« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

A No Spin News Special Presentation: 10 Things Republicans Must Do to Fix the Country

2023-08-31 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, August 31, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Bill takes a methodical look at ten things Republicans need to accomplish to win the 2024 election and fix the country. Your humble correspondent talks about the economy, race, crime, and more. Don't miss this extensive edition of the No Spin News.
  • Final Thought: The End of Summer.

In Case You Missed It:

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I believe, as the last day of august, I'm sure you feel the same way. It's kind of disturbing when I was kid school started after labour day in it coincided with my birthday, and I was like can. We move schoolbag, maybe to February anyway we have a special the news tonight it's alive shown due and live on tape like I always do. It's not cliffs raining like that, but the republican party is really at a crossroads. Now because for more years of the democrats- and we might have to kill traditional america gabbard, that's about it! It's yet three. Working party really does have a dominant figure other than donald trump unease. Not really a republican or oregon conservative he's a populist right. So is that in republic, in history or promoting apart
the agenda- and I know that because in that way I know the history of it, but I am a registered independent. I don't alive the party, because my job is to watch everybody in power or sinking power. So for me to align myself with a party, Couldn't do my job as well I don't buy. That being said, I have to that this time around. I can't vote for any Democrat, and I always worked my ticket. but there is one democrat running Twenty four that I can support Because all of them have allowed the progressive movement to take with a party all of them. You know here, if you even from so called moderate democrats. Now I went over the progressive agenda last night if you did not see that we urge you to watch it if you subscribe to bill o dot com is a premium or concierge member you can watch anytime. You want anywhere, you want,
and will give you a written transcript. Should you need that free, so during the whole progressive thing last I laid it down and this control job. I. Your are really a democrat anymore. He's a progressive. so the republicans have got to attack that and put forth better policy A particular problem solving. In order to win and twenty four what I'm gonna do tonight right, so, let's start with the most important issue- the economy, so Unemployment is law, was lonely trump its low under by aggregates. Obviously, here we want will the work we want them to cry. That letter of success and labour, He's coming out, there will be my final thought, but work is what makes america go. Calvin coolidge wants in the business of amerika business. It was wrong
The business of america is work there would be no business if not for the workers, so unemployment far. Spending wildly out of control systems, I took office a little more than two and a half years ago. Seventeen trillion dollars has been spent by the federal government and there's no restraint insight. You can't sustain that all right now, most americans don't care. Because they don't, it doesn't affect them directly, also: wife, their spending money, washington and treasury prince money. Well, down the road. really bad is gonna happen. I dont know what it is. I do know that you just can't contain To do this wild spending laundered? a big spending guy first, two and a half years he spent ten trillion. As opposed to Biden, seventeen trillion and ass. We went over last night by
spending. The money and the democratic party wants this to buy votes who give, voters stuff, so they vote for the Democrats because they know the republicans we're not do that as much won't, get it under trot From serbia to rebuild a military any I had covered all that. but even so seven trillion hours more spending under by it is time that the motion. Morton part of the economy, is what you spent. so under Biden, food is up across the board twenty percent. and gas is up. Sixty percent. Here we're taking these figures from the government's own statistics: gas up food of twenty gossip, sixty that just streets Right out of your wallet, okay, so then we go to real
wages because of that inflation, higher prices for things that you have. Have real wages are down five percent under there? Don't ever tell you that the Democrats want a won't reported gay, but that The truth, the average american workers lost five thousand dollars in spending power underbody under trump eight point: seven percent increase in real wages. Now you didn't know that, because trump never says it is too busy insulting people, but eight point: seven percent: you had that much! more money to spend so there's no comparison and that's number one for the republican party. Yet, though, stats drill them home That's where americans live or die data day spending,
when you have tremendous advance. On the economic front, you gotta power. The press is never going to report it. We have gone over this a million times suppresses corrupt republicans can't count on it. by their own efforts in key states, could go either way culture, we all know the woke, cancel culture and extreme ism in this country is driven by the day. chronic party. Everybody knows that, all you have to do is go to florida, we're descent. It's not a very good job During the woke democrats, our aid is really put a hurt. That's the strongest suit in his presidential campaign. It recognize it in early and
pass, a number of laws to stop this cream, is in the culture. Gonna give you two examples. The first one is this notion, embraced by the democratic party. that there should be no boundaries at all engender gender. I think for a lot of young trans people across the country. While the trans community in general, but particularly for young people, this is they are, they feel like they are being told. They don't belong There are not worthy of the same rights and dignity as everybody else, honestly, it's making them really lose faith in government, because the idea that government would come along and tell people that in schools we're going to examine you and your report, of anatomy. In order to determine whether or not you are a female
is just insane. What's in saying is a woman's lie because, the schools only do the adding competitive sports, because any sane person knows that a biological mail is general, stronger than a biological female and if the male says He's a woman now and compete with women we're going to dominate. Everybody knows that. said nothing to do with the government Do with a democratic party. Trying to do Assemble vial, logical, gender because they want to disassemble every tradition in america, including your birth, your birth certificate when alter it. Free fires on anybody can do whatever they want, including come in
many crimes they want. The other thing where the Republicans that get this in the forefront is the anti police posture of the democratic already go, I'm when it comes to fines, it's not always just about the number of officers in the street. It's about these police precincts that have tanks. have military weaponry and frankly, Degree of that have a degree of as much real resources you're like warlike weapon, read that people ask. Why does a local police precinct have this in the first place, so the woman's bordering on incoherent and she is a star in the democratic party But the general thread in the democratic precincts is the police are bad and you go to any town run by democrats and you see that ask any cop in chicago
or san Francisco or l, a or new york, city or baltimore or ST louis or philadelphia, ask any police officer. You feel supported by your democratic politicians. Come on, that's gotta, be in the forefront of any republican. pay now the folks who are behind the curve? Not you guys. I mean, I know I say nice things about bill, o dot com viewers and ozma news viewers, but you deserve it, you're ahead, because I'm ahead, but most of our compatriots way way behind the cycle. They don't really understand what the economy and these wild spending How bad it is. They don't understand how bad the culture is particularly- don't live in Crazy cities like san Francisco bay, once the word gets out. What's this with their own eyes: dylan mulaney mulvaney, whatever name is
pushing by blithe thereabout. And so by light is dead disney, is so bad lowest start, ass in decades, and now disease going to try to sell it self, ok, This is our common back. The image so bad dissenters had something to do with that. And then target and other stores which play into this madness. Alright, the consumer when, if screaming finally wakes up and I'm not buying not going there, that's what the republican party has to do they have to,
wake up the people who are far behind because they cast ballots o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill o reilly dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad
wait. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today and bill o'reilly dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash, ad free, ok! Next one is border immigration law, so I don't know what else to say about this are repeated for the one hundredth time frumps remain in mexico policy, cut down a legal migration into this country by about eighty percent eight zero day I took office, he knocked out remain in mexico. Signing get a border that anyone in the world who wanted to petition for asylum in this country could do so and most could come here. That's violation of our immigration law, binding care and so were flooded with migrants flooded and the democratic cities are too
at the worst relative, this is not a sign of progress. Of this is a sign of crises greatest, I believe, humanitarian crises. The city has ever wit, If we're going to do the duality of calling for rightfully to resources for the city, even something as simple as calling as calling a state of emergency. If the president does that and allow us to get sources by never going to do that because it's his fall by this fall single anaemic, now atoms and air of new york city using enabler. He's a big sanctuary city guys, so the republic is tat. all of these people better now Complaining about the outer troll migrants situation. String them together in an ad and then show the masses amounts of people at the border common on any again. Americans it'll live at the border, they don't pay, it
and to the new cycle, the garret but their way behind on it. So. And then the drugs. I'm gonna deal within the homeless thing Along with the migrants comes, a flood of narcotics is widened care about that now and I remind you that the vice versa come all errors was put in charge. The porter finer root cause set. We heard from her as she gone down. It's just, such a joke, but it's not funny. So now I've, given you three big ones: the economy. Ok the border and the coach, this those three alone should is sure I'll rip, Look and last line in twenty four, but because the republic in part, such disarray. That isn't assured next. What ukraine? This is where you get into not till I can lead
and I don't answer the letters because I'm not in business anybody I too think that pollutants invasion of ukraine should Allowed. And he should be able to do what he wants over there. You have a right To believe that you do- and there is a subset of both liberals and conservatives who want to pull out a ukraine led putin do what he wants to do that, a big crew, but it's there, you know who the people are Now I know that area possible foreign policy is, vital to every americans interest, because it's a worldwide economy cannot putin, run wild and she taken. For taiwan with all the chips and are down, and you can get. Some kind of world order, but it you go about so,
Public is number one have to admit that ukraine is a corrupt country, because it is, it is. I will not talk about the massachusetts bay colony here for decades. A recent war to ended, ukraine sided with the nazis by the way. Ok, Ukraine has been a corrupt countries. So get that a front. And we have to watch every dying, we send their and so far we set about eighty billion would more to come. The bite administration have to stop Putin. There. So that overrides the internal politics of ukraine, ukraine, by the way, is probably going to bring down joe by another thing: ok The first thing is for the republic of say: look, this is about ukraine
this is about america. Can't let this killer. Dictator, putin run while missus ware he's gotta, be stopped, most americans or respond to that, I believe care, but you gotta be a front with them about the whole thing. Remember amerika did business would style and they knew Stalin was also. as bad as hitler. We knew that roosevelt knew that but we allied with startling to defeat hitler, ok, something you don't have a choice about who your allies are, and situation in ukraine. Now abortion. This is an issue where it has to be presented in a reasonable way nicky early in the first debate, the former governor south carolina was very reasonable.
Court has ruled that each state. Regulates abortion laws and that is what the constitution pretty much sense. Right. Democrats hate that Democrats want abortion, no matter what I haven't already any democrats with these Maybe your mansion I put forward. Any kind of moderation on abortion at all. Ok, but there, public things have got to be clear. Eyed about this happy, say: I'm gonna throw women in jail We're gonna do this: we're gonna, punish we're gonna do its approach. Swayed a bull issue, but the democratic,
so far out there. That should be become what the campaign republican campaign concentrates on rule it most of all, because no one, not the president, not a supreme court justice, not your partner should be able to force you to remain pregnant. If you do not wish to our message today is loud and clear: we will fighting until we achieve fall. Reproductive justice in america full reproductive justice means abortion anytime any place for any reason stay out of the way. So this is a human rights issue, Kay the human rights issue. This is what the Chinese to the communist china They want to kill a baby, they kill. A baby government kills a babe, want to do what they do it. You want that, that would you want here. That's without woman wants.
None! She kill a baby up until what five minutes before birth she would, Nobody has a right to sir. You have to be pregnant. If you wanna be pregnant, listen tour, listen our stream. That is. my at that time, all over the place, but the republic of got to be reasonable. Win over independent women in particular. Get into religion on it. You can't do that, since the secular country crime almost as drugs, ok, We all know the catastrophe of san francisco a whole city ruined by drug. It did homeless people Los angeles has eighty thousand homeless drug attic, though not all drug attics put about eighty percent of the more kate, your city has almost a hundred thousand in these people that number one quality alive crimes have to be enforced.
We have this region of quality of life laws, so somebody can. Come up on your law on your front lawn and put up a tent and take heroin right. That's trespass! if all you need to do is enforced. The trespass laws against these people were all over the place and then, unfortunately, laws are not allowed to consume more narcotics and you put them all these people. In a cell where and you offer them rehabilitation, They want rehabilitation, I'll pay. For my tax. My I want my packs wanted to go to drug rehab. But most of em don't want you stronger. don't want rehabilitation. No one be high all day every day is what they want to do. Intrude on your right on my right. If they commit crimes, they don't care those people dangerous? sorry, the dangerous people they in fact, other people
they do all kinds of horrible things they straw cities, we'll let them get away with, while the republic borders is enough, when not doing that anymore, big emotional issue, seven education Ok, so public school education in many places, not all. Where I live on long island, school generally. Public schools are generally good progress. culture in the public schools, which is why I sent my urchins to catholic schools, and both of them are prospering, occasionally and culturally, because there was a structure in the catholic school, both inside and outside the classroom. So if you are using your machine to bully somebody, this
but you didn't do it on the property of the school, the catholic school will take action, political will. Not if you're, using terrible language right outside of the public school, because I knew do think you have school I wanted that kind of discipline and a work. Ok, Most americans can afford private school, so they have to go to the public schools. Public schools are dominated by democrats and the teachers unions stages syria's donated fourteen million dollar, ok, the Democrats into them in twenty two that cycle they bought. They bought them.
And the teachers, unions visually say anything else, get a bad teacher. Teach you the kids hate test. Scores alone. Is you you can't touch that each can touch or. now. What do you do about it? Well, you can do the floor to texas model, which is what the republic ensure rally around here. So in florida and taxes there or standards of education that each public school has to meet That means no indoctrination, that's don't say, gay law, it's that don't say gay its tone. after an aid seven year rolls into obviously campos, we understand the law. santos will be, I'm same law on texts. Ok, then, no doubt using pretty rough, their democratic control, those inner cities and austin as well
So this is not. Education is not a driver of votes for the Republicans. Like the economy is the culture is crime is because It doesn't drive, but the republicans, should have a well thought out model of what public education looks like race. So for decades The democratic parties has to divide whites and blacks, primarily So that's why I've americans vote in a monolith for democrats because democratic, I look, We believe that you are being persecuted by white republicans: white supremacist. And not only are we going to fight them. but we're gonna, give you an enormous amount of stuff here. Look at the food stamp programme, which is by now it's on steroids now into by no drug test.
thing, no provision. You have to look for a job, none of that. Nothing kay Is he here you're here you that's? Why the data so high. entitlements and other crazy spending. So. the race thing? Not only is political thing, but it's a social thing. because, ultimately you that white americans now very, very cautious around Their fellow black citizens very cautious, that's not the way The foster good race relations. And the reason is because the progressives want black state whites go, but we can't stop at criminal justice reform or policing. warm for that matter. We are not newly fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting
the tear down system of oppression that exist in housing, in education and health care in employment. In the air we breathe. Oh, why people are oppressing that's what the democratic message is you know raises a touchy subject within publicans have got to figure how to present the race issue in a way that exposes what you just heard their democratic party, wants black americans to believe they are oppressed by whites. That's what they want that foster good race relations. I don't think so. Social security medicare again, this is not an issue that you can really campaign, bought it coming disaster solely countries getting older
and the younger people are not able to support the older people simple as that, So right now Social security has a threat trillion dollar deficit. That means a government pays three trillion out more than it takes in on social security, taxes. On sustainable can sustain it. Ok on medicare, it's four hundred. And fifty billion deficit You combine the two and it's about, Three point two five trillion dollars every year becoming can't cover that. Americans do not want any cuts, social security or medical care, get it all possible viable against demographic and a bad one.
But why you can flawed and I've? I wouldn't do it this time around, because it's too crazy, and the Democrats will seize on it and the press will seize on it I would raise the retirement age down around. Decide they try to do what they did in france and our rights all over the place that wouldn't be riots hear anything. Americans understand now that with me Michael science, people are much more viable into their late sixties, early seven, but that's coming. Finally, tribalism so are divided into two tribes and basically the media's fall, and I remember tat, I will comment on your riley factory, telling me that the division the country was all my fault, What I did was establish a primetime news programme That laid out in no uncertain terms what my belief system, what that's, what the o reilly There was that's what was, namely a riley factor. Cobble objected to that. Why me
couples, aid devoted liberal, and he knew that I was making tremendous strides. traditional conserving the community's, because they finally had a voice to counter the couples of the world. Cobble did like that. Now I was polite because I respect ted couples. Journalists, girls, I, but I knew what he was doing- But now The news industry is to use it. Shame on steroids divides people. So if you, I Jamieson bc, you ve, gotta, be a devoted level, can be independent. You can't be tradition, You is so much garbage on a thing you watch fox now was it ninety seven percent. The last survey conservative people watching vocs When the war is over sixty percent- and it was Twenty percent, liberal and twenty percent
independent or undefined- out. Ninety five, ninety seven percent, because that would have been seized, decided to do programme for the people who believe in conservative tenets. I never did that. I wanted everybody to watch the factor in every. Pretty much did at one time or another, so them Electronic media includes talk. Radio has made us into trouble, so we consume our own news k so that new york, you can't read it sure, liberal I can't read it at all, because I every article I can see what they're doing misleading the raiders. I can't read out a carried a wash imposed. I just get to it. and I learned anything from them. I can read the wall street journal one. I do every day, I and I got my other new sources that I go to for one thing or enough but this tribalism promotes hatred
so you're, not my tribe and like you, and I hurt you and sometimes now I have to tell you if thousands of letters a week from all over the world, because the no spin news now goes everywhere and I don't get a lot of hate. I don't we have standard. Very strict, procedures about what you can't can't right on our message. Boards earning, I got you you were very you can't write any hate stuff. You can't do it The mail that I get is not full of hey it's full of concern: okay, so I would say that most of my audience does not like Joe by then personally, I don't like him at present. with the level of hate against tromp Far more than what I'm saying and spied so that's. Why?
wanna to bet you want, and the republican party wants to be there as well so Hannity, do did something very smart by interviewing gave a nuisance. I smart, and it was smart of newsome participate now trying to put together a debate between dissent as a noose, very good, very good that's what we should be trying to do Here- strong and chains and believes are excellent. I'm a man who does that. And I admire and respect that. Long as are based on honesty and what's good for america. I said last night on new nation with Chris Cuomo that Mitch Mcconnell, that down What's your name in Feinstein, senator caliph and Joe Biden should all resign today because they can't do their jobs.
and are not helping the country by keeping your power out, get out not helping countries what they want. Tribalism, not a good thing, keep an open mind. So there you have the ten things and I hope you found him were there. You have any other things that you believe the republican party should concentrate on the upcoming campaign. Let me oh bill bill, o reilly, dotcom billet bill, o reilly, dot com. for those of you in kazakhstan, name town, even if I care pronounced return, I will try We had a lot of mail with no need with no town, because there's a lot of new people all over the world watching our presentation. So it's Bilbil o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to open Good male segment final thought coming your way. Next, ok, go to the mail. We got charlie fish colonial heights virginia
Great memo on the progressive movement scary, but very good description, later miss mall. You opine that perhaps twenty percent of americans were progress. My question, how much of our government opera of any sort of traditional less regardless of party control them The answer is, yes, dissenters has controlled the progressive in florida by confronting them, so they can be I don't know how many progressives there are, because the study There aren't any real studies on it are put their number twenty percent, ardent liberals are usually progressive, jordan rigour, toronto, canada. I enjoy your analysis of the progress of movement last I once again, you can see that on below, they die com, I love when you drop those truth
you and your staff to great work. What is more, exact, hope to gain by donating such huge amounts of money to the democratic party. He wants progressive powers october. That's what he wants so ready to pony of four hundred million. Like you didn't twenty two thousand twenty election. Claudia on a message board Ninety percent certain that Zadok box manipulation that happened in two thousand twenty is being planned again. May be funded by the same guy, maybe other progressive billion. There's a climber newgate and on the ash, you're right, you're right, but they don't violate. Any law more rule that you can donate unlimited amounts of money into political action committees for their purposes. Against do the same thing. if it concierge member, we urge you over. There will everyday weekend to check out our concierge programme. It is a life insurance policy, for you get any kind of trouble. Come to me and I'll. Try to help you simple, as that,
There's a concierge member. I bill I'm wondering why you purposely ignore the influence of Chris Christy. and new Hampshire. He is nearly beating tromp so I dont believe that crisscross he has any chance to win the republican nomination, You remember that pact, buchanan upon them I'm worn the new Hampshire primary, I dont, ignore Chris Christie. I analyzed his performance at the debate. I think he should lighten up and I'm not talking about his weight is a little intent. out there and is a little too. I hatred my analysis of him, but I certainly loaning norm. Jerry givens pearl city hawaii. Press will never give a republican, fair and honest coverage wherever they are. look a nominee is the free media will make that person a villain, lowly jerry. Never in a million years the new york times washington, post sir,
an MSNBC Nbc new CBS news, abc news: what a republic Paddle embark, tavern all new jersey, we'll go on now: What is going on with Mitch? Mcconnell The man, but it's an insult if continue to serve in the us senate. An insult. I think it's selfish reasons: Those areas newport borders virginia- I want to go, see oppenheimer, so I read killing the rising sun. Excellent now enjoy the move even more and now you'll see. how the writer and director of the movies name escapes in big famous sky cribbed, some stuff from killing the rising sun and put it in a movie quickly. los alamos sections. Doing right is one of my favorite books, Marie concierge member, identify with dropping stuff, I'm so
three years old, so annoying yeah, dexterity, when you get older marie you gotta work it you gotta work I got a little ball now that I squeeze I told you I'm in the water the ocean in a pool stretching Sturdy goes only get the more. You cannot become less flexible. That's. Why did that final vote? Yes, wonder hooker, Montgomery, Texas,. My wife and I soon be been married for sixty years august. Thirty first today, sixty years you know, that's so admirable So walter ensue sue, camry taxes, happy anniversary, sixty. Ok, killing around killing rising sun. killing, though with Jews who. Gotta get serious about it out september: twenty
its preorder on bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, amazon boards and you know the drill. Come premium, cause you urge member over the weekend. I hope and check that out. You did that freight book. Free or any of my other books, Okay, you re up your membership early, get every book. Ok, No witches is scary. Great I'll win book, but it's Three books are more than once we get into September I'll, be telling about it. We still have the all time special. For before summer reading, up until monday, crazy killers and legends altogether for thirty two. Ninety five and you get a free team, normal base while had to boot. I mean that is the greatest steel ever I can't keep her go on any longer, the monday and then we have our lives, show new york state of mind on our toolbar twenty seven to kick off the holiday.
How we regard as very scary, it sets the huntington, paramount theatre. And they just really seventy tickets tickets are really almost gone, but seventy primo seats- I guess they kicked- and a wall sample- If so, if you want to go, see us live you'll, never forget the show. A great time to come to long, island and of October leaves a chernin you'll, see teddy Roosevelt's house. Lots of good restaurants go have fun okay, so I final thought we'll be back in a moment. I forgot the word the day. Do not be picking you he. I see you a why you any picky lobby that I've vote today, labour day on Monday. And I. As I said in the analysis. What the republicans have to do, the american worker and
I'm in a union I've been workin my butt off since some twelve years old Ah is really the backbone of the country, though nothing it's done without the workers, but we're under appreciated by the fact tat. Mobiles and people who got the yachtsman. other people who have benefited from our labour. Now there are geniuses up there and their concepts I have made a lot of money and that's why they have the arts and private planes and I dont begrudge that it all you successful. You have a good time, gay they should get money charity and a lot of them do but the work of the person in the trenches. War, the soldiers on the ground and make it happen, hay and we're under appreciated. Here. This country is equally by the media, which.
thinks that we're all what did they? Hillary Clinton thing, we're all undesirable or whatever she said, you see things She said and obama goin your guns and bibles c'mon. our hard work makes this country the greatest nation on so happy labour day have a great time we'll see you again on tuesday.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-02.