« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden's Inflation Problem, a Divided Country, America's Unhappiness Over Cultural Changes, & Guest Gov. Mike Huckabee

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, September 13, 2022. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown:
  • Inflation continues to rise, but is that enough to cost Democrats the midterms
  • Thirty-seven percent of America predict a Civil War
  • Gov. Mike Huckabee joins the No Spin News to discuss America's cultural changes
  • Liz Cheney's latest controversial comments
  • The DOJ agrees to accept Donald Trump's candidate for a special master
  • This Day in History: John Lennon introduces the Plastic Ono Band
  • Final Thought: Stop arguing with people who support Democrats
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
They go o reilly, you're! Welcome to the no spin news for thursday september fifteenth two thousand twenty to stand up for your country. So this is a tape special? Why? Because I have to do stuff today in the corporate realm, which I hate, but I run three corporations. And I didn't have to do any of this when I was working a fox news, because I worked for corporation. But now I run my own corporations, and, as you know, things are going very well. I think where the most power full independent news agency in the world
We have all kinds of stuff going on. I have to take a day in september, to sort it out, I gotta go into the crazy city, man. And I got to do a lot of things that I really don't want to do to protect. The corporation you're not going to want to bore you with it because it is born. I mean I'm, I'm more interested in journalism and community. in that, I am in this business stuff, but you gotta protection corporations have if you're going to be at this level on. That's what we are so anyway, all unite is that. I have been a very persistent critic of Joe by not so much before or the election of two thousand twenty, I did warn. Absolutely war. What would happen without
more of a democratic party thing than a personal thing. But Biden has gone to the dark side by allying himself at the far left progressive move and he did it fast and it's been a disaster for the country you on, This. If you follow me, you know it now. I see bad at times, because I have been released. listen! My criticism of Joe bite. It's not like. I was with obama, oh obama did some things felt were not good for the country. Body also did some pretty good things like brother, it's keeper. I helped them with that and I had a pipeline to prison obama, not bite. I don't know what he's doing good and noble can tell me that time and time again, if you these something out he's done well right it to me We wanted to me and I'll use it. Nobody does.
And even my liberal friends, when I'm in discussions with them. I said: okay, I used to lie by mueller or what you know, but I don't want trump aren't so. Okay, so trump rinsing is you still overburdened rob, we don't want europe. I sell give me one thing that Biden has done that proved your life. Your I view my liberal friends or the like of your wife or husband, or child or mom, and dad ones Now, maybe you say well there: to bring down the costs of some prescription drugs in a medicare negotiation. Ok, But that's saw reality at, but that I think, would be a good thing. So I want to give you an example that it's not all crazy but anyway, souls diver got. essentially my persona
is wrapped up in being a fair man, always has been. When I siege in high school way back when I was there Ok, I want to be fair. Maybe you not be inferior to bite. So. What are we gonna do deny is long intro. on the other Show you a variety of things that have happened since binds when president and my commentary on them, some of them. We're way back and you'll be interested Think to see how what I said came true and it's all fact, based because, as we do, as you know, so that is the programme today right and we are very pleased. You are watching and listening it's onto I'm gonna role it take now and then I'll come back in a little while. Well look. I guess I should be flattered. People are
because I'm the nice guy that's reason why it's happening, I'm a decent man who phrased it. That's why they're coming because no binds a good guy truth of the matter is nothing has changed. So Biden has no strategy to stop. The millions of people trying to get in here illegally? He has nothing, eyes number one high tech, is gonna. Do that Just stop somebody from crossing a barrier. to have a big barriers, so they can't get over it or guys stand and their say you can't come in. you can't have some drone or some electronic being diagnosed album. Everybody knows that right, the wall doesn't work. So Who, Joe in San diego works, in the sand. You Sidra, sector work rate. and you may result I worked and apart.
EL paso at work. so you say it doesn't work, but the day it says it does work and then finally,. all. Asylum cases deserve to be heard of it. billion of them, Joe, how about a billion people coming here already have people from africa or china Crossing the southern border, getting I want asylum are limited at the place I live in a bad country. I need asylum about billions of people. Are we going to do that Joe? What do you get Joe? We got nothing all right so what's at stake here. This is the most important night one week from tonight in the entire camp hey, because the Biden, falters trump wins the election, if Biden holds his own biden, may very well win. If Biden wins, the nation is in trouble and I've told you that up front because Joe Biden isn't going to stand up to the radical forces.
he's just not making high speed internet affordable unveiled everywhere in america from urban, bourbon rural, how compete in a world of millions of americans. Parents, especially moms, can't be part of the workforce, because they can afford the cost of child care or elder care. I might add, elderly for the sandwich generation. Getting crushed no mill Family will pay more than seven percent of their income. Childcare, I play it gets us contract. two years of high quality preschool for every child and work It also makes invest which, in higher education by increasing, tell grants. I don't know get it done, but I also had proposed three community college, but the truth is
that everybody on this planet, with an I q over eighty knows if you win and your Biden wins. Everyone's taxes are going up. Everybody, because the federal government will start to tax everything, not just income. They have To pay for the green new deal to pay for all of the social programmes that you will promise free college free day. Care have to. You ought to know people earning more than four hundred thousand algeria defiance, a tenth of what you promised so In the first few days- Joe Biden define himself very very clearly. I am proud. Member of the progressive movement. I am going to impose that philosophy on the cod tree, and if you don't like it too bad
internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on cox, analysis of eclipse b, test intelligence data, q, three twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas learn more at cox, dot, com, slash internet! I don't think anybody could argue with me that that is what happen habit all by one of the things is going to come back to bite. The president is immigration, open border policy. So we're gonna have a decline in the economy under president, by mark my words, it's not gonna happen initially, because once the call the vaccine is widespread, then people get back in the workplace. Jobs will come back to some extent, but its shaky its tenuous and with violence
Ending this enormous amount of money and raising taxes on everybody, you're already spending more and gasoline and heating. As we report, that's gonna hurt. so this open border policy of letting everybody in here to claim asylum, which is what this is, is going to come back to bite? President Biden heart that and the economy I think, is going to doom his administration. Could be wrong. We don't have much of a country anymore. Tromp is out Biden's in and congresses control by Democrats who are at the behest of the grasses and so that we are not a good place, but their whole. These tenuous very varied, very weak spot, a stronghold and a bite continues to do. What he's doing then
There is a better than fifty fifty chance. Republicans will take both houses in less than two years your binds owing to an office thirty six days. What he's changed everything at the southern border? So now there are twelve, five thousand migrants approximately waiting to apply for asylum right now right this minute. Most of them are in texas on the texas border. Okay, so Donald trump said we don't care where you are you're not going to wait here. You're not gonna, be admitted to the usa. Joe Biden says the opposite:. we are going to admit you to america, and you can stay here in this country at our expense, taxpayer expense and wait for your asylum here and even if we catch you coming across the border illegally
aren't even if we catch you all, you have to say as well. I want asylum and you're in no more returning back to mexico, So the bite administration believe that about a hundred and twenty five thousand migrants will come into the country this way for the rest of this year. I think he's gonna be more than that. But they say about a hundred twenty five thousand. They ve already admitted a few in not many. This is just starting just under way these bills are about competitiveness versus complacency. headedness versus complacency. Thereby Span an opportunity- not opportunity deny About leading the world or contain let the world passes by first, the infrastructure boom. it's about rebuilding the arteries of america, so job
a wants to point five trillion for infrastructure that. Rose. Everybody knows it arose. This money will be if it's ok, will be used for civil rights, gun violence, climate change, education, medical research, a very small point, two billion for infrastructure, but the vitamins resolve this is all infrastructure, gotta, rebuilding Mary! It's it's not true. It's a bunch of ball and bide- knows that the republican party knows a bunch of whole body wants to try to reach some compromise and now the fourth Many states present to preside over american, true presence in afghanistan to republicans to democrats. I will not pass this responsibility onto a fifth after consent, closely with our allies and partners without military leaders and intelligence personnel with our diplomats and our development experts with the car
the vice president as well, MR gandhi and many others around the world. I concluded. It's time to end America's longest war is for american troops to come home. An abiding did make a decision yesterday to remove american troops from afghanistan by september, eleventh the twentieth anniversary of the un, attack any also. I slap some sanctions on russia for miss behaving. The sanctions is no big deal. Basically he's going to expel few people from the russian embassy in washington, their spies. Everybody knows there are certain people can come here. That's all it is. I've gotta stan. I think it's a mistake. Would I would do if I were president, would leave one thousand special forces Bagram air force base where I've been, and just in case is an emergency situation
the taliban. You know they're gonna, try to take over the government and we don't know how strong the afghan forces are, I understand all this and I understand that we can't be there forever I've been in korea and germany since world war. Two. We're in a rack small force, why couldn't we just have a small force in Afghanistan thousand special forces by gruff big air force base mary protected. In fact, last year, two thousand twenty. There are eleven: u s: military casualties in afghanistan and so it's not that the- u s- forces are endanger bits, they can. The special forces could do some good, though, if the taliban gets out of control. what I would have done now. Hannity did something interesting. He said well in Joe Biden, career he's been exactly the opposite of this. You ve been a tough guy.
against african american crime in his senatorial pass, and I said to you, with all due respect. I don't care about Maybe he's evolve. Maybe he's woke, I don't care care about what he did to America yesterday. He hurt this country. He heard me he hurt my family I want my children thinking there races do you want your children king there races of your white: do you the president of the united states. Putting that out, I don't. I have no respect for Joe by I am asking is paid your fair share, you're a fair share. hey, you're, fair, share And right now, minimum virtually nothing.
So now? In order to do this, Mr Biden has to tax the wealthy and corporations and the achievers Alright, anybody who's got assets, got a kick in and that's not going to cover it not going to nearly cover it, but that's what he has to do. So you're going to raise the income tax level and I urge you gonna raise a corporate tax level. Twenty one and twenty eight he's going to raise the- and this is the most controversial- the capital gains into the forties for people earning more than a million dollars a year. And that's the point, investor invest by the way, the and he's going do or that ok get that money from the affluent He's going to save your lesson, foreign two thousand-
You're not gonna have to pass. That's not true, as we saw with the gas rise, it's a de facto tax since binds been an office in my town on long island, but gown guess a buck gown because he attacked the fossil fuel industry and those people are raising the prices. When corporations pay more tax, they will ways. Ices that's attacks on you, an indirect tax up. Everybody knows thanks to this war too. response we've gotten three hundred shot in the arm. the americans. In hundred fifty days, months ahead of what most anyone fellows passmore, we started. In fact you remember a lot of people are sceptical, and would you leaving a hundred million shots in my first one nowadays in into people's arms, we did it we kept going,
More receives a truly american accomplished, so the vaccination situation in america is good strong and you gotta credit Joe Biden for that, because you didn't screw up what donald trump did It was developed a vaccine, the first place now you'll, never hear Biden give from credit for that that diminishes Joe Biden as a person in my pen, trump trump performed almost a miracle by getting that backs made so fast, and he did it with money. He promised those pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars if they did it and they did it and then they screwed trump by not making the announcement until after lay election day. Member that saw but Biden he has. I screwed up
Right that vat is everywhere now and so the politicians who said enough cove it see you later right. So I've gotta be honest here. I think you're Biden has hurt to country dramatically but hoover. He heard individual people And you just couldn't blow him out of his well. Not gonna, give anybody anything and then, of course, hefty took over nineteen thirty two and did establish the safety nets that we have today. Ok, so that's where we are Herbert hoover was worse than I can but Biden second james. We cannot go all the way back with a disaster. He was present to be wilbraham leg into allowed the south to basically defined federal government and that led to the civil war. But the way
one or two things that you kind of. Did he just didn't do anything and it was a four year catastrophe, not a one biden's a one year catastrophe and it is bad. Today's supreme court of the united states expressly took away This right from the american people already recognised. He didn't limit it. I simply took it away, has never been done to a right so important to so many americans, but they did it as a sad day for the work and for the country now was row gone must be very clear. The health and life of women this nation are now at risk. Now Joe Biden is a guy who wants us to think that is a regular guy that he's a good catholic that he's a working class in his mouth
Person so let's zero in on the good catholic thing. So there is a lot of controversy about MR barton's. Abortion stand Not only is it for. Legalised abortion in america, which a lot of catholics are, I have to say, I buddy, promotes abortion, So now Joe Biden, instead of saying it should be where this would bill Clinton said motion should be where non another tool by ngos. You can have an abortion for any reason, migraine headaches, but at any time, nine months pregnant that not only that, but we're gonna get people in america who pay taxes who don't believe in a bush like o reilly, I went to take his tax. We're going to steer it in two. organizations that provide abortions. Ok
It is against the law we better get that lie is unconstitutional boat because its violation, my religious principles, so jawbone is far beyond a man who just accepts abortion. All he promote support Lucky land casino, asking people: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli. I guess I hide my dentist's office more than once actually do. I have to say: yes, you do in the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky, I never win and tell well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where we belong? Eighteen plus terms, conditions apply, see, details of mobile phone
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This government going to collapse, and then he lied to the american people. That's a pitiable and it's a simple to simple play. So this thanksgiving is gonna, be more pain because you're not going to be able to get what you want to have the traditional dinner, which is fine with the progressive because they don't like tradition there, thanksgivings racist today, because those pilgrims wiped out those indians in massachusetts. So this is all because a job And I dunno how many people are going to sit down at thanksgiving dinner and go. You know we ought to be thankful for the president, Mr Biden you're, going to do that. I'm not going to
what I don't want to be a mean guy, but I'm not thankful. I'm not he's a disaster, so you know I gotta keep reporting the truth in a world as far as politics is concerned, it's all bad news for Joe Biden. This may be today or January twelve, two thousand and twenty two, the lowest point of the Biden administration, And that's pretty damning statement, so, let's run it down on emotionally. First of all, a pull out rasmussen and it s a very simple question: the next presidential election, if we're held today, would you vote for Biden or donald trump, hypothetical rates? Ok, trump, forty six biden, forty another candidate, ten,
sure to wooden vote too, though you know donald trump, still a very controversial guy, but Rasmussen pretty accurate, beats in bed. Forty, six, forty okay. So this is your binds worst week in his worst first term. I keep saying first term its first year of his four year term. If he makes it so you got a one to pinch of a coven out of control and record breaking inflation. it's up almost ten percent last year and that's all on by a hundred percent on by it. So I think there's a lot of things we can do and we will do The bottom line is ultimately, the reason why gas prices are up is because of russia,
russia, russia, russia. The reason why the food crisis this is because of russia russia, not allowing grain to get out of ukraine, and so that's the that's the way which I think we should move, and I think it would have a positive impact on the price at the pump as well. So it's simple once Biden Attack the fossil fuel industry and put regulations and stop pipeline. In flow and all that energy prices went up and once that happen all prices went up and that's inflation and then the bite of mysteries print money ordering the treasury to print money to pay for all of these crazy spending and that's a double dip on inflation. Okay, so Joe Biden is not in charge, I think that's obvious from his policy. And his demeanor and what happened you not in charge and I'm telling you tonight that jill bide knows and she
is the whisperer in the white house, Joe Biden knows, and his staff knows I mean, can you imagine if your humble correspondent was in a forum where I said I'm gonna take some questions and my staff ran in and through everybody out, can you imagine That could never happen. If I say I'm gonna take where If I'm damn well going to take questions, and nobody in my staff would dare do that. Not that I'm a mart net word of the day, but it just wouldn't happen, but in the white house now, whatever job violence is really doesn't matter and with all the bright spots economy, record, job growth, higher wages to many families, are struggling to keep up with their bills. Inflation.
is robbing them of gays. They thought otherwise they would be able to feel I get it. That's why my top priorities getting prices under control. One way too Inflation is a drive down wages and make americans poor think. I have a better idea to fight inflation, low cost, not your wages. we're going to punish anybody, but let's make corporations and wealthy americans start paying their fair share. Okay, now the weakest part of Biden's speech last night was inflation. He is absolutely clueless on how to bring inflation down because he doesn't understand or wounded met, one or the other that by it marketing the oil and fossil fuel industry fracturing in the EU. I say you, drove the price of fuel up here. Mr president, you yo, no one else. I've congress, yo
drove it up because they again have futures conch. Acts so all the oil and all the other fossil fuels would weigh up that cause all the other prices to go up, so people in a truck are paying. double that they pay for diesel? The what's in the truck is gonna, go up, product, whether its food or anything else to cover the increase. If you did, I mean that's, why inflation up would not two Biden Biden says: well, I'm gonna bring it down by some demanding american companies make price. Here in the usa, I don't know how that brings prices down. I guess it's on the do with the supply chain, that no one has any confidence in Joe Biden any thinking person and understands that this administrator
It is a disaster so far far worse, Jimmy carter or even herbert hoover who took over in the stock market crashed. He knew he was a response well for that, but he was paralyzed for almost two years. Didn't do anything! This is worse. because Biden is basically making things worse for all of us. When you have a president, a leader who no one I know even arden. Liberals progressives They avoid the discussion. No one thinks that he's cable of solving any vexing problem, because he isn't it's as simple as that. If he work bobo. He would have solved some problems. Already Biden causes them all right, so prison Biden should resign as it should Because a country is heading in a bad place.
We're already there really is a recession we're in a recession not officially, but on the consumer brought, you know anybody rising, cut back spending. Everybody, I knows, cutbacks bending, that's a recession when you're spending receipts and when the corporations hiring recedes profits, recede, not all profit. Companies are gouging inner megan, a lot of money, but anyway, for working men and women of america, we're in a recession. So. Two years ago we were in a boom not anymore and were by moon, minutes whose fault it is, and we all know that it's his fault, ridiculous energy policies ah inability to correct problems quickly, no vision at all.
All so. I knew that Joe Biden was not after running the country. I did not know you would be this ban. I didn't know he would be in James buchanan herbert hoover territory, but he is and now it's beyond hurting the countries be its now hurting us directly by is in carpet So when you boil it all down, that's unworthy is in copper. He cannot do the job. Donald trump, the micro republicans represent. extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic, but there's no question the republican party, today's dominated driven and intimidated by donald trump, when the magyar republicans- and that is a threat to this country- and here, in my view, is what is true. My dear republic is
not respect the constitution. They did not believe in the rule of law. They did not recognise the will of the people presented by wants Donald indicted before the mid terms. There is no doubt that that is true because of the president is indicted that takes over the new cycle and all the terrible things that are happening in america with the economy with the border with crime they disappear and trump becomes these story, twenty four seven that's what Biden wants it so nakedly obvious and corporate media is more than willing to do his bidding biden, spinning and that's the member
ok, one of the enabling clause of the democratic party is c b s news and I'll. Give you something that you can't refuted, and I worked for serbia's news back in the eighties. I can't refuted the c b s news organization certainly in avonlea routes, for the democratic party. Ok, so nor o donnell is their anchor person on the nightly presentation and she is interviewing Hillary Clinton about John! You worry six relative. I would not be honest if I didn't say I think There was a seditious conspiracy against the government of the the states and that's a crime led by donald trump, led by donald trump, encouraged by donald trump word by donald trump. There's no way
it is not at all, and a missile diamond goes led by doktor based on what madame, but is that statement hey stop and I got a kick out of Hillary Clinton. I would not be honest if I didn't say, does Anyone out there. Anyone liberal conservative independent think Hillary Clinton is an honest, individual. Anyone. Bill bill, o reilly, dotcom all our protection, but just. Email me and tell me: why do you think she's? Ok but I just one example: CBS carry out. The democratic parties wish pole inside our advantage, dont know what it is: junior congressional vote, five hundred likely voters, democrats, forty five percent republicans, forty four c.
According to insider advantage. more americans are gonna vote for democrats in november in the house and send it raises than republicans. How can that be possible? Arrest must pay then says what is it action in the country and right section twenty nine wrong track. Sixty fly well the countries on the wrong track. the Democrats are in charge. You Both of them again do you, like the country being on the wrong track, just isn't stack, it doesn't stack at all. America's in decline, I think we all know that A new study at a brandeis university says that a third of american families working families, not people on welfare cannot meet the bills and fifty percent of blacks and hispanic.
Just can't meet the bills. The bills are housing, food, medical care, transportation, childcare, household expenses to kameido, ok,. Those based on ninety eight thousand households. I think it's true in full judges wrecked people who or on the margin. As far as earning capacities, concern is brutalized and that's why we have an inflation and trump cave for you, crazy Biden. Supporters are liberals, you know come on weiss up, we're hurting, everybody, and now the solution on the left is to give marginal working families stuff to give it to them. That's not the solution. Okay, the solution is to forge a pathway where the most people can succeed by having a very vibrant capitalist economy. That's the pathway, not giving people stuff.
I'd american decline. Seven hundred fifty migrants are dead crossing the border this fiscal year, two thousand and nineteen under trump. The number was three hundred so seven hundred and fifty. Now that's a record under four hundred and fifty more human beings. Poor people do ed under Biden than undertone questionable, be care is Joe Biden. Care to abide does not care. If he didn't care You do something he would be helicopter into a national democratic national committee meeting. He be doing something you're not doing anything. The borders remains wide open after twenty months, Joe Biden doesn't care does care about fair. Nor does now Nope, those who care about people being gun down the streets of Chicago phil. Of the new york allay now. don't care. No, u s attorney action. There you care about
Industry, the airline industry collapsing now on care- I mean it, you think I'm exaggerating, I'm not I'm not I'm telling you that the god's honest truth to use a cliche. He doesn't care, Nah, I don't know why I don't. I don't know if he understands, but clearly, if you have seven hundred and fifty migrants crossing the southern border dead, when you're pretty sesar is number was three hundred, and your number is more than twice that you might want to do something right now. It's just flabbergasted that any
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cox. Analysis of bootless be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty, two and cock serviceable areas, visit cox, dot, com, slash internet for details. Ok, so there you have it Joe Biden, most americans believe that he's not doing well. I understand that, but I dont think most americans know just how bad he is performing We will be back on monday with a regular edition of the nose bad news and I'm tryin to just knock everything out. so will be here almost every day through election day, king. I'm going to be successful, but I'm trying hard he's bees so important. We gonna zero in here and spread the word.
You know the more people are watching, listen to us, the better. It is for the countries of europe report that bill bill. O'reilly, dot com, billy bill rallied outcome, namely town. If you wish to o pine but get out. Stronger, we get the stronger the country gets. It sounds conceded by think it's true anyway, we always appreciate you watching and listening and there will be a new column on Sunday noon and we will see you again soon.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-11.