« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

America Faces More Economic Hurdles, Disinformation Break Down, Doug Schoen on Big Tech, Trump Grand Juries, & More

2022-05-02 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Biden's policies continue to hurt the American economy. Is there anything we can do?
  • Just what is the Disinformation Governance Board? We'll break it down
  • Democratic pollster Doug Schoen joins the No Spin News to talk about America's concerns over Big Tech
  • Grand juries in New York and Georgia investigating Donald Trump appear to be coming up empty.
  • This Day in History: Osama bin Laden killed by U.S. forces
  • Final Thought: Live Town Hall!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O Reilly here well gone through the nose renews monday may second, two thousand twenty to stand up for your country import broadcast, and I, for you, your family, your finances. All of that we are going to be very precise. Ices we try to be every night but I hope you are with us for the entire broadcast. Now things with president Biden are actually getting worse, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points mental. So the fight national markets are wobbling, they capitulated. Last week and there's only one reason this is happening. It's the wall street tightened the head of the corporations and the people.
who hedge fund and all that They now know that Joe Biden is not going to improve on the job k it's over for him, things will stay the same or get worse and they're, not very good right now, financially, consumers can they knew to span. People are working, wages are rising, but not nearly as fast as inflation and now with the financial markets, losing confidence in the bite administration. We're in for a rough ride there
in the stock market that affects every american. Even if you don't have stocks now. My personal advice to you is not to panic, but there is going to be pain and just don't look at your statements. I mean just turn away. Remember if you don't sell, there's always a chance, you come back. Will it get worse? Yes, but I don't expect a catastrophe like nineteen, twenty, nine, so the markets they go down and they come back, but nobody can produce, when are you like that? But if you panic that losses in stone forever, just remember that so April, the dow jones industrial average down five percent, the essen p down nine percent and nasdaq down a whopping fourteen now? If you don't know what that means? That's fine! I hope you all do have some person. You trust, giving you financially
but all you need to know is April was a turning point for the financial markets and joe by ok. Now what does Biden think that all this, it's I'm not gonna get into, demeaning the man like all he couldn't possibly understand area that doesn't do anybody any good, but let's go first to his own analysis. We are concerned about a recession, given that the gdp report today show that contracts at one point four percent as well. I am not concerned about a recession I mean you're always concerned about recession, but the gdp for one point: four percent, but pearson You also last quarter consumer. bending business investment, residential investment, increased it significant rates. Ok, you can always find some collective economic, and
I am not concerned about a recession. Well, I am concerned about every such pages is. Is it just hope? I is it's like one barack Obama first ran for president hoping change. well the changes. Gone are going to be any change, but hope is what Biden has that's all he has okay, so the stock market? You know. Look. I got about twenty three percent of my assets in stocks. I had with the call stop losses on a lot of they got stopped at I saw I made profits on most of those stocks, so I'm ok, The other socks that I have I'm going to I'm not going to sell all right, I'm going to hold and might take two years might take four years. Okay. But at this point that's my strategy. If that changes, I will tell
Now the reason that the markets are going away from you Biden. Remember a lot of these mobiles voted for him. They hated trop on wall street. To trouble was a very good business man, but Walter reed never really appreciated that they just aided him a lot. all three money went into trying to elect you about. Remember that, so why have they turn its him? It's yeah bad policies, inflation, attacking fossil fuel, border afghanistan, yeah but it's mostly here now. What do I mean when I say that reality. We're gonna, caesar yachts, luxury homes and other he'll be gotten gains of prudence cup toxic plutocracy club. The guys who are the kleptocratic.
Now I thought that the sign language lady there were no we're just going to what do you do? He can't speak. He makes no sense a lot of the time. People know he's diminish, he's going to be eighty years old later on this year and, as I wrote in my message of the day, About gloating which not gonna get anybody anywhere Joe are Paul, macartney party is going to be eighty next month and apparently he can remember the lyrics to his songs because he's on tour. Joe Biden couldn't even singer refrain to Hay jude. Have you know that song? You know how clever I am on my right, but anyway it's him. ok. So I looked up Jimmy carter and always Jimmy carter who's. This.
I looked up here, mid term election, the house and send it went geo p, because carter was Well it up anybody alive. That remembers, the gas lies, remember how befuddled he was. He didn't know what to do says. Biden and Carter got whacked in the midterms buying will get whacked as well. Now the run up in september. The stock market may start to build that in. But again, this is a guess on my part, I don't want you buying or selling on guesses, okay, so to wrap of the talking points, memo is not going to get any better Biden may be forced to do stuff on the border to close it up a little. Maybe he doesn't want to inflation,
I don't know how that's gonna be tamed. You're now going to see high gas prices go to fourth of July than ill taper off a little after labour day. They may come down a bit as they are artificial, manipulated to some extent and again that the the corporate moguls, even though they ve turned on Biden, they didn't want trump back. They don't know they can manipulate here and there they're going to, but I'm on it, I'm watching them in all that, and that is a memo So the president nothing on schedule. Today, I don't count giving out metals the boy scouts. I'm sorry. that is key. Celebrating
the outfitter breaking the fast in islamic. So does the end of ramadan. Okay, that's fine wants to celebrate the ead of fitter. I have no problem with that. I like when everybody in the countries involved with and has you know something acknowledge. I liked that. Ok, this is a great story. So hang with me the last week you remember that our hands- role may org is whose way out as the homeland security chief, you won't be there much longer. He announces a dis information board. This is great. I love this. I saw the dis information governors board is to point out false.
immigration to the american public, an l a hundred ah makes that announcement rule. Right. I mean we know the problems, but it still not clear to me how this governance board will act. What what will it do so what it does is it works. Ensure that the way in which we addressed threats, the connectivity between threats and acts of violence are addressed with out infringing on free speech, protecting civil rights and civil liberties, the right of privacy and the board that this working group internal working group will drop from best practices and communicate those best practices to the operators, because the board does not have operational authority
That is the biggest budget gobbledygook. I have ever heard. I think in my entire career, what the deuce did a guy say. So let me translate for you This is borne? Is it no authority. What so ever is nagging do any day this. his mad magazine does that are still sell a my argue should be outwardly newman, I mean what me worry. This is so much garbage there isn't enough sanitation trucks in a word, there are enough vision, drugs and worship pick it up now. The problem is it people here, Those are a pattern. I got emails law,
what a violation of freedom of speech I I they're going to get us to come and get us some are now the gardener guys with guns are common get us. I mean real, it's nothing Nothing at all another do version from ro knows the border. totally open with migrants and narcotics flowing across in record time so he is going to establish a dis information board. On I mean it's just and when I see the conservative media taking the bait, I see driving all of their listeners and viewers into this frenzy of indignation.
it means nothing, and this is the kicker they're putting a woman named nina jangle wits aged thirty three in charge of this ok. So who is this? I don't know who she is. She sings some merry poppins thing on Tik tok, I guess I don't care. We looked her up all she is appended he's right now: times was your pose the atlantic baby, cnn, BBC and pr and every left wing thing. Then you can think up. So this is the tsar arena of accurate information holly, terror dog is more qualified to run the discrimination governance board. Then then, what surname mina it's just crazy. I don't even know what I mean is gonna get paid for this. If she does ITALY
our dime will pay for it, but don't worry about this. It's just another in a long line a b as from the worst administration. Past boy, american history, although I don't think he's gonna talk james, we canada. As I said, I knew Paul conducted by shown coppermine research on big tat. Come Another thing hysteria over a law on mars taken over twitter are I. This is one thousand one hundred. one thousand. Fifty in u S, adults survey taken by telephone so Do you not preset worry big tec is too much power, renews and publish seventy eight percent feel big tech, manipulates the news and publishing industries for their own gain. Seventy seven percent agree with the following state Congress needs to rein in big tech by passing reforms. Okay, Now one of those reforms is
journalism, competition and preservation, act or jack. C p in others has been employed for almost a year since produced by a budget senators, but it's got no clara and now I'm going to bring in a guy who took the spoils going to explain to me all of this dog shown as a friend a political strategist. On the democrat side, other or the book america unite or die out to save. Our democracy joins us now from new york city. So what is J c p a exactly? What would that do if its ever passed? If its past bill- and I do hope it will be, it would provide some compensation from the tech companies to the newspapers and period
article periodicals, whose content they use their sights put another way of people use your content. They ought to pay for it, particularly if there is riches, big tat, okay, so this just basically a compensation bill. Why hasn't it? not for long com does alike it. Oh a wise and gonna cut some big text power and cross the boy bill. They have systematically blocked it and I'm not saying that we shouldn't have wide dissemination of content. It's all good but pay people they are content in a way that is fair and equitable. Okay. I know I don't have any beef with that, but I think most people don't care about that want some kind of government regulation of who is banned on social media, what take it off.
It is allowed on. They want some kind of supervisory capacity by the federal government. Is that what you're poll showed? No, I think, are poles shows that they are afraid that big tanks acting on their own has been untrammelled force of frankly coercion, and you alluded to with a lot more I sense that some out, if the wrong people get in charge of a number of our outlets, it'll be bad. I frankly work I don't want the left or the right or anyone controlling our souls. Media or technology and I sure don't want to be told by a tech company what I should or shouldn't read or what I should or shouldn't do yeah. But that's the way it is now. The only body who could regulate it would be the federal government and most conservatives, don't trust the federal government and we ve got a mark zuckerberg to facebook guy
pump. In four hundred thirty million dollars into very selected voting precincts in the last election. You ve got twitter. Banning the president of the united states, donald trump, from its from its form, We say this is out of control right now, but I. No, how you fix it bill, I'm just suggesting that about eighty percent of the american people believe there is a huge problem, agree with you that it is out of control, and I'm not saying I have a fix, but I sure thing just pay people for their content is a small first step in the right direction. A coward bottom line disputing that guy, well you're right. Big tech is out of control. The president shouldn't be barred. I I disagree with him on most things. We ought to hear from him, even if I disagree or you disagree taking over twitter,
it's gotta, be a step in the right direction because I hope it will be, but it's so complicated because there are six thousand tweets a second in this world to nobody could possibly regulate them. All and a lot of those tweets defame p all they cause children, bullying and all that it is every front. This outer control social media is causing harm every front, but who's gonna wave, the man, one dog and solve this problem, when you have such an enormous flow of whatever you want to call it information or opinion into these companies, they can't do it. I just do that bill, but the kind of common sense centralism that you bring to bear is the kind of judgment we need
rather than ideological left dislike. The wives did no doubt we're per year, and I and I consider myself These savvy yard you? Are I don't know how I would solve this thing other than maybe designating political commentary here, social there, having stated rules that you have to follow posted, but and if you have them posted who's, gonna take em off and I you gotta higher human beings do that these people are rooted in silicon, valley! That's an eighty percent far left play out there where they get a sudden, I moved to iowa, I mean that's. All of this is in play. It's just crazy. What's happening in this world, not just in the country when you have the russian government has a twitter account that they can use every day,
and donald trump. Doesn't you know who dog exotic and trawl donor? I of course it is, of course, very that's why I say it's a step in the right direction one must take over because hopefully we will redress the I once and allow the right back on in a way that is fair and reasonable. I also Ok, let's get to your party, the democratic party. You no doubt a party does exist and the more you know that it's it's run and with the help of social media and the corporate media, its run by far left people. Now yea is a democratic party. There's no party, they kennedys any more. That's gonna! Am I wrong.
bill. I wish I could tell you you're wrong you're. All too right, we elected Joe Biden and got Bernie sanders a o c and Bernie set policy, not those of us in the center common sense Clinton. Kennedy Democrats did you vote for Biden. I did. I regret it now. We saw you wish. Now that you would voted for tromp. I didn't say that, but I agree on what are the odds dogma is nobody Owsley I'll could state all know. You asked to exercise a franchise for every office, bottom line. Joe Biden is not a man I could vote to reelect. I couldn't really vote for his policies. Donald trump has done a number of things that I can accept, but you're allowed in america to reject both sides. Alright, so that's what that's? What that's interesting take you have been,
that's what I things can happen to the Democrats in november. I think a lot of money is going to stay home, I going to run out and vote for republicans, there's not going to show up at an I'm talking, specifically african americans are in a minority communities at a bolster the democratic party they can we go in with any enthusiasm when they get near, but kick by inflation. Can they know the polling we show, we don't shows that they are discouraged and there they are the victims of crime and they are the ones who the defined the police movement impacts most directly. No doubt about it: the poor in america are getting hurt badly by the Bye administration, whereas they did not get hurt, at least economically by the trump administration dog, and if no one was not merchants. Bill are able to calculate that message of inclusiveness of minorities in support of
free market capitalism. There could be a political revels. I am not sure they can do that but was it thanks? as always always great top right. Ok, so brought about by money and I can't give it much credence because it comes from daily mail, one of the worst pieces, a garbage on the face of the earth, but I'm just going to outline a problem for Biden, and maybe Some responsible agency will report on this. And now we can advance it. So there are two tracks that give you the american people, and worldwide informed
shit about the president's money, much money, he has two tracks there is the income tax track. I r s remember tromp, didn't release is full tax returns, but Biden did and then there's something called the office of government ethics. Oh gee, where you have to file. If you are poor, teaching financial disclosures to the office of government ethics. Okay, now, ok, to the daily mail is a big discrepancy between binds tax returns and what he told the office of government S. they put the number at. Bowed. Five point two.
Million dollars more in the government ethics report, then the irs report, or vice versa, hard to figure this out. Ok, but. The discrepancy here in a comes about apparently from a corporation Biden, isn't with called kehl, take care. Pre corporation caltech, like Boston, celtics, put the prick, pronunciations kelpie, see reality. I see capri, see a p or that is a corporation. That Biden runs Joe Biden, that's how he paid his sons debts. Okay, so it wasn't a gift. They got a couple. Letters will that's way over the twelve thousand give threshold, because apparently prison bind paid about eight hundred thousand dollars of debt for hunter. By came out of that, this cruelty
pre deal now. I'm gonna stop there, because I don't know enough about this, but I assume that there are responsible people looking at it. Maybe I shouldn't assume that, but is any rapport ties. I will tell you, I can't tell you, there's upon turbines indicted by the delaware grand jury that could lead to the end of his father. Is
Incident could lucky land casino, asking people? What's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli? I guess I hide my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say. Yes, you do in the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place, you've gotten lucky, I never win and tell well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky, landslides, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky which is necessary? Bylaw and eighteen plus terms and conditions apply. Whatever details grand jury, new york, clothes, no charges, The day, a close, no charges, another grand jury in georgia, open investigating trumps, election interference, elegant Not at all has to do with a phone call. The trump made to georgia, state official.
our brad rapids burger, where he said. I just want to find eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty votes to overturn the Biden win in ah georgia. Now is that enough? No because of EU laws that small margin you could say to anybody. Eight. I just want to find the votes. I think you're missing or we're suppress or reduced It's not enough to convince anybody of anything but anyway, your grand jury trump out. Georgia grand jury in. I don't believe it will lead to anything San francisco, one of the perhaps the worst run city in america next to portland Oregon those two. So listen to this number amazing, two thousand and nineteen before cove. It.
In may average, one million hotel rooms occupied in san francisco, a million for them. Two years later, twenty one, fifty thousand ok, so total visitors to san francisco of draft from twenty six million ten crime up in that city, thirty percent across the board savages goes ranks second for cod, Jack things in the usa, that means you are in your car use, allied or your parked in jamaica blow at a gun. Gets you out. Take your car. What's the worst city Denver colorado- I did not know that anyway services, because it is last year, we therefore on extensively now they're paying the price people are not visiting the city
Interestingly enough, I will be in san francisco briefly at the end of this month. I'll tell you more about that naomi judd. Alright, she died over the weekend and- and this is a very tragic thing- age- seventy six, I'm sure you've heard of the judge country music, duo the army and her daughter, winona I into doesn't nine got a call from. They owe me asking me to come down to give out a country musical ward in nashville, which I did, and I did it solely for her she's, a very nice woman, big fat. the fan she invited me down. I went down, we had a nice dinner and she couldn't have been more gracious and over the years. I you know have kept in touch with naomi. I knew she was a very troubled woman. She knew she was
Very troubled woman, you know mental illness and comes in a lot of different forms. You know that's why I I do a lot of benefits for that and raise a lot of money for it, because it's not your fault, you know it's some of it's hers eddie environmental. But anyway, when I heard about Naomi very said, she was a very very nice woman. On the other hand, this day in history may second, two thousand eleven, a very evil person was killed by a navy seals. That would be of some of the lot, and this is the anniversary of the bin laden raid, and you heard. twenty eleven years ago. Today this go green tonight I can report to the american people and.
World. The united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden, the leader of Al Qaeda and a terrorist who is responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children, Or I, tomorrow killing the killers seeker war against terrorist comes out, and I open the book with the bin laden raid by thus seals I'll. Tell you right now: you do. no. What have you will know when you read killing the killers? It is an amazing amazing, military action. We take it from the beginning right to the end when
I took Bin laden's body, they fluid down in the indian ocean and they punked it. And I, when I wrote the opening martin to garden, I wrote the opening to this book. I drove the narrative so explicitly it's violent so, but you need to know how this was executed- pardon the pun, because Bin Laden was executed now they would have taken him alive, but he didn't cooperate. So when you see step by step happen, and I guarantee you that we will take your eyes off this book so killing the killers we open with the bin laden re that happened eleven years ago today. Ironically, the book comes out tomorrow. The timing is perfect.
By the way there is a guy in prison who really helped america's name is shaquille of freedom is a physician and he confirmed that bin laden was in the compound and about a dad pakistan by giving the ballade and family of phony vaccines, while afraid is still in prison. American presence have not been able to get him out, bothers me Ok, we got a good meal segment that a final thought on a town hall live town. All I am doing. We want you to participate in so to quit, break and be right back. Tax internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on cox, analysis of bootless be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty, two and cock serviceable areas learn more a cocktail com. Slash internet
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So now, if you order advanced today, will get it to you, I think quicker than amazon and barnes and noble it's okay to order from there. It's all right, okay, but we, you know, we pay particular attention to getting this stuff to you, quick, but I'm glad you liked the book mark and it was the best reporting it is the best reporting killing goes I've ever done in my career. It's the best book, but I can tell you the best reporting, Paul henckels arlington heights illinois. I received killing killers Saturday pleasant, surprise. I finished. Reading Sunday the story of kayla mueller is tragic, but the book brings a good point out of a bad situation. Kayla will not be forgotten and that was I we centered in on K, la mauler, a young arizona, humanitarian worker who was kidnapped by ice.
My parents are still in arizona. They cooperated with us, you'll, never forget Caille. After reading what happened to her, I never will Susan, a penal leander, texas, they'll, please explain to me why you think Michelle obama, shallow bombers, qualified or run for president nazis, and I didn't say she was qualified to run for president. I know people here what they want to hear, but I never said that I said she was the only hope the Democrats have of winning into those twenty four have anyone who could win at this point qualified never got into that MIKE murray, Dallas or again right outside of portland one hundred about about, and I can tell you what we'll have a nothing democrats, never suffer any consequences. The matter how egregious offence.
Finally, I too believe the grand jury and paddled delaware will move this case forward. The swamp is deep, but there's no swamp in delaware. So if the grand jury doesn't move forward in gonna have to be an explanation, but it's not political right now. It's the folks folks, it on a grand jury. I remain labour pennsylvania. What do you, our liberal friends, say about bide now nothing None of them defend him, they can, but they still hey tromp. I think some of em, not all of them more than what the catastrophe that that binds reaping upon the country.
Linda catcher said Kansas city missouri bill your call him the art of the gloat nails it. This is exactly how I felt even before the two thousand and twenty election situation, so awful there's no reason to gloat, but you know if the tables were termed there would be relentless gloating by the left. Of course, if Donald trump had screwed up like this in office, you know they would have been jumping up and down instead of contrived. Being ways to impeach him, which is insane evie. Half acre fluorescent missouri bill always enjoy the nose, renews other people still in jail for the january six riot being denied their habeas corpus rights, They are all about it. Of anybody knows any body whose incarcerated now not after being convicted but waiting trial whose deny due process. Please tell me because we can't find any.
Karla Dobbs mason city illinois, everytime, I buy a gallon gas. I feel, like Joe Biden, has just stolen two dollars from me legitimate no doubt about it. Linda nelson laval, marilyn ability remember for more than five years, and I say so most value for my back. I can get. I listened every day as I access. Not only do I get up today news, but I get the bone of getting my work gouty and while I listen to you know, that's good without its it too, for you stand in shape mentally and you're. Staying in shape. Physic Susan, have you asked holly the terror darker opinion of the musk purchase of twitter? Ok,
so how is ignore? Doesn't care about all politics, except if there are treats involved so say prison and binding said because of covert we're sending dog.
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patrician finance. Now mostly concierge members get this because that's what they pay for. Viewer bill o reilly, dotcom, concierge, member. U s meaning question and within four hours, I ancillary anything now we're opening that off for one night, only right everybody, you gonna! Whatever you want to ask, I can get them all of uncas, I'm sure we'll have thousands of questions. We get and now said the bill o reilly, dotcom hospital heading. I may eleven, town hall is my question, so I have em ok and we always have a lot of fun with these
but only premium and concierge members on bill. O'reilly dot com can see it. That's it as one of the perks for you guys. Some taking you know, premium membership because your membership is worth is not that expensive and you're going to get back way more than you put in just on discounts alone, gift giving alone, and actual advice along the concierge members. I mean all day long. You know they're worried and they should be worried, and I tell you what I am doing. Ok. This is what I am doing can't give financial advice, but I can tell you what I'm doing accents so anyway, I'm looking forward to may eleventh will be promoting it. But this is the big promotion now. So I don't want to hammer it. You know too hard and if you become a premium member or a concierge member, you get a free copy and that copy out to you right away of killing the killers or
of my other books, nineteen million of my books and print. Can you believe that now our advance sail for killers is huge. Alright, it's big will be interesting to see the new york times and they almost half too, because we buy our books from ingram, which reports to all of the best less and we ve gotta be bigger than killing a mob and killing him. I was big, a big advance alpha killing them. I remember killing my was on one. Nine can take a week's last year at this time and we're gonna twin up killing the mob with killing killers for fathers day you be a battle by to the two books had a special price, but I was very gratified to see killing the killers of serious book.
Gay said this is stuff. You really need to know, particularly in the light of what russia is threatening. Will you see what our weapons systems are and nobody's ever had this before? When you see what we have and a lot of us because of trump and if I'm potent- and he knows what we have to watch your bud pal and a lot of these weapons. These high tech weapons were used in killing the terrorists, and nobody knows because no reporting on it was national security. Anyway, may eleventh wednesday, nine eastern town hall premium in concierge members on bill, o reilly dotcom, please sign up, and we will see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.