« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Astounding Border Statistics, Bare Shelves Plague American Supermarkets, and Countries Demand Money For Climate Change

2021-10-21 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Bill previews Joe Biden’s town hall on CNN and the likelihood that Anderson Cooper will completely ignore the staggering border statistics just released
  • Americans have seen the shelves in their supermarkets completely bare for weeks – Bill explains why nothing is getting restocked 
  • Gangs in Haiti kidnap missionaries and demand $17 million in ransom for their safe return 
  • Developing nations demand $1 trillion to combat climate change, but will the funds truly be used for that?
  • Officials find human remains they believe to be Brian Laundrie in a Florida park 
  • This Day In History, 1921: President Harding condemns lynching
  • Final Thought: Become a Concierge Member

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, thursday october twenty first, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country. Delirious a blog on rock in here. busy day we ve got special, the real Joe Biden tonight, we'll put it up seven, walk, billow, riley, dot com for premium, and I urge members, you can act, This is any time you want If you are members a bill rallied our common because she than those canoes anytime you want, but where this special is special, it's really good. But maybe you're not going to like it, and if you all you gotta, let me know, because we put a lot of work in this, for you all right. So let's go to the schedule today for president Biden.
Levin. Fifty five, I am he and of vice president deliver remarks. Tenth anniversary three dedication. Martin Luther king, Jr, memorial, less nice size. At eight o'clock, you got a town hall on cnn. I don't know if that's gonna be nice or not, but I think it would be nice for Joe Biden. I don't expect tough questions to be asked of him. Maybe maybe I'll be surprised, I don't know what you do. I'm gonna watch by the way is a baseball play off game, red sox and asked rose and that I'm sorry I atlanta and the dodgers deny red sox ashura tomorrow and is a football game on So I think, mirror People gonna watch cnn because they all anyway, I dunno visitor binds a dry, solid, trop. So anyway he's gonna, be there eight o clock tonight, ninety minute, town hall, it's long time for Joe
The questions are submitted in advance on come on As though he knows this common anderson cooper is powers body, it's gonna, be the moderator. Ok, baltimore maryland pearls in the theater by waves. They allow and I have tall, but I can confirm this, but I'm gonna tell you this you can keep it in your mind to see if it's true saw. A deal has been made cnn and the binding administration and the deal is they will. and most of the time in the town hall. Ninety minutes talking about a great job spending bills are who benefits. Get the mighty why it should pass
so good bill back better, that's a deal, not a cobra is gonna have to ask, a few questions outside of that. But when commander read their questions Kind of no words gone. So luck, Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it'll be a kitten but interrogation by anderson, cooper. and maybe the folks will have really penetrating questions. I don't think so. Most indelible product Paul you be this every day forty two percent approve fifty six percent do not These are really really bad numbers for a new president and you really are so Will Joe Biden get anything out of this tonight now. you'll get more out of watching my special, the real I'll by many will widen this because
going to present you with it. Also pretty interesting things you don't know about the president Now one of the things that not going to hear much about in the corrupt corporate media is the border because the border is a catastrophe. So I'm gonna give you some stats now to the wife. two posts, credit and these papers like the post and new york times it get nervous now cause they attacked trump, so viciously and countries far worse off than it was a year ago and trumpet presence is out- is no debate about that gauge. Far worse off. So why wasn't your target all nerves? Keziah? Now they fix was in they back Biden and they weren't reporting anything honestly, So this is from the: u s: customs and border protection, people and washing posts got it and advanced. Look at it. So for the fiscal year that ended september thirtieth few suffused a couple weeks ago,.
One point: seven million migrants, at least key words- are at least. cross border and work in full. Did by: u S, authorities that is, actually means they gave them I was up and they asked for asylum. That's what's that mean. So that is a wreck A number of foreign nationals, crust The border in any fiscal year record Unbelievable, if you can think about how many people Are crossing over every get so under title, forty two, which gives a government a right to expel any foreign national because of public health reasons. communicable diseases More than a million of the one seven were sent back into mexico, as were the custom p.
set, but without saying how many got through without any kind of conversation. So. There was a study done, and I really give my staff credit for finding this down. There was a study done by yale and mit combined researchers- and they said that fifty percent. Of illegal border crossings. We're not apprehended, and that study was unto two thousand a t just three years ago to have that case, then you have another million more that's two. Seven. But I don't know nobody really know some people say there are more confrontations now, because people are coming across it surrendering for asylum So mexico's largest source six hundred thousand mexican nationals were
apprehended by the border patrol at least hunger. three hundred thousand guatemala, almost four hundred thousand el Salvador, almost a hundred thousand others haitian. Venezuelans, ecuadorians cubans brazilians. that number. Is about four hundred thousand he's all over the place. I values many in coming and calmly, with no signs of stopping and ass. We can of Joe Biden, open border pulse We ve got over this over this others. This is a debate about it. So, the only thing that by done is appoint vice president harris in charge of controlling the border and obviously the vice president has not done anything, nothing, zero, then go down, has no plan. Doesn't care doesn't want it so nine months.
is bad. Now it was on the first day the binding administration. That's a stand to scan So is all the anderson cooper gonna going stats tonight at the town hall Because, as the lead, the new economy will get through the a moment. That's elite, how come you're? Not stopping this. Are you d regret bolton all trump's policies that were working out. Think cooper's going ask of courses. So if he doesn't ask them, then you you have to ask the question. Why? Now, why isn't Any journalists would ask those: why isn't he? so on monday will analyze what happens? I think does offer where did it. now, along with all the massive humanity coming. To the united states from other countries. We have felt in all just killing. Americans fentanyl is a deadly narcotic and they sprinkle it.
Cocaine and heroin and they do all kinds of things of federal, so listen to this stat. two thousand twenty tromp. Five thousand pow of on penalties can be tailored pill, sunlight being marijuana back Five thousand pounds seized by customs at the borders on border this year. So far fiscal year. Ten thousand four hundred sixty nine pounds almost a triple. You would think that every parent grandparent, if your kids get in, I was going to die it's not a matter of if it's, when you get addicted to heroin, cocaine you're, taking a little fentanyl with it. You're gonna go you're going to what is Biden think about
is anderson going to go eat? Well? What about, MR president, what about a little fentanyl criminal? Do you know why it's coming here? Can you stop it how do you analyze the problem? How do you see it? You think those who gonna be asked. You know I interviewed don't drop this week and a lot of isa. And those of you didn't see, please watch or it's on bill, o dot com and I'm not a And of donald trump per se, I've known him forever. But when I interviewed him, I asked the toughest questions I could think of an idea, And I will. in the present. I go out on the history tool, which is too shows at the in december to shows and texts. So there's not hard to ask those questions. Follow ups little bit harder. Saw when I asked on from about milly and fouche That aid and I follow up, ok and
it was very interesting shape. We only get that from Anderson Cooper tonight. So if we don't get, what is cnn responsibility? What is eighty and tease responsibility they pay? it is man, millions of dollars coop so in the tank. You know. Ten years ago, when I was doing a factor on fox news, I don't have to do this. I Didn'T- Do you know analyze my peers for this stuff, I mean, might walls still around and really that the pros who did their jobs now I very rarely see a meaningful interview on television The nastiest will go after tromp and republicans and on the right, they'll go after some of the Democrats, you know what they're doing nasty way nodded look out for you way, so so stats, I'm glad I could give them to you and
and this is the worst this border thing. So worst policy I have ever seen in my entire career, never seen anything like this and is affecting its hurting. while americans and the shortages are gonna hurdle america's, I too now by is not going to have a nice christmas visa. Ok, because about fifty percent of us, we, the people, this donor, what's goin on These are individuals were divorced from reality, for whatever reason k, they don't listen. You talk radio, they dont watched a vision, news and austrian newspaper, maybe they are I carved dribs and drabs on the social media, but they don't know anything about fifty percent of american adults in that category I know and they don't care,
moon is, I wouldn't be good? Maybe you check, and once a week intranet update yourself what's happening. Your country in the world at time is always an excuse, but essentially don't care. do about them their own little circle and whatever else happened. Tat would now they're gonna care. You walk into the big store, casket walmart, do be looking for urchins presence you little It wants lego or whatever they urges want issue sign of either ok and then, when it comes in and I'll be out, like a horde of people grabbing it off the shop, because shortages of everything, garment plain Very, very briefly, because I've gone over, this For I don't wanna be boring unrepented these Joe problem here- is cold. It ok, so the meat packing plants
the auto part plants, the toy, and you factoring plants all the plants stopped production because a covert. Then, when they attempted to ramp back up. There were fewer workers, because by had sent so much money Two hourly workers they didn't want to work, they didn't need to work for a while. I didn't come back, so millions of people americans every month are leaving the workforce for one reason or another. It's the primary reason is that getting enough money from the state and the feds have to work they can just get by. So when the when the, factories ran back up and have enough. Greece to really get it going fast. Second reason is that. many of our things that we by or made abroad, in panama, El Salvador, the
Nah and particularly china there have to come here by sea right by ship. And they can unload the ship's. You saw the pictures in law beach and allay even in ports on east coast very hard to unload their ships not enough workers. The union workers are very strict. We work six hours a day. We get this. How much more during the day now buying is ordered round the clock, but far too late. They couldn't unload and then, when they did on load, there aren't enough truck drivers, One eighty thousand truck drivers- that's what the government says is needed. Eighty thousand, If you get your trucking license, you can earn a hundred thousand dollars a year, tell me there aren't any well paying jobs. All you need to do is go in and get that truckers licence. It's not.
That hard, although its skilful job, to drive these rick's, ok, because seventy one percent of all the goods in the usa is moved by trucks, and I can't find the drivers. So that's why the shortage are occurring and I'll. Tell you the products in a moment. The final thing is that, because of all these shortages price, go up on everything that short. So if something is in short supply, the retailers are going to charge more fork is, I know the people will pay. It. Oh gasoline, since Biden went in and try to put the fossil fuel industry out of business has doubled. forty dollars a barrel of oil to eighty so Everybody's pollyanna, you want to stake it's too Dollars more now than it was a year ago, first steak. And on and on and on and on and now butter ball essay
We don't know we can have enough turkey's for thanksgiving. Nor have you got a nice fraser get your turkey now hear the other part acts that are in short supply ice cream. paper towels and bathroom tissue car parts, which is why the price. Of used cars and brand new cars is up about. Thirty percent is why you can't read car if you travel, because a lot of those cars departs. It can get him. Ok, diapers for babies, beef, chicken, fish, breakfast cereal, halloween declarations, halloween decorations,. christmas gives, as we went over furniture now, Tresses, consumer electronics. They can get the chips in from Taiwan swear. Taiwan makes most of the ships that you need for them. so all of these things are in short supply. Now. A competent administration
would have for seeing these problems. So when buying was worn in january first thing was hey once it is called subsides a little bit way? We're gonna have to get up and running I have to get everything in the marketplace. That's what a perspicacious. president would have done it. A person who is looking for not by to this. I don't think by knows why All of these things are in short supply. That would be a great question for Anderson cooper. Do you know why these things are in short, supply? Mister president, doesn't know, and who does he appoint to be secretary of transportation the charismatic pete buddha judge. The former. mayor of south in indiana you noted any amount of south? Then ok and its a little town in the mid west. The only thing
buddha judge knows about transportation. Is he once took a cab ride? Maybe an elite. Doesn't care about it he's like common law. So as I voted judged by MR president, you know we have tough time get chips in from taiwan. What do you think about it and then in the of all of these supply chain problems buddha It goes on paternity leave in august now he's suddenly has appeared, Because now, finally dawning on the vitamins administration that there's a revolution, though went on in the country, the people a furious at by he has to say get because he's in charge? They don't know boom, judge, so buddha judged magically back from paternity leave is so bad. I gave a kid even describe to you, I've just giving you the surface of how bad this is
so it's not going to be a good christmas for Joe Biden is not can be a happy guy. Even knows the anger that is growing personally to him? This is now get. It was always person. The you either hate a more you love him always person My message of the day and below rallied outcome is binding. Have that nobody, He cares about Joe Biden, except for jill and hunter if he can make some money, but the only cares about Joe Biden, It was nobody voted for Joe Biden. They voted against or for crop. What now binds in big trouble anything. No allegiance. No poor All we have are the progressive fanatics who run him, who are getting really nervous and the apparatchiks of the democratic party. Now vote democrat, no matter what that's it, that's very small,
so now. In some poles binds approval. Job approval reigns in the thirties. I think it may go into the twenties if, people can't get thanksgiving dinner on the table and christmas gifts under the tree. It is obvious that progressive policies do not work k again. This is not a debate. All you do is go down the list. Crime unbelief under progressive people, unbelievable violence, don't Are you don't believe me go to portland oregon and be careful you got you'd better, bring a bodyguard to just look at what was once a beautiful city and what has happened to that place.
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way ahead way ahead in every poll, now Mamma says is tied. Forty six, forty six, ok, more than just a few weeks ago, it was mccall of forty eight young can forty three and monmouth. We can see how the anger against the Democrats is growing. Trafalgar pole and this trafalgar loophole has democrats these six republican, thirty eight an eight point gap favouring the Democrats. This has tied to it as young can. Forty eight mccall of forty eight so carve is in trouble and he knows in trouble, so he's feeling the heat he goes on. W J ellie tv in washington and he's talking about young can go. Who says election integrity is the number one issue now? Is healthcare covert, educate,
job and finally apparent. Moreover, I agree the exact amount you better quite reviewers beer, but we did it. Ok, so you walked out of the interview Maybe I better go someplace out or not That's not a good look for Call of amazon tv live. That's it ok, goodbye the one. Predictions macabre loose nice it this four months ago So I could be wrong. I mean it's a prediction. the story really disturbs me in afghanistan, Again, everybody's bower were beyond that now mom, not so taliban militants allegedly beheaded. Men, volleyball player, the coach is, is telling the war
the woman made my job in a key me? Had her head cut off the taliban put it on social media. Now there are a number of reports there conflicting we don't know but, They should not be headed by Taliban. Why? Because the town, and his ordered afghan women not to place sports. Then a lot of you doing a be beheaded. Nice, haiti. So I've been eighty a number of times. And it's a rough place. and seventeen american and canadian missionaries, including five children ages. Eight months, three, six fourteen and fifteen have been kidnapped by a vicious haitian gang and there the gang is demanding seventeen million in ransom, so the epi eyes in haiti. and I working with what passes
government. There are, there really have a government. And I think they ll be able to get. The seventeen, american and canadians out, but. when they get them out and was all pray they do, then special forces need to go into haiti and take care of this gang. Okay s special forces. Ok, climate change. Now this is a money thing you're here, climate, yeah were gonna, die all and The reason that the progressive left is pushing this so hard. Is it because we're all gonna die because we're not ok Ology will protect civilization from climate change until Climate change is up ten degrees or whatever. It may be, remember,
at argot, the coldest winter so there's a lot of ebb and flow, but this is really fascinating. So south africa, environmental minister, Barbara creasy Demanding demanding that Developed nations in a world give the poor countries in a whirl like south africa? One point three: trillion dollars a year to fight climate change. the next meeting on global warming is in glasgow: scotland, the river clyde, pretty tough town glasgow. And they're gonna be there shortly. the end of october. so they're demanding these third world nations that the developed nations through the climate accord in paris which were back into trouble
this out, south and all nations who sign that accord up to give money. Okay, so the poor countries want it now. Does anybody listening to me today and we are all over the world now there's this program syndicated all over the world? Does anybody think that these countries that get this money for climate change fighting are going to use it for that Ok, so it's so bangladesh as it needs cyclone resistant housing yeah, they do Ok, boys do with global warming, You know better houses and in bangladesh, kenya, Once solar farms, instead of coal more of pretty warm in kenya and when you do your own solar forms. india. Says that its climate change plan will cost two point: five trillion.
in the next nine years, but it doesn't want to pay for it, it wants us to pay for it, get it you see what's happening. This is all about money. It's all about money, big big, big money,. Climate change funding is channel through more than two dozen agencies all over the world. They funnel the money. You think those agencies take all peace. Our idea is hidden report is so weeks ago, when Abby potato young woman from while on disappeared, I said that she was dead and that proved to be true. They found her. in Y, all in a tea times. And then I said that her boyfriend most likely killed her cake as he did it. This isn't Sherlock holmes.
Of feel so the boyfriend then disappears as well, but for withstand as parents house of florida and then I said, boyfriend committed suicide in the glades, which he did so apparently parents of Brian Landry led some thought? used to an area, where a laundries remains were found along with his backpack and some other stuff cops aren't confirming it. But it's him and then police were embarrassed and said well, we didn't find because the area was underwater, which is entirely possible in the glades. And then they find remains because the gaiters got that's. What am I going to guarantee this would happen, so this story is horrible began Is this twenty two year old girl from long island, spin, nice, woman and go.
On a four month van jaunt with this guy and a guy murders strangled her to death. I have a twenty two year old daughter. I would. Never in a million years allowed act, but maybe I couldn't stop it she's twenty two: she wouldn't do it by I mean I'm sit near, go on so now. The only question that remains in this whole case is well, Brian lenders, parents helped him hide out, and I dont know Do comic superman. We reported that super and son is bisexual now why the reason for that DC, comics. So yeah, that's that's deal superman. woke. So what
the illustrators, a guy named gabe AL tb. Forty three years old, he has wit dc comics any works on the superman superman project. And here's what he says go but then something horrible happened. Some really really ugly. People came along and started messing with our business and I'm sorry, I didn't say anything sooner We're going to stand up to these tyrants and we're not going to let them intimidate us. There is a hell of a lot more of us than arm them standing up in the face of tyrants The american way, ok, so he is objecting to all of this work.
Duff in the superman cox it I'll look. It's coming to a head. It's coming to a head. This woke progressive fascism to be challenged by all of us has to be The worst I this day in history, fascinating story, so stay with me here october, twenty first nineteen, twenty One hundred years ago, president war and Harding the immortal Warren Harding from Ohio, Kay demands fed. action again, Lynching. the lynching of african americans in the south Mid west meant and harding demands legislation today, first start So Harding. from nineteen twenty one to nineteen twenty three. When he died, a stance
we have a heart attack, but he didn't die from an attack, but they won't exam, is body to find out how he died. I believe he was poison, but guess, but I'm a historian, I'm very rarely wrong, but anyway, Harding dies in san francisco and calvin. Coolidge takes off but before Harding died. Here, give up on the rachel from He wanted strict federal laws to protect african americans, who knows that no one so Harding did not get what he wanted. He wanted a law that said if a black man is lynched in a cab, the county has to pay, thousand dollar fine to the federal government. because at the time the un, w c p was reporting that two blacks a week every week, wellbeing
by vigilantes clans people. Can you imagine this? the nineteen twenty one so- Nobody knows any of this. and I thought you would like to that happened- hundred years ago. Today, Harding did not get the laws that we want. Coolidge couldn't care less. So, when coolies took over, there was yet I would take quick break. I got a good male segment and a good final photo. The the data will help. Your life will be right back.
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stating that donald trump didn't fire fao chief for political reasons, he's, never doubt in my mind, I knew it was true thanks for confirming So again our analysis of the trump interview and all that's available on the lower dot com. I will be go their job, concierge member, how can Joe Biden be this bad fifty years of practice? Ok, I mean he wasn't this Bateson. You never genius me wasn't hurting his country like this. lynn, gala sarasota florida will state of virginia, have the mass melling about which would allow the same issue that occurred in two thousand twenty election. Virginia will send absentee valets happened, not everybody and a bundle stuff, I dont know if that goes on. But it's not like it was an approach. essential election with. The ceo chief Zuckerberg, sending foreign
twenty million dollars to try to kill the vote. So that's not happen and virginia right now, at least I Bob Gregg peasant california, where they call it that bundling valid, curing or ballot harvesting solve same thing, practice of going on in California, some time and turned orange county from red blue almost overnight, it steward virile beach florida. Just listen to your in cipher rant on cliches bill. You the now on the head David where are you now? I like it, Clifford their gross brooklyn arc. or rather I agree with you about cliches talking to someone and then they say long story short. You know you're in trouble, that's the worst of it. The long story short that's just signalling you there's more to it, but I'm he's not a boy! You on that crazed about that sea, J,
message board love. Your list appreciate. I have another one back in the day: annoying silver used, that's for sure, Danny Russell maize will Kentucky build my stepfather grover least swearingin passes the age is twenty seven was world war to vet and shot down over dusseldorf germany in september of nineteen. Forty four well go release were injured. Ninety seven years old recipes k a major patriot and I'm happy that I could give him this Kind of acknowledgement, thanks for sending me the letter, Danny s to you and your family. Great I'll, goodman anthem, arizona, thanks for opening the bill rally, dotcom christmas or early. What, for today, the photo of you and holly is great mary, chris this is not even our way, but I had to do it. I had opened again Restore goes cause the supply chain thing.
All right, I'll I'll tell you in a minute not taken. I wonder so holly and I put that Ali and I am you by one hundred bucks or more on bill o'reilly dot com in the store, you get a hand signed picture of me and holly holly can't write, so I designer name, but I sign my name is well so free. Act of God bless america, christmas ornaments! I love these. What a great message this is, so you get one for your tree. I got a few more for other people. They make great grant gifts, ok, And if you buy a premium or concierge membership gift certificate, you give a membership to me too. What I do every day you an unbelievable amount of stuff. I any
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So earlier this week, here's a final thought of the day. Earlier this week we reported on a tremendous decline in viewers ship of television news, and In our own glowed, but I will cause. Once in a while in the gloat zone,. So I have the highest. in cable lose guy Sixteen years number one. Nobody. and we had a norm. Saudis, norris, five six million and I had on both fronts. And now nobody's cos And the reason is that the factor was entertained being and informative as I try to make this broadcasts. So we try to have some humour with Dennis miller. We, What is worse, we bring in characters, we had body language, we had all kinds of stuff.
You're going to keep you engaged for now. We don't do that stupid panels which are just to waste time. you see a panel. That's laziness means they Producers don't want the anchor to do one on ones and they just want to kill time and you don't learn anything and it's all a bunch of nonsense. Okay, so people caught on To this day, why am I wasting my time on this. So the audience is fleet and then it goes to a million different other places. and a network news in the same boat gave the morning chose. Nobody pays tensions and it's a shame. Because the electronic media, you watch me right now on tv, listen to me on the radio, and bring you vital information. But it's oh politicized. Now you know you know it. Every. Single network and cable Every single one is ideological. and these guys next star they they tried this non partisan, nobody's watch in it,
position is You got to engage she just can't you throw it out. Thirty people, distracted by their machines can play substance. The game on a machine. You can do a million different things You why are going that sit there watch a boring show. So the anecdote is here. Is he on the nose renews on bill o dot com, and we want you to alert people by giving them the gifts. tickets and getting them in the full, because a more power. We can a man ass, the moon, good, we can do for the united states as simple as that. Thank you for watching us new column sunday at noon or be checking in all three We can and will post but the Biden special, which again seven p m on below riley dotcom tonight for members pose some of that on Monday,. Everybody can see it right have been weakened.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.