« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden Whistleblower Update, Trump's Classified Documents Case, Insight From Former Congressman Dennis Ross, Violent Climate Change Extemists, & More

2023-06-05 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, June 5, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill explains what is happening regarding the Biden whistleblower, the FBI's actions, and where the situation currently stands
  • Donald Trump's lawyers met with the Department of Justice. Bill breaks down what's happening
  • Former Congressman Dennis Ross joins the No Spin News
  • A Washington, D.C. children's Pride parade
  • Just how extreme are Climate Change activists getting
  • This Day in History: Nightline's AIDs Town Hall
  • Final Thought: Bill's lifeguard story

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says it just puts vetch in spending back to was formed ago There will be here with your message today. Next the chairman of the fed is promising more pain, had lashers. Dropped. Twenty percent and this year could be You are right to be worried, so Call the only precious metal deal or I trust american hartford, go I'll, show you protect your savings or retirement accounts. By diversifying your portfolio with fish. we'll gold and silver society. a client and spokes person price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent so is called today and they'll. Have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door, put inside your eye are a or for o one kay Tell him bill o sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver. On your first order,
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the bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news june. Fifth, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country Rather bizarre exposition today I know many of you will working and you didn't see alive, but I saw it you might know the name congressmen, Jamie rash, skin he's fanatical liberal Democrat were He went out after the f. I briefed I was oversight committee on allegations against Joe Biden and flat out said Nothing do this. no, no! No! No! This is a waste of time and in asking movie anything should go forward and
Neuron is wearing something on his head and it was, I said to my producer: what what is this and apparently he just or is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer is had s roof gas. So when I mark him, for that but I didn't know that was case when I am in a market for use, This is insane to totally discount allegations against Joe Biden for bribery and when he was vice president, when rask in himself convicted tromp of heinous crimes involving,
I mean this was so nakedly partisan, and you know it's insulting. That's what bothers me, the most insulting to you know. Look we expect our congresspeople to be leaders not hacks. Now I know I'm expecting two months too much schiff and all of these people Pelosi. Jeez. There comes a point you know so anyway, let's get to the story because it's important The chairman of the house oversight committee congressmen james comber, from Kentucky demanded? The f b I bring in, a memo it put together, the bureau put together based on allegations made by a whistle blower that then by President Biden took brock's homer, got after threatening behind christopher wray, the head of it. He
to see the memo go. The officials firm that the unclassified fbi generated record has not been disproven and is currently being used in an ongoing investigation, the carpet so human source, you provided information about the invite phrase it by being involved in criminal bribery scheme is a trusted highly credible informant, who has been used. at the for over ten years and has been paid over six figure. These are facts and no about span and frankly, laws from the white house or congressional democrats. can change this information at the briefing the fbi, again refused to hand over the climate unclassified record to the custody of the house oversight committee. And we will now initiate contempt of congress hearings this thursday?
So even one homer and a few others anticompetitive seated conway The memo itself in the public domain can be used on television and newspapers. Whatever ok number things here and the most important after I give you the timeline. So this all swirls around hunter by. What we know about hunter Biden is that he's been under investigation for five years in delaware? By a? U S, attorney was appointed by donald trump investigation has gone nowhere because no indictments have been coming forth, but Hundred vine has not been exonerate. Those is there any suspect, and I'm one of them because they take five years to do. This are right that the justice department headed by merrick garlon assembly sitting on this and will take action
Therefore, once the house went to the republicans in last november's vote, the house, set up committees to look at all of this, and out of that, came these allegations by the whistle blower saw. The time line is basically. the f b, I had to admit under questioning that it had information in a form ft. One o two, three, that the whistleblower who is anonymous was accusing biden of bribery. So they get admitted that it took weeks to get the fbi to show it and eye out of there were threatened with condemned the car or only filing today showed it. You heard rascal Not needed here, but
No, no, nothing there, nothing there, their ok, fine and then your colmar say plenty there. We don't. We don't know. Now I caution everybody not to convict Joe Because if you do that, you're doing exactly what rescued in sheriff and policy it always other people did Tom, they convicted A russian collusion, or whatever every day was another conviction. People believe what they want. You want to believe Biden to bribes, you're gonna, believe it. But you can't say it is a fact. and if you do you're being unfair and on american. Because we don't know if it's a fact. We know the allegations are there, what complicates this case gaze is a nobody trusts the fbi to investigate the allegations. But when you trust him do it. Because her sit, not a hundred biden stuff how turbine
derive more than ten million dollars from far and entities, so either charges or it say, He didn't do anything wrong, then take five. To do that it takes five months. This is government corruption. So nobody. Trust the fbi to look into this whistle blowers, allegations of europe I didn't do it then? We'll never now. And binding if he did commit a crime, will get away with it. That's where we are today. It's very very disturbing me that our country has reached a point where the most powerful law enforcement agency cannot be trusted. Commerce, gonna, probably file contempt. Congress against for re, that leader of the fbi on thursday, but so why.
nothing's, going to happen. A re read who's. That. so again, and we, the people were expecting honest government. At least I do now one shadow or the one piece of hope Is that eventually, after unbelievable amount of chaos, the troll Was exonerated in a russian collusion situation at least we knew that. After years and years and years, but the the jury. Boy says the fbi. They screwed it all up? They want a trunk to be guilty so
They themselves broke the law by the fires awards to try to get stuff on him. They could. I don't want americans to fall into the same trap with your bi okay, so the allegations are there. The fbi can't be trusted to investigate them. Mary garland can't be trusted. So what do we do? You're not gonna, be able to do anything. I don't think. Until the election, twenty four. But maybe something Iraq is maybe this whistle blower, and this would blow the whole thing up so the whistle blower comes before those oversight committee himself, Now, maybe you can wear a hood or I cause he put his life endangers, no doubt about it. He would
look. This is what I know now. I know it that kind of testimony would do. The oh m am dubai Duma. That's the only thing I can think of That's a memo that details, so I bought us tickets for next week. We got you a coffee, oatmeal cappuccino, ride the bookshelf. You've got a really really great taste great. Let's spend the day together. I've got it all planned out on down today, kindness now that it's sexy, try it for yourself with the compliments now on bumble.
The hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu Mr Bonde, today, at another light day met with the prime minister of denmark. I don't know where they talked about cheese. Whatever is a nice little country of four million people? I don't get very much member nato. Guy met with him and then later at an afternoon, the chiefs show to be honoured because they want to superbowl bowl one of the best football games. I've ever seen. I liked the chiefs the operation and later be being honored and then Joe, I guess We know meeting with the prime minister of denmark and the I guess he took a nap. I don't know what he did, but I do know
that the whole speech to get cadets at the air force you graduated with was a fiasco because he fell down. By fell down and right away, it was worldwide new. And here's what I said in the message of the day, which I hope everybody goes a bill orally dot com each morning and reads not to be a premium concierge member go in his post word, but here's what I said A sandbag poorly placed on the stage could have tripped up Lebron james Good service was at fault, failing to secure the platform from impediments. That is, the true and agents should be simply the embarrassing incident does not, however, provide cover for MR binds overall presence in the white house which which every american in jeopardy. gonna chinese worship manage the: u s naval vessel in taiwan strait washing.
Or planes routinely buzz american jets over international works, so it is not fair. to mock Joe Biden for fallen over sandbag, which shouldn't have been there in the first place, because I would have fallen over the sandbag and you probably would have to alright bud The guy's obviously diminished, ok and we can have a sitting fraser, being diminished? Yet forty percent, People say I have for him again well journeys there from lakeland Florida, florence as former congress Dennis Ross, we ve got him on before we asked in this europe. reappear because he served from two thousand and seven and two thousand nineteen and he was involved with the congressional contempt. citations against Eric holder, the former attorney general under brok, mama lowers learner. The ice
as chief in Cincinnati, who investigated conservative agencies in an illegal way. So he knows, Mr Ross, what's goin on, he is now. teaching at south eastern university in florida at these centres or political leadership, so we didn't make any mistakes that I don't think anything's going to happen to christopher wray, even if he is cited for contempt of congress, I don't I don't see it bill, you'd, be if you paint the picture exactly as it is, that's the political reality. Look. The the statute that requires or allows for contempt of congress is permissive permissive in that the department of justice or the. U s. District attorney for the department for the district of columbia has can can can either file a criminal proceedings against the the defendant, or in this case it would be crystal
or not christopher reyes, the boss of the department of justice, there's not going to happen there there this that's the political reality now they also have another avenue, and we did this in the Eric holder. We we we did a revolution in the alternative. We did ones pursuing criminal contempt of congress, one doing civil, the the department of justice, of course, with Eric holder being the attorney general, didn't even bother to pursue the criminal contempt so that we pursued, then the civil contempt in federal court and the judge. There basically said: look there really isn't anything here, but I'm going to require that the attorney general turn over the documents you request, redacting anything that they may deem to be. Well, this isn't confidential. So we got back documents that were just blotted out. There were pages where there was no words on it, because it was all plotted out the way I want to stop you there. I want to remind everybody. This was at the fast and furious gun episode where the federer, Government of the united states was setting.
To mexico to try to track where they went. Whole thing got more. right and then a u s. Asian was killed by one of the guns. Holder himself, basically said nothing but was pretty arrogant about this whole thing. He knew that who's going to investigate me when I'm in charge. You made a slight mistake congress when you said it of rage and charged with just department, mirror garlic in charge america darling could order. Christopher re to hand over the document, but air garland is party apparatchik democratic, he's not going to do that. But anyway, back the holder,
holder was basically arrogant right. He didn't care, I was absolutely arrogant. I remember questioning him and the oversight committee, and and and also in judiciary when he would come testify before. I had never seen anything quite so arrogant as the testimony he would give to congress, and it was. It was a little bit disconcerting, especially with the fast and furious operation. It was such a failure and an american life was lost because of neglect and ignorance. On behalf of the department of justice and in that operation we should have been to the the bottom of that and and held those people accountable, but we couldn't politically. We just couldn't get the contempt of congress to have the weight in the leverage that I think these statute was intended have yanks. Then they will always learner holder overseeing that holders are going to do anything, although she was forced to quit, because it so corrupt. So well,. people say to you and I only say this to make coercion.
We live in a corrupt country. Our federal government are fbi, why they are dis, honest. How do you reply to that? Well, I I think there's there's truth to that bill. I you know we have. We, as members of congress, had ceded so much authority to administrative agencies that we just can't get debris, reaching get it back and- and I had an experience when, with a pfizer warrant that was issued for meta data for verizon under the auspices that there was all this terrorist activity may be at risk and they wanted every phone record in the united states of every cellular phone provide. Customer verizon and I said, wait a second my eighty year old mother in law is a verizon customer she's, not terrace. So I went down to go see about who we executed the fi's a warrant, because it's an ex
If a proceeding it's under oath, they wouldn't. Let me see it. I was a member of congress, I'm sworn to secrecy. I have clearance security clearance. They wouldn't. Let me see it. There is, I believe, a tip of the iceberg out there, where, because members of congress continue to have to run every two years have so much on their plate, they've seen it so much authority to the administrative agencies that there is a likelihood of a deep state situation going on, and especially the department of this when they're kind of controlling themselves their destiny, even among democrats and liberals early in the department of justice at all, but still If then did go to jail their honour contempt of congress, george, I did that happen. Well, I think at that time you had a very aggressive attorney general who, even though he was part of the trump administration was probably more concerned about,
letter of the law that he was the political realities or outcomes are usually about william bar right? I am yes, sir, I am ok. Bar when a guess his own party, and indeed the would you consider that the right thing, the ban and got charge like that, while I consider the right thing is to follow the procedure that there's enough evidence to substantiate or in any in any suggestion allegation that has any credibility to it, to suggest that there should be a further investigation and the criminal filing a guess, irrespective of party affiliation. That should be done. That's the sanctity of the office that needs to be pursued and preserved, and so in that regard yes, I agree. That that bar did the right thing. As for the outcome, I leave that up to the judge and and and the the didn't help himself, he didn't testify, and he just said look which why wanted to be a martyr, and he came out one any glad you get a pardon to he. He was probably going to get a part. You know he was a. He was going to get a pardon because trump was president, but he did serve time yesterday.
Ok. So now What are the odds in your opinion, that is
so blower the guy's, accusing Joe Biden, bribery, flatter upriver taken money doing favours for whoever we don't even know who. That is what are the odds? This whistle blower shows up in front of one of these house committees and just blows everything out of the water. I think that that the odds are not too great that he's going to do that, because his life is at stake. However, having the chance to view that ten twenty three form is an indication that there might be further investigations, ancillary or independent sources of evidence could be pursued by way of different deposition biting oversight committee, which would cooperate what the whistle blower saying. So you might be able to substantiate this through independent sources, having seen the ten twenty three document, so that this is a good move. I've, even though you probably won't get a contempt of congress to ultimately stick against christopher ray, you might be able to gain enough evidence to start getting other people who are concerned about their own.
We heard you were concerned about their own physical safety to start talking privately and in depositions, which would corroborate what the whistle blower said and build a very credible evidentiary case against abiden, based on what the which was submitted in all has to be done by congress, not the law enforcement agency. That's supposed to do it you're absolutely right bill, you're right, but that's the beauty of our system as we have. The checks and balances. Gonna fall back position, but it shouldn't ever come to this Our reason you very good. Thank you very much. I now we'll talk again soon. I hope gave former vice president parents files paperwork to run for president with the federal election commission today tomorrow Is it wednesday on Wednesday? he's got a town hall on cnn indoor walls, all babies, will babies will start to wine again about pens vietnam like they did, which I don't really care about
reilly. Here. The new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free you can sign up to become a bill. O'reilly, dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We'll even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today at bill, o'reilly dot com, slash
ad free, that's, go o'reilly, dot, dotcom, slash, ad free, okay, not as all kinds of boys in the liberal press, which is all of it, about tramping indicted by special council jack's smith, so trunks. wars today had to go in to the justice department, their smith and I get brief for two hours about something and is this leads all over the place, but in my opinion I said this earlier in may: submit gonna win data months. Because it's miss rap, I mean he's, got to and so it's either be the documents it my logo or some the do.
January six, I predict you'll be very weak, very weak, but trump. You know their act together and I'm not a conspiracy You know that, but you just see it. They want to take em off the board because they fear You got: seventy million plus voice ass time. That's what's happened here, so the rumour, let us what it is insidious. I'm looking for a word in the day, insidious and whores NBC news in the form of MSNBC picks right up on Go king envision, a scenario where trump managed to win back.
white house injustices delayed. I could I don't I don't want to, but I could manage. Crazy world donald trump has dragged this country into, but he can be wearing an angle bracelet while accepting the nomination at the republican convention and could, wearing an ankle, bracelet and be elected in november? You know, but a million people at the top of their audience level, and they want that they want it. two NBC serves it ana culture, war, washington DC very, very little. Everybody knows that they had a children's per I'd parade on Saturday carriers get those kids involved with pride move and they
and all kinds of events in george, sound public library was involved in a lot of libraries and they were pushing books I'll just read you. The names of these books, be yourself, questions and answers for lesbian, gay, bisexual. Where questioning youth children questions. It is for love ones of lesbian et cetera, et cetera, our trans loved ones. Question is for loved ones of people who are transient and on and on and off now. The parents allow their children to be there and in free society. The parents have the right to do that nothing. Anyone can do the only thing, and this is being done in florida and other states.
You can pass a state law says you cannot have a trans operation. If you are under eighteen years old- and I guess you could push it to twenty one- you can do that, but if parents want to take their kid down at road free, do it ok, I wrote a column. If you can keep it. Sunday, new and again any vagary the measures they day and my column, and I want to read you a bigger picture on this culture. War. Stuff. Ok, quote this The the column believe me when I tell you two totalitarian terrier laugh, which now controls much of the media is watching the situation very closely. Just last week, the incredibly militant los angeles times, principally column, raising the sisters of perpetual indulgence web in vain the churches and growth,
We denigrated christianity in general, the yellow times. is down with that unquote, So why is this important outside the cultural realm is because there is an escalating violence on the part of the radical. Let yes, you can make a case that the radical right does too, but the left is accepted. The radical left is accepted. the media, which is why brought in the allay tops their violence, is accepted. You want to go in and burn the church down and destroy, stop or interrupt the service elected. Have any problem with that gay you're, a right wing loon lake times, wants you in prison for life. Alright. So that's where we so the left is watching always culture war started watching sandro, is dodgers, who have not been heard. Attendants wise king.
in this whole controversy because their honouring the sisters, but let me bring to europe- something you will hear nowhere else today in europe there, is a environmental group called the tire t. Why are E extinguishers? Corti with this? U K base group is responsible for ten thousand acts of vandalism on suvs, wrought europe. Ok, now, starting up in the usa to what they do is deflate the tyres on SU vs, an attempt to combat global warming. They say Shouldn't have an s? U v a we're going to hack. Your tyres literally have come. Ok, this is violence and what starting to happen rights of the child.
Which invasions we gave you the stats more than two hundred and fifty physical attacks on catholic churches and past couple years, sordid Going the total insurance or watching this, how much can I. Get away with right now We have this group and watching his group whether it comes the united states or not- but I predict well you as you ve. Some loans gonna come out and deface your car because of climate change. So it's abortion is climate change. It's gay rights, it's police brutality against minorities. All of this grievance stuff, alright, is going to coalesce into violence. I hope it doesn't happen, but you mark my words. I think this is coming smart life, okay, so
How do you feel about die? I mean, I know, I've lived the life that when I was ten years old, I couldn't even a match right. So, if I go to morrow I mean will have a substitute host. Put I'm not going out, kicking and screaming My time is up, I believe in there's a time for all seasons. Ok, the bible, the biblical pass, so I don't fear it, but I take care of myself I I don't want to die unnecessarily and I'd rather avoided painful death. Gonna. Take me take me what I'm snoozing ok, but now there is a book. That's the big vessel, of the world is called a key guy. The japanese secret to a long and happy life. He key guy has a long and happy life in japanese, so the book says there are two key things, and this is why I put it in a smart light.
Pavement tonight to see things are: human beings can do live. Long first is be optimistic, positive attitude case that works against me right away. Extroverted easy going optimistic. and you got a laugh online. I do that, but I am a lot of times of laughing at you not with you, but anyway, the more of the music and easy going you are. The longer to live in a second one is emotional awareness is interesting. So being emotionally aware. Is that you understand what people are going through around you you're pathetic. So not all about you, it's not where's ma am generation is there
in the war all than your interacting with people, are in tune to what they are feeling If you have that discipline and that's what it is, ok, you live longer and it makes sense its good karma, which is another asian thing that karma thing, which I will anyway. That's why set up this concierge membership to bill O'Riley, dot, dotcom because for Is my news operation k forces it to be empathetic to your problems? Could you come to me and some of them that I'm reading you know and they're all confidential. Nobody will ever know what you write to me and I do my best to give you a pathway. For example, I got one today, older guy, I totally lost and he didn't have any money and he's got ailments any.
Got right. So in california, where we live, there is an agency in Sacramento that deals with this is mean your citizens who are running into trouble existing. So I gave him the hotline number with instructions. Call this number Why you situation, you don't get satisfaction, call me or write me back but there is a way these people are set up to help you, so we do with concierge membership But when I'm reading the guy's letter, I'm really feeling for the guy don't know norm, but he is a concierge member. We treated all of our audience with respect, even if you're not a premium or concerns. Remember we treat you with respect and that's what they mean by self awareness. Solid does not my circumstance but boy. I think I know what he's going through
so anyway, just recast this more life segment. Positive attitude, laugh, you know, easygoing dollar. Aimee is much bother you! That's me, an emotional, whereas I think I have a marrow in, according to an alliance, serve one thousand middle class. U s citizens over the age of twenty five. A more worried about run out of money than they are dying sixty, percent of americans, say more afraid, of having no money than they are of death. Sixty one percent. I get it. I get it I mean. Have you done to reach eight seventy five Maybe you don't have any money and you've got all kinds of ailments in all kinds of bills. You can't pay. Oh, my god. You've gotta be good right through that.
So the problem is that forty percent of american according to serve- and I believe it's true- have no financial planet or not. Never day to day week to week. I'll save any money. Don't think about it, you're in a cruel, you're gonna get Yet moved in a most adventurous hunt vehicles, yet why the pilot and passport transport make more rugged or off road performance and the two thousand and twenty kelley blue book's kbb dot com, best value brand for a limited time. Well, qualified buyers can get a three point: nine percent pr, twenty twenty three hundred pilot, a zero point: nine percent pr, twenty twenty three ridgeline, two point: nine percent pr: twenty twenty three passports buy online or visit your local honda dealer to see the tetons based on twenty twenty. Two vitamin can actually help people that visit kp dot com for more information.
history june. Fifth nineteen. Eighty seven thirty six years ago, night line with TED capo held its first town hall, and this one was on aids. Go what you tell your pilgrim Regarding, for example, is it possible to get aids through through food less? see. Let's say that a restaurant worker or cuts his finger bleeds into the food. Is it possible to get aids from that? Well, I think the first thing that the apparent who's inform should tell the child is that the aids virus is transmitted by sex by blood or blood products and by mother to child. The theoretical question of someone cutting their hand and and then having someone in draft that getting a virus there's no evidence whatever that that occurs, thou Jeez law. Was you around that guy?
that sounds. I was thirty six years ago. He still torturing us. I know, what's going on here: twelve thirty five I'm on a b c has no influence at all nine. At one time it was a cold losses. And the reason that it didn't stay. A colossus- and you see in this would sixty minutes now is that they don't change a format and people just got tired of it in kabul is very skilled interview, but little detached and we do not live in an age where the media can survive by being attached. Detached okay, gabby involve can't be like hovering about sixty minutes. The same thing now It's not what it used to be now segment and a final thought. Somebody asked me to tell a story about the kid saved when I was wont to save the instructors. So I will tell a story will be right back
Ok, let's go to the may on the message board sally bill. You keep telling us that various bishops and priests are afraid to speak up. Why do you feel that way as a catholic? Who is disappointed with the hierarchy? I'd really like an answer, They're afraid Sally a meeting with the catastrophic cleric scandals have kids and all that the bishops tell a priest are causing trouble. you know you're gonna go after the los angeles dodgers or the other anti catholic groves scan clauses trouble that's what else to it wily concierge thank you all a great columns, we'd bill. Finally, my catholic pastor speak out against the church attacks and encourage pressures to do the same there are some who do most do not. Myrna.
what we have now in america's savagery, trying to overtake civilization, crazy versus norm. What we want is worth thinking hard about and fighting non stop along with him That's what I do here. We got teen normal. We got the no forms from people want. Say I've had enough of this. I just normal traditional person fills a country is noble, Michael could you take a look at the crazy liberalization of the united methodist church? They have drag queen church services, gay lesbian visions, same sex wedding, you know it's not my job to go in and scrutinize a church because of what they do. If you don't want to be in that methodist church convert to catholicism, I I you know I each diocese is different
really scrutinised like that loretta hastings. According to a former congressmen Michel bachman, present by and is ready to hand the sovereignty of the? U s over and our health care decisions over to the world health organization. I dont know if cars from bachman said that buses salute be no doubt about that. animal nothing earned bill. I'm new concierge member! I live in the philippines. If I want to consider a move back to the usa, I don't want to live on the left caused or new york city because their work, what cities could I settlement
in the south and amid was her plenty of towns that our traditional on you know. I wouldn't say conservative in that, but you're not coming rammed down your throat, so its research, but the south is not woke. Generally speaking, the trial and the upper mid. Where is more much more led back in those areas. jack republicans, conservatives remain impotent and help those against non, stop liberal onslaughts. Now, there's a lot of fighting going on top radio conservative press of war. I don't think that's true james amiss again eldorado hills. California is one was you know. I really enjoyed your debate with Chris cuomo last week. It's extremely refreshing to hear opposing views discussed in a productive way all right, so I'm a new nation with at seven o clock tonight,
and cuomo on wednesday with promo every wednesday, and sometimes So we try and do some difference, working people and trying to figure it out and other get news nation most of you get it Your cable, that ok to normal, I mentioned, are still father shay cullen of june eighteen, if you, if by let's say the team, normal staff, if you buy a premium membership for a year for dad or granddad you get it all free, I mean I can't do better than that. I cannot do better than that. Plus you get the bumper stickers free. In addition to that, you can get the standard free country, bumper, shipper or atheism, nothing
we're okay, we're just giving you stuff and then the books, Sarah killing legends, kill the mob together. Eighteen bucks killing crazy horse us of trump together, eighteen bucks for books. Thirty six dollars. That's a lot to spend that dad. You know, and I mean get four books. Maybe you give him three. You keep one or two grand gets too. He gets to be created where the day be a hammer, and I and why gee, I meant any via thought a moment. I here is not final thought of days. Last week I was rummaging through my old pictures and and documents, and I came across my water safety instructors com. I from nineteen sixty six So I got a letter after we showed that from kit lindsey warns burg missouri deal, please tell me
gardener. I love seeing your saved instruct the card I had one to that was a hard task to pass. You walk I couldn't pass it now, although just got a new dive mask and stuff, I can still are still ok and water when I couldn't pass it does now so used is So did you little kids to swim in the town of Babylon on long island And I had two kids in a morning: any adults at night kids were easy to teach in the adults, cause the adults who are afraid of the water where the kids warrant they just how to get the techniques tat. So I finish my class and we're talking about kids five to ten in the class, and that after the class, I was responsible for keeping an eye on kids. Whereas a had fun in the pool anywhere. Other kids, you weren't taken a swimming lessons in nepal as well.
to walk around my little with soul. You now ok and then I looked down twelve feet in the deep and there's a kid on the bottom of the deep and amused get up like this. I'm looking down he's not trying to get up uses, arms or kicking, or anything like that. He's he's there both in the water. Ok, but I got em and I'm up maybe eight seconds, probably shorter than that. Now in swallowed any water, because I m in the chest spit it out and he's okay and his mom key runs all over. Thank you. Thank you. I scolded the mother as she gotta keep eyes on these kids. Kid was maybe five all right. You can't just wander around a pool. You slip, and that's what happened so anyway, then I just went about my job and the woman was nice enough to write a letter to the patent babylon and probably in care at all, but anyway,. Twenty years later, twenty five years later, maybe
sign in books in went to long island guy comes up with a book and he goes. We decided to jack or whoever I said sure he goes. You saved my life I went wow he goes When I was five, I was at the bottom of the pool. My mother told me it's you who rescued me wouldn't be up to the surface. You believe this, so his mother, who did ask my name in law as of toll of gm, and he remembered, and no one who became famous. He went out to the books. I Other divers story, huh. Thank you for watching and listening to the most of the cinema.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.