« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden Speeds Up Migrant Deportations, Capitol Hearings, and Progressives Destroy A Dozen American Cities

2021-07-28 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • The Biden administration plans to speed up asylum approval and deportations as migrants continue to overwhelm our southern border
  • Four Capitol police officers testified yesterday in front of Nancy Pelosi’s House committee about the January 6th attack
  • As the CDC announces their new mask guidance, COVID hysteria begins again, starting with the White House
  • The U.S. takes home the gold and silver in the Women’s 1,500 Freestyle Swim 
  • Due to the spike in violence over the last year in Minneapolis, a judge has ordered the city to hire more police officers – but city officials are pushing back 
  • As California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recall date draws near, a new poll shows that he has a real battle ahead of the vote
  • This Day in History, 1996: Prehistoric bones are found in Washington state
  • Final Thought: Concierge Members respond to Bill 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The O'Reilly here welcome to the no spin news for Wednesday July. Twenty eighth thousand twenty one stand up for your country. A lot to tell you about. Including a we have the attorney for donald trump who- his spear heading the lawsuit against social media companies. That's a no spin news exclusive and I think you'll enjoy the conversation. it's upcoming. First, we'll take a look at president Biden schedule as we always do. He's going to allentown pennsylvania, give little speech about good, paying jobs. You may have noted that he doesn't go too far away, from delaware. So you could ride your bike. From delaware to allentown
philly once in a while. You may go to western pennsylvania, but these days it's kind of close to home because he can pop from dc Alan Johnston and back to wilmington and then back to diseases stays in Laos and the america people. Are they gonna get anything out of the speech about good paying jobs? I don't think so, but that's a present do so miserable actually did a good thing. and I ve been critical of him. As you know, The challenge to you, the viewers, millions of you all over the world is to say: if I've been unfair to pay In a bind in any way Please let me know bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom, billet, billow, riley, dotcom name in town. If you wish to apply on that the president say that he's gonna speed up a silent approval and deportation. This is in order and under that orders, at twenty one point plan
not going to bore you with that. The headline is that asylum seekers, foreign nationals. I will now present their case. To a border patrol. Or an immigration guy federal immigration agents, not a judge. and the agent can say on a spot, yes or no sooner it or we won't enemies, has no or she says no goes back in mexico. now, is that going to work. probably not a you a file, a court challenge, I can guarantee it because losses at federal immigration judge said to make the decision not federal workers. So Biden is doing this because the border is horrendous. Everybody knows it. He's got no policy down there, it's his fault, so he put this order in, but it's a good order, because you're never going to hear all his asylum
As the five six years and meantime, a foreign national is in the usa and partakes of all our benefits here is that fair to anybody know so before good thing that the present does a bad thing. This is unbelievable. So the acting director of the executive office for immigration review- I mean I came, keep track of all these offices. Her name is jean king. and she has directed all five hundred thirty nine immigration judges to stop you the term illegal aliens now, of course, as unconstitutional, Fair we're gonna get della judge of thorough job, the sale, if not to say the judge,
say illegal aliens, it's absolutely and accurate depiction or definition of a foreign national comes here in disregard of the law, but the bite frazier, you can't say so, if homage to say like eighteen times, instead of one that's virtue signalling! Yes, indeed, Ok, so we don't do allow foreign news foreign news here, but this one pertains directly to by a annually There's nowhere else, any other news agency, but here so Afghanistan, twenty years a blood and treasure that american vested in that country to cat try to keep it free from the taliban k so down trump present, twelve one, out of there and in February two thousand and twenty
signed a treaty, an agreement call bringing peace to Afghanistan. Ghana stand and it was essentially a ceasefire between coalition forces american forces women of afghanistan and the taliban, and it held until the inauguration of Joe Biden. The day he was inaugurated, Mr Biden, the taliban, And started attacking and then the! U s! Reports on Monday, this monday, that almost seventeen hundred civilians have been killed and thirty. Five hundred civilians wounded. That's up fifty percent over this time last year, and that is does in macao, the afghan army and military people who have been killed and wounded. Ok, so the taliban and an if you extrapolate, which happened new
Prison tromp would hurt them and perhaps scrap the agreement bringing peace to afghanistan if they attack, but they don't believe Joe Biden will do that, and so they attack and they control about a third of the country soon to be two thirds. Why? Because the taliban will kill not only the opposing forces but their families, their like the cartels and mexico. So if you're in afghan policemen trying to stop the tell Then surge you're gonna get killed in social welfare. That's how they operate. so how many afghan policemen you think are going to fight to tell them now. Military Luba differ. I'll bet, you always see the military mast, so the afghans one side of the government supported by
we say no. This is not a whole and its because it a vicious tactics on the part of the taliban. North vietnamese did the same thing worked savvy enemies that are worth. That's happened in Afghanistan. Abiden did Otherwise bombing last week, but as I said, he should have kept a thousand. U s military in afghanistan at barbara air force base. Remember I've been there. I know this situation or I shall have to thousands basically to do air strikes and maintain the air power. Say. Afghans can't do that see only hope that the afghan army or police force has defeating air power. But it's not gonna happen under button. So you see in the next six months or so of ghana single back to tell
That means Al Qaeda moves in Al Qaeda still around and you talking to a guy just completed a book called killing the killer. The secret war on terrorism- I know all about this- back where we weren't you thousand one unbelievable. get to the capital hearings are told you yesterday that I'm not going to cover them may that the network news and the capital, The cable loses covering it because I can't debt the people who are testify. But this is working out exactly the way nancy Pelosi planted, so the demo, rat, run committee and remember there our seven house democrats on the committee to republicans both of whom hate donald Liz Cheney and Adam Kensington, so This is in motion to
say that donald trump pause the capital right. That's what this is. and everybody should know that as well. You start that's the baseline, ok and then the sub text is. The republican party is also responsible because much of it backs donald trump. That's what the conclusion is. Gonna be it's a foregone conclusion, but the testimony is from selected people whom the committee picks. So it's not like they're trying to get a balance on the cap, but all police officers they're trying to get the police officers who hate republicans and donald trump, and it's not hard to do that. so I'm gonna run into soundbites disapprove. What I'm telling you? It's true, and as black officers Believe me for a different, battle also and on.
The fact that we had our race attacking this because of the way we look, you know. Has he requests? And frankly I guess it is America it shouldn't be, but I guess the way things are: It was very prolong as struggle. the riders attempted to breach the capital were shouting from send us. Pick the right side we one trump, all of them were telling those from centres. Ok, see you get it you see now? I would never disparaged those officers. That would be unfair. I was not there. Is it possible
Ah, the inward was used and that people said trump sent us certainly absolutely possible probable that it had. But this is a political committee. It is not a community to find out anything. It is a foregone conclusion. Nancy Pelosi can mark my words. We want, I will announce next year,
we're in the run up to the midterms, that Donald trump caused the insurrection and that the republican party enabled him to do it. You don't even have to have the hearings, that's what is going to be done now. When you watch the coverage on cable and network tv, they will never tell you that it will never put that in perspective and, unfortunately, some cable conservative pundits are attacking the police officers. Now that is wrong. Ok, if Donald trump had access to twitter and facebook and other social media, he could in kind right real time in kind reply to what you deserve, and that would be fair, correct, because he's the guy that's being attacked donald trump.
Being the man who is being attacked by nancy policies kinetic. So if he had twitter facebook, the others he gave a bang, bang bang bang. This is bumblebee, can defend himself. media, but a cat because, as we all know, he has been banned from social media and he was the day after the capital right. They took him off for two years, so donald trump, his father, lawsuit against social me Companies, as you also know the three weeks ago today, I interviewed MR tromp in new jersey, and I asked him about velocity Yup, so the lawsuit against social media companies is unprecedented number one and could be a game changer for the country number two. Are your lawyers prepared, though, for the war, because it'll be a war. You know that are they prepared for it everything's a war with me. Life is a war,
yeah we're prepared and somebody had to do it. I made a big to refer to the other day we had forty eight thousand people and people are screaming. When are you going to sue, social media, big tech, Everybody's wanted me to do this, the bad people there doing bad things and there really hurting our nation and maybe in the process of destroying our nation. When I can let that happen, us now from Washington dc is the lead lawyer for president tranche on coal. He also was, poverty, nineteen nineties tobacco lawsuits when the principal negotiators And the tobacco industry settle for three hundred eighty six billion dollars because they did so much harm with their products in Disclosure. John call is married regret of ancestral who is a friend of mine. Our aim is for call bring us up to.
Aid on where we are in this law suit is stuff. Gonna happen soon. Last night we father men and complaint it added naomi worth and awaiting our route. We also ask that a lot of sense. Businesses, doctors, lots of since the thing the lawsuit became public people may call again been actually commented on take on big tat. Dot com and we have, I think somewhere around the neighbourhood of sixty thousand people- have evolved to come on. With this we were glad through them were very and That's just it's been what three weeks sure to keep going up. Ok, so this is a clear action, lawsuit other american, some of them famous, some of them not been banned by Social media, their joining your lawsuit in pursuit of damages to these social me
companies and I would assume a judgment that they have to stop. This censorship is, at the end game. yes, that's that's one of the possibilities are we're going This thing, adobe it'll, be decided eventually and the supreme court because it was an important issue. We have brain match up to the twenty first century and allows a most of it this is dealt with things way before you had these tech companies and the tech company, abusing their power, and we to bring them the court to get that rectified. now the tech companies have their own lawyers is probably what. a dozen of them that europe, against and they'll all true to delay this as long as possible. I don't want to run out the clock on the two years of Mr Tromp is banned. I would assume. Yes, we were putting an emotion for preliminary injunction to get rid of that.
That would probably go up to the supreme court also, which will decide the constitutionality but they're doing if they decide in our favour, then now president trump and. These people would be led back on their side well media platforms. And you anticipate the supreme court hearing- that this fall now I'd, say probably next spring next spring Who's pay. That would work for that. That would be for the preliminary injunction okay, who's paying for your services and on the side that is going after social media who's, paying the bills. We have donors, we have lots of donors that paying a expenses. A lot of us are doing it on a contingency. Like a regular class actions suit. That's the way it usually worse. We usually don't have donors, but we have lots of donors. Now. Ok, now
National media- and please correct me if I'm wrong, because you do do this every day. National media is pretty much black, this I don't hear a lot even on fox news news max the conservative stations out the lawsuit aware it is or how it's going or what the tactics are too. I don't hear much am I missing it. I don't think so. I think that first of all lawsuits got us. No, but anyway, we aren't we following our men and complain, We are going to be found the motion and I hope there's news when their decided lot either. Then came out within what three or four hours the suit and said it was no good. I guess there smarter than me and my team, because you know for months they looked at it for ten twelve minutes. you're, not an idea. Log. I've known you for many years. I never thought you were any kind of people.
Cole guy, like rudy giuliani, was when he represented donald trump and the election fracas. is that accurate or do you lean right? Why the first amendment case- and I'm so you know, a good while the asia europe be next to me. So, but it's not a good one, and on the right, of centre people are being and down the left, a centre people are not so I think it's unjust. I think, it's a case that really has to solve this problem. We have with you mass of companies with Hundreds of millions of people and are being one side, not the other, the thing is- is to five there's ten years from now they may be after the war Those who knows, but that's that's the problem. We have right now you if this procedure will get to depose
Zuckerberg dorsey and all these guys, you're, not gonna wanna, be opposed, because if they don't tell the truth, that's a federal crime, correct it. What what the judge decide that, but I'm sure they will be opposed and honour as I said to him, will be deposed and that's not going to be easy for the former president. Is it. Well, he's done a lot of depositions in its life cycle, Guy he'll be just fine. Ok, the eye as of you, winning this psalm yeah, I'm asking you a question: that's purely a guess and subjective, but there are law suits that you know and the odds are in your favor. Would you say that the odds are in your favor here? Absolutely, I think they are there's a there's. A strong supreme court cases that support us. I think that what the tech companies are doing is is well, and
I think we will, when put a number on it. Seventy percent chance sixty percent chance. Let's go to seventy five percent wow. So you very optimistic final question: for you: I should like this with all of your associates, helping you with all logistics said you have to do all emotions. You have to file or that, what's the cost of that any and say you prevail and now, as you said, I will go to spring court, so you prevail in this. How much will it cost to win and defeat the tech companies. Approximately. I think approximately the expenses will be in the low millions. Three, a million dollars. I thought it would be higher than that, because they're going to do to obstruct everything. You do everything you, do they going to file a counter motion you now it goes
where were the class actually you're working on a contingency spare? When I get paid the expenses are dealt with nations some lawyers, some professors, that those tapes are being paid I see it three four five million hours and then, if Your awarded punitive damages against social media company that could go into the hundreds of millions of dollars on your side. Couldn't. less and what were also pursuing. The ceo personally and when I think god is open, Europe. Has, I don't know what a billion dollars. What's it take to punish him, Donald trump would get some of that money. If you win correct sure I remember member the class would get something and how does I'd be our divided, that's the judge? You come up with plans and the judge approves them. So it's it's done with judge approval for approval.
I well, I hope you will give us posted john, it's a fascinating case. I think it's one of the most important legal cases in american history, not sata hyperbole. but I also think that the network news and much of the cable news were black it out. They won't follow the case and, as you said it, Every time they mentioned that galway does have a chance because then- We care anymore about being accurate or giving anybody affair shot. At the end. Yes, you'll get coverage, but from now until a year from now, two years from now, I figure you're not going to get a lot of news coverage on this. Probably not the last word all right, John thanks for helping us out we'll talk to you again soon. I hope. Okay, thank you. So I was interesting. I thought, bring you up to speed and again the reason that you watch me and listen to me and take the time to become too
dot, com, premium, members and watch the first tv listen w is because we are telling you think, you're, not gonna, hear anywhere else union a knock here that anywhere else and now you up. Two speed. You know where we are as far as is very historic lawsuit, because this could crack the entire social media apparatus and then the door is open for more freedom of expression and the congress would have to involve them and new laws, so supreme court would throw out the protections that these social media company Have now they'd have to throw them out, so that's why this is so important and I'm glad you're with us to see it. Piece of vine and staying on budget feels pretty good right now does not, but One thing you can expect this year: it is the unexpected That's why american, whom shield exists
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firstly, the crew see now if you live in a covert infested area, even though your backs you might want to wear mask if you go inside, that's not outrageous, If my neighborhood add in all a hundred two hundred km cases and I was going inside where the mask, but my neighborhood dozens thank god. So It advisory. But immediately after the advisory, the vice president puts the mascot. I mean I was like ten. Second, and not only as she orders all the reporters recovering are to put the mass on. This is called virtue, signalling, totally unnecessary. The report is of acts it she's max biting at thy mask can get off ass enough, because this is what the left one strong central government telling americans what they can and cannot do not only in cold id, but in everything, that's what this is.
But now the white house, correspondence association, told members they might where mass again inside the white house even though everybody inside the wires and vexed even though they have all been backs, so yeah yeah. I know you get it. I know you again it what's goin on em I Tokyo. Now this is a disaster are there today three thousand more than three thousand new cases today, because their fourteen hours adds their days over. and the previous I was twenty five hundred case so now the blast and through all their cove it records, because only twenty six percent the japanese population are facts because they don't have their backs I wrote a calm message of the day. Yesterday there were no matter what you think about,
everything we're lucky. We are lucky to live in america, we got the vaccine presented, trumps administration got it ass. Nobody else has it in brittany, halves ashura enact, but they got big brahms with, Here those of us who have acts have a wallet protection, so is covert hysteria once again now where the olympics themselves about twenty five athletes have covered. That's not that many. Because most of the athletes coming into the olympics were vaccinated. the usa is doing good, one that changes you know, but there thirty one metals chinese get twenty seven russia, twenty three congratulations: Katie turkey, an amazing athlete amazing swimmer, gold. Today.
and you know she is really something special erica Sullivan one silver in an event today and the women swimming team- and just me. And no nonsense. When I get a nonsense, all right and the gymnastic team to women gymnastics for usa, just. one. How did he do it and I feel sorry for Simone biles having her problems, withdrew tremendous athlete, but pressure got to her. It looks like you know, I feel bad for her. You train and train and train. You know you want to, Walk away from the olympics number one healthy and immature victorious: you're back here minneapolis. So this is unbelievable poverty city charted, Minneapolis gotta, have seven hundred thirty police officers. They got about a hundred fewer than that in minneapolis, Why would you want to be a minneapolis cop? The mayor?
two council hates you. To abolish all the park. Why would you want to work there as a police officer. So they're quitting retiring disability are added. So they don't have any in close to seventeen thirty. So now there's a court order in and the supreme court of. Minnesota will have to rule whether the city has to have In our view, thirty officers, the city, doesn't want that one of their happy. There are many police happy. They want to community police force, a really what that is, But I can tell you that dirty harry will not be on so many apple chaos, los angeles us so goddamn miguel penalised thirty six years old working at writing. Good guy everybody says
alright, honest guy, workin, hard transport himself. This family guy comes in to rite. Aid starts steel. Stuff right he's got three people with him. they wind up murdering miguel. They shoot em they're. Ok. Now they got these people. Thank god, actually got him, but what will happen to them too late? The district attorney ally doesn't want to prosecute any crimes. I don't have to do this, but we You'll want to prosecute any crimes. You can have more criminals that hard to figure that out now it's not. We york city in other disgraceful, district attorney side, ants, disgraceful, ok, they're, atta control, crime, Over so I'm going and video this disturbing now, If you don't want to see it now is the time to look away. You don't have to watch what you get just listen to what I said.
so a sixty one year old woman named Sylvia feels who uses a walker. Why on a street. She gets jumped and beaten to a pulp by thugs. This happened in heart, so she's. Beaten up and they steal her while it credit, cars and the walker look at these people? Look at these people In broad daylight, the middle illustrate: this is a big street douglas boulevard. They don't don't have fear because they know Cuomo advance. de blasio. Don't give you know why so I go on w radio which carries his podcast and I'm asked how could anyone.
Beat up an elderly woman with a walk. Here's what I say now What drives people do assault and all lady and seal walker. One more that explains it Rage are a. So if you look at these criminals- and you understand that mindset are all in a state of rage for different reasons, furthermore, abuse child of children by their parents by their own parents beat knob there. abandon, they I never had anything there deprived. In all ways, most more ill educated and they get it. With other people who are as enraged as they are? They rage, club and therefore they enjoy
the five anything by the fact that they don't care- I dont give enough and that's what it's all about those people don't care. If they hurt their people? And now they are allowed to? Rome around and heard who ever they want with little or no punishment. That is the progressive left, that's whose doing. The following cities have been ruined and I mean ruined by progressive left leadership, los Angeles, san francisco, oakland portland, or in seattle, minneapolis chicago new york, city, baltimore, washington, DC saint louis and land, and there are others but
Cities are now almost beyond repair because a progressive leadership. So if you are a progressive that is on your doorstep,. Nepal says that the permissive progressive left governor, Some in California may get booted. This is from the universe of california berkeley about fifty eight hundred registered voters answered the pole and forty seven percent. I should recall, for fifty percent say no, that's within the margin of error. I think that newsom's going to get booted these horrendous governor, no doubt about it, even if he survives he got to run again next year. He's done. I think I hope, study from denmark that parties not ill is not legal in denmark, denmark, they won't legalised pot. Why? Because
started and the researchers found that skin of framing. A link to marijuana use has exploded, so it's up to April and of all those diagnosed with schizophrenia which vile condition ok our heavy cannabis users ego kind of have their pot, though gotta have it got legalized. Oh yeah,. The sad history is fastening july: twenty, eight nineteen, ninety six, it's gotta, counterwork washington The kenilworth man is discovered, K, so there's his skull, Here's thus story so budget kids. Were hanging around banks of the columbia river and they came across a skull there. It is an it is thought it was a crime it. Then they found a skeleton,
and they started to study it and then found out that the skull and where nine thousand years old I was in years. Ok, and here's what they found out about the nine thousand year old man. He was five foot, seven. Between two hundred and sixty seventy pounds muscular right handed and he died between the age of fourteen fifty five, his diet, because he had no cabin in his tea was primarily see food and some vegetables didn't it makes no cavities, because no sugar, you need a sugar now, where did it come from He was part of the native american lineage, but get this he can I'm from an island south of new zealand we Almost in our nordic.
All the way up to wash insane. Nine thousand years ago,. I had some voyage. The kenilworth man discovered was twenty six years ago today, twenty five years ago today, I think that's amazing story. Ok, good male segment and then a final thought that will definitely help your life right back.
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Go to the male arthur house- kettle falls washington street. Why in the cdc see, publish a numbers of people have died from the vaccine because I don't know if there are any arthur. I haven't heard of any just gettin vaccine and you die. If you know of any body, please let me know the very edge nationally. more are national debt. If someone is mandated by their employer to get the vaccine and his resolve that person gets ill. Does he have any he or she have any action against the employer? Yeah, you could sue, I don't think you'd win, but you could, if you could prove that the vaccine may Will to macsharry manhattan beach, california bill
at the federal government would never force vaccinations to allow it to be a employees. Come on me as employees, employees. If you work for anybody, you are subject to what your employer told you to do and that doesn't change. If you work for the federal or state governments or local government, but right now, okay, the government, the federal government can't force you to take the vax. maybe boom challenged. But right now that's word is James. Concierge member haven't been a navy, I'm used to being vaccinated. I think everybody should realise this is for their own good, we're all in god's hands, jean winter Mishawaka indiana, I noticed,
the just apartments, any groups and federal investigators to major cities to deal with the crime situation. Can I use rico statues, then I have to use rico such yeah. There are federal prosecutors in chicago and other places, but that's not gonna. Stop it. Street presents police national guard, we'll stop it. not a bunch of lawyers coming in Gary thatcher defiance ohio. My problem with the olympics is that these athletes are supposed to be representing their country. He or she doesn't like their country. They shouldn't be. There. Alright makes sense to me Rappers, go to another country alike in vienna, olympics for leone seen at my local applebee's sign a fellow walk past my booth wearing a shirt with an american flag on the back and the words if you dont, like this shirt, I'll help you pack pack
Has a good journey applebee's, yet the ribs tanya comes here. Member, I agree with you about the lady is waning, have seen size and neighbours should not be subjected to that. However, in my neighborhood I see signs all the time they're not have seen, but they are in all doing like black lives matter. That's free speech, as long as it's not assaulting sensibilities of its political sign that comes under freedom of expression David until I read killing the mob? I wasn't really aware of the historical corruption that has permeated so much of the department of justice and the f b I yeah jag over a villain, killing them off. ok, so you get that free. If you become a premium member billow rallied, icon, concierge members get all kinds of great stuff. Remember the trump tour for dates in december. Will we give the box office just go
Bill rally. Guy com, where did the day? Don't be verbose, don't be verbose, running you us and back with a final thought. That will help you. I promise after these announcements. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt. Right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are in in italy adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly, strap hanging- Ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy and comfortable use and they look right thou art enough. They are guaranteed for life with on me customer service and finance shipping by a grip six built. You will never have to purchase another belt again. a great and you'll Supporting a mess
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So download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be applied if you join us if I thought of the day we have a cause. You urge member programme on billow rallied outcome. Will you have direct access to me? Private access by email, J, everything's, private and I've helped hundreds of peace. Well, and I want to tell you that this is a great programme so add some letters by concierge members that I asked for last night. I'm going read you thomas's, taxes, Bill o contact told me to contact by congress and united airlines by certified letter to get a refund for a ticket that united altered, but would only give me a flight credit, I was successful and got a refund of two thousand dollars, so I walked thomas through how to do this.
and you got to grant it. That's a lot of concierge membership. Their talks. Elmers in illinois, generous with his vice bill, o Reilly, is help me when my mother Was dying with heartfelt words of compassion, he has helped me a hard time dealing with a friend. Any save that friendship you. I will give you straight up, advice stuff that I would do that's Deborah is impaired. vainer endeavours says they'll get here. I what I was debating, leaving the catholic church. He told me that the authorities in the church the theology- and I stayed catholic mary in florida. I am not only a concierge member but a lifetime one. I wrote to all during a time adjust shrilling overwhelmed and ass to deal with it. He can me down and kept me moving forward? My husband
I both like knowing bill O'Reilly, is just an email away. Okay! Well, I appreciate that very much, and so I think that you should check this out and it will give you a safety net for a very low price and you get free everything gay which we make both premium membership and concierge membership, very, very fiscally responsible seconds strain, but if you've got a problem, can't give you medical advice, can't give you financial advice, but I can tell you what I would do and I like helping out people, especially after all these years in journalism like a new one. I wonder so. I hope you check out concierge membership. Now, I'm gonna kick a couple of days off to jump in the ocean I'll be back on monday, but will have plenty and stuff, including a new column on below we don't come. So I hope you check this out throughout the weekend and thanks watching this evening,.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-17.