« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

A No Spin Investigation of Hunter Biden, the President's Puzzling Interviews, Supreme Court Rulings, Disney's Downgrade, July Fourth Shootings, Ben & Jerry's Anti-American Message

2023-07-05 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, July 5, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: .Bill takes an investigative look at Hunter Biden and his family's alleged corruption.
  • President Biden continues to have awkward moments during a live TV interview and other events.
  • Bill recaps the Supreme Court's latest rulings.
  • Disney reels from their latest woke blowback.
  • Violence takes place over the July Fourth holiday.
  • Ice cream makers, Ben & Jerry's, attack America on the Fourth of July.
  • This Day in History: Hillary Clinton's email scandal
  • Final Thought: Tomorrow's show

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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and things are not what they seem to be so As some of you know. I spent a lot of my career investigative reporting and I did major stories on the cessation of john F Kennedy, which led to my book in Kennedy I blew the lid off aspen colorado, which was in the late nineteenth seventies, trans shipping, cocaine all over the country. I did a number of stories on corruption, including new york city marshals, for that I won an emmy so investigative reporting is in my blood, it's what I like to do most but begin. Ninety, ninety six, I became a commentator and couldn't really do investigative reporting because it takes a lot of time and I didn't have that-
thought, but here I'm going to make an exception, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo hunter Biden and his father Joe Biden. What is their business relationship? That is a question that remains an answered It's an exceedingly important question. This whole story reminds me of Watergate common down parallel lines. So, let's first through the time line on a hundred by his alleged tax evasion. which is now admit. It too began in two thousand a teen as far as investigations at the federal level. Arkansas
The allegations go back to two thousand and fifteen, maybe even earlier, but in two thousand eighteen, the federal government, the irs and the justice department sort investigate Jeff sessions was the attorney general under donald trump. Here only in office for a few weeks when this hundred by an investigation began and then we embark took his place shortly there. After so bar with supervising. Investigation which, with centered in Wilmington delaware, came saw. bar, didn't, say very much, and neither did president trot you remember it was the investigation- and I understand you I started to assemble the information and
what we know now, it was hard because hunter Biden, Jim Biden, depressants brother, set up, should they call shell corporations wired money through places like Malta, it was very complex to get to the heart. this map. So the fact that trump and barred and saving about it doesn't surprise me. I don't even have trump knew where the extent of this was so prompt loses the election bar Resigned from the office of attorney general, before he left office. bar held a press conference rotate. I think, to the extent that there An invite investigation, I think that is being handled responsibly and professionally.
currently within the department entered his point. I have not seen a reason to appoint a special council and I have no plans to do so before I leave. By that point bar should have known it was certain dirty about this. I remember. He did not appoint a special council to investigate allegations of fraud in the election either. could have done. That should have done that absolutely should have done it. You should have wanted to special prosecutes. One to look at allegations of fraud in the election, the other to look at what the deuce. all in one hundred biden- because it was two years at that point- but boy did not- now again with ass water appear. He will not feel go in a pot
and you never heard of he will not come in here. So what does that tell you. Ok, so then mirror garlon takes over and is directly supervising david, wise, the? U s attorney in delaware, wise is making progress and asks for the: u s attorney in washington, You see a man, a matthew, graves, okay and, the: u s: attorney in central and southern california, a man Martin Estrada there. They are too partner with him share information about hunter Biden, business dealings.
Graves and estrada review, who is the attorney general miracle? He could have ordered graves in astronomy to cooperate with David weiss key point. He could have ordered That all three? U S, attorneys cooperating share information. Any honest attorney general would have done that. Why not if david wise in delaware needs information from california in Washington DC. You deny him that that's what miracle, indeed,. I find it very shocking. The graves and estrada would with all information from their colleagues in delaware? Don't you don't you.
Why would I do that equal justice under law right? Ok, So garlic is already up he into this ought to hear it gets worse for him right up to here, because he's not pro actively running this case and he should be he's the boss Ok, then we get in to bill bars book, but of course you write a book and on page three hundred to three hundred for he talks about hundred by. Let me quote: in the book in two thousand fourteen, the vice presidents on hunter was virtually with no relevant experience. how do you see the look at a position? Aborted, charisma? The time when the vice president, that's Biden.
I believe the obama administration pushing in ukraine and step up anti russian efforts although underlines visions, obviously sorted instance of monetizing his father's office, the vice president, not violate the law because federal conflict of interest laws do not apply to vice president's unquote, but that's bull, we're not talking about conflict of interest. We're talking about alleged Rivalry so bar now sinks deeper in my estimation, into the more ass doesn't appoint. A special prosecutor could have. Now he's given Biden it out on conflict of interest, not about conflict of interest, about bribery.
Why was bereaves while paying under bind all this money? What did they want and did any of that money find its way to Joe, but these are honouring a questions. Okay garland then continues on in his role as attorney general and on and on and on ok, five years five years, two thousand and eighteen, two thousand twenty three then. Finally, finally,. on June twentieth plea dealers announced and everybody in a country whose honest knows that hundred Biden got away with it, they all know So here is a garland set on tv. They under Biden instigation, as I said even in my own nomination confirmation hearing
being run by and supervised by, the united states attorney for the district of delaware. I am aware of that, but he reports to you. He is supervising the investigation and I'm in liberty, to talk about internal justice department deliberations, but he is in charge of that investigation. There will not be interference of any political or improper kind, again, bull again, bull about interference, it's about helping get to the bottom of the matter. So both bar and garland right now, as it stands, and, in my mind, ran interference four hundred by the public in a Democrat. Ok, so why, happens now to whistle blowers of come forward gary shapely,
Irish supervisory agent flat out says just bob I didn't want to know what hundred bind it lot out says and then there is another guy who on identified whose backing up shapely Also, there is a f b I informant, whose come forth as a whistle blower. who is saying the same thing that the justice department didn't want canal, that's what this is all about. They didn't want to know and they put up raw blocks to avoid getting information. They should have easily god easily, not a hard case once you get through the banking records or remember just where's subpoena power in go anywhere in the world. But look at this because
House now, with the three committees investigating they ve got those banking. Reckless tell me the justice department couldn't get him after five years: corsica, Corsica. So there are three house committees since merrick garlic, the attorney general and the just apartment won't do anything, and this guy david, wise, looks to me to be an order taker Tell you about him. In a moment he put out a state Friday night, when everybody was on vacation, unbelievable anyway, house oversight. Comber has judiciary, Jordan. how's ways and means congress, then Jason smith, is the chair, so you get three now Three committees they're going to haul these guys in colluding christopher wray, the f b, I chief and all they're gonna say is: oh, I can't talk about an investigation. Guitar can't do it can't talk.
So you're gonna get maybe you'll get a fifth amendment. I doubt it it's. I can't I can't I can't that's what you're gonna get so these guys are never going to admit that they were in a tank with abide family which they work. In my opinion,. Ok so friday, this is so weird every is travelling everybody's going for the long weekend. David wise again, the? U S, attorney in delaware, in charge of the case who put forth the lenient, We deal to hunt berries, positive overall that he write a letter to judicial committee chair, Jim George here- is the pithy part of the letter quote. At this juncture, I am required to protect confidential law enforcement information and deliberative communications related to the case.
Thus I will not provide specific information related to the hunter Biden investigation at this time. Unquote, so unbelievable. Believable, the wife is involved with it too he's covered it up. I'm not going to tell you, What we are, what we do now. Not a whole wisely they'll say the same thing I can. I can judge the barber regulations. I can't I can't stop. It is left to the three congressional committees and the press to find out what the deuce is actually happening here. The press is no age in this at all- not to for me and a few others and I'll get to the bottom of it. Believe me, and you should tell your friends and family and everybody else. This is a big story. This is watergate, redo
Same thing and watergate they try to protect mix. Mitchell went to jail. The attorney general John winch mitchell went to jail. Does he lied in and obstructed the investigation into Nixon's cover up of the water break? What are they break it? That's why Which went to jail Nixon would have gone to jail for what he did in the oval office. He would have gone to prison if president ford did not pardon him. Nixon would have been convicted okay, so tomorrow- and this is the talking points for it
I am and all that tomorrow I'm going to bring in bread tom and who is an excellent source of information for us. You know him former us attorney from Utah, now you're, seeing them pop up on fox and other outlets, and I that's fine with me, but we discovered bread and put him on and I've asked him to try to assemble. More information for us, so let me just review what I told you today. In my mind, there is no question no doubt that both attorney well bill bar and a garland tried to cover up this case didn't want to know both of them.
The hunter Biden and the Biden family at this juncture. who would have realised thirty million dollars and the accounting get out what we get in dribs and drabs of it it's over ten now, but my sources, Tom, is coming. China was the main player with three play: Where's following money turner by ukraine, Romania, china, but by far. Chinese were fondling money to hunter by. Why? Because china wanted is much intel on the Biden family as it could
yet- and this was a way to draw a obviously addicted hunter Biden into the chinese web, where conversations take place. Was the motivator four hundred by new motivator was greed? That is true all of which I have told you tonight is true, so now we have to prove it. And you know I don't have subpoena power, but I I got a lot of influence, I'm going to put this out, but that's where we are bread, tom and tomorrow I'll have a final thought. I'm going to give you a little bit more and final thought.
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Now, before the holiday, with July, halibut, pine and live in You and I use the word interview loosely to Emma's NBC, go. Thank you same to be continued. We're really grateful manager for republic important if I can attest to that or if you ever need a witness I can attest to that. Show the prisoner every american who voted for me or not well, the ones that, in both for your bells, but run on the federal minister president. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much appreciate the donkeys. Thank you. Don't go anywhere. It's a very exciting day around here. We'll have reaction and analysis to everything we have just heard, on the one hand, interview didn't mention hunter by now. Once.
I don't know how these people get up in the morning. I don't I just don't they function, I guess it's just cash check every week and that's all Nor do with it all and then Biden wanders off the set. Ok. That's the gin bc news and decent cocaine found in the white house. So idolizes and a message of the day and bill o reilly die com and everybody can read it every morning. I'll be do your honor to be a member, Go and read it just like my column on sunday, which analyzes the supreme court, which we'll get to in a moment cocaine secret service discovered it in some kind of closet in the white house:
I'm our modern make any hundred jobs did the message of the day you want. On a job I got over there, okay. So, as you know, I hope three in court ruled on three things. Last week. I'll just boil, and I'm a simple man knows in color in college admissions can't do it. They'll still do it, but the supreme court says you can't No student alone forgiveness from present by me, does not have the power to do that, and the third one private business people cannot be forced to participate and activities that go against their religion. I. So that means that if a gay purse Nor a black person or muslim or anybody else walks into your business,
you say: I'm not gonna sell you something you will be arrested. You have to sell them. But if a minority person walks in and says I want you to do so, thing for me in this case it was a good thing that I await your religious beliefs, promotes homosexual. Whatever may be frank with you can't do that here. That delineation was not made by the press. They said is an anti gay ruling. Ok, it's not. It's was basically of your or religious person, and someone comes in and says you have to make a cake that says. Allah is the real god. You don't have to make it right.
Ok, we all understand no skin color, no less debt forgiveness, no, forcing people to do anything else for religious belief, but Does not re emphasizes extend to you denying. Somebody a service to buy something or access that everybody else gets all right. Joe Biden reacts to this approach If the court's decisions go, the constitution says we hold these truths to be self, and all men and women are created equal endowed by their creator and see the uniqueness of america. We never fully lived up. We never walked away from it and Court seems to say that now has not always the case the idea there's no right to privacy and the constitution to be states. Power that we fought a war over an eighteen sixty You know I I just think is sound.
Not your father's republican party society institution. It says all men are created equal endowed by the creator. It's a declaration of independence. By this I know that not a slip of the tongue- it just doesn't know nineteen sixty one always that its eighteen sixty the civil war, but there's no linkage civil war in these rulings on ok and then find He says that's a unique use of america. We ve never lived up to. What are you talking about. I don't wanna be disrespectful to the office of the presidency, but this is a foolish dayton just foolish.
What is worse about alexandria or cassio quartet's go. There also must be impeachment on the table. We have a broad level of tools to deal with. Misconduct, overreach and abuse of power in the supreme court has not been receiving the adequate oversight necessary in order to preserve their own legitimacy and in the process they themselves have been with destroying the legitimate. see of the court, which is profoundly dangerous for our entire democracy. Know I'd love to debate things you do it! Maybe I bill Barr and her could come on the same time. Walter journal editorial board, which is pretty good, pretty good, but not this time. They say tromp should do the offer.
Republican debate august- twenty three- Third Milwaukee fox news debate. Chumps I knock I do it was she journals says he should do it. I say Tromp would be raised. The everyday. everybody on this stage, including the two moderators, would be, Now I am the outnumbered ten on all debate would be: let's beat up donald trump, led by Chris Christie it, but the others you jump right, a guy Why would you do that. Why would you do that? How insane to do so Why did the wall street journal advise tromp to do the debate.
the management, the ownership, the same ownership, a fox news they on the wall street journal theyve openly said they want. The governor florida been expression. Monsanto's, maybe I I mean I'm not accusing anybody of anything I mean just. when it comes to business in meeting travel in orlando? It's never business as usual,.
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on the run disney downgraded disney sock. Was this Two thousand twenty one disney stock was two hundred dollars share friday eighty nine dollars share. Well, so now is downgraded. Key bank capital market says no to disney stock because of streaming problems. Weak theme park attendance is like eight thousand dollars to go, so people can and bad movies, woke movies, ok, so disney taken a rare, but because work, then they fire about thirty people,
The us beyond his lazy algeria, Geoffrey and gone to use an excellent basketball animals max kellerman key shown Johnson susie call. Burma has lubeck Steve young, Todd mcshane on and on and on and on are off cut curtain. Sorry. New york, state revenue according bloomberg, gonna fall twenty percent, so that means new york. State gets twenty percent less less than a got few years ago and tax revenue loss, Why? Because many of the corporations and rich people move the florida or two see or north carolina touched her out of here. So now incredible
So state tax revenue fallen by twenty five percent according to Bloomberg is twenty. Five percent means the debt, the deficit rocketing here billy billions dollars same thing. California thing in illinois: what do they have in common, crazy, progressive leadership? So they say it's getting less and less and less money from the taxpayers that are going to have to raise taxes even higher and then because more people will leave. There you go, I didn't get it! It's like california, thirty two million dollar budget deficit, new york, twenty one billion. Illinois, not as nearly as biggest state from seventeen billion. Whatever where'd you go. Good management, excellent crime, no punishment to July. Fourth,
we can mass shootings every aldo abbot in Chicago Mass shooting black neighbourhood, one dead, three wounded, baltimore, mass shooting black neighbourhood to debt, twenty eight injured in baltimore, gunfire forward taxes, black neighbourhood, three dead, eight wounded, philadelphia, black neighbourhood, five dead to wounded total killed. Eleven. Total heard forty one fourth of July media coverage on the ethnicity of the perpetrators, zero, nothing room mentioning all african american driven, not african american citizens.
Not people law, abiding drug gangs. Nobody don't worry about it. Nobody doing anything about it. Nothing because their african americans lack on black rhyme not addressed not analyzed not mentioned, Shoplifting taking over america, so this comes from And up ad in the new york post that According to forbes magazine, two thousand twenty one shot, was up twenty seven percent and is now a one hundred billion dollar industry in america, gonna stores, skill, stuff, walk out. Nothing happens to. and if you are an employee stories, try to stop the shoplifter. You get fired many servants. Ok
walgreens walmart target all of em, all retails close it up in portland. insists go other cities. When I can do business. Baltimore bottom was one of the worst, so cry, no punishment. What happens, which can now can't punish shoplifters anymore, you gotta understand them. Betting jerry's their communists. Now don't use a word often you know that with these people are, and they hate america then and jerry's. This is the ice I here's a on the fourth july ready, but what is the meaning of independence day for those whose land is country stole.
those who were murdered in force with brutal violence onto reservations, those who opposed from their holy places, deny their freedom. Visas are not rush. More the phases of men were actively work to destroy. Edition is called there's and ways of life. To deny indigenous people their basic right, unquote. So Ben and jerry and all outfit or idiots right. George Washington had nothing to do with indigenous peoples taking the land. Nothing is teddy. Roosevelt, nothing gang, verities, jefferson, marginal lincoln, wasn't taking anybody's land and fought in a sioux war, but You know he wasn't. There were fighting basically for survival out in illinois, so I wrote killing crazy horse. You know that I hope you read the book and every country on this earth
Every single one had land grabs by people, new zealand, australia, the far liberal england, centuries of war, ireland, ireland, the crown took my family's land, took it all. It. Every single country on the planet had this. Just the way mankind is the strong take from the less strong there's been an jerry gotta get back digits because you start your evil
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according to the? U S, national centres for environmental condition, tat my life texts, areas and I took the phoenix temperatures this morning- in fifteen. Every day this week- and here I am In new york thought human florida nineties pot, what do you do I lived in Dallas two years I led the miami two years. Would you do you wall off your house not physically, while, but you you get a cobbler rooms, bedroom, family room, kitchen K and
you use ie for mom, and I hope we have individual thermostat in that what you call it and you put fans on to blow the cool air around, but the rooms- and I said you don't use if you're lucky enough to have a large house, you can't keep them at seventy degrees, cause you don't wanna, be paying thousand dollars for utilities. He said lies the cooling mechanism. So I grew up and left town and I told a story. Often I we have air conditioning in a house in the summer.
My bedroom, how to be one hundred degrees, I mean I would wake up in a pool of sweat, so one time was so hot and you know it was one of those humid nights where are no breeze. So the next morning I said to my father: can't you buy a couple of air conditioning units for the house. There's a little house to two or three would work, because you have a fan which I did up. I was in the second story, which was the hottest water that I said, but if I put the fan, I just blows hot air into my face goes well, don't put it on. I was eating that act was only after. I became successful that I bought my. air conditioning in out insane. Alright, so my small live tip, is you gotta consolidate in a small space? You can't do anything outside
go outside and me. I see these people jargon and all they got the giant water bottle, cable, during your body, any good you get any ocean like. I do In a pool where I was this morning, that's good but in I in miami. I remember I I pools barter apartment complex. We let it out, they were so hot it like going into is sought it. Ok, It's like that was no relief, so I got a lot of hope down and in the south, but keep cool this day in history July fifth, two thousand and sixteen hillary Clinton. Charged with handling illegally government documents will attack. There is evidence that they were strongly careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information, for example,.
Seven e chains concern matters that were classified at the top secret special access programme. At the time they were sent and received Those chains involve secretary Clinton, both Sending emails about those matters and. giving emails about the same matters the latter being either just varmint did not charge former secretary of state. Sorry now that seven years ago, cause suggests department and Barack Obama why it will just for all donald trump again at up in seven years ago. Today, ok, so we have a lively male segment and a final thought about our investigation into hunter and Joe Biden we'll be back in a moment. here too, the male glenda. It is a balancing act.
Thing inform yet not getting be down by all its going on, obviously a potential as a premium ever billow rallied icon. why some news, but it's hard to feel hopeless glenn. I don't feel helpless. Things changed fast. That's all! I can tell you, sir, you really believe, or a noble nation, o reilly, maybe a one time now, just like the catholic theology, it's not the men who run the catholic church or the united states of america, its core. What it stands for, we are unable nation, thomas nolan, ascii, palatine, illinois, billy,
if you didn't believe trump had a chance to be president. Sixteen, I think you're wrong about Robert Kennedy. He will win, I didn't say: trump didn't have a chance. I didn't think he was going to do it. Rob Kenny has no chance. His own party doesn't like them and they're not gonna like him because of x thing. they loved the backs. The Democrats, Michael thoreau cans, is open, homer going to your question. What is Biden done for america? Unfortunately, Biden has done everything to par. Progressive left has wanted, but that's not america you're right. It is done everything, but that's an american scott Hirsch, pittsburgh pennsylvania trust me, I'm not a Biden fan but has, and every incumbent president traveled on the government dime to raise campaign funds. I pointed that out. I pointed it out. But it's my job to tell you. What's going on from day to day we began, Austria have connecticut on July. Fourth, they celebrated. thirty one years sobriety agree on,
and with you o'reilly about the government, dereliction duty concerning coddling of drug addicts and the CERN action needed to deal with them. Thank god to alcoholic Anonymous. I am sober today, I'm glad Peter doberman Omar nebraska excellent discussion chris Cuomo this past week on drug addiction. Now it's ruining families, cities and society as a whole are bianca tonight. I think I'm talking about drugs, cocaine and a white house, no mistake whose nation eight o clock, I'm up straight up and aid, sometimes on a little after, but in all its entertaining so I'll, be there tonight with Chris. Toby, you wings spring texas, long time premium, member upgraded to concierge minted leave in new york. If there was a wealth tax, where would you go bermuda or ireland, but there's not going to be a wealth tax records going to knock it out in December.
Richard dick murphy, north carolina you're much days, Boca media icons I want to live. no. You are my walter. Cronkite was very nice richard, but you know Cronkite was a little corporate for me, I'm not a corporate guy, I'm so happy! I don't have to work for corporations. Ever again. I can cry. Cronkite tried his hardest to be very the liberal man But he was a corporate guy on that I please go to bill orally dot com and get on our summer reading programme killing craze yours Killers killing the legends plus a team, normal hat thirty, two: ninety five can't give you a better Deal team normal gear run out the mugs and everything their goose fly out. Hats really important for the skin. Ok and don't forget killing a witches which are beyond september,
order in advance, you get. We give you free stuff, some bumper stickers and stuff like that, and- and I got a bumper sticker special coming tomorrow and tell you all about, but order in advance on bill, O'Reilly, dot, com or amazon or wherever you want. You'll love, killing the witches you're really going to like it, where the day not be a nerd nick and judy, and I see Qaeda was a rank out. word when I was a kid nerd nick, it's a real word back with a final thought on our investigation into the Biden's. Okay, final thought of the day. Very brief: one mind you tomorrow, bread tom and will lead with him after setting more information about the hunter Biden, Joe Biden connection, and how the federal government has covered it up there not aggressively pursuing that is paramount to our country, not equal justice for all. They want to get tromp, no use in everything it can to get him everything. Hillary Clinton is, we just showed you pass Joe.
I had those documents in his garage pass hunter Biden, perhaps as much as thirty million dollars from china, romania and Ukraine didn't want to know its desperately wrong. you want to reach me bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom bill, bill, O'Reilly, dot com. I want to thank all of you watching on our very is our lives. The first in directv, nor for the place and listening on our one hundred affiliates carry the no spin news across the country very grateful leg, and I was thinking about their yesterday on the fourth of July. You know you guys, patriots, I know you're trying to improve your country. You love you country,. We will see you tomorrow, aids bodyguards. You know when you build with morton buildings, you bill something that lasts If you knew a garage insulin workshop horse barn. storage building cabin. Off his warehouse or anything between Morton and create a building is perfect for you this attractive,
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-07.