« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

A "Shock and Awe" Special: The Decline of TV

2023-11-26 | 🔗

Bill looks at the overall decline of television with Bernie Goldberg and John Stossel.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Network at about twelve million people on average, watching it every day that twelve million ten years ago now it's got six fifty sent off NBC. Add seven million people ten Years ago now it's got four fox said: seven million p Well, now it's got four and a half million abc at eight million tenure ago, now it's got for another drop by fifty percent. In the morning, which is the big revenue driver for these corporations that own and see CBS abc fox in the morning goodman, america, five million people, watch it at five years ago. Now he's got three million. Today show it four million people. Now it's got three million cbs morning, a two and a half billion. Now it's got about two million Ok, so you see it a morning. That's coming down as well what
going up is the age of the people watching television. So it's older people, traditionally wash they got the clicker in one hand, the martini and the other, and that's how they consume television? J, but the younger people below fifty got generally speak later. is were so you remember that tenure ago, J, let always the host of the tonight show, Remember that yet three Million at night fell and took it over he's, got one point: three million! that's a drastic drop. I ve Late, show David letterman three million a night. Ten years ago the guy took over colbert got two million a night. camel on abc tenure. Ago. Abc was doing nightline now
I was doing about two and a half million now. Chemical is one million and follies fall below a million. And they just signed up abc just sign up. When I was in competitive network and cable tv. If you You went down a razor use. Wow you got now, why is this important your life? Well, let's think back to history of american television. When I first came on the scene in the nineteen fifties, it was the town square. So people from seattle to key west, all something in common milton borough lucille ball bonanza all in the family later on These shows everybody watched. Everybody could talk about. there was a commonality in the culture. I wanna be a pinhead here, but you know what I'm talking about let me show like all in a family bro grounds.
It made fun of bigotry and expose bigotry and that it made fun of it because of the great talents of carol oconnor. Aren't you bunker mash another one happy days, very tyler more on the women's front. All always programmes Everybody knew about that. Can you name for and I dont gimme dancing with. stars or the desert island show or not. Can you hear me anytime, entertainment show that you believe you could talk to somebody about to lose a thousand miles away from you. Now I tried I just do CBS show last night, east new york, as I like, blue blood's bluebirds, The only network show that I watch here's the writing is good in the castle great size. Each new york, goddesses CBS china, duplicated success, a blue book.
but in a liberal way, so they bring in awoke precinct commander and of into place. It was ok, It was ok, but what I watched it again now was. anything in there that too, it's a cliche that kids like spoke to me. I didn't care whether the commander the precinct was brought the matter, may I wanted a goods. Warrior compelling sixty men at watch and on it's three minutes? Ok, you! be my go to programme every week. I why sixty minutes When it was produced by don hewitt and then later, Jeff fager for every week. I would wish that I didn't watch the violin things at the end with morley safer and the guy playing a flute, but I watched most of it and it was good. Now I never watch it once they fired figure for nuts, in its be ass this
What and that is one of the reasons that television is in decline- the lack of talent, talent drives this media. Johnny Carson I mean let alone letterman, which highlighted. I know I know, fell and incapable and cold there is the worst I die. Katy would talk to him without we found in and similar town together then, at that level, let me close it I love in the morning shows they used to people who were interesting. Now hey it all. I got some care. I want to tell you about really. I don't really need to know about the care. Did you know water heaters last about ten Here's refrigerators typically about thirteen every day.
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you, don't expect to see a church, dotcom slush contracts for coverage, details, including women, about these limitations and exclusions. This episode is brought to you by clay view, the platform that power smarter digital relationships with clay Veo. You can activate all your customer data in real time connects seamlessly with your customers across all channels guide. Your marketing strategy with a high powered insights recommendations and automated assistance deliver experiences that feel individually designed at scale and grow your business faster, our smarter digital relationships, with plenty of where more cleave yo dotcom slashed by that's caille, lay the eye wire dotcom slashed spot. If I saw the cumulative effect of this is done fracturing the culture of america? So we no longer united by the town square of tat. vision, a news. You know what happened and news. I mean I'm on my own into
news agency, bill, O'Reilly, dot com and I think I'd every day. I don't have a work for corporation anymore, because Impressions are not giving you the news. You know that everybody knows it the two sides. the story, so I got you guess denied to talk about. You heard me I blow voted for six minutes and thirty eight seconds, so the first guys Any goal bergen bernie Goldberg, is a news guys around forever and second guys, John Stossel and he's a news. Guy he's been forever. I don't oh, I think, go a little older, uninstall soul, but they're both old and new but they both know alive they do have a life because they came into it when it was hot. So Bernie Goldberg has won fourteen emmy awards. Fourteen I have only one threat now, there's a reason, but we do want to get into that. wrote a best selling book biased,
Cbs insider exposes how the media distorts the news. We all remember that he was able It was your correspondent CBS news for twenty. Eight years I laughed should actually be us about eight months before I I just couldn't. Do it but a I had much better tenure over there. And he was a correspondent for real sport, Brian gamble, member brian, on issues of it What are you two years so bobo? guys seen it all done at all, and here he is so first. I want you to comment on my monologue. Would you think of it. I think you're mostly right, I'm gonna take issue with one. point on a matter of degree, but only a matter of degree. First, let me say: you watch one network show soda why minus Sunday night Football- and if it wasn't for sports a net. We're television.
I think the ratings would be even lower by wiping absolutely whipping So let me, let me tell you what I agree with Television ratings are down and they were going down for a number of years. Now, therefore, ad revenues which crucial are all go down the audience that is literally unfortunately, but literally dying. All is not be replaced by younger viewers. They are going to places, they are going to other platforms like netflix, and things like that. Future of television is one Nice guy wrote it beyond channel thirteen, not a growth industry, so I guess with you and all of that. But let me I take issue with the gray matter up degree on one thing: just His mark twain said that reports of his devise a greatly exaggerated dog
plan, a funeral service for busy and NBC or CBS. Any time soon. They have millions and millions of yours not as many millions, as you rightly said, as are too long ago, but they still have millions of yours there not winning awards. Those are going to other places, but they have enough yours they'll be around for a while That's my only go what, the relevance of the viewing public so is all longer any commonality brought to us. Entertainment on the three networks, not I knew over netflix, but every time I go on netflix is not that I want to watch their I dont arm difficult. I understand I rather read, but I look at this stuff. That's me news. It's a lot of awoke nonsense, alot of cheap stuff that does teach me anything but it you're right: it's not gonna go dark use, be able to turn on a network and in be an image there.
It doesn't matter it doesnt Evan cultural impact at all Let let me say something: I just shocks me You? U stumble after a very smart point. I can't believe this. camp, but it really is a smart point: television. I think the term used used to be the town square. Term I've used. Is it used to be the next oh cathedral, when John Kennedy, was assassinated. Everybody. turned to network television. They want the same thing. At the same time, that's a very valuable experience for a nation because in the absence of that- and I think this is your main point- absence of that means were not as cohesive as a nation as we were when television was the town square or the national cathedral. and brought us all together. Right
when you have a balkanization of their country, where there is no accepted, be here you're, all scale progressively dismantle judeo christian tradition and they ve been fairly successful. Recent In doing that, then you have every man and woman for themselves that right much harder to run an effective com, three, but it's not it's almost as if I don't want to blame television for this two major actors are contributing to what you correctly described, One, as I said, is the viewers are getting older and when they die off their not being replaced but the other bill is that, once at the time. There were only three places. Television was only two and a half places, and we see serbia's and sort of abc that, television, justice once upon a time
You can only get your phone service from eighteen tea or you can only buy a car from foreigner share, belay bait, basically, basically. Now it's not. Just NBC, abc, b and cable. there are a million other places. So the combination of older, people dying off and not being replaced, and the fact that we have so many more places to go whether good or not is is another issue, I don't know any unreal about you, but I dunno any younger person, and I mean this literally I know I have kids, I speak to them. I know other younger people, none of them watch network television of undue and again that divides us look the We thing americans having common, now think about this. our national holidays christmas,
thanksgiving fourth of july and work and that's it, and those are controversial rather trying to hear him down being the progressive moment, because it's love of country, you love of Jesus, diane Then this area, the founders who pilgrims who came over and shot every indian? They could according progressive. So why in turn I don't. I don't even know if we have columbus standing more. What do they call it now avenant, someplace as indigenous peoples day, christmas, as you describe the quite accurately the federal holiday, by the way right yeah you square that's a controversial holiday. So so if you're right, and all we have to bring us together, our national holidays. We don't even have that we're losing that saw. This is not
good thing for the american culture. You know clue said that television is a vast wasteland, but before he died. He said, except for o reilly and goal, but I dont know whether you know that or not it was. It was in berlin, the chairman of the ep c c, whose name asked but he was a man, when the weather was amended, it that all riley Goldberg we're. Ok, but the everything else was a vast wasteland, but the vast Land and I'm gonna give it a last word on this actually helped the cold we actually had something in common: We law, like the fines. Last word. I was at a bar mitzvah with the funds once story he's a good guy winkler. I know him he's a good guy right.
whether it was happy days or all in the family or mash or mary tyler, more or hardly brinkley or cronkite. We had something in common. some of those thing and those are the best. Those are the, first of all we haven't got. That was also my mother, the car right, why there was good- there were the garbage on television to, but there were There was no other place to go, so we were together, that's right in our misery of watching gillikins island. We waited at its and there's something to be said that Bernie dahlberg everyone he is on bernard goal: bird dot com. You have to go there or healed to your house- and you dont want that hard goldberg dot com. Thanks very appreciate it.
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the dallas, why news never watched make, but anyway docile is a big name and I've been around a long time and our paths of cross many times. any operated mostly of network level, twenty twenty, good morning, america, so are they're grandmama, twenty twenty, I guess still on the air right, but I don't Do you know anybody? Why doesn't know and it's just stupid when I do wise. It's stupid because, instead of covering issues that matters to me, it's the sex murder of the week, the silly celebrity thing it so, to change when the cable networks can because people who wanted news we gotta signal or fox. I m ass, an
no longer get much news for the networks. Ok, so that wanted to forty eight hours format Eva crime does your now. We have given stature, irrefutable that the network in entertainment this shows that use bind altogether the towns. Where shows gone now, what we have is tribalism in this country's tribe, those what they were or whatever and neither is a bad thing for america. You disagree. Well it's good and bad. What we had before was gis liberalism light for everybody in that wasn't great, and now at least you couldn't get more thoughtful stuff, but by larger agree with Bernie and you chain a lot of it for the worse and the algorithm add to it
that's a big problem, because I get much of my news from my facebook feed or my twitter feed, and it just feed me more, either. What I already believe were well piss me off need a watch a little longer. The algorithm notices, if you watch a quarter of second longer on this, or that gives you more of that, and so, if you crazy and are being fed crazy conspiracy theories yields. get more of them and you'll believe them harder. But people gone away from the network programming late night, morning, prime time used to be powerful programmes there that people would flocked to now. don't seem to be any more powerful programmes? Is it a talent? What is it. We have a million choices
When I was on the network, I got ten million viewers about three times what you were getting on fox, because people only had about five stations. To pick from now, I ve got five hundred. But there's gotta be something more than that of your good And your provocative and you're delivering a product- Worthy that helps people are entertains. People find you more and more than not even looking younger people, don't watch it networks. You know that then they never sample unless they want to go dancing with the stars, or it seems to me that this is just a collapse across the board and the the needs of the world's comcast, so the world CBS. They know it's a collapse. It's like the last days upon pay they just not spend a lot of money. It's why all over the place. You can't even get anything produce unless you go into a certain category. All of this
he's coming in- to destroy the last remnants of what once bound the country together. These may be the last remnants, but there's still Spending money- and there are good p all who are commentators? Look. You attracted the biggest audience on cable tv for a long time. Because you're really good at it. Restoring Four million people in a country of three hundred thirty million people. and when you say in the old days everybody was watching the same stuff. It was about thirty million people out of three hundred thirty million, so It never was this, this big fight. Place that we all sat around. I left fox because my son convinced me tat the network. you're dead at us was five six years ago, and you got millions of twitter followers face we don't need a network anymore and if you want to
each young people and convince them that less governments good ox, isn't gonna help you mean now have for their ratings. I agree that thing as you rightly factor that that was the driver. the power what, We we do in the two runs far between five and six million you'll, never see them again on any cable, but we also we're out all of our clips, we're out everywhere so soon as I'd say something stupid, which is pretty much every night, a bubble, riley saying something: stupid just went off. Over the world. Now that happens now to a more famous now then I was when I was at fox because a facebook Everything goes out on facebook and people and watch all show, but they watch certain parts that they can bade, amend a wash, but I submit to you started now. When you and I were ready bc, we were there together I was at CBS would go over the top.
level with so much better at the network news than it is now an johnny Carson was a thousand times better than jimmy foulon and the deva letterman with ten thousand times better than coal bear And when you have inferior talent, that. You're gonna lose and I think that's what's killed it. I think that's what killed it. I disagree. I think you're just all the new like those old comedians more. As you know, I think cards in it. You think thousands the taliban is Johnny Carson. You sit there tell me that no, fell on a girl, but go those old carson shows or any There are not so brilliant It wasn't even more loaded, an apple tyler more that ensemble cast the mass and simulcasts.
Even the happy days with winkler as far they want light years I heard, and creativity and talent and what they have on now I'm sorry, you and your right go look go compare. I think all the choices we ever amazon netflix, there's talent, but equals though you do ratings round because because you got a million choices than year. Nobody, sit through a commercial anymore and watch all our show, I'm shocked I have sampled netflix and all is very little. I mean I wife's, I think peeking Blinders there was talent, there was talent or not
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but that's it. I worked as other stuff and as a kid say it doesn't speak to me now. You're right all them over there. I can't do anything anymore. I probably can't even remember I'm color Joe Biden, I'm looking for did people I all probably true, but I'll, tell you what you put on you and me, and our prime on a b c, and our rapporteur ties what you did and what Did they nobody on there now and I can do that stuff, I'm sorry there is it. I just great. I'm sure there is no. I can't name the people at all. guess what one other differences that with stossel tv and these videos I send out. I do what I did it: twenty twenty eight. You people for awhile or argue with them. We're gonna shoot things, and then I edit Ninety percent of it out Say only get the good stuff, the boring stuff,
Will you do that? We have managed to do at twenty twenty, did you did that a total twenty minutes, but there's stuff I, your very different, you're alive. You somehow managed to talk for a full hour and make it interesting. I can only do that by cutting stuff out, but think that's an improvement. It lets me research thanks for a week, but the differences, so there you were passionate about what you did, particularly as a consumer reporter. So you saw these crazy lefties are passionate about what they're doing as mindless socialists. You have with this If motivation you wanted resent truth to the folks. they want to overthrow the government had to different thing. You can convey, crazy activists or a report who has a drive to uncover
murray information that helps the country, you don't seem like should at anymore this cable stuff on all of em. You learn anything from now when you today startled the you learn anything from those presentations, rare rarely is regularly watch. Should I really learn much, but it You did learn, you would watch if you learn stuff, you didn't know you would watch, I you're it'll come to me on my facebook feed or my twitter account. Well, that's misguided. Because, whatever is coming to you, isn't anything, that's been dead. four european raw informational editor, the airs and gimme here, who sources like it was a b c. God help us. If we made a mistake, a factual, miss, when we were at abc knows, got out now I do
Well, they deterioration. Yes, you could make liberal mistakes at a b c and they would let those girl they didn't. Consider them a mistake. I figure my facebook friends are vetting, may be better than the abc lawyers were I yet when I was doing a story on how bad rent control is, how compare. the bombing a city, it's maybe Worse far, is destroying the housing stock and the lawyers at ABC says this can't be true. It's good for poor people, it can't hurt, were people like you say, and they fought me tooth and nail one diane sawyer and charlie gifts? did silly environmental stories there check those saw, it was some some jack to buy Then two though I can't disagree with that, I worked for Dan. Rather, you could see it every day with him What he did with this skill level, and this is the last question.
I believe that america is the ultimate competitive cap. liz society on the planet. To Exceed also you have to deliver a product the audience wants, and you have to be damn good to do it, and what happened is the mediocrity. There comes all away down from the more those who run disney and comcast and CBS and fox the media Daugherty, that's accepted, has killed the goose last word. goose's still flap on its wings. There still making money. Get my money from donations from yours, There are more ways to make money now to support yourself, that's good, and I don't like that stuff. But also I don't just wanna watch the stuff. I agree with No, I don't either, but I lament the lack of town square,
lack of quality. It has deteriorated markedly. Now, working people find you so they can give you money saw so because I want you to upgrade your wardrobe a little. You know me, I'm lookin out, for you create them, John Stossel, dot com. That's good enough. I release a new video every tuesday. All right, you don't compete with bill o reilly dotcom because we do it every day. So I've got a semi retired, you know is a man of leisure in higher than you, but I added I edit negotiating our. If I do that, I disappear. If you work, stars of exile, but is our really appreciated?
Transcript generated on 2023-11-28.