« Bertcast's podcast

Something’s Burning: Dr. Drew, Adam Carolla, and I Talk Keto and Make Sea Bass

2023-10-03 | 🔗

While I am baking sea bass, Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla talk glory holes, keto, and growing up poor. Plus, wait’ll you hear about the America’s Biggest Hog contest. Spoiler – I won’t win.




1. Sea Bass



Sea Bass

Lemon Pepper



Season both side of fillets with lemon pepper

Bake at 425° for 25-30 min, flipping halfway through.


2. Wilted Spinach



Baby Spinach

Pine Nuts

Minced Garlic

Feta Cheese



Toast pine nuts in pan

Add garlic 

Wash spinach and place in pan still damp

Cook until spinach has cooked down

Fold in feta cheese


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A moment of calm by american nationals, because if your business throws in problems where the insurance company, let's here with solutions, american national property and casualty company and affiliates Springfield Missouri, I look at people fatter than me. Like all of them look at people drunk then may I go I'm not them. I love people less money than me. I go, I'm not them, so I'm gonna good the semicircle that I'm in right go. Let's just figure out how we can keep doing what we're doing. I think I respect, but where can you find people fatter than yeah party at the circus? Or is it like at the county fair that they could exhibit if they didn't try the known each other? Ninety six, ninety five, ninety five! Well yeah I mean you were on-
we oh yeah, that's true, maybe ninety five, the radio and the character on the radio. He liked the character, MR virgin, You looking for some stays, so we're going on thirty years, dude thirty years, fuck yeah. I love. How great would it I mean like it's, so it was you needed to change. My transfer was howard webb to what you said. I mean it's crazy to me that, like there are kids that don't know Loveline the way we knew Loveline. Oh yeah, like the fuck, the how great they don't know. Reading you are at all and all the air, but there is this weird group were listening to old love, love assizes, all we're not gonna, my big difference while they all watch friends. For years now much. He has just started watching the off in the office friend, friends, office and in level
now, what was the other? When the friends office yeah that my vowel went through the office, they all went through friends and there's another tv show, but I can't watch anyone on the podcast where you go. Big podcasters, like people that pop like Theo right now is having a minute where, like everything he says, is going viral deeper, look at like fear or tim dillon or even rogan. I think they would have been good at radio or think like I look at rogan and go, I mean this respectfully, he would have been horrible, it doesn't have the right rhythm. He said. Radio had a lot of rules. Yeah and and radio was all about repetition. He just had to have a tons and tons and it was a slightly unnatural. It's like films from the fifties. like is that acting or as I came out and there was even wearing a tuxedo and a gown and was talking a million miles an hour and like no one's gonna like you know, cause that kicked atlanta. Radio,
it's some kind of radio was and if you're good at radio, it's like saying, you're a good actor in the fifties it made. You remember I saw your line and you spat it. Was it hit the post hit the post podcast cause, I'm hanging out, yeah pot passing so what's really going on. I think it's about being I I really think it's about being a fan of someone's yeah hang out with your best pond just hang out, but when you see like, I only use rogan because he's like the guy, I listen to the most, but when you see rogan or even you like, when you have like fitzsimmons or someone that you love, that those are great shows jo koy As a great shows you I I I agree, it's it's it's it's it's a dynamic and serve a tennis. Match. Vs radio was like you, sit there I'll talk to you for a little better than you plug your shit. You talk back at me, but it wasn't that kind of dying dynamic where you literally
freestyling to get somebody more sort of sit back and just watch us. Do the show it's like they were listening. They are used to listening as they just kind of sit and listen. While we were doing in ever those guess. Yeah yeah do english, and yeah. It was hips. You know what the the time clock was all screwed up and was wrong and that's a brand new episode of something's burning. It is an honor to sit with the original, the oh geez of loveline to lifelong friends that I am lucky enough to call peers. I never thought would happen in my entire fucking life drew pinsky, Adam corolla. Thank you guys for doing this. I mean our guys know how much you guys do you know how like how much your approval means to guys like me where we haven't signed off on this shit yet, but we'll see how god's yeah it's good we're making chilean sea bass. I love it on a bed of spinach with a with a little bit of fat and pine nuts
Actually we are definitely talking about this. I love it. I love it, but but this, but you know chewy and b c bass. There really is no such thing. It's a pattern gone and monkfish. There you go yeah, oh really, yeah they just the restaurant sort of invented that for various white fishes, but as they're good, they used to you know how they used to fish with them. They used to to send a scientist. Tell anyone that hunted for for what they called chilean sea bass had to have a scientist on board like some twenty two year old kid on a fucking fucking, tugboat yeah. I just watched, listen. documentary, not little pike ass. You know that they actress many drivers. Real name is gertrude fagin bomb well as we're ruining that guy cause. I can't play this game. I could play it all day, but you know all the I bought out of those raids
report like the course wrong, so that some monk wish then pieces. I hear people starting to bring back monkfish, like I like the fine french restaurant stuff, whereas their mothers, the I went to gelfons today and this guy s when the butcher back. There said I knew you were coming. I knew you were coming. I got stuff in the back for you because yeah and so he said, he's a fan of the cooking she's, a fan of the show, and he. So what do you call who you're cooking? For I said DR drew and adam Crowley, He lit up and he goes. I got you, he went back and he pulled this out. They didn't have it out front. He gave me five pieces. He goes home with one just so long ass. When I said pandemic, I recommend my homeless guy had that have real yeah, it's kind of funny, yeah we're like hell
Did you find them where dr cable and what happen yeah? That was it grew up right around there right and that's that market we can never afford, but I would go in there and steal turkey drumsticks was it again since the air was pre cooked and it was in the back
AK and I'd still hold drumsticks and ally on the side when he was a starving child, but that's that was a cool. I I overshare overshare, but like one of the coolest things is, you know I gotta get to meet Adam. I do his show one time. We have a good thing and he goes. What are you doing? I I thought were drinking angrier and so I didn't drive. I was like we were going to drink my greenies. I gotta know your shit to do like one hundred mind that either we do the show it's fun as fuck and he goes. What are you doing? Some went for a ride and here's I'll drive you home he's like. Where do you live? I tell him and he goes. I grew up around there and as we pulled two miles because you mind, if we stop by my old house and I'm like I'm like it's kind of cool because you're doing a star tour with a guy who grew up there and then he goes and then he drives me by his house which had been redone, but I knew that house. I knew the house has all the old stories that you had told on podcasts I went that porch yeah that fence shut
the fuck up- and I was like it was- I mean I don't think- I've driven a person by that redo that remodel, and so you know that's where Adam Crowe grew up there like his parents rich, I go, they fucking redid the house they took. Those photos are to it yeah it was. It was crazy yeah. I just said that my mom died about a year ago and I didn't we, you know I wasn't a huge fan, but somebody said to me the fuck up, as I said my whole, Emily was neptune society. You pay fifty box and they come pick you up. It's a crazy for atheists, sir! Don't have money, you join the neptune society, very low cost barrels and they just put like ravioli cremation, they throw you for the ashes in the ocean and my mom won't even cheaper whoa whoa. She donated her body to use your language, and some said she donated by the usual. I imagine yeah. They wanted to study mom.
who didn't love their sounds, but emily by medical stood by me, dissected her or did worse. It'll make you imagine what you'd do with a famous person, all the fucking shit set him up as a fucking centre and get behind him that might when one of my favorite early horrible jokes was thomas gucci was a famous coroner in l, a from you know nice gucci yeah from like ninety. in fifty five nineteen, eighty two percent back, I'm wrong drawers, heard up all that on top seize on all the celebrities. The right one If everyone almost for their shows, because who is the last person to fuck Marilyn monroe snickers, that's a great yeah, great relative,
oh yeah. You messed up all the autopsies, all real all. I was watching a documentary about. What's diabetes, and husband was on ship with her and natalie wood. and they're like well. Here you know she was on some medication that she flashed the card up and I froze it and I took a picture but a large it like holy fuck. It's amazing she can breathe, shows on so much shit. Wonder she passed out. I mean she was a dial man and tall women do just one thing: one opiate and one on narcotic after another, and it was like, oh well, that's it. She stopped breathing with the alcohol in the water and of course he put it as a head injury or something else speak of toxicology. Do you guys want anything to drink? You guys go with water. Do you want wind or cocktail? Would you like a beer up drink a little a little wine? We just got back from bordeaux france. Are you really that much about half that much? Oh okay! I I'm a lightweight
yeah? I need you to sam indigenous sniff. My thank you. You get grew drunken starts talking shit about thomas noguchi. When I tell you we don't want to go there drew. Is this lemon we are going to be okay for you on the planes. Fine, I swear to god when I say this lowry's lemon pepper is the best seasoning goodness it is so good. That's what I I don't miss or there's any booze at this moment wine, but wine is and winds the worst fucking for you with if you're dieting yeah, if you're dining, it's so fucking high in sugar, they is korea. was just driving to back or white. We allow champaign is actually pretty good for the diet or better for the diet yeah. I looked it up once and shame
pain is my name or anything that can really why and you're better there, really whom I have not nothing, but water, nothing, but water now for a month now tease you are, I dreamed dude. How that's really good can remain tame. This no yeah, ok fitted in ten. This mormon has our time are maintaining somewhat supplier figured out today, you're. So here's the thing, here's the thing to say like that. Does depressing the here's, the thing is that I know I'll die one day. What fuck it like what you like
I got hit by a car. Who cares I plug it. I'm trying to follow your feeling. I dunno I just it's, I'm not going to fucking over I'm, not gonna, stress about it. Okay, I said to myself. Like you know, I look at people fatter than me. They go, I'm not them, and I look at people drunk than me. I go I'm not them and look people less money than me. I go, I'm not them so many good, the semicircle that I'm in I go. figure out how we can keep doing what we're doing. I think we're going to mean, as was were smart, but where can you find people fatter than are you this, as it like the at the county fair, but they can exhibit if they didn't fry around the southwest terminal in burbank pursuing at that time he goes to vegas you'd be shocked. No, I don't know, I don't know what the plan is. I don't have a plan really like he's like
I like that by the ever ever one. I know where the plan has managed to fuck it up here. I hope that its re and assert a head down moving forward. You now self mastery, just knowing like hey. I can do that. I can also spoke pot so like so get back up for me I didn't get out of this sort of responding to the zone thing you were talking about, zone satellites near planning, your your escape? Getting back to stealing cooked turkey, drumsticks yonder garrisons dally department. I always grow. show poor with no food and know anything that now I have all the money in the world to eat whatever. Whenever and its some weird deal with the devil tor,
your words like now: there's no barrier to entry, everything's open! I have all the money. I need and I sit there and have to do battle with my son. All day. Long like and people are bringing newsome you're coming to tat, we got the best pull bore. Can the nation will bring about search of your own free boom? Reboot nine years old and going insane, he can't leave anything behind I regret that I got that or gore can be what I did recently but give it a. Let me hear it give it a try. Alright grew up with empty cupboards, so poor we couldn't even cabinets, but they were not yet a member to convert their powers and with family it was like you know: tupperware was a big ticket,
adam you'd, have like a mayonnaise jar that they rinsed out and we could keep it the mayonnaise jar and that that's like mentality waste waste waste. I couldn't I couldn't deal with. It could waste and so everytime we go out to dinner. Of course it's doggy bag like people like I'm, does have a book. That's half a pork chop, let's show it gave it's life, you know, and then I started going on the road and like traveling stuff, and I notice myself at a steakhouse in Chicago and there's half a t bone and I'm like, I think, I'm bringing the backed outlay here's the ears, the biggest one, the hamptons about two months ago at the hamptons for three hour drive what I mean your three out. Your self anthem do indeed food standards I see the hamptons going back to new york to stay
I guys we're through your place and then go on back to allay on private jeff, mark arrogance and I'm like I'm taking the info and they like Ok, what are we going do with any of her you're gone from the hand to new york and from the arctic garnier and the to Van? as airport than from van eyes airport to malibu, that's with afraid, just as it will have a mid. French devices technocratic French got out the next morning. took it like you had an hour blaze idea. When I got to turn us got a french the who spray booth was eleven dollars worth of current back,
Interesting stuff starts leaking by the way and the bag got all fucked up because of that stuff shop and shoved up my backpack inside to hide it because it's like a disease, you know the private jet with indian food back to van eyes four in the morning and drove to malibu right back, ate it the next day that the If your grandparents are that indian, what have you done so I do a thing called pocket sandwiches where, if I get if there's leftovers or if we're at usually, if we're in an airport, I will make a sandwich with whatever breakfast stuff they have here. Wrapping napkins put in my pocket and then travel with it and then couple of days later, we'll find it my backpack, oh fuck, I forgot my pocket sandwich customer can joined for years, ruined, drew I rolled a joint and everything yeah. I had a, I bet, we'd started
Well, you tell me yeah. I was at the very famous person's house, he smokes a lot of wheat and so we're driving in. I go see that we're going to I'm going to have smoked weed tonight. I I you know. If I'm going to be one of the cool kids, I I'm gonna have to do this come on. I mean it's. It's those guys, yeah and they're. You know doing their thing. They were going nuts on these on these looked like cigars, these huge things and I thought well yeah how bad could it be so, of course, the economy, and I took two hits and I proceed. I told you the story. Oh yeah, I proceed to have a fucking toxic reaction. I developed what's called an anticholinergic really I look like I m parkinson's disease, as I like a fuck now is that I am prepares. Our food exists crisis. True in eight I and I was like buttons are good for my wife should sit down like aunt I couldn't I could navigate,
sitting, there was crazy and so went outside and I have sort of pc out there. I am getting all I've got dry mouth like I was away from your choice of dry mouth or photophobia, I'm a pussy. I picked up the photophobia the even though it was outside hey, I'm sorry go ahead. It you pictures, won't work, I am I am I hate or of pictures. No, that's like light gets. You know you can't tell her it light, so even his yard, his yard lights, would like to break. For me. I was disorganized and I knew I felt like I was having a seizure, and I thought this particular syndrome can cause a seizure. I looked it up afterwards and apparently people over sixty five, it's dramatically increased. Your As for this particular reaction of the beginning, it. So what I like the guy in the north. He was like didn't feel like rape. Does I mean I'm just asking? Are you cool with this right?
shut the fuck up call, but listen! Listen! How about this guy! This goes in the oven for twenty five. For twenty five minutes this olive oil abundant with diamonds and limit this fucking lowries, lemon pepper, is so god I love simple and if it's so good, give no andrew so I'm out there and I'm you know I I didn't, have any panic. I definitely wasn't high, I just miserable, but I had no anxiety. It was weird I was taking full account of his word. Unlike me, right I was taking full account of the things I got fucked as an ankle injury delirium. I is going to ask about three hours. If your doctor have a weird reaction. You don't have you can just consult yourself what you eat well or you can go nutty with it. If you think it's something you think about the worst thing sometimes so I'm out there and I figure if I can just get through a couple of hours, my wife's in the party or have a good time. You know and she comes out and checks them a couple of times
After a while, she comes out, I go awry. How has it been now if she's going to say like an hour and a half, she was like eight minutes. Ten minutes I was like oh shit, we gotta get outta here and I was sick for five days. I couldn't wait. I could not drive for five days. That's crazy! It was really wild I don't smoke enough. I think to get that. Not only is it existed when I smoke and I just want to feel empathy visit, the toxic reacts, I'd I'd a specific thing. I was thinkin about when you're talking about the orgy, yeah yeah and I I ever see those gang bang films yeah. It's just got me to think about that. The ones where the grape is like light up a thousand guys, try to regret by okay. So this is a good point cause they try to set the record right yeah, but they can never assemble seven hundred.
Ok. So what they do is they get one hundred and fifty guys and they do they do rounds right and I'm like I'm not involved with this. Sanctioning body. That is not a gangbanger rak. It has to be seven hundred and fifty new and strange when he goes hey. What's up area apply. Whenever I see the guy's been thin line, I like that guy, because the guy was line, isn't masturbating, but he's trying to keep the and we think that guys doing the equivalent to me Ask your brain is the people who are jogging and miss the light. Running, but there still hi there they're kind of deal you gotta go. Even among the motion is the same. The not looking for the out, never never understand the gang bang like that. Trophy on your mental, like
seven hundred and fifty guiding go. We you have herpes While these arrived and we have those women, the elderly, every one do you like it, then she then became a born again christian about her new husband and there were trying to talking about their past and she's. Like look, I only had sex one day, my second, oh, my god, you're practically aversion May I think we're trying to send a record please let it be for how fast the guy got. I never never. I dont understand that. I don't,
and glory holes like glory holes like I there's a I'll edit. His name out if he wants me to, but he was explaining he's like- has actual gay okay. I knew that reese really trust. That's what Adam calls half mo yeah, no homo tho, he he will put his different glory holes so trustworthy. and see what happens a really? I will do the glory, hole, asia and my problem isn't with the morality of it, it's the thickness of the poor, I would they use for the glory be, do quarter, and three aids five six states on there all day long you go to like it.
inch and a half see a good one side? That's diminishing! You know what I mean, and then you have to get into that explanation. Weird talking to someone through the glory hole like this is really thick climb. I dunno, if you're, able to examine the hole and throw a tape on it. Before I put, my cocker is unusual at more cock here, there's a place down. Raise the does corner ass soon ass. They see my site, I scanned. It violates the modern table between five and obviously a fire. Radiant says she arrived at by the g right elbow, see the axe. Three cornered is good ones. I broadly talk about that too.
it is already already gotten into my polka mercedes. I just can't imagine, having my face against pie would like that, like, like that so uncovered, all went. The glaring all here just to be up against plywood, because I couldn't, I don't know my biggest yeah nip as you put it in, Thus- and just so, you can lean back. Oh, my god, can I tell you about an idea that I think would just kind of revolutionized society I think this is the time to do it. I've talked about my pack ass before, but this reminded me wanted to have a nation wide competition for the guy, the biggest hog dry, and the only way we can really scientifically do it is through water displacement. Guy, that's all
laying ok, ok, I don't know his dick right and so one see here every day in mail, would lay down on a sheet of a very thin titanium put the com. whole goes into the graduated. Cylinder is much displaced, that's what we have in sudan. so then you almost have like like a measuring cup. Like all of you see, if I got this correct so yeah hold on, This is the fucking great idea and by the way this was rehearse because I brought the measuring carbon so that Russell every every man's dick enters a boy all right, the graduated rapid, and so then right there you go to select the top, and then you put your dick in brighton, no united places water, yes and then your dick is right. Five hundred this the volume of your hog, it's all done through the same sheets.
Thickness. It's all wrangling, balls just just deck. Otherwise we sit in print so then fourth of July, right after the nathan's hot dog, even competition, we announce the winner of the of the Americas biggest dick right and This guy comes out, I mean he's presented its basically evil can evils jumpsuit big number one on the back, but here's the dearest apart. This interesting everybody gets a number. so there are a hundred, Twenty two million males are the age of eighteen, ranking and war, and then day ever. it's gotta wear the wind break with the ranking. The writing is your size. Europe furtherance how we're for one anyone in the top ten drinking
for free that day, there's no way pay for their beer. When I walked in to walk into t g, I fridays where's. My view be a celebrity anyone I was in the top. Five would be on everybody, gas and every late night shown whatever every year and there's eighteen year old, those those fifty million men turning eighteen so we do every year there are you going to defend the crowd reclining you're on the bottom, ten per cent are you gonna walk around with that windbreaker that windbreaker gonna airlines that a number of large digits lack I can go serve establish the international competition somewhere. A lot of people are like well, what woman is gonna? Be but you know that guy can eat pussy fuckin, chair, rye
so I'm saying if I'm a woman, I'm like you know what I'm going for a lower number yeah. You know what I mean. I heard the guys with big dicks, don't have as much fun because they can't get it all in so they just get their head in and it's not like great sex and it's painful for the woman. So they don't wanna do it. We have a friend who has a really big dick and his chicks. I got cancer, I mean it's not like I'm pleasurable, like you can't get it all in so he's. Never like I've been lucky. I have to have my entire dick inside somewhere and then some yeah I've had I've had pussy around my pupils. Like I just want my thing, the dick I want to give me the name my memoirs, dick. I won I got worse things worse. I want this deck where, when I sit on the toilet and I'm gonna score
It's allowed that that guy before visit your underwear not affected by gravity, not good, not a good sign for dick. I wanted the one that dropped into the water and actually sucks, and I can just go to the bathroom to top it off, but I just want the dick I want and I'm not getting greedy dick, where I get to hold the base they're still enough to kind of market. Nine would have you know we're out. Where does the whole fast or maybe a couple of fingers dead? I dont want like an englishman drinking tea right before they stayed american knows it
I could grab with a fist and guide it somewhere or do something with it and not be like a baseball bat or sighing who's up. First, you know what I mean. I've been trying to work on a joke for a while. Now about the day I realized I didn't, have a big dick. I was at swim camp at carrollwood and we were getting changed to go from swimming to tennis, and I took my pants off and this one dude had a big dick, and I went oh and I looked at mine like like how come that, like just like a weird moment, and then I was sure to get up big it's just that he's. You know it gets bigger and then it didn't and then I just was like wow and then ninth grade. I had like a head case about it and I went into the showers and I saw dudes like men, eighteen year, old men with hair and dicks and fucking black dicks and like cuban dicks uncircumcised dicks, and I had a fucking panic and sound like he used dick salesman
and we got one cat that black we got can come on that steel days? This is going to be fucking good. When I started ever, I dunno how many people knows, but when I started I started on a show that was derived basically off. The man show it was completely stolen from the man show. It was. The main show was pitched around town and everyone wanted it, not an won't you get, it affects really wanted it and without yet so they made a show called the actually I end up. I was one of the host would, but you would. I was the second round a hope. So when the first round, with a decoy,
pirlo. Isn't that what John Connor was on it of the craig j Jackson and then me and Gary valentine, ended up replacing two guys, John webber, and but like you and Jimmy, I remember watching you guys together and thinking god, like you guys, we just fuckin money. I mean crank anchors like everything you guys did and then and then I was like and then when Jimmy went to tv and you guys kind of went off was kind of like still the perfect fucking storm. You guys were so fucking titans. You were the podcast guy. He was late night and I was like I was like. I always wondered how much influence they had on each other, how much they called each other to be like yo they're, offering me this late night talk show, shall I do it or or like how different? How separate you guys really, because you guys really went off in two different directions but
probably the two. I don't think you got. I dunno if you guys knew this at the time, but the two most lucrative directions. Yeah, I know, is a super generous guy kind of super nice guy and he's like a super hard working and focused guy, and we have these really dissimilar backgrounds, but he thought I was funny and I thought he was funny and- and it was really, our kind of relationship was built on a mutual respect. Man and a respect for serve of ability, cause I've been banging around for ten years and no one thought I was funny I met jimmy. He was like oh you're funny, and we should. We should do something together and I I felt the exact same way about him now part of it is sort of like
In terms of the relationship when people talk about like sometimes people will generally Save me like Jimmy's, had so much success Suddenly, the show is that something you think about. yeah, I'm happy warm and they go yeah, but they live in the quiet moments. To do that, they do that question I had asked who makes more money. You are Tom right right. They have that and I'm like. super happy for bohemian. When he's gonna host the oscars all all right for him and I will be happy to be a part of it, and you know you better doc attitude early and often because show business is nothing but that it's just people, that were no body when you were somebody and now there's somebody and you're half or somebody, then everyone, because I remember we used to walk to the airport and no one would even wreck
Jimmy. I was the one who is being that thing you have to really get over that mindset soup early and if you bring that interim relationship is poison because. It is impossible for each part, I the relationship to advance or retard in exactly the same pace, somebody's going to heat up a little and have some moments and by the way, it's incumbent upon that person to always kind of respect. That too, like the thing about Jimmy, is Jimmy got wild. I mean he hosted the oscars three times and I'm married name is the sports guy on a local radio station, but Jimmy also always respected my
ability, so it was never like. He was like this guy and you're that guy, and he just thought I'm that guy and you're that guy I'm just hosing. You know the oscars do so, but really it is really destructive, to try to bring your ego and it'll show business just having a go. Look this guy! was nobody when I got the business and now he's playing out these these big venues and stop in good for him there that sets and If anything, you can go I'd like to be playing those bigger venues. How could I do that or maybe he's inspired me to work
work right at it or whatever it is that sort of lesson for life general. Yes, anything else is super destructive, super distracting and counterproductive and always ends up in some negative negative spot perfect. Oh my god, this is fucking, but I'm so excited we're excited to. our lisa, was when I thought it was called shall lay sabre has now found. I was called felt, vision methods while for twenty five thirty minutes and it's fucking perfected. Flakes off gentleman wow. Let me give you a better one drill, so you don't all that
why another stating issued this one. If you want, I didn't put it, I get an over salt it I never over socks. I thought and put salt on everything. So if I go by my taste, we're fucked It looks fucking great right. Some of the real aim of this is nicaraguan gis fish that when we had yourselves around eleven the lemon lemon, happily so good right now
That is the I'm dying to taste the spinach. I've never had spinach with them. Fatter, yeah bro yeah, oh shit, wow, don't who are viewing so I put a little salt on it. While the fish are, I put on settling children, the man on the spinach and fed a holy shit wow. This is so good. It flakes right off route, and this is what's the butcher's name. Ashwin Ashwin yeah he's no bullshit. This is really good. This is an oily fish. It's really good for a. Tito so here's my brown, the whole cato in the holy this whole new world order, madison avenue in part Gambling, like big mail, has like mere this shit out fast fry. Of course, our supermarkets like out man age, does I've said
flower oil as a proud of oil, big picture Veronica, and then you get When will you turn around and sattler I'll avocado oil yeah? They fucked us, like this happens at my house, like an app and all the others, is cauliflower pizza That, then, is how popular its collins large or cover many torrent. You get home like corn paste and put powder gonna like this. Not thank you. It's not push cauliflower, in autumn, and it's like we're gonna have to have some. a sanctioning body for their shit, you buying their every time. Someone has a half decent tortillas chip. Cato it's a vegetarian. eternal yam powder and whatever is theirs. It was all bullshit that edo snacks rather take you to snack, and then you go cool and it says two net carbs up front and then turn around eighteen carbs in the pack and each time they say net
get scammed, yeah, no raw data, and there's no real offers, like the word hack and when you get rid of that, drives me in saying to us when we hold all the time No for a while. the reality is like one time, I shall turn nutrition is now as many toward a richer for- and I said my wife once a breakfast, why she does a breakfast bar is an. I got all the money, the warmth, what gimme a break, thus far the sheik any as a good brain like is good for her work as along, like schwartz breakfast bar by nicely in africa, who are the dumb flocked to buy this thing like there's a picture marshmallows on come on reality, my wife's family
yeah you can. I think that is an ambitious like no. No, these are good. Ending marshmallow internet browsing barn right up the new, it's one of the phone groups, so I go. Is there one bar like a protein breakfast bar than I could by? That is that you would approve and others who are theirs allowance. For its part, well me literally just below me- and I was like. Oh no free lunch or something with peanut butter, something with carob or something now known as buffalo meat, with the little pieces of like cranberry anna yeah, but back then, like the native americans, their diet might have been healthy, but I guess they didn't die from what
they died from smallpox a week ago. They kill each other, I mean yeah, you gotta be careful. What native american book you read cause then, like especially, I read one that rogan recommended the house on the rising moon or something, and it's like I was like man, I came out thinking. The indians were dicks that someone was like how old was the guy that wrote it. I go he's like eighty and they're like yeah. You gotta check your source, That is why the only language leaves the americans songs and they were horrible till they were. Who was good? You will die just listen to a pack asked about this, lady who came over from england for religious freedom in the night in Boston or wherever mayflower them. They like failure to fucked up for us. We set you the sent them out and then the native americans killed her whole families and then grabbed her daughter, but then raise. their daughter, like thereof, should red hair and they were fuckin there like fire, crotch hoover.
that Lindsay lohan Lindsay lohan got a bad rap. I will tell you that you probably knew her. You guys probably met her right and I never dad Now, if we ever intervene wherever energy on her It was your best interview you guys ever had like most like where you go. Oh, that was like fucking epic. That was like probably the fucking, like I've done a few interviews when I was on tv when I did the show. slash was by far my best interviewer, a classic las vegas. He was there. There were. I would I would see I bet Adams going to say you tell me if this is true now that we have people, we just there's great people, that slash would be definitely in there, but oftentimes. The people that were like big gets nothing. watch. This item is behaving like maybe later you in no particular order, because it is at all fuzzy memories Let member rod. Stewart was fun.
I remember when roger thoroughly remember circumcise and make sense. You know it makes total sense, but yeah yep. I remember that one I mean We talked to everybody, we also so here's, weird thing about, you know, memories and the business as we talk a lot of people. before they were people write like rumour, ryan runnels you and like people, I like a good right hook to two guys ryan rows. Oh you interview ryan reynolds, but he was on two guys a girl and a pizza place, and you give a shit. You know what I mean yeah and by the way, did you see the geo had posted a classical way. This guy collects all over loveland that you were on the set well, two guys a girl who was a guest star, as I didn't remember that or all that show was funny as shit yeah I was. I played Adam corolla, I was I was a hollow. Shell is right. We
we're only a remedy. Insurance fired up we're on dawson scurrying. We are on dawson's really but yeah. You you you meet so on dawson's, creek, perfect regretting What's your name with one, the one area that, when the married to tom Tom o amy, no katy marketing, katy anymore katy, Haas Katie. homes they already known as now. This is my boy. The one who's claimed actress, who is just in the fable men's and joy, Williams, michel showrooms, I michel ones, Hollywood like those is she's gets now Whenever recovery, ward, she's, a little love had etiquette she she gets a now. She has nominated every year. She was acting with us, but she was
for the entire fourth time dawson's creek, like I dunno who you are, I dunno, although she was lovely. I remember she came on the show that night, but they said like two in the morning or something never mind if somebody's sad. If I was watching the academy awards and she'd want that reward, and someone said, have you ever interview that person I've got Why would you talk to me? I do show her digging are we are we have a lot of that? We forget you guys, you guys, don't remember that drive by my old house last year and young were a hit that my favorite story, though, and somebody not being somebody that was heather, graham as the best story ever. What? Oh heather grant once more. I was hanging out. She was somebody. Then that, like she became not at all, but what happened? because a memory were like factor the parking lot?
We are now if this isn't a story of a heather brand. Being someone being now- and this is a movie heather ram- came on our show to plug something a movie. You know we get him other actors, marine environmental- they were ever camera where they were. and later on, just because I've run our shit to talk to her about. I was like any would do this, what we got coming up? What's what's down around the other projects or whenever she does she goes. I am this movies coming out in six months, called bogey knights and as like bogey nights, stir neighbour a moment ago. I play roller girl ass. I all right, who else is urge, is burnt randalls, I just got down doing like pop and smoking ban at nineteen programme.
And- and you know, Marky mark from the roller girl I got to talk to your agent literally goes who's representing you. What do you do? What is called Marky mark and the game kind of about? Like Hell young lady, one of my favorite movies of all time, she defended shed tears apologizing to sat there to hunger. our role or chrome, in Israel, the seventies the new agent Walberg nineteen, ninety seven or whatever it was, has made a crazy like when you look at like okay, who's, had a crazy transformation of a career mark, wahlberg or steve o mark wahlberg,
receive oh, I receive us in turn, for they say it's jenner, turgid performer really crossed over all. We did we didn't up so the cabin with Caitlin. We were doing. this axe throwing thing oh yeah, I remember, and I had said I could throw an axe between my legs, and so I took an axe and then went like this and went up over my shoulder and came down right in front of her and landed on the floor. Oh and for a lack of terms she broke out? Pretty fuckin hard on. All of us is what the caitlin and then and then we started competing. She really good. Allow me to her is not yet did not transition material. Still there you want to know who can rather the champion must have trains over what you wanna, who can thrown act between their legs number one through twenty in my job.
Although national competition there's no way, those guys could pull that off segura and I did a bit on two bears we were. We were like yo use. I want to. We want to know your big dick problems, because we'd think it would be great to have a big dick, sending your hashtag big dick problems and they were so sad. Yet it was way way more complaints about too big and little a levelling. The years when yeah yeah yeah That was a much more like it's the. What are you going to do so to do? as a general advice, and I remember playing on just you know. As long run, huge cocks do What are you a celebrity softball game me and Jimmy and kevin from Kevin and being that way back in the day, and it has had a celebrity somewhere charity something and the actor played first base on major league
played the black jungle, yeah yeah, that that guy we hit the shit hours after the after the game you and when I stand to close, I remember the bed. I remember that clearly that was why you're right, so all that's that's having breakdown and came home have on the name of this website. And they build their decks. Galore think we all want the big guys with the big dick or like I don't get, and it's so hard to travel like I can't wear certain clothes yeah, it's like most women, can't we can't have intercourse and are scared or whatever would you You say that it's almost these same equivalent with women and big tat, because
women go looking at rack or guys won or whatever, and then women like you, I can't jog. I can't buy outfits, you guys. Can you guys can all go to fucking hot yoga class or whatever I can't so. It was a lot of like. I can't do this around staring at my tits on the show like it's it's kind of silly equivalent to you want this. You say you wanted, but do you really want it? I've seen chips with like Lindsay palace. You know her role, my god. It's it's worth pulling up a picture where's my phone. I gotta. She is what she did gorgeous, but she as a big rack of tits, I mean I mean that whole I gotta she is
isbell as well as a just takes pictures of herself. I mean I'm sure, there's more to it. The lindsay lindsay palace, yeah, pl yeah, just came on instagram this year. Oh yeah a whole lot. Here's why I don't take her when she's got a tag on I'll I'll show you the fucking picture that this makes you think. Damn bulgarians have fucking genius, Lindsay palace running by the way it so brilliant. It's simple: it's like you guys, the kremlin's while those hurts it looks at it hurts. I don't need your soundtrack under every facet. Alive was broken glass of earlier
I get it. I know what you're talking great it's in the spring break, while the bags jagged gentlemen. This was a fantastic fucking visa. I have to tell you this, and I know I know both. You know this. It is the highlight of my life that in my career I can call you guys even peers at all, because I fucking have been looking. I've looked up, you guys, my entire fucking career? I don't know how you feel about corolla. Are you- and I are friends wow? I know, but no, but still when I first did love, are we. I found the machine, the chamber, that story the fact that I was acting to tell it again the next night. I didn't. I guess toasts on love lie there, we're looking for a get their proposed, and I wasn't in the running, but I was just filling in and someone called up and said once tell a story about the timing: robbed class in russia,
He was like whoa. I was like oh yeah, I robbed a train in russia and he was like what are we we're the russian mafia? It's a long story, so I tell it and it does really well. I was die. I get off radio than your colleagues more than I can you do love again. I thought I love it after the fact yeah. It is definitely there. You need to come back tomorrow and tell us what I think I do. Yes, I saw I came back the next night. I told the story again and he said then he goes that is your movie at. Is your wow need to make that as your movie, don't ever forget that, and I literally forgot whatever I was like. That's not true. I tell it a couple more times, literally, like maybe five more times in my career, and it was DJ's who had her. Who fares a calendar goes. I heard tell a story.
At least the morning I heard your loved one, you gotta tell the story. I went to all these places. You gotta tell the story, so I tell it a couple more places and then it gets kinda going to do it, w d v e and it gets kind of good, and then I did it on rogen and when I did on rogan it was like a game changer like changed my life, my name, no one called me Bernie more than call me the machine, and it was like it completely changed. My life for the better way for the better cheers cheers years. Last year's I miss you tell us now, it's so easy. I hit it out of the party. Did you great episode? Thank you so much everybody the this episode was brought to you by the machine.
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-05.