« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Best Of: Former Navy SEAL on What Should of Happened in Afghanistan and Why Some African Americans Play into Progressives Victimhood Narrative

2021-08-25 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Although the liberal media has turned on Biden due to the chaos in Afghanistan, don’t expect it to last too long 
  • Bill speaks with Former Navy SEAL, Jack Carr on how he would have handled the withdrawal of troops form Afghanistan 
  • TV Host, Jason Whitlock joins Bill to discuss how African Americans truly feel about Critical Race Theory 
  • Criminals in China are making counterfeit vaccination cards and shipping them to the U.S.
  • Final Thought: Don’t get wrapped up in conspiracy theories

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I make my decision based on dad. That's what I make all my decisions. now, sometimes I have a gut reaction. those against the data, and I certainly will take that into account. But. In matters of science and medicine and I'm going to die and the daughter proof. lose all over the world that more people are vaccinated, the less cover there is Simple is out on the simple man. More actually aided less there is, Now the anti vacuous believe on test its this dying could have side effects down the road. Ok- and I may be true. Public health emergency were millions are dying gonna go with the words of acts.
I turn into a werewolf in five years I'll. I just have to stay up later on nights where there's a full moon. I mean it's just the way it's going to be I'm in light of it. But I don't like my life in fear. I never have and maybe that's foolish. Saw get the boost shower more and called it coming up and, let's get To some very seriously they talked a hand on his radio programme. Today, very conversation, and he asked me how I would save americans and afghan. that are now under the taliban. its charge. I told him very specifically what I would do. I'm going to. Let you listen to it, because it choirs along explanation and it's a hypothetical we don't live in a hypothetical world here on the nose aw facts came
pathetically was which asked for- and I gave it all and adapt it up with. Listen I've just radio call killing the killers secret war against terrorism. I know how this goes down, and I gave a solution to protect americans on others. Now that the talibans taken off So here in the united states, the by demonstration nationals really visor secondary stay. no. We don't really know when you I couldn't just couldn't we put a finger on a we're so surprise and now the new york times. Just turning on Biden temporarily. They have an article today and it basically says no biden- was told that this could be a debacle according
classified assessments by americans by agencies over the summer, painted Only grim picture the prospect of a taliban take over iraq, afghanistan and warned of the rapid collapse of the afghan military, even as frozen or by an end, advisory said publicly. That was unlikely to happen again. To current and former american government officials anonymous sources, that's what the new york times does by July Many intelligence reports grew more pessimistic questioning whether any afghan security forces would most serious resistance and where the government could hold on a couple apple, brazil Biden and on July eighth, the afghan government was unlikely to fall, that there would be no chaotic evacuations of americans similar to the end of the vietnam war. So as the new york times now, The importance of that, if it's true against anonymous source, is that if by more told, I was told himself and this
he's gotta be in classified information. If you sold this government going to collapse and any lie. Do the american people? That's a pitiable and it's a simple to simple play. Now there are gonna be congressional hearings under oath. That's the only question by the way. That's it. We know binds incompetent, we know is weak, but if you lie to us in July, when is that security people were saying gonna go empirical now. Will he be impeached? No.
not now, because the house is controlled by the Democrats, but in the midterms. If the Republicans take over the house and Senate, which I believe they will, then he could be saying this is ultra serious. What I just told you is the crux of the matter: it Biden lie to the nation. Was he told that it's likely that Kabul will fall? The taliban will take over it's a simple play? Okay, there is now confusion among the left wing media, so the new york times is left as it gets there surely vine over and over and over and over They now know that he's a bad person and now they're, trying to cover their boats, see why a k and that's where they were.
the others are trying to follow suit, gotta, refresh your memory on binding and what he said in July. Go the taliban is not the south. Vietnamese army. The nightmare not remotely comparable terms. A capability there can be no circumstance. You see, people be lifted off the roof of embassy of the united states from Afghanistan. It is not at all comfortable, ok! So we now know that was a miss statement. Ok, maybe he was wrong, but again if he would told then he's in trouble. nature? So what is CNN do to you? is lost all credibility, the ratings are as low, as they ever had been. Nobody trusts. The network.
are now trying to regain a little credibility will shape I need to hear Jake Sullivan call this the successful drawdown of the? U s embassy there. His words I mean is almost come Rather, I don't see anybody can call that a successful drawdown, given the circumstances were seen them. Case of syria and basically is decide and remember these. These people don't say staff on their own. They told what to say- today decided. While we can support Biden here in this one, we ignored the border, not a humanitarian catastrophe. We ignored that can ignore this. But MSNBC has not really gone out of its way to criticise by.
It's NBC news is further left than cnn if you can believe it, I'm in it just stunning, it just stunning that NBC news home once of huntley and Brinkley and now a totally ideological operation their cottages on the surface. They are not really go in hard, interesting, okay, so Why is the liberal media turning on by two reasons? Why as I said she and then try to remain a little credibility, but number two is what we reported Ass? We get I'm gonna refresh your memory, so washington, post editorial from the eighth of august. I pulled up Green for the most part, the administrations impulses are humane. However, they have driven a policy.
whose incoherence has yielded pressure at the border that may cause the democratic control of one or both halves of congress in next year's mid term elections. So far, there is nothing in administration, short or long term. Strategizing. Those likely shift that dynamic there. It is there it is. Sure posts and all the other leftist news operations are afraid. My prediction that I made, About to go to the mid term, elections are gonna, go get some progressives and by. And that's another reason where they're trying to send him a signal. You better do better, but he can't do better. Is that you seem most people. Smart people can correct their mistakes. They can adjust, they can be nimble. He can't, and now we know that his advised are idiots across the board: Jake Sullivan,
Anthony blink in all the generals eddie appointed miley. They have any credibility for anybody know, so he can bite. It can be done So how long is this anti biden stuff on cnn and new york times how loans is going to continue to labour day labour? They weaken friday before so the story is intense because now you're going to see reports- and you see him today- and the taliban cutting people's heads off raping women. You name they're going to do it because that's what they do. I mean Taliban are terrorists. Would they do so they gonna? Do it.
I remember the Biden is watching it very closely that they are watching it very closely. Now watch the Taliban see what they do. Okay, so those stories of atrocities are gonna, be another ten days or so, and they're going to get worse. And new cycle will, but afterwards David? They. Name will be onto covert Kids in schools: that's the story that will take away from Afghanistan, covert kids. Schools can nigger. Ok, so I looked around for yesterday. and I wanted a guy who was there in Afghanistan and knows the country and who, as an independent line of thought, I dont want an ideologue, that's boring! That's what the cable news did every reunited came. Why should you
So I settled on a guy named jack Kerr he's a writer. Now he writes novels the devil's hand is his latest and but he led a special operations team in afghanistan. of the two commander, he's a navy seal and he was enough gas in two thousand three. so I'm a simple man is you know commander, and I have a very simple question for you. If you Were in charge of the campaign in afghanistan back, Two thousand three: when you were there, what would you have done on a little more blunt man, specific than general ass was, and I wanna talk about it very specific on what I will do now when I would have done man, but initially, we had so much miss it's almost like. We could not have done this worse. Had we been specifically trying to make us the worst possible situation that we could ever could
So we have a lot of history to look at here. We have Alexander the great we have genghis khan calm. We have three british incursions. We have the soviet experience from seventy nine. Eighty, nine, blair vietnam experience to that and his daughter typical call it talks about the bed. Provoking intimidating, retracting and exhausting forces for centuries. So we know this going in and we fall victim to our own in. sure inertia, because for whatever reason we decide that we We've all become also to imperial hubris. We're not going to take these lessons and we can do it. better than all those armies in the past. So is with the graveyard of empires? For a reason, that's not just a cute marketing tool and that should have been should have been a clue. So I'm carrying this to my interviews because there's been The changes to the reading less out there for me. Military leaders and they missed something very important. The clash was talked about. He talked about the culminating point of victory and we hit in two thousand one: two thousand too.
what he means by that- is that if you go past that culminating point of victory, then you turned that success into failure. So then we took the next night, in years, and we turned that initial success into the disaster that we are seeing today, let me start be there, so the initial success was a: u s: forces went in, they drove I'm bad out of government. draw of Al Qaeda into the mountains of pakistan and Afghanistan and they pacify the country. That was the initial success. Correct. Exactly your accorded you John applauded and you believe that was a noble mission, because you I d get Al Qaeda out of they're sanctuary after nine eleven. Is I correct in my rights along our destroying an organization happens. Every man organization. Remember, looking at the time talked about how long it was gonna take did it in months with overnight,
Yes, are you in your eyes you and seals? You took care of business, then, if had been president and not bush. You would have withdrawn on all. U S, troops out of there, You have now you have options and what we did was focused on reconstruction. We shifted vote. you're right, and we decided that we were going to somehow combat corruption in a culture that doesn't see it as something wrong is just a part of the culture part of the travel culture bar the warlord culture over it afghanistan, so we bite off turn more that we, then we can sue ann this twenty law twenty year, long engagement in Afghanistan. I want all that I'm gonna get specific thou, so you would have had you been president bush, pull them all u s, troops, who would you have left a force there to make sure The taliban were still high up in a mountain. Some of them didn't come back. What would you have done. yet you could either leave one that we have options. You can leave a small force in afghanistan. You can now go, maybe two,
Last year we had some initial relations right off the bat. you can go to some other countries bordering not iran, but some other countries that border afghanistan and you can use those. So there are some options there to look at point being we didn't look at that, we decided to essentially hunger line and Joe Biden was a big part of that dubai. the guy was there. When you were there did you, sam, because you were dodging bullet, been a mountain and he was run around gobble, but he was report, no, no, no, no, we gotta go in and restructure the country and all that, ok, so from the job You knew that that big mission of turning afghanistan into a functioning democracy, that we fight terrorism- islamic terrorism. You knew that wasn't gonna work. Is that correct? I think, most everybody lives in my position at the time knew that I wasn't gonna work related technical, several seconds to study the situation and maybe look a little history knew that
run also lets fast forward today, so you got this thing and it spans bush and its bands obama and it spans trot and you got it. Then Tromp who wanted added air but wasn't gonna, go out like this what a hit back and hit back heart. So now you have a withdraw. They they want out. How would you have done that and not had what we saw the last two days right? We have twenty years to prepare for it. so over twenty years we can make some better decisions here now if we decided we get now which we are, how about not giving the exact date, and then given that September eleventh date, knowing how important dates are to the enemy what's out without it.
Specifically was they hate, we're leaving in the spring of one in twenty two summer, Twenty twenty two june, first of two thousand and twenty that and over this, a few months. Working on this visit You bearing the people, helped us over there to get them out. Let letting our special operations forces off the hook and hitting metallic, it so hard that it puts them on their heels, puts them on the defensive because we know we're get now and then, instead of leaving on june. First, we leave before December thirty four the twenty twenty one. I mean these are basic. These are some. Somebody Anyone with common sense can figure out something that our senior level leaders or are missing that common sense peace. I don't I made a mistake by saying: may first there we're gonna be out because he was the first one that put the time on it. So you're saying not was a mistake for him to do. Putting any time on that allows the enemy gives them a data point from which to plan right. We want to get the time we want to give the wrong date is. Do
So now like resign, vietnam, we Failure of civilian leadership right now, just put it in perspective. I believe- and I talked to the president on thursday, the former president donald trump and he would have hit back hard on these taliban once they started this. He would use a massive amount of power and they which is why they didn't do anything while he was there, but he was the guy that put the timetable, emotion and Biden taking over from tromp the commander in chief, he picked up eyes, I have been very hard on Joe Biden. I don't know what your politics arm. Is she a car and I don't really care or you're. Your patriot to me served your country, honorably, you're, you're, an honest man. I don't care what your what party you're in. I think that this commander, in chief Biden, is as incompetent as I've seen any commander in chief in my lifetime.
How do you see it? I see that I know you're being on accountability, asthma and how we were the kind of law the battlefield work at it. If we made a mistake on the battlefield, we were certainly held accountable. We would have been fired they sent home and we made the same types decisions that, after strategic level leaders may they made the day had. There is a fear. Leadership at our senior level, military leaders and from our elected officials None of those senior level people, government and military haven't held accountable throughout, entire course of doing anything wrong biden's I didn't do anything wrong if anything, the only thing nation was we were surprised by the speed of it? and say that the wrong, not one thing they wanted me to intervene cop to it. So I chose week this to me, Right, if you got a commander and you make a mistake- you tell your troops. I was That's on me right
and that's how we learned it stronger as a force going forward by sharing those values, learning from them, applying those lessons going forward as wisdom and we and not to do that in this country and our senior levels saw commander in chief Biden, you read him ay I guess a zero one. I've done a scale of one to ten, I don't know. I guess I give them zero, because I'm taking into account the southern border as well, which is a situation. As I said, humanitarian vital question. Margaret zone have any interest in the afghans. Are we protect ourselves from subsequent terror attacks. I do if you're gonna see Al Qaeda ices in particular, reconstitute there Afghanistan do what they want trade get money all that. I believe that will happen. Ok, but most americans- you know they go afghanistan. You know where it is there.
I don't know any history, as you pointed out at the beginning of the conversation they're not interested in Alexander the great or what the soviets did they if it doesn't affect them directly They cannot turn to dismiss it. That's what binds hoping for horses just maybe a one two months storming blows over. Ok, do you think it's gonna blow over? Do you think americans are so self contained something like this is a really got a matter in the long run. I think it's gonna blow. over four of them. Let a political elite leading class, because the country we invest back in our country any more for the most part I will go to. Everyone was touched somehow by warlords who, whether they save tyres and don't need that for rubber, whether they are putting up lack curtains on the atlantic pacific side of the country, but he was touched some, how very few people have in that country in this
war effort, and for that reason I think that this is gonna blow over politically not blow over brown or member they'll be a certain group of people. They never forgets this, but the rest, the country. Unfortunately, I think well alright, we're again by sir, is who are going away? The book is the devil's hand. The author is jack car score. We appreciate Working with you thanks ravenous out tonight, army on data you, doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world. You wanna old and run europe's on your choice of clouds and you need to manage all those clouds as easily as one with VM where cross cloud services. You ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation, deliver great apps and drive business forward, VM where the sun the way to cloud where more at visa
where dot com. So there is a black conservative group that has urged in all american schools to drop, critical, raise theory teaching and adopt seventeen. Seventy six unites curriculum. I that curriculum basically says that america. is a normal country. And its celebrates black excellence, rejects victimhood and show This is a millions of african americans were prospered, By embracing their country's founding ideals, now this story and this comes out of the robert woodson- can be ignore totally ignored by the corporate media. Because I don't want you to know that there are average Merganser Y see archie, and that is a scandal that we don't get
across the board, which happening we only get woke stuff. now there's a guy on blaze, tv, that's, the Glen back operation, His name is jason whitlock without a mom before and he's really really adamant that the woke media is damaging the country. Mister whitlock joins us now from nashville so you're not surprise. At robert women's groups, gonna get blacked out by the woke media unit. You see this all the time why Think it's happening while what is allowing this dishonesty and corporate me well as it relates to bob what certain seventeen seventy six united and his pushed back again see our t bill. The left has decided to define african americans and
journey as a journey of tragedy and the only thing they want talked about our tragedies when you think of black people. They want you to think of tragedies. They don't want to celebrate accomplishments. They don't want to celebrate the fact that black people- working with christians here in amerika and believers conquered and defeated slavery sacrifice, and wives, black and white people. Hundreds of thousands of white people sacrificed their lives, so the black people could live free in this country. They don't want to tell this story. They don't want to tell the story of what doktor king in the civil rights movement accomplice every other group gives to have their accomplice.
Celebrated the left has decided, there will be no celebration of black people and our accomplishments. There will only be a focus on isolated tragedies and incidents that portray american been in a bad light and portray black people as victims. So, of course, the mainstream media is not going to pick up on what we have to do in these guys are suggests, but then we have to take it to show further so the corporate left, is media and that includes new york times wash impose yellow times bossing globe, all the network cnn. They want to keep african americans angry angry. I am saying now to go a step further, though up guy, I wanna go astray are the because I wanted to understand the real big picture. What there and a deal with the black narrative is defined.
the american experiment as a failure. That way they can say. Whole countries better failure. We must completely rewrite the constitution. because america was founded in evil. This its cut. Its founding document should therefore evil. It hasn't work for black people in this country. As a work for the elderly bt community in his country, america, A failure, let's rewrite everything, that's the end game, that's a very perceptive state, jason and I'm not patronising very small, so the using african americans and other groups too try to destroy traditional america. But also to you that african americans are helping them. Generally speaking,
An end to this: do you see it that way? I see it. I think, there's truth in what you say and no question about it. Bill. I think that people are looking at the way. Racism and accusations of racism are being used to acquire power. People are attracted to that and so Keep your seeing a lot of black people lean into that. How can I become a victim and continue this narrative, that everything about america's rigged against us and I can use that complaint and an allegation to elevate myself to make it so that all they must have me in a prominent position.
on this tv network or in this role as a contributor on this network, or they look races, but I don't believe the overwhelming majority of black people are in support of critical race theory and this strategy. I think many people, just like black people, are no different than any other group of people they're, so busy trying to pay their bills take. Take the take care of their kids. Take care of themselves that this thing that the cultural elites are doing, this elitist group of ivy league, the indicated black people are getting on tv and are involved in academia and promoting this narrative, I think the great mass of black people, too busy with their own lives to correct them. Involved in any kind of way.
maybe maybe salvador, I think, there's more to it than that and you're a sports guy. And so let's use sports country has a tremendous amount of peer pressure. So if, if concern but a vastly goes into the locker room weather is black or white, or she and says you know what mamma, by an intelligence. That can get you ostracised on a team that gets you critically hammer. You saw what happened, drew breeze, new, won't and so that peer pressure, not just in a locker room, but it's on the streets to if you don't. Conform to the Demonization narrative, you got some problems are even less word on it. I'll say this bill. Will you say it's on the streets? I say it's on the social media streets where
is great rector reason and penalty for not telling the line, but just look at commercial hip hop. it's not a music, a victimization, you don't that rap music is now saying all god look what happened to me. It's actually talk. This is what our due to you in pursuit of financial reward and gains, and so I think in the big tech, silicon valley, controlled social media world. Yes, you are partners for now, showing that lie on the actual streets, I'm not so sure the things that I say on my show the things I'm saying you I've said in barbershops, bar stools all across the black community. No one recoils from it. No one thinks I'm crazy. Most people, not their head in agreement. When I was a little media, do they do that now because
The penalties to be paid, jason will continue. The conversation, your great gas- and we really appreciate you make in time for us, like you bill. Tax internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on pox analysis of bootless, be test intelligence data to three twenty. Twenty two and cock serviceable areas learn more a cocktail com, slash internet Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible, they are infinitely just a ball. Let me repeat that in minutely, adjustable their patent system, They always right and feel great with no holes ugly shrapnel hanging. Hanging, strap or extra bulk. they are so easy uncomfortably use and they look right. Thou art or enough. They are guaranteed for life with unmasked,
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Take a train bus passenger vehicle that is over some like that ships airlines, yellower mask k, so Roy it first broke, the story is confirmed by the administration, now mask mandates on public transportation yeah. You know I'm on my way to mask I I guess, if I have to take a plan, I'm going to have to wear the mask or amtrak or something I guess I'm going to have to do it, but if I have an option I'll drive my own car. I just really am done with the masks. just me so the las vegas raiders, a team that can never really Get on track demanding that all their fans be vaccinated, but you can get the facts at the stadium now, You are on vaccines, raiders
of our really. Why vaccine common from the las vegas regulars, but anyway, so first, that I felt The others will follow. You gotta be vaccinated, stands. but will give it of acts. If you come to the stadium with a ticket, you gotta be mass of the people and get the shot cause it to turn up J J? That vaccine is pretty much out. The window now says and protect you enough So the people are, you see in vegas stadium when a mass are the ones that are on baxter or just got the facts. New Zealand now uses a kind of, Be country down our beautiful, never been there. I saw my list I have one case: a covert one. Since February the fifty eight year old man. And he was on vaccinated.
They found out that he's got a covert in awkwardness, new museums, largest city, and they shut down. Whole country want one so only businesses, services deemed essential be allowed to operate. One guy. You know. Maybe barrier wars in new. So tat the governor abbot, Gregg avons got covert. He took the shot the tax on diesel twenty second, do those twenty on live tv, so he's backs, but he got it probably from a political, rally. He attended in calling county outside of Dallas fort worth And you re a lot of people, I nobody amass and he got it, but here's the deal as your wine would say.
I don't have any symptoms, K or fever or eggs and pain. I have anything, but they test the governor regularly and he has his wife doesn't have so, even if it is a breakthrough case and your vaccine you're not on your back or not, Pope Francis he is advocating for the vaccine, he said quote getting the vaccines that are authorized by the respective authorities, an act of love and help the majority of people to do so. Is an act of love lover oneself of our families. Friends, love for all peoples,. Basically saying you know, we will give the vat to africa and other countries, and I agree with that. We have to be vaccinated first, but we should be.
Around so now, the pope is on board with the backs my report, Here are in other news. You know that the southern border remains a catastrophe, A federal judge matthew cause my rick proper pointy in amarillo, texas, he's a fair judge, though. has said that the u S. Government has returned. There remain in mexico policy that bide knocked out by executive board. Now will this happen it'll be appeal by demonstration appeal it, but as a first step its taxes, So maybe sums happen. Maybe biogas lack that. I guess I'm a nicer record of appeals and, of course, the window acres or political.
I have a little bit of data so everybody's going boost your shot now right, booster, shot. I get it. So u s? Health experts are expected to recommend. Bouchard for all americans. Regardless of age, that means kids too I eight months after they receive their second dose of the vaccine. I guess I'll come out soon. and I'll get it, but the anti I'm gonna, get the booth until to get their other stuff about two hundred million americans are fully or partially vaccinated right now, so three hundred five million in the country and we are two hundred Actually it ok, I predicted
covert thing. Will subside in the fall could be wrong. Kids, coke, not as the big one. So children, under the age of eighteen, represent fourteen one four percent of all copd cases. Yet zero One percent hospitalization zero point, one percent, so that means when kids get covered, you don't get a bat like your people do right, just like the flu, so that's very, very important. The delegation, we don't know because I serving states, don't give out that info right now. There are, let's see. Nineteen des among children- ninety not known I'm sorry. These states are very muddled cause each state reports and it's all over the world
But there are hardly any kids in the hospital. Let me break it down that way. I've been trying for weeks to get kids stats and he can't get em. We do have the ones tat, that's in stone, zero point. Percent of all the child kovac cases resulting hospitalization saw its inventories. Well, I This is a very interesting story you'll hear nowhere else, but here mom's with young kids under the age of five have increased Their alcohol consumption- Three hundred and twenty five percent according to the national institute on alcohol abuse,. So if you have a little kid and your mom near booze, now why well because you're afraid,
Women are more likely use up all the corporate stress, depression and anxiety, so they are afraid, oviedo afraid of economic, starve, whatever it may be, it is an interesting so drunk mom sarka, your mom, don't get drunk fake kovacs, it's ok, so the feds of sees all bunch of em and guess where they come from china. China, criminals in china are counterfeiting, kovacs cards, ship william to the usa, where there are so cable, reach? Is calves get under twenty one packages with three thousand feet. Vaccination cars. Inevitably, right. People want a bite of cars, I don't want to get back to day. Go you doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world, you wanna,
build and run europe's on your choice of clouds, and you need to manage all those clouds as easily as one with VM. Where cross cloud services. You ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation, deliver great apps and drive, business forward, VM, where the sun, A way to cloud where more at vienna where dotcom toxin it is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on cox, analysis of oglesby, test intelligence data, q, three twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas, learn more at cox, dot, com, slash internet, but errors. The thought of the day. I get a lot of mail from conspiracy. People and the internet loves a good conspiracy, conspiracy, Binds afar and agent Seen is spreading called called
was invented by some guy in Cambodia is don't you please If you read something on the internet, write down where it's coming from there's usually a banner who is telling you, then you write me a letter and said I read this by this person. I could tell you that I look killing Kennedy and that's the biggest conspiracy in the world. The assassination of jfk. We just blew it out of the water fluid right out of the water with facts. Okay, so conspiracies are almost impossible to do because someone will leak. Someone will break someone, will get drunk and put something out
I've never seen a conspiracy, I I know people love em, I know it. I know it began movies about me. I got this. She got that, but you gotta go with the facts that we do here- you come in here. What we tell you, we can back up.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.