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Best Of Bill's Analysis Of The 2020 Democratic Candidates


- Listen to Bill's no spin analysis of the 2020 Democratic Candidates.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
now june twenty sixth miami florida the first democratic debate and hear the people in a corner booker julian castro john the lady build a blog gilles tulsa gabert j endlessly amy clover char made all rourke tim ryan elizabeth war now out of that group there's food or that have any kind of a chance at all the rest of them don't have any chance bill de blasio the mayor of new york city i mean the joke is destroy that city and the next day june twenty seventh michael bennett joe biden but a judge kissinger celebrating khumalo harris john it can move sand
eric swalwell marian said andrea added that crews there's five so there's nine democrat shouted twenty four that if any on balance of his shop so let's take a look at them right was giorgio by ok seventy six years all entire life and government going about a swamp creature entire life never do anything else ok strand buzz any working class family moose delaware university great circus universe at the law school blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah all right so by morale and biden has the brok obama seal of approval obama's handing over his machine and all the staged by no bindings formidable now bind didn't have any principles ensnare for anything you saw that with the abortion you don't change your opinion on abortion you believe in life
we doubt and by the way i'm gonna say this again if there is a judgement day if there is a supreme be u abortion people particularly you abortion people for any reason time you got a problem i mean i'm not making any judgments i'm just saying it's not compatible now i know secular america have that belief system they don't think they're gonna be held accountable for anything they do honour i know that and that is growing in america ok so joe biden don't underestimate it i mean the right and they deserve it
in everybody's going to mock them i'm not mocking them begin with camille ours now this is a tale of two women first woman responsible law for southern california second one far left loon that's where she is again what you're core belief that u s immigration laws bull that we don't well bury it inside your core belief after you come off being the attorney general state and when you really offers the you did pretty well conviction ray rose from fifty six percent to seventy four percent while she was san francisco stay i saw i mean if kemal harris would run on what she has dawn you'd have takers seriously but just at stake
loan that anybody threatened in the whole world can come in here how could you vote for her people to judge now is the guy that destroyed beethoven rock he destroyed he wiped out of work so roger de gaulle because they like but a judge back the left likes but a judgment i tell but a joint says a i'm a foreign left guy and i'm going to embrace every far lifting there is but i'm going to do with smart and aren't going to do a non threatening way and i was a mere south end india south nobody but the man as outlined in the air but again then they go down probably wasn't a mayor of anything leave resident somebody joys quick thirty seven years old gay budgets as it was a gay pride
tomorrow on a radio side on the o'reilly update i'm at yahoo that was like a prison i but a judge i think you you gotta watch him raising a lot of money we love so then you gotta come over you know i'd lose market may denver governor of colorado not a crazy loon presided over the drug legalization attorney mistake but he's not nutty but he's no chance he has no chance elizabeth warm now the pause the press wants you to think the elizabeth warrant is rising up and getting support throughout the united states that is not sure allusion with words when everything into iowa i will call is far far left
i is went for bernie sanders last time the island's no bernie is not going to get so second best diesel is we're war so she's are competing okay now but the press mayo big national movement there's no way on earth but always with warm her indian history and gets a nomination as not gonna happen can you hang around she can hang around does a k a new hampshire member she's a centre for masters scottie well knew ass because as a burning stronghold she is sixty nine years old you know her eye history as far left as they come i think she's further left and bernie sanders better work no chance mayor people knock em out no matter what he says it's all amy clover jar centre of minnesota no chance
just like hickenlooper you can say whatever you want amy is not going to help you you've got no chance cory booker same thing sandra new jersey do you know these people are all running for vp alright but a biden is the nominee has got to put a woman on second woman of color come out errors or stacey oh what's her name is george and so and julian castro's her fox get the lowest ratings in fox prime time they've ever seen with a julian castro okay so that's that's pretty much the crew that i leave anybody out here bernard bernie sanders okay now bernie is just ease an old guy he's a communist not socialist is a communist alright but he has a lot of money and so does elizabeth warren warren has millions and but they're not gonna know because the democratic party knows you can't run a socialist against
from the camp americans aren't going to go for that black americans aren't going to go forward hispanic americans aren't going to go for it they're just not listening to the latest the polling national polling scott biden number one sanders number two warren three but a judge for kamala harris five and nobody else is close to the those are the top five and i expect that to continue i don't expect any of the bottom tiers to rise up okay so that is my analysis of the present political presidential climate wanna know what is it my make any mistakes and my overstating whatever you have been hearing about gold all over the news prices he's going up experts a warning recession is here it's time to prepare recent analyse this week says he sees goal going up hundreds dollars per ass did
seventeen hundred that's why i recommend you to check out the high for gold grew to learn more they give you start the hard forego group will give you a free silver coin watching you knows spin you can get the free coin from the hartford cold group no purchase necessary all you have to do is call eight seven seven four four four giovanni o l eight seven seven four four go please call today so i told you this about a month ago that the far left wants to destroy joe biden in water okay and so you saw the women commands with smell and my hair whatever there was kay and now the latest is that as a senator mr biden worked with saying nation is southern senators to get legislation pass ok so they did kennedy so did air
very liberal and the senate everyone but by is the guy in the public eye right now so far i've got a smash ok and smash him they are will tape i think it's not just and putting his foot and mouth or gas but i think it's actually who joe biden is sometimes he thinks he needs to cater more to conservatives than to democrats i mean if you look time and time again with the activists energy in the democratic party joe biden often opposes activists energy in the democratic party no this energy what that means is far less cook ism i'm crazy ism by knows that you can't open borders as you ever duration for slavery he knows that that that will those policies should the democratic party put them in their platform would destroy the party right knows most americans don't want open borders they don't want amnesty they don't want iterations eight percent
americans according to a man college pole operations to slavery eight percent so by knows all this so we by and into the crazy laughed so there as you left is trying to destroy it however biden is being dis ingenuous sounds after the word of the day disingenuous so rights a column joe does course you didn't write it one of his minions wrote it and the miami harold prince it because the democratic made this week is it my arm it right i'm just going to redo part on on the border situation that's most relevant quote the wall won't stop the flow of illegal narcotics or human trafficking both of which come primarily through legal ports of entry normal
stop asylum seekers fleeing the most desperate desperate conditions imaginable and will have the right to have their cases her interesting normal it's down the numbers of undocumented most of them overstay legal visas we need to focus on proving screening procedures that our legal ports of entry and making smart investments in border technology these essential policies that will do more for our security than a wall ever could unquote so biden has no strategy to stop them millions of people trying to get in here illegally he has nothing eyes number one high tech is gonna do that in order to stop somebody from crossing a barrier to have a big barriers so they can't get over it or guys stand and they're saying you can't come in you can't have some drone or some electronic thing diagnosed album
everybody knows that right now the wall doesn't work so who joe in san diego works in the sand you sidra sector work rate you may result i worked and apart el paso at work so you say it doesn't work but the day it says it does work and then finally all asylum cases deserve to be heard how but a billion of them joe about a billion people coming here already have people from africa i try crossing the southern border getting on asylum are limited at the place i live in a bad country i need asylum about billions of people how are we going to do that joe what do you got joe nothing now one time he did in two thousand and six joe had something baltic
i voted for i agree like most democratic somebody won't forty stories but why mexico you will not like this planet american employers knowingly violate the law very hard i'm watching you wouldn't know rest supposed to say that let's have a change since two thousand and six so that by this be an honest now that i'll buy you can see that in far less commercial between now and election day so thirteen years ago i guess
joe is evolve that's what you did say i've of all of them are much more here in person now and i believe and open borders but i really i believe in open borders but on any solution it'd be open borders and i don't i want to give dreamers citizenship and i guess everybody should get a to z already have a boo boo boo boo boo boo comes across you know why you put you put the adjective in it one gets back and says health care our situation isn't working that she is getting teed off about it now i have to warn soundbites this is the second sound bite to my attention people role that i spent a innovation to my life studying why families go broke and one of the number one reasons is the key
of health care medical bills and that's not just for people who don't have insurance it's for people who have insurance looked at the business model of an insurance company is to bring in as many dollars as they can in premiums and pay out a few dollars as possible for your health care she's right that was her high moment and then she backed up with their health care industry sure its industries making twenty three billion dollars and profit every year not the insurance industry one but the healthcare industry twenty three billion a year from americans who have maladies that risk nights that resonates now started a war and then says well i'm going to outlaw private insurance companies health insurance companies to outlaw them unconstitutional can't do that bernie sanders won't even say that
saw the plaza when yeah yeah communist so warrant has a point americans nodding wiped out on us if they get sick or their kids get sick where the parents get sick we're down i mean my mother lived ninety three and if i was in an affluent guy i dont know what i would it on i had to pay enormous amounts of money keep my mother healthy and comfortable enormous amounts of money so this for you people who are dismissing the whole democratic party movement this is their strength
that americans know that you're wiped out okay so then they switch off and and a msnbc crew comes in and there's technical difficulties so i tweeted on a lot of republicans are saying there is a god it's a wise guy reports yeah and you know and then it went to abortion
none of the democratic candidates would put any limits on abortion a shocking shocking because ten years ago abortion should be rare the clintons were saying barack obama didn't really deal with it very much but now they're all yeah whatever you want use it as birth control go ahead use abortion as birth control that's fine we don't have any problem with that right ninth month the warding back go ahead reproductive rights women's rights that are below the level of all ok and then
the they get into the migrants and julian castro he ate anyone a veritable roared beta work who look terrible by the way better i'm not soften anybody role beta we would not detain any family fleeing violence in fact fleeing the deadliest countries on the face of the planet today we would implement a family case management programme so they could be cared for in the community at a fraction of the cost
and then we would rewrite write immigration laws in our own image what does that mean rewrite our immigration laws laws our own image what this guy and and his friend julian castro they're both south axis guys everybody comes in everybody again it's along with the abortion to use your head snaps back do they think that most american voters want open borders and everybody in the world can come here then we the taxpayers support those people zau what they think you ve seen me talk about the conservative alternative to a r p known as a neck the association of meat or american citizens while in mac membership offers you many discounts perhaps the greatest benefit is their free magazine something photo reading every month coverage topics that are import past issue they cover the resurgence of social was freedom of capitalism raw
of global anti semitism and the law swore on wisdom with plans for open borders medicare for all controversial green new deal a lesson to us box a year and a mac members including the magazine can be yours joy more than one million fellow americans right now at a mac dot u s a mac dot u s and yes i'm a proud member please visit aim act out u s a mac that u s job i ok so the far left doesn't want ok and conservatives don't want public is not like him so he's got fired and right wing working together to destroy by knows this he is counting on moderate oh moderate americans and not a clue republicans
to vote for him because they don't like donald trump that's where he is but the media is aligned with the far left in his country the media was a bomb throng farlow bond already get the nomination they don't generally speak i'm talking about new york times nbc news those powerful entities that are up so binds p and a lot of them are from the obama can basically saying to him look we're going keep you away from a lie of the frame are you on we'll pick are spots but all you have to do is present yourself as a rational human b a moderate god that's what you have to do so here's what by this campaign trail of the weak and when he quoted for you
there's an awful lot of really good republicans out there i get it double for saying that we democrats but the truth of the matter is every time we ever got into trouble with our business nation as your bomb administration remember who got shot after capitol hill to fix it me you say no i respect the other team the decent people and because they care about things but their intimidated right now on quote this this was a shrewd thing is buying what's the pick off the never trappers and the republican party and its true that biden did this guy's a lot of things he's not a we hate kosher republican qana got but there was no accident came out there that of course they wanna hurt and destroy republicans so they want to do very interesting
so jobs darkened show up for this weekend is coming weekends meeting in san francisco with dnc the democratic national committee third keen presidential democrats are going to attend but not job because at a convention like this in san francisco here every lewd in a whirl and they have access to the candidates who buys are gonna do that so biden's are people so why is going to be new hampshire next weekend so he can go to san francisco yeah sure would you couldn't buzz born into ever of it ok to rise by sea strategy works
Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.