life is worse now. Alright, society speaking about society, not personal than it was when abiding came into office. Everything I mean that the amount of money that I'm paying for stuff on long island is just Agri way, beyond six percent inflation way beyond. but you go into a restaurant. It's insane grocery store, yeah station clothing. Whatever it may be is double when it was four years ago.
And I'll give you the starts in a moment. The prove it not just me so anyways personal now between Joe Biden and myself, I think he's a bad guy in simple man. I got good guys and guys encompass women to start a catch all here, good. In the middle and bad now, my library or more good than bad biden, that guy that's enough Finally, the pause, ap. democratic. Forty three public and thirty six, not a fair. Paul. No surprise me, ok, so there, Left leaning new service. Now I hear is the question overall do approve disprove the wage or by telling his job forty one disapprove. Fifty eight
overall second question: you prove disprove the way by handling economy. Kate, though only thirty four percent approve, sixty four percent disapprove as sprang big and it's the spending that individuals have to do. That would drive in that. Final question: how would you describe the nations economy? Good thirty percent poor sixty nine percent- neither good nor poor one percent, but you always get those ok. So look. It's not art, you know, there's a worldwide broadcast now, so you guys cows watches overseas. You care participate because, as you are countries different, but from fair banks, alaska, two key west florida people
And in those been note, if in your area, prices have not gone up, please Tell me I want to report it, but I don't think I'm gonna be fine. In that gallop survey. Ok, we wouldn't tell us what the party breakdown is eight thousand thirteen adults first question: how would you rate economic conditions in a country today I'd excellent one, one percent, excellent one, good eighteen, so nineteen percent that ads are fair. Thirty, seven poor. Forty four, that's eighty one percent. A guy runs for reelection. I don't know And you got eighty one percent gallup poll say and economies hurting us. And then his job approval is forty. One percent does stack, doesn't stop
right now. You think economic conditions are getting better worse, getting better twenty seven getting worse. Sixty six, ok. I know tromp. I know the deficits tromp. I know the people with red. Four jerry matters. That's leave it to beaver. For those who view in the baby bone generation then trot. Ok, they leave over anybody overture, I guy, but really
show Biden with you a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you build to get a fourth line for family glamorizing, robe, loser, Beth she's, not gonna, like that. I sent it. Ain't goin get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line we were cellular built for us terms, applied as it: u s, cellular dot, com, pretty test, we value human connection with distractions, cellular built for us visit your! U s. Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens Our cage, junior challenging Joe Biden, ok. Now I have known Bobby Kennedy junior for decades. I know the tiny family pre. Well, I work with Doug Kennedy, a fox. I like to carry family. I admire them, you know Many of you from reading my books that I Robert Kennedy sr one about
little heroes and I don't have any guy. Was you re killing the mob Bobby Kennedy boy? You need to know That weasel J, edgar hoover, the the I now Bobby, carries one that dissembled Lamar Anyway, sun is shown Biden, thou art, Kay, according to real, clear politics, average of the polling, has fourteen percent Biden sixty four percent. So this juncture. Bobby carry juniors no chance. His constituency is based on two things. His name is anti backs stance. Not argue we get into the anti backs, but I will tell you this. Millions of americans were and are against vaccines because they don't trust big farm
and the government they don't believe the cdc. This is. On the left and the right, Canada is an anti back. He wrote walk bestselling best all about and I did very well millions of people die, a part of any backs, that's who supporting arcade unit by and large, But if you go a little bit deeper into kennedys. view of the world, it gets a little troubling, go. Running because I feel like my party has lost its way that the values Uncle represented, my father represented an eight were Democrats have been neglected, let's say, and I new, try to bring the democratic party back to those values and the party
italy was any war is well. My uncle present Kennedy was as his best friend. What are you on it on his appetite and on its greatest out, and he said he kept, the peace is at the principle. Job, an american president, is to keep the country out of war and the democratic party presented its views since its inception, natural Ok and bobby, junior basically is blaming america or the ukraine war. And he said on organization, that he would pull all war finding out. and spend it on domestic things. Well, that might sound good if you
or a liberal person- but it's not so Harry truman- was a democrat right korean war hero. He did it. John F Kennedy began the vietnam war. You know that and brought us. We, the people in the united states, the closest to a nuclear war than any other president has done by blockading cuba. Khrushchev sent russian warships cae. Can he put up a blockade if they started to shoot at each other? I could have ignited a nuclear war. Why? To jfk? Do that because khrushchev wanted to put missiles into cuba that could hit the usa easily, so J f k was not a peace. President was.
and he didn't keep the peace because of vietnam and the democratic party is not the party, a piece sought. Democrats going all the way back to the civil war ignited violence, lincoln was republic So body needs a history lesson. These ridiculing books is not up to speed on out at all. And to say that the united states would be safer and better if we pull out of confronting Putin and she and the mullahs in iran and let them run wild, do whatever they wanted to do all over the globe. You think don't make sense. That's eugene, mccarthy, stuff. For you again, you gotta go back. Mccarthy was the peacenik during the vietnam war
when I hear that I go Bobby, should know his history little better. Not a sort of sub item and play for you is about Immigration, which were a second to the economy, is fours an issue in two thousand twenty four go. I don't think that it's gonna be possible to get any immigration reform package through congress until we see other border because we ve got well, we've gone out in the last three years. Seven million people have come across the border illegally. I was at trump's wall or, having seen it down there. I see that there are there's you were required to give it physical therapy or certain not all the way. Twenty two hundred miles from san diego to brownsville, texas, but certain highly densely populated populated areas in need of fiscal barrier nourishes either Kennedy explained his throat mallory. Its physical malady saw a lot of people. Ask about that now. The fact that he
has come to the realisation that we have to stop this legal migration into the united states angers, the core democratic party which does not want that at all. so tat s gone against his party and believe me, democrats, hate him whose the crowds by and large love. the vaccine. They love the covert stuff. Why cause, it made the government more powerful, the federal government, more power, By ordering an mandating what you could do during the cholera epidemic, that's what the democratic party wants strong central government in DC dictating to us how we lit that's, why they supported the vaccine as much as they do the Democrats, can against a vaccine. Democratic party wants open borders. Cake is against them,
so there's always winning over his own party, a third party, He could do it safe. I a little support from Biden, but he's not gonna do is too expensive right we have disagreed on or of gay. I'm play sound In a minute about my battle with their chris cuomo, be right before that town hall ok, you're July. Fourth, fifty one people, fifty one people arriving. fifty one million people. I say are expected: travel over. The fourth July weaken record number. forty three million by car four million by air. I pity you, I do Have to go to that airport say your prayers. I got An arrest three point: four million on bus train, ever pogo. Stick,
the airlines collapsing, as it did on christmas day, christmas vacation gazebo, see, if he's not is all regulating body, because parliament transformations run by bullet judge, one of the most incompetent civil I have ever seen, it is, is unbelievable it nobody can keep. his job, unless you got a guy, like Joe Biden, has your boss, ok for this. We it's thursday Six thousand delays, seventy five hundred cancellations and it's going to get worse over the weekend of your on the airport.
Yo. So what is buddha judge say so he's on a commercial flight, because now they won't tell us how many private flights he took. So he has to fly commercial because everybody walking atom. Here's what he said on his flight go or cancellation rate yesterday went over nine percent, which is a lot higher, let's see after a year, which has typically been under two percent. Now, we've known that summer is going to be a stress test on a system. The good news is: we've seen a lot of progress this year through memorial day. Well, what's the solution? Why don't you do something you pinhead? it's over ninety percent of the weight. Ooh yeah, that's higher, though, as long as you got what your sure,. like companies. Are saying the F area is the problem. I'm not in earth who I can't find it. All I know is that if we go to the airport, they're gonna torture, you heatwave,
So I live in dollars for two years hottest place, and I lived in miami for two years, douse hot in miami kay, A result I never lived there but every day it's handwritten five. no humidity and ah. Arizona as there is in taxes in florence so now fifty five million people in this country are under a heat advisory, Austin, texas, he'd index, as he humidity combine climbed two hundred and eighteen degrees record. So you can die in this. You can die
When I was in dollars, I didn't have a garage from our car lived in north douse, so the car was out in the sun. It took me fifteen minutes to open all the windows and doors were. I couldn't even put my hand on the steering, lose, could not get in the car jack the air up and everything like dab it and then the complex apartment, gamboge I've had a pool, but the poor was a hundred and ten I couldn't like cool off no ocean or gulf near Dallas. There's a lake ray hubbard, but you don't want to go in at lake. So. I'm so nerve from long island best beach place, look around Oh, I don't know the barbecues worth saw.
Guys down aerosol. I pay, I feel sorry, for you If you live in texas, you have to go to the airport. I double sorry for you. There's a book that's endured for generations, shaped entire nations and is still the best selling book of all time. It's a book that tells of prophets and preachers of kings and carpenters. A book meant for everyone. There's more to the story, explore the book. You thought you knew at the museum of the bible in washington dc plan. Your visit today and museum of the bible, dot org slash explore all right. Today says at harvard at the university of north carolina cannot use race in determining. who a ten. So the lawsuit was brought because harvard is trying to de emphasis.
as asian americans, because their smart aright so I want to give it our full screen on harvard admission by race, white, forty, four african american fifteen, that premature reflects what the population african american is: asia. American, twenty eight percent way above K, hispanic latino, thirteen percent so hard. It is basically what they're doing, but they can't do it anymore is making much tougher for asian americans to get in So this report ruled sixty three. I e that the student mushroom treated based on his or her experiences at individual, not on the basis of race, fair rules Because once you start down that skin color per france road, then have civil rights anymore.
enter Joe Biden, hey job we're just talking about you, man. he loves all the race. Skin, color stuff loves it, because minority send a vote for him Here's. How here reacted to the supreme court ruling go today. The court once again walked away from decades of precedent and make, as a descent has made clear to descend states and today's decision called roles back decades. A precedent and momentous progress and, of course I agree with that statement from the defence for from the descent. The court has effectively ended affirmative action in college admissions. I strongly following disagree with course decision. Of course you do in cushion to solve according to bind and the Democrats and three spring quite justices. You know so to my or kagan and brown, the minority.
Skin color let them in, but the other people now and it's happening believe me. I've seen it still gonna happen to Cheap but I'm glad of the ruling item, are they gonna rule about Biden wanting to forgive college student loans? Now you know that I predicted that was unconstitutional and I get a bore you with the sound bite, but I pretty a long time ago martha ruling will come down the supreme court to say you can't One of the power of the present in our power to forgive debt because remember if. Biden gets away with this, so the kids who took out loans to go through college, they don't pay them back. We have to pay him back. The american taxpayers pay him back. Okay again, I got I put two through I put two through
I paid an enormous amount of money and I want every kid have an equal opportunity to pursue happiness, but I'm not paying for allie over there and by wants me to know because sallies parents might be profligate spenders, they may have to robberies in the garage, but there's not enough money for sally. They go to college because they got the ferrars right. Absolutely good. Aben I mean you, don't you didn't know. Anyway, I predict this room, coy will say sorry joe, you can't forgive loans as president cates law date just briefly July. First, two thousand fifteen thirty, two year old cape silently walking with her father and san Francisco shot. death by an illegal immigrant who had defied deportation six times.
So o reilly on the o reilly factor says we need a new federal law. It says you are convicted of a crime and deported and come back here, you ten years minimum in a federal penitentiary. Even if you don't committed other crime just effect We find you here and you ever on your sheet, we deported. You come back ten years, Kate's law became very close to passing, K two thousand and fifteen mitch Mcconnell killed it alright, he didn't like it, because that punk will riley shouldn't, be legislating that that's basically, why did it now? Ted Cruz to his credit, senator cruz from texas reza did the bill! Ok, hr! Forty two thirty eight doesn't have a ten year mandatory, but he has prison time in it right now. A few weeks ago, I ran into senator cruising D, say: okay, and I talk to him about this.
A man of a word he oz coast, fostering a bill was senator Tom cotton, internal chuck rashly and its. also the house judiciary committee so that will come up for a vote, it'll pass the house and will put democrats and set it most of whom will vote against it, and that will tell you everything you know need to know about Democrats in the senate, worn it didn't want to punish criminals who are deported and combat now poor, cates, timely thirty two years or trying to get crews santa cruz on next week He knows we like a mammoth will say Gallup poll lot appalling today, but for the july coming up, this is your main, as they say
god doesn't want to give us their democratic republic in they. Don't wanna give it so, and thirteen. Here is the question Proud. Are you to be an american. dream- lay very moderately only a little, not at all extra, We proud to be an american thirty, nine percent very proud twenty percent moderate, twenty two that eighty nine percent of americans are ok, only a little, not at all eleven percent. However, the extremely proud number. Thirty nine percent is the lowest ever in nepal. Forego the highest was two thousand for ok. Nineteen years ago seventy percent were extremely proud of an american. So what happened in those nineteen years? Lots.
But the reason that the seventy per cent said they were extremely proud. No four was because of nine eleven and because the usa was kick and tush after nine eleven we removed the taliban. We removed saddam Hussein, we were after Al Qaeda, we were taken, vengeance and america has wanted that. So that's why why has it fallen to thirty nine percent? A record low because of the government? The present government and trump is involved with that too. No doubt that he's in without too so that america's all like their government, proud, chewing proud anymore. I I'll do it that way because I'm a historian. I know how much good america's done in this world how many billions of people are free because of us, I understand what the blood and treasure-
ratio was to free all those people and to destroy hitler in togo, Keep the mullahs at bay in china. I I understand. I know that we are a noble nation. I know it. I don't just believe it. Fox news for trust and confidence in institution, ah. one thousand five registered voters democratic forty, two republican thirty. Nine is right. Ok,. first question overall, would you say general, you trust the federal government, thirty one, no sixty six who on earth by stating the federal government, this boy. You know the cliche I got a bridge. I ok, so question
I'm going to read you a list of institutions. Tell me if you have any confidence. Fbi, total confidence, fifty nine lack of confidence, forty one, that's a big number that reflects a people are paying attention. Two hundred Biden to the fbi- russia- collusion their pay attention there Its they are the old area. There is a new fbi tv show up. I think I see me So there are really no department of justice that the overseer the fbi total confidence, fifty one! How could you possibly? How could you possibly have confidence in the justice system in this way, when the attorney general may get a peached miracle? A lack of confidence, forty nine, so split down the middle supreme court total confidence. Forty eight lack confidence. Fifty two that's Roby way that angered a lot of people. That decision. That's what that's all about congress total confidence.
before lack of confidence sixty five, the highest number- and I thought I would have liked to have seen in his fox news poll- total confidence in Joe Biden, but they did okay. Sentinel got a letter from a concierge member. Today broke my heart: twenty five year old, daughter, dead event at all doesn't get worse, open border drugs born in I told the concierge members sought my advice. I referred him to a bereavement group in southern california, which is excellent. My sister does that kind of work.
He needs a group in asia. Bereavement never going to heal a paint but gives you coping mechanisms. This is concierge membership on bill, o dot com, but I wrote a letter and I just one I just it. It makes me so sad, obviously for this young twenty five year old girl, but it makes me angry. so our federal state or local governments are coddling drug attics. we're making it easy for them to buy narcotics that holds the murderous drug gangs knee in our city and the mexican cartels, because the drug attics provide the money to keep those murders and business. My take is drug addicts are responsible for all the damage they are doing to themselves to their families to their country. Chris Cuomo seas
a bit differently: roll in new york city, where you are, they are vending machines. Yesterday, hell you become a drug attic know how in us nothing they don't have vending machines to help you be a drug addict. They sir, I had allow investors, we are excited they attics and services for the attic, so they don't rob and steel and her out of desperation to feed their rack. Pipe enables somebody to smoke price David. I didn't get the pine tree, they would easily you walking down the street and knock you down and take your wallet and those cuomo, it's not to enable you knocked me down a wish. They might now you down. Let me tell you in their desperate, listen. I appreciate This there's a lot of, but I'm telling you we can't get to your solution because of people blaming people for making a bad choice. It creates this rush hold of a law
all the other people. Can you wanna get high? You don't have a writer. No wonder you don't have your bet. You have a right, I'm saying, but it is also wrong to believe its political. Your tree these guys like their muggers they're, not bunkers their knowledge. can the sub? Why do we need a women and smack guys around their sick? Now then they get off the junk. So what I want? and get all the, but only only twenty percent of drug attics. According to all the studies want rehab one And the solution is mandatory: if you are a dry, Aren't you commit a crime you're caught they drug test, you in a police precinct as soon as that tests comes up your on narcotics go to a humane medical facility
you're too by those states. Right, for a period of time, minimum six months and you get treatment. Whether you like it or not. That takes the marketplace away. that is the only solution to the chaos drug addicts are causing in this country combined with the open border, hundreds of thousands of deaths, cities destroyed families destroyed politicians. Do we have to feel sorry for him? I don't feel sorry for Ok, smart life add to build some time in your day. To get away from this, I even me well playing a game I uses for work and for information gathering so an hour two hours better.
every day in your schedule. You will not look at that for that break your addiction is so powerful this the addiction I find myself if I'm doing something, while on the phone, no build in every day, away time from the phone smarten life. The sad history june, twenty nine nineteen sixty seven jane, mansfield, thirty, four years old, A rival, tomorrow and non road driving. The slight l louisiana when she's in with a head on a collision with a tractor terror. She is be headed in that accident. J mansfield, if you don't know her role at it, no.
good to thanks honey, can you tell me and find three five one, forty one. Second, you man thanks Sonny, The different era anyway,. J Marysville, underrated, actress and her daughter was in the back seat of the car when she was killed who's your daughter well, at the time they called her. Her name should say they called her marie, but her name is marisa hard Rollin now can you see you needed him Then you used him. He loves me and I love him. That's not love That's not mothering
That's narcissism. I know that your husband was perfect and miss guided as it was. He did what he thought was right, but now he's pudding. Martin. First, that's love Connie. Ok, so on order, you know her. Fifty six years ago, two days, the back seated our car little girl survived mother did not. I ran into agony at a broadway show- and I had a conversation about her mother while I felt was very underrated, and but I thought you would like to know about. It In case you don't even know Jane mansfield, its back with them, on a final thought about July. Fourth, in a moment, go to the may all tanya bill ever question said america alone will be arrested, who's, gonna arrest
I did say will be said he could be just like. John Mitchell was the attorney general for next you s, marshals would arrest, and if it comes to death randal concierge member hands down, I want prudent, lose in ukraine. However, my got tells me ukrainian government is corrupt, might be the lesser of two evils. That's a cliche. They all may carry on lee, tease pennsylvania. I agree on two percent with the comment about drug abuse: hers. It will stop Nothing they will lie still and heard everyone around to get their drugs. Absolutely. There is no control over these people and they need to be controlled carol. Part of each twelve step. programme is to accept responsibility for our actions past present and future some in our group's really struggle with that carol, obviously at twelve step group to try to get people off substance. Marianne,
put nearer saint clair shores michigan. I hope you can settle something for me. O reilly, a family member told me fox news. The people who own it are democrats there not, but they don't like trump. Democrats dennis huber wesley chapel florida, MR bill red yours. I read your story that inspired your atheists them nothing there, bumper sticker to our bible class, and it was well received the worry is that I was on a mass pike and a car in front of me had religion, fake news. So of course I made bumper stickers that said atheism nothing there. They are bowman. You want him bill orally dot com store, so go there right now, I'm a reading programme for reborn
and a team normal had thirty two. Ninety five best deal in the country. Ok, we got all has a great stuff, so the fourth July celebrate all of our stock is: Moderately priced and don't be parsimonious, word of the day ties in to the villa rallied icon, store back with a final thought about the fourth july. Ok solve one July weekend. Is here yeah first, you can absently, time. Please. check in with us on the right of calm sunday. Bill, o reilly, dot com. Then I'm gonna be tweet. I I'll never off really, but why lots of good fun stuff right now We have all kinds of specials about our highlights so tat we And on no spin news that you may have missed it, you know that you want to see
and now we have the EU. We have the puzzles and we have all kinds of funds stuffs. Please go there, and our schedule is this, We're gonna be off on monday and tuesday, and back on. wednesday. I want to give my staff a nice holiday weekend and- and we are effort being ted cruz would be an interesting interview if he shows up on Wednesday LP does we have read tama next week? We've got a lot of have you onboard, but I'm going to do a little reading and sit on the beach finding nice weather here in eastern long island, and I hope you have a good time holly we are gearing up. I tweeted holly earlier today might wanna check that if you want to tweet bandits at bill, O'Reilly so get onto the tweet and we always put stuff on holiday Thank you for washing and listening to the nose venues We will see you next wednesday,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.