« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Another Dog and Pony Show Plays out in Washington, Airline Chaos Continues & Guest David Horowitz Lists Five Political Figures That are Hurting Americans


Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: More Dog and Pony shows playing out in Washington 
  • Airline chaos continues, and the federal government continues to do nothing 
  • Colorado to send migrants to New York City – Mayor Eric Adams pleads for federal help
  • Marijuana hurting America’s youth. A new study reports more than 3,000 children accidentally ate pot edibles in 2021
  • David Horowitz on the five political figures that are outright hurting America
  • University releases banished words of 2023 
  • This Day in History: The Trump administration allows new offshore drilling in nearly all US coastal waters
  • Final Thought: Americans are being disrespected by their government  


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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reilly, ear welcomed in the nose been news Wednesday january for two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. You know it's interesting. There are some people, A minority were very very emotionally involved with this house situation, where the republicans have not been able to select a speaker, but the vast majority of americans could not care less, I mean I don't know anything about the house of representatives or end Like that, it's a very, I would say, twenty twenty five percent of americans really pay attention close attention to politics and other republic insiders a lotta axed here, so we're gonna get
as why that is, and view some predictions, this thing is ongoing. As you know, we tape in the late afternoon so Well, I can't give you any pronouncements about who's going to be the next speaker or what, because that may change, but I can tell you what is really going on and I will and now there is a very interesting display didn't get a lot of attention or hasn't. Maybe it will this evening, where prison by ngos to kentucky and meets with with Senator Mcconnell in a big dog and pony, show to talk about the infrastructure bill
Now this is a mistake on Mcconnell, an other republicans. You see, there is part, it's a mistake, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo so This was held in coming to kentucky and there's a bridge behind guys you saw an average is falling down, but now it's been repaired is part of the infrastructure bill. Ok, all right now, if the infrastructure bill were just a stand alone, at one point two trillion. Ah, there wouldn't be a problem, because we do need improvements on our infrastructure in this country, but part of an overall strategy by the by an administration to run up historical debt, which they have ok,
Biden has been in office for less than two years and he has spent six point three trillion dollars that wasn't earmarked before he got into office. Just let me slowdown six point three trillion in new spending in two years. Now, that's borrowed money, we don't have it. That is by far and away the most money. Any prison is ever spent. By far second places we reported last night, morocco bomb two point: eight trillion in a two year period. So two point eight six point three. So, by going to this event, with Prison inviting the humongous spender mitch, Mcconnell legitimizes by now I'm off will be respectful to the president. I don't wanna be disrespectful
am, I called him lazy yesterday in the message of the day, and I believe he is late in all of the word that I can use. I believe, he's a lazy man does not work hard. Certainly not solving many props, but Mcconnell is the reason that they're having all his problems in the house so stay with me here. The house of representatives is up of local politicians primarily to your term. As you know, there is a very conservative cod dray in that croup. Ok, and they want a conservative agenda. And they do not believe the current leadership. Ok is going to provide that so they wanted somebody like you. in Jordan or you know a real conservative now.
Mcconnell, wants independent voters to vote republican. That's why he did this. He sends a message: we're not obstructionists and they were in a republican party gate. We are reasonable mitch. Mcconnell is reasonable, but Mitch Mcconnell doesn't fight against the irresponsible spending, much of which is wasted now Donald I spent a lot of money in four years and he justified it as he had to rebuild the military all right. Well, that's
still going on, apparently, because that's why Tom cotton? Another kettle conservative of centre is voted for the omnibus spill because it gives all the military people arrays raise and sends in, I think, almost eight hundred billion dollars to continue rebuilding a military. That was rationale so the conservatives in the house, observed that there. Basically we don't want any more government spending. We want balanced budgets, we don't want this deficit, we don't want the debt. and anybody who we see soft on that, where you know oppose. Which is why you have this log jam right now. That's embarrassing the republican party, but again most american, aren't following this: the they don't care about it. They don't understand it. It's not! It's not an emotional issue like the border.
Or a sentinel or a war in ukraine, this is politics we in the weeds politics, so you you have a linkage Between Mcconnell, who is despise now by many conservative republicans because he's deemed to be a sell out and these house people twenty of them, feel that you know. The way the leadership is forming in the house who are going to sell out to you're going about for all these big spending bills, so they want a real bottom line: conservative speaker of the house- so that's what they want now I was all going play out. I don't know, but it's going to solve
of itself it will I dunno this new speaker is going to be. I don't know any of that amount of going to predict care, but it'll solve itself, and then people will forget about it as what always happens in issues like this But in the meantime, by very shrewdly, this was a white house event by the way in Kentucky this wasn't mcconnell of it. They set it up to send the message that binds six point three trillion dollar new spending is ok with the Republicans, that's what it was. Final was a smart enough to see how he's being used because he said I know all all use abiding people, because I'll send a message that republicans aren't unreasonable and will get independent voters. I know it's a little confusing, but this is a chess game that they all play.
And you know I'm sitting here going- I just want problems solved. I don't care who the republican speaker of the house's solve the problems seems to me that he they could get the conservatives in the room and say: look we'll give you a special committee to investigate the f b. I we'll do the things that you want. Ok, we're not gonna, give you everything, but we're we're on your side. We understand, we feel your pain, I don't know. Maybe that's already been tried and and rejecting I don't know I do know their allusions in congress on both sides. and I also knows we reported yesterday that Democrats they will block no dissent anymore. Only mansion and cinema, the two senators
I said every single representative on the democratic side follows whatever the leadership tells them to do. Nancy Pelosi was the most fierce lion. Tamer of all time in that house, you went against her boot cut your throat, so nobody did and still to this day, they they vote block. They're together and Republicans turner and that's ok. So let's go to an emotional issue airlines so,
Millions of americans got hose over christmas and new year, as you know, but habit yesterday about yesterday january third ready jet lou thirty nine percent of its flights. We delay delta thirty seven percent south west, which is completely fallen apart. Thirty nine percent delayed. They can't get the planes off the grants and other pilots. They didn't higher enough pilots, even though we Taxpayers through the federal government in a covert release sent than billions of dollars free money, free money- the all the american airline companies from washington, taxpayers, money and they create they can't staff they can't higher pilots in flight attendants and mechanics and baggage people. They can't answer the phone when you call them.
We're all our money! Go you and its unregulated, it shouldn't be department, transportation should be on it. Would you just staring yesterday, you're out of the zone, forty percent across the board rounding off yet blue delta southwest. and I'm sure your american, a united. Had you know just as bad time. Kay illegal immigration. Now we get word that so binds going to mexico city next week two open door. Who is socialist, ok, a far I've got trump handle labrador pretty. Well. And I've gone over that in great detail, K so overdose afraid a trolley, not afraid about that's. Why
I have these migrant things. The bottom line was that trump told obrador. If you don't use your military to stop this mass migration, we're going to designate the drug cartels as terrorists and kill them all of them are going to wipe them out and overdose panicked and said: oh don't do that, it'll make me look bad, which of course, would and all I'll put the military on the border which he did both borders, guatemala and usa, and that cut it down drastically Biden took it off. they in office sought. We got all over door. God knows what they're gonna talk about with now by might stop at the border as part of their trip, but I can't imagine how out would go down.
But it's interesting story. Not a state of colorado is a liberal state, but it's not run by far less people governor. There is jared polis, not a sanctuary. and the mayor of the largest city. Denver Michael Hancock is not a sanctuary guy either so colorado is now getting a huge influx of migrants because heiress, six million of them. Since Biden took office, Some of them a winding up in denver, but they don't want to be in denver. They want to be in new york city. Why? Because new york city has sixteen million people in a natural area and burma Grants are related to some of them. You go away you have people, friends or family, so the governor of
Garage is well we're going to send a lot of our migrants to new york city right now. We are paying for that by the way taxpayer paying for that, put them on a plane or the bus, so that whatever and they're common across now they have to sign a paper. The migrants. Do I want to go to nueva york, okay, so Adams, the mayor of new york city is going crazy, wants a billion dollars in a federal government to deal with all these migrants but atoms, sanctuary, city guy he's a sanctuary city. I Saw devious, Iver Adams, idle idle and its people,
move out of new york city which will get into tomorrow. The u hall, companies put out a report. Most of those people are affluent their high tax payers, you'll be replaced by migrants and by low wage earners. That's what's happening, this theory and state here in new york, so I thought those very interesting colorado send my ceremony, or here they come. Ok, the border patrol says that seventy two thousand migrants got away In december alone, and in the first two and a half months of this fiscal year federal fiscal year, more than two hundred thousand have got away. These are not counted in the migrant when they government puts out their stats homeland security.
The border patrol says yeah. This is the estimate of how many got away. How did they know because they got cameras and all that, but it's it's a guessing game, but anyway, it's so far out of control down there. That's why I can't what is Biden going to do when it goes down it just bring attention to him being the worst president in modern times is what is going to do think I was going to give any credence by going down there now. This is a very, very serious story that you know is not unpredictable, so pot is legalized now pretty much everywhere and some states, statutes, but I was in new york city on Monday, going to a knick game and I was walking out after the game even in the open air you can. This unbelievable wanna aroma
cities like enveloped with it. So, according to the ets is that journal a pediatrics always liked aside our sources here, Three thousand children, young children, accidently a pot edibles in two thousand twenty one, three thousand now to seven teen. There never was two hundred. So what did to her
it to three thousand because they sell marijuana now in brownies and things like that, go into the store and buy him and his stupid parents, many of whom are addicted drug addicts, not just a pot, but the other thing is leave the dope around and the kid sees a brownie and kids going to pick it up and eat it. Irresponsible parenting off the chart by the way in this country off the chart, horrible and the children, of course, are the victims of that. But this pot thing- and I'm going to reiterate this because I told my son, who is with me on monday at the knick game and we were smelling us- and I said you know this is selfish, but this is good for you
all these young people who are smoking. This marijuana use in his pot on a regular basis, they're not going to be able to compete with u K and my son doesn't partake in drugs or alcohol. It's a miracle and I hope he stays that way. Okay, I said because these people never going to be able to compete with you because be a neighbouring, aiding yourself breaks down your mental discipline and causes all kinds of other problems that you're not going to have to deal with So in twenty years, when you are in a position of authority. You're not going to have fifty percent of the people being able to compete with you. That's how bad this is going to be. This pot thing is going to be anyway. It's just thousand kids. I there's a new book out that I want to bring to your attention is call a final battle. The next election.
Could be the last. It's a pretty provocative title it's written by David Horowitz, who I have known for decades and we asked David to come on. ironically in denver. You got pot edibles out, there are aware too, where would you got Yes, it's much more powerful part in these in the sixties, it's the Democrats, keep introducing new drugs and legalizing them. Creating monstrous problems. now when you were radical yeah When you are radical, left is, in a nineteen sixty hour remind everybody that you that your background, I'm sure he smoked a lot apart, because that's what culture was why do more access and I was afraid it would screw in my head
allies or you are a marxist, you were an aesthetic. You didn't do that interesting. Ok, now in your book you I have a number of people that you say are ruining the country. You name these people and I I've got five of them that I want to talk to you about the first one? Is brian roberts? Most people don't know who Brian Roberts it, but he is the ceo of comcast, which runs NBC news, and we are all a lot of cable operations, so why Why are you saying that Brian roberts based in philadelphia is ruining the country. Brian was Personally is a very nice man did was to to buy. And these.
He had a lot of opposition from both parties over the antitrust issues, and what he did was listed, the second most notorious racist and the country, our Sharpton, who come on key kingmaker in the democratic party, thanks to Barack obama, obey them with man on civil rights to swing the political subordinated and then, if you watch MSNBC. You see it's a short and station I have red, is just a sharp clone. I all these black, racists and white enablers apply prices. and they also recruited. Al Jazeera, all Jihad is like alley, velvety in america. It is real thinkers
The number one criminal in the world and its twenty four seven of hate. Can't nobody watches MSNBC. The ratings are ridiculous. I think their top show gets a million viewers, maybe a little, more in prime time, but no one is no why lose our country is on the brink of disaster. And the raised issues at the cinema really side. I can excuses Ok, I think he's and I dont know if Robert look NBC news is heard itself. I'm sure you would agree this very regular broadcast like the today show. No less your whole news, by emotion? We see that slowly the whole operation correct, correct, so, an I don't dig. Your brain ryan is to end the war
israel hatred in june age or that you can get on television you on amazon, they say: ok, go argue with that. also like the brok obama and you point to dock deferred action. Children's act, I've been I've been sympathetic to the doktor act, because when you have children, who have no say in anything taken by their parents and illegally cross into america. Their parents are the guilty parties children are not with their parents, we get away with it. We were a pair get away with it and the children, get educated and they get routes in this country? Ok, and through no fault of their own, did they arrive here? So
I'm a little bit sympathetic about looking down the road to give those kids a chance, a pathway if they earn less to citizens live with. You left her the six days. The issue is never the issue As always, the revolution, bomb as agenda and the agenda of the people that pressure him into this position. Is to destroy american sovereignty destroy america's capitalist free system, and we're obama did was full, well that what he was doing was illegal and unconstitutional. Here on television twenty times to explain to the left were pressuring him that he did not have the authority to defer the airport
should have anybody that required an act of congress ripe and that's why they lazily one. That's why cabinets in court still. Biden's six the two exactly borders which absolutely destroyed our borders ass, created the worst crime against this country, in its got to buy, will get the Biden in a moment. Guy you have is found. She said we all know now that found she threw the national institute of health. new, that american money government money, taxpayers money was going to china for research on viruses. That's a fact: now she voucher, split hairs by saying: hey We didn't know that they were weapon icing, cultivate or doing that we,
We're just wondering search. Whose the latter, is run. By the chinese communist party and the chinese military, what found she did was fun. They biological weapons, which leave The lad, nine million people in a million americans areas and all zeal get fouche ongoloo that? Do you think that he do it? You do. Can you point ten I promise I heard the wool hand. This was at the outset, who s lab was run by the Chinese. military, the chinese communist party, I said the biological weapons is everything in china is run by the communist party? There isn't anything that's not what you do is funding it.
and nobody knew that they were the nash. Was due out and put out a press release, saying we're using taxpayers money to get Why why nobody knew that Why would you why would found she want. the chinese to have a biological weapons. No one was alive, What was Lenin said? We can count on the capitalists to sell us the rope with which we will hang them. A lot of people who were don't why them believe that there is evil the world. You think how evil you think values evil, guys the chain His comb, I think, he's totally corrupt covered and when he was helping to kill half a million
during the aids crisis, they destroy the public health system and offer good intentions. He's just a corrupt individual. Why? I don't think he's smart enough, to know what the big picture is. I don't think he said to himself I'm here, I'm gonna give money to the chinese com if so, they can get a biological weapon, I don't think in words and then vaccines and things like that. The sky is rich. Alright,. he's here. We gotta see the data on that, though now, let's get to sort out, so soros is too. the top guys trying to destroy america. Number one why He's a billion air he's made his money, and capital uisnech system. why does he want to destroy the primary? june of capitalism in the world
I started out, collaborating with the Nancy's and then and he was a here- is a kid. So, let's get beyond that, let's just keep it here. why does he want to destroy America he I don't why he hates america, but he does, And he's the one who's put all these: none these prosecutors and place who are pro criminal. That's right is no doubt about it, because he thinks that a criminal justice, This item is racist and that that's, why he's doing what you don't you dont know why this man, could live anywhere in the world shoes. To live in the suburbs of new york city. If he ate America so much, you think you get out, live any out. Someplace writing but they won't do I remember when nicaragua, communists, marxist sandinistas, took over power that, firstly,
They did was moved into the homes of the rich. Finally Joe Biden, so let's keep it on the border with binding The reason it Biden want to know. when border according to David Horwitz is well. This is an interesting question. I was I consider myself a marxist revolutionary the sixties, I could never imagine doing or supporting what bind has done to our borders. They about us criminals. There are millions of criminals coming into this country. and we know this because the cover accounting office? Did a report. on the years two thousand and eleven two thousand sixty and they found That there were seven hundred and fifty
thousand illegal immigrants in american prisons they had committed. One point: nine, they were arrested for point. Nine million times means there were repeat offenders. They committed seven and a half million crimes of violence Lillian's rug cries. Why would buys you want that? Why you want that. They hate america. I dont know how this happened exactly to the democratic party with the left spent fifty years from the time they destroyed humphreys presidential chances Sixty eight convention infiltrating the democrat party, the devil, party has a carcass of people, the so called war.
Who are ways who support, raise money for terrorists. hu, I jus- waiters I hate white people and americans general pretty extreme. David, a lousy predicted. The he's blowsy had her He had a ratings with those people. As you know, I don't know actually them again and gave it to them The book is David. Let me give you book unplug subpoenas fire, final battle, the next election could be the last David Horowitz. available now, and it's just out this week that actually where this data will catch up with you again soon happy new, you, ok,
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good good neighbour state farmers. There collar go to state farm dot com to get a quote today. So barber walter's had a tribute on the view yesterday. As I told you, if you watch no spin, lose last night or listen to it on the radio and my name came: bullet, also remember a time when bill O'Reilly came on the show and he's, then something is amiss. Yeah What I think Whoopi you were the first to walk.
And then joy was out of the way around or the other way around, that she came back and then whoopee hollow. But I remember sitting there going you know, I'm the last hire you say about the last hired first fired, I'm not walking to the, and I remember if you play back in slow motion, you hear me, go whoopee whoo go home and I sat there. Elizabeth and I terrify thank goodness barbara Walters was right there to like just hold it down I'm new. Here I don't know, what's scary, she did not like that. We did that remember. She said: why did you do that? You should sit there and take it out, and I said I couldn't sit there, but my behind propelled This is good no behind jokes, but the reason Barbara walter's didn't like it is, he knew it was absurd and what we're talking about is a day.
And is goldberg, wanted a mosque built at the side of the destroyed world trade center now to this day, insane and I made the analogy back then do put up the hana restaurant at the sight of pearl harbor. No, you don't it's just a matter being approach. it and they didn't like that. I said that an here's the kicker on it. They tried to get that moss built on the site around the world trade centre. Not construction crew in the entire in new york city area? We build it. because every sane person knows how inappropriate that would be, doesn't have anything to do with race or anti muslim. It's not appropriate. Now I'll say that joy bay, har, is one of the most.
This is people that I have ever encountered, she's up there with AL franklin and adam schiff. They are just pure vicious, that's who they are, and I was glad that I like we could do, would be Goldberg an opera bayer's happy. She walked out right. you cannot have a civil discussion with her? I words, you know what I think about words here and lakes appear University ensues marie Michigan as their lives, of words that we should not use. First, stop goat greatest of all time. Guy Ass lighting moving forward, amazing! Does that make sense. Absolutely it what it is, what a great list. never say those cliches period room,
and you were lake superior had last year no worries how many times you hear that at the end of the day, I'll I. That being said, asking a friend circle back circle back deep dive. No. New, normal supply chain. Alright, when you use cliches, it shows you are not thinking this day in history january. Fourth, two thousand and eighteen, the trumpet minutes. We should opened drilling on federal land and offshore and it led to a record amount of oil being harvested by the usa. We have eight short so in seventeen. There were ten thousand
miles per day harvested in usa after tromp made the executive order when, after twelve thousand a day, ok in nice, jeanne thirteen thousand barrels a day in twenty went down as a covert to almost thirteen twenty one, twelve. And then, when, because Biden took office, twenty one and he got it, he put all those regulations, that's what Did the high oil prices, gas prices and the inflation. Biden did it and then The them last year, twenty two and now gas prices are coming down this day in history, trump administration, spurred the american. Oil industry back with male and a final thought about how americans are being disrespected we covered yesterday, I got a little bit more to say
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parents? What is it about Mccarthy that conservatives don't like? Is it because of trump supporters, something else it's about spending congressman Mccarthy is not a hawk on the deficit or the debt. They think he's a sell out and it'll. Do it mitch. Mcconnell did that's why mccarthy is not getting the twenty conservative votes, Michael robins, buckeye arizona, the most disrespectful thing our government does to us. Working americans is assume we're ignorant. Yes, there's something to that. They sought ignorant. They don't think that working americans attention and then get away with a lot ralph concierge member. I hope you for two thousand and three will consider concierge membership. It will change your life for the better it is.
Worth it. Eighty one percent of americans say two thousand twenty three is not going to be a good year, wonder who they voted for well, gallup poll mostly Democrats were pole. And they voted. Providing inexplicably johnny. The government will not find the airlines. Remember the airlines mandated vaccine for all of their employees. As a result, many pilots shows retire throughout the pandemic, Airlines got a lot of federal money, as I reported so maybe maybe some of that in in the system. Here certain lady governments I'd do anything Robert Michel, poor, washing to new york. You right, o Reilly Santo should go, but
We will get another republican in their ok, but you can't have a fraud in any elected office. I know the political repercussions, robert and centres, robert congressmen, as well as mine, marshall, asthma, danbury connecticut. I'd like you to comment about possible outcomes for ending the ukraine war, and your thoughts on dissent is winning. The republican emanation dissent is, has a good shot to win. It came the ukraine war, potent. You know you deal with a stone wall there at this point, so I don't know-
At that stone, wall cracks and a kim Everett washington, my husband and I are visiting ireland this year. I think irish people are very friendly, beautiful country, so our first time visiting ireland. You will have a great time, ireland to for my money, one of the best places to travel you're right. The folks are nice. They like americans, it's not crazy, expensive. Outside of Dublin. and it is beautiful everywhere. Jesse fry longwood florida. Thanks for doing most like christmas shopping. For me. O reilly I gave the killing boxes gives always a big hit. Favorite killing the killers. Ok, I mean everybody has their own favourite killing but grant I'm gonna tell you pretty soon about the next one, which will probably be the final killing book. I'm workin on it now.
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well to working americans, so I know about you, but I work real hard for my money and I'm paying a lot in taxes. I mean it's absurd. My tax rate, federally just federal, is thirty seven percent k. Then I have to pay taxes on where I live a lot of money. That's why a lot of people leaving new york? Okay, I have to pay property taxes. I pay taxes here in new york on everything, gasoline heating oil. Whatever I buy and it just guts you and it's insulting when they waste the money and they waste it. Do we really need three million dollars, so you can have a jogging trail in georgia named after michelle obama k. I mean that's the best I can get that was in the omnibus bill. That is a waste of my tax, paying money and yours, and I could give you a thousand examples and that's why Mcconnell
and the house is in an uproar because conservative americans have had enough of this, they want fiscal responsibility, which should be something every American wants. we are being dis, respected. It's got to stop, And I dont know whether it ever will but boy it's right between the eyes right now: the federal government and state governments, most of them and the folks. Thank you for washing endless snake
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-09.