« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

A Joe Manchin Run, Pollster John McLaughlin on the Presidential Field, Elon Musk Versus Media Matters, an Update on Holly the Terror Dog's Health, & More

2023-11-20 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday November 20, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: What does a Joe Manchin presidential run mean for Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
  • Pollster John McLaughlin joins the No Spin News to discuss new poll numbers and Democrat competition.
  • Bill analyzes Elon Musk's controversial tweet and his looming battle with Media Matters.
  • An update on Holly the Terror Dog.
  • This Day in History: Joe Biden is born.
  • Final Thought: Young adults gone wrong.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I I might bigger cia veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday, for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your bought guest, get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief earlier was under the nose. Fair news wondered a rubber twentieth. Two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. I am gladys thanksgiving wake. I bet you are too Nice break will be here tomorrow, too
I bring you up to date on what's going on set up the week after thanksgiving, for you give it everybody wednesday off, so they have nice five day break. We need a break. People need a break from me because I'm pretty exacting as a boss- I'm not mean, but I'm pretty per sites. You know, because we do a lot, we do radio we do tell vision. We write daily message of the day we re columns- I have to do interviews for our radio affiliates, all three hundred of them, so we're busy and I'm I'm kind of a guy who just boom boom boom boom books of people need a break from me. I understand that give him a break over things. Giving a christmas- and you know everybody the charges, including mate
Now I wrote a message of the day and I hope you go every data below riley dot com. You have to be a member of any thing it does go. There is a message and a message said: a big story about senator mansion, but its not being covered by much media, because the story. If it comes to fruition would hurt president by that is the subject of this evening's talking points mammal. So imagine the democratic senator from Virginia as I wrote column on sunday and a message today. nosey would be defeated if he read Again in two thousand twenty four for his senate see that's because west Virginia is now- a committed red state and mansion before a lot law abiding policies and he also voted to impeach trump twice so he would look. See knows that he's a moderate democrat. That is true. He likes to get consensus around,
issues, and that is a good thing, but he did label, Joe Biden and so republicans in west virginia and not going to cross over involve regional man. So whoever runs on the republican side in the west virginia the mountaineer state will win kay. So imagine always want to hang it up. Is seventy six last chance any since you know maybe I'll run on a third party ticket against both tromp and by you. Interesting conversation with w a b c boss, John cassavetes on sunday about this go and Joe Biden is born, been pulled so far to the left. The extreme left as far as liberal, makes no sense at all. It's not the person we thought was going to bring the country together. So we're word a heck of a measure and we then we ve got to bring people together. the demand more and more responsibility for united
our country where the united states not the divided okay, so sounds to me like somebody who wants to run on a third party ticket it's hard to do that by the way gotta get massive petitions in every state. All fifty reason. You know, I'd say a hundred million madame gotta get the staff's in all states, gotta, get the petitions out and got a sign get on about all. That is that you, I just wanna, be third party its heart, so if he does succeed in getting on about any runs he's heard by now than ever, trump and the republican party they might vote for mansion, but that's a very small part of the geo pate. Seventy seven percent of A crowd say they like somebody to challenge by an mansion. Is a democrat really here run on a party ticket, because the left would block that. So this is a big story, because
security could Donald trump was covered today on any of the network news programmes good morning, America today show CBS morning hello alone. Is there no iD mentioned it in mentioned about a big enough. I know there were cooking up a stuffing for thanksgiving on those shows right, I mean totally abdication of responsibility. Can you a credible candidate. I mean somebody who had really a lot of exposure challenge from the problem with his challenges. Now. Is it not that well known even this at this in florida. You know I'm at florida, you don't know I'm in montana, but if somebody's emerged I mean nowhere should be all over this, but not mac. They are covering for Joe Biden. I don't want to report this story. I'm way ahead on this story by the way it's a fifty fifty slot whether mansion runs.
I know that sounds a little we easily and I'm not usually like that. But there's upside for and downside for him and he's tease it right, but I can't say that I believe you'll do it, because I don't have that data yet object. The final thing is that when you have massive corporations controlling the information flow, you ve got ensure you know we are an independent news agency, which is why you support reilly, dot com and no spin news. We beholden to anybody right
but all the others are every single one that you watch on television, whether it be cable or network, are behold it to a corporation which tells them what to do and across the board, with the exception of fox one exception and fox does not like trump. Okay, every other corporation running the media favours democratic party. Everyone. That is a lot of power. The only thing holding Biden up is that in essence, Ok, so Biden today poured in turkey's that's what he did. he pardoned liberty and bell from Minnesota. That's that's what job
and it knew anything else part in that turkey's now some I heard a roomy somebody try to get a little pardon for trump in there. But it's a suggest. It's two serious business, Joe Biden, is incredibly selfish. In fact, I've been doing a lot of research on the president's, because we're right, A book about the president's bodyguard which will be our next september, leading up to the vote, I think binds most selfish president, this country's a rat. He know
his and his wife jill, who really runs it. They both know his throat, they don't think he'll lose, but they know he can't govern can't. Yet they hang in for another four years. It's Joe's birthday today and I'll get get into that a little bit later on and I'm not disrespecting Joe Biden armagh ideas and facts. He cannot run this country. And so he should use with dignity resign. So look I have my four and I know I'm going to be. You know, eighty six. If I get reelected, I just can't do it, but he won't but ass. I still hold my predict. She's not can be on ticket, but I could be wrong. but I think Joe Biden is embarrassing. The united states now. Not since woodrow wilson am. I can explain that now, but left
Two years woodrow wilson term, he was sick. I couldn't run the country, his wife Edith ran a country. Do you know that hundred percent Edith? Wilson ran the country, it's our best black friday, every jc penny and we've got thousands of deals all week. Long spoil someone and save up to seventy five percent on fine jewelry. After an extra forty percent off step into women's boots. All her faves are nineteen. Ninety nine plus stock up on home expressions bath towels only two: ninety nine, each from holiday helpers to gift ideas, all the deals, all the fun all in store, jc penney, make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles in store through eleven twenty six exclusions apply black friday deals excluded from coupon, see associate for details
Our best black friday, every j c penny and we ve got thousands of deals all week. Long spoil someone in save up to seventy five percent on fine jewelry after an extra forty percent off step into women's booths, all her faves or ninety. Ninety nine, plus stuck up on home expressions battles only to ninety nine, each from holiday helpers, to give the ideas, all the deal's, all the fun all in store. Gc benny make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles in store three eleven: twenty six exclusions by black ready bills, excluded from cuba, socio for details, okra I predicted Joe Biden would have a terrible autumn. It has been a terrible autumn, just raw my prediction place far Well, it's going to be a really sketchy time for president by and I dunno what's going to happen, I don't want to speculate or do all his stuff, but I know it's not going to be good.
The summer has not been good for Joe by and falls going to be. Worse now, sat that I'm so brilliant issues that I have the facts, disposal and it's gonna get worse because of hunter by not I, well. Congress is away for thanksgiving, they get a whole week off. We only get three days out of the way, but they'll be back next and then one hundred biden hearings ramp up again just in time for crisps Can anyone I renew pull out NBC news, which of all the networks of free networks, NBC is the most liberal tartu, believe it's it's a pretty close rates within the most so. They come out with a poem we're going to give you the poll questions in a moment, but the pollster geoff Horowitz. Okay, is a democratic poll pollster, here's what he said quote.
Joe Biden. Is that a uniquely low point in his presidency and a significant part of this, especially within the binding? volition is due to americans are viewing his foreign policy actions, this poll stunner. It stunning because of the impact of these real hamas war, is having on by unquote CNBC Paul to fair paul, democratic, forty republican, thirty, nine first question in general: do approve, it is proof of Joe Biden. Job performance approve forty disprove. Fifty seven k for a liberal paul. That's bad second court.
Please tell me if you approve or disapprove president Biden's handling of the war between Israel and hamas in Gaza, approved thirty, four percent disapprove. Fifty six wow next question, please tell me, prove the priests prove Joe Biden's handling of foreign policy in general. Approve thirty, three disapprove sixty two another disastrous number final question: if the election for president world today, would you vote for trump or Biden trump? Forty, six biden? Forty four! That's that mystical tie okay, so all the polls say the same thing: NBC is the closest and what was it? The washington post, a b c there to trump up by a I believe so. Journeys now from new york is john Mclaughlin he's been on programme before he worked for donald trump campaign. In twenty
willing, and I wanted to get your overall assessment in the last three weeks. Polling has cratered for president Biden. How do you see it, but first of all full disclosure thanks bill. I worked for trump from the sixteen campaign through the present, so we publish monthly polls as an and donald trump. We've had him ahead in the popular vote and we do likely voters. We don't do people who aren't gonna vote. You don't do adults and we call a real voter lists. We talked to real trump has been ahead of Joe Biden in the popular vote since the minute Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan and in our last month's poll, trump was ahead. Forty eight forty three very similar to all these media polls have now caught up with us and because maybe the media is, you know realizing that Donald trump's going going to beat Joe Biden.
But we're. You know eleven months out. Alright. But let me let me just stop you there until your polling indicates that trump is a five point. Lead in the popular vote. Is that correct, correct, but if I remember correctly, you were wrong about the two thousand and twenty trump assessment you had in my head. No, and you could see it's on our website, Mclaughlin online dot com. We had him losing the national popular vote, but we said it was going to be very close cause. It would be a battleground electoral vote play just like twenty sixteen. We never had him ahead in the national popular vote until this cycle and by the way that sample that we build, because we do a sample based on the actual vote turnout from the last presidential election, where you had one hundred and sixty million people come out and that samples matches the exit polls there
all that we have trumped up five. These four points: more binding twenty twenty borders near then trot twenty twenty borders of ghana leaders, any question thereby is running behind tromp, even with all the mass government intrusion into troms legal capacity. He still ahead. So most people aren't buying that at all that the democratic party knows this as a wall street journal pointed Seventy seven percent of democrats registered Democrats want but challenger to buy so presto, Joe mansion. pops up. Do you think he's gonna run and does he any kind of shot whatsoever? Well,
he is talking about rowing on the no labels party line and if he does the order change it to the no shot party line, because we asked him two months ago, as on the no labels party, candidate trump was ahead. Forty turbines, thirty six and mansion got six percent of the vote. Cornell west got to mansion was taking votes. Five to four from by the Democrat he's a liberal democrat. He just looks model because the democrat party, he doesn't look moderate john everybody knows- is a further. Let president who's ever served at this point. Your head, that's got, that facade that he's a moderate guy he's is far left as you could go. So you you can ten that mansion has no shot if he, raises these millions of dollars and gets it
Why? Why? Wouldn't? He have a shot well, first of all, I'll carry petitions for him because he's going to take mainly from Joe Biden because he's a Democrat, but the other shot is look at I mean Kennedy was getting more votes than him and Kennedy still was taking more than than the mansion mansion by the way. This weekend, the harvard harris poll had a favorable unfavorable image and twenty nine favorable thirty one unfavorable that same poll had donald trump plus seven. Fifty one forty four trump's voters have the most intense here the most committed they want to come out again because they look at the country and they say: seventy percent are on track to thursday economists on their own wedding, where, where it's getting worse, not better, two thirds on the economy and national security crimes,
bore the issues favour the trumpeters job eyes saw by. You sees the same numbers as you do not having himself, but as people do mansion sees. The numbers and I don't know whether that would prevent him from getting in r k junior. poland and what about ten twelve percent zau where'd you go. Where is ok right, salt, but both are of KGB and buying take from trump right, I'm site from buying they take on by right right mentioning The above mentioned kennedy Coronel west jill stein they all take from buying. They all make. The more the merrier. gap and you guys absolutely drugs should be out. There is a great things about judge, camacho arrays that gonna be all right now. I have predicted- and I hold to this prediction- that Biden is
gonna make it he's not gonna, be on about that. The convention in cargo in the summer the Democrats go elsewhere. Do you concur? I not until the mainstream media turns on job. They won't rubs they're, not gonna, do it. He could still be that he could still be the nominee than because would look. The filing dates have gone by four new hampshire. The filing days for cell try super Is their days gone by? Why but he's not gonna get enough,
he's not going to get enough delegates to walk and with it I don't think Biden is too soft. It's really soft with vicky, but you gotta beat somebody with an opponent, so he can't you're buying right now, he's crushing dean. Phillips is crushing marianne williamson, maybe in new Hampshire cause. He insulted them and took away their primary and he's gotta. Be a writer kennedy on the ballot. The university of new Hampshire still has him ahead as a writer, but you know if there's no delegates with the new Hampshire primary, so the first delegate race is south carolina and it's Joe Biden who's the Democrat there so so he's going to have the delegates. Anybody don't lie contention is that even if he squeaks it through on delegates, the party's gonna come to him and say we're going to lose all right. they all say, let's
that all over you know you write a l b J resignation and were handed over to somebody else, and if the hunter Biden thing if there's one more that links him into getting money from his son or brother, as vice president. I can't see it. I just can't see it, but look at think about it. When you talk about the most selfish president, the Democrats, they say what they don't like about them is he's too old. The voters who are voting against him say he's a crook and say he's too corrupt with that amount of corruption. He doesn't want to let go of the department of justice, the f b, I the iris, all that stuff he's basically hoping that they could take the house back and kill. These investigations he's so right now he's all in for reelection to to cover up his family's corruption and when apc cnn NBC Cbs, they start covering the
you're buying corruption in the family, corruption and hunter, I think, is just a big man for this guy I mean, I think, was Joe and his brother James and the rest of the family that are finally getting subpoenaed here, but you gotta somethin on bad. The american people I would have been a trump. They don't want to duplicated in abiding thing, so these committees are gonna come up. If you say, Hata was a bad man you gotta, have some link into Joe Biden benefiting and they may come up with. It may very well John. We really appreciate it you're good pollster, and if you see anything, please let us know right away, because this is going to be our main story for them
it's the eleven months, so we really appreciate you coming out today. Thank you for the opportunity our keep sending this same poll numbers dear. Hopefully they keep going out of direction. We got the one that stays happy: thanksgiving, hi, I'm mike baker, cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple podcasts, spotify or wherever you get your blood guest, get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief I'll, go to another, very interesting story: law, mosque and I'm gonna very slowly, walk through this with you, so mostly very powerful guy, and you know that I bought twitter, any change
acts, and that is a worldwide for more information flow, goes not credible information just opinion and discussion and all that anything and everything gets published on that. But before must within their the people, who ran twit I think it was. I don't even know we'd make an a call, but they were knocking out conservative opinion, alright, so most bought it and went in and all of that, so the left is after
I mostly want to destroy him. So there was a tweet that said this, I'm going to read it very slowly, so you can absorb it. Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical, hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. I deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest credibility about western jurors jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities, its board, flooding their country, don't exactly like them too much. So what this guy is saying, this is a guy named Eric k. Is that the left who are supporting hamas I'd. They want open borders,
and so they're turning on the Jews, and this I urge keys already turned on the Jews because somehow he equates being jewish with all these people crossing the border is a ridiculous ray, and I mean that with a capital are tweet its foolish. It's stupid. You see it all the time well you're a mosque currently read it and then said you have said the actual truth on november fifty a few days ago, saw, I don't really know what the truth is here. Why What does the alarm ask? Believe is the truth. I don't know I think I'll go into these places because I think they're destroy
dave. I mean I'm dealing with it every day, letters to me from concierge premium members, their quoting from the internet. It's insane and our bother with it. average, but anyway I don't know what he law musk is supporting with thinks is the truth. I wish you would go, come on this programme and define anyway, media matters is one of the most hateful organizations in the country. They tried everything they could to damage me, and they still do for more than twenty years. so media matters puts out a report that There is not see stuff, far right stuff on axe K and also in proximity. Our era. tigers. So media matter says that a whole bunch of advertisers.
Are on the same page or whatever close by nazi stuff. Nazi tweets, the average Wiser then say: okay! Well, we believe media matters which is insane so we're gonna pull out they are ibm. Lions, gate, entertainment, apple, disney, warner, brothers, paramount, global, NBC, universal, universal comcast sony. All of those companies, with the exception of ibm, Our life, when did I pull all their ads from musk and acts, so my says, ok suing media matters now. It gets interesting, ok, so much says he's going to sue today as of airtime time. Remember we taken late afternoon. We have not seen any suit, but maastricht. a third more nuclear lawsuit against media match oak. I hope he dots, because
in lawsuit. Then we would learn who funds this far left. Hate organization we already know move on dot org, I could alliance george soros national education association in foundation. They give money and they're all crazy, left To media matters, but there's dark money going in there to know. We don't know about. If my sues media matters and again, I hope he dies all it s going to be in a discovery and that is worthy so alive. I don't know what you did really. I don't know why. Jewish thing is doesn't make any sense to me that tweed on acts was stupid, That's it. You're there was stupid. so I don't know what you're supporting their I'd love to know. What, if tell me
I go and sue and get this media matters off and you could break them and they deserve to be broken. I'd overseas. We still don't know again at airtime, Israel, Hamas appear to be near some kind of cease fire to get the hostages out. I'm not going to speculate on this. That's irresponsible, I'm not going to do it. I hope they get. The hostages cave be good. This is a human rights issue now but I'm not speculating. The sun is a awful peace, a garbage newspaper in london it is reporting the three hundred thousand russian soldiers have been killed or wounded in ukraine, I mean I'm lookin for back up here. I dont really see it kay
but that's what they report. I can't believe it the associated press, Very left wing in america, but not as bad overseas reports. Fifty thousand russians have been killed in ukraine, so big difference and three hundred thousand killed and wounded, but their suffering over there. I do. I saw a spate of article: seven are prudent, skating, southgate, stalemate kay, and we needed to feed Putin there. We, the civilised world. Rosalie Carter dies at age. Ninety six over the weekend, she's getting props all over the place. I she should. She was As a woman of great dignity never matter but observed her closely I don't have much use for president carter. I think he govern poorly
and I my dealings with him. He was now let's say difficult: I admire habitat for humanity. I think that was that is a fabulous charity, but rosaleen, courted by all accounts. A great woman married to jimmy for seventy seven years, while you know if it's a fascinating first, ladies nancy reagan michelle obama or Hillary Clinton, laura bush poorly different but all involved and, of course, now You can make it our many that Joe Biden runnin gum.
It's our best black friday ever at jc penny and we've got thousands of deals all week. Long spoil someone and save up to seventy five percent on fine jewelry. After an extra forty percent off step into women's boots. All her faves are nineteen. Ninety nine plus stock up on home expressions bath towels only two. Ninety nine, each from holiday helpers to gift ideas, all the deals, all the fun all in store, jc penney, make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles in store through eleven twenty six exclusions apply black friday deals excluded from coupon, see associate for details, smart life. For now I gotta give you some bad news and good news so high the terror dog is my corky and is an integral or to bill o reilly dotcom. As you know, Out of nowhere, holly with strict with a malady had to have a very serious operation.
And it was really intense, and this happened last week, holly pull through its home now, and you know we gotta get her better he's gonna get better. My problem noise, veterinarians. Now, if you have a pet, you know how expensive it is, but this isn't about money, smart life! You need three things personal doctor that cares about you and honest attorney. That cares about you and an honest fine, an actual person that cares about you very hard to get them what you got to get them now, I'm going to put a fourth one in you need a veterinarian. So one how I got sick, I had a structure, but may I couldn't do it and I was steam coming
my ears. So I had to do it. I had a research- and I did I'm good at that so I found the long island veterinary specialist clinic. long, island veterinary specialist clinic it's right off line on expressway exit. Forty six in the clinic there are two doctors, Dominic marino and bob window, Two vets prose military guys. All sir we'll guys, I interviewed their face phase I they say, valleys life, save your life literally a wise unease. That's how bad it was. Zadig, that's toby underground! Right now, we're cremated! You ve got to do it in your life. You have got up,
in the time to protect yourself and your loved ones on your pets. Are your love once you have to do it and it takes its heart. And you know I don't want to be rude, but in all its he's giving you a bill for they even know what's wrong with the dog, you are you're out the door. Ok, it's an indicator anyway. It is the first time I'm talking about this. I haven't told anybody my own family members, because it was very intense. How is going to pull through very happy thanksgiving for the arrival Family long island veterinary specialists, kay we in the northeast. We want to go and people flying from all over the place for those vet.
I nearly a third of a gen z, that is eighteen, twenty six admit. Stealing thirty three percent break thirty three percent, they caught stealing forty four, sensitive likely do it again and the average say steel is sixty box. When I walk into a store good Yeah disorder is contagion. We live in an age of disorder, thanks to the progressive lap, so now buy things I could still alive. The last time you heard anybody being prosecuted for perjury k. You walk into a courtier local state. That lighter, but everybody knows you're lying judge knows there lie nothing happens to that everybody to lie, lawyers they lie all day, long, steel, bad you, forty four percent,
other people say they steal, there are going to do it again, even though it I got caught decline of the stay in history november, twenty of nineteen forty two Joe Biden is born scranton, pennsylvania, catholic working class family. I he went to a private roman catholic prep school. in delaware. Then the universe of delaware, bashful of arts, history in political science may you're, then law, school, cherkis nineties, me too became the. U S, senator from delaware,. and then two thousand nine vp under obama, and he became president on January twenty two thousand twenty one. I have no personal animists against Joe Biden. I think he is a sec.
Worst, president in our history and believe me. I will back that up in the book coming out next September. Okay, he's he's worse than you. Anybody knows he's worse than anybody knows, though my friends who are never trump or his hate trump, don't vote, that's what I say, but you pull a lever for Biden. That's like you, the cliches shooting yourself in the foot What would you shoot yourself in the head? Alright, quick break male final, though at the moment just go to the male jerry concierge member, talk about that a moment action is establishment to the core. You will you not do anything and the people of west Virginia saw that jerry another jerry jerry are the first, whose jerry be both concierge members when a coincidence,
that chance trump did well on policy. Why doesn't he understood? What is everybody understand? It understanding, as I know why I understand jerry people, what they want to believe period. They don't want to think that tromp did well in post mary. I would for Joe Biden, regardless of whether we run. It's a pretty independent or democrat. It's an independent can't run a Democrat. I voted for trump, the last few elect but have not forgiving em for losing the senate seats in georgia. Ok, Phil low presty, gordon city, new york, I disagree with your assessment o reilly. The trumps should run on his achievements. Stead of the avenger countries different today doesn't care about what he's done support whose intentions, but is only care what he might do. Ok, you're not going to get in. the volts running isn't adventure. He needs underwent, that's it. Correira excellent assessment in your column,
However, I would suggest that Joe mansion has always been a teaser, and so he gets attention. The only game he's got absolutely could Mary Lou recklessly Mary lou rankly I got a merely deadened taxes north doubts about its. Why trouble will not do it again is in revenge will spend the next four years. Getting even I dont want that. Ok, I mean a lot of emotion about donald trump. Richard middlemen, pasadena, california, vital be eighty one. I will be eighty one. tired of hearing that age, the problem by news of food has full on tat. Even robert gates, obama, secretary defence said more than once it Biden was wrong. Nearly every major foreign policy issue, its true buddies,
in addition to being a fool, and in some cases he he is no doubt that, like the boy he's impair, no are you gonna do is put Biden up against me. One on one interview. Huh you'd have to break it up on humanity, grounds Jeanne sky, eagle, Arlington, Texas. Yesterday I went to the grocery store about two apples across me. Five bucks or nearly cried- you go viands, run against grocery store. Major trawls: prison prig, not o k, colorado, springs beautiful place quite possible for someone. To be pro palestine and anti hamas, true so also, possibly pro jewish and against the state of Israel. I dont believe that re killing, ios s major gotta, have em they gotta be
better gymnastics jacksonville north carolina. Did I hear the director of the east summits that china has agreed to help us with our fenton all problem? It is our fundamental problem. We are millions of americans buying hard narcotics, that's our problem day, blood good couple beach, California, any thoughts unbundling, the killing, but collection of premium membership like to provide both my daughters and their husbands. For christmas, I'll do it anyway, but I wanted to ask the question: look I want every way I try to get. This is low prices. I can thirteen killing books in, and we have succeeded in doing that right and then you get. The free lie, performance that I did a few weeks ago, but concierge membership is a different bird. Ok
so you're, very generous by the way, don't want to give your children the full killing book series and a great great gift, but I can't link it into concierge or premium membership, because if you get to be a concierge, a premium member, if you buy their membership, you get any book of mine free any book that I've ever read that we have access to a couple of out of print but I appreciate Dave and again your generous guy, those with richards carthage Missouri after reading killing, which is a road out. Twenty questions for gay on thanksgiving. I use information the beginning of the book on the pilgrims in there new world, I'm gonna, do the same thing skimming dinner What do people know about the mayflower? Every one of these is the love boat, exciting and now now hundred people below deck, five would see sixty six days, a guy.
Nay exotic easing the north atlantic in about two seconds it was harrowing That ought to be. cheery fags, giving killing a which is still going strong, yeah read it! Please do dorani come said: or has it become a premier concert. Member, as I said, you get a free and we are all a bundles got all the books you get. The christmas ornaments got the mugs everything. Get in early sign bark, some sign of my bought off get in. Order early, get all this stuff we're going to run out of it bill, O'Reilly, dot, com store, word and brand new word it'll, be a cape or lash caper lash water. ray word c: p, R, l S, h back and final thought. A moment
here is a final thought of day. As you know, concierge members can write me directly with their problems or questions or whatever you want observations, separate email, private hundred percent, get alot of mail from parents whose children are in trouble, adult children not urchins and his heartbreak. So you can have three four kid and most of them turn out great and one doesn't it's not your fault and but it's so painful. So let's say your kid is a drug addict or you know, sadist or whatever parents suffer tremendously. So I tell everybody: use drugs, you're, hurting your family, hurting everybody.
So it's not your fault, but I get what do I do? What do I do? What do we do? General advice, the concierge members and I take every one specifically. I do give specific advice to people whose kids are in trouble. Kindness, no matter how frustrating my how disappointing their conduct is be as kind as you can be, do not enable it do not give drug addicts or alcoholics money. Do not do it. I walked by beggars, I never given, cause. I know that Nichols going to be purchased narcotics or purchase booze, I'm not enabling not I'm not. There are enough facilities around here that feed people. All you gotta do is show up okay, kindness, and always we will help you rehab will help you nowhere. How much you've done in the past gonna wipe the slate clean and help you, but you gotta.
By doing so, you leave the door open and down a road, some of them walk through that door, but some of them dot, and it's not your fault. It's a final thought. Thank you for watching and listening to the nose. The news see tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.