« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden Trapped, the Latest on the House's Impeachment Inquiry, the Dishonest Media with Issac Saul, Important Money News, & More

2023-12-05 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday December 5, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: President Biden is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the Israel-Hamas war. Bill explains.
  • The latest on the House's inquiry into impeaching Joe Biden.
  • Tangle News founder Issac Saul joins the No Spin News to discuss the distrust in the media.
  • Bill lays out multiple important stories concerning your money.
  • This Day in History: Walt Disney
  • Final Thought: The importance of 2024.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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while you are welcome to the no spin news for tuesday December fifty thousand twenty three stand up for your car, you know what really annoys me. I know I'm an annoyed all the time I get it. Joe Biden doesn't work. the present. United states does not work. I'm sorry! I give you a schedule every day and I have come to that where this man does not work everything Done for him, run it around now. Every day, acting money for the Democrats in two thousand twenty four. Now since war and hardy and trust me on this nonsense. President Harding have we
had a lazier president, then go by that wide eyes in our wasn't exactly the energize or body in there in the nineteen fifties, but he was better on the job than by now. That is not true. You don't believe me, you don't want to believe that I can back up fifty different ways. Ok in in noise. Me because We have so many problems in this country and are not being addressed that aren't being at all and he is the later just rise me crazy and now. Joe Biden, is caught in a trap, as Elvis presley once sang, and that is the subject of this evening's hockey points. Memo saw, as you know, the progressive base,
that is the heart of Joe Biden. Support in america, despises Israel, always hats. They believe Israel is a fascist country. The progressives hate the country of Israel Here is the leader of the progressive party gal. I do not believe we should be appropriate in over ten billion dollars for the right wing pretty much nothing yahoo government to continue its current military approach, what the net yahoo government is doing is immoral. is in violation of international law and the union It states should not be complicit in those actions. Now, that's
absurd insane, but that is the leader of the progressive movement, america centre, Bernie sanders of roma, and he is a big Biden supporter. So if I'm interviewing centres, I go well you don't want Israel to destroy our moss now. Would you tellin me centre? You don't want Israel to destroy their terror group. The group that went in and killed innocent civilians rate, jewish women kill babies, you don't want israel to do that and then he'd give you some gobbledygook about international law, blah blah I'd rather that that okay, but the truth is that sanders doesn't want them to do. It doesn't want Israel to destroy Hamas. Does he
No, so that's the progressive side! That's what you see on the college campuses, that's what you see in new york city, we're all! People are out there now call it anti semitic. Some of the progressives, our anti semites. Bernie sanders is a jewish person by blood. But I don't think he's anti semitic. He Hates israel theirs a fine line. There came so Wine is beholden to those people, the other side of the equation by operation his money. organisms organization. Our friend early jewish americans who support Israel some of them. I thought This weekend binds going to allay
big dog and polynesia. I beg fundraiser, You can give by re election political action committee, almost a million dollars, that's the ceiling, grey, You can get the money to buy themselves. below the logic committee now come here. Swore a friday night. At the home of. interior designer Michael smith and his boyfriend, James hostels, ok, all the people who are going to be their form, Core abiden, this financial support here they are Jeffrey katzenberg k, Steven Spielberg, or churn it rob reiner david gaffin boy
bert strike, sat jason, alexander de roo, all jewish. Okay, so another guy red hastings. We we have found out he's of oz, jewish, the cities, a netflix sky, fabulously, wealthy. Not all of them support. Israel, but most of them do they don't want Hamas to go unpunished,. So here you have that crew. That's the money, Biden, crew and catch him is running his re election campaign. Can you imagine It would mobile running. Looking that's what's happened and then the sanders crude aids, Israel, Joanna metal Why he saw wishy washy? That's why well yeah,
Israel is right, just random, so we do is my, but you don't want to do that. Don't do that, don't do. There's don't do that. Meddling. Now Netanyahu if he would tell the truth and he can't, because he needs american money, we see throat. Ah Sanders writer, Sandor yeah, but Biden ran out the window. Goes, it's not go, get up, that's not what's happening, So there's this is a fascinating political equation here. And you'll hear there's nowhere else bought on the nose been new. You're, not gonna, hear this anywhere else. Now or I do it and say it Daniel here. What is fascinating and that's a memo. looking for the right holiday outfits without breaking the bank jason is a one stop shop for the whole family, whether your dress enough were dressing down jesse,
and he has a great range of apparel for men, women and kids thing if its vandal s time during this and more time doing this, make your holidays counts. J c penny shop in store for J c p d come Hey? Do you know it's now? Dragon is snapdragons as the processor that makes awe inspiring photos and immersive mobile gaming possible, whether your shooting video of your favorite sports team, taking selfies at a party or fighting your way through digital battle grounds in the palm of your hand, dragging, gives you the power to move experience. Extraordinary with snapdragons and the all powerful samsung galaxy asked twenty three I'll, just smartphone. ok, so Joe Biden he's up in Boston today, a razor money not doing his job? if the president, the money, you gotta,
soiree tonight. James Taylor Two schubert theatre in Boston know it well all abbas, in fact cancer. up there given dull, ok, make us back down, and I saw all day does not people do. the white house a run, the show Biden and everything to do with day to day anymore. So boy, does this annoy me? tickets. The way if you wanna stay late now, but if want the schubert topsy, twenty five hundred dollars the bessie to go in for Just an aside when I did the history tour donald trump.
There was an associated with any political thing at all. Was a private commercial shall know? The top seat was seventeen thousand five hundred dollars and they sold out first. To set aside ok next week in the house, there is a possible impeachment inquiry. Vote in worry is the key word, not a vote on impeach its vote to investigate going forward, it's impeachment in order to bring more power to the house committee, he's assembling information about hunter and Joe and jim by that's what this is all about, and it will take every republic and nearly everyone in the house to vote for it as
Gingrich explain go if you're a republican. You really want to guarantee a primary opponent by voting against it. Looking into the distance in this? forgives congress, additional power to force the it house towards the all documents, and to force people to come and go ok I'm in the house? I voted for this. I vote for the impeachment inquiry or what. I vote for it if I were a Democrat in out but no Democrat well, because you did you be shun from the party. Nobody ever talk to you again public is not quite as tight. You might get a couple of people write that vote against it. I don't know now. the war at straight impeachment vote. I would not vote for impeaching Joe Biden at this point is not enough, there's a lot There is a lot
keep him on Senate will never convicted ever so. At this point, Why bother with impeachment of it's gonna lose and there isn't enough to convince the country and mass that Biden, bennett it from his son and brothers griff. But there could be that's what the investigation the house is all about, because the justice department, the fbi, will not do will keep that in mind. I shouldn't be having to do this. It should be the f b. I know that are going to do it kay em laughing, but on cry and on the insight the media, which has still as influence not as much as it did, but still as it.
Their full. A hundred percent cover for Biden, with the exception of fox news in the wall street journal kiddos and they're, both owned by murdoch, rupert murdoch Every other media corporate media is covering four by rolling a recent NBC news poll, showed sixty percent of voters have major or moderate concerns about binds possible awareness or involved the business dealings of his son, despite the fact that republican members of congress admit there is no evidence to suggest the president did anything wrong. Republicans have spent months digging, including by the family bank records and still no double evidence of corruption, or even really wrong doing by Joe, but there still is not the evidence there play of questions that republicans have put forward, but no ever and really not even clarity on what the charge that they would be focused on here,
all three of those people with all due respect or not telling you. The truth is plenty evidence, it's not Beyond reasonable doubt, evidence. put evidence or the place. The big headline, a right wing media today was well On a binding road is father checks, over alone or whether it is not enough just not enough, but there is evidence there Certainly evidence that, as vice president, oh Biden enabled a sign to go all over the world and gripped money. Mr Evans, so there's people is not telling you the truth. You know that so the problem then becomes you ve got a hundred Some of the democratic party, not caring, Can I ever do anything about Joe Biden, whatever he did. Kate, not not gonna happen,
And you had the media attitude of ninety percent that are going to cover for binding as well, so it looks like he might get away with because of the corruption, of the media, which should be covering the story. The way they covered trump and Nixon watergate right now,. a journalist now philadelphia pennsylvania is journalist. Isaac saw all he is founder of tangle news, so Lots of male thing? Where do I go outside of my own operation? go to the wall street journal, but we recently taken on tangle. some of war? We looking at them already: or independent agencies like mine, deliver good information- and MR saw is the head of that
So I read somewhere where you gonna transylvania university in Kentucky and that's it college, I actually know it and I can't leave you would enroll there, because then you have to wear black cape and all that but anyway you're going there to discuss. why the profession of journalism? sunk, so low in the court of public opinion, correct yeah. I mean if you look in any of the rest, pulling me have about how people feel about the media. You'll see pretty unbelievably bad number is, I think a recent gallup poll showed about sixteen percent of americans said they had a great deal of trust in television. use and the numbers even lower for newspapers now pretty much. The only thing that poles worse than the media, these daisies congress, which is loathe by pretty much everybody currently. So it is not a good time to be a reporter
at least in the sense that it's you know where it's really hard to earn people's trust- and I think a lot of that is the media's own fault. I think we ve done it to ourselves in a lot of ways, and it doesn't surprise me at all, but that's the current state of things well. How did it happen now? I mean what here, what do you think there was Time when I was in grad school at Boston. You getting a broadcast journalism masters degree which the meaning Was trouser there were in bob with watergate at that point? Did aggressively covered the vietnam war and they were you credible, lets the word cronkite chancel war always be so what happened. Yes, our I talk about three main issues, which is transparency, hiring and a general balance that we see in them.
The so in terms of transparency. You know the biggest issue for me is that most news organisations are not transparent about how the mistakes that, make happen. So when the new york times gets a story raw like the bombing of a hospice, in Gaza they might issue a correction but we're not totally clear on how that mistake actually happened. Why it happened which a lot of room for suspicion. We saw this. You know during the trump era. Lot of mistakes tended to go there, long way, at least against tromp. So if you were somebody seeing a lot of mainstream media any time you saw major error. It was typically the kind of error that made trump look worse than what the actual correction ended up. Looking like, and we didn't often get explanations about that. Ah, that's one two is higher ang, which is just the
I know most news organizations are dominated by people with moderate center or left of center politics. There are very few conservatives or republicans who are working in the industry. That's not some conspiracy, theory, there's polls of journalists and media outfits all across the country all the time and they always show the same results, which is that a vast majority of people who work in the profession of journalism are people with center or left of center politics, and there are very few people on the right side of the political spectrum with which impacts the the coverage that you see in. And that brings me in a balance which is just you know. If you read the new york times and the wall street journal covering the exact same event, you'll see them cover it in drastically different ways, which is a problem for both media outlets, their their coverage with you know, presumably some of the best reporters.
The world should be a lot more similar, but it's not, and that is just a reflection of the fact that a lot of media organisations are using their reporting to sort of a spouse, a world view reality all tell an ideology happening how bad we did. How badly The voting machine fiasco hurt fox news get hurt them a lot. I mean that. That's actually it's funny. You mentioned. I that's one of the examples I used in my talk, which is that you know fur fox news. They were in a position where they were feeding their viewers. What they wanted to hear what a really dangerous place to be as a news organization. You know, I know your politics, they want to listen to you at the top. Tell your audience and hey there's some evidence. That Biden needs to be investigated, but there is an smoking gun evidence that he should be in peace, and I think that's the right thing to tell your viewers, but a lotta conservative colonists are telling their audience tat the
it anti smoking, gun and buying should be in peace, and that's the wrong thing to tell your audience, because if not there, it's just trying to tell them what they want a year to make sure that they, like you and keep happy and fox will not everybody's oriented what they wanted to hear yeah, that's what they're all doing now, because that's what it comes down to money, they can make money preaching to the choir and if you look. I just give me a really good example, and you may run into this as a young journalists. So when the election happened, two thousand and two thousand and the two thousand and twenty losing track of. Where did it happen? in about ten days. Two weeks after I told my audience that wasn't enough evidence to present to the federal judges, because I was watching supreme court justice Alito, where sway over pennsylvania, and I was watching
what we're gonna be submitted to a leader was sympathetic to this. He was simple like that there might have been fraud in pennsylvania. I well the trump but didn't scimitar anything to it at all. and I said you know what at this point, you gotta This go with what the election returns are, because you do but have any hard evidence in jewels running around saying that's one thing, but you gotta presented to the court of law. I must the lost of thousand premium to bill o dot com. By saying that, I know we're in and as you are a tangle, we're independent here, we depend on our viewers and listeners on a radio to support us in our sponsors. When you two thousand in two days, but I had to do it because
It's me, if I have been in a chair at fox news, it ate it with the all rightly factor not at all what have happened. None of it would happen. Cause, I would have come out boom. I would have put bread human because he was of like mind and I would have just wiped it out, but on the If there are any more so fox news, I of its ever gonna, recover its its trust image. Among these regular folks, the staunch conservatives, that's where they go still, but not to the numbers that they did. I last question for you: as an independent kind of guy in the website is red, tangle dotcom, very easy retail. Do you believe that americans really want to know that with isaac, or are they just conference well in their ideological slot,
want to hear what they believe. What do you believe I'll tell you what when I started this, I did not believe that americans wanted to always hear the truth, even when it was hard for them. My my instinct was that it'd be really hard to build a media company like this shared views from across the political spectrum, but, as I have gone on, building tangle out, I am starting to see that there are a ton of americans who want that, because even if people disagree with the other side of their own political positions, they wanna under stand them and more than that, I think a lot of americans are just exhausted their tired of the really nonstop stream of extremism, besides the media on both sides of the political spectrum and their engine, it and more nuanced they're interested in a better understanding of their neighbours, and I personally do feel like we have hit rock bottom in terms of- how much people want to be in their own bubble. So on that?
I am definitely optimistic and I've seen at first hand I mean where a young media organization, but we ve, got eighty thousand people on our mailing list. We got a pod gas, a youtube general. We have a huge audience that comes in every month to view our continent. Hundreds of thousands of people, and that to me is a signal that we're doing something really big appetite palm tree right, we'll keep it up, ray tangle dot com, thank you. I really appreciate it. Ok Let's go to your money. This I'm gonna, give you four or five segments in a row here, and they are all very important for you right. So we leave in a fix a sigh, we're going you all right. service banning U S! I broke record in october. Ok, we hear this consumers spent two trillion dollars just in october. In america,.
This is acquiring a wallet hot and they did the researchers. And what that means is we the people keeping this country out of a recession, because, worse bending continuing this ban, an enormous amount of money, Many of us don't have that money. Keep that in mind which spending on credit, which is never a good thing, but Summer spent eighty one percent of all take home pack in october. That means they only nineteen percent left off for mergers. These savings for investments, get not there. Ok, because consumers continue to spend so much about four percent, little less three person of retired americans to take money. Now
out of there, I, our asian or the whirlwind case, their retirement fought. Not only that, but younger people were so Bessie and retirement funds take the money out. They can't pay their bills, the insurance bills, killin everybody, I'm gonna, let us every day. Can you do have in every state all fifty states and insurance. Commissioner in your state You should know what that is, because these children's companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars. Every ties with the nfl at all. How many state form commercial, who can see gay their doubling premiums for no reason? That's gotta get under control gay. You have to have insurance on your home in your car, That is way out of whack and I haven't by ok.
So we are not in a good place, but if we cut back on our spending Then the odds of a recession go up. Do you? That is the sound of a honey baked holiday, the sound of mouth watering memories being made over bites of their savory side and the sweet crunchy glaze of a bone in honey, big town or slow smoke. Turkey, breast and, of course, the satisfying scrape of a clean dinner place. That's what the holidays sound like with honeybee every bite is a celebration with the honey they term company, my exclusively adult virgin voyage. I've come to this. However, an amazing new used for my phone shaken to have champagne delivered to me anyway, onboard tomorrow, it's bubbly in the bubbles, that's a nautical term for champagne in the hot tub set sail on an award winning adult suddenly voyage
to learn more visit, thirteen voyages, dot com or contact your travel adviser today. Now, eva smart life stocks. You have stocks are I don't know I need a percentage I'll try to get it tomorrow how many americans hold stocks and mutual funds, or whatever I don't, have it off the top of my head. now this summer. We really rough for stocks. Very, very tough. Ok, I may fear of this year of no I'm sorry of twenty. To go back to twenty that that far back, because I knew Biden was going to be bad for the stock market because he's just so weak all. Alright, here's what I said may fifth, two thousand and twenty to go
Now, the reason a stock market is up and down and in and out again don't panic hold on. I have a two year time frame and stock market right, so I'm willing to just sit on losses for two years, because I think, by that time, am all be in a much stronger position with the stocks I hold in mutual funds that I hold. Ok, something not quite right, year, markham at the eighteen month mark now and the socks have come back This fall. When a nine percent gain, in november alone, nine percent game. ass showing in the market since July. Twenty two up and down up and down hold on, don't pan once Biden gets out of their ok so stabilize. I hope the ever stabilize under him and brings us to go
We have gold sponsors here. You know that american hard for gold group in sponsor of us for years, a gold has hit its highest mark ever. okay in the overseas trading on monday, and it's a fourteen percent, the sheer go can. Now, when I do these advertises, I don tout it. I dont tell you to buy it I tell you that this company is reputable. That's what I tell you and we watch the company. But I dont say gawayne, go out major, say as on gold and silver and commodities, and Joe goes up, goes that And, as always away admit,.
so when you are making your investment decisions, you have to understand that. So when it's up you think about how to we have what you need that kind of thing, but gold, because of weakened and ukraine and israel, and all of this plight of cap moody's, That is the big investment rating agency cut china. all jus when she came over here last month. China is in trouble economically, which is great for us, because they can cause a lot of trouble when their economies Thinking I don't you'd have to be out of your blanket mind to invest in china at this point. Okay and you have to be crazy, both patriotically and financially, but moody's cut them and
I'm not doing well. The cities that are most expensive to living in the world put them up. Let's go singapore! Is the top city the most, expensive city in the world because they have to import everything. It's an island nation, very, safe, very, very expensive. two zurich, Switzerland. So it's always been expensive. nothing you can do if you go to pay a lot of money geneva. Your again geneva financial centres. Very wealthy people live there. Do you City k tied with geneva for third, extraordinarily expensive in new york, hong kong even communist now, very expensive. L, a that's housing, pray if you want to live in l a you gotta fork over so much money for a dwelling, powers has always been expensive copenhagen. I was surprised copenhagen, not known for being too expensive.
but it's are in TEL aviv: Israel again gotta import, Everything in TEL Aviv, it's very hard to get stuff in there and then san francisco, which is absolutely falling apart. But the real estate is estate high. There will behind much longer there. They are Ireland's efforts is: go, there's finally, been a crackdown on people still in cars, stew, car theft, captain of the world san francisco So they flooded the zone and Sanford's go between september, first and november twenty six. This fall logged about three thousand four hundred car break ins, that is down from six thou in seven hundred in the same period of twenty two, so do actually per prosecuting people break into cars. Finally, they take ten you see what law enforcement? Does you prosecute criminals? They won't committees, many crimes, Hello
oh by the way, the homeless people that were shunted atta there when she came over the chinese dictator, the back accordingly crime for the television station out there are about the game. All came the guy now they're back, is nothing in the world are conveyed. We live in San francisco. It is a terrible story. Boston, woman, just married go to the bahamas the island of new providence and paddle boards, almost a mile off shore, which is not advisable in the ocean anywhere shark kills We don't know her name yet american from Boston as they set. I spent a lot of time in the ocean, and there are rules for the road, so they say worn out a mile and I'm not going
out there, if I, if I die of with a bunch of people, even snorkeling, I'm with people. One time I didn't do that. I went out by myself. I got in trouble. Gotta rip got out of it because I'm a strong swimmer, but men at ocean, Now in the bahamas since fifteen eighty, this is a little bit of hype here, the It says in thirty, three unprovoked unprovoked shark attacks. A word unprovoked is another, singular thirty, three in all that time Round world, in twenty two last stats available, fifty seven shark attacks, five fatal italia in south africa, the most dangerous places Florida get those bull, sharks nip in you down, gonna watch it, but more of a chance when you're hiking get bitten by a snake, then you do get attack by the short, but I feel so sorry
this woman, I d say in history December fifth, nineteen o one walt disney born, ok I. He was born in chicago family moved to missouri to farm. As always. Very talented, atta Mary could draw Then he moved to hollywood with his brother Roy and they wanted to be? They wanna be cartoonists essential. And then they got into the movie business, which It's one hundred twenty two years ago is just starting that's what roy what was born, but he got out the hollywood and a nineteen thirty seven k they put out their first movie role, the tape The
the the yeah, the How do you do what Now, don't you you? I mean yeah. That's true. I don't think there a trans people in the original snow white on that your if I were one of the dwarves that will be horridum, I'm six foot four, but I would be grumpy. Y'all know that. Ok, I like happy the best snap
what rest is history disney biggest entertainment company in the world on hard times now because of the wolf stuff? Well, they died. nineteen, seventy one from lung cancer. I'm sorry, nineteen sixty six. I get somebody dates here again, He died december. Fifty eight nineteen sixty six while did the aged sixty five from lung cancer. He was a chain smoker. History. I we're good now saying that a final thought about the importance of next year, which is coming to fast right back. Spark your creativity with the sums. Sometimes, you might feel like you're, not creative, and you I have to go in search of your creative spark again. Maybe this is catching up with creative friends, experimenting with new look or trying out a new recipe and to the sims inspiration is just one game and one spark away ready to spark something down.
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I had so many people die because I am music just no way unless Biden starts a nuclear war or something Kenny concierge member can he gets direct access to me. could not agree more. I was also born and bred new york in new york with twenty years and law enforcement, and I feel safe in the city. Now, worse part it's written a long island, not so much nonsense of accounting, police departments and the republic ministrations and both counties stop and a man is not so much can be done. Dan turns out that the nineteen eighties flick escaped from new york was very apropos. I was thinking about that snake. Please skin I was, interesting movie bob nolan ontario California right outside of a I don't like giving care
the people on the street because I don't know what they're gonna buy, but I wouldn't the help, so give them a gift card to a fast food place. Ok, that's good charity. I think even their drug addicts are alcoholics. Colleagues gotta eat right, Lorenzo creaky all farming ville new york a girl, your thoughts of looking up all classmates and friend, sending him a christmas card very something I do it's called re thanksgiving. In essence, the thought of it so reconnect with people may have drifted apart from because further into trying to get past bad feelings and forgiveness yeah. You know if you want a rapprochement. Some that you feel bad about having a poor relationship with. As a great time a year to do it. but I like the the reach out to people that were really positive in your life and any drifted away. I think that such a good christian
is that louis Hirsch, walnut creek calif was your best more tip. Smart life tip ever learning not to force a situations key to happiness, peace. I think that's why it's so closely tied to faith. You know you do your best. You try your hardest to make something happen if it doesn't happen, accept that reveal clovis, california, alot of california, is to day bill, I've read all killing books. I just finished killing the s s. Let me very disturbed. I had no idea that our country one with many european countries and such a limit desire to hunt down the nazi war criminals now because of the communists for america, because we feared stout
One to use the nazi hierarchy is a bulwark. That's why they did. They should know that it was wrong, but that's why they did a killing. Patent is also a book if you read killing me as they go hand in hand, okay and below bill O'Reilly, dot com, bill bill, o'reilly di ka, naman town. If you wish to opine, please go to the christmas hanukkah store on a friday, we have great things, including the bundle of all thirteen killing books. at once. That's thirteen gifts or you put, your library or you, give some guess. You keep some Whatever you want to do, we got em all together. We, billing, crazy yours for nine. Ninety five one of the best killing, but this is a fabulous. The offer you stocking stopper, we the united states, a trump and a blue. Merry christmas america ornament, which is wrong. Nice, the ornament.
if you really want to know about trot the truth about here, that's a book to read both good and bad nicely. Drop and finally killing the which is two hundred fifty thousand copy sold in about two months phenomenon. Guy you will like this book. You have of cards to bill o reilly, dotcom premium, members and concierge members. These are fabulous gifts And I will tell you why, in a final thought, common up after these messages. ok, here's a final thought of the day. So next year is a vital year in american history, two thousand twenty four tell the tale on which way this country's gonna go. We're gonna get back to traditional tenants that made us the greatest.
If we on earth or we going to let the far left progressive booming, take us over and destroy and divide us, what are we going to do so? Even the dimmest among us, alright, when presented with that traditional progressive god start to pay attention. As we discussed earlier in the program you're not going to get the truth from the corporate media, they will not tell you the truth. We will therefore the gift cards the premium and concierge membership. Sir bill o'reilly dot com become vital, vi, tl vital word of the day. You know what it means, but this is not anything casual here this year. This is so important and if you wanted
nation on a daily basis. That is honest. This is the place to beat some of your friends might not even know about. I can't tell you how many places I go. We love you all riley, but we miss you. I say you don't have to miss. We go to build I leave our com there. I am is probably too much of me on there and then all radio stations across the country they take the nose, been news at night, w ABC or flagship station. You know I mean, but the gift cards really will put p or in a position to get the information they need and to discuss gas gonna talk about this stuff. That argue. But if you don't know how important for two thousand twenty four is gonna, be then. I don't know if you're worthy the live in this country, that's how intense this year's gonna be. You do go to bill. O'riley, dot, com, christmas and hanukkah store bulk on up, and we will see you again tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.