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Episode #32 - Doug Benson, Steve Morrison from Preston & Steve & ME

2013-07-01 | 🔗

Doug Benson, Steve Morrison (from Philly's Presont and Steve), and I hang out in my hotel room in PHILLY on a Sunday and talk about Partying, Movies, and Radio!!!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The before the july. We get everybody, I'm still on tour atlanta, phoenix this week's ghastly morrison from precedents, the along with dog benson, as always, gotta berber Berta com how to save lives. a third Well, there you go. I start of our memories attributed and directly over your soldiers Ben. Fosters Like an amazing, I hear he's gray. What's he he's acting betsy upset about melanin. Where was this little
it is so over the top decorate shot of her you to that first shot was not that that was just purchased by Hefner that classic iconic playboy shot of marilyn in rome. Oh sewage charges did already, it had already existed and he purchased it and he publish it. That was the only that was only there because it wasn't commission for playboy seriously yeah. I was there, that now know that my understanding is that when I was purchased, he purchased that holy shit? I met her because it could be right out of my asshole, but but that's that's. What I hear that's the he looks amazing have does amaze LAO may have seen pictures. Where he's a string. They told me that we have. did did andrea, calving show you ever drink ever so the blue play morning, air adrian cabin. So we were on the on the on the match and play payment. I'm so compound of last night dude I can and believe you're alive. I am still fucked up from last night. It was during this ridiculous, highly entirely way too much debauchery job flag up your job
ACA was there like crazy nights, you wake up Joe Flacco just like so he was There is a vanished up. I went to the bank, I think he was dragged, thereby some like he was there with a group in jersey really as railways orange juice. Here it was big fan it took in the future. a very good idea. It'll. Do I your guess. I wandered out while bird was onstage and we just talk for a while in front of the great there was so much fun though yeah, but thank god, but he was Like you know, I think I think that was Joe Flacco next to me, kept going. I thought he was saying. Waka flocka flame is here and he goes. He goes flacco flacco flacco and so I went out. I would I I went out to check and see if it was because he was standing out in front of the club with his people, and I,
outside and I went? Are you and he goes yeah yeah yeah? That's when you reach at eleven, it's something we talk about all the time, because when we we're around, you guys are a lot more prominent cause. You're out, you know more visibly, but when on a radio. You know let me, then we really quick enough energy losing their password explanation. holds worse plug cattle and steve less stable, or is it the nose esteem for breast it? It's the will have access to feed into motion The aim is so valuable share these cells out every fucking time you come be guilty of everyone. Did you notice those big when people know your call letters yeah, that's they're, not gonna, see on double. What have you are that we are in a like. I got what president steve. Look at other make your good with the two ways We are right in our own complex, a greater media where we're broadcasting from people called preston. Stephen call me preston, so I mean we've, we've been there for many years and I'm bald and he has a full head of hair. So still they can.
Down, but the thing about you know when somebody just says yeah with some becomes, are you and they already? Oh yeah? That's a level of celebrity that that we don't. You know, because I was think it at one time, and I thought what, if that I just thought I look like his cousin. or you know like like I'm, going to look like such a fucking? Do she I'm still not convinced that that was flacco? How do we get recon? They were like he's, got a florida he's really tall tax purposes purposes. He looks football ish. Does he not know who they are some of the football players they don't associate with tallness, necessarily largely it's their big big everywhere that guy tumble tal shed his hands like fuckin, catcher's, mitts and joe I go, someone goes yet juvenile and then well guess which one I go: the six foot, seven dude yeah yeah, not that the guys he's with, but they came back to the club. They they came back in after I. When did that? Hey are you and he didn't yeah
it convinced to come back in, but then he did. He didn't stay for very long. They left I dunno. It was not an intimate type setting last night after the show I have never seen I love helium, I love playing there, but that is like my own private playground. After the shows. Usually it's usually me and maybe a couple people from the show and staff. It was it gets the entire crowd to go out to the bar and continue to just drinkin ethnic lunatics. Literally they had. They went through like two bottles of jack Daniels. While it was, it was an you always take all your pictures with the fans. With your shirt off. I have s, I did not always said. I know we weren't, you love the idea, you nobody long, I'm definitely accorded with someone famous I'll, take my shirt off in a hard. So put put, I know what happened was. I wish I was so wet ducking. Oh yeah, you're, soaking, wet came on stage and literally was like it was like. I said this sum some of the we were hanging out with the waitstaff after everything's little dogs. I remember much last night, but
I hang out with the waitstaff last night and they're like they were like tonight, was an amazing night It's like I was like yeah. It really was great because we had pizza. That's why I thought they were talking low extra pizza they're, like Joe flacco in the back. Doug benson just walked on stage and you as in project go you got to prompt, I sat there and giggled for thirty minutes and I was laughing so hard. I started sweating profusely. It's always sweat through my shirt entire mess yeah. They could see that the all these weird is appearing on your shirt. You can see my nipples, so I was like I'll just take it off. Yeah yeah I'd buy definitely got a shirtless picture with Joe flacco did he know that that did you explain the procedure for that and he asked him to retire, not asked him to take his off. Lk probably didn't, but you should take their shirts off. Never do yeah, yeah yeah. The guys here have no reason to always do I was overdue. I was wondering why they left so crooks. It came in and it was it was path. I think
it's too many too many people bug and improbably yeah. I think so. A lot of people started taking pictures with him once he did from what I hear, but I mean he seems really nice you get set upon and that's it. You know a little stand. Offish, yeah well, you'd, think you'd say something about myself. He said nothing, no feedback. He said to me when I went out and met him on the sidewalk. He said tell the other guy sal Kalani he's like tell him that sells me. No, he didn't say that I'm saying Mr president, commissioner, you have you, sell coloni tails.
Claudia. I love the cleveland, browns joke joke about about the browns that made his night. So, but maybe you just didn't talk about football enough or maybe well. Maybe he compliment you on your sad. If most of your set wasn't just listening to me so yeah, but even though you're the headliner, you you're, some sweaty guy from the kitchen always feel again until the stoner showed up. He must have called that guy from the audience I'd be funny. If, after we talked for a while, I said alright bird, I got pissed and you left the stage finishers that I said they go. I go Doug. Why? Don't you tell one of my jokes what you do as a. I think I said that I don't remember and then and then I said you said you kept complimenting me on having jokes you kept saying. I wish I had jokes, I looked at him and he was so confident and I was like I'm just hoping something funny happened. Then I go. Why don't you tell the machine story and he goes? I've never been to michigan
the cyclades said: tell the music and storing I've been debates again is not in the way, that is to say yeah yeah. I had gone. I you know. I had my four twenty show yesterday and I started hidden the booze and the smoke before during after that show, and then you know, I'll see you guys later and I will just went around philadelphia, got more fucked up and then then came back. The clock is yours, It is an arduous night of drinking for years. Are we in this? In the city there was not a club like alien and helium has, as we set the bar because its legitimate comedy club, you know, and that people have to come to town and play it, but I mean the I didn't
but summer was here I'd ever. I would only play here if there was like some just some kind of random gig of a few times, but since healers been been here, it's been my jam. I like pleasure of it. Did you at least once or twice a year? No, no! I! I grew up in new york but work down here all the time. About ten or eleven years. I was doing stand up and I I did it a lot here, yeah for the colleges down here. It was like a boston thing, so you are you down here all the time and it was at that height You know even ground rounds. I comedy nights, you know, like suppose you you'd be We do in that stuff and end. I should be down here all the time, but for a good portion. I prefer your career. I've worked down a fairly and I friggin loved, I loved the city and, as I say it, it's it's. It has everything that I love about new york. With about two thirds less bullshit. We can actually get the other the things you want to go experience, rittenhouse Paul. Little glances yesterday. I won't do it every time I walked to the club see everyone likes and it's the weather's changed
everyone's and sun dresses, other girls have like pamphlet at the top of their thoughts. I'm, so I'm like a fucking, throbbing p. It's walking around the city, just going holy shit, everyone looks fucking hot louis. We did a couple of times on the show. We actually set up what we call the Bu blind, where he had like one like an actual blind up, because it's at that time of the season where it starts to change and we put a whole bunch of listeners. another binoculars and an end? Now we're? U streaming back as it's it's just it's just phenomenal when the weather stars journey warm. For Christ's sake, it's it's my speech down where you were just glorious just down the street corner, go in your pretty pretty too. Some girls from about thirty years for twenty, so came walking by and recognize me who should remember name right now. She was so fuckin hot and she and it's like
the things that I notice like when I put my arm around someone to take a picture in their did. No really you like randy everything's, very, very richard, being everything should be. The arms are tight. Rhyme. Irish, you must do put these tighter. Did you hear my job last night about billy? are very owes I go. There are very few cities and I love the city is very few cities where the people that live in the city, define the city, and I there's rwanda, theirs a fast and there's still, he was gonna. I won't baltimore suitable evolved. The work of all the possible results. intensity I'd, never see like homeless people. Touching you really get somebody, oh it in my head. You know that, like common decency like homeless people, not was the dodgers there.
They re it's like. I don't know about a europe that rock eight thirty bucks, but don't worry there not willingly take the homeless people gain, judge it like you, there's a I can understand the law that when they're still as kill my father, stamina, vase, like I know, there's one holds it will do, is not going to hit me well it transcends just merely homeless and becomes homicidal yeah yeah thatS. What happened in baltimore learned twice once was in the mall. It was like what does the homeless guy doing in the mall at the doomy store, but neither were they that walking club in the morning yeah, so they were very alien to me. It shows what what I mean you were talking about this before we even started recording but philly in the in the list of. Cities. You love to play it it's it's way up. There. Oia has done with all that. So I have a ball every time I come here. It's like amazing and like it was funny there, there was like a little learning curve with helium the first few times I played there. It was kind of a rowdy room and you know just sort of a lot of people probably know
fence, new jersey, but you know you know how you are, and you know it's a lot of people coming from jersey and I just it was like it felt like a new york comedy club, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But it's you know. If solved into now. It's just a place where you know people live here that, like comedy, go and is sick It's a great very I mean it it's part of it. Is that they're now they're there to see me, whereas I used to you know when I first started playing there. I was the kind of headliner where a lot of people will come in that they'd, not knowing what they were going to see. Yup you know just come. Let's go to the comedy club. You noticed the point at which the transition became. They were just not simply going to a comedy club. They were coming to see you yeah well Perhaps I certainly get got me a lot of that and then podcasting has just really it's the next level, because I mentioned all my dates in my podcast and so the people that listen come and they are already like if they're listening to a podcast they'll, you know you don't they'll, it's like that.
thing last night with us just standing on stage together. It's like they're they're, fine with that, like that's, not nobody sitting there going no good bye to the act. You jokes like they were having fun because we were having fun and there. to us talking to each other As long as were in our ears, all the time they're yours, all the time dialogues changed entirely. I I was told a story on this saga shows friday. That I think was, I want to say it was just a story about. Oh, it was. Oh, my god talking Jesus and get the result the edge of my still working pulling on by the thread has been heller, it that's how are reported by the eye. I was story about how Priscilla my dog, I can tell how the if he is going to go based on how she greets the person at the door really yeah, because the dog is she's big as fuck, and so she
ari when she met ari? She was like, oh, not really, cool about that, I'm not sure about this guy like she was like papers. I need those papers but bill burr as she came over and she was like, oh yeah, with marin. I said what I don't even roll the dice but the dog in the house and was going to lead. Let priscilla judge Well, he doesn't need it from a dog because the dynamic we were talking about this when you are on the when they are on the show we talking about how how the dynamic is changed there is that there is a podcast culture I for the show happens to be really big. We jumped on it immediately, and the mindset was wow yup. We just put up ten minutes of the of the of your your. You know your your favorite moment of the charlotte. No, no, no, no people want to come in and grab the Preston and I were of the same mind on this gave him what they're looking for we put up almost all cow yeah. Let's see it's just like tv or whatever with radio, you can listen to it at your convenience of you. You know well don't have to get up early in the morning we enforce the show itself. What happened was people started because I
had their show? They will listen to that they light but demand to listen to a show out of the room. The time? Let me check get oh. I like that. I, like I have more than the soil is due in the morning and ended fed around like that for you guys and we'll talking about this doug about you know now you know as far as pod cancer in popularity level. I really think in this case is a case of who got two at first who got to an earlier you have amassed a large audience because there are so many gas now so to distinguish yourself. You gotta have then else and you have and if you can t like Adam control at the beginning, he got on an early and then so you know is he showed the best he got out early and often cause he also adopted the five day a week strategy rag right around, always treating it like radio. I always wonder if that, if, if two days a week
like I experimented with dropping two a week yet to see if that would keep my numbers higher and today it does. But it's the same I mean it's not like I'm getting new listener right right by my head. I was like oh I'll, just do one a week because that way I can space them out. When I started shooting triplet I'll, be fuckin I'll be like awesome, screwed I'll, be interviewing my sound guy as soon as I started, John sayles john woods in colorado. How bout you just losing your mind in a hotel room? You know, like I like martin, jean yeah, ok like if only he had a podcast. If every grade he might have gone up the river, I don't don't think I haven't taped a few guys, your next podcast I'll start with saigon to shit it would, I would get I would get I I literally I tried I tried a number of. Why would well, my PA, my treadmill re hooked up mice to my tribe Mona walked, and I thought I think, really good one. Walk yeah. When I walk it like a three and my brain kind of floats, so I did the one like that horrible. I did one where I was like if I get drunk. If I really do some genius a horrible I did want with my kids,
horrible. I could not it's it's better. I have a better conversation with people that I know like I can do this by not by the hague how many amity podcast you ve ever as and how about we just recordings edna nanny making it love? Is I love his radio expression s? Can I write If we could say we can fuck it again. Oh yeah, we said friggin earlier too, like he's, got he's, got them all down gotta it. We really explode during the commercial breaks, as those people are. How do you? How do you keep from cursing on the air and then we'll tell people say you during the commercials, it might get a little like you will have it. Which is just switch. You flip, you know you have sex year, like you all,
is a good thing, but to see all over your be you know their see. What I do like about it down it is, is the difference between that and an as yet I go, satellite or or disappear. Guess where young, where your generating the contents specifically for the biogas. Is that what I do I who in a bizarre way dig having a light across. Will you and you- We will say no, and you know Abdel everyone will have that look on their face and that's why I've the thing I've worked out and preston and and the other members of the show will say it? You dump it if you need to, but if we to live in fear of saying it. Then it's going just have things up. Sometimes it s just carte blanche, yeah. You know this deadline line to its knees because it allows you like if I haven't joking, my headed dirty yeah I will. I What were you were slowly around? Who, with the eu on the showed you know, and you know what you're talking about something that everyone can commiserate.
and you were looking for that- that way? I spin it around and hold it up, so that would make it through and it was fun. It was fun to watch yeah. It was funny one time I was on either joke. I tell on stage I dunno, if either of you saw it or have heard it, but where I talked about my wife farting during oral sex, I was on my body. Cow had showed you know, cowherd now now he's great guy you'd love him. He is also a coward show and I was like and I'd told that on stage- and he was like- I love that bit. I wonder if there's a way you can tell it and go, just say she forded on my chin, a little too there. I think we know where you are would appear it's about it, it's weird because we too say will say, and there are therefore dump buttons around the than this the complex. So it's the music, Actually the honest broker dragging the programme director, and it is maybe three then, but I think they can I'll grab it, but it's just to me, it's it's kind of cool to have a line across exemplary years ago before any of this You know we had the at the ability to just me: no cars
It was not an issue I met when I hear something get through on the radio to hear something that was pushing the boundaries. Colleagues I got you. You said that I thought was really inspiring when we're on the show it was in between the show you're like yeah. It's interesting, the guys, you podcast come on radio with podcast tempo, yes, and then guys I have done radio know how to get out of pod, and now the podcasts know how to get out of it and do radio temp and switch on up there. There is a difference. Pilot podcast tempo is his enemy like this to me. It is feel comfortable to what we do on the air, but their left, for example, that we ve had a couple people and who have you no successful biogas, their great. However, there in a much more, I think their progress might get me recorded. friday night, eleven outlet rule, like us leaving x you now living room, sat up and am it's a lot more relaxed in its? They don't know how to switch it for morning, because our tempo, as you know we, but what do we do try to do- is due to form a mental. So
yeah. I do remember doing podcast of the initial. Do you remember jason NASH, he had to remember jason around being over his progress, a ceiling as the feelings I remember doing isn't. Nash's, podcast or like this is gonna, be two thousand for anna, and I was doing it with radio tempo and it would like and jason was like I'm umbrage. Petitions it's great you're doing great, but I we'll know when to talk like oh yeah, this is like radio just how fucking well that's the thing. Also is a comic you. When you go on some radio shows they you. You feel that pressure that they're that they're going to step all over you and not, let you say anything so you kind of like you know, sorta end up taking control. You know you pull like a Bobby Slayton or adam corolla, or something where you just sort of just fuck. As you are all the talking and yeah or or what happens. Is that the thing we don't like to do is the is, is just you no, you guys come on. I showed it it's which is gonna talk. You know we don't need
oh yeah, the you don't say what jokes can we set you up for? I write you know like baron alone comics at least so, you drive a vehicle, oh yeah, the other day I open it by young baron with a black guy. Let me tell you a story tat. He was like a bird you like circus food. We could do it, brain was working rights as I want to say something quickly. Will you think you're next thing we mercy. Parka data results I want. I want people listen to because it was so much fun in and they can just fine an episode of precedent, steve- and you know, on itunes, where our shows are what, if they listing of this they'll, know how to get to you what you want to go in click subscribe,
yeah, but it was so funny because they did that. There's all these people gathered around the the booth and it was early in the morning at at hershey park and the roller coasters are going and it's it's super fun environment, but there's lots of kids around and stuff and they did they did a giveaway they gave away tickets to the stones or russia, or something and the guy and the tickets on the phone loud enough for what's daddy running or goes by, yeah screams it. It was so and they hit the dump button for the broadcast. But what happens and will it'll be dumped on the podcast too cause that's too much trouble to go through and yeah try to take the dumps out if they just do it on underpin. So when you listen to it, that's what that guy just pegged doug. The main reason we have we have we're really good. We rarely ever have is that we slippage. When you have someone the genuine excitement, the dude wanted for pakistan's tickets. Everyone leaving our bosses there like listen, the guy was,
static. Yes, it was yet everyone is real nice about. I remember the days like when I was younger and calling in to radio stations are trying to win and stuff. How like the digits, would If you know they get agitated with people swearing, you know they'd really like to people out for it, and it's just I got you. I got chewed out by man, Cal mag. Would you say on his show, nothing, nothing! The first time you said, I'm buddies with cow head. I was like you're buddies with that guy cause. I thought you meant no, no! No! No! No! No, I said I'll see you guys get along. So great is his his cow. It is assumed that that's a that's a Israel might look like a council about. My counter is buddies. big head. He used to work for bubba the love sponge and have a column called gnome yeah. We do them yeah. He he's done a Tampa cause. He was the first guy to ever and I did. Stand up. I was on the road or featuring undone.
He reached out. He went on his air. He was like doing sports talk, radio, right or nothing about sports, but he wanted to show- and he said I saw this guy centre stage. My favorite I've ever seen to stand up. I want to get to know him and my my dad's oldest, terry, was listening and called in and then gave him my number he was bored. I worked for his dad call him, and I was taking the end of the dentist atlanta- has a fear of dentists like real bad and I'm supposed to be, and then they call them like you're on the air, and I was like oh babe I was I was young. I was like hey and then I became, president, but I've been friends of them ever since and now he and now it is paid off in spades, he's got the biggest shown. Tampa awesome awesome. Would you do to mankind? I said something and great story. Something- and he just you to add a personal. It's what you knows it necessarily shitting or make out, but anyone that has done a comic, that studies show no knows exactly. Does he to everyone's rights? Are off
and he doesn't. Let you talk like give you a snippet. They give you a moment like a like you're a drop. The ep is our right, my mike! What I didn't is so yeah he's. Not always I know he's got all these rauf, there's always noises music like the I've done it lay twice and he's got like you know, bob it sounds go in the whole time, and you know that silly. You know pat song, stuff, and I will I will I will. I will say this: if anyone is listening and wants to is not drama out just this is my critique demand. Go make. to do so because when I start speaking, no one I hear that so you're missing my first few words of my sentence until he realizes I'm speaking in terms of my micro. Yet have you ever done it over the phone? did a photo with them, and I'm like what am I even listening to what's happening? I didn't speak. I swear to god. I just I felt like I was just like laughing at the things he was saving the show. It shows great everyone loves it and- and you do well enough for his audience likes the way he does it, but it's really difficult to do as a couple cause, you got to say some, so I got dumped on something that you didn't even
My audio wasn't even up and then each I think I said I think I said I want to say said like maybe yes, it does I don't know those that another would invite not, and he was Although difference wasn't, I do. I wasn't pathetic towards us. He was paying for on fines. So he was isaac, young and so here I feel, I'm sure if you have a two hundred thousand dollar bill the on your head. You may ask all right: let's keep a g raided sower. Indonesia said I said, Bilbo's the lord of the rings reference it was funny cause. I did a show and then I got done. I didn't really do well. I thought yeah We are also not after the show. I told him about my about. I start telling stories and he was. I Can you tell us on the show like I was allowed to talk How can you tell the whole story? Yeah it those a tough it's it's. A it's very different sites like show you show is like dreamily user friendly to comments. You come in no one like I've, never
like I came in the first time I came in, I was completely and you got yeah and you guys, I think, welcome back for the next day, but you guys there was no like who's this guy, like that energy you know the mindset is- and it goes back all the way in which is watching a documentary undermining always reference carson cars, deal, is man come on in EU member? It like an they used, a piano, shine man, because in carson's Mindset was if, if someone comes in and tears it up and we want Your platform to tear it up every to elect on that day, people say: did you hear the president d show? Did you see cars unless it's it's? It only benefits, and if we can a good symbiotic trade off terrific. You know I mean, but the casual it it's something we had to work up to, but we're not behalf
into any hard breaks. You know we can. We can take it as long as we want. We can go forty. I that's! The other thing is I I got a you always. I always felt like like how long is this going to go on? Because I'm like waiting for someone to go wrap it up. Now we owe me we can get a nice chunky break. You know that there is one basic. It happens. Is lungs are responsive to purchase getting within the hour that even the honest, the you know, I have to obviously want to make sure that the clients are paying for the whole thing. You want to make sure that the you treat them properly, but if the entertainment is good, it's I mean the courtney. nothing. You were in the studio just recently for that and that was she went on and on. Oh people can go. Listen to that one too yeah. There was little way we were going to stop that odyssey. You know we cause he's like ate up the thing. We could say we among the illegitimate he was, was a fan of some of the stop misuse. Bench o differ, but there is some because I know that, just like you just target the unjust vulcan, they're gonna tear it up, they're gonna, dig it it just actually eviscerate the person. Get six minutes before the storm at all.
you sort of work with it and see what you get and she was sick, couches and pretty damn good stuff, especially about algae. the role and people versus Larry flint about she had been on heroin shit. I was doing everything and she got off it for the movie, he was auditioning for us and they gave her a handler not to fuck around and pay them off. She paid them off to college. You can fuck eg ed norton yeah. It was a great interview. You gotta, get it go, get it guys at president Steve pretty. While I'm drinking more coffee know what what was. What was that god? Damn it I wish, I got buck, see that's the beauty of a podcast. Yeah. The other thing is really user friendly about your show, which I've never really witnessed anywhere else is all your names are on the mics. It's so fucking easy resting cause. You feel like you're part of the family. That's so smart! It's a lot to ask someone to come into the studio, and this is and here's a five person cast. Remember all our names now,
You know pressing game of the eye and let me tell you it's been especially when you have someone who's, a pretty abby celebrity come in and they're calling you by the first name. It's What does it matter, whether they remembered it or not? It sounds like they. that's all you want. You know, but it's you got said that we could get a lot of good response from. it's a fund show to do other rights, one of the few that ice that I still do. I don't I don't really get out. Get out of bed and go to radio any more at all, there's not much! There's not ready. But actually, oddly enough, I'm a really big fan of radio. The of of other, like I will sit while online and just google radio drama radio gossiped all radio interviews, I love that shit is great and what what what do you think? What what what catches your offense about it. What are you find the most intriguing about radio but I'll radio? I he's, oddly enough, like one of my fate I will listen to all the time. I will listen. This almost I say once a month because I always go back to it is
the day ron, Bennington and pres run run run as from one a template broke up on the air. Oh really I listen to that. I like I, like those ones that are either that like amazing interviews, I listen to Daniel tosh. Did some small put on radio station and he took it over and it was he destroyed a lovely goods. I gotta that listen to some old, oh and stuff, like with like patrice when trees are like louisen studio. Trees is great the welcome back we had of honour our show a number times there is a guy would come in and he would you know it we just laid bare and he was not- I mean in art he just yeah he's great at just like he can sit there and throw insults at lake. Salute strangers were not yet he would, and I we were like without its fun, though we need be insulted. My dismay, comma, but you know he would start. He was giving us a rabbit. You know they come in and you can Maybe it's the first time you came in about our or as a u doug as well
you know everyone's like there's sort of that sort of you know pure wet around each other. What are these guys going to be douchebags or are they? What are they gonna want and then, and then that common ground and in it and it works, but I mean we were fighting a sort of a sisyphus. Bold up the mountain battle against experiences at other people had at other shows like. If you get here, they come in with a chip on his shoulder like here we go you because I am, I might say- you guys. You know you your pride familiar enough with my career that that you are able to talk to me and made me feel comfortable, but like a lot you go on morning- shows you can you can see. I'm looking at your. I m d b, page two seconds before the interview starts just to get something to talk to you about because they have no idea who you are, but I loved your last comic standing and I was like I was on two episodes and I got kicked off and he makes it to the finals like remember beyond has colleagues you produced it like or their thinking,
other than that parity show you data carbon central. It's it's just a heads up, that's the other thing. People would say to me all the time they still do. I voted for unless covered steady, and save them, you're a liar oriented remembering iran because they couldn't for me, I didn't. I didn't make it to the point where america started voting, I got kicked out and six place or you don't I get, but there's just being nice when they say that they're trying to I voted for you know you didn't. I muttered I walk away if about, but still it you at least there are sort of extending a yeah, they're friendly about it. Trying to be funny about it. Are you were you were saying the other day we were talking one of the things I'm obsessed about his radio, Beef steer like that, like the the that one of the things that I was. I can get into it I'll watch but itself interesting, because sure that allowed the radio asians. I do have beast with each other, but I am so oblivious to it because I'm afraid to go in and be like. I don't want to be
one of their boys or one of them? You know what I mean. You know what happens it it's in it and it's funny because people will Try to get going in they'll. Think it's the days of. We know what when howard was, you know, when howard, like came, came into fill and john develop as a great guy by the unrighteous have ever heard this. The the onto bellowed howard, stern I think so, but tell us how it anyway it was. It was one of them that the classic battle as something that later from what I understand you know, really troubled. You know how as far as the way that that he was a interacting with with with a john it's a great guy and- and I certainly grub listening to and loving how're you know an end- he created a kind of radio that that a lot of people, including our, shall benefits from above dot those those battles, I think, were born more. The fact that you know those in those days add a couple of network channels. You know
shows ike mash and cheers could get seventy shares in asia, russia and do the same with radio. You know an end like aren't that the days of huge contained battles between shows just doesn't exist because right now, everyone's battle is really with the ipod wit and with them all sorts of other everything. So such a niche audience to its likes. You know it's, not No, each person's canada think they're thing that they would like is out there and they can and they can find it and have it. I wish you well. Do it's right there you just go just go, do a search and you can listen, you can listen to puppy radio. All gonna go get it. I just hurts. Oh, did you hear that same exact, podcast, their actual there's a pop casta? There's no there's cat cast care, as married started, brightened rebel goes. I got up a cat gas with those ideas like what are you up to people at fucking cod, that's a big on NPR later
story about a guy who started a whole dvd, about puppies, like just that. In the end, it was this idea that he had, but it didn't get off the ground. The John D bela stuff was fastened to me because I'm looking, I'm good in all radio beefs are watching like listening to shipments, said some about howard and John bellinger. When I know John annabella produced we're going to fully and There are two and I was like it was in I mean it was next level in san, are so badly wanted to bring it up to him and asked him on air. Can that's the kind of radio I want to do? I would love to here that, with a view to start with, I have apparently he's? Actually he actually was an and hopped overrun and an howard and asked him to go over and do some stuff, for there was a sort of asia and on air. History of howard and and john graciously went and did didn't. I think they're really from what and I am speaking for one I've just area but that it touched howard a great deal, because there was a high level of viciousness and
instead of going back and forth in issues issues weird, because you know that point, you know you have people. Passion about things. But now this is there's just such a glut of entertainment speaks to whatever you want That's why honesty with us in on a terrestrial level and what mmr? As you know, our station does live a local where we're about this area yeah how and a whole the whole the whole mindset and what what actually spread that on with the whole that whole fight years ago, but that whole battle was this. Indication was the big thing, you'd be syndicated and the major markets unable to show syndicated unless other the brain you few examples. Economically about their affairs indicated. There's this egg syndicated to fort level five levels gates, and it's going to cost saving thing, because what what what is done that in its streaming you're any you can listen to our show from around the world is and an in dash streaming
mobility in the car is right here. If I'm up early in the allay or order or late as the cases sometimes I'll just go on, you know We remember dot, com or whatever and unjust, tipp. The listen live thing and I haven't seen you got the haughty cab, so you can see you can you can click on that and in you know, it's kind of cool to see some at least part of the studio, something it's going on is always Q. Girls sat holding up, assign listening your friends kind of talk in you're lucky. I will I'll listen, especially if I know they're like. If I know you are tat glass or some he's gonna beyond that, it's fun to listen and and and a text I was texts it you trying to get you to say that I said hide. I said: hi Courtney love. I guess he had no idea what she goes. Gap really six as soon as I said, hey Doug benson says I should not really close to my face and a hair brush. My tv yet and I was like- and I was like backing australia letter well my whisky on my breath. She was like she's grab me by the cheeks use doug bent
Doug benson? How do I know him? I said super high me. She was dug doug. I know noted. What does he play? I said car a microphone of comedy the issues like we actually know what universe this name is. From that, but she, you know the approach me one time. That's, why said say hi to cause she's she's spoken to me and it's me by name really, but you know she's she's she's been through a lot in the morning and it was early in the morning yeah. But but if I were sitting there may be sure to put it together, but she came up to me in a bar and was like kind gave me a hard time for something that she's thought I said on view each one. You know back in their last week ever days. I say I price it. You know I like a standard joke. used about a lot of recording artist. It had problems, I would say: hey, did you hear? Corti loves getting back together, and so am I
something like that, how could we love why? Where it was also while in from suitable pilots britney spears, I got to say about her for a while waiting for the next one to come along, and that is why it is that when you have you have people like that. You know. I'm sure you guys have you know you you're shows who? Who would you consider again? Who would you burn? Oh my god, which who would would be just I Vulcan believe that he or she is here on my parker I. everyone has whatever I argued. I know mind, oh papa, why I try not to think about it, because I just liked. I like that. I have the people that I do have. You know and there's always knew crazy things that happen. You have someone that I run into. I run into that. I'm some afraid, like. I am afraid that I'd get someone like. I would love to talk to. Chris rock again, but only because, like I got Bobby flame,
and I was like holy shit. This is like the first time I'm getting like a straight up celebrity what I I find that I also then get nervous. it's not the casual conversation. I do not going to be as you're you're going to be silly in a in a in a weird way, as opposed to just a regular burt calm down with Bobby, and I was fine talking to him and I was like okay. I guess I can do that. I would love to Chris rock. I guess I would love to talk to the and I think that's it really I love that minds, not one on one cause that that's. That would be hard for me to do that. I think you, I think you have the wherewithal you are probably more comfortable in in your the dynamic that and the way I have it, but it's a year and adjust its revenues. It caesar just you no kind of let things happen and then swoop and move the show forward where it's you it's just you back and forth with somebody. You gotta be ready with your next questionnaire and that aspect of it. Viewing doesn't appeal to me, what I learned telling me that we can tell you real, quick. The rocks are a horrible idea, because Brazil has never seen a black person and that would be a fucking,
mere she didn't. I black on that's how it started almost every time radios immune brazil's ever since That is why a white all asians dogs are colorblind, so they see when they see a different, ok I have no idea. There are such things as white dogs. You know, dogs that are trained to attack. It was used to be quite Everything really is in this out the regime in a straitjacket white all by people who Really I am wondering if perhaps you will be allowed a relay called white dog or something seriously. I it's about a white, its exact words about I know where they had trouble releasing it. I think there was like there was issues putting it out like crazy, canine and they're pretty harsh yeah yeah yeah. I guess it's easy to train them, not to like a certain race. I just I just she's, big and she's. Look, scary and so everyone that, if you know our comfort with that dog,
room could occurs. Rock is walking through the vote in the throat through the driveway and a heart, be as if I were to pursue. Let's go exploitative groupers with the newly than you know, get the squirrels out of their case. Chris rockin squirrel issues, I might be the weight. Ok go back, I'm sorry to interrupt. Go back beer get. You know it forever. The law, time would have been steve jobs. It would still be. I could still hat, I know if you go there. It eliminates, but right now be clint eastwood, oh yeah think linear what has clint, eastwood and and Nicholson jack Nicholson? Send you talkin storied, What I mean Clint eastwood had started in in de level. Movies longevity the career was that the mayor of what carmel for for a long time he's had. You know the history and then either revered direct, do now and end and jazz into east, got all this crap going on, but he'll seems like a dude who gets it. He gets himself
When someone comes in to me, one of the best quality someone can pass. We have is the ability to be self deprecating that that's a bit to me. That is a complete okay, let's go, but you really need him coming in there and talking to all the empty chairs in the room yeah. Well, I know I know that that moment, but he's looking at the figure, just a history, yeah yeah, steve jobs would have been at bill. Get you target. If you took a note, you guys are talking guys who basically changed the world and in any case, is pretty much out of the garages with what they started. Jobs are gonna, be harder get at this you know you know, I'm saying that those are people, and you talk about that. That nervousness thing. I have to say that you know that that his You get nervous because you don't want. You know you're. If your fang, you don't want them to be a dick. You know and because they don't fuck this up, but the amount of pressure that you do, I think, makes makes different scene. I do not know if you just have year, if huge,
no them backwards and forwards as much as you can then you're gonna need. You were prepare for corny love. yeah cause like I was like. I remember. Sometimes you go in those things in the end, it's like a group interview and everyone interviews, and I was like I was like in my head. I was like, think of a question as corny love and then you're like fuckin on it It's like oh shit, I guess, and then all I could do is when she'd, when you'd ask a question and she'd answer it. I could think of the worst question. To then ask her so she said so what now she was warm writing a book in my next question was fixing or non fix. coloring like and then also any time she had a kid like a horse like I used is so I do not have until the end is something that you have learned. Lots of people do a great job of it in the interviewing process. It it's either an interrogation or a conversation, and and if you're, on the they tend to be more. Like ten questions, you know it they're in the studio. It's a conversation dave's. She
said. She says only by writing a book. While I wanna hear more about this, but you know you know flesh it out, you don't ask if you know how my brain works, oh I'm reading a book to, let me tell you about my book right If you talk at all during her interview, yeah yeah, oh yeah, he was, he was cause. That's what I love when I you know every once in a while. You get lucky and you're just in in studio somewhere on a show like that, and somebody awesome comes in and I always you know, try to force myself in there at some point yeah. I definitely was. I definitely jumped it, but I've been on shows where they were. The hosts will go, don't talk to her, you know, don't say anything during this whole segment and dislike wall. I don't sit here not to say anything. What the point is that debt to me, if you you are, you are fan yeah a came out yet and participate there. It's you ve, it's for Christ. Sake is not you haven't conducted an interview of your own yeah. I was I corolla once said when we had this morning, radio show edna J, J abrams, called in to talk about clover field, and I,
sokolow reveal the night before, but I saw it. I was one of those things where I I probably shouldn't even have gone, but they you know, I wanted to see it Before you now have you, conversation with J J abrams, but I went hung or like really hung over like by one of the world. solar panels of my life that movies. Steady care, you know it's all hand held. You know, tell tee J, Miller's characters, filming everything he D, miller's and fuckin coal revealed here. Are you serious he's the character, who's got holding the cameras. You just hear him alive. You don't see it. You see him in finance. He catches a mirror or something okay. In a couple of scenes, you see him in the in the early going. I think by the way I love that movie. I've ever seen but it was like I. I have I've never gone back to her because of such a miserable experience like watching. That movie was at the beautiful, the huge theatre, the paramount law and in the south was really loud, and I just like
I felt like I was going to throw up the entire the entire time, and I am so I probably shouldn't have said that to jj rooms the next day like all the other day and health care. What made me sick, I listen to you. I was too hungover yet he's like oh great. Well, I'm calling in to promote that the that opens today, asshole yeah, but I just you know, just tried to be honest, but also thought it might be. You know funny to that to talk about it, but he said he sort of shut that down I didn't realize what a wonder boy he was. I read something about him online they're saying that he was the fuckin man like he was the man for everything. Oh yeah like he was the go to or they'd hire that this kid I guess he's a I dunno. I picture him looking like a like Tom cruise ominously looks like, but like Jj abrams now he's got classes and it means Yuki looks like he could be if it executive director. When I there's a show called a young, a razor head and he has got their country is here about ok, alice,
but he's really really entertain Fellow, like he's really smart, you know, can talk about anything that that speaking at sea. Be great. Armies are only movies we ve had on and he's he's easy. You know he's a pop culture duty stuffy stuff converse his nose out of selling the it and it's you love people who love to talk about whatever their working and they're working in they don't seem bothered by it. It's it's something I was told me Probably the president travel channel when I first started work and travel channel. She somebody the inner these people seek out the passionate people. Your job will be so much easier and its true. Anyone has passion about. I liked it it'll be Malcolm Gladwell, the guy who wrote he rode all those books, what the dog aw now he's isa is an economist and apparently I'm a cop and economists to rise? I love when stats prove, appoint I've never read any, but from
God, I'm obsessed, I'm obsessed with him. He was like the one that really teachers like the beginning of it and it was explaining the factor that you people succeed by sometimes just where they live, and that bill gates just happened to live blocks away from the only place in the entire northwest that you could find computers to work on, and he just happen to live near so that that's why he became not. Why there he also had talent, but it's the same reason. Why, eighty percent of the federal hockey players are born in january and february and march. So he's he's at all: it's all statistics and yeah. Why are they are born? And because in canada and that's the cut off period, the love? It's the cut off period for four? an age group. So if you are in the thirteen year old you're playing in the thirteen year old, what some call it if you are born in january, then you're there you do that year, but if you're, if you're born in December, you go back and play with the bigger kids. who are also it's like amendment describes like I e Logan's run,
darwinism? So yet it's based on like so the cut off age for playing for leagues is in january was january first. So if you're born January first, you happen to be the oldest child. In that lee as while bs so the majorities in shareholder in your bigger and your more owner, your bigger and and what they do. Is they find the people that they put the club sports they go to that league. They find the best kids in that league, so there simply going to get the oldest kids at at least two usually are going be the biggest. So then, it turns out that the majority of hockey players- I did a horrible job of explaining that I kind of got a call. I followed it sorta so on but yeah. So I love those kind of statistics like he was talking about how crime rates raised in like the late seventies and eighties, because abortion was outlawed like they stopped allowing abortions and when abortions were around the kids that we don't want in society, were
not born like that about once again, do not listen. Why? Why of the esa David, you just know, but that's one. earlier book. You saying that once they stopped allowing abortions that once they stopped or start, I dont know goddamn. I should know: well. This is why I don't fucking. Okay, it's not listening! I'm saying I kind of read this. Yet don't listen to this pod. Don't listen to this podcast, the rest of the movie white dog, yeah yeah! Someone will tweet me the thing and I'll retweet it what I kind of get you I do like that that stat stuff I do find it intriguing, though I don't have what you'd call a mathematical mind at all, I don't know, but I'm a a hard core economist I'd like to talk to. I can't I'm excited about talking to w kamau bell, I kept talking to him just talking to him like I'd love, to have him on the podcast, but it's going to be a. It would be a hard fit to because I think he's in new york, I'm never in new york, but I have a little, unfortunately, every new york whatsoever about volume I reaffirm in new in and out like literally again I'll hang out make again.
your hotel room, I would love to talk to. I'm excited talk to him cause. I love guys that are that are have an opinion about stuff. Raise a love talking about rates. I don't talk about it on stage anymore again, Bob! I love like a good open com. asian about raise a loving it? Do you know what happens? Is that I see you haven't more more. Is that people because of tat- Because of a social networking they, the I ever saw box. If we want to hear what I have to say yes and and the one the matter is now they dont. Not not. your known for that that not less that's what people come to you for, if that's what you made your your markets out, if, if your opinion and your peak of opinion on things political erase gotcha to the dance, then that's what people want to hear, but yeah, but the thing that drives me crazy. On my show- and I listen- I have my political take on things, but I don't people are not coming to our show. For that. You know what I'm saying So so it's always volatile. You'll see it happen all the time or people think I don't know. I think you're
I know knows I'm saying it's a it's a. It can be a recipe for disaster yeah. Well, I just simply stopped altogether cause. I was like I don't know if I really have a horse in this race like arya, I was doing it because I was young and I wanted to be edge. But do you have a dog in the hunt? I have a dog in the hunt. Definitely but I love, but I love like Alice personnel of picking like a guy like carmel, bowels, mind about subjects, I'm dying to talk to you about. The stuff I quitted the person nope. Now nobody, but I love- I I don't know I did when I was young the edgy yeah yeah. It was and then now now I'm older, I'm like I don't notice. I don't even mention race once I think in my act. I drive around talking about my kids and you don't talk about how tough it was going to black and I'm like yeah No one was here fucking over privileged white boy, say anything these days. Yeah just talk about your black kids yeah, I'm gonna adopt one. Maybe just going to have some life experience right Spielberg did it? Did he really? Yes, yes, yeah seriously. Oh yeah interesting.
But he's got a different ones rightly had had a double mastectomy. You did. What does that mean that our boobs are cut off now it won't they they were, they were, they were removed and she had regan. after surgery done almost immediately afterwards. She has the the genetic predisposition for for breast cancer. cervical cancer. In fact, I think her her sister or her aunt die just mother died of it. Her aunt died of recent days. Well, breast cancer. And I think her mama yeah and she was just she was just basically just hitting it off at the pass like it wasn't like they said you have cancer, they said, there's there's like a ninety percent chance or something that you'll get it. Eventually she went and she went from a it was a. I heard a but she went from eighty per cent chance now to about five per cent. Oh really yeah. Would you have your balls get cut off if it escaped cancer? Yeah? Oh yeah, really yeah. If I'm you know, I still got my blu ray player. I'm happy to wait. So
but if you don't have balls, what is that? That means a kind of sex anymore? Well, you'd be a or you can have a eunuch, no, no you still getting erection without by either the eunuchs no viet nam, unix, no dick unit We know that no it like, like a unit in the days of your it was my understanding, they were simply, they were using a eunuch was, the communists takes off in logging in a game of thrones spot, learn, learn that guy there has no dick, no doubt not whether or not the goddamn it now. I actually did give us polar, but the breeze that does god damn it. I will well they win win. In the roman empire. They wanted the wanted to have sex with guys were incapable of creating When a turn bird came up, unicef while so that's
liking for out ilo in my god. Did you know that I must have spelt this wrong? You have eunuch was french car manufacturer peugeot. You pick the wrong, I think so, what kind of car is it? It's a unique thought that powerful it's sticks. Yes, it really really hard to merging yeah, they call eunuch e? U o o c h, h e e e e o. You had your duck: you'll knock knock. A eunuch near is a man who has been castrated castro dec Is it come? Yes, he is all were castrated. I thought your balls, who knows where it was
Don't worry about what it's called. Let's just do it, let's just castrated before puberty. That's a eunuch! You've gotta be castrated for puberty puberty, so you have no of the hormones none of the hormones that go into right, but that that that shouldn't involve removing the the of the entire janitor. I thought the the testicles took care of that action. I yeah the testicles dupe, but I wonder what is it called when you cut it? Just it's, you get a price reduction. If you take the whole plan, the castration is the act of surgically or chemically removing the male testes, just the testes yup, just testes, so yeah. What I dunno I dunno, what like, if you took off both my balls, but I am, I am a eunuch, then so lance Armstrong,
one nut away from being a eunuch. Yes shut, the fuck. I bet that's a sore subject with him with his ego, where you know he's still got one and he was still getting some as they would as they say in the in the vernacular chemo trim after I don't think I just put I'd- have to earn new Nichols his other cards. No because I gotta be due to negotiate at noon and have noodles put an aren't really. My balls deed of unita steady exerted, look down there. I mean, I definitely don't want an empty coin, really like, like a pauper, the eighteen hundred spent, I do it women know you all that that what that look spectacular, where's, my phone, I was going to take a picture. I wouldn't want my wife to play with my balls the way she plays my earlobes painting it. Alright, I would I'd definitely definitely one ball. I'd want something in there. Yeah yeah now now's a question. Would you want big balls or small balls? I I like I like mine, I just
There was confetti. Put three americans, alas, arise people wait, I've never had so much fun during an orgasm surprise. People who were these people are going to figure out. You have three I'd put in, I would put in some one object. The people had to try to guess what it is. Knowing what right right now like is that an ipod george, you got it and they went something you've been wonderful. Today, here's a case. I apologize to any units that are listening to this and if it makes it seems like we're making light of whatever you've gone through. I apologize that cause, but what the question is I cause? I I heard angeles or w I'm not speaking right symbol that hurt me double mastectomy I was like you know I can start drinking now, Doug. I don't need to be sober for your pot of rouge. Oh, oh, that's true! Not that I can. Their beers are warm and the they're over there. Oh, the yeah, I googled double mastectomy and I was like holy shit. That's an aggressive! Well, you know who did also did likewise. Shit.
add cancer though it it it formed, was christina. Applegate she'd had one she'd had it, and then she had both breasts removed. Just as a preventative, and she looks she looks fantastic. She looks you know you imagined. That choice at your choice comes down to do. I want to have a greater chance of living or Do I really want to walk this along and and and dance on the on the fence here and they just do they do it for their children more than anybody to get rid of my knots get around. I've never had to deal with anything any fucking adversity in my life. So all my insights come from that of like some fucking prince taking a ship across, I kill all the indians. I don't care like. I don't have any real fuckin adversity, but yeah get rid of my fucking nuts. Take my tits off. That's why
is in a way you're able to connect to your your balls to the genocide of the indians, I thought that's pretty good huh yeah. I meant to do that on purpose. No, I'm just obsessed with game of thrones and hardcore history by fucking Dan Carlin. Are you? Are you as much of a pop culture? Geek as as as doug is? I know I am. I am the most uninformed dude about anything was the first time I read the ones you mentioned many times, I'm obsessed with your down one, but you don't you're not across the board. Sponging up everything. Now I got, I find the things I like did you read game of thrones? It was a book there is very little cassettes. we think to me is that is that the you know some things are different from the book yes, but it's not like walking dead where they added they were. They really changed a lot of stuff so, like the red wedding, is so funny how bout out. Everybody got by got by it because everybody should have seen it. Coming we hold on How are you are you behind? On gave a thrones norma
but how did to write the book? Do they have to wait until that sunday, the the best were already? I know someone's in there cargo a fucking moron know what what was the red wedding, that was, You know when others much care. Also got through water, they, oh yeah, yeah. What was the difference? There was no difference by saying Everyone was kind of shocked and surprised by it like, like the biggest shock, was how graphic it was like you know the the the actuals you know stabbing of the the baby in the woman's stomach. I does the room I was watching the show. I don't I don't love you know cause. I can watch it with people. I have more and to watch it with people, because okay, that's a little game of thrones with Steve Agee, because it's a little slow and complex for my taste. You know, like I, had a hardcore game of thrones fan no, but I was watching in my hotel room. The night of the red wedding episode I got bored and walked out of the room and old like seconds before the ship,
doubt I would have loved that part. You know, but I just missed it had to catch up to it later. Furthermore, I'm gonna have to binge watching. I just you know. Sometimes when someone people get into something quickly and their dead. Don't tell me about it and it's like we ask does this ship sails for me, like I, just never got into mad men. And I watch it. I enjoy it, but I just for some reason it's just not to show that it. It doesn't speak to me like in in a way that, like you know like, I have to see every breaking bad I have to see I've never seen anybody that I saw walking dead. I got into it and then well then I saw a chart for fell off the map. I couldn't find it graphic novels. Those are those are based on and yeah and those widely divergent storylines thy characters get killed. That live in the books and vice versa. He what down the mere, let me see if you agree with, is I think, a lot of what they have done for the series is, but an improvement on the on the story, which are dealt with great to begin with.
You know and not necessarily improvement, but certainly like you notice, interesting that you can't you can't count it's like if there were sopranos or comic books, and you you, you know, you knew that tony was going to you know, survive the whole series or whatever, like like. That's the thing, that's so crazy about walking dead and a few other shows right now. Is that they'll really I love the show just divide your justify it's a great shade, so good and they'll have like a great character. Actor come on, I haven't been and, and their part is that they are just there to get killed like in a few scenes later right. What's the one on showtime banshee, I was wondering eyes, aren't, isn't it on? I think it's honest, not encore. our stars are solely by the stars. Yeah, it's not. I don't think it's so tat. We did that show. I did the benson interruption the other night and when you do it, you have noticed melt down with. I wasn't in the play knelt down comics built on comics,
mt, the name of the theatre, your guy and so on. So I done at the time I done the few times are there. Is there to do a show, and I I walked around and I was like- are comic books, my kids like reading, I did the adult. I did a podcast with doug about eating with the karen and I, when I was there, I was like I'm gonna get the girls from comic book, so I got some comic books for the girls and I brought them back of my daughters, fucking love them and I was like I was like how cool I have this at my facil. I'm going to be here every now and then to do podcasts or shows I'm gonna, always grabbed them. A bunch of comic bookstore, two bucks, a comic book yeah girls were fucking, love him. So I go to doug's. benson interruption and I by Kevin Keller, do you know what that is and that the archie's characters? It's like my kids, will love wow, so I buy 'em Kevin keller, Kevin Keller, Kevin Keller is the is the gay character yup yeah? I didn't know that my nine year old, Email accounts, daddy, what's gay mean, and I was like reading our
from the twenties were like shut up, faggot yeah. It was like. I was like it means happy. She goes. I don't think, that's what it means and I go. Maybe they mean it like. It's lame and they're like stillness Maybe they were those comic books. I bought your colleague gay people lame. I thought they were like that so gay, bulgaria, and so I said I don't know, maybe use it is that it covers dad's work that govern governs where it is dead, what love and when he finds out he's gay and I went home, use, ie sucks dish, You tell us what to buy my ass, you did know history, it actually believe it or not, as it goes those those are there like their ward. Winning there there being received very well in you is it it is actually part of them to you. To an audience it's out there and and do that. The thing I have an issue with is is, and yes by all means, but with gay characters, actually find terrific that you don't let luke get the diversity
when, when they go, though, when like dc or what they say, hey we're going to we're going to make one of our characters gay and then they pick the the first green lantern. You know, that's that's! That's such a! We want press on this move you don't know me we're just doing it to get attention re suit for a character that do you know maybe slipping or rail riah it hasn't had a good movie. It's a specious move. You know a basso, so if you really, if you, if you, if you really are the conviction, step up and make someone really prominent, you know that's the deal, but don't age the you know it's the first green lantern. Now man of steel is gay right. That's complete. I can see yeah really yeah, he yeah and he has even janius sexual desire. That just is me yeah me get a b c ministerial though I have. I was boycotting it for a while
to all who you support the visual effects, artists and that, of course, you know, didn't work that movies like made more money than than anybody. What what? What? How do you put would mean boycott the visual effects? Artists, boycott. The movie is to support visual effects artists. There is this kind of a small campaign going that I was tried to contribute to my podcast, where, if you just wait, one We get away of like sending a message to the studios at the visual effects. Artists are being paid enough to make their they're they're doing all the work during all the heavy lifting like like without visual effects. Are men are still the just, not the be what it is or whatever and enone utah. For the credits, I'm sure there's the thousands of names that description,
add ons another woman, so you have had with which we have, as you have all these very competent competing effects. Houses, for example, the effects how's that one for life a pie was life, a pile of of the half day day. For whenever we was, but they they had actually gone out of business while they were up on stage except in the award yeah they tried and they tried to talk about it and they did that stupid thing they do and that show where the ban started playing them off. The second started getting to the meat of their except in speech, saying what was wrong and what's his name being an leaves a great director. Admittedly. like a nice enough guy. In his accepted speech, your best directly for life of pi did not men in visual effects, artists and really them. he was shot on green screen like it's? A whole movies affects all of us in essence, does a direct or have any fucking figure that pie years. Yet an opponent pun. I think that there is.
stepped in that one must be like a pretty further nato pointing finger at about. Yes, they deal because I mean it. Things are story boarded up there but dug his right. I mean you know you could know how you want something to look, but I'm the effects in man of steel. I mean this stuff. Is entered to such a flawless level. Yeah, it's just a vanish in the entire. There is a cabinet. Forty five minute, fuckin metropolis gets Peach slapped it's like ten nine eleven ran and which kills me too. At the end, when they say he saved up youtube because clearly is one hundred a lot of innocent people died yeah, it's funny. When there were there at the end of the avengers two and they're all you know, buildings are falling and started you never see anybody dying. So gets a p2p. Thirteen
I know, and it's like all this horrible stuff is happening. You know like we're just not seeing. I would love to watch a movie with you guys I always get lost in movies. Do you know what, though, which you'd be surprised? That, for me, is, is a critical, crucial part of we'll agree with this dog, is that you go in. I it's kind of beach and it used to be my thing. You know shut the fuck up. Yeah, you don't make a peep. I can't stay I'll, go to early matinees I've got all. I don't go to the fucking from your now I gotta go agreed by myself. I have to turn a movie offer my computer. If the people sitting next to me on the plane or talking like I get so just and it's like you know. I want to tell them to shush which, but you can, because people aren't you know people are allowed to talk to each other on a plane. It's just you! You want to get that's one of the pure thing of real movie lover. You want to get lost in it. You want to just go and discuss. and I mean that we are being- I also sit close enough for these screen- fills my entire life line, a vision like I don't like seeing the walls of the theatre and the exit sign and real
yeah. I mean the exit sides are kind of hard to avoid that, but you know like I just like to really get it. You know enveloped in the experience if, if, whenever possible, oh geez, where we were when we were kids- and this is just you know- drummed into us- my dad would we go to the theatre in the thing. Was you know when that when, light came down, you shot, I mean yeah. My parents and still that meal so yeah and the thing was people around you paid for these tickets and you have to be respected so with a second, the lights. Damn and it used to be the thing where we we we have our movie screenings. You know what we're able to work it out. We can get to movie screenings for that for the present steve, showing it to our listeners, and the joke would be that that if I was there I'd punch in the throat, if you were talking because You can't ruin it for people. You were getting a screening before everyone else, but yeah it is, but the photo is. My original point was that you'd probably be surprised to learn that you know and like I left crap,
movies. I love. I love great movies. I love to call the movies and I'm sure say you know just something that step up and give me something different or weird or bizarre or or it can even be. You know it. It doesn't matter the the all cinema or movie going experience itself is, is what I as what I loved the other is something actually like cannot need about that. The eye I went to my first movie alone when I was twenty six. ever been to a alone, and I went
one and I went, and I was nervous to sit by myself the only other time, I've gone alone. When I was in a kid I went to ghosts. I went tennis camp and I met all these kids. I didn't know any of them and they invited me go see the karate kid, and so I went to go, see the karate kid. My mom was late, so she dropped me off late and I couldn't meet them outside the theater. So I was like all just find them in the theater. I go in it's already dark, I'm like fuck sucks, either as anxiety about being alone, and I just sit down, but I got lost in that movie. That movie, I don't care how was a great fucking movie and I identified with it cause. I was the new kid at tennis camp and I didn't have any friends and I'm new around the galaxy. I was rough mochi, so at the end, when he does the crane kick spoiler alert, he does a green kick and non skid out. I start bawling crying, but I'm fucking ten. I think I'm bawling crying house lights come up. Those dudes are sitting directly in front of me and it scarred me for my eye. They turn around and I'm crying and there they'd heard me crying and they were making fun of me. Forbidden note was me and then I turn around. So I'd never go to a movie alone.
The movie. I two alone was titanic. That's and I was like nervously titanic, but that's area assault by myself and I I fucking of started crying again so now, if I go to a movie alone, bucky crying, but the rock. What was the one where walking tall sobbing, why a regional or the wooden iraq, probably there is a very wrong egos. They did this to be bookies sobbing. You gotta see the original. I would really wants it and leave garrett. These garrets additive carries the little boy absolutely oh shut up here, is very seldom a little peasant. That's it that's the name galiano but I have now said myles. None I told you remember that those words and I wanna money to be so spencer. I think I was
when she noticed when Israel was easily ritual working, but always with a reynolds, bert reynolds. Do you check out? Who is the first, the male led in the first working too? I thought it was both why maybe Joe don baker don baker- you are the man yet has it was like third walking tall yeah go Don. I watch em all thou cadet, there's nothing like a guy, you know comes to town and you know when they try to get him. Do you know that the bad guys. You know you know, like their laws, do that I like to break the laws and like things how they are so they try to. You know they try to beat them down and drive them out. I love those and yeah when they, when they ultimately triumph. It's really. It's Satisfying high noon. It's it's the great it's the whole. Alright, I guess I'll take a guess. To do it, because no one else step up up a classic. You know plot conceit, but it works suckers me and every time I try to I was doing I was doing years ago, as is evident,
stand up. I was up in rochester new york in and there was nothing to do and then there was a multiplex right near the hotel and I went it. Was the year die hard core and I walked over and unlike holy fuck, this movie is the I loved it. It's it amy for going straight out of my friggin ma Really, the then I will. I proceeded to see every movie in the I heard was kind of like when the trailers replaying they The shock of the jar, Maclean shirt, less jumping off the building at the fire host wrapped around him- and you know he's not like he's not like the bridge. Willis that he became at that point. He's got like a little bit of a gun on it and I remember like people- and he was this- the guy from moonlighting and looks so like. I remember people at laughing at the trail. unlike thinking of this movie, looks terrible and then it came out is almost while the greatest- should movies ever made like? uber the best villain
Were I appear? I recommend is so good. He does you. Does it think that a good villainy he's likeable anyway he's got. You call your kind of weird strangely rooting for like I can't it's here and it's funny. You know how it treats everybody and there's this scene where pretty where he pretends to be. Somebody else. My first meets with clarity is, he's only god, don't shoot me, don't just an american do sell year and the next that's pretty arrive at that level. that just had an they actually specifically make sure to not show a willis to The trailer and the teacher is because if they were taken a gamble that he'd be a viable action, star ruin and that's always too. I want much. I just watch the recent one. The It was a good show. Good data have a good day to be hard or whatever. It is yeah maybe visually amazing. You now at least
at home, I'm fine. If I was theater, I was not fine, I was I was upset. The entire time like this is really. This is the this is what they're doing to the die hard movies which cause he says, I'm on vacation five times, and it wasn't funny the first time and he's not on vacation. He went there to find his son. He keeps yelling. I'm on vacation, why do you keep yelling that every time it's closed around five decades. It has will be able vacation, though they had some wild birds, a mild. Do they have a. I went to russia annoying. I wasn t sure now Bruce what is it because he kind of defined who I wanted to be as a kid like. When I saw moonlighting, and I must say that I've I've fashionable I've perfectly like this one, I more simple shepherd. Those are moonlighting eyes like us down with me I'll, be the guy that shows to work, hung over with a beard and like asleep on the couch and has a fresh always put on a dirt, sure drivers are gonna, be that god knows how to turn it on and charm everyone. Yes, yes
A girl like shit like that, you said, you'd have your bruno. inside, where you can remember yeah that that was his album that came out yeah yeah, I went to rent an apartment in new york and that was right by planet hollywood or wherever bruce willis tended bar. It was right around the corner and the guy that was renting the department said. So what do you do? I said I'm a comedian. He goes I one of my friends bruce he did a little stand up and I said who's that he has booty booty. Booty, yeah bruce was, and I want your friends of bruce well, she gives the know bruce. If you don't know him and I was like whoa, so I so badly want to fucking meet bruce, go ahead. People clean bruces, just enough that goes lying and I guarantee you know and as the elena allows any wanna call bruces who's that diehard fuckin I this is ready for it.
We pitch dug. This is a my starring movie. Okay, this is like when they don't actually ever want to make a movie to be dead, honest with you. I don't think I like acting, but I like acting in a sitcom, not in a movie. I don't like single camera, because there's no feedback directly like I'm, always fucking it up, so it fucks with my ego. If I knew I was doing good, I probably love it, but here's my movie, it's just like die hard is but it's set on a cruise ship and it's a bunch of terrorists take over a cruise ship and they take us all hostage, and I find out in this process that I am the world's greatest hostage, and so I try to keep this hostage thing going as long as possible and not let us it rescued, and these guys are fucking it up so bad that I then like they die and I have to weekend at Bernie's them because I still want to be a hostile, okay cause. I want you understand that I love it. I'm happy as fuck I'm the world's greatest sausage. I'm sucking everything else in life, but I'm a great fucking hostage. So it's die hard. It was where I'm
HANS gruber right trying to make sure that no one can rescue us, not that I'm gonna let illegal in dire anything. But I'm happy there there were the I'd. We used our seas, terrifying over crucial bay, thought of speed to which was terrorist ngo workers. Young, remember that or or the new one captain hank get right but pirates repeat, looks crazy. That's the same, do the directed they didn't fly united flight movie and they the the first couple born movies, really yeah, it looks like a wrecking like it looks like Tom. Hanks is the only recognizable actor in a show, yeah yeah that guy? That guy is that you know fuckin earlier about. You know, gets fur for my podcast site, pretty amazing to talk to that guy because you know he'd be he's called into you guys, but has any you know what would cause us any do here promotion for most of his movies was actually hit. It was around for that movie that he directed, and I guess a lotta times where
It is in this thing you do not. No, no, the Larry oak larry crowd well. Bomb it just a weird ass movie. It just felt like the it was the smallest story, told with so little jokes teacher. It was just like love and it wasn't dramatic or comedic it was. It was a nom nom pharaohs, like he directed the thomas crown affair, know the one with pierce as you know, the one with you're right. I was as Steve mcqueen with roger. here, it wasn't didn't meter, indra probably mature, like you're sort of trouble yeah, because it he hired that higher than that if the ferry is due to do surveillance in them and tapping and wiretapping, and all this crap, and it was a big blow up in his in his pockmarked face
so he's- yeah he's doing some jail time really yeah, but the degree to which he directed diehard at first I are taught and red october Tom hanks, another guy. I fucking fashioned my life after the same kind of guy. That, like you, know like kind of legal with a wild guide. Sloppy shirt. Kind of you know if you see in this area is eternal, yet nothing like. Maybe forty bosom bodies as the epithet that there was an end, an actor. That's a party. I like, I always some elegant. I don't reads gravitated to those duties. Chevy chace encourage agora. That was where I was like. That's me, but you you wanna, be a smart anarchy More that I just gotta with your life rain below responsibility exactly well, when you realize your parents are sort of your half ass thing, you've got to get rid of the kids, get rid of the tree house, get rid of the dogs yeah trade up from just the booze to something more chemical, yeah and then you'd be good, but no, no you're, you're you're, I mean you, you Gotta know that there are people who were look at what you do for a living like Jesus Christ. I guess me:
on top of the world we still have a regular life of a bed very, very happily married with tickets, If I get rid of them, I bet really come inside of how it's you know that I can say that the candle, the birds, the brightest preposterous first was that side boot sunday. That's what it is running at a great thing by. Do you know if we do? We do the we do selfie monday, selfie mondays yeah. I think I I tried to send yourself. He wanted. What's a selfie monday, you take a picture of yourself with your phone and then you send it to the press in all want looted eu put no Is that what you get some very and I'm sure they get some sexy ones, the ideas justice just in tell taken photograph argue sofie yourself I don't know doesn't sound so dirty. It sounds something you want to be there. I agree with you. I get people to treat me, but with a made things where they do, their own
They do the thing in the room like I did yeah yeah yeah, you might shoot the gif gina and so various people will send you their own and then ours, retweet those or I get. I retweet pick any one that takes a picture. You ever have anyone who got in big trouble for trying to do something like that, trying to replicate, know nothing no of, though I she stopped reading twitter altogether for a little bit like there's a rake yeah, because because what'll happen is I'll, see so many positive ones that I'm like. Well, I'm just waiting for the negative one chinos just fuckin kind of dodgy I haven't been. I haven't Looking at all like right. Now, it's all positive, it's all about, I party, would doug it's an emperor last night, some girl this tweeted? I going to assume a crisis is going to be under benson philly douglas movies. If not it's a great law for everyone. yeah, that's to nice, you must tragic,
what's the oh yeah, the over tips stay away from Burkheiser? Oh, that's! What I just read, while I'm like everyone's talking about us god, I'm looking for the picture of us. The kid was like I want to send a picture of your flacco on twitter and I was like great, I have so many fucking right right, you get things are never going to be able to find it so so where you want to from here. Besides the when I'm doing a little bit of the I'm following the leader and doing a little doug benson move I'm going to toronto for one night, yeah and buffalo for the weekend, another helium club and then nashville for one night, and then atlanta for a while others, one night's man. I think those are at a little bit of a dutchman, doing it forever. Oliver The next item is one of the horrible idea I want to do. I call in six shows where I go in and they do standup shows like nine the morning like we're ever just
in I we have like that, like study hall moment where yeah, because I can definitely drink at nine in the morning, but I don't know, might turn into a fucking mess like bar opens at six dude. We that we we are, specialise in such a way that we have a number of ally blockage? This text is looking radios, here's the idea, entertainment and get up early. That get I mean, I don't like it some people around with everything the memorial day we its it. We do it every memorial day. It's out of turkey needs in them Why would end the the place at seven o clock in the morning thousand plus people in there just hammered out the bass yeah. Oh yeah, you know we were what was. It was crazy parade thing. I did that all this banks giving gave my guy you're the the the grand marshall grab marshal of these banks space, giving fraid where everybody comes in lake bondage outfits and my god, you you haven't yet about its first porter.
I saw the first bit of pornography I ever saw was an accident as a child. I was at a news news like a books, not a bookstore newspaper store, like whatever that is called newsstand yeah, didn't sit next to an italian restaurant on fletcher in Tampa, you'll be able to find this place, and my parents looking things and I picked up a bondage magazine wow Maybe he's first grade second grade their great and I start flippant. Do it no mike aw cut you. I do abandon seen it on for herbert with this girl. Many tricks of isabella mistress isabella, which had that number malay. Ok and we did it all a mouse. I literally did it all. I was naked, they fuckin shot my balls of the cattle broad. They had five pound paul pounds or my balls. They do that it's, because Kc did that we did. We had a we will do. Mother starts in a cage or producer did the same. He didn't that, but he had the he had his nipples set on fire. Oh, they did everything candle wax, they did everything they could do and I was like none of it turned me on. I wasn't turned on, but then, when we got done, I do know that I was turned on by her
that night I set out I've gotta be also only get that for my wife. She was like oh here and then gave me a bunch of this back on. You at vcr Jaffe, she may bunch of vcr tapes of her stuff, animals like about openness box because it is never ever had I've never seen the woman rubber doll she's an adult star, all latex, or hold thanks to solve doll seriously burt. I have, however, doll she's and she's rubber dolly next bia. That's your thing to do to get off. I guess Guess you'd be one them! There is nothing! There is nothing to it, it's something I find. I I'm not. I don't. I'm not super into it, because it's not my regular sex life like seeing me and my wife me and my wife don't do that stuff right. It's one thing to walk in on your parents having sex. Another thing if dad's in a zipper mask you're like what the fuck go back to bed like a but love. One guy share porn. Invite like have you seen this and then you're like
as soon as you hear that you're like this is to be good. That's almost better than a restaurant recommendation. Oh yeah like when they go. It's porn, yelp yeah! Oh yoshi! Do you know, if they do ive and he's. Given me some disgusting things he was like whose can't do the elsie Juno Yoshi, not from a yo yo, see why would he billiards disease? This is it If he ever comes out to get him on, your show is really fascinating and he has such and he has a really great insight when it comes point he's like, he was telling me like if you've never seen rockets at freddy's and I go no and he goes he's entered. because he really pushes the boundaries and, as I said, I am on the road board. Google in ruckus products like I pushes the boundaries is an understatement he's having sex with only put our faith in the toilet. We know this isn't sexy, but this year are that somebody, Joe papias somebody navy, yosemite Ulysses, so he gave me as we've seen it all that gallery he gave me yeah. He edited ports who used to come
he does compilations he. He didn't all and so he was like a comes to chicago and time comes- back room and he goes hey. Do you mind if I do a guess that- and I was like, of course I think he's funny as shit. So I go he's very he's. A stand up is very aggressive, like it's very out, they're great, but I like I have. I have a cultured sense of humor when it comes to end up, so I he goes on and he does well and he comes off stage and he goes he's. Thank you so much. I have some porn to my car and if you want, I can give him do you and you can give them away with your dvds- and I was like oh That'Ll- be fucking great every hour now so I go out. I go, I'm selling leave toilers, but Yoshi has said that with every dvd get a free porn without checking them, I had not seen them. I had not seen the point. Is you just was poured just poor people, fucking sucking, maybe grown girl, while guy on growth, maybe two girls one. Instead, it's like stacked stacked gaping did you know
where there's a girls on top of each other and they're all making their assholes as large as possible. Yup. I didn't know what gaping was until that evening. I sold out of my dvds on that one show I sold thirty dvds that night and all of my fans got the most, ever seen in my life, so it is a bread. with soprano told me about the nope goes: why don't we throw one of those boards to see what you get and it is? It is fucking some girl, rummy, do another girls pussy, like literally, have our fitting or allow and tony's laughing is dirty goes. You just gave thirty b. as you all know,
If there's no twitter at the time, though twitter yeah, so no you never got any feedback. No note! No feedback nobody's ever come up to you at a show and it'd be that terrible corn. We got a great little door price for you. It will check us out check out. This is a girl with a do. We put a door and a girl hawk god. I was like Yoshi man, you gotta tell me he goes. He goes while it's good stuff, I'm doing a horrible, yoshiaki good stuff. I get dracula you like he goes. What was the girl's name? Her name is she's the fuckin god she's got the gap below. It was gas, lotta, belladonna, I vote on as one of the best performers you'll ever see like she's. Really she really commits that's yeah, I'm upset, never any feedback. Nobody ever said hey. No! I'm I'm obsessed right now. Here's the I'm obsessed with following porn stars on vine, but not not for like the
lot of them, don't show like any, not answer, think it's interesting to see them interacting in regular society, where I'm fascinated at watching them do regular pete do the same standard right through, yet very likely. who is right in their dog, is neither does, and I shall tell you right now. This is my favorite personal, follow you. Everybody followed her, but their personal follow on twitter it on, It is Jessie Andrews, junior, jesse Anderson, I'm familiar with the name we might have had her in we've. Had a few of them come to the show she is she's young. She looks young, that's I think her thing is, she looks bored, but that's okay, because she, but the thing that's really fascinating about her. She does born I've, seen it with its ok, I'm not going to answer the fairly pedestrian. Like. I was like ok, but she's also dj as she makes jewelry, and so all her vines were about the other side of her life. She never never go naked. Have you have you seen? The documentary is pretty wild, it's it's called after porn, no,
It's really good it. It follows from the going back to like the the the saker era, and you know some of the some of the earlier porn stars and even some of the more current. but it shows its fairly alex, who had never been great experiences and went, have great think what it shows a very interesting run of goods as we are. It stars and we don't do the I rs. You know you're hot, but beware I'd rather find out like that. Well, you know what what's the industry like what he I mean? Who do you hate? What do you do when a dude comes? and it takes a tale of you know. I mean what What are you doing to get yourself? Go enemy and the ones who really will give you an insight into this Those are the ones who really dig haven't on the shop, but this movie Does that as well, because it shows you, you know, I mean, like sake, I loved it and then there People are just in a word I forget which, when it was which he moved to do so, like city, because you figure the I need the likelihood of people having seen.
movies, their yeah would would diminish and she found out that wasn't the case. I've never run into a porn storm person, but I think when I do, and I will totally call myself alone accident, I bumped into jesse Andrews I'd like every day never mind. How do you spell a g g j t They heard three geezer silent s ass, I e Andrews, in my I follow it just go to my boy. That's what I do. I go to everyone's violent and follow who they follow that I, like I gotta, start falling MR holloway spoken, exhausting rhythm, he's a wrapper, but he's like like one of those years around here, you you you're serious. You are rapping wrapping, oh yeah, really into hip hop. That's why I love talking as while of talk, I used to love talking about race culture and it always fascinates me right. You know I patrice is one of the first people that you can have. I would have open
I can ask him any question. I wanted and you'd never never offended between now and then you could talk to him about everything and he one night we were in scotland, I'm drinking and he's waning. J. Zita me rascals. all your hip hop that you like socks, let me show you real hip hop. What black people like- and I was like- ok so played jason- is before daisy was out like big area, and he play that big pimp in song and patrice was explaining the beauty of pimping- and he was like- do you hear this lyric? Then he kept playing it over and over again beep beep and I'm picking him up. Let him play, the deck in the truck if you're sitting outside you're, not even getting out of the car, just beep beep and I'm picking them up, maybe I'll. Let him play. way back in the truck on where we're driving and I was like he just kept going. That's the greatest lyric! You hear that and I was like yeah and then he like you know anything about black people, I think I do it goes we're watching brutally. So then we bruce lee for the rest of the night it at all the brutally became because I, I was a huge loosely van as well by body it there, there is- and I could you not. It was in the m into chaos.
In the franklin mills mall. I don't know if it's still there, but it it's it's. It definitely has an urban flavor to it. So it's black exploitation movies and the other have. It is brutally movies. So it's all for because I love that. I love that unlike you, don't quit turned. You know that I love the black rotation, fell the japanese and end the all that stuff. great you see, I'm dying to know like like this is what I want is pursuing. Like I love hanging out with done out, you know, don't rawlins, I don't know you know, get Donald will know will be able to explain like I've heard I'm dying to know why kung fu and end karate. so big in harlem, because it was yet it was and I wondered, like I'm sure now come Gladwell control explained this, but I'm sure there was some sort of influx of asian emma it's coming up to that area and what they knew, how to do. What I write chinese food and and karate studios, and but it's like stuff like that fucking did you find,
Jessie Andrews she's she's got a lot of pictures of herself, though it's not just pictures of it. Those are the nice ones. She could show every now and then, but right now, like apparently she's on a boat on a boat, that's a bar. on a bus, so things are raised, but I always like she went to the kentucky derby and she was dressed up as You look beautiful share, had a big head on and she's with all our friends in there with you guys who look really like like regular guys, regular guys at my friends. They looked like my friends and I so badly go. Do they know she's a porn star like I want to know, because if I know for a fact that me and my friends went to the kentucky derby and one of us knew that was a porn star- that that would be the most unfunny we'd all be like waiting to take like you know, like there's, there's no reason you could relax relax right. This allows you to have that thing. That's that's what we that's! What we try to pass when we have some come in and and just talk about, because
such an alien lifestyle. I mean it's such an alien lifestyle that anybody. That's where everyone's fascinated by it really is really is the final straw going. I don't give a fuck yeah like kate, is not give a fuck when it comes to stand up and do it our just who literally we'll say he didn't. if he really doesn't give a fuck. He has no repercussions, I feel like sometimes like he can is out there. No one's calling in I've always felt toss is going to be that way, and then you apologize for that that joke- and I was like is that coming from tosh yeah he had to you. Gotta save your tv show and you have got a bunch of people's jobs worry about, but the poor stars. that really don't give a fuck like they like to do shit you're like blown away, some of them. You know what it is cause. There's all different takes out of those. Some of them do give a give a fuck. Some of them are, are some of them are Some of them are are love love alliance I'll some of it
the ones who seem to really love it. Take ownership of it. Really. The industry is mostly. Oh there you go yeah. She says her girl next door. She really looks like gorilla. Sorry she's, like she's, got she's cute, but she she like I I was this- is like when I got into when I realized. How great is like bree boring as fuck like boring as fuck? She literally it's almost like done doing porn cause she's, not living like a crazy lifestyle or the like. She was a treasure and I was like you, we had her on a couple times in and she was actually really good. The one you want to come in. janet haze is always awesome. And leave. You got Well, dear jenna haze cause it's, she picked, the name haze cause she's, a big stoner, really yeah. That's that's the my faire gagner, but now there's lots of girls with the last name Hayes like that's where you can have any name. You want it's weird that these girls, just when they their name. They just pick an already existing name. I think part of that is like cause they'll, be you know them?
they'll come up and searches for that other person like its await alike, and like it like, The girl is that there is at least one girl poor, maybe more that has at like Anna stand, as your last name seriously here like I'll see by terror. Patrick got. I do we talk about this. We talked about this on urgently I am not short. Hair patrick picked her name because it was called What real name common common name. Is terror pageant? Maybe right? Yeah, Patrick that night, two great poor name. I think terry Pratchett is one. the people in this. After point A reality check it out. Yeah, it's pretty, while she's do she's dating that. Do that in the band now never mind I'm so funny about information. Like I tell you half of what I know I got that too, though. Even then it's funny what I do have in my in my rep right now. I can tell you the whole cast of puss in boots cause. I woke up to it and I was like I recognize that voice who is I assume soon its partners walled displaying humpty dumpty, but it's not
not, and I know that voice tat oswald was as ratatouille yeah it's I'm laying in bed, I'm hung over as shit and I'm listening to this voice that I know are going to know this guy. I don't know who it is. I woke up to that. where were you today? To really did you hear that I fell asleep with h, b, o on last night. Yeah me too, and then I woke up to you know I am also known as he's like listing off all these data. Like really weird but, Why so the you figured it out? Humpty dumpty was zack out next year and I was like and it was like. Do I know I'm as animals are. I actually know that voice like I know em, but so like, I woke up like going. Who is it that play that game like lay in a bed trying to figure out, as I got like that's antonio banderas, that some higher as I come What do I go? That's billy bob thornton right, that's and then I go. That's Amy said our us. I know that voice and then I was like who's the who's, the fuckin fuckin forever so you have now. If you look at my google search engine, it's you
next person boots, someone finds my phone errors. It's ok. They already that's a lady harriet has a purpose and boots person boots yeah removed. person put it in a shoe, she didn't know what to do less than I watched ray, I got it. A life forced him over them will be life force, that's crazy! It what's like that's a way that movie creep me out. Yes, that's life forces a toby, hooper movie, directed at poltergeist. It's basically an old type hammer movie like a quarter mastered like a doctor who type thing yes, but it's a space vampires and they just released the innocent. chick worker naked through the wholesale maze she's Tom Lee naked throughout the whole thing and just looks phenomenal. Day. They actually have her interview with her and all that stuff I vote for. If Europe, if you love movies the stuff of the point, I'm blu ray now, and did they throw them? these combo packs throughout the like nine dollars rule and they have or in
this additional? You know making up stuff, but that- and I watched that hansel and Gretel three days Oh, how is that you know what it's a piece of crap, but it, but it's fun, crap, it's it's! It's really I I was enjoying it. I know It- is how I judge it. Is it better than limit limitless, because I limitless and I also like this means war. It's it's it's it certainly different than limitless ice. There's a lot more trolls and handling randal. I could definitely have the ant colony intelligence that I didn't. I'm saying up so this war, but I didn't know that he was a ghost And in in sixth sense, like I figured it out at the end, I was like- oh my god like, and so I have I would intelligence that limitless. I start going well This is really brilliant. This is great writing. So I like that movie a lot and I laughed hysterically. This means war.
Sterical really, so we are not already at all it's it's. I never even at the last thing was you know the one defect or whatever the one thing on the suvs that caused. I didn't want to old thing. I was laughing to her. Oh yes, I laughed I loved, of the room. I was like I'm fucking, thereby charismatic. Yes, you know and chris pines. I put my money chris pine, that one guy that one guy thomas J, not thomas Jane Bain, I'll bet you have a tom hardy tom. Hardy is great he's a mug that guy is a fuckin pimp, these are good actors are bigger than ever. That dumb, but there, the funny thing is they if you look in the movie as wary, spain, they have him. Looking like a mountain he's, not that big, a dude he's not how do they do He must have done a cycle that taught now he's got he's, certainly pumped up for the role, but he's not as tall. You know. He's he's he's like my guy he's going to be, I'm going to I'm going to guess. Five, six, no notice
there's no way they what a guy with a five or six and for bain where come on. I've had a rage. You crazy because of the police, Peter Peter, is it Peter of course, these short No, he gave to one of my soul. Peter Gallagher is sure is not be ridiculous. Short. No, but he's too for some reason. Peter Gallagher, always Emily talk to me like an idle maker and in everything that he's done can be right wholly and in like equities about five ten five. Ten, maybe like he's like I was You know looking in pretty I'd. I know five eleven really yeah, so I was most surprised by, but that that happen,
every time you know like everybody's shorter than you think they are or or we're different than what you think they are like when people meet me there are always like I thought, you'd be taller or shorter must be spelling thomas hardy wrong that are tom, hardy r t o m his our party's brother, no and he's not the poet Tom already, What way we re entering the key here. I love you, but I'm not I've nine seats. I've nine is not that the, but there's a lot of guys. I dont, like tom cruise, cried out that size. You come to five it is pretty small everything I have. They make him be bain at five: nine, where they had they have have on. They shoot him from like there they'll from below a lot in and what's his name prowess and much taller bell. Bailey almond he's, probably in the in the five ten me again, fucking chick one time that road promote the v chip former life, and this is why I broke over there. We got cigarettes. Notion is, do you wanna go to dinner.
With me and my friends tonight and like not really like I don't want to go shoot. A dinner party come on it'll, be like I was like I'm ok, she was all right, so I didn't go and then the next day she was, I get christian. I was really upset, you didn't go, you love stand up and I was like hold on christian bills at the fucking party. Are you going to open with you want to christian bail. Could he's gonna be a this fuckin party and then I want it gone I'm not gonna go meet about people that I don't. Maybe she didn't know He was gonna, be there. Her friend is married to him and also oh then, how do you not tell me any of this so that you could still need him? Then right now you can now you can make it happen over the road. We don't need a threesome fundamental Wait! Oh, I thought you meant to you your wife, no, no! No! No! No! No! How so how long ago was this? Was christian bale or not batman? Yet knows this definitely not batman, but he was. He was american. He was patrick bateman bateman, be mad man. I knew
I use and I loved. I love I love that writer who wrote a book american psycho, is a ll being raised. Rice, twenty four, day, three guys who traded ear warrior made me cry, did sought on the planet. Its sobbing uncontrollable guys are really good movie. I thought them. Others, underrated, fuckin, really good movie. Nick the is I think it was a joke and approved. Even I really like the united states. The fighting in that I am no, I heard I heard that what happened was it was one script. They took one minute, communicant one made it seriously near here comes the boom and warrior. The same seems gotta bizarre site the new so called seem trading where there was a tv show that I liked and fx that there was about a fighter yeah lights out, I think was called light.
Lights lights. I think that land, that was like his nickname? Is a fighter was like light out and yeah and it was Forget the name, any actor, one sees it right, yeah one an hour, but it had really good actors. It was, it was kay alike, Maybe the reason people in cotonou. It is kind of like the movie, the fighter, but a series, and I love lily. The firefighters fails. Amazingly believable I mean totally is transformation in the machinist was was pretty staggering, but the way he he physically became that there they crazier yeah he's. There was no way to well worn. Ok, that's what we're tommy Tom Joad Markham arms market. mark and naming Adams is kind of a tough broad in it and sue costello's. Has like a real real body. You know, like she's, got what I like she's like that he's like wearing a you know,
stomach revealing showed at one point, which has got a little bit of a god, it's pretty. Consequently, hardy is is taulas, Adam divine is at a site, divine is thousand dollars tom hardy duck or not. I'm not saying Adams short, but I, but to think that Tom hardy's exact same size as Adam Devine, that Adam Devine could have played bane is fucking. Adam Devine is from a workaholics, okay, yeah yeah yeah, it's fucked! rick. I I want to have him on the bike asked. Why were you just look in his name, because I I thought they looked like madam divide it up those other look the same height and at the same time, going tonight there. Because they will help- could play bay, five young, so Chris pine must not be. Tal either either airlines gotta be so had the one. You think, because I owe that's maybe the scenes are there like standing there face to face and they are the same size kind of neat. Yet I do but that's apple boxed, I'm sure one though, when they go in to get the russian gangster and they walked through the door
that's when I realized- oh, my god, Tom hardy's, not that talks he's literally at chris pine shoulder weight, and I was like how tall is chris pine. This by I saw in a play. Is really good by the way that Google voice regulation is effing, real, in a crowded room at of eager to get yes get anything really in here, ask him how tall I am. That's what they're wasn't siri know, Google voice reckoning. I need the new fuck an iphone yeah cause, as as amazing, like SIRI, would just send you to some website or something to lemon at all as serious as bert crazier. Oh god, it's not going to know who I am. Six zero says you're wrong, but who put that out there? This say: I'm five, eleven ask about how tall is dug. Benson.
This has been repeated. How tall is tom hardy meeting at sea right, yeah, here's one found. Oh since you brought up a page that says that he's five five, eight point nine. So this last google just out of curiosity, she was this- the pod castings. pet pacing, your recent events. How tall is tom hearty less a vast google voice recognition at its good. We, how does this is fun yes, SIRI siri. Of course,. a little slow on the response, the harvest.
If sometimes I ask her things much more, I get I I fight with her. I get so angry when she she won't give me what I want. Let's see, if my series cereals feel, like I'm, waking weary around for running the phone for running phone functions, reminders to add for how much money to start work. work worth. How much does he work work if I lost levity network? mother, he loves it. He loves you. It's all the time. Speaking of things that are wrong around about millions vanishingly wealthy, I just wanna give gilbert godfrey Julia drivers dreyfus. Oh, was a trifle. It is yes yeah, but you yeah. She already had money now she's as the seinfeld money. I've seen yeah. Her great grandmother was Mary, pasteur flu. We pasteur. I,
there's made that up media. Nobody, her dad was a huge fuckin like money dude, and she came in to allay with millions before, while before, I was out of town item resumption of fighting address men added at an error It was full circle. We started talking about money just like random stuff, and I said I said something. I said: you never had been a celebrity net worth hymns like no one. I go. Oh it's fucking great and it and then I go How much money you're worth is why Google then, and it's like Adam richmond's, worth eight million dollars or something he goes it right and he goes not even close. I go really goes not even working remotely close I go out or up or down it seems like he's like yeah. I think, because I'm not worth eight million dollars, he goes pose with a million dollars. I wouldn't even fucking travel channel. I was like yeah, but it's so it's all. Way off, while out o juncture you're on their mail. You we are already told you it's it's wrong,
yeah, they say I'm worth a million bucks and that's not that's not true. Really! Well you never know, I'm no million, and what do you mean you never know. Are you aware of my finances? Well, you never know what you're, what you're invested in one of these things? didn't know you might have a go at assets liquid. There are not worth anything, I'm actually upside down. So like that's, why I'm not on their? I guess is you have to have oh yeah, that's assets, I also have to be famous. Nobody cares. No. I was like
It's one of those I looked at bilberries were six million and I was like I was like billboards were six million in my head. I started going gotta be worth three million, not even at the money, I'm just looking for on this site that someone's gotta be like two million boom, a million. Definitely a million. It's astonishing. Some of that stuff are we. There is unless we're looking at just the the the amount of loot that some of these people have edges. I mean it's beyond crazy money. It's just excessive. I mean just astonishing as a you know, who's over is worth a shit load. A judge Judy shylock, really huge money, the number one show that she was the one. I was basically convinced Oprah leave daytime tv because people
court was kicking. Her ass in the ratings really yeah judge Judy for grey ok, I mean it's just tons of money. I've seen a lot of judge judy clips online yeah yeah, just like when she starts bitch slapping people very verbally. I got that and judge Joe brown I used to tell me it was always judged. Whitener judge robert. It was the first people's court. It was harvey. Let harvey harvey. Levin was one of the tmz yeah. He was one of the guys who'd be outside the word on the street. He was talking to people that was early days at judge Judy. I think right, yeah yeah, he's used to do to create a tmz as fucking queer eye. It's funny. I don't I don't mind watching tmz, I kind of like it but there are people in all the other stand. I fucking hate it. People we like people. Up all the time like it's like it's, the downfall of society still burn out.
Well, I got excited that that, like I was I this one day at the airport was like a fuckin celebrity packed day. I mean literally, I ran into Amy Schumer, dug up a billboard and Steve Burnett that that's not a lot of celebrities, but you know, but here's the other thing saturday. The entertainer walked in behind me and I got out of my car at l a x, my daughter's in there and the paparazzi hit me they're like bert, and I was like holy shit. I got excited right right, but I, but I said, saw steve byrne and Steve hates tmz he's like that's fucking. An intrusion like you know, ears years, though the way I look at it went if there, if they really have ado, that kind of thing, whether they be because they may form it out a lot of other third party people there there and their standing in front of your guard and they try to get you to run over them in the china agitating and get a list of going yet it could be a pain in the ass, There seems to be so many people who know how to play to just right stop her
well yeah yeah. They say: hey guys how you doing yeah and they always just asked random dumb questions. It's kind of like a you know. If you buy howard stern or something like like what do you think about like the will? Only I've been on tv, they asked me about met, you know, miss gibson had done some another stupid thing and there are like ask me: you know what you think males should have done like well. I tell you it's probably not a weed smoker, because if he was, you know, he probably wouldn't be so hostile or whatever, and it got the show, but it was harvey. Wasn't there that day and so the black I withdrew, It was like run in the room and when they brought me up here, no idea who I was and when they said they even said you know from the marijuana logs and he's like. I don't know, I don't know what you're talking about like what to do with your dreads doesn't know.
people by the way. If you work for dmz, should you have an idea in that kind of which all you're obviously reason you're that address predicate? No, that's the stuff's them vulcan that the guy who placed played the gardener on you know in the fifties or sixties. He shows up the air there's ten gm see people, wrangling how's your immigration thing. I want you know they don't know you well, that's it that's the thing about that shows Did that bullpen when they're sitting around is talking about stuff, it's like they they'll have varying levels of knowledge of celebrity is sort of like they all just sort of. I don't know They anyone ends up dmz lighthouse that, like surfer guy, that's in there all the time like one. Where did he comes problems god? What did he do if it yeah she's in great? She put it. Are they all likes it? There, like you, say, mean things about regional laugh about its harvey with his stupid, sippy cup thing that is over. Rightly so it's a very strange show any brodie Stevens is. It was like guest hosting
like a weaker, something that's right were ripe for re. Read is melt down here they do the they did alive the living everyday. They do that Actually I've alive, video cast off on you dream. I get inundated with fucking emails from use dream about tansy right now, there's a deal with you. What the fuck is rather What do you do? Do you wait? We just talk until I was about to say I was just about to say I think we're at we're at two. Ourselves. This has actually been got to be Dennis. This was the most seamless conversation I've ever had in my entire fucking life. I hope to god is as good. I don't know what makes for a good podcast, but I really fucking enjoyed well. This is my first foray into unchecked, as you said, podcast pacing, but I enjoyed it it was fun of you at you know so much shit. I know I know a little bit about it. It's the perfect model for it, for what I do. I I don't know enough to be accomplished or not.
Google ad on anything is clearly reason your own radio, but I get- I guess I can get in by a minute and then at the one minute thirty mark is when my imbecility is is obvious. You know, so I can I'm good of good in the very first ramp up and then I might hit my ankle Wait. I don't know that much cause you can fucking. This has been references. He makes a lot of good references yeah. You know things that I don't know. That's why I like hanging out people that are smarter than me while the EU may have on this one, but like preston, a rate of crazy, crazy, weird story, bizarre story and then steve or just a bright end with like just a nice little button at the end of it. It's a good strategy. Talk about that. What makes something here that the preston a you know, it's just cause contact with it, we're doing the show and its he gets. Yeah yeah hands on each other's genitals. The whole time gently really unique gentle
extra these. Really. It's really a eunuch partnership have there, but it works. It works well. Why? While I thank you for letting me come on, you're show because you guys sell a ridiculous model. Ok, that's that's the other thing about radio everywhere else. Is that doesn't happen in a really can't you can't to fill a comedy club just by utilities, one radio I can tell you that do shows that are that are worth their salt. We're like you, go in and you like an you, do it and you fucking. She had direct reflection and you're like holy shit. Those listeners listen, it's like. Sometimes a pug actually someone's park ass. We get no feedback on twitter than I do. You do pete homes and all of a sudden, it's like fucking inundated numbing Jesus Christ like dugald doves movies. I did that one up. If I had a nickel for every time people quoted one of my ignorant.
Dayton elite outlay, tourism, fifty cents per I had. I would have a look. I would definitely I sent a larger something over five hundred items, not reviewed a million dollars. Every time you did you notice. Eight million dollar mazato glove lose one time, and I- and I like you just witnessed today. I came up with every fact that was complete. oh everything we said today that was wrong. Someone will tweet, I get I guarantee and that's one of the series you still go for it yeah, but but it's you ever. You have a whole collective of fact. Checkers. You know reddit I know how to jump. I that's why, when I heard both wines when I was like wait, no, no, no, no yeah joe don baker blazing someone's hitting the cargo natural. I do that all the time I listen to podcasts and I go know like rogan will say something and I'll be like no is this thing in my car in my head I'll, be like yeah correct like now, I know what you're looking for? go there right now and then move forward or like know someone, google, that now, my goodness, how do I know this, but if I was on the show I'd be like are have no idea. We were talking about your will. Thank you so much covered over
I think I've heard it shared anything. You want to promote just just cleanliness and a general respect for hygiene, perfect, douglas agreed and yeah. movies darker, and they were doing that's where all my stuff is what my one by one sponsor pretty sponsor hulu plus I'll, take them and make what I'll take that up? you. This episode was brought to you by the machine.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-27.