« Bertcast's podcast

# 273 - Owen Benjamin & ME

2018-02-13 | 🔗

I sit down in the mancave with Owen Benjamin and talk about my Periscope story, Owen going off the grid, and the time Owen met a Scottish guy who won the lottery and funded a project for him.


Check out Owens last special "Feed the Bear" on his website http://www.hugepianist.com 


This episode is brought to you by Square Space. For a free trial go to www.squarespace.com and use the offer code “Bertcast” and save 10% on your first purchase of a website or domain. 

This episode is also brought to you by Beach Body. For your free 30 day trial membership text Bert to 303030 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The hey guys, bahraini podcast something serious for two seconds army. Yet we are I think it really affected me the conversation we have less than eighteen yeah. I think so so figured before you skip ford fifteen seconds. I suppose, like forty minute, an ad read very serious. I now I got email additive Here's the deal. I want to talk about this real quick before the podcast starts. It's a great podcast, it's off the fucking rails, one benjamin's fans plastic. I actually absolutely love that guy. He we talk about our differences, his differences. Is oh I'll. Tell you about that. A second anywhere last night and I don't even know how to start on what this virtual is good, sound, really fuckin silly. Ok, I had a guy my green room, this path
we get in Indiana he's doing documentary on post. Partum no knows dramatics trust is ordering peter. I have always jokingly. Lightheartedly said I ptsd but a bright. I know that people had said I did. I didn't really think I did to be dead on the media Libya has really. I knew that I had some effects from doing the stuff I didn't I will channel where I would of a terrible fear of heightened, I was jumping off stadiums and jumping off bridges and jumping off lings and I was- sharing my story with this guy, which had his name. I wish I could promoters documentary. I wish I could his friend with Todd who is on the pat mcafee so tat. If you can anyone reached up tat, help email, us YAP, unto death underrated but you know your name now, but Well, we were sharing, we were sharing, are so and he said I said, yeah post, traumatic, trusts, disorder, traumatic stress disorder and he was like
really- and I told him I said yeah- it was kind of lighthearted santa and he was like. No, that makes total fucking sense yeah and he was like you. definitely had it and I we of shared. What mornings would be like when you are doing something where you dont know if you're gonna live or die, and I know that basically jumping office stadium in africa. Is it this Maybe it s, scary hoods really think you're harry. I know what you're jumble of the stratosphere. You know that you're, probably not gonna, die buggy job in you know, you're, probably not going to die, but regardless, will. Your nervous system reacts the same as if you really are about to be shot or about to blow up in a bomb. Your your nervous system doesn't know the difference that you're going to die more mornings, were panic, filled a drink at night and then I'd wake up at four in the morning with panic attacks and then I'd end up inevitably in an official position in the end the shower cry thinking how the fuck do I get out of this. How do I know how come I can't get out? Why is this my life and by the way
I'm picea moaning about being on a television show where they travelled me around the world, so it it was double edged like I loved the job and it wouldn't. This wasn't every day definitely was once a week and it was Sometimes it was sometimes was three times a week, and sometimes it was it. It was the collateral damage of having this amazing sparing the a with batteries reason this is coming up? I had a conversation with this guy this weekend and I and any kind of sunk in on me and then last nightly annex explained, which will not go into detail, but two events that happened or marriage when we known does musty to let your dad whenever you Adam, where I was rational lunatic, not physically violet with her, but no never just. In a rational lunatic, and I think leanne. At that point I said I mean I I I I would say things like what was I saying like this? Isn't the marriage
Just signed up for, like I can't believe, I'm married the wrong person. I can't leave, have married the wrong person arroyo recollection. He remarked new are incorrect. And out of your mind and the thing about it, was the arguments will go on for ever for like an hour and a half, and I would not be allowed to speak so every I wouldn't be allowed to speak, I would I would be told I could its beak, and I knew you were not yourself. There was always off of one of these trips near one the one bad. When I guess who was right after I fell off the waterfall right and I think that waterfall fall by the way I was also- heavily using pills at the time, because it a pain because pain, and it was also managing my brain yet and so, but the symptoms of peat ass. He had started at least six months before that, probably a little longer than that. I knew you were an ptsd before way before you
by the way. I know not a soldier of now now, there's a reason sharing. This is because this podcast pockets general. Do a lot of really good from for a lot of people. There's a guy right now sitting in dialysis, I met him this weekend and he said. Thank you. I sit in dialysis, it's not fun but useless in your pocket, Are you get so many look now grant it? You can listen to me and oh and talk about sonic auction, a second, no, my by his son, a cargo see men. So, but the point is this park as Pugwash do do good for people and I was just a tv host- I was just a tv hosting been off buildings and skydiving and ride me recycles and then ability is liberating than being a soldier the nobility of what you were doing, but at the end of the day you felt regular laid that you might die on that day, so you're a nervous system. You believed it because the phone calls it would come home. You believe
Did I listen? I'm not shitting on my experience at travel channel than it is my brain, its way, my brain work right and so You were not wired to do extreme life threatening the eu does not how your wired, so the reason I want to have this conversation is- and I know that it's I know that with militaries got a lot better. Our grandfathers. I think he's got a lot better for mamma grandfather was an or cause he came back from. Or to was no longer a secret like allows. The men didn't carry it in silence like they did. Then, by thing I was carrying line and silently showed myself. I was Gerald that say so, if only recently in this, is that I am night and day healthier, yes, mentally than I was at this time in my life and And there's based only ass, she got me into therapy and I've been doing therapy now for the
one one of the really babylons happen in nashville, not national knoxville. Yes, I was there doing stuff for travel channel and I don't know, I don't remember it. I don't remember these and I was just like episodes yeah. It was like it was like losing my mind. It was like how it was like being married to someone who has ptsd is by the way. I understand I'm, not a soldier. I understand I'm, not a fucking crack, observed making excuses. Nobody, nobody, just a tv or another people going. Are you fucking serious, I'm sure there people going. Are you fucking, syria, and but not the only reason I'm sharing? This is if you have a job that if it's possible to get ptsd from not going to afghanistan up battered women. Have it here, and so, if you feel like you, I've been going through it go, get therapy, it's ok. Do therapy dazzled skype. I do it through skype and and I love it, I do at once a week. Listen, ptsd s to to dispel any incorrect and for me- can you buy may have people can see,
from that from watching apparent I and hospice they can suffer from being battered they can suffer ptsd from rape. They can suffer ptsd from any kind of event that makes you feel like you are going to die anything as in tense enough. That makes you feel your guns and doesn't mean that you will. It just means that you could so there are people out there that thing This is simply that I think I'm sorry you're you're allowed to and I'll be the person you can make fun of and make a joke. When you me and whatever, but there too couple you out there that are like fuck man. I think I might add that shit. I've had a few really bad episodes of my life with my I've- I maybe I maybe I should get into therapy getting into therapy only reason share in this? Is that we have this conversation
last night and it really I opened me and I'm a little bit in a in a bummer mood today. So I was like I went in Sana now, it's just like. I was like man what the fuck like and then I'm like you know I I suggest maybe talked to therapist, and so it there's no shame in it. So now make fun of me. If you want a can make jokes about it, you're out there and you're going through some troubles. Go talk to somebody he for real, get a therapist for real. It really helps the truth about ptsd. The truth is, it doesn't get better without help it is not. So if you don't, I don't even remember even talking about ptsd with my therapist I remember the day when you told me that he said that you had ptsd irma as I thought to myself. Finally, because my I've been therapy for a long time, because,
have had trauma, and my life to and therapy helps may manage our life, because our life is so not typical. It so crazy. Our life has always been not typical, are predictable or completely may digital without some backup, so she's always been a backup for me. I had the gift of talking to her about this. Ptsd while you are going through it, so I was able to really be patient and compassionate and I think, a lot of wives. Particularly military wives. Don't have that resource, I mean their husbands or spouses barely have that resource So is really hard to watch some one you care for suffer and and not be able to help them and then also be on the receiving end of something I can't manager control its really difficult, so obviously amended mine with,
Alcohol was a very big liquid. Bandaid foot but yeah, but there are people out there to help you people want to help you and there's no shame in saying you know I saw some horrific things or I accept ryan, something extremely scary, and I need help. Processing it. I don't know what to do or I just want to a job where I had that would be the only one to jump off a fucking cliff and I watched them when I put in lunch orders, and I would lose my goddamn mind, how can you think about lunch? We now know because you, the menu and I'd, be like I did my but I'm about to die and these assholes or ordering bucking lunch I mean. Yeah I mean it got so bad couldn't get on a roller coaster towards the end, because I was fraid, I get locked into the roller coaster and I mean up. I was towards the end of that fuckin run a travel channel, yeah, there's a lot of crying in a lot of
where there was a lot of crying yes so crying over the water, rational rationalization of of completely impossible things how was it I should probably just by default, have a phd in like therapy from live. In that time it was really really challenging, but you are so much better and it is one hundred per cent. Well, not one hundred per cent. It is fifty per cent your therapy and fifty percent you working in your therapy so right there. Felt beaches over ok, if you're, if you, if you are going to some trouble you talking for now, I'll talk to her friend you? I love you. You know that Are you talking to me no talking to the person in the modern biogas? Now I really love you raised
guess I towards aids. By the way I've have tour charlotte this weekend the shorter charleston charlotte, I'm pretty sure charlotte. Let yeah sure companies own this weekend, fifteen sixteen seventeen, then of my special, the twenty second, twenty. Third, twenty What is the taping? We aren't philly, we did released those tickets went away, pretty quick common grand rapids on the sixteenth of march. Oh that's, nice, oh good booking ma loving team bert, why I will have done my What is the most both of dig do exactly, I will, and I will. doing new material in aid,
thirteen hundred z theatre in. Why would you do know material I've, my dears beauchamp? I guess I do on the most personal details, but nobody will have signalled nationwide Sacramento punchline those shows or selling out laugh out san antonio by the way I was double booked. I were going to change this. I double booked myself on on actually utah becoming to utah, but at eyes, guys on the nineteenth through twenty first of April and I'd sob now we're gonna do a theatre on the twenty first I'll give the wrong date, and so I can't do theatre anymore, blame. It answer will also is by brought you buy beach body talk about personal experiences: lamb, ah love, each body be up, one day fix how much weight to lose ten pounds. Temples lost an inch around her waist. I lost An engine have run my waist, no,
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Get a free trial and when you're ready to launch use the code bert consisting of ten percent on your first purchase of a website or domain nice swear space so easy, my wife can use it. That's there. They wrote that copy. My dad that caused thousands yellow soundly jet. Today's pike asked thank you forever. one what I thought you were going to read that today's podcast? Thank you, everyone for listening to that little weird beginning. I just I just feel like hey. Do you feel awkward about it yeah a little? Why does it make you feel vulnerable, yeah yeah and it's made me feel we're all day today, yeah yeah yeah, I hear I dont remember those fights are genuinely to remember them. I join. I don't think you were in them. I think you are having an outer body experience anywhere to theirs. gas is a lot of fun. I love this guy. He is his flight Thrower on twitter, you may not like him. Based on some.
what did I love him and I don't agree with everything he says. But may I get kick out of em. I remember when he started becoming the owen he is today see owen was an always this guy. we talk about this little bit on the podcast owen is then a comedian for those you dont know CAS itself and son. What about one of the probably a career that off so quickly in hollywood, when I first met him, I think a lot of more jealous of a real Oh yeah, yeah you eat just was was really good luck these tall, yeah and these smartest shit, eddies, asia, genius. He talked about that around a guy. as he got off the grid, but I remember when he got off the grid and the issues like fuck it I remember when he came on my podcast. It is me and him on here- and I said something I can't remember the exact quote, but I said something about brazilians, and this is the beginning- of the one we know today goes he you know they can get a dried up.
Because here and they got hammers for cox anyway, like I just got any in the end. Now. Oh in just goes hard in the book in pay, I really do appreciate guys like him and Kevin Brennan, and just guys who fuckin anyway so he came by weak hung out. We talk about saunas because he lives in out in saranac, new york and he's gonna saw any goes in the solid and roles in the snow. About that's stupid. It's not it's a bit. It increases your he protein job some rolling in the snow, each operated. I'd. Just guess that is that really what it is? Egypt, Ro drawling in the snow increases your he chopped. Protein review should listen the doktor Rhonda Patrick a couple times zaire, while I just texted her a over to you, so you catch on one doktor, rhonda, Patrick, I'm not super savvy and technology. She,
said that going into the sauna increases your longevity by forty percent. That's awesome was that have to roll around in the snow after one likes, a shock system is good for your immune system to do a plunge, ball or blown as too much work. Although most of the podcasts, then you already won't. I listen to yours. You don't listen to mine yours. As long as three hours are you fucking kidding me. I analyse yeah. I don't have three hour a guy driving a truck, I'm raising children's one. Mom clearing house using other fucking broadcasts gathered there. Like thirty may, to an hour. I well, then I maybe ok. What does it do not lose? You got two volume podcast though, and almost lottery well no not to get all of us and a expert impact, I'm not an expert, but I use agony model. I am an expert What I enjoy and that's just too much of a committee I can tell you I came. I would if I went on her biogas and any intro just started, shooting honour bog reply. I guess I'm just saying is too long for me. I
have you all day every day. Do you think I really want to listen to divert additional three hours. You might find this conversation with me and own very fascinating. Possibly maybe I mean I hear you talk all day long all day every day ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the park. Asked comedian owen, Benjamin. ladies and gentlemen, he spiking these costs. at least biking. You have to do this by in answer to do again. She actually some day you spike all the fucking time here. Your twitter is probably one of my more enjoyable twitters to log onto thanks man. I get such a kick. Out of you just I may, as I can
sam Tripoli, quote of flame, throwing mother fucker like it's, you know what it is. I said if someone yesterday, we were talking about Kevin I always shitting about me, shitting on me on his podcast he's hilarious, though that isn't the point of the pockets of the heart of it, hugo part of it. You, like, oh cool. I want to hear it. Someone texting me so I called in and he fucking flee throw me to my face like and any like. You know he doesn't hate you. You know that he's just venting saying We will a lot of people saying you know, probably laser when you flame him. Oh yeah, This is a show, is called burning bridges. Oh it's wait. It was so and it was so much fun to listen to he texted about his brother to dude his eye again. My brother won't even ah neal brennan, the guy who created chapelle, show and, as I get my they won't even come to my baby. Charmaine fi says chapelle at fuckin. He can
go to africa. A robot like that. It's your own brothers, where is he he makes me giggle an you'd, be I was I was saying to someone or no, I said we are talking about. What is the thing that makes comics draws? Are you mark norman. I think we're like as aware is great, and we reiterate is so fine he's a funny mother fucker and we were taught. I was. I have a theory. It's it's a little bit. Little bit what I do sometimes is its cotton cutting their sleeves off your comedy. Would you let her out hostile such a good job leaves out your comedy. I think, to an extent Get someone like Larry, the cable. That's my example: once he cut his sleeves off his car many roma and oh, I know that guy we're way I kind of did that I kind of wants it my shirt off and that clip went viral. I think I get recognized here that the airport in this girl goes. Oh, I didn't recognize you with the shirt on that's hilarious, so part of me, wa
incomes, that I don't mind that entirely I don't I don't. I don't have a problem with being identifiable as long as your brand is goes on. What you do is good and Kevin, have done almost the opposite. Is you sewn sown sleeves back on your comedy and you're like no fuck? This I'm gonna be one hundred percent honest with everything yet so and in an art form where we are, claim to do it. It's so refreshing, even though peopled- I don't agree with you all the time and we would all agree there anyway that we're on legs. I go. I still for. love a guy like I don't, but I'm still wicked defend. Of people. I like that's the thing it's not like, I'm just like I just shit. What's a good, I, like somebody I'll go to war for that person. For no reason, I just that's, why a lot of the people to follow me or now got himself the unbearable, and they call me big bear because of the art of type. Is that it's it's did I'm a bare like I'm going but then also billy rub honey. It's not
book me. Add or not mad. It's just like I'll go with emotions, and I was talking to Jordan peterson. He did my pocket. I've got you know. Can I tell you this one, so I regret that I do not know anything about jordan, Peter, oh man cause I'm sure I've heard you're going to you personally are going to love it. Who who Is he the professor professor? If we refuse to do the brown? I know your ladys number one or other world right now, is not from evergreen? No, that's Brett weinstein's rats, us Jordan petersen out of canada yeah. I know Peter she's amazing do he's fucking, really great yeah, xyz justice. Archetypal legend is all about the arctic. Will you gonna see? your father from the belly, the beast will you gave me good advice to last time? We talked where you said you know do exist. really what you want to do, I say what you like and in the edges, go from there that's what I'm doing it's like. I don't have a sensor. I think people pay comedians to hear honesty where they just go home.
my slogan was always, I might be wrong, then outlying, whatever Think right now. I've been wrong like one time I I I thought that a fund, or die parity was real and I freaked out about some bullshit and its cycle. Got it I'll, just go with it, but it's like I'm not lying, and so people literally will pay money to just hear some who isn't lying to them and, like I just did burlington roma gray comical up there and it's hard to soy country and I'm not. At the heart of so you know, I told them that Bernie Sanders is basically bain outside our people deserve everything you ve ever wanted. It'll take it from the one percent who have had enough. And your morons revolver me. There is a bomb in gotham, you know, and I and there at first they're like offended and then by the end of clapping and they're, going with it, because even though Bernie sanders lives there and I'm marking.
for soya like I would. If I were you, I would eat your story, but I do not want my cock to fall off. You know and by the end there like it doesn't matter if we disagree with them, he's not lying so a comedy. Is it It really is, and I think not I can tell you right now: I'm subaru guilty of biting my tongue. I am superbly, to you, but you're so obvious, when you're buying your tongue, that's almost charming regularly would be like look over a bird he's, a guy the things we know, you're waiting here, doug I am also on lower level I am aware of all like the ives I've written weeds gettin ready the light. Some one often and I go to lead. I don't want to get involved in rather a bunch of france's like you that will like text me how much they like, the tweets oh y'all read to it. I get it all the time like like a lot of times is I got a level of fame where somebody doesn't know Sarah want to be associated with a bare during a torching session, but they like totally love what I'm doing
there's, a dude of course, but you know this is a serious there like. So Gary three big baron lemme see w right now I gotta get aids I'll I'm off the grid, but just enjoy the bears. Torch hangs it's so funny because, like you know, people I will say to me at my shows, but don't go like I like the this, is the most famous one and it's my favorite one ever is that people will say to me dead, serious, dead, serious have him. Why are you friends with our sphere and I go? Are you being serious and they're like he's like he's really unlucky before I go yet, but I dont know no, I know him. I really genuinely not like use I've known him. Per of long time. I really love the guy and the like. Oh ok, I mean, I guess I'll get a second chance and I put on you just pay what you know of them on the internet as opposed to what I knows him as a man and like who I talk, talk to regularly and about long car and sat outside his
parliament in his car for an hour and a half just try love our intuitions open my days and I go I go and they do. The same thing would like with you. They do tat Tom got no beef with see. That's the thing about the torching I went to war for time, and I don't even hang out with tabs. I like time yeah. Why do you like someone was trying to talk shit about his new special, and I just you know tweet after two ab dislike just torching it, because it's like it's not about shitting on people are just about saying what everyone wants, the same cat, its end, its evil. I just had a conversation with of a management about this joke, I have miller, my special that nato is it Forty minutes into my special and other like of either I mean the first forty minutes, his fucking awesome and the like theirs. I wouldn't they go at forty minutes, a bit of a joke. Where I will. I guess I won't say except I want you here on special, but it's
What about the word cunt, granted and they're like I it's just, I think you know you'll lose some people. I go if I lose people, forty minutes in, if they're on the fence, forty minutes into watching my special cut, cut and cut the dead weight. I want them. I want gone bro in brilliant in two marines drove down from maine to see my show and it was like overall narrow people waiting and they couldn't get a table. So I go on stage the first minutes. All I do is shit. I'm burlington until a couple gets, to leave and I got. Finally, my boys can come with it and I thought I saw the great about europe his whole time. I've just been trying to get some deadwood to fucking burn away. I'm like I want someone easily offended, believes that these marines can come sit and then everyone clapped. Oh, there was a. There was a girl that walked out of my show in portland, because I talk about my kids a lot, but I'm not, but. in it like amazon? As someone who had five abortions, I'm offended, I thought it was a very honest way what my kids, I dont, really cut corners.
What my wife, my dad, I got really pretty honest and and maybe a little to brutal, maybe a little too honest and she has. get your young eager young. Why don't you and walked out with me and eat your young? I guess I have no fucking idea, but she was a portland liberal and, and it's like and one of those on an unbearable fucking liberals. We aren't. I I, like. I ran into one on ski slow that got that are left us. I did all video god why the laughed that's gotten Hugh the thousands and so and sell well thing is I'm like my dad's, a liberal, and I argue with him. We love each other and respected because we have the same goals. Leftist doesn't have the same goals they the whole fucking to burn there. Like you, Gender doesn't mean a thing that tree could be a trance whereas Postmodernism, that is in the same
and why conservative discussions are great. That's what america's founded! That's what I didn't goggly communists are postmodern nihilists. They believe in did no I'd out the big Lebowski yeah. It's one of the things that I don't get a bow. I don't want you settle, maybe I don't get it about either extremes is one they go now. I disagree. I want you fired. will the beauty that is their losing. Now like look at me. It's like they're, like oh you're, you're, problematic or blackball, and it's like oh well, it's weird cause. Now I'm making a better living and it's expanding exponentially, because there's adding to it to their cutting off everything they like that big girl in high school, that they just kept cutting friends until she was alone it's how Far, you have to go now to be on. The left. Side is not like three or trans kids and like every. on the same, and the only reason that people have different amounts of wealth is because of oppression. Now I've read the glow
archipelago guy, going down that road. I want nobel prize about now exactly fake news. Other thing about you is, you are like I'm what one of the things dad taught me fairly early in my life is you're. A moron show you fucking mouth like a more. I know you're you're you're, a very intuitive man, the intuitive, but I do say things without any research based on like what other folks out like a member I call instinct math I do with my wife, I'm like sixteen and acts as a do. You know that I'm like math, I did it, I did it with the first gulf, were. I came in I go carefully watching this, this fuckin more shit, I'm so against it. My daggers, your phone immediate and I go. No not me, goes goody, unlike sixteen because go to your room and won't come down until you realize why you're a fucking idiot, so I'm sitting in my room going. Why am I an idiot this is what this is. What is what happened in the Sixtys, the kids war protest. Birds are more protest, but the conservative, alma liberal and my dad comes up.
Video iron any edna go yeah. I go conservative and liberal authorities but eggers, I'm on the biggest little you ever. Forgive me because you have any idea what this war is about. May go. No! Do you know know the about about egypt protest war I go Janius. Did you know that he is? There is a I going on and is killing people in his own country has had. No. you know that's what hitler did and I said no and he was did you know that we're standing up to the people that are oppressed and that is why we're going. Anyone know anyone for right come down. Oh, let's watch news to get their eyes and ears about like what is worse, is pretty justifiable. Oh, my god is the same with like the gun stuff. I get first, I didn't understand. Well, My whole family are all like conservative. Rednecks type, and then my parents are like professor liberals. So it's this weird duality I have my family were. I think my instincts, raw, right wing, but I was raised left wing, so I'm always ike am I get funds are bad, but why I feel like really only
one is almost a genetic and then I would like argue this ganz guns in then, but I'm open minded enough where some explained to me that there there it's it's a disarmed, Inflation is easy to take be taken over by tyrannical government its that's why it's in the constitution, you know it's to protect. Seven, the government and in bench a bureau when he was with that british guy. That so do what's that guy's name piers, morgan yeah and he was an pierce when I was like boot ben you really think the government is ever going to comment its own people is like yeah. Maybe, and parents are ash from our gaza? Yes, yes, I do emigrant murder ash from like germany did it tonight. Everyone in my family, like you fucking asshole, but of course it's always do that and they always disarmed evaluation right before they do. So. What is it then? When someone like myself what I think I eileen eileen less
conservative right and in your liberal, in a lot of ways, but like everyone is now right, because the Overton window is gone so love, it's gone, its gone, so left that I go, I can't see. I can't I can't not. Ever agree with what happened at evergreen state exactly they have ever agree with that. I can agree with idealistic children who are putting out ideas out there that just grounded in any substantial nests like you haven't lived a life where an experienced eliza ugly- and I and I just I go, but I I also like, like the whole thing that happened, and I know I won't bring up. I don't have an open book brand. I know, but I'm afraid of that guy, that guy's name, I don't want to get him involved, but the guy, the. I think he I don't think, he's a comic and he's a podcaster. Whose doing replacement therapy honest kid, like partum egos last major damage over that guy, that guy gets sick, slogger
I heard that, and I mean I was I was talking to a drew and both of us were appalled that you would do that. with child its abuse and the worst possible level, but pardon me Pour me also says. Are I look really honestly? I don't give a fuck like out like argument, fuck do that have your kid? That's what you're gonna do to your kid. I do. I think the state should step in Someone should be like a big, its cultural, see, that's wrong, libertarian and in that always conservative when it comes to legal matters where it's like, I don't want to give the government more power. Do shit. It's like you. Life is your life? I'm not going to legislate your life, my corner, but culturally. We have you all know that that's fucked up and that there should be shame involved in that three year olds act out their brain, I know a lot about like neuroscience and how people form- and it's like you- act out various things and if you act out wearing a dress or want, like my son right now loves to dance in like go like this. I mean he's gay,
we are not even gay, but like a girl, oh secret time, when I was in probably before first grade one of my favorite things in the world to do this is hardcore secret time. This is something- Think maybe only my mom knows I love it. A man I used to like to put on her high heels and struck like a woman and go hey, if the guy hell yeah, I used to love it used to I used to do it all. I mean a lot and I'm sure My mom was probably like I'm sure she was. I maybe he's gay. Maybe I don't know whatever it was your adding out the concept. That's what it is. I kids can have that that that they don't have the brain capacity yet too, like think abstracted You have to physically do them to understand what it means. I don't think I really realized my sexuality until until I was at least I was at least ten.
well, I only say that, because we lived, I remember being in our new house and saying I I was gay around ten I didn't know what I did know. A gay straight was by men there. Why did we didn't have any reference for gay and when I was a nobody, never saw gave another, was the thing is my piano teacher is transsexual, so I was like off. The bat knew a lot more than I should have about. Everything was a joke. You have a great time to come out of the we halloween yeah cause? That's true female female parent teacher to became a dude. and so on. How will win she came is like a dog food and, as I know, anime thanksgiving, where the talk elusive it was now airing we're still friends like that supplies things during other this see with me where He was like do people I know owens like really fine with trans people like we're buddies after like thirty years, and I'm like you, don't get it like. You don't get that this is about leftism, it's not about trans people,
trans people have come to my shows and then, like I love your calmly other other Joe called trans people ruined everything be, but like a lot of transport, or like libertarians and they're, so sick of the algae, bt, bullshit, the data one be treated as a next wrong of the outrage fondly scheme for the stage you get more power. That's what it is. not trans people, its it saying state- has a right to lodge Let your language that for petersen was arguing. It's not that he won't say certain things it just. He has to be able to choose, it does you open that up to the state, they never give it back and they keep going until we have no more free speech and that's happening right now in Canada he was about all this shit. Here is a year. I know that. What's going on here, what's going on Wednesday shepherd recorded you she showed a jordan petersen by the way, who taught harbour. This is not exactly just some asshole and show. a video of jordan petersen and he's a kind man very kind and they brought her n and sad basically like you, can't
that you can't show him and they just kept saying like inclusive it equity, if you here that the tape is she recorded their audio? Who, who is she who is Lindsay shepherd and now she's like a rock star? Now now it's like people, because people are drawn to people that plant a flag for their value so who who is unsure if she like a choose a th as a teaching assistant at the college, and and then marry. I then in myriad god, yeah yeah, yeah yeah, it's a it's. I got married and you know Why so in ensuring wrist allotted expose these people, and you see that they really are trying to its distinct. And trying to limit speech and as a comedian. That's it I three the other democratic, even care about politics until they ruin comedy and made it. So I can't do men and women are different without hate speech at gx, o dude, like was the most chill comic it's a crowded talked about, then the last rogan reside with I do too was always just like really happy go,
lucky and then all of a he took a turn because I getting shamed, you know a gun like I'm tired by men and women are different and people are calling me hateful and I'm like I went from hack eat a hateful and fuck in six months, I a guy who looks like I got a war to fight here, so I can just go back to how men and women are different that so it's so bizarre to me that they that they want that people. I don't know- maybe I guess I m more- probably libertarian excitedly. I note all most community libertarian my opinion definitely not like. I really don't give a fuck like. I don't give a fuck about a lot of shit, but what really fucking irks me is when people try to step on people's right to speak, but yeah you're not on the left there. I that's their whole thing. Is words are violence? That's early their thing now, so it doesn't people say there liberal I'm like that. Ok, two thousand eight.
Let's change ran, I don't know, I'm not a problem like Personally, I have a problem limiting my speech. The way I talk, but it's your joy is my choice. Yes, the whole thing because that allow people to know where you stand. It's like. I want people to be able to live. Swastikas Y know, who is an asshole its? I speak your mind, I saw a video yesterday about the guy who runs the way nationalist party, richard spencer, richard spencer, arguing with a black eye and what what earth to be about it was not that richard spencer has written. Nicholas fucking idea, but it is a race socialist the black eye, I knew he was in the right for almost everything he said, but he wouldn't just have the conversation with them like, I was like a richer, wouldn't know that richard was totally having conversation with him, but he was telling him it's viewpoints. His viewpoints are
asinine enables you to create and that I shall be very brief. Grateful adversely authority you're lying you like, but you know so funny? Is that patrice had an me, oh, a bit that richard spencer was doing here, I realized he was doing it right right. It's patrice his bit was and I'm gone and bastardized it. So don't think I know produces bit verbatim. If you ever heard it you're right, I'm wrong, but decreases bit was, thank god for sale. Where do you think I want to be in africa in paris weapon, dragging the machete with a wig on hilarious is like where an apparent weren't, Michael Jackson, shirt with a was with fuckin fucked up jordan's start. But war stared. Anyone here fuck, it I'll do whatever my grandparents had to do. I'm fine with it. I'm here I got fucking nice clothes ne. I drive up denali, you know like yeah. That was his bit. it bastardize, obviously, but but it was the premise richards spencer is doing, but his pike I was so frustrated. I was, I don't, go
don't get emotional with them right! Guess, that's as a logical! That's why I debate white Ass was all the time on twitter, if you just say like you're, evil you're, a nazi there is almost like makes it interesting for other people could emma I'm, not thinking about people on the size and thinking of like young people. Just looking at the marketplace of ideas, wondering what everything means and so you just say: you're bad, don't talk! That's in bringing the people! That's gotta strikes an effect when barbarous dry sand, someone took picture of house and, like ten people total side for some stupid, photographer, and she saw them. And then millions of people saw the house because it was the position that made people go. Why don't people want me to see this house? So that's why just openly debate them and I'm and I'm like and makes their. It shows the silliness of of actions in white nationalism actually warned, what about it when beyond stated the black power thing? It's like! Ok, if you do black eyed
politics, you open the door for white identity, politics and that's now happening because their thing is it black, pride in private race and we can do- and it is that we go. We and I like to talk in a language that people understand that it's not like that's problematic. It's like europe pussy, because you're too in pride in something you didn't earn and then We're like oh yeah, that's not a real man. It's like now being white, isn't something you earned and it's like what the dead. That's? What weak people do then, and then, when you put that you now and I'm like, if your defined by your enemy your week, like his white nationalism, is a response because it's like white. People in general were kind of over that shit the sudden. All this, like I drink, white years in, like white people can't speak and all this shit and then they're like nah, I'm gonna have pride. It's like no stay you if you're by who hates you and you overcompensate, like scar tissue you're fuckin week, you know
but that's what scar tissue is you get hurt and then your body, we're compensates by putting more skin above it, and that's why you can see a scar and that's what right now was amazed. It's like. Instead them talk that makes america amazing words like the best person for the job. It became this, but we need a black left handed then, and then the whites were lags well, then I want white pride and it's like no fight that idea, but don't become that idea. That's what richard spencer is you take all the shit outta laughed and then you just become it to fight it and then you everyone loses then now are divided up in races, is arbitrary class of bullshit and then no one wins. So in a perfect world- and this is what is, I guess, I get really worked up now about cultural preparation, because I am I don't idle.
Kim kardashian with the BO derek braids, I don't really see that being cultural appropriation. I think I see her saying These are my hair done like the thing that this is what I saw of core, not not going oh yeah, I was but she fucks, congo she's only fault black eyes, she's not raise this year, but see that even buys into their shit. If you have to justify it like you, ve really got a corner jewish. My my wife's have max again, but I never used at in arguments because that that, oddly by into their bullshit, where it's like all either pass because a builder dilber never once for once onstage. Never once mention his wife's biodiversity issues egg. I now it's aware you never know because dead like that, but by the way that does not registered a bill that that Jimmy they all love of the person who informed him fall over there. good leverage it on stage now. I would a wide black if I could have done that have max again come on. As she looks pretty white, Yes, I'm fucked! Oh, my god did you.
Want to go back to this and then hour go. I thought cultural appropriation in things that people see, I find it and things we would never see it right go. I will I will buy into the when, when the far left goes, that's called your birthday like when they go out after that I buy it when, like with christian couples, there's a, I won't say their names. I don't want to get them in trouble, but I've talked about them in the past they're. My favorite favorite thing to watch in the world and there are christian married comedy, couple who do cruises based on your marriage, how to rejuvenate your marriage and bring laughter and your life lord in your life, there are not right is it all they will have a race is born in their body. I can promise you that they are good christians like logic good christian near their comedy, is horrific. Their sense of humor is questionable,
well yeah but anytime, they have a punchline, they don't realize they're doing it, but they do a black person more. So, like they'll, be like oh, what's that, like the they'll be like go. We're gonna have breakfast up in all this. it's all areas. The area this breakfast is about again, don't enzo, I go. I go you're you're missing out, like you're you're, taking an identity and culture and plugging it into where ably, not a bad and where they believe comedy should be inserted, but they're doing the black like just beers, as our above its firm, I fucking hate, watch them all day long. I love it. I lied to accuse people of culture. Reason for negative things where, if it's like, you know, almost a year, I'm like our cultural programme, black culture,
I I'm a crack, addict, dude, that's cultural appropriation! That's the blacks! Do dude! I see it in things on tv all the time. The other thing is like a way to give props like have a little bit of we're not sombrero during halloween in some way. Good allows cat was ike, that's their hat. We drive a subaru, that's lesbians, car, and then I keep going until the punchline is basically that, like this bro. If anyone needs some routes, a wise because we're pale and the mexicans, they don't need all that bram and the widest people are jews with no brim. Am I so, I think mexicans you should switch tat s. How we and skin catches is long, rare because its, it would almost be, oh god, chapelle race. Trade member that bear that gets. You did with it into the raced the trade war yeah pickering. Imagine if I give if comic central still had any balls except south park- and they had a show like that now it would be called- appropriation trade, where do you like our eye, blacks, sir
The whites have democracy, capitalism, planes, internet tv, cell phones and you guys have peanut butter. Would you go want to do it just like absurd in. I would never think that way, but if you think it like that, These have gone powder and I you know, and then the whites are like well, I I could eat the sandwiches jelly. I don't need the peanut butter. You know take it's ridiculously stupid to think that way, because what makes america great is like. You invented socks and invented shoes. Let's do this. The one thing that one thing that I feel this is a super slip resolved and that I am not going fallen on I'm just telling you, based on my experience, go form. I I I but I did. The reasoning is I don't know anything. Title iii like I feel, like the gay culture has inviting their tongue on the thing milo yeah yeah monopolise cotton trouble for in that is I've heard we have a few friends
gay that are maybe on out of the positive, but I remember one of them telling me about his first gay experience and I met were being a little appalled because he was ike. Sixteen and the dude was like twenty five and I remember thinking while like that, and it was an locker room, and I was like whose shit like I can't imagine for a twenty five year old woman. When I was sixteen and then Milo said you know a lot of times these older game annual shepherd gay. That's my oh said, and I are both be happening in our time and then- and I am- and I've heard a lot, people come out and talk about it and then they did not move that army hammer was in work kind of went under the radar that he was fucking a young boy yeah and like, and everyone celebrated and part of me is like hold on hold the line. Let's, let's hold the line, if you're gonna say that that sir Next celebrity, I will say their names but accepts celebrity, who categories or old? No that's for the gaze but like for the straits,
the economic celebrity courts a seventeen year old girl online, James franco did it and ever oh my god, that rape odin into the line across the board and just everyone can beyond tell us about what really going on, because I feel like I've. Heard the rumblings of something that game in that I know have been a very open and honest about, but fighting their tongues khazar like fuckin enough, the world's ready for this what I want is like, let's just be across the board, honest like, I thought it was creepy There was a girl. I was grown up, we'll mere likes, sixteen years old, tuesday when, in five year old, dude dude, I thought it was fucked up. I thought that was legit fucked up graphics. I wanted to fuck her and I was like. Why is the old guy getting no, I don't I'm fuckin. In the car or whatever the fuck. I could do and I get a civic yeah off so so jealous and her mom was cool that everyone's moscow that but we are dated I didn't have sex with her. I didn't even kiss her to be dead honestly, but I took out on a date a girl that was fifteen when I was eighteen and that was like
I was told I totally accept back then have sexual college. I lost my words kennedy to day when I was seventeen to a seventeen year old, nice up and then didn't have sex gangs. It was such an atrocious experience, din of such again until I was eighteen, and- and she was eighteen at a lesbian girlfriend in high school, because I was attracted to women that understood humor and back then it was like it was pretty much as well as bands wait hold on okay, I have a theory about is because I've been a lot of less beginning yeah. I've always got along better. Would lesbians, like my sent, I've always felt like they had a better sense of humour, totally dude I do the girls like the female comics it like some of the lesbian There are some five comics in the world now, both by the way, I don't find a difference in. I think women are just as funny, but I don't say that have the drive to do it on stage in front of with a microphone. Lest they want pussy. That's like one of the main motivations when you start often comedy
Well, that's all. I know my was no drug testing. That's all areas, but nobody just its peak talking like my wife, is legitimate. I'm not saying this american out with you currently funnier than me, and a lot of ways no interest in in doing on stage could she's just like we Furthermore valuable it's like they know that the car comes to them, no matter what she's a beat us alone just said. This is like a do, no matter, no matter if you're good, looking If you have money you still have to prove some shit. You have to do until a dragon like that's. Why? Because it impresses women, if you go on stage and do some scary, shit, women, gods, gray, and that's why lesbians about dimes is get more staged wraps really, I mean, if you look at primary motivations right now, loan. My fate, I mean one of my favorite comics from when I started was Wanda. Yeah
and I'm not I'm not the hilarious, lesbian dude. I you lesbian dude, I know so funny. I was shine pretty hard by fortune themes for when I first met her a sort of merit about this everyday anna. She was it's like? She got to stay, she destroy how she's a crusher- and I was like. I was like oh jessica- curse on fucking dust. Is she gay I dunno she's? Definitely I think she murders, yeah and jessica cara for the future comes offstage and I was like about to onstage after and I was like. Oh my god, you are fucking, I might have said and by the way I dunno what I said, but I might I might have said something. I'm gonna assume that I must say dude you're funny like and then she assumed I thought she was. Maybe maybe not like it. I like, and I was like those I do. I was your fucking whole larry, and she really kind of me off like yeah, I walked past Vienna went gay and end, and that is easy to mean that I hear them for years
The same thing to me. He was and added that to me three times then, when I was with vince Vaughn, he was nice to me as a piece of shit anyway go on and I'm interested to hear your take on aziz, but but so and so I I was kind of like I'd, see around she would never like you'd be at the club. She would ever say hi to me or anything, and I was like I was at work can see. I only saw as a person who crossed on stage with all that confidence on stage. I think yeah, that's who she got money, forest and sorry for it, and then I listened rhonda beauty of and was like. Oh, this is a person. Who's is also a very interest. Life very difficult life at times- and I was like oh so here- I am taking a very probably cakewalk experience through life that I've had thrown all my experiences and assuming she's Adam, say hi, to she's. Like probably thinking I have run guys. Like you, my whole fuckin life, I'm gonna take a pass tonight. when a good mood, I'm gonna fuck with it, you know an end and I was like backup. reading her run the whole fuckin toss. You saw TAT the earth man and, like we disagree and politics
getting legitimate arguments but like again shared goals. So I think I respect her but like so one time invite me to a birthday party where we bought the josh wolves, see empty show at the same time, we like broke out hard and she was just such as we are to take come to my birthday party and outside I'll cool, so it's like might as well be nine years all right, so tat, a gay bar and the valleys up. My wife's, like you, should, you're a card, so I make a card. The guy happy birthday card Excited I actually like feel like I'm in a community, its edges, los angeles, examiner, bring a car, do a friend's birthday party and I go there by the time I get there- everyone just like blacked out just like that. Holding this card like and I just went home. I almost like felt like. I was going to cry because, like everyone was like blackout drunk in a game, barges groping each other, I'm staying there holding like a bit dazzled birthday card, am I happy birthday inches?
mike by zadig amy, no and give a fuck about my new shoes. She was heard of you to have as one of my favorite ones, I heard awhile because I really got to hear a sigh. Of her. That I didn't know- and I think you know I think, that's a lot of what people do is they go. they assume everyone's had their own experience, and so you just go what the fuck. Why was that person a dick and you're like? Oh, maybe they'd been like it's. You know with Aziz. I'm sure he saw guys like me and you his whole life who probably water a passive, never said I too am or never, maybe bully them. Maybe fuckin put them in a locker yeah, but then I was with vince vaughn and he was nice. That's a whole different thing now. Evince is also my height no aziz is what those guys that, if you don't have power or you can use. He doesn't see you as human he's out. by. Then everyone knows that up until you sure about this, for years and then comes out with all this shit and I'm like yeah
I feel kind of bad form, don't feel bad for him at all, I'm actually kind of happy. It happened, but, like I like it, it's ridiculous that those details got put into the world and it isn't rape but he's just like the reason I wanted him to burn a little, for it was because it's like, if you put these rules in the world. I think there should be legal due process in social due process like legal to process. What he did is fine and you don't just but even accuser, like here not charged, do that's one of the few is that kind of rob me the wrong way when this whole that major thing was, but we all believe all went well she's pushing that yeah. He reads that guy he's one of those left is fuckers. Does that are, you are you hold on, and so I burned by the shit that you put in the world that burns men every day I buy. To believe all women. Is you can't because that's a say, there's no, felt fault ability and women in because of gender, that women
would never lie. That's their gender don't lie bigotry of will. Expectations too is treating women like children, yeah yeah, it's and, and I'm I read someone going: oh so we're going to start bringing in fainting couches again literally literally yeah, and and it was a woman that wrote that article is a canadian woman and it was the great article I was again, but then I did the rest. about why why women lie about rape and it, and I think, the most part I think the most part can believe a lot of women like like going they all. But that's why we need a better community cause. You gotta know who to believe there's some eliminated compulsive liars They come out of nowhere and they just say your instinct is to boot. My instinct is to believe women and then protect them fiercely but some women are truly bad and they
Why do some day more people? It's gotta be equal, as, of course, we all know that a ban on cloning and add, I said one coming said: there's gonna pay an equally number of crazy men. As rock crazy woman. You can say that these different type, a crazy, really oh yeah, because it's like there's this tyrannical this female tyranny and this male tyranny like men, arms or hunting party women are more gas. Yours and when it comes to child rearing like women. The reason they are like almost communist in manner like will out more capitalist is further. Photo biological reason where it's like little kids should be treated the same and just don't like anything bad that happens to them. It isn't therefore fault just there one, but then one someone's fifteen know you're. It's you or fall in. I do a bit about that words like. You know women just swarm and protect a week. You know if you're out with a group of women the one having the worst time dictates a night where it's like all the girls are and finding ones like Brian.
There was a new girl, I'm sad and all the other girls smell the sadness and they like team, Sad wicker tears were goin home and man if one man's egg, I'm really sad, get out here, Todd get out here, you're buzz kill, but the your tie. Your life's too fast is man we make captain it's like he's too fast, make him captain and for women it's like she's, the prettiest. Everyone shares herpes weather trying to make everyone the same level. If you're too great, you got we brought down and if you're too down, you have to be brought up and that's why you're, seeing this eyes and communist socialist equity bullshit, because that's female tyranny and male team these genghis khan give you throw that spear and give a fuck and dear three hundred yards. We're gonna cut your head off. He now There is also merit male tyranny, but it's like it's gotta be balanced. That's the conservative liberal needs each other and that's why, like me and skew right and women skew laughed it's based on our biology, like manner like accountability, work hard, you get more. Women are like everyone deserves the same, because their design for child rearing and is
these exceptions, but that's that's literally. Why we're on the earth? That's what our biology tells us there are, but there are distinct. Having once you have a baby, you realize their are think biological differences in men and women and where you, where you like, when you have baby. The I was so fucking disconnected two years ago. Unlike re, how do I get into this? How do I get into this layer? My kids all seem to like me. I like how do I like, I would those doing all the way stop is apparent, and my wife was like up and running, and there now the girls are going through a period getting her periods, and you you have. Why have watched the differences of like my youngest, my my wife, my youngest fight to the point where it's like you're, like you're, like hey, do you guys you wanna get to know your own apartment like yeah? I think what I think what what has struck me is
interesting is that america seems to to gravity, to the same opinion when they feel like you're, hypocritical when america this this shame that that I feel people levy some is when they failure hypocritical. That, graham, I think that's what bit Aziz was that he was pushing this persona of being woke. And being awoke, you, I think he caught himself the woke bay in a row an shows he's like make some noise if you're a feminist. It's like all the men like he's a he's awful Yeah, that's samantha be lit him or fire was she was I give your feminist fucking a feminist hilarious and I was like you just got stung by the bee bitch dude. She was cause. I love. I have no problem.
Feminism and I have no problem with it. I'm not getting any more. I like I liked it through certain times now. I think it's ridiculous. I think I think I think sometimes two forty is west right, but like yeah exactly like. That is what happen to my mom. It's like feminism means allow women to do what they want and my mom wanted to stay home and she got shamed by feminists. That's bullshit A mechanism is like, like full freedom, pursue what you want out of life, you can be a ceo and you can be a mom ticket. Not about shaming women into working a little cubicle when all they want to do is be around toddlers. No that's evil! I think the that's logistics of evil lives, forty cents and she just now just now and we ve been married for fifteen years for fourteen years, just now started finding stuff she wants to do in her life because she was like a bum pot committed to these kids ida city mom. I don't want to my mikey circular city mom. I want to make sure
that I am therefore them for everything we had already shown by travel channel and it was it was. The premise: was we would get a set of coordinates and in at the those coordinates would be a treasure chest and in the treasure chest would be fifty thousand dollars. And if we get to the travers just within like forty eight hours, then we got to keep the money, but it was like a hard to get to place, and so the whole thing was I was watching us get. The first one was a. I think it's called treasury I leaned in right of cortana, so we had a way to do at all. We had a bucket all we had to get our flights into bogota are into Cardin yeah, that's a great idea and then get. It was a great idea. Liam past I was like what she I was: thirteen orders. Thirteen episode order, a no brainer and uh they're, like we could fuckin bang these out really cheap and I was like and it's very skeleton crew and I was like fuck, I go Lin. I go wheeled travel the world together for fun.
in one year- will travel the world together. Will we will see things that you'll never see in your life were going through? Fucking Venezuela we're gonna and a court to hang you like, romancing the stone and get our way on jeeps in buses and then take a boat. To treasure, island prior to scuba, but I've down and get a fucking treasure and come up with two thousand dollars. She goes. I committed my life to these two little girls and I'm not coming Wiser man, that's a good woman idea, wives and we're too. In that sense, where was like, when I was going through all those troubles asian was like you, gotta take down these tweets mike now and my wife normally bag. Before we had kids problem would have been like tat. You don't want to be you, don't wanna ruffle feathers take down trees, but now that I'm a father's he's ike keep crashing, she's, eiger, a role model and you're a man, and I respect what you're doing you gotta believe something bigger than yourself and, unlike even if we're poor, she's egg. yeah. I love you were good.
now you're a father to you now too walter and we're going to have another kid or have another son come, and you know they are pregnant right now, yeah, oh congrats boy, oh fuck, you they say is like I've. A role with walter is almost do because, like she's like that, mom and every now, and then he gets that fire in his eyes. I'm like basement is a basement and we just go down there and just like rough house, the heavy bag, and this is big ball. We destroy each other, and then we bring back that's whether to family house is so good because its ache he's growing so well. The idea to just be with it like an animal like a literal, bear and then my wife is just as carrying nurturing wonderful person. You you, I think I was watching you guys middle a aprons for awhile yeah and I was it- was ike. There is a very, very I romantics the wrong word. It'll make it look like, but a roma size. When I watch you guys and I'd see you guys cooking,
you guys are both open. Like a cup of six pack of beer, you'd you'd see you soon, ski to get the beer and snow ski back and your real disconnect from hollywood. Your true disconnect on a tuesday the truth is correct and that you don't have meetings. You don't have phone calls. You don't have podcast now, just Do you want to do you fuck and make a fire? You chicken, you snow ski out to get the beer uk's nosegay back. I was jealous I I makes me jealous in a way that I don't think like. I think I was doing brother, build a dark last year, and I was like I want, like my my life in a granted I think we both agree when we got into this. Both of us thought the bamboo. to one day when we get busiest as fuck, you know that's what looking for as I would love to have days. Right could fuckin work all day and then you get them in your like. Ok hold on a second and my chasing my tale.
like him. I missing out on the things that are important. I've wanted to build. I've wanted to rebuild this back fence for a very long time and I don't I have never had the time to do it- I don't have time to slow down, go to the lumber store by the lumber figure. It out reboot, I gonna take. You know a three days two days time for me to do, and and I, say to myself. I know how good I feel when I get done that when your fingertips or sore and your fuckin dirt in your fingernails and you get it's too dark to working you government, if gonna can have a beer that is now and better there's. No man can't live on bread alone. I mean it's like, like my boy, other is lumberjack like an tree guy, so I do that when I'm not doing comedy like I'm literally hauling brush with my brother might by blood cutting down trees with a chainsaw and like there's nothing like that beer after and it's like
don't get me wrong. Sometimes I look at you guys and I'm like man. I wish like being around that like dance like now. It like these days to come. DR blake, who isn't a rogan talk about it and stuff, I'm like man that sounds awesome like is different, then, is different than anything I've ever witnessed in comedy. In my experience, the way the stories right now is- just eat it yeah. I know I saw Allah at all. I got this place. You know the the hills can keep burning, for I give a shit but like- community you now to stand up, that rogan irreverence withstand I am, I think we can they can't we're comedians you now and it's like I get that were sometimes I just gotta, be around good good hearted people that are so in fact, in the head, do it's it's what you know it's like look. The truth is that is exactly right. I dont think I agree, probably politically with thought it like Nicky, glaser or or ending Nicky's, pretty pretty liberal payment, but but
so one which is more understandable would be able say what they want toddlers they think in toddler. They're, like every gets, allow bob and men are like earn. Your fucking lie bob like there's no wrong with differences. In put. the reason we even know about what we think politically is because social media is now like everyone's reading, everyone's diarrhea yeah, and I think that I would, I would never know, Nikki's or hanging out with her the other night I'd I hung out with for a second and then I got kind of some shitty like, but I realized did it, but the fact or friends I was. I was like ok up to text or the next morning. Go hey just you know. I I thought that might Surely, if you thought we should he, then I'm sorry that maritime issues eichbourg you're the best. Thank you so much grander with eliza the other night for like I like an hour just bull, shitting yeah and I was like I was like dude. I love run comics it's one of my favorite things. I remember listening. mcdonald, literally my number one right hold court with me. Rogan I've I forget. Well, in the back, he's mean rogan and paul gino from speed
and he was holding court about bill Clinton in most humble Larry S, irreverent way, I'd I see you got this slavery guy from arkansas dude coming in like trying to fuck ruins wife did we have ten times worse than that it was the first Yes, I'm all doesn't give a fuck man norm has no ship that gets actively. I would never repeat what he said only because I will let them be his words, but trust me when I say we both rogan our jaws the ground watching listening to norm, just there's right before the election, roma donald trump Let me tell you something about bill Clinton and he's hitting a vape pen. Oh Adam Adam. He gets there in the back and we're all. All of us are laughing funny book. Eric ray dude he's the best he's the he's the best, because he's he's he's the way I described norm, it's possible to indoctrinate him cassettes
I'm starting to realise a lot of people, are indoctrinated when you're talking to someone about an idea like in you and you make appointed obviously is accurate. Their eyes is to touch it People they either shift, like Ok, I'm losing power. How do I gain power or they go well? I was wrong As for me, though, that's a division, I'd, probably sailors wrong. A lot your death, we not undoctrinal doctrinal you're, not one of those guys like those guys we're. If I tell you something unless you think I might be lying you're like no way I loose. I must add that that's why you're funny, unlike our love, listen and like even like, like rogan one time said: he's already got an infrared sauna in his and his thing and he was like yeah man, it's great for any kind of told me about an embalmer saw a guy like I love. I ll have a son, I'm building another sign of the building I saw it in my garage now after yesterday I was at the super bowl drank.
all day, like Boston, to shows the wilbur drink into the morning. Slept for an hour, whitley ammo you need. I was due to a building something bs rules like dominant. Like you know, I trust Joe, if anything, as my health anything he says about a lot of things that guy's legit, I listen to him hardcore. I was at every apps he's ever done or you gotta be careful with it, because at some point that it's all it's almost like, then you can leave. your own opinions and you would show because I brought you got for me. you gotta go out on the road. For some reason, I don't tell it's a joe at one time to actually like manning If you are tweet way too much and I'm like, I can see how you think that, but I don't light it up yeah. I am not, though I just really respect him a lot. I respect him, but it's like, I think, like some being a guy like dad likes is when you don't just always agree. I think he loves he's very curious here, and so I guess if, if he says something- and you have another perspective,
He welcomes that shit Y is such a legend. He's innocent one of the coolest things about his podcast not to like go off on a rogan rent, which I'm sure of that exercise. Don't worry. I trust me I I want to talk about is on it, so in them, he said the first time I did his paw gas, oh so use of so used to people being agreed Well, meaning like you, go on radio and you'd, be the gas in your garage. He's gotta, share that great and then you'd say something like they'd, be like oh really, and then I remember being on his podcast the very first time and I said something, and he said why I don't want. Think I wasn't ready to defend my point. I was just like what and he's like: why do you think that has like? Maybe it's you do you everything it's you and I'm like hold on where we going and an that that moment, I realized what this thing we're in this art former in is not radio is podcasting yeah, it's it's too grown ups, its having a real commissars, real compensation and there have been
so many times on that podcast, where I have been I've been held to the fire on what I say or why I think that way, an ngo just won't just won't give you a broad stroke, agree with you, because you're friend he'll give you because your friend he holds ran he all due to the fire and its like unsteady. We first Roy become friends. He was way more like ha and then once we became better friends, he'd be like man, that's fucked up where you just said and like it felt so good errors the same way. You know it's like you're, not really friends, sound. Unless he's yelled at you really you know you're, like other, be you know I can do a sour now but like well again, geez. I hey what the fuck man you like it literally you're like man, he likes me yeah. He cares about me, be up what's good access on zaire. So what did when you build your son like what Joseph infrared even say he he's
I autonoe now can now I never I wanted a living alone is don't ever put words in Jos mouth because you might. Sometimes I mishear things and I must speak, but I think he's got an inference. I'm not certain! I! I was going to text him yesterday, but I ended up getting caught up in a in a fucking busy day I tried tried texting people football is the I heard you flip fled for one. Is that as well? I like, I, don't have any neon numbers in my phone either. So if someone hasn't text me since I've gotten this, I dunno their number. Oh really, I do that's where I started from scratch because you cause you were like just twitters all fucking, all zooming. I didn't want to be able to access twitter outside of my home a smart yeah, but and also this didn't, have my numbers and answer like you know why I'm through seven, it's a good time to make cuts like if someone does, tax me, I won't put them in my phone scourges that that he really, but he did it literally was. I am tired of getting text from people that I don't want
or to yeah just trust. His phone number got into phone texted, ten people I knew that he needed to talk to you yeah. He was like hey guys. Is my new number, don't give it to anybody and then some of them I was saying I was texting them for a week and he just never text back and I was like, oh, is Eddie have to like judging a cigarette for like fucking two months. What a dick and I go. Oh, we got a new phone number because, like we did, I was like yeah. He don't want to talk to anybody anymore I'll. Do it also don't want to be reliant on maps and shit like now, like always impossible, if you have ari? say what you want to save our ari and his fucking fear. Technology and his fucking millennium wanna be fuckin lifestyle we were lana and that mother fucker with out. A map would be like tiggle. After do the guy's got. jus smarts. He would he knew where to go based on his his of blood. Being in the city and getting to wear a urban be was an ogre watson as in may.
Downhill ride, we're going to take a right here. I think I think I can get roughly close to there. Did your brain atrophies I've been I'm married. I've been with him for six years and I didn't know her fucking phone number. I now do she's, not even in my phone after type it in because I'm like I need obstacles, or else my brain is going to garbage. Do I just was reading about this today, but about about getting off some things: that could cure dementia and alzheimer's o others thing if you're in a nursing home always have Everybody do with their capable of doing like people that do stuff for all people. They make their brain go to shit like if they can organise. Let them do it. Do not do anything at all. Person can do for themselves because that that action, that's will return owed to trans kids. Your physical, you physically act out your thoughts and so like that keeps your brain good. So I go when it when you warrior your mom's high heels and said: hey fellows,
I like now sweaters employed piano all day like banged a couch once is also your time it's like you're, acting out ideas, we got a say song, though cause like sana, so I dig in forever, I'm more of just appear. He guy with the rocks, put the water on it and steams up, and I go one eighty and right now it's negative twenty, where I am yeah, so one negative twenty one. Eighty native where'd you for or like my electorate bill, is so high right now from the sonning everyday. Really that, like I waited. How did you? What is your saw, the little box with the rocks on it, the box? with the right like to create a bacterial area, but my next one is outdoor cedar with a wood burner so that I can just as I have unlimited works. Murayama Jackie. You know my pelagic bills. Now, like four hundred bucks a month hi, where we will have some like it's not that much money, but it's like you, I gotta do this current. How bigger your saunas there are. Three people get three brows could take,
way out is the one I was in yesterday. I won't like ten now I use well out as I want them to build it. You want to build it you and have someone coming out with me. Bulgaria, but, like this shit is hard like grasp and shape of it to build a soda, yeah really you I can frame. I get like frame the structure, but the interior, like you know, you want he's untreated, cedar and stuff like tat which have a guy ali, because it tunnel untreated cedar. My brother can cut The trees he treated cedar starts get toxic in there yeah. I know what about hemlock. Everyone says hemlock is hammocks great. Was that an hemlocks would right, yeah, ok, because once I get home I'll get hemlock and I was like cause. I've been going online and I've been looking at these. Single sauna, kids, it's almost like a glorified phone booth. You don't want that by too little, I know, but I'm the only one that will ever use it. Ok, can you sit in it? Ok, and you're, going to sit in it. But what have you want to shadowbox that I'm just gets a movement
still nominated ray, I'm putting you might groundwater on there and asia moving her arms and it just like. I want to put it my garage on a clear out. My group I urge and one for the sun in the back corner to make the whole garage dishonor you develop now, but you gotta do it do, it puts years on your life. I did it I was so hung over. Yesterday I drove to this place m beers, and now I can't I gotta do fucking shoot at two o'clock. Nice am. I gonna probably have a beer: let's each have one beer together yeah, I can. Is there beer in there, if not, there's, there's some in the garage who just thanks but a lot of height by the way, weighs six eight six, five, six five nice good for you, his sisters, tall too we've got another foot yeah, my moms are either six or six wives he's big lady as well. I think the garage is open. There should be some in the garage thanks to halston. Thank you. Buddy. All great guy he's a really fantastic, very thin. I wish I could fucking. I wish I could just teach
while the stuff I need done like I would love, he could figure out final cup pro and then I can teach you volga brow. I am among a dude, but I gotta learn myself. You know how it is like you gotta do it. You can learn it yourself, billy ass. I am, I end up doing so. I m going to go or going to eat we go and how do I export of idiotic? My name is gary from france. Dude I saw I will show that the the seat as me by my tongue of stuff, for I go, I will show that I want to saunter. So bad I've been look at these kids and they go. Oh. Is that those not glasgow? Cassio? I got mine carrasco for real great deal. Yeah. It's called almost heaven saunas, ok, yeah for hours, tax, Joe and see where he has got. It did a research for like six months row huge Oh, that tell you that I did grower yesterday shut up. but nobody is voting with this. Yes, so do
Roy s ray and they do a blind taste chairs maritime security, and I love about issues of love. You, man, you're, really rose and psycho five, so grow. Yesterday we do a blinding to taste ass for coors, light miller, light in bud white and it was with three other people and they all got everyone wrong and I get everyone right. Oh I've been so and put me in a bind to save with heineken again and by the way they got heineken out of every eye forever did have a habit is characters scumbag dinosaur you like that course. I m afraid it all data tasters taboos on a radio show with Heineken. and then I and the other one. we're fucking ip against us. I do like we tasted? I Pa Pa, there's enough estrogen there to make my cock for wanting to get what I drink ip though I'm just caring, but I think there might be some amiss. spear alot I've been drinking tito's for so long I've gotten kind of back. I want to go back to beer. our drink is very like
You would love our town dude. I said the same thing it's like we all. We drink beer like the concept of an alcoholic and saranac lake, new york is a joke, like I'm taping a special their february. Twenty fourth huge pianist dot com and check it out on tape. I'm on February twenty four, a serious were us allies, as taping hers February, when David hurt well she's getting a million. Where are you taping you're at now, she's doing hers on an aircraft carrier and jean claude good for her? That's funny, im insane, I'm doing mine February february, twenty? Fourth, that's saturday, right now I dunno yeah phobia of February twenty. Fourth at the truck was at philly nice hello fairly well, helium clubs are yes to more grossman. Helium clubs shall furthermore grossman he is, I think, he's promote my first. So I go two years if I wasn't online, so what is it how long would it worried what you're gonna say you shoot nears, saranac I don't remember oh yeah beers, I'm going to talk about that. My special, where it's like the concept of not,
drinking beer. Isn't there like? It's not like. If you stop, drinking beers. That's when people are like hey man, you got a problem. What's going on with you guy, you know cause there's chance. You like that's the only two when people like the currency. There is beers Like I'm sure my driveways I beers serbia appears and it's just so amazing that everyone is just always drinkin beers, its Really is, I think, grown up in tat. By the same thing like my friends to this day will be like but of bodies- and I love him- I will say his name, but only because I've been in in your tongue. They know, while he's had some he's had some rough runs of it like reference it like epic reference, but like a. He always calls me when he falls off the wagon and, like his beers,
beers and weed bird. How bad can it be? And I, in the next few days next thing you know, he's got a fucking tackle box full of knives in the middle of the woods and he's because he's he collects knives and so he'll bring a tackle of bring entire box of all of his knives. then he'll barter with the homeless, with knives a bit like argue this knife? If you can get me a toy, packer case a beer and then we'll just walking in the woods just and he's got a bad ass, vulcan knives. he native american, no, no and he's got money. It just says that trade in the man he likes to trigger he likes to fuckin too dark ages goes for he I mean he's. What's the worst, that can happen. Guy is ideal Just beers, yeah he's. I remember one night. He said it was a sculptor, his extremely artistic like to the plague detrimental. I think
Of course, every artist has some form of self destructive he, but he moved to new york to in enrolling a scope in his school and art school first sculpting and one night. He I think his art is due. He saw the futility it in it, and he was like hold on fuck his ex you're telling me I'm going to be doing the sculpting school just so that one guy can get commission by a place to come up with a skull, sculpting and then I'll go in and do the sculpting and then he'll get the credit for it he's a kid and even to the fucking sculpting I just designed it, and I do all the ghost writing jokes for people yeah and- and he was like fuck this and then he's like I'm saying the I want to just get. I want to just get drunk like I'm exhausted and I go oh you've never gotten drunk by yourself, he's like no. What do you mean? I go. Oh, my god. This is like the greatest a demon I was like. I was like dude go, go, go try to find a drink. You ever you ve. Never
had and just go make that pierce up all night. It's that almost one. There was one thing that you describe it existed so far. He did and then one day he'd call me up news like gin and tonics are fucking amazing really, and I was like wait. You have enough martinis that he's like no, I go. You know what tell you those come in the city me and you not going anywhere we're just going to buy all the stuff to make martinis and we're gonna try to perfect martinis and he came over we're just murdering martinis and my buddy tie rodriguez who I grew up with when we all grew up together. We all knew each other since we were kids, walked in and sees us getting fucking blitzed martinis is like what are you guys, pre party and forever? nothing the melodies Europe yeah dies. I pour me one. It was that dude, I, loved getting drunk by Well, I loved it yeah I was started because I do a live stream on youtube everyday, and so I had to quit beers for like a month because We gave the boy around like our eye. Twelve backing lives
and yeah, and it was because I play piano again on my youtube channel. I just play piano. Take requests talk in like thousands people like hang and just make requests to bid we're playboy, I'm on there. I go on your love. Free do, of course, I've gotta go in your lives, dreams and I've seen you talk about. Maybe people, go the machine and out because I share em when our share of it. I see you're doing when I was going to share and that all my friends and I won't due to some people only because I'm afraid, like my my periscope facebook fans, sometimes a troll, and so like my favorite one. Ever ever ever I go on periscope and I will find people in different countries that I don't know or a different people, doing something that I find interesting and then I'll share it with everyone. So we can,
watch it so though their views will go from five viewers to like three hundred and a matter of seconds, my favorite one. Ever I wish I'd this girl, hadn't blocked me probably thirteen years old Maybe two hundred and thirty pounds black check and it says, enter her thing. Is bout bout, ter, murder, this cheeseburger and in it I click gone, and it is this to and thirty may be, torn fifty pound thirteen year old black girl hand gin and her hand staring at the camera, with no look her face and perfect cheeseburger that she had made for herself sitting on a plate right in front of the camera, and she just staring at the camera and got six followers, and I'm like. Oh, my god, so I share of everyone and
and everyone goes on and not an you see her eyes. I mean this grows, so brilliant her eyes barely raised and an inch like just a centimeter and she has ah Hell now. Mother fucker fits and starts blocking and around like since you blocking us and you don't want. We do what we have now mother fucker and its goes o bert, you get blocked like all my got. A fucking love you please, no blood meeting is who she was. She was nothing more power. Hold of me and moral. I get dragged in someone who doesn't want more of something yeah when someone's Ike I got enough get outta here why one of her five friends to watch her merch about a murdered his cheese because he's like this six guy, I don't even know I'm already on the fence- yeah, the oh hell, no hell, no bark block blah and I'm watching it happening knowing they're the nazis,
we're coming for me next, you know I'm in my house going, she said and the knock at the door like yeah dude. That's so funny that I love murder. That is where I got blocked. I got blocked. I never saw it. I wanted six, guys that even now, there's one girl there's two girls. I did Samantha Galactica and this girl Jesse there both on and on periscope and jesse is a actress in brooklyn. She is, Well hostess. She is, I think, twenty five years old I'll tell exactly sure she, but she doesn't allow you do at paris girl? I do. I have to remind you to now, as I made the over real they stay. there with the other shit like I'll, put up similar her name's lily. I'm sorry names lily, willie, Galactica, no samantha, Turkey is, is, lives in maine lily lives in brooklyn, samantha galactic,
one time, just as like just getting morning. Waken bake and I just saw it knows they have follow, I shared it and then she goes or arabs. It's like the machine, the machine or one time in the machine- and she goes wait- is brick crusher in here that was like when I got so excited. I go I'm like I'm like she knows when she gets bored fucking Christ just shared my feed. She was like oh fuck, obstacles. I wish I had more. We only have one bolder smoke- oh my god. Oh my god, she's guys keep falling I mean I will get weed, I swear to god I'll get weed. Oh my phone's dying and I watched her panic and it was so real to water panic, because I feel like a thousand followers lily. Did the same thing with lily and then this girl brooklyn lily jeez I got morning waken vague, are always anyone who smoke pot on periscope I get into that's. Why I've follower and she's cute. I'm not like I'm not to be rude, but like I'm, not a big fan like twenty two year old
it's like I'm like they're like if it will be sexy. If it's a forty five euro mom smoking weed, that's roma violence is doing, dishes and nipple falls out or down blouses down blouse, as your doctor has data here. But it's cool like this. You know kid, so I follower I share it and everyone's, like everyone, she's a museum in the machine. The machine was that that that's, not the guy that got involved with the russian mafia. Is it and I'm like I'm in that story is so famous and I was like I was like. Oh, you should have heard Kevin Brennan shit all over yesterday. It was followed and he's like no one's gonna. Pope calls in this fuckin lie: come on and watch in it, and I am I I go up, I think if I had younger. It would have bothered me, but because because the only reason it went viral is that one of the first people to watch it was a kid in my class that I robbed and she wrote the stories hundred percent. True, he fucking robbed us here.
And then tagged all the kids in my class. That's the only reason I went viral all my kids in my class for the first hundred people to comment that I guess is true. He robbed us. Yes, he robbed the whole train. Yes, he got away with that and everyone was like. Are you fucking kidding me? I think if I didn't have that in my corner, I would have gotten one pensive, but I was laughing Essays- acknowledge gonna, no fuck in all this and holes in this and always been waiting for someone to say that, like this is The shit that happens to me with piano they go he's not really playing the piano like come on. Like that's a music track, he can play beethoven, look at him, he's retarded dude and then and then, and then Kevin goes. So what so? What Are you drinking now? I said no, I'm not drinking that much lately, because I'm working on my new special and he goes oh yeah. What do you? What was it new special? I said. I'm just crafted a bunch of lies. He loved it yeah, but the same thing happen with the tracy. Morgan story is Tracy's had never met him, never smoke pcp and everyone's like you be a liar and at the time I got really defensive because those like it's a true story
and this is why I never wanted to say on stage, because I knew you wouldn't remember me, why I wanted to be in control of it, because I didn't want this to happen, but I look at it may go at the booty and do you. I don't know what tony's been like guess, a true story. Every year so I just why aren't even try to contriving anymore? I'm like the joker, this point, dude, it's nice a little less giving a fuck about they don't give a fuck. I envy it did it's crazy it's like, and I make money now and real estate. So, like I don't like, I can provide for my family. If someone, someone could do some good black eye, there is no black buying me anymore. It's it's gotta be nice, it's gotta be a nice feeling like not like ours economists, my wife and I had herpes together, privileges, I go, you know what we're not going anywhere there like it. Conversation you'd have to have to have sex somebody needed.
We want to have that were here worse, we're at ease in his peace. It's gotta, be a nice feeling to be like brow with unsafe it's so nice and you go like it was very nice little and by say this. Carefully only sense that I don't ever want to disrespect all the gifts given to me by travel channel like while the money and want to be on the travel channel. That was like one of my favorite channels, because I love traveling and doing crazy shit, but but the truth is to be oh out from under their umbrella It's so relieving to know that, like I can't that they know, can take away the money I'm gonna get next week, but it was scary, you'd, say of fear, as an injury on youtube, changed my life to its really, oh, my god, it and amy's like here. always happy now, it's funny can sometimes people like we've gotten angry on twitter of it's like no bitch, I'm just on a different mountain drawn vulcan arrows like it's just fun like I like I I
bow to no one, except for you know, god country family, to have shared, but not like fuckin some age. Dickhead yeah no way even picture that anymore, the concept of something like owen, you have to take on this trade tweeted sounds raises: so you're, saying chinese, don't like pingpong you're, saying The chinese people dont piping ping. Now they play the english. So what the fuck's the problem, I think you know that play ping. Pong does not hate in that. There is a weird like what they want. No, no! No, when when you hear from agents and managers like and by the way, mad respectively,
I am about to little shit on. He knows who he is, though, so I won't say his name, but one of my agents managers representatives when Tom and I were going through the weight loss challenge. He called my wife and he was like this needs to stop. He was like this is burt's got a development deal that we need to focus on and he's not focusing on and is literally pushing it he's pushing into the point where he doesn't care at the time we were devout. We were demo demo, ing our house and I gotten fired from travel channel. I was on the funny or die tour. They killed all my dates. I had no money coming in had money, but I had no money coming in, had nothing to do for three. The last thing I wanted to do was being development. The last thing I want to do Hang my hat on another hope that wasn't and same here daddy's, never coming home. Man yeah let it go and leanne's like you're you're, you're talking to the wrong person and by the way, if you're saying this, you don't know burt burt. The only thing that's real for bert. Is this fucking weight loss challenge? He knows
for a fact. In one month, him and tom are going to go on rogan three times or two at the time. We're gonna do three times and he can possibly beat his friend is something that they're both enjoying and that's why you're you're you're if you're charming, that's why people like you? That's why I just drove here from the beach to talk to you for a few hours suit and and at the time I had fifty five thousand twitter followers or instagram followers, and I started doing videos about the weight loss. I started like the whole fucking thing. When I said I was going to quit drinking nother representative. said you can't do the sober october. It'll ruin your career, and I went excuse me fuck today now and I- and I was like I was like and they're like it's going to your brand is booze. Your brand is boost. What what are you gonna do when you don't drink? I go. I can't I'm, I'm not gonna kill us so that I can answer that same here and don't please on every time and on that ever again, and I did the sobriquet turbo you go. My brand is freedom, but my brand is me exam Fuckin broken weird secret, telling
one american retelling tongue biting yeah lunatic, I'm a fucking, I'm a mega secret jellied tongue biter with secret terror like you're, always about the does eager veto to reject, or so buddy there's been times when people say stuff in the green room of the store and I go. I think I should probably remove myself from this, because we'll be sharing this with everybody. Do that sell flocking, flighty man yeah it's, and so I think, one of the cool things like when I got away and one of the things I love and what you doing is that with this podcast there's no getting fired, I can't get fired from. I did it for free for so long when jordan beers and was an reuben report with somebody who is ya, know whether it was a bench appear, a bunch of europe as no one green. Let us do no one green through Joe peterson's patrons like eighty grant a month at this point. What in what is, so what is like, I was to trial
it is early or what is the kind of person I think No, the answer to this. But what is the kind of person that maybe doesn't agree with everything, ben Shapiro or milo, Yiannopoulos or Jordan Petersen says, but still really enjoys them? What does that called human yeah? How come? How can? How can you not agree with like I'll use. My looks he's more divisive. Haven't you? What would he does? Is asia provocateur? I fuckin stephen prouder I also means one my best friend I I do every morning. I do not agree around every day off. He says, but men splendid, fucking, listen, dude and he's not lying and he's a good guy. It's like Ok, so he's increasing conservative from canada, and I told him I'd like the reason I wasn't right wing grown up is because we had left the room when I was growing up or the decks round like we're the catholic church I was raised, leg and they were being have regrets not a shit and up- and I'm like here from socialist
canada, like you are rebelling against, that is a child actor yeah duties good guy man, he's a you if you would love being around him because it's like he has anxieties and his is corks anybody's like trying those guys where he's trying to do the right thing I get a kick out of. I get a kick out of all those guys and, like I said I don't. I don't agree with everything, anyone says rooster held in says, but I don't agree with us on a choice. We, like Enough already does not move man. That's all I'm saying I only get furious at people that I think threatened my child's future. It's not like. Dad like socialize healthcare. I want free market. I think I'm right. He thinks he's he's right, but we both want kids do have medical treatment in that the whole thing it's like. Is your intention in good, then we'll figure it out together. But if you're like trying to fuck up my its future and say: white men can't speak and I'm seeing
I'd, kill my kitchen dancing, innocently fuck, you that is due to cause because or in arguably if that was said, the opposite way around. It is immediately racist right and if you look like, like actual Where did so? It's like it, the last does become so racist against black people that their like they can't get past slavery as well the jew. I came here after the holocaust and other on fuckin nine bank. So it's like you, don't need people can get past shit, the korean! oh come here. Would like a fucking knapsack known about a dry cleaners and like an hour. How is that wish someone would be. This is what our little black redneck white liberal by thomas all. It's like the best book ever in what is called black. redneck white liberal. In the guys this probably won the bastard. Economists in the world is also black from harlem, so the left really is not happy with this guy, but like it's all about coal, it's about a better audio book purchase or do black redneck white liberal. Will boy you're fucking, mind it'll, show like why
cultures achieve shit and wiser and got his dont, because I'm from and almost more black culture than allow these white liberals where it's like I get the whole like, You! You talk shit about my family. I want to stab me now. You know the data gets you in check so it's like their certain cultures that, like that dead prosper more than that the college's that's. Why water, like really successful black people and government aren't from the south there from like the west indies africa, like obama he has now Obama least arise compounds all their west indies or africa. I love candy rice yeah. Do they about an hour. I love, love everything. I've always liked her because This is so I do not always a spice eye when they wrote that book about nine eleven day, you know I'm not familiar with nine eleven. What exactly happened is a thing. The government did to try to help fuck with the economy and oil prices. Now I get it, but I
I read, you know: I'm not a big reader, but sometimes a little bit of something will stick my crawl and I'll go. Oh one of the things they set as they took off on air force, one so steep that the tale almost hit the tarmac, like that's how steep they had said. Why? Why did they have to do that? Because they wanted to get out of there and get him to cruising altitude quickly, so that he's out of range of missiles or or the other thing they said was when they got into the control room. the room, the where now that you ve seen it every movie the big circle where everyone sit in a circle may decide now. What's our next, plan of attack were under this country's under attack and one guy has like an eyepatch, and they said that yeah and one guy's got an eyepatch and someone yeah, and they said that they got they got in there and they said now we're in here to give everyone just a second to call your family make sure there safe
and back in here, no more than no more than a minute, and they said everyone left, except for candy she has sat. There was like I got nobody, let's roll talia, fuckin love her. I love her. That's I think she's sexy as fuck to kandy spice yeah? Isn't that crazy? I have weird crushes on women like Colleagues, rice, I'd like this been some horrible drive a joke about or mac now, but I I've always had a crush on rosier donald, really try just like that powerful new. I love a fuckin brash hard core like I would, I would have always been like I. I can see past whatever flawed physical flaw. You think you have. I can see bass at like just dumb and just a dominant lesbian kind thought you knew. I was huge. They psychology crush arterial chelsea him
we're really all whole season. Like madness. You want to know something even crazier. One of her dogs named bert- that's hilarious, play with her dogs, and I think I feel like she's fucking with me. Really albert, come here and get in bed with me. Yeah dude, that's hilarious did not know what names are: Doug owen owens, shit name when it comes to animals, birds, dragons, Bernie she went, skiing been, and I think what it is a little bit of quota personality. In that If we went with, I did new years and then I met the girls in utah when we went skiing for a week and it was really great. It was one of the probably the greatest vacate I've ever had with my family. We were off the grid. There was no business to attend to one in hollywood- was often and was just me and the girls, and I I was shooting limit
stuff for instagram or fuckin tweeting and off the grid, except I would, I would follow like in the mornings it's my biggest back, in the world, is wake up, little early and then I go. Don't touch phone, don't phone, saying dutch phone, your wake yeah and I would and chelsea handler was skiing in british columbia, shoe skiing in whistler, and so should we are on the same timezone, ultimately and I would see her little instead stories of like what she was doing and looked so cool and I was having that experience when a weird way I connected with her. I was like oh we're both having like cools times of fry a family of friends and- like a fellow goes on vacation mother, but I just you know like we're. It sounds so fucking creepy and then and then she ass she was hidden avail, penguins slow but goes on arms damp yom would let them again to that Latvia, and then I left. Anyone down the road and you still skiing, she's, cute a fucking january to the point rose like I just our scheme were and so on.
snowboarding every week. I on the road- and I There was no morning every fuckin weeks. Those like us again love fucking cross country. I do. I wanted low cost countries. being so fucking bad after watching your videos go every single day. Like I talked about the reason you lost weight right yeah, it's because I was a fat kid doing a paper route and I passed out because I was so fat and my vet worried. I was as fat as fuck. You know as a as a big dog that hadn't grown as our paws were big with the you know, and The penetration actually told me that I d always ways that we start cross garcia. My mom, me every day and with you now she got a dog that that was a runaway and we did effort fifty years are now really a dog died, but still I wrote it a lot better in the post, it's how I'm explaining it right now. Oh that's right! That's where I must have read about that was I took a picture because I live right next to our this whole thing, it's just it's a wit it
I like white bobs and it's just acres and acres of cross country trails because, like the highschool kids, all like do cross country skiing where I live, and it's just gorgeous and it's groomed every day and it's free and I can put out my skis in my garage and just not take em off and get right into the wilderness, was tat. I put my little man by me like a strap amended is like little chariot thing in one of his only words he knew was more in to say more than my trainers mall eye of the tiger, and I just get exhausted, but it was great and then I hit the sauna at fired up before I leave. So by the time I got back, I was just bacon in there fuck him all man, that's where I was in a pods and just like drink a tunnel water and then made love to my beautiful
wife. Now we have another boy on the way you know it's thrill shit life. Someone said to me the other day, as I was saying yeah I dunno I dunno, who did a podcast with yesterday, so Zane lamprey units, ain't, nass, great he's, really great he's a guy like you that I think is a he's, a he's, an out of the box thinker. I don't think with him, it's less social stuff and it's more business. I think he got frustrated my business sense socks. His business sense is fucking on point three. He created he. He was just got kind of fucked around by the business. I think he got he. He had a show that was successful well most in part because it was one of the first to air in hd to two channels was called three sheets three sheets of him drawn around the world drinking. Oh I heard about this: guy was huge, it was. It was like one yeah I heard about this guy and then
Your biogas yea, that's rare in it and then he kick started. One call chug where he went around and trains and drank around the world. any it funded any released it and it's sold, and then he did and then it was like. I think, I'm out a television it making television. I think I wanna make a brands. We made this drinking jacket and sold crazy. Then he made this adventure jagger than its old, the most the biggest piece of design an item? Emerald kickstart, like one point, seven million dollars he raised holy and then he was like fuck it. I think I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna keep doing these I'm going to keep making tv. I want to be the zodiac he's august. One is he's great he's a great guy, but he's like you in the sense, but we I said to him. We were talking about. You know life goals and plans, and he was- and I said I dunno I kinda- want in another house, only get a bigger house. While he has been on it, we don't have enough space. here and there is like he's like where- and I was like
I dunno we've been looking a little bit and he goes l a like, like said it to me, like you're. Really thinking about staying here and part of me was like yeah. What do I need to be I lay for oh it's, it's a lie, the weather's great and in the communities gray, but it's like see one of the reasons, I think I suck a business because I'm good at seeing a ton of currencies like people get obsessed with money. Whether like and I like money, monies labour use, you can do labour and save it, which is an unbelievable concept like time is a currency risa like physical resources, a currency respect time and tell him as a currency? Time is the ultimate currency. That's weathers how many the richest people I know I do that bit about like my friend- is worth a hundred million dollars. I'm like lieutenant. I gotta work and my duty, you one tab, every time I didn't care about these I want a legacy of my do Julius Caesar took over the whole world. You gotta, salad, bail. You know that
why you become almost like a harder where it's like, no, like figure out what you want. That's why Jordan petersen such a legend cause he's like, figure out what you want, design your life and then just do that and, like I emily to me as a huge currency, My brother just had a as third child was a boy right is I did and he lives. This town in the middle of nowhere and saw my were common fuck, it did what. What's the point to get money without freedom, there's no point. What would do. I buy more shoes. I can't I don't give a fuck about yours too. do this europe of ours over you're, talkin, pumpkin, you're, you're fucking, so I don't give a fuck about shoes and for some reason I think- and I think it's probably a dove amene search. I have a ton of can choose right now. That's awesome! I mean it's like I have. You know you'd I've, my only drive shoes, I found out there not they don't match, because I was in like Nord stream raw.
and as a geyser, dub and then my wife pointed out is that those aren't the same shoes like one as I stated and so on. The other doesn't like- no way am, I guess I'll, make you more money now, as it so funny because I have you told me about it. Hold me I remember hearing I had a guy that I friends with that was a successful comedian. When I was younger, and and and her hearing what he made a week, and I was like woe. If I may, that I'd be fuckin set anne making more money than he makes a mike and I'm still chasing the thought all day on a treadmill heroin addicts also experience as called chasing the dragon. Okay, let's take yeah by the way, I definitely am called chasing the dragon. Exactly what I'm doing in this business. Do it you never get the dragon. It is, but it's ok! It's ok, argue the point chasing the dragon. Verses sewing writ raking, hey The sun shines making aid. While the sun shines with the theory that strike weather,
miles owe you there's like we. Don't you only get a finite time this business, maybe maybe, if you're lucky you get like five years a good run. Nobody here, free thou, you have freedom like you. Can literally what I been doing ever since, like I got so much, I lost my age and I got blackballed great. So now I just rent, fucking, theaters and just who does they say, there's two grand give the theatre and I'll fill it and make the raising money down there. They had said that the best way to make money in this business is for, while your own theatre I might add my by my own theatre, my dream now is to start my own commagena like you just on the internet and just for people that don't fit and the whole. Why? God, as a black way left handed lesbian, fuckin reviews victim. Is the chicken cross the road because of oppression like they're? All that garbage words, just like
I want to just on a theater and you have people really funny perform there and we should specials and put it for people cheap and they can, on their own flock inspection, the real. The real I mean the way I look at the way out of this business. I think I have a pretty insightful perspective these days, adding more so then I ever have is an eye, and I don't have the resources to do this yet, but this is the direction ongoing is kind of where romans taking it ruins got his compound he's got his podcast studio he's got his jam, he's got it all wrong. Like he's doing it exactly right, and it's and by the way I think people sniff out that independence, that that honesty, that integra Yeah go yeah yeah! I want to be more like that and I don't think I would do in the direction means going. I dont think I care enough about archery fitness archery, like the podcast, but we ve talked lot about trying to buy a warehouse and said so that I can have a green screen.
I can do I can shoot. The videos I want to shoot. I can be creative, have a small team. Will you go in Every morning you go here's what we do today, I am I'm here Monday tuesday, Wednesday, on Monday, when that writing out it's so here's the thing that suffer gates, people, the fat they really realized, they can actually do what they want. I can do what I want. I think I'm set up to do. What I want. right now, but it's too uncertain doesn't want areas and areas they would stadia in because he's an ices is hit list. Really. Oh yeah painted Mohammed, inhuman shit, what because he's away really as early as june is its veto. Exact would have greatly that is now, but it's fucking funny so anyway, like has his family and his close friends, and they just like. I did it Furthermore, I wrote it where I was Jimmy found interviewing stolen and he was stolen. I was found we had it looking better than as an owl sketch that day they built this. The stage is minded the costumes no thanks. Is overhead
he's, probably in his eye or he's playing a state where you can get a fuckin way. Yeah for bridging totally, but it's like the intern it doesn't care where you are the reason. L a is l a is because of sunshine. It's because it's before lights were invented. It was because they wanted to have no rules, the wardrobe. there's always guys that they can shoot. Yet now we have a bigger distribution. mechanism in our pockets and fucking afford cade phone. It's like it's done. It's almost like falling and they don't even see it and that's. Why, like? I don't even want an agent, but part of It was like I thought funny when my agent was like, you know, you're real problematic, unlike bitch, have you heard of email like what are you you're, just a guy telling me not to be myself were soon as I started point classical music and rural, like a barrack, sets the irony of me. That makes it funny. It's like I'm a classically tree musician, whither freakish. We hire you and I'm a fucking psycho
so. People are like. Ok, he's got a genius I q and can play classical music by ear the first time he hears it and you just someone a cunt, that's funny. I watch this in pay that money and it's like. Ok, so what the fuck do you think I should do? I should go begged to see w to get if I thirty grand? So they can tell me my ideas ox? No, by feared a video produce some shit and south on very over ten box and keep nine fuck. You yeah does that what you did it less baghdad where there were no. What, is that what was the? Where did you shoot that I shouted manchester england? That's right! The exiles
but because I did a tour with the the impractical jokers their eye open for them in stadium. So it's like twelve thousand cedars a night like we did the o two arena for times like where that terrorist attack was. I perform there really yeah. So it's like. I got tight with all these with all the uk people, and so everyone kept telling me to come back. So I did a tour and then some dude gave me like this awesome guy, I'm still friends with him because as crowd funding is special and his scottish guy just won the lottery, so he was like here's vulcan. What would you need men, and so he just gave me all the cats. So my guy goes suited somewhere where you can go. because he was trying to get to my glasgow show, but it was sold out and he's like men talk about not caring about currency. This guy is dialed in and these like, I just want to go to your show and I can fuckin get take
It sounds like bro I'll, get you a recliner, so I got them a recliner and then we taped at manchester and yeah, just it sold great and fucking and you put your mind, you put a video demi on my- why just just off my website and I'm doing another one. I'm the same thing: that's fucking great, the exit. I shot one like over three years ago with candy dynamics. They did so. I got a new I wouldn't with new wave o Brien bookcase yeah. sat on it for years and finally came out this week, and I don't give a fuck about mike referring to my wife, a girl who had come out like on itunes, in amazon and all that shit, but I don't get a cut of it. So fuck them or you don't get I think we ought to writing. I was doing why why would I promote that? It's like they sat on it? Do they changed the way I saw the world because I was like I'll give you back the money. You give me Can I have my jokes bags again regally. Do it anymore and now
O money does even matter. You guys are like smog. The dragon sitting on my treasure now Yeah I'm like, I will never give anyone my jokes ever again, I have a problem a little bit of a problem with this, I think it's that special know. Maybe this special, where I did it comfortably and went on re title, I loved it, buddy. I love thing. Foy do ass, I did it and I too has really great jokes on there, and I was thinking about doing a thing I thought of this last night in the midst a panic tat. Just we use got me like I'm doing everything, fuckin wrong and and I shall do my my representative might one of my auditors wretch who commented I was very
complimentary of my act, which I was that's what I was scared of. I was like. I was like I'm fucking talking about my family too much, and then he was like no, it's fucking perfect, but read off, saying that is a smart man, yeah and so stop saying why something cant so much people dude I've spent too much time in scotland didn't see my my theory. Everyone says contains caroline. It means you're like friends with them. They're like your phony could and I'm like fuck yeah. I am- and I guess everyone's I get problematic. Do you want some soy and I'm like I don't want. My cocked evolve this is my. This is I'll talk it out with you and see. If I can find something new, I won't tell you the joke job part of it, but my theory that leads ended a joke. Is that my wife said count is the the inward for women- and I no you're wrong slot. Is I workers when the m were dehumanizing, someone that's? Why that we then no one wants to that it. that's why I won't say, because I will never. I don't want anyone ever feel dehumanized. You
do that some people are acting in human and I want them to know it had serious. I heard it argument for that yeah. Well, I'm really mad. I wouldn't feel the worst. They will remain so would not use our that were well? When I use all my assets, people all seventy attacking you now have a gun. Why would I punch them? I would shoot them in their head. Fucking kill, shot, these human eyes reduces don't act like a goddamn cut. Maybe that monitoring popularly humanised Jesus, please, Put that no more so so we are so anyway
I point was, I said: slut is the. It is the end word for women in she said no, the seaward is m were from women, and I will, I think, you're wrong? I go. I look every man when you, when you hear of us when some call a woman, a slut against us, juliet up I'll pass on that, but when you hear a woman's, can I go? I kind of turns me on a little bit like I like it. but have caught my woman near and then I rose you're gonna, Leanna chelsea, what else he's been full blown yeah, there was a lot of people said that and I think that's sexy. I think there's part of that that sexy I'm aware I was like that. Disconnected you! Women, don't see that a sexy, but that's what we see is sexy. So what are we trying to emulate aceh see realize it's already in you like we already like and then the joker says: there's none sexier than when you're contractor talks down your way, because she's a woman and you and you to enjoy him being sexist and watch her be com.
Like all this is going to be good at as britain. Lay out you james. I guess he just Women would like that. The thing is I go. I these jokes people, one of pussyfooting around, because they think women will be offended. I do What how white women are ruining everything? That's all white women, I could I get here. This would work is well my friends neighbours. Man's name is jerome and on behalf of jerusalem and shut the fuck up to like and then in the end I like it. It's obviously not all of them will can other white women clappings. They know a percent. You guys are fucking cuts, dude be the is the whole argument made that I love this is where I start going hate liberals. You got me back in, like go liberals, you got you we want me back is when you people say none and like the Lena dunham thing, the lugano or the black man like fuck, you bitch, we speak for ourselves
exactly and an you. There is no black community there's a bunch of individuals who are black and in the end there, like an you, seemed only care about white women's problems. Right, like you, don't care about all of us to some frank knew. How dare you speak for me? I love when I hear that I love because I go part goes as a just. This worry warrior. Not a social justice were but a justice you're. Someone goes, I believe in right and realise that I go I go. how'd. You do yeah. How dare you speak up for someone that you're Then you slam odell becum junior for not looking at you. I don't have a voice of current. That's why, when it's like, you can't use words like. I have a word this perfectly accurate for someone Why would I not say that it's like? Oh, you can't say coffee table. It's like. Oh, this rectangle thing. Yeah now coffee table yeah cunt, it's it's one of the things
where I start going. That's where my that's, where I start seeing red and I'm like, are you fucking kidding me like he can't he can't speak on behalf of a community? You can say that black me it's like. Well. Did you feel about clarence thomas? I mean his grandfather was a fucking. Wave and I'm watching all these white privileged people like a kennedy. I appreciate, killed it jack. can down to exhibit a joke about a pupae he's black though he's black Is that not an issue? Oh, it's not black! Its ideology, which is as they were. Everyone has. The same ideologies of the diversity is in the skin. What are you fucking looking at paints? at home depot yeah no gives a fuck what skin like when you are actually not raises. These people are infuriating, that's right You know I've been I've known bill for very long,
time and again I know, bills politics. I know a bill bird who we're talking about an yesterday. I thought was a first time about this in a while, but I went out what a wherever I was walking I, whereas walking. I thought you know about how cool any I bet you feel this way too, but like bill really doesn't see color yeah, and if he sees it in a moment, it's when anyone should see it like his daughter had given of either by a height yeah where's that you do see color, but you don't judge a character based on its agenda. see, I'm a tall guy, it's good with equivalent. like how like height it's, no, we don't even think about height you're, like oh hi, who gives a fuck that you a disease color in the same instance, where you'd see a guy six, seven getting onto a small plain and you got out of gonna be uncompromising to be exactly. Like my five aid for entire and my five eleven frank gehry. Like me, I don't think hey but if you're saying we got into it
submarine and my buddy six, seven everyone's like. Oh, that meant that imperative to say it's like someone has signal cell you're like got black guy yeah because it's imperative at that point other than that. It's not imperative. It's it's so funny, because I you know what I was thinking that yesterday I was like. I think I just think I'm that way, but I dont know I could really siam, because I'm or thinking, I'm already thinking outside the box. I'm already thinking builders and think that way I got. Maybe I dont think that way and those that we are one of theirs. I wonder if there is the same equal amount of people. Let's say they aren't racist there as that arose as honest as I'm being with myself in this moment super honest with myself in this moment, and I will share this honesty with everyone, but is everyone No, that way will everyone go say and that better, I think, fuckin spins me outright. Go I don't don't.
a mare and introduce me to a great word that I've been there have been over using, but he was talking about something I will say what he's talking about, but I am certain you can infer. If you do a little bit of math busy time at a person is a virtue signal, and how will that? That's fucked you up when you're a virtue signal our means. You not really true, two virtues that you're sick It means that you are, or maybe a guy like official checks and the mouth is at odds with trivial by disease. Is not a rapist, he's just a guide and wants to fucking gimme the claw yeah he just as they do to didn't get a lot of pussy. So all the pussy important all them, takes we may well. We are fifteen work. Were girls like where you weren't rat, maybe we're on number nonsense but abstained like where I jim you know when you growing up you, you learn based on trial and error like how to read someone's body, when you are young, you learn how to how to basically reads
It's like the known unknown, like that politician, is a known, unknown, there's known unknowns and an unknown unknown. It's like is edward and that's why it's like its becoming this week. world where that's I love being married monogamous, it's like I! Nowadays, like I am going to kiss you is that ok, that is ok. I'm going to touch my own pants is that ok, that makes me uncomfortable a waiter. You gonna use the clause you know you're like what are we all autistic. Do shit by the I've told totally put my fingers in someone's mouth but its during sex. It's like a hot sex on Latvia, yeah, it's not a claw who's. GonNA. Ask away like that, you you ve got so many consent clicks did it like can be hot its. I know it When, when someone's I got on to judge the car, I put my fucking thing in someone's methods like yak. Some was like.
you know it just like. What's so crazy is like I'm so sensitive like I would here's my thing. I would never put my fingers in someone's mouth then finger them and then them make them taste themselves. Now, I'm also the opposite array of his words. I I like us Don't need my magog dread it's like! Oh, so you don't like need to fuck yeah, it's like no, but I will fuck you it's. I forget it if you don't like, if you don't, if you're not like, really excited about it? the same with anal get anal. Last thing I want to do is have anal with someone who's. Whimpering, oh, do one time I was with this girl and she's I put in my ass and I was like no. No, no that's weird. I know that I fucking weird yeah. I do that, I'm a breeder. I asked my wife fucker fucker in the ass one time and she was like why
anyone, even when you want to make the sexes great like this. Why would you want to fuck with that? Although some when did shouted, Jan gouty in Tampa arena was palm she's celsius jabez. or rejuvenation machines machines, and she was I, let me tell you something there vulcan amazing now I know Chris Hardwicke used have a happy joke about badge, rejuvenation, origin variation, bigger prize. He was like yours. I What is this kind of stuff with me and my thin penis got no cock at I'm. Sorry I'll stop, I don't want to cause any rob. Is so, but, but I remember hearing this joke and going hold on it can't be what you think it is It must be some a medical, prosy, emory hearing it as a young common going so medical procedure, certain are women that want it and you marking it as a man really kind of shows we're not listening or looking into the man's planning again, so I am basically what rhetoric
regional rejuvenation, is for women have had children and the region as a loose who would like to tighten up for many reasons, sometimes when they laugh piss or when they use they pray guy. I've been so bad. You ready the nation there's a couple ways to do it by the way shut up, Jen Gouty you can do with which hazel that's the old old old school, where they had this machine that they put inside them. I did put my car, which is when I laugh. I come of becoming alive today, birth There is no other common desire. You know it's been pretty much the same in firearms, and so she was like this modulation, and I am not all that I'd ever thought that lion was had a loose vagina ever, but as soon as is girl, told me above jean valjean. Rejuvenation, does like they can all be tighter as a wary and others like. I was like I sent an email to my wife and her four friends
going hey, ladies just see. No, this is on the market as a hook up and all the husbands were like seems like reasonable price yeah you are aware, is all but yeah Jan Gouty taught me about it in west palm over years. She was I got, I do it it's great Definitely it's going amazing definitely been going amazing, but is it like? Does it get too tight where it's like weird, where you feel like weird about it? No, it doesn't take them back to to the right to the hymen. We are like Jesus. I've never been. I've never had sex with a and neither the closer add is I rented a car one time a thirteen miles on it and that's where joke got me in trouble to college I did yup where the college say hey, you're, being replaced by the internet by the way the cow colleges are done. Really, oh yeah. My parents are professors too. So I got to see this whole process since I was a child yeah. It's a lot of things you watch tv idiot
zapped out by the internet and its gamma like damn car entire hardcore history. You know everything at that point. Do malaria, spot podcast. Will, I think, the most anymore beers in the fridge helstone thanks buying a double check that would be huge for us, dude! I was thinking about the most bad ass like thing to come out if you're a fighter- and I I don't think it's like hard core anything. I think it's either like super emotional, so indian neg, doo, doo doo doo doo in your eye crying or like the muslim. Gabriele would be terrifying gorgeous in garland just going. What is a monument is like there's, a field of bones all kido viewed if you hadn't carlin Like say your, if you had maybe Dan Carlin, speak dm ex his words
Oh my god. Where is the hood at guys? I air is the hood. We crash airborne. Stick on unspoken! Amazing! I really like guys. he's a genius and it's like, but he sounds like the joker which makes him so I can listen to ten hours about fucking anything dude again just like and they looked down at the field. with tear you notice. I cheated us counterpart. Yes, I really like that is really fun. Is the dollop illness allow? I need a new one day of anti and do it. This is a really the one like it because number one is a comedy podcast it. It is funny gareth running indeed I have gathered round yeah he's my guy and gary they do they do they do a history, podcast or gareth doesn't know what you're talking about and David that's genius
dave explains in on my favorite one right now that it has some good ideas, the boston bussing scandal and, like the seventies or sixty lose our eighties. Maybe ethnic trees went through it by the did ripping off from up from from those guys, but plugging, thereby put so in this eighties nor the money was going to the white horse in southie. Anyway, school got money, the state was giving white schools money and the blast who was getting fact and so then, the final they pass a law and are like your schools have got to have this many white people, there's many black people already have funding so that and which, where the scandal came from black kids from Newbury, I think roxbury newbury, wherever peep trees grew up and they bought them into southie, but these were schools that had like rich irish heritage, where the people that lived in it was a the neighbourhood where no one ever left it. You know, and so these kids would go to school there, but there
parents going to school. During the grandparents going to school there and they're, all their own set of aunts and uncles are going to school there and they had like chance that this was their school and then all of a sudden they uprooted these kids until in a black neighborhoods made them go to school black neighbourhoods and then brought black kids into the white neighborhoods. That's why I'm not on the left by the way is that our people think racism is right wing. That's all government bullshit, like the Jim crow, was government laws like that's. Why I'm here, free market guy because, like your racist. You don't sell shit but give your raises. You don't get too I can sell anything and you go out of business yeah and so that, and so basically I think the southie parents were super anti blacks, entire. early, so they said words ever dehumanizing. They said a lot of words and through objects,
we're dehumanizing, dehumanize and end it, but and then with a black schools were actually I wouldn't. I couldn't argue, the black schools were just as bad in progress. I heard it sounds like the black heads were there were fights, are doubly fatalities, alexander, like white, like inner city, black, guys why it's not like you can't go to us. the races song or like black deeds of more than one people, scare the shit out of me, but a black guy with a cell phone on his belt. I trust where it's not skin. It's culture like southey, it's like those dudes will fuck you up. You know look at this We have your yeah. We have this child randomly into the ui of this tall piece of choice, buddy charice, but yeah cheers brother, and so, but it's really fascinating, as gareth funny throughout then there are points where they stop and start listening. Like the likely this really happen, and then it's like yeah, it's really cool it. It's a really cool podcast and they do it about goofy stuff like The rule is a really good one, the ribs,
what sort of thy life it's about. This picture acid. No, no! No! No! It's about this pitcher who it is just listened to it. I can't I can't do it justice elevate, they It's a really great recycling, attic pot panic the eighties. Of course, I do then a good one, for that is, that's not believable. If you tell gareth reynolds, oh, are you know so far back we missed space axes, launch I didn't even know, they're doing that yeah they're doing the launch today I wanted to watch it cause it's fucking, bad ass, yeah. It did you see the item posted video, It balloons out of the atmosphere and it looks like fucking space. It looks crazy, I interviewed the guy did design the mars rover really yeah. That guy was fat. He was like that. The head engineer of nasa- I can't remember his name, but he was fucking great, so wait. When did you have him on your podcast? It was. I do a physics podcast. When I lived in l a it was called, surely you're joking, we we had on like nobel
eyes when there's an shit out the pall abdo? So what's it to you now, You know and then, like my buddies, that are like phds in nuclear physics, are like all right, Paula, a neutrino yeah, it was a. I do. Science is fascinating. The thing that's happened, this really cool about comedy is that you ve seen guys I things, podcasting, you ve seen them flex their different interests in things lay like shane moss alive shan shane I gotta take some general. I wish I could get him back on the path. Guess he's comin out again soon resources than his. it is. Where is he well? We had a van. I remember I had a mom, I bet my podcast and he was a he was. He was in a van doing a tour and then and then I think you are put into a psych ward. We did the thing why so dabbled the dmt pretty aggressively and he was like, I think, I'm having a hard time touching down he's like yeah. I bet I've been hanging out with aliens for like a week now, hey guys in them to right now. Aren't gonna get myself in. I don't know what happened. I don't know
but he had to aids in the last six years. from his. I came. I just gotta psych word until the story: albion da dot knows I fuck, I'm not there, but he's a really interesting gun he's someone that got really into neural science and in these marcia smartest shit, and I think what happened with comics. Is it you'd get these people that were really smart and they will them down into being, but one day that we all got relationships or you know aeroplanes, and you know it and then the more broaden nothing people were like. Oh I'm a comedian, but man, I'm fascinated in cars or or jujitsu or fuckin. Dmt or you know, it'd be funny if it's like a carrot top. Is that just a hobbyist of like abs ex words. Like oh look, I made the frame pon, you know you just jessica, carpenter would be great as if he was because I think he is. I think he creates er. I mean he's clearly a smart guy like Jeff Dunham, is legit into puppets like I think he builds the horses into puppets. That's like me
in piano like sometimes we were like. Oh good shtick, it's like! Oh! I just put bock beer like stick. Sarah, when I was fucking two, you think that fuckin. Stick, I'm stuck with it a while yeah stick is like wearing sneakers with fuckin suits. I wish I had a hobby, the other hobby comedy. No, you fucking love beers, you of travel, you have stories, you you ve been really and fitness a killer. I'm jealous of, like guys like like when rogan got into archery. I was like I was like fuck. I wish I'd found something like art, some just where you like when I was doing leather work for a fucking. Second, I. I was like for a second Have you ever seen my leather work? It's right by your foot, disguises too rosy odell we put design and beat the fog asthma fanny pack I made that is mistaken.
it's so bad- oh my god, that's beautiful! It's so bad that you gotta, be you gotta play like an old timey flute and just prance around and you've gotta be the size of under the giant to wear it and so big of the devil. I could wear them. I I got I. was into leatherwork and I was like the one thing it does is shut your brain off. You know like doing yard work, putting your fence up or building something flow, stay shut, your fucking mouth. You know all I want! tv in how D I why building off the grid retail, all I thought raw you're gonna be my neighbour soon going to feel it. You could sell you, kids now never sell. This has never sell any real estate. Now I a like you can literally for like that eyes of a fuckin, condo and van eyes. You goodbye, like half a mountain yeah. I think about that My wife: do you guys aren't? We compounds wrote my wife. Everyone thinks that I'm the crazy want. Like my wife she's, I was not crazy but like she's, the one is like we should get a compound
I know we gotta get sore power. We need go because we have ten chickens but she's ike. Let's get some votes were thinking about by the house next door to us in compounding an hour a compound. It be it's how humans should live. You know and then you get some added family. My parents were going apart from apparent when they come out. Bingo sit my aliens like the with a pug studio. we do our march out there. We are in favour of a room for your pair when they come out, they almost taste in freedom, she's like and then she's like you know, and I and then I'll watch. This is when she starts spinning out of control. She, like the girls, go to u c l a this area is where they live. They live in the compound. My wife plays the same thing cutting the girls are not living with us or, I think, come not going volume watch them bring sneak. Do tom two in the morning now it's a homemaker toolbar, in the back of the fucking compound yeah. Did I think about it? the move, man, I think it's the way human should live. I would like I would. I would love to buy when we either have said this before very recently pool energy.
any deaths by what I did want to Johnny depp house. He owns the whole stream of that dude he's the best address. Melon smells awesome by a lot like cigarettes. I remember I made out with a girl who was from scotland, The guy had his back for no reason on twitter run like I called his ex growth amber alert ram like amd, we're alert and because I'm like it's bullshit that he's getting fucking reamed by this asshole yeah, he and Allah knows it. Stan hope stood up for him and I was like stan have done, stand up for just anyone now like he likes and hopes to a legit salt he's got a great compound. I bet he does have ever been out there now, but bisbee arizona right do that's that that was where my compound envy started bro. My lakehouse is like forty five hundred square feet and, like
as a dark and it's like not that much money and you'd like when I see my special like a bunch of the unbearable, is like the people that, like livestream with me, dude, I'm sleeping like twenty five of them in my house am I for nothin, I might just com, I might know. If I recognise the people on my guy see you every day. I can trust you because trust is a big currency at social currency. Oh yeah did like there's been townspeople I do I can't hear my larger bill, I'm like I'll pay by fifty bucks, rama that and then the leg make me a fuckin painting and I'm like that's life. That's why people belong in in compounds- oh, if you understand each other you can be like did I got orange? a dog for can play ball. I learnt what the fuck I'm talking about:
I know, but I liked the currency I like looking at life in different currencies. I think I look at life in the time. Currency is the biggest one. I think I fucked up. I think the time I spent the travel channel. I I the money they paid me was great and I think it kept us up and running and it kept us in a comfortable place and I'm very grateful for that. But the time currency spent was missing a lot of my children's life and I have that men do thou the day after I agree. I agree. That's like what being if a good father as it's like you don't like to hear the provider you now work I work at all and I miss out on so much like this. Just as now. It's again I did make good money when I was unlike solvent and sun and shit and like now that I can just do my own shit and just collect rent like fuck it man and that's. why people more drawn up. My comedy now exists. It's the voice of a free man, because that's what people can pay for. It will take a look back historically in the podcast
in the second corolla left a of a has always been big but the second he left in you and you were, like I remember, hearing him, say stuff. That was a little off bounds out of bounds, but you're like he's being honest those. I love that guy he's in congress? I thought those an inspiring speech. He's gonna documentary on that the term Alan just came into commands gray to what's a dual, an anarchist unloved him and I loved him out either here? He said a quote on a norms podcast that I it summed up comedy so perfectly, and it's so why I would get shit and I wouldn't stop because I didn't think they understood the art he goes. I exaggerate to clarify we do you go big it like I did with the other they were like, so we death we want women devote. some insane.
And then you see the responds its ideas, sonar area we are, then you see what people think and then I'm like. I finally came to the conclusion that I think, if you're on a well variation vote, because if you don't chip in for the pizza, you don't get too fuckin pick a topic and that's what I think. It's not a bad thing. That's what skewing shit where if you get tax money for free, you don't get to vote, but you can get the money and I don't want to vote. I wonder what the one with the portion of people, because there are people that use welfare for good luck. You hear the stories real, like africa. I have just heard one recently in gaza, is on welfare, got off wealth. Air like dogs on welfare is again, unfortunately, a lot of People have no interest in getting off welfare. That's the problem. Does it not?
I think the portion is that we have no interest I've, no idea, I'm not even into this policy shit. I just think that, like if someone this has no interest in ever getting off welfare, you can't you can have that if that's what people vote for, but you can't vote like how would you vote like I vote for more welfare? It's like worse, you do on it. I ain't the biggest time people need help is one there at zero cause. That's like good people can be stuck at zero, but, like you, can be poor and just not have two cars or like not have fuckin chinese shit. It's You can't be a materialised and get free shit cause. Then no one likes you you like do when I was you, I never had new clothes. I went to college and, like I used to have to go into the fucking dumpsters for cans and I'm not doing that chip shoulda ship. Like one time I took my body out, for dinner and he was like I'm really poor man. I'm really broke right now
cool vibe you hook up, I'm like, of course, man been there and He ordered kobe beef and I order the normal shit and zadig. That's why you're poor, like you think that you deserve the best beef on my fucking dime yeah. That's that's me in my oh that's, but that's me, my wife, when we were or when we were poor. I would I remember one time she said you're going through ralph's like you're, not even looking at the prices, as I do that sometimes, and I said drago, I'm not looking at the prices she was like. You should look at the price. She's cent accurate and I was like what do you mean and she's like you've, never looked at prices, I was like excuse. We are on a budget like we don't we can't just buy whatever the fuck you want to buy head out with my router. She was like you, don't need a new router, I'm like who knows, I think, you're, fucking stupid, you don't understand money. Am I yeah and she went throwing them one and then one time she said, let's go through and see if we can find stuff on sale or fine stuff, it's cheaper. Let's see how little money we
you spend now. I will say that it was taxing going through the grocery store. There was like tat to not just go. Oh Brad in one like keep your mind going, which is a currency you're like baby, I'm an artist. This anxiety takes away from my joke. Oh it was like it was like a ship. Why would you buy filet? We can buy such great other cuts of meat and, as a group of players I mean look at the price. It's only like eight bucks years. That adds up and by the way, I'm looking at the pounds from baino three pounds of four. Faber verses in a three pounds of skirt steak, and she was, saved a ton of money, but I am not. I can't I'm not, Ok, let's go daddy! I care about you when I go to when I want welfare, that's the it's like if you're on! Well, you gotta live like dad and then call your way out, but probably I would guess the majority people on welfare like that right, no No. I know it's gotta, be one love where a lot of homework. They think they d like have more kids to give more money and they think it's funny like I, like me, and my wife like she was pregnant
when we got married and I mean one of my friends, secretory mental, ever show that with anybody fuck it I know it- I'll, get it one of the few things there's only two by untruths. I've ever shaded, meaning like I've, just curbs the way people hear what I say yeah and it's that and another one that I'm afraid to talk about. But I'll tell right now stewart I have a gold rolex by the way it is going to lead a bunch of people down. I don't know when I said this. I don't know how I said I dont know where it came from. I must have been drunk my daddy me, a gold rolex from my fortieth birthday. Someone called me on it and asked me how I got that rolex and I was afraid to say that my dad got it for me fraid error would think I was rich and if I don't, I you guys are ongoing like way. Will? Oh, oh, oh, oh, that's the well smith rolex! I dont know what I said about wilson, I do not remember that lie. That's where I apparently, I must have said will psmith gave it to me because so many people,
I've seen it all my watch my wrist and go, is that the will smith rolex and by the for the first time I heard it. I was like There's a guy! I know you're doing and I was like yeah. What way I was I got to know and then I've heard it like probably ten other times those like what say. I'm prob we sell on rogan. You know like a solemn price at nice watch and I was afraid like. Oh, my dad, you know whatever I was afraid people will be like. Oh, were you rich and I was like? No, that's not what happened to this one it that's. I deal with my intelligence. I used to pretend to be really stupid and, like tell people I was stupid and it's like because I didn't want like people to work in me where it and that's one reason why it's got in psychology is got flooding when you just tell everyone something real vast and that happened to me where I'm like. No, like my mom, did my bike. S wants and she reference it ever one. Forty seven you and I felt like such a liar eggs have been acting like such a fucking. Rita heard that like em,
ag. Oh no yeah by the way, I'm kind of genius you know my bad, and so then I was like. Why would I feel bad for that shit like? Why would I fucking act like I'm stoop? where is the same with rich people like just because you have a rich fan? he doesn't mean you, you don't work hard and earn your successor fuck. It was so it's so funny because it's always something that I've been afraid. If you would like to tell her watch and always go, oh, I don't want to but yeah. I I gotta go only my thick cock governs. I was, Tell me about that! Fosters beer! Can you get in your pants air dude? My dick looked so solid in that song alive yesterday, audio songs are great for the hammer increase your testosterone and your hd, your human growth hormone, really yeah heat bro. I was going to go sana before my shoot today, one time was in the sun. I just got a boner and I don't get but just ran about as I was getting like semi hard. The whole time sana and I've like so what's goin on, like
that is what I'm fucking talking about, and I once had sex and my wife in this on it, and I like it, I was like so like. I couldn't do it because I was like so my gay buddies are causing gang blown in steam. and I'm like how How would I literally unlike what the fuck is this my higher rates it like two? Fifty my heart was at a solid one. Thirty four, the whole tell us at the sign of an eye that that's bad burning, one thirty, four, killer Diana in the side, and then I read this thing. The local, the average jog is the same as the average moment in the sauna, and I was like buying one oh dude you're getting, and it's also you sweat out of poison it it literally makes you younger western rogan talk without around a patchwork about the dutch around Patrick. Ok, that's what is launder patrick. Tommy. I air. Unlike complete studies with like scandinavians and shit It literally makes you live like years longer. That's what I'm gonna do. dude. I spent a lot of time in a sana when I was right. When I married zadig, I can see your guy big solid, got me
to grow and already were in a land for the championship, all woke up. I remember his fucking xcor had like thirty nine drinks and I was like and I was like. We should go sauna and they're like yeah. We all went to a sauna and it was fuckin a may, I will mean I walked out go and yesterday saw I was in for ten minutes and a ten minutes. My head straightened out, meaning like my visit. My everything straightened out. Went alright, I feel good now and you need it in our alex. The weather can make you soft here. It's like you need struggle, and that is like forced struggle that your body loves like you're like you're dealing with the one hundred and eighty degrees and you say, you're pounding water, and so then your body's, like alright, we're going to overcome this, get out all this shit and then we're going to fucking live for those that that was his. Did you listen to Rhonda patrick about saunas, furlongs, mazato, really airport scandinavians highlight that culture is very scarce zones or edge. Really I'm gonna get
So you can get one at costco. It's a good one! It's a it's! It's almost have in san as they're, unbelievable. Alright, I'm going to get one I'm going to get one. I think I'm going to get one this week, get it delivered next week clean up the garage set it up, get it set it up and install trinkets on all next week. I wish I was here to sign away their oh mine's gonna, be the size of a phone booth is going to be gay as fuck. We have to scissor funkier the better route to get a better man is two guys getting weird bars in size. How is that not some sort of therapy? How is there not some sort of their because gave therapy where they make men fuck to get to the next level? I think it's called scientology to get to level. I work at a bit about how gig eyes. Like yourself, fond of be around and sometimes even start talking gay when you're, like an analogous clothing store
we're like. Oh those are brand new and you're like for real and you're like. Why did I just say like that? Dude I said I was do not not doing a bit, but I was talking on stage other day and obviously I was in portland, but I was like I was like, let's rather say where it goes. I love, I think, had I been into homeless. Had I been homosexual? Had I been, I think, you're I think you're born. I don't think it's a choice that my thought, but but, and I'm sure, there's by sliding spectrum of you. I I have no idea, I'm just gonna say I gave you will say that's a case, I'm going to trust them. When I fuck, you know I'm not in the eyes of so it's really. It's really slippery, because long time the the predominant l b g to queue response was. You were born that way and then they realise that if you're born that way, theoretically they could gin ethically pulled out of you. They could find that gene and they make
parents could eliminate gay children if they had them. So they then said you're not born that way to choice. So there are two sides of the same coin: both homosexual coin, but they say something your boy that way and the older belief. Well then, younger, go no, your oppo! That way it's! I chose to be this way so that so that there can be like an ethnic cleansing of homosexuality, so that to me it's so weird. It's almost like then they're, not even trying to say the truth or just trying to say whatever is going to benefit them to get more bjs. Yeah, but my point was, I believe I believe I don't believe it's a choice. I'm sure there's a a spectrum of whatever you can be like. You know, I'm so that you can release Zaza is acts that we remain like no one ever zone dude. I was born liking corps ladder and I was going like and of course I do, but, like I'm part of me, I saw on stage I said you know I enjoyed gay jokes, so much meaning when you do something gay to your friend and he goes what the fuck I've enjoyed that sense of humor. So much
but I really would enjoy being gay like just being game. Unlike oh no, no like, like, I ever forget the joke. I someone state o o. it's cigarette come home and I wrestled fuck him in the closet and as I can, you came in your mouth and he's got it I'm getting you next. Throw bisexual sexuality is very humorous, but really erotic everything's, a joke, but I come so like flagging. Firehouse, like my sexuality, has never been connected with my comedy because my such rallies from such a like, almost like a embarrassed place, I'm not a good! I'm not like up like. Oh no, not that I know the dileo talks about sex on stage but like but he's like an ordain. You know danes like that, like they're, more like a like sex model, comics like they're sexy comics, you know like they're, like you know, fashion, in sexy tat thing: I'm not that guy, I'm really kind of like Gascon gavin. No one's gonna want is a gambling I'd, love, fuckin pussy. You know right,
an example of sex like sex gamma guys it's almost like little over boy, realistic. I let's go out with you, man, yeah allied over. I think I don't think delay it. Talks about sex at all, but I've heard yeah. No I'm not talking about do we do is good shit but like, like dane, gets so like sex talkie that I'm just like you, Gabriel You know where he's almost like: yes, I'm in these jeans and they take out my jeans and I fuck all these girls, I'm like aren't you like forty five and single, like germany, genes and then fugly like beer you're, a full blown gay guy he's got a girlfriend now and I washed the left, try to slow bait them into attacking dane what you mean. His girlfriend's nineteen just turned nineteen and though I think the laughter sight, o o o o o o, but put this out their days in a nineteen year old, which are more thing about that lending enough people like she's legal she's, a grown up.
box you once again our bowers gig isaac, obeying the twelve year old, in the hills and do that is what will happen real dude, with the dramatic way right now the pedophile normalization thing is like one of them like, on my twitter and stuff. A lot of with the unbearable is doing is bash. These pedophiles they're trying to get like normal at us like they're doing the whole share. It's like I'm. It wasn't a choice. I'm just attracted children like I deserve to be in this spoken world do you know that's not real? Oh, it's not We real it's an epidemic. Cyril do because that's that's that's why You got a plan, a flag because l jpg, q, ai pi, the peace now pedophile. No knows that, but can be real brow I can't believe. I'm is probably that milk is. The argument is, if identifies a man, I can also and if I is a different age or different race of Sean king can be black this guy-
be a six year old, and it's all been pushing towards that the whole fuckin time. It's like I'm forty five, but I'm really sorry six, and it's like, if you are you that then you argue trans and you are you shot king and it off. the boy was shocking thing how black people let him up, They do you just don't get any you don't get to see it black people like the same otherwise with Warren she's, not a fuckin american indian she's is too stupid crucial and I warn she's a politician left. As two says she was one thirties, I'm not joking. She said is one thirty. Sixth, american indian. That's what got her a job at harvard and there's no record what, however, that she is, and she said it's because her family had good sheikh bonds, not kidding and leftist, and so it's like that's. She took something from an actual
well american indian, who I'm friends with a lot of them growing up. I live right next to a raza poodle cross, so these people need some fucking help sometimes, and so this stupid cunt fucking does this in the left, his egg, how dairy trump cards or pocahontas an and I heard this and so trump gets called racist. That's like if, like John K, got a scholarship to a black college. He's white: that's if I say, I'm a girl, so I get a fuckin business loan from the government for a female business fuck that shit. We know, Who did? Who did? Who did here? Put my close your face just in case that Sudan, who data, who did Adam Chapelle light up in his special rachel model? Not right, matter rachel dollars on rachel, dodoes, all yeah, that was pretty dude. I I was when I was a kid hell you where I was walking when I heard a minor up, because part of me out
I keep my head out of that because I go. I don't know anything about her. I dunno. If she is lit up by John king, are you serious, oh yeah cause? I did a joke rows like a If I was a slave owner, I'd, be a progressive slave owner. It wouldn't just be black people, it'd, be all the people. I want all the people black White says you know I'm beautiful about its anyone. And I'm out run the heart. The nets in the harbor and like the whole joke is, is making fun of. What's it called prejudice, because prejudice is good like I'm proud It is against fucking other women than my wife and prejudice against eating poison, like old, like prejudice, means your prejudicial, not doing some. U dont choose to do so. It's like I'm mocking that you can be assessed slave owner and be no prejudice. It's like you get anyone one any slave, our judges who they are, and so he said like me up and I'm like. Oh sean king, you did make Why it as soon as slavery came back and then
I got blocked and then fuckin everyone started. You know going crazy. I got suspended from twitter for a week and then another time for a week, just fat, y'all, fuck yeah man are you worried about getting kicked for good now, at a back up, I'm owen, benjamin and own bear german Well, it has like one hundred and ten thousand and one belgium and is already at almost a four and that's all I care about anyway, because it's the bears, I can't imagine like, has been frustrated about him. Getting kicked off and he's just keeps him during the period of the girls go to the liberty, as he kicked up permanently, fucking god dammit, hey, we have the a's kicked off permanently. Why cause he fucking threatened my family? Did you get him get Goff know he got a reported, oh I'm sure. Well will he has been in so many fights
people like he just does stuff that you know he does stuff in a very provocateur way. Yeah. It used to be the amazing, racist and try and round up mexicans and yeah and he here I am what he said was, I didn't think, was actually bad at all. He was I I want my records. I want my records, ramen kill you and I will home invade your house and kill your family. I guess is yeah which, if you go, oh yeah, the guys just spent a week together in atlanta when he gave me these records to fly home, the right, they're, they're, sitting right there and the ones that haven't broken, and so I keep breaking them on instagram. I gotta go when I'm doing this, or is this week I'll tell you about it now cause no one's going to you'll have already seen it
by the time you hear this once is going up by next week, nice and we have and there's one record that he bought that's brand new. It's it's Abdullah black. The black sabbath and it's all wrapped in plastic, and so I'm going to do a thing where I look at the record and I am standing outside. I'm like I was like hey guys, burgers you're sitting here with our spheres records, and I just wanted to point out this one. Black sabbath is brand new, completely wrapped in plastic, so that obviously means it must be waterproof and something to jump in the pool with it. That's awesome and I'm going to pull it out of the water see if water got in and it won't because it's rapid rate and then I go wow waterproof and then open in the pool
and leave it that ruin it. Oh yeah holy shit. I love ruining his test, he's getting a little pissed. He bought it by the way it's cause he's. He is he's not frugal, like he doesn't mind spending money, but he doesn't. He doesn't like wasting money. You can say what he is he's chosen. Think right, yes, chosen. People is chosen people but he's a he lives on, like he does his biggest pride and joy, but I don't my already makes like Three hundred thousand dollars has everything everything for the entire year. My my rent is three thousand dollars his. I said three hundred dollars thousand wrong. My rent rents, three thousand dollars- I'm going to make thirty six hundred and thirty six thousand dollars. Then I'm good. I can do all your fifty thousand dollars. I can live my whole life. I don't need anything bro, because I'm a quarter git, I'm a quarter, so I have a little of that yeah right literally, I just am doing numbers with my wife all the time or like. Where am I god? We got twelve thousand from that unit, forty four thousand and then with the vimeo.
good, now, not free and its second then you're good. Then you just have freed it's very nice ago. My years covered totally and an hour is years covered after, like one of his gigs mason Are the common central show that it went to Roy? I think so, I don't think he's up his roy. I don't think any of us were pissed at roy cigar and I opted out of it. You can't get mad at black people these days anyway, we can get better roi such a sweet guy to rising like india. The best ends- and I were I mean the same thing and by the way they all, unlike you, talk rafting trips with royal. He right he relapsed into iraq with Roy literally. In the end, he is a luxury and this rather things logic. I share all that shit years ago. No one knew the fuck. You wasn't like he's the next guy diamonds but, unlike Roy, what junior will crash with an album? ground now why all north south as a murder, he pin
and this is what Kevin Brennan kept saying about me yesterday, as he was trash me yeah he's like I can't trash birdies, a road guy. Any road guys are legit comic, there has been a road guy You're not gonna, come you're, an alcoholic you no fucking short of what the fuck is that and you know just in the cabin runaway enjoying it, but the one thing that everyone will say: Everyone in this business is like when you from the road that when you see garlic, Roy fuckin drive and five hours from four like an open mind, can do. Is that there is not. One of us ever go. Take shit away from that guy now and then there's guys like like and I'll say I'll, even suppose. Far as like you know, there's other things in this big where we look at people who earned it like a guy, like Adam divine, who worked adored the improv fuck and did over like reading retailers and greatest guy creed. It is always got a nicer famous, he has got I by the way a lot of people become decks. He became
me and emi's to argue all the time and I've hung with him since he's become a movie star and he's like way nicer dude, he is. Can I tell you the thing? I've said this a bunch? The thing that I love about him is that he's now and tore- and he just did big iraq tour with the elisa, and he brought his dad, like you, like brows eight iowa man, he straight iowa. He brought his fucking dad you a lot of you we'll bring like, their body or their manager. Their aid may enter a fuckin movie star and see it in a man to end his dad. Just get blitzed murders, beers, would any undeniably whose lying his dad's gonna be like whose dad's dears dad came from, but they are humble salted people, earth people, his big, a big love it when I iowa and his families from those people. They don't get fucking tricked dude
Does this shit grow in the spring and die in the winter wrap it up? You know his dad's eye, you gotta be like buddy. This is amazing. I mean I just and by the way his dad's, probably my fucking age but, like I watch the videos of them on this fuckin one of these air force one jets going into. I ran in unesco or wherever afghanistan and Adams having a blast with his dad and you go on it. So do that guy following liked and people go social media, this social media that, following divine on. Instagram makes me happy, but orderly I'd make if you have a guy where you're just like I'm so glad that happened to that guy. Do he can handle it well and he's in he's in australia, doing a tour right now and he's with Adam ray and their fuckin go in there they're doing great theaters in their fuckin goin watch tenants in party in you're, like that's how it should be yet how it should be exactly it shouldn't, be this whole alike. I have power. Now I'm going to fuck with you it's like. Well, I have an air fifteen, so we'll see how that turns out.
What time I have to go. I have to go to a shoot in in what's called how long have we been going to two and a half? Okay, that's good! That's a great one! I do there's been a great podcast. I could talk to you forever or will it bums me out? I wish you lived out here province coming the whole time. Me too. Now I visit a lot of. Is it more you'd? Let me know when you come out every time. Well, I think you do already, but please do because I I could talk to you forever, you like, I feel, like everyone should know. You know one of the things that I think that owen stands up. For that I stand up for is you can totally disagree? what he says, you told disagree with what I didn't know: exam pretty accurate, but go ahead like but like the but fuckin, just listen and hang out and enjoy were both comics. We both like the light heartedness of fucking the approach of comedy and fuck. Do you you're, one of the greatest guys you are to man and just remember, socialism always ends in genocide, but you can do. We were that if you want, I saw it in the czech republic which
you know I get it but like whatever workers have suffered this episode was brought to you by the machine.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-13.