« Bertcast's podcast

Episode #90 - Ms. Pat, LeeAnn (my wife), & ME

2014-08-14 | 🔗

Ms. Pat & my wife join me in the Mancave & we talk about racism, they mock me for being too white & sensitive, and they recount their experiences of growing up with Willie B. the Gorilla in Atlanta.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
That guy is going to berber dot com and get a copy of my book. Life of the party get a shirt check out. My tour dates: I'm in atlanta this week, richmond next week october night, I'm in edmonton during a college workshop. That is where I go to radio I go drink and then directly after that eleven am, I do a show, that's right, call in sick to work. Today's guest. She has her own podcast, miss pack and my wife leanne the rebel hello. What did you want to you want something to drink talks to?
my daughter's painted them coat. I got I got cooks here. Okay, did you bill all of this stuff? No, you had a g p t v, people coming into it for you yeah what a fucking deal or you know. I love the hour. My whole houses d, our kids, have fucked. This up has been Miss patter of tat is they are reporting running. Who hoover progress? Have you done add the Ariz Joy to ideas: do ideas in housing. Listen do yet himself to you. You know what I am saying. We would like, and what a poor mother knows why we don't look like we ve done it all, and I like when I
So we always talking about stay black out like reach the gonna change. My colleagues, who are you talking about they q and a border region or whatever else it is one of the most fascinating guys I ever had ever gotten the kind of them the lucky enough to know, because we're sore so globally different guys bosses similar and waterways you know, he's a sweetheart, I think part of its stand up. I think you once you start doing stand of the like you kind of morphine the same fraternity or whatever the you know with that same group of people, s, if turn is that makes a mellow in it, but so what was the? What was the have? You got a lot of twitter feed back she's chair, yeah, the shock, you that your fair basis, white men
as zug me that my fanbase is what I don't know why they like me. I was like I wish he would get his fucking energy to my husband's yeah, so my my twitter feed? Look you better do something that you see already white me is absolutely my favorite moment was, I something to I was like. I think I tweeted it. I was like get a lot of love for the miss pat episode and and and either my phone sort blown up, and my twitter goes to the phone. So whatever comes up goes right over the front thing she's like what did you do with miss? What did you do with miss pattern? I said you haven't listened to it. no and the very beginning of the podcast. Is you told your son to sleep in the bed and lends like, and it's really heard, your access? She was like she from Alaska and we listened with the girls in the car. Learn how mars like for the first like a little at the first thirty minutes, like
get your nipples out off data ganley, people again we're we're like this like home. Tell it didn't hurt Did you hear my son on I haven't? Listen to it does not fall when that it was a one stop going. Also Enough is episode. China do other things, the random. She did you to Joey. Do you to you? it was me and then at the eighty years, oh again, at the eighty again it was five year. We, Do you know any while he call issued the rape cottage, want you to go over and jack, penises and stuff that he does. He does weird shit yeah. He wants you to have an abortion right there in front of dated like a masturbation challenge or something what they young or not. That is my age. really yeah easy way. He want to be yeah cause, as I like you'll be doing. What to call me prejudiced feelings,
I am not touching. This do be sure to let me know what you claim that you got me merely a jack and peanut white three for free it did you. Is it kind of weird to think that, like that, do you think you connect more with the? I accidentally with white guys. Then you do like black women now I think you know what I think is what it is that I think we ve just family interest in and they like that, I'm on is, I guess they think I'm really What are the guy? I speak my mind. You know, I've learned for two years a lot of times as they still people wish. I could say I don't have fuck you get out of my face- was the power being black female Is that what it is yeah? First, let me tell you something bitten and- and- and I remember they taught us this ink-
a college or in high school? They said the earning power goes like white man, polack man, white woman, black woman. I think that was what they said earlier: power in the workplace or something and I'm a rethink in when I heard that I was like tat to that, would makes makes sense black for me. Just tell you what the fuck they think yeah cause they ain't getting paid. She is. I have a joke about the realist. It's the most honest out of all of the humans. Black women are the most honest yeah. and it was like. I have a couple girlfriends they ve been there. legitimate speak day? Man is really nice and I mean This common policies of her speak up in all tat white women are the most dishonest people alive this, oh, what a white woman
will lie to your face and they will fucking kill that shit already has when they dump you and ask why you still await why women are scary, cause I've. I've did a lot and you just it's like kinda wish I'd get fucking into this, but, like. I I can't even get into exam, so I have a problem with telling the truth too much like I use people's names, and I tell it like if I said what I'm thinking then that person would hear this and then they get upset. But I remember that I remember my history or my truths fairly honestly, like I don't really, I don't really paint it other than with the brush that I saw it, but man, some people look back at their past and they're like I wasn't that person you're like yeah like when you have friends who went through like drug addiction like I wasn't that bad you're like no that's why we didn't intervention yeah legumes fucked up yeah like there are white women who just go
yeah, but everyone's like this and you're, like no you're not like like, and I wish I could get real like, and I wish I couldn't. I wish I'd even start saying this guy, like for white women in my life right now that I'm friends with or that I grew up with that, are probably think I'm talking about them. You tell them you're, not I'm not here by say their names are gonna go out with you aren't going to kind of falls in it. That's why I wish I'd fucked rome, Rome were blackjacks grown up. What are you going to say and when you got a white wife in the other room I could. I could, if I brought home like a like Oprah she'd, be cool with it. gotta be over. Why couldn't be a ms pat? No because we'll know, because she's, a fan of Oprah so she'd be like? Oh, my god, you're fucking Oprah, like how cool that would you know one of black one will say, get that bitch outta here yeah he'll fuck, who she is yeah op? I pause, you can be michelle obama, black women, don't believe in Sarah lacy. I said it about white women is out of time like they'll, be at the club,
Oh, I love you. Ms prayer. In there kiss me kiss my husband to elsa, I'm not fucking, kissing your husband. What do you get off? Limp people Kisha husband, yeah? Why wouldn't do that to me all the time and over okay, my husband touch irritated no pitch. Did you see her nipple? We now hope that the other items why? Why was I so shared it's. I always say this about. Why was there? I was, like they shot? Whenever has been g with the name? Will you proud is sexy beyond bids? my third series of your house, the new. You should see my nannies I'll go right, don't fuck pretty nearly I mean they're all turns a guy. Have I've have four and they're all just get experts like just progress? we hotter know why. Why wouldn't do that? They're is so now. You could not bring a bitch in your house to keep your key if you, Do I gotta be your mom you're, not a grand
It could never be a six about when I get money, fuck and many will be a gay gad is born. it is blind YE who are know. My husband is not going to fly, I'm wearing upwards. one of the in your house. That's the other thing. That's amazing to me. Black men do not find gay shit funny like white guys, love gay shit like like we could like if, like rose, do a joke on stage like Where do I go if I can sneak around and put my dick on his shoulder? He'd be like got me, but if you do that to a black man, he'd lose his fucking mind yeah Why? I wonder whether it is because the euro, then gay, they don't want you to be player worm. We were she yeah, but but what it, but it's like it's.
If you heard like when that when, like you talked about the nfl and the nfl, like, I remember, I don't remember, say, Clinton Portis because he's the guy that always had an opinion it seemed like. But you talk like Debbie like you're, not that shit in the locker room but, like I think, white guys are more accepting of homosexuality. Does that make sense yeah cause we grew up. You know you grow up in a black church is, is not right is not right, don't fucking do it. You know black people are the most hated christian christian black. It was most fucking haters of gay people on in a even at white wing, the mirror of white wine. You know you super christian, You can bring them around, but you could never boy, my sixty nine yield daddy around. It gave missus. Ok, really Does that mean you know my daughter's gay in our room? well, he didn't know it. She borrowed his car. he had already lesbians obvious how so he picked up the phone. A room here like your daughter, got my cartel a boy market car back,
I was wrong. Daddy's, like a you know, I think your daughter's a bull god damn die, go ahead to put the far more. You that do yeah he he's supposed to be a christian. What's your says that she's a bull god, damn dial in god, don't like that fucking shit, an outdoor cafe, he was highly god and fokker is gay else, is going to help at all hours worked in harlem a car. My daughter knows why your grenade is a your boss. Got them dialed and break is kobe, are so funny. yeah. I thought I was the funniest you'd have a boy goddamn diagnose. What I mean you know you owe is like bull dagger is like saying reefer. Those were the video more boy how animals by because my mom
daddy passed, my daughter dreamed about and he had a suitcase in his head. He held his little hat that he left behind eddie. you say you just deadened as they need get shit gather up as a hearing call, you know, bore goddamn valiantly, jerking it of the body Well, my dad did like gay. He didn't really ooh. He was the most racist. He he wasn't racist way. He hated. He just thought we supposed to stay. Separate, like a second to the movie, the eight eleven our neighbourhood in annapolis. So I take him too I moved there and we, the only black people, he's a pe. I was like what then we gotta go to the top, as I want to what we gotta go. it's all. You got one fucking man who will drag your behavior black ass to the top of the moon day. He was like call it sit in the back as who the fuck is column. I say that shit until you see that little fucking blue sticker. As for you, because you're, a fucking wheelchair you have the cable part, a goddamn chair, I bought a drag yo ass.
was there like, you know what you're walking bear? No sleigh, it's a big black is right there and I'm gonna be in a minute, or so I can see there was this man down. We were here where he grow up, he grew up enjoy. You grew up in georgia. Well. He grew up in georgia south during his sixties, and you know the civil right movements and all of that shit and That is that fascinates me like the two with the wind, genuine racism. And only like not even know who it was It's? A racism fascinates me but like like the fact that people were like that, like asked like a race white. Oh, why are you so lady? you know as well as I do. I do know the air was we now I know we were. I didn't. Do a marketable you don't own over my family's. First,
generation? Irish, so I'm not, and my family was around or as Oh, what was your weather in ireland, germany? Ah okay, so it was crazy. I was out of What do we will now? We were there, we were the mai by my dad's, Madame my dad ever heard this. He blinked body what the fuck you sam, My dad's family, the stain germany, so my dad dad store the beach is enormous, and then went in and more to to exonerate exonerate. No, elite, not alleviate what do they do? The jewish people have no fucking idea leg black. You saw a schindler's list. Those you, Of course, you are deliberate, liberate rate. The means than ever at a level of character was never really so allies in vienna,
Caught on yeah, really you look for me as a deliberate. He stay within my category or down you out, alright elaborate. What are you talking about all I know a free slave knows where it wasn't in freeze lay this right. Oliver, I offer you talking about we're caught. He went to deliberate the nazi camp, the Jews concentration camps, okay, so he and then, when he got there, he saw some of his cousins working there like, whereas soldiers and he was blown away then a kind of after this vernon about his diary that had his family state, germany. He would just been a naughty, and so, but he was and so we know the braided the cartridge camps, but I think I came down. Affordable parents were
My parents were both yankees less. Would, though, you know you you her thou art like if you don't know that that's a real slur towards northerners is yankees, and so my parents are both yankees moved on florida so they were extremely liberal. I I've never to this day or my dad or my mom ever use the n word ever and if they ever heard it my mom or dad with the kind of people that would stand up and say something like that. That is who they are. No questions asked, but so I think I was always fascinated like when I grew up. It was almost like cool to have a big group of black friends. What what are you in your forties or for you know you didn't really. I mean you probably cause the way your parents raise. You like my mama didn't raise me and I didn't see white people. So
You know. I only saw y'all on t v, so it was like you know. Like I told you earlier, price is right and shit like that, so I didn't have to really deal with you. I didn't have to deal with you until I got into them. real world. Then I realized we all the fucking saying what you spooky is hale, because, like you think black me like when we white me as lightly black woman white woman, like the kiss me and also with the full, or you do want you fuck you wanna haggling, and I was so scared of why people there such an interesting one thing that why people would rather make friends of the by personal if the person- because it's something that is, is something that they don't know about because, like I told you before, we have, we don't have to you. Don't have to know about me, but I have to know about you. Women will have to deal with you on a daily basis. You don't have to go to the blackening, but you have to deal with nobody black. If you really don't want to their yellow circle. Why people? But wherever I go anywhere, I have the deal. We white people once a job where these asia was a magic everett.
coming right away. You are in a fair play up. Most of the falcon agencies are why you have many black: was black people have to deal? Why can we not have the fucker, We all do that's why when we come to your neighborhood and live in your neighborhood you'll put the fucking for sale sign up. never looked at it. That way, I don't really have to do it by people know you don't use amaze. I have to deal with why people are time off. Work manages why you know everybody I deal with. Hollywood is wide everything I do is in euros. Why but you will have to be bother widows and then one and then I have to I have to try to cross over as a comic. You don't have to come and learn how to do. The black row is not important to you. What is important to me, because I need everybody to like me. You can just hear white people like you and you'll, give a fuck about no black people, because they're not going to support you anyway yeah, but I'm black. So I need my people and your people to make it where you need just white people and you need- and one of the
It's like, and I always say this: black crowds are ten million times more critical than white crowds. Luck, yeah they're, going to tell you, you know what I'm saying I tell you was fun the same as black people make you funny, but why people make you reach. And it's because it's more rewarding to black people laugh than why people here, because there is then that gonna sit there and be patient they're going tell you, get the fuck off stage about my chicken to him as the you bat to get kiel or president skip the bill money to come out to see you, then you ain't funny, you might get you the! I told you that did I tell you about it? You can hear what it on a nerve bow. No, I I was a new comic im. Afraid saw me up and I really was unfailingly fuckin stomach cramping. we will have an a blizzard and lasting just nervous. I was so fucking nervous and plasma appeals are solved.
Yeah way way way way over the. What were the, what were the, what were the nicknames that black people have for getting her period like one big ones. When I was grown up, all my girls are nude, call it their uncle there, their cousin, herman, cousin hermy, this I like them. Unless my aunt flow airflow year, my herman's coming to town you re ragout gets your practical yeah well, you know, so he saw me up and up and we was a dj from the radio station we're hosting so they didn't like you. They hit you with nerf balls, so I There are three months then, as a comic in this do did not like me. Any hit me am, I focus here The automatic made me think about my baby. There d be no me and ass. They thought these jokes, You hit me with another nerf bar, I'm a jump off the stage and beat the shit at you that ugly, ass turtle on so he'll look black college, lucan student and I scared him so fucking bad back. Then
Get me a bucket of nerve by mass tourism. Bitters. All everywhere was rather rather club alive. Who I was so my because you don't hit me. What are you don't do is here in four conditions paid me, because I feel like I've been to too much in my life. The list on park, a dish I mean. I told his, but I think as they now ass, it was crazy because I was so mad. I was like no. I was just getting out of the streets, so I yelled, I thought the shooter, let's run these negro and thereby raw No, I wanted to tell them how to committees on a flawed is crime because their street mantell. It makes me later on to forgive unravelling it doesn't mean a lot I just felt like he did not need whatever money was in his pocket because he figured it'd. Be my dinner ba. That's so interesting because I don't I don't really buy it. The reason respect is, is another kind of
I have a very strong and vibe you get in the black community that you don't get in the white community, like you could disrespect me and I don't care, but if I like you but like if you disrespect a black man, he'll tell you don't ever touch one on the. He doesn't form. I don't know where I come from, but is, if you ever, did you not a rule? Oh allow him to eat with you. If you, the rule, and never let a white man to junior he if you touch a black man on his fuckin here, is likely do tell him to bow down Are you serious years and he is one with them, since he tell you, don't put your fuckin hands on my hey, you don't touch black man,
but I like theirs as one of the things I've learned on the internet. Videos is, if you touch like you, don't like that. Like it's, it's a it's a personal space thing we're like we're like a bit of a cop put his arm on me or handle me. I just I just stop he would take. You would assume my power like if a cop grabs me I'm like sir. I have no problem like, but if you, but I've seen it like I've, seen like just regular like it's like you see, we're just a dude gets pulled over and he's just speeding and the cop touch him is like hey man, you don't touch me yeah. It's really fucking fascinating cause. We just am especially when, especially when they're I have another nationality, because you already think that they can't relate to you. You know what I'm saying cause. I think I think a lot with the with the black community. We we think that you don't know what it feel to be black bag. You don't know what the struggle is. So, if like you don't know me, you norms they sign earlier. This year
there, the idea, you don't know me anything, you know four eulogies of clay so much and related to that song. Really, oh, my god. It is one of my favorite songs because, because I feel like something that, like it I I will. I will. I will allow myself to get this respected and they get my feelings, hurt get angry post, but I won't say anything in the moment: oh fuck, no, I'm not going to get angry and not say anything anymore. I had to learn that you can't always speak your. You can always say what the fuck you want to say especially doing this type of work that I do. When I was a jerk dogs are good for gamma phase of my corner and I run you over with I wanted to do. But in this thing you gotta learn how to keep your mouth shut and that's what I had to learn that a lot of I mean the highway I'll tell from a fuck you one. You were really you do me the collar bone. He thought and I the warranty amazing dislike
You know you gotta learn how to keep your mouth closed with big souls. It's like getting raped in prison. You got it. You gotta, you gotta, allow it to happen, but you can't act like you like it too much. Are they going to do it all the time? Exactly exactly and that's that's! That's the crazy part about comedy because, as you said, is the one you don't like me, I'm doing at the unbound dale and they didn't you want as a black project. They are there raises, would not in that raises they. Might they just my man like you what, but I make you pay, you do what percentage Why do you think a racist. What was it is you take, I think, amy god I am aldenham accredited now banal like, but, like I think, qualify able like put it on cnn. That's a racist, like, I think america judges like that, and I must say like on us a real racist of saying what what you'd say, Donald sterling just him.
uber all the people that are getting called racist. Now. You've got to put eighty percent of white people in that category. Okay, I agree because I mean If you won't do that, then we all races to a certain extent. I believe that a hundred percent- I believe I believe, I believe racism is in grain and our culture. and it is- and I know that chrysochlora joke about it, but it is up to the media. It is like a completely set through the media was so fucked up. You you're not allowed to say what you don't like, because you get in trouble, especially when you famous was wrong way and on that I hope we do not take this. Railway is not their raw with donno sterling, not like in black people. There's nothing wrong with. It did have this, can't you don't like mexico algae I fucking mean mcdonalds today, and I was like you know how things are going to come over here lie speak the fuck in English. You know you fought him out.
why, because you can work and on his back, I want my cheek increase, but you don't want to drop them. Is back in greece and barton. You need to learn the divide between Crispin burned, up fuck and chicken. Both part of those substances used in somewhat eggless elite learn the english yeah. I know me bodies, like my know, how to speak the bindings. You know what I'm saying it's ugly when these people are not as they ought to do so, but god does bark much. Is it a daimler? What the fuck are you doing? I didn't ask you to go re cook the chicken. It was already cooked, fresh bit nuts. And up food was blacker than male than our mobility. On that chouan is she.
Now I go where my fucking nose are trying to hold as jig and tablet fuck I swear to god. I want to do a special where I dress as a black woman, you and I just come out- and I just fucking say whatever the fuck. I think like. I guess I'd kind of do that on stage now. I I doubt back anything political only, because only because I didn't hear enough what a divided audience we are and it's like, and it's like it's like. I made one joke one time and I and I remember our last this black woman to the wish. I couldn't get her back and she are really upset and the joke was a racist and all, but she all she her was. The first sentence is, and I lost her He saw red red nose like oh fuck, I don't to do and then and then and then there's nothing worse than being widened back peddling yeah. it's a: u if you're gonna talk about ray, you need come come at. It from a really honest perspective, an end be unaware.
Genetic and really not give a fuck. My problem is: I've really give a fuck up what people like me. Well, you know what I wanted people to like me too, and I learned in school and I learned in life everybody you might think. I live like this. Everybody didn't like Jesus Christ. If that's what you believe in so I can't compare to Jesus Christ, so you know who fucking mad. So what if you didn't like him, of course you're not going to like me, he he broke bread and veg. Oh, as I don't give a fuck of you starve here. So you know you just have to learn everybody's not going to like you. She everyone will. You slept with. and thank you put it down? One hundred percent, you call it though Judy I didn't put it down at all was well exactly so. I stop worrying about who liked me. Go fuck yourself not deal with the people who do like me or what's what's
so I am dying amidst did you hear about like you, your gear fucked, your father was antiphon stuff, others father, I both yeah, ok, so so here I like how. How was he when he passed? My father was one with the one that with one leg, I was maria dead. He live with me in the end be area he was like sixty nung river but three years so he remembered. Does him remember that it was a Jim crow was- and you remember all of this stuff out and he I think he moved- we moved to indianapolis because he was sick. I think god put him now, so we can realize you know. Time has changed, because when he first got there he will be like pet. You are guaranteed. The garrett is my son garrett. Is that they're playing with them little crackers so will fucking crackers daddy. This is two thousand t and a nobody, no crackles, no mode as his friend yeah ooh. We didn't play with them. We was little when you sixty nine fucking years old. You didn't have sex with white woman. What
good, let's go get. Your life was valued ass, though he were dizzy so stuck in the past, and nevertheless these are my rules so stuck in the pay when they got rid of white water phones. Why blackwater phones wasn't that about the sixties? I dunno by me you figure, there's got you know that was so stupid about that, because it was all coming at the fucking same pipe yeah you're, not my idea of a joke that that once again, there's a joke. I just stopped Alex it wasn't that funny, but it, but it was like one of those jokes that once again brought up fucking race and I was like as not not worth it was. I cared to you, the person that was most that, when they ended segregation was the guy would making water phones, because he was selling them two at a time. Yes, they have all the ways you could use. One thing to everyone
well me automatically. Its old, do you see the collar wireless overviews that whoever? Why do you look back now The web. We was the lawyer linguists who some fucking areas like you'd love developed. wonder drawing a war in that Everybody wants to be blacklisted crazy shit if you thought, if you were back, If you get over time, machine and users would go back and be like just go. Like a black panther, meaningful guys, relax in fucking twenty years every. One of their kids is gonna, wanna, be black, yet that was some crazy fucker other those black mountains are never I knew about black panthers was what I seen. I know about anything with race really is what I've seen a movies. Why I mean really knew too, because one moment wouldn't do any margin seems to be, watching the young and restless you know somebody, I am a le I'll fix this. She we y'all, get it together in our joy,
everybody no fighter. So one mama saudi home late. You know anybody else file and when I got it again she went on to get what was whenever they of the rewards war- oh I couldn't oh, I wouldn't be. I don't have like people by the people think I believe the way they would be able in the past I wouldn't have had the balls to be are the three man? No, I couldn't be cut so glad I was born in seven. Do you know why they call it a cotton picking minute how you've heard that excuse? You wait one cotton picking minute ever that you know why they say that no cars picking car for one minute is apparently the longest minute of your life is just such tedious fuckin work that no one wants to pick cotton for like one minute, so we must take care now, no one! the captain, Jim right people. Do people stop a gun. I don't wanna pestle flora see, makes can picking apples embarrassed initiate yeah. I guess they problem whose door there's gotta be a machine. I gotta be legally cat is had his foot.
Everywhere. I it's insane when you see cotton fields when you drive by his see cotton, you like oh shit, that's fucking fucking, you know! blue mamma, you not have seen carnivore, but I've never seen core like will in the end the annapolis one oh yeah yeah she does for ethanol for the gas wrote, read there, my community, so I first moved there and I had a white relative. We looked relative, we look for us, a house and so on these corn fields that are never seen in my life before goes on from the south, and I thought to guess what I don't want to We have over here. He was like why I was like the people don't cut the fucking greys. He literally poured over and turn pink. He was vs. What the fuck are. You leveling, like ma'am, that's called what the fuck zhao growing corn and taught two thousand and six four oh Brad used to make it,
gray is ill luck you grant is so high everywhere. Ahead. Does look at every turn plea by building refugee as a sign of a scene in sheep did I love. I love that area the country now, what is it? What what's the one? That's real? really flat. Isn't indianapolis like from d ya? Think it's indianapolis. If you drive? No, no! No! No! I won't! I want Well, I remember when I first went to iowa I must have been like I was probably before I was married and I think we got high and someone told me I said this is like this seems like he goes, for I give you an anxiety. Attack right has started looking those like us, this is really wide open spaces. It is casual you with our now leave alibi were tomorrow our wow. If I were always make one hour as my place, I omar. My two places that I go like make for not make fun of those are my go to like
in the workplace, but about my fair places to go where you planted air funnybone. I haven't done it, but ass nice. I mean how would I love the old manager? the old order right now, the new owners, wife, mrs? Why via when I say he was raises the abbe nearby. You would love them that makes it now you have learned it wasn't racist. He was just these is older here. he's gonna get his ways. No, you still yet black commons worked all the time. Some of his favorite friends flow of his friends were black comics, but he was one of those guys like you wouldn't be disrespectful to you. But he'd, say stuff is a joke You think you would have ended up. I put you would have liked ended up making Paul he was a little old school but like not, but not all, who racist thank our school I say
because he's dead. I don't wanna talk bad about him at all, but he like I'll, tell you like so last time or the first time. I was not the first time. Probably one of the times I was in iowa, I've gotten a call from the doctor, and the doctor said my cholesterol was really bad. My blood pressure is really bad and that I needed to really change my lifestyle, or I wasn't going to be around for long when I was like holy shit, was really heavy call like I went out to the went one onto the bar and he could tell that. I had a bad look on my face because I got out hour there I go I'm used to I've. I have just got a call saying I got to my class: carlsbad and the vow. We all got that shit. We all got that shit, but let me tell you the other night I got take care of. You need some fish. We need some vegetables, gay fish, a matter of fact heh heh. When he yells at the back. Get him what I order for dinner tonight, fish or vegetables you're going to find you can refine eat healthy, like this, can be your friend, so sit with them. It goes. A glass of red wine, glass, red wine is good for your heart, so it was like that didn't seem like it makes sense. For my goal, right
So I get a glass of red wine and sit with a bit of bar staff to go on stage. My food comes out. It's fish and chips, fried fish and french fries all this. Is that what they meant negative analysis in there, this edge bicycles and potatoes and it, but he was even being funny using dental datum hearted shortly thereafter, he was eating these all right round on, like that growing, like everyone breakfast he was like. Are you know? You know it? You gotta get very healthy, very happy brought me back for biscuits covered in gravy. We're like sauce with gravy yeah and I was like pull this can't be healthy- is like no, no, no, no, no now just eat half of it did he die of europe, and I say this honestly: I don't know you know, but I think you would have enjoyed Paul,
I read a lot about him, but you still, I haven't, played the call he was. He was rough around the edges. I think everyone will say that, but he wasn't like. I want to say racist. He was not like a like, like I don't think he I think he might have said some coarse things at times, but I don't think he meant like a bad towards anybody. Will you know, like I said I think, all of us as racist, that you know I think, everybody's racist to a certain extent, I don't care nothing about what you dislike. As long as you respect me respect,
Huh yeah, that you'll vote. If you go home and you burn crosses and people you're secretly as long as I don't know about it, I don't care what you do you're so funny I was. I was didn't like those people like I don't like. I, I didn't like people why people who would come out and say things publicly that would be like you know, like listen man, I'm for everyone and I'm from, but then you get alone. They say something off. Color yeah I'd be like no! No! No! No! That's not who I am and what I say out in front, I'm gonna say behind closed doors, I'm not two different people on one person. I don't have a different view when, like that's, what like that's why some I was talking to someone about it was when this Donald sterling thing came.
I I said something off color. I said we now you gotta live your life like you're, always being videotaped like you're, always being tape recorded. That's how I live my life, then I went. Whoa live your life like a good person and then you will have to fucking worry about not the fucking rare about it. That's right and that- and that is how I live. My life like when I meet people and I always think to myself like I I'll meet people. I try to smile a lot and get them to you know like get them to smile back, and I try to be really pleasant. So I'm going to the farmer's market the other day and I'm walking down the street, and this girl and her parents are walking on the street the opposite direction and it's early and I think I'm hung over and and I'm walking by tomorrow morning, guys, how are you guys doing today and right off the bat, the goggles you the guy from the travel channel, and I was like thank god I was
I suppose I was like that's how I always am I'm always in a good mood. I'm always happy to see people, so I think it's that things. If you just live your life self live your life like you're, a good person. You have to worry about getting tape recorded. You really don't I mean and with me at ideal of people in disgust can sound weird like by the way I am so anticipating, wherever ever you gonna, say anytime, you say something weird. I don't think I really think you realize what enjoy what's enjoyable about you sometime, adele, hourly doha till one of our own fog people like me, but I pick up all spears like you- can walk into a world and I can tell when your body spirit is fighting with mars, and I know it's not a problem with me. So is every little is a problem with you. Have literally walked in rome. I got mother one day. I heard third sister,
we lost the matter. Was there and I say this beaches evil nourish issues. I want to use it ass. A disease angry me bit in s. Beer is fuckin me up ass. She started life ass like for you. I can handle this beer among the dough yolks of some time. I can pick up a lot of some. I pick up on people bodies, beer entail. Almost italy has somehow to feel about me like what I told you when I may are he's very stem. Is there now he was trying to read me, and I was saying My there's no reason to read me: I get this. I know what you think, and so, when he reached out to shake my hand, I was like fuck. No hug me and then now he was ok. He was more relaxed. I dunno. If he thought I was going to rob him. Stick him up. Tommy read my bow. You think I'm a crazy busy. No, I think I may I dunno what already thought a lot of times already sometimes does his podcast and he's so high, the you don't even think he's listening.
Like you got a market as it were loose another coming store, and he was so high that, like halfway through our realized, I'm just in therapy and I'm telling him so but never tell anybody he's not even listening. He just like who abandoned like that. cookie really kicked in hard? Did you hear any of what I said? I was crazy. You know moby dick. If more people did a podcast and just confessed and who will come podcast was this if money and therapy both it is. I read people's energy hardcore to like I'll tell you I can, but I I can I can't I can tell people I don't like, and I can tell dudes with evil energy real, quick yeah. I can censor, do with evil energy women. Not so much, but I think that's good. If you don't look at the tits, then you can tell see the facts. My problem is that I I can't I can't see if you're hot I just go. Oh yeah, I got you and then I can tell like I can.
Energy like offer, people where you can go other uncomfortable in their skin women, but I can't really read some women at all, but dudes I can read their energy quick. I can be like that's a bad guy. You'd not want to be around that guy. Probably because, more like a competition to you know, I'm means are just like women have been working on, will you eat me? Let's say you can feel, as is richer china you know this is a slut whatever when a collar, my wife was a bit better not sure why, when I met her, my wife got those who is coming out
as she is coming out. I dunno what the fuck she's doing. What's this, this is how we communicate around here. Oh it's dead, my walkie talkies dead and she she's coming out she's, probably doing something. We just had a meeting and she's doing something about that. She when I first met her, I called her. I said to her last night: she could she sometimes she can be a guy. I should have never said this by go. Sometimes you have the ability where people we don't know, it'll be a cold blooded gun and my wife goes a cbc. I go yeah exactly she really. If she doesn't like someone, she does not she's done like was she doesn't like you, you she's vaporized, you think it's like. You know that mute function on twitter yeah. I use it all the time because, if you say somethin kind of
Indeed to me, I don't want to block you. I don't want you to think that I don't like you. I just don't want you to think that I'm reading your tweet, which I'm not because I've muted you and you no longer exist in my world- I'm a mutant, fucking. People like I didn't know that I didn't know that that was okay would think you could tell it's the greatest when you get someone that just says something shitty to you. Do you talk back because that topic that I tell people cause you know what I guess cause I have fillers and people gotta realize, even though they might thank you famous or whatever use you're fuckin human being just like they are you not gonna eat you not gonna tweet me say ugly shit, I'm gonna tweet, you bet go fuck yourself. Do a fable adjoining arming, that's what they want. They want to get eyes at EU, because what they're doing zero really have anything going on in their day and then add, but they ve saved. They listen to you on or his power, gas and then they go in their head there, like who the fuck she I want,
on our podcast. I do. I do stand up baby they're, open mic. Why am I like fuckers so they'll say something to you? They just want you to respond back so that they get any skin and then they go. Oh shit miss pat reply to me: hey babe, hey babe, you have your keys. Oh, I did leave your lights on. Did I keep your keys you're going to come back alki, Oh yeah, so so I don't reply back to anyone. If you, if you put negative stuff out there- and I get a lot of- I don't get a lot of negative stuff by get like a, I get people sometimes like people who think that, because I'm a comic I like breaking balls fuckin with each other like promote that kind of comic. I'm not the kind of comic that likes to sit around and say mean things other people yeah me and my husband help me out its arm, like you shouldn't, say, mean stuff begged, to be like one time when I first bob and tom, and you know bob and tom is like there are
and I'm sitting there with these white guys and we laugh and then I'd do it. In the period I'm going to go. Fucking, google, that updo to see that what you probably have, I'm always on bob and tom, but so did they were used to film it and they would show a late night. So I wake up to email like two pages long and the girl was like how dare you do an all white show those fucking white dudes. Looking. I am is and sewage is when all and then I'll talk about how I don't like being fed and my girlfriends can't be fed and your husband right you're not funny. So all Did you know you know about? It won't hear enough funding after you fat bit in the mirror and not in ding dong, because one about a fuck, your fairies, don't set up. I mean a letter, you big black beach models, tal, certainly those thousand she's an hour by hour. So may initially sit me all of these coupons alike. Donor Xinjiang
Does she say not out there? I don't, like you, know about a joke about they affect girls and animal print clothed in this ought to make us, but tigers and z where they want and give us keel. That's why they did. It should actually seventy fuckin nap, jumpsuit wit arms in it was his fucking hideous. The aid we are. Nice clothes were bit girls. No, we don't. bitch the fucking shoes, many hydraulics. I was so mad at this for akkad tissues of fat, black and lonely ding dong eating beach. There is not the only thing the best The best call me on twitter is what a black do likes me he's like man, you you can be hope, or the common I got
I sit down the drummer MIKE okay, with work here, but hold the mic, and so this blackout, this white guy, said to me. Listen to your mitt, miss pack, you probably read the tweet, listen to miss, packed podcast, you've, never sound wider in your entire life. I wanted to reply back to him. That is the greatest comment above forgotten, because my problem, when I talk to black people, is, I start talking like I'm in a fucking ludicrous fuckin studio like? I start like like like blackened it up like oh yeah, okay, alright cause a lot of white people. Think they have to do that when all you gotta do is be yourself. Yeah, I can't come in your world is beat, I mean, and you know talk that away, because I don't talk that away Only if I get my daughter, she's coming and tell you about how nice words you return at the way me because we have been a college and get a roommate and keys and a great I will know out and bushy, but are not at all
the cocaine into crack yeah it is. It is tough for me to be myself around. You is a huge growth. You see that you'll see me on tv. At myself out, but sometimes like. I hung out with a guy named kermit roughened, and I and I guess I wanted street grad or whatever, but all the time, I'm talking to him Almost like I'm like. Oh you bout about it, anything I'm not that bad, but I'm pretty book clothes No only gonna plague is a grand besides it. What is it guy yeah and I hate when people eg Lama just be a fucking. So that was a compliment. Whoever tweeted me that I was like. Thank you. I saw that idea see that I was like. Oh, he initially compliment any shitty comments on twitter. I was shocked cause I would like somebody's, not gonna like me, within the limits of the progress in the car within the first five minutes, lands mouth open.
I see, I swear to god at the girls word in the car Leon would have asked me to keep it on, but I could but but then, like. I think. I think I started cursing too and then I turned it off and I said, had a cocktail and I'm like oh man can do the math. She knows when that was that, after bob and tom, so I and then I called you like regardless, I miss pageant whoa. She actually thought it was called my buddy miles, mosley, whose obsessed with obsessive blackjacks. Really, oh yeah literally dates. You do divorce and now he's like he's done. Why checks why these white? To what but the world. There is nobody here guy he got put on the black floor of issues. There was miles mostly so they thought it was black mouser cell allows both we now. So what did you think about a pike as I did
the here might hold only on them and make sure you makes on k talk earlier. I didn't hear much of it because we were in are the girls that you are really often in person and really nice, I said to him: she sounds so nice, like she's, a really nice person, which is, is Who has not. Everybody does on his pack asked closer to boost, Not everybody is on his pike s, nose, themself you're. There is a delicate problem. I hate a person with an identity problem, and I tell my kids, I tell my kids all the time. If you don't know not shit austin is where no, the fuck. You are because, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything and I'm not falling for shit that I don't agree with. I mean I am a dow a democrat.
I been on welfare. I've been to the battle, but I also had to learn that this kind of this world, all you sheet, get up in work and do something for yourself and I constantly try to. she's dead to my family, because we are the generation of the generation of people on welfare, so my family will say you bougie, you probably heard were being bullshit before your booze yeah, a lot of white people haven't heard it, but we found the south, so I kind of figured he had heard herrity labs muffins. I owe you bougie, I'm like no bitch. I just depend on nobody else. So you know That's what I always teach my keys girija! Oh she, because when you get your she came no by the control. You would do so You know that you lose it all ya, don't about come around, take your sheep and make you not be able to eat in this work.
I think a voice, ITALY and I think there is a huge connection with with races wanting in the south. The poor is, is all the same thing like poor poor in the south land grab of. I think I could say we're on our way. fair, but we weren't eight. Now every night, either we weren't you moving where our future work is being. She wasn't where you are and she was you were, however, like she went to school with. Shoes on like up until like first grade second grade like me. She like, like she was we weren't you now, but they were. I mean leftovers were part of every single meal. We grew everything we ate, I started my mama because it tells you about mama chickens in the backyard and that's how my momma cooked every day. You know she. I dunno. If I told you this, when she said,
We don't eat mcdonalds, because mcdonald's is for white people. We didn't eat mcdonald's and I was like oh everybody ever kid wanted to go to the go to notch. As you like, we don't eat mcdonalds. Black people don't eat mcdonald's. I was like why she's not only why people eat mcdonalds. So when the commercial came out, you remember a big maple leaf or you not fully a quarter panel, for you? Remember that commercial? So when they put the black keys- and I was like is black islamic marshes, look different by now achieved by so you say- and I never did do you like my daughter of lagging a good deal table so that they can day is necessary and commercial law give up. Our magda was of a blackberry, but that was not aware. That ban was to see you. couldn't afford magdala restrictive? Why? Because we robot why? Because it mcdonald
Why use it on the flagon use the black keys in mcdonald in the white, the black keys in the commercial day was dancing and break there's a hidden They had a cheeseburger layer, but they never been. always like your favorite fast food, restaurant, Lana, particular oh here, don't you get started on time following I declare my cheek for later me by name anchorages, pullup, say miss pay. You watch a confidence why pull oral magic relate amy? I love magically my career. I thought your browser at atlanta airport, the other day bad hello, buzz bell, I got off the plane. There was turbulence. What did I do to atlanta for that? She in oh yeah me up here so so I guess I got off and I was like any and by the way I was in huntsville out and scott scots bro alabama
He they had a zaxby's. You ever is actually get a bit his axe, that's good park. I ditched the director of the shoot. he let's go to dinner tonight and I was like a thing. I want to put a low loki. Walked over to Walmart. I walked round walmart for our bought a bunch of shirts bottom shit for the girls. They walked up there, expertise and I ripped it. I mean I fucking led into that, and I thank me to zombies. If you don't know, is chicken fingers, but it's like People are now it to any sandwiches. They got the cheeks. I seek your fingers, sound you, Actually, yes, she had zaxby's for the first time we went so will our big thing was Guthrie's growing up. Do you have a guthrie's now Guthrie's was in tallahassee countries was an art name. I had an aunt named gertrude. Oh really, yeah! That's a
it was about and they get you as an ugly black, a black woman notice. I like black mama, was merely as you want. Do you read me Mildred and the word you name your daughter. My daughter data asked in Gary emma gary anna daddy name is garrett. He okay health care, so why? I give him the key named name the baby knock after daddy. I was just so happy you when you, you know a black hole, the name louder key. That was you really love, the in hey guys, if you're wondering why there's an edit here. That's because my wife's started talking shit about a friend of mine, a tv show and I didn't want to come. Add me, so I took it out if you want to know who showed his check out: miss pat's twitter at comedian c, o m e d. I e n n e, miss pat m s, p, a t
on twitter and back to the show I'd rather watch real are reality is the one where the people do what they say as a no. No, but they do renovation realities our another, never change, bucking subject. I can use any fucking hate so what leg so there added there there's an edit there, because fifty five minutes fifty pounds. If there was an edit there, because because we all had to go to the bathroom fucking, but we so, let's get back. Oh you liked those combos and if you like, combos do they're my favorite favorite favorite and the girls made me supply all the refill. All the candy today cause they were adopted the daily I'm not in love renovation realities by the way I do to let the other damage if you ever want to see as it and you know I know a lot, because my husband used to build houses. So I sit there and I see him The chain saws and data
I see them electrocute daiso and I just I watch it to laugh and I was like atom hustle. Let's do this get a room in the house and called him. He was like fuck. We know let yeah, but that show showed some. Eighty, oh you find, especially when you find the ones where they're just dating yeah. I got a signal ass though you are going to reach other out his girl lack of working still cheek as yet the whip years boyfriend and he was supposed to cut the war. We must get to the south, his eyes. Stared, a fucking, it is good to see that sign everyday and you thought she puncture outside now I have to call her dad, there's one where they it's a boyfriend girlfriends and the guy's fuck it up so bad there trying to put in a sink and he's just trying to cut the sink out of the countertop and he's like and he's like and then finally sick. Can I call my dad and he's fine and then the dad comes over with a jigsaw which the ghost table saw lego like those circular saws, and he did it when you see the guy just totally emasculated.
Why are you show up hesitated? I didn't really technically picture but a carpet to arm d. I called you know the crashes. There is no other way show called moat crushers, whereas the moat, where you put a moat around your house, that those rivers you know like in a castle, I agree with The way that we hear me out. I hear me out of my way. I do not know what our motives lisa motto river. Yet, no, no here I'll show you a moat at is heard that Tom Jonah the other day we're not about a house. What a mole in an hour. Was laughing because they noted listen. Listeners didn't know what work. This is a mode here. This is an additive trip flip which I probably should have flipped my tv show. So this is a moat. You flip somebody trip yeah, that's my tv show. I take people on adventures of a lifetime. Why won't you come take me and my black family that
see we're we're canoe, not a canoe. No, that's a canoe! That's a moat! Its surrounds a castle, who will never run on water. Why people will not black people? Maybe not, but that's but look again, and so I want to be. Water is protection against oh, no one's breakin in your house. It gave a moat, you must see that the news at the hurricane katrina,
yeah. Everybody had a bug where the water will stop the white people so that you might have some electricity in their mouth because of my brother is going to give god yeah. You already know just how old do you have in battle by the way that is so fucking funny katrina was dealing, not a warm sooner they'll. Let you know blackberry was born. Theo is a fucking disaster, no lectures in the whole city, and you got a buggy full of tv fuck you going to sell them to no house, but no water grab, no more, no food, because they did. You call me stuck. Never too,
but you won't be. Eight. A watch us therefore a news, dillinger tv. They combine over would katrina came out. We were we watched it aggressively theirs, might I enjoy about like hurricanes when hurricanes come through a big storms that those big story don't do the midwest recently there's tornadoes I enjoy watching it. I don't know if it was, as it brings a sense of community. I think of the rule to me who you John adopted, like what I said in an airport. I can just go menaced storms of bad. yeah I know is: I didn't know that about baseball. What are the world cup also like our like world cup, and I like the olympics because it brings a sense of community round violent storms? Will you communicate with tears? If people are you trying to say started conversation, I guess it took all. Suddenly a stranger becomes a friend where's your like cancer, both empathizing together so loud liquid katrina. What's going on, it would you'd see it
I remember we watched it on t v and then I had to go on the road and I remember going to the airport and some guy liked. I didn't know just like man: have you been following this katrina stuff and I was like yeah suddenly both on the same team were not arguing. Would up it's like it's a weird such community so, like the same thing, happens with world cup or with the money that is now in a fail not with the nfl knows everything all eighteen yeah, but would like the world cup? No one really follows but you sand disasters bring people together. You nobody's gonna disagree, the baghdad. How should have been blown away, verses, dead men, remembering I'm leavin, remember how community you showed up and like yours, like eh rules on the same day, I know where everybody nobody was, but let me tell you about ninety level, not eleven. He so I was well I do winning at the georgia dome and what I used to do. Vinden, okay, Michael Vick, was our quarterback. I had a levin and stand inside of the dome. I saw
it was a non profit organization uttered. The inner city keys whip me every week and we worked dead, so hot dogs at make full so I was johnny there and I don't know the vulgar words but state applying is here the tray somewhat. So you know you'd think some. Why don't you just learn that apply flies playing a dove working here to trace so? I'm sitting are so crazy why people don't ran into the fucking trade center after they going to whoop his ass? When he come down there, then everybody stands around. tv and next play here and I wholly fog some. Why do pistol don't like our whole? united airline and run it until the play. This is get the hell out of me, Never in my life really just felt for when people do dumb she, but me and my whole, I couldn't believe any fucked up my position, because you know they were
swampy from all around the world to this convention. A lot of them couldn't get their fault that they really fucked me up. That's the only time I ever really cared about new york. When I first heard the first plane hit, I thought I thought, because a plane had hit the the empire state building before in fog, and so I knew that because I had gone to the empire state building. They said one time a plane hit it, but I think the plane hit and got stuck it like hit and then just got jammed in. I could be making that up, but I think it hit and it got stuck in there, and so I went ooh. I remember thinking I want to see the picture of the I mean? How are they going to get that out? Probably with helicopters, I didn't realize it. It exploded and started a fire. My friend is our high military. He said when he broke off. That's when a lot of women went in the back part of a broke owl and building started to collapse, really yeah.
Because he's like connollys way up and almost next sort of president rule you might want to my base for is what we will do. What was the first time you about a jewish person? I think he was ari beginning in exile fits. Do I wouldn't tell him. We know we met is only white paper. Black people ass, the other races. Donors is just back methodist right, you other, but other other bugger up. the races down his is. I mean the donors. Is you just don't see jews and makes the kids in asian asians, and you not like agencies come into the hood until fake hair came out and in not I started doing our feet. That was in the eighties, so you see chinese people you'd all day. some of them asian. What about you? Just just tell em all in one pat like ours,
jewels and why we were just say: white people are look white I hear the was an orthodox jew and I was make you off the dark jews. I look at my nose as long as I will find out is tat no know working loudly. I had a joke. I did you're gonna first came out here and by the way Florida is the south for people that don't believe it. But when I found out I found out when I came out to l a when I came out to l a mom, I must have twenty nine years old, twenty eight years old, the japanese people and is a joke. I dunno my special japanese people cannot understand chinese people at all But they all look alike, but they don't speak. The languages are totally different, like they don't understand each other at all. I thought they were little bit like italian, spanish and I, like pantalon, is bundle oni. I thought they were like similar or like.
Accents like alabama, not totally did there. I didn't realize that I fucking found it out and I was like shut the fuck up someone's like how stupid are yours. Stupid or just never been around anybody. You know africans real africans and we are african american. They they they. They hate us really yeah, they think they're better than us, but- and I say it because they didn't get cowed. Yeah so. I think your dear you're, as does ran fast. You know the story about liberia No so Liberia, this is fucking fascinating liberia was, they gave slaves the opportunity to go back to africa and they said will give liberia. Do you know what they did when they got back to? Liberia started a slave game enslaved everybody. They were falk fuck. We know how business work.
is cheap around here, how library liberia like to live by the way I'm sure I'm ruining this book. King history lesson someone like that's bird, but they literally give saved up If you go back to africa and they did the person that didn't slave everyone, that's why a bear is so fucked up. I can say that cause. I can promise Never going to Liberia our notified liberia's. I live. Areas where general but naked was from the about a general but make it no. Thank you send Lieber like to decide on figures like right by the it's on the we coast. I think so why, when you go to liberia I'll, never go to liberia, why you'll never go to liberia? Why not it's extremely backwards? I watched it on vice and it's like it It's is just really kind of fucked up. The warlords have taken over everything, and so it's all like the warlords go in. They get the kids or they don't want kidnapping the girls kid. No, no! That's nigeria! Okay,
Nigeria is kidnapping girls right now by the way. I don't really want to go over that theory really. Would you ever go to south africa now I try to rainier. You should go to south africa. You will love south africa. Why are there due to a comedy festival there? Now? Yes, you do. You should totally go to phuket. You should totally go to south africa. Now you'd you would. It is one of the people are making. No, no, no, no, no. No it's one of the close experience. I've ever had mind airline south africa. Europe don't went out for a month, you to call me. What about stained with honour resort south keeps on coming festival of iron and of ok it's amazing you'd love it it's one of the coolest experiences they didn't try to kidnap. You know I had a blast, you get you get these bodyguards that are like x, cops or current cops and they take care of you. They don't let you go into dangerous place. If you don't, I mean they can take you in there. I think one night we went in had a pretty cool time, but you don't go to like the shantytowns and I dunno. If what I just said is racist.
Buddy I'm not a living longer and I think it means like the that towns words the tin, roofs and tin siding and what don't? What are you apologizing for it? Ain't like they listen to you saturday. I I said pike, you one time someone's like dude. That's like saying the n word and I was like Heikki yeah. Are you know what that means is that irish traveller? Thank the irish gypsies, little jerseys a term gives you can't say gypsy gypsies. Gipsy gives race, patient no no they're not deem it now is selling a bunch of racists. It not bank. If notes on an occupied, Gently and its rays, it's a race of travellers. Yo gives, like they sailed a fucking jury and shit right in the colorful skirts there. Raised by the way I'm doing a gas. Leah sell the jewelry right as their occupants.
What I do is price rises. Verse you, you, John, is now to be right behind the catapez girt raised, but our romanian gipsies, there's irish gypsies, yucas gypsy guess mafiosi, ask- is telling us uk nowadays, roar gypsies, nay, group, may grow. Gipsy is an ethnic group of wet I feel very sad june. I love you, you all fucking, if there's races, allow more correct deal. Is that raisins will know that I'll use the cell grant. This is what it's like to be a white man. These days, you've got to always watch your back. You can't ever say anything that you gotta be sensitive to someone come come on. We have only got one black, listen, there's a you! Do a power cares
back home I'm giving you the leeway to tell you is that raises you get to your pays but as well, you can see. I got gypped No, they forgot wars sale, but you never know or what is by telling me about what's wrong with yet because that is Jim, given the liberties cause they stealing. My desktop you held spell Magee happy. Why pay g g so what the fuck Many of you had a baby. You know your baby nigger rake who rises ever you like tat name, is a fucking free country. maybe up by the name of work impasse nick writ and no black people could really afford.
Think about me, but all you nick aurettes? I try to be brief. Aggressive you wrong. You rob a nine year, baby nicorette! That's the only way to know if I named my child that I think you know raise your child you loved my my nephew gets out other less, but my nephew ended up. Dissolve is low Naturally, without a doubt, love- and we said there was no black people there but of an in five years, though, as though he was saying is he was telling us what he's learned. So he was like neg. A neg roles are black, so I say, who'd have told you: negroes are black who's like
cause, they mig rosenblatt and I say, enter woodhill. Your white teacher, told you negroes or blay and he's like nick rows are black, so his mom say until he sent his colors in spanish. He scared the shit out. I mean cause. I the teacher tell him later. I was back so I said baby nick rosa play, but your white teacher can't teach you dare shit at home that I was trying to say negro. So we go to his graduation we'd. Only black family him is the graduate. So why kids, who they get to negro and they are they all hollow neck. Rolls are black on why people just turned pink. I was like this fuckin a larry's. They kid is they may. a blow, I laughed so hard. We when we took we went to ilo. I love when the ants here's. My stories are
their makes sense or or can be, verified georgia and our first christmas at school. They had. christmas sing along data holiday. I want to call the holiday when all the kids,
add up all the recital, and so now now. Obviously this is you know two thousand and thirteen or twelve at the time, and you gotta be a little progressive. So you can't just sing songs about santa. You guys sing songs about everything, so they're saying that twelve nights of christmas, you know on the first, neither christmas. My true love gave to me. You remember this and they said instead of using that song, they wanted to mash it up, so they used instead of giving like a jewelry to me, a partridge in a pear tree, they mixed it up with jewish items. It was the eight days and eight nights of hanukkah so that so they did on the first night of of of hanukkah. My true love gave to me a black.
Why cookie and they just you shit out of a deli, a bowl of matzah soup, yeah warren bag, I'll go top of the cream cheese, bagels razzies route, five rubens melting yeah The two big alluded lapping will everybody else level was because those like the reasons you just don't do it. We are moving items on men, you do the ruin of out of this model, die pepsi. What did you do
I do laugh. Laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh at the most inappropriate shit at our at our kids' school, but like what was the thing we laughed at the other day, it was vaudeville. Has it that the kids put on in second grade they do a big vaudeville show and so they're singing and dancing and tricks, kids and their seven. You know the kids are seven years old. There was this one kid. This kid is beautiful if you remember, do you remember the movie, the princess bride, do you ever see that god damn I wish? I could show you with this god, no, no! No oh, no! No! No who's, though he's justice. He is just precious for his hardcore and he looks like a grown man. So he's got a body of a grown man and knows a white kid, but he takes all of it so intensely. So he got so into this presentation that leanne and I cannot stop laughing and he had this hat on
and every time he go to sing the hat. He had a nod. I was this ion. Yes, we have no banana because we have no bananas today so that the whole house without covers day we will have been so fucking hard that no one else could figure out. We were laughing, but we just love this kid every time you does anything. I just fuckin watches kid and I was going to give up a child to be that child. And I just wanna, be hiding out like the slick back here, they come over see why to school like on regular days, whereas, like a white button down shirt tucked into his little pleaded pants and his little black reluctantly, yeah, he yeah. I think he would like to be yeah he's adorable the only thing cuter than like that, like I love when you see like like a young black kid whose dad dressed him, but he kind of, looks like a pimp a little bit all of them look like real yeah, because you generally pinch
You must have their pale. So bub boyfriend was appeal. So I couldn't get into paper, because my thing was sex is a lot of is like a job. Then you get there. Some do what you do. ecstasy. Did you really don't do us all their normal? Take off making click him at the give you the money in a you, give me your president. Will you should help me look at what you do to find. Presumably gimme the notice. You told her the right person, you guys, Do I never could get into line. Must this was a poor example hesitant and you can get into it? I'm not gonna, sell my policy and give you no money. I totally gone into it If so, how do you know just if someone was I bert? We need you to fuck. This chick July ended up how much money to give you
I'll, give you thirty brazil zero a year. Of course you may woman. You gotta do out over your words. Are you and me is like being married? You have the cost I think about. Oh, I gotta do this shit to keep the marriage going to you know, thank god. we got the leaders and the only wanted every man. If there's one thing, if there's one thing that you seen in like in like white america, that you wish to put a gun to taken part of like to go and take the gun to take part in like in your childhood in your daughter? Suddenly you see wipe it will do I can't I would love to do that, but like like I'll jack, you know our jackson objects, yeah, yeah, of course, and Al Jackson said that were, I think we talked about this, but then, when he was growing up, there were like five acceptable activities for black. We ought to do. He couldn't go like you always wanted to go like kayaking for, like does not some. The brothers do
We don't do that. Yeah he's like er or pr or he's like he was saying to me, jumping out of a plane for me. You'd want to do that. I just always It was interested in what now what was the president bush to daddy? Did it as like his old fucking ass can do it. I know I could do it really. That's something that I think I wanted it, because my husband's in the military and he was like he was scared, the first time or what has really fallen like. I always made sure my kids get an opportunity to do. Other stuff, like my niece, was went white water rafting inch. I was scared because you know we just don't with boats and water, but she was like, let's see that's the most funniest thing I ever did in my life route, and I was so happy because she got an opportunity to do like. When, when I was not use, these are take the inner city keys and would take them to camp. Why? add in the wars and all your instructor will be white people and I learned how to shoot a bow and arrow there and I fucking loved it and that's how I learned how to canoe. Wasn't that south mountain know it was. You know where
This is crazy because my riverdale debts, what account back in the day when it was all, would yet was all wars and stuff like that. The kettle was in fact veal, georgia, where we have enough. I thought I was out of jail yeah when I got mine and bought a house in that area is put in place a little millionaires. What am I can't work? I could not believe it, because when we get there it was all why peep enable like just as much as you want you don't do it in a black hustle you each of working people, and you comply a a be seconds. You might get seconds or you might not. So you better eat slow, chew a lot, so you can get fucking four. So when I get to this camp they got food everywhere and you get three times a day and I lost my fucking mind. I couldn't believe they fed me that much I felt engaged so much No, you not from georgia now get to see people from Georgia did. You must really be of color soap
Will it be? I love that I'm so glad you forgive me for really be. His was an ape that was an ape in atlanta and he was the fucking talk of the town. We spent all this money for willoughby and willoughby jr it. I think we had three because eight, so you go to the zoo, and you see this eight he was the latter. You couldn't. It was like the vastly to allow you you to see. Will it being you had to go to diversity? So so you go our city. Varsity. Have our sea is now by georgia. Tech, you gotta know. Restaurant is never like a river by eleven drive. It I've never been their advice they now so story short. I oh, please don't I just learned about this story and nobody's know what I'm talking about. So will it be? Is the fucking targeted sales, so every kid get to go, see will so we got to the zoo a as you know,
we'll be in its biggest cage ahead, a low rate read out because he had a more control call a tv. Does he in love, sanity? Hardway? Yes, we'll talk the tv, and I remember because I was so poor, our walk back. Eight enough, fuck ahead and altogether hurrah focused, Your payers, you gotcha, will be your own tv, but what really got me leah, as he hey you remember. He had a la NI said we stacked with banana. Also how the fuck did you get fruit in the middle of the month, yeah tell us to come later. He had with Natalie only gavin arizona, the first of the month we got our booze. There are a number of fucking fruit, but who the fuck is your pair. How did you get fruit is the middle of the month. I remember had my face on occasion as I wish he was
rob right, is the leaders of fucking aimed at its word. the mom would be my model because he had his own room. His own tv had a fucking table full of banana and put it down as a favor for amateurs july. More pictures, as I have as a kid yeah I wanted to be, I just wanted to limit a fucking zoo, so I could open natural gas from the point of view of the mind. You don't give a shit now because we could do. I wanted to be some kid willoughby saw back I'll, never forget tat. I was like how the fuck it could rose to my man who bout him bananas. In the middle of the blah, no good fruit in a mirror to my inner, oh god, I just wasn't, can you please
please tell your mom to come. Get me. I want to run away and live with this fucking. I I will it be god. Damn I never heard about, will it be? Will it pay? Was a fucking celebrity? He was. He was was this big? Is Michael Jackson, then allow rulers there was this the eighty thousand bomb out or a new arrives. I mean I've ever seen, willoughby when I was like six seven years, all which would be seventy six. Seventy seven thousand boy, you sort of aid is used is he died and we got his son cause they named an app that a mail it was a mayor? Was named, will it be something so that when they bought their first willoughby a name to me, he was a star?
everybody here goes in, I wanted to go, see will be for year. I could not believe that fucking ape had fucking, but now I am a teacher lot more pictures, as I know he got, but now how did he get? But narratives what the fuck Israel doesn't have that, but that I think I put it yeah. My teacher literally picked me up and walk me. I was like I fucking put now to wait till the first of the month to get banana yeah. I remember earlier telling me that the the the mask out of the brave whose chief knocker homer yeah they horizon idea racially sensitive. Yes, says What I was some sneaky arises. We people wanted. He you remember that Just hope. I don't remember the the restaurant sam. I do remember. Restaurant cause them both SAM bose was sambo, was all or was a cat it. It's like all here, I'll show you a picture.
his old blackface, oh yeah, yeah yeah. I do remember that I remember going to san bows up, like like, say a mid eighties. Almost in black few problems in the kitchen or the food was fucking amazing, sam bows, yeah yeah, so that this was who I was really is racially insensitive. They tried to change it to an indian guy so like it was a was a black kid and a and a tiger, and they tried to change you to indian guy to make it work, but it didn't work, let's see if they have the original samples up here. This was the original sam bose was like straight up. Blackface they try to switch over to an indian guy, flew, and so that's was fascinated me, those and if we are to talk but equally raises, because you hope in people don't catch it anymore. You know some people doing some people now it's it's that we want to
to return to the girls to arm to yosemite, and we started this cheese place. on the way there remember and, and I went into the bathroom and they had old blackface advertisement all over the bathroom. That was what they covered it with and I went I was like I was bone wax. I was like holy shit. You can't have this like. This is like bar stop say: will people can have you can have a fuck, you wanna know, but you can have that an establishment who uk bar? Why I dunno. What do you get that from I mean you, you could have what? If is yours and you bought it? This is america no, but I'm saying that someone will shut that down. No. Nobody can tell them about it and that they have a pitcher near establishment. If you don't want to shop there, then you don't shop there. What was this was just someone just brought this up in a huge court case and what was the fuck? Is it donald sterling know? It was I just heard on Opie and anthony, and they were talking about it.
great on Opie and anthony. I love open air, but they won't give me a chance. They will maybe yeah it to me. It's just like. I used to think that at times I'd be like oh they're not going to have me on, you looked at who they had all the time the like they have. Yeah. Well, you know allow Jesse jackson in are not just sets a bad example, but they have like why they don't have they don't have jesse jackson on that show, and I don't think Jesse Jackson's ever going to do opie and anthony he might know. I doubt it was shit. Obama did fox no, no, no be like, but able to publicans nah nah nah, but I don't think they are not only thing is brand friendly, I'd say, but for jesse jackson and to adobe anatomy and promise you, but what they like? Those who have big le celebrities. We go over fuck, that's the guy, fealty n and whiskey. and you like one, no wonder I'm not on that day, because they have to fucking guys at her that I won't hear them speak to sober they'd. Have you on that
I repeat here, because I really need to replace patrice o neill, I'm quite sure, I'm bilges like him sure you odin love, you had better use to me. I hope, if I told you, I thought you did yeah. I was as open and negative scared. He scared the shit out of the feature, but I had already here my blackface. So it's like you, don't even try, but he was so fucking sweet he's a. He was a great. I was waiting to have to try to tell me down, and I was going to fight back yeah yeah. I was gonna fight If you're, not gonna, say any fucking thing to me I'll go for who you are I'll, go work at the office shut, the fuck up, yeah, yeah people, get mad at me, cause I used to put onto us there's only three people in the world that I want to meet and I'm being honest, is not. Obama is not Oprah. I want to me ice cube, Michael Vick
whitney houston all airballs. I want to fuck what you want to meet mckelvie cause abena, Michael Vick, favre, L and I fucking love ice cube and whitney Houston. I always love with the houston. So when people like you and want to meet obama, what the fuck I want to meet obama for, if I haven't I bump into obama is ok, but I'm not going to go out of my way and go to the white house know. I know that's not what I want right and a lot of people I gotta say: oh usual nuclear pervert black president, a fucking! I don't want to be a sharpener. He marched in fucking. He march in fucking church shoes that fucking hard to do. When I'm immersed the church shoes dresses, who's your with with with with martin luther king yeah, you try to put David, I never even realize they weren't sneakers. Now, was I address the compliment. I will be our pavement, we're wait when one was what you time of the year do that they had to do it like I was a boy,
but there was doin. It also gives out. It was dressed up hastily four year. Nobody would they do the mill when the The march on Washington put tony would, by the way some of my histories, our little fucked up. Twenty woods told me, and maybe we're put we probably drunk when he told me he's like you know why there were so many black people in washington. I said no and he's exited the million man march. Oh yeah, and I did the million man march two washing to what they do is they started like montgomery, alabama and sore walk in and they are now was their kind words million, no, no, no, no, no, that's the one. John washington is different, but if that's what I'm at them, wash yeah, so when they did a marginal washington, they started montgomery. This walk in this path or taken it. So what would happen was churches would come in and they all and it was in by the time they marched to washington. They had fucking gang people. Rolling washington yeah. It's admitted that the mars is tony was told me by the way- and I don't remember if I was sober. So I don't know if this accurate and then he said it was time to march back and everyone's like. Well we're not going to go out of
a march back we're just going to go home and some people were like I'm not walking back through the south by myself, fuck it I'm staying at washington, and that's why I said: there's so many black people in washington. You mean that live there yeah. I wonder if that's accurate, I should probably call tony and see if that's accurate, I dunno- I might be unaware of that store, but I know fair can get a million millionaire march. A million man million me as showed up in nice boss bit. I like for peace to be better hers. We better father mother. What makes it did saying she they was already doing for a good day s up. There did you you're gonna, meet hollywood, adult onwards, yeah yeah. What if he's awake Every comic is away. We is fortunately, Anastasia. What time is it What are you duly midnight hour? Shirt was there fire, your hair, raising its nobody saw you work for him. You marry
if you do a lot of shitty, does she's only reason this fuckin that has to have a career I'd, be fucked, I'm a mess, I find it her of her show up to anything, I'd, never fuckin book, anything I'd! Never I'd, never make flights you sent me out, the yeah. the area? Yo Yoshida daisy, when sleeping huh, that's what I do and I make sure everything gets paid and everybody gets paid, and you know I read all his contracts cause that that's not how he is. I know don't work like that is most heavily every merit for over ten years ten years, while the other thing is you maybe you know, wrote this, be it rightly, and since you marital my eggs, you so I say I was telling my girlfriend me my free who wants to give mariners like don't do like most people do gladys been? Are you fuck him? the owner wid, but
to me a witness, though folk over radie. All it is a fuck indiana to invite people to talk about you to bring you cheap as gills take your two and three hundred dollar invitation and use it for fucking trash pay to sweet trash about yeah, and they show up at your wedding with cheap as gifts and talk about you and complain about. Black and blue, and I was so I'm not as you like that. It's all right, I was like don't as my girlfriend spit fifteen thousand dollars on her with a thousand dollar ring outside will bid Will you wait when you go broke? You can't take that went to the pawn shop right, but you can take that ring to the pawn shop and pay one month's rent. You know what I'm saying so, I'm out no, why women's wants to go want them. You already have sex with him, and I met this special about this situation, when I got married, I got married are causing you want to redevelop fuck now here,
An appeals out is to shut up based on the jigs that yeah don't jinx it. You know I stay away my other girlfriend, my my best friend he got married. They spent sixty thousand dollars she, this bitch wrote in on a horse, leaning the progress of our two horses implant, women don't meet because you have made the boughs we're in we you fucking blow when we that shit goes then get out the horse. Looking like don king and his beard and I'm like why the fuck did you get off the ride in on his horse you look like the now I like jam, looks I'm serious, It pays sixty thousand modest of chicken and are you got you got black people are used to install chicken and you
blindly, but it ain't used to just one fried chicken rice, always that an ep. What the fuck is, this pakistan, this chicken yeah I was at, I was at a remodel and one time like in Sacramento also now you're, all this fucking clamored and I'm in it's like a it's a little bit of a beat up hotels during the last unlimited you've done it last unlimited the club up there. So I go out and there's a l. in the fucking courtyard and there's a woman on the elephant is indian wedding, the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. They got to write an elephant, so they have to flock and find an elephant. and then they bring the elephant and then, after have ride into meat, the groom on an elephant any I gotta do all of that on elsewhere too? Do you really don't the arranged marriage. it'd be riding on a staggering elevate eddie. You have me to do I put on you. Don't they bought worsen blight when they are put into a thousand pieces, look little pieces during the shape
I'm not going to what I do. We have six. Why do we? Are we consummated mares, where we guy we ve, been able to exile, we open to them tat, It's excellent! I need tickets as work. Isn't that true, I don't get out. I had a room. We first got my I gain weight that took to cheat on it, really matter that will emerge as long as you will be aware that I wire you know you're gonna, do I got my friend got? Oh, do you know what gives me as we you fuckin sit there renew your vows? This is not a lease on a car bitch. Why you re, no one! You either ended all. U k pay. What, no one in four. He I dont get no yoga in. Needless, you thought you were not tells us toby shit. I want my walk on a beach and renew her marriage at the point about you. Do you know
it's why he left for his girlfriend. I was like I thought you would notice. Yeah evidently He didn't give were renews your vows made me that's what he's young girl vrie? Where are you renewed your fucking bad, because he guy imo yoga body. She got gypped. Oh, I, I say that yeah. Alright, we should probably read this broadcast up. It's midnight lands gotta get up with children in the morning when you fly home tomorrow, yeah I'm going to the airport. Oh, so did you ever get to about in l a I did have a good trip. I had a really good yeah. I just did the hours through me off in ours I ve been running all over the city, I'm literally beaten, I'm so glad you did Joe is part of our way to listen to it. It was fun. It was fun. I liked him. He was fucking real
very real, but yea was when we got the same similar background. He use jaws were never use. Drugs alarm, he sold, wrote. You know, sort whitney houston. No, we didn't hear me. Oh there's so much about joey, Joey, so drugs to any use the one time lass or culture. In don't hand, and I met whitney houston. You do yeah I'll, give you a copy of my book. I wrote I wrote in my book, he was lovely, she was absolutely lovely. He was beautiful inside and out. She was lovely and that's what I used. That's what I hate about people like when people get on drugs, though I or whatever your story, is alive. People want to talk about your daddy, but when you feel better as we all have the same people, you might not be snoring call, but you knew my stick. Dangerous q I was up, he always every night. They could kill you too. So what makes you bet it in these parts like, I guess I was almost have sunk recumbent now ass, fucking, eight too much, and I say so. We both got bad habits.
There's something there's a flaw in all of us whitney houston. When georgia broke him, our oldest broke all the teeth out of URD jaw. Ga my oldest is named georgia. She broke the teeth or teeth or she broke her jaw so a day or the hard way to take her to the merge. See Dennis I get the legged six the morning me to go there oral or a surgeon. Thank you leanne! So we go, we go.
and we put her under it's a real fucking mess. I mean it's dangerous and we're crying. It's been traumatic, we're crying in the waiting room and unbeknown to us. There's a black chick in there trying to calm us down like look at us and make us relax, but I'm from crying so hard that I can't even fucking focus so we go, they say. George is fine. We pick up. George, I'm really short in the story is in the book. I'm gonna give you a copy of my book and then we get to the back and there's like a recovery area like a recliner yeah and so the answer to ga ga ga ga's on her mouth and then the curtain opens and it's the black chick from the waiting room, whitney houston I never gone holy shit and see was so sweet, but not your next to me and was but you you're right air and she said you good mamma. You are real good mama, she's gonna be fine, knows that you are right when you say voters to the world the same as that, whatever
I could have thought about whitney houston, whatever you might have heard about in the news or whatever you saw on a reality, show first, he said amigos, it's tough being a daddy, isn't it and I was like yeah it's it's the it's the bonding The bonding thing that brings everyone together is your fuckin. Raising kid sucks, dec there's a lot of own abilities. I didn't sign up for the sheet and sign up or that you didn't sign up for the land in singapore, Then we all share those vulnerabilities and I love- and I want to offer our kids to achieve and do better than we did in an attack them and to protect their rights. Your wife will cry so easily over turkey's like ice, a baby. They believe, a nice babies. They like you that forward my fuckin resume, I got me a job keeping him keys. and the white.
Fucking war, but this bread is so divert vomit, not naturally, and bono hours are fucking, weird and crawl. We're in the grocery store me and a mom, and the baby was just fucking of the time. Our personal shit set the fuck down for slapped the shit out of you to turn pink, but I can't say that, because I need a paycheck, so little girl and, as I sit down, babysit am trying to be the good nana nodded off for a cup of obama. Wasn't there it falls out of the buggy, the mama flips that one and I'm like ma'am. Oh my fucking, nice guy, hit by a car They had to beat her ass because it was her fault. Fuck is wrong with you. You know what I'm saying to myself. So weird emerges: aluminum cover both fill out. The bug I'm sitting like you, fucking idiot, if you have medicare, you will never be in this fucking emergency room it all black mamas, really care crowd was up happens. Do today, gate they have to be shot.
it s? Computers are the resilience to block jura. The wager don't have your keys. Git fuckin nocturnal ran a foul to get the fuck up, I'm not going to the hospital like you're. My mama was be telling me mamma. Was that don't fuck you run across their local, I'm not goin to the hospital cause. I'm watching young and restless today and we do not break she. You care about you. It was striped up, go wash it off often get the fuck becca though they you know last kind. How is raised to in rural south yeah If you raised with the kids, not a o upgrade get the fuck out of my face by watching the hospital for love or money It's like that. Lance theories you've got to eat a pound of dirt before you die, so like she's, not afraid of anything, I'm an obsessive compulsive. Like one time I was, I was cutting chicken and I was cutting in half and I cut the chicken neck out and I threw it in the garbage and I turn around and islas got the chicken neck
as the baby and she's deep throat and it just all yeah? Oh my god, she's getting salmonella. They go to the hospital because it has no. But I fucking stayed up all night. I drink myself to sleep. I got bit by a bat and goes to rica. I call the atom like I'm going to die, I'm going to die of rabies. I have rabies. Why erotic under article bad, I'm real bad, like I don't let the girls like whenever they eat, I'm always it's going in the rooms I want them to choke. god like that. I'm not! those aren't you gonna Madame grow if data part to end the chest and a bet whatever easy for people I gotta get one good children. I like. How do you not a not wanna be child did away when they grow.
I know my league is about broad climbing trees and the fuck you doing yeah. I was like you've, never climbed a tree. You can't require never climbed You do. I climbed a redwood forest. now, but before we were girls. I never planetary, tell go a day without clamour we do what you want and who planned morgan, jury and if he wasn't fat use saddle down the bid me up their nose limbs and now the funniest shit ever another sooner or later this year, squirrel at one. That's what I like about squirrels and white commute the squirrels and why community will come up to you like while living need action, fuckin, hey those girls in the who, I think they taught pills they don't forget to a you know what the fuck embark on you to get the fuck away from me.
Girls in a hood mean as far as what I told my dad was like they fucking eat at hey the squirrels, a who have pocket ny too. well, eat at your hand. I know you athol a squirrel, a swear to god. I was walking through d c and I was like go and do like the the more been there but neighbourhood, and I saw where to god I thought: a squirrel spit alma But he didn't, I swear to god. I've got a problem like when he was up in june with gratitude on you squirrels in a hood against one of mine. When I moved to my neighborhood in indianapolis, IL all white later she entered the park everyday, just feeding score as soon as I put it a year, they'll walk up and just ticket archery. As I
I fuck the squirrels come from. This grow, the new one I'll know you a fucking inada. You have get the fuck away from me. Yeah I get my own food. I gotta tell you these four, we club, so we are we as girls and ourselves right and this girl had his whole fucking. They must feel so you just hear him ripping run and I guess I was assuming this day was made. Because it was so fuckin many a damn fry, the squirrel will get drunk and he will beat the living shit out of his girlfriend. That's all you hear with the girls grow and they will be chased after he, woman is betrayed by one Andy you he'll fuckin and, as she does be making nor light he put me down so one day they will already. Or just thought he was a dog in or out so I will come home as I wake the fuck up. He was. I was one of the top scorers of their fucking. You want to do what
Do you take your ass up there with them? I gotta go to work anymore yeah, as will Adams grow was crazy and my room eyes and listen to them has sex are the folks who have sex all the time. Are we paying a bill and we don't know I can never get the. I will have to try to get out of the guilt through. I'm so glad I met you I'll. Let you people just sit and talk to like joey. I can do this We can do this. A joe bryant like there's a there's, a group of guys, my body being no tasker now, but I ve been tagging? Is she had at times a growing I gotta get tied together, tat made it do is parking lot on. No one terms, a girl is worth one timing. Push are literally artisanal life. Isn't christie of jets gear that I got to best friends, probably in the end we view.
God, you guys I'm dying to get you guys together I'll make it happen. They've been just tweeting back and forth, and I'm like oh here we go again. That's how I met him. Did he tell you know the fans put us together? Those are my I've never heard of him. The most amazing thing about about, or is it her fan base? Is all why dues real. I always do just fine, her fascinating. They fly very real. I think it's a lot of like I think I gotta be honest with you. I think you connect with a lot of the things that you see me do where I go. Hey guys, you can't say gypsy anymore, because I think that's why eyes were the first, where the canary in mind when it comes to political correctness and speech, in the workplace and around people, and I think it's its roof, its refreshing, to hear someone honestly not give a fuck and not care what like not care, what they say.
Because you go in a weird way: you're like like you're, not I don't I don't. I would. I don't think anyone's ever mistaken, one out of a word, you've ever said for hatred at all. It's just is, this is life. This is where I come from. This is who I am and and and you and you you've, you you're very real about it, and I think it's it's one of the things you don't know. What's dear me, a white guy of privilege speak about race. What's my perspective, what do I? What? What have I experience other than being white? Oh guys, sunburn, sucks, but like like you, you come when you talk about it. It's really fucking fun to reason with Joey Joe he's got a pass whatever Joe he talks about it's real. onest one of my favorite things. These ideas ever said ever and he didn't even nobody said. I don't think he ever knew that it was so brilliant. I pointed out when, like twice We are sitting here, any reside,
it's all about what with prison like and his dog. If you think black people allowed movie theatres use, you gonna and yeah. We are allowed a movie theater. That is all fun and no longer go they'll ever go to a black. The oh, our galaxy. With these thoughts are released the de moment, the the member taliban. sorry about imagine thea. You're gonna be for these rich guy. This girl is a may and his reach girl, his girlfriend egotism, business, not appreciative so he's in updating to make. taking our own troops from around the world make a long story short at the end of this movie. He decided to pick the girl, who was the mai and he said, meet me in africa and arabs. Take the ticket girl take the ticket girl,
fucked up the whole move because they talked all night long. Family peace pierced through been met a dull for you to shut the fuck up. You know so I tunnel essay, I dish we are making here, can afford a signal as to africa, Hold the anal just burst out laughing. All Marquise lula were like what you lonely, bitches beckett, this shit. I really like it here. They pay is hanging bank taking you to the figured take the girl. In addition, I rail, why do we? Why do bergmann target movie theater? Still? No, not yours, who does it?
cause, I'm telling you I'm black. They still say that I can say that this is it? Is it like a is it? I have no idea why we talked like it. Don't go with my brother, my brother's, a dirty motherfucker he'll go see the move before you then he'll. Take you hey Dave are hereby, have the right hereby shut the fuck up hate? Do not let you do that all day, long! That's what we do it's hard to the whole he's one of my may joke about that. There had to be true lie here: raw motherfucker, where we get really into We. We automatically know that the black person is going to die and why people are going to do some stupid to that. So we wait. No! You too, are we now here we want to save. You is tat then it in our hair to shoot come right. You're still pay. I did so. Why proclaim part blade participation shit like
it was like asking me we in a theater you, dumb on the oh, by the way, if that's not the greatest podcast, it's not out there. What, if I just bring in like ten black dudes from the hood into the man cave and I play a movie and I go guys- I want you to always ate ada. You know it do. You know them know they're, going to d d v, o it's about a year, but I want you to like you, don't miss your history. Science is not easy to doubt. Do you know where you gotta go? You gotta start thinking outside the box, I'm not a big! welcome to the man cave the oh, by the way I like this, don't know who did allow me as a missed pair with you duties, and then, if I say no, then you don't do it. That's what I'm going to do? I want to do, is do you remember mystery science, three thousand mystery science. Three thousand was in. It was what it was a robot and a dude commenting on the dark, but really like nerdy but
ro, I would run out to sea honesty. I wanna see movies on all this. really fucking good idea. I wanna see movies on ethics, but instead of like Dave homes and the girl commenting in between interesting footnote about X, men, the original draft or Brian singer a barrel. As you know, my funny is. I want to see it with just one: egg love people with black people now regular people, but black people shouting to entire fuck a movie and like so like you take a camera in the magic johnson cinemas. You show that movie, but all you can see is the shadows of black people sitting in the theater and end the theatres, my see here, mother, fucker, oh yeah, that's my boy in eighty years. I'd pay to watch that now I'll. Do that too? I don't know why. I can't watch scary. She is an avid eagle,
all of this. I wish I had said this on a par cast. A may have to fucking edit this out. That's really fucking great idea. That is a really bad idea and I was really great idea. We're gonna be executive bruce it. You help me come over the idea, we're gonna fuckin. Make that happen. Will you all my god. it, is very late or would forgive fallen. I find telling like weaken or what is like is hands. I shall read it out now. Our lot, that's brandon, everybody marty sending it into my manager and agent- don't steal it I want I dunno it won't have to. Thank you thank you for having me thank you for thank you for the thank you. Thank you. I hope I didn't curse too much. don't play like a gazelle mayor out of him The think I curs I haven't seen her gets oaks
What about willie b? And I haven't seen or been that you from georgia? Somebody know what the hell I'm talking about. I wanted to do that as a bit, but I don't think our georgia? People on the road will ye georgia, it would kill and it will in georgia, but I don't want to write jobs for georgia, tell maybe I could just tell it as a story. Somehow till I store, even though you, because you really was, will it be the mayor was ape knows, was them the news, the mare was he black or white? He was why I just wondered. Was it really be? That's why I don't remember, I don't know. I think he was a good joke if it's a really good joke. If the mayor was black, the racism that they named the ape after the mayor. Well, he was white. Well, I dunno the white man will find heirloom use the willoughby too.
I'm so glad I got to tell this and I share it with your podcast. It was a good story. I love will be. I wanted to. Oh, I'm not lying yeah. There's really be. I doubt you will be I want to die, we sat there must see today we leah air, the cities should dale the four willie. now. Gaudy was white, always old school. Why racist like that, william bury her name is a name. The airport after. Why? I don't even know you didn't I must say william, be very hartsfield- is a racist, but he's got that old school racist, look with the glasses and like and like he walks into the room and you're just like oh this is. But we were busy mayor nineteen. Sixteen nineteen
thirty! Seven to forty one. Why did I name him after whom they must have done? Some good died, nineteen, eighty, that's one! Well, that's alright! Let's, let's be really honest, he was mayor from thirty seven to forty one probably chances were. He had some probably unacceptable views in today's society. We're going to ballpark that during the depression case he was the no no. No, that was no depression. Thirty, nine, twenty nine, the mare for a little while, when necessary, the apple, and would you not they are going to be. Crazy willie, be the ape, has a longer wikipedia then will be the maker We love will be away down. We shit is seated day. Why people that their crime, they about everybody, was
yeah, I apologize for saying that. Will be really be, the white guy was not was somewhat races, he was not. He was actually one of the first proponents of civil rights struggles in the fifty s. What I say I must have done something really good yeah. He must that's why they came to aicpa cause he's like I'm going to give black people a nape. now those innocent. They want. They literally melted away miller. We middle remark. The council for this slogan, the city too busy for hate. and he will never heard this love me either. He was also an activist permit, an athletic children, experts, family, hidden fancies activists to permit other putting its children the place
strictly waikiki. There was. Why can you wouldn't know I love you you know you ve got a practice, which is why key larger, although that is by the way about the troll on it, is due to a pivot way, with a strong activists. Permit, some of the previous one say: did you can cut any key? Vomiting yeah it should all its permanent other. I don't know, I just want to see the upkeep. The one public service deals when he did resettled. The stage was about to unravel
my goal is for each of them to be either a shirt or a skin. Oh Barry! Oh I'm glad you googled him, I'm really glad I googled it yeah! Okay pop quiz, who was the first black mayor in Atlanta jackson. Eggs and manage eggs? Really mayor maynard jack? There we got one, they got one now. Yeah, that was the only part I hadn't lived there since ninety you've been here that long, I moved I moved to new york in ninety three manual jack, so he died on a plane. He got off a plane into fitness, really had a heart attack maynard what a great fucking name maynard maynard.
Jackson was a good looking dude. Do you know you remember manage acts, wasn't wasn't. I am. Was there the other black do? Who was our head? Why white cheat cheated on his wife and- foreign or re hidden. He would aha, he issue. that was black maynard jackson. Yeah needs, though yeah he's all bomb he's got good here. Yeah they're. They get good hair when you make some reaches die here, but whose guy to day it as I do. I think it is a major long time. Let me I think he's only to him in a war we yet now land andrew Yang was one, was young, yeah yeah forgot all about
and young. He was after jackson. While this is a line, is a really interesting place. I wish history. Gentle would do in elected at the half hills and of course I wish he'd do. Cities, like you know like do like a big extensive, like I like drama, like you know where you meet the characters, but you don't really know who they are, but then you see them rise to power and do like a mini series. Many series on a city and just like I want to know We know about georgia or ill. I mean that maybe a stay you do estate, but want to know about like who started georgia. The scots apparently started georgia, the scottish people gnats, someone told me, that's where you got the term redneck. Was scottish people rang right, red scarves round their necks, the sun Burton and that's what I always thought, someone told me John bell told me, because if row they were red,
I see why people around our worries cause the next me rate or we gotta stop talking. I'm going to boot stay up all night. I could talk to you forever and tell me next time, you're in l a I will and then we'll just this again maybe will get joey over we'll have a few drinks you drink, you don't drink. Do now smoked weed Joe Joey asked me: do you smoke rifle? I say how old are you sixty? No, I don't smoke, he does. He doesn't know he was born in cuba. They lost his birth certificate, daddy yeah, his mom, didn't he would want his mom passed away about I'm speaking for joey, and I don't. I don't like doing that by like telling good joey stories, but sometimes my joey story may not be the accurate joey story, but when his mom passed away he was like thirteen and she when she died, He lost all the phone numbers to his family because she had them in her head. He lost all the phone numbers to his family, like he, you don't think when you're thirteen,
mom, passed away. You have no one who life to go hey. I should get my passport. I should get my my birth certificate. I should get some identification, he just left, and so he was like, like all his like all his real documents were gone and she took him from cuba. So he may not have him in the first place, so he was. He was already and amazed man his jute. How much you know about joey. I don't know anything He is one of the most fascinating fuckin human beings I was it kind of does he can ballpark it. I think I'll boat, like with that's like one of the things, Joe rubies itself, gus like? No one really knows how Joe is because he was just it's like so happened a lot with a with vietnamese kid, my age, because they got brought over in the vietnamese children droplet when they brought over kids and love and drop key. No, no. They brought him over and an airplane, but they brought him over an airplane. There's a crazy picture online of a bunch of bass and assets like every seat, the seven seven seven aura or like some forty, seven abraham.
For the because they were orphans and they brought him over for families from the vietnam war from the vietnam war refugees. My buddy pete curry, and his brother, MIKE curry, were both brought over from vietnam and they didn't know how old they were, because their birth certificates were like kind of like flip floppy. So like his brother was, I want to say, like two years older than the grady he should have been in. So he was amazing. A fucking baseball is ten times bigger than every kid he play with, but pete was younger than everyone in his grade cause they fucked up. His age, so he was smaller than everyone. So it's it's. I dunno by the way, but that's my fucking remembrance of the story, but instead it happened to me. He said my birthday is not April affairs. My birthday is not april. Second and April two fires, and he said he said he said he say, born in seventy two. Seventy so use light. They change your birth certificate, as I will hold for change the certificate
this is they want you to be born or April fool's day. it just gave me somebody from georgia. I was like what the fuck are you talking about, so he always said your birthday is April. First, I was there. I pull you out. Your mama vagina in the car as you fuck you deliver, so you don't know what they really delivered in a car, whereas we tell me what hours, while I've, never jimmie dale in a car of hours on a thursday would you will go? But now, starting now I didn't, I got pregnant. Car. What my first job allows my virginity in the graveyard classy Most people think they their? How dare you to stir today they fuckin sleeping,
probably means a napoleon show that if I was on the first day with you, I would never be able to try to make my first moves. I'd be like. Will you tell me another story, my husband hate these stories. So I appreciate you We do a lot away and she is all is war where he hastened to do again, general motors to It's gotta close his favorite store, and this is the only one he liked when we was loaded dad said, but we still in the food stamps. While we soda food stamps, we got back to the house, I'm making sure we have a plan. I think me and my grenada put a chair in the floor and he said who soda falls down on my hand, gala y'all, I told you that store no and nobody was going to tell because we all stole food stamps together. So he put here a beam in the ceiling like you have here, so he threw the rope around it. Put a chair up there put my cousin put a rope around his neck and pulled a chair, so I'm a key. I literally thought my cousin were hanging for two days. It fucking freaked me out.
Why does all of his selma hang every one of you black motherfuckers? So you come up with the food stamp and he said I must start from the youngest to the old and I'm saying nothing hold on what the fuck I'm the youngest I'm next plaza. Oh aunt stole food stamps I'm not gonna, be hong own of work in full literally harm the shit out of my cause. I won t he would take. The chair is, I think he was really good. Hang in the car We never die euro rebel lopez alpha, was so crazy, like a series out of arcata used to get drunk my uncle bunny and my uncle binary puppies, he sliced his little blade at a he was grabbed by the neck, a put a knife out through his shit. I cannot get them throw and everybody between now doing aka body delay arab satellite, noticed. Fucking child abuse grew what endlessly on our necks own assigned sack of gabon
was right angle, Bobby aka body he will give drop. Put a nice I'll. Throw in a bible is matter. Is matter inertia roma timely between the hang it on your body. As, like you motherfuckers crazy. You thought you have bebe having to go pick your own switch liam. That's all we had pecans, which we put my momma beat the shit out of us with drinking are looking at time and we had to get the switching you plant them and a momma was a dirty bitch, so she take them and she let the water I stick them up on it, a watercolor, so they stick together real good and she will beat that beast down to a pilsen one yo as really an issue create after she be J she'll. Take you a poor vaseline! Oh you, cocoa butter. Like she loves you, so you did issue tournament, Will you be the hell out of me? There's a girl grew up. Fucking love you! I love you too. Thank you.
mumbai. Thank you, anytime, anytime you're in L. A please that open invite, just hang out back, will have a conversation and we sure will think it's nice to meet. You too leads me to a yummy day to unplug, mainly june, twenty fourth and dayton funny bone. Laugh, the eight september seeks an uncommon is june, twenty fourth july. Twenty four I must say on their do twenty. Fourth, you are doing. I saw you for one night I really July. Twenty fourth affords us where you are less like an hour from The house, yeah yeah? I might write out a check. Yeah come out to guess it. I probably would come in and it'll be great I'd, love that The.
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