« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

A Biden Administration Embarrassment, the Latest on Ukraine, Guest Bryan Dean Wright, Illegal Immigration Concerns, and More

2022-04-19 | 🔗
Tonight’s rundown:
  • A judge ruled against the Biden administration's attempt to extend a mask mandate
  • Has Joe Biden solved any of America's problems?
  • Former CIA operations officer Bryan Dean Wright makes the case for America to get less involved with Ukraine
  • A new poll shows that Americans are very concerned with illegal immigration
  • The U.K. is planning to fly asylum seekers to Rwanda. We'll tell you why that's important
  • This Day in History: The Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Final Thought: Corgi races!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O Reilly here. Welcome to the notes been news, tuesday April nineteen thousand twenty to stand up for your country will once again a federal judge. I just embarrassed president by So here's. What many americans don't understand in the media does not tell you. In the area of cold, this is a public health emergency cove it Now subsiding in many parts of the country- and even people who are contracting covert are getting a much lesser case. Then too. Years ago, but it is still a public health situation President of the united states has overall authority there so can issue and executive order about cove, it. Whatever you would want to do now.
be challenged and overturned by the federal courts. If he exceeds his power But in the case now, where a federal judge in Florida rule that mass mandates are not valid, on public transportation, is Biden. She is going after not the cdc as the corrupt media, Israel and that is the subject of this evening's talking points member So you may remember, on Wednesday April thirteenth president bite extended. The mass mandate until may. Third, originally was supposed to get knocked down on April, eighteen well to americans, and I applaud them carolina does and Sarah pope sue, using the health freedom defence fund. To challenge MR binds extension of the mask mandate
this is what I told you about the airlines about by and crime in your neighborhood in A americans can make a difference. So the case, got to judge Catherine kimball moselle in temple. Florida trample, pointed federal judge, who rule that ongoing. Mass mandate exceeds the authority granted to the centres for can prevention under fair but public health laws, and was issued in violation of rule making procedures, basically a congress. did not have anything to do with this, and it should have now again the cdc doesn't really make law, it carries out law, and this is what, by wanted an extension, buying could sign executive order, saying the extension happens, but he did not do that. He threw it into the science. Remember that the science one of the biggest ruses of the binding.
illustration. So anyway, the mass mandate is not that most immediately at some airports and on some airlines mass came off the map the minute that a joy mysel made the order boat. It was out, but not everywhere. Because here in new york,. the mayor of new york city can mandate masks. He He has not taken the order off for the subways and smear atoms in newgate, get, but in D, very liberal down Two federal jurisdiction. So the mass are often DC subway got. Locals can override a federal order or by saying hey in my area we got so much covert that we have to do x, Y or Z, to protect ourselves. That's where we are it's kind of chaotic. But this is another example of a federal judge,
basically embarrassing. The president of the united states. Now you remember the many federal judges try to do that. Donald trump acts Only if the same thing title embarrassing, but it really comes down to what problems, what problems are being sought by the bite administration. I'm a simple man. You all know that ok gimme one just one. So a couple of things pop into my head, inflation that was caused By Joe Biden attacking the oil, history. There was no inflation under president trump K, open borders that was caused by Joe Biden, knocking out trump's remain in mexico policy, which had stemmed mass migration into the usa. So it's two two huge ones: inflation and a border. Close directly by JO by surrendering in afghanistan in that embarrassing fashion, its
acceleration, but it could have very well embolden Putin and she and china, and a guy in north korea right could, We can't say for sure, unless those come out and say yeah. I saw Biden's terrible performance of Rising to cause trouble now thought likely to happen finally, allowing american airlines to mislead their customers on a mass level cause. Amazing amount of pain and finally and shall discomfort familiar of americans and what is people to judge what is a bite administration doing about it? Nothing, zero. So apparently, we learned yesterday that the easter bunny is now telling present abide. What did who No it's a cheap shot. I'm sorry, we wasn't at ridiculous somebody's about to answer a question about pakistan, Afghanistan. These are videos of that now come on over and it goes button right after the easter bunny. I don't think it is true that the.
Easter bunny has appointed a national security adviser. I dont believe that's true, but you know he had a prominent place So what I want you to do is think about this, because I want to be fair. I'm always want to be fair. If you can think of one problem, Joe Biden is solved since he been inaugurated in and that's coming up now on sixteen months. Ok, what gimme one and he can say well, law an employee, because that was in play before calling and now when we shut down and people go back to work course on can be low. Can't that's not a problem. He saw can be one problem, fenton all heroin violent crime, anything anywhere that he sobbed and I, rachel around here we will discuss it tomorrow. Bill o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dot, com and aim in town. If you wish to apply- and that is the memo.
So, MR buying off to new Hampshire, the live, free or die state today and he's talking about emphasis, sure yeah. Ok, I mean you know more taxpayers money down the drain. That's gotta, be a three four million dollar trip out there we're getting out of it. Yeah Biden got some money for infrastructure and fetch know spending it. Ok, I don't see a massive problem solving mechanism there, but that's where he is ukraine up day day. Fifty five of the war point. There is no rush. It is now the most famous person in the world temporized. Ok, and he's enjoying the attention it is care. People killed. What what attic why? Why would he care? Is a psychopath, alright, evil? It is care so they fifty five and a russian now they're, invading the
reinventing the eastern part of the country, which is what I think is going to happen. Whenever Putin has to settle this he'll take slice off, maybe a quarter of ukraine and say russia's gonna run it just like they're running crimea, what I think is going to happen ultimately, but I don't know, that's a guess: ok, so the ukrainian officials, you can't believe, with the ukrainian official say, are always gonna put it. In an anti putin light on They say that there are no humanitarian corridors for civilians fleeing ukraine open for the third consecutive days. Maybe that's true, I mean maybe the russians are bombing civilians, but if that were happening, we'd have pictures of it. So I'm not quite sure about that now there's an interesting new podcast that is caught. Our attention call the president's daily
if the guy named Brian Dean right. Ok, So mr right is a former c, I a guy, and he takes a different point of view on many important issues. Here's what he said on yesterday. I guess it was ukraine and the usa go. Ladies and gentlemen, we are tumbling towards war. Eight month, after we just ended and lost another one in afghanistan. The pentagon. This very morning is talking about new permanent basis. Rob Europe. We ve talked that, on the show Joe Biden, ascending advanced weaponry and billions of dollars of it to ukrainian fighters. he's also sending tactical operational intelligence, which means our spies and satellites are now drawing it, acts in the forehead of russian soldiers and effectively pulling the trick very productive.
Backup to in joining us now from arizona is Brian dean right gonna walk through this, because people may not know what your overall. Point of view is- and I think we have to establish that- is putin a villain. Yes, that's pretty hairy one. What he is doing in ukraine is often ok so your opinion, he is a villain. Is he a threat to nato? Yes, that is also true. Ok, if Putin succeeds in ukraine. That would mean taking over the government in key, which it doesn't look like he's going to do. That would be a huge victory for putin and for the totalitarian forces on the planet that one view that spares well yeah, absolutely ok, So why, then, would you criticise the united states and nato for doing
Everything possible short of a shooting war I don't want that, and I've actually said we be sending war planes we. The united states to ukraine a pole, wants to do that. Fine, but united states should do. That is a little bit too provocative. That is my personal, but if, we can defeat, we being united states and nato. If we can defeat put sending a massive amount of arms to ukrainian fighters, which so far perform pretty well waiver. Above most expectation, that would be a good thing for the world, but you just sent there. Well, let me add a little bit of context. So, first, we to ask ourselves the question who is in charge of our war effort, because that's in fact what we were in right now, but I would like to I'm sorry, I can answer that. That's by music commander in chief he's in charge of the pentagon right, so
there are two groups of folks the pentagon are actually the war planners they're, the ones who act. cute whatever it is. They proposed to the president and the present says. Yes, we ought to do that. The point is that when the pentagon, who are putting together this war effort and de Joe Biden or the port folks who have been part of the twenty year war in afghanistan that we lost- and we just like at a bunch of goat hers. The question that I have for the basic fundamental level is: is it so the down the people who just lost or twenty year war be charge the one that we're just starting here against russia, a nuclear armed state, but a man there's no other choice or I'd, because biden was elected president. He selected any carried milly over from tromp the pen on brass the people who, as you rightly put it plan miller, We operations so We don't have a choice. There. It's up to bite all comes back to bide an appeal
we buy and believes that the afghanistan exit what excellent. He said it was. Now, no one believes that the pentagon does. believe it, but again, Biden is the commander in chief he's got sign off on all military operations. So sure that your descent here I understand I wore the president. would send advance weaponry to ukraine in the hope, so poor, would be partially it'd embarrassed humiliated, which he is being now. I would do that. Would I be wrong you're. The second piece is this: beyond our own internal capacity, I don't think that we should disregard that that question Let's move on to the second piece, which is this: what is and his war hawks in moscow where the red lines in terms, what we do that would then off rapidly retaliation right, that's
The question that people, the pentagon and the cia, and indeed the white house arrest. I believe, very, very strong, but when we move from more traditional, more conventional weaponry, which I support sending to ukraine, because that will bogged down putin, that should be the goal, because that will force him into Degree of diplomatic conversation, special the Chinese on board. With that. I think that's how you solve this, when you start moving beyond that vast weaponry, tactical intelligence when we basically are puppeteers of ukraine fighters and we are all but pulling the trigger. Now we started went up. In fact, these are crossing that red line in Moscow today say: look we're not to respond likely than asymmetric way, which is just a fancy way of saying cyber too very serious, iver tax or there into a start. You physically, in killing soldiers, abroad, personnel abroad, etc, so that iran is a country should be asking ourselves. This question: are ready for that
asymmetric response are people ready and our families ready our communities? Are businesses ready, anybody's it? At your question, I can't look at mercosur. Wanna o shoot war with russia. Nobody wants that as far as a red line is concerned, its whatever potent wants? red line to be putting in We're any kind of scenario he wants, even if we didn't send sophisticated weaponry or didn't give the ukrainians intel from our drones, potent say we did, he can make up anything he wanted to make up. So I don't think well operate out of a sense of fear of putin in russia at all right, you base if we try to give ukrainians as march and and weaponry as you can that the american people would support, and so far there supporting. Been read to them. Without you know
an invasion by the baltic states or some crazy thing like that I think, if you allow Putin to define the red line, he's gonna defined it anyway wants. Am I wrong. No look he's an old spy. He understands there's a gentleman's game in all this. He bog down in places like afghanistan, so he knows it, workers supply some degree of probably conventional weaponry. He knows that you're probably blow it up or try to. He has done that so there is a box of behaviour, both spoken, an unspoken of how far each side can go so there he is a billion. That is no doubt he's an aggressor. There is no doubt, but I dont think he's absolutely crazy, don't think of those around him are crazy. I think they are calculated I think we have a new challenge that I put he's invasion of ukraine is crazy, aright he
destroying the economy of his own country from wife from one for nothing. Now, that's crazy! Ok, Now is he gonna drop a nuke? Is he gonna do this? He loves to threaten, but my I'm telling you- and I'm I'm doing this with all due respect, mr right because you're, a smart guy and you understand the world works and you're absolutely right in a rational world, ok you sit down with a potent. What he's rational any longer. You can't sit down with this man any longer there's no upside for russia doing what putin did not even if he gets Ukraine he's our ever his kind. He's gonna be damaged for ever
billy. I hear your point in and I understand the argument, but we're making assumption there with her argument, and that is he's an irrational actor. So unless I see high confidence intelligence, that tells me that's true. I'm going to assume that there is still a degree rationality. Both gain designs, wrangling over him to invade ukraine. Is that a rational act of a I leader from one I'm hearing from people He was told, and he understood that he would have a very different outcome. Key of reform within the first week in people would embrace open, open arms. I right after they have really gets, is asking for the first month. Then he says: well it try to negotiate a settlement. He's not doing that. The question remains: how long can he fight he's? Got sixty thousand troops and he's ordered up, so it shows he a degree, I'm sorry. He can fight forever. He doesn't care about is mill, terry, how many people get killed, fights wherever they go. biggest standing army outside of china and the united it's on our let's go to china. Now
A lot of this is about the chinese, were watching how the united states and nato protect ukraine what they do in ukraine. but to you- and I could be wrong- that china and taiwan. That's a setback right now, because johnny do we really want all economic sanctions and are our army. Navy having to fight, and Take huge losses, could taiwanese gonna fight I only on car, you're, gonna, fight and they are well armed and the united states will be compelled to help them fight there. So I think what the poor situation reflects on is what could have? in taiwan. Have you factor that it absolutely, but I think president If china is much much different than president Putin's russia, they have two different personalities: Two different sets of intelligence may have two different sets of goals. So taiwan, for china is absolutely a key part of its reunification. It's it's recaptured
of chinese glory, but they are much more patient. Much More patient they are to take decades and decades to get there. So I do share your point that they are watching this very closely their seeing how the west has become united. There also seen how how countries like saudi arabia, you, a south africa, Brazil all still back russia. Even for all these sanctions, India is by massive amounts of russian oil gas desert matter, though, economic sanctions are crippling the russian economy. Nan The chinese economy is an export based economy. yeah Brazil, ain't gonna, help em out The united states shuts down buying products from china and australia and great britain and canada, and all of europe do so as well. She's got a world are hurt and that what's holding him back, so he's watching I'll bet it's gonna be hurt. I'll give you the last word. Look. I think that
what china does absolutely he's been coloured by what's happening in ukraine. At the end of the day, I think you're starting to see a profound change in the world from the west in charge of it to very clearly beijing and, to a much lesser degree, russia returning to reshape what we do and how we think so, we believe that the united states in the western really drive in the world's economy and always will, I think, we're starting to see a huge change. Their and our assumptions, china were Moscow will do. I think that that is flawed. Frankly, have already learned some painful lessons, because of that already Where's until was good. In the run up to ukraine, I think see cia and the annex they nailed it daddy idle potent would do it thinking out he's crazy to do it, but the euro and tell seems to be pretty girl. Would you a great now if you recall Joe Biden, said to presence linsky that he should effectively step down and he should leave from people I've talked to within the community. They did not think aid that bit Putin would do it right.
in fact he did do it. Now we release a bunch of intelligence. Very low quality turns out all those were, what we call room into or guesses and which is largely gossip. So the can. You got it wrong, but I will say: in their defence potent threw out the playbook if they they went against a lot of of their own internal more ways of of fighting, so they assumed that they would be welcomed as liberators so, in other words, the EU s intelligence community thought that the russians would do as they have done in the past. They didn't and my the russians, blew it completely and thank you for that. I hope we can accelerate it. Mister, thanks very much the podcast. It was a daily brief where it can be find it apple, podcast, modify or that on all ok and we'll talk again. I hope thanks for taking the time. Thank you ok, illegal immigration is the new statutes yesterday,
and every week, I'm report and record highs again by this is vital. The ouse, not congress, so you are and tat is not only insecurity. Spite. News ever made in the border. Okay, so there's a pole gallop one thousand, seventeen adults, Republicans twenty eight independence, forty democrats, thirty we want reset, say worry a great deal about illegal immigration. Twenty three: since set they don't worry at all about it. Ok sides! Eighteen percent plurality, damn rats, eighteen percent, so they worry a great deal. Forty four and a democratic- if you can believe this forty four percent of democrats Don't worry about illegal immigration at all shot
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two under twenty one thousand encounters because one of those people in the one hundred and sixty thousand came back twice three times alright, they said a boot them back then come back. It's like boom boom boom boom, of course, we're paying for falls. More than seventy six percent of I was trying to sneak in here in march were single adults or the family. Kid thing that looks like it's over thirty three percent increase from February and marched encounters. Fifty percent were process for expulsion under title forty two, which goes away, and maybe that's because you come from is recovered mexico. You can go right back to mexico by I'll get it out for no reason there is a revolution within his own party in the senate. Against by now outside of forty two. I will predict he will rethink that changes. Mine because
His own party certainly revalue no half the party. Does anything can send me Now, in england, the? U k they have come up with when he ate it and not of his report? And I know you have our area this, sir. boris Johnson just signed an order what expel all asylum seekers. who show up british soil, because a lot of them come across the north sea summons again through the channel other ways, but if the british authorities, he's catch you, u, according to johnson, should be Reported immediately, even if your ask For asylum to rwanda, the african, three of rwanda. This is amazing, so
Boris says we're gonna, send rwanda hundred and faint fifty eight million dollars to expedite this programme. That's a bribe. their given rwanda, desperately poor country lit Contrary, ok, there. As for the massacre there, and all that but I already money so now. They're gonna get a hundred and fifty eight million from the british government to take all the migrants trying to get into britain now the english you're gonna have to fly to rwanda, it's going to cost money. So wise wars, no one is because once word gets out among the migrants that if they catch you sneak into great britain, you're gonna rwanda, whether you like it or not, that is stop. What parliament has not passed it, The house of lords expected to vote today results to mark gay.
as always doesn't mean anything it's the of common sets, a big power there. and they are. They have set about, but I'm telling you this story, because it's not just the united states under siege all the developed nations, all the nations that have money and jobs. Just millions of people are trying to get in there, because Africa and the middle east they're devastated mexico, central america. You know I don't blame those people they had Nothing put these! We can take down. Somebody tell pulled france, Italy Italy's under siege, but anyway, that's it. The extreme they'll be interesting to see. If that passes, the british parliament. now is. Another show was a reported. I'm shocked, saw in alexandria, virginia an ice.
Terrorists named chef. oh, shake, better his jihadi john british subject, was convicted of counts of murder. This week. They'll be sentence in august by a u s: court. Now, why is he tried here? He killed for americans, James folliot of new england. Stephen sought laugh Your cassock in kerala, mauler, ok, Kalen is a centre piece of my book, killing the killers, which will be two weeks now. All for americans killed by this heinous. shoppy oshea jihadi john, so he's Captured and they deport him back to america, they send em too, that the port and they sent a numeric achilles for now. Tell you there stories in killing the killers what this guy and his ices pals did today, you're, not going to believe it began.
It's never been told before. And we had the cooperation of the mahler family it. We is staggering, it's the heart of the and I really hope you take this book seriously. You can order now everywhere, you know the drill. So this guy shoppy l shake. I get life imprisonment without parole. It's gonna be set you a federal penitentiary where he will not be led out of his cell, because they'll kill him the other image If whitey bulgy got his throat cut, you You think that I have been jihadi john. So this I in so rest of his life good. Watson university, my alma mater I've, a masters degree and broadcast rationalism from the school of communications there
So if you some unknown reason, they hired abraham candy to be a professor, and he earns about one hundred and sixty thousand dollars a year spouting anti white rhetoric very proud above university. For that the guy's, a racist everybody knows it. All he wants to do is to integrate white people. So any atlantic magazine, which is in business to denigrate white people, that's what they do here's. What candy says put it up on a screen quote republican parties, not party apparent, raising white kids. The republican party is not the party parents, raising girls raising tramps, gives raging kids of color region you're gauge raising pork is raising emirate kits, parties making heart of all those kids to learn about themselves and their histories problem parties stripping orange and educators of the collective ability to protect vulnerable children from being I created or victimized by. the scourge of why. So
Paramo see- and he goes on to say that the republican party is the party of white supremacy, that means everybody in the republican party. According to can be. Is an enabler white supremacy or white supremacist yourself Now this kind of races garbage, be you is spending a hundred and sixty thousand dollars on, and I get little donation thing sent to me now you have been good to me. I'm an honored alumni there. They have been good to me over the years. And I have been good to that. I support the daily free press pursued newspaper, but now I'm gone what the deuce is going on here, unit clan. Member now You going to do to say all black people in any depth a party or bad as that is, I won't gonna have next.
Really disturbing. If you look at it objectively- and I am. So there is a university in ohio, kay, shawnees state. I believe it is our right, yeah Johnny state university. So there was a professor. Their name is nick mary, whether we reported this story last year, And a male and his class raising and and the mission professor meriwether said yes, sir. As as you would you say, to a respectful now in your class, instead it thousands of times when I was teaching yes, sir guided didn't goes up afterward and demands to be addressed with a feminine title. I saw professor mother where this is look. Tell me what you want call What I'll call you dad gimme, a name whatever, but christian and I'm not gonna. U know knock my butt,
If system, to give you a pronoun our rights The college shawnee states says that man Mary, whether I would face career give action. so meriwether sued, he one here, this week. Four hundred thousand dollars and damage is ok. Good, Now the reason has happened is because meriwether sued again another example of an american doing that. The alliance defending freedom find in arizona help them out. We need more of these lawyers to help any On four hundred thousand dollars, damage is good for him. gazed crazy story. Uk there alfred called spirit shack. They sell wager boards and all of those are the they say you can contact the dead got it. they have a internet thing thousand
uk residents. They ask about the afterlife, it's unbelievable, so fifty percent of those who answered believe in and after life. I fifty five and say they gonna have the eight percent worry they could end up in Hell, that's more than a hundred percent, but whose counting right sixty. Eight percent have no fear of what comes after they die sixty percent would rather live another life than have any thing in the afterlife ideas and next twenty five percent of the people who believe in an after like believe in Heaven or hell. I don't know what the other. I guess you wander around in a circle. Virtual realm, whatever that may be sixty I don't believe in reincarnation. You come back. Is I don't know Joe Biden, I don't know three percent believe they are reunited with their pets in the air? live. So you know, I guess we're gonna be buried with thoughtful on much. You anyway,
Would you like to know that after life, most americans believing it after live, I do, santa history April nineteenth nineteen, ninety five oklahoma city bombing twenty seven years ago, you know the drill, timothy mcveigh, parked truck full of explosives, blew up the more a building. killed all hundred and sixty eight people, sentenced to death. Mcveigh was you did first execution by the federal government to nineteen. Sixty three is co. Terry nicholls found guilty of counts of involuntary manslaughter and conspiracy, sentenced to life in prison without parole. Now. All that happened I'll Oklahoma, city bombing and ninety ninety five, because a david correction, the siege waco two years earlier. if you really want to know the big picture so right wing militia crews, are so angry that the government government went in and took out correction. I think sixty eight of his followers like that that they plan- oklahoma city thing but met
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to do that, because we're all lost in space were lost in cyberspace, the takes away all over concentration and many p we're not gonna get bogged matter, how bad it is Joe I agree with you bill honour, resent everybody wants to do something as long as they don't have to do it. If we It together and stop paying income tax. For example, then the government have to pay attention what we all did that we be in jail. In don't do that, but you can't bigger gonna pay tax. Robert there maybe another factor contributing to americans our protests in the rise of crime and that his fear, of course, of course, I'm gonna be attacked by taken on the airline industry are just waiting for it. I know. David bared holly's ring with carolina billion missing the point completely on key role in russia for come out against the war putin. Would
clear him crazy. Any pushes silence, that's not what priests are supposed to do. You do know right thing: you don't worry about your career, hum, ah David Yes, vine and asked renewed oil leasing on public lands, but he raised the royalties to fifty percent. Of course he had to do that The global warming. John Kim los angeles bill: what do you think I have no voter id and mass mailing in ballots will have on the mid term elections. Some states have reformed, some states haven't, but I think it's going to be a tidal wave against the Democrats, and I don't think that's going to matter not going to be tight like it was, tromp by water, fancier, irving, texas. What a travesty from the present Vice president, I give ten percent of my money to the church and one point: five
percent of other charities us on tax at the same rate as by what. Both Biden and Harris didn't give any money to charity so to speak, k you you make the call Wayne rumble ash rule north carolina image of our travel disaster. Perhaps a bit of liberty is appropriate or I way did not mention anything about your return trip from turks cayos. Did you swim home? I charted home. I spent the extra money to stay out of that horror on airlines. kevin, martin draycott massachusetts, my wife and I decided to rent killing Jesus movie you eat during holy week. I was surprised that there was a reference to Jesus as carpenter. You know I did write the script, but I supervise. and I didn't catch, that they I've changed it. While I was shooting morocco, I mean folk lore says he was a carpet.
The people making a movie, I'm not sure, dial then to the actual book, but good pickup. ok, two weeks from now killing the killers, as I mentioned, is up reorder on below rally dot com will, like you number one, will send you a regret. You two thousand twenty vote yet sticker free number, two more and dad's day is coming up. You give them a premium. Membership for bill, o'reilly dot com get a free book you can give. Did I mean keep it the unknown, after you in the money sense here save a lot of money by buying or mugs and our starve on bill, o reilly dotcom, given a mom and dad like it, and we give you a free stuff come on Where do the day do not be saturnine s? Eighty you are, and I and ii the at saturn. It after saturnine a roman word, I back with a final thought,
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Ok, fine, thought of the day role that tv I spent two last night re ran the tutor. In twenty one corky raised is cell in all burne was you can look at those gorgias look at em only the charter was stunned and shocked. She felt they were being exploited even though, lloyd. I lay he had before, luckily dog corgis. Ran around and according to daily pause dot com angus corky one, the race now courtiers cute is dogs and a world, but for you run out number one and not easy to get in the united states, pure bred, you're all over warehouses where they come from. But here it's hard I had to go to jail, I urge you to get ali the territory and I think she resents it to this day that she's out there,
but anyway, there very nice dogs, but they shed. So, along with buying corky, you have to buy a giant vacuum. Cleaner Dog around I've never implies, and nobody told me My kids wanted a core he's all go. I don't know core use, I don't know there's shedding. I mean if, if I didn't back you really actually, we couldn't breathe in this house. but they are adorable dogs is no doubt about it and when I that cordially race last night I ali come on watch this highly note. My watch, my brethren, be exploited anyway, thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news this evening. tomorrow, Bernie Goldberg, Can the american media ever come back we'll see what bernie, thanks and we'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.