« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden Trashes ‘Racist’ America in Front of the World; No Tolerance for Rioting in Florida; Canceling Mike Pence


Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight’s rundown:  

  • After the Chauvin verdict, President Biden trashed America in front of the world - and companies have joined in on the false narrative 
  • Despite Rep. Maxine Waters remarks at the protest in Minneapolis, her Democrat colleagues protect her from censure
  • No tolerance for rioting in Florida - Governor DeSantis getting ahead of any chaos in his state, signing a bill to make “aggravated rioting” a FELONY!
  • The number of migrant children arriving in Mexico in hopes of entering the U.S. has jumped 800% in 2 months!
  • Arizona is the first state to declare a state of emergency because of the migrant surge at the border
  • We all know the media LOVES Biden and hated Trump, but a new study shows that former President Trump got more airtime in his first three months in office than Biden 
  • Employees at Simon & Schuster are demanding the publishing giant drop former Vice President Mike Pence’s book deal 
  • Massachusetts tops list of America’s Snobbiest States
  • This Day in History 2016: The singer Prince dies 
  • Final Thought: ‘Killing the Mob’ ships this weekend!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill, O'Riley, welcome the nose been news for wednesday April twenty first, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country nigh suggests often that you watch this broadcast with a pen and paper. Never more so than tonight. So I have some very, very important detail Thanks for your life, because I know that people like you, we're watching and listening to me are interested about your country. You discuss things the other people and I'm going to give you some facts tonight that you'll hear anywhere else and you need to have them cause they. They instantly put things into perspective because there's a false narrative going on and I'm going to
and some time analyzing that first, the president Biden scheduled today. He had one thing on the schedule at one fifteen. Delivery remarks on cov id. to somebody. Not quite you are who boy that's what he did, maybe go anywhere. You did that from the white house and what he did all that it is getting its eye. I'm I'm angry with the president, so I'm not going to make light of it because I think he's harming the country. I think I'll demonstrate that. clearly so present invite and is the big loser in the whole floyd thing, with the exception, of course, of the floyd family and the victim himself, but but Biden and this will come become more apparent as.
go on our. He did something yesterday that no other president has ever done in the history of this republic, Joe Biden trashed his country to the world here's what he said it was a murder, full light of day the blind resolve the whole world to see, Tenant graces and the vice president just referred to There are systemic reasons as a and our nations soul. the knee on the neck. justice for black americans. The found, fear and trauma the pain the exhaustion I can round America's experience every single day, so he trash the united states.
Told the whole world that we're a racist country of systemic racism. That means that every part of american society has an element that persecutes african americans. That's what systemic racism means every part. Okay, now that's not true, but even further than that he's the prez and of the country he's trashing is own nation. So I asked why researchers in the best. I don't have any prisoners ever done that no rock obama after he left office has made some nebulous do be
this states, but never while he was serve in the white house did he do that and of course none of the others did. But Joe Biden stands up there and indict all americans right all caucasians, all non blacks, You you're a problem. never mind the eighty thousand law enforcement agents in this country who risk their lives in you know the cliche, ok, that there are some dead people. I must have heard the word bad apple on the media yesterday, a thousand times because these media people are basically parrots. They don't think they're, not thinkers and not looking for the truth. They.
at bad apples are alright. As soon as I hear that I know omelettes into a moron. So what I'm going to tell you now is vitally important for you to understand number one. The reason that Derek Chavez the former minneapolis police officer was convicted is because he displayed depraved in def france to george floyd and under minnesota law. His shovel depraved indifference. I fell into the second degree, murder category and the third degree and the manslaughter so that's wise, convicted the jury did the right thing now, we'll get to the jury. In a moment Now there's no question the mob on the left,
insiders and the haters put pressure on the case to convict. Nobody in that crew was looking for anything other than an execution. I mean if they could. As I said, they would have killed direction. So when Joe Biden comma harris get up there I say to the world market- is really a horrible place and has always been horrible. Our constitution, our founding fathers, are freedoms, are all based on racism. That's what they're saying let people believe it and many millions of african americans believe it particularly children, younger people, believe it because it
it's easy to believe it is much harder to say nah. Now there are few african americans that are speaking out against this false narrative and that's what it is. But here's the real tipping point to you all understand how seriousness it. You have a half dozen media companies with billions of dollars and access to you through the television set that have picked up on this fallacious narrative and are ramming it down. Our throats every single day, a t and t CNN comcast, NBC disney a b c, the CBS people. These are billion dollar companies with enormous power they
all actively pushing the narrative that america is a racist country. I talk about this, which we hannity on his radio programme today, it's Access on bill, O'Reilly, dot com? You can listen to it now be. Do so I say it's a false narrative, so your question should be well. Apple riley, you big mouth back it up here we go the one agency that compiles police shooting data in this country is the Washington post a extremely liberal newspaper. They have a database that they add to every time the police shooting, ok, according to the Washington post database in two thousand nineteen, there were twenty six white people shot by police,
we're on armed now they may have had a knife or they may have had a baseball bat, but they didn't have a weapon: twenty six white people in two thousand and nineteen twelve black people. Twelve last year, two thousand and twenty twenty four white people. Armed shot by police, eighteen, black people total in two years? Fifty whites, thirty blacks, that sound like an epidemic to you? There are eighty thousand law enforcement officers, violent crime. In these countries through the roof murders. In our major urban centres are staggering drug trafficking,
Never seen this kind of drug trafficking before anywhere they got eighty people in two years, most of them white in those two categories, I'm sure they were. I don't think there's any asians, but there were some has backs all right. So that's not an epidemic. It's not systemic racism. That's the truth, nominal! Ask you a question: did you hear that statistic reported anywhere? Did you read it? where, if you did please let me know because I haven't and my whole life is monitoring what's happening in this country. Do you think Joe Biden and Kamel hours? No, that's tat. Do you think they care about that step? They don't
Because, as long as they can weave a narrative backed up by the corporate media, that says we Democrats, we liberals, we progressives, are going to confront and solve systemic racism. They're gonna have a good shot of power,
And that's what this is all about now. How did he did something interesting? He said well in Joe Biden's, career he's been exactly the opposite of this he'd been a tough guy against african american crime in his senatorial pass, and I said to sean with all due respect. I don't care about that. Maybe he's evolved, maybe he's walk. I don't care, I care about what he did to america. Yesterday. He hurt this country. He heard me he hurt my family. I don't want my children thinking they are racists. Do you want your children thinking they're ready? if your white, do you want the president of the united states putting that out. I don't. I have no respect for Joe by yesterday. Was it.
All right. Three more officers we tried in minneapolis. They are alexander Kang, Tutao, thomas lane, iran scene with the floyd murder. We can call it that And they are charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder. They will be tried on August twenty third together maxine waters. Ok, so yes, it is a boat in the house of representatives I to hold her responsible by censure? That is a school during that goes in the record. Why? Because a congresswoman travel to minnesota before the verdict was in and condoned p
asked violence. Will the tape, what happens? What's it protesters do what we can now on the streets, and we ve got to get more, that we want to make sure that I know their rights did. You know scolded her said that might be the basis of a mistrial. There will be an appeal, I'm sure the congresswoman will be mentioned in the appeal. I write to me: The appeal will fail because the evidence is overwhelming to me. That's my opinion. Ok so a congresswoman name, LISA Maclean from Michigan, was very eloquent in summing up what ms waters go today. I rise because of the double standards in this chamber. We so again. This weekend we saw a number of the majority openly call.
more confrontation in minneapolis suburb very night. There was a drive by shooting that that in community, were police in the national guardsmen were targeted This were reversed This was said by a republican. You know, mrs madam speaker, that the georgie in this chamber would move to strip that representative of their of their committees and possibly move to expel them from congress. Absolutely true, so there the vote on maxine waters in the house, two hundred and sixteen to two ten, not to censure her. All Democrats voted not to all Republicans voted to Sure, in two years, I believe the republicans we'll take back the house and if this doesn't send the message, nothing will now on the right. So some conservatives, not many, but some say
they jury verdict was flawed because the jewelry was afraid to acquit derek shove it walter. I think the jury was intended, aided you haven't united states congress, woman come to mass soda and basically threaten their. There would be more confrontation, as the jury did not deliver. The verdict she wine, which was guilty that that is an intermediate sheng, ok, saw the evidence in this case, as I stated, was so overwhelming. And the statute of second degree, murder in minnesota, so specific and the depraved indifference on the part of shovin so apparent
That there isn't a jury in a world now would have acquitted affair jury. So you can say, intimidation, yeah, there was mob. Intimidation is from the very beginning, the case should have been moved at a minnesota. I agree with that right. The jury should have been sequestered. I agree with that, but again with that tape, and with the testimony of all of the law enforcement Saying that job and violated every procedure there's no way a jury could have acquitted. In my opinion,. Not again out in front of this whole situation,. Florida has passed and anti riot built. This is interesting, as happened on monday, in the governor dissent as decided into law. Here three things that floor is new anti riot law, says very import number one
The new legislation makes it a felony to cause wasn't one hundred dollars in damage to public memorials or historic property. So vandalism of any kind is out a felony, then we're to make aggravated rioting a felony punishable by up to fifteen years in prison. aggravated rioting is looting, is throwing objects of police, hurting civilians, of course arch and all of them on. The third thing is the creates abroad. Category four misdemeanor arrest during protests any in charge under that provision will be denied bell until their first quarter appearance. So that means it. Police grab a protester, take the men in book them they don't get out. why that's the floor law. Now the acl you and others will challenge the law did no doubt they will be
can see what's happening in this country, while states like oregon and new york in California, allow anything to happen. Conservative states like floored artists- and it's not gonna happen here. Obviously I come down on the side of florida. You have to have social order. You have to protect the public and the police from these anarchists who would hurt them kill them. You can have looting now. If Derek Shovin had been acquitted, you would have had looting all over. Country- everybody knows it, but again, that's not the reason that he was convicted sprang in a very smart guy. Joseph Tully is a criminal defence attorney in San francisco. He knows, what's going on in that, ultra liberal city
So I gave my opinion of the trial. What is your assessment of what happened to derek shovin? Ok, so there is obviously a big day in an american law on a big day for america, as you pointed out in What boilers do is the closest thing, a surgery, so just how surgeons don't throw up beside a ladder fate lawyers approaches, situation and instantly start to unravel and untangle it. So in terms of what happened, what a lot of you Well, don't know about homicide. Why is that? It is whatever jury says it is. The laws are big enough where any situation can be a first degree murder. It could be second degree in medicine, do they have a third degree murder. It could be voluntary or involuntary homicide in here the jury convicted
Second degree, murder, third degree, murder and second degree voluntary, manslaughter so he's facing two years in prison and in terms of The depraved mind that you that you are talking about that goes towards the third degree murder, but for the second degree, unintentional, the jury had to find that Mr Shaw then caused the death of a human being What she checked. That box is a lawyer, cold, hard, analytically, without intent to affect the death of any person check that box, while committing or attempting to commit a felony offence and there the prosecution had to argue that shot. His conduct was excessive force or outside the realm of time, and they brought him he's got back that. I'm not you personally have any problem with that conviction. I dont have
the problem with. Let me start like I said I got a bunch of questions, so I don't want to get a lot of legal legal ease here. Are you guys, alright, alright I have any conviction you pay attention to the testimony. You saw what happened. But without a doubt. The jury saw that the national I was reading the courthouse that there were people chanting outside because they went home every night. yes, fair, doesn't it. does not seem fair. The jury should have been sequestered They should have been kept outside exposure. However Meyer we had last summer, but try if you have your but again if it were closed, all. I think that would be much more important, but it wasn't a close com opinion. On your opinion. Now I say The charter should have taken a stand. That's the only chance he had it. These had been all that the evidence against him was overwhelming.
Had a looked a jury any I explain: why did what he did? My wrong york a red. However, a lotta defence attorneys have uniform rules where they will not put their client on the stand. Idle. Isn't that guy in charge of his own life, he hired those people. Now he's gonna go away for a long. Long period of time is whole life is ruined me. I'm fighting for my life correct, however, test buying in court is very, very tricky, but here I think it's erect years all entry for fifteen years. All right I mean, I think those are just a huge mistake: Now I want to get into these mass shootings. You had one on long island. Yesterday, some idiot walked into a grocery store and killed. The guy and wounded two others and every day it seems we had another mass shooting, but the stats again. The fbi says that mass shooting is at least four people killed
But there are a lot of shootings that fall under that. Do you as intelligent dessert observer of this country? Do you think that these shooting are becoming more commonplace, or we always had. This problem is now being publicize more. I think that The shootings are their increasing over time, however, there there but for the media a convenient times I've noticed that anyway, I want it rob and do we have a problem. I think that most of these people want to commit suicide. And they don't want to go alone all they want to god as many people as they can, but then care, whether they die or not. That's how I see it, but it just
seems like every gay there's another one of these things and, of course, the violence of the world go back into the gun, control and that's what they're solution is, of course that's not a solution, but that's the political angle of it, but, in your opinion, is a criminal offence. Turning is warp. Are there more people willing to keep other people on a mass level than there used to be there's not a big spike. If you look at the statistics on by any more by any organization that keeps statistics. There is nothing about twenty nineteen or twenty twenty or two twenty one, the where, seeing this massive spike increases our guy out here. After all over the place, I want to confuse people cast thanks. Very much are albinos are out. We appreciate is always good to see you. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt,
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Make sure to use the code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill to zero. let's go to the border again stats here we go. So unaccompanied minors have jumped eight hundred percent and two months, eight hundred percent in two months
I misses from border patrol and a whole bunch of people are studying it now and about two hundred. Seventy five kids a day are turning themselves into border patrol, and the border patrol predicts it'll be twenty six thousand a month by summer. This is Joe Biden. It's his policy. This wasn't happening in the last six months of donald trump when they finally got the situation under control. I so she should know that in Houston they put a bunch of girls, teenage girls together in an emergency shelter, Right under the department of health and human services will last friday without explanation. They shut the shelter down right. Four hundred fifty girl, moved out in a couple hours will tell: Anybody why we have tried for days to find out
all we know is that somebody died and adult died in the facility. now out of the four hundred and fifty girls, a hundred and thirty of what they call sponsors them that somebody knows them in amerika. There go in there, but the other three hundred twenty have to be moved. God knows where they're gonna be moved, so now we're gonna have twenty. Six to thirty thousand a month. You can see what a humanitarian disaster. This is arizona Declared a state of emergency at the border governor doug, do see moving to under fifty national guard down there he says estate is overrun. Coaches payments, santa cruz in human counties can handle it job. I so I think it's clear that what I said earlier this week, that Biden is the most
radical left, president in history, and I'm just gonna run it down for you green new deal he's off Green new deal, Joe Biden, hills, spend trillions of the astor packing supreme. He wants to study it all right. He said he was against it. Now he's going to study statehood for DC, clearly unconstitutional guidance for massive spending, we're up to six trillion and proposed spending under him. I big taxation. We do you see This coming and all that will wreck the economy, legalised marijuana, joliet, fine, shimmers pushing at yesterday. Let's do that. Condemning georgia voting live unnoticed. Georgia voting law did nothing wrong, but tighten up and try to eliminate fraud. Biden called a gm crops. there is no question the most radical left president in history.
Now, there's gonna be a virtual climate summit tomorrow that I'd be a thriller, but she from China is I'm gonna, be it on. That summit are why tomorrow, because this earth day, I love the earth the oceans I am a big environmental guy. I yelled at a guy the other day who threw garbage out his windows car window onto the street. I yelled at him all six foot four of me and I didn't make him, but I suggested he get out of his car and pick it up which he did. I am a clean planet. Guy green new deal, that's a big political thing, alright so anyway summit tomorrow. If anything happens, I'll tell ya, don't expect anything. So the are we the media, research and data. It seems to be pretty accurate. It's a conservative group. They study
abc CBS Nbc evening news arrived To see how their covering by well seventy nine percent, not fifty nine percent gotta be accurate. Fifty nine percent of all the reports on the three network news broadcasts are positive at this time in the trumpet minutes, creation! Eighty nine percent were negative. You didn't know any more. Everybody knows a fix in just want to continue to give you data in case one of your pin, headed liberal friends or family members, go r. The radius not slanted ahah, ok, cancel culture, Simon and Schuster. The world's largest publisher,
And is putting out mike pence's book, oh the snowflakes, and Simon and Schuster, don't like that. They got a petition because MIKE pence's book might make them frightened and he'd need a safe space at simon and Schuster if it actually was published, so they try to get the book kill a sitting. Vice president try to get the book killed and they use the lbg team. the thing, because pence is a traditional guy, a religious guy. They use that, but to Simon and schuster credit they're going to publish the book, but the cancel culture never stops. Never so cops, I what are the snobby of states in the union? This is so stupid. I can't believe that I have to report it. Ok, the website that did this is zippia z, ip? I I don't know what that is because I don't live in
cyber war, so they compiled the snobby ist. and the least lobbyists states in the union put five snobby states on the screen here: Massachusetts leads the leaves a leg, adults who college diploma forty three percent degree holders archer humanity's twenty four percent. Why, bottles per person, twenty one threats that I love that. wine bottles prefers. Massachusetts are all blasted up there. Now I lived messages for many years. It's a great place. I know it's crazy politically, but boy I've enjoyed my time there. for my second snobby states: thirty, seven percent of college was wine bottles per person. Twenty six percent, more than massachusetts again, stone out of their minds on wine in vermont kinetic it through. Thirty, nine percent cause diploma. Twenty percent wine per person new york is next thirty. Five percent causing
seventeen, wine bottles per person, new hampshire, thirty six percent college diploma, Wendy a bottles of wine per person in new Hampshire called up there Now the least snobby estates- west, virginia least snobby namaste country roads- take me home twenty percent. college diploma, three wine bottles per person, mississippi. Twenty one college perform five wine bottles, Oklahoma. Twenty five percent college diploma, six wine bottles, arkansas when he to seven wine bottles alabama twenty four, eight one. So not a lot of drinking doubts of lot of wine, a drinking beer, maybe whisky, say in history april, twenty four two thousand sixteen prince died at fifty cents
one years old from an overdose of fentanyl. I remember that five years ago today, so prince and I don't know- I met him once I'm six four he's five two or was five two, so it was like one of these. Ah I he did the best super bowl performance. I ever saw at halftime why the guy was taken. knowledge age. Fifty seven, no idea, but, as you know, this is not unusual. The following are rockers, who owe deed and singers, who eau de Jimi hendrix Jim martian, janice joplin, john and whistle, keith moon, Tom, petty elvis, billie holiday and Bobby Hatfield. The second half of the righteous
and there are many many more, but they all died because its accepted hard drug use is accepted in the music industry right and I'm sending my so faint and all you know if you take fenton all that's like doing the russian roulette with a revolver you doing the same thing The prince died five years ago today, gotta good male segment, very lively, Virgil and then a final thought that I think you're gonna wanna hear right back? phone companies say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet, keep your home up to speed with Cox internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home. Internet cox is real home internet you're, looking for based on
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I'll decent navarre florida. The verdict in the George Floyd case was exactly what I expected. I think the jurors we're afraid for their lives. It would never going to vote not guilty. Now you are guessing you're. Guessing l, you don't know that guess wayne concierge member, which means wayne, has direct access to me. I'm deeply critical of the decision not to grant the change of venue and not to sequester the jury. I think both of those factor in the outcome. I think you're right on the first part of the letter, way the outcome. I think It was obvious, obvious norman bill. Agree with you. There are children should have taken a stand. Think defence attorney asking judge to move the trial for minneapolis should have been done as we saw how the sick, was destroyed and so did the jury, the jury new.
What about the volatility of this disgrace and again, if their case into close, then we'd have all kinds of problems here, but it was, beverly, a ball gel portland Oregon, I'm sorry, beverly you'd. I love my time important portland, it's such a nice town. If you get a chance, go up to the japanese gardens just north of town, I mean stunning, but that city is destroyed, absolutely destroyed by the poor leadership and an how anybody, in norma county cannot be outraged. I just don't know if I were still anchoring the news out there I be pounding they promote fired me by now, but I leaving demonstrations against these anti for people. I probably says, most killings, which stop people would listen to the police and obey their commands to things for
dawn of civilization. People have defied authority beverly, it's never gonna stop, and in many many arrest situations? The perpetrator, the person to be arrested is intoxicated out of their mind. Keep that in plan george floyd. We know heavy drugs, including central and assistance. Richard emigrate circles in europe with the dark java, trial outcome and the racial tensions running high. What are your thoughts president Biden, appointing a commission headed by former presidents obama and bush, Do we really need richard? Another commission I'd say by a administration. That's belatedly, dishonest wasted time. Urgent. Can you look for all of us bill and tell us?
ordered the voting machines to stop counting the balance in the middle of the night. I cannot be only organization that could do. That would be the fbi because she would need subpoena power. You would need expertise and breaking the machines down. You would have to put the people under oath when question so if they lied they can be charged. I can't find out anything I can do forensics on those machines. Only the justice department could do that. Jennifer, Thiel Boise, idaho bill. I've watched your news programs for more than twenty years. Your final note on happiness, climbing out of difficult circumstances in life through education. Holding in on your god, given talent was one of the most powerful messages, I've ever heard, as a teacher was avoided myself to helping students break them.
poverty cycle by showing them how to become successful learners. Your message touch me and I appreciate all you do to promote education for impoverish chilled well. First of all, Jennifer you are a patriot for devoting your life to helping impoverish chilled. That's number one number two, my message yesterday message of the day- and I hope we all see it. If you miss it, you know if you're premium or concierge marriage you access us anytime, you can watch five times. You can get different: It means you can do whatever you want, that's the beauty of it, but I firmly believe that everyone in this country can succeed. It's not easy and if you're black, it's harder, if you're hispanic it's a little easier than black but harder than white, but you all can and that's the beauty of our constitution. The way the founders said. Casey clay all kansas, MR o, the excerpt from killing the mob was I taking one by.
Pizza and then having to wait for the rest. As I have read, all the killing books, boldly written in the present tense. I myself, removed from the twenty first century and transported to the book. Setting can hardly wait for more to be released less than two weeks, but here it is, if you have pre, ordered killing them off from oz, bill, o reilly, dotcom or if you do we'll start shipping the books on sunday, so, let's get on it, p, You're going to love this book, the tenth in the killing book series, the most successful nonfiction book series of all time Ok, so I go into bill, o dot com, your mom and dad premium or concierge membership for mothers and fathers day you get a free, copy of killing the mob or any of my other books. This is a win across
more mom and will love those premium, memberships, it's a fabulous gift. That is, you know we have health. Now we have financed now we're helping you. We try. Okay, so that's all bill, O'Reilly, dot com word of the day do not be june when writing to us J E J. U- and he final for a moment- Pax internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on pox analysis of eclipse, be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty two in cocksure, visible areas, learn more a cocktail com, slash internet. Ok, so here is a final thought of the day. As I told you earlier this week,
Not in this for myself, because I have enough money and I can take care of all of my family and I can live out my life in a good way. I have a lot of options because I've worked very hard. Forty seven years. and I saved- and I invested wisely right- so I'm doing this to try to help other people now somebody not by that. I know you're, I asher ok, but that's what I'm doing it and I'm trying to layer in to our no spin news here thing: it will help you out like cut down on your sugar like hears
the financial newsletter that I buy, and that has done me well those kinds of things, so our retention rate on premium concierge members is eighty five percent. That means that eighty five percent of those who subscribe renew we keep the price as low as we can, because we got people to pay, got a business to run. Ok, but eighty five per cent is on heard of its unheard of. So that tells you something when you give your premium membership, the mother and father are right or grandma granddad whatever it may be. This is not only an honest new service that provides you with information you will not get anywhere else. You know the corruption of the corporate media. I don't have to convince you of that. I back it up every day, but you know we don't have that here. No corporations, me okay, but I want to thank everybody. That's the final four
I'm very grateful that we have hundreds of thousands of people. Maybe millions now Cause we're on the radio and with the first, maybe millions every night, we're very grateful for that, because we're a small operation, we not a t and t or disney or fox, where we're not like that. We do it on our own, I'm proud of it, and I am very flattered that we have an eighty five percent retention rate will seat more
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.