« Bertcast's podcast

# 282 - Jordan Klepper & ME

2018-04-10 | 🔗

I sit down in the mancave with comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor and television host Jordan Klepper. We talk about guns, Parkland students, Improv, Tim Allen, working on tv, and much more! 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The hey guys brand new podcast and I'm doing the read today with my co host to georgia, Mae crozier, how you doing george good yeah and I got tour dates. Did you know that george know? Is this? Your first podcast you've ever been on no georgia as my thirteen year old daughter, the better one ooh really slam? Why don't you do you or what your line is the intro this making a calf- and then I remember coming in here. I think I look terrible light thereafter. Oh yeah, she was choking on it right, yeah and then it was nasty.
This week, everybody I'm a comedy off broadway and lexington Kentucky I'm having a hard time seeing things and listening to ending, jumping in lexington and believe me, it can make a song that king tongue lexington lexington, although that sounds racist though we gave you that I'm wise guys in utah and then I'm home for a week, george, what what we can do, I'm home for a week, wait you a unitary flying somewhere, danish chicago, the third fourth and fifth of may and on the sixth bam at stand up live for two shows in huntsville alabama, follow by ooh. I think I'm in the tempe improv on the tenth eleventh and twelfth of mothers. Do yes, yes, I met the tempe improv. I should announce this because not on yet but you will know this shortly: arizona obey the Tenby improv. someone get a hold of me in fighting Tenby above the tenth, eleventh and twelve funny.
Own liberty, township. The eighteenth and nineteenth and twentieth, and then warm bouquet, Jim and them on vacation, and there were on acacia three weeks of aviation fall by the start, omen of Birmingham alabama chicago theatre, just one on sale, this coming friday mean hypocrisy. How can I and sow volcano george may I asked you to come into the tree with me. Could you leave for one second, while I do this read? Why? Because it's a sponsor and it's an adult sponsor what Can you elaborate on that? Please no actually camp, bonds or is hymns and it's not look. appropriate just leave for two seconds I'll. Do this ad just out, so you want to come back and I need you for the next. Sponsor are ok, hey guys,
the problem with erectile dysfunction. Does your daughter, staring into the room. As you talk about erect erectile function seriously, no joke over twenty percent to over twenty five percent of new erectile dysfunction. and dysfunction arise under forty? That's a lot of us having problems, not a surly with whom battleful conceptual problems. I'm a fucking lunatic, Here's a solution for hymns dot com is one stop shopping for hair, laskin care, sexual. Wellness all four men, here's the great thing is. This is science: it's not some snake oil, it's not some bullshit cure. I use monoxide. I've been using were not minoxidil for over twenty years, and I use it every day, I'm not
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h. I m ass dot com, slash bert, cast it be or t c s, t aide de go to for hymns, dotcom, slash, bert, cast it to try what products they have in stock for one month for just five dollars while supplies last. This would cost hundreds. If you went to the doktor do it. I look at my daughter back in here as we, georgia blew out your ears, guys, I'm sorry, the rest, george in here is george. You get back down here that was awkward, sorry it's an adult thing that all that that us us as or us got guys do you mean the elders, the elder,
Yeah. No ones are not for elders, anymore, George's. Four hundred guys are forty, and do you like your mattress? Yes, yeah said she'd rather switch beds with me, but I said no she'd rather switch beds with you yeah. She is the most comfortable. well mattress mouth. What do you think about it? What does it get? Do you like it compared to your old mattress? What about the pillow? I liked the pillow because it didn't move so I mean like you, go to bed and then you wake up and it's flat again. Sudan has to readjust it really yeah. Do you know who who who gave us your mattress mom? No, the good people, it lisa mattresses, driven by a mission, to provide a better place to sleep for everybody. Lisa mattresses, donates one mattress to a shelter for every ten they sell through their one to ten programme? That's over twenty three thousand mattress mattresses donated so far, and
they plant one tree for every order received. Can you imagine did they give a mattress to someone in need? what we need is down. Their luck gets your mattress. How fricking great is that going to choose the tree? No, you! Don't choose the person down their luck together. The matter available online, or at least a dream galleries and soho north nor new york and virginia speech by the way I'm gonna go see the one in virginia beach. When I'm doing virginia beach this year wait hold. Can you plant a banana change from american, mattress, mattresses, ship compressed in a box to your door. Try the mattress in your own, For a hundred nights risk free, should we send your matters back and get a new one knows everything back: they should get in banana trees, tokay someone's doing how many bids everybody right now Try dryers before you boy, at over eighty,
west elm stores, nationwide LISA's patented universal adaptive, adaptive feel is, does zine for type all types of sleepers? What kind of sleeper are you ga? What what kind of sleeper are you? What side sleeper back sleeper stomach sleeper. Aside sleep. Well, I mean it depends. I thought I fell off the bed a couple of times last night. Rule is because it was sleeping with priscilla and they feature three premium foam layers to intervene phone top layer for cooling and breathe. Do you feel that way breathe and breathing derive wage memory, foam on the middle layer for body contouring and pressure relief and six inch dense, core support for durability and structure, sleepers of all sizes, what size or you, georgia. Why do you hear small, cheaper? And you do you fear your core is dense?
in two thousand and five star of use. These mattresses are the shit georgia. These matters is, are they shit sage mom one! Let me available kay, Canada. U s and, in germany, leases continuing to expand its offerings to include the least a pillow It's my daughter, Georgia has which she loves, because it stays where it is the blanket sheets nation and frame all available online with free shipping, go to lisa dot com, slash bert cast for a hundred and twenty five dollars off the leesa mattress. That's a lot of money. George It's three whole number go to lisa dotcom strasbourg asked for a hundred twenty five dollars off the leesa mattress, that's the deepest discount they've ever offered one hundred and twenty five dollars.
A lisa mattress if you go to lisa dot com, slash bearcats, cast by the way, that's l e e s, a dot com, slash broadcast that is lisa dot com, so. I support asked for a hundred and twenty nine and twenty five million round the they didn't spell it wrong to limit their company. Nice person's name is LISA? No, because you spelling the I as a like mine! teacher one hundred and twenty five dollars off. We. I have another question, your lisa mattress. What's your other question, george? How I said it'd be without the one hundred and twenty five I dunno when we go check yeah, it is the calculation. Let's see, L e e s, a Well, how you spell it dot com. It is how you spell it: no, it's our it's as a wise to just extra work and I's so much easier.
LISA that is dot, has killed a mattress. Now I mattress, have one woo have one you so you'd you're a queen is normally around and I'll have a queen, but do you have a far will? Let's look the queen because that's what I get for now, the queen, which ones bigger king or queen, queen nuclei, gang gang, shut up, you're driving me nuts away. What if there's like in one thousand, nine hundred and ninety five dollars, which is a pretty good deal for this greater good of a mattress, but with your one hundred and four. five dollars off you'd only pay eight hundred and sixty five dollars. Seventy firefights somethin like that all right think ten, ten lexington decay, alright, georgia, do you have any more questions. Do you have any questions? Do you wonder who the guest is today now today's game,
shut up. A very serious one, and even this two against one so just say something likewise wearing your wrist, ban for my marathon yeah cut it off. No dirty, it's a no. It reminds people, I did a marathon, it's like keeping in dunno if you had like a pencil in your leg, but you got it because you were some evil teacher, something again. Kieva bids on my legs are employed in the row: greater posh ass. It hold everybody, pod, ask old we're gonna, do a full time, gas, my orders and my wife one day and a couple bottles of wine- that's not today's guest is, though so. The oppositional calmly central he was the daily show he's sketch guy. We talk about all this is a fantastic interview. I very seldom Leandro taken like I think I try to go out of this more. You know for a long time.
just having guest of people that I knew so we can hang and then you go can hit me up. You like I like it. When you don't know the person- and we don't know the person's kind of fun to do like full blown interview, and this is one of those cases we are hit by publicist. Do my manager and just Finally, the data called Nicky glaser had done his tv show. The opposition will probably central, and so I just heard of them and I was like I was like oh yeah. I know this guy and then lots of establish, really talented. He tells one of the most interesting stories about getting a tv show that I've ever heard this business. He tells it come up. We talk about his tv show. We talk about guns. I join my guns this day. Walked him into my house. Now my gun sprawled out on the the dining room table and you can tell you, is I e an annex people will say is known as the gun guy, but he's a fantastic guy, and it was a great interview and towards the end his is publicist, John just getting his name's Matt his power
this mouse here and we kind of got him into the fray and we all kind of just the three of us going to shut the shit. but I know you'll love it. Georgia. Thank you for doing this red with me. We question Would you knock someone unconscious before? No do you wish you would have done it? No like launch people, it's not fun! How? If you could knock someone unconscious, how would you prefer to do it punch to the jaw? No, that's not fun the post of the side of the head. Now, what would you do? I'm so glad you ok come early garage, that's enough and georgia chrysler. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, georgia, crazy earthquake. We applaud cast a yacht color Oh god, oh my god. Today's guess
from the opposition on comedy central airing directly after the daily show nodes, not on jordan clapper? We're recording that turn off. All yeah. This is this. Is the man cave the I was when I first did, oh you're, a long time ago, I walked a user to at his house and you would go in and they had all these gifts, that fans fans given him and like all these business things, and I always wanted that and then you get there to that point where people are giving you everything like. I like chicken sticks up. someone sent me like two pounds of chicken sticks and then you start going? Okay, man? I wish I wasn't hadn't gotten all the gifts, there's so many paintings and pictures, and just like, like there's,
in mickey mantle doll right back there I mean that's. What do you angle for it now? Do you drop little hints of things that you might want to first started? I did now. What I say to people is bring me either a size, eight baseball hat. because I love based behind our size, eight and there really are defined or little bottles of tito's little little ones. I travel with it just straight both yeah, because I'm a fighter always at six in the morning. The brain of the show and in my fibroids six morning on sunday morning, and I can make cocktail any airport, though orange juice, for tito's in the bath sip it bring it onto the plane. Next thing you know: you're fucking Dallas, you have a real cocktail yeah, so you figured it out. You game the system. A little bit. Yeah I'd give me some booze, so it's really bizarre. The way it works now, like sometimes you will just treat like hey, can a day want to have weed and then some I heard you need weed. I brought you like analogy. I didn't need much need that just wanted to I've got a one hitter I travel with this. Is you know this? This is where they imagined what social media can do it. It really brings people together to help destroy ourselves from the inside,
it's amazing. It's amazing. The tito's thing for me has been the biggest connection because I, by big a drink, I got no away lost challenge with Tom Agora about a year ago, that was is pretty big. It was a. It was one of those things that it was like. It was a little bit of a change, your career, a little bit cause it was like, and I would argue, enviro just a lot of people followed the weight loss and it became a running joe between the two of us and then, and I did it. I lost forty pounds in a month and I didn't stop drinking visits. The angle The tito's was, the angle, is I did a strong human knows and soda and and all of a sudden might Tito's became mike anywhere I went Tito's would send a huge give bags and I would- and they would send stuff to my house, for my dogs are all about good and now they're going to my shows and their matching, whatever people drinking tito's and giving it to charity up at my shows really is
Do you mean I wish I could get that fuckin money now kid it's ivory is. Is that the way to go tito soda, as if ever you gotta be healthy but want to maintain our health is the right way to go about it? Today is not a very like what happens with me as I drink, big tito's and soldiers. So then, just quantity ones right and then that just bills and enable avatar as the next you know, you're like oh, I gotta drink a handle of tito's to feel it, and so do I. So this beer will be a nice cheers. Man, it's good to have in your shares, good to be here I just saw you had Nikki glaser on your show. Yeah Nikki was great at react cause I don't find her funny know how we can just clear the air grade now. How was it was a fun that was a blast. I mean the show we have a. We have a lot of news.
Makers. We have a lot of writers, politicians and what have you on the show? So we we comedians come across a little bit more rarely so it's always so fun to have somebody on and can give you shit right back. You know talk a little bit about politically. What's going on and and Nicky was talking about sort of doing, a radio show, and also in the me two world, and so that was a fun area to discuss, but but to have a comedian come on the show and play around is always blasted. My manager said you shouldn't. Have him on the show is really great, and you know maybe one day you can get on the show
oh and I'm the last person that will ever be on your show, etc. You just walked in, and I had two fucking gun sitting on my table. It is true that is gentlemen. I bought dubai's. I knew nothing about gun control, yeah, that's what I was like fuck it. I'm gonna go buy guns. I must see how easy it is that I would always talk to me about this. So what what did you? What did you find? It is almost it's not impossible, but it is so frustrating. I would never buy a gun in l a because the process, the process is exhaustive. It meaning it just is it just is difficult. So auto I've talked to talked about this tablet before, but so I was, I was sitting here, I just did my special and- and I was like- I really milked my family and all everything- and I was like I was like I feel, like you shouldn't just try to retell the same joke in your next special. Like looks, I see a lot of guys do that great style, great sense of humor, but they're just retelling the same jokes same solid jokes, so I thought maybe I'd talk about something a little out of my swings on
gun control, but I think that what we're witnessing in this country- and you can disagree- agree agree with me. I think you're probably with me- is a lot of people that don't know about anything, arguing very passionately about stuff? They don't know anything about. Why don't off that's a new thing! I think that is a menace its american thing. Right and I was one of those people that is your birthright- you could argue as loud as you can without knowing anything about it. Oh yeah and I was like fuck it on a lark, I'm depressed. I just got done the special we're just editing it. I have nothing. Talk about on stage. I got dates coming up and I was like oh fuck, I'm gonna go buy a gun, and so I was like I just yelped it and they're all over the place which blew me away. I did not think we'd be able to have guns in l a at all on. bank magnolia boulevard, I don't magnet modern way to a meeting. I was like. I got thirty minutes and whatever I can get a gun because that's how it's painted the like you can get a gun and thirty minutes jump
and by the way where you are or you're, not you're, not going online to get it you're not going through a gun, show you're going through an actual dealer right, oh well, that's in l a you have to go through a sort of sort of our dealer swear. I literally roll in can get a gun. What do you? What do you want it, for? I said respect not even joking as a respect and then they start laughing and someone's like oh shit, the machine they all recognize me and which, by the way, my fanbase is guns, gun, gun stores like oh yeah. This is this is as as this week spouting ideology eyes, and I believe that europe club, like and so, but it I bought bible, mean, like an idiot, I thought I was walking out with them. That day, I literally was like getting excited going. How much ammo should I get and the guys that will you'll get the ammo when you get the guns, and I was like we wouldn't get. The guns is like ten days I was like. Don't even fucking want 'em, yeah and then, and then this is where it gets really tricky. You have to have a have a dwp bill
in your name. What's a dwp like a power utilities bill in your name in the house and nothing's in my name in this house, nothing all my cars registered to my business. I have. I have not technically, I don't really live here, so I had to have my wife drop a lease saying I rent this house from her. I rent a room in this house from her where to get my fucking god that to be fair, I went to. I had to go update my license at the dmv literally last week. It had to do the exact same thing for real yeah cause. It's a bit. All my stuff is in business manager. That was I always such a pain in the ass are like that. They had to give me a tip everything my wife has devout. For me. It's it's a whole big, the enemy to stuff. If of a woman- Mrs aiming I shut up, I just listen, that's look what they fuckin said and then anyone who hears me listen, ngos we could have A man. Are you stand up for us and I go god you
fuckin, win we're. How do we get to me to give us what? How do you live with me? You know more about it than ions than I do. I felt I I've. I've done a lot of stuff on guns, but maybe I am by no means an expert like nobody, you're you're, an expert to anyone listening. It me Like the appeal to listen to my thing, never opinion burning, Most of them are like yeah. What is the deal with cause like? I I'm super and hearing your story of how to buy a gun. I, like You know I. I went through a little bit of that as well of trying to buy a gun. I did a gun special tried to buy a gun in georgia have found a lot of things that were really hard to get a gun, as they should be. As I was hurting. The good georgia is hard to get a gun as an out of state person trying to get it gone there because I had a new york license and then a new york license because you have to abide by your home state laws, so that became it's own thing like the daily show did a bunch of pieces where, where I'd go, talk to gun owners go talk to people who are frustrated and wanted gun control measures, and so can I get.
I got in the thick of it and it showed on the show right now been following and talking to a lot of people on my both sides of the gun debate. Its touch a lot of the students here, parkland and went down to the march like its it is hey. Can you talking about david hogg? I didn't touch David hogg. We had two two girls on our show from parkland who who spoke out and came on the show and talked a little bit, and then I went down to to talk to the rally and some of the students who are from parkland and other students just from the baltimore DC area, who are going to be a part of it. So you know, what's your opinion and obviously I'm I'm guessing it, I'm guessing at the talbot you're, forty, thirty, nine. Thirty, nine! Your dad grew up in michigan, yet you grew up in michigan michigan, I'm assuming considering that your dad was roommates with imagine your dad's a regular fucking guy yeah he's brick salesman. Mitya! Ok, do you allowed to have opinions growing up? I was you might my my dad is a sort of the earth hardworking
about like over a very moral, hardworking guy and disorder. it was my mom, my mom's kind of a little bit more of a free spirit and my dad's more down the line, but like very supportive parents who, like encourage me to kind of go out, explore, do my own thing, but I grew up a pretty conservative kid so later I was. I was free to have any opinions, but I think I, my only opinion till I was eighteen was like I need to get into college because the only way to get a job and to let my opinions were just my opinion regurgitating the opinions of adults who had an idea as to how to navigate becoming not a loser. I suppose- and so I felt pretty- I was not stifled by my parents at all levels in the EU. I am I in my dad called me asshole elaborately lovingly liked asshole, you don't. There's like gun. Remember the gulf war started, and I was like this is broken ridiculous, who should be against war?
Why does like assholes go to your room right now until you realize what a fucking idiot you are, and I literally sat there. I was like sixteen years old and I was like. Why am I an idiot? Why am I did it? Why what it is- and there is because- and that's part of why I don't talk totally about politics- is because I don't do the research, I'm not sure, well informed sure, and so I watch you know. I think when I watch these kids, these parkland kids talk about gun control. I don't I don't really care like. I don't care, I care that their passion, I think, awesome who think that's really cool, that's where change comes from, but I do believe everyone, I'm always nagoya, change I get more jealous at their parents or letting them either. I would say that you are out of the I. I knew to be curious enough at that age to have opinions, be articulate about it, and I think honestly, in talking to some of these kids like I get the push back, people have, but these kids are incredibly well spoken, and
I go to the march- and I was just I was interviewing people who are. You are not alone. I went to the march. I talked to a lot of students, just random students, very articulate, but isn't that, like the moral authority of like you asked them, why are you here and it's pretty hard to argue with kids were like? I don't want to get shot. We do like they talked to adults and, like you, don't know what it's like to grow up post columbine like we, we do drills, everybody does drills they're like I don't want to get shot, I'm afraid of that, and so why do you march? I want to do whatever we can to stop that and I think, like there's the pushback that I see from the far right, unlike these kids having an opinion, what frustrates me as a you, you can have pushback about what the policies are, but I think it's a valid opinion to be like I'm a kid who goes to school there, school shootings. We have to practice for these things. I don't fucking want to get shot like it's the fact that kids are getting attacked for that point of view the
is is crazy. I think it's weird that adults are attacking, I mean it doesn't mean it makes sense that adults are attacking kids, it makes sense, it's always happened yet, but it feels like it's gone. It's become so quick. Now I think, like I thought, there'd be a couple of weeks before people started calling out genocide that are making fun of like David high getting into college like that's happened, and broke my Billy Billy yeah. I don't really like David hogg. I don't really care for the kid. I don't care for him and are like plethora of reasons but like mostly just cause his dad. Let them talk, that's my main problem with elegant. That was what I really connected with girls like factor: kids freedom. Men, like my, if my if they give a camera crew came up, I was one of the most on magazine in eighteen. Ninety seven humble break very no big registry.
The big brag my dad called me the morning. It came on April first and there was a knock at my door and simultaneously my phone rang. I answer my phone and at my front door was you p s? I said hello and my dad said what the fuck did. You do, and I said I dunno by the way, I'm twenty five at the time still in college, at twenty five I opened the, u p,
yes and is the covers back, but I thought it was me. I dunno just caught me off guard and I get data think I'm in rolling stone magazine and he was like what and I flip it open and I'm in the centerfold is as widespread for me and a fountain and the title says the numb it took burkheiser, six and half years to become the man. He is today the number one party animal in the country at the number one party school and I go dad. I think I'm in rolling stone- and this is I'm a I'm twenty five. Okay, I'm in a national publication about me and my dad goes shut your fucking mouth. You don't talk to What console do you understand me and then he hangs up as a gift, sir, and I hung up so when I see David hogg talking I'm like that. Couldn't have been like that, like I used to embarrassed to get getting the comedy? My dad was mad at me, because I done that that I might better my point. One more point about David argues when they did nothing about college, improve my heart, yeah cause. How dare you know
I remember not getting into colleges these people that are coming after him. Do you not remember not getting into college it? It sucked. You had your dreams and hopes hung on a fucking hat ring it. If you got through that, it's it's the meanest thing you could do to a child who is going through getting into college, and you have people who are on television media personalities it's it's the lowest swing you could take and by the way I will tell you my kids, not going anywhere to college, because that kid's grades are up there my six galleries, my sixth grader can barely red and only joking she's dyslexic can barely red shoes. Not going to college. Did she get as an organised shit like I just was like that hold the whole fucking.
And then kind of rubbed me wrong when I saw it cause. I heard it and then I immediately was like hanging in college like you'd, think someone would be jumping at that chance and then and then you heard that the audio from tmz and he wasn't being a dick. Oh, he was accused like heartbroken. He was like yeah. I thought it would have gotten in a really hard settling. in school dude. I remember that feeling honestly. This is I I would say this not to go political on this, but I do think like like a David hogg, is a great example of like the things he's asking for are not crazy. Like he complained, he quote: unquote complained about not getting into college, no, he just said he's
he he's bummed out cause he didn't get into college yo and you see it becomes politicized in a way where people are like this and he's whining he's doing all these things. I think it's the same thing he's asking for as far as gun control goes, I think, are as basic he's. Not we have supreme court. Justices are asking to repeal the second amendment David Hogg's. Not doing that he's asking. Can we close loopholes like loopholes that I get I would really difficult for you to get a gun grape, as it should be with anything like those weird loopholes like we can close those things down. Ninety percent of america wants those things closed down and ira members must enter a marriage. What those enclosed alley. That's all David hogg, saying that keeps easy same basic shit on every level he becomes as political pawn with the far right with all these other folks that are like. Let's just let's go at this kid, why dare he speak? I'm like he's I've seen anything crazy he's just speaking, he speaking with clarity from seventeen or eighteen year, old who's, not trying to spin thing he's he's just echoing how he feels a new allay banker, minimum
and my gun is buying an a r. I dunno I dunno, if it's an hour fifteen, but it's an assault rifle and he's next to me and I'm looking at it and I say to my gun dealer so was my next gun to get and he goes dude. You gotta get yourself an assault rifle they're gonna be out soon. That's my natural male instinct was, I gotta get me an assault, rightful like without even thinking and then, as he said, that I went like like with an assault. Rifle goes on a r fifteen and I was like whoa. That's the ones we're not supposed to want, but then in my head I had already wanted it so like there is a weird primary fucking thing about guns: have you ever shotgun We are a bunch of us all weapons and I grew up like I have had the time should rifle and for these guns, special they're gonna unshared shut. All the they're, they're fun on a ship on a present, but they are fun. There's a rush that you get like yeah scotia gone to have fun with guns. I think I get that if you're a responsible person
get a background check, go, get a guns or more people like you speaking up because, like I'm like you, I think that only three of the EU there are most people are that's. What's that's. What's so you re to me like. You are more guns that I have, but you should have those go and you went through the process to get those guns. You can be responsible guns and here's the deal. You are now a gun owner. You, don't want to get low lumped in with other asshole gun owners who shoot other people with cut you out whatever you can do those people make you look bad. So what you want asshole down there, whose crazy down the block dylan hindered- Let him go to the same process. You went through the same thing I want is a non gun on receiving gave it a hog want, I think, there's there's just there's people in power who pushed the narrative. That is what people take away. Your guns, it's that moment at the gun, store whether like you gotta get. This thing has recently we go away there not, but you You know what sales have gone up for air fifteen's, every mass shooting they go up because the guide the gun store here the inner, a guy who's everybody else like the common for these guns. Oh shit, I better get one of these guys island. Then I gotta give as they exist there
I do real well and it all goes up the it's. It's just. It's a game that to me it's so fresh and the real conversations remarkably simple, and I think it really is. He really is it's. It's remarkably simple. You think it gets clouded and lost in in the the the kind of energy of today is that we don't have any like jack Kennedy's anymore. We don't have any robert Kennedy's. We don't have any any bill Clinton's. We don't have any people that are rising through politics based on a passion, a passion of civic duty. It is more like an a and by the way, I'm joking. I make a joke about her, my special and but I really do really do respect this chick and this this woman. I really respect his woman and I'm a secret time of definitely attracted to her too.
but by chelsea handler is now going around and I think its noble that she's devoting her time to to civic duty and my going to try to make things better, but I think it does sought for the the young lady, going through college george Washington university, whose in policy and is now like, so it I should get a talk, show first and then I can get into politics. That gets a weird thing with trump like how the fuck did I mean there? Are? There are inspiring stories of there? There are groups, the the number of women who are running for office is skyrocketed and, I think, like I do think there is a grass roots, inspiring stories that are happening with to counteract that story. I mean trump has just blown up this whole narrative in a certain way. We're like fame is such a thing famous such a thing, and the rock is sincerely. You are running proposal. He will be president. I do admit that, as ever my life's work embryos melick. That's a day it's like
he's so charming. I mean he charming he's gonna be easier served. A right he's gonna easily be republican president in what twelve years symbol the public in bright irony republic. I heard he's like a moderate to right guy, which I think has just it's the sweet spot for him. Have you I hold on you've, not watched his workout videos or you are the type of the fast and the furious movie. No, no! No! No! No! I assume it's a way to call them and work out know you've, never watched them like a Jordan, you're missing out and being a man at heart of being a man is being sexually attracted to another man, but in a straightway. I have that trust me. That I've got all over the boys. Don't I guess I've never seen the though the rioters so good that they artists, like he's like six, I am sitting in the in the iron jungle. By the way this is verbatim. I've watched so many of the manga quote them tend to put in some don't get trapped by the by, like just you had me had, but really
inspirational and you start going fuck. I should workout, I can work out and maybe one of the greatest days of my life, no joke is the day the rock re tweeted me and commented on my video I was, I can tell you where it was christmas eve, and I was in my kitchen and I and my buddy texted me was like holy shit. Can you believe the rock re tweeted your video and comment in it and I went hold on hold on on so instagram, I saw it and then I saw him come in for like three days. He was watching all my videos and commenting on him. I was shaking and my daughter, georgia, walked into the kitchen and goes with matter what don't ever forget this moment she was wanting to go. I can rocked history treated me. No my way, I'm your father, vigour and I say again another man. What do you mean
I know where I was on the roguery. I told I put a I put a dread out, there's only thereafter, like yo rock I will fly to wherever you are. I will put myself up for a fucking, our podcast. I will come to. You and I will do it at your leisure. A during whatever is easier for you. I work out with you in the iron jungle. I will hire a crew just simply to have you on my podcast, he is that inspirational. He is such a like a butt and he's not like it sounds like a Kevin Kevin, hart's inspirational, but Kevin Hart's like a delusion, inspirational like a hard working much everywhere, what is it? What is about the rock is it is it that is, it is says, he's setting part of it. For me they were speaking candidly is he did he did the unthinkable
I did the unthinkable. He was a go. Nowhere, a walk on it, miami right, nope, you gotta, realize one hundred percent of those people end up never competing in sports ever again, but then he transitions into wrestling. He works is up to wait up to wrestling is to the top and now one hundred percent of those people. I never leave wrestling and get into the movies. Then he gets in a movie and was like well, he just got into a movie lot of wrestlers some I'll do one movie a john Siena and then, oh, my god, he's at the top and now is the biggest movie star in the world. He is the big fish in the pond that keeps us and for the bigger pond, and that is why I'll vote for him for president yeah dammit you got. My vote, tells you to either I'm telling you. I promise you watch some of his instagrams and you will fucking lucknow card. Can I can I flip into a different part and this may go nowhere, but I have to say one of my other massive massive, and this is based comedy, but man crushes TIM, Alan yeah, dude,
your dad live with them in college. I raised my mom's cousin to that. That's how they may know him, yes, who he was yeah, my dead room college, mobs cousin and that's how my parents met so so I grew up I mean I grew up. I would see TIM a couple of times every year and then, when he was doing stand up and then when home improvement came through, I was I was young and a kid, but it was the coolest thing to see uncle tim on tv every week in watching that kind of star rise was pretty awesome, So I see TIM now I don't. I haven't seen him in a while, but use it would see him he'd come back to detroit. Sometimes we go and games. My family and his family was back in town, and so why? Yes, a tip tim was kind of fun like growing up watching, watching him find success and kind of funny. his voice and figured all that I was really kind of I open to watch. Moser been any communication since you blew up, or is there like any a little bit by bit? I think, like politically, were
especially in the same spot, but that's not any kind of an issue. He talks with my mom, a decent amount of I I haven't. I honestly haven't seen him since I've been doing the new show real harm yeah, but he's good, but he's more than welcome to come on. The show yeah he's great, I mean TIM tim is, is great and has been kind to me into my fam and all that kind of stuff, and so he's yeah. It's it's. It's kind of fun to have this. Guy who's now become a little bit of an icon. I have also conservative comedy and yeah. I wish I wish I I'm by the way I'm a huge tim Allen fade out, like I, I think, he's really a unique to look at too, as I feel like, then you know the state of the world better than I do, but I think, like the success of like blue collar comedy tour like like he sort of was ten years ahead of that. Finding kind of this Voice of like got a blue collar blue collar comedy masculine comedy in this. This era resorted devoid of that later,
you'll never see that show from the perspective. I saw it from only because you are probably due saw your uncle in it, but, like I saw, I saw such a simplicity in a character like it was such a. I call it cutting the sleeves off. Your comedy means I like Larry, dead or more like rot what Ronda with the cartel a cigar when he or she is basically streamlining it into the one thing that is super identifiable that people latch on to, and I think I think I've done that to an x, Then I think I've got convoluted a lot more than I need do, but TIM Allen did it in such a highbrow away. By by saying I am this guy, but he but it was also a suit news. I come, but a more like you like it was so brilliant note. None was he and inspiration for you to get into show business out of it was sort of anything I got into the like a the outside my path: kind of came high school in college at an improv and followed that path,
If so, I would talk to him about it, and tim was great. Like TIM honestly, his advice early on, which is not the wrong advice, it'd be a much quicker path, but he was like I swear. I left college really. I wanna do improper to sketch comedy my inspirations arm. This improv world is like money. Python is like the state. It's like as an hour isn't that kind of stuff's really talking about the state people, please yeah, I'm going to go shoot, I'm going to go to chicago, and I want to do that. I love this. I love improv. I love this kind of thing and tim was like what I thought he was like great. You should do stand up as you come to l a and I'm like I'm gonna do chicago an improv and he was kind he let me come to some like I would to hew films movie called, I think who is cleanest out or cleanest out with Chris. Slater and report back in the day. Let me come to the set like hang out and see all of that, but I mean his advice and again I I think it was the correct advice for following show bears was like you, gotta come to l a and for me I was like I love improv in its and that shit,
cargo and so so sort of like I'm going to do this thing, and I I can have that was my path at at chicago and then I did new york or chicago. I did second city and himself thursday. I mean seriously tab and then you see be out in new york and Welcome to every now, and then I did like shows that I, in l a with like sketch and tim, would come and we'd talk and like he was very supportive, but from from his perspective, was like I'm a stand up guy, you know this is how he did it. He did stand up. I went this path. I pitched these kinds of shows and from kind of where I was comes like yeah. I cut him in more character. I wanted to improve, I wanted to sketch, and so that finally kind of came, you know, and now our world sort of match up again, but ah, but I kind of had to go my own path at at at at. At that juncture, you are well. I think. I, though I I was told this was the opposite of what I did was you should get into sketch. You'll, never be a stand up, you're, not smart enough to stand up.
And I was like I was like whoa. Okay thanks right. Is it good advice, but I and I and I now and looking back I probably would have been a better sketch guy, better improv guy then stand up. I I enjoy improv more. I enjoy improving and enjoying this the the working of a set. a little exhaustive, ah like it's really fun right now, the part mm where you're just going up and writing yeah and but once you are like, oh you gotta deal yeah you got to you know time to you shoot a special four months. You start really kind of. I don't enjoy that process yeah I enjoy it. I enjoy it enough to do it for a living, but if, if they could just units, no specials no specials and you could just keep doing the stand up, and just always writing and never worrying about
repeating and just go around him having fallen in love to do that as far as it's fun fund by. But what what was the difference between the groundlings an end? and are not groundlings. You see that you shouldn't anxiety. I mean the this guy new york world is pretty fast ethic like, I would say, throne,. Second city is a place that is sketch comedy. First improv is a tool to get to sketch oh you're, using in brothers a process. It's a process. You try it. You did a couple different times. You boil down. Sketch improv olympic in chicago is like artsy improv, which is like improv is the and goal. It's beautiful, be yourself laura that ireland, and indeed like then you come to you, see me You see me as more from the io standpoint, which is like improv is the end product. We also do sketch, but improvin sort of thing that we teach but we're going to codify process more than
chicago and really, if you look at who'd to be an idiot, was kind of what I would say like that. So the the big thing that's attached to like the u c b process is this thing called the game and I think, like Tom. It is. Does this there's a wormhole of like improvin, autism darling. You have the day you see before which Amy, polar besser, walsh and even roberts come from second city, and I owe chicago del closes this guru in Chicago who is like em, improv guru, Draghi guy, find yourself be this explore. Improv is an expression of who you are this kind of stuff the herald as the thing they create, usually before godot comes to new york and in their idea, is like let's bring this because it doesn't exist in new york in this form here, but, let's add a little bit like it's it's almost too loosey goosey to be like
say yes to it and keep building off of things, and they came out with a little bit more of a mathematical mind and more of a sketch mind which is they called the game which in it's most basic, is like we can do improperly, should keep searching, but let's teach it to a point. We know we're searching for until like, if we're doing a scene, we're going to do a scene or get a yes and in chicago. You would just do that and you would. You would just continue to discover and use e bay. We would yes, and until we found an unusual thing, then we'd both know that we found this unusual thing and then we repeat that and heightened three times to find the humor in that unusual thing. So it's like it's. It's added a code to add and or like more of a structure to like this is how you improvise, which essentially is
is using impromptu, do improvised sketches, and so it's it's nerdy, but it is like, as part of the process. Eusebio was like we're going to do traditional m prob, but we're going to come up with a way in which you can stumble on things and like now. I know if I do this three more times it's going to find more comedy now. I know that we're working to find this one thing so, let's add more structure to it where Chicago, like people are making fun of chicago improv, they're, making fun of it, because it's it's it's hippy dippy and it's like I'm going to be you, I'm gonna, be me and we're going to talk for thirty minutes and nothing's going to happen like that, and if people are making fun of new york, you see be comedy or at the time you see become ethical, to talk about it being like we're going to make this one
drawing up a state structure. Do this remember you did wrong, and so I think like. He knew me an example of the. U c b, one fascinates me: it's an icy organizing like be drawn to yeah, like as somebody who, like just stated in chicago, and I taught in chicago, did so much improvin chicago they come in new york. It would really exciting to like see. Somebody cannot take it to the next level, a given, put up walls and be like that's not what improvised really fun to be like evil. That's that's a next step of how we can kind of have a share with language like like an example of, if we're doing an improv scene about what keys you know, we're like we're, we're two guys in the man cave I'm going to get up and we're just hanging a chat chatting in your man cave in Chicago. We would just improvise and bounce off of each other and look for stuff. You see be you'd push somebody like we're inner man cave and let's until one weird thing happens, it's good. So if I get up but unlike
I walk it over here. It's like. Are you another round like yeah? What another route cool I walk over here? Instead of pouring a beer, I break into tears and start talking about how I miss the sounds of beer lapping on my ex wife they like. What ah forget about allow beer to the deeds, and you see me they'd be like that was an unusual thing. Let me focus on that. Its focus on that everything else fuck. Everything else were not always done. Mineral, ok, so like so the only thing not only thing but one of the marines yet a tv show and one of them one of the things I made me laugh out loud was I put pennies and my ass is ass, pennies sketch out there, of course good. So theoretically they would have. They would have been doing an improv and the guy used to tell you about. So that's why I would ask pennies my mates, so that seem started to golfers ray and they're talking about they and then he's got one we're back Adela. That he's he's got this weird theory at so everything
plus drops away and it becomes like. We continue to heighten that. One thing that's great It's great and so ass. He saw how that's how that scene would supposedly go is like stop working so hard. Let's build, I'm gonna keep getting and I'm going to come back down. I'm gonna drop that thing I'm going to keep talking and it'll be like. I ran out of peanuts. I'm gonna go, get some peanuts. I go over to get peanuts and I immediately start weeping again because thinking about how my girlfriend I had in high school like had a peanut allergy and she died, and then I come back here. It's like this whole game is going to be me freaking out about ex girlfriends in a man cave based around the drinks and the snacks that we have, and so like you see, b, would push people to be like go towards that thing. If you find it get it and then and then forget about exploring it's about building off of the thing, that's already there and that's a little bit more structure than like what a shoot traditional chicago one would be, which would be like
It's going to be this, we should look to continue to build off of that and obviously there's a lot of great chicago scenes. That would look exactly like that anyway, but but eusebius like, let's teach towards, are right and wrong. That interrupts at a little bit too. In the vein of stand up. Korea is you yeah you, you do crowd work and you masters or you talk to someone until something bizarre comes up and then once that bizarre thing comes up that be. That is the thing you bounce off of and keep calling back to keep find him yeah I mean I, I I loved it as a way to like it. It like expanded the language of what improv is and also it's it's it's fun to be able to articulate what you're actually looking for as opposed to continually just searching
and your brain too. I would say a thing that I love. I got into stand up way late on, but it's a totally different shit, there's so much editing and province. So much brainstorm and stand up stand up is so much editing. They both use both but almost a different, different calibers and even like writing for a a daily shone. Like writing for the show around right now, like it's a constant balance of those two skillsets like cause, you can't just be all improv brain because you never you never remember boiling down to what is funny and what is efficient and then for also creating stuff day in and day out. You can't be all stand up rain because then you don't get past We we need the vomit face like what else you got here. There's a lot of stand. Ups, who I don't think, there's a lot of stand, ups that you would bring up on stage with you and they'd be like. I don't do this well, there's the stanhope, I know very well yeah I'll, say his name's. I love him ne for god's sake, do you know who he is he's one of the most talented guys working right now, no questions asked one of the best comics working right now, one of the funniest fucking guys in the world- and we did this crowd work show
and I love crowd work like I love. I love the. I love the diet working I like when it gets dirty. I like when it turns into something that, like no one that I love when it gets all ugly and they forgot to get some states through this crowd, where show for the sea, so shout out to rest caesar and he goes. I don't do crowd work well, summon up jokes and up here with me to help me and see jacobs up do does. Does the groundwork and a nail try to china when some works. He's is bad talking to people as they it is my strong suit. I can all day again figure out what he wants. They re from guys like new york and jazz and needs like or here in new york. I, like it it was hilarious, Larry either either love it and like that idea of flame free is a thing that excite you or like. Let let me craft something that's worth putting out there. I think that's that
part of it all. So how old were you when you moved to new york? I was. I was thirty. Thirty one nice. I like that a grown up moving to new york. That's right, I was twenty six. When I got into stand up twenty six yeah, I was twenty six and I was oh. I was twenty five on my on my twenty sixth birthday. The first day I started doing stand up sonically yeah that's the day. I count, and so I always thought it came out at lake is dane, was twenty six and he's like? I have been doing it for ten years and I was like what yeah and he was so much better than me and I was like fuck, like I remember being like I'm, never going to succeed in this business. Yeah Then, then I remember there's another guy will says now say they monitor. J more had started very or young to started in high school. I think and
he's a just a little bit older than me, and he was more famous that much more famous than me and he was ah, I was touring with him and we were in tampa- and I remember thinking I remember thinking in this moment. Oh he never got to live a life like I lived, a life of where, where were these people and these people like hey, you guys should come back to our place and just like definitely definitely. I was like nah, no, you don't want to go back to their place and he was like why not. I was like cause first of all, they're all doing coke. I know you don't do coke. He was like what I was like. You can't Well that and he was like you can tell they're doing coke. I go jade they're doing it in front of us. He was like what do you mean they're doing it in front of us, and I was like it was like in J and both got into stand a very young. They just work well versed in like being a grown up. They have their children and you know the business keeps you a child. It's the easiest way to deal with you and then you, eighty, unless
you. Do cocoa fuckin fall apart, but when you're jane dane both sober and both good guys- and you know they're there one vice. Probably ever was women like that's all. They knew as women like day. Just didn't live a life in them. I am so glad I have all these stories of a life lived that I now can talk about, as opposed to be unlike european monopolies. Grandmother, mother and great job, a great job? But you know I have been a number joke, so you moved to at thirty. yeah. I was thirty, so I was, and I've been doing, improbable that for like ten years but didn't so. This is two thousand nine yeah top twenty ten. I think twenty ten move there, twenty ten hustled taught at u c, b for years, got little bit parts here and there wrote on mtv two shows
little having just kind of just the hustle would like little dyke chipping away chipping away was until I was thirty six thirty five I got daily shown that was like that was done was basically, big break, though they thought about. Let's talk about it, he overnight as light, notably on another slow. This down. Let us on this is a game changing moment and everyone's leisure. You, everyone gets one where you were. You hang up the phone and you take a deep breath and you sit back you. I think my life to change rubber, like oh, my god like where were you like your addition out? well, yeah boy, I mean if another beer would give me another beer, because let me tell you it would go it's. It was an amazing I'll, tell you, it was complicated as all get out. So the story of at all is green. You know how that is a year, you, u closer things, and you never get things
get close, and you ever get things and daily show was something I had auditioned for before, but got called in to put something on tape. With my with my wife, because my wife's also a comedian and who's, your wife, laura grave she's on the opposition with me right now. It s been a writer and a comedian forever until we too are together in china, york in a year we also knew each other back in chicago we'd, moved to new york together daily show like both of us. They have us, put our audition on tape together and then we make it to the next round, which is they don't? I have many that the round is basically reading a jar until they are married right now, where we're married at this point and they're both other of it. Yes, it's a I realise how much are we fund? Will my why? Yes, I do fuck
don't get out of. You need to do anything ritualistic today. Let me know I'll make sure your ritual is fine. I will just make sure your ritual is fine I mean it was crazy. So, like we addition- and it was great and weird and strange- addition separately with John, but I would say like I wish life was as simple as like it's. The call life is great boy, everything's worth it, but it's it wasn't. It was complicated. It was like the car, to tell me that I got the job that my wife did not get the job whose living the same struggle I'm living, who got so cool If she got really close to as an l she's I mean, did you get closer things that could change your life and you never get em until like I got that call at the same moment that my wife got a terrible call and so was fucking weird
and I can't stop. I can't stop. I can't stop scenarios you going oh shit, it's my age and hold on and then go in and then go on hold on call waiting. Oh dear agent, do you want to take this call or, or the fuckin like you have. This is like. I can't believe you haven't written this as scared, I'm an ice. It's it's! It's it's! It took a while for us to deal with it like his It was a thing that we just talk much because its it was tough like it sucked and is also like a lot of people. oh my god dream job. I'm like yes and honestly. The daily show was a dream job, but it came with like the person. I love most having like that. That thing that I could garden like they. They could take one person john Oliver left and I got to go in and like so it was. It was tough and strange and I feel like that's kind of what this industry is. It's like it looks like it's. It's all roses and its great but its budget.
Complicated and so kind of lived complicated for a little while and she did a lot of other cool stuff and it became something that we weren't. You know we're constantly pushing back, but so fucking amazing yeah. That is good, that that's a study and so much more than just the entertainment business. It's a studying in writing? I wouldn't pay. I pay money to watch out is a sick gum of money. I would pay money, they never have to see it ever really who's the guy who's oozing out we had on from either sql or from the daily show recently, and it wasn't rory. It was someone from the daily show. I had someone from the daily show on and he told me he I said he audition twice might have been, it might have been numb or roy. Would he addition twice and he said,
the first time he heard someone audition good. He did a africa who it was. They said they were. They heard there audition now and then and then accidently heard someone do the audition right and was like oh fuck, that's how I have to do it and then they came back and auditioned the same way, the other guy that fucking part kind of wish. I knew who that was that roy that might be Roy. You might be roy, and I can't remember I I feel like I know only way since you got the call and it was just like. Did you guys go out to dinner that night and celebrate now? in its no it was. It was emotional. We're day like I am I I had go to work three days later. It was like a thursday friday and I had to be at work in Monday. It was very weird in any part of you and you will have to be honest, give your dna at heart of you resent her, not celebrating you or were you so high.
Api internally, that you are because I'm such a fucking, natasha sure I mean I've, yet I am not above being an asshole about them. I think like. I think we would both say like Peter part of that we weren't proud that I will. I wanted. You know team clapper to just jump from the raft. decided to say I'm uh yeah, exactly yes and but that also I know exactly if I was in those shoes example, because I could not forget that it was a coin torrent goin to us. and you were the other side and party- and let me tell you something you fuck helper: reservoir it? My wife, beats me for a job, that's my manhood and, if necessary, a comedy it. My wife's progress gets bigger than my boy. My wife just started a pike s right. She swallowed it because she just one it's something to do, and people come to my shows and they're like dude, I really like the wise podcast, there's part of me. That goes. I'm standing right in front of you on the one that introduced you to our podcast. Don't fucking talk about her
just saw perform for an hour. How dare you my habit? As though my is directly connected to whether she feels like that lets them up, as I realise that that's that's an old school man, stop is like a happy. Every life, happy wife kind of a thing like that. That stage that some old didn't pillar- somewhere, but I do think that I didn't get a moment as I oh, I got I've been out if, if she could god that I did I mean I don't know I would. If I were you, I would have been a shithead. If I didn't get it and she got it it, it can't not fuck with how you are you see thanks, because it is it's it's it is. It is that lucky like fuck. I got this thing I feel great about it and then you can't help but feel like I got it. That was the right thing. I'm sure I was the right person for it, and I've been on the flipside, where it's like fuck I it was just that random. My life could be totally different there, so it it took time for us we had to. We had to ease into it, but she then became,
the biggest supporter and biggest fan of all of that, and now we worked together on the show, which is awesome so like as if I'm working where your wife is, it is super fun. I mean it's the show so encompassing like it's all, I'm thinking about and now it's all our home is thinking about all the time. It's called a production brain yeah, where you can't think of anything but production, and it really it took from my stand up pretty aggressively because I'd get in production, brain and I'd spend a day thinking about all of the pit vipers, because we wanted to wrangle, pay, vipers, costa rica. So I never once thought of a joke. For like seven years the jokes were few and far between and then
and then, when I got out of production brain and had to get back in the standup rain, it definitely took a while for me to go. Oh that's right, everything's, a fucking joke! There's no seriousness! That's what I feel like that's the weird thing about balancing like yeah. You know I gotta be a producer and I gotta be a host on this show, but my brain is very much in the produce like how do how do we make this thing happen today? How do we get these people? What have you, and so it is it's like. Oh you have to I learned how to be a leader and to organize something so a work so that production brain he gotta have it. You gotta leave a little bit of space for take and I gotta I gotta be having fun and start. You know fucking around with the writers and playing around in a way that, like you're, actually getting new material and not just stuck on like the numbers. While I was the best leader, I was and the best host the f. I wasn't. I lay still to this day. Don't know if I'm technically talented, but I am a great leader What didn't did you like being a host?
I had a little bit of an epiphany last night, the two nights ago, maybe last night that I was always. I was always under the assumption that people tuned in for the host, as opposed to people, tune in for a show. I and all my shows were hosted reality and I was always fighting to make it original. I there was, I would fight tooth and nail for things that I thought were needed to be there and I and the other day, I'm watching some bullshit show called carnival eats and I'm just like in the hostess horrible he's really bad. It's like he's like an ace venture, a rip off like a like I gotta, say, you're selling it to me. I would take it as a rip it I wish. If, as a host, I was watching it going, oh my fucking, god are there ideally shots like lagree shitting me like that. another show. I watch members through with a guy and they just fired Adam written is my
and oh yeah he's great yeah and then they have brought in a new guy Josh denny's, not a bad guy, not a great host, not a great host, not a bad guy. He does this thing. This is my breathing to ever do ever ever ever in reality shows, is watch bad hosts, alot of council talked a camera and if they're talking to a person don't want it. Those watched the person because they don't know where it now where to look to look at the host he's, not look at them. They'll look, the girl and then they'll, look in the camera and not guide. Does this it's so which fund a watch a porch I'm going with this looks good, but this and then you watch the guy, am I supposed to look, and so I spent I still watch man vs food. I still do. I hope Adam Richman doesn't hear that, but I still watch members food because the show's good and so I was so coming from the stand up world that I wanted to be authentic. I wanted a break. At barriers? I wanted to change the genre. I wanted it. I wanted a piece I wanted to be a showed that people were like I mean I did have the fourth season I did on my one show a few shows
Our general, I am, the president- are fired before it started and it ordering green light for thirteen episodes. So there was an end and then and then they fired every one of the network right. So we no bosses for the entire production. So I made the show I wanted to make and it was amazing a neighbour married. It showed that it was amazing it, but it was not on brand. It was definitely and then one of my reads was an Yours is like a child with a fat ass like ones into it, but if you're into it, you like it with a vague and like people are like what fuck you doing it. I was like an and then I gave him. No, Their options- I just gave him that that was there one read they got, but it was the cameramen laughing and the sound I let it was just meet your enemy crew laugh. So I- novo: don't know television. We get back,
I don't know I I wouldn't mind a big payday. I wouldn't mind for camera sitcom, but as for right now I don't see tv as I have a hard time taking notes from people I'm just I'm just I feel like I've been through the wringer yeah, but the boss part the leader. I was great at yeah. Do a serious thing. This is a fun thing to do, is onset okay and by the way feel free to do this, we should do shoot a day and date day off day of yet yeah and then shoot five days a week for four thursday that yeah and then you guys, I bet you can't do wrap parties anymore. That went out with me too, oh well Is we do like one hundred and eighty shows a year, so it never wraps? Oh dude, I used to we used to shoot hundred and eighty shows the year on my first tv show and we didn't you say: wait, wait. First, no rep parties because of me to actually do there. I my first tv shows,
in two thousand and one, and it was so fucked up like people will be go back to the stoop back to the lot into the offices to do coke like it was. There was no fuckin rules. We are a bunch of nerds hovered over the opposition and we basically finish a show, and then people I run to their computer. Sir red politico, to see what's happening is very different than that one of the finest things We used to do in this. We used to do this for the cameramen. First of all, I'd always do a big mac mondays, where I just give a p a two hundred box and he'd come back with like fucking. Two hundred max. I just got big mac, everyone, joy, big mac and the care men. the sound guys would like come out. Amigo bro, I love big black mondays, like they just like just little treats like that like go out like just just because you got the money just like two hundred bucks. Don't help. Employees Tokyo, don't get it took it to undertake, play sandwiches and then just come. A cheerful. with tuesday just it was. That was my favorite thing to do. My other favorite thing to do was mo monday fridays
Some are more money. What we do is we pass or on a bucket, and you write your name on a dollar. You can put it in many dollars as you want and you'd put it in the bucket now crew. the crew would go nuts they put in twenty bucks worth a ones, but the people that would win. It was like the funniest. It was like it was like you, weren't, even shooting a tv show- and I love this guy. Carlos wasn't Secondly, my says that he was the PA had appears, but meaning your team. We also did big mac monday's main fifth, it we would come up with schemes to just like just I've. where prices have been writing the show, but we would sit my green women. Think of scheme to make the show more fun like just to make the atmosphere more funding. but I am sure now things are just fucking weird on tv sets. I mean what results. I must tell the big mac monday's, although it adds that other listening. I thought I'd like your blessing. Just just surprise. Everyone just ignore it should do that, make it real phone right, make it real phone just start, but I'm gonna buy people cross services going. You know
wouldn't mind a big mac re mailing data, the edges of integrity, nice lay a cool big go in both That's what I miss about being on a tv show, those things it the the the the fact that you're, a whole team kind of put together in one big boat is: is a blast fun right? It's like having a family. It is there any you! I I bet if your wife's there to do ever go home late and then in early. So no I mean it's it's it's the kind of thing that we, our our our our life, has kind of spent over that studio. Yeah. But it's great I mean honestly it, but it is a family. It's good people and the best part of being a boss, as you get to higher,
great cool people, people who are jokes that are going to say hot chick- that this is the this. This is the old guy who got it at thirty. Seven I kidding I'm talking about security is pictured. It is there's dogs around the office. I got nothing but boring stories like little pugs that are happening so lucky that his grandmother came to say: hi, everybody, those are exciting days for us. Oh that's! Fine! You know what, though I miss that I think that's really awesome. Yeah is the fun the camaraderie you guys have, and then it was pretty great. Like a christmas party, do you do christmas christmas? as a boy. He has done a whole lot of money, so we are, we make people pay for parts of it, but people can gather at a bar that we point them to. So that's awesome. Yeah! Now now do you. Do you get stressed about ratings I do I mean I get that's the one thing I hated. Not now tell me your experience. I could never get ratings for a show as a host of Asia ever been on. I never once I won let there be an app where I got ratings to
Call you immediately with ratings. I don't I mean I'm a I'm, an e p on the show. So I get I think through that I get a break down each week and I kind of glance at like it's the kind of thing that you can't get too caught up in chasing it. I think, like there's certain things that we try to do to stick out and kind of get attention, but there is also part of that. I know it will drive you crazy to be like. Why is this up this week and not this week, and this you know, like you, try to connect it to the topics that you're covering or what have you and so sorry for me or let the other e p worry most about it. I get a little taste of it like focus on today's show, making a splash do anything don't get caught up in that best gustavo
and we had a vicente fox who's, a president mexico who came on and his jihad out a he and he is Yeah gabs. I was sent a fax you a case number two I'll never be on the album all right. Well, we'll see. Maybe we will evian bridges to present the ship name present day. I think that's. The sand present is probably St David Vincent Vincent advance. It yeah yeah, so that's yeah I want to set you up with this guy vincent that you love visit and you'll love. The interview, but this is right up your alley: yeah we started the taco bowl, he got pissed at trump and he smashed on the ground. So we had a fun time with vicente for his ease a lot of fun yeah we had fun,
instead, we are like Michael in black eye last week would generate. Let's go there to that direction you until the state do so when did you discover them to use I'm guessing highschool? Yes, what would happen? then you'd been. I can tell you schoolhouse. I turned twenty one that year so you were an eighteen, seventeen. Sixteen was earlier so when you turned twenty one, when this day came out of state came out last, I turned twenty one that yours twenty sold it out. I'm forty five with her so you're six years younger than me, yeah, so you're what you would have been fifteen that unripe early high school yeah, I loved it. I mean like yes, sketch was just that was I felt love sketch, but, like I got obsessed with captain monterey jack I love taco me:
tackle mailmen. Most of the other problem. Is I don't have the same passion fruit delivering in distributing the mail as I do from it's, not that it's tacos that perhaps the greatest tackled I've ever had it shouldn't. Given the option between, tacos or male female. I think we're saying a lot of things that we're gonna regret later, but I'm hearing you don't want to talk shows no dude. and if I were a little I became out. I made everybody watch that sketch, which is so funny what else I love this sketch. It's got three classic cop out sketch and deemed too, like. If you remember that yeah, then he away any disappears and then wife comes michael you black says that was perhaps the longest conversation I've ever had with a human being. and then they mailbags moves and walks. It's like the kitchen sink Andy. Did I let's go
go. Do some more states is one of my favorite sketches and others will also express explain. My my my sense of comedy was I'm gonna put my balls I'd yes, dude with care. We know now my own question disease literally holding balls. I felt like I was a sensor saying that you can make a ball joke talking about balls, so you have to walk around holding balls. Can I tell you, I never even noticed that he was holding ball. That always threw me off cause. I was like I was like well, he he's got balls in there. So he's he's tried our attention to these balls, but we all know what he's talking about. We would at parties go. Does anyone have anything to drink? I've, gotta shasta did balls at it was it was when, when my the demo balls in a guy came to the to the last supper. Do you remember that
I remember that one now I remember I, but I I already have written this sketch in my head. I'm sure Jesus is sitting. Jesus is played by Thomas lennon. Jesus is sitting at the table. He is about to give his last supper speech and he's like, as I'm trying to give a speech, can can I what's everyone talking about and they're like wilmot? What was his name? Is it wasn't kenny? What was his name is dug it with the other legit. What do we know also does or does not here was here before you mean uncle bob about whether we would I was doing inside jokes to ourselves. Right though people like what is this? Probably, I guess I'll watch the state and find out who I'm going to dip my balls, and it was KEN marino and got there. really is common tonight and then Veni and then you see Jesus drop it and they were what you like. Veni goes. No, I love everyone. My thing there. I just think it's happy, he says he's gonna dip is balls and everything I the first exe
it's. I got this all as a fan of the state. This will blow your mind. I'm twenty two years old, I am backpacking in europe. I've just been russia backpacking in europe, and I go to greece and I were at a place called the pink palace. It's a it's. The ultimate place. Any one listens. Podcast knows, I said, that's the place. You need to go if you're going to spend a summer anywhere, go to the pink palace, get a job and live the best life your summer and I am going to eat lunch upstairs and I see KEN the truly ill or not Joe jolla trudeau, and I went oh, my god, this guy from estate now easily one of the most recognizable faces. I then walk around and proceed to see everyone from the state at this one resort rat men. By the way this is my favorite show it's an I'm twenty two. This is right when they had moved over to the
He bs right, and so they were taking time off. There were writing a book and they were all going to party in greece together, and I got to hang out with them. I posted up to a michael in black was not there but Thomas Lenin's their carry. What's your name was there and I'm with them, I'm hanging out with them on drinking with them. I'm in the middle of them like, and I beg friend David Wayne- and I say to you- and I said to him. You know I think I want to be a comedian. I'd been doing stand up, I've been up and I've been doing, stand up or I'd never done it, but I'd been being funny. and people in europe and David Wayne says. Let me give you my phone number and he says when he said when you get done. College have moved to new york. If you moved to new york, you can call me call me and I'll get you into a couple shows and you'll. Let you some watch some comedy. You don't have to pay, and you know if you're still interested whatever I moved to new york, I call david Wain. I still know David.
number by heart. I still no david me to the point where I, when I met Michael in black, I said I told him the story, and I said this is how true the story. Data wanes numbers to one two, and I told him anyway, you knew David Wayne and if it was a very recognizable phone number, and so I get a new yorker go. My first show I do is at stout. I think that is stella and I see janeane garafalo. I see Todd Barry. I see the three guys doing stella. It was like amazing- and that was my first entry into stand up- was through the guys at the state, and it was my thing worst show ever couldn't have been better in life layout. I would say I'm the luckiest guy in the world nats. My luck is that well, that's what you want right. You want those people, like in that moment, I'm like yeah I'll help you out this is it's it's it's a it's. A tough racket try to do comedy here, but if, like somebody, can reach out a hand like that and help you out but we have even a guy who's, extended hands and not extended hands like, and I know how, like I'm
little bit blown away by tim, alan that he would go out and say. Let me do you know. Let me help you out. I've got cousins and the business sector sometimes I'm working though I can I'm so sorry, I'm just super busy, but like that's a fuckin, impressive that and then I did a show with Michael Ian black, and I was I couldn't. I couldn't have loved that guy, more Super funny did super smart guy. He came out cause he. He wrote an op ed about boys and the issue with like boys growing up in america right now, like serious stuff, which are also say like on a show like ours, where we're talking politics we're talking stuff, I'm playing this this character, such a weird, dynamic and he's a funny guy, like the guy. Such a pro, is so thoughtful about some of these more in depth. Subjects but still able to like play
in the comedy game and the status game in such a fun easy way to to pro. He really is now or do you think you'll ever get Alex Jones when you're shouting, oh boy- I I don't think so. Fucking know he's he's a couple numbers and I think he's easy. He can stay in austin do his own thing and austin, but don't you wouldn't you want to wouldn't he's we are very careful how much air we give him and I think, really year, he's engage with us a handful times and gun he's got all in on me a couple weeks ago. Could we, We will earn him when he started with David Hart, called out the crisis actors and got on that whole thing. We did a whole. We did a whole act on on that chaos and then the next day he said, it's thirty minutes going all in on on Jordan, kepler, just the whole jordan kepler, he called me a turd blossom and he'd call me like a ward growing out of an anus. I mean it's pretty magical to be.
I would like to draw the actual. Like man he's got all right now and he said I feel so much time. Like god bless, you is like I get a grudge. I got an extra grand grade and it's not an audience. That's going to find you and go. You know what this is. My guy yeah like it's not like, like a like. If, if, if you mock trash of I'm trying to think of like Hannibal burress Let me now, then your fans will be like when I got it out Hannibal now. Right now that that we had, I would be I can see how that would be. Yeah he's a he's. A fascinating character in that world holds a lot of sway people, people listen to them. People get on board with the the all the all the chum that he is the spins up now. What are the oppressed you do, while you're in l a I did a couple interviews tomorrow. Some carson Daly action, yeah he's gorgeous he's beautiful ride, any rides his bike up and down malibu. These are all things I dunno. I dunno. If the shirt true, but
I think it is of a guy. That's like that's the life right roland roland. You know rolling campos roland used to be best friends with Carson was like his assistant or whatever rolling. Does all the sirius xm bookings? Okay, yeah. And probably books nicky show, although I wouldn't it does he really and an he used or carson, and he was told me one day, I'm trying to make sure I guess right here, as we done an hour, I can buy well go forever I'll go run, run into what you guys know how much time you have or of but I will keep forever, will go a little bit longer. Yeah yeah, I'm going to get all the time tricking these modellers. Well, I did a forum for our modellers now what I saw that I would listen to that earlier today. What do you do a four hour? Podcast, it's crazy bear was great that's why those ones where you get enough grew yeah I love it and I can get like that, especially if I'm drinking I've done five hour podcasts and then you go back and you're like what did I say that thing, but I think you know, are you? Are you a podcast,
at all? I'm not. I mean honestly it it. It mostly comes down to commuter, I'm not much of a podcast guy. I am mostly in the last couple of years I'm just kind of a news guy, and so, if I ever put headphones on, I try to get some music in there and I tried catch about part when what I can't I'm I'm I'm out of the pod kessler. They are. They are there my there, my favorite there, oh yeah. it's like you're doing for hours, then, when you put them on and you'll, listen to him or listen to him, oh that right now I've talked about this one at the one. I'm talking about the talk about ad nauseum, but Dan cummings time suck. Do you think you'd really Yes, we are really smart. Guy he's already. No have you heard of this one? You don't have guests on its him by himself to research podcast and he takes a subject and basically does a time
software, whereas we do on the internet and google everything about about TED Kennedy in and Chappaquiddick, he does it for you and you can just listened without reform. That's really great! I can't talk about this enough and someone Instead, you should check it out and I you know I feel like. I know everything about podcasting, so I was like okay and then I listened to one about gun control and it was fucking, fascinating yeah and he really did the research and he's funny because he's a cop and so many get them on my podcast in solid city rogan, this one. I would definitely assume you you could That would be up your alley. You're smart, you enjoy humor. You've got a broad sense of the world. I think you'd get into rogan yeah easily. I yeah I need to. I honestly edited I'm I'm in a bubble with all that stuff. I listen to the daily d, listen to the daily york times. One come on bro What two guns affair, I guess you're right out even read! So what's your name,
What's your detailing reginald, they like like information wise, I try to its it's. The job is we're because I've I've once once show gets going during the day like I am in em, I'm in a whole entitled get any new info. So I I wake up way early and I'm like walk me through an entire day. I'd be curious, so I mean part. Part of this is anxiety. Part of this is just function and probably up at like between four and five okay and I I've had those anxieties that is and so and I I read pitches and ideas from the night before and from the show. I also catch up on news that happen overnight and so I'll read the I'll read the time
and then I'll turn on at six times in a paper or on your phone using the phone. I love the paper that I'm a kind of a luddite at that, but just functionally kind of be on the phone, and then I go through what I call the trump diet. As like six o'clock, I I I'll bounce between fox and friends CNN's new day and morning, Joe that's kind of I know this sounds silly, but that's kind of romantic like to to be. coffee, I usually weight to copy till I get to work, but I think it's sort of a nice is governed icewave like I I I wish. I did it the right way, I'll. Even I'm, on break right now, and I've literally been like around what I'm going to fix about this process. Is I'm going to romanticize it a bit cause right now it feels so working that I'm like. Oh, no, that's so cool yeah I'd say I need to make that I need to make that nice cup of coffee at six watch these things I'm trying to work this podcast into it, because it's a really good podcast, that kind of sorts, some of the day's news, all that fucking grocery called the truth, the daily sorts it takes
what it takes it kind of does what you talk about, but I little listen to it on the right in and it's like, we'll go over gun control do twentyman a breakdown. Alright. Everyone is called the daily looking right now you just boosted there. There we go to go new york times. in the new york times I'll, tell you what I'm going to tell. I can already tell you what's wrong with the podcast the first time I listen to it because you get podcasts here's the problem. Is you get people going? Who is you start a podcast, and then you get some fucking idiot like Katie Couric, who doesn't understand the concept of fucking podcast right now, you're, like I just book someone like any jerk who'd. Like I haven't interview with Margaret thatcher margaret, can you hear me? do you like, oh my god, you're talking to run a landline issue, just holding it up to the fucking phone. The daily, like that. That's the problem as you like some people, let's see five star views. Fourteen thousand reviews ike
cash in on it. I don't know if I'm five star of It was pretty fourteen thousand ratings. I think they're, pretty legit subscribe to new york. Just made me tomorrow, just anyone's mind subscribed right there. Of course. I did. I love that's how only you're my information, it's energetic that I that's about it even those to come out here in pushing this by literally drove two hours this morning, catch up on it, What did you? Listen you what's good like that, I'd like to start off with something good. If they breakdown, I mean they basically do twenty minutes. Okay, alright! Alright, I got it right now. I have a. I have a note for you the daily and please don't title your pod. As one day Wednesday April. Fourth, I know what day it is. And- and I you don't need to do that or all you can do that numbers at the end, please put in your title what you're talking about that day: okay, yeah that
I did it to my wife. My wife was like it's me, Cathy and jill, and I was like don't no one cares. What you guess tell us what the subject the topic is. What do you do for this? One I put my guess is because my guess, I guess specific, like my numbers at my ratings or guess specific lorella. Yes, so I get bigger ratings. Based on my guests, oak out of my guess is familiar to the people than my raise go through the roof, Joe ideas, seven hundred thousand dollars george, you, probably a big one because of your tv, shuttleworthy gas, but you're not vote The only problem is you're, not a podcast dude, yes, and a lot of people have. You on biogas, and so this will be for a lot. people, your introduction, can I be applied, can do without doing mt. I guess, as about other user, without doing drugs. No, now I've been with. You can be a pike s without doing your papa S, a hundred percent. Benjamin is a! U who do. You know that it is not there I know yeah, you know you know of him. Yeah, okay, yeah yeah, he's a podcast dude yeah. He doesn't have his own podcast, but he is gold on a podcast.
Because he says a lot of out of the fuckin bizarre shit shit I should have and what I should have been wilder just say the n word five times when we should be ready for me to accept. Tell me that brazilians can't get aids because they have huge dicks. That's the way owen thought I was going to take me a while to get there. One says where you go. I heart, are you serious, but you know, I think one's an example of this and and the fact that you know of him is his point- is that there are a lot of guys out there. Just doing comedy and not taking really big swings at really sensitive subjects, and I think there's a lot of people in america who feel under represented and those people to take the big swings
even though they don't agree with everything they go. I want to be a big swing taker. You know and owen we do this thing on Google trends, where you track spikes and one spiking hardest, fuck every time he's on anything yeah yeah, because he he just doesn't give a fuck. Am I give a fuck a little bit like? I really give a fuck it's in this day and age, give it a fucking it's hard to get away from. It really is like I bite my tongue at perfect example. I said something to Nikki Glaser. I have done of a bad but broad one stage in a weird way. With his hold me to climate, I just thought I might bring her up like. Let's see her pussy, but I was like, I just said something off color, but I do to any comic, but I was cognizant of it and the next day I text her. I was like. I hope that didn't bother you if you ever did I apologize and she was throwback you're, a great guy. I'm fine! Thank you like they didn't. I was cool, but that's that's not happening with owen. Benjamin
You do regret that. Do you feel like because there there is in the comedy world do do wish. would crossed the line more their oars. Is that feel like like that, that the new awareness that I feel like. Our modern time is now giving us as it is at a bad thing. We know, is a really great yeah. Are these great out? You know there's a lot of time. Times in my life rose, oblivious to people's feelings and they would warrant given a voice enough. To tell me that their feelings were hurt, and I will I definitely cross outline paula, my whole childhood, my whole fucking life I said shit and I was a white male and I could say whatever the fuck I wanted and I walked away from it. I was like who gives a shit hole, you're sensitive. You can't take a joke and you're like oh well yeah. Maybe if that was said about me, would hurt my feelings and so I'm cool with it. You know I seem like you
You seem like a guy that would all it was always cool with it. Yeah I mean, I think you know ebbs and flows within all that, but I mean I think like it is. It is an interesting time for comedy I would say, and like my all company prides like that, it's every every but he feels nervous right now, whether you call the trump era or what have you. But I think people are very sensitive about a lot of issues and I do think there are lines that definitely as a comedian like I I I wish I could cross this line, but I feel like people, people want something else from me, which can be a scary place the comedy where, like you're you're wondering where those boundaries are but also think like overall, that sensitivity usually, and that awareness is something that I've you know a big proponent of but comedy is. It is a fascinating canary in coal mine with all of them like what year? Did you stop saying? The f word, who I still say the f word not fuck,.
Oh geez, okay, were you aware of the different prices? Are we fucking globally different all right, well we're in a different way. I call the f word yeah that volume might we might be drafted, difference, etc. This I'm like ninety ninety one world really it's like I mean I don't think I ever came up in a time where that was a appropriate thing to say I think in the comedy in the comedy world of Chicago that was the that was a line that was thrown around on that, I would say the f. The F word was the taboo word of two thousand and six odd stages there that felt like woke, people were saying and knowing it was an unwelcome thing to say. Okay, and so it was an unmarked thing to say in two thousand sixty thousand seven, but I saw in comedy stages because it was woke people using it as a way to get attention. Okay, I I stop saying that word and I stopped saying the word gay meaning like
that shirt looks gay or that a gay car or garnet that it does seems really ridiculous to same even now. But when, when todd glass came out of the closet, widow tagless came out of the closet and I listen to his marin and I was sitting our house used to be different. I was sitting in the patio and he told me Todd's a very good friend of mine and I didn't know he was gay and I must have used the word around him, I'm sure, and he said on the podcast and yeah when you say that really fucking hurts man. I never realized that that word had attachment to people that that I I didn't. I wasn't saying it in that way, but it didn't matter that I was saying that way. So that's that's where, like and rogen, by the way, stop saying it like probably two years before me like he just was like Done with it and er, maybe a year like now says he's not that woke, but but it's funny, because that's where I judge on people on zirp, I saw friends say it like all. My friends are legion of skanks still say it?
I, I don't. I dunno the context there, but the people who are legion of skanks are you aren't. I guess I'm not a podcast guy, but with no context. That's all areas where we're gonna talk to your publicist shit should, I know legion of skiing know sounds like no. No, but the bonfire is a show. He'd be great. On. The bonfire is the biggest show. I think the biggest show. on central radio right now is big eriksson and dance odor fuckin great great? Can I can I go through and tell you all my podcast booking aside Excellent, so so inside the room is, is jordan's publicist swing, the might not get anywhere a man, a some math, my wife is in the booking. Looking publicists and my wife came back and she goes by the way his publicists coming. would you normally? I would I fucking hate, but because
because I really love your desire to make the internet no, no word, no, because one nor I just had it happen before we brings it and I go Jim, I'm fucking known you forever, but I've started to like or for the first time looking at publicists- and I was like I wouldn't mind, meeting the publicist, I wouldn't mind seeing how that works like that business cause. I've always done my own publicity, but my wife gimme, the breakdown of you. You were at a really big agency. We broke off. You start your own agency. and now you represent mostly movie stars, but mostly comics, who were movie stars, is correct. Predominantly yes, male, Chris rock. Well, well, watching I, unlike last month as I can't, because I never see jordan, ok york, so it is a special occasion and your manager reggie tiger men. We ass the best name in hollow not? Hang it up to the name in it when stiller in in tropic thunder what was his name
no, not trivial or numbers diller. Not then stiller known legs growth in the movie. No, no! No! I thought it was. I thought it was only rosemont is engrossment. No, no, no. matthew, mokanna, hey, would call him by this this is why kegging into podcasts. You know this is one that says this is it. This is my favorite part of your subway going it's fucking duh, it's fucking DA da, oh man. I can't believe it's not grossman. I've said it three times. Isn't there no tug speedman, tug, speedman tugs even yeah, right and so, and so I love I love to know that you guys work together. I think it's really fastening. I've never never workload. This is really no, they do and I wouldn't ever. I like, never would I ever take a booking from a publicist only because usually they come out to be horrible, but I saw Nicky was on your show. Yeah, and I watched your show, and I was like oh, this guy seems like he could really
in the podcast like he could talk, he seemed really real and then I looked at your thing and I was like well he's- got a really interesting bio. I was like really fucking fascinating, first of all, love kalamazoo love, elements yet you better government. These have a fucking. They used to have a stand, a place that this guy based at issue. who would run it was called the laughing post yeah and before that it was called It was his any sort out my uncle used to own it way before them back and later wait hold onto your iran. Could it known the other one issue I'll go to daddy. I don't think so. Ok, I think iii, I've heard stories about the back. I really will open Another good stories, but like saying that I think I don't know like not like fantastic stories like he's a pay with a gun, the table, oh no, when you re. So when will you do instead of an comes it? Oh fuckin who no accident, I flew into a snow storm and show got cancelled and next door to my hotel was a bar and had they had keno in the bar earlier and I just got draw
at ten a m and played keno until eleven o clock at night. One no money I lost all my money than the whole week end, but I fucking loved kalamazoo integrate our left out So now so now. What other water like big, would like we're time upon casper when other big Things are going on in media today that you would like to get your non, because I have a few ideas: Jesus Miro. We have an offer for that. We are. We just haven't done it. You know it. You have an offer to do it let's get out of here, I'm as you have to do it- you have to do it tomorrow. You have more of them, no yeah, what we're noble, but when you go back to new york, that is such a great is richer and the problem is his schedule because they tape like at eleven o clock in the morning or noon. So it's hard to get him out, that's in and they don't have normally on fridays right, eleven o clock eleven or twelve in brooklyn. but no less readable hours of law in russia in the rear up, the rally, the real progress.
Think of their railway. I've I've met of ample time for great yeah. Yeah to see on outstanding offer sandy enough gonna make it have done. Do no I'll be excited watching I want to do it. I didn't, does the right, we were not an end in them on your show, I think we're doing that it and we're trying to figure make that happen. That would be great yeah. Can you get a job with John stewart come on, you're show John came really. I was a month ago really yeah. He came home when he- do not a too many stars, which was a blast, so there was. There was so much my Heaven Come on? Oh the idea just came out and we're gonna do a bit and it's very john jack. it came out was like yeah yeah. What what's the bit and basically just kind of comes out, and just we just just kind of you, you, you wing it for like seven minutes and just talk shit and he made fun of my height which he used to do all the time eg of the daily show, and I made fun of his height like it was. It was just. It was like ball busting for seven minutes was a blast you're really great, at press,
rate it press yard. Others like there's a lot of people, you I'm sure you know this, but there's a lot of people. There. did not come on and talk to a stranger an hour and a half that is very like it's. A very well I mean have my job is, as you know, do interview port and chatting with paypal, it's fun odyssey. I will take. This was a black. I dont you a lot apart guess, but what is You should you're so good on them. It's fun to talk talk. Politics is also funded, not talk. Politics yeah, I would say, is sort of a blast here cause, I think, like there's a lot of like, let's figure out the political mind of comedy, but also like. Oh, I like What else has happening? Alright, then? Here we go worst sex story, get of politics yeah. You really want to talk about getting fucked. Let's go back yeah. How old were you when you met your wife? I was I met my wife. A wee wee did coming together. I was probably twenty six, while at
that you guys have been together or rip yeah yeah we we've been together. We've been married for both forests years they've been together for close to a decade. What are her parents politics? I wait a decade if you met her twenty six and you're thirty nine. What are you talking about? We started dating. I think it's been about a decade dating. We knew each other, so yeah, okay, comedy scene kind of knew each other other relationships. I then got together and the rest is the rest is history. You know what we, what did you wonder? Was it it wasn't? A sex thing was the other thing. It was a wedding or How long was I omitted? Her parents call her. Her mother, her mother, passed waving. Her mother was fairly liberal liberalism, a teacher her like, like suburbs of chicago a contrary and by nature I think he's ie like a man like he's a contrary it through and through
and he will equal the start- you would love him, he will he will drink out of the table any will he will get an argument with you about anything It was a smart guy, he's he's progressive, but he will. If you come out and progressive he's going to go conservative idea he he likes to he likes to have bigger fights. I like it. I like anyone likes to have a good argument. I am the kind of guy that I like to set up ridiculous arguments. Sure, like I got into a chinese new year as I got into a fight with the image asians that I could beat any asian in a foot race, yeah. Well, I don't allow animal diseases that are even more guy, don't even ivy. Ireland already examined again. google it what it. What does the the libertine skunks of newfoundland, tiggle libertarians getting ages gang legislates yeah? Oh my god. That's a whole area of the
that started on. I was with my friend sandy and who's asian are best. Friends are vietnamese and she told me something that was just kind of like oddly racist, but it was about Asians and it was about herself and she's like oh did. You know that asians have a hard time finding sunglasses to stay on the face and I was like, but she was like. Yes, we have a really hard time finding sunglasses, because not all sunglasses will fit the bridge of your nose will slide off our face. So you telling me that, and I fucking lose my shit, I'm like are you being here it is she's like oh yeah right. So you that's what it's real she's like all had observed. So then, all at school or laundry, often I'm literally walkin around looking at all the asians woman sunglasses- and am I condemn it man? fucking amazing, none, the nun them aware, like re bans, because they just do not meant for asia, faces right little jet
Why don't you spread this to anyone? Don't you say this? Anyone, Google, a racist, but it's true! This is ok. This is like it. If you have a really close asian friend, softball it to them, find out just saw, ok, so you me into something is what nice feels like so then sand He and I are in the park the next day and she's planted the seed, and so her dog starch run
She starts running with her dog and she doesn't look like she should run like shit and look natural runner, and so I then I start thinking is any asian person and you'll see a lot of asian cornerbacks. You know, like you, don't see a lot of asian cornerbacks you'll see a lot of asian running backs, and then I was wondering: are there any sprinters? I google on my phone, has any asian person ever won a gold silver or bronze medal in any olympics ever and the answer in the history of the world is no in any foot race. Ever ever ever, there's one caveat: okay and like nineteen. Eighty six and asian runner beat one in the hurdles because every one fell. Alright, that's the one caveat, so I go to this part. I get that now I buy researches sober. I remember it drunk and I'm at a party with sandy and someone says something I'm running the marathon and they're like oh, you can't run. I go first of all, I can beat any asian in a foot race in this room cowboy and sandy starts laughing
as she goes. I got my money on bert and he is and he's asian and all the asians like weights, and then one of her friends goes where you come up this information, those like because you guys have never won a gold, silver, metal or bronze and any foot race ever in their history. They live. next year. You using, will you say asia? Are you talking about this? We're done in chinese japan There's never been a meddling made across the board through a lot of asian people. this guy comes back. What what are you attributing that you attributed to just? I just do not go to running on gas, right well in infrastructures, which are when these metals as well like his own olympic infrastructure in japan, two. No, no jamaicans are winning. There is no infrastructure. This year, you're pulling this stuff from under the barstool. This is barstool logic. These are Jesus John candy, film or yeah. So then this guy looks back at me. Yours, that's bullshit. We want to hurdles one year, I go, you know the same research I do and he goes what
have never waterways and we never raised, but we do want a hurdle. I go. Ten thousand dollars raised me right now, because I'm not taken at liberty to say he was not a good run or I'm not a good runner. The whole what he goes around. No one will race me. No one will raise me, except for one guy, her husband Tom's, like fuck, it no money, but I got a ratio arms in great shape, he's five. Ten big be producer, fucking fantastic shape on the street barefoot monkey shit man, him one of these, like in sixty hour dash and I smoke do you should have seen like that, was what that was the ending that hitler wanted it in the jesse owens raise like I was like This is what I am talking about: the fire, the union, so good that there is actually saw a podcast on the series, I'm being that serious. So there is because that that is genetic. by way of this. Is me really? Don't you jimmy the greek? No, no, no, no
It has to do with the altitude they lived at and then the distance that naturally travelled to get to water to leg. It was that it was something super simple and that it just if you needed to survive that was, What you need to do is be able to run and writing when himself tatum, sprint yeah, and so there was a really great podcast on this that I listen to. I want to say it was radio that that's a great one. You should check out that's what I'd already lab yeah. Do you have to get all of three lab yep do radio lab. I found out about quicksand born. Why has greater? quicksand porn. No, no! No jordan! Man tell me about the I feel like I'm hanging over them. Norman it's I'm. You know what I bit. May I've just been focused on the strength of israeli society It say that you come out to l a. I call it delay for a day and a half were quickly had roared the
The skaggs are screaming and I'm hearing borderline racist science and borderline racist science, ivory racist sides and the medicare. What is this? What is this los angeles people give me about the Sam porn is exactly what it sounds like I thought so I share. I don't even know what so. Let me there's no metaphor in there: it's what do. I pull it up to a show such almost on the good one that I can find a good one there's only one really really sexy watch everyone where they, what were they survive? A John John John, how you forty, nine and fifty in the so you'd, be at my dutch colleague John whilst Joe, her ornamental that two of you, in the movie, wonder woman and, MR the wonder, women and smart, MR marques dinner. What is theirs com, vaguely and I didn't some other guy. The created one woman. Some of the gutter created one woman.
I was in a shared marriage, him and two women and they were into bdsm, and so he created one. He also created the the truth, the truth machine the lie detector randomly created. He created the light after I have so much googling. They have to do after this planet or jointly with similar problems. Right of public access could listen or paca an end so and so he created one woman in in throughout wonder woman. There were beady s m beams. women tied up group women tied up and tied and beady s m tie not slightly financed minor back tied across their boobs they didn't. They literally the ethics committee in the united states at the time was trying to get rid of wonder woman and he was saying look. This is just is just entertainment, but that was What was selling wonder woman was that it was sexy for one I found one woman and you are too young, but but on you know what I'm talking about. You call me johnny. Joking, I'm joking, I met her. I met her when I was a kid. My mom worked at warner brothers. The series-
and I went to the set cause I got back in the day. This is like, probably early eighties, late, seventies what're. You went to the set met while Wagner member, member lower. He was like the boss. Yes, yes, yes, you met her, I'm trying to think Linda carter's or nay info you than the harder it never hold the phone generally with only direction that one almost my first direction. She was insanely in cash or get up, and then I got her autograph instead dont forget to eat your vetches. What really have it I haven't and, in my view, ass. I do don't forget the undervalued. On the walk of fame yesterday or how does she look she's either, but she still looks good. I dunno, but here's the here's, the check going into quicksand. So this this is based off of our childhoods, so our childhood sexuality is derived out of the movies we saw. wonder woman. There was one called dinah girl or dinah woman. A wonderful open offer a spin off
is another one like the bug like they're, all the heroes. We're getting tied up and all the heroes at some point, the the heroin would fall into quicksand and wait to be rescued. in a weird way. That was all the sexuality we saw on. Television is a kid so this, the quicksand is like the evolution of the tire, the train tracks exit. This is great. I wish I was as smart as you. Yes, I met Barbara bach daisy duke that was another one is to go round. They had vanished island, we apparent it was a dick. My momma was a they didn't call it assisted effective. She was a secretary for for one of the, like vice presidents and the film sites I got to go to the waltons. I would Alice. I met vic, tailback, really fun awesome, who else the guys from all the dukes of hazzard people,
Who am I trying to think other shows those are the main ones and then Lynda Carter was crazy. It's crazy, so not a pivot for a second, but how do you get into becoming a publicist completely random, just to kind of fell into it as a journalism major at I went to emerson college in Boston and then just kind of uk. I lived in boston for awhile with a girlfriend moved home. I remember my journalism teacher saying for those who can't there's pr I kind of fell into it, but she because my my now so that whatever, how long you been a pr when seven years, nineteen anyway holy gardener had known? How did you grow lobby beard by the way, I think can lend the number one thing I got called might now. My beards trimmed on the cheeks, which I'm a little embarrassed of, but I did it because I have a dull acne on my right cheek and I was in hawaii and I was trying to cleared up so I thought the sun and salt
One time I had a beard and an eminent fighter came to my show when he was cute little trimmed job there, and I went oh thanks and he is now. What are you a man? He was. A man grows a beer, and that's all I remember him saying and I looked at his beard and he hadn't trimmed it up. It was just a and our like us. I thought I need to be a man who's, the guy just, dream on my beard better and then, and then I just but I just trimmed before hawaii eggs. I wanted to this adult act, nita how did you do to me, through. I was pursuing through the manager of your who's, your manager, kirsten ames, lovely woman, to accompany it's a tour company really yeah that one yeah just her. I would work with her since back in the day back to chicago so kind of through through kirsten, was
As the show was taken whole. Surely you got to meet Matt real and then we met in l a and then boom. We had a power lunch and you can, I tell you, can I tell you who whoever is publicist? This person is, is a beast of a fucking publicist, eliza slazenger yeah. This is now as a public. As from a pharmacist, sandpoint. I think you'll really appreciate this. She is in doing a movie with more mark wahlberg and rose mcgowan, not rose, mcgowan rose rose, something I retros back in the day rose mcgowan via dude around that time. Oh for real, but never heard that I never heard her talk about that. Never came up. I think it was after me read after me, but yeah then I knew the manager who who passed away, who committed suicide. Oh wow, that was just resale, pull that shit yeah and I used to represent eliza. Like
I know seven eight years ago saw singer yeah she her publicist. There is just this is like, like I just recently gotten introduced to the world of publicists like I'd, always just thought. I would always just like I'm, remember getting publicist for my showtime special, a meeting with on and it was like so here ears oriented we're, going to try to get you one rogen and I was like I was like I can one rogen is a wanting to give me rogen, number and I'll I'll make the introduction I was like. Oh, I don't think you know what you're doing I was like. I'm not giving Jos number. I will call myself and I think, I'm good. I gotta pee our firm at new york and they tried there was. Was I give you the real number, like thirty five hundred bucks a month and there like this? What we do we need new numbers up on facebook. We numbers up on twitter, you numbers up on its are gonna, make you're. All your videos reach at least, million people were gonna, and this in that nothing I saw no bump and then I had to store
Is that where I got involved with the russian mafia, when I was a kid and robbed a train and it's the only reason, I'm fucking, we got to hear about that. It's like that. Jon Voight! Well, you've never heard this story. Oh, let's probably reality its I'm not telling it number. When I tell you, but it's it is the story. That is the reason is the reason I suppose other. Every show I put her on facebook, just random a year ago on the tour whenever the twenty seventh was. Christmas fell on a wednesday. new year's fell on a tuesday, and so all those days and weeks we never will resolve and they all had brando electronics from christmas, and I happened to post The machine story is called the machine. I happen to post that are right on the day at two days after christmas, and it went viral like beyond viral. Like change change, your life viral, like I did, often I go day without getting recognise like all shit you're the machine
thirty. Nine million views originally and then people ripped it and they get thirty. Nine million views here and thirty. Nine million views, air and fifty million views and and then, and then another video I have got, went viral and got like three hundred million views and so those two videos, but back to back and then the Tom segura weight loss challenge which was all on Joe's podcast, and then this is what killed me. The production comp, the pr company called me personally and asked me how I did it and I went oh you fuckin snake oil sales. They weren't. I got publicists, they were trying to get you stuff. They were trying to help you. They were like an online social media, social media experts are, and but anyway, back to eliza's publicist, and this I thought this was really impressive. There was a clip, not but it was impossible magazine of of more wahlberg and rose rose, somethin burn rose burner,
onset smiling laughing right leg and that's it and there like rose berne and more more walmart onset of their new movie atlanta and they must be laughing eliza messenger who also stars in it with like, what's more units, but I shudder to eliza she's a beast: she fuckin so that's it and that it s because I read it: no one what the bark, if it had a question for you too, old review in this russian thing. Twenty two are its. Who would play you in a movie at twenty two would you like? That's a really great question. I thought originally Adam divine this before he kind of. blew are, but I knew him when he was younger, although that night, not who I was a mean
Did you get me somebody who's your age now, but who would have played you? Then oh ryan, reynolds for development, So you also know that another little everyone gets that joke. I was the movie that, while we cannot tell why right yea adage so tell me where I am, little bore via like in all. honesty, unwarlike, scotty, J from both units which are scheduled for tomorrow. It's now like a little more of the rube like a like. No just like huh, like I'm, I'm always like a goofball John c reilly and in boogie nights. no, I am jonesy valuable, unites all wrong, you're right that unites simple with much loved, chauncey ryan williamites. Install one movie. What what movie would you starring legged star in one really? They can have any movie. That's any movie, that's already been, I think, like eat, I'd I'd go fight club, so I could play two parts to pay.
in my view, elevate limit, limit, tippit another and said what one pack one in a monologue once he made a job, he called tupac one pack who said that letterman overwhelm through letterman's, the best lessee or failing that was another policy that was a piece of shit. I've had a bad, worse run out. The car come back from the today show with my by women. Talking about you, Karen with the travel channel publicist and then a publicist? travel, channel, hired to to help us and I said, I think I'm gonna go on letterman and, and this woman said honey I've been in this year, but business twenty five years you will, never get on letterman wet, and I said I support, as I know, the executive producers and she's trust me, trust me trust me. You will never get on letterman two says that We should remember name, but I mean like in general agent publicist friend, who would see some nice
I don't. I don't know like your actual mayor, wouldn't get on letterman. Just like last time he's gone very clear: what's the one show you want to get on like what would be your ideal show to get on and promote, and just just to have fun? you don't even if they like of your show a little bit but the I deal show. We are like, though, be fun. It's fuck, yeah, I'm initiative, a wishlist that you give John. What about what the former shouts Charlie rose now would have been televised. Would that would have been even greater? That would have been the up just just just a chat harm Snyder. I like me, some old school get gimme Like seventies, I saw the cabbage somewhere abundant, ending you have it maybe gorbachev. You know me. I mean this is fundamental: let's go. Let's go away all georgia that limiting the toxins is just a long long at heart, I was eight origin age I get to do fresh air with terry Gross ok home run home run so that that was that wasn't me. Did you had met in their young damages
great too, as like I, as as somebody who talks to people for a living and in what those interviews are like she was. She was great and so so well researched, but also so it's a show that edits down, obviously as many do, but she she devil, it threw some things out there that really are gonna, go down this path and there might not be anything down there remember to connect a couple of dots. Some dads were like new cool revelation. Some are just things that were like: oh there's, nothing to others' pets will go back there, but it's really cool to see. Somebody like that who's been doing it forever kind of figure out how to get a big interview. The interesting part is that she's in philadelphia and they do it via I as the inline so that you don't see her or pass. She says she likes them, not go away unless you're going to Philly, they are going to philly once you're face to face. I think she said she or I have heard she likes that so that she has the that you're, not you're, not explain
I mean stuff in person in a weird way, which I never thought because I heard that tells like. Oh, you do dude on the show and much like this. There is a lot of communication that we're going to have. That is not nonverbal that she she likes cutting that off. So you don't You dont rely on that of the audience. It's the same experience. She has what about double jeff, I'm in the regret red? That's that's biogas! I listen to when there's news he's great with you, you mean that that'd be great. He be great with you now, that's a great one. Can you hook them up with that? I can, they passed remember. What do I do now he's right now is in this musician phase, a little bit like what
I mean I get my thinking, I think, he's in march together everybody who passed my after that I make about what they are talking. If you're gonna arises that I got a new way of has realised that we try to find a time, that's as other juliet's we're trying to find out how we do guys get up more marian credibility and we held him in order to cover is buying joy, joy, tat. You see my father's israeli can't make sure you am. I wrong he's doing cruel, whittemore, cruellest, fucking great these great unity blast with him he's a little far he's a little far that'll be fun. That'll, be fine because he's a little right right and mythic, so yeah yeah, I heard him say some shit, that's out of this world. We are like how he's a guy don't know. I think any parent that lives in an apartment with children should be held in contempt of cord
child abuse and you're, like oh, are the time I was living in an apart with my kids and then there's this weird sensitive side to them or, like I did his er, he did my podcast and I was I was with him and I didn't drive cause. I thought we might drink, so we would come and he goes you want to ride home and I was like in my head. I was like no I intimacy issues like I just don't like being one on one with someone like no, I mean I don't mind this but like. If you were like hey, will you come drop? My car off with me, I'd be like nah, and so we get this car and he just wanted to talk about
touring and then he was like what street do I get off. I was in laurel canyon and he was like I used to live by there. I was like really and he's like. Do you mind if we stop by my old house as a sure and we drove by his old house- and I was like wait, I know the house I've been through, that they were selling the house. I walked to that house, I go. You grew up there and he goes. I lived on the porch. I was like why, because the port had been it dude he's a really fascinating guy. He he he was like. I go to was the fence here when you went to school cause, I lived right across wick school from our kids is like you know. When I was a kid and no one woke me up for school and in order to get to school, I had to climb the fence every morning and I just thought what a tough life like, what a legit working class life that I did not have that experience yeah yeah. I was listening to Jimmy Buffett today and I was singing the song son of a son of a sailor, but I was seeing son of a son of a lawyer and I was trying to
lyrics for some of us on a lawyer. So so I feel it like we've touched on just about everything. Do we feel like? We have anything cover with a mean I'll, come back and will fill it altogether apps. By the way we can totally do that. I'd love to you know, I'd love to have a you, and your wife have a gripe. I'll bring. My wife and wood will force upon guest If some wine does your wife drink, she does right yeah. That would be great. I would love that's funny. Yeah, those are, those are really fun. We've done them. I've done them with tom and christina to Tom, segura and christina percents. Guess who your mom's house is a good one to Tom segura the next time, the next time you come out in may public. When you come If you come out, may will do well with me in my wife, in your wife and then I'll, get you on tom and pushes that's a there's, a really boot parts cats fighter, and kid joey, Diaz de smet. Where marijuana I mean that unpack cares.
Oh yeah, I mean I'm, you know I have to do sit. You know we, you know, I do satirical comedy, you know you have to keep it above, the fray, oh bro, Can I tell you you know I mean what we all hope for is the virus ability of an interview write, something that really makes it papa, Joey, Diaz is you know, do you familiar with areas. yeah, crazy, raunchy, fifty five, fifty years old, fifty five years old, not really sure, because known really brought his documents from cuba. Moms died when he young. to prison when he was like twenty five for kidnapping man spent three years in prison, addicted to drugs cleaned up. got into movies and comedy he was in the law. Be showered with Adam sandler. He was in, he's been in a lot of movies, but he's one of the best one of the quintessential pike asters, but as pie gases out of his studio and before the paca starts as easy smokes. Or will you listen to me?
it together and then, like dog, you need one of these deaths stars and it gives you edible marijuana and the key conversations spins into and it's called the church, what's happening now and all his fans are big churches and his fans, are that elusive, like, like, like day they don't listen to anything other than joey. It's a group of people just fuckin with joey, and so when they get it like you or Michael, rapid, poor or or of John Torres brother nick datura than when they get guy like that on where or AJ benzos like they were. You can go on. You don't have to smoke if you don't want to, but you've got to bring a bottle of wine. You should definitely try to get a little fucked up, but trust me when I tell you when people at high. They go viral videos go because you just watch a person get out of the comfort zone. It's the same thing, I'm sure you ve moved the show hot ones, machine evans. Do it
it's you watch a person get a little out of their comfort zone and talk a little little sideways, and that is what fuck advance love like. It is just it's such a great show. Left the zone, stop the ba, oh yeah. Besides such fucked up stuff. said to me one time he was like dog. When I first got to this country, I got attacked by six dogs. My first week I go syrians and he's I brought the last dog walk past and then turn around it came back in bermuda. Somebody limit values is fuckin amazing, like yeah, I think you should go finally start listening more. I really be honest with each other, and this is this: is business talk I think you and your wife should start a pot cast separate from calmly central and trust me when I tell you the money breakdown, it's more money than you make on tv, it more money than you make on tv. Think about it. Just think about it is more money to. I don't do tv right now, because I make more money on this point
and then I ever made on the travel channel. It is one agent, you don't pay your agent, your manager. I would definitely keep your publicist. Definitely keep your promises to thick, but I would I would I was worried think we're gonna try to get publicist one. I when I do my specials coming out, but I was thinking about get one from my pocket. just a good guess and I'm doing another show that I want to run by you one to talk to you and ask you a question about it, but but you and your wife, it could do a podcast by yourselves and just talk about the stuff. That is the show and trust me. All. Those fans of your show will go straight. Your podcast straight, your fucking podcast yeah. It is is better than being on twitter. I think, and although if you're
especially if you're, not someone who's good at one hundred and forty characters whatever and you're someone who likes to tell a story like myself or someone who likes to listen to a story. You know everyone. A lot of people drive to work. A lot of people fly to work. A lot of people get on a subway for work. Lot of people have jobs where they dar sitting there driving a forklift for the day or blowing. Ass or theirs. We're jobs out there, not everyone's like you or me, where we gotta believe to go to follow our passion and to be in their ear for an hour and a half for hours and then and then they don't trust me say when you, when you decide to do some live towards your wife, some improv live tour, sketch live tour, political life or when the show goes live conversation on conversation on stage, jan luminous identity. It's a bad idea, it's very expense.
Yeah? Well, hey! I'm going to! I wonder, will turn this off and I'll break down numbers for you and you will and I'm telling you when you say you will you will have mic cords in your hand on the flight home to see know I make thousands of dollars. me too, I'm afraid it's! You could do it on fridays, from your studios, if you do Nicky had one for her to nick Nicky had one for sexual. Didn't I think she and that's what got her onto calmly central radio is that she did the pot gas with dancing. main at once. So well, I rose. I will. Why don't you do a radio show for us she's, a grey radio interview, she's fantastic, but it's you know. It also helps you right if you do it enough and you kind of, let it breathe and you get bits at a stuffing. You go oh shit. I should maybe that would I added a second one of my podcast cited, a solar one. Reggie go through and I talk about all the tabs. I've googled all week,
so I leave up all the tabs and then just click them and tell you what I've learned from that one. I love it. I have a name for my podcast if I ever have one, but yet, oh by the way, I'm ready to republish a tub of fucking podcast, I'm glad I asked with Malla, both pretty good boy. I like fuckin, like it journalists in a very cats, podcast papa mary cats. I knew him back in the day was chappelle o j, more god. That was seems a foot long haired. Remember him blue long hair do see that fly right. There, boss, uncommon club. I used to hand those out at the front door, balsamic club Ninety ninety says a legislative agenda is a legend. Everybody everybody knows bury everybody lisbon, so you show us directly after the daily show at eleven thirty, that's right, monday to thursday the opposition, the opposition PA, like how I got that down. You can doubt that she's in quicksand, okay, so Jesus, oh alright, so it's just this! Sometimes
we'll higher class and they take their clothes off as it lays down clear. This is this: is pornography lot importance when the boobs at the mud, though in the it's a mud this just this is just a woman, struggling yeah sometimes I'll, some of us, someone men or been pushed back with me to moment, like to see a woman, a quick, fine, quicksand, oh That's a great questions is really there's a website. Literally. Does a woman struggling that matter masturbating? This is why there is a problem in this country. Jesus rise. There is a website where people who likes quicksand, porn called thinkers, if all the sink spots- and there is quicksand all over the country- oh well, that's good to actually do a public service to do. It telling you I have found about a radio lab and I was blown away. The second I was like singers watch one quicksand and the one with the girl with the red panties, the hot one and men when her boobs.
The mud. There is a weird feeling you got as a kid. The outward when you'd see a girl in question. The girl always got quicksand. It was the the transition from the railroad tracks, but who am stealing that? If I don't, eternal porn and then, when her boobs hit the mud and she was in a superhero costume. I went oh, my god that reminds me of when I was a kid and I've I found out. I was into checks like cause. When you were a kid you'd watch the boobs hit the mud, you go. Oh, she got boobs or got others no problem, my god! Oh my god. I love the bugger lose when the boobs sand linz, immoral, that that's a to the aid of civilization and it was all song when I moved and will be drinking champion This has been a blast. Man things are happening is that this is the watchword. Please I'll give you are giving my number. She can tell me when you're coming out, but if you want to sell a duet set it up to Matt,
I would love to have you and your wife on with my wife by unjust, it's it's a formal, do it We can do it later at night, so you can relax and have a glass of wine it s. Important gatos those on the readiness and it out they will, but I'm I'm superstratum super I more the show now now check out a we have done with it will congratulation. My reason for doing this- and I thank you, man, I've. You re welcome. Thank you! So much! Alright, let's talk numbers This episode was brought to you by the machine. Your check engine light on let our professional parts people scan and diagnose the problem for free stop by o reilly, auto parts
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-13.