« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Alvin Bragg's Trump Fiasco, President Biden's Latest, America's Dropping I.Q., & More

2023-03-23 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, March 23, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg has delayed his Trump indictment fiasco; we'll let you know the latest
  • What's going on with the Mara-A-Lago documents? Bill analyzes
  • Find out why President Biden is headed to Canada and what a new report says about his access to the press
  • This Day in History: The Nixon/Frost interviews begin taping
  • Final Thought: Our recent Trump coverage

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With you a cellular, it's just twenty nine ninety nine per line for one two or three lines, so you don't need that robot daughter, you build to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, loser, Beth, she's, not gonna! Like that, the road I scenario, video, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms applied as it: u s, cellular dot, com, pretty deals. We value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. Reilly here the new cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, Bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. The no spin news audio. We are offering a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content, we have
Including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends. So Come a bill riley dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today it below riley, dotcom, slash ad free! That's Morally dotcom slash ad free. The here welcome to the nose spin news, thursday march twenty thirty thousand. Twenty three stand up for your country. Well, we live in travelling times. You know.
And I wish it were not so, but it is we I have a ineffective president and I don't think that Have you disagree with that? I'm going to show you some new polling today, miracles. Losing confidence if they ever had any ngo bite you simply not gov. Well, and that is the truth. Then we have crooked media. I mean I have talked and talked the talk. You're, probably bored they buy now tired of hearing me telling you corrupt. Their corporate media is that we have a shaky economy, are you going to the grocery store? I'm sit near gone. What and finally, we have progressive madness on display almost everywhere. So these are travelling times.
And then you add to it. They never ending saga of donal jury trump, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points member, so The latest grand jury in manhattan again today been didn't do anything on a strong case did knew anything yesterday, not gonna do anything tomorrow. What does that tell you? It's a fiasco right, there's a problem now: I've pinpointed the search of limitations and all that we have had the best reporting here: on the trump situation, and if you are below rally dot, com premium or concierge members, you can get the transcripts. You can see the show whenever you want, so I I hope you guys check it out if you're, not in that The grand jury is responsible for either indicting donald trump or not brag the prosecutor, the d a in manhattan, alvin brac, he brings the evidence to the grand jury and they make the foe
make the decision. We are told that the folks are little dubious about this I don't know whether that's true that's one of the anonymous sources are telling me and I don't trust anonymous sources as you know, so I'm not reporting that as fact anyway and next week, this grand jury has to come back and decide whether to indict tromp or not. We'll have a next week, sorghum dragon, like the hundred biden thing because hunter by never been indicted. After three years, so I take my message:
which that you hear on the first tv on all the radio stations that you listen to me on on and youtube, and you name it were there. I took it out last night to news nation roll of tape. We have entered the official fiasco zone. So this grand jury today not sitting was no accident, because I understand this is speculation, for the komori is not based on facts. but what I mean told by anonymous sources, which you now you know what they are is that many assists in attorney general district attorney's in Manhattan are telling your boss alvin brag you're, not gonna win. So I believe- and I could be wrong- that brag now
Second guessing himself now for those of us who live in and around new york city and you're, one of them alvin brag, has been the worst district attorney in my lifetime and on born and bred, worker. He has single handedly, led to the deaths of hundreds of people by not enforcing the law. Fifty percent of the felonies presented to his office are either dismissed or busted down to misdemeanors. This is a man who does not want to prosecute fence at all dealers, people who punch other people knife other people. He doesn't want to do it, so this guy's got all kinds of problems apart from, tromp deal which will never see a jury. Now keep that analysis. In my, could be wrong, but I don't think so
now I love and break is another problem. Congress wants to call him to explain. This fiasco He is resisting that now don't know whether the congressional committees going to issue a subpoena for alvin bragged come to washington force him to testify about what he's doing I'm saying you have. No right. Federal government has no right intrude on a state and city prosecution. Interesting legal thing to see play out, but branch problems up to here on this tragic situation. The second somebody play you is thrown wnbc radio, our flagship this morning, in Rosenberg. Why do every thursday roller tape on that rag himself back into survived this, because he now has put it self in a position where it is
south end. It will. it's all on him. He can't blame anybody else. I mean I, I, oh, that this man is way, oh in over his head running. This, the age, often you realize it every single new york city, police officer and about forty thousand, I'm now probably alaska. So many acquitting hate him. and brag as we reported yesterday is lost about one hundred assist. In DA's since he's been in office for fifteen months, so he didn't even have the personnel to prosecute ah felonies in new york city because they won't work for him and the cops. As I said again, I get this this game because bragg is anti law enforcement, but bullish on getting and that's the right word. Donald trump. Does that seem fair to you.
Does it really, even if you hate, trouble a male and back and forth with a guy who teaches journalism in new england who hates trump, and he just he can't not hate him a minute? He can't I presented factor to factor fact of too fat. It doesn't matter. I have known this guy for so long all right! That's why I do it. I wouldn't do it if I wasn't a friend of mine and but you get to a point where the corruption, then all the rides whatever criminal justice matter there is- and this is not right. Even if you hey tromp, you gotta know it's not right. So let me just clarify that if trump did what brag says, he did used his corporate a cow needs to pay off a woman not to talk about whatever she was gonna talk about, and I don't know what happened
either you. Nobody knows. Ok, that is a misdemeanor in new york, and the statute of limitations is two years so that we can bring it so rags, desperately trying to find a way to get it up to a felony which the five year statute of limitations, which would be over except brag, is pull it out. This car The five years is based. I continue with residency in new york, so you go out for a vacation for a week. They take it off, it's so convoluted and crazy that it's never going to fly. And that's why I say it's never going to see a jury and the payment to stormy Daniels was made october, twenty seven two thousand, and sixteen, and yesterday we reported that the guy who made the payment Michael Cohen, who worked for trump as an attorney put in writing or through his attorney look. I just did this trump then told me to do it.
Who knows what I do know is the case is leave ably weak feds passed on it. Sigh vance, whose brags predecessor is the hand passed on it, but brag is doing it. I believe, because a george soros okay, so brag owes all of his power to George Europe's, whose pump more than a million dollars a million dollars into political action committees that helped almond brad. I think that's what this is all about. I can't prove it so I couldn't bring a charge and I wouldn't is my opinion based upon what I know I admire long ago documents now. I don't know much about this. I'm going to spend the weekend investigating trying to find out what the deuce is going on on this, so a federal, Judge is rule that trumps lawyer has to come in and answer questions.
That would be under attorney client privilege, but were the more under the judge knocked out that privilege because there might be a crop. I don't know what's going on. I have to be honest with you. I ve been focused on this new year. Case, but over the weekend I'm going to try to find out on Monday, when I come back I'll, be able to tell you an educated, a pin about it. The lorries Evan cochrane he's a good lawyer. He is supposed to testify tomorrow march. Twenty four before a grand jury. Alright, I guess that's in DC courts a yeah and dc, so I'll try to find out this isn't a hard one to nail down. Then that's the memo. Okay
and if you have any questions at all about anything bill bill o reilly, dotcom, billet, billow, riley, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine, I will answer as many as I can. If you are a conservation Where did bill o reilly die com? You automatically get an answer from me quickly or I'd. So if your cause years remy question you get me, everybody else I mean I have to. Do a lot of male tonight, but I'll answer your questions. If I. So Joe binds ought to Canada. I'm not exactly sure why, he saw an air the white house, says that he's elevating. This is a quote. present binders, elevated, concerted effort to repair. Bilateral relationship between canada and the usa, because of growing geo political challenges case, there's a shot a trump che, so we buy jonah repair the relationship with just in time.
Dull also bide wants to show the world that he and just in our bodies, just like putin in sheep, who met this week, so just pictured in europe, yeah in one dugout baseball comparison, Joe Biden just intruder in other dug out. You have allowed a mere prudent and sheep. I don't know you ok! So that's what binds do it today and I hope and unjust, and have a good time Approval rating for president by new pole, a p thousand eighty one adults democratic, forty, two percent of the pole, republican, thirty, nine, independent nineteen do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden job as president total approve. Thirty eight percent
disapprove sixty one that is the lowest number in this pole since July. Two thousand, twenty two- So sixty one percent of americans don't think Jos doing a good job. It should be a hundred percent, but you can't wise people up. We can't force them to see the world as it is you just can't Joe Biden. According to the white house transit in project. I never even heard of that. But apparently it's a non partisan group that studies What goes on in the white house we looked at it. It looks ok. looks awry. It doesn't look like its tilted one. Way or the other, but I don't know okay, so they analyze? How many press conferences Biden has give it in is more than two years and office twenty two! That's it.
At the same time, tromp gave forty one obama, forty six bush, the younger forty, so you could say that the press access right that binds providing is fifty percent. Less than the other three. Now, why isn't the core If the media screaming about it, why? Because they they like him, because he's progressive biden does what the progressives want, just like bragg's doing with george soros wants binders, which your insurance wants to different dynamic, alright, but, and the press wants that so they're not going to criticize him. I bet you didn't know that stat I bet you didn't know it ok now about miss jean Pierre, her press spokesman for Joe Biden
So, according to west wing, playbook idleness was published in summer last summer. Jean pierre has Far more than her successor, then her predecessor gin sock, as she doesn't know anything she'd, have any information so most double. so job your answers, questions, but I have any information at twice the level that saki did he's crazy. It's crazy. I ask you to you, the american citizen, the loyal american. I hope I helped so according to northwestern university, that's in chicago good school. I think little wall, but not crazy, work,
They did a study, long study, twelve year, study for hundred thousand americans on whether we are getting smarter or dumber? To conclude, Given that northwestern university comes up with is that americans are getting dahmer they don't say why, but I q scores are declining in this cause. I know why I know why, because public schools, particularly in the big cities where, unions, control. Everything are not really teaching a kids social promotion. if you show why you have to show up, they just promotes, promote, promote, promote, promote better care, so there's discipline in the Our assumes collapse in many, not all many public schools.
Where I am on long island right now. The public schools are good in my section, ok and there's this. I wouldn't send my children a public school, because I dont like the culture. So once the student gets out of the classroom gets out of this, building? They can say m after all day long. They can. behave in a way that I dont want my children to see or hear so. I sent my kids a catholic school and both are prospering because that experience didn't have anything to do with academics. It had to do with the social culture talk to one of the principles, and I said, and look get a really good school here, but when the king, it's out of the building, do you have any supervision or no none not acceptable to me as apparent so anyway, back to the study,
american iq scores, dropping. And northwestern university says it's. It's concern we're not as smart as we used to be so public schools first reason and then the second reason is this guy. This is an addiction and many of you are addicted to it. I use it far too much, but I'm using it. Ninety percent for information flow, got my information in here I don't go the games. I don't go to the betting site. I don't do any of that. Alright, but children do and children are spending far too many times on this. Their laptops, gaming, whatever it may be, that takes them away From real life, and if you combine real life experience with disciplined academics, you're iq goes up.
I can't tell you how much I've learned travelling to eighty five countries are. Eighty six countries I gotta do another account now, I've been all over the world and I've learned so much like you is, I q is higher Just because I was there I saw I came Ah, I split okay caesar sailor anyway, we're getting dumber Disney has always announced this week that dizzy world and our gonna host an l g bt conference in September. If you want to go there's nothing wrong with a gay comp. Nothing. you wanna go to jail, governs, go. I thought you might be interested to hear what people say time ago in september, but I have no problem with it. So the conference on the grounds of
the world is called out an equal workplace summit k and here is the quote The summit serves as a place to network and share strategies that create inclusive workplaces. where everyone belongs where elegy bt, q, plus employees, can be out and thrive. Ok, ok, their disney is gonna sell, of course, to make money on it. Rainbow pride merchandise, special foods are the gay foods now. I dunno- I don't want to be. I don't want to offend anybody, but are there special foods? What is I I dunno? Now I am not making a joke. I can. I can I get crucified but yesterday we told you that california ones
ban police dogs cause they're racist. The dogs I have to report that disney is going to sell special food to gay people like why this is the country we live in I now on a more serious note: florida wants to up there, don't say gay bill diversion flora pass a law that in public schools you cannot teach students. I gray pre k through Third grade anything about sexuality, nothing. Now they want to expand that through senior in high school great twelve. Now I bet you
some of you and hearing that's a good. I do not agree. I defer. I thought I school in florida. I dont like this law because in health courses and that's where it should be, these high school in middle school students need to know certain things biologically. k and practically they need to do a lot of them. Don't have parents that are responsible and going to guide them. Now I mentioned catholic schools.
Why kids? They did not do that in catholic school they don't mind. Maybe there are a few exception, but the kids that I, my daughter, went to one catholic high school, my son, another they didn't do that. But my me I did too. I lay it out like this, so there with any questions you come on in you ask a question: you'd get an honest answer: that's what responsible parents do, but there are so many irresponsible parents that in health courses in high school and middle school you've got to have the latitude to bring up certain things, including the Control, ok, you have to be able to do that, and I don't like this florida thing, because I don't think there's gonna make a very, very difficult kay. Now there is a hearing on this april. Nineteenth and tallahassee are going. We're gonna be interesting to see how the santas handle this you, a preview mass.
So the governor Massachusetts is an ultra leftist named Maura Healy k, fifty two years old, not a bad person I nor but Jesus If this, so she is now in a written statement, saying that every pharmacy in state, the commonwealth of massachusetts, has to carry The abortion drunk k quote pharmacies must maintain a continuous sufficient supply of all family planning medications, including, and then she lissom, gay and the after abortion pill kay is among that she's demanding that your pharmacy, that you own private business, carry that product on constitutional. She has no constitutional right to do that, not.
I'll, be interested to see if anybody in massachusetts files of federal lawsuit against her now a pharmacist and I don't want to carry an abortion device. I'm not gonna, carry it. Did I comes under my freedom. So while defer Florida law I support, challenging in federal court governor Healy, you can't do that. You saw doing that and so detail every business what they can and cannot do, because, Your ideology, this is an ideological play, so outrageous outrage. Massachusetts, ok,. Now, let's get to you, so you know I'm on a campaign
for you, because I've already done it to cut down on sugar consumption. Sugar is going to kill you and hurt you before you die. I more sugar, you take in homes gives me the more sugar you take in the more damage you're doing to yourself and the sugar products. Food products spend so much money. Advertising that nobody's gonna tell you this in a corporate media. Nobody, but I'm gonna tell you also fatty foods, you know if you eat it, mcdonald's, every damn, just picking on them, but any fast food outlet you just rohingya health so. There is a study at yale and stuff
centred on yogurt. This amount about yogurt. If I do eat it, it's a low sugar yogurt and I throw fruit on it, but I'm not a year fanatic anyway, they divided into sugar, yogurt and low sugar yogurt and the study showed that the people who ate the sugar yogurt got addicted to it and they couldn't eat the other stuff or were one of those K and sugar is addictive. It's addictive, I know a woman who drinks pepsi a lot and I keep looking at ago and I finally, I would pester so much that she said alright, I'm going to give it up. She actually went through withdraw.
Ok now, on that note, I have been trying to find a drink because the drink, so the real killer, few buys a drink sugar rice tee. What. Look at how many grams of sugar sixty seventy eighty grams to say all these energy drinks, all it this stuff it killing you I found one. I found one I have no interest in his company. I don't know anything about this company. Somebody gave me this is called brain pop, ok and it is between six and ten grams of sugar on a twelve hour serving and it's a carbonated beverage with coffee does have caffeine in it, but it tastes good and is no after case all of these low sugar drinks.
had this after cases harm this doesn't have a thought of you interested in this. You won't try. It. Its new age drinks, dotcom new age drinks, dotcom and again no interest in his crew. I dont know If people are, I probably gave it to me. I drank three of online. I want this is good. I'm going to drink this taste good and but it has Gabby, but you know that don't get away financial, ok! So, given a chalais, the count, in south america, I have not been there. I've been argentina, the border country, I'd like to go to chile. You know it's supposed to be a beautiful country, but I'm into well there's soccer crazy he there and the other day march, eighteenth some very strange, hap rotate.
ok. So What happened there was the gully. You saw it hit the ball. From his net I wanna go all the way down of their old. The pop up up up up. and now that may be the longest school ever scored in soccer in a professional rome according to their gonna, get us workers and they all went nuts I would add: a blank page holds infinite possibilities. It stirs our passions and is a space to become poppy. Eight, eggs all the wonder and potential of a blank page and creates premium quality, stationary journals, no books planners and more each piece.
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got booted out of office had to resign because Watergate what was Watergate. There was a nineteen seventy two presidential election sum of richard Nixon's personnel broke into the watergate hotel illegally, looking to go into the democratic national company headquarters in fine dirt. Guy's got caught, then a trace that all the way up to very high level nixon people not nixon himself. I don't believe that he ordered to break it, but he tried to kill. where it up and then it unravel that's a wash imposed. Woodward bird see any adequate aright. Years, went by nobody heard from next, but David ross and his outfit paid Nixon six.
one thousand dollars in nineteen. Seventy seven, the equivalent of two point: five million today lot of loot to sit for a number of interviews- and this was the highlight- go, I'm sorry. I just hope I have enough to let you down well, when I said I just hope I haven't let you down, etc. Though I had I let down my friends. I let down the country, I let down our system of government dream.
If all those young people that ought to get into government but will think it's all too corrupt and the rest most of all, I let down an opportunity that I would have had for two and a half more years to proceed on great projects and programs for building a lasting peace. Okay, so David frost paid for the interviews. Let me know My David frost story, nineteen eighty eight frost got very famous off those interviews. There was a movie frankly, Angela brilliant actor played frosty. You haven't seen it. You should should watch the movie. Ok. So I'm at a b c news and I get an offer to go to be senior correspondent on a syndicated program called inside edition, anchored by david frost, and I take the offer because a w
my salary and Peter Jennings was yelling at me, and I said Peter look. I'm going to get an opportunity to cover stories all over the world at double the salary you're paying me I gotta go try. He goes you're crazy. This thing's never going to work that that that that, but david for us was the anchor okay David for us get fired. If the three weeks he couldn't do the show he's a brit. He doesn't understand america, he he does. I get the So I feel bad for David, but it was kind of David's fall. He didn't research america aided in a really did understand the culture here. Do I get in and I turned a thing into a monster. They money maker beyond belief. Ok, same thing I did with the israeli fact. Yes, I'm bragging. David for us I never heard from again but inside,
edition still on the air today I anchored it for six years and then I said enough of that. I gotta do something else. I went to harvard got my master's degree in public administration and design the O'Reilly factor to a lot of people. Don't know that David frost, richard Nixon and marched, the third nineteen. Seventy seven forty six years ago today that with the mail and a final thought moment: ok, let's go to the man. Vida wilkins manitoba arc wisconsin or rather you mentioned that troubles confidently or when the republican nomination. You also mentioned he realizes winning the general be more difficult. without a my mind. Why would even accept the primary nomination because he believes it can when he thinks he can pull it off? Just like you did in two thousand and sixteen
the symbol is at least Sullivan debarrassed florida, so tromp fell disrespected because the sand is used. The word porn star trump, is the biggest mud slinging my lifetime and he did fire the first shot. Not in that case not in that case I mean dissenters, fired fur shuts there, but your point is well taken trumpet is you know me fires that about it more bishop, captain cook hawaii wow I've, never been a captain cook. I gotta check that out, if you're wondering with all legal proceedings, Donald trump, why it's not considered extortion, a part of stormy Daniels. Look Get involved is stormy, Daniel stay. I don't know anything about it right. It's a civil beef, it's not a criminal beef. Yes, extortion is a crime. Is a crime, but in order to prove it, you ve got to go through all kinds of machinations, but I
Just can't give you any definition on it, Mary, jane concierge member. Thank you, Mary Jane. I hope you are enjoying your access to meet syrup. And was a great governor when she ran with John Mccain. She fell short given, Sad is doing a good job in florida. Running a nation is far different story, especially in these difficult times. Absolutely right, no doubt about it, and the ukraine mistake that the santas made was a significant error. Donna concierge, member donna and Mary jane go like our next president, to be strong, intelligent, non polarizing and of the personality to bring the country together. I don't know of genes. Has coming back to run up No, we have anybody. You bring the country back to get James' good. Do it. Carol cause yours wherever look at this, and I don't just pick on to urge members. We pick the best letters
What horrifies me most about Joe Biden is not solving. America's problems is the, as in the cabinet meeting in months. May hold these meetings, and we don't know so that's possible, but certainly the guys, as I've document fury the message of the day. I mean it rarely darkened it uses, tells you all you need to know about Joe Biden in his efficiency. The Langston bazooka kentucky. Mr Barroso, you stated that of donald trump. It is indicted that republicans will come after Joe Biden. I would hope that of James comber, solid evidence against Biden for corruption. He would bring it no matter what, but that's not what I said. I said it's on steroids now. Yeah they're always investigating the Biden family, always as soon as the republicans, Got it and they started that in january what now they're, starting with a vengeance and the leaks are gonna. You watch that was the point Donald Callaghan, Travers city michigan, whatever
But john dorm harry still make money off us you still gonna money offers Donald dollar. I know what he's doing what a disappointment. I have anything resign. Ok, John durham, dont give taken my money. Live in large what five years now all expenses paid you. Get a nice salary for what you don't have So your own abbot geese it happened to go to florida love these stand up for your country, monetary different. There the team, normal mobs, we're both great thanks for the great shows every evening at eight p m on the first helps commie down after the fact new cars, I'm glad we're coming age, but where more than you know it we're giving no information. No one else will give you and we're lookin out for your
and your money and everything else k, I mean we we are here. We want you to prosper in every way you viewer and listener richard vitamin alexandria kentucky bill. so in programme with Breton common Use a sound by from Britain a moment. This is am a premium. Member also meant allows me to watch the programme. Then ozma Anytime, I want that is a big advantage, a busy in their often travelling gauge, and you want and the transcript rate I team normal. We once you get the gear because we already had to reorder. You know where go and all over the place. Now: I'm model is shirts when I get around and somebody taken my picture, the hats, the mugs
You know they're really team normal. I explained yesterday what it's all about, it's fun and it you know, engender a conversation. We need to talk to each other. Also, this is only going to last for three more days. I'm gonna give you, because I, like you, the united states, a trump and killing crazy horse, both books for twelve. Ninety five, that's insane! We lose money on it, but I have so many amatory. So only until sunday Then I just abuse forever, so you want to read in the united states drop in killing crazy worse. This is the time. Where are the day, this is a brand new word. No,
what yapping Y a w your ping Y w your ping png real word, know your ping when writing to the no spin news, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, billy bill, O'Reilly, dot, com name in town. If you wish to pine right back at the final thought, alright final thought. I thought our coverage to this week was excellent on a trump thing. I hope you agree and part of the excellence was brett tolman. Guess we had on tuesday who just knocked it out. The park as far as putting everything in perspective go the state charge. He wants to bring where he's barred by the steps limitations and the federal charge, which has also been reviewed by federal. For these and they refused to bring for lack of evidence, and so what you have is the frustrating possessed and other local. You know dossier exercise.
I that really broad and powerful authority to bring it against a politician, and that is. The key why this will never get anywhere, because if the supreme court, for example, were to allow this every politician serving in congress serving in the presidency could get attacked by a local purse. Ok now that have to be some kind of situation, but believe me, you can find something on everybody. Everybody
This would just throw our political system to absolute chaos. So those kinds of things we bring here on the nose been news. The you'll get get in corporate media. Most of them are rooting for trump to get hurt. They want him to go down and the ones that love trump they're not going to tell you the deficiencies of him there will mention it saw here. You'll get a fair play. Thank you for watching and listening to the no spare news new column. Sunday noon will see on monday
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.