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Something’s Burning: Tales From My TWO Wives

2023-06-06 | 🔗

Stephanie Kurtzuba and LeeAnn sit down with me to discuss what it takes to be my wife.  We chat about Flipsides, Serbia, kids, and of course, kissing me… all while I make them a meal fit for date night – with my two wives.


Watch My Movie “The Machine” exclusively in movie theaters May 26th! http://www.themachine.movie 


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With you, a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing, robe, loser, Beth she's, not gonna, like that, the road I scenario where they get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms applied. Does it? U s: cellular dot, com, pretty death, we value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. It's gotta be knock you off your feet. Kiss yeah and Stephanie tells me she goes go for it as it was yours. I try to knock me off my feet and I was like okay and so shut up. So I'm like I'm super fucking nervous, I'm in this weird outfit, and so I go to oh yeah. We really got fanny pack or some shit like eddie beggar, as one who is high,
very light. Sweat I give her the first kiss and then I pulled peter's side. I go we're going to do a costume change cause. Why would I go? I need to put some underwear on the tablet. Are you telling me like I'm fitting, because the is this, you must look natural that we all should sit like this. What was your cooking today, bird fish is just going to be a long episode or songs burger like to guess Or my wives, stop
the only case in the past twenty years always should talk about? I cats do but go ahead in togo is open with Jimmy steadily and my wife, leanne crusher. I've already embarrassed, I was going to be know that it is probably the most asked about thing, because I was so honest about it. I was so honest and no one is like no one in this business is honest about it yet, but it is out we're talking about steadily political life in the movie, the machine and linking performing and I dont red action in movie scripts. The activated I just don't read the dialogue. I just read the dialogue, so he only knows half of what's ever read other people's parts or do just go out. My barn owl suitable for hillary to see and then he'll go. I understand there was something about the season I'll go. Did you not hear what the person's back to you
seeing other people scenes at all levels are not in the same dumped on them. I was shocked to hear you say that acted with you and actually shocked to hear you say that because I would have never guest my concern about him in his process which in some ways you can think about being an actor listening and responding. Honestly, is perfect because he has no idea. We're gonna blow through actually doesn't know where the carbon say, avoiding as my process and so land said to me in the thing and when she came out to him to fucking serbia, she said she said you don't have a kissing scene tomorrow and I was like future of kissing, seen as normal. and she was yet as I wait with it'll shoes, who do you think your kids? Suddenly she very do and also we I'm going to cheat on you and you're like it's about cheating attracting and I was like what but ok
I was like, and then I was so fucking nervous cause. I haven't. I haven't kissed Anyone like twenty five near actually use, and- and so he was a rank, he was It was very endearing, though, because you just you were totally honest. We were like I've never, and this is weird- and this weird I was like It's not weird at all. It was really weird for me. It was so weird it was so so weird and there's so many things that, like I saw two bears that, like we'll do not share like the the worse one. I mean the the ok worse, one was andrew, gets in the fuckin van after we do pick ups after, like the so there's one scene movies of leaves in the movie The single market are getting kidnapped and I have to give. Broke bias and, and and there like it needs to be like heartfelt budget.
it's like I'm the I'm. I may never see you again, and so I go okay. So I'm like looking at something like what am I, what am I supposed to guess? It's supposed to be and she's like just like you're, just like a like. You said goodbye Lyn, okay, I know that one Oh, I do it do a couple times when a couple times how much I mean, but I am like me- my heart racing cars. Getting a new person or lips are different than your lips are really soft. You have scissor lips that are live but but but but it's part of. Let me get in the car that you remember this. We get in the car, so we do the scene and then like everyone, we want pick up marks marks. What do you call it I'm indifferent, I'm an indifferent outfit than the scene. We shot and we're just picking it up, we're running the scene. I remember this, It's in the car and he's laughing to stimulate will show fucking funny. He goes burke, you kissed really off camera. So what eagle
kiss Stephanie all camp will do the same as w. What and I was like foreseen. it was. What's this star, I'm here for type layer yeah, I am I'm a giver and then we had and then we have one more scene where I were obviously- and hopefully the spoiler alert, spoiler alert if you haven't seen the movie and want to see it in theaters skip over, but I come home and it's gotta be a knock. You off your feet. Kiss yeah and Stephanie tells me she goes go for it as it was yours. I try to knock me off my feet and I was like ok and so shall so. I'm super fucking nervous, I'm in this weird outfit so I got it all. We re really got fanny or some shit anyway. us work with high very lives. What
I give her the first kiss and then I pulled peter's side. I go we're going to do a costume change cause. Why would I go? I need to put some underwear on the tablet. Are you telling me like I'm kidding, because of that Josie Tsar he's alive good. There is a lie, but the best thing anyone ever said to me when I had to do any kind of like sexual content. He said, listen before we start filming. I just want to apologize ahead of time if I get hard If I Don'T- and I was like vats literally the best thing, you could have every second
it's a put humor enjoying it was like I'm. A human being should also be willing to me on legs. It's kind of like we have to do, which was, I thought, how literaria ocean I did. I was then able to be like you know in our case is we had both of them. I was so comfortable with them because you you approach. that whole experience, in my opinion, as just like we're gonna, have fun. There's gonna be a rate time, for every remember, remember I didn't realize we're doing one them smoking a cigar before it, and then I was Like you guys, I see my stuff at huh and then I went I'm like I'm. So sorry, I can assure you of my husband's hopes. Fine- and I was like oh like oh that's, modem, but if it was it was nobody, because I really just I really approach it because I won't have almost like this desperate, like youtube connected
and then yes, you can. Then why became good friends with you? so I can approach everything as a friend yeah thing, which was fuckin thank god. Thank god. I like, like. I can't imagine like if you're a bad interview with someone and you have to kiss them and then then they can that yeah I've never been in that situation. I'd definitely been like you know, people that you like better than others, or you connect more with some people, others, have one way. I shall start with you a little something yet today we are making to recover. from scratch and I have a little tree because I emphasise this was one of the biggest talking, boys between Hurley am zen stuffy on this over zoom. You made the decision to eat flip sites,
I just I were there is, I don't know I wanted to eat a cracker in the middle of the scene, and I was obsessed with these. It was the only crackers that I was even at the time and then you guys, I don't know why I thought it was so funny, notably ngos will immediately when you do kingsley amazon, jack, you pop off and the ngos- that's that's! That's part, wife! That's my wife! and then and they go young. Then they want cracker was eating. it looks pretty amazing. She goes higher, find out what cracker it is. What I think what I actually said was that choice was made her look so relaxed and made. You look really really is what I would do. I would cracker. While I was then, if I had to play you- and it reminded you of you- it was like I know- of one such brutal once odds and are so fuckin good when you can
in serbia. You have been. You were in serbia and you flip side. I literally packed like half of my suitcases plus website cause. I was like cause they're the best they liked him, and now we buy them all the time, but we can hardly use them for christmas too, and you are sick. You at kobe do so as the only thing you could eat for, like that's right, cracker pretzel, really fucking a pretzel for me to make a little make will pimentos tee so we can definitely does anyone living like gossip recycle only if you're drinking I'll drink to so wrong. So roads are three days. Are arrive? Hurrah ooh! Do you in cuba? Do I beg your pardon I our way of saying to myself and to stop drinking today and then end up doing the shown. A drink. Sorry should eyes,
no to the on my own. I was staring enabler by going to the horizon shadow immediately and draw together quietly so easier, welcome, staffing, also legacy, and I'm so happy to see you. I adore both of you. I think that we crazy that we've wonderful people, mutual, this crazy pimento, you should breezy sour cream mayo mix together. Half haven't have pimentos very important churches. Where would the light tat? I found the white cheddar interesting, I know, isn't actually went with it, someone else went with it and the peppermint and cheeses, we are in a boy you see, then why do you know what I mean? I don't know. What's yours good interests with a spice, that's paprika, chile,
all day or night pepper, interesting. I've never tried with anna behind the chief, I'm excited to try it or even lower energies, I'm not that I'm looking for you is very father. Kind of lilies of the meadow do that kind of I used to eat criminology sandwiches, which is so very unhealthy. That's yeah, I know you'd think you house it or something now is just called you. Nobody Microwaves, delicious refused to take. So sicilian, ok and she would fry up a bunch of like pepper burgers and sausages and stuff, and then she would just take a huge thick slice of bread of italian bread and then fry in greece and put solve on it and then feed it to us so yet only. She was so go over so that this is clearly a this? Is a health food dish, incremental cheese,
And a flip side of look I'll, tell you: why that's good. I loved him energy goodnight like we buy and every time we owe that to the lighthouse. Just exactly like. Ooh good. Actually I really like that parental cheese rocks Oh that's good and that's really easy. I could totally make. I bet my boys would like it. I wish the boys are coming out and we have about electric bikes that fucking haul ass weight are really are they coming that they are now and I cannot be more excited. I've never gotten to share a premiere with them before yeah for like all the movies I've been in, they can't watch. I can't watch your line. Will like the wall, the wall street,
all three are seen as like him, snorting blow out of a hookers asshole. I was like. I don't think that makes me a good perry. I share that with them, so That's, ok! I won't stop us work with arnold schwarzenegger, what company iron with ilo- and I know this is gonna- be fires just body building and she was like. I was explained this, the beginning, a body building like that people in work out like that, what they do now back then and he's gonna the following lines: time olympian and then immediately ana gomes, I love the pomp. Is like coming in the count, wiser commoner com and I come on get the pomp and I was like the music get, mrs villiers as strong as ever. We buy for governor this beautiful state near now. I can't I've thought about them. It is larry charmings gladiators, ITALY regime was near legacy, deliver he's just kind of right
really relaxing chill and very, very nice, but he's not a guy who's gonna like jump in and have a really good. In conversation with you. Unless he knows you really well there's this awesome awesome yeah! I like I, keep saying this as a joke, but I'm I'm being serious like I would love to. I would love to just embrace the the movie stardom and be the guy like. I would love that role. In hollywood to be like the guy. That goes, I'm going to be I'm going to be loud, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, be I'm gonna win. When you see me I'll give you your moment after tell you when I was prepping to be you yeah, I I so much of my time. Thinking about what is it like to be married to a man who goes on stage and his family's is is his material and his family. The truthful stories about his life. The people in his life like? How would that I know what, if with that have on a marriage would affect with that have on you know it's crazy What did you conclude
You know it's funny is I did you know loaded of it, but one once you have offered me, there's not like all son, there's, no secrets that is true Yes, you are very. What's yours. is what you get. You are very you constantly lunar livery allowed it. I don't know Behavior, shame and I won't carry same So I go, I go. I go with you. Something I hope, you're cool with the world. Knowing it that's cool because then you there's a certain level of authenticity you're living with completely because that's not true of everybody, I can say Those people are getting authenticity yeah just in general, I feel like it's it's pretty hard to just sort of like here's who I am, I make no apologies in this. These are my thoughts on things. You know something about his public display of our family is, I feel like it normalizes everybody. You know
yeah she's talking about having sex with meat and how you, as if one joke, based on a true story of a boy I wish you'd like I It started in a very intimate moment so embarrassed. I started crying in the moment because I went about this all day and he totally did- and I was like you know what the point of that is. That happened to all every, which is why people are laugh at exactly like. Eighty percent of them are laughing as they recognise some truth in exactly and then you go. If you can make some body
who was so mortified feel better about that one moment or something similar that comedy's supposed to do, and why would I stop that? That's what artists have to take a pass comedy straight to like, isn't that the whole point isn't that the whole norway exactly the way I talk about them like I joke a lot about her joke about her talking about the girls I go, I don't trust someone. I don't trust someone the best parent, with a dad's might desmond, who would like a whole fuckin out here. Good luck with this one, I feel like that's why they talked about the kids are the ones because then it made me like the kid more and I trusted the parents when you when you meet the parents, like oh my son's star top of the class. This can he's got a big places and they they celebrate, because I gotta go man it just the same author
yeah cause. Then they have to live up to some mythology of, like my dad loves me, because I'm a track star or whatever you know, that's what I was just thinking a repeat performance from this morning, just kidding: oh hey,
I mean for you for yourself. You know I do remember, though, when so when I was trying to figure out what would it be like to be married to someone like that, the minute I met him and started to understand who he was, which was pretty quickly because, like I said what you see is what you get yes, I I I felt like I I'd stopped thinking about it. Oh god cause you got it yeah cause. I got it. I was like it's not. There was no need for me to feel like playing you like. I had to protect some know. Do you know what I mean yeah and then I do once I met you and saw you guys in action. I was like. Oh, I was right. That's there's just a free flow of communication and truth, but you guys, I think, really you no secret is adversely either who grab him in eastern europe. The I was at was
It took her a long time to figure out a guy like me, she was very confused able to do it and did not get it and she could see her staring at me at times like going like, and I was like, because I think that they don't make men like me in. Well, you're, not very european, so a beaten, the chicken. Yes, very simple? What I do on this, I'm gonna let this get ready. I want to kind of let it all come out around the same time, and so I'm gonna get the pasta, ready, assaulted the water not perfectly, but I have We got angel hair, pasta angel. I do remember when you discovered angel, hair, pasta and your like your mom, the fucking me oh you're talkin. Whenever my only ever a penny, you mean, like must surely, or whatever was never, we very rarely eight spaghetti, which is we're right, or somebody regional yeah. I think so. Angel here goes down pretty quick, so I might have put it in its own.
for very long, but you haven't Could I have just one hundred? What am I to do? Something to put in the angel arusha done this last year, I have done this last they didn't. Do one thing: can europe like you, don't do the internet too, new york. You re a trained actress. I'll write you did. I did a boy from eyes with pew jackman. Oh yeah, that's right! What's he like is he straight? You know what everyone else says he's married. You know what yes, he was married and I will tell you this. Without I mean I don't do I truly now, but I can tell you this. the connection that he has with his wife? That I have seen first hand reminds me very much of this connection. Really. They are best friends, my shoulder to oil years older than john killer, real robin,
real, rather K, rhino robin didn't you pursue you like crazy, like to hear him tell it. You were like he met you, you were the one lies on numerous fort on abortion. I don't remember meeting on the first two times another time we met. We were bawling, my right and his roommate My writing partner has remained dated, but she would they were not relationship at the moment. So she. we. We organise two teams, a couples, team and a single team and burden our own, the singles tame and when your love, they have. You heard the story more. Ok, this is a kind of any sort. So we so much fun bowling on the sea, late, the single same so much fun, I knew his re made. I was friends with his remit and at the end of the night s Andrews roommate, he was superfine given, phone number and haven't call me when you go out sometime.
like five days ago, but I haven't heard from those like what is happening. So I called is roommate and when hey did you give him my phone number and he goes yeah? Why why? Why did he call me he goes ask him yourself: enhanced the phone I go dude, I'm cute girl. Why didn't you call me you like met me three times what is going on? Why are you calling me- and he goes an ugh- and I said, here's a hint suave. If you ask me out on a day, I will say yes and he goes do you want to go on a date, and I went yes. He was like how about thursday. I was like okay. She says you are She was like what does she was a whore? He could so he hangs the phone up and he turns to his roommate. He goes. She just wants me for my body. Cousin. I look beautiful my fucking kingdom for the confidence of a ban, fucking game. She wants me for my bad.
opposite openness. So thursday comes around. He goes to pick me up and undress for a date, I'm an address and heels and when one on a date yeah he doesn't even come to my door
pulls up to the apartment, building a hog knowing so god I'm about to give him a little over the digging. The drop, so I go up our right. Well, I mean you know, I guess I'm walking down so walk down the date and when I come out the door is what he said. You say I was in a dress and yields use. I oh shit. This is like a fucking gave. These are you why you got here? We're just gonna look up high. I thought she wanted to fuck me like does what you truly was. Yours are on a city or click. Ok, shade balls and maybe the sheriff was ready. Definitely, bodies, area, shaved, everything in and fresh and not be, was ready. The daylight hid it. He was pretty confident that I will not enter. I was never in my life back about anything so will in this day, and he had asked, is roommate for a recommendation or restaurant and israel
Apparently, I think might have had a crush on me, so he sent us to a restaurant. That was all game in which, then he thought was really funny but what happened when we sat down is that bert then could no longer tolerate his shoes because he was so nervous because we were on a date. So do your shoes off, he also could not eat so he ordered a meal and did not touch it and then one that I often that so fuckin chariot was adorable and then, when the meal was over, he is, I guess, we'll get a drink. we'll party and drink shopping board of that story? I don't know for wanting to go, get a drink. I know right, so we go to get a drink. A drink. So when he goes, let's go pick up a six pack and go back to your place and I was like okay, so he picked up a six pack and go. I explain a lot about why I was so nervous to kiss you. I'm not at first kisses
and scare the shit he prolonging it like you didn't want the day. Dancer like this, so you so we go back to my place. We have a saying Spagna. Unlike you know, I know that might be time to go, get rid of him. He leaves nine am the next day. What are you doing tonight eggs day nine. I am what are you doing tonight next day, Nine? I am what are you doing tonight and I thought ok, This guy is not a gamer, He doesn't know you, you got no getting in fact neither those in tax issues before us I forgot win. The world is not used, for it was an actual phone call. What are you doing? You know happens for me is, I believe, in like signs from the or whatever, I memorized his phone number. The first time he told me. I knew it the first time
I still don't know. My children self, however, is the first time he told me yourself. I remembered it and then I was sitting with him and I was actually dating. Someone else so she was a whore turn genes, open, ok, because what I said about was I'm not marry a comic all day for governments and there will be friends for ever. He and I are good right array of marrying a comic, no way your halfway after you. Weeks I was like. I can We don't say this out loud, but I think this is actually been looking for. I've been dating like a little bit, buttoned up a little bit. Good looking castle
wicker guy, that range rover like that they were looking for. You thought you were looking for like the stable, yes establish exactly where guy and I didn't realize what was happening and was getting so bored with those guys cause I'd cycle through them. Exactly one hundred percent, there were stable, you're right there on paper, they yeah they took all the boxes totally and so about two weeks after the. What are you doing? He actually said. What are you doing? This know J. Watch? What are you doing this? You don't want to a little internet. You look so international. What do you do?
It is no jerry put on his scandinavian. Why am I asked to be lucky? He didn't do not recognise board, and I learned, though, that you guys, like weren't, expecting each other. Neither too, I thought blonde hair big tits, tenants, bog long words, volleyball, just secular and oppress junket disease president. In this we are still doesn't work. I thought about when, when I got the first time I said I said I said I've never experienced this. Is this like a secret? I feel like I'm looking at a secret like I don't dress, like alike, because you are seen or like a real woman, malaria and also oh hold a secret.
I was essentially thing. That's really, it is quite incredible, came out very awkward, but I think very uncomfortable, because the guy said what would you gotta desires when he is that I would say there- and I was Indeed, the programme that has a surprise body and I was surprised that a home third arm, like the teen nipples, that everyone waits for they're, like they're, like they're, like dream guy, to show up on a horse right. The guy is just a comic who has escalate.
It was a great human being a hundred percent is a great. I tell my boys all the time I don't even know if this is appropriate to say, but I'm going to say it because it's around you guys being the mother to a thirteen and a fifteen year old boy. I talked to them all the time about look you're going to masturbate, it's totally natural, it's normal you're, also going to be interested in looking at pictures. I was like, but here's the deal. I don't want you on the internet, because, above and beyond the fact that you could be supporting fucking human trafficking, and you know what I mean you don't know what you're doing you're, also not getting a true version of what a woman looks like right totally. You- and I don't want you looking infer that in your life, because that's not what real people look like. No and you need to be able to recognize and tell the truth. You know what I mean yeah, that's interesting. You say that because, as a kid all my dad had subscribed to playboy yeah
and all the neighbourhood kids would like see december. This lively, the level of the seventies looks like real women and then, as pointed all change where everything's, augmented and some moves are bigger than this and use. But what my perception of what a beautiful woman looked like naked was from the nineteenth seventies versions, apply boy which has, I think, is far healthier. I radio now curious what is a grown woman? Looked like they? with that. I had a lot of history, my mama. I make it all the time to do this. Toki is just a physical low interest. It was to sell to cling thousand closer I love vacuum now you know things are actually making more sense to me about nothing. I have no problem there yeah. This podcast is brought to you by omaha steaks man. This weekend this weekend I had leanne's family over my family over my body. My character go ahead.
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It's a literally the most. I started sobbing. The minute you started I was I was that it was an intense moment. I still wearing this in her real bad, really bad. You know what happened I've been totally buys you really like she's, launched she's happy. She found people she's pass your glasses, she's, gotta social roots. She's here doing everything you're supposed to do, I'm so proud, so happy, and then mother's day started rolling around and I started going. Oh hold on she's. The reason I have mothers no hope over and she's been at every single mothers day and I we get here? Yo single mothers, daisies thing they got. You just got me and I went. This is the first mothers Ok, this is bad and here's the other part of it. George.
mother, say so seriously every year or did she would? She would make a tray for me and she would make me breakfast annihilated come in life. I gotta get up here. Some varies happy mother, they might lie in their various every fucking guy was up what little story that will make her eggs are yeah. I was, I wasn't overly nice said yeah. Of course this is the baron goodnight. You know, and I was like I sucks for me. I don't that yeah I get assayed ilo, hey you gotta! Stop of your game like I can't you were suddenly days earlier, and I've never been. One is like mothers, though you better bring it. Georgia is brought it anyway, I realise that it mattered until I wasn't gonna get it and so I was, I was
really genuinely wrong the loss of her for the first time it was really hard. was so great is started. Talking about it to my friends and I work out my friend sandy three days weak and on friday that same day, we are all talking about. What do you do for mothers day? You know what train doing with sandy doing, and I said I'm not really sure and I started getting material. The treadmill going, I just amiss, george, I'm really sad sandy knew she was coming so and he just kept pedalling on her recumbent bike staring out so, and so I had just really expressed how I felt that morning and then she walked in the door it just My brain with is that an impostor georgia. It took me a minute to really figure out what was happening anxious it was. really sweet, and you know what georgia did is he came home and she was my shadow. The whole region like she came.
I want to be with me not to go, say my friend Sophia's amr Allah, germany, I gotta go hang out. No, she stayed with me What are you gonna do what I the movies or why sovereignty? We must watch a movie. and she sat with me right next to me like this is all I could ever. It was crazy, so your mother's day was pretty special and then here's the kicker, No one even knows about this. My made me cry right now. What I am I know right kindred. I am. I am sleep divorced from my husband in that he's nor so badly. I cannot sleep, so I cite another room. Ok now we have a house guessed right now, so I sleep in georgia's that we ask ass joe, not say those is performing. Is this is this is turning this off? This is the child she raised. Not me,
lovin above one, so I go upstairs to get in bed in georgia's bed tuesday night and there's a hand written note there right from georgia, and I says something like this hi mom. I know you're sleeping in my bed and I just want you to know it makes me feel so loved that you sleep in my bed. I'm at college coming home and seeing you cry when I walked in the door is now a core memory. come on is one of the most important moments of my life. I wanted you to know that I always say to her from the time she was born. I always say she gave me my heart. An eyelid gave me myself because I was so much like me. I learned to love myself by watching. I love that the ga gave me my heart. I've said that to georgia, her whole life right, so the end of the letters sans.
I know I gave you your heart, but you show me how to use mine levy so much georgia and I was like, Kill me five thousand times who is yours is important. Major crime was paid for the ticket nightingale, letter the fucking letter. I can get a fucking, not email, the phones up dad, that is the bar. Oh, my god I just was like. Who is this? Who is this person At the person that you guys raise is that we raise because she's very, very much like her dad well. Yes, she is the girl, so well that I mean they're both they both We have the same sort of confidence.
I don't know, maybe it's a sense sense of humour, though the couple times I've. Then they don't move or rhythm fuckin isler this. Is your marriage as she goes? I don't cry because I don't cry. Oh yeah. I didn't for very lovely girl. I guess, but that's totally who I am until I was probably thirty was I got money right away. I get her game, but she was. I hears the backpack that was stolen in san francisco that I've just replaced it, but I'm not crime. Do you know you get weird kids mixed you yeah and then something else altogether of their own yap is really interesting. parenthood is has been really interesting to me as I've learned Oh much about myself view. I literally just said that this morning I was like especially you know, sir
so many things that I've bumped up against and I've been so self congratulatory at times with my parenting fucking nail in it, yeah right, you know, and and just when, I'm starting to like settle into that like they'll, throw me a curve ball, and I in fact something just recently like I bumped up against shit? I didn't even know I was carry those boys like reveal shit to me constantly crazy it's also not handsome, sometimes to be really not that it is. It is the most amazing relationship cover that looks it he's a very good has ever come free before I dunno think so I dont remember weirded a lot take out things as accurate as beautiful. It's amazing, I mean: do you, love to cook or in order tat what I love love, making people happy.
It's it's. It's the it's like everything world is when someone gets happy about something these women stand up and why that's why I'm a stand up but like making we're happy. I like, like you know it is funny tom screws, my best friend and he knows it about me and he said you know it's funny cause he likes bigger people happy even show it alot he's dead inside he enjoys happy. I saw him what he does cool. Things were people, I never understood doing cool things from people like making dinner for you were having you drinks with you in an end like making love I am in good time. He was the one that introduced me to spending a little more money to make sure everyone was happy. So what he does is really cool. He flies friends that he grew up with out to meet them up with them on the road, and then he puts them in a nice hotel there on the tour bus.
Then they fly on private jets and I don't know any. Thank you. I I hope these knives yeah. These are awesome. Nice, let's see how sharpness the turkey chicken, what was it according to the latest strata, wait. Let's try this knives jar, As I know, if I couldn't live no budget, oh yeah, you know that's really. delicious. That's really. Oh, that's really find that your. That it's really fucking good. That's me: let me now I think I didn't love levels. Are there
is asia really fucking good? Only shit, I like how you put the pasta. That was a I'm liking, the idea I just didn't know what I was doing and I didn't know how to get it on there and I already have the chickens in there, and so I thought I thought what am I dredge it? Oh my god. Are you not either does not help not just a paper capers wrong, color papers, I love capers. Think my knife is cutting? My philip Oh man, that's good! It is really good. I love angel hair, pasta, how's your face to the burner shop and will do so. How does it work well for that one time leanne? allergic journals and have found that in amsterdam asters earlier plainly the hamster earlier, and I got the car.
Well. I have been playing here's how here's, how allergic he is know I love preschool, had their classroom, pet was a hamster, so we as as parents, had to take the technical hamster like? Oh, I remember those up likely. After case, knowing you was allergic when, in the bathroom wash my hands fully got in. our drove home I get out. He gets. The car zone when the steering wheel, source driving. and the inside of his eyeballs per swelling up over his eye all gone. My dear start going and they're burning literally burning streets down his face. I watched my again hands and that happened that happy pen shit like was raising children are lines dm nothing? as a hypochondriac. Oh so happy so often you tell someone. Something's happened to you and your, and you are over exaggerate
right back. When I got home there was like holy fuck you weren't lying like yeah. I know I'm sick. That was a really intense allergy. It was crazy. I wonder what happened to Richard Gere. Not allergic is that a large somewhere else he's not allergic. Do does a great fucking premise. Do you think is like there are rumours are going about your online. You can't stop and you just go brow why what happened? I was shooting something two weeks ago with timothy charlemagne. There was a small accident with a camera. The camera blue pass its point and smashed him in the chest, the ira right next to him, I, like grabbed my hold onto it when. Like I'm talking a hundred million views on Tik tok viral hundred and three million views route, everyone was like. I think that woman pushed into the camera, my god you're dead, syria, Are you deal with this shit all the time? You know I'm not an internet person, you
I remember you say to me one time How come whenever you post something on instagram everyone's, like good jobs, if you're great they're never liked shut up you fat, fuck, the dogs, adorably and so yeah, but I've never experienced what you must experience on the regular, which is this culture where people just make shit up. But here's the deal- and this is what I was thinking of- is It'S- that I don't think they I don't think they realize how it affects the person of their own, and I really do think they go it's a joke platform, I'm joking! I'm joking I'm trying to abuse. He gets it because, because we just made a joke about richard gere, ever wonder if he was like do people my kids' school finger, fuck hamsters by like they think the market it like lives, a hamster, my kids first grade and they won't let us take,
At the beginning, my kids devastated cause. I'm gonna shove it up my asshole, oh my god. How did that start as a hamster this week get no pass pass? How did the bizarre no, no he's amazing. You never put our hands. Like this, there is no your rug steward stomachful one pound income was inevitable. he download ones like what. Where'd. You give us any more heads, I wanted to public school and we think that we can act on your house. You know you guys do with efforts, if the kid had to deal with it and were making light of it, but I bet it was like a fucking thing. Where, like one night, I had to go into a kid's room and listen. Here's the price of celebrity just he just had a kid.
I just had to get back in europe. You, seventy nine! nine. Can you pick it up? Have like has like seventh or eighth, you know what I mean to fucking, get something or what is it he's dating someone who can give birth to children? but nothing like this long like longtime girlfriend after he divorce grace, really. Actually you're not day anybody you're married reminder limitless smash peace over here. They are a matter for the member states, it's not for a is no law. A believer last. I still believe that given birth to a ball of fuckin fingers at this point,
over the years passed exploration, heritage, guarantee them a couple of magna carta animated, oh yeah Bala hair teeth and fingers, namely our transgression of work his name is a name is deafening. Girl is really You think girl Well now we get into the gender discussion that is just a vagina, a hairball from the seventies playboy bushy giant of eating a pasta meal. Personally I just eat the chicken. The chicken is so good. Just need a few bites of pasta and mostly chicken good call. I am ledges, I'm full
really folder. Really you nail best yummy, you and cutlet do, what's going on. I have yours is really what's consumer, So kurds zulus man knows so my married name is coakley roof yeah, Kurt zoo is my weird maiden name, which is polish most if the seller on my mom's maiden name was priscilla but put her cello xo, then that's influence it. I grew up with like we had. Christmas was pasta. Me balls in all that stuff, so I just got psychotic others in nebraska. no brow. How did that get to nebraska one? I think Nebraska I think like quaveringly right, I mean you know like that, like more pennsylvania. Revenge is about
as you know the way the honor. If he gets a little more than over erasmus breakdown, boys worst side No one knows what it is. We it is running the princess can priests yes, father flanagan, for the failure open to town for like wayward boys, like I welcome the two now about like a school, I was like a place where they can feel like. I know how you quakerism fuckin, lead and grew, I'm not the talent of a book to be fair. She said she loved alma hot when you shot razzle dazzled, love yamaha, as we would like these are my people representing a long drive unanimously state there, though looking food. No mistake is amazing, including the people with a nice, everybody,
ugly. I was gonna great most firmly, so There's an interesting story: Warren Buffett, so my grandfather built this bowling alley reign in the centre of omaha. It was actually on the edge of omaha when he built it and it ended up in the center town for many many years in nineteen. Sixty whatever Warren Buffett walked in to my grandfather's establishment and said I would like to know if you would like to invest in my company. ten thousand dollars. That's it. My grandfather said get the fuck out of here. Ten thousand dollars who you think you are Do you understand? I would be like a berkshire hathaway second generation. I would be making your movie. I will be financing, that's any, but india and yet grab a third now
same story happens, I'm sorry, everyone guys, like luke death, you can order it on amazon, like we do and get cases sent to your house or you can get at your local best, mmo liquid death murder, your thirst determine the best. I can't help it another. I bought a lovely to everyone I've ever try to just one more really get wasn't. No, it is a duty of its major hydrogen arteries. It just the delivery system. for me. Is why drink it, because I have a drink it I didn't margaret. I just kill it down, It really is no longer know just what and then just water and recyclable camp and when the rice called colder than the bottled water, I, like it better than a fuckin, can sometimes bottles, water that feel cheap. At least every was his tiny either like. Usually I wouldn't drink and wondering water
and because it would make me go out, but sometimes you have to spend and you're like ugh. I, like I love liquid. I do too. I love liquid. Definitely pop you've ever had lollipop know. I saw that shut the fuck up hold on. We do this. because you introduced us to recital K. Representatives of irish. We ever I mean orange is live here. Why don't we re comfortable alibaba is so fucking I think that for you, why wasn The probiotics robotic drank no, no regular diarrhea. Ok, you know, like I don't believe I do not agree. Biogas is food for the healthy bacteria in your belly Oh, how it actually helps the healthy bacteria, so it helps the whole digestive system gowns and is low and sugar beet, and it's like board like our ok,
like that, because I don't like to drink what would you do so kid? So when you go kid soda by this, they do not pay for him, so they did not have this. This is how much fucking, like only pop do when you got kids like like grape or orange. The girls love strawberries. strawberry, vanilla, yeah, I love grape. I love and I love organs. Those one slide down my throat sorry, but a cream soda, truly anyone really, then I'm still here Can we be sure about all uniform, there's, no good labours to intensify per se lodging a historian to just about. Finally, retraining are already galleries. Forty dollars, that's great, yup- was talking about this movie for a minute: okay, yeah yeah. Let's talking about the news, how is this movie different for you than other movies? Cause he's never done one! I mean honestly them.
I've been very lucky that I've had some really good experiences on films, like with good groups of people, but I can say without equivocation. This was the most fun and most familial. It has ever felt on any project. I've ever done. It was never. We will be able to do I will take some credit for that, because I think I bring good energy. You should take a lot but kale yeah and I peter two but really kale, because that first night we all went to dinner up at the we went the big long table
Andrew knows the name of atlanta called LA or something that was at the top of the nobody else. Yeah and- and I wasn't going to drink and kill, goes the fuck you doing, and I said why don't drink gonna be like president, you know it'll be like he was like you, bm he's like exactly he goes buddy. I didn't hire that guy. He goes if you show up, he goes. I remember him saying I can't predict his moves going to be good. I can't predict if it's gonna be bad, but I can tell you is if you have a good time while you're making it it shows up on screen, because this may be the only movie you've ever making your entire life. So fucking enjoy it like. If you went to hawaii once in your life, would you would you be like what the next time you'd be like? No I'm here right now. I remember you saying to me the very first day that I walked into the rehearsal studio and we were just it was mark and Burton I and you are. I've never done a movie before and I want to make sure everybody has a great time and you were so. I think it.
Takes a lot of intelligence and a lot of generosity for someone to recognise that there are leader. Do you know what I mean, especially their first time around? You were like I'm part of this movie. This is my story and I recognise that I have a responsibility to make it a good experience for everyone that was like you, fucking crushed it, because that set that set the moon. Would I thought land? No I'm going to tell student latest that's not a little. well geez. I guess I'm not working after this. I do have to pick a by law. No warning, but a bottle and toaster hey to my was,
for real for real, I'm gonna get emotional. Just thank you for, like the thank you cause. Liang keeps the enemy a movie, don't worry she's, so good, no one's going to notice you and you were fucking amazing in this movie and you are so fucking cool and you really helped me and even when she laughed and you were still there, you and Jess I mean, world to me that we're still all friends me too. I genuinely love you. I am. It is my pleasure to be in your lives. I think you guys are probably the coolest classiest people I've come across in my professional life and it. is my honour to call you to my friend, while adding a designing the say anything the toast founded here have signed of mine who yours thank you or approaching playing me with such an o in mind
and you don't look like me you're not like me, but the essence of me is what you got, and that is the big the compliment you could ever give me because from the moment I met you, I was fucking obsessed. I was like this is a woman who is, as my friend described to me she is like. a base layer of fuckin horses, covered in a thick layer of liberalizing. Thank you my eye and has been my pleasure getting to know you. I love you and I am glad that we tanks from time to time, unlike even but the evidence we have already opened the floodgates. So do I to run revenue, I'm not getting in trouble for it? I guess that's. Why do do it's a so that everybody so martinez machine stephanie, Really I love you here cheers everybody knows
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-10.