« Bertcast's podcast

Episode #73 - Barry Katz & ME

2014-05-09 | 🔗

Host of the podcast Industry Standard & my old manager, Barry Katz stops by the Mancave to talk with me about his podcast, Buddy Hacket at his wedding, his sage advice, & of course comedy.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The fantastic news- everybody, my literary masterpiece, life of the party. Would you have not read yet will now be available in audiobook form. The hobos are called z thought it was a great idea, so please else going so well. So if you haven't already, please go to burberry dot com and preorder. Your copy of life of the party preorders determine how well a book does overall, and if you tweet me a copy of your preorder, I will follow you. I will favourite you, I will do your podcast, I will buy you a beer, ask anyone in Edmonton or in pittsburgh, I'm still on tour nasa target national target, Tampa irvine philly des moines dayton phoenix. My show trip version every wednesday night on travel channel at nine pm, with a new episode. Today's guest, my old manager and host of the podcast, the industry standard, Barry Katz. This is the one that
unmistakable voice probably the most. I would say you have the most. imitated voice in the industry. it appears that way. There's there there's a disaster is a statement to a person when, when you see that person. If you can't help but tell the story, about them and do the imitation of them. Do you you're a good impression. I do about it. The best in the business, because I know you real yeah and so miami ones. Tell me one story that you tell somebody like in a yard somewhere. That involves me where you do my voice, it only works with comics and and because it's oh that, Sarah to I'm, I want you to hear this here. I'm I'm on his couch in the man cave and I'm leaning against something. I noticed this noise that keeps making like, I said, interrupting the podcast. I look over there's a zip,
bag with some old spice palm tree sunshine, whatever smell a clippers, sticky his generals groom, then an electric tooth brush with no top with oil be to pay amounts. What my friend, that's what I'm rubbing up against as I go, I my impression of you is is dead poorer than say, like an eel on Gould gold, young old right does com gould for gas among jewish, for this bobcat. So now you can't dont be buried in this cause. My impression is to it and I needed a participant. Ok, you be me all right, have you ever had never tried to do another dialect other than myself so felt now just do somebody that I think I am. This is what this is, why my presence a best, because so why can't you just do both characters? Ok, ok I'll, do both characters. So I'll be me- and this is very so very well-
so we wanted to get a papa. How are you doing this weekend as a good and yes, in a nod, your head and then what happens to me as I got pretty good, pretty good yeah yeah I mean I, I drank too much. Okay,. I was. I took a xanax to sleep one night and I drank on the xanax, and I probably shouldn't have done that all right. So what would do as you had your imbibed pressure to view entails, not speaking at all because year, your your mantra was too you could information out of me that I wouldn't tell a fucking soul, because you, because you wouldn't I back, and you knew I would talk. I don't even know if you did this purpose, but so it was I just would devote by the end I'm like, and I killed a hooker. Okay look or did get it. Did you get it all? Are you happy? haven't went the measure. It was the first thing you ever told me when when I first met you guys, the mare cave bury cats.
What an honor bury cats, the guy who say No handedly is the real. probably the reason I'm working today no questions asked I started. It is comedy club, the J Nash, who is on Your podcast industry standard by the way, which is an amazing, fucking podcast. I'm being dead, serious europe, sanely acutely wise, interviewer I'll, into Eric tannenbaum thanks? I listen to the guy that ran h, b, o, chris albert the kiss, albeit with amazing I did know his trajectories. Greer bears patent podcast if we talk to people, who are the decision makers in hollywood or the people that make it prince in hollywood and he talks about what is important hollywood? What is it is, if you're it at all interested in hollywood. Yet it you don't We need to recognise the name, because that is how they would works, the name
you dont know are the decision makers and you can listen from beginning to end and you learn so fucking much. It is amazing its! I thank you so much here. You know when I we'll talk about that thing. We want to talk about it. I want to talk about that to its what's amazing about- is the fact that when I started It- and I guess I can share this with you- I'm a man. Obviously I manage to you when you first start and end them. One things about managing some that so exciting is that there is a check list. Those are the person has as an when you're young artists, like you just gonna be irregular that respect and become. Reseller or or the boy
Worse than we are using how you don't see paths that in this business near you just why, if you did, you may not get into this distance yeah you you just want to be somebody use like maybe does a sat on a late night shows something about nature. That was a big goal of men, the majority by starting, so the goals aren't that group at the back is when your manager and eat you with your talent and their talent. You accomplish goals four burden. I one of them Most amazing things in one of the things on his list was that he wanted to have a deal. element deal for his own television show, which was one which was number one goal, but we often the distance but unbelievably. the way we work then we'll tell that story probably later. Is that literally like within a couple of months. After meeting him were in a car with, will smith driving
pitch meetings driving over beverly glen- and I remember you going so- this is the easiest way to get to the valley from beverly hills, and I was like I just want to know. I like I knew so little about anything that I was like wait, what we're going to beverly hills, yeah, and so We say about the pod cast as the fact that when you work with somebody with my talent than their talent and something happens, it's it's incredible but when you go home at the end of the day, you realize that you ve only been able to inspire and help one person, and so I want The start, the podcast badly a couple years ago. But then I thought to myself something that I tell artists not to worry about. Is. I was worried what people would think and sell idle I didn't do it and then I said fuck it. Going to deal. That's so funny, because your best and there's a there are
a bit very handsome and amazing traits one of them and I will apply and mention all of them throughout this podcast. One of them. Is your your advice to comics is an end. The some of the advice you given me and one she gave me is to ignore what people think I'm a breeze so? Clearly we added a showcase and bombed said to me and I was so freaked out. I called you and I was like barium so freaked out. Well these people, Thank you because you go Let me tell you something papa. I think I'll do. I think you're here
ellie overestimating how much people think of apples- and I point really goes, what have you been thinking about all day? I go meet because them too, through its true. You get those asked about what people think about you and you realize up thinking about me there thinking about them about me, that's right and so, and so I realized I was being stupid man I took my own leading the way so that we can manage, and so then I stopped I said, I'm gonna do this and I want to talk to the because no other manager was doing in no other producer was doing it. Now is so that says some like hey, there's, a reason why we are not doing it so then I thought well. I only want to do it if I could talk to these network president's and do the exact answer people who really hadn't done that many pod before and I realized when I made the commitment. I still had the call these people that's the worst and I have to ask them to do it end and the first person I call was dug herzog who's. The donors-
was the first pilot result, yet a fox with wilson that's run Doug her reserves in the room- and I remember I remember I remember he just reverb kelly was I got by it like going to believe it I think I ll go buy it now. he felt his especial man and now he's the chairman of the via com, entertainment group, which is the present comedy central tv land. Spite like seven that works. and then once he said. Yes, it's like anything else like when you are trying to do something. If you're trying to negotiate a deal. Let's say your deal with travel channel. You have another offer on the table. There's other people do it. slowly. You know I got people like you know where the across all. I can resolve. It was interesting biggest chris, all break out in a lot of things going on, and I call them up and it's interesting You said about the pact of not saying any because I I just
You said that I really didn't wasn't cognisant, they do it. But now you reminded me when I call crystal brick to do the podcast he said bury. Obviously I cant do any podcast. I can't do any of the theories. I turned down your time. They turned down the time. May I'm not gonna do any injury, Yes, I'm sorry, I can't do it and at that moment I did something that I guess I hadn't done in a while. I didn't say anything, and there were five seconds seven seconds, eight seconds: ten sec. stolen, say anything and all of a sudden on the other and the phone he said. Alright, burial and then he came and he did it and all these people they they. You know they have like tight time frames. They have like an hour, but then they always you give them the our sign and they all With that I just did doktor phil thought your fill has never done a podcast
if people don't know this, he runs this whole stage, twenty nine, which is that you know he has all the the doctors and the test and the I am dr phil, but he's also It has a great story that he never tells am I and I was I was after for nine- took me nine months together, I mean I would call whom I call them and when he was in ITALY I call them. I just I guess this probably war him bound and at the end of the podcast he divulge. So many things about his life that he was homeless and lived in a car with his alcoholic father when he was a teenager that was to sis There is married when they were fourteen suddenly with a millionaire before he got an opera and he was involved in her with her when he ass. She was sued by the meat industry and the access, and he convinced her you go through with it. Oliver lawyers said saddle, and he said Oprah do not. Settle, there will be a long long into the Oprah sue club if you settle fight them, but anyway,
the point being, is that in the end the podcast he's like how I swung. Did you get me here. Why am I here? How did you get? this information out of it was gonna comical yet, and so, but by do miss you star and uneasy these podcast, like yours or whatever, then people give you the met. bricks, and then you realize that two million, People download- things that you're on and, and you realize, you're getting letters from all over the world and not just people and entertainment people like hey? I work in a law for a minute buckle. And now I know what I have to do together level have to create a problem like when I interviewed walter newman. There was fascinated walter turn newman was an assistant comedy central for three years, wallowing in defeat as an assistant than a cubicle and He would work hard every night and I'll tell you this quick story. So
by the way that's an oxymoron would bury a night, I'm not very quickly. so used widely in the chemical and one night, he tells a story I make I'm paraphrasing but of how he I think he finally was going to get some action. He was working so hard. This girl call them up, get together hook up whatever, and then she cancels at the last minutes a friday night and he's like oh fuck. It I'll just stay at work and search the internet for more content, more original content from people out there who aren't getting their due yeah and he found this group called mail order comedy and he thought to himself ass. He put the stuff on dvds. He thought you know, should I just put this on my bosses desk, or should I make a post and make a dvd and put it on everything, the exact gives dies, spock and brilliant moves. So he put on his boss is Bessie put on every bosses, death every proverb for executive, his desk, and they all watched it. They talked about it.
meaning they have every week to talk about television shows and that television show work, a hall, and so after that so after that went on the air. Walter newman was no longer the system, Mr Newman was getting offers from everywhere and now he's the director of comedy development of adults whim holy shit, that's a great story, but it's who have anything. Doug Herzog calmly said central. He talked about Debbie, league one liebling, who was a lower level executive and he talked about the story where he was walking through the hallways or something and she tapped them on the shoulders of. Can she can. I show you something dog and he's like sure, and they went in the conference room and she took out a vhs, that's. How long ago was and she popped in a two minute: animated tape, the south park, christmas scar said they assembled to a thousand people by the age. Tape anyway
watch. The news like play it again, she played with began ghani's play it again and again he said, listen and he said, I'm about with through the my forum? I was wrong about this. I said: listen we can put this on the air, but let's bring these guys in here and through a deal, but he ended up putting it on the air. The shows. in a billion dollars and debbie levelling wasn't a lower level executive anymore, so people all over the world who listened the bog as they will have to be an entertainment you could be. You got me we're gonna make bottles and figure out how to get to the next level, are working a law firm or a medical facility or anywhere you're we're working it just that's all about how to you. How do you deal with the defeats the challenges, but it's the entertainment business as the gene or in the backdrop like just like you know it's just like whatever news radio wasn't about that it wasn't about the place where they were. It was about the journeys of each character and went so that's what I want
the deal with it and the fact that you will listen to some. I of course I'll tell you I like completely humble by an I'm like ice. I I got the first one was dug hers, and that on a ride to breyer, now keep in mind like I just so your audience knows I feel like a magician doing a trick here. I never told you to listen to a dinner, no known and unknown. I know someone told me you know, various podcast and I went in my head. I was like a wonder what berries talking about, and then I saw it was industry still no, I am. I am grossly obsessed with how this industry works are, but also because I'm on how the fence, and there's the hedges up, so I can never really see how the sauce just made on the other side so too too, to witness build a sea behind that curtain is, is fascinating. I mean majority like. How do I sell a show once you social you like? Ok, how do I start losing my own shows that what you do that you like all right, how do I start a production company
I can get my other friend shows it's like and so that so I listen to more with herzog and then and then- I was on the road I just did a deal with. I just got out and sold a show with our tenable and At least we sold it to an amazing man. We we sold it to three networks. We are pitch was fantastic and there is a bidding war and Eric's like this is the best situation to be in, and I was like fuck yes and I'm sitting in a hotel room. We just took off to go to the travel channel sitting in hotel room thinking. My shit is unstoppable. Right now I am fucking on fire. Like I just like I don't like be man lacking a pat on the back, and I and I look, and I see your progress as there are ten above on it, I go when you get to know the guy. I'm working with turns out so he shouted three networks: errant tenant, solace, the three networks apparently he is the most elegant. I literally was on board in my bed
those like I'm so honor to be working with Eric bankers, no much air forgiving mean that these rooms, thank you for sitting by me in thing. I want to work with it because they were like what we want to work with Eric. Whoever Eric wants to work with is who we want to work with, and I was like I took, It was interesting. Humility is such a valuable trade to have in this business and hubris. An ego can tear you down, so fucking quickly- and I literally like listen that whole podcast and was like goddamn. It here em sitting room and Eric. You know him if the times can be ten times. Talking about me like how come I didn't. Listen to him, it's my it's! My problem is not listening. David Steinberg. When I work together on something and David said, you don't really find you interesting burt. We should do a lunch and maybe figure out a project. It was a great. So I go to lunch with him. I didn't let him talk about him at all. I talked about me turns out. David Steinberg is a fucking trailblazer in comedy, he is, the head of the tea, a movement in beverly hills and it is,
everything I need in life David Steinberg has the key to, and I would like, if I let him talk, I would fucking be so much richer of a person and it's one of the traits you do have. Is you do let people talk you like you a good interviewer on his pockets and an you bring it back. You bring it back to the to the thing that when the guy says something and then goes on a tangent. You bring it back to that thing. I don't do that. A change subjects, people whose Tell you what it was like to work with the gap ruin you cut him off so I want to tell you that I think- and I have rarely use this term. I think you're wrong about sums up our and if Eric Tannenbaum were here, he tell you the same thing Eric as a facilitator, he's a master facilitator, he's a master executive and he he he's like Yeah he's like a great referee in an mba finals game.
When the games they are in the spotlight song. He disappear, as you know, really see him, but you know is press it. They are keeping the game moving and keep the game, one of the greatest games will ever seen your life. That's what he does. His goal is to work with great talent and the fuck out of the way- and I will share this with you, where you're wrong, very wrong. I've gone out with it Eric tannenbaum many times I've sold shows with Eric Tannenbaum I've had bidding war wars with Eric tannenbaum but in the past two years or year, I when I want to show a big show, a big package and I'm not insulting you with big people that our like, I can't, people that I didn't even know, I have the ability to be around and packages shall win and we went everywhere and we do not sell that show an you, so
your shower with somebody at a much lower level in these people and an I'm talking about people their household, how a solemn names above anybody that we ever think of but you'd. it it because you went in the room and sold and you sold yourself and painted the picture for those executives. So it was a noble you're, so that when the door closed, they said we have to be in business. What this person, and there is many times you go on pitches and You'Re- not aware of this, because you're not in these rooms, sometimes the p people who don't get the things done, are the people who you expect to get things done and some time the people are down. There's a reason why Russell Wilson is holding a championship trophy and a guy who has fifteen years. More experience than him isn't. Ok, it happens that way: times. People go in the rooms and they can do
something really special and then there is the person who has the sense of entitlement that doesn't nessus early go in there with as much hunger, so Eric yes, Eric can get she had done. He can sell, show is but keep in mind. if I were to speak their work and if you were right here- and I would say tell me the shows your executive producing that are on the right now and he said, two and a half men. Tell me what other shows. You have that your executive bruising there on the right now two and a half men, because it's fucking heart out there yes, whose ease executive, producing, though I think the second or third longest running the show in history is proud. I really like you know, I'm putting money into piles on piles of other piles of other higher Amazingly successful man fascinating, but the fact is that. Out of all the show was even the work done for the last twelve years.
he has won on the air that lets. You know how tough did that rubbish in businesses and maybe as another one on the air the season- my apologies Eric, but I'm just From what I know from the last time, we're together so- your show had three bidding war for three things. One person paid the price now you gotta, sit down and you gotta figure out what shovel show on our right. Are you gonna write this thing with, which is the next step? Oh, it's that the entire process of may creating television. I've gone through. I went through talked to them with you, and was it is is so enjoyable to get the deal, but an and development is, as you start, developing it's like being in a relationship and you can see telltale signs of it going south I will list. This didn't seem good, like you said. The first Why am I deal you like? This is great the stars aligned but realise the planet's not only into line and esteem
We need to stay in the same place. They were in order for the show to get on the air. Think about it. For your audience. To think about. This will smear. his walking into rooms to do a television show. If will psmith, can't get a fucking show on the air at least get a pilot may what, that tell you bob television, eddie murphy. At a pilot. Last year, brandon t, jackson, Ebby, murphy, and it didn't get on the air. Yet whitney got picked up for a second season or up all night. aid or think ebbene. This is no disrespect to up all night and law Michael's or whatever, but eddie murphy. It's like it's like this have you worth if whitney were right here should be like. I got picked up in any more He didn't yeah. That's! What's crazy about this business and that's what tells you it's all about the content and the personnel you all. These people are look
before is somebody who makes them feel safe. And who they know America will love, and rally around, and sometimes The show is that don't work on not talking dramas or dromedaries, I'm talking about comedies If you don't have hung a bullet lovable characters in those shows you're in deep shit, and you can point the air ray single show on the air that has not been a juggernaut, even There are still on and you'll find character is that are not hugging lovable on the show with me, for instance, it may when two years, forty or forty four episodes, which is a man I have a comp with a mac. That's like business, it's like it's like getting to the olympic trials and and losing by point two seconds yeah. It's like that kind of thing, but the fact is: If you lies all the characters and he broke all the characters down the show, there is now
one character in the show, that's the kind of character like countless lovable was like an island or like a man, go rich, Kevin James, Kevin James, like you know, america loves the fat guy yeah. So it's like a not to be spam anymore, but you know what I'm saying so so those are the kind of characters you have an even in thirty rock you know, which was a show. There was very successful. One. Many emmy words, but I think even tina face If you were listening would say god I wish the ratings were bigger and stronger and how come two and a half men, twenty million people we get six or five million, but point being as if analyze all the characters on the show none of them are alike? Could you want to run up to when you want to hug. they're, all like they're all border align care. Is: were there not unlovable but they're not like
hundred percent lovable, I always say in terms of formulas and shows and things people always rather do something new there I'll try to do something new, but it you analyze. The way television is even something like thirty rock. If you are a historian, thirty rock is I love the show I mean I love it, but if you analyze it it's just the merry tyler more show tina. Is marrying. Oh yeah, Alec ball when this Lou grant and tracy morgan is tat night. It's just that look at it that way, but you know you there things that aren't essentially new in comedy it's like, for instance, you know David copper, feel to be the first one to tell you that you you, you have to study the people before you can and they can. For you know, a candid camera is the is the the life line to show is like punked or you know, girls. Behaving badly. Or all these things it's layer, its
formula that youth any new adjust the formula you make your own and when you. Do your show you're gonna to notice that there's formulas and characters that you have on your show that are going to. I have similarities to certain things that have been in the past. Yes, there is show, is that now do you say, do you say to embrace those similarities so that they're more familiar to america or do you say, simply recognize them into your own thing? You gotta recognize them and embrace them and do your own thing, and this is what it's like being managed by Barry everybody. So give me an example like there's very few things that have never been done before in in half hour, comedy I'll. Give you an example of one thing that has never been done before and never been done before since, new heart showing was called newhart, darrell barrel and barrel. Ok, there's never been a show that three brothers remained there's no formula in television ever that ever have
bad image that you could try to analyze every show in the world and its never happen so there. Are things that happen many show- is that I have never been done before, and our wonderful techniques like, for instance, say dj nash he's been trying to get a show about his own life on forever because he grew up. His father was blind. Fine. Lay you there's a sip growing up fisher yeah with with a blind father on the thing never been done before that I know of on television and a half hour comedy. I wasn't but with them with a blind father, that's right, political world island. We bidding and that's what I want to talk about that too, because that was something that really that's really Important thing for your audience to hear about that. But so the fact is that you if there's gonna be characters like the father who have characteristics like that blind father, but be the
actual technique of how it is and it's a real technique is its real life is something that america hasn't seen before and the key is to make it funny without america gone and that's why it's been so well hard for him to get on the air and he's been trying for ten years to get on the air. It's finally on the air and doing well, and so ever We shall you wanna, do like, for instance, mary, thailand, more aloes, scarlet than your door, man You never saw Carlton the door, man, never Down in any sipped com, for that carlton, your door, men home improvement on improvement, took a little bit of that with the neighbor, who even only see where the eye is down. That was there Carlton your doorman, yeah and it worked, and These things are things that you have to think about. Is you go when you're doing things, but the bottom line is, if you agree, its story You create holy,
moments for holy moments. There there are their are phrases: you're gonna get from very that will will stay in your head. For the rest, Yola life holy shit moments is something very looks for in talent. I'll, never forget. I had a manager, I worked with very well. Haven't sometimes is a gotta, bury, will start a company and he will manage all the clients and then, though, the list we come so big go higher He'll have assistance this growth. Amateurs and then they, we'll start managing clients and there's a guy vincent mastery who I worked with. I worked with barium invincible took care of me and, if innovating big bear with japan and tell you the law like our member- and I don't like talking about this at all at all at all- and I dont want this- a part of my a part of my fucking. Anyway, let tell the story: You can talk about anything you want, I know, but I, but I think nothing is off limits here so odd, but no, but when
van wilder came out Vincent and I think Annick any quarter. Scott simpson running it has been said, I wanted to sue and he was really adamant they ve taken it it is, the script they were developing and he was very adamant and I remember you got on the phone. You said like ten words, you said, let me tell you something: papa, there's two types of people in this business: people who sue and people who work which one do you want to be, and you hung up and I went when I said fuck it. I don't give a shit, it's not that's not my story. I dont care at the time of working, and I was like great now other one. Let up way Vincent. No you're. Listening to this, and I I love you and we both love you with all our hearts. The other one, was do this in this that's the greatest advice ever gotten ever fucking gotten. And and And- and I know Judy also listening to this but current manager- and you too, you can be great adviser. Also all the time, I'm just saying never forget it.
In two cbs to deal CBS. It was a year deal and they develop, a sitcom around me, David janitor, deal the same time and the deal you can also then audition to be another sick out, so they choose not to be make yours. They can then plug you into another sic. I just sewed the to clarify for your audience. When you do it a development deal norm We, what they try to log into the deal for young talent or people with haven't, been doing that long and probably they try to do it now for establish talent is While their developing for you, if things aren't going the way they want them to, they have they can present you with three different shows to be cast into or test or together yeah. If you pass on one, that's cool if you pass on the second one, that's will be pass on the third one. You gotta give the money back and said that's the way, normally a work, sometimes for less and I'd edition.
David J, David, Jane ass? I do. I guess I just called the David ass. Now he was David J. Then now he d, J D, J Nash, so I dont dish and procedures, part and- and he had written the port specifically for me, that's how smart damaging is that he knew they are making a sick about me and he thought wolf. I make us it come about me embers just base it on burdens. Buddy Carl, then, why they make mine it put both of us in it. It's why edition and the network, they didn't want to go with me and Vincent was like fuckin so angry and he was like very gotta com and get just let him test. This is that this was a big moment for me and you call you said guys you're already paying him. Who cares let em test we're like no and a you fought for it, and you got many testing talk about long and hard for them. You told me it ya. Monsieur o me, you invented I can tell you where we're sitting. I love small details. It's when you are attached to the truth in your life, you remember the small details,
I can tell you where we're sitting. I can tell you where I was sitting. I tell you where you were sitting and- and I told you fuck it very- I don't on a test it. They don't want me, I don't want them, and you said, let me tell you a story about how they all normal. You remember the story: You said they are normal play for the dodgers and he was amazing power. He was crazy. First, some air. He killed it second ear, not so good. Third year he drops off tiredly and they don't want any more. So they trade him to Boston. No one expected anything out ahead. They all normal his first game in Boston what does he do? He throws a no fucking getter. Do you know why cause no one was expecting it be had day on noma and dear fit my eyes
What I do know I wrote a book, fucking audition and I murdered it. I murdered the best autism I've ever had in my life, because I thought to myself amadeus nomo right now. This is the boston fans going who the fuck, the asian got I walked in and I ripped it and fox and I walked ended and I'll never forget. I walked and I was so confident going. I just through aid endings in fox. All I gotta do is close out at CBS. We they already had the deal and I walked in. les moonves was in the front row. David J was standing on les moonves by the way, the most powerful person, probably in the business and I walked in, and I I knew all the ladies in the we're all by the way, the still same ladys at a running sore and just so you know another interruption. I am there's a few things. That happened when you go in these tasks here in the meeting with all the executive that have involved in the project. The executive producers of the television channel, the star of the television, show the creator, the students.
Oh executive is the one who is our deficit in the show, and I forget who was deficits, that shocks fox was fine studio is not the network so you have all the no. I think he's with CBS productions made are made with CBS promoting whenever it was you all these people in the room, but there's one A person who makes the decision- and that the present and the network and that's a lesson but doesn't matter if there is Many people in the room and twenty nine people want the other guy. If less moon buzz wants you, you have the gig and that's our work with him- and he was an actor early on, he knew acting. Chooses every single person. This is what the weird again for your audience that you should know about this business. Normally you only have the fool people four times as an actor for five minutes, and you could be on television for seven fucking years. This is how it normal it works. You go and your manager ages dancing on additional and
you go the audition with the casting director with a person reading the script like their functionally disabled of, inter with a camera. It's like state, your name. Please wait. A second I didn't take the cap off and they do world any, do her thing and you do well, then you go to next step. Was your casting director in the executive producers in the star? The show you go, are audition or five minutes. If they love you, then you get that oh look who it is Lorenzo member lorenzo renzo looks like he's lost wave is due in prospect, even so, keep going so then what happens is that you go in and you go for this dispute task, the right out of contract, its negotiated for six or seven here, is because you don't want to go into the test with the studio and
I have that with them and they say: oh well, we want you and then you say: hey fuck and I want more money. They make. You sign a contract that has your rate for the pilot and rate for the series of a goes with every subsequent year, or anything like that. So then you go in for those tested the studio if they like you, you movement and network, you go do that five minutes. They like you, you got the gig, but in worse case, which was a amazing. You are like an emma, fell team with by ok, so you didn't have to go to the casting director. You didn't they go the executive producer and the casting writer. You just went straight to the studio and then or you only the wind. Why you I'll need to win twice and and eyed, and I was and I'd and the one hard won, I think, was the studio and went away into the network. I've like it was almost like. I felt like I felt like I couldn't lose grandeur all the all the women who ran the network and all the or are Julie.
Andy Wendy trilling julie per worth Even though is it even does a, and so I knew all them and they were on my team, but last was sitting front and center in the very first row and I'd never met him and I walked in David J standing up front, and I remember the other thing you said, as you are a comedian use that, to your advantage, make a joke. When you go in there light If the mood is so true, everybody if you're listening this and what's hard, is for actors and actresses who aren't comedians and aren't in that world. It's it's difficult because you can't go in you just gotta, go in and say you're ready, because you're not confident that you can make that light. Hearted thing, but it works, you know anything comedic work, I remember the first time I had it. I every meeting you can there's a great story. You have about Jeff ross where Jeff Ross went in and said made a joke that you told me at night and you were like there's what Jeff Ross did and it and it killed, and he got the part- and I forget what the joke was,
but again it's like these people go in and they do sometimes we epoch you're a comedian and you're going to test for something what I like to have somebody prepare is, I would like to have them prepare like four or five opening lines cause what can happen. Sometimes you go the studio test, you do it, you tell your line, you make your funny line, you go and do it and sometimes they hold you outside. They bring you back in again to do something a little bit differently. They say: listen. Could you be well angrier this time, and so I have people. Here a different line for how many times they could possibly go away and they know it so people are saying like He came up with another improbable. I Mary came up with another improper guys, like which worked really well for recently guys who were community them fairly? Like diana? Do you know he got soup. Refund night and he went in and he had a different line for everything in and made a work in, and it worked for him and it works for you, because you
funny, and what am I mine worked in the sense that I was so. I was so on cage that the time that I that I was very I was very me, in the moment I was very honest and so I walked in and it les moonves was sit in the front row and he goes hello, bert good, to see you again and I was like I don't think, we've ever met, and he goes we haven't. I said I would definite remember that hair and the groups started laughing and see what you though I too want to hear what you did right there. This is this is so grave see. A thing is: is there as a comedian, you have to take risks have to take it. Since you have a guy who literally, is gone in that room, yeah those people, those people in that room, walk on eggshells around the sky, okay, so I remembered similarly with whitney and we were on a couch ready, the pitch NBC
and the guy who we're pitching to Jeff angle, this tall blonde good, looking guy goes by the colleges are with me. I'm sorry, I'm a belated just, let me get settled and I will bring in for the pitch for with me. You know I mean, and she stands up gets right. Six inch from a space and whitney has this thing where she can look at you and she's goober she, sexual, very central, but powerful. Where about her, she said: stands up in her high heels and she's eye to eye with him sort of looking up at him and she shakes his hand, she's holding his hand. She looks at him and the first thing she says, my god look at you like a member, first master, raise new right that america that show a soul which I saw. What do you do when you said that about less boom buzz hair
people in that room knew right then, and there less. You took a shit on the floor. You were getting that gig, oh I I want to say and then and then he goes and then Well it's a pleasure me too. I thank you and I set up. you're you're, not an accurate gorgeous and he started laughing and- and I didn't know that he had been an actor and then he goes well. It's good to finally meet you and he says, loosen up my go. Have you met J regos and an invasion Silently like dj, we met last week is not yet over. Less is DJ figures. Here's hello, David nice to meet you. If he was very nice to meet you, I like your hair as well, and then he goes I go. Should we start this and he's like? Okay and both t day, I probably sucked the dick in that room, but let's moonves like those of the guys does in, and you know just to share with you here and in your fans. Listening is like. As a manager.
an aging you at that point in time. My life was probably one of the highlights of my life as a man the jury, that I'll always remember and then to me like theirs, things about managing that are wonderful. Their exciting dislike. There's things about being a performer, a musician, a magician comedian, though, whenever that are really exciting, but there's other parts of the business that you know systematically beat. You down like what what we're in now pilot season early in the pilot season. there is no there's, no actor actress or comedian or whenever or manager or agent, that lubs pilot season, because the fact is that europe, it's like the one in jerry Maguire got Maguire would say it's a pie.
I'd swallowing thing you're fighting to get your artists in the room when no one cares. No one needs any bobby. There's like such a glut of everybody and there's only a number of slots, and I am grateful that this pilot seas, I probably had like ten people tests for things, but what I'm saying is that for me it's not a fawn, there's nothing on you know it might you know I feel like it. Maybe it's me saying since not meant as a sense of entitlement it just whenever you're doing something you want to have more control over things and as an artist you're trying to go when you're going any. You know, there's a hundred two hundred people that want to take you out no you're going into the room of the casting directors, and you know if you weren't even there, they wouldn't even give a shit so everybody He has to make their mark and that such aid such em- it's it's like.
amazing race. If the amazing race had like two hundred contestants and it's not just managers and agents, its actors, actresses comedians and just trying to win the race cause, there's only one spot for you there's only one can be only one winner, except if it's a sketch yo, you could be like the fourth best guy and get a sketch out, but I see These are things that are in going back to the pod gas them. You know, I don't really. Enjoy as much as I use do any more, but I do it and I do it well. I know I do well, but I just just like this thing. You do really well that you don't enjoy much and so, but getting back to where you know
your moment there. When I was representing you, you telling those stories about how we did it, and I say we because when I met bird, I met bird at my comedy club and he was like helping me with the door at the comedy club for tat age. And I just I and I have always been the kind of person. I don't know what this is about, a man you can never quantify in a court of law. I don't know why. I I feel these things from certain artists that I just know something's gonna happen bert had even been on stage. I don't think bird bent on stage twenty times in his life. Maybe fifty, maybe maybe we put twenty seven, and so I wanted to represent him and he was dead. in the door, and he only been on stage fifty times, but I saw something in him that I believed where he could get them the next level.
I brought people to see him even though it only been doing comedy. David had hocker meant David talker men who was working with our well psmith times now, an agent in the bay them is really yeah, and I I I didn't tell baby you'd only been onstage fifty times, but I there were some. About you that I love that I believed, then I was war. About you in certain cases, but I believe in you and I knew that you are malleable lima, you would listen and I knew you would but everything that you have and I was and when those things happen. when you're a manager, what happens is the same as an artist the artist people are looking at when one I have with bird and he got that development deal and he was travelling around with well smith. All those comedians in new york there were so friendly too and so nice and so wonderful heard come on. You want some stays time whenever the whenever not so
nice anymore? After that? I may be told me: do you said get information, do not give information. a threat loom only waterman long old timer agencies, the sailor yeah he said, do not tell anyone about this deal. Don't bring it up to anyone, but it didn't matter because comedians are like grandmothers and they found out and they found out in a hurry, and recently it was the first one. started treating bert not not well, because they were jealous. They were unhappy and they thought it wasn't his time and other managers as well have always- and I want to say every manager, but a lot of managers of always looked at me not like if they were not with love and affection, but like what the fuck you know, what he's got for people on snl and he amused him. The boy who is this guy? What's happened here or hadn't bert get this deal with, will smith or what happened and I have always been the kind of guy who I've always
I hope I can always make it happen. You just give me something. Give me something, and if I put my attention through, I can make it happen. But, as I said to you before the podcast one of the hardest things, it's not as they say it's not getting there, it's staying there and and and help bing artists, to continually re, evaluate and and and make changes and do things, and that's one of the things that you should be very proud of. Your present manager, Judy brown because Judy's doing something that I was unable to do for you, and I know him I was a great manager with you and we accomplish. I have a great analogy about your career. Ok, a great analogy about your career, but yesterday s minutes were duly because, as I think that the fact is that When I was doing my stuff and I was growing and I was doing what I was doing trying to expand. I was trying to
Inspire young managers to be better and to take the reins and do things and what happens when you do that as a manager. Sometimes it's it's! It's your your failing, your failing, because if you can't find the right pieces of the puzzle that are going to make that artists feel safe as you feel you made them feel then you're going to lose that artists and I lost you because I, if I d just stayed in your corner, a hundred percent through our I wouldn't the much better shape and then even when vincent laughter. Whenever, however, was if I ben in your life. The way you want me to be in your life towards the end, instead of somebody who you felt like you are sort of somebody who was less significant than the other p apple you would have been there, but what judy and their company brought to you as they brought you a feeling of safety, hey, listen, you can start headline around the improv all over we'll start you in
Build your audience you'll go around, they had nineteen comedy clubs, and so, as a young father and You have a family and whatever I could never provide bad for when they provided that safety for you and then they provided opportunities for you in an and they have continued stay in your life. That way and not put you in it position where you're with a younger person or whatever, and I have a lot of respect for duty but duty? One of those people again I will say this honestly on this paragraph he's the kind of person sometimes I feel like. If I were on the road, she ran a truck sheet may overall, the truck, because I have done things in my career that are our anew usually when I have done things a different way and taken a different path, and sometimes you know the web handle things and project that she'd been involved them cause. She was a casting right director as well
are not the way that she would want business to be done, and I don't have a you know. I've never had a relationship with Judy brow words like lobby dummy or whatever, but I think I am She knows that I have an enormous amount of respect for her. I think she done that company is unbelievable and I love what they do and I'm I'm I'm. The greatest thing me is the know that you are happy and your doing well. I know that's kind of odd because normally, when you don't work or you break up with girl or whatever the us are emerging, sometimes there's animosity or whatever. I have not one shred of animosity towards her or them all. you I will well. I don't have even that travel show that you're doing if you could do. If you know this or whatever bert, worked on a project that was an independent project where he did sort of like his own.
Thing where he did a thing at the queen, mary or whether cinderella store any put a dvd together. We worked on editing and he didn't most all the work that I might have put some tweaks on or whatever, but the way, I believe that the travel channel show him This is how I have no absolute and you might disagree with me that executive. Time called me and asked me is anybody you know who can do this kind of show, and I I have anybody on my roster that could do that kind of show where we remotely was right for that kind of show, but I said to them. there's, a guy bird crazier. You should look at and he did some kind of a piled or something regarded garden that I think it was called cinderella and you're with duty at the time, any What do you have anything on that? I remember going for these boxes. These old boxes then am am, and found in all the h, yes or dvd copy of cinderella story, and I sent it to this exactly
and I gave them your information, duties, information and that's the law, asked? I heard a member whatever, but the fact is, you still had the urn, the gig. No, you don't have to get the gig and you start to do whatever. But the point being is that it makes happy that I've been a part of your life in some capacity, whether one percent of your career or any person. and is thereof and make them happy to know that you're doing well and and and this pod It is amazing to when you're just you ve always been a guy who who was hugger bull, lovable and I have also always been a guy who's been quietly self destructive leave and that's an that's one of the things that, if you want to talk about that that I believe is the thing. That's gonna be the difference of whether you're gonna take things to the next step or not Yeah, I think I think poor. I think that is a big difference,
wife, and I think that is always something you kind of always tried to get me to acknowledge is, like you know, like you know, drinking is it. Is I've always been a really big drinker, and I think the drinking has gotten me to definitely make a name for myself in the clubs, but I think also it's part where you just start getting to a point where, like Jesus Christ, man, I'm fucking forty one years old, like I'm, not a college kid anymore. but I want to talk about you. I wanna talk about you and I won t. Let me there's what I want, What is our man? This? Is your local self, destructive disport. We forget all about three by gas with that. the now. This is the analogy I explained some looks at everyone says I remember I want to say I don't know who it was, someone was like I'm thinking about working with Barry. What do you think this is very recently I was like fucking. Do it and I and I I said this analogy to him- you started out, and this is the analogy as oppression. Surfer you're a great surfer on the north shore, but the truth was you never felt comfortable with a break that bro,
right and doing that you're never going to surf pipeline. And if you don't win pipeline, you're not going to make a name for yourself, and you realize that. But you could also realize what made other surfers better surfers. So you decided to manage and you started coaching surfers and in the process started, making surfboards for them and helping them make their own surfboards for themselves, and you were brilliant at that. You were fucking brilliant at that when you were hungry you it's. I remember ten minute conversation with the boston comedy club. You would spend all night in this analogy, shaping fucking surfboards and taking a look at louis kay surfboard and carving up the fine lines that maybe he didn't notice. Ok, then, you started getting bigger and used to kill you. You set up a shop for yourself and your selinger surfboards, and you had you to start a small team that was mass successful and that's when new, if stepped in and you got bought out by o neill and you are still shaping, but real goal was to teach everyone else how to shape and in that process, and I believe
this, and I don't know what you think, but I feel like you, you, probably went through with, I think, a lot of people, including myself, go through at this age in the business you're, probably like forty five at the time and you're like what is this about. Like am I really a guy who just facilitates people getting famous, or am I someone that can make things too? Like I don't forget, I used to surf I'm a waterman like that's the way your brain worked and you started making tv shows, and you were really fucking good at that, but I do believe that a lot of us young pro surfers were like I want them to come out and paddle out with me and explain how the fucking, why the wave breaks way it does and you're like quantum. Quite honestly, I don't have that time for Brian Volquez can teach you how to do that and I ve never go away. Brain can barely fucking swim like yours, I didn't go out with a guy with a water wings on, and you want me to learn how to surf from him. I remember like Brian. the phones when we first started savings of ports- and you want to do you know about what
comedy. I remember this, thankfully, though, at that point, I think a lot of young surfers were like fuck- it I'm going to find other breaks and I hope the best for burying it. But at the time it was just like. I remember the first day he walked me through new wave. It was like walking. Through a huge company and you're showing me all the shops- and all of that was like so in unimportant to me- it's all I wanted to do was talk about. My next set or, like you know, like what whatever was small in my world, because you always were this really honestly. The thing you are: you are best that is giving inspirational speeches and forming someone's set. You can get some a seven minute you couldn't! You can help someone make us a five minute tomato set in your sleep you can take. You can tell people what jokes are unimportant and not heard their feelings and tell him how to make a joke better and you can tell them the confidence they need
to get on that stage and do that set, and I believe you will always be there. You can also go in to a room and set people up to have great meetings. That is the truth, but then you got involved in new aid and you got your fingers and so many Mon ami tv show you, I don't want I'm power like the twelve. Let me Something like yet at in. These are tv shows that need your attention and you have huge quiet, the biggest clients in the business and then everything stopped. Any and now you're back to making surfboards like your back in a small shop on the nor shore shaping surfboards for people who loved sir And that's what I believe is happening is that some are accurate. I think it's a lot of its accurate in the sense that again for your listeners and is like whenever you take a check you
whose control yeah that's. Why all of you out there that are creating your comp own content. Do your own choice? What films, maybe you're, on youtube channels? It's amazing! by private cars. I know you heard this. I love you Brian, I'm just saying at that time my career, I wanted berries of ice and maybe less of yours when it came to my stand up, I'm sorry, Brian. The summit. Should he do you. I love you and I think you are doing big things that new wave but keep going you're. So it's it's. So I think forgot. My trailer, you just mesmerized me about that. I just thought I was lost, or was I were saying that people that have control, so you have control of your own thing. So it's like you take something like let's say like vine, okay I knew something that spent around for, I believe, fourteen months, maybe a year and a half at best. Ok, six, second content,
there are people who have no thirteen background. They have no business savvy. It nothing but a dollar and a dream and an iphone yeah and they have millions of fall or ride dune. I just got them on a boston kit, yeah. I just had them and I do in brittany for a long clarity. Whatever it is they're out there and there making it happen with. brain with their ideas, their content, there's people with youtube channels, like you know, purity pie and you know an end grace hell big Who are doing amazing things controlling their own destiny and those of the people that I have an enormous amount of respect for, because
Your audience. I bet ninety nine point. Nine, nine, nine nine percent of them have never put up a significant number of pieces of content. The babe created up for people to see because its, racking in it's scary, because what happens if america says they don't like it happens. If I have twenty seven views, What does that mean about me? I'd rather not know about it's like it, like not wanting go, get the vote. The doktor when you're feeling some pains around your body in saying I don't wanna, go because I don't want to hear. I have cancer yet had is a really good analogy and so when I went about company, you know these people offered me something Then I never been offered before they offered me to find hence my whole operation, they allowed me to hire whoever I wanted. I could produce
whatever I wanted in the house, I didn't have to go to this place for editing that place for color correction. and at the time I will say you hadn't number one comic who knew how to make for himself me ass. It is dane cook dane cook is dane, cook works for dane cook and he will put money behind then cook and if you tell dane cook, I want you to do is set in front of a bunch of jihadists the rulers, They'll kill you? If you don't kill, dane, will get low role the dice on her day, he will the dice nurse times. You tell you, you know we always too. About chapelle one, you know people were always say things one way or the other bottom, but I can tell you one thing about your whole audience out there, which will be another. Ninety nine point: nine. Ninety nine nine per cent tile of now maybe you listening would ever turned down fifty million dollars because you believe in yourself no one and said
get I'm not gonna go this way. I'm gonna go with the way that I believe in that's how that's what a genius and when a brilliant and use. Another person would say now will that's what a crazy person is? No, it's like I ran in the fountain. Had the main character. I'm escapes me our work, howard rourke, you know he had at all, but people said they were paying you. Could you change this and change this go fuck yourself, I'm going back to the quarry yeah and so for me. I. Wasn't howard rourke I took the chair. Will you kidding maybe by the way read the found? Had this found? defines it will define you and you will find out who you are and life and it will. It will open your eyes up. So I took the check, They, the owner of that company, was amazing to me. He did everything.
Poor what I wanted to do- and he supported me and for eight years that guy help me do everything I wanted to do and and I always tremendous amount to him when I love it, I in return you establish new entertainment. Well, one one now know they're only reason any comic talk, about new haven or tat, new entertainment was a postproduction ass. It did trailers. Like no one knew who I am and I'll say this, because one of my friends works there. It's like big boss, big boss, is a great post production, one of the top postproduction thousands in the world, but no one knows of big bosses selling product they made Do an amazing java what they do. One of the guys who did my documentary works. A big boss and they're fucking out world. They they produce, they make a great product for what they do. But no one looks at them. exit comes, and that was what have one new entertainment and you put them into your hollywood landscape. No questions asked they're, not one
question asked: ass, Namaste knew by yourself you dating cook Jamie. Or louie Anderson Gary in whitney cummings Bob all the people that you work with put them on the map. While I thank you, I mean I I that you know everybody has. You know, there's three sides to every story, but I appreciate that but I think that that was the goal to go there and- and you know you take a chance my goal was to treat their company like it was a client and to be an essential asian to move them the next level, one no one it was an underdog. It was at the company, was enormously sick, festival in these areas that were not in the public eye, because You know when you're doing the posters, four star wars, George Lucas, isn't gonna, say: hey new waived. my posters, exactly like. We did the fuckin posters. I don't know what you're talking about. doing the trailer a score or the finishing for one or brothers or for you know
during the behind the scenes for whatever you know huge move lord of the rings or you do not want that no. They don't want anyone to know that you did it. It was a secretive kind of incredible, a plus operation, things that we did were not secretive. They were in the they were in the realm of things in the business and that's what we ve been so going back to your story. So when I, when I took that check yes, you're right I think that I lost, I, you lose a part of self in anything when you're doing the sick that you're gonna do there's gonna be people who going to tell you that you have to do things a certain way over and over again and you're gonna push back on some but you're gonna compromise on others, because you're taking the check the czech pay, is. The mortgage check pays the schools where europe pays for that nice. with your wife on your anniversary and you want to I love life that you have because of it and I'm
there when I did leave new wave that it was where one and it was doing well and I am proud of the success there having they're doing great right now. I mean I know one another. I follow brian on facebook, but they produce thompson. Gurus album on the earth camisa special network, the end with one went out when I was there. We start an initiative of doing digital staff and doing a lot of our specials. I think we done like, I think we d, like we done like thirty specials. By the time I I'll I left their black. You know it's like. they're doing great work, and I want them to degrade, and I want them to succeed. We not someone you ve been stab in the back a lot and you ve had a lot of, but an earth established Let me rephrase that, because that sounds weird, but you have been someone who's been screwed over before, but you don't have ill will against people, and you don't hold that in you and I'm shocked, because
Like I it when I, when I get wronged, I end up as do with it like I know, we talk shit about people and I don't wish ill will on people, but I do, I feel, hurt for a long time. I think it's cause I'm sensitive and and but you don't you genuinely, go you I really do believe you genuinely want people that you did work at a new it to just succeed and keep coming keep. I want do I mean cause if they do well. I think that the whenever the FAO They was that we put the gather together as a team with myself and their team. ten use in its it can only be good everybody em there's enough for everybody. I don't know. I don't want to. I sit ass for me, you and I'm embarrassed that I haven't spent more time with you. Since we stop working embarrass your life got extremely complicated. It did get complicated, but also, I think that. I think that with you and I think that there were situated since that I was sad
I would- and I don't take things personally and there was nothing to do with business, but you know one of the things that I love so much. That meant so much to me with you as crazy as it sounds. I'm going to share this with you, because you probably don't even know of this and you'll, probably edit, this out of your podcast or whatever. About. But one of the things I looked forward to every year was something happen at a park in hollywood with you in your Yes, it was an annual birthday thing always had for your kids I always was there and I always was invited the calm, sometimes with my little one, or whatever and you invited me to come one year and- after you made the switch You call me and you said, bury, can I ask you a favor and I said yeah, what is it? Would you mind not coming to the birthday party? Did I say that,
And I said why I'll do anything you want me to do what's up and he said well, my managers come of the birthday. poverty and if you come the birthday party, I know- gonna feel uncomfortable rice. So I'd prefer. If you just do me a favor, I would love to be there, but It probably make things easier for me. If you didn't come holy shit on daphne, not adding that out but, and so that was a moment in my life, where I send my god, it's like again, it's like when you take the check. It's like when you sign with a new management company or a new agency you're you, you don't want to make waves you're doing everything to try to just make things the way they're supposed to be and you're acquiescing to certain people's idiosyncrasies or what you personally, The b there idiosyncrasies, as opposed to just go and being your own person in your own man and if I go along with a great download them
they're, not your manager, anymore and they'll be another person that will be ok with me being there or whatever. So under a wonder. I guess I have no real recollection of that, but I always go like fucking. You could fill a boat with what I don't remember that I've done or said. Like I look back but yeah, that's fine! I'm sorry! I did that cause. I like Liane was kind of excited that you're coming her second dynasty pictures of his boys, like into our and wandered over money. I said berries going by the georgian either in their like. What do we know? Bearing do member the beach parties an hour ago. I remember the two beautiful boys, long hair and then I go that's berry, and then I got my guide. It so yeah It did you know you you did have. You did have a very familial way of run your company for a long time, even though. well into new wave. I mean I remember going to the poor image Have you remember? Your wedding was a fucking set up on them, forget me, John D, Amato and I want to say bobcat by no bobcat sober, no, no one, but get me
john immersion, swords them and was it exports. It got high outside smoked, joint and then try sneak back into the wedding and we climb through the the curtains and we walked. at the stage when someone was giving a toast, we walked right on stage and we were like and then john dimaggio grabbed the mic and started giving more of a toast and then bobcat goes part get up there and then I can appear and they started playing the recordings of your ex wife's families messages from russia and it was but it was like the funnest king wedding. Every like we had such a blast sitting in the back. When we has. living under the hookah. There was at the castle delmore on the ocean than we went out. Immigration than there are so many things, but well as you learn. I learn from you bert that night that I hadn't learned that my whole life is that, and this is you'll you'll you'll love this and hopefully your audience will This, if you're the wedding, the amount of alcohol somebody drinks is directly
in correlation to the amount of clothing they loosen or take off. I remember not sober it started off in this beautiful taxi, though also together, you get. My hurricane is air with the move by the literally as a boat. I am parks or short term sock, but I have my might tire on my head. and I remember you covered up to me go, and I am glad I didn't have anything to drink at his wedding. I go you give me a fucking hammer, the bobcat goldthwait I fuckin had the best time at your wedding. I remember talking russian to your wife. Ex wife's family and three people were like buddy Hackett people were fucking women and I was like the craziest thing. I would couldn't believe what was happening at my web and someone brought like ten pre rolled joints to your wedding, and all I know is that we tore through those motherfuckers and then the best was the best
this is by the way this is, I mean missus, so amazing make sure it's not long beach. This is legit. This is legit Buddy Hackett, the late body hacked was there. Buddy is someone you introduce me to. I got on the set of action and I met buddy there buddy my buddy was just so good to me and I met buddy through our Jeff ross and dumb jeff. I became came so friendly with buddy. Buddy was a drinker until last days. Yes and and he was one I'm a moment that you- sometimes you don't know What you mean to people and for me- one thing sitting across from you and you tell these stories of me and I am being what's with you, I sometimes forget what I mean.
To you or what I meant you, oh, I think, and so heartedly and cause I don't. I don't really get in. And I didn't really understand what I meant a buddy hacking into all, but night. He died and I the call. his wife, sherry, bury buddy passed away, and I said I m so sorry, sherry and she said come over. Wow I came over and I opened the door and it's just her a wound. I believe one of her daughters is in the kitchen and. I'm hang with her and the doorbell rings and she said: could you open the door and it's jeffrey ross? Yeah.
We hang out for another half hour an hour and the door bell rings again and his J more and the three of us were there for like four hours until like three in the morning Was just us and that's when you realize you know, you think that you could mean something somebody who's like one of the greatest legendary can guide. Did the first two h b, o specials He was making a hundred and seventy five thousand hours a week and nineteen fifty one in vegas and this guy why you his wife knew that these three people, he wasn't calling like new horrider norm, crosbie or whatever you weren't. He and produce bomb knew how to his wife, but we were there and so that, lots of when buddy came to the wedding. It meant a lot until until all hell broke loose hold on one sec hold on one sec. I gotta make sure
Sorry, everybody. That was a sort of pause. We turned our phones but vit. Your wedding is maybe. I asked I'll say in my what things have witnessed and I witnessed the lot of insane shit, one of the most legendary things I've ever seen so buddy hack. It goes up to give a speech and now mind you. I don't want promises, but what happened was that the ass a man who was a very dear friend, my martin cromer, who, own day thrift shop, shot mailros. He was going up to give the speech buddy Hackett walked up and sort of took over. He grabbed the mic from because Martin was not by the way. I think Morton started speaking and it was kind of going nowhere and buddy grabbed the mic from him and now now bear berry's ex wife was a huge beatles fan correct actually what happened was just so I wonder surprise people
found this replica beetles ban, which is very popular now in vegas, called the fab for, and they dress like the beatles they they looked like the beatles. did the three styles of beetles. They did the early beetles, the sergeant pepper, beetles and eleven be beetles. And no one at the wedding knew that I had them and they had a specific keyboard set up. That was on there. That is progress programme to do certain things and beetle situation for cause. The beatles did music he board and the early beetles, but be interested in the middle of an end, the late phases of their career and so I want you to tell the story, but the first thing buddy did was he he went up and and he you know it- keep in mind this a wedding where there were a lot of people from outside the country, my my axe from The former soviet union are, there were people
in Australia or they were they move to and all over, and it was a formal winning. One side was all family and literally other side was comics yeah. it was a. It was a very you know, and so body goes up and he says you know something more effective like in a way it's nice female rabbi, you got there will buddy during the moment where you guys go under the hookah and an step on the glass, but he was in the back roasting. The rabbi so, like we were on the back me John masilo, bobcat, osity next, the body and in jeopardy, and he is right, hosting the rabbi in the back, and we were on the fuckin floor. Walked all the way down the beach for this fucking female
rabbi. When do we get a female fucking, literally lighting a fire? We were laughing hysterically so guilty because she wanted my my ex wanted to have a female rabbi, but the the thing is, he should know about jewish wedding. The first thing barry needs to do is stand up for this marriage. You've got a male rebbe rabbi, I mean buddies in the back, lighten it up, and then he gets on stage and says. First thing we do is get rid of that female rabbi, which does not she's in the room, the room and then he and it gets. Laugh and the last stops body go says that one and he hears a humming, here's the humming bird. just before he governs the thing was, year, you're, if you're a the jewish ceremony, what happens this is the rabbi, regardless of their female or not. They at least Have the mention at one time about the car to burma the could too busy jewish marriage license. That basically protects the woman in divorce and if things don't go right in the merit. So
has to be mentioned that there is the possibility that in it In divorce or in something, listen go right, but the woman will be, taken care of, but this woman mention like seven times the recap every like five better like about your wars are getting, but also that what is a prophet? Maybe she has a problem with it too, but everybody is murdering his murdering onstage ebony. There's this humming in the background and he's and he's killing so hard that when he says, can someone turn this fucking keyboard off. It gets a huge laugh. an end, then he goes up serious with the fucking keyboard. Bigger, laugh says it all and he goes god if you don't turn the fucking keyboard off I'll for your huge laugh and he takes his drink. Anything posted on the keyboard- and I swear to you now mind you
This is my narrative. This is where I remember it and I was drunk, but I swear to god sparks shot up. You and smoke came out of the keyboard and it does so. ways to the point, we think it's a fucking prop and everyone laughing hysterically body finishes closes and strong and berries night is sent into a fuckin tailspin. It sent a new tails, and because the manager of the fab four takes me aside and tears being the way I saw you mother, fucker you ruined that keyboard, that's a special keyboard. Now Oh you're only going to get the early beetles all my law, but it was like a body
I saw the whole wedding was. I want to hold your hand for seven hours, michelle my belle feel like oh, but it was. It was incredible, it was. It was one of the most memorable nights I'll ever have because obviously it was led by buddy Hackett and I would not leave his side. I just sat next to him and I had met him. You know, like I said, on the set of of traffic, that traffic or whatever action, and we sat- and I sat in his in his trailer all night drinking with him. He had this special concoction of like tequila whiskey, and vodka that he liked to drink, and it was in its thing an end and every time he always had a flask with him always had a class with them and you ought to be shot with them. Even when I was sober I do wish out with body hackett, but but tat wedding was fuckin phenomenal and then did you did you and I only ask it isn't: even don't don't you we're going to answer blank. Did you go through you? You leave new eva and you get a divorce pretty much the same time. I'm not,
actually divorced, yet I'm separated, but I'm getting a divorce. Yet it's thing in the end again, one of things that I have a lot of respect for you is like look. lands and amazing woman and takes a really really amazing woman, the tv, the train on the tracks, because you know, statement manner like furniture, you just push them from one side of the room, the you know, we don't understand, we don't we don't get it. when we don't know as much and and I'm proud of my relationship with Susanna me when you have something that go with. You know and fifteen years, and you have a beautiful family and in any town in any environment. I feel like it's like it's like almost like, but with me show going to seasons, it's like you
If you want to go the distance, when you watch the superbowl and say hey, there's the harbaugh parents, routing who are they rooting for them and the other for fifty years or whatever. But the point is: is that I love I love Susan I still believe it or not. I still. We still live in the same house. Really, we still have a gun relation. He I stole in the house that you were before yeah yeah fucking great now, fucking love that place your euro era. I remember very early on when you were like when I moved out here. You're, like you, gotta decide what kind of guy you are. I'm a beach guy yeah I mean I love the ocean. Then again you always. You know.
You always move, and you know I had a place in marina del Rey and I loved it, and you know I I ended up selling that you know you end up moving from just like you know, you love this place and you'll end up moving to, and you know your life takes you in different directions, but when I did leave there, I don't think it had anything to do with the relationship thing. It looks like it's correlated, but I don't think it is, and I think that you I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be in going with the bloody with the client, some things in the surfboards or whenever, as doktor phil might say, you know there's only one person, they can play you, and so I'm responsible for every single thing, good and bad, that's him and then my life and the reason why I don't hold any grudges or anybody on I stood across from me. I don't hold any grudges because I know what we did together, but what's the point I know my part,
I know my part and I know what the deal is an end and if I I have done things a certain way or whatever, and there are certain things where yeah you say. Well, things aren't you know, yeah you walk down the street and the jet engine falls and hits you on the head. You don't have any word of mouth right now. If you're driving down the highway and somebody just swerves in a lane and kills you you don't have any part of them is an easy way to find that your partner, though, but there's like someone like me, will find out. Well, if I hadn't gotten, if I hadn't slept in then I wouldn't be walking to school late and the jet engine would mean that that's the way my brain works, it could be, but always find my fault in everything and I think to a fault. I knew that it could be, and sometimes you're as a manager you'll get a call from somebody who will let you go and you'll see a meal hang up the phone and I'm embarrassed to say this, you'll be like I'm so relieved, I'm so relieved that this house
and many other times where I resign from working with people and I've been, I felt I felt sick, the my stomach and I dont, know what that's about, but in terms of control I don't like to. I don't necessarily like to have the control when a relationship is ending. I liked somebody else.
I really feel what are what are Bernie brillstein used to have this great line when I met with him for breakfast about six months before he dies one of the greatest managers, or did you manage all the people from snl, including lorne michaels John belushi, Chris Farley, everyone, and he said to me he said, Barry. I want you to I'm going to give you some words of advice which believe it or not. I still haven't necessarily follow to a t. He said if the flashing light is on and your phone and it's a client use on the other line, they're on hold and there's a pit in your stomach fire them, and I told them there I said Bernie. I said you know it's easy for you to say. You're in your seventies, you accomplished a lot. You've banked up a lot of assets and you can do that. But for me I'm still I perceived myself, even though other people might think different level lie on me. I feel like I've, never accomplished what I want to accomplish and I never have gotten where I wanna go when I'm always setting my sights higher and higher, and so if I did hang up the phone with those select people who I felt a pit in my stomach throughout the years that would be self destructive for me, but in turn you should just listen to your instincts as an artist and as a manager, because that's the only way you're going to that's the only way you're going to grow. Now for you and myself, I never felt the pebble.
My stomach and that's one of the I always felt I always felt when I called that the pit was in your stomach. I think that's. The main reason I left was that I couldn't get you on the phone and I couldn't get your attention and I couldn't get you to focus and there were like two or three instances of grammar gardeners. Here, I'm good how you doing yeah, yeah and- and I felt like you were you were you were not getting the nuances of my personality and like the things that were making me me, I felt like you thought should not should no longer happen to be me, and I was like no but like I like, and so I think that's what I just was like. I was like you know what what am I was really. I was definitely and I'm always afraid of change, I'm afraid of and also massively afraid of computation. I hate confrontation, so I, but I think that leaving you honestly was the best thing I've done in my career because it made me responsible for me. I was so dependent on you to take care of me.
that I was like I'd call you go. What am I going to do for money? You remember me, call you when I had georgia and I and I I Didn'T- have any fuckin money and enjoy I was. I ran on all my money and I know many roadwork and I was like. Any money. I mean a kid I'm broke. I owe money to the irs a broken you that guy I didn't respect meet me calling you got any money. What do I do like? I'm? A fucking grown, And- and here I am I'm about to have a child and I'm calling a guy gone. Can you get me money like and I and I I think I've definitely have changed a great deal as a man. I still have a lot of fucking grow through I'm still fucking hot mess in so many fucking respects, but I think that was you know for me. That was which is by the way, one of the more interesting things about berry. You have had the biggest names in comedy and been fired by the biggest name
Dane cook which, by the way fucking bullshit, were you shocked when he fired you? No, no. I wasn't shocked at all by was because, because I loan away, but I but I I wasn't shocked because I know the circumstances and again those were circumstances that that happened, that the that, surely did not involve me directly, but I couldn't but I was part of I was a part of it and I felt I fell bad for him because, because he wasn't feeling comfortable and dumb.
You know I probably if I wasn't, that new wave and at that time we'd probably still be together, but there were a lot of issues that were going on that, but you know I still talk. Them least I saw them the other night at the boa and I've been to his house and he just reached out to me the other day and seems really happy yeah I mean it's. The the thing is: is that it nothing shocks me I mean I think that probably the the one that probably shocked me the most in my life was probably you know a tracy morgan, because you're you're, you know you're at the boston comedy club. We used to have these roasts and they used to roast me.
in all the comics used to go up and just Jeff Ross with her waist and they'd. All just you know, do their thing and practice their roasting skills and yeah and Tracy walked in, and you know we'd just gotten on saturday alive. I think a year earlier, or something and after he'd been living in the projects and had four kids and was you know really endanger and on welfare and and. He didn't understand the concept of a rose, so he went on and he walked up any sort of crying You guys are all assholes. How dare you shit on this guy? This guy took me out of the projects and but me Then a nice place the cousins as it might have been a great nation, and you guys food tat, a little respect and get yourself a jew white manager. Any walked off, miss the I often to those streets. Umbrellas village
and then four days later, I got a phone call from him saying: listen! This is working now surprise you more getting a call from danger present you again or Dave chapelle represent you again. What would surprise me the most that re question. it probably surprise me more if Dave Chapelle call me only because he's you know, lived in existence that has been outside of the game Yeah so dave live, is his life in existence, not playing the game and so technically speaking, because as I function as a manager, slash producer of telling me and film, I'm technically part of the system and playing the game. Whereas he's you know in the sis, then where this is what's crazy for you and your audience everybody's like we got it.
Social networking we gotta do podcast we've got a tweet, we gotta get our facebook page ready. We gotta get an altogether and work at all, yet chappelle doesn't have a fight website. They ship probably never tweet. In this light, your patient pell could give a shit. Yet they Chapelle could make a phone call to a houston radio station right now. Is that not all, but I must see it or I'm gonna be doing this five thousand steep there tonight we only have tickets answer well for another four hours and it'll be sold out and they'd be adding a second show yeah, and so the fact is is that it doesn't really matter. It doesn't really matter when it comes to those those things and that's what I so chapelle is work. in that world, where he doesn't. Doesn't need any bobby. Yes, if he had a manager.
If he had an agent that he really trusted that you did film on television and he really worked hard at creating and putting things out there and that's what he wanted. Yes course. I could help my managed and for eight years I don't think anybody else manage and for more than a year- and I when I Will we accomplish together was insane I mean we had. So I think we had seven development deals in eight years Four hundred million dollar movies. I mean I know what we did. I know what I can do with people, but I think, dane is still working in the system. He has an agency. He still wants to. Get film role as you don't want to develop this television show. Is he still wants to Tour and irrelevant away, he still wants them. this impact with content as an artist dame cook Still cares what people about him and his craft dave your pal does
give a shit what anybody things all he can is about what the guy upstairs thinks and what he thinks and that's it and you know, he's living in ohio on a farm or wherever it is with his family. Were there and he's he doesn't give us care. All I care about is just doing what satisfied him and what helps us family and that's also, they would be the one that I would be surprised them. However, I will say this is that people are his play. The game name, a musical artists and tell me for me genius or not or she's. A genius are now Dave. People from the moment. I met him like you, I met him without knowing that. Well, he was eighteen years old and I one of the represent him
and I knew that he would do something just like I knew you would. As a matter of fact, when I sat down to lunch with dave and real food daily about a year ago, my ass just hits the sea, and I'm any says you know what month it is right now said. I know a month. It is he said, but you know what the significance is, I said now, I dont think I do is twenty years ago today that you met me really do you, Twenty years ago this month, you met me, I said he said you, or were you met me what you said? I said I remember like yesterday you are about,
seventeen years old. You jason Steinberg, who was the manager of the club at the time, told me to come back on a tuesday performed on a monday and to see you- and I met you before the show Started- the boston comedy club in the main part of the club, and I shook your hand. Then I looked at you and I said: listen I want to represent you. I think you're going to be one of the biggest stars in comedy and film and you're going to change the face of comedy and you are gracious, and you said you know very well. What are you talking about? You've? Never even seen me perform. You haven't seen the videotape, you don't know me and, and then I said you know well shaking your hand, it's like the dead zone. I can see the future and that's what
I see and at that table you know when you're at a place, then again maybe I'm exaggerating, think I am because of the way. I remember you by the way. Thank you cause. That's my entire life story. I think I'm exaggerating, but this way I fucking remember it yeah. You don't want somebody slaps a table so hard that the dishes shake unless you were shakes in a restaurant and people are, are looking at like what's happening. He slaps the table and he's like and he gets into that dave. That's not angry day but, like you know forcefully like that's right, that's right and it haunts me every time I think about it, and literally I sit back in my chair and I'm like dave. I just you know just sat down, I'm just I just wanted to talk and then he got into solemn dave and he's like I'm sorry man just
the time I think about that moment, I just either myself or how the fuck did. He know yeah. So, oh that's! So that's the thing that I happens to be something and so with dave I know what I did and I know his talent when he did and what date I know what I did and I know what he did with his town. You talked about talent, betting on themselves, there's a guy than in the beginning, had twenty. Five thousand dollars in the bank from college gigs and he said, bury I want to build a website in two thousand and I'm like a web, what that back before anyone like I want to build a website. I said I don't see why you Actually I normally a visionary here. I wasn't me, said: listen berry! need to build a great website and you need help me do this and his website
I said. Well, what do you need me do I see said I need you to talk to this guy. From the: u S, army, that's the best site out there who redesign the? U s. Army website, I said, are you were doing many here dame what do berry. The guy, negotiate a deal. I call the guy toughest negotiate. if I ever had my lab guy wooden budge on anything. I followed the guy fairy, wanted twenty have thousand dollars for a website. With all these pages, the dame wanted, and I finally might have gotten three more pages adam for nothing but an being launch this website that basically no. Back in the rolling stones. Didn't have a website like this. Nobody had a website and- and this change the face of everything and he's put content not be put things up and he would
answer every email. He got the first fifteen thousand emails, he got he answered personally and it started going, and you know again, I probably for myself for my gas people say? Will how are you up there and like the top if beer hog gas and how does had you lie number three. Nobody knows you, nobody knows the people you're talking and, to be honest with you, it's an anomaly to me, because I am, I can do it for somebody else like you could save me, you could sit across me and say bury. Could you help me do this this this this in this this and I would make it happen. Forty. But for myself I couldn't social network to save my life, and so These things are happening. Basically, because people like you are saying somebody else was. I've listened to that and then not entitled on your hard cast. I've talked about your progress on the spot guest plenty of times
because it is a great podcast, and so it's because of you and the word of mouth it's not because of my I smell I smell in the very cat's future, a lecture series ecologists. Why not? Can I tell you what pockets I like you here you do. I would like to hear you talk to the guy who wrote save the cat. I'd like to hear you talk about a screen, play and how to write a screenplay and sell screenplay. I want to hear how to write a treatment. You should be What you're doing is what you're doing is is is valuable and I wouldn't be shocked. If you did a college tour, I know you at a book and talk to young Young people that want to get in the industry about be different, avenues to get in the industry. The durban opportunities I would do. I would go. I pay money to see that very I would payment to see that all this is one of your toughest things, because you do something like this and I do it and I come on things like because I want to make. I want to make a difference to beat. I really do and
and thereby offers the do things like you're talking about this offers to do I've had television people talked about doing things. I've had theatrical play is digital field, play is worthy of a panel of people to do things and I just feel like I will eat I don't want to get away from what I when I am, but I also port shaper surfboard chamber, but I also I also. Want to get away from doing something that helps people well. I think I think. I'll tell you what I said this to whoever and I magazine remember who it was, but I'll tell you later, but whoever it was, and I was like I think, in your career right now. Barry could do nothing but amazing stuff for you and, and I and I and I'm like I said I was soon as I found out, you were putting up your own shingle and by yourself I think, that's the right term, but by yourself again I was like I was like whoa. This is going to be an interesting chapter,
is going to be the fucking chapter where you're like shut the fuck up. They didn't kill him all the way he lives. You mean he's coming back into the village. Oh shit, people have shit to pay for. Well, I don't know about there, but I have my own thing. This is the weird part I had my own thing for those I have my own company beforehand and I was always like for like fifty in years, and I always thinking to myself. Ok, let's get a comedy club going. Let's get a personal appearance thing going. Let's do this, let's go let's higher, ten people, let's open up an office in allay- and I was always doing that stuff I feel like in a way it's like a selfish move, slightly, During my own thing, and even when I got my new office which, as you know, I love where I am in century city and it's incredible
Please I literally the first night I was there. I stayed late and I was walking around. I was thinking, oh my god. Okay, let's see, if I hire this one I could put them. There I can take over that office there and then I literally stop in the middle of my sentence in my hand and said the myself shut, the fuck up. Your own guy, don't worry about anything else, a better life for you and the people who believe in you and just don't complicated women. Just just do your thing and I could have worked out. I just like you said you know, you're doing your podcast out of your man cave I couldn't were I and my house. I have this whole. You know like thousands where foot or whatever it is office space. That's all hooked up with phones that no one would even know where I was or how whenever and I just I know I could have done that, but I just
We want to do that. I just wanted to have my own space. It was really nice and if I was gonna buy them that were present at my office. Did your pod podcast sit down for ninety minutes. I want them to feel like comfortable and feel like again, it's part of it world and part of what is there, but. I dunno how much more time we have, but I want I've got a I've got a meeting at twelve fifteen. So how much more time we have one of the five minute, one minute, one minute yeah. What would you say to someone in one minute very well? This is what I wanna say in one minute. I want everybody to know. Abyss is that Bert christ, is an example of somebody when he was starting, who created a fucking problem, he went in situ. Nations when no one expects them to any one. He beat the system you be the system because he prepared harder than everybody else. You didn't have a sense. entitlement, he studied people and this
What bird did did he didn't realize that he did he study, the greatness? He imitated greatness and he became great. That's that's Fine, well worth that an end that that's what he did now throughout his career there. Been times where he would readily admit to you that didn't do that may be drank a little too much man party of all too much, maybe thought a little too much about certain people. Maybe talk shit about certain people. Maybe maybe hung out at the improbable too long. Maybe they create enough content, but the fact is that he wrote that out and now he's doing his own show, which is very different do, you have to go in the rooms and you have to win and again you have to at that development deal. But it's like the nfl playoffs. What he's doing right now, yeah! He won the wild card game. He's gotta tell him jim deal and now he's gotta get a pilot going.
Gotta get a pile of going in and to do that he's gotta do a script and get a script, that's approved, it gets the script, that's approved a yes what he won the conference game here. Ok, then, if you can the order for the pilot, hey guess what you won the championship game, but now he's gotta get the pick up the series, ok and if he gets the pick up the series and gets on the air is won. The superbowl I am the only way he's going to win. Another superbowl is if america says that's my fucking guy, tell everybody to watch that show similar later people say listen to your podcast or mine will, and that's you're doing and that's what every artist listening or anybody who listened to your podcast, wherever you are sure, now is dead you can do it and you can beat other people who are more cos five than you and if you do the right,
Things you study and figure out how to be better and work, horror and everybody else you can make it happen. That's what you ve done and I am very, very proud of you and I'm honored that you have me on the podcast, I'm very grateful. But if you want to listen to a super bowl winner, talk to other superbowl winners, industry standard- it is berries podcast. It is fascinating if you're, a cop, which kid and you want to come out to l a and you won't have dreams. This is the podcast that will steer you. This is yourself out podcast. It is fantastic, very it isn't honor to talk to you again. I miss you immensely you're such a fucking insightful, great guy, and you have Such a role in everything have in my life and where I am today. I could not thank you enough. I, I only hope that we can keep in touch and maybe have you back on upon us and do it again
I'd love that I love you and I thank you. So much and you've had a huge impact on my life and my career. What a great way to end! I love you very much. This episode is brought to you by the machine.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-24.