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Something’s Burning: I’m Treating the Lawrence Brothers to Pasta and Presents

2023-08-22 | 🔗

The Lawrence Brothers (Joey, Andrew and Matt) stop by my kitchen for pasta, Sesame Street impressions, and a deep dive into what movies we should remake.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's no secret that when someone still it's all you remember about them, is that you oh no, not now Don't worry, I got you try this and its by secret you secret alone or free deodorant, it gets rid of those thinking preview bits instead of covering the mob, just like in your fresh all day, secret actually works even aluminum free, don't let you be what people remember, get your secret instincts or sprays? Are we rolling or real, quick and tell you why she was working so hard to shut the fuck up? toronto secret? She owes me that why? Why do you, our secret? I totally had a poster of my room when I was me,
hey, I'm sorry to disappoint you with this version. The quick story absolutely show results. Playing years of playing a song swap my first night in new york, I go out to an after hours bar called Mary lou's, I sit down with his girl. Wasn't really written right was it our bar to meet? Rarely rarely did meet her. She was like this big, but she was bombed. Remember eighty four olympic,
it's due buddy, I saw the box so fucking, not I wasn't there but, like I said we watched it. Not me, dude were the same. I know I was watching back then, like the olympics still work. You know that was it we tuned in to NBC and we watched the olympics. Then there were the highlights there was. There was a big deal, colonel Carl Lewis. I remember I remember that we had just officially moved out. I was doing give me a break and that night it was early eighties dude. I remember watching it knowing it was like literally twenty minutes from our house. I couldn't believe it dude and us kicked ass. It was so cool I was, and that was great muhammad Ali went up and this is an amazing, in life
I don't think my kids will ever get that wont those of civic pride that we had it as american. As that was like amiss it dude. I miss it man, I miss it so much I I I talk about it all the time. I think the eighties and nineties were truly the last two decades of that of that feeling. I I don't know where it's gone. I don't know if we're ever going to get it back, but boy were they great decades. They really work. I mean they weren't, perfect nothing's, perfect, but they were fucking great decades or so that I said that I was like. I was talking to my buddy. well. I was like german and it's like things just aren't the same, and it's like you sound like a trump supporter. He said they weren't great times. For me. Burton went oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. I guess there were some trouble day about aids and you're dying. No one cares but yeah, but nothing was there was there was some thing that there was some those there were things that we've lost Let me also for decades growin up there was this morning. Cartoons
but for how weird is it? But if you say that people think That's illegal lashless, later with so many airlines moment why things with great viewer trump energy, whilst making great tropics rushing germinating, you wanted to marry you into Mary, lose I tried doing the gymnast retina. I went to a bar called Marie Louise, and I said that was my first and I've been written up in rolling stone magazine. It's my first night new york, I'm going to be a stand up with this hot chick way hotter than I belong to be with, and we sat down and this dude next to me goes hot shit. You, the party, animal guy, again he's gonna, buy you a drink and I'm looking at this old guy.
I don't like I'm good buddy he's like nah, come on you you. What are you doing here and I said I just moved here to start stand up because you just and then the girl cousins. Is this the first night and he's like? Let me buy you a drink, I'm good and I look in the girls so excited and I go what she does David Lee roth knows who you are shy and I was like He didn't look like David Lee roth, but it was David Lee roth. He was he was he crazy and then I told David Lee roth. That story ended up lieutenant reminder of restoring. I'll do that is so cool great new have sort of someone's burn them, and broke this guy. What does europe while I was in college? isn't the other show, and that is that you're authentic last name not know that believe it, the not of the authentic. Name is mean Yonah were italian while making you
a god. The brand choice this year I sold the parma sounds good to me. Man I can smell it. I can smell ricotta, you're, gonna love it. This is going to be gillian. Lawrence was I'm the third rights I'm joseph lawrence mignon of the third named after my grandfather, my father's long linear. He got into the business in eighty one. The agent looked at my last name because I was like how the fuck are we going to do nobody's gonna pronounce this like the meat, silent, geez he's like we're not doing it we're going to go with this. Named this lawrence and you know what they say. They would say that you have been your needs much more interesting here, but the back there was. How do we make it added we like to wash out of its easy. We only you then yonah we'd be an score says. If we stay, we had any way to television series together in the early two thousands nineties
would you goes like a cocktail? yeah, so I bought a broad bingo. My favorite avis me to buy food tat. I gave it to you. I think you're, the one who's deriving none of the beauty immunity shows good. As I listen. I don't normally listen scots, because I'm doing something for to listen to shows actually better. You have no idea how many notes I get comments. I got where's Ike row shut up. Let them talk and like give up. Payments it'll mines. Yo. I have something to say I was just adding inadequate if we do not to or users
during the right when I was a name where I was a huge says me street, then grown up right and believe it. I know my dad did a great impression of both bert entering right really to get me. When I was sure he would sit Sea- would sit there and I like able, finally well yeah, but early would go up only ever hebert and I just that name was ingrained in I out for are the This is u I'm working times more. Do you know kilobytes alone same end of life, so venus to look at an early date real years as we look, do you living larger matters directly the item two years and here's. I'm telling you by the way this is, man splaining? We? U born rule was reported in four like five minutes.
was not yes home and then you put it in their as may. Well, this is a great man. Well. I need them about wow, large or quit drinking tomorrow. let's go body, it's normal jogger casually. Did you baby said so, and over in august Y know, I'm doing a woke up a small tell me what the fuck am I doing like right ago. I got a point: twenty five legit good years. If I really fucking, focus and struck him a little help, I was like, I'm never been, let go. I gotta stop right now and a half lose weight have little or no. My drinking drinking of anything makes me a ton of fucking money
so, like I just gotta, keep myself healthy enough to keep dreamy can make so it's kind of yeah me, that's not me, so I get him house ass. These are start poland. I wonder vacuum. we keep the waters and want to make another round very smart girl sat there still warmer in writing chicken and egg. Well, alright, The cuban sneeze he's gonna look of approval stage, these kind of happy stacy literally. That was an approach that would be like that. What the fuck do you know the one with the eye goes up like this, like that, one god, this one and then thou the old, macaulay cockade emotion for these bob ones up. Our eyes is perfectly normal. We got one more here.
yeah, so it was a great dude looks so good. I would merely those right just plain tat dim If you're having trouble with the god, I hate cooking yeah. There was an angry chef that I don't even know. If we're going to need a second box, I bet I bet will make one I think that most of those problem- just in case I was talking about gimme a little time, artist, taste states. You name was that they take the edge off it just could they want? Do I call the monies hastily anyway, so this is tasty I don't know no, I know by unbutton dry here. You do you guys have. He's been in your life for ever our life, my work, your mother,
You have been in my life for so fucking long. Is that boundaries just colleagues exactly like that, earlier? To tell her something and I whispered in the rear, what the fuck to tell you a secret Again, It's conrad. Should ensure that they don't want other people to tell a secret yeah, that's what you tell a fucking secret period. How might I mean, if I didn't putting you in nobody else, would get rid of my buccaneer. We split them. I talked earlier I'll. Tell you okay! I asked this question a lot and I think I want to know your answer, but one nationality of food for rest. Your life, you got, already italians. Ok, but that was you me would be mexican.
tacos I love guacamole. I could eat in everyday life. I always go. No one fish tackles sidewalks and blackmail. it sounds good to me literally always. What can I tell you, and I don't mean I'm do not mean what I'm about to say, because I love mexican food you're about to be me to navigate. To me. Mexican food is the same dude in just different he shirts. So it's like its isn't, always only another ship. It's ok do and taco. Ok I'll, give you a little chicken
in your case hard, shell oil. Would you like a quesadilla or I'm going to be chicken? Do you want to know? Well then, we're going to take that to the case via open and rabid newser? What about a salad, tostada, wow, you're right? There is no! I don't really know. What's interesting, northern italian southern italians very different type of food, you can kind of- I don't know ye olde new italian, I'm not saying like there's like twelve different versions of italian food. I dunno you're right, maybe a tacos a taco, but you know the glen to get tacos a taco You know when you eat italian food in italy, doesn't give me the same gluten problems that we have here in amerika. You can eat past, then Peter there all day long and it doesn't messapus thumbing its just when you knew it here grows a man. I brought him. I ate like a lunatic.
I didn't gain. We no longer lives needs all our original brains, laxity eightys and ninetys were great. What a great time nine these now belied by saving every I'll. Just it will you not right? Why is because that was ronald reagan running campaign trumpeted borrowed? make sure the exact same campaign in Brazil, the we travel. If the cocaine in the united states in the eighties too, contrary that's, never stopped me crazy. I was, I was at a job, I'm sure his moments. I want to hear yours I'll, tell you mine, and then you tell me the ones you've had so the other day. I see the dj for de la soul, smoking a joint, walking past couple of cops
in san francisco cisco, and I just and it was like coolly shit and I wanted to say I knew he was by wasn't, but I want if it wasn't him they measure of wasn't him. I was gonna, go How crazy, as this world that yours if only smoking, a blunt walking past two cops were at a music festival and as I going to say something he goes hey man and I was like oh he's going to say something to me and he goes huge welcome. and I went cool. Oh my god involved fuck up. That's all geeked out and I was like it was like. I was a very big fan as well, and then I was like, wanted to say what I was going to say, but I started stuttering and what it was. I who not was for three three minutes, my pants, oh, my god, it's or have you ever had some one where you were such a big fan of theirs, and then they came up like dude such a fan.
and so much. Unfortunately, no I usually get slapped with a restraining order after I do it cause you sneak up on them and try to woo. No I've got actually the way. I got the exact opposite for that story. I was at some kind of was one of the award shows. I I've never really been done with the sag aftra awards and I was like sixteen or seventeen. I was very awkward of uncomfortable and I guess I wore a suit The vest and everybody there, though, was working the event and kept asking me if I could get the drinks wow, that's awesome and I was like wow. I guess I'm really a part of this community to me. No, I don't do that here. I'm not working here. I've done the ever ask somebody at the you knew what I look like. I don't work here, my I'm ready,
Just like everybody else in here. How am I supposed to get really offended when you do that to do that? But it is also fun to wear like a fucking re. Invest that target than done to me. I mean people have done that. You know I was like. I was trying to look for a certain thing on a market shelf and I'm looking at. I guess I looked like I was exactly. I was looking you know for, like the the newest date cause. I always try to find the ones cause. The last thing that bothers me call me tomorrow. There should have been one that was anyway and I I get asked that several so I used to get upset. When I worked at barnes and noble, I go yeah. I don't work here and they'd be like. Oh I'm sorry. I saw the name tag that sort of gave you away. I hated wearing a name tag. I have the I have empathy for anyone. Who's had to wear a name tag at a job, because that there's a there once that privacy wall has been broken where they know your name. I know they own a part of you. That party no fuck, they could no longer,
however? Well, that is the first thing they do now when you think people to treat me like a human rights ngo paper. Labour Hey. Are you doing the oh, my god, the pigeon dance day. This would burma It was pretty good. It is good. I can do them all. I can do. Grover will just grow more. I can live pretty much useless now. I know really members will be drawn from the broad reporting from missions nation, in LOS Angeles, California, thundering at miss bees around anywhere.
What are you going to accept there's really can do without was dominated by women. If this house too, in calm down what sesame street did you mention that similar they're very similar to what happened there very similar Jim henson's? Oh fuck, we think of how that fuckin man's brain were yeah he's my ears oppose me way. Right so, like I said, is respectable rock eyebrows rightly have brought were regular deeds, but a little work now like not worldwide, but we're like we ve cognitive of people's feelings. it wasn't like that in the fifties, and it wasn't like that in the sixties, yeah. It wasn't like that in the seventies and wr like that in the eighties and Jim Henson was a soft soul yeah who was like who had to tell one of his friends.
Make like for animals and am talk, and when I think of that, and I think, a walt disney Won't dizzy must be petrified. I now and then he was like a dream. Nicky mouse it up Do you guys know little men cottager trade, with the bargain with a bag, color everything in the fucking. Yes, I agree it is my favorite little like cheap code. I've ever found we can make a little easily retain their love, a cooking. She could Chess yeah, maybe that's what you're too, what you're algorithm look like What's your what's your your search page ass, the real my way just pulled up and tell me this is scary, but also on what is happening here is that you do not included in the gutter
I got time to question the Tom cruise. I got batman. Eighty nine resent where's that where's the cat when we hit Like my guy see when I got the joker I gotta lotta mercedes, some super with such as brad pitt like crazy, like all entirely will Brad pitt is just like there's just I mean miserably this guy, sixty dude Ok, so my pages threaped reptile jude zoo pyramids of unity of fuck. You too my daughter, I would choke me out the other night. Like lonely, italian Let's all use needs a transit of the guard. When you render you on cautious. If she chooses she goes. it you out of your current job as he was Jonah big eyes I hope she will she's come. You don't have internet
which is kind of right, yeah, yeah, and so she goes here, a camera and she fucking throws it under and I feel a little baby armor hers, and I go home of venus and she goes here. I go like this and my wife goes. It working for tapping and eyes I was like tapir snap mother fucker I got to learn yeah because, okay, so like a a lean, a little guy, it's it's actually much harder because they're they're much more flexible and able to to slither out, but a bigger guy once you actually get them and it's about making full contact with the taste. So again, I'm a bigger guy, it's easier to get that full contact around his windpipe. It's just this kind of taste. Those were the rules on the lips were going to lead piping. Here, look at this guy, like this, maybe should remain the whole bigger I think the newest. It's got us all of the women in new mean open up that noodle.
It's working hard to see what happened cause. I feel like I'm jerking someone. This is really weird. It's like I'm putting on my best anime foreign artificial. And similar suggests, Well, maybe this one okay, just get it in their government because god damn thats, actually not that bad. No, it looks great. I need a better way, Now you have to do the island. Will you come help me and hold this and squirt it while I thought feel fill it just came here. As my daughter Ila, when I now I need you to hold the noodle. Ok, yeah you to hold the neutral and then fill it sees all day and then often it's gone. I think that what we do with more phil half who I know, I'm writing gimme the other side ass though you this when it
we. This is why italian families are so thick because you're going make food, you gonna, do it as a team. Try issue. I wanna keep going. Alright, we got it. We got like ten more to do. Yes, are you the oldest? No, no, okay, not okay! It's it's! Okay! It's not a bad thing. You know it'll be the This debate on the orders of desire for me it's funny. It is always great actually and then, until you get old and then it's not so great, yeah, I'm not that all right. How do they use. Get to know your sweet, sweet, sweet, hey, dude, listen, I think to be a part of the you know
james to spent thousands of dollars. Or what did you just ask? Are you all fucked wrong with caffeine, and sometimes there are things we can do at work? Oh, no! No! It was either this or college. For my daughter, I chose there. No, no! No! No! No! I actually haven't. I wish I did spend some on my air, but no aleppo, but you know what thirty two, if you're genuinely serious about that, then I'm I'm flattered. Thank you. Would you want to go bald? I've had my head shaved for a long time. Actually I just was famous for having the most beautiful hair.
It would riley would that's right. Then half big ball will have. No. When I was a kid and then and then half of it fell out- and I didn't love that it wasn't as thick as it used to be like really thick hair right like crazy hair and then so I shaved it just to kind of be cool cause. It was like buzz for awhile, and then I grew back out and Yet you don't go in now is convincing the world that he's not bold right. Now everybody thought I did it cause. I was ball, but I didn't remember that I am sure we would. You very well body said some forty seven. I am goddammit your eye? You barely forty, seven thanks! Keep your side with good we're having a moment isler. they re. Just get the fog bank This is a binding experience, is great and wash its market exiled. Being gay. That this does is this kind of weird bonding things
do you like the way we are then catching a fish? Don't you I have to worry about any of the awful normal. But honestly, no comments are going to top this imagery on the so you're going to be. It's going to be all we basically can say anything we want now because, as long as it still comes out it'll from them and I get a job in order. got a saint I love when we were we were. We were going to floating on a river and I'd just done. It need a hat. She was a kid and I go just grab a hat. She was wearing alabama. She goes okay, she grabs a red make america great and she's dyslexic says he is he's gonna go. It is perfect here we're going now
you don't mind, I noticed weird weird things right and one of them. I want my things on those sing about either way. Now is that your smile is almost identical to that of importance. can I tell you that her now I got a fantastic smile, because that is almost cozy. Like my first bob haircut yeah, my dad said I looked like you do in between. equipment. That's a compliment! Yeah. It was her and beautiful girls, my god, one of the best movies I've ever seen in my entire life amazing movie, and she was amazing. I almost have the perfect amount of of insides muslim. What are you doing with this? One is that on your facebook page, I have the perfect amount of insides and I love long walks in the park. that's right, but put my profile can be a good noodle gimme. This is martini
I think it's the one person I bet I can make it all the way through you ready, I demoed a as a member, we gotta get hurt, but it only took as all of them to get one rigidity. Do trade very moved by we I mean want to clean this up. It looks like the bottom of a doormat. Here. Let me regret they were going on. Then I got your ever oh boy, so that's not bring back migration. We read that it cannot do is full of shit. Ok, that's how it works
anybody like that. Oh, my god, is it What I was going to do about seven, some of this Then they sliced ones Yes, sir, said the shredded one just I just think it gives a better thematic. Thank you baby, I'm not dimension in under the shredded Jesus treaty, losing their lives, but you don't israeli stuff is treated. well, that when they shredded traded with a preservative, because it shredded now in surface area, has been exposed so much more hair, really a lot more withdraw. If it does now, it was everything but the euro zone, as this is actually way out. The euphoria out there a lot of months without meeting all kinds price: the global olympic family trips anymore.
You're twenty. We had a minute we're telling us that we desperately need to we'd love. We love on it, which is possible family friends me. We learned all our favorite every year we do, but that we have an end and homesick you know why you know homesick randomly like about the one at the market. Honestly, I was just working days and I got homesick. I was ready to come home, and can I tell you tell me if you identify with this one? Have you ever cheated on a chick, but homesick feels like you feel when you cheat on a chick, because I I I've never cheat on my wife, but we woke up together in napa the other day and I was homesick, but I was with my wife, so I couldn't figure out what is really going on and I was like I'm not like, and what so, why do you think I can feel like? I have the feeling I should only identify with in college. I cheated on this girl s room break and I welcome the next morning gill away ass? I should go home
here and there and so ok, I can see that I can handle guilds. I avoid I avoid anything that would make me feel guilty really yeah I'm like I can't yeah, I'm saying you weren't you little lot. We honestly very sensitive. To give her marriage urges you wouldn't gilding a given if anything, I'd be shocked what the guild will get. Yeah you'll get you so much. You know, and we realize that so yeah we don't. We guilt, know it's a tough thing like that. that's a great was the eyes, and yet I could see that nato, but I get homesick some to those blue cannot. I get object comeback. Obviously, when you're abroad is greece, it is visiting other spotter. I do love this country so much I would also like the lobby, I think about that, and you said billy now I dismiss there were so many great memories that I, as a kid grown up there we added. I do miss those moments, so that makes me homesick only because I'm
the moments that I had when I was there. You know I miss the the the the community when the whole family was still together, dad's side of the family, mom's family, all the cousins we had like twenty people- thirty, people do by every holiday. Even I really datum. I long for sidebar conversation you put this in the oven and then immediately pull out. One has already done. I was going to when I got there coming, but I figured I feel I wanted to be legitimate. I appreciate them is all right. Gentlemen. It's time to about the kitchen, and I'm not talking about your roommate started issues. I'm talking about those pots and pans. You gotten com, and you're still using the eba making eggs. Which is in that look like I tore up, which is cauldron. Today's sponsor is hex, clad, listen to me right now. This is the last pair of pots and pans. You will ever know. Your entire life, they have revolutionised the cook where industry, with a hybrid panic, give you all the gimme a clean up of non stick, but the versatility of your grandma's cast iron.
They are so durable, they literally last a lifetime or serious. They have a lifetime warranty. Just in case you find a way destroy them, while you're making day drama noodles go. Ramsay is the toughest critic. In the world. In my opinion, when it comes to food- and these are the pots and pans the he uses at both home and his michelin star, restaurants, I made an army, This morning I made an omelet the other day in these, but these things are so slick when you put an out when I put it three, I I just gave a little shuffle like that, and I watched it not stick when a deep what one image cooked. Yet I love them. It's all. We cook within something's burning and I'm telling you it's a guy who cooks and I call for my family. I cook here and my favorite things examined.
If you make an ex amateurs, you do not- and this is your go to- you- do not need anything else for a limited time, get ten percent offered the code burning and hacks clyde dot com. This ten percent off hacks, clad dot com with the coal burning bonaparte eat, let's eat with excludes revolutionary cook. Where am I ask you ve most, we must hot button question. You will ever be asked your life. What do you think is more enjoyable for an outsider, not looking not for an outsider to experience. an authentic italian family get together or a black cookout bailing out we'll do that.
Really talk, while our similarities either very honest and Larry. There's always at midnight. I like community in exactly it's a lot of it's a lot of laughing walking along the musical allowed a lot allowed its harsh in russia and by the way flavors that you don't know the task is has ike from what my experiences in in Seoul food. It's very season in that meeting there. The issue they have with our potato. Salad is beyond me, but I love you. so what do I know being a giant, I'm gone specifically incredibly fond. Look out like that I mean you're talking like just from the front the greens my god, I don't understand really what was about, and so I started them and now I literally, unlike
I shall write okra stale, and so we ask the two words of egypt was an open snoop one day I say I go. We go. What are you going to do? You haven't already get lunch and he goes only does it as a wanton. He goes. I'm ordering every day from one or most of it was cigars. You won't! Let us put you on the list and I said yeah yeah, so he goes yeah. We just order one more we'll we'll drop it off in your trailer and snoop dogg, eight oxtail We fucking do now and I got ox tail every day, so I gained so much fucking weird way sucking on oxtail. I still is one of the fucking. Isn't the sexiest you're literally like that all new games? No one ever hears of the greatest metabolism does have the greatest metabolism on the planet since we're not that long right or listening to sermons in the salad too.
What team talking the salad and came Annie s opinions that romania will be out there. We got a guy like you, don't write, as can be seen from making gangrene. I'm really excited for this. That's one of the best seen for me to god, man, the rest of them will be naked gun, blessing Nielsen one of the best movies. It is so fit with just like I'm doing its job yoga joke. It's like to delhi salmon from from back. They're doing it it with Liam Neeson jack s. Yes, yes, on polar, yes on the unease, I may have to sit with this for us as it when it we have you ever thought of, like remaking ducks. I tell you it looks so great. I was pitching it to someone the other day I dunno what I was. That's actually a great idea to wear tiny ducks grave. Funnier rightly underlines the marks brothers. I know the three of them.
And you guys, got three: where are the bowl stays like this idea? Let's put it together: telling you that's the duck shoot is fucking thousand. That's it that's a really cool idea. Man there's nothing better than a good knife. You know it's there, it's the dull blade and will up in a kitchen like it's dangerous documents. It you're not up getting exactly yeah that right double sided laid. Oh gosh, we're gonna get my body a weapon for our anniversary, as it goes thing about being an adult using it you're lying friends, a gift and men. No one expects a fucking gift. It's like everyone's like. What's this guy just got it for you yeah I got. I told you, I love, guess what becoming friends. Do me a favor I watch guy, though, are standing in the right direction. What's wrong, can you give me three gifts yet in the house
of things we have that we accrued that are good, like three gifts out that I just can't even sure it sounds good. No, but yeah, I love giving gifts and I would be shocked if she's talking to watch. I love that would be insane but forgotten in your watches. Missing justice were honestly, we gifting is you have to get something for yourself and you wanted to pass it along. I'm not really appreciate the renewed. It can be slightly worn, but yeah, you know even with a little tomato sauce on it, I'll take it. I wouldn't I wouldn't have to edit the name out on this book. So I went to a party the house, and you have to edit this out, but there's a thing called the jewelry store. I've seen it in like details. it a cool brazen. I wonder for myself, so I go. For myself, I m like nice are monitored,
I just got a new bracelet. I liked this bracelet and the wife. The lady goes do anything for the wife and I went now she goes. Are you not married not married, and she goes and you're not getting your wife, something you're in a jewelry store? You just bought yourself something, and I went to get my wife. Something is yours mean if my husband came home with something itself and nothing for me. I'd be a little upset and I went okay. Give me something for my wife. She was pricepoint. I got I dunno like was in a lot of money. I got like a thousand dollars like two thousand dollars. She goes. I have something for fifteen hundred dollars, it's very nice and she gives me a bracelet, so Google is usually right before you go fuck yeah, so she wraps it and I go up towels and I knock on that and edit her name out and I knock on the door and she opens doors. A huge party you have all you have to get me everything? Oh, no, the snow oh my god. You spend the rest of the party trying to steal that back
and you know your mission about the period during bracelet feelings cause. It reminded me of, like my daughter, my daughter, she's, not here, so my daughter says that she'll grow. If I'm on my phone civilian drinks, gravel and societe, given ideas through the day, we're having bugging dinner or lunch with murderers and my friends and with major. No one can hear. No one can hear them. right, and so they go. I dunno dad google it, and so I pull up my phone and I had googled. The last thing I googled was sex. Toys cause my wife had said. I wonder if we should write to it, so I googled sex toys. So I went oh and oligos. What's on your phone, go nothing and I m georgia was what's on that's gone now, you're, nothing guys stop for real and other goes zone and I no joke at the table over.
yeah. I thought we were at a restaurant. I went to grab it from the phone and I spilled all the fucking things and everyone was like what was on dad's what was it porn and then I was like in the annals fucking leading urge, as he was most wonderful, goes on voting on the edge of the fuck up. the fuckin the table, and then they were there like. What does dad Google and I was like guys- let it alone, let alone absolutely what do? What kind of restaurant we at? What kind of food we were in bend oregon at a diner, nice yeah? We aren't bad, so I want to do like a medley of tomatoes. Like these little ones, but these look so fragile that one do these two roma very nice, for you know what I can do very nice to me. So they can think slice them like we're home with those that way.
quick government peewee herman. I saw that may remember never enough, he was he was solid for do I heard yeah? He but on the whole yeah they movie theater thing whatever, because it's crazy that you look at that and you think you have to tell you how to jerk off back. Then, if you wanted to see something you you couldn't, I mean I mean granted. Europe must do it, but that's why they both those bitter right. That's why people went to those theatres, yup, so it kind of sucks to be Paul reuben? Then you lose your entire career because of that that I didn't realize that he was. He was not that at all by any means, obviously, but I didn't realize he was as old as he was when he came to thing, because, even though you already by thirty six years, oh yeah, he came to family life, which I love that
nobody thought my eyes and there's a lot of guys nor more in fremont I'll, tell you what I'm bamborough increased and was so old, because I could use another you think I'd like to hear some brotherly love, at a show that we did real yeah. He he replaced somebody that ended up having an injury or someone like a recurring character, yup ryan, graham- and he was so cool because he later was I I saw he did malcolm in the middle and I was doing a fox show called oliver bean and we feel next to each other and he later came up and he and he- and he said you know- I really want to thank you guys because it was tough. using I had like one roll on seinfeld and like your guest spot and that's pretty much all I would have for the year I didn't get here, as I always was done with ali wood, and then people when you hear about this strike am forget that why aren't a status that that eighty percent of actors don't make over like
yeah. Twenty thousand is spent by the way that is not because they sock it just gets. Hollywood. Soap boxes that that you're, that you really have to be It's a super competitive market and there's a lot of shit. You have to diversify these days. You you have to literally almost create your own opportunities. You can expect it to sit and wait for the audition. Whereas in the wilderness of order three eyes of shorter than on palm just, but that doesn't industry standard insist, additives is hey. Make your own shit now make your own shit. We ve been yeah here we ve been doing it across the board, with movies and now the podcasting, then probably tv, soon yeah, we all. I can't wait for you guys for remake doc. Soup can wait here for you guys to remake doc soup. Europe needs be remade. Captain RON, Catherine, was of great all those I loved. There is like a trope mute movie, some,
movies, like sailboat, as you mentioned some around to the? U s right here, look yet olive oil nice. Men, men assaulting the atom tat. There is a lack of will the narrative. What's that from said from, I say that because it was so touching, it was like a news release and back then they were afraid. The boots that are hitting the hard they had a lot of heart man
even though I shouted around that shot, John candy on the boats passing, and it goes up to the pets that he was so good, and I love the love tropical boat movies. I just love them. I dunno why the boy there's one more issue. I was already on the sales rep moran in smash cut them throughout the movie and the good guys. I love that you guys love move
The fans man, huge fanboys of cinema, especially comedy, but I believe we get into the dramas actually have a color commentator said: oh my god, my favorite things ever so good. I mean they've literally like they have like they've, literally saved our lives at times. You know like when you can dive into a movie in those times, and it makes you laugh escaped is literally the vietnam agent orange, oh, my god that is so good. You wouldn't want to do that mortimer so good, yeah I love. I watch a movie every day, Do you really everyday? They might have to like if it's were, if you were in, if you are in a car accident stuck in a in a bed for four for one series,
me. There were, like you, wouldn't get you out of here, but you gotta watch all of dot dot dot. What serious. Would you haven't I like tat? We tell them that television are lethal weapon worthless to no less. You tell a series of poor miss this openness is nothing on earth there's a lot, I mean just good use miami vice when she was like game of thrones. The new jack ryan is really good and there's a lot of good stuff man breaking bad was really awesome. Sons. I never saw the sopranos drawings watched. I never saw spread dude, we gotta watch the whole nursing, an epic we gotta we gotta do like. I will rewatch of that show for you. It's fucking epic grow you'd love. It dude, you gotta watch. This emmett is a great Joe buck. I can't wait. Fuck you wait heading. I do I wouldn't do that arouses relay watch one series. I would hardly knew supremacy Why do we not maybe like behind it
two for me planet, our true said, said Can I borrow special nature. Guy is very soothing for me. If I vanity, That was your day care centres from Algeria was then they can only rarely fuck endeavours skyline, we want sopranos. Do you gotta? Do we'll do it? You can overlook, for you just have to talk to round this cheese hollows husband in and what does it need? Thirty. I was just I we're fine, we're fine, we're good we're only in an hour ten. You guys have a hard out now. Okay, good! Does it perfect legit? What does the rest of your day? like I'm, going to wriggle out of the queue endlessly what he was going to work out, but that's that's nice. So our desire to work like all administrative type, stuff that we have to do when the other day. You know your emails or phone calls. Okay, we've got a lot of about a really after
we in this. We will allow. We will end up and you can see there. Sir. please go going, there's gonna be taken. We ve taken what you said and yeah the others in their some distant developments, curious im curious, so we will have to discuss that and then the alcohol is going to make it flow, or I talked about talking about you guys at montreal and when I said your demographic in the kind of numbers you guys were bringing in fuckin comics were like hey, Can you introduce me to them? Can you everyone yeah? I'm excited to be sure that you know blah blah and that'd be awesome. Dude. I love comics, longer comics. There was little kid. My dad introduced me to george Carlin, who was obsessed with Carlin. So then, then I was able to see him. I knew he was. I wasn't my best friend the time and we went into the beater, would shopping centre and we wash bills that adventure and and when I watch them, movies with george carlin item regressed war did not, and I was like do
George garland, so we we ended up listening to call calling together and we love the but richard prior I'll eddie. These specials girl. I thought at today's clay. Anyone national or story about that is. I found it I remember when I was I was going to a poor country trick. We was to enhance our bus trip seventh grade and and we put dyson arrogance. Believe with your bones on you. Can I lily memorize the entire record, all the nursery rhymes everything right little bo, peep too she blew it was lifted fiji this s very nicely, Although our position, I still don t, tell me- and I would like to drink, there's all back to drink right and I think you do My dad was there he's like how it goes like pick me up was like this great dad, and I found a new comic easy cause. Ours are things that the way great how's it going,
At the music store, you're gonna love this that alright so went to SAM goody. Go in there Andrew dice clay- and it was you know the black and white with the thing and my dad was like alright, let's get it takes me to the front. We get it and he's like. Let's put this bad boy on so we get in and we push the tape and I swear the guy backing out the car, and you hear like dice dice, If the guy died but not not thought about, but then he goes, hey someone's fucking some chick and my dad was. what yeah I was fucking, this shit. What is this? What the hell is going on? Literally No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! You know you know I already knew the whole record have your methods. I do not usually did and then believe. Oh that's funny. I in a minute, CBS mammalia single, born in assuming that you during meetings is big. go here
I love you show that children here not you. I did not hear what does it was generally kansas. Cryptic series wasn't like the one you want. Another was here right now, I'm sorry, that's how it feels as well. We're supposed to follow it as it really got us with the guy still going to have to work on finishing this one thing he does things like. You know: you've been married for a long time in that area. To start you know, mixing things up and I'm ruining it, but but he did so I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but he goes you know. So I go to my wife. The other night, like you, know, sweetie we going to do similar different in the bedroom we got to space it up a little bit by bit. We would all his skin was illegal. yeah? He said I said, I'm thinking about it and I think this could work for us about if I piss on you tonight
Then she goes. You know my wife says to me. She says to me sure honey. That sounds great as long as you don't mind, waken up to a big a foolish two, I wonder, is that one after she was afraid there Oh god do. I have to be able to go pm bird tour, so I come out to l a and I go to the comedy, store and and louie and and invites me a lovely in recent. The way he is man was the best his age cartoon. He was always world there. He was so cool man, so he I let them come in america, my year working and rise, and then One day you keep it
You can really do so. He says once come to the store to a spot. It's a bunch of I'm doing sunday nights at the store. They are trying to bring back the storks the store dead, so I'd go sunday night and go backstage and it's Louie Anderson, Roseanne Barr, Chris rock guy. I me Gary,
woman steve, I think Steve byrne and Rossi were nobodies back. Then, though, all of us are nobodies, but they're all them and dice watching all my guy who got the cigarette and that's it. It always goes. They go hey, love this one when it goes no further his head, that's how he did it yeah. He goes. You gotta watch this one special ceremony will louis says it takes how's everything going and dice proceeds to tell the funniest parenting story. I've ever heard in my life casually in the back of thing, so I'm taking the kids to the fucking park today and the kids are like yo dad. What If the bikes he goes, I'm gonna take you. The fucking bikes are going to the park and he goes hey. We want the bikes now I gotta put the fucking then on the back and got a little three walking bikes, because I wouldn't bring the fucking psycho friend, who one time paternity was dead and he's doing. This is just an work. Everyone chris
rosa we're watching diced, murder in the back of it, and I was like that's ok. I just gave the first comics than ever play stadiums. The first comment in damascus: a dramatic disregard that other reasons sold out five nights, dodger stadium in thirty minutes fill the sixty thousand user was gosh. I still heard it was like. I mean that was immediate. Larger states need, I drew, I sold it out, five nights, dude other forget it does like all. I got with him when he spoke. Who was that's when I was like I made it. It was even like he knew I was, but you could tell he didn't know who I was the last time I saw him. He was like, what's up how you doing? How are you on the road. I know some jack, we were in it and I know it sounds a sun revenge. My debts
though not ass, invoking musicians, really young volume. Also that's an almost identical shit. That's so sweet These could be funny, thou think right, if you just so, we took him at face value off of his material from that time? When I think something, but then you know that at all? No, it's amazing. Gotta mind you gotta, find you think you know he felt what he can do well and what it wouldn't, what sounded write to him coming out of his mouth and what felt right and that was it ever had as your voice. It is more amazon, find your voice and it takes while as a comment to find your voice, I'm sure. Once you find it, then all of a sudden everything starts flowing out. Are you go to your old joke books and go like
that now write an interesting it. Also people learn like learn. You write so things that you say because it's you are fun. Somebody else saying those things might not be funny, but like they come to the day, they are so familiar with your cadence. With the way your voice sounds saying things that out of your mouth that works out. I'm I'm not the one work. You know. That's houses like dice new, like you, said, element this fucking If all that stuff was somebody else doing that would come off. You know like oh on, of course, not out of him. It it just sounded perfect and Eddy had the same thing. What is price fixed price since the largest independently own daily vanity sports platform in north America. They are the easy first and most exciting way to play daily fantasy? Sport is just you against the numbers instead of boeing, ff thousands other players, including prosaic sharks. You pick more than
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where's that smoke coming from. I think it's a liar. I think we're bubbling bubbling, that's a good size. I think it probably was done as bubbling pretty aggressively states come and take a look at it. Just take a look at it. What do you think says? Storm is bubbling all throughout. Do there's so much run by the way, last night I literally just drunk this is like that too. It is. It's blue jays that I lived it devastated. I live down on stadium way from what it might be. The minor league, maybe it's a minor league team, is cool. I like it loaded blue jay photos up on the knee. This is this- is across the favorite bro me too. This is the random really does present life I want to hear this and just poured out amity and one of the best way to go about getting this out of it
somebody's gotta uncut it with a content online, but whenever anderton, go back to your actions that we can do it all night and I can make you feel right blow, my god going for it. There's there I don't do and and down been is we have about it. Bb you re lad. I wanna do why else. it generally be. Mine should show tee all my think, we're getting home. It is hard to pawn dps. So that's what you say or write shit guys and we got this spot awesome
the care of only care of my mother. We gonna sell that we ourselves have yet salad the elegant solution right, woman this moment. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you can make your right wow guys huge this. Oh my god, you're jumbo. while the salaries on is oh, my gosh, I'm really not unbelievable wrote. This is unbelief what the hell! This is not very low value, crush this seriously oh my god, like hm
But I'm really impressed you ass? Well, earlier this month, Do it is really bob that's really! While I'm in I'll go it seems to me, but I can say, region did a great job, but I can probably got it's hot, coming right. How are you it began married ourselves, yeah good job. You did it too. Do we actually did nothing? You did we just sat here. We didn't do anything now, my gosh. This is really epic road, but did you ever see that
new magruder. We are well forties by myself wanting alike. That movie is so funny reporters. Why do you know if I get so right? There are lots of filters It's really funny bill Hader, two other children pacino your shit together. We're not even brothers are marginal he's person. You know we get presents for everyone, my god, okay, alright. Here's hoping that this is a president. No, no! No! No! No! No! So I don't know what I got you guys, so I hope you like it yeah, ok Ok, not many. While you really went all out so who wants to have them.
Maybe you know I got this for you dude. I want a snazzy so sick. Oh, do you see this woman who isn't augment per game? Where there's one of those this is so say what who has the hardest time sleeping I mean I dunno We are those I love this response, and I- and I got this specific- you know I think it matched up well, have you had made me all school, fuckin, chivalry, knights and That's a lot dude I will. I am in koolaid me. I am in very much check out your pillow Joe. I'm really excited to get out. Maybe try it out. I want to get a lot of sauce on it. Just alright, just curl up are they are they did they sent to us the way
it should end every so with presents to people. This is great. Give a shout out to whoever makes that pillow me yeah. This is a wow. I've always wanted in on the pillow okay hold on that fucking pillow. They made my mattress in my bus. My maxim my buses, the most comfortable mattress I've ever been in my entire life? Really, something tells me you just got the best Pennell europe for you to have your entire. fuck me, why be losing this pillow back? What all great ilidza, really really good Is that that pillow, that pillow made by the same company that made my man what does enable them on the pillow? They only made my mattress us and it is feel mattress ever boss? We feel mattress ever even this is. This is just a really nice pill who made the mead, mead. Chime slant, easy.
turn around you? Who did me the chinese speaking He may see that's homemade sour cherry, I'm a fan of cherry honey, I'm cool labour. Can we established in two. thousand nine home reserve sour cherry. coolly me yeah you're gonna try to find work
giving presents to this episode that is amazing check out their podcast. Tell them everything they need to know to follow? Okay, so it's a brotherly love pie. You can follow us on social world of large rollers are so andrew, bathroom or jolyon instill. We have the largest presence on facebook, yet we have to brotherly love pot on instagram and facebook and youtube while youtube I'm going to be on their podcast channel. Thank you. I wrote an episode for kids,
the this episode is brought to you by the machine.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-24.