« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Biden Ethics Violations, Donald Trump's Civil Case, George Santos Charged, Title 42 Ending, DeSantis Bans Chinese Nationals from Buying Land, & More

2023-05-10 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the revelations from the House Oversight Committee and whether or not it's enough to prove there was corruption involving Joe and Hunter Biden
  • Former U.S. attorney Brett Tolman joins the No Spin News to discuss Donald Trump's civil case results and the case against the Biden family
  • Congressman George Santos has been arrested on criminal charges
  • Title 42 ends at 11:59 tomorrow. What's next for the southern border?
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed legislation banning Chinese nationals from buying land
  • This Day in History: The Golden Spike is driven in Promontory, Utah
  • Final Thought: NewsNation

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Company can anticipate this. What am I gonna get a response in a bar comas. Don't what interposed simple that this one does not facilitate ninety percent of the despondent music? Let us like that's what I want, but it guarantees motorcycles. Mcwatters prices must support this statement and it does so they might do choosing sitting in political parties or early here. Welcome to the nose been news for Wednesday may ten thousand twenty three stand up for your country, so turn off the television and radio right now, if you don't want fair coverage of Biden and tromp, you don't want that
If you want to see me dissemble, either or turn it off not gonna have we're gonna, give you fair coverage of two very intense situate. And if I'm not fair, adele, o reilly, dont com name in town of course, tell me where I'm not fair k and it's hard for me to be fair to Joe by it is very difficult, me as an american citizen to be fair to the man, because I think he's doing so much harm to this country to admit it up front, but I am going to be fair, I a shoot out which are heavily on the radio today it's on below a darker, because I said what what we know and how we know it and not going beyond all right, so trump is gonna be,
taken care of in our interview. Segment and Biden is the subject of the talking points. is warning. As you may know, republicans in the house presented straw. Long evidence of ethical violations by the Biden, family idle. There is two sides to the story. The evidence is powerful, damning. The Joe Biden, as vice president use his office to allow hunter by bananas,
after james to enrich themselves. That is an ethical violation and it might be criminal, but we don't have the evidence of the criminality. Yet it might be so like watergate. You stare step it. Ok, but ethically, there's no question! So the corrupt media, cnn, MSNBC, new york times did even cover the press conference, ignored it new york times shocking on its website. We checked in you know all throughout the day and up until airtime ever covered it. It's stunning, when you compare what they do to tramp in. This is the paper of record Schuman. They ignored it like it, never existed, I! So what did we learn
The overarching charge that the geo p grand old party people in the house presented was that. The countries of china and romania sent mill of dollars to companies controlled by hunter and james bite. They did this in a very furtive sly way. They set shawl corporations monies were wired all over the place. All of that Now, why would you do that? If you would do in legitimate business, you wouldn't you would they were trying to hide the money hunter and James Biden from
public view and from the I r s, because I think hunter Biden's going to be indicted this week, perhaps on tax charges and pay taxes on a lot of this money. So that's established now the house's banking records they have wire transfer records. it's in stone now who enable law that, as vice president Joe Biden We all know the flights on air force to to china in particular. ok, the meetings at the white house with hunters with hunters cohorts in the business operations is issues across the board. K is same thing that almost destroyed? U S, grant in his administration same thing: just google: u S, grad whisky, scandal.
and it'll pop up. I'm going to bore you with it here, but grant friend circle of content all got lots of money by selling way. Illegally. And grant had a no, he denied it and nothing happened to grant because they couldn't prove that grant benefited from it, but certainly he was appointing people in position of government to make this scandal happen. It's the same thing So Biden, as vice president, enable this scam and it was a scam, undermine provided no service. To romania or china, nothing, and then is ukraine in the mix russia and makes the money which We owe it to these shell corporations, that is on ethical for a sitting vice president, to enable that,
period ya, understand that now criminality, the house investigative committee oversight committee- does not have that yet they admitted it. They said. If you know of your whistleblower. Come forward is slight watergate step number one: ok, the people. Broke into the dnc headquarters, had a to the white house. so go that annoying about it. Ok, step number to the links went up the chain of the wider. Command for next and then on and on and on and on ok. So this morning the head of the oversight committee, James comber congressmen from Kentucky said this. In march, the committee released its first bank record's memorandum that showed abiding associate robber used. His got me to funnel money from the Chinese to various biden, family members.
Democrats dismissed the evidence, even though it was based on bank records directly from the bank. The bank records show the Biden family their associates and their companies received over ten million dollars from foreign nationals and their companies. Some of that money came from a chinese company and went to hunter Biden's company. Other transfers occurred with the help of rob walker who then sent it on to different biden. Family members, this is not how local businesses operate. Now, instead of the house committee doing this the f b, I should be doing it, but the ep I'm not doing it. As far as we know, however, there is a member and I'm going to get tat, so the fbi, I should have that press conference and not the politicians, but because the fbi's opera lies and we all know that there is no
all federal agency looking into charges of criminality, so calmer says if not how lawful businesses operate. O k, o k but comber doesn't have the ability to charge any body that has to be done by the justice department, which is corrupt. It's just so depressing. Now the Democrats don't wanna your aim. It is too busy trying to do Roy donald trump. They don't care what Biden did, but the odds are my estimation that this is gonna hurt Joe Biden as much as the border and the economy. This is not going way, and this is gonna get worse for
This is why I said almost a year ago. He will not be the democratic nominee for president twenty four. You wouldn't say you mark my words. We got it on tape, because violence Solve continues to deny anyone doing whatsoever, go look by soon, did nothing wrong. I Nothing wrong. I carried out the policy of the EU the state's government rudy corruption in in ukraine and in fact we should be focusing on. Yeah and didn't out anything in ukraine. You threaten them that if they, investigated. Your sign you'd cut off federal money, that's what you did in ukraine, MR president, established on the record, not speculation
that's what you did so today, the white house. They couldn't get a press conference going on because it was a technical issue, a boy air force, one check So we don't have anything to play. You today, From korean jean pierre is of illegal acts, the memo. I too less ring in a guy on man s really all I ask my guests. To be honest, I want them to be barred and I want them to have information to pass along to you that you don't know and bread Tom is consistently done, that former? U s attorney from Utah. He joined us tonight from keystone south
dakota, lucky land, casino, asking people. What's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli. I guess I hide my dentist's office more than once actually do. I have to say: yes, you do in the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky, I never win and tell well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky which is necessary for long eighteen, plus terms and conditions apply whatever details are okay, so what's the headline of the republican committee press conferences mourning for you as a former prosecutor the things in the one you hit perfectly and that is they're doing the the business of the department of justice and this
the screams for there. They ve investigators that no this world and end the iris and the task force. The financial fraud taskforce is well equipped to dig into these numbers and- and that's that's the first and foremost thing it's it's it's so on you. We'll be able to see a group, a politician stand there and talking about it and the service to what they are actually finding the second, saying that jumps out to me. That was pretty staggering. Was it's not just the amount of money, the ten million dollars, it's the twenty five plus allow sees that are formed and the effort, remove the money if they if a hundred Biden has a consultant and he's getting paid by foreign countries, and it's all it's all. You know upon create and lawful, and then he's he's a consultant receives the czechs and they come to him. And if you want
to give that a sum of his family members. He may do so, but their are tax consequences, that's not what they did. They set up a syndicate companies so that they could launder the money and in its various coming, very very close to me saying and what They show that they pay in taxes all the ones that received it. It's not just tax crimped criminal liability and exposure, its act. leah conspiracy money laundering and too game that those proceeds from countries that they shouldn't be or if they are, they should be reporting, and so it's a it's a criminal enterprise at this point- and you have racketeering, concerns bert for this kind of conduct. Ok, what's fbi memo that they're going to subpoena house oversight committee wants a subpoenaed. What is is fbi memo. So I had suspected that it was was a three or to form. I think it's
Something similar up its nod and then that would be a form of an intake for somebody calls the ira. Somebody says I want. I want to tell you something about the Biden's I believe this evidence of criminality, so they take down that information. And they should be following up with it. What we were informed from gradually and he's very serious about this is He believes that it is valid that credibility and they want answers as to whether or not it's been buried. If, in fact, it outlines, the Joe Biden was part of a ski, receiving money in exchange for favours that he might be able to accomplish, as vice president, then you bring into play all kinds of criminal behaviour, including possibly treason, okay, so somebody whistleblowers. Somebody else contacted the fbi with information about Joe Biden. Then he may have. something illegal or whatever. Ok, yeah.
A memorialize that in writing, that's the memo but nobody's seen. The memo outside of the bureau is that, where we are on it well my guess is bill that the upper echelon and the department of justice has seen that member it. It is one that there are requirements when there are allegations credible allegations that come in their requirements that director ray would have to see that and that he would have to communicate to at least the deputy attorney general, if not the attorney general ok, but the raiders I have to say, is credible, lets them that unites the dodge think this is credible, put it in the bottom drawer and that's what they're the died republicans our kind of suggesting that the fbi's in that act on this and put it away, and now they want to see it and they'll be able to get that memory by subpoena correct they will
be able to you, I'm not gonna, be there in a way that is big. They will try dodge it try to say it's an ongoing investigation? We are clearly going to be obtainable. Ok, final thing: I had a and I went back and forth today and it's his show, so he can. He gets the lion share of the airtime. I said that right now: It would be unfair to convict Joe Biden of any crime. There is not that little of end of evidence, yet ethical violation. yes, criminality, not there! Yet do you disagree. I do not disagree. Criminal. requires specific intend. So what we I don't know yet is did undermine lie, his father and give him the money and tell him that was legitimate, ordered somebody else. What was the entire?
and what did he now and until you have those you can you can get a conviction on individual coca? Let's shift over the top So yesterday a civil jury found him. Liable for miss behaviour put it, If you want and defamation five million hours to a woman named e, jean carol on denies, even knowing the woman to do it. This is all political. It's a witch hunt on and on and on nobody knows what hap that doesn't stop people convicting trump, because that's what they do. It doesn't stop people from convicting Joe Biden. That's what they do. You hate the guy you're gonna convict, but here my observation, I want you to comment on each one. First of all, it was not known why way that a man named reid hoffman, a billionaire, far left guy associated with
george sorrows and Geoffrey Epstein believe it or not, finance aging carols case he paid for it all. Ok, I was why not widely reported so right away. We have a political component, correct. Yes, absolutely I'm in this is one of the unseemly things about it, because you can't gain confidence in her interviews and an all of her allegations that she, that she was going to in order to sustain a fight against donald trump litigation. And you know it's one thing for lawyers to take it on contingency and finance it it's a totally different issue when somebody comes in and actually pays for a case like this right, has the law Those aren't there not getting a job
I see so. I would like to know in their case- and I would like to know of the people who testified on behalf of ms carroll were paid as well. I don't know that correct. The second thing is that she misses carol, could not even identify. The year in which this assault alleged assault took place that cartels is also just Bobby later whatever, but I'll tell you what I believe if she had pointed a day when it happened and trumpet been out at new york that day the case law, so it's better! Not yes, I I don't know when and have it seen him, very, very suspicious, not put myself on a jury. Now the person was assault You don't know what happened. That is almost impossible. for me as a drawer to believe you
as it it leading me to think that there was more jury notification going on than anything else in this case where they were willing to ignore a lot of the deficiencies. The testimony, a lot of the and accuracy and, quite frankly, she do mary, Mary compromised, even the their coherent parts of heard, are testimony to begin with sound the jury had to find something. I did it more based on emotion. My guess is than they did on the facts of the law. Not do you believe that from will have this overturned on appeal. There's a really strong argument: whenever the judge limits the scope of cross examination like happened, that's that's something bill that you just don't see in in cases, explain that added do the job. How did the judge limit cross examination The judge refused to allow the defence attorneys referred president tribe, to actually go into in a lot more detail with the witness,
The area that are allegedly happened to present evidence that there were not people there at the time or that it couldn't have happened at the location that was, it was being suggested, so each time. You see that sort of limitation. You think on appeal. The court may say: hey. You know it's alone threshold. We get this isn't beyond reasonable doubt and because of that, you gotta give deference to the defence attorneys to actually explore with a witness. You know much fuller than than the judge may have. That's the only thing ability. I see. You think that he has a chance on appeal. I do this case is very similar. Nepal, a joneses case against president Clinton to almost identical now. The jones case was settled by claim he settled it out, but the accusations
public and it did not hurt bill Clinton as far as being re elected to the presidency. So I do want point that out I mean people say trump, this decision, but remember the polish housing and do you know any difference between what Paul Jones allege and what aging carol alleges or any thing on missing here I want to be fair: It seemed that apologize songs. I had a little better sort of foundation and forms of when where and what happened must work in since they are wasted, seemed even though there was fuzziness on the detail, so I actually gave more credibility to apologize case. Are ok, brat thank you very much for help and, as always stay on your toe, so many things happen and honest Biden case and I'm I'm sure We may be ready yeah and I'm very nice of you to help us out. As always, we appreciate it.
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the only sound bite I'm going play here is I'm cnn, a woman named Sarah Murray, who is a correspondent, not a pundit, so hard news purse roll, Come on just at a press conference essentially saying that there are members of the Biden family who receive pay from entity is linked to romania linked to china. Some of these payments, took place while Joe Biden was the vice president and of course, James calmer using this to try to further his argument that he's trying to make that there are members of the Biden family who enrich themselves family name and that somehow the crime president. does involve, even though he has now for proof of that. Somehow this woman, just back from an article, somehow, would have
The trips on air force to what about all the meetings in the white house with hunter binds associates somehow. So this is the kind of reporting that, if I'm the news directorate cnn she's gone. god, you don't do that. If your rapporteur, you get, equal weight to both sides of the argument you not acting as a defence attorney for Joe Biden as she did. I just want you to know extent the corruption that we have and that's why these politicians in both sides can get away with so much. Biden schedule? It goes in new york to do some default thing up in hudson. We couldn't figure out why he was going to westchester to deliver the
These remarks and then going back to new york city, tore a fundraiser campaign fundraiser until- and I should have figure this out immediately. If he does his speech in westchester about the deficit, the debt, he can charge this trip to the tax payer, that's why he did it so he goes up to. Hudson county community caused some like dat couple of inane remarks. You can come back to me now. People have read it and then he goes down for the real reason these in new york, you get my money. Okay, it's all a con. Ok, so I'm in the third year here in new york on long island. Third congressional district. My congressmen is george santos,
I voted for santos. I didn't know anything about him. I should have known about him, but it's hard to to root out and it's not an excuse I figured if the republican party nominated the guy they vetted em. They are We didn't adam So now the justice department forbore after him, for about Joe Biden, but after santos, a charter them with thirteen counts wire. Fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds. False statements is done now should be done. They should and if he, if dignity resign, But they get em anyway, probably going to prison. I uses
And pay money allegedly, but then they prove it to ring which himself, but the amount of time and effort to get him as opposed to look at the white house dig, santos, oh my god, border update. So now the border patrols says ten thousand migrants a day Imagine is more than any other time in history. The bigger number than any other time are crossing. into the usa and that's gonna get worse I'd because by it as an open border policy. Here's what the president said yesterday I spent the night close on our return with me, can present today We're doing all we can The answer is every amazes me see
got an overwhelming cooperation from mexico that simply not true. Look when trouble I've office he had remained in mexico paths, which means as soon as the maghreb came over. They got turned around and I got back to mexico also the mexican military soldiers. The southern border with guatemala and the northern border with the usa. The military was their mexican military. Ok, now. The reason that overdue did, that was trump said. If you don't do it, I'm slap in twenty five percent tariff on all mexican goods coming into the united states that, while we do it did in the day, Biden took office, he knocked out remain in mexico, and the mexican army disappeared from both borders, but by an italian
public we'd get an overwhelming cooperation from mexico. Simply not true. It's not even close to being true, but again he can say it because who's going to do anything about it often will kids stay on a friday is really going to be because that's when title forty, two It ends tomorrow, midnight florida governor to set aside a bill. sb to six for them prohibits governmental entities from contracting with foreign countries and entities of concern restricts can answers of agricultural lands to fine principles. So it's very complicated, but basically florida sang.
that, if the government has anything to do with the land anything you can't sell it to foreigners. However, ah you can sell less than two acres to chinese citizens with non tourist fees. It's symbolic decided, as in you, can't, come in and buy up your land like the Chinese. winning in some other states, but it's so convoluted reparation. So I'm writing a message of the day. It'll be posted tomorrow morning and earlier than usual about how insane this california proposal is reparation for slavery, but here's the kicker descent, dissenters, newsome, the governor of California, It's not going to support this because he wants to be present at any knows if he supports reparations,
to one point two million for a single african american and living in California. He'll, never be elected ever so. Newsome would support. It is a good thing Ok, so the reparation thing we went over yesterday, all the insanity, it's a socialist communist manifesto, give everything to african americans everything K, healthcare, schooling, whatever may Guaranteed income, even if you don't work it's insane but newsome, not gonna, get behind it
Lucky land casino, asking people: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli. I guess I hide my dentist's office more than once actually do. I have to say: yes, you do in the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky, I never win and tell well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary by law? Eighteen plus terms, conditions points. Whatever details of smart life, I love this ok. So most of us have too much stuff. In our homes. Alright, I do and do jiffy junk. This is a full service, junk removal company. You can hire people to come in and take your junk away. Gotta pay them
they'll, take your stuff away, so you don't have to do it. The other day I was going through. I got so much memorabilia from forty six seven years of being an immediate. It's just unbelievable. how much stuff I have- and I gotta get outta here, so I'm good and through it and when you go through you, you discover certain things that are important, that you didn't. You forgot about pictures documents, all kinds of stuff minister, I have a big green hefty bag and I'm just thrown stuff in their bumble bubble. Anyway, this jiffy junk they put out. a guideline for sorting out your stuff here, it is number one discard things, and that gives you more time. I don't really understand that ok, letting go of stuff- equates reorganising your life yeah. I slimming down ok
possessions way: people down racking stressors, so you're more staff, if you have a messy house stuff all over the place, I'm ok paves the way for spiritual connections are not sure about that. One I dont know of saint Michael york angel- has anything to do with my stop. I'm not seeing that maybe some, maybe in the hindu religion there I don't know Chanting, while I'm sorting, I'm not break free from toxic material, is my stuff, You know my garage is a problem I have to say but I don't want to. I don't want to throw away memories. So, I got you know when you urge Israel little. I got all the toys and sleds in this, and in that way, I kind of like looking at them to remember those days like kind of keep those. And my mother, she
threw away all my baseball cards. You know how much money she threw away. I had a baseball cards collection. I came back from college one day and I said with where my base will I threw the math there were junk. Why? And with toys they're worth money. I salvage my lionel trains. I got them and they're worth money, so be careful when you're, sorting yourself out so smart life. Is this sorted? Don't have stuff? You don't want to look like sanford and son. Okay, if you remember that sitcom throwaway the junk you know what the junk is, but then neatly organized stuff, that's important to you and keep some of the stuff that engender is good memories. So that's the smart life there who said history may tenth eighteen, sixty nine!
golden spike, driven in promentory utah, marking the completion of the first transcontinental rail road, and this was a turning point in? U S, history hundred fifty four years ago ok, so man, I'm leland, Stanford the co founder of the central pacific railroad behind this- you might say he engineered pardon the pollen and it took months to go from washington d c, san francisco in a wagon, and you can get an arrow in the back of the head of you, read killing gracie wars and was not an easy journey. Once this railroad was completed, it took six days fifteen hours to go from dc to san francisco so bluff. And what happened? Millions of americans went west all right and they,
their guns with em, their meagre belong he's with them and that railroad was the end of native americans as a power Because you are overwhelmed by white people and some blacks, but not that met white people. Now chinese people build the railroad. All leland was a villain. Ok, so you need a fifty. thousand people who work on a railroad. Thirteen thousand of them chinese immigrants, Leland didn't pay near what he paid. The whites and they would even given places the live. They are living ten cities and fifteen hundred chinese we're dead, died,
and many more got hurt making this rarer. So this was a terrible thing and then the native american food source and clothing source bison there was shooting the vice and out the train windows. They knocked him out. So this changed everything, that was a hundred and fifty four years ago today, bagman mail and a final thought in a moment my go on a message board, belying lloyd, you're, talking points. Liberals progressive, really do believe. They are morally superior, which is why it's pretty much, possible have a rational debate with them. Yeah it's a good point, but I still can talk to my liberal friends. Can't talk to about trump totally irrational.
but I could talk to him about a lot of stuff melissa. P wichita falls texas bill you're, exactly right about the dems, thinking you're morally superior. I do not think this is different than white supremacy, They are better than other races. Now, as the same, it's the same mentality, we're we're better. Your lesser. It's a good point, but there are very many white surprise. As far as I can see ron, jan ascii law Well, michigan bill. You say the left acts out of a sense of superiority, but how can a sense of superiority explain the huge damage being done to the country? They don't see it that way. Ryan you've got to understand. People don't see it that way, they think Biden. Thirty, six per cent of them doing a hell of a job.
I just don't see it Nathan, s and andor, melbourne florida, excellent and informative interview with former allies wish executive anson fredericks. I found it very interesting during the interview the behaviour of companies like black moroccan vanguard, and you call that extortion which I did. Could those companies be charged the crime now its symbolic extortion, black rock and vanguard another investment when they buy stocks of company Look at me when buying new stock unless you're woke, that's extortion, but it's not a crime. And are taking money or things like that william, have low incomes florida occasion,
are the reasoning behind the soft on crime and defund? The police movement have said this before we most criminals are minorities in this country, convicted criminals? That's it so. The progressive lives as the justifies unfair, because they're putting minors in prison at a much greater rate and whites so now if a little more out. That's it simple that brian gilley cio new brown fails texas and ill country, a bill. I'm not sure why case law cannot be reintroduced in congress. It can me, but with a democratic senate you're, never gonna get it pass so,
maybe ted crews, maybe you're right, I'm a let our year you're one of his constituents. You say: look if the Republicans take back congress and have a president. This republican, let's do cates login, remember, was cruiser, wrote it up, crews incarnate in your state. They could do it again, but not with the Democrats controlling the senate, never get through Alice killing the mob illustrates the corruption in america. That's why china loves it. So we we said yesterday killing a bogs. Now on in china are right and how well it's gonna do over there. I can't go over promoted from a lot of reasons, but I don't have anything to do with
killing. The mob actually makes america look good, because our justice system dissembled the mafia. It still exists, but not like it was, and the bank robbers and all that took them right now right off the table are so we had the atheists and bumper stickers there in there and sent out you're about five thousand orders right off the bat If you put this on your car or anything like that and you stick up for religion is picking up. First spirituality right and this aid atheists enough in a bumper sticker was made in response to bumpersticker did said religion, fake news that I saw in the mass pike explained all that that you buy anything on bill, o reilly, dotcom, anything at all, get to free atheists and barbara stickers, and you can buy em in packs of five and give em out. You know, should go to mass and just like
Put him in a collection plate their here's, my ten box and five atheists stickers whenever the priests would do with those. Now we have great. Deals on team normal stuff. You know that you're, probably bored with me talking about it, so I'm just going to tell you. get on team. Normal halley, datura, dog or mask I will love you very I killing legends of killing the mob together. There's a team, normal stuff is really good stuff. I actually wearing it mugs or fabulous and there's a bumper sticker. You buy legends and the mob together. Eighteen bucks, you buy crazy horse in the united states a trump together. Bucks. I go any lord. These are hard back books Get em all we have. Where do they know, cards wallop c, o d s, w a l, l, o p cods well up and running to us back in the file thought a moment.
There is a final thought of the day, so tonight I'm gonna be on news nation at eight o clock with cuomo discussing the Biden duff. You know and bringing some reality to that audience. News nation to its credit, did cover the first part of the press conference this morning. They did that's an honest news network. Tomorrow, I'm gonna be back to cover the trump town hall. Remember trumps on cnn tomorrow and tonight, trumps on CNN tonight, and I of course I'm taping it because.
and then at the same time trump will be an anomaly going to analyze. It and that'll, be our lead talking points tomorrow. How trump does in his town hall what happens in the town hall then I'll go on new station after we do the no spin news, and will you know where our influences obviously growing? You know that and we've taken on thousands of new premium and concierge members. We thank you all. We welcome you all by the way and happy to have you as members of bill O'Reilly, dot com and don't forget you get your free book, alright and discounts for everything so make good use of that. with mother and fathers day coming. Thank you very much for watching and listening to the unknown, been news we see tomorrow with analysis of the trump town hall.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-15.