« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

America's Overseas Threats, Trump's Lawsuit, New York's Decline, Bud Light Takes Hit Over Transgender Influencer, & More

2023-04-13 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, April 13, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill analyzes President Biden's overseas trip and the message it's sending to America's foreign threats.
  • Former President Trump's lawsuit against Michael Cohen
  • New Yorkers are fed up with the city's growing problems
  • Anheuser-Busch's value drops $5 billion following the controversy involving a transgender influencer, and it's Bud Light brand
  • This Day in History: President Obama's deficit plan
  • Final Thought: Covering the Fox News/Dominion lawsuit

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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The bill O'Riley here welcome to the no spin news, thursday april thirteenth, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country busy news day. And some of the news is weird. I use that word much, but it is- and I will explain it to you- and we begin with hunter Biden.
being in ireland with his father president Joe Biden, and we explain this yesterday was pretty shocking to see one hundred Biden under serious investigation get off air force one and accompany his father around the country. Ireland, actually two countries there for the week and at first I thought boy. Oh boy, is this in your face to the american public. You know here we have a I who's got serious problems, hunter Biden and he's taken a vacation at taxpayers spence because his father wanted him over there. But then it occurred to me that hundred Biden is therefore a very serious reason, because Jill Biden, the first lady, is not thick and what is jill.
and job to be Joe Biden side every second and to actually tell him where to go and what to do the president, it's needs a handler to tell them to do that, and that's why hunter Biden is there, I'm going to prove it to you in a moment so- and this is so strange. This trip to ireland is so strange. First of all, last night, the president of the united states gives remarks to the irish rotate closing comment. I make you see this time have shown this was given to me by one these guys right here. However, run replied. Peter like continues god, but but
is when you were a soldier, feel one chicago, ok, so black and hands. Now why MR bide meant was all blacks? Ok, that is the rugby team from new zealand and there was a game in two thousand. Sixteen where the irish team beat the all blacks. So Mr Biden says blackened tans, who were the blackened tans. They were catholic police officer Which was during the troubles who signed on with the protestant constant debris, they call them constables over there, okay and they were considered traitors by they are IRA. Those are the blackened and Joe Biden doesn't know asia and where a soldier field in chicago, oh yeah, yeah now this may seem like a small ball to you, alright right
but it's not all over enemies or watching this all of them. So then he won't the press conference, one answer anybody's questions from the media, but he will talk to the kids president by go. I got demanded. anyway, it is roughly then our area, is hunter Biden's was due to rob line the rope line. Why is there this is? This is tragic right, so she, china, putin, rainy mullahs, no watching us.
you don't think they're going to test american the next year because they don't know whether Biden's going to be around for four more after this? I doubt it things are going to unfold and and they're going to test us they've already shot down or destroyed a drawn over the black sea presence at nothing alone, the chinese blown and another embarrassment for the usa mccrone goes to china and says to she
I don't worry about us, we're not going to stick up for taiwan. Co. Never would have done that under trump or even obama. Never in a million years would he have done that. That's an insult to us. We can they're our ally, france by you know. If you want to go, take taiwan to france and Europe were in agony and it's incorrect and binance is nothing entertaining, and we have two americans being held hostage in russia right now at the wall street journal reporter and a former marine who was charged with spying and some stupid what's right and doing about that nothing would it take almost a year for brittney griner to be pulled out of there
important as what it whatever we want to do. He does I mean this is why- and I am now the kind of guy that just throw our criticism. If I'm president, in there they kidnap to american citizens or three of countless grind, I basically sit a prudent. We got a week, to think up a way to get them out of their ok, and if you don't know more commercial flights from the united states to moscow Well, whenever anybody fly out of here to you and we're not going to accept any russian flights, so you're going to be totally cut off commercially from the united states, and you can pack up your embassy to in washington. Alright, you've got to tell these people. There are consequences for their behavior, This was the topic yesterday on the hannity radio programme. We posted the whole thing, as we always do on bill o'reilly dot com. I hope in with us every day, so much good stuff on the lower alyosha
you're going to be a member and we'll talk about that later. You can just access a lot of the sulphur free on below riley doc. Anyway, I wanna had a radio programme and here's how it goes rule. It is beneath consequences bell bill. If I punch you in the face you ITALY's trying to punch me back right now, I kick you in the groin. You wouldn't get there okay, but I try Any try exactly do something you fight back, you wouldn't just take it. So there is no doubt inside for china to sabre rattle, but there is outside if they do that. Taiwan thing a big downside, because there meanwhile ground overhead and believe me, they know what's going on with Putin, they know this isn't working out real well for em saw convince there at the stage where they're gonna watch any kind of offence of action against taiwan but ears. The point I want to make more
people know about the bud trans controversy, but light tran controversy. they know about the chinese threat? That's true, because the media in america does not report to you on this threat. This growing threat, when you have three sworn enemies to america, again putin she and the mullahs in iran, and they know that the president is weak. and it's you not, I say to people. I don't really know anyone at this point in my personal life who sticks up for Joe, I certainly do it all around me, not that I hate by now. Don't I was on w I've. You see this morning, we said Rosenberg, a play? A clip of that later hour, as do with new york city, but I said to sid. I don't hate by no means not
viscerally, ah trying to hurt him, see it hates him. Alright. Now to me he is the second worst person. I've said this. I don't want to be repetitive and boring next to James Buchanan. If you do any research, you will see the james buchanan lead this country into the civil war. You don't get worse than that. You can't unless there's a nuclear war, something that Biden leads us into then he would obviously become the worst, but he's the second worse now, because he doesn't try to solve any problems all right. He did the borders. that is its been twenty seven months, violent crime get worse. Are gas prices go up again, economy? Very, very shaky. Lay us in the high tech industry all over the place. What's he doing he's over there in ireland do and what doing? What creates a vacation.
So I don't we grudgingly the vacation. If we come back and do something, but he doesn't do anything every day we report to you his schedule and three out of five days he's got nothin on schedule. I mean this is a man who is incapable of doing the job. You look in your life, you know people who had just incapable of doing jobs. I cant do them, that's where we, so the people who want a real like Joe Biden or think he's doing a good job there, either flat out more roddick or their agenda is ideology above all, because the left wing, as Biden in their pocket. And I wanted the left wing government ominous aboard Biden has only two reasons
So I don't know anybody in my personal life sticks up for and they hate trump some of them, and it's always justifying the vote for Biden by saying well, trump's, worse, ok, whatever you want to think about that, you can think I'm not going to try to persuade anybody about donald trump he's there. You see them. You make your own call on them, but I will say: that if you look at policy, there's no there's paris, there's no comparison between what trumpeted and what Biden is doing okay, the hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu,
but you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, loser beth, she's, not gonna, like that, the road I scenario, video, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line we were cellular built for us terms, applied this: u s! Cellular dot com, pretty test, we value human connection with be restrictions were cellular built for us visit your? U s. Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen, fifty two decorator pike in athens. So by not come back tomorrow. Then I'll go right to delaware and I can almost guarantee you on Monday. You will not work so, let's shifting to trot, so he's got a civil action. against him in manhattan. By far far far forefathers left attorney general Latisha James, the case
is this. James is accusing donald trump and three of his children, don jr Ivanka and Eric of quote staggering fraud for over valuing assets by billions of dollars so that they could borrow against the assets and logistic range says this is against new york. Civil law is not a criminal case, so job at a come here, to new york, where I am last night and do a deposition. Cable Sue James wants two hundred and fifty million from trot. Now I have no idea who I have no idea I know two things number one. This is political K. James doing to saving brag is due in their bodies In the same far left trough and number two that trump
has been single loud one man, one american for all of this punishment, because I like him, that's what now, maybe it closes he's lost lawsuits before. But that's what's going on trial absolve suing is former turning michael cohen for five hundred million dollars. Suit. Alleges Cohen, breached attorney client privilege by spreading falsehoods about trump. I so trump ones have million bucks. This fight, in the southern district of floored, so I tell you a story about Michael calling
I in two thousand and sixteen during the campaign. Donald trump called me about something. I don't remember what it was. Okay and I said why don't you come on the show and at that time was working for fox and will kick this around. He goes, though, I'm too busy I do it. I got a campaign thing, but I want you to take Michael Cohen, my lawyer. He knows all about this and I said not in a million years would I put Michael Cohen on my program, not in him million years. Would I do that? He was why why I said I don't trust them is honest. Okay, am I putting him on? I don't put surrogates on and put your surrogates on. I don't put Hillary Clinton surrogates on I'll! Do that I will do it. You want to call you welcome, not taken Michael corn at that time trouble for biogas.
it great. I always knew he was just ass. I knew sidney power and rudy giuliani, and all those people who are running around saying the dominion law machines and will get voting machine will get to that later. On, I put them on, can invite them, because I knew it was bad. It was bs we are experienced and like I am- and you know- and you can read what's happening- these aren't hard decisions to make they're, not so anyway, cohen getting sued for a half million. You know this is going to cost. It's got to defend it. He's gotta hire lawyers, you gotta do all of this and you know there you go. new york city, the downfall of new york city, sienna, college Paul, it's college small college by albany, very small sample, seven hundred ninety five residents of new york two questions. Overall, you happy that you live in new york or do you wish you live somewhere else? Happy
the new york. Seventy wish. I live somewhere else. Thirty k. Second question: do you plan to continue to live in new york? Where do you will you in the next five years live in new york. Seventy one will leave twenty seven percent, that those are big numbers, those our big numbers for wanting to get out of here. So if you have thirty percent of europe's population,
dissatisfied and want to go somewhere else. The tax implications of that are staggering because most of the people who are leaving new york, state and city are big earners or corporate people, and the state can't replace that money. Now, according to the florida department of highway, safety, license registration, ten thousand new yorkers in the first quarter of this year, twenty three of change from new york license of florida. Ten thousand that's huge, and this state is running a deficit. I may not have enough money to pay anything highest taxed state in the union. They have to raise taxes even higher. That means more people will leave.
This thing is totally out of control here in new york, california same thing, illinois, cook, county, same thing, identical people know what's going on and they don't want to be abused anymore by the way new yorkers are moving primarily to three counties of florida: palm beach county miami dade and brower. Ok, the east coast ocean counties suggesting that migration patterns canadians go to the west coast of florida, but mostly Workers should go into the east coast sawdust morning on w abc radio, which carries the no spin news under the banner of common sense, and I'm on that radio station doing commented every day. I I I would say it in the morning number one morning programme: congratulations to sit Rosenberg anyway, bc. Astounding turn.
I'm on their we're talking about new york city will do is no discipline. the city of new york, so there's no quality of life, so you walk down the street with your ten year old and yours, melon part by every second, that's right: you're watching drug attics inject themselves with narcotics you're on the subway and you're, seeing the most braved conduct, you can imagine and nothing is being done about why because the far left doesn't want anything done about it. They believe the imposition of order is racist Most of the miscreants in new york city are people of color, so big, The whole system of self protection out and.
That's why we have the anarchy we have and that's why people are moving away. Ok, salt, You know I hate to single out people of color. I don't like to do that. I dont think skin color drives crime or any other social ill. The problem is the culture which has grown
up in some of the poor neighborhoods, not only in new york, what in urban centres all over the country that culture, not just african americans or a wide hispanics, that very few asians by the way. But why did hispanics party is violent? It is a violent culture. It glorifies drug use, glorifies it that culture is driving this behaviour. Nobody wants to talk Plus the dissolution of the family, which will never get a conversation on at all. So that's why this is all happening, I'm a big! Why, guy the war is easy any more. I can tell you in the media. What is happening, but they can't. Why know the guts to tell you why? Because they might get in trouble.
Ok now do another reared story. I use the word weirded top of the programme is so strange. so walter reed national military medical center is probably the finest hospital for vets in the world. I've been there many times to talk, to wounded soldiers and to do other stores. Well. Pastoral care is a big part of that. That means rabbis, priests, ministers. Mom's whatever it may be. They go there to the hospital to bring Silas to the people who are ill to the vets who are ill and wounded. Okay, so this? Was administrative last year by catholic priests they had the contract
Okay, but everybody of all faiths was allowed in while they booted the catholics they booted him. The defense department runs walter, reed kicked them out and they gave the contract to a secular firm. No really Well, there are some congress. People are very angry this when they want an explanation and there should be an explanation. This is past store. All care, falls under the banner of religion, not secular. So you, secretary of defence, lloyd, austen, mr clueless, it's the guy Afghanistan. So it's ok you're! He should. give everybody every american, because this is taxpayers money in their well. Why you boot the catholic priests?
I'll tell you why they booted them because of abortion by administration, even abiding by visiting or has visited the shrine at knock in ireland, which is where the bless above was supposed to appear in visiting. I parades is catholicism, but his administration is run a roughshod over the catholic Jenny is another story, saw a person named, may note, a thirty one years: old, transgender a male who identifies as a woman and attacked louise catholic church and Bellevue Washington, he attacked it smash doors painted f. U catholics wrought in your fake hell, he even spray painted a person working inside the church that was assault now
This is a hate crime, correct hate, crime against the catholic church. Right, no doubt hate crime, while the justice department is recommending no prison time. For may note, are you kidding me you just at tat a catholic church. They got on video, he should do at least two years to have cry. What have we had attacked? I you know what I'm gonna say on mars. or a synagogue or a black church. A baptist church figure would have got no prison time. No. So, are you catholics out there no understand the vine administration is not your friend because of abortion.
Now, let's get to the abortion pill is gonna to supreme court salt. There are some states. I don't want the abortion pill, soul, They are saying that it's not safe, I don't know Ok, the fda is approved that I guess, but it's in the courts it courts so now the supreme court is going to decide. either these abortion pills have to be sold in all fifty states. Now you can't force a pharmacy to carry them. This is, but you can't outlawed them sue me. So if you have a pharmacy, you dont want to carry the abortion pill. They can't for should carry. But
There can be a law in north dakota or wherever mississippi, that no abortion bills can be sold in the same kissimmee pharmacies and want to so that with the supreme court. Will here Legal abortion, since the role we weigh decision. This is, according to a pro life group, the society of family planning. There are five thousand three hundred seventy seven fewer abortions on average per month per month so we talk and more than sixty thousand human beings or on the planet. Now that would not have been had the supreme court not thrown the abortion thing back to the states. I guarantee you will never hear that report.
Whoever you are not going to accept the year on the nose been knows all right. It's studying some sixty thousand americans is you're born america, american citizen, our here. That would not have been here. How this ring court kept Roby weight is a federal tenant and not kicked back to the states. do you care about that? I wonder I don't know I'm just asking due care, I mean the media certainly is pro abortion. They like abortion, many of them- but I am- I dont- know whether americans even care about this. Or not, and I shall bushmen covering the story. The trans person, who is advertising but light dillon. well, dany on
and the bud anheuser Busch, bud light, get it on the chin they have lost, a billion dollars in equity, since this campaign was made public that major stock prices down can people of selling the star? and they are buying is much beer as much but light as a use do and that's what's goin on their mulvaney herself for himself. Would I don't know. I don't know. Mulvaney says there. These people were again stir a bullying her because she's an easy target.
and also budweiser returns and eyes of bush. But why should the clydesdale can appear in springfield Missouri capital of the state? Because the threats not as bad, I like decline, the elles you like the clydesdale but again so many threats and eyes of bush that their poland horses out of a display and that's that. Guy, I hope you're not threatening anybody. That would be terrible. When was the last time you ve found a professional luck that fits so well. You felt like you could take on anything in Gino believes you shouldn't fit your clothes, they should fit you your body, you personality and style, because finding the per It is about more than your measurements. It's how you show the world who you are design every detail of your suit to be totally you with indochina, new women's, where line
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Now ordinarily, I would not do this on the nose for news. I do it privately on the concierge membership ban, which we do every day, but it's private. Nobody knows so the answer. Your question, eleanor, yes, get rid of that credit card, because your pants egg vigorous, but eighteen nineteen percent so economically, if you can pay a pat just make, sets. Second letter is from cheryl phillips loan tree colorado. My daughter wants a study in prague next year should be. one years old. With the current climate in europe, I'm not sure what I should do. She'll be fine in prague is a beautiful city. It's a great experience for her to have, and unless things change you know you have to keep your eye on it and when booking her semester buy travel, insurance.
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when bill O'Reilly, dot com, lucky land, casino, asking people. What's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli. I guess I hide my dentist's office more than once actually do. I have to say: yes, you do in the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky, I never win and tell well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where we belong eating plus terms conditions, cancer reilly. Here the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but billow rally, dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad ray you- can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have
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grocery shopping is gonna, be all automated. So if you work in a grocery store. I know those jobs are going to be cut down. Slot of service jobs can be cut that you clean a house you're going to be able to clean your house by ai K. Ai is going to come in and it's going to do a lot of the A so train yourself now, if you're younger, particularly Do something that I cant do like sell a. I can't sell human beings have to sell real estate whatever it may be, The sad history able thirteen thousand levin this is fascinating, so present
Ok, obama under a lot of pressure, gave a big speech and said that government deficits, deficit spending would be cut four trillion in twelve years. Came. Would pres Obama told the nation four trillion in deficit over twelve years cuts. Kate's twelve years, who are the stats, the deficit in two thousand and eleven when obama made the speech was one point: three trillion the estimated deficit this year, two point three trillion: so a trillion dollars higher. That is
cause government cannot and will not stop the massive spending as they want to buy votes. That's what it's all about buying your vote. Get today approaching thirty three trillion dollars backbone obama made to speech. The national debt was two hundred thirty eight billion unbelievable on blanc, unbelievable to thirty eight billion to one thirty. Three trillion can't keep happening. Ok, quick break mail and then a final thought on the fox news trial. I've. Gotta male AL says my crystal ball predicts foxhole in the dominion. Lawsuit dissenters will be trumps, vip
you're in trouble when the election, china will not invade taiwan. I'm gonna, get hold you to it. Man, remember susan, Stan would bury minnesota. I grew bill that have travelled dissenters, could put aside their egos inside a run together, we give the conservatism edge, mark core factor. ravens dale Washington. I disagree that attempt to send a signal would be a positive development. Having two centres on the ticket will not help truncated, supportive moderates. tat on a message board. You say o. There is no one
visible enough to replace Biden, a few Democrats would challenge in any way for fear of anchoring the left wing, which is by it in his pocket k. Personally, I don't rate Bobby Kennedy juniors chance. Hi buddy is running no chance, not with the covert staff and the vaccines in other chance. Now, with the far left, or even the democratic party in general,. sorry bill. Smart life, stared at chicago, ok, pair, lieutenant, colonel bob's myth, ashdown arkansas majority of hardworking americans, our team, normal folks. I agree, while team, crazy screams wines and attacks normal are hard at work, running businesses serving the customers and please yeah. That's. Why won't you get the gear team now
You know you're the hard working american, the honest american. You love your country. You want to see it get better, but you don't think it asked Be destroyed and the team crazies do. So this is one bill: o'reilly dot com. We do have very nifty shirts for Ladys can I say, ladies yes, I can say, ladies, are theirs coming up hats and mugs team normal check it. Out francisco. c o sandy a go this role. Riley all you're killing boats have been amazing, entertaining and informative. All of them and capital letters from francisco.
problem is I'm about to finish killing the legends? Thank you. But what's next francisco, you surely have heard about killing the witches who September twenty six you'll love it. It's not just about witches you're, going to be very surprised about. What's inside this book. If you become a premium or concierge member, you get a free pre order. It now and the membership applies any my killing books. Thank you for reading them all francisco very It's a ok word the day. Chris Cuomo used this last night on his program when I was on, do not be a cox comb, legitimate word c, o s c, o m b will be back with a cut of my news nation appearance on
News lawsuit in a moment: okay, here is the final four. Today on wednesdays, I go on the Chris cuomo program, news nation, eight pm eastern and last night. They wanted to talk about the fox news, lawsuit, which you know. A lot of people want to talk to me about and I am going to cover this fairly gay atlanta miss here, I'm going to cover it fairly. It's not going to be easy, because one hundred percent of the corporate media in america wants fox to lose. Everybody does gay, on agnostic gay? I out one way or the other jury is being selected to day.
Testimony is supposed to begin on Monday. I just did my radio commentary on it all right. So last night this came up and I was trying to explain to Chris cuomo the big pitch roll it. So you would think that rupert murdoch who calls the shots. We try to settle so now. I believe the dominion didn't want to settle. A dominion believes is going to win it's case and, on top of the one point, six billion, it's asking the jury of regular folks will give it punitive damages as well, which could lift it up to two billion dollars. Now a federal judge will bust that down, but it's a catastrophe for
the fox news channel. Is it out? No, no cameras in a court room are that's a benefit to fox underlined the camera on in a neat, and these attorneys are a cut in these people have no louis, but it's it's a downside, because now, ever literally, every organisation news organization covering the trial wants far to lose a hundred percent for development, should we're gonna, good, shooting you're, but surely lose or whatever whatever that means, if you or saying one thing too: each other and another thing to your audience. Why don't? Dunno of hypocrisy is worth one point: six billion dollars. Ok, so we found the lawyer and believe me: we looked because lot of lawyers have agendas. I think that's fair, I
We found a guy. who doesn't? Who is an expert on we'll let negation and he's I'd be our go to guy. You know we have bread, tom and in the justice department. I think most of you think and light bread. Many things are not as guy norway's, an honest guy. I got it we're gonna, bring em in on Monday, I'd because idle on that court room here? I'm dependent, like you, are in the associated press these It approved even mention that Biden is in ireland with his father, the first time he got off the plane. So you know it. You know that fixes it. right and I'm not down there to watch myself so I've gotta try to get what's going on because I think you're interested in this story. If you're not interested in it. Let me know
I'm not gonna do crazy about a cupboard china, but I'm gonna keep you updated. The final thing is that in in anything like This all right, there are a lot of things that people don't know so damn in throws out all these quotes from the fox news. People might be out of context. You don't know, we don't see the whole conversation stream would it be fair and I try to be fear and everything you know. I'm going to cover this and a final thing say, is no matter. What happens is changes. The whole television news industry changes it, Now fox is not going to lose its hard core older conservative viewers there there the end because his orwell's for them to go no they'll be there. But, as I said yesterday, the younger viewers are flee.
Not my concern, not my job. I gotta run my own news agency, okay, but I'm going to tell you the truth about. What's happened. Thank you for five watching and listening to the nose. The news new call Sunday noon, I will say again on Monday, I left overs or the de envy or house cleaning, amber casino always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You can redeem since various private schomburgh casino, dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's. Necessarily we're going to need a lot of us to rethink this divisive. What could he gets?
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.