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Episode #99 - HALLOWEEN MOVIE SPECIAL - The Houses October Built - Mikey & Bobby Roe & ME

2014-10-30 | 🔗

The Director & Stars of the hit movie THE HOUSES OCTOBER BUILT Mikey & Bobby Roe sit w/ me in the Mancave to talk not only about their movie (which scared the living shit out of me), but how they made it, all the different spook houses they went to, and the ULTIMATE spook house where Bobby had a bag over his head & gun at his back & Mikey thought he was going to die.  

#Halloween #SpookHouse #ScaryMovie #TheHousesOctoberBuilt #Terror #aAmazingInterviewer

BUY IT HERE: http://bit.ly/TheHousesOctoberBuilt

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, rope, loser, Beth, she's, not gonna, like that the road I somehow prevail, get the low of twenty nine ninety nine per line we must cellular built for us terms applied. Does it? U s cellular, not company dell, we value human connection with me, we're distractions? U s! Cellular built for us visit your: u S. Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens take eyes on back and I'm here to stay, I'm sorry for the delay. Today we celebrate and how will we with my good buddy mikey row? You might know from travel, gentle speed, the beast and these bananas pont guest he's got the oj picture. he's here with his brother and they have a legit movie called the house's october built I've seen it
scary, shit, we're gonna talk about it enjoy, have yellowing, it's a fucking pod. Asked holy shit. That was a fucking event feel like I wish I could record it in another manner, just to make sure I have it on fucking, so I'm sweating, I just ran with my dog. Alright, I'm sitting with the director star and star You did not direct, although you did hold the camera times. Yes, two brothers from taxes. Why you guys introduce yourself, you no one knows everyone knows one of my guests mikey row. I still owe people and oj picture at the as oda. It is de and Bobby ro, my brother, whether I like it or not and direct, the houses october built the house.
Toby bill houses. The house's wasn't really interesting because I, It is that I tried to find it last night as the house that october built and it didn't show up- and I was like mother fucker- we wanted to play up the whole. You know it's it's funny, it's a mouthful and it's like fifty. Fifty on the title. Could we have gone some easy, simple, halloween one? Maybe, but I don't think he'd remember it. It was always kind of for the us for the kind the babe Ruth Allergies are yankee stadium. Is the house ruth built and your baseball player am yes. I read your regular bio last night, this The most research have ever done on any of my fuckin podcast by the way, and it's only because I know mikey so well and I am and monkeys most dialed in mother fucker. I've ever met in my entire life, but but my I got an email from mikey, and he says, and by the way in hollywood. How often you get these emails? My move, These common l check out the trailer it's gonna, be in theatres. It's a big deal, dot, dot, dot
you always just go shirt. Is that it's the same thing as I can You get the email, hey check out my new band playing here, it's always like when you're like great we're going to go check it out and sometimes you're, pleasantly surprised, which, hopefully you were up I'll get tomorrow. opinions, and a second so so tell Bobby. Tell Bobby right bobby tell tell if the people it is the I'm releasing this today by the way I'd like to apologize to all the fans who have not released projects, castle for weeks. I will do tomorrow. hundred absurd is right. After this isn't my ninety night that zone the adds up so that I will do a solo podcast. I will explain exactly where I was, but I've been on the road for five weeks doing trip for, but I'm and I'm home. Finally- and I don't want you to do this part, in tomorrow's halloween, and this is the perfect holloway movie, because it is based on four friends that
get on a road trip in an hour v to go, explore ultimately there after thereafter one thing thereafter, the one, the scariest spook house in the world the one that takes it to the next falcon level must act dream haunted house in the world like these a spook. Also, a lot of people don't say that cause an evil when we explained explained movie, sometimes it's they're, looking for in other travel across going to have hearted houses, we're gonna back up and say halloween hundred houses like the ones you twenty five thousand spooky ethelwyn, that's a good. We have because we have the producer of insidious and paranormal activity is on this film, which is, which is a great thing to have, but I also don't want people to think it's supernatural, because it's not it's always wanted to be around it, which is so disturbing about this movie. What is so disturbing about this movie and and and and and I have not seen the entire movie- I couldn't watch it. I I the last time I turned it off, is when I can't make it an automotive ruin anything for anyone. But it's
and the or will ruin it. It's the pumpkin seen that's the last time. I turned it off. I can tell you all the other times it turn it off. I turned it off when mikey I own the little girl I'll just be a nice, oh and and and and and and walked her in now. At that moment, then I and I want to see the scene as in the trailer it is, but when my mikey finds a little girl that he has seen a spook house that that, what's her name, Diana brandy brandy, has seen a spook house by the way demba saying her name oh I have- I have a story of a story, I'm going to tell you in a second of course. I will. Let you talk, but when you brought her in and she kind of turns and looks at that moment. This is what really broke me and that's why I turned it off the first time and I almost feel like six minutes it is there the thing that's very creepy about this,
movie. Is there are real genuine horrors? In this world there are real job, anyone whores special, have any children that in this way that exist, and there are real genuine disturbed people who especially the If you run into in this movie that I couldn't tell if they were actors or not, and and and I went that just freaked me out- and I had this moment of fucking these shirts patera. Where I went gonna die one day like this. This is fucking this is all very real, which is, which is my first question: how how do you go about directing this movie It was important to us zack, Andrews and either producer is also in the movie as well as that is not the guy that binds the video Yes, oh kazakh, so we we started about. five years ago? In our biggest thing? Is you know we had come to the point where we had sold. Scripts movies fell through that.
had a thing and we decided look we're take it our own hands. What can we do here inside a maybe a or or any type in? What kind of film could we make ourselves that don't work? It doesn't require nailless star, but, more importantly, us was like you So in this my deal s brother, to talk about acting in a second answer. The biggest thing we want to do is what have we not touched on? What is the whole world who is touched on? sickly everything exploded. Everything you can and I was sick to death of of possess. movie, we seen a thousand times. You know the exorcist. Did it the right way? That's all I needed right so, but those are just constant. we regarded each year. What is something we could tackle that nobody has before and what surprisingly enough true statement? Is that haunted house industries never been seen on the big screen before, and that was. really important us. Thirty million people a year ago just mean I'd stay
its thirty million people. A year ago, we spent eight billion dollars on halloween, yet nobody's praetor story round these guys and these sets are fascinating. We thought, okay, we can shoot on these, major major hollywood, almost like sets rate even in the middle of west texas, and we have the scare actors who why would I hire anybody? These guys have perfected the role after the past five years, and so, let's The story in the word found footage is as a stick matured to derogatory term. Now, because it spent in over saturated, watered down and people of abuse, did we wanted to tell it in a way that it needs to be first person point view we can describe it as a halloween movie, not found footage, because it should
right away, people kind of older eyes right, that's not what this is. This is based in truth. The word the definition of found footage. I don't even know if a potential found footage is probably comes along. A little bit more mainstream, wiser Blair witch a casual five kids go into the forest. All we found was this tape. You write so it's supposed to be re. Now, people always been too as well. I mean who put who editing altogether. Re put it to a studio, sounded like it's genre announced, and it's a camera style to like it's a choice in in what's weird, is we actually always be a lot of people label us with, though the Blair witch kind of comparison? But I'd act We take it more. We actually took approach which is kind of weird, because toyed of genera of bore at we decided to take what such baron cohen did put our cells in real situations and see what the fuck happens in that's what he does and have it. But it's four for laughs, arza we for scares, release tension and I think giddings
these guys all those interviews percent real, ok, because you're so pissed cause because the when you sit in, in texas and your interview when the kid and just outside annual, how creepy it get and he just as ike, meets by the way an end want to finish on this, because I do we get to the acting, because I said this silly am I she goes how's how's the acting though fucking amazing and I'm being dude, I'm your friend I would just I wouldn't say anything amazing I mean you are by the way. You are you? U not anything other than you, but you are high perversion of you that that I would hope to play? we just about a sick. Come in a sick about me, you are you're very.
Real and every moment you're, not it's like vince fallen like, and I say that. There's no comedy you are the comic relief and as in this movie, but mikey, obviously you here in the movie as well, but you but I was blown away that the acting was so good. I couldn't tell how scripted it was. husk up to your scenes were. I felt like all the the scenes with the spook actors. I didn't know if I didn't know how like how scripted those or like when you roll up to a place or new, dumb or you'd start interacting in some we'll go no cameras. I didn't know how scripted those were in the bar seen the foreseen that freaked me the fuck out that, by the way, what you did in that you allowed my brain to go, nine different places and the places it didn't go is in the bathroom like that's not where my brain went and I
fuck, something you guys got room feed like I'm literally going through a million of its nearest, so with acting how scripted was accepted with a scenes in in the army, Well, it was very important that a lot of the rv stuff is, and it was created to make sure we're driving the story the right way. So a lot of that stuff is scripted, but in a loose way- and I mean It'S- a testament especially to two brandy- mikey is that we didn't want to let the men on everything I do, but we also, they still need to know where we were going and that's the reason zack and I even cast it ourselves in the first place- was to kind of make sure every but he stayed in line. We had this. detail, we had it completely mapped out, but for a you know a standard type of film scrip. It was, you know shorter than than most. because what we do is we would go from a to do so by that night, I know we starting or starting a we gotta get to DE. So what happened
four b and c is up for four improv and for the sea. What As far we can push some of these guys these characters and then make sure that driver ourself back to what our in point needed to be put at night. can you the story? Otherwise we're not can have a cohesive you and Zack were were, were do orchestrating, orchestrating it just the same way that the movie is directed just the same whether the movie is made your orchestrating Almost real life iphones events for brandy, mikey I too, and I think some of the stuff just kind of spontaneously happen. That we're like. Oh, my god, we gotta go. We gotta go with this and we're going down that rabbit whole right, and so we wanted to leave that room because is probably why you're, even talking about the acting in general. Is that so many of these movies from two minutes in your fucking out, because those are the same
this five characters you ever seen. You don't want to go on a road trip with them, and you just you smell cue cards a mile away in. In with that you are taken out of this world that was supposed to ride you're supposed to go on you ve already got enough, and so that our big, thing was we wanted to make sure, hopefully that most but we want to go on the ride with us and then that you felt like bach. This could their home videos. This could be exactly what's happening in a lot of it. Israel I mean on purpose, I mean that's a like Bobby said: it's like getting to point a to point d. You know he would give me lines and bullet points now, just one life you gotta have you have to say this line. I don't care how you get there make sure all the microbes for your mouth
Why? Because my fucking have no idea how good this recording is. We would say: here's a line that you have to say. I don't care how you get there, whatever you have to talk with this person until you get to that line, but you gotta get that response you have to build up to that so as a whole is a cool type of acting that I haven't really done where it's it's improv, but it's also it's scripted, improv, that's dealing with someone that doesn't have any lines, so you're, really just feeding these lines and getting there and you're able to film with video a long conversation, and you find that when you finally get there, that's when you're, like oh cool, I'm there I got what I need get out of that now? We move on to the next day and that helps drive the store. Each time will real, quick with both with brandy, especially because she's our lead actress. She was also a host in some form, she's doing allotted interviews, and I had system, wherever touch certain parts were backed ass. Certain questions right into I too, to bait some of these guys, and I thought in the
in the long run we were going to have to actually manipulate it a little bit and have these guys kind of give us what I needed: nope, not even close since day one I had. I stop doing that these guys were eaten up the camera and things that came out of their mouths. You can write. Ass day I mean with that one. character, says that you know I'm sure. Of doing everything but killing somebody and he's almost to the point: where he's going to take a group in gang rape, em I saw that no one, I will die I fear that, because that seems like something that someone would pop up on a flag, but I like that he kind of well let's by the way he looks around, to see if anybody's listening to the camera, but the interesting part about that is right at the right of the point. The stories building and you showing the frat boys going through the spook house trying to mad dog the spook actors at an end, and when you see that you're, like you like yeah, does, does need, go the next level,
I was blown away by by that and then how What did you shoot it on? What camera are we shot you being probably five different cameras we had six or seven go prose running at all times. We have we used to adjust the zoning and can further some of the night vision stuff we used to It's three for majority of the majority of the movie, and we is black magic for that that that was a tough thing, because you can, light a haunted house right. Well, will you gotta try you go and renato you my experience at a spook house, and I will end and and and and I am dying to know what your insight did. You ever get to go to one for one of your shows. Like did you go the first episode of bert the conqueror and by the way I should have said this, I'm dying to know, do you think very sharp are going to watch this and go mother fucker we underuse
allies, Mikey Rowe, one hundred percent. I mean I watch this and I was like why the fuck did anyone give that guy anything to fucking say he should have impromptu. You should have they. There should have been no scripting. be the beast. Mikey was all feed the beast on travel channel. That was a fantastic show and was tat. Bit of. I think I think, massaged. Besides past massaging disorders? Yeah I mean it was I kept telling them over and over get em. I just you Pardon me for a reason. Let me be me, they don't want. You enjoyed the sizzle that we shot and the pilot for it is because I got to be me and I was good working with people and interacting just going off the coffin and it would just work. So, just let me be me and I got fed so many lines, it. I couldn't go anywhere there like you have to say that there are, and there are little or no two like they're kind of pushing on you. It's like whoa. This is your. This is how it works. Yeah but yeah, I
I know what I was about to say in before that. Put your first sight reversals in housing or some of bird, the conqueror we did. We should websites. We did the first upso bizarre sandusky, ohio, sandusky. Oh, how has the the world's greatest spook houses called ghostly manner. Spin going off like tat, some odd years it's in a roller skating rank takes like thirty minutes get through. It is this guy, it is his passion runs year round and I I honestly rolled up be unlike thinking. the dispute causes you'd, see at like the fair. You know like that, we're like they weren't enclosed. A couple of mirrors and that's about it for years, it's some spaghetti that you think thinks brains and some peeled grapes. You think our eyeballs and I went through I do. I do not think this footage is sound is is, is our online only because what we had do as we had the light it, but we had to be had
the light it, but we had like me, and so, when I I've seen is bright light and then all you saw with someone jump in a frame and it scared the fuck. Out of me, scared me. So bad had an anxiety and anxiety attack, an asthma attack, and I held a little girl in front of me like a human shield, because I could lift her up not even realizing, I did it and the network wouldn't put it out, because I, like you, look like a bad person. I held a little girl in front of me and I don't know if I was even doing it- I was just so scared. It was the most terrifying thing I've ever done in my life two weeks ago, Rachael ray called and said: will you do a spook house for with me: it's a thirty minute, long spook house and for every and we re, we stay and will raise money, and I was like a man only because I know how fucking terrifying they are there is that is understated in this movie to someone listening is just absolutely how terrifying they were
and you guys went through how many total we ve probably done fifty toad. In the past. We do. We start. five years ago, because that's the thing we shoot seasonably to you can't we did we shot it ourselves and then other producer people came on they wanted to up there, certainly you can't do in your own and sound is one of them real, expensive and, and that's the whole thing with a heart house. I need you as the audience member to feel like you're, going through that hot. That's really tough, what you say with lighting with sound for for the camera. To be your eyes, it super tough because it's dark. So hopefully we did a good enough job. Where I mean I would have loved to have a little more, but it just wouldn't have felt real at all. What, through there, with a big light on the camera or lighting and on your own. It takes away from what these guys have worked so hard to create. the image it so yeah there's a lot of times in there? You can't even see, what's going on that, something like that, but that's what it was like to walk through it, but in the brandy scene. Where are you is see the shortlist stood and the
shakes the it seems like you, you did use lighting to an effect used lighting to accentuate you couldn't see, sets some of it. Yes and it was- and I felt like the entire movie anytime, you want to do spook out. I was looking around a quarter and not to lead people to believe that this is about four kids, you got, do spoke houses and then papa other side adds to the plot attack, but if you could and because I want to fuck it up, because I feel like I've, I feel like what I feel a brandy, walked through a hole in the story that open up a portal to the destiny crack is that that's a good way to integrate. Describe it. I think we wanted to escalate as we through the movie, and so the first one is going to be a standard innocuous haunted house, that's visually fund a look at, but does not a lot of threat there. There's You know you make it out and the other side
going on a ride, but things start to one. We start uncover a little more things that are very very on this world in their called extreme hearts and what they are, as I always created to how we ve evolved from three d and three? de in some ways has run its course. It's been very popular, very profitable, the past five years, but it's not good enough anymore now and downtown los angeles a forty theatre. What does it do it sprays on you? You feel it they're smells your chair rocks because treaty wasn't continent owed much sixty poor get that but that's what I always harbour sex in haunts it's the sea kind of thing where think about a play. Boy was a big deal when we were kids right to find a playboy that would not was porn right now. How fucked,
are these kids going to be because that's not cutting anymore they're, going to dig real deep on the the the dark side of the internet and that's what they're going to want? Oh dude, you open up that fucking porthole and everything's fucked. Someone introduced me to the. This is a new sex toy for men and I was like oh interesting, so I googled sex toys. and I was like all these there's like a urethra vibrator and I went to things but I know that exists. I kind of dry it with this agriculture, unlike that, why didn't need to know that existed like that? That's that was but anyway, but but so these to these is the what do they call the the stream hot extreme odds? You show a video of it and it's like a it's. A girl out of the bag Overhead- and she looks like going to be murdered, and that is the theory of these extreme odds. Is you if you feel like you're, going to be murdered or you're, not getting your money's worth. How far will you let yourself go to be scared? You sit there and go through one of the hundred houses and walk,
that was whatever, but ok. So what is the next step for you and that's where these places, which are out there, keep pushing and we ve been. We ve been in some places that are in fact we did it. Southern hot press tour for the movie, the past, like two and half weeks. So we went the rv again and I started yeah. We started in l a time in this rv phoenix, Albuquerque, las cruces, EL paso awesome. We ended up at the telluride, horror show, and so we we did the rv and it was. It was kind of fun. for us, it was less stress, right cameras, our role and we're just kind of enjoying it going to talk to scare actors the hans, but we know that this place outskirts albuquerque, where women hold it was an extreme hot, we get there. We are separated bags ghip pulled over our heads. I get a shot gun put on me, and so you're feeling that metal against your side, two barrels and I'm literally things much researchers. We ve done it's it's what you start what's going
how did we walk into the wrong fuckin place she s? So I know who we were because of the movie, so they started up in it because we were the cast oh well. These guys can handle it. Yeah I mean I can handle so much while I'm getting I'm getting screamed at thrown against the wall. I get locked in a small wooden box. You hear the big padlock go boom, they start throw. gets the worn down the hallway rights Susskind sprayed on me, and I am like ok, I don't know how, all this is gonna go. I finally get out a box and then about fifty minutes later. I find him mikey in a black tunnel of a war. That, though, might well will also you can tell that site. So I find him he's all decision. Doesn't know which way is up and I gotta pull him out. There This is how we get out we get out. Then they separate us again and so I finally get out- and I see Zach he's in the outside and we both kind of have the same story and mike's like what the fuck you guys talking about. I didn't happen to me until I'm with my ex.
I told them. I quote moat close to my bike. He likes to hear that my experience was totally different than what they went through mine. I was blindfolded and there with me I mean they're putting me up again. So he walked me to the beginning. Struck me that guy walk walk right in and they throw you down on your knees and blindfold you and tell you to sit there, and then they start harassing you, though there they'll say whatever they want. They'll get vulgar with you doing whatever they push my face up against another guy's crotch like you're, going to do that you've sucked a cock, what the fuck and my thoughts like it, because it has moved on, comes you suck my dick meagre right? If so, we will I get taken a different way of separated from them. Walking down the hallway their push me like gold go and they in I'm walking.
All of a sudden I step and I fall ten feet at its most terrifying thing. I've ever that's ever ever happened to me in a haunted house, because three feet is one thing yeah what the fuck just happened to hold them like this ottomans? What is it you're talking directly into the mic? I use two hands: keep going to the other with your hands. You're talking to me three feet is one thing, but with ten feet, that's you get that feeling that pit stomach where this isn't gonna end and I just fell off a cliff and I ended up. I fell on an air matters, but sitting there walking blindfolded. I take the leap of faith of nothing and it's gone and I fall ten feet and I laid on the ground like what the fuck just happened Oh, where am I like, I dunno and then someone gets up and they take your blanket off and I kicked down the hallway fucker. Then like puts you down the hallway and you're like so they started me off with complete terror. I mean my heart is racing, so the things that may not have been as scary, if they would have started with those like people jumping out, are absolutely terrifying cause. Your heart is already racing and the anxiety level is at the roof from the very first
three minutes of the hot without sight to I always I the second you. He told me that sorry, I always think of the the scene in Van wilder when they blindfold them and push them on the doritos. Okay, he is based off of burt to them. I bet you nurse and there's another sweated up, there was in the neighborhood, they push, they push them. Aren't you read us anything, it's glass, but like that's the only thing that comes to mind de mine said that they did that does war pledges I'd stand you wanna on six inch curve until you jumped off a cliff right in the end, people break their ankles dude, you weren't ready for it. Yeah it ain't. When you can't see you think you're fallen, fifty rephrase that that did not happen to us. I heard that happened to guys goddamn it why the fuck is wrong with me I think that haven't snowy I deny bananas, but it did you did there were thing We're like that where they was the blindfold. You did know how far you are you're going. That is that that would do. not today. If they pushed over ten foot fucking thing on an errand
I'd be like I just blew out my knee. You bought it right, but that and that's the thing at the physical ones like that. Is you don't there they say either? This is an already house, you will be touched, you will be grand, be prepared or don't come and their sly, about a two theirs. It there's a part. After all, this takes place. and then all of a sudden you're in a doctor's office and they're like come in the doctor's going to see you now like one of those spook house things right, but they're like sign in I think we all sign. Release is right there, but I don't know, but I think was a really smart way to do it there, like sign excited to see the doctor and the dog, and so they're yelling at you really yeah, okay, and I think it's release a shit yeah. That's pocket smartest elk, these were these were ones you did on the press. Tour correct. There was at the scariest when, when there is gun play that guy we're great like there's a lot of things you can encounter go with the flow, but I think a lot of It is when you just when you're, not in the city and you're. Not
universal horn. I urge you not to not scary farm you're at a place where, in like a kind of seeing the movie, they don't do background checks. You don't know, what's going to happen yet, where the type of society we ve been taught our whole life for the cop knock on the door, say, show me your badge and you let a man re like you, ve heard that yet we also decided it. Somebody pulls up and says, get my trunk and maybe seventy- I box tallow. Even if I can do it and that's the thing in the world, we all do it I'll, do it again with the kidnapping, hans and things like that of those exist out there, but I mean every we went to so many different hans, it's hard to say which one was the absolute best, because every hot every hon, add something cool. You know whether, as just one that at the end of that kind of such blood, that one thing was really call that we hadn't seen before, there's all in everybody's always being creative in pushing the limits. I mean
I went to one that again started the same way where they in lake they invoked so much fury on you at the beginning that anything works for you the rest I got, walked in you, gonna go one by one. They shut not an chair, zip tie your hands back, put a gag in my mouth and a backroom ahead, and you have to be twenty one to go through, so they date you'd nature your iD, so they no shot of whiskey. Forgive you get a shot of whiskey. If you want to drink, just a commune herbs which I did and that you did and then so they know your name, which that is terrifying. If you don't realize You forget that they know your name, so they sent me down in a chair and zip tied, gagged and bound in back over. My head and they sent me therefore like three huh- minutes and you're sitting there like ok, what when it is a really long time, three minutes used
thinking about what the fuck did. I, what am I doing? Why am I? This is ridiculous. Why am I doing this? What am I searching for and then or two minutes? You get that and then three it's like I walked into the wrong thing. This is not a good idea and you feel like a blade up against your neck and they're like mikey you're going to fucking die your friends. Are dead and you're, just like what the fuck am I doing what you do and emphasise that guy walks out and then another guy comes in and plainclothes just like any of you, too, comes at risk. The back of your head, the bag undoes yours at times like you, we gotta get the fuck out of here. We ve got to go. This is not. How can we think We gotta get the fuck out and I start shaking I'm like what do you mean? This? Isn't it he's like? Do they just fucking cut my friend's head off? I just ordered it and he's like shaking and trembling and he's like. We've got to go when he runs down the hallway that he gets tackled and he's gone he's out of the picture and you're like fuck dude. where's, my little leprechaun, my safe guy. Where is this guy taking and he's gone? And then you start working down hallway and haunt kind of again? Will the smartest part too is with the guy? comes into that room. Let's say he's wearing a very distinct stripe, shirt and use
aw him in line with you. They plant moles right. So you know that guy was waiting with you so real right. They have I'll go sit out there for thirty minutes. It are part of the hot that act like civilians and they sit there. But without with a shirt they can't forget right. So when he comes in europe, well, fuck yeah you're the guy in line like oregon trail yeah. Did you remember going through a trail now I've known the cosby show that show the shirt theo What to do and then Denise made a one and it looks ridiculous at the very specific sorry, that's great solid reference. I would look at our guard trail, so it's which, by the way it takes all the scarier. If you just picked a record, you gotta, Google, I gotta show you what a gordon Gartrell looks like forever. That story, we ever tell it back, I'm going to run in with that shirt. Type. Tobin, Gordon guard trail of
wait. So I mean you're talking about spook houses that you're you're talking about. Let's put it in perspective it this way is which probably is my expertise is thrills, so like I did and I did a rope swing. So that's that's! The gordon guard trail remember that every year, while it was I can we where is z, cavalry cheesier than it had a like one thousand, but he spent one hundred dollars for a gordon gartrell and then he said he could make one for fifteen, but the armed at all to it that it was a great episode so and so we ve done our pride my expertise and thrill seeking. I guess I wonder how the fuck I showed up on that but and in a roller coaster is extremely say that is the average spook house is top thrill dragged her. You take off your honor miles an hour? You are for twenty feet and it's over and thirteen second term
every now and then somebody does die, but about saying there's that oil wanted as its aim it's like they haven't hired high blood pressure. Same people die in spook houses that die on roller coasters. Now what you guys were talking about is like I did the other day, which is the corona arch swing, where the krona are I'm sure you ve seen it it's viral online. It's called world's most epic rope swing and it's an art where they simply harnessed in just like climbers onto one out of the arch. The rope goes up under the arch and they knew
harnessed into the other side of the arch, and then you run and jump off the arch and swing through the arch like five feet from the ground and swing up over the arch and then back down so and when, when I did that I went okay, this is it I didn't sign any fucking waivers. I didn't either rock climb to get myself up to it, or this is one where you jump off like it's like looks like you're at the grand canyon kind of right here here here, just put only so that you get my reference and by corona do you mean, here, corona. California. I think you ve seen this on in utah. That's you gotta. Finally, seeing that it leaves out, we have to jump policy swing around right, my body we're trying to buy achieve all you have to type is epic rope swing my body creighton. So this is what I'm talking about and this is what I feel like you guys are talking about and when I did this, it just didn't have
It was no safety involved like when you're out there you're on top of a mountain you're on top of it, on top of a you're gonna send an you jump off, you wrote till then let it out. No, you just jump as far as you can see. We did that. The other day but when I did that I went ok, so that is not there's no safety in here. Like in their safety and this guy, creating the put it together create unbared. I have my podcast, of course, that very shortly, but when you did it, you were like this. Is real thrills. This is like get done, kissed ground. Oh thank god. That's gotta! in its. This is real legit, like a do, died doing that and when you do it you know, you're charging a pretty hard. You guys are talking about that like you're talking about something that I dont think.
anyone knew existed a lot of people, a lot of people, don't If there's a lot of ones that are coming out now that are really pushing the limits too and everybody's asking why? Why do people search this out? Why do you think people like to be scared, while, after in all of this research and everything, I'm hundred houses and being scared, whatever your brain releases, the exact same chemical and endorphins of you being scared as you having sex so funny, I dont, like being scared like legalise acts like sex? A lot like, I don't like being scared like when just the smallest seen in your movies and your movie would freak me the fuck out, like the bunny rabbit, and I fucking I I lost it. I lost it and I, when I saw I start those like that's. Why stop and I'll start the interview their sale left off there.
but then, as I gotta see what happens and then click it, and I keep going- and just I mean just the smallest, it's amazing the smallest little, who played the bali rabbit the real scare actor. Are you serious, some fucking doc? I could big due to the ok now. Ok, now, let's get to the scene, here too, the scene. Where are you guys, I'm a bad interview? Everybody bear with me let's go back to, so the plot. So we can get me to the scene, I'm dying to talk about. So in the plot. There is a moment, a pivotal, I see the end of act, one where you but maybe your second spook house, you ve. I met some really freaky fucking people of brandy possibly has gone through a wrong door which I feel like a mikey decides to be mikey which, by the way, is a very by the none of this,
You like is is acted at this moment because I hear you saying to him: just do might like b b yourself, but do mikey shit and then you, like, I'm all a win god on top of everything and it pisses a dude off and that I think, is the ended, act, one correct curricula and and because of that Everything starts spiralling out of control, we put things in motion and I think we were poking the bear a little bit with trying to find these extreme haunts cause a lot of don't have websites, they really don't they. They they're kind of like how you know how the big food trucks on that I really popular just tweet an intersection and I'll, be there for thirty minutes and you you better get there. You never get the taste it Somebody's hans are taking that mentality and you better find them and whether we always joke they're going to places where cops couldn't get. there if they tried right like if you really had an issue, so that's kind of what we
You in any way might starts kind of messing with let's say some of the basque country, for you're the one that says it you're, the one that says it when you said- and I saw the look on your face- I went down. we were others will because that's the thing is like we offer mom. Well shit. I couldn't tell that guy was black or white or the airing he was covered in like something you all enjoying my fire. Then that's! It y'all enjoy my fire in his, it's the unsettling, I think, more than anything, because we didn't, we didn't rely on on gore in blood. It's more about tension in suspense and in just uncomfortable situations and trying to get people on the edge of their seat, and hopefully that's done because the crutches beat a role heads down the hallway right, like that's the that's the easier way to do and we ve seen that before so. Hopefully, this is just more along the lines of of tallow windfall. on, but also very, very much
so how are we real nests and its allies very real and other men? And you know that at the very beginning, when you started talking here about how europe is how there some fucked up people out there and there just its wasted in this- they do to kids or whatever is out there with you know the quote that the movie opens with europe a great quote, it says I'm not afraid of vampires werewolves, sir haunted houses, I'm just afraid what Human beings do other human beings, and that is where the story rests because ultimately york, sport culture, where you do say Hey guys, I know it's halloween, and I know this is the scariest night and I want you to do things to me, but I'm willing to let you do and I want see how far you ll take it and, let's see where it goes, and and and It is an and what is this scary is about. That is its real and, what's events. gary about it is that you have real characters in real.
scenarios dealing with real people telling a story that is inherently real and you have a moment like you do in an end, and to tell the story, I would venture to say- and I dont know- is it that first group that that Here'S- the thing that I but I kept give the back of my that I dont know if you said, but I know that is part of the story is, Imagine if you cyber taunted a real sociopath, and that is kind of this story? Has a hint of that because you guys are on using the internet very much on facebook in this movie and you're looking for these things, and there are chat rooms and all these people that are involved that are there and they take this very seriously and you are but mean MIKE he's getting.
drunk before going into one and you know, and you guys smoke pot before going into another with. Was he really high and that seen because he plays high fuckin amazing, he plays. I amazing did a really good job and I say I'll leave it at that. I was like mother fucker, those a real area butter, but that was it was so not it was so scary in that essence, why think to touch on. What you are saying is that at an I dont get I don't know why people feel the constant need to check in places or have their location for everything because were becoming so accessible a society like, even if you're, some alice actor down, do if you sit there. Wheat, I'm here right now, people are gonna fuckin come in in and I think we hope without a little bit on being on the internet, where using your instagram or whether people it's gonna, show location allow the times. If you choose that option right pops on their, these people could very easily follow us. Think very easily find us and I've never never
understood that it all the last thing in the world I'll ever do is check into a play. It has nothing to do with anything. But the fact that my wife doesn't need to know I'm at the bar they've so neurotic I wouldn't let my altimeter finally use my current location, which kind of renders and ultimate are useless, but the scene. Ok. Now, let's, let's talk about scenes, seen with you in the check in the evo, the winnebago part, the the scare, the girl, Oh, you will my character. My characters hole no time throughout the movie is more. Not as interested in what we are doing is more than in alone I want to be along for the ride to you, know, bank checks and you know just drink and have a good time. I don't really care what my my brother, unless I'm whatever he brought me here. so you're that weren't they was more just to perpetuate my character
That's what I was supposed to be interviewing her and but then they put me side. Obviously there like part the cream off. Let's go andy foger, though yeah. So that was that was me. Just being you know who I'm supposed to be there? and just who is supposed to be. He wanted to fuck a girl in a mask. That's what he wanted. She did have cool entering makeup on. I think it's gonna be hot, so I'm a little different got a switch it up, but the best line than that which I knows does she was a real person right, ass, the best sign and that which is so fucking I mean, and I I don't wanna, I don't wanna hold your hand through this movie. I want you to see this movie and and get as far as you can get. That's all. I can tell you because I, and if you love scary movies that maybe there's a different via view, but if you're like me and you- and I literally was white not limit through it, but the best line that is the ever hook up with allay the guys in the outfits issues a bit I kiss my brothers and that gave an energy to the next seen that you could have no,
was coming. I can't imagine, but I just made everything so fucking tasty and were you at home fuck, no wonder this is happening. how many times you people really tell you to turn the cameras off what happened allotted It all allow filming and most these haunts somebody. tourism that they knew what we're doing it's a commercial for them. To be honest, no matter how you know far, we dig you know that still beautiful people sign up, for we interviewed a girl. That said what tat, you saw the one interview the guy said he spent his community service. Haunted house because a judge appointed it because it was for a charity thinking that so, let's give the felon of rubber knife to wield in you know and so it's one of those places where they didn't. Some of them are open on to some people were shot it down now and they wouldn't allow it, but back room quick to MIKE's, seeing how long does MIKE hold his hand on her face I couldn't help it in the edit. I should cut em out
early just make em look so creepy, but god dammit heat. He holds it. Is a good five six seconds where it turn my favorite line. Really weird. My favorite line is oh yeah. You are flexible, you have to do. That is the first fucking I was like you're not acting at all right now. That is this is this? Is someone just pull the veil back and forgot? Cameras were on stop she contorts too, and I hate it. The gopro was set up, hi, where she decided she's like oh, I can contort my body and she does on the ground and we're kind of right above her seen her, do it since she gets she's like crab, walking type of thing, it's so strange, but unfortunately go pro because you couldn't touch it. I couldn't like you can't maneuver go. Pro from outside harvey look an end. So so now, as you went through in you, worked with these actors, did you or these these, as there are actors, have to be active I am sure in real life they do some very real, but in these moments, when I wanna make up, they are
genuinely terrifying. Human beings method is method, is can be, I mean and a lot of them, the occupation thing what crazy is you can go from homeless people that work in there too? We met a guy special forces, a nurse, a dennis You mention your dentist, knowing what he moonlights as among a lamp was figures, but exactly I mean in so there are people with very respectable cool jobs, and then they this was their passion and make no. Snake. I know we're saying kind of the negative side of the hot world, but eighty percent- These guys are professionals the really good at what they do. Businessmen, are savvy as hell, and it's just more that Twenty percent of bad seeds, which, like any occupation, has bad bad people, bear seeds, whatever it uses a lot easier to exploit when awareness latex mask so vile, mass ravens jersey, so back to so back to the backs of the bars
deep What are you? How do you make that it's too? It was kind of a twin peaks approach, kind of one of those where I always remember them- the midday, seeing and twin peaks, and in its like this weird thing in the back of my head, where I was too young to really watch that shown a member, but I remember those weird dream. Sequences, but but there are there zeese scare actor bars the places where they go after work? Some don't take their costumes off. we had wanted to show that it's just happy. or for them, but everybody else, your mind kind of gets racing on. How long do you wear this? Do you keep going home with this? Do you keep? Do you go home? Bang, your wife and you're in your full clown, get up, maybe an and were those where did you find where those p you found on the road where they are that was that was in, I think, in the woozy anna we're in Louisiana kind of buy you a guy you up
mr giggles is. He should be a fucking working actor, his that eyes, very talented he literally there there's. No. keenness to it. There's no she's in us heat their very good actors and now granted aid Either you don't see much of the people who live there, bathroom scene or see much the people they also much of faces, but it's happening. So fucking real that I just went Are you shitting me like its set its lit its? Might it's it's legit, but it's real like what you your nailing it completely. of what we tried to do I'm here now. I presume you say that we did some. We didn't set out to be the same areas movie up the year. You don't owe me we set out to be something new and
ash in real and terrifying. Yes, but if people want to like coded optimism that that they wanted to see the exact horror movie that that they have in their head or so tired of that same shit? So it's so nice with no special effects. There's I'm gonna say arguably, besides the rental of an hour, the there's not much budget. It's it's, however, What is on the screen is a twenty million dollar movie Then, what's on the screen to create to make, is a twenty million dollar movie and that's a fair assessment on the sets, because that's probably pretty close, if you combine all the hans together on what they probably spent, it's not it's. Fairfax during all the extra paying food for the extra every day. You know I mean just the us and everybody was our was there,
location scouts location. I mean no ito, they fuck it up. They ve never find the locations you found right. You know even even just the littlest things, the littlest detail was in certain scenes that would have been produced differently. Had it not been shot by you guys would have then lost, the reality the moment and the reality is what scared you read. The reality is like this: when the little girl shows up in the street and iser waiting, but there's also like a honda civic off to the side and in a weird way. Unlike what's the story on Is your mind is allowed to tell stories, but but you I Don'T- I God what I've gotta do at some point is turn off the mai to tell you that you guys tell me how, this movie ends cause. I cannot what I did was I would skip through it. I got to a point I was like I'm just going to skip through and see if I can find some non scary parts,
and watch out and then try to piece together what happened, but it was impossible. Did you must get through this army stroke club? You know what did not by the way that was so rewarding. First of all, a zombie apocalypse here, I'd looks fucking. Amazed, amazing and a lot of places are doing that it was so far debt. We literally, we were pressed for time. We did it and the whole crew was so everyone was so excited. We ran through it again for everyone, the crew and we just flipped and let everybody experience it because it's then you want you play war, your entire life. You shot me, no, you do now we get to play based clean real life, walking dead for care, and it woods what's beautiful about a movie like this? Is Whatever is in the reality of the moment, you feel the viewers sometimes scripted russia like like there's momentary like hold on they wouldn't be
talking about that. If I didn't mean something then you're, like others just reality, that's how life works zombie we did. We did on first episode to us but the count rather enough. We did a zombie eradication in the woods but with a soft bear polygon and so you go and it would be a team of sex and you'd go in and they have five hundred zombies and you try to to a safe zones. You guys set that over that happens, it's what they do up in the woods. Oh, that's really like once now almost every weekend and that any kids out just outside madison I wish I knew the name of it at all, so it was really cool, it was with airport guns and you go in a team like sex when you gotta go in eradicate, zombies should have three times in order for them to be dead and uneven. Go and get a zone and locked down the zone. It was really fuckin fun. It was
larping live action, role, playing and and everyone thinks larping is dirty, but it's not really fun to play with a couple of marines roma team, and these, let me tell you something: I got very fucking real. I fogged up my goggles, so so freaked out and I couldn't see through my god- was I couldn't lots of, but it was like I've got to get so serious like I wouldn't let them shoot to show prices it fuck. You men were frightened zombies that, but in that move in your movie that looked so bad, I wanna do it. Why waiting to showing that we are So try and kind of show the audience that it's not is about the skin. Yes, haunted house, it's being halloween great, just in in the spirit of halloween. Just go, have a phone good. I'm a creative time and that's why we're and a fine things that weren't just dark labyrinth. You know what I mean a house in the middle of the country or corn maize use the ones where's that you know that
paint ball or a strip club that was zombie zombie strip clubs, and that was at the moot point where I was like this brandy, chick better get fucking naked I was like I was like- is a horror movie. I hope these mother fuckers know the genre a better seat, tits, really quick, and then they were like Mcgee. This is right up your alley and I was like in my head. It was like zombie bar and then and then there were like no the zombie strip club and I was like oh fuck yeah. I was like nice box, gentlemen, need that little brain between us, a backup, accept movies, so intense tat are kept waiting to see that little girl like come on stage. That would cost We should not just have porcelain, walk on state finance like I don't want to. I don't I don't wanna use boil it not a lot ass, certain things and there are certain you're. One of you want to ask a couple things here. There are three things that I want to start. I want to ask people what they think afterwards. What is real? What is fabricated and those questions you get asked when the mike's turn off people eliciting on this of you know, follow us on twitter or whatever. I want to ask us, you know we'll answer some questions here and there yeah. So is the movie where, where where can you get
maybe right now, so the movies been in theatres for for about two three weeks and in october now, they're making a big push. So if you have directly The itunes vudu itunes downloaded it last night and I was like a monkey. It's like who turned the lights down low turn. The music up high, I was like fuck that the last time I did that was with Donnie Darko and I was in new york and I had the fucking laptop on my or the little what you will call that thing, dvd player on my stomach and I had my headsets on and I'm watching darker and and all of a sudden the rabbit comes up and knocked on the way on the mirror, and unlike watching and all also my roommate valerie grabbed my foot to see like to go: hey, you're, keeping us up, but the lights route, and I screamed for I was like fucker, she was like? Oh my god, sorry. So I was like no mike I'll watch it in the morning with my kids right after I drop my kids off to school will hopefully it's what's nice about being able to have it
home now, where you know you knew you can order. Fiscally anyway have a provider. Anyway, you can watch it then it's one, the rare movies. I think that you can go out and experience exactly what we did it like you, local haunted house, go live it out the same way. You do this and I wish I had said that earlier. Is that the coolest thing about it? exactly what you said is this is a move you can watch and then go to. I mean you name that place where they take the got that one special treatment. Don't they fuckin do, and I was important us weak. We cairo all the while the real, hans and there's a list of em in the credits, because we want I mean those guys were awesome to open arm and you're gonna meet a lot of the characters. If you want to that, we do along the way they work it. Those hans will you be able to see them? I mean you know. We got a couple of days left before halloween and most of them actually run through the first week in november, but yeah it's it is. I'm posting this right like today and it is
is it. Is it if you're a single group of friends, this is what you do tomorrow. Fuck a halloween party would recite about war and fucking walk round in a in a smart, smarmy costume, where you're like don't you get it isis and everyone's like nah? It's played on halloween, go and fetch scare, the fuck yourself, celebrate Halloween the right way and scare the living fuck out of yourself. Now, here's I'm gonna! Do I'm gonna hit pause and ask a bunch of questions that I have to know the answer to and then we're going to continue. Okay and let's hope this fucking works is probably horrible. I've heard that pause trick before yet potent alright. I just asked him about the movie ended and they won't tell me so now. They want me to watch the last twenty minutes with them, which I'm not a big fan of. So what we're gonna do. Let me type in my password,
earpiece boys, seventy two and let's go to our face timing with my children. I tunes resumed playing. Ok, we have. We have twenty five. It's in the movie left, which is probably twenty minutes in the movie right. Like five minutes credits, there listen, listen anybody imitation where we are going to take. that maternal want you to know, it pause what we watch this and I want to come back on when things happened, that you need to know about. Ok, good luck! Going to spook house, everybody fucking, shit. I could not have sat through that. I could not get through
without you guys being in the room. That's nice of you to say I dont know how to I, don't I say one thing: there's food Also the street my daughters are not going in at this fucking because now all I think is that some fuckin I mean I I I I can't. I can't I can't talk more about the movie without sport for anyone, but the fuckin, the subtleties of it are what makes it and the fact you can see people not acting in moments that are possibly the pinnacle of the movie
god, damn it that's a fuckin head. Fuck! That's like you know what that's like is like movies. We realise. Oh yeah, that's that's like norman bates. Here, that's right, my dear do live with their mom and our craziest fuck. You know Ed ed, geen, that's right. They do make suits out of people sat. Silent limbs, the carrot, juice Fuckin really were like I'm in its cause. Game reality Jeffrey Dahmer again, what's his name you used to who's dressed up. He was a clown for kids birthdays, oh, drawing gazing generating jobs gives wound for kids birthdays, one of the scarce things the world is charming, gacy, the movie by him how he kills people was, it was you good, looking gather when this already houses resided at ted Bundy at boca ted Bundy, one for state. That's why? What eyes?
so that fellow cairo house, where he killed people and the people Intel has little ass, he went broke into the cairo house, earls killed kilowatts girls. Could some nurses, he was a fuck it. So I mean. Obviously what am I breaking new ground. He broke out of jail, I'm going to jail. He was not a new good guy. I mean I'm telling ya it is it's fuckin it with a reality. Jumping Gacy would go, had a pair trick handcuffs and he go here. Handcuff be so we do it like boys and then handcuff they'd. Have governments get out they go? How did you then he goes I'll show you to do it turn around, and then he put real handcuffs on him and fucking kill him. I mean fucking. I the idea that there could be I don't want to I'm going to I'm going to leave it at that. I don't want to talk too much more about the movie cause. Now I'm gonna fuck it up for people, but the movie is the houses october built. It is
fucking amazing. What was the process of selling it like? What we Actually, we all went out and shot the version by ourselves and we wanted you because of those. Is it true that what I just watched its close issues more the up chris cleaner, sound version, its it same premise, but it was very important to us because a lot of execs and a lot of people, we talk to the. Just didn't understand how big this hot world was. Is, I don't think I did in I don't think I did. I thought maybe some of it was produced and then I looked at it and I was like that's impossible. There's no way they produce all this snow, your amigo people. We are most people, they see the commercials, for, let's say the six flags version or, like we said nazi universal yeah. Those are the big original language thick yeah. There are a lot of fun but bert the conqueror we were in a. I want to say this made me laugh but
we have made me laugh harder than But we were in massachusetts at that at that six flags and it was spooktacular whatever. Whenever his during halloween, and we're trying hard not to shoot so that you say the following decorations, but in any case- his kids are dressed up and they're hiding in the bushes and then you'd walk by and they'd come out with a chainsaw or the knee pad the metal knee pad yeah, and it would and it would scare the fuck outta you- and I remember, in time we're walking we're trying to read and were shooting and and as I'm doing it I knew these two black kids walking like what with us staring at me, trying to figure out what we're shooting and a guy comes out with a chainsaw, and these two blockheads beat the fuck out of them. When and a fucking security came over, the buckets kids were very honored like a scared, the shit out of me. What am I supposed to do? I got scared.
It's like? I work here and all you see was Bobby Kelly a long time ago, had a joke about going through a spook house and punching the kid and the guy was like I'm an actor, but this kid was like I work here who can't pay me up and they beat the fuck out of this kid and I laughed so on, but but I wanna keep- I want to keep playing over without volume, but it goes One of the cool things is that you guys highlight the places that you went. locations that you went ripe and that's the I mean so will you go in there and they just kind of like like in typical they would fashion to thinking about lunches, pose listening. What you're saying and they're saying? No as there's food, I know this book as is evident universal. We work at universal. I took my kids our last year right it will the the biggest thing to get getting some of these means like well, what is it? What movie is it like? Well, if it was like another movie, I don't want to fucking. Do it yeah right so, but the thing is: if you hadn't really seen it on screen the closest
you as some sort of some of the carnival stuff right, the carney stuff, but but other than that there Nothing did that highlights one how hard these guys fucking work. How some their stuff in a really really ape they make things come to fruition like you, ve, never even dreamed in and they work some work eight months year and they get it out there. and impose brandy, schaefer, nice, brenti shavers really tells us. Actress she really as she is sweetheart, and she I mean for her to go through she's, very disarming We didn't want to do the of the sierra typical blonde type of hormone like We wanted her to she's, beautiful girl these amazing different, like exotic eyes, but very disarming? I was very important because it Michael and I interview these guys and I can tell a shit, shit, those eyes Adam starts talking to some of these guys things. That's how we got the sound bite we did. And- and she really ruled with the law. The ponchas and also lived with four guys.
Are we for a month? That's right away? I think they're going to do something how he acts as a woman. We said this casually, but it's the truth. I mean there are and its new york scene, but there are women very offended about cat calling, and rightly so, whenever you, whatever offend you, you have a right to feel whatever the fuck. You ve got a long conversation with Jen turkmen about it today and it's it's it's conversation that needs we had great. I'm definitely citing it. However, take that to them ex level and you ve got. This is cat, calling in masks that's real and up in your face. I'm fuckin a fucking kill. You have followed a fuck. Your world right is a girl who's who you guys you just walk through it. Imagine her going to that, for the movie has gotta be absolutely utterly terrifying. Shrivel rebuiltthey is through the fuckin on that level through the truth
and most of these guys they do the opposite of what you think when a cameras rolling they up their game, some people would hold back right there. I want people to fill me. Not they see that care we're behind her and then they up it's all of a. She is very vulnerable its it. We always worried that it went too far on where we couldn't control the situation it's scary and she was a trooper, we put her through the ringer and she's she did a hell of a job. These were the hans. I talk about the hearts of these. The hans actually manner these on taxes, texas and louisiana, mostly so, if you're in texas and louisiana tomorrow night find these places moxley manor, throw vanya cutting edge terror plex, I saw that one. I saw tara plucks, she got pulled up to therapy and I went all mother, fucker, zombie man or phobia eclipse
rise. The hot house tyrannise didn t barn lounges that whether hung it seemed like play and in the final best, then this is going to be a bee, bore allowance and then Ricky Martin's morton the ship, we'll a love s aim to. I gotta hit that strip club, but it's us of or those girls strippers there some of them yeah, where the summer is nipple. Some of them don't require max today and now she owns and runs the place. Oh my god that girl, with the the one girl with the perfect boots, perfect nipples, allow the perfect nipples that I talk about the old lady behind the bar I dunno, but the eyes is the paint. Ball rises, the paint, but the zombie paint ball, which was fantastic that that one is in baton, rouge, louisiana outskirts. I think I guess if you're baton rouge, maybe you've heard of it. But if you haven't, if you're in baton rouge, I know I have a huge texas following and the one I about isn't ghostly manner in cedar point and then and then what people find those like next level have they find out about
the next level, like real shot gun in your back right. We started learning about you, talk to these owners and, actually have a hot forum where, if you have, I don't know if it's password how I spent a lot of the owners I'll talk to each other and that's when we found out about the girl who accidentally hung herself and they walk buyer thing, and she was rob she's try and make it more real news carter hunger and she sitting there and in the middle of a haunted house, there's a lot of things in and these guys are allowed pride, trying to make sure safety in protection, but also telling stories and things happen and like any occupation, but these are always highlighted because their ghouls, vampires or you know I mean like their when that when you put that cotton dress on people going We're gonna pinpoint what you're doing and too, to make it a problem. Right, like it's gonna hit the news that kind of stuff we ever a you excess. Following that's what we take a lot of pride, the fact it was the texas foam we're all from texas brandy, zack me:
he Bobby and we shot all in texas. So we always you know we pay a lot of homage to texas and our texas sure yeah surprisingly, dallas is the haunt capital of the world really right. So some of those places that the cutting edge takes an hour to get through and it was a it's. The guinness world book of records longest walk through a haunted house in the entire world. They said some people get lost in there. They don't find him till four in the morning, oh, I got a funny side. Note you're, asking about how the whole getting it's old process and everything like that. So we shot the your film four years ago and it really is the end they and the first found that we shot near. We did completely on our own justifiable out there that'll beyond the will that be and should be on the array on the dvd. So you get to see how this all started. So we shot that and you know time passed, I sold my show feed at least I'm getting where I'm shooting feed the beast, and I haven't even thought about this film in a year, I'm shooting feed the beast and I'm three weeks in
of shooting and Bobby calls me and says: hey we were selling the film and where it can be made into a bit film and they want to refute about just after the movie and stuff, but I had I lost thirty pounds for my- shall look in on camera for my shop, so big we use and we're gonna be shooting a member. You told me that is a huge in eight weeks and any those, but you don't look like you did in the other one and we gotta use on the scene. So it's up to you, man, Do you wanna be editor not in those whom they pretty much an ultimatum, but middle of shooting my shop and they too I'm shooting, show about late night food and they told me they like don't pull Don't. I know you said I and out you do you're doing a show of albania You can gain weight and I'm not going running in between each show eating healthy in between doing all that and then three weeks, then I was like well fuck this I'm going to do this movie. I start finishing everything on the show eating late night pizzas. When I get
back also, I've been eating all day on the show, and my director after, like two weeks of this, is kind of like hey man. What are you doing? I'm, like I I'll tell you later, I'm doing that I have a film when I have to gain weight for I gained twenty eight pounds in eight weeks and showed up. I finished feed the beast, and four days later, I flew out and started shooting this film that's fuckin, so now who's a so you so you take it. Did you take it the festivals? Where did you take it? The producers? We actually won the shock. Fest film festival. We won the the shocker award, grand prize or whatever set of shocker award. Yes exactly the trophy to be there or ludo, but it was a really cool thing because we were a small moving. They asked us to open for eli roth, who is getting this decade of the year whore award right, so that was really cool. That was for some, we ever got see in a theater and you could hear Pendragon some this in which was it was really awesome. And after that we got a call
nowhere. Zack got a call from stephen schneider who did parents like tat? He found her, no more so to us we're like. Oh my god like how did it happen and with a pretty said, the cool thing. Does he said the movie is real until it's not- and I dare you to tell me when it's not and that in that way we can genetic engineering, accurate, comparable right, that's what we're looking for and what we are trying to execute and so what did is after he came on board. He want to take it to take it out and we we basically pulled it from all you know we were going to submit it. If we are going to have the festival route, we pulled it from everything because we wanted to play it close to the chest as it does have a different angle, different approach. There is no reason to have overexposure for Do this the more mainstream way smart yeah. So, yes, we did the additional photography the following. How cause you take fake this and it sounds like a weird analogy cause they wanted us. We would have been last year
could have sped up if we shot receipts in february, but you can't do that if we bid the sad you see has coming a mile away and we always joke. When we look at instead, the obviously the the biggest ample of this. But ninety nine, you look at ten burdens. Bad man saw on a set, see it. You see. Gotham city nolan takes dark night and they go to shoot in chicago in pittsburgh and also gotham city has a solid. Please it's a real place and the difference in those two movies in their different time and place different tone. But that was something we kind of looked at and said that what we have to do, because you can't fake the halloween are beyond you can't do that bourbon street. We had to get it that he had a hit effort and we had to get it that night. The same thing with the hot begin and you're also deal with a thousand drunk patrons want to jump on. Camera So there's a lot of stuff that comes with it, but hopefully we were able to to show it on screen the right way. Yeah, it's it's a it's a it's, the it is
the first scary movie, I've seen in eight years ten nine years. I just don't watch them. I won't watch them. My wife wouldn't watch it. I will watch it with me now as I can. We have a you're going to see him tomorrow, he's going to be alive, like whatever happens in the movie, he's fine, it's a move, sick. I don't care. I stay home too much myself. I don't need that shit. My imaginations way to fuckin vivid the fucking, the one thing I saw that I, the one thing I saw on tv, was the on h feel as though what was the one with some wasn't: luke, Wilson or or ethan hawk, where the people will offer sinister, no, no, they knock on the door per annum lad and under no. No, it was an rangers strange has cleared the scots friedman live, tyler, Alex trainers, he's got fan, hasn't it. That's why the strangers is, is one of those movies comparable like ours in the fact of it, it can totally be real. I'm in that.
rangers is based on a related real based on a real story that can totally happened. Some sadistic fox out there. You know these people are staying at this late hour and just go fuck with them and kill him another crazily. Now the crazy thing is, if you think it can be real. If you think it I mean it's got, it's gotta, be scary. To think that you put this out there and there are people, like ass, not so a bad idea right, but I could kill a person get it out of my system. They won't fuck him now like him in that's. The theory is is, and I can't spoil it, but the very last thing you see on screen almost defines all of it the the idea in the very very beginning was trying to look at it. It's the same Tell you you're talking about now is that does it does tree make a sound the forest when it falls? We all know the answer, but you can't
and it really tell me that it doesn't make us out right. We all know it does you know so we kind of took our approach of have ever seen a dead body in a haunted house? You can't me for sure you have at yale so real? I bet and there was a scene or a forest like death, there are so many scenes rose. Ike is this: what am I looking at right is this- a shorty girl stuck in a cage. Is this, like? I mean I just how would you ever know? How would you you laughing and the girls going. Oh, it's not funny. This isn't funny. I need to get the fuck outta here. This isn't one hundred you still look at it and you're like oh, that's, creepy, and you keep going to the next she's like mother fucker. Nobody listened to me. It was going to say it's like a it's like a bosnian strip or to strip club, I can get out of here and you're like an anonymous out. Here is another man. Yes, she's gone borrowing cell phone and go yeah yeah. We all want to resolve ones. You put your number your number in I dunno. I get what you're saying though they burn my I've been burned too
it's so now. Next proud. is it going to be two questions next project? Will your brother be included and next project, willoughby scary idea the biggest thing was aconite about these types of films were just things that you had a conversation on the way, the parking lot that was important to like when it's over to think man. I never thought about that. That way, for what happened like to be able to a discussion. You know nobody's right and wrong when you have that discussion and that just I'd rather have something that people are talking about in any in and try to touch on things at nobody's ever kind of put on screen before so. By that I would love to do anything like, it was just the right genre for this project to I think we just touched on the tipp spurred at a hot world in this. I do think there's other stories to tell there's a lot more points out there. In there now becoming global theirs
there's a run down mall in in the uk, where they do at dawn the dead experience you just get locked in a mall and theirs he's in there and its just like the movie get to live it out that their building them, when the guys we're out of you, when he was getting a call through to go down to ecuador to build a haunted house, and there are so many things that different landscapes I hear parts of haiti are still haunted houses exactly I mean, but that eighty dude build one house in haiti you can scare the living forget of people. You could scare the living fuck they blow some powder up your nose nail, your balls to function we shit you wake up in a grave and you're like this is real, but that that's the thing to use the surroundings use the like use the fears that people would have in that environment an absolutely exploit them. I mean new york, doesn't they use in detroit? Detroit has all the run down skyscrapers now, right with the economy day or using those now for hans, involve gibbon takes open up.
stories in the elevator drops you up there and you ve gotta get down through the stairs mother fucker is that is out of, and I mean is that is that a business plan of yours? Could you see yourself, feasibly now that you have all this fucking creativity right to begin with, but now it's for us about haunts end these connections right? Could you see I bring something, I'd, I'd, love to you, because I I we ve seen every single hot we ve gone to even some smaller ones. Strip mall right everybody's got one scene or one gimmick that you're like oh, that was fucking great, like even the rest of the haunt sucks, and it almost make this composite of everything that you ve seen or order. You know you, you try new different things. I think I'll be the utmost complement the world if the movie did well enough to too have to be invited into a universal hornets or or start your own. You know that if People wanted it enough, then definitely would love to have loved to do because, with such a big part
growing up? In general, I mean they started off all we knew of his jaycees haunted house. There are charity, hans, Jesus Christ that they are one. So is this christ haunted house yeah, I mean that's what it was years. They started so everywhere in dallas are everywhere in texas, jaycees is art. That was the first time I literally thought a guy J c and all the harder houses the world, and I was like five years old, because anyone went to that's what it was called, and so they really kind I think, was in the sixties. They started turning it into a business both for charity and then now it's they be they roll over, I mean and what its turn into and how far it's it's really really been taken was probably never there in ten of us just to have a good. You know it's like trick or treating as is the most harm, first thing in the world now returned and to walk in a place with we got you get put in individually.
Tell him to take your shoes off. You go in one by one into a completely pitch black room and are you here? Is this quick, squish, squish square squish square spheres, but barefoot. Also you're in the middle of the room. Floodlights come on, What are you? What do you see surrounding you, thousand use condoms. You just walked over and you paid seventy five bucks to doing mother volker their getten. They get. Their holy shit, This is a fillip with, I feel, like we, I've scratch the surface, but if you like the surface, scaring the shit out of me I scratch the surface and then saw someone peeking back through and I was like covered the servers back up yeah, they didn't dig into it and houses october built two he's gonna know you think you to another one. I'd like to I'd like to the mythology, I think, is there, I think, there's a lot of good, also
EL, the asean. This you could totally I mean you can do it. I mean it's completely there right. I'd like to you know everything. He drops a you know a number on the end of sequels and it seems like it's just redundant near like okay, where it saw eight and though I know you're going to say the house that that may build No, no, we're not going to eat just about every mother's day, haunts back your favorite character December bill cardinal directions. So there's no one does that race or why can't? Because the haunts completely change everything changes the house, our tour built north, the house, I tour, but we already touched the south right. and everybody uses these different landscapes and it would come to be called, would also get different parts. The country involved in it would just be a really fun way to do. It watching people get scared, is fucking amazing, such a fucking, primal, being scared is, is very primal I mean it's gets its hard just it's hard for me now to think of be walking
my army, in the mill that I take a piss like I just think, lairs, easter, bunny, this is how this goes down and then the scare actors and reverse the pride they take One of the last interviews in the film heat he told us was, from whence he from rise. No, he was he is, for throw vanier and he he took pride in the fact that he had been knocked out three times by patrons and it was a badge of honor them. He loved it he thought it was. He was doing his job better, nobody else, because he was knocked out three times and I'm just thinking to myself. I mean it's like you go into work and your your goal as for somebody to kill you in the dark, is just it's crazy, that's as falcon insane so now so what's the what's that, what's the rest of the plan, you do tomorrow night I've august protocol
in night's, not a big night following weekend right by a big weekend for the movie yeah. No, I didn't think so and for downloads, and you download it at all. Rapidly interview, but I don't know what the real quick, let's get off subjects can come back. so, but what's up for you next mikey a little bit of everything I mean this has opened. A lot of this has opened guy to have opened a ton of doors, opened a lot of doors. For me I mean starting off with me. The beasts was, a great way for me to kind of raise a flag in this town. You know I've been out here for so long had been the film slide written with my brother we'd at school It's close to you know being made and not gone on. I'd always been interested in acting, but feed. The beast was a way for me to get in front of the camera waving flags. A look at me. You know and through that, and then us having this, that opened up for great reference patient. So now I've been going out on a lot of my lot more additions. I've done a couple of units and did it just an internet show of noon. Buncher, commercials now and just now, it's all leading into pilot season. So at the
The thing is definitely on the forefront but your character so well defined in this movie. Your character of uk of who you are in real life. It's not even really who you aren't really you're such a actually divers, interesting dude. What you did I told I told us how you go. one to chicago call. Mikey MIKE you live like five fucking recommendations for you, because you're ports, you I don't get it's like. You used to be a cocaine five years ago and that's how you know everybody, because you know everybody, but your character in this is very it's very. It's like it's like. Oh, I could plug that dude into any fucking show ask I thank you. That's a great compliment and yeah gets the same. The you probably dealt with at times, who, as is that I am You know I'm funny. Guy mike eat a lot of stuff, but I you know when it comes to getting serious like you've. Seen in some of this, I can pull off that role to it. She has given me the option to do it. Did I love economy? Absolutely I mean that's. Definitely that I think is my strongest asset, but it's
its opening a lot of doors and I'm excited to try to see what else is out there. You know with Bobby putting me in this. Was was great. You know it's an honor to work with them as superfund. We both have different views to on how we use after that. We also come together on a lot of things, so it was nice for us to kind of have creative outlets with each other. It's like I want to do this, I'm like! I don't think you should do this and then you'd be like fuck. You, I'm directing I'm doing this but or we'd go the other way he's like. Oh that's great. He didn't look at it that way yeah, I'm open for everything we you know. I just finished. Writing a single. in the comedy that I'm getting ready to take out and try to try to sell and which you need to read. Actually, I think it'd be really funny as a character put him, but yeah I mean it's. Who knows, they say it will be an interesting year, another this came out and it's finally nice to have something and on in the end the scripted. Well, it's gonna feel good. It's gonna feel
good and I and I and I I I I don't think I've felt this. I I felt what you felt with you: feed the beast and and and bass and and basic cable superstardom, that that fueling of, like I'm on tv, I've made I've I've. I've shown my talents go in. I can do stuff on tv in this realm, but this this city I lay at least it necessarily respect that talent the hosted ray? quality this city's, I call cool in their head. Thank everyone goes. I can do that and maybe they are cooked. I dont know I mean now, then do it every day, that's the argument and do it it's. You know, there's a lot of reasons that I always good like. I said nobody already. One time I go on. I think anyone be me an hour is, I know everyone would love to. Everyone would have a job, that's that
was thinking that says having a job but the new platform in poetry. I don't know if you know patrice O'Neal is but patrice O'Neal said was one of the most brilliant things that I've lived. My life by is simply raising your nation raising your foundation having the foundations so that when you do yet not bound that's as far as you go down and he's like you're funding when I first got my first tv show was like he's your nations shit because you gotta go back down open like her. You know tv, but talent was you stole over maker Until you can do the intriguing do the clubs, then you get the clubs, you do the road. What should be the road do an hour once you done our do another hour, do have a sit com and then you, your state, but but now you're foundation, mrs teacher foundation, to a very large gyp place. I mean I put it like this being on apple on apple trailers. Is fucking with jet in this city. That is, there is no one sitting, fuckin
guys, don't even know what bars are cool anymore, but like what at a bar, that's elbowed over the bar. there is no one that is can say: oh yeah, my movies out, I'd and didn't get it on video on demand. And you can get it on itunes and it's on apple fucking, trailers, apple trailers, is the benchmark. It's what I look at every fucking day, I'm obsessed with apple trailers- and I says where I first saw this, and that was really I mean when we, when it first came out and apple trailers. We had a banner on the top that was feature. Trailers and they'd have five that's thrown across, and that was one and are there like. We did that that's pretty cool buying a ticket to the movie was pretty cool pinnacle moment and in the life like fuck, for I've been out here for fourteen years, wanting to just entertain, make movies tv's do whatever
and not make tvs, make tv, but I mean actually getting there is a super cool compliment. Did you really know what my brother did you get this out at any cost structures? I mean it's out there I mean you don't like Michael people are get. Can I tell you something that you need to do you need to do tonight? Get yourself some screeners. I mean that serious to the top fucking twenty casting directors and Give em of others is way. My brain works, and this is maybe over thinking up. It is how I think all the time send us cleaner to the top twenty seen directors to their offices. Even if you ve got a fucking drive and their moral with a little bit of like halloween tree really happy holloway for micro. This is my movie. You can see movie theater. So you can see it here, my brother and I did it. It does little things like that. I always believe work peter jackson here day for an hour and a half, and I said why
eliza wood and he was a guy he's again as a really create question, because I'll tell you why he has all the people we had planned. We tested and we screen tested and we went to the forum I knew I saw it use but alive. would shot something in it backyard as him is frodo, and that kind of commitment to me said more about about Elijah wood and what he brings to the role than anything. And I mean he said it a little more eloquently than that. It's a more it's a better story. I'm going to release that I did a podcast with Peter jackson technically for like an hour I'll release that before that episode of triplet comes out, but I remember hearing that and then of course I proceed to do horrible backyard auditions for Peter Jackson, but I I I heard that, and I went I don't do that enough. I think I know that's it but like, but like take that extra step, because your your talents
Are our flexed perfectly here for thirty rules being cast in hollywood right now and if any of those any of those casting directors, see the first ten minutes of this movie, they can plug you. in a million different places. It doesn't like it. Don't even have to be. There's so many roles are there that and then you have to be like leading roles is just like there's this role. What this guy has ten lines cool? I do like I like it. I like the work of the bigger thing, we're looking for you new touch on is that no one is coming, knocking on end ones door until you dont need them to right. When they lock me, I got a fuck away, that's what's so hard. Is that if you don't take those chances- and you know Elijah would could have had this. Then in so many my life, I'm not gonna make some backyard bit, but he did it and now his life is,
forever change. His bank account is forever changed because he took a risk and he didn't think that he didn't have to work for it. He didn't. He took a shot on. Somebody was probably very much ay a long shot. A lot of people are worried about I to annoy them fuck that there are no you're dead. If you don't annoyed them that big big thing for me, I feel I read an article about jerry. One drop did jerry: one drop had a dream back when you super young, had a dream woke up, told his wife that he dreamed that he took out on tour he's never managed to cut out artists. He never threw concerts. He never done anything. His wife was like you, don't even know, Elvis you never know what you mean. He called the kernel, which is managing Elvis at the time every day for a fucking year. I called him. He said every day he would call on kernel. Never take. It's called find the colonel answer. The calls was like who are you? What do you want? He goes. I want to take Elvis on tour. He was who are you. He was like my name's, jerry, I dropped. I want to do these. Will you ve? Never do anything goes if you can bring a million dollars cash? Your checking, Elvis's name into,
days to vegas I'll. Let you take tour, he found it called everybody around finally found a guy in seattle. A multimillionaire and set told him there he goes. I will give you fifty percent of this business for the rest of my life, anything involving Elvis. If you give me this million dollars, the guy gave the million dollars the Florida vegas showed up at the hilton gave the girl, the jack and the kernel manager and changed his life forever to. I was onto her and killed it to fucking love that shit. I love that you have to knock on wood. I love this business. I I've told this story before, but one of my favorite stories, the thing that keeps me going monsieur Dana, and not that I'm in a bad spot. Rum bummed out at all about this business. I love is business, a love, what I'm doing I'm very lucky, but what dane cooks, house, probable, the thirteen I'm thirteen years ago, say thirteen fourteen years ago, this right at no what this is viewed. As you did know, we was no one knew who he was, and I know from my what was it gave a double trouble with Dennis robin
he had been in that he had and by the way, that's a really fun movie to watch. I I wanted the other day and Simon says Simon says, and I want a ruse house and we went we're playing Tarzan we're fucked around in store I want em, I could be very off on this one of the star wars, or some big movie was opening that week and he was like- and he was just like I dunno and what's his business about what we do and what? If I just hang the laughter we would have on the king of a laugh factory, that's all. I ever become another year. I was like even less than Dana's again would be duff not relate and we eat they explain to me as business theme, which I thought was complete and total orchard about having an online events, which I completely ignored, should not myspace com he explained myspace, he explained by the way I forget sat a room with these programmers one night who are all bump rails and they were explaining myspace
to me- and I literally was like coke- does some crazy thought bangs, fuckin listened nobody. Grimes flogging did coke with fucking tom in front of me and they were doing explaining myspace and I'm like this and I'm like, and they explain the day, and I was like I've heard this horse shit from dane. No thanks guys and I'm like damn must be doing coke. Do you believe his internet world can exist where we have a working ferns and everyone wants to be friends We talked, we chat and also call me old version. I'm going to those debates to people might think. Myspace thing is funny because I friends with dane on myspace, you know, if you followed dane, there would be like little side things that came up for his friends. His followers cause. He had like two million followers and I came home hammered one night and it was like three o'clock in the morning I just signed on myspace and they just said if you're friends with dane, we are releasing special tickets for myspace friends. Have you seen us now use this this code and get tickets, and I was like fuck yeah, that's great, I mean
Album was just on fire and it was tickets to see his live of his album, harmful if swallowed or whatever it was. It was as live h, b, o special when I was fucking great, I bought like four tickets are like one hundred and twenty bucks. These are amazing seats. They get fedex cause. It was happening in like five days fedex to me. I get them it's at madison square garden. I thought I just assumed it was in l a so I called my brother do regular, but guys we gotta get it. We gotta get plane flights to Boston, I'll, get the hotel room. The tickets, everybody by the boston garden, boston we did it. We flew like three days later. We were in boston for like forty eight hours we flew in there. None of us had ever been assumed. They were in l a it was at h, b, o special. I dunno why I just assumed to be an ally, but I was drunk. The same thing happened. The first time I flew to l a with me and my buddy eddie looked at tickets and were like mother fucker. Do you realize it only takes like an hour and a half to fly to allay this is fucking sweet. I guess we had the trade ones, we fucking bought
we're like. No incorporating our age like that, it's so fucking cool man. Let's go to hell a hour. Let's do it our took, but so the next day I went to Dan's house. After all those conversations I gotta danes, house and and I said so walk in. is a totally markedly different mood because they just put the movie was like what and he's like. I booked the movie in china, I'm going to try issued a movie with the some young fat or something go. Are you fucking serious he's, like a looked at me up I'll? Never forget that's why I love this business. You can to give up one day and the next day you're going to fuck a movie in china, and I was like that's why I love this business, but but that's the was thing what seem a better about this business, which I guess my question to you Bobby is is to know this movie comes out, you ve gotta body of work behind you that has been in turn around and development. What is it is that breathing life into into like
much of projects that people are now like. You know what man we should talk, no one! No one trust you until everyone else You know I mean like no one they're, not gonna, ever trust somebody Even if it's outlandish idea, like my favorite I've heard about this town, is the day as an experiment sent around gone with the wind change, the character, names and change the author of the script. Every mother, fucker passed on More tat is just what is here and as the title I do you remember what it was, but they roland window, but that's the thing is: guess who's reading it, some twenty, ok, you never even single went away in the first place. If these people that are not there they're, not the authority on it, they're not experienced enough in it in the whole process, the and how it all works is unfair fortunately, a lot of it too. You know, or how do you it probably summed up the sad card rate. You you have tat. Three you say card, but yet you can get a psycho
or you can have a line until you have a sag card. So it's just catch twenty two and that's how a lot of it works and you can't get line without an agent, but you can't get in asia with outline figure out a way in. Do it yourself if you have to, and that's. Hopefully, what we try to do is just taken our own hands and we went and filmed it ourselves on a topic that no one thought was marketable. Yet we knew what we the numbers, didn't, I wasn't even that, like some crazy, I hereby idea by us. It was just that we know how much we ve grown up with that. We grew up in texts that we you did every weekend in october. As you know the biggest things taking your own hands and then hopefully people date data. You were the bigger project. As you go, it's like it's exactly we're time out of foundation. Make sure you don't fall. You can't fall further enough far enough to starve. Rightly so, if you always do you have that comparability and that but what's what success and granted will all take it? But ten years from now, if you, if you can't follow that far,
I think a lot of creativity is lost. I think a lot of I remember you don't even get me started. I know yes, it's the reason. I have fucking three solo, podcast back there, that I cannot release because I got a job you just get into this. You have too much. You look just like you like our moment. Why it's it's, but the thing is like a thousand passionate about some point of view. Then I'd take it and I'd own it, but sometimes it's just me fucking around and god forbid you get in trouble online for fucking around and saying something that you don't half mean well. That was the that was the debate with the o j picture is my show was coming out and I got now. I know they're like this. It's funny, is it isn't whenever air do you mean you're layers you that much? Are they going to care that much all this could look is bad on you with the shell. Ok, I mean it's fuckin, amazing picture it will be out. There were let an idea- and it's like I know, no one's ever covenant from from travel, but
if you have ever done, my entire life never are the very first I ever had, though they were like your digital footprint, leave something that'll be desired. However, if you can clean up a tad but we're fine- and I just took of things that naked and like stuff, there maybe was a little maid, maybe things out it would but my kid seeing now, but I my kids were babies and I had no fucking wreck frame of reference for that, but also that stuff of you being make your doing that that would help he propel kind of who you wearing your image. You get there and I never did never a problem with my podcast and there have been controversial things that are my pockets. The number problem. I stand up and they ve seen my stand up. I've I've gotten drunk on radio for every time. I do dc go in and get drunk on radio better care, they get it. They understand my personality and that when I worked, at work. I work for the network, but still it's like, I feel in today's society. We believe
so many people of soap box that so many people feel like you're sick. So many people want to be famous it. Some people want to video tapes, something so that they can expand their youtube channel like when something the kind of catastrophic happens and you see people videotaping it in my head, I'm like what is that for and for the most part they're like put on my youtube channel. There are these girls that tried to walk by me and says mischa to me that I was the weirdest fucking thing in the world. I noticed it was happening. I'm such a lock go, lucky happy go lucky guy and I was a little buzzed that these girls were wearing flags out there walking past me and they were saying stuff and this one girl walked by me like twice and said something mean to me and I was like so on
so odd, and then I realized her friends videotaping it. Her friend wants to see me what the fuck's uppity bitch, and then they got a viral video and then from viral video. They can establish some sort of foothold in the business and that's what it's all about You know why you use the right word. You said you said famous. as opposed to one we are growing up. You won't be a movie star right, like you wanted you two there. There's reason why why you were known your notoriety was because you are talented or you on screen. You ve made great movies. The word famous is fucked up you're you're famous, because you punch kind of trash can and in it you know in its three million views on you too. It's it's a joke and I think a lot. These people are largely the younger kids when they ask him that they say the word famous, not not an occupation, they don't care. How just know my name. I could no more like You never know my face and know my name. Re like tat would always be always feel like
some these guys. Some of these big movie stars like the fact they can at the grocery stores. Crazy, like it's it's awful too, I'm in the sweet spot. If I could just increase my money, I'm in the sweet spot, I can do whatever the fuck. I want. No one gives a fuck If someone knows me, they really liked, and they really like me like. No one ever goes like fuckin asshole everyone's like oh. Let me Him and I'm like hey when, when I got first notice from feed the beast the first time I told the girl, I meant fuck off, who put you up to it. Yeah like you know. It was what it was, but I mean the first time and happened you can just like. I don't expect that the showed been unfairly you know and like I didn't, really expect it and she was like no. No. I like I liked the show I notice you with your beer. That's you right, and I was like aunt so sorry yeah you're, my friend for life. Now I apologize I'm sorry. I got the first time I got recognized for bert. The conqueror was in was in an airport and it was a it was. The best is the best it was the best, because this happened for some reason: black dudes love burt the car
so like it was a sky cap and he recognize me and all the sky calves recognize me, and it was the greatest fuck feeling like if parliament and those like me wrong that burn to go on. Older. All those above all, was the greatest barking appeal I remember I went to the born. I was bubbling my my director lonnie came in and I was like. I was like I think I just got recognized. She was like shut the fuck up. I go yeah watch and I was like just looking for black people to see me and then we flew into fluid to Ella. I flew into l a from there when we went to magic, Johnson's from It is on lots of para la cienega. Unless, again it was at your suggestion now nope nope nope. We just happened to go there and I pull. I pulled him with my kids and it was a sunday and all the black jews were watching football and the second I walked in all the black dragon.
Me, and they all want to pictures and my children were so young. All they thought was that black people love dad. So any time we would seem like the next month, any tendency of black guy. They go down dead, there's one right there and I'd like girls shut the fuck up I mean it was the rate is feeling, but but yeah it's it's it's true. I hadn't I've another, don't I ever had any. Maybe I did I take that back by no interest in being famous per se, but I wanted to be was a great stand up when I started this, as, as I didn't even know, stanhope leave the t v, I thought stand up stand up. I actually didn't even know leave new york, I thought I'd just live in new york and make money doing stand. I know how that worked and like to make people laugh. That was probably the objective you wanted to. I hadn't thought it out. I was like all I need to do is get to the next level and that's like be like a a regular at the clubs, did you have the feeling that you are also your unemployable anything You knew oh yeah, like that's always been my dear. I I I
I don't know what else to do besides like create and be funny and do stuff with movies and tv. I don't that's what I love to do and I'm a big advocate of telling people that, like watching my dad, you know grow up in he used to coach, college football back in the day and then he stopped doing that because he had three kids and I watched him and, like you know, he did ok and but he didn't like what he did. Are all your whole and it has an effect on it, and I saw that one thing I always said: I'm like well shit, I'm gonna make sure I I love what I do, I'm going to figure it out. One way or another I've been out here for fifteen years and which we should have anybody. The struggles that we go through at times trying to stay out here and do what we're doing. But it's a love for it is that's the one thing I know I want to do is entertain and make people laugh or You know that Acta, right or whatever it was creative, finding your niche and finding what you like is so important because you know actually really enjoy. I've said this.
There's no resume if you decide to gamble, etc, a million times actually really enjoy doing the trip flip. I enjoy the life, it's provided me the opportunities it's primary to grow and the things I've learned in it. I love stand up. It's my passion, I'll! Never do that! Stop doing that, but like finding. What you like to do is so poor that its people, sometimes just like getting go now wanting it. Listen then I'll figure it out like no figured out. First get your fuckin gate keeper foothold, impassioned passion. Fain people who want to limit or on the other way I mean well, that's what I call a thing about trickle of is that you are sometimes when it about like. If you were an actor you learn to maybe did the best fencer in the world would come teach you had to fence for some partner movie right, a an actual talent skill that you do not need your entire life, yet you be pretty good at it re or or some kind of like randomly
you're getting the chance to I mean I, I love travelling so much in you're getting to go to place. You and your wife. I will sign up for, but then once you get there, it's a lot of fun like all of those different experiences? You have that, sometimes you, do on your own, yet the memories you have are just. Can I tell you what I said. I say what I find, what I, what I what I find, what it is like is like one of the things. Maybe that makes me happiest when I walk in this man gave is like. If you look around like going to end up point does the only around me shouldn't, but I'll tell you a bit like the Barroso commission scuba gear. I got my thesis, I got my harness. I got my letterman poster. I got my motorcycle gloves. I got my belay gloves. I got my fuckin backpack. I've got my knives. I've got I've like an indiana jones, lock in basic education of how to get myself. in and out of the world like it's so funny, and you say this and I'm bringing it back
and this I know no, unless me fuckin talk right now put like when I did my first resume, I thought it would be more in sight for to be funny than to be accurate, so I wrote a resume that my wife once found and it was like it was like jobs, strengths and I was like I could be a great adventurer and I wrote all the things that I thought I'd be good at. If I was like, I have a fear of snakes and it was basically like and it was like the most ridiculous resume. But I thought someone read it and go this guy's got something like this. Guy would be fun in the office, but my wife saw it and fucking mocked me as she fought battle on the computer printed it and kept and if I read it to you guys one day and you're fucking laugh hysterically terribly butter. But it's the right shot, though you you are going to be a drone diamond does and if we all right exactly what we're supposed to do on their resonate riah, and if you don't you better, send out in that ten percent
five percent chances, somebody takes notice is worth it because otherwise we all look the same on paper for the most part. We really do. If you think about it, you got it's a lines you're supposed to write a who you are fuck, that who will rapid? because I want to get this posted today so that its up all during following by what are your plans following tomorrow? friends drawn a party at a house that anything I'm to go to spend so crazy. Normal halloween is my favorite holiday of the year, but I've just been inundated with halloween for the past month. We have been on that haunt tour and I've been to twenty haunted houses this year. I just haven't even had time to think about what I was going to be and just so I'm just going to a house party, I'm not alone it out this year. Awesome opie, sons of anarchy or nice good call call smart what about you, I'm ms oddy waiver lay I'll, never tell you my concentrates its reveal that day of a really
reveal areas. Married yeah, mary about its those decent, just had a little girl these really herodias. Thirty five. I wonder you stop baseball, whereas about twenty four? Did you play in college yeah. Well, you see, I reckon really senator yeah your big yeah. He also set the record at u cla for most hit batters not have if you're going to say that dubious honor. It's the name, we're not gonna get vengeance. From time to time. I will look at it If you don't throw ninety seven, you gotta get people off the play So you try to scare me eighty eight item now I missed The date a mile, we may be a tad different with a brand new baby, but I miss the days because I was thinking about it with shame wack used to throw these cookies and party writer of other lethal weapon movies. Yet he directed iron entry, but he he would throw these anthem
as these. These these parties were so awesome and knows what people looked forward to for like two through my now he's emil shares. a lot more any day. Now than just being a writer has now he's got a lot more on its plate, but he used to throw those and those are what we used to look for to. He has like being John malkovich room, which is like the crazy. It's like a little hole. go up like three stories as a little hole. You crawl in it and you're in a whole room without a window, without doors. It was a really cool place. When balls out and costume it was just a really funded y'all move out here at the same time now the school. Then MIKE came about two years later arizona state for a year. I was going there to wrestle and then I picked the wrong fucking sport to be good at it. Couldn't make anymore You see it fighting didn't exist then or outside it. So I really wanted to go to film school, so I wanta brooks up in santa Barbara in two thousand and, and he was still at- u c, l a so we're kind of here together like three years apart, but then I was always back and forth them santa Barbara when I was finishing up to one school and then moved down here in two thousand,
to then then, and then is this- is this your first project has worked on the other yemen? on smaller things, you know, but it's, but he said aloud things don't come fruition. That's a lot of work that you just don't know. It don't come really close in the inc. We haven't even had the ink dry and it's still and work out. You know I mean like it's, it's one. Things that you just better. You bet endure. What allay has throw out you or pack you shouldn't go home. Nothing is anything until that check clears speaking in the end and uses and sports analogy. So everyone sees your movies, big rat, it's it's! It's it's getting sitting huge release. I mean people People know this. When I put it out, I'm probably I'm trying to think how to title is following special credit. They want to get the most heads but like but like house our two houses october built because that's probably bigger than
then you're than any of our names, halloween movie ever and movie ever, but like I'm, trying to think of how to apply put on to think of how to title this so that people see it and draws eyes what hell it's the first movie ever about halloween hundred houses, which always surprised no, no! I want the first lying on. The average line that comes up is like duke new podcast. I want a monopoly reply, but the title the movie and then with a zombie tidies yeah, zombie, teddy's and then and then, and then with your all our names on it, but in a sports algae and use use the pay grade of different sports. Ok, like considering, I guess what by basketballs them players make the most money football fan base,
lol, I bet you baseball, makes baseball. Has the pick well yeah, you see those like two hundred million dollar contracts and what's nice with baseballs, it's guaranteed yeah, which also it's funny it it hurts. I mean I wouldn't want this if I was an athlete, but I think it's the appropriate way to do it and probably acting a contract should be the same way it's incentive based and it's got to be some kind of loophole out. Oh, it's perfect for in case you get injured putting your body on the line. I get that you should never. You should always be ok, but that idea of lake allow these. You know a lot of pitchers get fat lazy Why that that hundreds of hours come them, no matter what an that's! That's, not how it should be I was thinking the day, some of that. You think this a what if they gave what they said to I see a young derek jeter, a guy. You knew that was going to be the franchise. What did they said? You know what we'd like to pay you two hundred million dollars like an era. We want to pay two minutes one hundred million dollars? What if we
It was solid. Seventy million dollars and give you five percent of the franchise and just said that way. You never want to leave you now. ever want to hurt the name of the brand? like if you give them a vested interest in the team and you watch them just making. Only at once. Really can't do a lot boasting about the other day. I was like probably a bad idea. All these guys want the money, but so, but put it this analogy. So people see this movie. They know this movie they're going to see this maybe they will get done this movie, how much money do you see at the end of this meaning, meaning like put it in like? Is this your fucking envy a contract? Is this your an m m? be contract. Is this w nba contract? Is this a professional skill her who just got out of the olympics contract like where do you put this on that scale? Handball ball
but they let you in vienna that lets you enter. The deal is running into that club. Now now Yet your salary, on whatever that that may be, is, handball. But the thing that's that's nicer. What we hope for us is that we do something seasonal, hopefully in perpetuity. right like there's, there's an idea where every a win their staples. If people like us enough hope it's a staple alot of movies, a lot of movies. Now do really well then die they'd, like ten t, doesn't even touch re like it, so it really we're doing whatever happened to that movie, but yet these other ones on a loop right and so hopefully, with a movie this is it's it's an annual thing after the initial release, so you never know down the road, but for the most part it's just about showing that you can pull something off and then the next project you got tat, bigger, tat
bigger tab, big deal comics ago, you know, write a script and give it to your manager. It doesn't matter if it's good or not what it tells your managers. You can write a script like I said this not next words and whose munich next next great guy and is one of my friends, and I am actually absolutely love nick but like neck. In the movie. The hamon nick hang out a bunch of no reason our solution. The other comedy pilot that I just told you that had just finished a single camera character that I, but I turned in the pocket of character breakdowns. I have nick as a picture of you know this, but I have a music music. We re route One of the strong suits about Nick- and I will say this- is that nick road map- most wanted, but he wrote it is a different style movie, but the thing was so impressive is at what he wrote it. He was just a regular comic like any of us. I was no difference in net between any what we all books. It comes elbow commercials. He was very talented. He still is very timely
and in the end it is noticeable that he was maybe more talented. Ninety percent comics, but was impressive about him as he had the dedication do sit down and write a script and that separate you from the pact and that script got picked if it was. I think it was originally called suckers and it went to Jamie Kennedy and Jamie Kennedy was friends with nick said: let's fuckin make this, I think that's how it went down with chef nick on the podcast. Why is it that I now just think of this and then and then and then that The fact that you're real and that you're real and someone can go to you now. I'm gonna pay you, but I know that I'll get a product from me. I'm not running it, nothing. That is what is the most important thing in this business because lotta people. They sit there and they they talk all day long. We saw like an hour time of the day, some guy, I forget his name he's a movie. Reviewer was talking about it. He liked thanked. He was like finally, a found footage movie that for for there's a reason to it. Right, not all found footage movies and was the indifferent
it because it really is a stigma to the hosanna. We ve been veto. Hopeful turning some naysayers. But with that being said, people were talking about something online and I we saw him tweet, all of you out there think you can make a found footage movie. You sit there and say: oh, I could do that at home. Will fuck you, you didn't because people just think. Oh I'll pick up my camera and I'll just I'll make one of these, this movie shitty or this movie- that I would have done this. You didn't. Still in your mom's fucking basement and you didn't do it, and so, even if you sit there and you make something and you get ripped, you made it and it's probably a step in the right direction. Some steps are smaller than are bigger than others, but you're at least moving in the right direction as your showing what you can do, Kevin Psmith may clerks for thirty fuckin grand on his credit card is a movie that black and white. Takes place and aghast era, but seven eleven to store it, there's nothing to it and he probably never in a million years,
I thought it was going to be what it is, but because he took a shot look where he is today he took a shot and he was a great writer and back came off on the page need it was in black and white and it was in a convenience, but he was such a good writer the dialogue was so engaging that it works. It did. He didn't need anything else. It could have been just a radio show of guys sitting around talking and it would have been a funny radio show, but he put it on camera spent all of his money, so he could go to the next level, yeah. I just heard him on getting doug with high. Have you guys ever? Do you know Doug benson, I know of I'll sweet doug, I'm gonna tweet, dug a link to your movie call and tell him to check it out because Douglas his movies target just be really stoned watching it freaking out, Doug would be thugs, are very fucking. Fascinating guy watched his eye, the documentary that was one of the things about doug, doug, the race? Much as he does he's like nine podcasts he's got movies coming he's got tours that he's on constantly yours, better than anyone. I know, and I think he does it. I heard him and Kevin smith talking and they are both
thinking saying like I do it because I gets I so much it justifies beginning I ride like than knowing sale, you're, sorry I'll, do shit, but but also link out wrap this up I'll, send a leak out to tug cats dogs. You see this movie, I love her dog to have you wanted go on Elam get I dunno, if either of you guys want to smoke pot with doug, but getting doug with high, be fine as a fun show to do. I haven't done it, I haven't. Do it I can make on for that says that grants a great bought me that that is what I love about doing these passages their great I mean you can please sit around and talk and listen and you're, not limited by commercials are limited on content or what you can say you get so wrapped up in it, there's, speaking of which guys go to pilot and captain dot com. No, I have. I forgot, I'm going to have forgotten to do this at the getting there, not a sponsor they're, not gonna pay me for this, but they do have these cruel shirts could upon captain dot com.
then there's the shirts. I wear on stage various see me on stage. It's it's luggage, tag, shirts! Take a look at these shirts be honest! These are fucking that I just I just love this brand and I reached out to them there in philly. and let's see, there's my fucking computer dead, alright computers dead so but they're pretty bad. I shirts good pilot captain use the code word captain bert and you can get some Fifteen percent of your sales- I don't get paid for it. I just want you guys, have cool shit if it's like the combos they're sitting right there. They don't pay me, but I fucking that will they send me out combos, they send me a free combos cause. I fucking love combos buffalo combos are the best bought well combos did maybe even love the combat series. Yet combos just shows like road trips to me. Like everytime, I go road trip. You get combos trifle booty. Tell me to fucking love, both bluetooth compose a superb,
I say not buffalo blue cheese. Look! No- and this is the way I look at- I Don'T- have advertisers, don't sell advertising on my show, take a look at these shirts, a pilot and captain mean luggage tags on assure you gotta see it man, it's a fucking, bad ass, a worm or stage where you're from words you grow up for a girl in dallas perfect. I know they got Dallas. So what it is is its luggage tags, it's old bodies to older old ticket stubs so, like all panam type of stole, pan am ticketing stars. Here's austin Is that not everything we have w Biagi? So J f k, l, I axe Boston, They ve got these hoodies its evian, it's the coolest They just came with a whole thing of of of canadian cities they ve got. Dallas they ve got I've got em, all I've got em all I bought them all and then, and then a war through our, whereupon I fly and our most stage because it simple it says
say too much it too. You know it's like people have to figure it out, and then I mentioned it on precedence, eve when they sent me some and then I emailed her, and I said, hey man, I love your company, how they'll do anything to help and she was like those like, and we need an appearance where these six I was in cleveland. I wore the cleveland one arm on the show she was like send you a bunch and whereupon they show and like don t like. Do you I am mentioning on your podcast, like already fuckin, where I'm a male gives it so I could have probably got very cool. I love it when people use yeah like an old school. How cool is that? Who did that? I gotta get you one of the the you the guys, the pumpkin geek. So I did cash gifts. I did cash gifts for everybody's, showing off I might do that. I don't have that. Oh those are bad as those are card cards these whole things and intuitive fake pumpkins that you light up. So you can keep it year round. So it's unbelievable, where's, the it's unbelievable! How towns and this guy
and so we did it for the whole cast and then they did where's the hughes report that we are so yeah? I have here so hee hee, literally we're trying to figure out some like working due to thank everybody in kind of do something now out goddamn com. You can now are these stop blocking the fantastic their superbly? Here we needed something where everybody I want to do something different for the caste, and so we had a basically put We once profile in the in the pumpkins for everybody, and now there s funny. Now our parents have them and put him in their windows for the traders locking but the guy's an impressive. I e to eat us even turns out that he's an artist is really good, dude and he's it's like its third. Job and unpleasant able to recreate a picture perfectly on a pumpkin is pretty fascinating bomb, but yet go back to your shirts.
The shirt idea is so cool. I love people using retro stuff and a very very then it's cool way, and I saw some my wife does. where she blows up somewhere passport Stamps and you can put pull my pillow or a shirt or whatever and your past. Ford, has gotta be one of the most ridiculous known to man. I assume home and it ain't like he ones, though yeah cool add. Or do you write like your favorite places your standards, those for a shirt for me? Hey? You could recreate it popping on a shirt. It's really cool, that's brilliant! I'm doing that Do that and we're on this plugging it sell those people have my passport information What are some snap put your snap on their? What have I did my driver's license? insert like a social security number on the bag and filled it all dirty bastard. His driver's license phuket that he really oh yeah. This is the first album. Was his driver's license? Nothing blacked out It is all very badly than all dirty back of it. What a book and original do you want to create? Nevermind
I was going to tell you that crazy dream. I had pneumonia up, I'm not going to tell you. This is fucking horrible. Alright, the movie is the houses october built. The website is you find on twitter, it at houses are built a city, and then facebook is the main. website that women, young soldiers, facebook, backslide the houses october built, but you're you're. Just my hat mikey railway market, you, why are we? Bobby RO, one grand and I listed off the name of the places in texas and louisiana. If you want to get them, go to them a visit them. If you have any questions email these guys, I'm releasing it today it is october. Total! Thirty is right right! That's right, and I do mean it everybody that this is a very, very much a halloween movie in this kind of you out there. halloween really is anyone bout halloween. This one is, and then, after your dongle on a support, local hundred houses, they really do
I a job, even though we highlight some of the ones that dealt with it and find the ones that are freaky and go to it and tell me about it, I love you guys have the hollow. We say say his noble measuring invoking animals era that syria, nor have we got. This episode was brought to you by the machine.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-24.