« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden's Global Chaos, Weekend Violence, Attorney Aaron Saykin on the Fox News Lawsuit, Anheuser-Busch Starts Damage Control, & More

2023-04-17 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, April 17, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill outlines the danger the U.S. faces overseas, and Biden's blame for the situation
  • Violence involving large crowds of Black teenagers breaks out in Alabama and Chicago
  • Attorney Aaron Saykin joins the No Spin News to discuss the latest involving the Fox News/Dominion lawsuit
  • Anheuser-Busch makes a statement following its trans influencer controversy
  • This Day in History: Benjamin Franklin dies
  • Final Thought: Bill's New England trip

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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The bill O'Riley here welcome to the nose venues Monday April. Seventeenth, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. You know this news agency looks ahead and the reason we do that is to alert you about things that might happen, and we always tell you it might happen, not that it will that will affect you directly. So that's one of the things that we do that very very few news agencies and are even interested in want to give you what they call a heads up on news developing and that's what we're going to do tonight, because there
is an over sees threat now. You'll remember last week I said I'm not buying stocks for the time being, but by any stocks. The reason is this: this overseas threat, because if it happens, then the stock market is going to completely tank rights. I am a conservative investor. I am being very cautious because I understand what's happening overseas, and that is this. jack of this evening's talking points. Memo may have heard that the justice department arrested. Some chinese nationals today in new york city that were setting up quite zeiss by agencies, Well has been going on for a long time. I mean the justice department because of this espionage thing in massachusetts, their embarrassed, they gotta get out in front
so they rounded up a few chinese nationals. Now we'll have more and not tomorrow after I can figure out what do they were actually doing so. These report initial and I want to speculate on them, but there is surveillance, going on from the justice department on chinese nationals inside the usa, because china is the primary threat. HU this country. Now there was a calm over the weekend by victor Davis, handsome he don't know him. He is a brilliant man, victor Davis hants K, he writes out of fresno callow worn asia, professor there now he listed.
all of the problems overseas that have gotten worse under Joe Biden and his thesis and Mr Hanson's thesis is that Biden is so weak that our enemies are taking advantage of us, I'm going to run those threats down briefly for you now, the first one has mentioned is china. China is trying to figure out. Is it worth invading taiwan killing? Maybe a hundred thousand people, because that's what would happen And the red chinese would lose men too. Is it worth it? And then our economy is going to tank because it'd be all kinds of economic sanctions like putin in russia, or should we wait or something that's a calculation that she and the communists are making in beijing right now? Alright, if the Chinese do invasion,
in vain. I wanted to war care because we will have to do something whether its naval, I don't know, I don't know- I'm not going to speculate on it, but the economy which is absolutely blow up along with taiwan, because the taiwanese fight, ok, the second one is potent and in ukraine and russia and the man is a menace, he's a man s skin nuclear weapons and ease you all Megalomania colony is capable of doing anything cave so well know about that. I believe the by demonstrations during a correct thing arming ukraine and destroying prudence. Expansion guess he's not been able. Which spans nato and the usa have gotten a weapons in there little game, but at what cost so russian
well it's another inhibitor on china thing is saudi arabia, which used to be our friend. It is no longer to run by a shake, nay Mohammed, been salmon case, a prince now Biden insulted him by accusing him a murderer. It was a journalist. Cash yogi, killed in turkey by saudi side is killed. No doubt about, in my mind, ok and inviting said well, someone did it who are alienated saudi arabia. our friend anymore. reason oil prices they do so The deal with iran care that the third one Then we go into the arraign nukes, two of which there are developing because there's no treaty trump goddess out of it, treaty, and then Biden said I want to get back in, but IRAN doesn't want to get back it. They want the nuke.
That brings Israel it because Israel doc Let iran get a nuclear weapon, Israel will attack IRAN and Israel doesn't like by. Can you say so what's going on here, though, we gonna mexico, which is just basing giving the united states the middle finger, doing nothing to stop the millions of migrants traits in across mexican territorial. usa, and the unbelievable amount and narcotics coming from mexico into the usa over. Doors is a job for you a minute. I want the narcotics or we're not going to stop the cartels, but it's basically the cartels own him over the door, they own him and they run the country. What is by doing about it? Nothing open borders. Everybody comes kay,
Then you have france suppose we are big. Nato ally, gay mccrone here with domestic problems, because he wants to raise the aid the pension, age and france goes to china? Well, you'll this it was a big deal was not reported that way by the american press, because the american press at this point goes into what the deuce they're doing they don't just. Why are you listening to me, watching me. So mccrone goes there and tell her she. If you and bid shy wine, not our problem in europe. I think. she would real happy to hear that right, while by where is he on any of that so victory It has an end bill, o reilly both concur that this foreign policy is a disaster.
And with all of those problems, this is going to end. How we live, how we go to work, how how much money we have. What the money is worth. Now buying the whole. We have seventeen more months before the election of two thousand twenty four. But the republicans are in this array. Now I don't think, as I told you Biden will run, his mental capacity is declining fast, the column in the times of london over the weekend, and that's a very
liberal paper, and it is the liberal karma, goes and yeah he went to ireland. This guy goes no. We can't have this he's too old, okay, so summing up, I'm not buying any stocks. For the time being, I will tell you when I start to buy again. I am going into defensive mode that may last until the next. a large because I know from my perch and I have a pretty darn good perch divide. Administration is a certified disaster and the democratic party doesn't care. And that's a memo present scheduled today, as we predicted nothing He is in a white house,
is a rumour that he's there nothing on his public schedule again, maybe they'll have another eastward Roll out the hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven, central on a b c and stream on hulu leftovers or the dmv or house cleaning or
Amber casino always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You can redeem since various private schomburgh casino, dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's necessarily we're going to need a lot of us to rethink this divisive. What could he gets? weaken violence, I'm working on something from wednesday, I'm not going to tell you what it is cause. It might not come through that about this gun violence, stuff that I think you're going to find interesting. Anyway, we got two major situations: alabama giant.
We start sixteen party, primarily african american k, violence breaks out, gun violence for did twenty eight hurt when eight hurt for debt, young black male start shooting at each other in the party. The media does not report the african america. If it were whites, shooting blacks, you think the media would reported, guess they would anyway. This is horrible, and some of these kids, who was shot we're on our way to college, were very high achievers and all always saw the authorities in alabama. Then I'll have any suspects who is.
There had to be one hundred people at this party and nobody saw anything I think they'll get it, but they don't have it chicago. Okay, I same thing Hundreds of mostly minority young people. Storm millennial park in Chicago he's gone will enable bark is light, so big major spot and predictably mayhem breaks out right. These are primarily minority, but not all so. The police com as soon as they show up the shooting starts not by the police among the younger people, three
injured a sixteen year old, seventeen year old and an adult bystander; fifteen arrests, ok! now the mayor, the new mayor. This is unbelievable brandon Johnson, worse than laura life, his here's. What johnson says quote it is not constructive to demonize youth. We have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities. Our city must work together to create spaces for youth to gather safely and responsibly. So don't criticize the people who was shooting now is not enough space, which is total bull. If you know anything about chicago plenty of space, you want to play soccer or football or baseball or softball as plenty of park space. There.
But this is the situation. The violence most of it is generated by younger minority people in this country. And the media in Chicago no then mentioned minority nope, not going to say it portable. I ten years ago today, boston marathon, shooting into
Boston marathon was held. I'm sorry and the one hundred and seventeenth annual boston marathon was run on patriots day april, fifteenth okay and ten years ago, at two forty nine, the first bomb on our first of two. Now I covered that on fox. In fact, it shocked me, but we were the highest rated news show of all new shows, including the network news that day when people turned into the factored it to see it was hard.
Two hundred and eighty one injured for dead by these terra bombs, two brothers jaw har son I have and his brother Tom alone should I have time. Allow was killed by police and Joe car is on death. Row is a federal, so he will be executed. The supreme court reinstated the death penalty against him lower fares.
court threw it out supreme court. Put it back so he'll be executed. When no one knows now remember there was an eight year old boy killed in this came martin, William richard. While I'm happy to report that the Boston marathon went off flawlessly today. Thirty thousand athletes, the the best greatest marathon in the world and do but ten years ago, boys at bed foxes. It's ok. Now this is a fluid situation. This dominion lawsuit thing and we tape in the late afternoon. The no spin news of so loud to all over the world were worldwide news agency now and so
the time I'm saying there's something might have changed so the trial was postponed for a day. This was stored today in delaware. You'll know the dominion voting machine company is suing fox news for one point: six billion dollars the judge postponed it and that signals that there are settlement talks under way, which I am told is true. If I had to bat- and this is purely speculation on my part- I would bet there would be a settlement between seven hundred and fifty million and a billion fox news will pay diminished, because rupert murdoch does not want to get on that stand and then all the other fox
Prime time people would have to be on the stand as well, and I wrote a column yesterday, the all the other media in america love this they've already convicted fox news. Please read the column. I think it's a fair calmness, why I wrote it. Nobody else would have the guts to write it, but I did ok. So I hope you read that anyway and after this is resolved. There it continues. Ok, because there is another law suit by a company called smart matic against fox news as well there based in london, england? and they do voting systems as well electronic voting systems, so their sewing for two point: seven billion. Against fox by the way dominion if he wins a settlement,
then goes after news max and oh, a and tall dominion. This is just one of three news max and norway and do not have the money, so they went bankrupt. Those agencies, if you know a fox, settles and fox, would have to admit some wrong doing in the system. That would happen. That's it renews max at all, and I can't see them survive. It keziah lose and they don't have nearly two resources. That foxes, as at one repercussion, asked why the liberal media wants dominion. prevail because they want to knock out all conservative television all of it and in addition to that, there are so many other things So, even though this dominion fox news thing will problem
baby I got. Two we trial, maybe but They settle it'll, be over fast, but it will be over so I told you. We are going to find a lawyer affair, guy no ideology to help us in our analysis of this situation, which is big right because of you knock out or conservative media fox news womb. Old, no matter what happens, K three million americans, that's their core audience, three million can't they will still watch fox, no matter what taint, no matter, what they are not going to stop but three million, and not that many.
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amber casino, always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You can redeem some serious rises, chambre casino, dad come live. The jumbo live images necessary, wouldn't really inviting us to establish democracy with everything else. Ogre saw joining us now from buffalo new yorkers aaron sicken is a partner in the hodge son, ROS form a buffalo knows, litigation inside and out so am I set up there. I do anything that you would object to in a court of law, counselor, nobel alessandro, sorry, so we got it. We got the record here, so I think This settlement will happen, but if I'm wrong
trial will unfold handicap. Fox news is possibility that they win on a percentage basis- thirty percent, whatever? What would you percentage basis on certainly less than fifty fifty question proverb, probably closer. Your number bill even smaller than that, if one we ve seen in the press in terms of the publications that have been leaked and revealed if that's really well, we're going to see for most of the trial. This is gonna, be a very uphill climb profile. I should say, though it is hard to win a defamation case normally right, because normally you have to prove falsehood. The judges already Ruled and foxes favour, so that now leaves dominion having to prove the intent right. Your actual malice was your reckless disregard, not easy to prove.
but there is already a lot of proof here and I would not want to be fox right now. If I were has already odds, are the dominion will prevail if the trial goes forward, I did write a column on it and ended their addressing the counsellors. Reckless disregard for the truth point. So if you want to get really into it right, the column now. This is an ending for fox because if they lose an enormous amount of money which it would have to be for dominion to settle or if dominion wins, they'll get an enormous amount of money. The individual shareholders, americans and people overseas who hold the stock in the fox company can sue themselves fox for fraud. Can they not and it depends on how they would style it? There are certain
they share holder soup, it's all the time, and if the company or certain individuals or executive with control of the company act in a manner that is inconsistent with their duties there and their produce, you reduce those suits our common, whether it would go anywhere, I dont know I would depend on what they allege and the proof they have but sure those huge happen all the time it has already been at least to fuck shareholders of filed filed suits against the company, but I would say there could be thousand that follow if it shown that fox did not live up to its reputation of reporting. The news in an honest way, because that's why you're buying the stock, you bob a company that you believe is putting out an honest product right and you would presumably by a company whose officers and directors would
I put the company knowingly right in a position where it would be subject to liability where it would harm the company and all those things would have to come out in litigation and I suspect bill. If there is such a large number of individuals trying to sue. What would happen is he would be consolidated and eventually it would become some type of class action is what What's this act, if it got there and the odds of that happening are to be determined, I say the hundred percent counselor one hundred percent- that will happen. while there will be suits. I agree with you. There I dont know if we're going to get hundreds or thousands of people, but it's possible and slouch o suit in the people. The people who have brought, though suits bill, can allege and try to be classed representatives to bring it on behalf of thousands of people. You actually don't need that many people today, has there could be a settlement on behind, but there's no way with four
in dollars in the bank and that's what fox news has largely council because of me put on six years out. So none of this has anything to do with me, but they have four billion dollars. in the back now is going to take a billion that one way or the other, so that leaves three. These people are kind of comment. you gotta know that you gotta know their common. Their carbon against fox, I think that's likely, although those shareholder take derivative suits, are common in almost any students where they think the stock has been devalued, relocate marguerite s one, you ve got evidence. You on the record depth
she's in and all it had there not starting from scratch. Here they are not, but I could see some defences. I could see some defences that fox would have. It doesn't mean they're going to escape a soon, but I could see how they try to defend it. I could see them using some of Mr Murdoch's messages that we seen so far in the press. Acknowledging that you know we can. We necessarily go down this road. We don't want to use their audience and they could try to paint this as different hosts or different on your people going wrong right that weren't part of it well Rubin that might have been some of the themes and those may be some of the themes we're going to see a trial in the hours. That would be something okay. Now the smart thing coming up smart about Not as big as dominion, but by thursday, someone for more yo. How do you see that it depends? I would have to see the specific allegations, but you can imagine all of the same
proof in all of the same discovery that has already been shared and revealed in this case is going to roll over to the next case. Would have really you share with dominion share what they have accumulated with smart matic. Would they give em? All of that? No, I doubt it because there are usually confidentiality provisions that are in place and what last change in a particular case. But I will tell you exactly what small maddox lawyers would do all that they would request from fox all documents that you produced dominion in that case and more, and so they Get them ok, so this is, is a never ending nightmare for the fox news shall correct correct in that any company Who was allegedly defamed right by their hosts is gone, have their day in court if they want the one we're dealing with right now. Is dominion? Think- and I agree with your analysis at the beginning- fox- wants to settle this because it's bad for business.
But this may not be the only thing that it's gonna have to deal with, because your room, or other companies that are going to have their day in court. and the lawyers are gonna make a fortune our day. Counselor me, my guy Somebody told me that fox as paid seventy million dollars and legal fees opted today. Seventy million- I I'd that's a huge number, but given the stakes in here, you ve got a lawsuit for one point: six billion. That amount is Totally disproportionate, no less than a twentieth, that's a lie, miss their work and on their third legal team, Fnc had to others and they fired another and a third anyway. We appreciate it very much council thanks for an some athens, will annoy you again and is very nice of you to help us up happy to do it. Thank you, I didn't eyes about another company in trouble, so
The word is that they ve lost five billion dollars, analyzer boyish inequity. I dont believe that number. I think it's much lower than that, but I can't calibrate how many people stop we'll stop by and eyes a bush beer but light, and particularly its all, because it. They hired a person, Dylan mulvaney she's, a trans person and people said no and it blew up, as You would think it was so. The ceo of analyzed bush, Brendan Whitworth, put out a statement. It says quote. We never had to be part of a discussion that divides people we are in the business of bringing people gather over a beer. I time serving this country. Mr Whitworth was a marine taught.
the importance of accountability, the values upon which america was founded, freedom, hard work, respect for one another, as ceo of annex XV, bosom focused on building and protect it's a remarkable history and heritage on quote so this is damage control, obviously, okay, this statement- and you know that I can't even believe that a company with the resources that anheuser Busch have couldn't think this was going to happen. It isn't anti trans sentiment, that's not what's happening here, most americans and I firmly believe this don't give a whit.
What adults do in this area with they don't want. Is it ran down their throats and they don't want children to see this to be confused about gender parents. Grandparents told one that that what's happening here, but the woke wilma forget it sat,
the night live hired a non binary person to be in their cast fine, but now snl is on a jihad. Go for some reason. There's something about the word trans. That makes people forget the word. Kids. If you don't care about trans kids' lives, it means you don't care about. Frickin kids' lives that funny that satirical know. It's a screed s c r e e d. It's that woman with the absolute cooperation of NBC and
saturday night live given a lecture okay, but is that appropriate for Saturday night live? Is our Saturday night live? Is give her her own show let her let her do a talk show look, I'm the biggest advocate for anti bullying. I taught high school. I saw the damage done by it and I took action back then against the bullies. That should never happen that's what they should be concentrated on bullying, not promoting a certain lifestyle. Trump. You know we are to do one story, so first quarters raise nineteen million and after the indictment in new york, the fun rage Went through the roof, but here's interesting thing: This
this is super pack, never back down its rays, thirty million. But I don't know the time frame of that. But you said it has allowed a cash but trappers exploded in donations to his not to him directly but to his action committees. Nineteen in the first quarter: smart life. She told you about this. A soda- and I gotta put this in context to those of you who haven't been following very closely. We are anti sugar here, we're trying to convince all americans to cut sugar one of the biggest. problems with sugar, the drinks, the soul, is the ice, tease the energy drinks, even drinks. Then loaded with sugar salt walking around trying to find drink staff have low sugar content. So that will all be healthier, and I found a few and I brought to your attention
So the last one was brain pop smart, soda, brain pop, smart, soda, its new age drinks, dotcom, that's the website, new age drinks, dot, com. interesting backstory. So this company was founded by a woman named sierra who shari and she was attending cornell and was hit by a drunk driver and suffered a brain trauma, a very serious injury which changed your whole life. So she I started to look into nutrition that helps the brain and she came with his brain pop soda. I didn't know any of this when I first recommended this to you. I just got the soda somebody said tried, as it was good
And you can read about it by you know: it's got amino acids. Its vitamins and minerals antioxidant caffeine blend. It adds caffeine in it and then you can see what they say, but it's a really smart, good, smart life segment because of you like it in your comfortable with the ingredients its ultra. This will get you away from the sugar. It's got a little, sugar to taste so that smart life for today leftovers or the de envy or house cleaning amber casino, always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You can redeem since various private schomburgh casino, dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's. Necessarily we're going to need a lot of us to rethink this divisive. What could he gets
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Were I work there too, when I worked in denver it wasn't that big buffalo new york freezing everybody's, men, seattle! Well, you know seattle, baltimore yeah vague is so they get stone, go go to the casinos, that's not good! Sacramento san diego, both in california. Obviously then we go to allay ok, san francisco sure boston, all the college, kids, san Jose. Of course, forty- a phoenix detroit and hard you will notice that new york city is not on the list and this list was put out by a group called clever real estate, while you're, not clever, you're crazy is new york city is number one new york city. You cannot walk down a block in that city now without getting overpowered by marijuana smoke. It's insane,
The pot is day in history April, seventeenth, seventy ninety benjamin franklin dies, brilliant man.
So he was born in Boston. Seventeen o six, the fifteenth of seventeen children, seventeen children came. He was an apprentice to his brother. They fought he didn't get along. He went to philadelphia, he bought the pennsylvania. Gazette became a success poor richard almanac came a scientist move to london to represent for the colonies with the king came back sign the declaration of independence. He had a common law, wife and illegitimate son. Now the reason I'm getting into that is coups. Benjamin franklin is one of the stars of killing the witches the book. My book that comes on september, kay the horror of selling massachusetts. Benjamin franklin was on the poor
for real that whole thing and influence the way he structured the debate for our constitution, fascinating man- he was the most famous american in the world at that time, the guy We bring you, throw all in and out of this, so Benjamin franklin died. Two hundred thirty three years ago today,. Back with the mail and a final thought on my new england adventure. This weekend, here's a male, it's gotta, John, on the message board fox, better, get the cheque book ready because yours are going to be from newcastle county in Delaware voted.
Overwhelmingly for Biden in two thousand and twenty paul Broca cheney beach, island, south carolina. If foxes loses his case, vs dominion will accompany fall know it's got plenty of money. It will keep on keeping on pam concierge member pam gets wrecked Says to me I hope you find the programme worthy pan bill. I agree that a great majority of us are tolerant and believe people have the right to believe and do privately what they want. I really dislike them forcing their beliefs down people's throats through flaunting. It seemed More one way to me. They want us to respect their beliefs, but don't respect our believes pan. That was a great letter. Those woke leftist gotta accept everything I put out like your police.
they ridicule Robert Anderson, stockdale, texas cinema, What are pushing restrict act? Acta will destroy freedoms which are under the constitution. Dems want to control every american citizen with unconstitutional government lost. The restrict act is basically a review of american business selling technology overseas, particularly to china. The review is done by the secretary of commerce. I dont see it is it's a threat. I wouldn't worry about it. Read short rochester new york just finished killing a legends polls. My attention with every word we good. I appreciate the unique insight you provide with legends and all of the killing books looking forward to killing the witches. Thank you for reading my book, rich killing, the legends great spring and summer, red donald callaghan, diversity, michigan, traverse, then ozma
is smart, live in tn normal keeping me sane and enlightened. But how much longer can this be sustained as long as I'm here it can be sustained. I mean you know: we've got momentum now we're growing like crazy, Maybe I am a lifetime premium. Member bus money I ever spent libby bury Lexington south carolina now this is important letter, because, in order for us to expand, we have to get more premium. Concierge members members we have plenty of now, but that if we the more membership we get on bill, o reilly, dot com, the more we can expand. Our new gathering operation k. We started from nothing now were the most successful, independent news organization, the world, because the eu not only do you watch and listen on the radio, but thousands of you are premium and concierge members, but we need more. Therefore, moms days come up, get more
I am a gift certificate premium and concierge membership. We will give you a free book any book. You want and same thing with that on dad's day. In addition, mother's day, if you buy a team, Normal women's polo, and they are very sharp- will give you a free audio of any of my books. Anyone, but you want free audio of the woman by four mom or grandma team, well polo free audio. Any of my books and k great great deal where did day do do not vacillate. When writing see below below rally dot com, bill, bill, O'Reilly, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine back with a final four in the moment: okay, there is a final thought I worked in a new england.
Rhode, island, massachusetts, barston. As you know, my second home. I worked local news there at channel five and seven, and I went to boston university and harvard so that a lot of time in Boston and great tat, I mean love it. Anyway. I was up there watching lacrosse game salvo, Regina college in newport, vs, curry college in milton massachusetts silva solving one. I was up there and then you know cruised around All that driving home on Saturday afternoon. I figured you know I'll get home bout three and a half hours from Boston, and I was cruising right up to new haven, connecticut and then traffic stop dead. No reason: it's not a work day. It's not rush hour. There was a little construction rose, you're, not in good shape. Now, remember: massachusetts, connecticut and new york high.
attack states it took me it should take me from new haven to long island about ninety minutes. Alright, it took almost double at it. The whole infrastructure in the northeast on the roads collapsed. It's it's like cairo, egypt highways are in bed, shape of the everywhere where they go and on a rainy saturday afternoon, isn't even raining. The little dress I mean now. I can't do that again because I'm driving me crazy. You know I'm gonna write so many songs. You can listen to. I gotta take the ferries now across a long island. Can't you can't drive it anymore.
anyway. I had a great time. It is great to be in new england. It was worth it. It was worth it. I wrote a message of the day about a bumper sticker that I saw that says religion, fake news, I'm coming up with another bumper sticker. Care: here's my bumper sticker. You be able to get it soon on below rally. Dhaka com, atheism, nothing, their fight back atheists and nothing there while in about a week, ok- but I thank the infidel who had the religion, fake news, because that's I got inspired on the mass pike message today explains it. Thank you for watching the nose been
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.