« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

An Interview with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Bad Days for Biden, Florida Expands Controversial Law, Disney Layoffs, and More

2023-04-20 | 🔗

Tonight's rundown: 

  • House Speaker Kevin McCarthy joins the No Spin News to discuss the economy, President Biden, the southern border, and more.
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill takes a look at President Biden's problems and how they're impacting the country
  • The Florida education board expands the "Don't Say Gay" law
  • Disney continues layoffs
  • This Day in History: President William McKinley signs a resolution to go to war against Spain
  • Final Thought: The Hunter Biden situation

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says it just puts vetch in spending to what it was formed. Ago There will be here with your message today next, the chairman of the fed is promising more pain had lashers, dropped twenty. percent and this year could be. You are right to be worried, so Call the only precious metal deal or I trust american hartford go I'll, show you protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with, the gold and silver since Then a client and spokes person. price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent. Please call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door. put inside your eye are a or for o one kay. Hello? I'm bill O'Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver on your first order.
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The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news for thursday April twenty two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. Whilst vigour, the house given mccarthy, makes his debut on the no spin news tonight. I'm looking forward to that conversation, have a lot of very specific questions, for, The speaker and I never got to interview anti pollution or where they remember this or not, but was unbelievable, so Pelosi would never agree to come on the arriving factor so One time I ran into her at a white house reception. I was there, I think, was a pre reception for the candidates centre.
Honours. Anyway, I was over the buffeted table with billy jaw of all people I've known him forever, so it is collapsing and all of a sudden, queen Nancy sweeps in road safety I'm gonna take this opportunity to say a lot which idea now I don't even think there's blowsy knew who I was or but her husband did stand right next to her, and I go madam speaker, you know I love they get you on my television programme. She does love to do. I just call my office I thought who who's going to collapse so anyway, we call her office and you wouldn't do it so I sent word there's out remember waters world at catapulted into starting at one of her press conferences. He raised
Well, you told bill O'Reilly, the white house, you do the shrug and she was absolutely furious. Absolutely is what is you know doing what waters does so that's my nancy pelosi story, where police to Heaven Heaven? Mccarthy common on up, but first things continue to decline for the president of the united states, Joe Biden, that is the subject of the talking point memo. So there are a number. of surveys out, I'm just going to give you two and they do not reflect well on the bio demonstration and the first one is reuters. Okay, it's a poll all taken April. Fourteen sixteen very recently, one thousand twenty nine adults, fair paul breakdown, is fair, democratic republic It's very simple overall. Do approve disapprove of the wage. Holbein is handling his job as president tone improved thirty. Nine percent disapprove fifty four,
A last july was binds lois mark approve thirty six, so he's just three points away from his worsening. As ever in a CNBC Paul earlier this month, fair paul how'd, you rate the current state of the economy, excellent one per cent who those one percent- good fourteen, fair, thirty poor. Fifty four to seventy four percent fear reports colossal and it's the worst showing on the sea NBC economic pull ever so Biden economically is faltering. Yet he continues to go out to various places in recovery and tell the folks how well the economy is doing its.
Mind. Boggling here is this week in maryland. Go folks look around at our economic plans. Working we ve created more. twelve thousand brand new jobs in two years more than any present american issues created in four years. twelve thousand men, twelve million? He can't even read it off the prompter, its and then it people twelve thousand jobs. So it's it's mad magazine is it is now I mean everybody knows you go to the grocery store. You know. We say it's not gonna be buying verses republican if he runs for president, which I don't think you well we'll be Biden versus the grocery store. That's what's going on
So the negative impression of president vine is growing in this country just in time for the presidential primaries later this year. But when hits is administration, you can't confront Biden because doesn't take questions, but korean jean pierre dogs go free lycian bc say they have a negative view of the economy. President bind us about the economy all the time. What he's going to He do that to have tab. Conversation bianchi understands how important that is for africans, american families in so he'll. Never shy away from that. I know you're reading a pole right now, that is one pole, gibberish, ok, just absolute gyp bush, sixty nine percent of people feel of economies
at good, and this was that whenever you hear anybody say, oh we'll have a conversation or keyword conversation. You know it's bs across the board. Alright, that's it Biden. Administration is doing terribly. Managing the economy so present together holiday at a virtual meeting on energy and climate must have an exciting, I'm sorry. I missed it. and then he met with the president of the country of colombia. We have it spelled wrong there. It's c o l, o okay, gustavo petro anyway, and so I'm happy. They had a good meeting. Now I have to scold my producer for spelling country of colombia
Nah, not bad everybody. A lot of people make that mistake. Bridgestone is developing a attire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached stone. Solutions for your journey is that what really matters dot com to learn more? rich done is developing attire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached home solutions for your journey. Is it what really matters that come to learn more are going a bug?
It is looming. This is another facade bunch of garbage all day long and so spending is out of control. Everybody knows that. That's what ignited inflation there's! No, but the Democrats don't want to cut spending. They want to spend more and more and more and more so. A new budget has to pass by September thirty and he will sell all as far away as far away, but we have debt obligations that the treasury department cannot meet. so you have to raise the debt ceiling. So next month I gotta get paid. If you have, u s, savings buys you gotta get paid. China's gotta Pay their hold on a whole bunch of u s paper over their neutrality, it isn't the money, so they have to raise the debt ceiling print more money to pay the debt is coming. This is a crisis or will be so. The two sides
eyes are staked out Democrats Biden. We do want to cut any spending, we want to spend more and the republicans will give you we're dead ceiling raised now, but you're gonna have to cut spending for the it's ten years in order to get it gay. I don't want to get into the weeds, but that is essentially the both sides. So, what's going to happen, there'll be a compromise because you can have the government Not fulfilling its financial obligations, but I dont know who's gonna win and perhaps our necks guest dots. So journeys from Washington is the speaker of the house given mccarthy, almost seventeen years in the house of representatives representing the bakersfield district of california,. so you're busy guy. We really appreciate taken time just today. Korean jean pierre
you are mega fanatic and all of that, and the context was that the budget hearings are coming. And there's some pressure on abide whitehouse to at least make a compromise with Republicans you get a budget done. Let walk me through in the process. It looks like the last time you met with president Biden was February. First. Is that true? That's true and fair refer somebody to sit down with them. We're talking about the debt ceiling. The budget is a whole different issue. The debt ceiling is for your viewers is like giving your child a credit card. They charged it all. The way up. You hit the limit. You just raise the limit. your response for paying what they charged on it, but you just raise the limit on you. Look at what their spending before you do that now America's hit their limit worth thirty one trillion dollars in debt. We.
We ve never been this high with the percentage of gdp, our data so largest bigger than our economy, plus twenty percent. We ve only been the situation during world. To enable the real reason, the reasoning, in the budget is because you can't get a budget unless you, agree on how much government spending is gonna, go forward trade. I understand correct me if I'm wrong You will raise the debt limit in return for assuring is that? The next ten years there will be a cap on spending? Is that correct? That is correct or we will raise the debt limit. We need to raise the debt limit, but would you just raise the debt limit without looking you're spending, all in all we already watching and whose programme nobody look. The Democrats
the party will just spend into oblivion: that's what they do and a republican party wants fiscal restraint and voters can choose what they want. So you, you talked to Biden in person february. First, no more meetings have you talked to him on the phone about it. No, he hasn't called me now. I'm I've run interim other times like the not it's all right. I just I just wanna structure. If you want to get to Joe by How does that happened? How does your people put you together, whose controlling access to him in the white house? Well, you know it he's got representatives that work for him and they say they will meet with us. So it's
really awkward. Give me a name is that susan rice saying that who's right who's, saying now as it's not susan rice, it's a he's got representatives that come to the capitol that are his alleged people. I've had my chief of staff talked to his people, and I've told the president. I sat down with them and we had ST patrick's day lunch and I suppose president we should get together again and he keeps telling me like he saw me at the prayer breakfast the day after our first meeting we're going to get together. He went to the I'm a crass congressional retreat and he says I've got a meeting with cabin. The only problem is he's. Never scheduled one with what you have been very open appears in our meetings here. Aren't I don't wanna I'd I'd disparaged, before you came on the air not in a personal way, but I don't think he's a good precedent. In fact, I think he's a second worst president in our history. Next James view, cannon
anyway, let's get into the there are three house investigations that my vast audience are very into. Stood in number one. Do you We follow these investigations yourselves closely closely, but I dont managed. I trust people I believe in the gym call good degraded, find alike, so you you're not you're, managing it, but you're in micro manage I'll catch. We we keep in touch the chairs and we meet, but made the decision. So the oversight committee is looking into hunter Biden and the source of his income broad and whether or not then vice president Joe Biden got anything from that, Can you tell my audience to really It- needs to be updated. Yes, how
far along is this investigation, and what do you think of it? I think this is the investigation is going exactly correct. I give a lot of credit to the chairman James What he's going about doing in his own knowledge, through the financial markets and through banking, be systematically in the end, the frustration that some of your viewers will have is they want information click the one thing you always want to do in your investigating. Somebody is making sure crossing the cheese dotting the eyes you're, not jumping as something you're actually looking and reassuring and testing. Is this true and just last week and the
will problem we have. Is the treasury has bottas all along the way for us to get information the way they treated when democrats were in the majority much different, so comer just went down when they wouldn't give him some of the bank statements. He said, okay I'll come to treasury. You don't need to send them to me and it's appalling that the more we're finding and since we began this investigation, what we have found so far as more of Biden's family has been being paid and what's very interesting, you're finding is Warren areas that this money has been coming from, and it's always coming to one entity than going in paying the Biden family so while continuing to follow where ever the money taxes- and it might not be get your answer tomorrow, but at the end of the day we will fall wherever it takes his and get the american public actually what we find in the night. I will touch on bloody here that, because we, the people deserve to know was induces, go went on, did you
this year, a committee Jim Jordan is after alvin brag because he indicted former president. rob saw a judge ruled in favour of the jordan and brag has to come to washington. To testify in front of the committee is something you are aware of what is the direction of the questioning going to be. You know yes, yes, I work with gems. Closely and what it is is alvin bragg is using federal money. Now we didn't say Alvin bragg, we didn't subpoena alvin bragg to come and we went and subpoenaed another individual who used to be a prosecutor with Alvin bragg left being prosecutor had written a book and when we tell him to brag is going to show up it's the guy who wrote the book. His name is columbo. Palumbo right Palumbo was that his name yeah? Okay, so he
come but albin bride, but album brag without two blockers from talking jain offers a man and you go. I don't you worry about what is a worthy knew, so colombo come it into a strong. Well, this is about what you do in any investigation. Is you get all information and before you wanted, but we're trying to find out how much that will dollars what did they planned? It was this all political in the background, so what you're trying to find in it is all the facts that you could have before you get to the individual. Where you were so brag might be called down. I would assume that he could he's gonna breeze gonna happen. Then the third one is that the border and the over site committee and homeland security. This is perhaps the most outrageous situation other than inflation in this whole country. Six point: six million migrants estimated to have entered the country under binds administration and record numbers of hard
colleagues coming across the border as well may org is an embarrassment every time he gets up there. He doesn't know always this and that it's hard to believe that the Biden administration would be this incompetent. But there's got to be a reason why they are allowing the narcotics and the migrants in Do you know the reason? Look, I don't know the exact reason. I can speculate a lot, but that year, your hundred percent right that this is one of the most biggest problems we have, because our border is that we don't have operational patrol over border. I've been to almost every avenue of it and each one is different depending upon what cark tail controls it. If you go to to sun arizona. Well, this is than highest number percentage of gaza, which the people who come across they wear. The exact same thing has sent a lower cartels have to pay. They were camouflage outfit. They have rug on their shoes
it has the most got a ways, because it's a vast and you got a border situation that we'd have balloons to go up to be able to monitor and see him. This administration has that now cut them to try to load. their numbers we run up, but you don't have any. Why behind it? I just don't understand. Why would you do I Why would you allow more americans die every single day, the fit and all that is coming here, and this is what I think people really need to have to think about the thin that comes from china, and I had this discussion with the president on February. First, I said why don't you call president XI and tell him to end this and that you take real action about it, because what they're doing is it's the number one killer of people between the ages of eighteen and forty five? I want your viewers to think for a moment. What do you do between the ages of eighteen and forty five? This is when you reproduce is your most productive year in business, but this is also the age group, the defense
Those in the military to defend our freedom and thereby destroying three hundred people a day will die from guy, and when I looked she's gonna do it would he doesn't care about that? I would say that in the last administration present trump personally called she and we found the chemicals got stuck, but now these cartels- they don't have to wait to have a budget negotiations. No, where they're gonna be funded, you're making billions of dollars jordan remedy for controlling our southern border It ended up the it knows it yeah. With wisely allow it, and we can get an answer to that. I'm not asking you to speculate by the way. I don't think that's the fair thing to do, but. I'm on a g hard to find out. Why. A presently. The united states will allow this to happen. I still don't well, regulation that he wants. Mass migration too. You know have voting patterns, change in the united states,
as they changed in California, your home state. You know that! Well, that's too speculation, but let me get on two january sixth and the tape that unity, LISA, talker corals I'm an honest man. You know that I'm sorry I shoot straight I didn't get in. Thing added, I tape it all. I got nothing out of it. I got a bunch of political people screaming to me this in that in hindsight, should you have done that differently? No, I think I think I did right, and this is what we are doing right. So the Democrats told me there was like fourteen thousand hours of tape. Will we find there's three four times more than what I did? I didn't release the tape. I let Tucker's people come in and see it just like I'd allowed you to come and see it. I gave I gave a a forward ability for those who are defendants to come see it. I have belief, the more trans here and see you are this the more honest but also the american people have a right to know this so that you can use that their own judgment with america's
well, usage, politicize, like everything, is that's than ever, and it wasn't her, but it was politicized from the very beginning. Ass it were, Pelosi would not lead, and so what I m trying to do is take the politics out of it, because I dont predetermined, people show and see what it is. Nor does it work continuously. Yes, as speaker of the house, do you have any role in the upcoming republican primaries. At all I mean: do you speak to tromp into San Nicky Hayley and wherever is gonna get in What's your role in that primary system no official rolled a pick and choose who should be the person, but as speakers individual. Who knows all I talked all of them all the time I look there. on the road there hearing feedback. I want to hear it, but I also want them to know what we're doing in the house for the same perspective, so
there's no I've ever out terrorism in the end. Will you endorse mean you know after their debates and stop, we you throw. I think there is a very good chance and endorse, but I don't german who's, gonna win or others, but I think I need to work with you ever is going to be our nominating I gotta. Where did you may endures on before the actual we might say on this? we go out, and I think this is the best person you might do that. Yes, You come back here and tell us because we really appreciate you now and I'm not sure I know how it works and I've been doing this a long time. You didn't have to do this interview and I just want my audience to know that I ran into with the superbowl We had a nice conversation. I had never met you before and you said, come on and Ozma knows what look around and your manner your word. Your stand up. Guy everybody to know that, and I really appreciate your time. Mr speaker, I appreciate you and I look
with the covered back bridgestone is developing a tire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials, because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached on solutions for your journey? Is it what really matters dot com to learn more. rich done is developing attire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials, because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached home solutions for your journey is what really matters that come to learn more now the media. Sir oh ratings for the fox dominion settlement, we're lull I think I might mention this, but now we, actual numbers in so cnn five hundred fifty thousand is twenty four seven. They average fox news, one point: six: one million MSNBC nine hundred sixty
thousand. That's nothing! Don't know nobody watch the fox haters didn't watch the fox lovers. Didn't watch fox news didn't cover it. So the people watch fox news didn't even want to hear about it, and it says that basic. Lay all americans, even the liberal people, the new york times reader. Sorry, they pretty much had enough of the media.
So, as our news nation last night, explaining to Chris Cuomo, why the american public despises all media now go, they wanted to see the fox talent and murdock beaten to a pulp. That's what they wanted. They didn't want justice. They wanted to see them. Dissembled the l a times actually ran a column by a loon named Michael hits, league that says fox shouldn't exist,
just alright. This is the level of hatred. So I contend that americans don't like hatred and now that's what the corporate media is trafficking in was the last time you had a good laugh. You know when I did the factor I mean I don't. I don't want to prop it up, but we I injected dennis miller waters world. As we mentioned, I had some light moments. There we'd have some back and forth, got filled and mcgurk and I build it. It was the last time you actually even smiled during one of these news presentations just as exist Our new york times, you know that debars lost I'd, say ninety percent of its cachet of its influence. You gotta be a real hard core leftist to read the paper So one of their main coms is
in a more in doubt, I met a few times and have never had a problem with her in person. She's a back stabber, but she writes about at bird. I quote the australian immigrant, who ran anti immigration news organisations and let fox news thrive on the races. Bertha lie, about Barack obama rib billions by putting americans at one another's throats on quote. Well, that's a lie as far as fox news is concerned, because on April twelfth, two thousand eleven twelve years ago, I put that birth of thing right out. The window nobody's gonna get ass were made public true, but the state of hawaii has once again set this program as birth certificate is on fire still get of lie. Birth has been released, fact, investigational
so MR bomber was born in a honolulu hospital and we stand by our reporting and what we did was, and I mentioned earlier this week we went into the morgue where all the newspapers keep them Prior additions and we ferreted out to date, how had two newspapers that announced the birth of brok about was a birth in us care fake it once I said that that was it for the birth of thing on fox. Because there was a reasonable environment back then I'm not going to say what the environment is. Now I mean it's up to you, you can you Martin, I've done ascertain, what's going on, but dow completely distort and doesn't care, and this is the level propaganda that we have to deal with every day. Let's go to Florida saw the florida education board has
then did the don't say gay law, don't say gay isn't really the proper way. But everybody knows what that is. That's why I use it all right. So this is Hb. Okay, one two two three quote classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity. May not occur in pre kinda guy through great eight such instruction is provided in great nine through twelve. The instruction must be age, appropriate or develop mentally appropriate for students in accordance with state stand on quote, and parents have the right to opt out and ford and public schools, and the other thing is that the only time this stuff can be toward is in health courses, which is right. Gotta have public schools, gonna, have health courses
Hell yeah urchins, what's goin on biologically, have to know, but have parents one opt out they get off that this is the same law. I'm sorry, there's nothing wrong with this at all. A hundred percent of american parents should support this law. You don't want some not run into the violet biology, coarse and telling everybody they should be trans. Do it is that what you want? I applaud floored have taken the lead in this. Dizzy lay offs continue to say, of course, injected itself into the don't say gay side on Of letting the five year olds here all this chip bridge, so they ve cut seven thousand jobs now, in addition to, I think the seven thousand they cut a few weeks ago and are going to cut seven thousand or more common up so disease taken a right here and it all started when they got involved, not culture, war, alabama, sweet, sixteen shooting
Would you we would update you for dead? Thirty, two others hurt saturday night April fifteenth gun fire broke out african american on african american crop. I do now: three arrests, all black mouse young, Twenty years old, seventeen years old, sixteen years old and we did a search, and if the media actually covered this or not Surprisingly, to me, NBC nightly news and CBS evening news evening use: did they covered that last night that there have been c didn't abc, didn't cover those, probably a tornado somewhere in enough time? Ok, mexico mexico in our friend, and not our friend, Sober door gets up there and as a press conference two days ago- and he has a cartoon-
with hypodermic needles going into a map. The usa, and then he says this nonsense role, it even millsap as the aqueduct. monsieur de la sit in that area. Money, no less in eritrea dinner, the visa policy establishes pseudo petal daytona. They ve been tat. One image of measures even mushrooming, make a filter handling for monsieur kill entering a live.
with spying on them? And yet we are because you're importing tons of deadly narcotics, sentinel heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, the usa and you don't care and you will control of island cartels. Now I can accuse oberdoffer being bribed. I can't do that. No, but I can tell you in a history of mexico, many many perhaps most public officials are bride by the cortex guy clearly oberdoffer does not want to solve this from and is not going to cooperate with america, so we should do it ourselves, and I've laid that out. Declare that cartels, terrorist groups, drone m special forces oberdoffer, you don't like it too bad.
Smart life- okay- I don't have a lot of time to read these days because I have so much to do and I got I'm on the news and all that stuff. But I did read two fiction books. Then you might like first, the city of dreams by don winslow and he's a far left guy, but I don't care because he writes good books. is about organised crime in rhode island. I know something about that and it along very well? The second book is: hang the moon by jeannette walls, remember her best seller glass castle and as well as a brilliant writer, and I like reading fiction by women, because it's different, I don't care what anybody says than fiction by men. So there are two books that might entertain you in the spot life slot this day in history, apr twentieth, night, eighteen, ninety, eight, eighteen. Ninety eight oz, spanish american war starts president mckinley signed a resolution, go to war with spain. This was about cuba. The cubans wanted.
to be free from Spain, which ran that island. Ninety miles off the coast of the florida keys and a man named William Randolph Hearst, who owned a big newspaper chain was passed, the drama to cuban should be free to spanish or brutal, so mckinley sent three battleships to Havana harbour the main: u S, s main got blown up and two hundred and sixty six sailors were killed now and subsequent investigation. It was rule that a mine did that. vanished, didn't do it directly, but war anyway ensued, wasn't long war for months and those the famous part. The war was the rough riders, san, Juan hill, ok Teddy Roosevelt lead that brigade and out in march
up long island. That's where the rough riders came back because half of them had communicable diseases, tropical diseases and they put them out in montauk there's. Nobody was out there at the turn of the century. They put them out there, so they wouldn't have everybody else and came back interesting point in that war. Three hundred! Ninety: six? U s military kill it spanish lost about a thousand and death from disease. Americans, two thousand Ok, we got male lively and a final thought we'll be right back scale them now nay dean, concierge member- and I hope you check it out over the weekend- concierge membership will enhance your life in you'll, actually make money on it.
I know fox news will lose a lot of money, but they will not lose your viewers, at least not that many, because other news organisations have done a lot worse. Adores concierge member one fox news, lose viewers if they dont cover tromp adequately. If he's denominate, I don't know, I don't know, I don't want. The management of foxes doesn't want trumped up, president. I dunno know they'll lose lose any viewers because that Steve some low of its harbour new jersey bill. If You'd like to know why fox news is not talking much about their settlement. Look at what cnn did with nick sandman. Ok Nicholas Salman! You remember when a big judgment can cnn for defamation and they didn't reported very much. You know why you know acc, escape charter, township michigan light of foxes suddenly with dominion, should the new york post have an easy time?
suing all media outlets would spike the story about a hunter slapped top. No, you can't it's gotta be damages, you gotta have damages, and then you have to prove malice that the damages were intentional and all of this mistakes or fraud by the media. You can't About it, catherine engrossment greenville tennessee, though you said always say, there's no liberal talk radio. What about npr very good point, Catherine NPR slip already. No doubt absolutely little lay g Since I am a u s, citizen living in africa for the last ten years. I never miss an episode of the no spare news. I've been following you from your beginnings. Stay save clay in africa,
at tat place, as you know, Annie block Louisville Kentucky just finish watching those been news. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the atheists, nothing there bumper stickers, getting a handful for we I know actual it so put that bumper sticker on up there, this is in reply to a bumper sticker. I saw that said religion, fake news. We had borrowed securities and are on the way atheists, thing there. If you buy anything, on bill o reilly, dot com in the store we have, and that includes very, very hot, ok gear. We ever team normal switch out, showed to normal shirts, hats, monks, and we, nick rosato sagacity normal sticker, and then you put the atheists pick up their your car. Bumper will be off
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That's the final thought and we'll be back with it in a moment. Here's a final thought of the day. So every thursday I go on w a b c and sid and friends which is the highest rated show and morning show in new york now and you can get w abc radio all over the world is punch up their website list. So I go on, but eight forty in the morning every thursday So I said why as you know, he's conservative buddy, not crazy. Conservative and he, but he's annoyed as many of us are their honour by nothing happening rotate. Now you ve got the ira's whistle blower years in years of all this, and still not one, not one bit o repercussions
four hundred Biden. Should I keep waiting woman? You know work. We live in a corrupt country. I've said that time and time again that does not diminish my love. For the contrary, based on what we have done for the world. Historically, in what we for now, which is more opportunities than any other nation on earth. However, we have a corrupt federal government and people, they don't want to accept that some of them, but it's true, so the justice department does not want to investigate hunter Biden period. It's as simple as that is the truth. Now ass we talked about with speaker mccarthy, What congress can do is accumulate evidence against hunter Biden and perhaps his father.
Right and then show the country the evidence and then refer it to the justice department for whatever that's what congo can do whether they will accomplish that. I don't know, I don't know. Oh yeah, the january six committee, which was get trump, and blame him for the ride on January six, that's what they did and then they referred to the justice department, and now you got a special counsel investigating that anything's going to come of that I dunno the january sixth committee was, In business to get tromp, I dont know whether this republic and lead committee is in business to get onto Biden or not. I will know. When they decide to present evidence that they have accumulated, but I dont know that now
So on abiden is innocent until proven guilty right, and we are due process outfit here so due process. Is you can't convict or condemn? Unless you see prove beyond reasonable doubt and somebody like tony babo Linsky. in saying. Well, one hundred barton did this and this and this- and if that's not enough, that's not enough as part of it, but it's not enough because he's one man And how to bind will deny it Joe Biden down what it whatever? Maybe my confidence is a key question. Am I confident that the republicans in the house will be able to get enough information to make it clear that a hundred Biden violated the law.
The US attorney in delaware. It's five years now so they're not doing anything. Merrick garland, the attorney general, is not going to do anything. They're just not swamped. Ok, then you can't force him to do it. I guess you could try to impeach them or something, but
it's very very difficult, so I dont have a lot of confidence in just two doing anything, but if congress, if the republicans in the house can come up with irrefutable evidence which was missing in the voting machine thing, that's what that whole thing was about. I'm taking vivid evidence, I'm gonna report the hell out of it in all the conservative media. Will the corporate media will try to suppress it as they already have, but it word will get our word will get out. So the final thought today is: look. We just live in a flawed cunt. Every country on earth is flawed.
we're in a down cycle here, but history shows that we can rise up the two thousand and twenty four election, four more years of Biden, I'm going to start looking at property in ireland, okay, because I don't think this nation can survive four more years of this man. But our system is our system. Okay, but it's my job to tell you. If the system is corrupt- and it is thank you for watching- and listening to the no spin news new column on Sunday noon. If you go to bill orally, dotcom check out all our great gear in our campaigns, the atheists and the team normal. But I want you to relax and have some fun this weekend,
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.