« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden Impeachment Inquiry, the President's 9/11 Claim, California's Trans Battle, Guest Riley Gaines, the Aaron Rodgers Lesson, & More

2023-09-12 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down Kevin McCarthy's announcement launching an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.
  • President Biden claims he was at Ground Zero the day after the September 11 attacks.
  • California schools are revolting against the state over informing parents whether their child is transitioning into another gender.
  • Former college swimmer and activist Riley Gaines joins the No Spin News.
  • Bill on the lesson that can be learned from Aaron Rodger's tragic injury.
  • This Day in History: Joe Biden's Plagiarism.
  • Final Thought: Bill's near-death experience.

In Case You Missed It:
  • Read Bill's latest column, "The Sting."
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. They are on sale NOW!
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Imagine having access to incite said were once reserved only for the president of the united states introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries, your personal intelligence officer door, key to understanding global events like never before without world changing rapidly. You shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed stay ahead. New episodes every morning tune into the prison
stately brief with MIKE baker. Testosterone levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that's the end of america, right, if that of that trend, is global. That's the end of every thing, my friends at chalk, they're out to put a stop to it, naturally, not with more big farm of filth. Naturally, you know thyself male vitality, stats, natural herbal supplements, we're talkin twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days. Naturally, you feeling better a better mood: better energy ladys. Don't worry, there's a female vitality stack for you. We must be strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now c h, o q, dot com, shocked,
The way forward make sure you use the promo code bill because I get you a thirty five per cent discount for the lifetime of your subscription chalk, dot com, promo code bill, the bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, tuesday september, twelve, two thousand and twenty three stand up for your country once again, I feel like an go, and you know it's not that complicated by when I do predict something, and it comes true. I want you. No about added, so you'll know why you're investing your time to watch and listen to this programme. So last week I told you that September october, into November autumn, not gonna be kind to president bite
and today one hammer dropped? That is the subject of this evening's talking points. The house of representatives leader speaker of the mccarthy has endorsed and impeachment inquiry or what is at me, oh cat in impeachment inquiry is simply an investigation into charge, is of quota high crimes and misdemeanours. That's in the constitution that might lead to full blown impeach, its investigation K, saw the republicans in this house believe that Joe Biden did something impeach mobile with his son and brother in the financial area We all know this. There are
three committees investigating because the justice department will love very import be eyes not involved, as far as we know, in general merrick, I want no part of it. So it's a part. an investigation, but if the real they know it nobody. What so the three it is our house oversight, house, judiciary, house ways and meet their will full house boat, mccarthy, has suggest did on whether this inquiry should take place you may remember: Nancy Pelosi did not have a vote. She just said we're going to have an impeachment of donald trump and it happened twice because back then the Democrats control the house. Now the republicans have ten more seats than the Democrats. Trot laughed applause, irritable, divulges that we're doing it, causing a little shorter than that
He's gonna. Have the house vote on whether this inquiry should move forward, and I can't imagine one republican and those who who representatives not voting. For that? No Democrats will I dont believe one democrat. Well, is the democratic party does not care what Joe Biden did as vice president or even its present don't care. They want to retain power. Ok So here's what Kevin Mccarthy said today, Through our investigations, we have found that president Biden did lie the american people about his own knowledge of his family's foreign business dealings, I witnesses have testified tat. The president joined on multiple phone, and had multiple interactions, dinners resulted, cars and millions of dollars into a sons and his sons, business partners.
We know that bank records show that nearly twenty million dollars in payments directed to the vital family members and associates. Various shell companies, That's why today, I am directing our house committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into president Joe Biden this logical next step will give our committees the full power together all the facts and answers for the american public nor the key. There is full power because in an impeachment inquiry The house then has subpoena power and a lot of other things. It does not have now. So in our history, there have been four presidents subjected to this Andrew Johnson.
the guy after Abraham lincoln he escaped being convicted by one vote, Richard Nixon, he resigned, bill Clinton beat impeachment and donald trump beat it twice. So no mention of Joe Biden, border situation, He has ignored immigration law. And I a mixed feelings about that. I don't know what the house committees have on Biden actually getting gratuities from his family. The drift is apparent. I did it. He enabled is family to make between.
one in thirty million dollars from foreign countries. Mate to get get is a better word, then do anything for the money, but whether by himself god gratuities got direct financial assistance. Somehow that has not been proven gay so and that's a smoking gun. I hate to use a cliche, but there Let's to speculate about it, you know it's a waste of your time in my time so in face the essential by now is on the defensive, obviously kay the media, will downplaying. If you watch cable news- and I don't know why you ever would too.
Will that works will diminish. This is foolish. This is this is. Is that and one more say, he's guilty guilty guilty? Actually, if you count news max it'll be too so its current divided equally, but not really anyway, and then they print press near tat, Why should pose Ella a times usa? Today, all at oh, no ono, ono, protect, protect Biden, protect bite and protect. So I don't know why. You I'll drive you so crazy watching either or will tell you the truth here now. The pros for the republicans are to K it will, yet more facts on the table about then vice president Biden behaviour, there will still be able to speak in a bank record, so be able to bring people in two. to find oath, and this will go on for a while and because it will go on for a while. It then take some of the heat off the trump press.
Huge now, you'll see denied on television even on the network, news we'll veer away from this Biden stuff into trump. Almost immediately tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp, we ve been saying that for what now two and a half years, that's what you do it again, but it does take the buying stuff, some of that he'd off tromp gay, that's the pros and cons are it might make. Joe Biden appear to be a victim just as Donald trumps. Pole numbers have gone up When the justice department and the two logos, new york and end Atlanta have gone after him this, why do the same for by because indictment, marriage are going ok. What do you got and if you,
one habit that he took a group gratuity. Then they might feel sorry for and Biden's numbers might go up very possible. So those are the pros and cons. I summoned this up. It has to be done. It has to be done. the betterment of the republic and can have all of this money. You not thirty million dollars a lot of money. You just can't have it pouring into the family of a vice president and not know everything about it. You just cannot. The democratic party should be ashamed of its. Because they don't care. If you have that level of influence peddling and you don't care, you know, I love your country,
you love yourself and your party in your ideology, but you do not love your country. If this were a republican, I want every single griffith everything about it. Those are my historian and there have been some corrupt president's with this is big. When you look back at history, this is that kind of money- thirty million- because that's what I think the numbers gonna come to be in the end, the account of the cars that this that the per and by new, be no had to know and that's a memo. If you, Low mortgage rate has convinced due to stay put in your house for a while. Now is the time to protect your homes, value when it comes to prioritizing home improvement projects, your foundation comes first. If you have or suspect foundation damage the time to call ram jack is now don't let foundation, issues
state, the value of your home, choose the professionals rammed jack, train, to identify foundation, damage and offer permanent, affordable solutions schedule on side of occupation today at rammed jack dot com that ram jack dotcom. Imagine having your own personal spy available to every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker, from behind a desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE breaks down globally been sent away once reserved for the president of the united states. New weapons suits every week day morning, get briefed stay ahead. The president's daily brief with MIKE baker, subscribed now. Whenever you get your, and casts. He got back. The president did at twelve thirty five each time this morning, tuesday morning, so I don't have anything today taking a nap. I take an app to two long trip back from vietnam, even though we stop,
alaska and, of course, when he stopped in alaska. He made remarks about nine eleven, which were dubious role. The tape each of those precious livestock one too soon jack browser in new york. I remember standing there the next day and looking The building I felt like I was looking through the gates of Hell. It looks, are devastating because the way gets where from where you could stand. Ok, I remember, being there the next day looking at the building, but he wasn't there the next day he wasn't in new york city on september, twa ok, so he doesn't always talking about. Literally does not know what he's saying. Words come out of his mouth, but he doesn't know so we traced it and the earliest. We can find that then
senator Joe Biden, came to new york city was on the twentieth of september nine days after the attack. We, find any record cease. Abandoned investigation, new york, one the investigation, so again as in telling the truth, but he doesn't always not telling the truth. why are there in television Hey, I'm gonna lie in this speech about nine eleven and is no. What are you saying I sit on a radio programme this morning. How can any american vote for a person who does not know what they are saying. Ministers insane- and I mean that word literally. Alright, in California, there is a revolt against the state, okay, so six
districts led by chino valley, choose a suburb of LOS angeles, have now passed resolutions at say If a child in a california school district, there are, six of them, tries to change his or her gender by using different locker rooms, differing bathrooms, different names, whatever it may be, parents have to be alert very simple: so six in districts in california past the attorney general, their rob bond crazy left progressed has sued the chino valley, district energy Thomas garza has temporarily suspended the order today The parents now all of this when it gets into the.
Federal ports is gonna. The parents have a right to know what their children are doing in public school. That's what it was down to and so all is gonna be thrown out. But the progressive hate this Why do they hate there's so much worse? Do they want He parental authority spoken added our newest nation. Last night. So now we are these secular progressives, almost solely driving this independence. Conservative americans- they don't want any part of this, and if you understand the societies in the soviet union in red, china, cuba. They want the state to have the old authority over children. Not the parents, down and now encourage students to inform on their parents too tell the government, their parents word dissenters or whatever. So that's
happening in america. You gotta progressive love that and trust. Vaguely to traditional parents to raise their and they're using their cell gb teeth trend in school teacher, to give more power to the school and less to the parents, and its exact it's happening by the way I'll be on news nation tonight with calm all talking about the impeachment enquiry about Joe by We looked around for a guest to try to put this gender stuff into some kind of perspective. When we don't want ideologues. Okay, we don't. We don't do that here. It's just boring and one of the problems and cable loses when you turn on certain show. You know what the guests are going, gonna already say, and the host is already going to say. I want that So we selected a young woman of distinction, reilly gains. You have heard the name. She
is on the university of Kentucky swim team nominated, and she was actually on the diving scholar athlete of the year in two thousand and twenty two and she objects to competing against. People born mal and she joins us now, she's a director of the riley gained centre at the leadership institute So do you disagree with my analysis of why this gender thing is suddenly exploded in this country? No you're entirely correct and, as you mentioned, look at china. Look at russia. Look at germany, cuba, venezuela, Brazil, north korea. It's the exact same tactics, have a conversation with people who are fleeing those countries and see what they say see what they say about. Where we're at about the the change
the language that we use, as you said, and I think of them pretty apparent. We have a final point. He rachel Levine, who now averse women as egg producers, because apparently woman is way too controversial. So if you look at all the different pieces of lay about the changing of the language, the denying of objective truth, biological reality, the silencing which I know firsthand, because I I was silence really- we were emotionally blackmailed. I think the best way to describe the silencing that we as female athletes face ice in regard to keeping us quiet about, wanting to participate against men. The best way to describe it. It is criminal. I want to. I want to refresh people's memories about your story. how long ago was it. When you first competed against someone who
born a male in the pool. How long ago it was large and twenty twenty two so badly here and a half ago, so that recent right. So when you saw that happen, you brought it your objection to the attention of whom I made a brief public all season. I talked amongst my teammates and my coaches and my parents. and my competitors, and we all agree that we are on the same page. Yet we have a kind of whist bring about it. We kind of walking on eggshells talking about, and so after really directly facing the injustice at that national championships impeding its land thomas, who, let me just say, a six point: four billion
PAC man who are also forced to undress in front of it, who competed three years on the men, seem a university of pennsylvania, ranking four hundred and sixty second at best, and then, of course, no one, surprise winning a national title when competing against a woman them after we tied thomas and I we had I am at this me and we go behind the awards. Podium and the official looks at both Thomas and myself and says great job, but you got side and we only have one trophy so we're going to give this trophy to leia and of course there was a lot of It but when I asked the question that no one dared asked all season of why you know I. retired. I know we don't necessarily account for ties, but why are you giving the shrubbery the thomas? The official look man's and what we ve been advised when pictures are being taken, leah has to have the trophy Ok, but who are your high level arrested me? Who do you think miss gains was behind all of this. There had to be
Look it never happened when I was competing in college. Athletics. Lennox just never happened until a short time ago in the history, maybe two or three years ago, who is behind all this. I dunno, but as much as a who, as it is a what what I think is behind all this. I think, of course, because it's not limited to just one who, of course the NC w a was the culprit here, but it's it's so much bigger than that. It's corporate america, it's media churches, it's academia, it's extended far beyond the who, but I think the what why this is happening is they're. Following the money, these these large governing bodies and again corporations, they don't follow red or blue. They follow green and the e s g corps federal funding. All of these different things. People are terrified
a moving. That's about burn their moral compass entirely out of the window, and I know these people. No. This is wrong because they have admitted it even the president of the instability himself publicly. He released the statement saying- and I remember it word for word, because I find it comical. He said I unequivocally stand in my decision to allow the atomic to swim with the women because is based in evolving science and privately mark hammer. Who, who now now down, has the audacity to tell me to keep going and and hiding keep pushing these men- and I say men because most of these people in these positions are men, but it's not limited to just men, their powers, air spineless and they have no backbone and ultimately become. It's got to the point where we, as women have become collateral damage in the process you're right about that. I think there is another hail wind honoured that the politically correct
sphere on most college campuses and you were competing at the college. Level is far left until any kind of politically correct virtue, seeking. I give the trans people everything or whatever that's gonna, take deep root. Final question: I know you are a young woman and yet- and I once again I want to promote- I will gain centre at the leadership in studying, get it at riley gained centre, one word dot org. Now it's filter to the children now, seven or eight year old kids, who may be unhappy or get bully, whenever whatever go. I don't want to be a girl. I wanna be a boy I mean which is insane, but kids will do that when they hear see all of this kind of crazy stop see this as a real danger. I certainly do think it's a real danger, not even necessarily
because of what what it is all because we're denying truth and as as you mentioned in your intro, what you said off camera might bore me. I I think it's incredibly interesting and that's a pretty chilling thought when we start to deny objective. True, that's pretty or well at it and actually and says that they're trying to make us say two plus two, his five and we don't people soon, not five and so people are a hearing and keep in mind. This is the most basic of truce, man and woman boy and girl, mother and father male versus female. It's the most basic of truth that the essence of humanity and tat we're all here and there asking us to deny that there are in themselves, are denying the people on three may in any way very eyes. Stuff comes in oh wow,
We wish you the best was games. Thank you very much for speaking out and being courageous and putting your point in front of the nation, and we appreciate you hope and south So let's get back to the world and S news and will report rank the best and worst countries who, I knew about earlier and by the way, if you are a bill, o'reilly dot, com, premium or currency urge member. You get transcripts of everything we do and you can see. Everything we do at any time you want so and the traffickers afraid. So this is unbelievable. the avaya. So anyway do people from thirty six countries were polled by us news and world report and they were asked who's the most dangerous country in the world, the danger to the world. Seventy two percent say russia is the biggest threat, sixty six percent china. Fifty Her said the usa, fifty percent that think the usa is a danger to the world.
we, the socialist group, is gonna, be that it's not them grants. Millions of people trying to sneak in here that saying that right, ok so when people go, look fifty percent think america, because data it's one mentality and that mentalities all over the world. russia, bigger threat to the world in china. Not china is the biggest threat because it is far more powerful than russia. Russia can't even defeat ukraine, on talking about the putin kim jong own the north korean dictator, a total crazy guy. He left north korea for the first time in three years, because he's afraid of Corvidae and he's meeting with Putin and a lot of our stock. I think that's where they are
are Kim left young yang in an armored train.
And they're gonna commiserate about nukes or something I don't know what they're doing, but to show your putin. Oh, my god, o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but billow rally, dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast
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life, so there is a football player named Aaron rodgers, the new, your jets hired him for a bit forty million dollars a year to your contract. And he is a hall of fame quarterback in four snaps last here in new york. Rogers is injured and out for the seas. Ruptured is achilles heel that this is a disaster of epic proportions for the new york. it's the national football league and all of that- and it was so stunning the people I watched. I was watching it. I just couldn't believe that it's not about sports, not about sport. I'm sitting there going all hype and all the money all this stuff and for plays he's
I thought not only for the season, but maybe for his career. The man is thirty, eight years old, okay, so I'm seventy one, and then you know the sports guys blah blah blah. That's not important. What is important is that, no matter how wealthy war, no matter, how powerful or skilled you are, disaster could hit you. Time any time, bang right out of nowhere. Our roger did not ever think that he was going to be on the ground and is season ruin? Ok, after replace saw. How do you prepare for that? Most people? Don't they don't want to think about K, because it is pretty harrowing. You prepare for by me mentally strong, So where's other rogers can do about as achilles whether we trust, back or not. I don't know but
we'd, be a long hard road for him, but psychologically you ve got to accept disaster because there's nothing can do about it. So tomorrow, if you're not feeling, while you go to the doctor and the doctor says you have pancreatic cancer you're going to have to accept it and it could happen all right. Just like a car accident can wipe you off the face of the earth so
once, you train yourself, no matter how big or even small the disaster is disasters from disasters house burns down whatever it may be, then you take a deep breath are right and then you figure out how to get up. If you don't and most I would say, most people, don't a disaster wiped them out, so they turn to drugs or alcohol. They lash out people who warrant responsible, they become psychological, basket cases because of the disasters try. But if you train yourself, I said that to my son today, the young man and got tremendous future. I said and he's a big new york jets fan. I said this is the lesson, so we are not guaranteed safety or security or success
in this life, the only person I know its not been the victim of a disaster is my mother and. Maybe having me this disaster, but my mother didn't have to go through it now. She saint and so kind and everybody loved her? Maybe that saved her. but certainly my father disaster befell them and everybody pretty much everybody. I know that some kind of disaster in their lives. Some of them rise up and some of them doubt so you want to prepare yourself and hiding in your house, and you know, try
at regulate the world's never going to work. You gotta live your life to another lesson I said: look his stuff happens and if it ever happens to you and we pray, it doesn't happen all right, then you just re group and rise up. That's the only thing you can do so that's the smart If the commentary on this I feel bad for woody johnson is a good guy. Who is the ambassador to the court of St James, great britain under trump? He owns the jets, and this guy has tried everything to make this team successful. He invested all his money at all. It is built a whole team around him and boom he's gone and you go oh geez
But what are you? What are your pop back right and I hope this never happens to you. I really do, but if it does remembered this commentary, pullback regroup rise up stand history september, twelve nineteen, eighty seven report surface. the presidential candidate, Joe Biden, plagiarize speech by british labour leader, neil kinnock thirty six years ago. There's is kanak so binds on it. Pain trail and he wants to run against bush the elder K and he pleasure rises, cannot speech, and then people start looking back so in nineteen sixty five first year at syracuse, university Biden submitted.
a paper and plagiarize five pages of it from a article in the law review, then in nineteen. Eighty, seven, ok in his speech in california, He stole words from Robert Kennedy, in nineteen eighty seven, Ganny stalwarts from J f k. In the nineteen eighty seven plagiarism thing, so it was three plagiarism than eighty seven was on a campaign trail. The democratic party panicked and a toll Biden you're out can't run, and you can even come to that. a crowd of convention kennicott and die remember who was nominated Michael dukakis Massachusetts. Governor gave bush the elder, wiped him out for twenty six electoral votes.
to one eleven, so Joe Biden in the new was thirty six years ago today,. Good male segment and a final thought I almost got run over by a car. Where did you back in a welcome to the sean slicer show there is. Huge election coming up a man it is going to be, while we're so much at stake, we can hold the house back the senate. In recapture the white house, president viands approval rating dropping like a rock here's. What you need to know. Left as total control of corporate media my bureaucracy, big tat and oh boy. Do they know how to wield power? They reach me they indicted me now. I know how the system works and how to use I spent decades
public service and the media, I'm going to give you a front row seat free of charge and take you inside the race for the nomination, like no one else or don't want to miss an episode. You can get it on youtube, rumble any of the audio platforms like itunes or spotify. Plus you can catch me. every night at six o'clock on the first tv Ok here is the male dan dawn, goodwin Sarasota florida any thoughts on charter. in his career, I don't watch NBC, but I'm interested in your opinion because of the great tim Russell There are usually don't answer. Questions like this down, but I will tonight so timorous was legendary journalists, good guy and drove meet the press to its highest esteem, ever
I knew. Russia very well was on the programme. We had a good relationship. Russia was a liberal, but he wasn't crazy left so then check Todd took over from russia. Now russia was a liberal, but did not impose. Is liberalism on his audience? Tide is a liberal, but did. by leaving snuff out by skewing its presentation. So I'm glad tat has gone. I like people who, through their job the way it should be done.
Ok, linda illegal migrants, all over this country is by design all right. You're you're correct, wouldn't be happening if Donald trump were in the oval office. Button do remain in mexico policy which will be in place so that democratic, win first day on the job, Joe Biden, strips all that trump stuff out and opens the boy and here we are now you're, actually like Jan cubits, concierge member. We hope you check that out. It will enhance your life. It's an insurance policy for disasters that have is you tell me about it? I try to give you
Some guidance left this like church humor and not interested in solving problems for americans, they're, interested in power, buying boats and dismantling america's customs traditions, exceptionalism freedoms and individual liberties. I wouldn't put sumer in that category. He's not o cassio quartet's, or Bernie sanders. I bought your ride in your first paragraph, so about chuck not about me say not about Brooklyn we're trucks from that truck chuck, getting more power, chuck playing the democratic machine, gay. Alain ah, I have a comment on the nine eleven charities because, as a member who lived most of my life on long island. It hits close to home. You make me feel proud bill that you a forward and helped
three, the monies due to the families of nine eleven understand how difficult it is to get over how george cloning attacked you verbally, and I also would have a difficult task, letting it However you one and can be proud of your accomplishments. With regard to this virus of nine eleven, I really appreciate that. No, that's a very, very nice note and I think it is a character flaw that I don't let it go with cloning, but every time I see the managers, you know what I wish. All seiners is right. The guy forgets everything, but the grudges it's it's an old joke, but apropos to me a geo christians in anaconda montana, why Kansas supreme court step in to close the border does not have any. Power on policy. The supreme court only rules,
whether laws are constitutional or not, it is not proactive. It does not take any role in formulating power. Eliza ones for city north carolina? You have been my favorite commentator for years and seventy two years, all your honesty and fairness and reporting. You proven record of looking after the folks in your current dismay, are among the surest indicators of the said demise of our tourist nation yeah, but is cycles. Everybody asked me this its cycles. Ok, Abraham lincoln, was the best president. Ever the guy after him, Andrew Johnson, whoop, bang. I say that I still have confidence that we will remain the country with the most opportunity in the world. I'm not
give you the name in town of this person, because I don't want to embarrass them because should a ten year old be reading killing the witch which is out in two weeks to action today. I know the answer is no, maybe fourteen, if the urchin is perspicacious, which me means beyond his years and wisdom or her ears by killing the witch. is scary book. Ten year, all now. We had a really describe what happened and sail. And what happened there is almost beyond belief, but it happened
america and then the ramifications of that up to the present day is the rest of the book. So we get into the history of that which is we open in scotland, unbelievable seen, put China mayflower puritans come over here some of them emigrate to salem and then, as twenty human beings are executed. What do I mean when you read this every page you're going to go holy? You know why. But it's all true An unbelievable halloween book white boogie stuff in the last part of the book is about the movie. The access And what went on asset. I mean I'm racing on well and it's all document. We document every single thing.
So ten year olds, no thirteen would be the minimum and they'd have to be a bright person. You know, I think fifteen and up probably, and then some people shouldn't read it at all. If you're real sensitive person, it's it's. An explicit book, ok, which is out again September twenty six bill, o reilly, dot com, if come a premium or consumers, member get them for free amazon, bonds and all the law that you know the drill and we have a great form. This bond bundled killing alleges killing killers which we talked about yesterday about, on eleven and how we got those people, any mug of your choice: mugs, our great made america. Forty two. Ninety five
a great deal, and then we ll be a live. Do in alive, show on october, twenty seven kicking off halloween weaken hunting to theatre, jobs, are paramount theatre in hunting to new york, deliberately dot com ticketmaster right to the theatre, it is going to be a very funny But meaningful programs, so it's a good time to be on long island, leaves, are changing, see teddy Roosevelt's house on sagamore hill. Try nearby, you have a good time. do not be a you lent work. Today we are you earlier on tee. Ok final thought: I almost got killed the bag are. There is a final thought of days on morgantown Assai walk in my town. Long I'll write
A woman backs out videos, you re and this close talk about sudden disasters and I jumped back. I still have my hockey golly reflexes. I couldn't believe it. Ok number one she's illegally parked number two. I'm on the sidewalk, And so I go hey. What are you doin the big screen. You know you don't even have to turn your head any more. To look back. You look at the screen is green skype covered dream. I know that and I should do so. What are you. When you and your oil semi, you know she says it's honest true. You should have seen my tail lights go on. Why This is a nor assesses right away. I know it so dejection
should have a narcissus. Is a person is extremely self centered with an exaggerated sense of self important? Okay, but here's a better deal, of of analysis, someone who never admit a mistake under any circumstances, It's all somebody else's fault. So immediately, I know at this woman mid delay thirties urchin in the back seat, so I I tempered it. I should have seen it tell lights of walking on the sidewalk urine legally part. No, I'm in the problem, if I have been hit by air- and I too broken legs in the hospital it would,
in my fought, not hers, know how many people you know like that. Come on be honest, How many people do you know? We'll never admit a mistake run. I hope you're not married one. Thank you for what jeanne endlessly on a radio to thy no spare news. We seek anymore
Transcript generated on 2023-09-14.